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Building blocks of life – cell and tissues

Cell - The structural and functional unit of organisms

1. The invention of microscope -> discovery the cells <- by Robert Hoocky in 1665.
2. Celltheorycell theory
Theory :

- Cell is the structural and functional unit of all living beings and bodies of all organisms are
composed of cells.

- All new cells arise by division of pre-existing cells.

- The functions of an organism are an outcome of the combined activities and the
interactions of the cells that make the organism.
3. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
 Alls cells :
- Cells membrane limits the cell and gives it shape.
- DNA which may be contained in nucleus.
- Fluid called cytoplasm filling in the space within the cells.
 Prokaryotic :
- Don’t have a well – organised nucleus.
- Only single molecure of DNA.
 Eukaryotic :
- DNA is enclosed in a nuclear membrane
- Two or more DNA molecules.
4. Structure of a typecal cell of eukaryotic
 Cells within the body :
- Difference : Shape, size, function.
- Have : membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus.

o Parts common to both animal cells and plant cells :

- Cell membrane or plasma membrane
- Cytoplasm
- Nucleus
o Cell organells fornd inn cytoplasm :
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Ribosomes
- Mitochondria
- Golgi bodies
- Lisosomes
o Parts other than the organelles
- Vacuoles
- Granucles
 Parts found in plants all only
- Cell wall
- Plastids
 Parts found in animal cell only
- Centrosome
5. The difference between an animal cell and a plant cell

6. Cells division – production of new cells

 Mitosis :

 Meiosis :

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