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Descendants of Dannett Abney

Generation 1
1. DANNETT1 ABNEY was born about Feb 1659 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England1. He died in 1732
in Virginia, USA1. He married Mary Lee before 1695 in Virginia, USA1-2. She was born date
Unknown in Virginia, USA. She died after 1740 in Virginia, USA.

Notes for Dannett Abney:

From "Abney Family History Supplement" by JohnHensell, 1988, page 1: NOTE: Parenthetical
entries after an individual’s name are from Mr. Hensell’s numbering system.

Before going into this supplement it will be necessary to make some changes as a result of further
research. In the previous book [Abney in America, published in 1974] Lt. Paul Abney (7-01a) of
Leicester; Dannett Abney (7-01e) of Leicester; and James Abney (9-00a) of Willesley, were all
three supposed to have settled in Virginia, and founded families; but no record can be found of Lt.
Paul and James in Virginia both ending in England. Only Dannett Abney has been proved to have
been the progenitor of the American Abneys…

7-01e Dannett Abney, baptized Feb. 26, 1659 in St. Mary’s Church, Leicester, England; twin of
George Abney (7-01d), and died 1732 in Va. Will probated Mar. 5, 1732 at Charlottesville, Va.; first
appears in York Co., Va. In Sept. 1692 wherein he, as an assignee of Thomas Pate, arresting John
Lovett to this court and not filing his petition is “non suited with costs”, Sept. 26, 1692 before a
court held in York Co., Va.; evidently returned to England where he married his step-sister, Mary
Lee, and returned to Va. With step-brother, John Lee, who had received a patent for transporting
settlers to Va., dated 1694 wherein Dannett, his step-brother is listed, which is probably the basis
for the statement listed in the previous volume; patented 419 acres in Spotsylvania Co., Va.
together with William Hill and 381a. for himself in the same place both patents dated Sept. 2, 1728
and both signed by King George II; after his death, Mary Abney, his wife, then living in Hanover
Co,, Va., St. Paul’s Parish, with or near her sons, sold 209 1/2a. of this Spotsylvania grant to
Samuel Hickman on Nov 4. 1735. Married Mary Lee, his step-sister - see LEE ca. 1694 in England
and had issue for which see Abney in America.


Regarding the birth order of the children of Dannett Abney and Mary Lee, refer to Raymond R.
Abney Jr.'s "New Beginnings; Generation One of America - We have to start somewhere from
Volume IV, Issue II (March 2001) of the Abney Family Researcher Newsletter quoted below:

We must have a beginning, and the best way to find that beginning is to take the facts as we know
them, apply logic, build a logical foundation on which to work, & call it: Generation One of

Fact: Dannett ABNEY Sr. was bapt. 26 Feb 1659.

Since February was the last month of the year, and the Church of England baptized as soon as
possible after the birth of the child, we can rest assured that Dannett Sr. was born in 1659.
Moreover, clues to Dannettґs month of birth are given by the births and baptisms of his brothers,
Lt. Paul ABNEY (b.14 Jan 1653 & bapt. 22 Jan 1653) and Abraham ABNEY (b. 07 Sep 1655 &
bapt. 12 Sep 1655). From these records, we see that Dannett Sr.ґs brothers were baptized within
5-8 days of birth. It would be safe to assume, therefore, that Dannett was b. Feb. 1659.

Dating the birth of Mary (Dannett Sr.ґs wife) is a very difficult proposition. Firstly we have to
assume that she was his only wife, and mother of all his children. This is a safe assumption
because she was named as Mary in the baptismal record of Ursula. In that of Paul, only ``Deanitґґ
was named, and in that of Abraham, the mother was identified only as ``his [``Deanitґsґґ] wifeґґ.
However, Dannett Sr.ґs wife was identified as ``Maryґґ in all records (deeds & his will) discovered.
Therefore, we must assume this Mary, widow Mary, and Mary (mother of Ursula are one).

Secondly we must assume that Ursula was the eldest child. This assumption can only be based on
the mostly incomplete records of the Church at Abingdon Parish. Therefore, it is not a strong
Generation 1 (con't)
the mostly incomplete records of the Church at Abingdon Parish. Therefore, it is not a strong
assumption, but itґs all we have to work with.

