Analgesic Drug Monitroring

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Clinical Chemistry 44:5

1110 –1123 (1998) NACB Symposium

Standards of laboratory practice:

analgesic drug monitoring
Suzanne White1 and Steven H.Y. Wong2*

Analgesics are the most commonly consumed over-the- over-the-counter preparations today (1). In addition, hun-
counter preparations in the United States. They are used dreds of products containing aspirin, amounting to 20
in the treatment of various pain syndromes and other billion tablets, are consumed annually in the United States
medical conditions. Although analgesics are generally (2). Combinations with other analgesics, antihistamines,
perceived to be safe agents, serious toxicity may occur in opioids, stimulants, and sedatives are available. With the
the setting of acute overdose, chronic abuse, or overuse. recently expanded sales and marketing of over-the-
The indications for therapeutic drug monitoring in counter ibuprofen and naproxen, additional increases in
patients using these medications appropriately is as yet the already widespread use of nonsteroidal antiinflamma-
not well defined. The emphasis of this discussion, tory drugs (NSAIDs)3 is likely. One major concern is that
therefore, is on recommendations for monitoring in the analgesic class of drugs accounted for more exposures
situations where toxicity is suspected. Preanalytical, reported to the American Association of Poison Control
analytical, and practice issues including drug interac- Centers in 1995 than did any other category of pharma-
tions, frequency of monitoring, pertinent ancillary tests, ceutical agents (3). The serious nature of these exposures
reporting, and special patient groups at risk for toxicity is underscored by the fact that they also led to the highest
are reviewed. Recent information from a major manu- number of pharmaceutical drug-related deaths during
facturer of evacuated tubes arguing against the use of that same year (3).
gel tubes for blood collection for drug monitoring is Analgesics are used in the treatment of a wide variety
included. Colorimetric/enzymatic/immunoassays for the of medical conditions. Their use in treating both acute and
routine/stat monitoring of acetaminophen and salicylate chronic pain syndromes such as cephalgia or dysmenor-
and diflunisal cross-reactivity with most of the currently rhea is well recognized. With the exception of acetamin-
used salicylate assays are presented. Achiral and chiral ophen and tramadol, the above analgesics, also classified
chromatographic assays and newly introduced columns as NSAIDs, are indicated for the treatment of acute or
such as restricted access media and/or automated chro- chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthri-
matographic systems are reviewed for the analysis of tis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acute pericardi-
ibuprofen, naproxen, and the recently introduced tram- tis, and Kawasaki’s disease. Antipyresis is another com-
adol. Finally, concepts regarding future directions in- mon indication for the administration of these agents,
cluding drug chirality and chiral analysis are presented. particularly in the pediatric age group. Acetylsalicylic
acid may be useful for the prevention of thrombosis in
Analgesic drugs comprise the largest category of pharma- patients with coronary artery or cerebrovascular disease,
ceutical agents consumed by individuals in the United given its antiplatelet effect, and salicylate may have a role
States. The number of over-the-counter formulations in minimizing tissue hypoxia-reperfusion injury after
available to the consumer is staggering. Acetaminophen organ transplantation (4). Finally, increasingly important
alone is estimated to be present in .200 brand name, clinical applications are being realized by both NSAIDs
and opioid analgesics for the treatment of postoperative
and cancer pain (5).
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of NSAIDs was
Departments of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, Wayne State Uni-
versity School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201.
Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin and Milwaukee
County Medical Examiner’s Office, Milwaukee, WI 53226. Nonstandard abbreviations: NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
*Address correspondence to this author at: Medical College of Wisconsin, drug; TDM, therapeutic drug monitoring; CYP, cytochrome; CSF, cerebrospi-
8700 Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226. Fax 414-456-6305; e-mail nal fluid; GC, gas chromatography; GC-MS, gas chromatography–mass spec- trometry; NAPQI, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinonimine; and CNS, central nervous
Received October 23, 1997; revision accepted February 13, 1998. system.

