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Health & Healing

Paracelsus – Remedies
Rue - Ruta


The Homeopathic Treatment

of Lyme Disease IV

The Cybernetic Complex

The Primal Healing Power of

the Pine III

w w w. p a r a c e l s u s - c e n t e r. c h issue no.9/VI · july 2009


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pen according to time and place. The
events can be better experienced only
when one stands aside the events
and observes them. Observing daily
actions and remaining a witness are
cultivable habits. These habits shall
have to be cultivated early in life. If
not, man gets involved to the point of Contents
Sickness is also to be observed by the
sick. By observing the sickness the ob-
Editorial server stands aside the sickness. One
should know that he is not sick; his
body is sick; his desire patterns could
The modern man today is involved ei- be sick; his thought patterns could Paracelsus - The Bridge
ther in action or in sleep. Ever since be sick; his habits could be sick; his between Far Eastern and
he awakes he is in one kind of action rhythm could be irregular. By stand- Western Therapies III................. 4
or the other. The action too, is one of ing aside one can see one’s life and its
involvement but not of dispassionate patterns and he can bring in the nec- Remedies for Healing................. 6
handling. The passion for action in- essary rectifications from out of the
volves the person so completely that observations made. The identity with Alchemia Medica II................... 10
he looses the ability to observe that sickness results in growth of sickness,
which is being acted upon. Experience for such identity enables the energy Organon V...................................14
of acts will be absent when the in- flow from the person to the sickness.
volvement is total. To experience an Men today know only involvement The Medical Astrology XVI.....18
act there needs to be an experiencing into actions and involvement into
one distinct from the act. Multitudes sleep. Thus they stay submerged ei- Occult Healing XLIV..................22
of actions happen during the day and ther in activity or in sleep. The prac-
with total involvement into every ac- tice of Yoga recommends to give New Era Healing........................24
tion. One becomes many in the ab- birth and nourish the witness in one-
sence of an observer of the actions. self. This would enable the witness- The Spiritual – Energetic
Observation of one’s own acts and ing conscience to witness thoughts, Constitution II............................28
one’s own speech enables the expe- speeches, and actions during the
riencing consciousness to be afloat wakeful hours and even witness sleep The Cybernetic Complex ........34
amidst the stream of activity. One during sleep hours. Witnessing sleep
can easily see the difference between looks to be queer. But in a state of The Sacred Order II...................38
a person swept away by the currents poise even sleep can be witnessed,
of the stream and the person that is while the person is at rest. Rest is dif- The Homeopathic Treatment
afloat the stream. The latter gives the ferent from sleep. of Lyme Disease IV....................44
fruit of experience while the former These are some facets of life, which
results in draining of energies. need to be pondered over and brought The Primal Healing Power of
From ancient most times man is told into the busy modern life. the Pine III...................................47
that he is pure consciousness upon
the background of which events hap- Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Imprint......................................... 51

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 3

Disturbances in this centre can lead
to brain problems, brain tumours and
inflammations of the brain.
Paracelsus –
The Bridge between Colour: Red – Red is the colour of
the divine will
Far Eastern and Planet: Sun
Metal: F-Gold
Western Therapies III Gem: Diamond, rock crystal,
Indigo, ruby (Ayurveda)
Sabine Mrosek Sound: YAM

Every disease is the result of an over- Ajna Centre – Pituitary Gland

stimulation or under-stimulation of Disturbances in this centre can lead
energies. All ailments originate from to eye problems and ailments of the
an influx of energies upon the cen- ears. They have a negative impact on
tres. the senses (seeing, hearing, smelling).
Let us shortly go into the subject of The patient can also suffer from neu-
the 7 centres and the related glands ritis, headache or migraine. So also
and organs. According to Paracelsus, the central nervous system can be af-
they are assigned to the 7 metals, 7 fected and nervous complaints can
colours, 7 sounds and 7 planets. arise in different parts of the body.

Paracelsus says, Treatments

“Unless the medical physician works Laterality, migraine, central nervous
on this basis system, neuro-tissue regeneration,
Sabine Mrosek is a naturopath and and applies his medicine in this sense, purging of toxins.
classic homoeopath. She has been the medicine can neither properly heal Colour: Blue
running a practise in Lucerne and nor can the physician truly recognise Planet: Jupiter
Einsiedeln, Switzerland, the illness.” Metal: F-tin
for 20 years. Gem: Sapphire, sodalite, yellow
Head Centre –Pineal Gland sapphire (Ayurveda)
Generally, this centre is not active. Sound: HAM
photo Erika Röthlisberger

photo Erika Röthlisberger

uncut (left) & cut (right) Sapphire

4 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

photo Erika Röthlisberger

Rock crystal

Throat Centre – Thyroid Gland Treatments Contact address:

In the throat centre we find the cause Relief of the metabolism, optimisa- Sabine Mrosek, naturopath NVS
for many diseases of the respiratory tion of the metabolism, thyroid gland, Gen. naturopathy, classical homoeopathy
organs (the upper pulmonary region, respiratory organs, stress, general & bioresonance
bronchia, trachea) and the metabo- harmonisation, treatment of the sto- Wasenmattstr.1
lism. neck, the muscles of the neck, matognathic system. 8840 Einsiedeln, Switzerland
jawbone, hearing, tasting, thirst and Colours: Blue-green, yellow-green +41 (0)55 422 07 51
appetite as well as the entire glot- Planet: Mercury
tis are related to the throat centre. Metal: F-quicksilver (mercury)
Through this centre, creativity and Gem: Emerald, aquamarine,
speech find their expression. turquoise, tourmaline,
Sound: SAM
Herbs: Calamus, mastix oil or
juniper oil

(to be continued)

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 5

2. From 1975 to 1977 she suffered
from eczematous patches on skin.
Oozing of water was there. It was
suppressed with external meas-
3. In 1976 suffered from epistaxis.
4. In 1977 jaundice and fever.
5. Chicken pox in 1976.
6. Amoebiasis 2 years back.

Remedies for Healing Present complaints:

1. Mentally she was gentle, mild,
sensitive and a tendency to easy
weeping. Ameliorated by consola-
Cases from the tion.
Homeopathic Practice 2. As long as she was given Electrox-
in she was active. But when it was
Myxoedema stopped she grew dull, morose and
Myxoedema is one of the thyroid in no mood to work. Even though
troubles. It results from under-ac- the medicine was given regularly,
tivity of the thyroid gland. Electroxin no change.
and thyroxin are the medicines pre- 3. Aversion to sweets. Liked potato
scribed for them for long periods. But chips.
in Homoeopathy there is no need to 4. Sweating on the tip of the nose
use the medicine for life-long period. particularly.
It can be cured easily when we follow 5. No interest in games.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) orthodox Homoeo principles. One girl 6. Always graved cool weather. Felt
founder of homeopathy of 12 years was brought to our nurs- bad in hot weather.
ing home with the above trouble. Her 7. Digestion was poor. Offensive
symptoms were recorded in the fol- odour from mouth.
lowing way. 8. Appetite poor.
9. Sleepy and drowsy most of the
time. Daytime also she wanted to
History: sleep.
1. In 1975 she sailed into the sea. In 10. Fearful dreams. Ghosts and devils
the ship the drinking water was in dreams.
not good. It was distilled and sup- 11. Drinks lot of water.
plied to the people. After return- 12. Wants everything to be clean.
ing she started growing fat. But 13. Inferiority complex. Felt bad in
she was active. It was diagnosed company.
as mineral deficiency and treated. 14. Had a craving for raw rice.
In 1977, as she grew dull and fat- 15. Body pains and legs pains on eat-
ty, it was diagnosed as myxoede- ing bananas.
ma and Electrocin was prescribed.

6 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

Our treatment: active. No puffiness. No weeping.
n On 27-8-82, Dr. P. L. N. Rao start- No headache.
ed the case with Pulsatilla C6, n But on 2-1-83, weight was 40 kg.
three doses in one week and ad- Dr. Rao administered Sulphur C30
vised to use Electrocin daily once one dose and repeated on 9-1-83.
instead of two times a day. n On 16-1-83, as there was no
n On 2-9-82, it was reported that change in the body weight I ad-
she was slightly better. Repeated ministered Thyreoidinum (Thyr.)
the same for one week and ad- C200 one dose and maintained on
vised Electrocin in alternate days. placebo.
n On 5-9-82 it was reported that n On 7-2-83 her old skin disease
she was dull, sleepy and weak. I reappeared. Rest of the things
prescribed Thyreoidinum (Thyr.) were normal. She grew tall, body
C30, 2 doses in one week and ad- weight was the same. Continued
vised to stop Electroxin. placebo.
n There was improvement on 10- n On 28-2-83, headache was more,
9-82. Repeated the same for one skin pealed in the palms. Burning
week. sensation of the eyes. Continued
n On 16-9-82 her father reported placebo.
that she was weeping daily in the n On 15-3-83, pain on vertex ag-
afternoon. She was suffering from gravated by combing. Continued
cold, cough, pain in the toes, body placebo.
pains aggravated by movement n Better till 8-5-83. Again frequent
and pain in the lower limbs. Dr. headaches started. Repeated Thy-
Rao administered Pulsatilla C30 reoidinum (Thyr.) C200.
one dose. She improved. Main- n On 17-6-83, body weight was
tained on Alfalfa mother tincture. 44 kg and a boil appeared on the
n On 8-10-82 she reported head- right arm. As there were no other
ache aggravated in the morning symptoms except skin symptoms,
and by walking. Her body weight we continued placebo.
was 35 kg. Repeated Pulsatilla n On 10-8-83 the body weight was
and Alfalfa daily. again 44 kg. But physically she
n On 22-10-82, Pulsatilla C200 was grew lean. No other complaints.
given and repeated on 29-10-82. Continued placebo and repeat-
She was better in all aspects. ed the same till now. Advised the
n But on 12-11-82, we noticed that parents to continue the treatment
her weight was 38 kg and she re- for few months. We thought the
ported puffiness of face. Dr. Rao body weight was a healthy one
prescribed Fucus vesiculosus because there was no abnormality
(Fuc.) C30 and maintained on pla- in health.
cebo. Puffiness of face better.
n Repeated the drug on 5-12-82
and Fucus vesiculosus (Fuc.) C200 Dr. E.V.M. Acharya, DHMS
was given on 21-12-82. She grew

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 7

Cure by Inner Means I Above all, do not harbour that idea
of an unfit body.... Appearances and
The difficulties that come to you are facts may be all in its favour, but
exactly in proportion to your strength the first condition of success for the
Remedies for – nothing can happen to you that does yogin and indeed for anybody who
Healing not belong to your consciousness, and wants to do anything great or unu-
all that belongs to your consciousness sual is to be superior to facts and dis-
you are able to master.’ believe in appearances. Will to be free
The Mother from disease, however formidable,
many-faced or constant its attacks,
1. Use of the Will and repel all contrary suggestions.
Sri Aurobindo: Certainly, one can act
from within on an ilness and cure it. Taken from: Integral Healing, Compiled
Only it is not always easy as there is from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the
much resistance in Matter, a resist- Mother, Pondicherry; 2004
ance of inertia. An untiring persist-
ence is necessary; at first one may fail
altogether or the symptoms increase, What should be the Sadhak’s attitude
but gradually the control of the body with regard to physical illness?
or of a particular illness becomes He must first of all remain completely
stronger. Again, to cure an occasion- detached in the vital being and in the
al attack of illness by inner means is mind. The illness is the result of the
comparatively easy, to make the body working of the forces of Nature. He
immune from it in future is more dif- must use his will to reject the illness
ficult. A chronic malady is harder to and one’s will must be used as a rep-
deal with, more reluctant to disap- resentative of the Divine Will. When
pear entirely than an occasional dis- the Divine Will descends into the Ad-
turbance of the body. So long as the hara then it works no longer indirect-
control of the body is imperfect, there ly through the Sadhak’s will but di-
are all these and other imperfections rectly and removes the illness.
and difficulties in the use of the in-
ner force. Taken from: Integral Healing, Compiled
If you can succeed by the inner action from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the
in preventing increase, even that is Mother, Pondicherry; 2004
something; you have then by abhyāsa
[practice] to strengthen the power till
it becomes able to cure. Note that so
long as the power is not entirely there,
some aid of physical means need not
be altogether rejected.

Taken from: Integral Healing, Compiled

from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the
Mother, Pondicherry; 2004

8 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

Paracelsus – Remedies

Flatulence and Stomach Ache

Rue - Ruta
(Ruta graveolens)

„If abdominal colics originate from

tartarus, sand and stone, it is good to
drink warm ruta oil. It is to be pre-
scribed warm in order to work in this
way etc. It relaxes the intestines and
relieves constipation.“
Paracelsus III, 544

The ancient Greek and Roman doc-

tors already liked to use rue. The plant
was seldom missing in the kitchen
Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus and herb gardens. In popular medi-
Bombastus von Hohenheim, cine rue was used for stomach aches,
named Paracelsus, (* 1493 in Egg liver and gall bladder problems, flatu-
near Einsiedeln; † 24. September lence, beating of the heart, menstrual
1541 in Salzburg). cramps, nervous disorders, respiratory
distress, dislocations, sprains, injuries, It is important to dose the ethereal oil
desire to void, hydropsy, rheumatism, of rue carefully, because, if overdosed,
gout and rashes. Its calmative, anti- gastrointestinal problems may occur.
spasmodic and diuretic effect helps, Pregnant women mustn’t take it since
when used internally and externally, the blood supply to the pelvic organs
with many complaints. may cause an abortive birth.