Since Ursula was born 1693, Mary could have been born 1680 and would still have been old
enough to be her mother. For the sake of argument, if we split the difference between Dannettґs
birth year and 1680, we come up with a birth year of est. 1670. However, that would make Mary
age 23 when her first (?) child was born, which would be unlikely as in that era, she would have
been considered an ``old maidґґ. Therefore, we are safer putting Maryґs birth year at est. 1675.
This makes her 18 at Ursulaґs birth, and about 16 years younger than her husband, which is
acceptable. Therefore, we can safely assume that she could have been bearing children as late as
1715 or possibly even a little later.

Thirdly we must assume that we have discovered all the children of Dannett Sr. & Mary; And that
none (save possibly Ursula) died unmarried; And our last assumption is that there were no multiple
births (twins, triplets, &c.).

Now, we know that children were born on the average of 2 years apart in the beginning of a
womanґs childbearing, and about 3 years apart toward the end. Therefore, given the known
baptismal dates of three of Dannett Sr.ґs children (and applying the same reasoning for their birth
year as we did for Dannett Sr.) we can create an outline, adding the possible birth years of Dannett
Sr.ґs & Maryґs other children, and attempt to fill them in by a greater weight or preponderance of
the evidence:

1. Ursula bapt. 11 Jun 1693; b. Jun 1693

2. (n.n.) b.est. 1695
3. (n.n.) b.est. 1697
4. Paul bapt. 24 Dec 1699, b; Dec 1699
5. Abraham bapt. 27 Dec 1702; b. Dec 1702
6. (n.n.) b.est. 1705
7. (n.n.) b.est. 1708
8. (n.n.) b.est. 1711
9. (n.n.) b.est. 1714

Dannett Jr. is the first to appear in the records as an adult. On 07 Jul 1724, Dannett Sr. & DJ were
trading for land. This record shows that DJ was already on his own, as he was living in Spots. Co.
while his father was in King Wm Co. Therefore DJ appears to be the next eldest. Although the first
son wasnґt always named for his father, he was in many cases. Moreover, aside from Abnerґs Will
(discussed later), DJґs Will (prob. 07 Jul 1757) was filed before the rest of his brethren, that we can

George ABNEY appears in the records near the same time as Abraham. However, George is on
his own in Henrico Co., while Abraham is still in Spots. Co. This may be an indication that George
was older than Abraham, and moved away sooner. Moreover, Georgeґs Will was next probated
(16 Oct 1766). To write that George was named for his grandfather would be unfair. For it appears
that he was named for his uncle as well. It is notable that Dannett Sr. named a son after each of
his brothers. The author had earlier believed that George was the eldest son, and named for his
grandfather. However, in light of the deductive reasoning used above, the author believes that DJ
was born before George. Hence George could logically occupy the 1697 birth year.

Next we have Paul (named for his uncle), born 1699 by fact of his baptism. We know that he was
still alive on 30 Sep 1786 when he gave consent for his granddaughter, Elizabeth, to marry. How
much longer he lived is not known. However, we know Paul lived at least into his 80ґs and possibly

Next we have Dr. Abraham ABNEY (named for his uncle), born 1702 by fact of his baptism. This
could have begun the estimated 3-year cycle for Maryґs child-bearing years. Keep in mind this is
an average birth-span. Abraham also lived into his 80ґs.

Martha almost has to be the next child. Her son, Thomas SPRAGGINS was born around 1720 or
so. If Martha was born around 1705, this would place her around at age 15 giving birth to the
Generation 1 (con't)
so. If Martha was born around 1705, this would place her around at age 15 giving birth to the
eldest child, and would appear to be correct for that era.

A bit of deductive reasoning places Bathshua (named for her grandmother) next in the family.
Since we can show Abner & Mary in their places (as discussed later), and Bathshua appears to
have had children prior to either of them, we can place her b.est.1708.

Now weґll discuss Abner ABNEY. Having named a son after all his brethren, his father, and
himself, Dannett Sr. & Mary chose the Biblical name, Abner, for the boy who appears to have been
their youngest son. The author believes Abner to be the next child for the following reasons, to wit:
According to his fatherґs Will (written 05 Feb 1732), Abner was to receive, in part, that plantation
wherein Dannett Sr. lived (Abnerґs brother, Paul to receive the other part). Abner also signed as
witness to the Will. Now, by Virginia Colonial Law, Abner only had to be age 14
to witness the Will. However, Dannett Sr. was devising land to Abner. Granted, it was to be given
to Abner after Maryґs death, but Dannett surely didnґt know when that would be. Therefore, since
Dannett Sr. did not use a phrase such as ``to my son, Abner...when he arrives of ageґґ or
something comparable, we must assume he was already of age to inherit the property. Moreover,
the signature doesnґt look like that of a 14-year old boy. For Abner to be 21 in 1732, he must have
been born no later than 1711; And this is exactly where he is placed in the
authorґs rendition of Generation One.