Clinical Chemistry 44, No. 5, 1998 1111

previously reviewed (6). This discussion focuses on the • screening as a co-ingestant after intentional drug
clinical and analytical issues surrounding the monitoring overdose
of commonly used analgesic drugs. Emphasis is on clini- C. Ibuprofen and naproxen concentrations are rarely
cal, pharmacologic, and analytical issues applicable to the indicated but could be considered in the following
practice of TDM and toxicology (7, 8). Analgesics dis- situations:
cussed are those readily available in over-the-counter • suspected noncompliance
preparations, such as acetaminophen, salicylates, ibupro- • change in renal or hepatic function in a patient
fen, and naproxen. Other areas briefly presented include using these medications chronically
emerging concepts with regard to cytochrome (CYP) P450 D. Opioid monitoring, specifically for meperidine or
metabolism and other phase I and II metabolic pathways, propoxyphene/norpropoxyphene is recommended
the contribution of both active and inactive metabolites to in the following situations:
drug toxicity and drug-drug interactions, chirality, and • suspected noncompliance
confounding issues surrounding workplace drug testing • presence of symptoms suggestive of dose-related
for certain opioids (9 –12). This review does not exten- propoxyphene/norpropoxyphene toxicity (i.e., a
sively cover traditional opioid analgesics, such as mor- change in mental status, seizures, cardiac ar-
phine and codeine, that have been adequately addressed rhythmias, or electrocardiographic changes)
in the arenas of clinical toxicology and forensic urine drug • presence of symptoms suggestive of dose-related
testing/workplace drug testing (13). meperidine/normeperidine toxicity (i.e., myo-
clonic twitching, seizures, or changes in mental
Indications for Monitoring status or renal function)
Although definitive indications for therapeutic monitor- • opioid screening may be a useful adjunct to
ing of the analgesics are as yet not well defined, the need monitoring those patients enrolled in programs
for drug concentration determination becomes critical in or undergoing workplace drugs-of-abuse testing
situations where overdose, abuse, or toxicity is suspected. 2. To aid in the identification of an unknown drug
Additionally, screening may be used in situations when ingested in unknown quantities, drug identification
compliance or abuse of these drugs is questioned. On the and/or quantitation may be performed as an adjunct for
basis of the proposed rationale for therapeutic and toxi- patient management, in consultation with the clinical
cologic drug monitoring and a review of the recently staff.
published clinical pharmacology literature, analgesics 3. To monitor selected patient groups at greater risk
monitoring may be appropriate for the following pro- for analgesic drug toxicity or drug-drug interaction, i.e.,
posed criteria: geriatric or alcoholic patients.
1. To confirm or identify suspected drug toxicity in 4. To confirm complete drug absorption and adequate
chronic use, therapeutic misadventure, or accidental or drug elimination as an adjunct in drug overdose manage-
intentional acute overdose. Recommendations within this ment.
category may vary from drug to drug and are proposed as
follows by agent: Preanalytical Issues
A. Acetaminophen concentrations are recommended in To ensure sample stability and valid interpretation, atten-
the following situations: tion should be given to criteria for acceptable specimens
• suspected dose-related drug toxicity (i.e., serum, plasma, or others), free drug concentration,
• acute overdose the anticoagulant used, collection device or tubes, and
• chronic abuse timing, including circadian rhythms.
• suspected patient noncompliance Because the majority of analgesics-monitoring is for
• change in liver or renal function toxicity, serum or plasma would be acceptable specimens.
• screening for acetaminophen as a co-ingestant However, for salicylates, use only red-topped, heparin, or
(advised in all patients with intentional drug over EDTA tubes (14). Table 1 shows sampling considerations
dose) and selected pharmacokinetic parameters, modified from
B. Salicylate concentrations are recommended in the the published data of Wilson (15) and Cannon et al. (16).
following situations: Therapeutic monitoring of analgesics requires steady-
• suspected dose-related drug toxicity state trough samples. Samples and timing requirements in
• acute overdose the overdose setting are dependent on the analgesic and
• chronic abuse time of ingestion. Generally, serum and/or urine are the
• suspected noncompliance samples of choice. Because of the clinical status of the
• change in renal function, mental status, acid-base overdosed patient, serum samples might precede urine
status, or pulmonary status in patients using samples. For urine collection, a noninvasive procedure is
salicylates chronically more “popular” for workplace or drug rehabilitation
• after the addition of a second drug that alters screening. Because the majority of the analgesics are
salicylate pharmacokinetics excreted as urinary metabolites (see Table 1), urinary
Table 1. Sampling considerations and selected pharmacokinetic parameters for analgesics monitoring.a
Excreted Therapeutic
Analgesics Chirality Sample Half-life in urine Time to peak Therapeutic dose concentrations Time of sampling
Salicylate NAb Serum, plasma 3–20 h (; dose) 5% (SA) 1–2 hc 0.5–1 gd 20–100 mg/Ld,e After acute OD: on
(Acetylsalicylic acid) (heparin or EDTA), (saturation 5–6 gf 100–250 mg/Lf presentation, then every 2

White and Wong: Analgesic drug monitoring

urine, saliva, kinetics) (10–30 h until peak, and every 4–6
synovial fluids min, ASA) h thereafter

Diflunisal NA Serum or plasma 5–12 h ,10% 2–3 h 250–500 mg 50–200 mg/L NA

Acetaminophen NA Serum/plasma 1–3 h ,5% 0.5–1.0 h 0.5–1 g 10–20 mg/L 4 h after a single acute
(EDTA),g .4 h for ODh ingestion; 4–8 h following
urine, CSF 3.2 h 4h .Plasma ER OD; 2 levels needed, if
co-ingested, to assure
complete absorption
(S)-(1)-Ibuprofen Eutomer Serum, plasma, 1–3 h ,10% 1–2 h 200–800 mg 15–30 mg/L NA
(R)-(2)-Ibuprofen Distomer urine
(S)-(1)-Naproxen Eutomer Serum, plasma, 9–22 h 10% 1–4 h 275–1500 mg 50–100 mg/L NA
(1/2)-Tramadol ? Serum, plasma, 6.3 h 30% 2–3 h 50–400 mg NE (300 mg/L, Cmax NA
urine for 100-mg dose)
(1/2)-M1-tramadol ? 7.4 h ,60% NE (55mg/L, Cmax
metabolitei for 100-mg dose)
Modified from Wilson (15 ) and Cannon et al. (16 ).
NA, not applicable; SA, salicylic acid; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; OD, overdose; and NE, not established.
Later in overdose, especially if drug concentrations occur.
Connected with cyclosporine.
Longer for Tylenol ER™ (extended release).
Clinical Chemistry 44, No. 5, 1998 1113

