Todos Los Usos de Get

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Get+ adjetivo Hacerse,volverse, ponerse.

to get angry (enfadarse), to get fat (engordar), to get old (envejecer), to get
happy (ponerse contento), get sleepy (agarrar sueño), to get thirsty (agarrar sed),to get
hungry (agarrar hambre), get dark (oscurecer), to get better (mejorar), to get
worse (empeorar), to get full (llenarse), to get hot (ponerse caluroso), get late(hacerse
tarde), to get mad (enojarse), to get nervous (ponerse nervioso), to get well (mejorar,
ponerse bien), to get rich (enriquecerse), to get cold (ponerse frío, enfriarse), to get
wet (mojarse), to get bald (quedarse calvo), to get upset(disgustarse), to get
sick (enfermarse).

 If you keep on eating chocolate, you will certainly get fat.

Si seguís comiendo chocolate seguramente vas a engordar.
 It is getting dark. I think we should leave soon.
Está oscureciendo. Pienso que deberíamos partir pronto.
 What time are we going to have dinner? I am getting hungry.
¿A qué hora vamos a cenar? Me está agarrando hambre.
 Mary got mad at me when I told her the news.
Mary se enojó conmigo cuando le di la noticia.
 When I was sick, Susan sent me a card. It said, "Get well soon."
Cuando estaba enfermo, Susan me envió una tarjeta que decía: "Mejorate pronto".
 Jim did not have an umbrella, so he got wet while waiting for the bus yesterday.
Jim no tenía un paraguas entonces se mojó mientras esperaba el autobús ayer.
 Dinner is ready, Sam. Your soup is getting cold.
Sam, la cena está lista. Se te está enfriando la sopa.
 Mr. Andrews is wearing a wig because he got bald.
El Señor Andrews usa peluca porque se quedó calvo.
 This is not important. Take it easy. Don’t get so upset.
Esto no es importante. Tómalo con calma. No te disgustes tanto.

Get + past participle. Hacerse,volverse, ponerse.

to get confused (confundirse), to get married (casarse), to get

engaged(comprometerse), to get excited (emocionarse/entusiasmarse), to get
depressed(deprimirse), to get scared (asustarse), to get dressed (vestirse), to get
finished(terminar), to get lost (perderse), to get hurt (lastimarse), to get
bored (aburrirse),to get worried (preocuparse), to get ready (prepararse), to get
wrinkled(arrugarse), to get drunk (emborracharse), to get crowded (llenarse de
gente), to get tired (cansarse).

 First they got engaged and then they got married.

Primero se comprometieron y después se casaron.
 All the kids got excited when they saw Santa Claus.
Todos los niños se emocionaron cuando vieron a Papá Noel.
 Lawrence got depressed when he failed the exam, so I tried to cheer him up.
Lawrence se deprimió cuando no pasó el examen, entonces traté de alegrarlo.
 There was a terrible accident, but nobody got hurt.
Hubo un accidente terrible, pero nadie se lastimó.
 They got so bored that they did not stay for the end of the movie.
Se aburrieron tanto que no se quedaron hasta el final de la película.
 Stop drinking beer; otherwise you will get drunk.
Deja de tomar cerveza, de lo contrario te emborracharás.
 The party got so crowded that we could not dance any more.
La fiesta se llenó de tanta gente que no pudimos bailar más.


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