Online Examination in "CCC": Model Test Paper Sets

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1 Most news readers present newsgroup articles in:

(A) Threads (B) mail (C) column (D) None of the above

2 Fiber optics have the advantage of _____.

(A) being cheaper to install

(B) Being easier to install than twisted wire Ø

(C) Having no interference

(D) Using direct line-of-sight

3 We can set up the margin for

(A)Headers (B) Footers (C) Both a and b above (D) None of the above

4 Windows distinguishes between the different drives by means of a naming convention. Each

drive is designated by a letter followed by

(A) A colon (B) an asterisk (C) an exclamation point (D) a semicolon

5 Which of the following characters is allowed in a Windows file name or folder?

(A): (B)? (C)_ (D)>

6 Which of the following is presentation graphics software?

(A)MS-Windows (B) MS-PowerPoint (C) MS-Excel (D) MS-Word

7 "To be sure that your presentation will run on a different computer, you could bring _____."

(A) Your fonts

(B) A copy of PowerPoint to install

(C) A copy of Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer

(D)None of the above

8 "If you import data and want to update the slide when the original data changes, you must

(A) Embed the data

(B) Link the data

(C) Insert the data as an object

(D) Break the link

9 In slide master footer area appears at

(A)Left of the page

(B)Center of the page

(C)Top of the page

(D)Bottom of the page

10 Following is a type of Slide animation

(A)Flash once (B) Typewriter (C) Fly From top (D) All of the above

11 The following is a slide transition effect

(A)Wipe allover (B) Dissolve (C) Bit by bit (D) none of the above

12 The built-in default copying in Excel is programmed to

(A) Use relative position when copying formulas

(B) Use absolute position when copying formulas

(C) Use mixed position when copying formulas

(D)None of the above

13 Internet is governed by

(A)W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

(B)IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

(C)Inter NIC (Internet Network Information Center)

(D)None of these

14 Excel has a number of features that make it a very powerful spreadsheet program. What
feature below is NOT a major advantage to using Excel?

(A) "Database functions such as filtering, sorting, etc."

(B) Automatic calculation of numbers and formulas

(C) Charting capabilities

(D) Desktop publishing capabilities

15 The E-mail component of Internet Explorer is called

(A) Messenger Mailbox

(B) Message Box

(C) Outlook Express

(D) None of the above

16 USENET is...

(A) A set of tools reserved exclusively for Internet administrators

(B) Short for United States Electronic Network

(C) A bulletin board system that allows for posting and responding to messages on the Internet

(D) A precursor to the Internet that is now obsolete

17 The CPU (central processing unit) consists of:

(A)"Input, output and processing"

(B)"Control unit, primary storage and secondary storage"

(C)"Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage"

(D)"Input, processing and storage"

18 What is the control unit’s function in the CPU?

(A)To decode program instructions

(B)To transfer data to primary storage

(C)To perform logical operations

(D)To store program instructions

19 The ascending order of a data hierarchy is :




(D) bit-byte-field-record-file-database

20 The most common input device used today is the _____

(A)Motherboard (B) Central processing unit (C) Keyboard (D) System unit
Answers :

1= B
2= D 3= C 4= A 5= C 6= B 7= C 8= A 9= D 10= D 11= B 12=
C 13= A 14= D 15= C 16= 17= C 18= B 19= D 20= C

1 In which menu Spelling command appears

(A)Tools (B)Windows (C)Edit (D)None of the above

2 A right click on the Windows desktop itself will _____.

(A)open the Display Properties dialog box

(B)show a context-sensitive menu

(C)open the Control Panel

(D)minimize all open applications

3 "When numbers are typed inside a cell, the default alignment is:"

(A)Left-aligned (B)Center-aligned (C)Right-aligned (D)Justified

4 Cell address A$4 in a formula means it is a

(A)relative cell reference

(B)absolute cell reference

(C)mixed cell reference

(D)All of the above

5 When you create a chart on a separate sheet in the same workbook it is called a

(A)chart sheet (B)embedded chart (C)view sheet (D)view chart

6 Page break command of Excel on the Insert menu will result in insertion of page break

(A)above the selected row

(B)below the selected row

(C)middle of the selected row

(D)None of the above

7 To print a specific area in Excel

(A)set print area from File menu

(B)set print area from Page Setup dialog box

(C)both a and b above

(D)None of the above

8 Pressing _____ is a quick way to cycle between open program

windows. (A)Alt+Tab (B)Ctrl+Tab (C)Shift+Tab (D)Shift+Alt

9 The AutoContent Wizard creates _____.

(A)a new blank presentation with an attractive background and fonts

(B)a new presentation with sample slides with suggestions for what information should be

(C)a new look for an existing presentation

(D)a new template for future use

10 "In PowerPoint, slide sorter command is found under which menu?"

