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CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: TYPE 1, 2 & 3 Type 1: + If / when + present simple + present simple. This type of sentence describes what always happens. When it rains hard, everybody stays indoors. + If + imperative. This type of sentence tells people what to do in certain situations. If you change your mind, give me a ring. + If + present simple + will / won't. Sometimes called a Real Con describs what someone will thinks will happen in a real situation. If we walk so slowly, we will be late + It's possible to use other present tenses instead: If you are driving, I'l come with you. If I've seen the film before, I'll let you know. Type 2: * If + past simple + would / wouldn't. Sometimes called an Imaginary Condition. It refers to things that might happen in the future, or things that you can imagine happening. If I had a helicopter, I'd fly to school. If I flew to school, T’ wouldn't be late. If I were you, I'd spend more time on your written work. To give advice. Note: We usually use were for all persons, In speech, was and were are used, * Unless = only if not We use it to say that something will only happen in certain circumstances. We'll go out for a walk if it doesn't rain / unless it rains. * Conditionals without if. Imagine you saw a snake, what would you do? Supposing you owned a helicopter, what would you use it for? Type 3: + If + past perfect + would have. This type is called Impossible Condition. It refers to things in the past, and it is impossible to change things that happened in teh past. If I had taken and umbrella, I wouldn't have got wet. Modals in conditional sentences: © Type 1: If you carry too many bags, you might drop the eggs. Type 2: If anyone believed my story, I could become famous! © Type 3: If I had taken soem money with me, I could have taken a taxi. 2 Complete the sentence for each tion, using the verbs given. 3 Complete each sentence, using if,unless or would. Conditionals: 1 and 2 2) You are standing very close to the edge of a swimming-pool. You are wearing all your clothes, nota swimming costume. A friend says: Ifyou (fall in) ..,fallit......., your clothes (get) ..llget..... wet! b) You are sitting in the classroom on a hor day. You are day-dreaming about going to the beach. You think: If today (be). aholiday, (go) . the beach. ¢) You can’tanswera question in your English book. You ask a friend to help, but she doesn’t know the answer. She says: IfI (know)... you. 4) You are walking towards the bus-stop with a friend. Suddenly the bus arrives. The bus-stop is far away, but you think there isa chance of catching the bus. You say: If we (run)... 4 ©) Youare planning to go to the beach tomorrow with some friends. You are the answer, I (tell) swe (catch) it not sure about the weather, because it sometimes rains at this time of the ‘year. You arrange to meet tomorrow afternoon and say: fit (cain) we (g0) « to the cinema instead. 1) You are very busy, because you have lots of school work, and you also play in two teams. A friend ask you to join a computer club. You say: TEL (have) neon ..theclub, Butit’s impossible at the moment because I’m too busy! g) You are discussing the idea of underwater cities. People are describing the advantages and disadvantages of living under the sea. You say: li we (live) fish all the time! h) Youare worried about a test next week. You ask your teacher for some advice. She says: Ifyou (study)... test, more free time, I (join) _w under the sea, we (eat) ..for one hour every day, you (pass) a) Ifyou had asked me to help you, I..1ald.... b) We'll have lunch outside in the garden, i’s too cold. c) John. win more races if he trained harder. 4) Come ont we hurry, we'll miss the plane! 2 ‘ou like to see my stamp collection? £) ‘The manager won’t be long. «you take a seat, please. g) Pmsure that Carol ..n--n- 0 to the cinema with you, if you asked her. ea i) What j) Idon’efeel happy... ou feel like a chat, phone me tonight you doif you saw asnake? I swim every day. Intermediate Language Practice 4 Complete each sentence a) t0j) with an ending from 1) to 10), 5 Complete each sentence as either a Conditional 1 ora Conditional 2sentence using the verb given, 2 a) Ifyouplay the music too loud, .