Oil extraction
Rue oil is extracted from the leaves
and blossoms through steam distilla-

Ethereal oil, alkaloids, furanocou-
marins, tanning agent, flavone glyco-
side rutin.

Paracelsus: Sämtliche Werke, Bd. III,

Ruta graveolens Anger - Verlag Eick
From Koehler's Medicinal-Plants 1887 Sabine Mrosek

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 9

regard, it is no less scientific and ex-
act than modern natural science. It
only has a “totally different approach

Alchemia Medica and the

Alchemia Medica II Cosmic “Human Being”
Like the universe, the human being is
The Cosmos the carrier of the three spheres of be-
ing (body – soul – spirit). With this,
the human being is a micro-cosmos
Christoph Proeller within the macro-cosmic “universe”
(fig. 4): “As the universe, so the human
Christoph Proeller is a business gradu- The Archetypes of Alchemy
ate who was employed by Bayer, the The spirit is the cause for soul and
Madaus AG and the management body. Therefore the alchemist re-
consultancy Arthur Andersen. For searches (through spiritual contem-
many years, he has been in the upper plation) the spiritual structures of the
management of the Laboratory Soluna cosmos. These spiritual structures ex-
Healing Remedy GmbH and works on press in different abstract archetypes
the alchemo-medical hermetics of and “primal images” respectively.
Traditional Occidental Medicine. These primal images are elements of
different archetypical systems in al-
chemy: Fig. 4: The Cosmic “Human Being”
n the “polarity of existence” with
the archetypes “Sol (Yang)” and The sick spirit always leads the soul,
“Luna (Yin)” like the sick soul leads the body into
n the three spiritual principles with illness (psychosomatics). In contrast,
the archetypes “Sal,” “Sulphur” the sick body does not necessarily
and “Mercurius” lead the soul or even the spirit into
n the “seven elementary quali- illness. Against the background of this
ties” presented by the arche- spherical and thus holistic context
types “Moon,” “Mercury,” “Venus,” the approaches of alchemo-medical
“Sun,” “Mars,” “Jupiter” and “Sat- therapy were developed. According-
urn” and ly, Alchemia medica is the “mother of
n the four elements with the arche- naturopathy.”
types “Fire,” “Earth,” “Water” and Alchemia medica – the therapeutic
“Air” side of Alchemy – should maintain
Alchemy researches the soul and the health of the cosmic “human be-
physical matter by using these sys- ing” or lead him/her out of illness into
tems of archetypes. This holistic ap- health. This way the aim of Alchemia
proach to research makes Alchemy medica is the spagyric change of the
the “mother of all sciences.” In this imperfect state of illness into perfect

10 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

health. Each natural change, and also Alchemia Medica and the Cos-
the change from illness into health, is mos of “Medicine”
caused by the three spiritual princi- The holistic treatment of the cos-
ples. This way Sal-Sulphur-Mercuri- mic “human being” takes place on
us are the operating principles of Al- the subtle (spiritual-soul) and gross
chemia medica: (physical) plane. Correspondingly the
n Mercurius is the healing impulse, holistic remedies of Alchemia medi-
which activates, motivates, stim- ca carry the three active principles
ulates, warms, dissolves, acceler- on the subtle/homeopathic (spiritu-
ates, and brightens – on the soul al-soul) level as well as on the gross/
and on the physical level. It dis- allopathic (physical) level: “As the
solves the diseased forms and cre- universe, so the human being, so the
ates the necessary space for the alchemo-medical remedy.”
healthy forms The alchemist Alexander von Bernus
n Sulphur is the healthy formative is one of the greatest alchemists of
information of the organs and or- the last century. Approximately 160
gan systems literary and alchemical works bear
n Sal is the retarding healing im- witness to his esoteric initiation (al-
pulse, which solidifies, cools, co- chemy of the soul). In his alchemical
agulates, crystallizes, calms, se- laboratory “Soluna,” he personified
dates, uncramps, and reduces pain his esoteric initiation with the Sol-
– on the soul and physical level. It una healing remedies – the Soluna-
determines the healthy shapes in tes – and the Soluna manufacturing
soul and body. process (The alchemy of the soul is
symbolized by the alchemy of a labo-


Etheric body 1. starting point Subtle

spirit, soul operating principles
Sal, Sulphur, Mercurius
1. starting
Gross operating principle= Fig. 5: The holistic
Physical body
body active ingredient as carrier of active approach
Sal, Sulphur and Mercurius
of the Solunates

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 11

The Solunates originate from metals, Literature
minerals and healing plants, which Christoph Proeller (2007): Alchemia
complement each other in their ef- medica – A spiritual journey through
fects in thespagyric process. As a cos- the Cosmos, Edition-Insole in Erasmus-
A lchemia Medica mos they have a spiritual and a physi- Grasser-Publishing Company
cal sphere. Both spheres are carriers
of the operating principles of “Mercu- Hannes Proeller (2007): Alchemia
rius,” Sulphur” and “Sal.” Their home- medica: The therapy manual of the
opathic active ingredients (their soul Solunates, Edition-Insole in Erasmus-
matter as carrier of “Mercurius,” “Sul- Grasser-Publishing Company
phur” and “Sal”) affect humans on the
level of the soul. The phyto-therapeu- Expert Group Compendium of the
tic active ingredients (their body as Laboratory Soluna Healing Remedies
carrier of “Mercurius,” “Sulphur” and GmbH (2007)
“Sal”) affect humans on the physical
level (fig. 5): “As the universe, so the
human being, so the Solunate.” Contact:
“If the Alchemy is right” the imper- Christoph Proeller
fection becomes perfect and the ill Artur-Proeller-Straße 9
becomes healthy respectively. Ac- 86609 Donauwörth
cordingly, against the background Germany
of a production manual by Paracel-
sus the alchemist Bernus developed
a spagyric production cycle based on
nature. Through this production cycle
the essence of the Solunates is fur-
ther alchemically potentized in the
rhythm of the production. This way
it is changed toward its predestined
Bernus: “This is alchemy, the time-
less, ancient, which – through insight
– leads upwards step by step through
cosmic expanse to the source and to
the tree of life.”

(to be continued)

12 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

Walk slowly. Don’t hurry.
Every step brings you the next moment of your life –
the present moment.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 13

tivity expresses itself in life. But life
manifests from consciousness.

Body consists of various parts like
Organon V skin, bones flesh etc. These are born
of life itself. The skin or flesh is noth-
ing but a combination of biological
The Art of Healing cells. These biological cells are noth-
ing but a combination of molecules,
and molecules are from atoms. Atoms
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya are nothing but the shapes and forms
of the vibrations of force. This force
is life. The same force transforms into
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya atoms, molecules, chemical substanc-
(1926 - 1984) was a university lecturer es, biological cells, skin, flesh etc. The
for Vedic and oriental literature, a The material organism, without same force awakens as mind and ac-
homeopath and healer, who founded the vital force, is capable of no tivity of sense organs and functions.
numerous spiritual centres and schools sensation, no function, no self- So consciousness and biological phe-
in India and Western Europe. preservation 1, it derives all sen- nomena are only different states but
He also established more than 100 sation and performs all the func- not separate entities. Life is the ac-
homoeopathic dispensaries in India, tions of life solely by means of the tivity of force transforming into body
where until this day the sick are immaterial being (the vital force) and awakening as intellect dormant,
treated for free. which animates the material or- it is death. Body and intellect are, for
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya authored many ganism in health and in disease. convenience, known as two but are
books in English and in Telugu, covering not really two. In a state of health,
the Vedas and the Ancient Wisdom as Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. these two are inter-dependent and
well as yoga, astrology, homeopathy, one works with the other in the shape
and spiritual practice. One of his main of life. When health is spoiled, they
goals of his work was the spiritual work independently and a distortion
fusion of East and West. 1
It is dead, and only subject to the takes place.
power of the external physical world;
it decays, and is again resolved into its
chemical constituents.
If the vital force does not function, When a person falls ill, it is only
the body is incapable of any function. this spiritual, self acting (auto-
There is no self-preservation. That be- matic) vital force, everywhere
comes a dead body. It is useless to present in his organism, that is
try to understand the vital force and primarily deranged by the dynam-
the organism of the body differently. ic 1 influence upon it of a morbif-
These two are one and the same es- ic agent inimical to life; it is only
sence which cannot be separated. Life the vital force, deranged to such
is a combined state of these two. Ac-

14 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

exterminate. The disagreeable sensa-
an abnormal state, that can fur- tions or disease symptoms are the re-
nish the organism with its disa- sults of such a fight only. This fight is
greeable sensations, and incline it called ‘reaction’. Distortions which are
to the irregular processes which produced out of this fight would be
we call disease; for, as a power there in the mind and in the behav-
invisible in itself, and only cogni- iour of sense organs. They are called
zable by its effects on the organ- symptoms. Because of that only, we
ism, its morbid derangement only come to know that vital force is fight-
makes itself known by the mani- ing. These symptoms are the fore-run-
festation of disease in the sensa- ners, in the beginning, to understand
tions and functions of those parts the existence of a disease. In course
of the organism exposed to the of time, suffering would however in-
senses of the observer and phy- dicate that there is a disease. But it
sician, that is, by morbid symp- will be late.
toms, and in no other way can it
make itself known.

Samuel Hahnemann, M.D.

Materia peccans!

Vital force in the human constitution

photo Sabine Mrosek

is self-acting, automatic and omni-

present in the organism. If it is in-
fluenced by any inimical agency, the
constitution throws out the same re-
sulting in some disagreeable sensa-
tions which is called disease. These
are otherwise called symptoms. The It is the morbidly affected vital
totality of all these symptoms indi- force alone that produces dis-
cates the extent of the disease force ease1, so that the morbid phe-
on the vital force. nomena perceptible to our senses
express at the same time all the
Explanation internal change, that is to say, the
It is said that the human constitution whole morbid derangement of the
and the vital force acting in it are one internal dynamis; in a word, they
and the same and are not different. reveal the whole disease; conse-
If the vital force is influenced by any quently, also, the disappearance
disease-cause, it produces an unnat- under treatment of all the morbid
ural condition. The vital force fights phenomena and of all the morbid
with the external cause and tries to

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 15

alterations that differ from the §13
healthy vital operations, certain- Therefore disease (that does not
ly affects and necessarily implies come within the province of
O rganon the restoration of the integrity of manual surgery) considered, as it
the vital force and, therefore, the is by the allopathists, as a thing
recovered health of the whole or- separate from the living whole,
ganism. from the organism and its ani-
mating vital force, and hidden in
Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. the interior, be it ever so subtle
a character, is an absurdity, that
could only be imagined by minds
of a materialistic stamp, and has
How the vital force causes the or- for thousands of years given to
ganism to display morbid phenome- the prevailing system of medicine
na, that is, how it produces disease, it all those pernicious impulses that
would be of no practical utility to the have made it a truly mischievous
physician to know, and will forever re- [non-healing] art.
main concealed from him; only what
it is necessary for him to know of the Samuel Hahnemann, M.D.
disease and what is fully sufficient for
enabling him to cure it, has the Lord of
life revealed to his senses.
Analysis of the above would reveal
The proof of vital force regaining nat- that it is foolish and unimaginable
ural state is disappearance of the dis- to think that there is something like
agreeable sensations or symptoms. disease other than the bodily consti-
That means health is restored. tution and the vital force. Disease is
only a condition but not an entity. It is
Explanation a state which produces certain symp-
Appetite, thirst, liking to eat etc., are toms/suffering. They can be observed
the behaviour of sense organs. Enthu- by laymen also without any knowledge
siasm, happiness, satisfaction, tolerance of the medicines. A well-trained phy-
etc., are the activity of mind. When the sician can understand more clearly.
mental activity is healthy it means there
exist no distortions and the disease is Explanation
cured. By this, it can be understood that Force of the sea and the waters in the
disappearance of sugar in urine in a di- sea are not different. Waves blow up
abetic patient is not the proof of cure. with speed and appear like a hill. We
Disease is taken as cured only when ap- observe the waves as different from
petite is improved, liking to eat is better, the sea. Simply because of this seem-
thirst is reduced and the mind is now in ing separateness, can we call there is
order. Thereafter, it is certain that sugar something other than the sea? Wave
in urine is also cured. is a temporary state of the sea, but