screening may be more practical in some settings. Al- Salivary acetaminophen concentrations show linear phar-
though there are no active metabolites for acetaminophen, macokinetics for doses of 18 mg/kg of body weight (21).
salicylic acid, or ibuprofen (17), meperidine and propoxy- Acetaminophen serum and saliva concentrations were
phene are hepatically metabolized to the toxic substances significantly correlated, but the agreement of limits and
normeperidine and norpropoxyphene/dinorpropoxy- mean values were poor (22). For children with juvenile
phene, respectively. chronic arthritis or chronic liver disease, saliva provides
Timing of the samples should be, if the time of inges- meaningful pharmacokinetic data for acetaminophen (23).
tion is known, postabsorptive after the peak concentration For routine TDM and toxicology, CSF is seldom appro-
for acetaminophen. Refer to the Rumack nomogram (18). priate for analgesic monitoring. However, a recent study
Because toxic ingestion of acetaminophen could produce shows that analgesia may be correlated with CSF acet-
delays in peak concentrations of up to 4 h, sampling aminophen concentrations (24). Propacetamol, a prodrug
should be performed 4 h postingestion if the ingestion hydrolyzed to acetaminophen with t½ of 7 min, was
time is known. If the ingestion time is unknown, collect
administered intravenously to 43 patients with nerve-root
the sample and perform the assay as soon as possible.
compression pain. CSF drug concentrations peaked at 4 h
Serial monitoring may be necessary to ensure that either
compared ;2 h for plasma. Thereafter, CSF drug concen-
the initial or the subsequent samples would have been
trations were higher than the plasma concentrations. The
collected at the postabsorptive phase (19). Although tim-
ing of salicylate concentrations after overdose was previ- estimated t½ for plasma and CSF were 2.4 and 3.2 h,
ously recommended in the postabsorptive phase or ;6 h respectively.
postingestion, concentrations drawn on presentation and Generally, circadian rhythm is not an issue for moni-
then every 2– 4 h allow for a more proactive approach toring analgesics. However, a recent study showed that
toward treatment. after a single AM 1.5-g dose of acetaminophen, the urine
The use of gel tubes for analgesics monitoring has not contained twice the amount of acetaminophen glucu-
been systematically substantiated, and recently a major ronide than that collected after a single PM dose (25, 26).
manufacturer advised against its use for drug monitoring This temporal variation may be caused by a decreased
in general. Furthermore, the use of gel tubes is contrain- absorption rate of acetaminophen. Circadian rhythms
dicated for basic drugs such as tricyclic antidepressants. may have clinical implications in the use of aspirin and
Because tramadol is a basic drug with a tertiary amine other NSAIDs. Diurnal variations of (S)-(1)-naproxen
group similar to those of tricyclic antidepressants, it after oral administration of a PM dose of 500 mg of
would be advisable for the laboratory to establish the (S)-(1)-naproxen to 12 healthy males showed delayed
clinical efficacy of gel tubes for tramadol monitoring. A peak serum concentrations compared with the same AM
recent in vitro study showed that ibuprofen piconol dose (27). This may necessitate dosage adjustment for
hydrolysis to ibuprofen is highly dependent on tube arthritic patients. Ingestion of aspirin at different times of
anticoagulants, with hydrolysis half-lives ranging from the day led to significantly different peak salicylate con-
2.5 h without anticoagulant, 8 h with citrate, and 15.5 h centrations and half-lives in healthy volunteers (28). Cir-
with heparin, to 162 h with EDTA (20). This might imply cadian variations in peak plasma concentrations of indo-
that for a “hypothetical” patient medicated with (RS)-(1/ methacin (29) and ketoprofen (30) have been noted and
2)-ibuprofen piconol, with blood collection using EDTA may impact the tolerance to and analgesic effectiveness of
shortly thereafter, the pro-drug (RS)-(1/2)-ibuprofen indomethacin (31).
piconol might still be detectable. This would require its
When used as an adjunct in management of the acutely
differentiation from ibuprofen. It would be advisable for
poisoned patient, the reliability of a single analgesic
the laboratory to establish the clinical efficacy of various
measurement is poor. Utilization of a single drug concen-
tube anticoagulants. Most of the analgesics are adminis-
tration is especially problematic in overdoses involving
tered orally. If an analgesic is administered intravenously,
sustained-release or enteric-coated products. Serial mon-
venipuncture should be performed using the median
cubital vein from the opposite arm. itoring is suggested to ascertain adequate drug elimina-
Collected specimens such as serum/plasma and urine, tion and to rule out ongoing drug absorption. Formerly,
when refrigerated, have been shown to be suitable for half-life calculations in acute acetaminophen overdose
analysis for a length of time ranging from several hours to settings were felt to be predictive of toxicity and were
the usual storage time of up to 2 weeks. There are no used when the exact time of ingestion was unknown (1).
systematic studies, such as those published for immuno- More recent data suggests, however, that a prolonged
suppressants, on the effects of long-term storage at room acetaminophen half-life does not reliably correlate with
temperature on analgesic concentrations. hepatic or renal toxicity (32). The utility of a single drug
Apart from serum/plasma and urine, other samples, concentration in patients therapeutically taking acetamin-
including saliva, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid ophen or salicylates is such that the physician could
(CSF) have been used for monitoring acetaminophen, and consider changing dosing on the basis of a single (in-
saliva and synovial fluid for monitoring some NSAIDs. creased) concentration.
1114 White and Wong: Analgesic drug monitoring

Table 2. Proposed assay criteria for analgesics monitoring.

Analgesics Method Samplesa Qualitative Quantitative TATb Sensitivity Precision, CV
Salicylate Trinders S/P/U X ,1h
(Acetylsalicylic acid) Colorimetric S/P/U X ,1h 28 mg/L
Immunoassays S/P/U X ,1h 50 mg/L 5–10%
HPLC, GC All X 1–4h
Diflunisal Trinders S/P/U X ,1h
TLCc S/P/U X ,1h
HPLC, GC All X 1–2h 50 mg/L 5–10%
Acetaminophen TLC U X ,1h
HPLC All X 1h 10 mg/L 5–10%
FPIA All X ,1h 10 mg/L 5–10%
(RS)-(1/2)-Ibuprofen HPLC, GC All X 1–2h 15 mg/L 5–10%
Chiral HPLC All X
(S)-(1)-Naproxen TLC U X ,1h
HPLC, GC All X 1–2h 50 mg/L 5–10%
Chiral HPLC All X
(1/2)-Tramadol TLC U X ,1h
HPLC, GC All X 1–2h 25 mg/Ld 20%d
HPLC U X ,1h
GC–MS All X X 1–2h
CSF, saliva, serum (S), plasma (P), and urine (U).
Turnaround time.
TLC, thin-layer chromatography; and FPIA, fluorescence polarization immunoassay.
Suggested– based on tricyclic antidepressant HPLC assays.