But what of Abnerґs Will being the first written of Gen. One? Abner appears to have died a
middle-aged man. The reason isnґt known, but perhaps an illness shortened his life. Nonetheless,
the naming of only three children in his Will (and Milly was an infant), seems to back up the
authorґs theory.

Having Abner born est. 1711 would also explain why the first record (apparently of his adult life)
found is the Will of his father. After Abner Abneyґs death, it appears his widow, Anne (Key)
remarried ca.1760 to Samuel Taliaferro (who was granted guardianship to Milly Abney, daughter of
Abner and Anne).

According to Overton & A. Rodney BERNARD (grandsons of Mary ABNEY m. John BERNARD),
Mary & John married ca.1730 (Ted BERNARD gives 02 May 1729). Therefore, if Mary was born
est. 1714, she would have been about age 15/16 when she married. Maryґs birth places her near
the estimated end of the child-bearing age of her mother.

From these facts and assumptions, we can now construct the following Family Group Sheet:

1. Ursula bapt. 11 Jun 1693; b. Jun 1693

2. Dannett Jr. b.est. 1695
3. George b.est. 1697
4. Paul bapt. 24 Dec 1699; b. Dec 1699
5. Abraham bapt. 27 Dec 1702; b. Dec 1702
6. Martha b.est. 1705
7. Bathshua b.est. 1708
8. Abner b.est. 1711
9. Mary b.est. 1714

It is the authorґs opinion that this is absolutely the best, most logically deduced, rendition of the
family of Dannett ABNEY Sr. and Mary to date. The author will base each succeeding newsletter
on the assumption that the family is correct as abovewritten, unless and until further evidence
causes us to correct or add to it. Your comments are most welcome, pro and con. If you have
information that can improve the accuracy of this family group, please contact the author!

Dannett Abney and Mary Lee had the following children:

Generation 1 (con't)
was born about 1693 in Abingdon, Gloucester County, Virginia,
USA. She died date Unknown.

Notes for Ursala Abney:

Very little information is known about Ursala. It's possible that she died or married
with no record being recorded. Raymond Robert Abney Jr., in Volume II, Issue I
(November 1997) of "The Abney Family Researcher Newsletter", theorizes about a
possible marraige to William Witt:

Problem #29 Did Ursula ABNEY m. William WITT?

Here is a late entry I've just come up with and couldn't bear to print the newsletter
without it. The ABNEY-WITT connection is obvious considering the "ABNEY" given
names in the WITT Family. However, the dates are a problem. It is difficult to
believe that the daughter of Paul (bapt. 1699) could have been a grandmother of
the David WITT who married a daughter of Dannett ABNEY Jr. David WITT was
born around the same time as Paul's children. This problem is what led me to place
Sarah ABNEY as a daughter of George's son, Dannett instead of Dannett Jr.
However, the problem was not with the father of Sarah ABNEY, it is grandmother of
David WITT. Therefore, the suggested relation-ship between William WITT and a
daughter of Paul ABNEY is chronologically impossible. Ursula ABNEY (bapt. 1693),
on the other hand, was of a perfect age to marry William WITT and be the
grandmother of David WITT! If this relationship can be proved, it would explain
Ursula's early disappear-ance from the Virginia records as an "ABNEY". I have
contacted the WITT researchers and we are presently working on this possible
relationship. We will keep you advised. In the meantime, anyone having information
which might lead to proving William WITT's wife, or Ursula ABNEY's life after her
baptism in 1693, is urged to contact me as soon as possible. I feel we're finally
going learn what happened to "Aunt" Ursula ABNEY. At least this is the best theory
I've been able to formulate thus far.