16 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

not alien to it. Even then it has the observed, cured or to exist different would collapse of internal gangrene.
element of speed and height differ- from the man. Therefore, there can Therefore, it is impossible in the crea-
ent from the sea. If not taken care be no curable symptom without be- tion of God, who is very kind, for any
of, it tilts the person bathing in it ing experienced by him. It is not at all disease to exist without symptoms.
and throws sand and water into the possible for an experienced doctor to Symptoms for a disease and cure for a
mouth, nose etc., and creates havoc. escape sight of it. symptom are inbuilt in nature. There-
In the same manner, disease is a wave If at all there is something curable, it fore, treatment should depend upon
of the sea like life force (vital force) is not possible that the patient does the symptoms narrated by the patient
but not produced or recognised in a not know that. When the patient is and those observed by the healer
part of the body. If necessary care is able to say that he has no disease, it is from the behaviour of the person, but
not taken, it results in innumerable something laughable if a doctor could not purely on the pathological infor-
trouble. say that there is a disease in him by mation. Naming the disease on such
Even the uneducated people can no- doing pathological tests. Even healthy external information is a sin. Such a
tice changes in the face of a diseased people pass sugar with urine at times. practice would only increase the in-
person. They will question “Are you By testing such urine, doctor cannot dustry of the physician and exhibit his
not well, why are you like that”. Even judge him as a diseased person and technical knowledge, but cannot cure
if there are no sufferings, this change start using medicines. So also, to de- the patient. HEALING means removal
is always understandable. cide any person as not suffering from of the suffering.
any disease, as, in spite of the doc- Therefore, if at all there is a disease,
tor’s certificate that there is no dis- it must have symptoms and those
ease, the person suffers from lack symptoms only should disappear in
§14 of sleep, headache, backache, body the course of cure. The physician is
There is, in the interior of man, pains, tantalising thoughts etc. Of- expected to observe the symptoms
nothing morbid that is curable ten we come across persons suffering very keenly and any alteration in the
and no invisible morbid altera- from weakness etc. In fact they are health condition very accurately, with
tion that is curable which does not able to get down from bed. But no degree of assumption. Then only
not make itself known to the ac- the physician certifies that she has no he can be called a true ‘physician or
curately observing physicians by disease and tells “everything is men- healer’.
means of morbid signs and symp- tal, be bold to be happy”. ‘So patient is
toms - an arrangement in per- the proof whether there is disease or (to be continued)
fect conformity with the infinite not, but not the doctor or the patho-
goodness of the all-wise Preserv- logical results of blood, sputum, urine
er of human life. etc. No disease is sure to exist unless
it is felt by the person or observed by
Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. the healer. Anything that is decided Original in Telugu by
by microscope or X-ray or any patho- Dr. E. Krishnamacharya
logical information is not a proof. It is Translation by Dr. K.S. Sastry.
against the natural phenomena to say
Explanation that disease exists different from the Taken from the book:
There can be no disease in man with- patient and it is not true. Organon of the art of healing
out itself being known through symp- If at all there is something to be Kulapathi Ekkirala Krishnamacharya
toms. Human constitution is so divine cured, it spreads out certain symp- 3rd Edition, 1999
that there is no scope for any disease toms of its own. Without symptoms The World Teacher Trust
condition which cannot be perceived, if a disease exists, the human race Visakhapatnam, India

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 17

signs on the angles, the Sixth House
sign, Virgo, being on the Ascendant
which governs the condition of the
body. It is a vital point in that re-
spect. This in itself shows his some-
The Medical Astrology what indolent nature and a tenden-
cy to give up very easily. We also find
XVI Mercury, the ruler of the Ascendant,
in the Twelfth House, denoting hos-
pitals and chronic illness; he is square
Max Heindel to Jupiter and Uranus, which are
placed in Sagittarius, the sign which
governs the hips and the great sciatic
nerve. The Sun, the giver of life, is also
Max Heindel (actually Carl Louis Frederik Weak back and limbs, eye square to Uranus, the planet of irreg-
Grasshoff) was born on 23th July, 1865 in trouble, deafness ularity, which is conjoined with Jupi-
Arhus, Denmark, and died on 6th January, ter in Sagittarius. And finally, Saturn,
1919, in Oceanside, California, USA. Max Horoscope No. 30 the ruler of the bony structure and its
Heindel was an engineer, theosophist, articulations, is placed in Sagittarius
Rosicrucian and astrologer. His medical in opposition to Neptune, in Gemi-
astrology is more popular today than ni. All these configurations naturally
ever. He possessed ancient occult secret tend to bring about the conditions
knowledge as well as the arcanum of complained of if nothing is done to
healing and worked very much in the prevent; but in this case, with four
tradition of Paracelsus. Max Heindel was Common, flexible signs on the an-
founder of the Rosicrucian school gles, with the life-giving Sun sextile
“Rosicrucian Fellowship”. to Mars, the planet of dynamic ener-
gy, and with the Moon sextile to Jupi-
ter, the planet governing the arterial
blood, it is quite possible to obtain re-
GOOD ASPECTS: The Moon sextile to lief by means of exercises which will
Uranus and Jupiter; the Sun sextile to remove the sluggish conditions.
Mars; Venus trine to Jupiter. But we also find other weaknesses of
BAD ASPECTS: Saturn opposition to a serious nature latent in this horo-
Neptune; the Sun and Mercury square scope. Uranus is in conjunction with
to Jupiter and Uranus. nebulous star Antares in Sagittarius 8
This is the horoscope of a young man degrees, square to the Sun and Mer-
born on September 6, 1900, at 6:00 cury. This implies a grave danger to
A.M., and the disability complained the sight and also to the hearing be-
of is weakness in the back and limbs, cause of Mercury being in the Twelfth
which prevents him for moving about House. These conditions can certainly
normally. Astrologically we find that be overcome if the ounce of preven-
this is due to several causes. In the tion is applied. We take it that because
first place, there are four Common the man is not able to otherwise oc-

18 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

cupy himself he is an inveterate read- considerable sorrow may be expect-
er and this will bring trouble if per- ed in this life; but the conjunction of
sisted in. Massage of the head in the Mercury with the mystical Neptune
region of the eyes and ears, and exer- in the Twelfth House gives her a cer-
cise of the limbs and body will aid in tain degree of spiritual development,
restoring this young man to health. A which brings much comfort through
healer with Taurus on the Ascendant her communion with the higher
whose Saturn is not in the patient’s worlds, compensating her for her iso-
Sixth House will probably have the lation. Jupiter is the Midheaven trine
most persistence in the performance to the Ascendant causes her to look
of his work. upon life from a more hopeful angle
than even people who are not at all
afflicted (in comparison with her),
and the strength of her hope is bound
Eye and ear trouble, to help her in a degree beyond hu-
poor circulation man measure; for even as the person
who gives way to worry
Horoscope No. 31 and melancholy is there-
by made more unhappy
or unhealthy, so also the
person who constantly
keeps an optimistic spirit
is bound to gain thereby
correspondingly in health
and happiness. The Sun
on the Ascendant, even
though it is afflicted by a
square of Uranus, is nev-
ertheless a valuable as-
set in recuperation. The
Mercury, the significator of mind, rises Sun sextile Saturn will
before the Sun and is in the Twelfth give her a persistence, a
House, conjunction Neptune, its high- tenacity of life, that will
er octave. This shows that the mind not let go despite all dis-
is naturally inclined toward the high- couragements.
er and more spiritual things of life, This woman has been
though Jupiter square Mercury from deaf since she was five
the house of mind indicates that un- years of age and this disability is in- "Mercury" by Hendrick Goltzius, 1611,
der severe afflictions this woman dicated by the position of Mercury in Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, the
may at times follow the example of the Twelfth House, by his conjunction Netherlands
Job and reason with God concern- with Neptune, and his square to Ju-
ing the hard fate she has to bear. The piter. This latter aspect indicates that
Moon, which is the other significator it is sluggish circulation of the blood
of mind, square Venus, shows us that which is responsible for the disability.

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 19

These aspects of Mercury also make the venous circulation. If the system
her dumb, particularly because Mer- could be given the proper amount
cury is in Taurus, which governs the and kind of food and the head and
vocal organs. She has nevertheless neck massaged with special atten-
The Medical learned to talk, showing that there is tion to manipulations of the ears and
Astrology no organic disability but only a func- eyes, conditions might be consider-
tional weakness. ably relieved and further progress of
But these are not all of the poor deterioration stopped. An Aquarian
woman’s afflictions. You will notice whose Saturn is not in Libra or Scor-
that the Sun is in Taurus 29. In oth- pio would have a most beneficial ef-
er words, it is in conjunction with the fect in this case.
Pleiades, a nebular spot in the Zodiac.
It is also square to Uranus and parallel (to be continued)
to Mars. Therefore the eyes are sore-
ly afflicted; one is almost blind, the
other not much better, so that there
is danger that she may lose her sight
On account of her afflictions and Taken from the book:
the position in which she has been Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel
placed, this woman has been un- The Message of the Stars
able to get an education. Never- An Esoteric Exposition of Natal and
theless, by persistence indicated by Medical Astrology,
Saturn sextile the Sun, she has ac- Part II - Chapters 28 to 30
complished much. She writes a really 19th Edition, 1998
beautiful letter which tells how she Publishing house:
was in comfortable circumstances up The Rosicrucian Fellowship
to 1906, when the earthquake in San Mount Ecclesia, Oceanside,
Francisco deprived her of her all, and California, USA
still she has not given up hope. Her
mental attitude, inspired by her Sun
conjunction Ascendant and sextile
Saturn, is justified in quite a large
measure. The trouble comes from
Saturn, the planet of obstruction,
in Aries, the sign which governs the
head, and the square of Jupiter, the
planet which governs arterial circu-
lation, to Mercury in Taurus, the sign
which governs the throat. There were
also signs of malnutrition, indicated
by the presence of Mars in Cancer,
the sign which governs the stom-
ach, square Venus, which governs

20 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

“L a z i n e s s
leads you to i l l h e a l t h .
R elaxat i o n l e a d s y o u
to h e a l t h . ”
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
photo Rainer Lippert

Lime tree, Germany

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 21

sive and magnetic speech. It attracts
Prana up to the heart and carries it
from heart to brain. It enables ex-
change of energies between head and
heart and vice versa. It links subtle
and causal bodies. When this Prana is
Occult Healing mastered even hunger and thirst can
be controlled for long time. Lastly this
XLIV Prana enables the neck and the body
to be erect. Since this Prana emerges
from the most subtle side of the hu-
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar man being and merges back into that
state it can be seen as the agent for
externalisation of consciousness and
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar is an author of Prana – Life force IX its internalisation. This gives clue for
more than 100 books. He held more than all the techniques of Yoga of expan-
200 seminars in three continents. His Prayer: sion of consciousness into objectiv-
topics comprise the areas of meditation, ity and contraction of consciousness
astrology, healing, colour, sound, sym- Oh Prana! Salutations to You. into subjectivity. Man’s head is said to
bolism, time cycles, etc. Among many You are the Master of the Universe. be carrying sublest energies. The up-
other things, Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar takes You are the Lord of all beings. per torso carries subtler energy. And
care of various social welfare projects; In You all is established. the lower torso carries grosser than
for example, he has founded and sup- You establish in all and sustain all. subtler energies. Udana Prana ena-
ports schools and healing centres in You are the past, present bles linkup between the first two for
India, where education, homoeopathic and the future. appropriate functioning of the third.
treatment and other needed help are This Prana is by far the most impor-
given free of charge. tant one for man’s evolution meas-
ured in terms of consciousness.
2. Udana Prana a. Sattvik Udana: When Sattva dom-
Just like Vyana is related to Akasha inates Udana Prana the movement
principle, Udana is related to the prin- of inhalation and exhalation is not
ciple of Vayu (air). Since air emerges felt in the regions around throat
from Akasha, the fifth element, Udana and heart. The resonance of pulsa-
Prana emerges from Vyana Prana and tion is felt in the pit of the throat.
exists in the region above and below The intelligent activity (conscious-
the throat. All functions of the throat ness) is felt very close. As the Pran-
are related to Udana Prana. All foods ic resonance and the intelligence
and drinks are enjoyed through this come closer, peace starts emanat-
Prana. It imparts strength to all other ing as an experience. In the normal
Pranas emerging from Vyana – there- practices of Yoga this resonance
by imparts strength to all parts of moves upwards through Pranaya-
the body. It enables to swallow from ma, Pratyahara, Dharana and Dhy-
without to within and throw out from ana (for these please refer to any
within to without. It enables impres- text on the 8 fold path of yoga of

22 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

photo by Johannes Stasing

Patanjali). The communion of the the bridge for advanced students stomach to assist man to belch,
thread of life and thread of con- of meditation to experience these to cough, to yawn, to vomit – a
sciousness form the basis for ex- blissful states. process of upward impulse (reflex,
periencing peace, poise and when It is interesting to note that it is thrust) to bring comfort to man. It
the two move upward together togetherness of these two princi- also helps speaking, lecturing, and
into the cerebral system, very deep ples of human constitution namely, teaching.
peaceful states are experienced. life and intelligence come together c. Tamasic Udana Prana: It is this
For this reason this Pranic pulsa- at the throat and throat is astro- Prana that is preponderant in sleep
tion is considered very important logically related to the symbol of and swooning. In such states the
in the yogic practices. The Udana Gemini. Life and light can be expe- Pranic principle is in a slow and
Prana when dominated by Satt- rienced together and move togeth- uniform motion and its motion is
va helps experiencing these bliss- er upwards until they become one not significantly felt. All sensations
ful states. This is gained by cer- at the top of the head, which state are absent and hence mind is also
tain specific, rhythmic practices of is called the state of Soul or Self or absent. Mind is but a compendi-
meditation. In the ordinary worldly Atma. um of five senses with the related
persons this Prana is dormant and b. Rajasic Udana Prana: Since Udana memory of experience.
helps only the process of sleeping Prana is the upward thrust it func-
and the process of awakening. It is tions in the region of throat to (to be continued)

