Sources For History Fair 2017-18

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Annotated List of Works Consulted

Primary Sources

Berlin Wall. ​Berlin-ru​, Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. Berlin-ru

has a article on the Berlin Wall. I used this article for one of the images present.

Berlin Wall. ​Public Seminar​, Accessed 7 Jan.

2018. Picture of the Berlin Wall I used under Thesis.

“The Berlin Wall Is Built — August 13, 1961.” ​Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training​, Accessed 7

Jan. 2018. The article published by ADST gave information, through an interview of

people who were in the Berlin Crisis, about what it was like to be in the Berlin Crisis. I

used one the articles images for my website.

Hiltner, Stephen. ​Meet the New York Times Bureau Manager Who Witnessed the Fall of the

Berlin Wall​. 9 Nov. 1989. ​The New York Times​, The New York Times Company,

Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. Stephen Hiltner’s article provided an understanding of what it was

like to watch the wall fall. I used the image of the wall falling on my website.

Kennedy, John F. “One Day in Berlin.” 26 June 1963, West Berlin. Speech. John F. Kennedy’s

“One Day in Berlin” speech emphasizes the differences between capitalism and

communism, where he says “when one man isn’t free, all aren’t free.” I used his speech

for my research as well as for his biography in the Key Figures section of my website.

Majka, Christopher. ​The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall: 25 Years after Demolition​. ​Rabble​,

The Authors,

er-demolition. Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. Christopher Majka’s article on the Berlin Wall

included some background information that I wanted. It also included an image that I

used in my final project.

Reagan, Ronald Wilson. “Tear Down This Wall.” The Brandenburg Gate, 12 June 1987,

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin. Speech. Ronald Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” speech is a

famous speech by Reagan. His speech outlines the conflict between Reagan and the

Berlin Wall. The speech also shows Reagan’s view on the wall. I used this for both of

those reasons.

Secondary Sources

“Berlin Crisis Timeline.” PDF file. File is an image of a timeline of the Berlin Crisis. I used this

for my timeline under “The Berlin Crisis.”

Facts and figures about the Berlin Wall. ​The Royal Air Force Museum​,

ts-figures.aspx. Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. This page gives facts and figures about the Berlin

wall. I used these for my Berlin wall page under Historical Context.

Greenspan, Jesse. “JFK Tells West Berliners That He Is One of Them, 50 Years Ago.”​, A+E Networks, 2013,

Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. This article has information on JFK’s Berlin speeches and a

photograph of him. I used both resources for my website in the JFK section.
Headshot of Mikhail Gorbachev. 2010. ​The International Foundation for Socio-Economic and

Political Studies​, The Gorbachev Foundation,

Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. A head-shot of Mikhail Gorbachev I used for his biography.

Head-shot of Ronald Reagan. ​Biography​,

Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. This website has a biography of Ronald Reagan and an image of

him. I used the image for my biography and the information for background research.

Photo of Nikita Krushchev. ​Global Security​, Accessed 7 Jan. 2018.

Used for his picture in the Nikita Krushchev section.

Segal, Rachel. “THE RISE AND FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL.” ​The Perspective​, Steve

Eason, 2017,

Accessed 7 Jan. 2018. Rachel Segal’s article shows the two different perspectives of east

and west Germans. I used her article for research and background information.

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