(A)File (B)Tools (C)View (D)Edit

11 The primary goal for your slide design should be _____.

(A)to attract the eyes of your audience

(B)to coordinate with your company logo and color scheme

(C)to make the information easy to read

(D)to make the slides interesting and even exciting

12 "In Excel, shortcut fill menu contain"

(A)Fill weekdays (B)Fill series (C) (a) and (b) (D)None of these

13 Alignment buttons are available on the _____ toolbar.

(A)Status bar (B)Formatting toolbar (C)Standard toolbar (D)None of these

14 Paste Special dialog box of Excel contains _____ options for (A)characteristics
(B)Formats Formulas (C)Values (D)All of the above

15 "Actions buttons can be inserted in the slide, by Action Button command of"

(A)View menu (B)Insert menu (C)Slide show menu (D)None of the above

16 "If you import data and want to update the slide when the original data changes, you must

(A)embed the data

(B)link the data

(C)Insert the data as an object

(D)break the link

17 Following is a type of PowerPoint Slide Show option

(A)Presented by the speaker

(B)Browsed by an individual

(C)Browsed at a kiosk

(D)All of the above

18 The first network that planted the seeds of Internet was:

(A)ARPANET (B)NSFnet (C)Vnet (D)Inet

19 "For a small Web site, one needs to buy space from the"

(A)Network administrator (B)Telephone exchange (C)ISP (D)None of the above

20 The first graphical browser for the WWW was named:

(A)Netscape (B)Veronica (C)Mosaic (D)Lynx

Answers :
1= A 2= B 3= C 4= C 5= A 6= D 7= C 8= A 9= B 10= C 11=
D 12= C 13= B 14= D 15= C 16= 17= D 18= A 19= C 20= A

1 A client program used to access the Internet services and resources available through the
World Wide Web.

(A)ISP (B)Web Browsers(C) Web Servers (D)None of the above

2"When a computer prints a report, this output is called_____."

hard copy soft copy COM None of the above

3"=ROUND(2.15,1) entered in a cell displays"

(A)2 (B)2.1 (C)2.2 (D)None of the above

4"=MOD(-3,2) entered in a cell displays"

(A) -1 (B)1(C) -1.5(D) 0

5"To change the size of the chart without changing its proportion, then you have to press _____ as
you drag a corner handle"

(B) [Shift] (B) [Alt] (C) [Ctrl] (D) [F11]

6The default page orientation in Excel is

(A)Landscape (B)Horizontal(C) Portrait(D) None of the above

7"In Excel, if you click on the Gridlines and Draft Quality check box on the sheet tab property sheet
of page setup dialog box then"

(A)gridlines will be print

(B)gridlines will not be printed

(C)sometimes print

(D) None of the above

8 To create a new blank presentation you could _____.

(A)click on the New button

(B)use the File New command

(C)Both of the above

(D)None of the above

9In which menu Change Case command appears

(A) Insert (B)Slide show (C)Format (D)Edit

10How do you make an inserted sound file play continuously over several slides? (A)"In the
Custom Animation task pane, open Effects Options and set the sound to play for the desired
number of slides"

(B)"Using the Record Sound feature, press the Record button and play your music as you
click through the whole slide show"

(C)"Using the Play CD Audio Track feature, set the CD to play for the desired number of

(D)All of the above

11 The area on a slide that holds text that will appear in the presentation outline is a _____.

(A)Textbox(B)Placeholder(C)bullet point(D)title box

12 The purpose of AutoFormat command in Excel is to

(A)create a professional and consistent look for your data

(B)"choose between standard table formats that include borders, shading, font colours and
other formatting options"

(C)easily apply a consistent format throughout a workbook

(D)All of the above

13 Which of the following statements about search engines and directories is true?

(A)A search engine does not discriminate between good and bad sites.