Analytical Issues sample preparation either by protein precipitation or by

Analgesic and metabolite monitoring/screening may be extraction. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-
achieved by simple color spot tests, colorimetric tests, MS) may be readily used for screening and quantification
enzymatic methods, immunoassays, thin layer chroma- of newer analgesics such as tramadol and metabolites.
tography, gas chromatography (GC), HPLC, and auto- Chromatographic assays for acetaminophen and salicy-
mated HPLC such as REMEDi. Table 2 shows the charac- late are well established, but they are seldom used except
teristics of these assays. The clinical efficacies should be for reference purposes. However, for the other analgesics,
verified by subscribing to survey programs. chromatographic assays offer clinically efficacious screen-
The currently used colorimetric assays and immunoas- ing and/or quantitation. With the advent of novel column
says for acetaminophen and salicylate have provided technology, such as the restricted access media and chiral
satisfactory performance according to the survey results stationary phases; automated HPLC such as REMEDi,
of the College of American Pathologists. Diflunisal, be- ASPEC/ASTED, Prep-Station™, and others; automation
cause of its structural similarity to salicylate, cross-reacts such as Prep-Station for GC and GC-MS; and the avail-
in colorimetric assays and immunoassays (33). Percent- ability of chemometrics for controlling instrumentation
ages for the automated clinical analyzer colorimetric and and data processing, both achiral and chiral analgesic
the fluorescence polarization immunoassay are 61% and analyses may be readily performed (35, 36). These would
230%, respectively. Other colorimetric tests would prob- enhance the monitoring of newly introduced analgesics.
ably show similar interferences. Thus, in a recent study of For example, an HPLC assay for ibuprofen and its major
two patients co-medicated with diflunisal and aspirin for metabolites in urine involved acidification and hexane-
rheumatoid arthritis, erroneous toxic concentrations were propanol extraction, followed by back-extraction by so-
caused by diflunisal interference in the nonspecific salic- dium bicarbonate and neutralization (37). Analysis was
ylate assays (34). The authors suggested that these assays performed by an initial isocratic mode, followed by an
should not be used and that HPLC should be used to abrupt gradient. The detection limit for ibuprofen was
differentiate salicylate toxicity. Diflunisal interference ;2.5 mg/L in 100 mL of urine. Using GC-MS, the hy-
with salicylate may be detected and can be avoided droxy- and carboxy-metabolites of ibuprofen, as well as
ideally by drug information included in the test order the parent drug, may be detected for up to several days
form, and/or by checking the patient’s medication after a single 400-mg oral dose (38). (S)-(1)-naproxen,
records. (S)-(1)-6-O-desmethylnaproxen, and five conjugates were
Generally, HPLC and GC offer quantitation of parent determined using HPLC with a silica column and cetyl-
drugs and metabolites. The procedures usually require trimethylammonium ions in the mobile phase (39). Re-
Clinical Chemistry 44, No. 5, 1998 1115

cently, direct sample analysis using novel column tech- Practice Issues
nologies such as restricted access media have obviated the drug interactions
need for sample preparation (36). Ibuprofen and (S)-(1)- Both the laboratory scientist and the clinician should be
naproxen in plasma were analyzed by direct injection into aware of numerous drug interactions with the analgesics.
a restricted access medium–a column bonded with a1- Refer to Table 3 for CYP P450 metabolism of analgesics.
acid glycoprotein–which is a biocompatible external sur-
Acetaminophen. Although chronic ethanol abuse increases
face with the internal surface of the pores bonded with C8
hepatotoxicity in those who ingest acetaminophen, (48 –
or C18 for hydrophobic interactions (40). System pressure
did not increase even after several hundred plasma sam- 52) acute ethanol co-ingestion is hepatoprotective (53–56).
ples were analyzed. Linear calibration was established. Diflunisal increases acetaminophen concentrations (57).
Icteric samples, with increased bilirubin concentrations Acetaminophen increases the hypoprothrombinemic ef-
of 50 –200 mg/L (5–20 mg/dL) showed a decrease of fect of anticoagulants (58), and concomitant administra-
10 –50 mg/L of salicylate in some colorimetric assays. In tion of isoniazid has produced hepatotoxicity (59 – 61).
this setting, other useful specimens such as saliva and Chronic use of anticonvulsants (phenytoin, carbamaz-
synovial fluids for arthritic patients may be tested. These epine, or phenobarbital) may predispose patients to hep-
concentrations may correlate with the plasma free drug atotoxicity, given the ability of these drugs to induce P450
concentrations, thus serving as a useful guide to correlate 2E1. In a study using saliva, halothane decreased the t ⁄ of

with responses. acetaminophen from 2.1 to 0.96 h and increased the

Free drugs are monitored using ultrafiltration or equi- clearance rate from 8.7 to 17 mL z min z kg (62). Thus,
librium dialysis of serum. CSF and synovial fluid have halothane may enhance the hepatic metabolism of acet-
been used in some research studies. For the analysis of aminophen. Metyrapone increases the t ⁄ of acetamino-