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 23

termined by the karma of the man.
It is well known to students of the eso­
teric sciences that the physical body
is simply an automaton, responsive
to and actuated by a subtler body of
energies which are a true expression
of the point in evolution. This point
in evolution may be that of personal-
New Era Healing ity control, through one or other of its
bodies, or of soul control. These are
facts which the medical profession
Our Karmic Liabilities V must grasp, and when it does a great
step forward will have been made.
Esoteric students are willing to rec-
Inherited diseases and Karma ognize that the physical body is au-
The study of inherited disease indi- tomatic in its response to emotional,
cates a faint recognition of man’s mental or soul impression; so closely,
karmic liabilities and karmic tenden- however, is the etheric body interwo-
cies. A mistake lies however in the ven with the physical vehicle that it is
belief that these tendencies are to be well nigh impossible to separate the
found in the germs of life and of sub- two in consciousness; this will not be
stance, brought together at the mo- proven or possible until the science of
ment of conception, and therefore etheric energy and the development
that the father or the mother is re- of clairvoyant perception demonstrate
sponsible for the transmission. Such is the truth of what I say.
not the case. The subject in incarna- Medical science, through its study
tion has - from the angle of the soul - of the nervous system and its recog-
definitely and consciously chosen his nition of the power of thought over
parents for what they can contribute the physical body, is moving rapidly
to his physical makeup whilst in in- in a right direction. When it admits,
carnation. The vital body is therefore in relation to the physical body, that
of such a nature that the man is pre- “ener­gy follows thought,” and then
disposed to a particular type of infec- begins to experiment with the con-
tion or of disease; the physical body is cept of thought currents (as they are
of such a nature that its line of least erroneously called) which are directed
resistance permits of the appearance to certain areas of the etheric body
and control of that which the vital - where the esotericist posit the ex-
body makes possible; the incarnating istence of energy points or centers -
soul produces, in its creative work and much will then be discovered. Chris-
in its vital vehicle, a particular con- tian Science had a sound conception
stitution to which the parents cho- in its original basic concept of the
sen contribute a definite tendency. mind as a permanently existent fac-
The man is therefore non-resistant tor; its over-emphasis upon the mind,
to certain types of disease. This is de- its idealistic presentation of human

24 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

nature, its expectancy of man’s ca- receive attention. It is that center
pacity to demonstrate today and im- which must eventually be the recipi-
mediately as a fully manifested son ent of the energy of the lower cre-
of God (with no intermediate or nec- ative aspect or correspondence. This
essary unfoldments), and its contra- is called “the technique of the with-
dictory position of using the energy drawal of the fire”; by its means what
of the mind for mainly physical re- you call over-stimulation in certain
quirements have soundly negated its cases, or inflammation in others, can
basic tenets. Otherwise Man might be stopped.
have been permanently deluded. Had These two ways of using energy and
Christian Science fulfiled the origi- thought control form the occult ba- “The best results
nal intention of the group of initiates sis for the two fundamental meth-
who sought to influence humanity ods used in directing energy in dis- will be gained
through its agency, and had it de- eased areas. They produce, in the one
veloped the idea correctly that ener­ case, an intensification of the life of through the
gy follows thought, medical science the associated center, with a conse-
would have greatly benefited. quent definite effect upon the dis- cooperative work
Healers and healing groups work as eased area; or they lessen the inflow
yet at a great disadvantage; but they of force in the other case, and thus of the physician
can begin now to work, and their weaken the quality of the disease. It
work is of a twofold nature: will be apparent, therefore, that much and the healer.”
1. They can, through the power of di- must be known of the effects of these
rected thought, pour energy into the two basic and different techniques
center which is the determining fac- before a healer dare work. Otherwise
tor in that area of the physical body he might greatly increase the trouble
where the trouble lies. If, for instance, in the diseased area and even succeed
the patient is suffering from such a (which frequently happens) in killing
difficulty as gastric ulcer, the stimu- the patient.
lation of the solar plexus center may The best results will be gained through
produce a cure, provided that the the cooperative work of the orthodox
work done is purely mental and that physician and the occult healer.
the results expected are purely physi- There is another point which I would
cal. Otherwise the emotional nature seek to emphasize. In all healing
will share in the stimulation and real methods of an esoteric nature, it is
difficulty will arise. essential that sound medical prac-
2. They can stimulate a center higher tices of an orthodox kind accompa-
than the one controlling a particular ny the subtler modes of help. It is in
area and thus - by the intensifica- the wise combination of the two ap-
tion of the higher center - reduce the proaches, and in the cooperative work
vitality of the lower. If, for instance, of the orthodox physician and of the
there is disease or trouble in connec- occult healer or healing group, that
tion with the organs of generation (as the soundest results will be produced.
for instance disease of the prostate Students who attempt to heal will
gland), then the throat center should therefore need to realize two things:

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 25

the nature of the disease, as diag- ing the energies flowing between two
nosed by a good physician, and the centers and thus producing an eq-
center which controls the area of the uable and even interplay. The more
disease. The safest plan for the aver- the neophyte studies this subject of
New Era Healing age student of healing or for a healing healing the more complex it will ap-
group is to work in cooperation with pear, until the time comes when he
some reputable doctor and in rela- can work in collaboration with some
tion to the center which controls the physician who has the inner vision
diseased area. Initiates, in their heal- and can see the centers, or with pa-
ing work, deal with the higher corre- tients who know within themselves
spondence of the controlling center, their own destiny and can collaborate
working always through the analo- with some group which has sound oc-
gous emotional and mental centers. cult knowledge, which can ascertain
This is neither possible nor permis- the patient’s rays and which knows at
sible to the ordinary healing group. least the nature of his disposition or
The higher the centers considered, in- his “indisposition,” through consult-
volved and dealt with, the more po- ing his natal chart.
tent the results, and therefore the
greater care required. (to be continued)
The whole process is one of either
stimulating activity or of withdraw-
ing energy, of making more active an
allied center and thus abstracting at- Alice A. Bailey. Esoteric Healing.
tention from the center governing the New York: Lucis Trust, pp 281 – 285 engl.
diseased area or organ, or of balanc- Compiled by Sabine Mrosek

Fig. next page:

The Ladder of Divine Ascent is an important icon kept and exhibited at Saint
Catherine's Monastery, situated the base of Mount Sinai in Egypt. The gold background
is typical of icons such as this, which was manufactured in the 12th century after
a manuscript written by the 6th century monk John Climacus who based it on the
biblical description of Jacob's ladder. It depicts the ascent to Heaven by monks, some
of which fall and are dragged away by black demons.

26 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

Florian Prischl/Wikimedia Commons

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 27

one by Placidus, an Italian scholar of
the 17th century [1].
The Today, this is made easier through the
use of the Internet, where one can
Spiritual – Energetic find a variety of software that gener-
ate a birth chart as soon as one pro-
Constitution II vides date, time and place of birth
(Fig. 6). Generally, the chart contains
the following information:
The Purpose of the Birth Chart n The positions of the planets in
in Holistic 4-Element-Diagnostics longitude and latitude
n The commonly used spherical il-
Peter Vill, MD lustration with the 12 signs of the
zodiac, with their individual influ-
Peter Vill (1956) directs a private clinic Generating a Birth Chart encing factors
with a naturalistic approach in Erlangen, A birth chart is a calculation that n The schematic illustration of the
Germany. The focus of his clinical work graphically illustrates the constella- 12 houses, which is very impor-
is on the holistic 4-element-diagnostics, tion of the heavenly bodies of our so- tant for the detailed interpreta-
differentiated constitutional therapy, lar system at the time of birth in a tion of a horoscope
decoder and electro-acupuncture particular place on Earth. Traditional- n A clearly arranged table of ele-
diagnostics, Luescher-Color-Testing, ly, this is done after the exact location ments, where the parameters as-
homeopathy, microbiological therapy, has been calculated with help of the signed to each element can easily
neural therapy, and much more. Dr. Vill geographic coordinate system by use be seen
maintains a lively authorship and ap- of ephemeredes. The latter are a volu- Because the purpose of this is to il-
pears as a frequent speaker. He serves minous set of tables, which have been lustrate the energetic distribution be-
on the board of directors for the Ärz- in usage since the Renaissance, con- tween the four elements and I pur-
tegesellschaft für Erfahrungsheilkunde taining all planetary constellations at posely avoided employing individual
(Physician’s Association for Experiential arbitrary times in every random place information, it is sufficient to take a
Medicine). on the Earth. Several well-known look at the last rubric to generate an
astrologers have described differ- individual energy-receptor-status.
ent ways of calculating, whereas the A total of 14 influential factors are
most commonly used way today is the recognized here (Tbl. 1). Next to the
planets of our solar system, these are
the sun, the (Earth’s) moon, the as-
cendant and the medium coeli (the
signs rising at birth in the East and in
the zenith respectively), the asteroid
Chiron and the lunar nodes (a purely
mathematical variable denoting the
intersection of the moon’s orbit with
the ecliptic, the perceived phase of
Fig. 6: Sample birth chart. the sun) [1].
Each influential factor is A standardized division of the per-
assigned an element. ceived solar phase in 12 zodiac signs

28 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

of similar size during a one-year so- ascendants, which contain the most
lar phase was established in the first important information for the ba-
millennium B.C. It was generally as- sic structure of a person’s character,
sumed that the assignment of indi- I have assigned 5 points each; the
vidual zodiac signs to a particular next important influential factor, the
element (form of energy) dates back moon, I assigned 4 points; those plan-
to Claudius Ptolemy, who lived dur- ets that are closest to us – Mercury,
ing the 2nd century A.D. Ptolemy as- Venus, and Mars – I assigned 3 points
signed three signs to each of the four each; those further away – Jupiter,
elements (Fig. 7). However, persons Saturn and Uranus – I gave 2 points;
who have similar elements as zodi- and the other influential factors I as-
ac signs can still vary significantly in signed 1 point. This way, I arrive at a
their characteristics, because they are total of 36 points (Tbl. 1). In order to
not only impacted by their sun signs avoid laborious searching, most birth
but also by a mixture of all the pre- charts list in a separate rubric which
viously mentioned influential factors. influential factor correlates with what
This means that, for example, not only element (Fig. 6).
persons of the three fire signs (Aries, Each one of the fields is divided into
Leo and Sagittarius) are clearly differ- nine sub-fields in order to draw the
ent from one another, but also all Ar- 36 points into the familiar 4-field-
ies-personalities differ among them- scheme of the four elements. This
selves. In order to make this quickly way, we end up with 4x9=36 fields.
and easily visible in a birth chart, I
have thought up the generating of a
so-called birth-related energy-recep-
tor-status (ERS).
Generating a Birth-Related Energy-
Receptor-Status (ERS)
In order to do this, a birth chart is
needed. For each of the 14 described
influential factors, the relating zodi-
ac sign is noted down. It is said that
the influential factor sun stands in
the sign of Aries. Because each zodi- Fig. 7: According to Ptolemy, each element has three
ac sign is always clearly assigned to a zodiac signs.
single elemental energy, each form of
energy can definitely be assigned to
a particular influence. Therefore, ac-
cording to their meaning, each of the
14 influential variables receives 1 to 5
points in a certain color, which corre-
sponds with the energy of the respec-
tive zodiac sign. Table. 1: The 14 influential factors in a birth chart according to Placidus and their
Those zodiac signs of the sun and the respective points of assessment used for the compilation of an ERS.