(B)A search engine displays all Web pages that contain your keywords and may list thousands of
unordered results.
(C)A directory is someones attempt to categorize the best sites available for a given subject or

(D)All of the above

14 Which one of the following can be entered as a number in a

cell? (A)"1,300.00"(B) (5000.00) (C)1.1e+2 (D)All of the above

15 Which of the following a search engine continuously sends out that start on a homepage of a
server and pursue all links stepwise?

(A)spiders (B)packets (C)cookies (D)None of the above

16 "What would you use for immediate, real-time communication with a friend?" (A)Instant
Messaging(B) E-Mail (C)Usenet (D)Blog

17 The Internet uses

(A)Circuit switching (B)Packet switching

(C) Hybrid switching (D)None of the above

18 The ascending order of a data hierarchy is :

(A)Bit-byte-record-field-file-database(B) Byte-bit-field-record-file-database(A) (D)Byte-bit-record-

file-field-database(C) Bit-byte-field-record-file-database

19 Software instruction intended to satisfy a users specific processing needs are called

(A)System software(B)Microcomputer (C)Documentation (D)Application software

20 "In computer terminology, information means"



(C)data in more useful or intelligible form

(D)alphanumeric data program

Answers :
1= b 2= a 3= c 4= b 5= c 6= c 7= a 8= c 9= c 10= d 11= a
12= d 13= d 14= d 15= c 16= 17= b 18= d 19= d 20= b

1 "To help others locate a Web site, the site should be registered with various -----."

(A)OnLine services

(B)Backbone providers

(C)Search engines

(D)Mail servers

2 "In __________ technique, network communications are analyzed to see whether packets are
part of an ongoing dialogue between a sender and a receiver?"

(A)stateful inspection

(B)intrusion detection system

(C)application proxy filtering

(D)packet filtering

3 MS Word supprots minimum zoom upto

(A)0.25 (B)0.15 (C)0.1 (D)0.04

4 Which of the following is a valid conditional formatting operator found in the New Formatting
Rule dialog box?

(A)Inbetween (B)More (C)Greater than (D)Outside

5 Comments can be added to cells using

(A)Edit -> Comments

(B)Insert -> Comment

(C)File -> Comments

(D)View -> Comments

6 When you copy a formula Excel erases the original copy of the formula
(A)Excel edits cell references in the newly copied formula

(B)Excel adjusts

(C)absolute cell references

(D)Excel doesnt adjust relative cell references

7 When creating a vertical page break___

(A)The active cell must be A1

(B)The active cell can be anywhere in the worksheet

(C)The active cell must be in row 1

(D)The active cell must be in column A

8 A broadband bus topology requires_______

(A)Unidirectional Transmission

(B)Bidirectional Transmission

(C)Switching Transmission

(D)None of them

9 Wich of the following country code for geographic domain extension is not correct

(A)jp-Japan (B)cd-Canada (C)ind-India (D)All of the above

10 Which one of the following is a valid email (A)address?




11 which of the following is domain name suffixes

(A).com (B).nat (C)both of the above (D)None of the above

12 "Accidently, you made a mistake when working with your document. How can you undo that

(A)Ctrl+X (B)Ctrl+Y (C)Ctrl+Z (D)Ctrl+U

13 What is one way to protect your computer from viruses?

(A)Do not use your computer

(B)Do not download unknown documents or programs

(C)Do not turn your computer off at night

(D)Do not use Microsoft Office Programs

14 Which of the following are word processing software?

(A)WordPerfect (B)Easy Word (C)MS Word (D)All of above

15 In which year was the first email sent?

(A)1982 (B)1992 (C)1977 (D)1971

16 Challenge-Response: is an authentication method that requires a human to respond to an

email challenge message

(A)before the original email that triggered the challenge is delivered to the recipient.

(B)after the original email that triggered the challenge is delivered to the recipient.

(C)Both of the above

(D)None of the above

17 Using demographics and related information in a customer database to select the most
appropriate recipients for a specific email campaign is called (A)demographing. (B)Targeting.
(C)Both of the above (D)None of the above
18 "A list developed by anyone receiving email, or processing email on its way to the
recipient, that includes domains or IP addresses of any emailers suspected of sending
spam is called"

(A)Wrong list


(C)Both of the above

(D)None of the above

19 A photo album slide show can be played continuously by using the option of

(A)Loop continuously

(B)Launch an online broadcast

(C)Use random slide transition

(D)All of these

20 "To Preview a Presentation, Click ________."

(A)Print Preview button on the Standard Toolbar.

(B)File -> Print Preview

(C)a and b

(D)None of these

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