free drugs in synovial fluid or saliva, various methodol- phen, prevents glucuronidation of acetaminophen, and
ogies have been published in the literature. When equi- may increase oxidation to the toxic metabolite N-acetyl-
librium dialysis was used, protein binding of free (S)-(1)- p-benzoquinonimine (NAPQI) (63). Inhibitors of CYP
naproxen in plasma was independent of pH (41, 42). P450-mediated oxidation, such as cimetidine, have not
When equilibrium dialysis was used in combination with been effective antidotes after acetaminophen overdoses in
HPLC, the coefficient of variation of this method was humans.
7.4%. (S)-(1)-naproxen, ibuprofen, and diclofenac in
plasma and synovial fluids were determined by HPLC for Salicylates. The following section is modified from Drom-
osteo-rheumatoid arthritis patients (43). Salicylic acid in goole and Furst (64). Antacids decrease the absorption of
saliva was determined by solid-phase extraction, followed and enhance renal clearance of salicylates. Acetamino-
by HPLC–fluorescence detection (44). For children with phen, metoprolol, and caffeine increase salicylate concen-
juvenile chronic arthritis, a noninvasive method of mon- trations. Salicylates decrease acetazolamide secretion;
itoring saliva salicylic acid was achieved by HPLC (45). potentiate the hypoprothrombinemic effects of anticoagu-
Chiral analysis for (S)-(1)-naproxen and (S)-(1)-6-O-des- lants; increase plasma concentrations of cyclic antidepres-
methylnaproxen in biological fluids was achieved using sants; enhance the hypoglycemic effect of chlorpropam-
an a1-acid glycoprotein column (46). More recently, a ide/tolbutamide; decrease the antihypertensive effect of
molecularly imprinted polymeric HPLC column was used angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and B-adrener-
for the chiral analysis of (RS)-(1/2)-naproxen (47). gic blockers; increase or prolong methotrexate concentra-
tions and half-life, leading to methotrexate toxicity; and
may increase the area under the curve of numerous other
Table 3. Analgesic medications metabolized by NSAIDs. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors increase the pen-
cytochrome P450. etration of salicylates into the central nervous system
Medication class Family Medication class Family
(CNS); corticosteroids increase the renal clearance of
Acetaminophen 1A2, 2E1
salicylates; and indomethacin causes blockade of the
NSAIDs Opioids irreversible acetylation of platelets by aspirin. (S)-(1)-
Diclofenac 2C9 (probe) Codeine 2D6 naproxen, instead of high doses of aspirin, is suggested
Ibuprofen 2C9 Methadone 3A4, 2D6 for patients treated with valproic acid. Patients taking
Mefenamic 2C9 Fentanyl 3A4 high-dose aspirin therapy should be carefully monitored
acid when corticosteroids are coadministered.
Naproxen 2C9, 1A2 Tramadol 2D6
Piroxicam 2C9 Hydrocodone 2D6 Ibuprofen and naproxen. Concomitant use of these NSAIDs
Lornoxicam 2C9 Oxycodone 2D6 with tacrolimus or triamterene may increase the risk of
Aceclofenac 2C9 Sufentanyl 3A4 acute renal tubular necrosis (65, 66), produce a loss of
Flurbiprofen 2C9 Dihydrocodeine 2D6 blood pressure control from antihypertensive agents (67)
Enoxicam 2C9 Alfentanil 3A4
through decreased diuresis and natriuresis, increase
Pirprofen 2C9
digoxin and lithium concentrations (68, 69), increase peri-
1116 White and Wong: Analgesic drug monitoring

operative bleeding (70), and enhance methotrexate-medi- ibuprofen concentrations would potentially allow more
ated myelosuppression and gastrointestinal toxicity (71). rapid triage of the patient who has overdosed into a
Co-medication of NSAIDs with anticoagulants should be “low-risk for toxicity” category and hence allow for
avoided. Probenecid may induce naproxen toxicity by possible earlier discharge after acute overdose, but such
interfering with its elimination (72). Monitoring of the concentrations are generally not available and have not
patient’s clinical response and for drug toxicity would been widely used or tested (88). Meperidine/normeperi-
also be recommended when NSAIDs are used in combi- dine concentrations would ideally be available on a stat
nation with phenytoin, oral hypoglycemic agents, or basis, because hemodialysis could be considered in pa-
aminoglycosides. For treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, tients with impaired renal function and signs of severe
cyclosporine A and a NSAID such as (S)-(1)-naproxen neurotoxicity from this agent.
together would produce greater renal impairment than
the individual agents, possibly due in part to renal frequency
vasoconstriction (73). Monitoring of plasma NSAIDs and Very little data exist on which to base recommendations
whole blood cyclosporine A, along with other renal for frequency of monitoring of acetaminophen or salicy-
function testing, such as the glomerular filtration rate, late concentrations during therapeutic use. Routine mon-
effective renal plasma flow, and serum creatinine, may be itoring has been used for patients requiring high-dose
useful. Cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine decrease salicylate or diflunisal therapy for rhematologic diseases.
both t½ b and a of (S)-(1)-naproxen (74 –77). Cimetidine In fact, nomograms, albeit rarely used, have been devel-
decreased (S)-(1)-naproxen t½ by 39 – 60% (74). Thus, oped for therapeutic salicylate monitoring (89). Recent
NSAIDs and antacids or cholestyramine should be given trends in lower dosing of salicylates, based on the obser-
at different times. vation that an average aspirin dose of only 2.665 g/day
has an excellent safety profile, and is cost-effective (90)
Propoxyphene. Concomitant use of propoxyphene with may obviate the need for routine monitoring of this agent.
other CNS depressants or cardiovascular agents may High-dose therapy may be replaced by new therapeutic
produce enhanced CNS or respiratory depression or car- dosing schedules based on symptomatic and disease-
diac arrhythmias. Ethanol coadministration, for example, modifying antirheumatic drug therapy, rather than the
is a major cause of drug-related death (78, 79). Significant previously established “antiinflammatory” doses. If
increases in carbamazepine concentrations have been changes are made to the regimen of patients on chronic
noted and have produced moderate-to-severe neurotox- salicylate therapy, it should be noted that a new steady-
icity (80 – 83). The use of warfarin with propoxyphene/ state is reached more than 1 week after the dosing change.
acetaminophen combinations may enhance its hypopro- Other useful monitoring parameters in the treatment of
thrombinemic effect (84, 85). Toxic metabolite accumulation rheumatoid arthritis include the number of tender or
(norpropoxyphene) may occur when nephrotoxic drugs are swollen joints, visual analog scales, acute-phase reactants
coadministered. (erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein),
duration of early morning stiffness, activity of daily
Meperidine. The coadministration of other centrally acting living, and pain during movement and at rest (91).
drugs, such as tricyclic antidepressants or phenothiazines, Concentrations of other NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or
may cause exaggerated sedation or respiratory depres- naproxen, are not monitored during routine therapy.
sion. Drugs that produce increased serotonin neurotrans- Instead, clinical parameters in the patient with arthritis
mission, such as serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, monamine may be monitored, as noted above for salicylates (92).
oxidase inhibitors, or tramadol, if administered concur- The frequency with which analgesic drug concentra-
rently, may produce a life-threatening “serotonin syn- tions should be monitored in hospitalized or emergency
drome,” composed of altered cognition, neuromuscular department patients is delineated in the following discus-
activity, and autonomic function (86). Cimetidine may sion. After acute acetaminophen overdose, one stat con-
decrease the clearance of meperidine by up to 22% (87). centration is to be obtained at 4 h after ingestion, if the
exact time of ingestion in known. This allows for hepato-
turnaround time toxicity risk categorization via a Rumack nomogram plot
Another critical area facing the laboratory scientist is (18). This initial concentration is followed by one addi-
turnaround time. Stat turnaround (#1 h) is required for tional concentration every 2 h until a peak occurs if
acetaminophen concentration reporting. Non-stat concen- co-ingestants that would impair absorption or decrease
trations are not appropriate, given the urgent need for gut motility are present (i.e., opioids or anticholinergic
antidote (N-acetylcysteine) administration in settings of medications). Very little data is available with regard to
both acute and chronic toxicity. With regard to salicylate the laboratory diagnosis and management of sustained-
concentrations, 1-h (stat) concentration reporting is rec- release acetaminophen (Tylenol ER) overdose. Currently,
ommended, given the potential urgency to begin treat- the manufacturer recommends that concentrations be
ment (alkalinization of the blood and urine or hemodial- obtained at both 4 and 8 h after an acute ingestion (93).
ysis) in scenarios of both acute and chronic toxicity. Stat Both concentrations are plotted on the Rumack nomo-
Clinical Chemistry 44, No. 5, 1998 1117

