Enviro Thin

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Thinner Product Data Sheet

ENVIRO-THIN™ thinner is a modified iron lignosulfonate that helps to control rheological and filtration
properties of water-based drilling fluids that contain large amounts of drill solids. ENVIRO-THIN thinner can
be used to maintain all dispersed water-based drilling fluids. It works effectively to reduce the effect of
contaminants at a pH of 9.0 and above and is effective at temperatures up to 325°F (160°C). ENVIRO-THIN
thinner contains no chrome and is environmentally more responsible than heavy metal containing
lignosulfonate thinners.

Applications / • Helps reduce flow properties in all kinds of water-based drilling fluids
Functions • Helps provide effective control of filtration rates of water-based muds approaching 325°F (160°C)

Advantages • Chrome-free, low toxicity thinner for environmentally sensitive areas

• Helps provide effective contaminant tolerance against drilled solids, salt, cement, and anhydrite
• Is stable at temperatures approaching 325°F (160°C)
• Effective at low pH ranges (8.0-9.5)

Typical • Appearance Dark powder

Properties • pH, (5% aqueous solution) 3.5

Add 2-6 lb/bbl (5.7-17.1 kg/m³) of ENVIRO-THIN thinner.

Packaging ENVIRO-THIN thinner is packaged in 50-lb (22.7-kg) sacks.


Because the conditions of use of this product are beyond the seller's control, the product is sold without warranty either express or implied and upon condition that purchaser make its own test to determine the suitability for
purchaser's application. Purchaser assumes all risk of use and handling of this product. This product will be replaced if defective in manufacture or packaging or if damaged. Except for such replacement, seller is not liable
for any damages caused by this product or its use. The statements and recommendations made herein are believed to be accurate. No guarantee of their accuracy is made, however.

ENVIRO-THIN is a trademark of Halliburton © 2010 Halliburton All Rights Reserved


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