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 29

Here, all 36 points are added in such ences the quality of energy in a pa-
a way that the red ones are in the up- tient during their entire life in a spe-
per right quadrant, the yellow ones cial way.
in the upper left, the green ones in It is, however, always the big picture
The Spiritual the lower right, and the blue ones in of taking into account all influential
– En ergetic the lower left quadrant (Fig. 8 shows factors in a birth chart that describes
Constitution the ERS of the sample birth chart in most pointedly the actual, individual
Fig. 6). Should there be more points appearance of our patient. As a result
of one color than fields in the re- of the simplification to a 36-point-
spective quadrant, they will be add- scheme, some assessment criteria, as
ed to a quadrant that has less than 9 for example the constellation of the
points available. Thus, one can recog- planets to each other, remain unac-
nize with one look which energy form knowledged. Because, in some cas-
predominates and outweighs others, es, this can lead to an amplifying or
which in turn tells which energy form mitigating of the energy distribution
is least present (Fig. 9a-d, 10a-f). made visible through the ESR, a sec-
In order to be able to recognize the ond look at the birth chart can prove
correlation between the energies and worthwhile though. Information re-
the three most important influential garding interpretation can be taken
factors at a single glance, the point from respective books [1].
for the sun is marked with a square The Meaning of the Shaped ERS
standing on an edge, the point for First of all, the varying distribution
the ascendant is marked with a tri- of the four different color points de-
angle, and the point for the moon is scribes the ratio between the four
marked with a sickle wrapped around kinds of energy, which generally
the dot (Tbl. 1; Fig. 8). If the sign for drives this person, to one another. Ac-
the sun lies within the area of the ele- cording to the ideas of TCM (Tradi-
ment with the most points, these per- tional Chinese Medicine), every kind
sons appear to be especially typical of energy flows mainly in its assigned
for their zodiac signs. However, if el- functional sphere (=pair of merid-
ements other than the ones assigned ians) respectively; the water element
to the sun sign prevail in the big pic- flows in the functional sphere of Kid-
ture, it is said that this person is not ney-Bladder, the earth element flows
typical for their sun sign (Fig. 11). in the Spleen-Pancreas-Stomach, the
On the surface, the combination of fire element flows in the Heart-Small
Fig. 8: ERS for the birth chart in the energies of the sun sign and the Intestine and pericardium – triple
fig. 6. It shows a nearly balanced energy- ascendant determine the typical be- burner and the air element, unifying
receptor-distribution. The person appears havior of the patient, whereas the metal and wood, flows in the Lung-
outwardly consistent due to the sun  ener­gy of the sun sign is the guide Large Intestine and Liver-Gallbladder
in a water sign and the ascendant ∆ during the first half of one’s life and functional sphere respectively (Fig.
in an earth sign, with the moon  the energy of the ascendant marks 12).
strengthening this element additionally. the second half. Should both fall into Most visibly and easily, the ERS shows
The slight lack of fire manifests in a the same kind of energy, and even the us the basic character structures of
certain lack of drive. moon is of a similar kind, this influ- a person (how the person behaves

30 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

without making an effort). However, a result from tilts in their elemental
to understand this part of the ERS, balance, which can be either acquired
one has to know the principles that on other regulatory planes or be due
guide the interpretation of Luescher’s to external influential factors of vari-
regulatory psychology [2] (Fig.4). ous kinds. 9a-d: Examples for imbalanced
If single elements outweigh oth- However, an uneven distribution of distribution of elements in the ERS,
ers, only the characteristic is shown certain energy asks for a consist- emphasizing one kind of energy at a time.
which is assigned to the respective ent increased supply of that energy,
element. Hence, a person with a lot which corresponds with the underrep-
of water in their chart appears pas- resented elemental receptor. This can
sive, quiet and content; a person with happen, for example, through media-
much fire appears very active and joy- tion for water, ordering principles for
ful, sometimes even aggressive. A lot earth, activities for fire, or distraction
of air lets one appear rather cheerful, for air. Life partners with mirroring
non-committing and chaotic, while and polar dispositions can give each
someone with a lot of earth appears other stability as long as they culti- Fig. 9a: Example of an active, joyful,
serious, consequential and orderly vate a lively relationship. Also, private aggressive fire constitution
(Fig. 9a-d). and professional situations can form
Should two colors predominate at the an inter-individual balance; an airy
same time, this can be explained with constitution (Fig. 9c), for example, is
different behavior [2]. Air/fire is rath- balanced by an unsolved problem.
er flexible toward the consistency of Intra-individual balance can be
water/earth. Water/air makes recep- achieved when the individual balanc-
tive compared to fire/earth, which es their spiritual energetic imbalance
makes directive. The axis of fire/wa- with a mirror-inverted imbalance on Fig. 9b: Example of a passive, calm,
ter is integrative, while the axis of air/ other regulatory planes (e.g. cell me- content water constitution
earth separates (Fig. 10a-f). tabolism, acid-base-household, hor-
If one or two colors are represented mones, vegetative nervous system,
with one or no point, then this per- etc.).
son exhibits a lasting lack of that par- Should these mechanisms of compen-
ticular elemental force; in a person’s sation fail to work or do not work an-
behaviors, this shows as restless (no ymore, this can lead to disturbances
water, phlegmatic (no fire), fearful (no in the overall wellbeing or, later, to
air), and weak (no earth). chronic diseases as described previ- Fig. 9c: Example of a cheerful, chaotic,
If a person’s birth chart shows a near- ously. According to my own observa- free air constitution
ly or even completely balanced ra- tions, this takes place mainly within
tio between all four elements (Fig. the functional spheres that are as-
8), then we can assume an individual signed to the respective superior or
who stands in their energetic center inferior elements. Which structures
because, on average, they are being are affected in each individual case
moved by each element to the same can be looked up in textbooks [3].
extent. Accordingly, their behavior is Because one cannot understand the
balanced and very flexible. They will formative mechanisms of diseases as Fig. 9d: Example of a serious, organized,
only be weakened and become ill as they are caused energetically without principled earth constitution

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 31

knowledge of the ERS, chronically ill several ENT doctors at a respective
patients are oftentimes treated with- hospital have not shown any note-
out success. It is for that reason that, worthy abnormalities.
in my clinic, each Energy-Receptor- During anamnesis, the very lively and
10 a-f: Example for the predominance of Status is noted on a file card, so that likeable woman tells me that she
2 respective colors in the ERS. I can capture the spiritual-energet- holds quite a responsible and stressful
ic constitution of the patient at one position in a corporation. Years ago,
glance. However, other constitutional she came to the West from what was
markings such as blood type [4] and formerly known as the GDR and es-
sex [5], have to be included into the tablished a new existence here. In the
diagnostic process as well, for the pa- meantime she is divorced from her
tient can only be wholly understood husband of that time, but is now in a
in this context. new, relatively casual relationship. For
Although the spiritual-energetic con- the most part, however, she is stand-
stitution features only one of several ing on her own two feet.
Fig. 10a: Example of a variable regulatory levels within the frame- She suffered from bladder infections
constitution work of the holistic four-element- in the past; her last menstruation
model, it is still of special significance took place approximately two years
as it forms an irrevocable basis for ago.
the energy distribution within all the During testing, I noticed that the
other regulatory levels. If one, for ex- woman’s two upper incisors had
ample, treats primarily and solely the crowns. Upon inquring, the woman
disturbance in an inferior regulatory reports that she has had recurring
level (e.g. over-acidification), then problems with those teeth since her
Fig. 10b: Example of a consistent this will lead to no success when this teenage years. Without any relat-
constitution disturbance constitutes the necessary ed trauma, they formed infections,
compensation of a constitutional lack which were treated with antibiotika,
of one element (e.g. fire)! Here oth- root fillings and later root tip reten-
er measures must be taken in order tions. Right now, she experienced the
to increase fire energy (for example same kind of pain she had years be-
through exercise, selenium, thyroxine, fore. An x-ray showed a distinct focus
etc.) before the acid-base balance can of infection around the four upper in-
normalize. cisors, in particular of tooth number
Fig. 10c: Example of a directive, stable 12. Although the connection between
constitution Illustrating Case History the infected tooth and the dizziness
A 49-year-old female patient comes was explained to the woman (both
to me, complaining about severe diz- are located in the kidney–bladder
ziness and unsteadiness. She subjec- functional sphere), she rejected a cur-
tively assigns what she experiences to rent sanitation of the focus of infec-
her right ear rather than her left ear. tion indicating that her dentist had
It appears to have happened for the not noticed any abnormalities on the
first time a couple of weeks ago while x-rays. Besides, she insisted, her in-
Fig. 10d: Example of a receptive, weak she was on her way home from work. surance would not cover any of this,
constitution Traditional medical exams through not even in part, and she herself did

32 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

not have any money to spare for a Only a significant change in the exist- References
treatment. ing life style – even up to a life style [1] Vogt M. Schnellkurs Astrologie. Köln:
A look at her ERS (Fig. 9a) shows a completely adjusted to her constitu- Dumont; 2004
distinct lack of water element and a tion – would lead to lasting stability in [2] Luescher, M. Das Harmoniegesetz in
considerable preponderance of fire health and wellbeing for this patient. Uns. 3rd ed. Munich: Ullstein, 2003.
element. Hence, since her birth this [3] Diagnostische
patient has been subject to an im- Akupunkturtestverfahren. Berlin: Con
balance, which was never quite com- Verlag, 1998.
pensated fully by the organism. Dur- [4] Vill, P. Die Konstitution des Patienten.
ing sexual maturity, the lack of water EHK, 2005. (54:221-228).
element could be compensated for [5] Vill P. Die Blutgruppen als Marker für
by an increased estrogen production die konstitutionelle Stoffwechselprägung.
because estrogen complies with the Fig. 10e: Example of a strongly integrative AZN 2005; 3:6-9
water element on the hormonal level. constitution
However, when this was not possible
anymore, the persistent “lack of wa- Contact address:
ter” found expression in problems in Dr. Peter Vill
the dental area and later in dizziness; Anton-Brucknerstr. 14c
permanent stress and the absence of 91052 Erlangen
a relationship with a person “rich in Germany
water” only added to the problem.
A possible therapeutic regime in this Fig. 10f: Example of a strongly separative
case should strive to systematically constitution
restock the water element on differ-
ent levels. A sufficient, natural hor-
mone replacement therapy could also
be considered as an emergency meas-
ure. Under this “protection”, other
measures could be taken, such as for
example relaxation techniques, de-
stressing of work, finding stability and Fig. 11: Example for an ERS in which
calmness in voluntary work, or a part- neither the sun sign nor the ascendant
nership for life. Only then can a sur- matches the dominating energy.
gical sanitation of the dental source
of infection be carried out with suc-
cess. A classic sanitation according
to traditional patterns, without pro-
vision for the constitutional weak-
ness in the water element, would cer-
tainly be only temporarily successful,
and without a change in life style, it
would be only a matter of time un-
til a new problem would erupt in the Fig. 12: The assignation of the 6
kidney-bladder area. functional spheres to the 4 elements.

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 33

and the programs with their tools.
These contain all the necessary data
so that all the different stages of the
Vital Process can be carried out. The
mental structures, the soul and tran-
scendent consciousness integrate
The Cybernetic Complex within 24 hours to seven days after
birth. The master program has Philge-
netic information. This information
develops in the first three months of
Quantum Fundamentals and their gestation. The embryo goes through
Relationship with Sound the stage of a cell, then through the
stage of a fish, amphibian, reptile,
mammal, until it structures the hu-
We are perfect cybernetic complexes man stage. In three months, it re-
(cybernetics in Greek means “thinking members the entire evolution of all
machine” or “machine of reasoning the species. That’s why it is impor-
logically” or in other terms, an organ- tant, in order to develop the Phige-
ized system that carries out in a pre- netic memory of a new being, that the
cise and mathematical way a series of latter is stimulated by sound during
programmed and controlled activities the first three months of pregnancy,
in time and movements). preferably sounds of dolphins and
songs of birds. The ideal is to listen
How Is A Cybernetic Complex to the direct sound to that the neu-
Formed? rons receive the vibratory frequencies
The ovule transports the central to enter contact with the mineral,
processing unit and the mold. The plant and animal kingdoms. Once it
sperm cell transports the database has gone through the whole evolution

In the moment of birth:

The unified field of the individual is formed.
Micro-holography The external sphere limits the exterior space.
Mold or An ovoid form contains the biological entity.
and Mold “body of energy” Programs and tools: The central axis is a hollow column that permits
the polarization of the vital energy, establishing
Program in its ends the poles of North and South.



Inside the CPU is the mold of Cellular Mental structures and transcendent
the anthropomorphic image, Microcircuit consciousness are integrated within 24 hours
from birth.
which contains all its forms with
its different changes, from the
monad, the embryo, the fetus,
the newly born to the adult. The
image of old age is not included.

34 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

of the DNA and it has already formed field and turns into an operator. The
the structure of a human body, the computer simply has an order but has
latter grows in volume and starts the not yet accomplished any function;
ontogenetic knowledge (ontos = be- the operator arrives then at the met-
ing, person). abolic circuit and activates the syn-
The instructions of a master program thesis of proteins, reduces the quan-
are grouped and transported in a tity of sugar, etc. It creates changes
package, in a particle called compu- in the metabolic routes through elec-
ter. There are 9 known types of com- trochemistry (the viruses are opera-
puters (they are 9 geometric forms) tors with altered voltage and their
and they work in pairs in the control charge is altered and their geometry
of growth and cellular replacement, deformed).
in the program of cellular metabolism All the operators work in the cellu-
of the psycho-bio-immune genera- lar microcircuit (which is found in the
tors (chakras). gravitational field of the cell, in the
Once the computer delivers its orders, gravitational equator).
it turns into an operator and all the
operators work in the cellular micro- Energetic structure of the cell
circuit. These operators are polyhydric
geometrical figures, regular and irreg- unified
ular, and their function in the cellu-
lar microcircuit is to arrange data, to genetic
connect circuits, to disperse frequen- microcircuit
cies, to codify data, to regulate the
voltage to a unity of charge, to com-
pile into a band of micro reducers in unified field
potency and to retro feed the psycho-
As each new cell is formed, the
bio-immune generators (chakras). electromagnetic – gravitational field, with
From the master program derives a the central axis, which polarizes the energy,
computer, is the geometrical figure, arises.

receives the frequency of the chakra,

each chakra with its color affects a Cellular
geometrical figure and a charge of microcircuit
electromagnetic energy, and then it
goes from the geometrical plane to
the electromagnetic plane, which the
ancients called the astral ether.
Ether is the holographic virtual plane,
the geometrical map; the astrals are
the electromagnetic fields and the Cellular microcircuit
physical, the molecular integrations. The cellular microcircuit is the functional unit of the cellular com-
plex. It works with the operators. Here, all the instructions are proc-
The computer as it receives the elec- essed before they are executed at a biological level. In this process
tromagnetic charge goes from being intervene: different organelles of the cytoplasm, structures of the
virtual to being an electromagnetic endoplasmic reticulum, and some ions of the cellular membrane.