gram (18). If either concentration falls above the lower hemogram and renal function tests (regardless of the dose
line, antidote therapy is warranted. Obtaining one addi- ingested). Although some some studies suggest that
tional concentration at the completion of antidote therapy NSAIDs have a good safety profile (99), ancillary moni-
to assure concentrations are nondetectable before stop- toring at the initiation of ongoing therapy with ibuprofen
ping N-acetylcysteine administration may be considered, or naproxen in healthy patients could be considered and
given the unknown but theoretical ability of this formu- includes an initial hemogram and fecal occult blood test
lation to form bezoars or concretions. within 3 months of starting the NSAID, then every 6 –12
The frequency of monitoring salicylate concentrations month thereafter. Patients at high risk for gastrointestinal
in hospitalized patients is as follows: a concentration bleeding should have the above performed within 1
should be obtained initially and then every 2 h after an month and every 3– 6 months thereafter. Healthy patients
acute overdose until a peak occurs, then every 4 – 6 h should have an initial sodium, potassium, blood urea
thereafter until concentrations are ,200 mg/L (assuming nitrogen, creatinine, and urinalysis within 3 months of
unaffected acid-base and mental status). initiating NSAID treatment, then every 6 –12 months. For
Monitoring ibuprofen or naproxen concentrations after patients at high risk for nephrotoxicity, the same tests are
an overdose is generally not indicated. A nomogram recommended, but they should be repeated within 1–3
purported to predict toxicity from ibuprofen has been weeks of the initiation of therapy and then every 3– 6
developed (88), but because concentrations are not readily months thereafter. In healthy patients, an initial alanine
available, this nomogram has not gained widespread aminotransferase analysis within 3 months of starting
popularity. No data with regard to naproxen concentra- therapy is recommended and then every 6 –12 months
tions in overdose exist. thereafter. Patients at high risk for hepatotoxicity should
have alanine aminotransferase analysis within 1 month of
ancillary clinical and laboratory monitoring therapy initiation and then every 3– 6 months thereafter
Ancillary clinical and laboratory monitoring is essential (100).
after acute overdose or suspected chronic toxicity from For patients acutely or chronically abusing propoxy-
analgesic drugs. After acute or chronic acetaminophen phene, both acetaminophen and salicylate concentrations
overexposure, transaminases, creatinine, coagulation should also be performed, because many formulations
studies, bilirubin, and acid-base status are monitored include these drugs. (See Salicylates and Acetaminophen
closely. The mental status is monitored for onset of above.) The patient on repeated doses of meperidine,
encephalopathy, which heralds a poor prognosis. Other particularly if orally administered, must be monitored
signs of irreversible hepatotoxicity include a bilirubin closely for the onset of tremors, myoclonic jerking, or
concentration .40 mg/L (4 mg/dL), a creatinine concen- seizures indicative of normeperidine accumulation. Such
tration .33 mg/L (3.3 mg/dL), arterial pH ,7.3, in- accumulation occurs in the presence of renal dysfunction
creased factor VIII to V concentrations, or a prothrombin or in the settings of other medical conditions, such as
time .1.8 3 baseline (94 –96). With chronic therapeutic malignancy or sickle cell anemia (101).
use, renal function and liver function testing may be
necessary on a periodic but as yet undefined basis.
Reporting Issues
After an overdose or chronic overuse of salicylates,
The clinician may find additional information necessary
liver function, renal function, acid-base status, coagula-
for proper interpretation of drug concentrations. Refer to
tion function, calcium, glucose, and electrolytes are mon-
Tables 1 and 4 for selected pharmacokinetic and toxicoki-
itored closely. Mental status and pulmonary status are
netic parameters, modified from published data by Wil-
also monitored, because aberrations would probably war-
son (15), and Cannon et al. (16). Before the interpretation
rant hemodialysis. With chronic use, the onset of tinnitus
or hearing loss is an unreliable marker of toxicity (97).
Symptoms of salicylism, which occur during chronic use Table 4. Selected toxicokinetic parameters for analgesics
(headache, confusion, tinnitus or hearing loss, nausea, monitoring.a
vomiting, hyperpnea, or fever) warrant immediate Analgesics Toxic dose Toxic concentration

