How Many Joints in The Hands and Wrists Should Included in A Score Radiologic Abnormalities Used To Assess Rheumatoid Arthritis?

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Numerous methods for reading abnormalities of hand and wrist films from patients with rheumatoid
rheumatoid arthritis in hand and wrist radiographs arthritis. Ten of 13readers scored 27 joints in each hand
have been proposed over the past several decades. There and wrist; the other 3 readers scored fewer areas.
are many differences among these methods, one of the Fourteen combinations of joints were selected based on
more striking of which is the variation in the number of the frequency of involvement and the technical ade-
joints that are scored. In this study, we tested the quacy of routine films in assessing a given area. After
number of joints that need to be read in order to testing these 14 different combinations, 1 scheme, which
represent abnormalities accurately and reproducibly, included 17 areas read for erosions and 18 areas read for
using the scores of multiple observers. Thirteen joint space narrowing, was tested further. The correla-
rheumatologists and radiologists each read a set of 41 tion coefficients for 10 intraobserver scores derived from
this modified scheme compared with the original scores
Presented at a workshop sponsored by the Joe and Betty were between 0.981 and 0.997. Seventy-one of 78
Alpert Arthritis Center, Rose Medical Center, Denver, CO, Novem-
ber 28-29, 1983. interobserver comparisons were better using the new
Supported by a grant from the Eli LiHy Company, India- scheme than using the original scheme. These data
napolis, IN. indicate that the simplified scheme, using a combination
John T. Sharp, MD: Director, Joe and Betty Alpert Arthri-
tis Center, Rose Medical Center, Denver, CO; Donald Y. Young, of 17 joints to score erosions and 18 to score joint space
PhD: Statistician, ARAMIS Data Bank Network, Stanford Univer- narrowing, more accurately reflects the extent of abnor-
sity, Palo Alto, CA: Gilbert B. Bluhm, MD: Coordinator, Clinical malities perceived by a panel of experts than does the
Investigation, Rheumatology Research, Henry Ford Hospital, De-
troit, MI; Andrew Brook, MB: Rheumatologist, Yarralumla, Aus- original scheme. This abbreviated number of joints
tralia: Anne C. Brower, MD: Department of Radiology, George shortens the amount of time required to read a set of
Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC: Mary films and simplifies the scoring of films, since a number
Corbett, MB: Consultant Rheumatologist, Middlesex Hospital,
London, England: John L. Decker, MD: Director, Clinical Center, of areas that are difficult to read are eliminated from
NIH, Bethesda, MD; Harry K. Genant, MD: Radiologist, Depart- radiographic assessment.
ment of Radiology, University of California Medical Center, San
Francisco, CA; J. Philip Gofton, MD: Rheumatologist, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC: Neal Goodman. MD: Radiol- Destruction of bone and cartilage is a regular
ogist, Department of Radiology, St. Anthony Hospital, Denver, CO: consequence of persistent, active synovitis in patients
Arvi Larsen, MD: Spenshults Reumatikersjukhus, Oskarstrom, with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Because finger and
Sweden: Martin D. Lidsky, MD: Chief, Rheumatology Section, VA
Medical Center, Houston, TX; Pekka Pussila, MD: Radiologist, wrist joints are frequently involved in this disease, a
Department of Radiology, Reumasaation Sairaala, Heinola, Fin- number of investigators over the past several decades
land; Aaron S. Weinstein, MD: Department of Radiology, Univer- have proposed that an assessment of the severity of
sity of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH: Barbara N.
Weissman, MD: Radiologist. Department of Radiology, Brigham erosions and cartilage loss in hand and wrist joints,
and Women’s Hospital, Boston. MA. logically, would represent an index of the outcome of
Address reprint requests to John T. Sharp, MD, Alpert this disease process (1-6). More recently, it has been
Arthritis Center, 4567 East Ninth Avenue, Denver, CO 80220.
Submitted for publication November 13, 1984; accepted in proposed that individual joints should be scored sep-
revised form May 6, 1985. arately and the scores summed in order to accurately

Arthritis and Rheumatism, Vol. 28, No. 12 (Decemher 1985)


represent the degree of changes in the hands and long-term progression of radiologic lesions. We tested
wrists (7-10). this scheme, using the data from the collaborative
In November 1983, a group of radiologists and study of November 1983 (11). The results indicate that
rheumatologists collaborated in testing several dif- this modified scheme, which eliminates areas that are
ferent methods of measuring the radiologic changes in technically difficult to read and other areas that are
these joints. There was generally good agreement infrequently involved, provides an appropriate sample
among experienced observers, even when using dif- of the joints in the hands and wrists that will accurately
ferent methods (11). However, that study did not represent the radiologic abnormalities of patients with
resolve 2 important questions: 1) Does any single RA .
method of scoring abnormalities of individual joints
give results that are more reproducible than other
methods do? and 2) Which joints in the hands and
wrists should be scored? This report addresses the
latter question.
In determining which joints and how many
joints should be included in the score, we considered:
the frequency of involvement of individual joints, the
time course of development of lesions in individual
joints with greater disease duration, the technical
factors which determine ease of reading definitive
lesions of a given joint or area, and the number of
joints required to sample adequately the abnormalities
found in a population of patients having a broad
spectrum of disease severity.
Frequency analysis was done on radiographic
data in the Alpert Arthritis Center American Rheuma-
tism Association Medical Information System
(ARAMIS) data bank (12) to assess the contribution of
a given joint to the total radiologic score. Differences
in thle frequency of joint involvement, as perceived by
different observers, were determined using the scores
of 13 observers who read the same set of study films in
the project mentioned above (1 1). However, the films
in this study set were not randomly chosen, but were
selected in order t o represent a broad spectrum of
involvement, ranging from those films that were con-
sidered as demonstrating no diseases to those films
demonstrating very severe disease. Therefore, the
frequency data presented were based on analysis of
the film records in the Alpert Arthritis Center
ARAMIS data bank.
Cluster analysis was performed on the erosion
and joint space narrowing (JSN) scores, using the data
from the Alpert Arthritis Center to identify groups of
joints that contributed similar proportions to the total
scores. From this analysis, several schemes were
tested on the ARAMIS data. Finally, we chose I
modified scheme which was based on the results of the
cluster analysis, the frequency of joint involvement, Figure 1. Original scheme. Twenty-seven areas of the hands and
clinical judgment regarding ease and reliability of wrists scored for erosions (large black dots) and joint space narrow-
reading specific joints, and some limited data on the ing (parallel lines) in assessing the severity of rheumatoid arthritis.