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 35

The operator affects the first holo- the 1x10 elevated to the +12. Each
graphic plane or band of vibratory plane vibrates with different fre-
frequency, provokes electrical chang- quencies and therefore with different
es, and lastly chemical changes. colors and different musical notes.
At present we can study in medicine In the following table we can see the
up to three bands of frequency with correspondences:
seven fractal planes each, the virtual The seven Holographic planes of the
or holographic, the electromagnetic cybernetic complex and examples of
and the molecular: anatomic structures of matter and
The first band is the hologram and energy representative of each holo-
goes from the point of Planck 1x 10 graphic plane. (See tabele below)
elevated to -40 (the geo metro dy- Bio-electronic properties of the five
namic waves proposed by the physi- polyhedrons (platonic solids), and of
cist John A. Wheeler, or gravitational the sphere:
waves mathematically discovered by n Sphere: accumulator of voltage.
Albert Einstein, or what is the same, n Tetrahedron: generator of voltage
the morphogenetic fields of Rupert n Cube: compiler in band
Sheldrake, are made of points of n Octahedron: connector of circuits
Planck up to the pattern. The seven n Icosahedrons: codifier of data.
planes of the first band of frequency Consciousness is represented in the
move at the speed of the mind, fast- form of webs. They are geometrical
er then the speed of light (when we lines (geometry belongs to math sci-
think we create geometry). ence). They are spacial relationships,
The second band goes from the quan- and space is defined as a collection of
tum 1x10 elevated at -18 up to the geometrical points.
atom (they are the electromagnetic These webs or holograms are math-
waves measurable in nanometers). ematics present in the human body.
The third band of frequency goes from Max Planck managed to measure this
the atom up to the physical body, energy for the first time in the begin-
from the 1x10 elevated to the -10 to ning of the 1900. In 1926 he received

Frequency bands
1st band 2nd energy band 3rd matter band
Plane Name Metric unity of
the Cube*
1 Major Hologram Decimeter -1 Unified field of force Body
2 Minor Hologram Milimiter -3 Local reticulum Organ
3 Microhologram + Micra -6 Intermediate transducers Tissue
4 Microhologram - Nanometer -9 Cellular Microcircuit Cell
5 Energetic Webs Picometer -12 Melecular Factors Molecule +
6 Condectancy Fermi -15 Operators Molecule -
7 Impendancy Attometer -18 Quantas, Quantos, Quantum Atom

*Arithmetical approximation to the international system of units

36 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

the Nobel Prize for this detail. By do- scribe, in a dynamic way, the great
ing a mathematical exercise, we can variety of models of hadrons (bary-
see the formula of Planck: ons and mesons) and the continuous
transformations between one another.
K x wave length The scheme for this description of
Energy = = Time
Vibratory frequency
the hadrons and their interactions is
called “theory of the matrix – S” (ma-
K= ex 10 elevated to -23 = quotient trix of dispersion), referring to the
of Plank. We will need 23 zeros to- processes of collision or “dispersion”
ward the small to be able to measure which constitute the immense ma-
the energy. jority of reactions to these particles.
Symmetry, along with geometry, Their concept was proposed by Hei­
played an important role in science, sen­berg in 1932.
philosophy and Greek art, where it The oriental mystics tell us once and
was identified with beauty, harmo- again that all things and events we
ny and perfection. The Pythagoreans perceive are only creations of the
considered symmetrical numerical mind that derive from a particular
patterns as the essence of all things; state of consciousness and dissolve
it was believed that the atoms of the once we transcend that state. Hin-
four elements had regular solid forms, duism maintains that all surround-
and the majority of Greek astrono- ing forms and structures are created
mers thought that almost all celestial by the mind under the spell of maya
bodies moved in circles, because the and considers that our tendency to
circle was the geometrical figure with give them a deep meaning is a result
the highest degree of symmetry. of human illusion.
The discovery of symmetrical pat- The theory of the matrix – S describes
terns in the world of the particles has the world of subatomic particles like a
brought many physicists to believe dynamic web of events and highlights
that these patterns reflect the funda- more the change and transformation
mental laws of nature. than the structures or basic entities.
To explain the symmetries of the Modern physicists as well as the ori-
world of particles in terms of a dy- ental mystics have realized that all
namic model, a model that describes phenomena of this world of change
the interactions that take place be- and transformation are dynamically
tween these particles, is one of the interrelated. Hinduism and Buddhism
major challenges present physics are consider this relationship a cosmic
confronted with. The problem is how law.
to keep in mind quantum theory and
relativity theory simultaneously. Only Compiled by Rosa Samarra
a “quantum-relativist” theory of par-
ticles could explain the observed sym-
metries. The theory of the quantum
field was the first model of this type,
but it became unsatisfactory to de-

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 37

Dr. Patrick Flanagan believes to have
solved this mystery. The American re-
searcher, who at the age of 17 was
counted among the 10 best scientists
of the United States, who at the age
of 19 already worked in the Gemini
Space Programme of the NASA and
The Sacred Order II who at 23 years of age worked with
dolphins at a military communica-
tion programme, has invented over
300 technical discoveries to this day.
Ulrich Arndt For over 20 years, he has been trying
to discover the secrets of water. For-
merly Dr. Henri Coanda, the father of
Ulrich Arndt is a journalist, book Yet another mysterious anomaly of fluid dynamics, asked him to continue
author, and freelance writer, as well water leads us to understand why its his life’s work, namely the research of
as a member of the advisory council of unusual geometry is so important for the legendary life-prolonging effects
the European Commission of Interdis- the “eternal” life of the cells: If you of the glacier water in the valley of
ciplinary Sciences. He studied German want to heat up water by 1 degree the Hunzas in the Himalayas. With
literature, dramatics and political you need a certain amount of ener- his wife Gael Crystal, an internation-
science and is trained in several dif- gy. However if you heat it from 36 to ally known lecturer for nutrition, he
ferent methods of energy therapy. He 37 degrees Celsius you have to add discovered the energizing effect of
was also on the editorial board of the much more energy than usual. There- certain micro particles of this water
magazine esotera for several years fore this temperature forms a sort of in their private institute in Sedona,
and has founded the web database energy barrier; a second one is only Arizona.
horusmedia. 1.5 degrees higher. At 37.5 degrees Recently, Flanagan succeeded with
water has the highest flexibility for a special 33-phase method (see box,
the reformation of its molecule ge- page 45) to further increase the
ometry according to the theoretic “Hunza-Water-Effect.” The results
model of the well-known biophysi- are special drops, called “Crystal En-
cist Karl S. Trincher. Exactly within ergy – Flanagan Microcluster,” which
this temperature range, between 36 can be added to every beverage. They
and 37.5 degrees, resides the normal are supposed to transform purified
body temperature of humans and of water low in minerals into a true
many other warm blooded creatures spring of life with detoxifying, acti-
(between 36 and 42 degrees Celsius). vating and harmonizing effects on
This means that cell water with this the health. The cause for this effect is
temperature can respond most flexi- found in the “sacred geometry”: In a
bly to the energy supply through “ge- similar fashion the human body also
ometry” or use the stored energy in needs form building germs for the
the geometry for metabolic process- formation of its differently structured
es. Where does the energy, which can liquids such as blood and cerebrospi-
cause this restructuring in the human nal fluid, up to the cell and lymphatic
body, come from? liquid as ions serve as centres of crys-

38 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

The pentacle in water
Recent research at the chemical institute of
the University of California in Berkeley, USA,
show astounding parallels between the lat-
est physical findings about the structure of
water and ancient esoteric knowledge about
platonic bodies and sacred geometry.
With the help of a Wide-Infrared Laser, a
group of six researchers (Cruzan, Braly, Liu,
Brown, Loeser, Saykally) has discovered by
spectroscopic investigations that three, four or
five water molecules do not form any spatial forms.
In most cases, however, they form surprisingly even regular planes. In water over 25
degrees, there are pentagonal planes (formed by five molecules) prevalent. When-
ever twelve of these pentagons join, the regular body of a dodecahedron appears.
Even more: As scientists have also discovered even much more planes can join,
forming big “balls” – “bucky balls” -, for example 32. Thus superior and more sta-
ble structures are formed. Now there are firmly integrated and free movable charge
carriers between the five molecules that form a plane. Thus an electric flow is pos-
sible (similar to a semiconductor as know from electronics). The Californian water
researchers found out that these free moving charges regularly change with the
firmly integrated ones; however they change their position constantly. They jump
to and fro and a seeming rotation relative to the vibration emerges. This is measur-
able and shows a higher resonance (“tunnel effect”) at certain frequencies than at
other frequencies. At the same time these resonances are considered as a tentative
explanation for the effect of electromagnetic waves on the human being and his
body fluids.
The following comparison with the sacred geometry is surprising: The pentacle (Five
Star) connects the five corner points of a pentagon with a straight line, whereby the
line leaps over the following corner. It is assumed that exactly the same figure can
be formed in the five cornered water structure through the “rotating” movement
of the charge carriers as described before. If four water molecules join in a plane
another figure should appear. The changing charges swing into a lemniscate form
similar to an hour. So far this is speculation. The scientific prove is missing that and
also under which condition the “water energy” is rotating this way. The parallels
however are surprising because the pentacle and the lemniscate are looked upon as
symbolic “mediators” between cosmic energies and the material world. At the same
time the pentacle as a symbol for the human being is a symbol for the connection
between microcosmos and macrocosmos, between earth and divine spheres. Ac-
cording to the hermetic law “As above, so below” the rotating charges between the
water molecules ordered in planes seem to direct electromagnetic (“subtle”) forces
into matter (water).

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 39

tallization for its structuring. While effect of fruit fasting. Still more sta-
regular water contains very few “pla- ble are colloids, which have a protec-
tonic formed” molecules in a sea of tion from polymers (for example pure
formless water the proportion of the organic fatty acid). Exactly such col-
T he Sacred Order water in the bodies of living creatures loids are the secret of the Hunza Wa-
is supposed to be reversed. If they ab- ter, which is supposed to be one of
sorb water they first have to produce the main reasons that the members
“proper liquids” from this. The differ- of this Himalaya tribe often reach a
ent methods of “water energizing” biblical age of 120 to 140 years. Nor-
already presented seem to facilitate mally such colloids are only found in
this by “pre-structuring” the water. living creatures. But the Hunza Water
So called colloids serve as centres of flows from the glaciers over special
crystallization for the higher geome- rocks that contain large amounts of
try in the organism. The body produc- petrified wood. From this, fatty acids
es these electrically charged “cores” are released that cover the colloids.
from minerals. The minerals are cov- The same colloids are also numerous-
ered with a water-attracting layer of ly present in the human body. They
organic substances such as gelatines, have a central role in the metabolism
albumins, collagens and polysaccha- whereby the strength of their elec-
rides. For a certain time this layer pro- tromagnetic charge is decisive, as Dr.
tects the colloids from discharging. Flanagan found out. Normal colloids
For example such colloids and water have a negative electric charge of only
structured by them are found in raw few mill volts. Instead the Hunza-Ver-
fruits and vegetables, which are the sion enclosed by fatty acids has a 10
cause for the positive health-giving to 20 times higher negative electric

The secret of the Hunza Water

For more than 20 years Dr. Patrick Flanagan has researched the legendary Hunza Water. In it he discovered
electric highly charged colloids protected from early discharge by fatty acids (natural charge carriers, which
have important functions in the metabolism). Further research brought him to a special method for the pro-
duction of such colloids. Today this “Chrystal Energy” of the Hunza Water can be used in drops to vitalize
water low in minerals. The Flanagan colloids are produced by a 33-stage whirling method. First Dr. Flanagan
produces electrochemical reactions by mixing special mineral solutions where micro colloids are formed.
The solution is accelerated with a specially constructed “tangential whirling amplifier” by keeping certain
temperatures. In the centre of this turbulence a high negative electric charge emerges which also charges
the colloids. In addition this charge is increased through a special outer electric field. Then the colloids are
enclosed by organic fatty acids and thus protected from discharge. If you put a few drops of this liquid into
a glass of water the surface tension is immediately reduced and a higher geometric structuring of water fol-
lows. The most suitable water for this is poor in minerals or even steam-distilled water. If you drink one and
a half litres of this water per day the body should be detoxified with a lasting effect.