plasma concentration, electrolyte, arterial blood gas, and Salicylate 140 mg/kg .300 mg/Lb
(acetylsalicylic acid) (acute ingestion)
renal function determinations. Otherwise, guidelines for
Diflunisal 7.5 gm (adults) 800–1000 mg/L
the frequency of plasma concentration monitoring during
Acetaminophen 140 mg/kg 150 mg/Lc
chronic therapy have not been clearly established. Com- (acute ingestion)
pliance with antiplatelet therapy may also be monitored (RS)-(1/2)-Ibuprofen .3 g or 100 mg/kg 200–500 mg/L
with periodic platelet aggregation studies (98). (S)-(1)-Naproxen Variable 200–400 mg/L
After acute ingestion of .3 g of ibuprofen, renal a
Modified from Wilson (15 ) and Cannon et al. (16 )
function should be checked at baseline and repeated b
Toxic salicylate concentrations are dependent on chronicity of use, volume
within 1–2 weeks (88). For any symptomatic patient who status, arterial pH, time since ingestion, and formulation ingested.
has acutely overdosed on ibuprofen, arterial blood gas Toxic acetaminophen concentrations are dependent on time since ingestion
[acute overdose (OD); see Rumack Nomogram] and chronicity of use.
analysis should be considered, along with a baseline
1118 White and Wong: Analgesic drug monitoring

of an isolated acetaminophen concentration, the following given the limited data availability in this area and the
questions should be answered: (a) What time period has wide variation in tolerance to such medications. In gen-
elapsed since the acute ingestion? (b) Are there co-inges- eral, patients ingesting high doses of propoxyphene dem-
tants that may alter gut motility, absorption, and the time onstrated toxic effects at serum concentrations .1 mg/L
to peak concentration? (c) Is the ingestion acute, chronic, (or 3 mmol/L) (103). Meperidine toxicity is reported with
or acute-on-chronic? (d) Is there a history of alcohol abuse, serum concentrations in the range of 10 –30 mg/L.
liver disease, malnutrition, or the use of medications that Normeperidine CNS toxicity is reported with serum con-
induce CYP1A2 or 2E1? Similarly, addressing the follow- centrations in the range of 450 – 800 mg/L (104).
ing questions will allow more meaningful interpretation If the sample was collected before peak concentration,
of salicylate concentrations: (a) How much time has as shown by Table 1 or the nomograms, request another
elapsed since the acute ingestion? (b) What formulation of sample collection at the postabsorptive phase. Perform
salicylate was ingested, i.e., methyl salicylate, enteric serial monitoring to ascertain adequate drug elimination.
coated, or effervescent? (c) Is the scenario one of acute Subtherapeutic values should be considered as a po-
overdose or chronic use or abuse? (d) What is the volume tential indication of patient noncompliance. Subtherapeu-
status and acid-base status of the patient? (e) Is the tic values may also be the result of inappropriate early
presence of co-ingestants, which may alter gut motility, sample collection, drug interaction from induction by
suspected? (f) Is there substantial CNS, pulmonary, or another drug metabolized by similar enzymes, and for
renal dysfunction? When faced with the interpretation of salicylate, icteric samples.
opioid concentrations, the time since ingestion, chronicity Interpretive comments by the laboratory may be of use
of use, renal status of the patient, and tolerance to the to clinicians. For example, it should be indicated that
medication should be considered. Additionally, synthetic “normal” ranges do not apply in acetaminophen overdose
opioids such as fentanyl, hydrocodone, or hydromor- or chronic overuse settings. Similarly, toxicity from salicy-
phone may not be reliably detected with common assays. lates may be present at reference values or below refer-
When critical (high) values for acetaminophen, salicy- ence values with chronic use situations or in patients with
lates, meperidine, propoxyphene, or norpropoxyphene altered volume or acid-base status. A reminder to the
are obtained by the laboratory in hospitalized patients or clinician interpreting opioid concentrations could point
outpatients, the results should be called immediately to out that tolerance develops with chronic use. Finally, in
the treating physician. Results that indicate drug concen- the overdose or chronic overuse setting, a laboratory
trations below the therapeutic range do not require spe- comment might point out that poor reliability is given to
cial notification but may suggest noncompliance. Critical a single acetaminophen or salicylate concentration.
concentrations for acetaminophen are dependent on the The length of time that medical information from a
time because ingestion, (see the Rumack nomogram) (18) collected specimen remains relevant varies among anal-
and are dependent on the factors discussed above. Critical gesics. Toxicity from acetaminophen would be expected
concentrations for salicylates are dependent on the chro- to peak within 72 h of acute ingestion, and information
nicity of use. After acute salicylate overdose, volume beyond that time frame would rarely be useful. It should
status, arterial blood pH, time after ingestion, formulation be noted that stat, i.e., ,1 h, turnaround times for acet-
ingested, estimated completeness of absorption, and po- aminophen are essential because the antidote, N-acetyl-
tential effects of co-ingestants on gut motility are taken cysteine, is universally effective if administered within 8 h
into consideration. These factors markedly limit the utility of acute ingestion. With regard to ibuprofen overdose, all
of the Done Nomogram (102), which has been purported patients who become acutely ill do so within 4 h of
to predict toxicity after a single acute ingestion of salicy- ingestion, and estimation as to whether substantial toxic-
lates in patients with unaffected renal function, volume, ity is likely to occur will be made within that time frame.
acid-base status, and without co-ingestants. This tool has Because ibuprofen concentrations are rarely available on a
more recently been reported to have poor predictive value stat basis, however, this markedly limits their clinical
(19). Furthermore, the Done Nomogram should not be utility in the overdose setting.
used to estimate toxicity associated with chronic overuse
or for patients who have ingested liquid or enteric-coated
forms of salicylate. Critical concentrations for ibuprofen Other Issues Relating to Special Populations, Free Drug
are dependent on time after ingestion, and the Hall Concentrations, and Dosing
Nomogram (88) has been developed to predict toxicity in considerations in pediatrics and pregnancy
the overdose setting. This nomogram is of limited utility, Acetaminophen crosses the placenta, placing the fetus at
however, because ibuprofen concentrations are generally risk for hepatotoxicity after maternal overdose. Therefore,
not available within the relevant initial 4-h period after cord-blood concentrations may be indicated, if the child is
ingestion. Data regarding critical concentrations with out- delivered, to determine the need for antidote therapy.
patient therapeutic use of ibuprofen or naproxen are not Acetaminophen metabolism and elimination are un-
available. Critical concentrations for opioids such as changed in pregnancy (105). No age-related differences
propoxyphene and normeperidine are not well defined, are reported in adults vs children with regard to interpre-
Clinical Chemistry 44, No. 5, 1998 1119

