Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data Gathered: Subproblem 1 If Architecture Really Their First Choice?

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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data Gathered

This chapter presents the data gathered regarding the effects of sleepless nights in

architecture students and how does it affects their school performance, and proceeds to

the analysis and interpretation of said data.

Subproblem 1 If architecture really their first choice?

Table 1.1

First choice of the Respondents in their future career field

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f

Yes 2 4 6

No 4 0 4
Subproblem 2 What are the expectations of the respondents before entering


Table 1.2

Expectations of the Respondents in Architecture

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f

Sleepless nights 2 2 4

Drawings/Buildings 2 2 4

Financial 1 0 1

Nothing 1 0 1

Subproblem 3 if the respondents are aware of the consequences in studying


Table 1.3

Awareness of the respondents in studying architecture

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f

Yes 2 4 6

No 4 0 4
Subproblem 4 What time the respondents start their architectural plate?

Table 1.4

Starting time of the respondents on making plates

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f

Morning 0 0

Night 5 4 9

Midnight 1 0 1

Subproblem 5 How long the respondents spends sleeping at night?

Table 1.5

Hours of the respondents in sleeping

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f
2-3hrs 2 2 4

4-5hrs 3 0 3

6hrs 1 0 1

None 0 2 2
Subproblem 6 if the respondents still manage to perform well in their minor subjects

Table 1.6

Performance of the respondents on their minor subjects

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f
Yes 5 4 9

No 1 0 1

Subproblem 7 What are the effects of sleeping late at night to the respondents?

Table 1.7

Effects of sleeping late at night to the respondents

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f
Sleeping on 1 0 1
Headache 1 0 1

Cough and 1 1 1
Disoriented/out 3 3 6
of focus
Subproblem 8 what are the remedies of the respondents to still be an effective


Table 1.8

Remedies of the respondents to be an effective students

Time Male Female Total

(n=) % (n=) % n= % Rank

F f
Time 3 2 5
Eat well 1 0 1

Sleep 2 2 4

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