John WITT = Ann DAUX Dannett ABNEY Sr. = Mary LEE

William [d.1754] =? Ursula [bapt.1693] Dannett Jr. = Mary MEREDITH
Lucy n.n. = Jonathan [d.1782]
David [b.est. 1742; d.1818] ================= Sarah "Sally" []
Dannett Abney WITT


In Issue #6, page 4, column 2, paragraph 4, the statement was made, "Wayne Witt
BATES, editor of the Bates Booster Newsletter, wrote me that according to WITT
Family tradition, the above-mentioned David WITT married Sally ABNEY, daughter
of Dannett ABNEY (son of George ABNEY & Unity)". This statement is incorrect
inasmuch as WITT Family tradition dictates that "David WITT married Sally ABNEY,
daughter of Dannett ABNEY Jr. and his wife Mary".
ii. DANNETT ABNEY was born about 1695 in Abingdon, Gloucester County, Virginia,
USA3. He died before 07 Jul 1757 in St. Paul's Parish, Hanover County, Virginia,
USA4. He married MARY MEREDITH. She was born about 1700. She died after Jul

Notes for Dannett Abney:

Name: Dannett Abney Jr.
Date: 7 Jul 1724
Location: King William Co., VA
Property: 280 a. of land in St. Paul's Par., Hanover Co., 400 a. in St. Geo.
Par., Spts. Co.
Notes: This land record was originally published in "Virginia County Records -
Spotsylvania County, 1721-1800, Volume I" edited by William Armstrong Crozier.
Remarks: John Wilkins of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., Planter, to Dannett Abney,
Generation 1 (con't)
Remarks: John Wilkins of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., Planter, to Dannett Abney,
Senr., of St. Margaretts Parish, King Wm. Co., cooper, and Dannett Abney, Junr., of
St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., carpenter. 4600 lbs. tob. and 280 a. of land in St. Paul's
Par., Hanover Co
Description: Grantee
Book: A

Source Information: Virginia, Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850
[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2004.
Original data:

Crozier, William Armstrong, ed. Virginia County Records - Spotsylvania County

Records, 1721-1800. Being transcriptions from the original files at the County Court
House of wills, deeds, administrators' and guardians' bonds, marriage licenses, and
lists of revolutionary pensioners. New York, NY: Fox, Duffield & Co., 1905.

Willl of Dannett Abney (transcription from the Abney Family Researcher, Vol.
I, Issue II:

In the name of God, amen. I Dennet Abney of the county of Hanover and parish of
St. Paul's; (being sick and weak in my body but of sound mind and memory) Do
make & constitute this, my last Will and Testament in manner and form following,
Viz. I give and bequeathe unto Jesus Christ my soul, ~ which I believe he has
redeemed, and my body I commit to the earth in hopes of a Joyfull resurrection at
the last day; As for my Temporal affairs ~ (as God has been pleased to blefs me
with I give as follows. I do appoint my loving Wife Mary Abney, and George Sharrer
& Thomas Perry my sons in Law executors of this my last Will and Testament,.........
Item I give and bequeathe unto my son Reuben Abney this tract of Land in Hanover
County whereon I now live, and a negro Girl called Nanney. I give and bequeathe
unto my son in Law Thomas Spragens a Tract of Land in Lunenburg County
containg one hundred and seven Acres and also in Hallifax County a tract of Land
containg two hundred and fifty acres. I give and bequeathe unto Skip Richardson a
tract of Land in Hallifax County in Cotobah Creek, containing three hundred acres. I
give and bequeathe unto my brother Abraham Abney a tract of land in Hallifax
County on the lower side of _____ Cotobah Creek Containing four hundred and fifty
acres being the entry I bought of George Machan. ~ Item I empower my executors
to sell a Tract of Land in Hallifax County laying on a branch commonly called Lick
branch; containing eight hundred acres, which money after paying my lawful debts
to be equally divided amongst my wife Mary Abney, Reubin Abney, Ruth Sharrar &
Sarrah Abney Item, my six negroes Viz. Esquire Will, Roane Oak Will, Hagar,
Janey, Hercules ~ I desire may be equally divided amongst my Wife, Reuben
Abney, Ruth Sharrer and Sarah Abney, as they can agree among themselves. Item
my Desire is if my wife Mary Abney should depart this life before my son Reubin
Abney arives to the age of twenty one years, that then my son in law Thos Perry
move to the place where I now live, & have the care & bringing up of my son Reubin
Abney. Item if my son Reubin Abney depart this life before he have any lawful Ifhue,
it is my desire that the land as I have already given to him be equally divided
amongst Maacah Spragens, Ruth Sharrer, Millesent Perry ~ & Sarah Abney and the
negroes, if he depart this life before he have lawful Ishue to be divided between
Ruth Sharrer & Sarah Abney. Item I order that their shall be no appraisement upon
my estate, nor any Inventory be returned to Court Signed by my hand & seal this
third day November one thousand seven hundred & fifty six
Dannitt Abney [Seal]
Thos Perry
William Wills
Nicholas Scherer
Generation 1 (con't)
Nicholas Scherer
George Scherrer
At a Court held for Hanover County on Thursday the 7th day of July 1757 This last
Will & testament of Dennet Abney deceased was exhibited in Court by Mary Abney
the executrix therein named who took the oath of an Executor thereto, & was also
proved by the oath of William Wills & Nicholas Scherrer two of the Witnefses thereto
& admitted to record
William Pollard DC.HG
January 1811 A copy Teste
Tho. Pollard DC.H.G.