tation of concentrations. The free fraction of salicylate cological activity of one enantiomer of a drug, such as
increases to 12% during pregnancy (106). Finally, salicy- (S)-(1)-ibuprofen, as shown in Table 1 (15, 16). This may
lates may displace bilirubin from plasma proteins in indicate the need to reexamine the correlation of plasma
neonates, producing kernicterus (107). concentrations and response and suggests that there may
be merit in monitoring the pharmacologically active en-
considerations in alcoholics antiomers. For analgesics administered as racemates or as
Alcoholics ingesting “upper” therapeutic doses (2.5– 4 g) single enantiomers, the chiral (specific)/pharmacologi-
of acetaminophen may sustain hepatic necrosis. This may cally active enantiomers– eutomers–may exhibit “unique”
occur, in part, because of the induction of hepatic P450 pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties (118 –
CYP2E1 by ethanol, thus increasing the formation of the 125). Furthermore, in vivo epimerization would change
toxic metabolite NAPQI. Glutathione stores in the liver the concentration of the pharmacologically active enanti-
and other susceptible tissues may be diminished in alco- omer. Of the five commercially available R-aryl propi-
holic patients, rendering them more susceptible to the onic-class NSAIDs, rac-ibuprofen and rac-fenoprofen un-
oxidant effect of NAPQI (108). dergo substantial epimerization in humans (126).
Furthermore, a recent animal study showed (R)-(2)-
dosing issues naproxen in vivo epimerization to (S)-(1)-naproxen (46).
Although dosing for acetaminophen and salicylates (16) For 46 patients with nerve-root compression pain, 800 mg
should be based on ideal body weight, dosing for ibupro- of rac-ibuprofen was administered, and chiral analysis
fen should be based on actual or total body weight (109). showed that plasma enantiomers peaked at ;5 h, earlier
In geriatric patients, the free fraction of diflunisal, (S)-(1)- than those of CSF at 3 h (127). After 90 min, the enantio-
naproxen, and salicylate may increase by .50% (110). meric CSF concentrations were higher than those of
Age, gender, and obesity impact salicylate pharmacoki- plasma. The elimination t½ values for plasma (R)-(2)- and
netics, such that clearance of the free fraction of salicylate (S)-(1)-ibuprofen were 1.7 and 2.5 h and were 3.9 and
is lowered in elderly females; accumulation occurs, and 7.9 h for CSF, respectively. A recent study showed that
lower dosages are necessary (111). In a limited study of (R)-(2)-naproxen is not a stereoselective substrate of
geriatric patients treated with 500 mg of naproxen twice human orthologous UDP-glycuronosyltransferase (128).
daily, higher mean predose concentrations, areas under For 237 patients with osteoarthritis treated with (S)-
the curve, and reduced clearance were noted (112). Al- (1)-naproxen, the free concentrations were not correlated
though protein binding (99.8%), is about the same as for to clinical efficacy and adverse effects (41, 42). Female free
the younger group, the free concentration was signifi- concentrations were higher than those of male. Also for
cantly higher. In the absence of excessive side effects, a females, the unbound fraction was higher in older fe-
lower starting dose was recommended. males. Furthermore, the (S)-enantiomers of NSAIDs may
account for the most of the antiinflammatory effect, and
free drug concentrations the binding of the (S)-enantiomer with proteins such as
Because salicylate dose is increased or as concentrations albumin may also differ from that of the other enanti-
rise above 400 mg/L (400 mg/mL), disproportionate in- omer. Thus, the antiinflammatory effect of NSAIDs may
creases in the concentration of unbound drug are seen, correlate better with the free fraction of the (S)-enantiomer
and the bound fraction decreases to 76% (113–115). Al- in synovial fluid–the site of action (129).
though it has been suggested that free salicylate concen-
trations may correlate better with therapeutic effect, (116) new analgesic
the therapeutic range of unbound salicylate has not been Tramadol is an atypical, binary analgesic possessing both
established. Calculations may be used to correct total opioid and nonopioid characteristics (130). It binds to the
concentrations of the highly protein-bound salicylates in mu receptors for opioids and blocks norepinephrine and
patients who are known to be hypoalbuminemic (117). serotonin re-uptake. Tramadol is metabolized in the liver
The following formula has been used: by CYP2D6 to a major metabolite, mono-O-desmethyl
Cptrue 5 Cp1/[(1- a)(p1/pn) 1 a] metabolite (M1), and other N-demethylated metabolites
where: and undergoes additional glucuronidation and sulfation.
a is the usual free fraction (0.16); Tramadol concentrations in renal patients may be in-
p1 is the patient’s albumin concentration; creased because of impaired renal excretion. Inducers of
pn is the reference interval albumin (4.4); and CYP2D6, such as carbamazepine and rifampin, lower the
Cp1 is the patient’s plasma drug concentration. elimination t½ of tramadol. After absorption, enantiomers
of both tramadol and M1 have parallel time courses. M1
Future Directions binds more strongly than tramadol to the opioid receptors
potential clinical applications of chiral and accounts for more of the analgesic activity. Animal
pharmacology and racemate analysis studies showed that M1, as an analgesic, is ;6 3 more
Chiral pharmacology of analgesics, as in other areas of active than its parent drug, tramadol. (1/2)-Tramadol
clinical pharmacology, has demonstrated greater pharma- and its major metabolite, M1, are racemates. However,
1120 White and Wong: Analgesic drug monitoring

there is a ,10% difference in the enantiomeric concentra- 13. Kwong TC, Chamberlain RT, Frederick DL, Kapur B, Sunshine I.
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