€. b) Ifthe North Pole melted, ¢) Tf we don’t have enough ice-cream, 4) IfT found someone's wallet, .. ¢) Tfaburglar broke into this house, 4) my train isn’tlate, g) Ifyou were famous, ... h) If my father lends me the money, i) you took more exercise, j) you tell me what you want, a) If I (have) ..A@d. reach the top of that shelf! b) Don’t worry, you've just gor cold. If you (cake)... better. (fee!) c) Vegetarians believe that if nobody (eat) longer. 4) If I (become) parents an enormous house. @) Itsays‘No Parking’. If you (leave) ‘owa parking fine. (follow) 8) Ie’snot far. Fyou tothe station. g) Ifpeoplein cities (use) . 10 much pollution. h) Actually it’s avery friendly dog. If you( you. 4) Ifyou (leave). rms five metres long, I(be able a famous rock star, I (buy)... this path, you (come)... your books on the desk, I (give). 1) thealarm would go off. 2) Tlbuyanewbike. 3) Tllbein Paris at 6.00. 4) you wouldn’tsee me any more! 5) you would feel better. 6) the water would flood many cities. 7) Vilbuy itfor you, 8) you'll wake up the neighbours. 9) we'll get some more. 10) I'dtake to the police station. wld he wu anaspicin, you su meat, everyone (live) the car here, che police (give) bikes instead of cars, there (not be) it, it (not bite) couch) them back to you at the end of the lesson. j) Ifyou (own) you! a pet tiger, your friends (not visit) 3 2) would) Would b) unless) would ©) would hy If ©) Unless) would ©) Would) unless 492912969305 3 p94 )7 dio 5) hadhooald be able ) eake/will fel 2) me/would live 2) fallin/will er by were/woule go «) knew would tll &) ren/will ese ®) ainsi go 8 had/ woul join 2) Bved/would ext 5) study/ wil pase 4) became/ would buy ©) leave/will give 2) follow/will come 3) owned /would nor vise a Rewrite each comment, beginning as shown. 2 Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each sentence. Practice a) Supposing you had wings, what would you do? What divas had wings? b) Why don’t you leave now? That's what I'ddo. q ©) Imagine you lived on Mars. How would you feel? How. - 4) Ithink you should buy a bike. That's what I'd do. If e) Imagine you were rich. What would you do? ‘What £) Supposing Jim came with us, what would you say? What “ g) Why don’t you take the bus. That's what I'd do. If h) Imagine you owned a robot. What would you do? What. a) If youphoned/fiad phoned)me yesterday, I had givenfwould have given)you the news b) If youtook/would have taken more exercise, you might feel/had felt better. c) If Timdrove/had driven more carefully, he wouldn't have crashed/didn’t crash. 4) Ifyou had come/came to see the film, you would have enjoyed/had enjoyed ie ©) IfLdknown/I would know it was your birthday, I would send/would have sent you a card, 4) Ifpeople helped had helped one another more often, the world might befwas a better place. g) [four team had scored/scored more goals, it had won/could have won, h) If youwould have worn/wore a coat, you wouldn't get/didn't get wet. 3 Complete the sentence for each situation, a) Helen dida’t leave early, and so she missed the bus. IfHelen ..Aadlefteanty..., she ..wnuldat have missed, the bus. b) Ididn’t buy more milk, so I didn’t have enough for breakfast. 11 asl enough for breakfast. ©) Weforgorto take a map, so we gotlost in the mountains. Ifwe swe «in the mountains. d) I didn’t go to bed early, so I didn’t wake up at 7.00. HL early, I... £7.00. €) Mike didn’t make a shopping list, and he forgot to buy some coffee. LEMike sesh ...some coffee, £) [didn’t realize you were tired when Iasked you to go fora walk. Tn At fora walk. g) The Romans didn’t sail across the Atlantic so they didn’t reach America. If che Romans. they America. h) Idida’t eurm lefeat the station, and I lost my way. TED reer c 1) Whar seoal yo dof you had wings? 2) Ift were you, 'dlevenow. ©) How would you fe! ifyoulivedon Man? &) IFT were you, I'd buy abike. f) What would you do if you were ich? £8) Whatwotld you say if im came with QU were you, I'd take the bus 4) had gone to bed/ would have woken What would youdo you owned 2 6) Tel matea shopping i woulda es hve forgowen to buy 2 2) hadphoned/would bave given 6 had aulized you weretired/t 5) tool/might fel «) had driven/woulda’thavecrashed 1) had comer would have enjoyed «) Pdknown/would have sent 4h 2 ‘wouldn't have asked you to g0 1) had sled acrors the Adanse/ would have rached bb) had cored lefearshestation helped igh be wouldeehaveion ie cored could have won 2) wore/woulda't ger 3) hadleféearly/eonldn's have mised ') had bought more milk/would have had «) had tsken a map/ wouldn't have gor Tost

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