From "Abney Family History Supplement" by JohnHensell, 1988, page 2:

The following items are found concerning Dannett Abney (Abt. 1695 - Bef. 7 Jul
1. June 30, 1733, granted 570a. in Hanover Co., Va. jointly with brother Abraham
(1-00h) which lay near George Abney's (1-00a).
2. Patented land in Hanover Co., Va. Aug. 26, 1748.
3. Aug. 9, 1759, sold 80Da Halifax Co., Va. to Nathaniel Spraggins.

iii. GEORGE ABNEY was born about 1697 in Abingdon, Gloucester County, Virginia,
USA5-6. He died on 01 Oct 1766 in Antrim Parish, Halifax County, Virginia, USA5-6.
He married Unity ?????. She was born date Unknown in Virginia, USA. She died
about 1768 in Halifax County, Virginia, USA.

Notes for George Abney:

From Hensell's Abney Family History Supplement (p2.):

The following items are found concerning him:

1. Aug. 30, 1728, paid Thomas East 190 Ibs. Taboo. for 200a. of land in Henrico
Co., Va.
2. Aug. 20, 1750 granted 200a land in Lunenberg Co., Va. by King George II..
3. July 1, 17761, 360a. in Lunenberg Co., Va. by King George II, beginning at
Dannett, Jr.(brother to George) and Abraham's (brother to George) four corners.

iv. PAUL ABNEY was born about 1699 in Abingdon, Gloucester County, Virginia, USA2,
6 . He died after 30 Sep 1786 6 .

Notes for Paul Abney:

From Hensell's Abney Family History Supplement (p2.):

Mentioned in father's will; gave consent for marriage of granddaughter Elizabeth

Abney ) to marry Tandy Holman in 1786; married and had issue; lived in Amherst
Co. after it was formed from Albermarle and all family found here; following items
concern him:

1. "Mar. 2, 1751, planter, sells to John Graves 100 a. adjacent to lands of Chas.
Lynah and William Randolph. Witnesses: Davis Stocton, Adam Goulylock (?), Bo
Benton, and Wm. Whiteside." Amherst Co. Deed Record, p. 348.
2. "Oct. 10, 1751 witnessed sale of land from John Graves and wife Lucy to William
Gough of Hanover Co." Amherst Deed Record, p. 366.

v. ABRAHAM ABNEY was born in 1702 in Abingdon, Gloucester County, Virginia, USA2,
6 . He died after 04 Jun 1783 in Winton County, South Carolina, USA6 . He married
Generation 1 (con't)
He died after 04 Jun 1783 in Winton County, South Carolina, USA6. He married
CASSANDRA MEREDITH. She was born between 1700-1710. She died about 1770.

Notes for Abraham Abney:

From Hensell's Abney Family History Supplement (p3.):

physician; presented a petition to the House of Burgesses claiming discovery of a

cure for cancer by some singles of the natural growth of the colony and requested
encouragement and reward after a demonstration, said presentation made in 1742;
went to South Carolina with family ca. 1769 and settled in Dist. 96 Edgefield Co.,
S.C., after which he disposed of his Virginia holdings; furnished supplies to the
Continental Army in the Revolutionary War; married Cassandra Meredith, sister of
Mary Meredith - see MEREDITH - and had issue. Cassandra received a grant of
640 a. in Orangeburg Dist., S.C. lying between the fork between south Edisto River
and Maciter Creek for Ј48 8s 6d Sterling. The following items are found concerning