40 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

charge of 40 millivolts. The so-called ganic world. For the pioneer of col-
Zeta-potential of the colloids pro- loid chemistry, Thomas Riddick, the
vides transport of all kinds in metabo- central significance of the colloid
lism. Thanks to their high charge they charges, the Zeta potentials, is sim-
attract the nutrients and bring them ply “a basic law of nature. The Zeta
to the cells or they arrange for “house potential has a decisive role in life.
cleaning” by attracting the metabolic It is the force that controls the many
residues and transport them through billion cells.” It is very important
the body fluids. Thus they make sure that the colloid charges are not de-
that the cells receive more energy and
that the body becomes more vital. At
least equally important is a further
function: By electric repulsion the
colloids effect that the components
of the body fluids do not “stick to-
gether”. Individual naturopathic doc-
tors and biologists suppose that for
example the reduced flow ability of
the blood (to be seen in the dark field
microscopy as clumping of red blood
cells, the so called “rouleau forma-
tion” and amongst others a reason
for high blood pressure) stems from
a low Zeta charge. The influence of
the negatively charged colloids on stroyed prematurely. This could hap-
the blood consistency could go much pen through imbalance of the mineral
further still: The vital mobility of the household (wrong nutrition), hormo-
primal components of life, of mini mi- nal disturbances, toxins, electromag-
croscopic protein granules*, is namely netic waves or through free radicals.
based on such electric negative repul- It is equally spectacular to discover a
sion. further function of the colloids in the
Here researchers see a seemingly di- body: Biophotone researcher Dr. Fritz-
rect connection with the much small- Albert Popp found out that the water
er colloids. The Nobel Prize winner in geometry structured by colloids plays
physics, Wolfgang Pauli, sees the col- an important role in cell communica-
loids as the perhaps most important tion. Only in such an ordered water
link between the organic and inor- structure the cells can convey with the
help of ordered light, namely the ultra
*in the microbiological teachings of violet laser rays, information of the
Pleomorphism as protites (professor DNA-molecules. The so called “water
Enderlein) or somatides (professor fibre” experiment shows clearly what
Oswald) and in an article in the esotera great effect the minute inner electric
of 12/94 and 1/95 called as primal fungus forces of water and its minute col-
nuclei loids can unfold – prove of the exist-

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 41

ence of further unexplored phenom- ter investigated this way is most in-
ena. A thin stream of water produces teresting: According to Schauberger
a surprisingly high tension between the energy level fluctuates during the
15.000 and 20.000 volts in its envi- course of the day and should have the
T he Sacred Order ronment. Only a very small electric lowest effect at 4 p.m. and the high-
current (about one milli-ampere 15 est effect at 10 p.m. Again this may
times per second) can be collected indicate a possible influence of cos-
but it is sufficient to make a fluores- mic constellations – in this case prob-
cent tube glow softly. The experimen- ably the influence of the position of
tal set-up is very simple: Two capillary the sun.
streams of water, called water “fi- Dr. Flanagan could prove the close in-
bres”, drop out of two adjacent jets 10 teraction between electric charges,
centimetres into two isolated collect- geometric structures in water and a
ing pans which are connected to col- further unresolved influence of cos-
lectors. If you touch them with a con- mic factors. At the request of the
ductor the fluorescent tube flashes. private German researcher Oswald
Even more spectacular is a further Bartel, who co-developed a new in-
phenomenon: Shortly before the col- strument for the so-called “pressure-
lecting pan the stream divides, and push-ionisation,”* he examined the
at this point often a very weak bluish vibrational resonances of distilled
glow of the water is to be seen. The water that had been ionized with this
single drops begin to move against new procedure (“refilled” and “ge-
the gravitational force towards the ometrized” with charge carriers). It
stream as if moved by magic. In spiral showed several electromagnetic reso-
orbits they move up 10 centimetres nances with a focal point in the area
and partly even additional 20 centi- between 7 and 10 Hertz. There are the
metres higher. It is unclear whether so-called Schuhmann Waves of the
these effects are caused by the elec- earth as well as the area of the hu-
tromagnetic field or by other forces. man brain waves (Alpha – and Theta
Already in 1892 Nobel Prize winner waves).
Lenard described the “electrifying” The mysterious characteristics of the
water fibre effect. In the 30s the nat- source of life seem to emerge only in
uralist Viktor Schauberger examined a complex interaction between the
this more extensively. Several times “charging” of the water (respectively
he demonstrated these experiments the colloids contained therein), the
at the Hygiene Institute in Vienna in connected (electromagnetic and cos-
1950 and in 1951 at English univer- mic) resonance phenomena and the
sities. A Swedish research group led forming of complex geometric forms
by the electrical engineer Olof Alex- in the water structure (such as octa-
andersson has successfully repeat- hedron or dodecahedron and spiral
ed this experiment in the 60s. At the clusters). This way water is charac-
present time several private research- terized as universal solvent, reservoir
ers work on this. A further peculiarity and means of transport not only in
of the electric characteristics of wa- the human organism but also on

42 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

the entire earth. It fills the space of Author’s contact address:
the deepest depth of the rocks up to Ulrich Arndt
the upper atmosphere. It is memory, Otto-Raupp-Str. 5
source and receiver of “information” 79312 Emmendingen-Mundingen
up to the finest cosmic “vibrations” of Germany
the planets.
Thus the keeping clean of our wa-
ters and the restoration of natural-
ly whirling river beds becomes even
more significant – above all if you
call into awareness a most astound-
ing fact: Water is the only naturally
appearing liquid on the surface of our
earth (there is no other where water
is not contained as a solvent). Gener-
ally it can be equalized with the liq-
uid medium underlining its role as
a “mediator” between the solid and
gaseous (and subtle). The intensive
research of water leads to the depth
of esoteric knowledge and it still has
not revealed all of its secrets. If in the
beginning of this series of articles our
body was compared to a big “water
puddle,” now you can even compare
it more significantly: The human be-
ing is a constantly reforming, vibrat-
ing liquid crystal.
*The medium to be ionized within a
capsule is subject to lightly increased
pressure of alternating higher and
lower tension in the process of “pres-
sure-push-ionization.” Thus for ex-
ample oxygen can be ionized without
forming ozone. For medical-thera-
peutic purposes it is the most exact
single method for water “energizing.”
Medical professionals report of as-
tounding lasting detoxifications.

For further information please see Studies of water passing obstacles and falling (1508 - 1509). Leonardo da Vinci.
or contact the author.

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 43

nosis depends on how much tissue
degeneration has taken place in the
central nervous System. If there is ir-
The Homeopathic reparable damage, then homeopathic
treatment can only palliate. Till now
Tr e a t m e n t o f Ly m e we have had no experience with de-
bilitated cases such as these.
Disease IV Some homeopaths are of the opin-
ion that it is not worth their while
to concern themselves with the Lyme
Peter Alex, Dr. med. vet. phenomenon, since the entire focus
Coautor Dr. Frans Vermeulen of homeopathic treatment should
be upon the single individual, whose
characteristic and peculiar signs and
Peter Alex, Dr. med. vet., is a veterinar- Homeopathic Principles in the Symptoms alone are of interest. Ar-
ian and homeopath, who has been Treatment of Lyme Disease rayed against this view is the fact
practicing classic homeopathy for more The treatment of patients with Lyme that in Germany, given present trends,
than fifteen years in the German district disease is generally no different from there will be in a few years more than
Nordsachen. He is also an assistant the homeopathic treatment of other one million persons infected with
professor at the International Homeo- chronic conditions. As always in ho- borrelia, many of whom will suffer in-
pathic College at Torgau. Alex’s research meopathy, the law of similars is fun- capacitating afflictions. We see our-
interests include infectious diseases, damental. selves confronted with the prospect
vaccination damage, and homeopathic The homeopathic treatment of chron- of a creeping yet almost unopposa-
medication control. ic diseases requires a thorough going ble spread of this infection. As with
training over many years, preferably Hahnemann in 1830, who at the ap-
in a teaching institution that sub- proach of cholera armed himself for
scribes to the highest possible Stand- the fight with preventative means,
ards. Lay practitioners or therapists so should we homeopaths of today
who lack homeopathic qualifications arm ourselves in the fight against this
are advised against attempting self- modern plague. We should examine
treatment with potentized remedies our books for suitable remedies, or
bought over the counter. Under some explore new ones that appear prom-
circumstances harm may ensue. Also, ising, such that in every instance we
precious time is lost which could be can cure in a rapid, gentle, safe and
better used in proper homeopathic permanent fashion.
therapy. For the moment it would seem a good
Actually it depends upon the thera- idea to look for general similarities
pist’s capabilities and experiences, just between the Lyme phenomenon and
how fast and how completely a cure the healing remedies that are already
comes about. Generally, with regards known to us. In his article on Ledum,
to the skin and joint forms a cure may Bill Gray points to the remarkable fact
be regarded as rapid and long lasting. that Ledum is not only our principal
Concerning the neurological form, as remedy for insect stings and animal
with all such disturbances, the prog- bites, but it is also a specific for cer-

44 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

tain kinds of arthritis. Eventually the disease, who actually belongs to the
entire rubric GENERALS, wounds, at-risk group? Or better, who does
bites will have to be reviewed for not belong? More intriguing yet is the
remedies that apply to Lyme disease. question as to whether prevention is
This approach will at any rate point even possible. Considering that 30%
us towards an effective treatment, as of all ticks are infected and that a
long as we don’t encounter indica- rapid increase in tick bites has been
tions during the homeopathic case- reported, in Germany some authori-
taking that the immune System is se- ties estimate that one-quarter million
riously undermined, making it an easy people become infected with borrelia
prey to bouts of infection. every year. Fortunately, most of those
The point can be taken further in con- infected don’t become sick.
nection with insects or Spiders. In- Since Hahnemann’s time homeopaths
sofar as these play a role as borre- have been successful in counteracting
lia vectors, they may be considered endemic diseases with the so-called
among the remedies one chooses. In genus epidemicus. But can there even
one case of neuroborreliosis, I wit- be such a thing in the case of Lyme
nessed Theridion (a spider remedy) ef- disease, with its bewildering profu-
fect a progressive improvement over sion of symptoms?
a period of some months. There are In surveying the field for possible
synergistic factors involved in home- remedies, it became clear that many
opathic treatment. On the other hand, practitioners used the Lyme nosode
there are other potentially health- for prevention and therapy. (Out of
compromising circumstances that are ignorance, I myself had previously
best avoided. recom­mended it for prevention.) But
after publishing on the subject of
The Miasmatic Aspect Lyme disease, I received hundred of
We know from Hahnemann that phone calls and emails reporting frus-
chronic cases must be treated mias- tration and inefficacy in treating the
matically if they are not to relapse disease with its nosode. For this rea-
time and again. Also, as homeopaths son I advise against using it, until it is
we can’t rest satisfied merely in elim- rigorously proven.
inating the effects of disease. We In his preceding discussion, Frans Ver-
want to know as much as possible meulen described the family relation-
about the background situation, in ship of Borrelia to the treponemes
order to “keep harmful diseases away which accompany syphilis. This pro-
from healthy people,” as Hahnemann vides a profitable direction for inquiry.
directed. For some time there have been re-
In past decades no epidemic has ac- ports of Lyme-infected mothers, who
quired quite the mass character as pass on to their unborn child certain
has Lyme disease, not even AIDS. deformities which resemble those
With AIDS, the at-risk groups, predis- caused by syphilis. This fact alone
posing factors and protective meas- demonstrates the close similarity be-
ures are well known. But with Lyme tween not only the bacteria, but also

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 45

the diseases themselves. Lyme and addresses itself to a syphilis-like mi-
syphilis also share in common the fact asma, then everyone who is treated
that they can present in three consec- at the outset with an individualized
utive stages with long latency periods remedy, and who thereby becomes
Lyme Disease in between. symptom-free, should receive either
In Hahnemannian homeopathy, Mer- Mercurius or Aurum arsenicosum as
cury is the principal remedy for the a concluding remedy. Otherwise the
syphilitic miasm. Consequently ho- danger remains that the disease will
meopaths have tried giving Mercury merely go latent, only to re-emerge
to tick-stricken patients as a thera- years later. I myself experienced this
peutic agent in the chronic form of in one case which became symptom-
Lyme disease. Nevertheless, there are free after treatment with Lachesis, yet
significant differences between Lyme the complaints (in this case arthritic)
disease and syphilis as regards their nevertheless re-appeared after one or
path of transmission and susceptibil- two years. After a dose of Aurum ar-
ity to antibiotics. senicosum they disappeared for good.
These observations recall the attempt A conclusive efficacy claim cannot be
made by Harris Coulter, in a book made, however, without some further
published some twenty years ago, to years of observation.
establish a link between AIDS and
Syphilis. But for all these similarities The End
and connections, as homeopaths we
face the problem that while Mercury
may indeed represent the specific in Autor Dr. Peter Alex
the treatment of syphilitic patients, Coautor Dr. Frans Vermeulen
producing complete cures in many
cases, when it comes to AIDS or HlV- With kind permission taken
infection it almost always falls. In the from the book:
homeopathic sense there is not suf- The Homeopathic Treatment of Lyme Dis-
ficient similarity, and thus the search ease
continues for remedies that are more By Peter Alex
appropriate. English Edition
It seems likely that for a remedy to First published 2005 as Heilung Borre-
be curative for Lyme disease it should liosekranker mit Homoeopathie
have an anti-syphilitic aspect. This is Homeopathy West Publishing, El Cerrito,
what prompted the suspicion that Au- CA 94530, USA
rum arsenicosum could be employed
as a specific for the Lyme miasm. Al- Internationales
though there was no actual proving, Homöopathiekolleg Torgau e.V.
it is known that during the 19th cen- Dorfstr. 7
tury Aurum arsenicosum was taken 04862 Mockrehna OT
into the homeopathic armamentari- Wildschütz
um as a treatment for Syphilis. If our Germany
suspicion is correct that this remedy

46 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

ly necessary to maintain good health.
The magnetic field of the Earth forms
a protective shield without which life
in the present form would hardly be
The Primal Healing possible on earth.
Plants establish a magnetic field as
Power of the Pine III they are electric conductors. The tre-
mendous quantity of vegetable con-
A Secret Hidden in Nature ductors – notably forests and plank-
ton fields in the oceans – generates
the decisive intensity of the electric
G.A. Ulmer currents, which are indispensable for
the magnetic field on earth.
When, however, these herbal conduc-
The Cosmic Link tors are destroyed, the magnetic field
Pine needles do not only have a heal- of the Earth is destroyed in a time lag
ing effect through their essential oils, and exposes the biosphere to a strong
but also their large needles are supe- radiation from the cosmos.
rior a storage for bioelectricity. In this According to the scholars Kawai, Riki-
way they can actively strengthen the take and Nakagawa, the natural ra-
physiological energy. Because of their diation of the Earth has decreased by
juice flow, they are electrical conduc- 50 percent in the past 500 years. This
tors. also affects people’s health. There-
Life is not possible without a relation fore, every tree is important.
and a resonance of all beings among When we examine the effect of a
each other and with the entire envi- weak magnetic field on living beings,
ronment. The light coming from the we realize that the latter cannot exist
sun which enables metabolism proc- without magnetic fields, without they
esses in plants and trees shows us are damaged. Magnetic and electro-
Günter Albert Ulmer is a specialized that we are all part of a cosmic link magnetic fields supply energy and can
chemist who founded his own publishing between all living beings. transmit information.
house in 1982. He is the author of more Long before there was any life, the Bees also produce periodic electro-
than 80 books about health, nature and cosmos was already permeated with magnetic fields through the rhyth-
the environment and has been publish- energetic fields. Life developed along mic movements of their small bodies,
ing the monthly magazine Waerland with these fields and depends on which have a surface tension with the
since 1995. He conducts seminars for them. help of which they communicate dur-
nutritionists as well as seminars on The magnetic field of the Earth en- ing their tail-wagging dance.
effective anti-aging and the successful ables life on our planet in the first Our body provides subtle internal
overcoming of stress. place. The Earth’s magnetism is omni- steering systems that are able to work
present, permeates all substances and with a tiny quantity of electromag-
brings vital forces into the organisms netic energy only. Even our red blood
to generate a regulating effect within. cells are magnetized.
All life systems are embedded in this A high surface tension in the blood se-
bio-energetic field, which is absolute- rum is very important. When the ten-

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 47

sion decreases, the surface potentials centration of energy in a relative and
with negative polarity collapse and the tiny space.”
cells shrink. When the blood cells lose Just like we humans, trees are also
their magnetic qualities, their natural included in these vibrations; every
Pine structure is destroyed and adapts an tree has its own characteristic field of
electric characteristic. This can lead to force and vibration. Obviously, the ef-
clotting, thrombosis and infarcts. fect of essential oils is due to subtle
According to Fred Hageneder, the structures.
bioelectric fields of trees react sen- Through the nose we can absorb vi-
sitive to the change between light brations and odor, which do not only
and darkness, the seasons, the moon influence our brain but also our lungs
phases, the cycle of the sunspot ac- and blood circulation.
tivity, air electricity and variations in All human beings are embedded in a
the magnetic field of the Earth. vibrating world and – like an instru-
Trees in particular continuously re- ment – we dispense and assimilate vi-
duce the electric air tension between brations. Sensitive persons respond to
the Earth and ionospheres (which can subtle energy waves in a similar way
be clearly seen in their function as as animals. They are able to receive
a lightning protector.) According to and decode certain information.
a physical law, every conductor pro- Positive resonances have a harmoniz-
duces an electro-magnetic field when ing effect on the rhythm of the hu-
electricity flows through. man body and mind. Joy and comfort
Another physical law states that elec- can be created in order to energize.
tromagnetic fields strengthen each On the subtle plane, every species of
other when they run parallel and when trees dispenses its resonance in vari-
electricity flows in the same direc- ous frequencies, which radiate into
tion. This holds also true for trees, and the surrounding.
there are hundreds of millions of trees, Every tree as such is a perfect sym-
which generate and maintain the bol for life. With a trunk rooted in the
magnetic field of the Earth, the pro- ground and a crown reaching for the
tective shield that prevents all life on sky, it reveals the secret of creation.
Earth from harmful cosmic radiation. A careful observation of the tree, from
the gentle germ bud to the centuries-
Subtle and Informative old senior with its widely protruding
Vibration crown, as well as the entire forest
Everything in nature reveals itself with its biogenesis, gives an impres-
through vibration and radiation. The sion of this awe-inspiring miracle of
Noble Prize laureate Max Planck ex- nature.
plained it as follows: “Actually, matter A person’s life is too short for a distri-
does not exist, as everything is made bution of cosmic energy, whereas the
of radiation.” long-living tree is able to provide a
Einstein, too, arrived at the conclu- harmonic distribution to all living be-
sion that, “What we perceive with our ings. Trees have always been the “giv-
senses as matter is in fact a high con- ers,” since the beginning of their ex-

48 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

istence approximately 300 million of August to 2 September and from 19 According to tests conducted by the
years ago.” to 28 February. The squandering of Industrie- und Umweltlaboratorium
Native Americans know about the daylight comes to an end, every year Vorpommern GmbH (Laboratory of
significance of the flora – especially at the end of August. Then the pine- Industry and Environment Vorpom-
of the trees – for “Mother Nature.” born rekindle the light of reason and, mern Ltd./Germany) the examined
Ceremonies of gratitude and rever- in early spring, the light of hope. This pine heartwood showed approxi-
ence are held to enable a life in har- mately 50 % of turpentine, whereby
mony with them: “ceremony of the the turpentine-isomeres comprised
blooming tree.” the main part, followed by Borneol
Native American children are edu- and alpha pines. Tannins and carbo-
cated in this way from an early age hydrates were also found.
on. Everyone betakes to “his/her” tree Tannins belong to the group of phe-
from which he/she feels attracted as nols, which play an important role
every human corresponds to a cer- among the therapeutically effective
tain tree depending on his/her nature. components of healing plants. They
This connection can change during are astringent, anti-inflammatory,
the course of one’s life. With the left anti-bacterial, antiviral and they neu-
hand, which is the receiving, hand the tralize toxins.
tree is touched in order to perceive Because of their astringent effect
the “vibration” of the tree, its struc- they eliminate the breeding ground
ture, shape, bark, the wood, branch- for bacteria living on skin and mu-
ing, shape of leaves and blossoms. cosa. Pain and wound secretion is
This meditative connection has the reduced, and inflammations are hin-
potential to heal a sick tree, or at dered. Bacteria and toxins cannot en-
least it can achieve that the sickness, ter into a deeper layer.
the yellowing of the needles, the de- Tannins protect plants from potential
creasing vitality of the leaves stops phyto-pathologic micro organisms
spreading. Native Indians believe that should be a stimulus for all persons in and their extra cellular enzymes. Their
the death of trees may not be stopped regard to information on pines. affinity and reactivity toward proteins
by technical means but solely by a As we already know pines are the old- and metal-ions is very high.
positive inner attitude. est residents on Earth and are able to The most important purpose of phe-
Protecting the environment begins adapt to the most difficult conditions. nols (secondary organic substances)
with a change in thinking. The Earth Of all woods, pinewood has the high- for health lies in their value as high-
does not belong to us – we belong to est contents of resins and therefore it ly effective antioxidants. They pre-
the Earth. May we achieve the aware- is the most effective one. It offers a vent harmful oxygen reactions, which
ness that there is only one earth and good protection against insects and means that they stop the formation
that we form a community of fate fungus. of the so-called free radicals in the
with all fellow creatures. We should With nearly 2 millions of genes, the body’s cells. These kinds of reactions
seek to act according to the rhythm genetic information of the pine is also with radicals are held responsible for
of nature, as we are its children so excellent. In comparison the poplar, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
that out planet may survive with all for example, shows only 40 thousand Therefore, terpenes play an important
its beauty and wise order. genes. The genetic information of role in cancer prevention.
According to the Celtic tree calendar, pine is approximately 50 times more As mentioned previously, pine resins
the days of the pine-born are from 24 extensive. in the heartwood show a very high

Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI 49

content of flavonoids. Especially vi- Stand tall in the four winds,
ruses, being much smaller than bac- That carry your seeds,
teria, disguise in a layer of proteins in And go wherever earth calls you.
order to enter the human body. The
Pine cell can only precipitate this protein The pine has a close relationship to
layer through prostaglandins (hor- the human soul. It can help liberate
mones in the tissues) the forming of us from small-minded and narrow
which is encouraged by flavonoids. thinking in order to receive new per-
Also tannins which are water-soluble spectives for a positive way of life.
phenols are able to precipitate pro- Particularly the pine as the tree with
teins. the highest contents of resins holds
The special ingredients, which are an unforeseen treasure in its heart-
proven to be consistent against bac- wood preventing us from virus, para-
teria and germs, and also have an sites and fungus in the same way as
anti-itching effect, is dissolved in pine trees have survived during the
KiefernGold (pine gold) which is very course of thousands of years.
well-tolerated by the skin due of its The information given about the pine
nearly natural pH-value. is very powerful. It is not even known
Being a pure, natural product it can in its entirety. What has been found
be used for oral hygiene and as a gar- in many studies, especially through
gle solution. It may help in case of the research of the biologist Annett
gum bleeding and inflammation of Schönwälder and employees of the
the gums and in general promotes a Biological Federal Office in Braun­
healthy oral flora. schweig/Germany, is only the be-
ginning of a new understanding on
Summary herbal defences and anti-viral, an-
The pine is known as a symbol for a ti-microbial and anti-bacterial sub-
long life as it braves all attacks, shows stances which may be a significant
persistency in all situations and over- help for our health prevention.
comes all extremes. It is perennial and Extracts of pinewood have clearly im-
unpretentious, and tolerable regard- proved the healing of skin diseases,
ing its surrounding. Most notably it wound healing and respiratory prob-
is adaptive to the given regional con- lems in a natural way.
ditions. Therefore the pine is a sym- Once again the idea arises that the
bol for contentment, humbleness and tree of life brings healing and liber-
adaptability. ation. In particular the pine with its
In his book The Spirit of Trees, Fred evergreen existence and its richness
Hadeneder offers an ode to the pine: in heartwood and healing substances
is a true symbol for the eternal force
Stand tall in the heat of the day, of life.
Stand tall in cold night, In closing, a statement by Nicolas
Stand tall in a soil that carries no water, Roerich:
Stand tall on clanking rocks, The knowledgeable seeks,
Stand tall in lonely moor, The wise finds;

50 Paracelsus Health & Healing 9/ VI

I m p r i n t
PARACELSUS – Health & Healing
Who has found is surprised n Steinkamp, Dr.-Ing: Untersuchung The Magazine for Healing Practices and Traditional
About the effortlessness of control. zur Einführung von Hygiene-Paletten Knowledge of Medicine in East and West

The Master sings a song of joy: aus Holz, zum Einsatz in der Lebens- Paracelsus was a master of health and healing who stands
for a bridging of the visible and invisible worlds. What
Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!” mittelindustrie, Deutsches Institut für he said 500 years ago is now slowly being found valid
even by modern medical science. Therefore the magazine
Lebensmitteltechnik e.V. Quakenbrück is published in memory of Paracelsus to inform about all
n Ulmer, G.A.: Ein Geschenk der Natur, varieties of healing known to be effective.
Subject areas are: Ayurveda, homoeopathy, yoga, alchemy,
Produkte der Bienen, G.A. Ulmer Ver- naturopathy, traditional Chinese therapies, other traditional
therapies from the Far East, magnetotherapy, hydrotherapy,
List of Sources: lag, Tuningen massage, foot zone massage, phytotherapy, dietetics, gems
n Amann, Gottfried: Bäume + Sträucher n Ulmer, G.A.: Lebensenergie und Ge- for healing (crystals), colour therapy, sound therapy, old
”grandmother recipes”, spiritual therapies including healing
des Waldes, Neumann-Neudamm Ver- sundheit, G.A. Ulmer Verlag, Tuningen through meditation.

lag, Melsungen n Ulmer, G.A.: Unser Wald darf nicht

Editor in Chief:
n Dinand, A.: Handbuch der Heilpflan- Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, India
sterben, G.A. Ulmer Verlag, Tuningen
zenkunde, Schreiber Verlag, Esslingen n Ulmer, G.A.: Zauberhaftes Wildsee- Chief-Coordinator:
Sabine Mrosek, Naturopath, Switzerland
n dpa: Erstmals Genom einer Baumart moor, G.A. Ulmer Verlag, Tuningen
Editorial Board:
entziffert, Die Welt 15.09.2006 n Vescoli, Michael: Der keltische Baum-
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, India · Sabine Mrosek, Naturopath,
n Felder, Pauline: von der Heilkraft der kalender, Hugendubel Verlag, München Switzerland · Dr. Josep Parés, MD, Spain · Dr. Paul
Meienberg, DSc, Germany.
Bäume, Yerbasana Verlag, Kriens n Willfort, Richard: Gesundheit durch
Executive Board:
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ISSN 1660-7791
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