1. State of South Carolina: 1781. To bay horse taken into service of Gen. Picken's
Brigade proven by oath of Samuel Mays and William Hill to be worth Ј60 which they
herein under their names and hands upon oaths have appraised this fourth
day of June 1783 before me. D. Hopkins, J.P.
2. Oct. 4, 1783, Abraham Abney swore before D. Hopkins, J.P. that a party of state
troopers took from Nathaniel Abney (2-04d) one sorreld horse and one gray mare,
the property of Nathaniel Abney (2-04d), the horse worth Ј125 and the mare worth
3. Dr. Abraham Abney made claim for one bay horse lost in service in 1781, worth
Ј60 currency or Sterling 22 12 1 1/2.
4. June 30, 1733 granted 570a. with brother Dannett Abney, Jr.
5. Patened 230a. land in Hanover Co., Va., Aug. 20, 1748. (Note: His wife and
Dannett Jr.'s wife, both lived in Hanover Co., Va.)
6. May 23, 1763. Granted 343a. on Calloe Creek, Halifax Co., Va.
7. Aug. 1, 1757. Granted land to Thomas Spraggins in Lunenberg Co., Va.
8. Oct. 4, 1745, jointly with wife Cassandra granted 172a. land in Hanover Co., Va.
to Isaac Brumley.
9. Granted land in Halifax Co., Va. out of which he granted 25a. to Thomas
Spraggins, Feb. 13, 1757 and 400a to Thos. Childree, Dec. 2, 1756.
10. April 3, 1764, for fl00 gave 400a. in Halifax Co. on Callaboe Creek to Nathaniel
Abney (2-00a) which he had patented in the Parish of Atrim on May 23, 1763.
11. July 2, 1778. Abraham Abney of Camden Dist., S.C. granted Benjamin Vaughn
243a. at Cullaboe, Halifax Co., Va.
12. In conjunction with Nathaniel Abney (2-05b) of Long Cane Mills, Dist. 96, S.C.
granted 400a. Antrim Parish, Halifax Co., Va. to Charles Calloway, Feb. 18, 1775.

vi. MARTHA ABNEY was born about 1705 in Abingdon, Gloucester County, Virginia,
USA6. She died after 15 Mar 17596. She married WILLIAM SPRAGGINS. He was born
between 1700-1710. He died date Unknown.
vii. BATHSHUA ABNEY was born about 1708 in Abingdon, Gloucester County, Virginia,
USA6. She died after 25 Oct 17736. She married THOMAS HILL. He was born date
Unknown. He died about Oct 1773.
viii. ABNER ABNEY was born about 17116. He died about 17526. He married Ann Key.

Notes for Abner Abney:

Raymond Robert Abney Jr. lists Ann Key? as a possible spouse for Abner Abney in
his "Generation One: The First Abney's Born in America" otherwise referenced


From Hensell's Abney Family History Supplement (p2.):

Generation 1 (con't)
devisee of father and grantee of land in Albermarle Co. (the part that became
Fluvana Co. in 1777); will filed June 11, 1752 in Albermarle Co., Va.; married Ann
_____; and had issue.
ix. MARY ABNEY was born about 17146. She died after Jan 17616. She married JOIHN
BARNARD. He was born between 1700-1710. He died date Unknown.

Notes for Mary Abney:

From Hensell's Abney Family History Supplement (p2, 3.):

Married John Barnard of Albermarle Co., Va. whose lands lay in what became
Fluvana Co. and joined lands of Dannett Abney, Jr.; married May 12, 1729 and had
issue for which see "Bernard Grandparents" by Ted Barnard of McKinney, Tex.;
also ancestor of E. E. Macy, deceased, of Portland, Ore.
1 John R. Hensell, Abney Family History: Supplement (Houston, Texas: self published, 1988),
1. Clayton Library, Center for Genealogical Research, 5300 Caroline St,
Houston, TX 77004.
2 Raymond Robert Abney Jr., "Discovery #2 "Ursala Abney"", The Abney Family Researcher
Volume 1, Issue IV (May 1997): 4.
3 Raymond Robert Abney Jr., "New Beginnings: Generatioin One of America : We Have to
Start Somewhere", The Abney Family Researcher Newsletter IV, Issue II (March 2001): 1-2,
2-3. Copy in possesion of John M. Abney.
4 Raymond Robert Abney Jr., "The Dannett Abney Dilema", The Abney Family Researcher
Volume I, Issue II (January 1997): 3-4. Personal Library of John M. Abney.
5 John R. Hensell, Abney Family History: Supplement (Houston, Texas: self published, 1988),
2. Clayton Library, Center for Genealogical Research, 5300 Caroline St,
Houston, TX 77004.
6 Raymond Robert Abney Jr., "Generation One: The First Abney's Born in America", The
Abney Family Researcher V Issue II (December 2001): 2. Personal Library of John M.

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