METHODS hand and wrist films were of sufficient technical quality to

allow a reading of all joints specified in the original scheme
Source of data. Radiologic scores on 131 patients for scoring erosions.
with RA whose clinical, laboratory, and radiologic data had The films were scored according to the method
been entered in the ARAMIS data bank from the Joe and described by Sharp et a1 (7). Briefly, 27 areas of each hand
Betty Alpert Arthritis Center, Denver, CO were analyzed. and wrist were scored for erosions and JSN (Figure 1).
Selection of data on these 131 patients was based on whether Erosions were counted when discrete. Surface erosions,

Table 1. Description of schemes for scoring erosions and joint space narrowing (JSN) on radiographs
of the hands and wrists of patients with rheumatoid arthritis*
~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~

Areas read for erosions Areas read for JSN

n Description n Description
Original scheme? 54 8 DIPs, 10 PIPS. 10 MCBs, 10 54 8 DIPs, 10 PIPs, 10 MCPs. 10
MCPs, 12 carpal bonest, 2 radi- CMCs, 12 intercarpal. 2 radio-
us, 2 ulnar bones carpal, 2 radioulnar joints
Scheme A 48 Removed from original scheme: R 48 Removed from original scheme: R
5th DIP, L 4th and 5th bIPs, L 5th DIP, L 4th and 5th DIPS, L
5th PIP, R 2nd MCP, R hamate 5th PIP, R 2nd CMC, R ha-
bones mate-capitate joints
Scheme B 45 Same as A, but also removed: R 45 Same as A, but also removed: R
2nd and 4th DIPs, R radius 2nd and 4th DIPs, R radiocar-
bones pal joints
Scheme C 36 Same as B, but also removed: R 36 Same as B, but also removed: R
2nd MCP, R 3rd MCB, R mul- 2nd MCP, R 3rd CMC. R mul-
tangulars, R lunate, R trique- tangular-navicular, R lunate-
trum, R capitate, L lunate, L triquetrum, R triquetrum-ha-
capitate. L hamate bones mate. R capitate-navicular-lu-
nate, L lunate-triquetrum, L
capitate-navicular-hate, L ha-
mate-capitate joints
Scheme D 46 Same as original, but all 8 DIPs 46 Same as original, but all 8 DIPS
removed removed
Scheme E 44 Same as original, but all 10 MCBs 44 Same as original, but all 10 CMCs
removed removed
Scheme F 36 Same as original, but all 8 DIP5 36 Same as original, but all 8 DIPS
and all 10 MCBs removed and all 10 CMCs removed
Scheme G 34 Same as F, but also removed: R 34 Same as F, but also removed: R
and L capitate bones and L capitate-navicular-hate
Scheme H 32 Same as G, but also removed: R 32 Same as G , but also removed: R
and L hamate bones and L hamate-capitate joints
Scheme I 30 Same as H , but also removed: R 30 Same as H, but also removed: R
and L triquetrum bones and L triquetrum-hamate joints
Scheme J 28 Same as I , but also removed: R 28 Same as I, but also removed: R
and L h a t e bones and L lunate-triquetrum joints
Scheme K 20 All joints excluded except the 10 20 All joints excluded except the 10
PIPs and 10 MCPs PIPs and 10 MCPs
Scheme L 27 All joints in L hand excluded; 27 All joints in the L hand excluded
joints and areas of R hand in
original scheme were included
Scheme M 27 All joints in R hand excluded 27 All joints in the R hand excluded
Scheme N 35 Included were: 10 PIPs, 10 MCPs, 36 Included were: 10 PIPs, 10 MCPs,
Rand L 1st MCBs. R and L R and L 3rd, 4th. 5th CMCs, R
multangulars (as I unit), R and and L multangular-navicular, R
L navicular, R and L lunate, R and L lunate-triquetrum, R and
and L triquetrum (and pisi- L capitate-navicular-lunate, R
form), R and L radius, R and L and L radiocarpal, R and L ra-
ulnar bones dioulnar joints
* DIP = distal interphalangeal; PIP = proximal interphalangeal; MCB = metacarpal base; MCP =
metacarpophalangeal; CMC = carpometacarpal; R = right; L = left.
t See Figure 1 for graphic representation.
t The greater and lesser multangulars are usually superimposed and are therefore read as 1 unit; for the
same reason, the triquetrum and pisiform are read together.

1.1 2nd


A n
1i iilhl
,tn L T

P ~ C


Figure 3. The frequency of erosions in individual joints of the hands

and wrists, as determined by reader I, utilizing data from 131
patients in the Alpert Arthritis Center American Rheumatism Asso-
ciation Medical Information System data bank. R = right (open
bars); L = left (closed bars); DIP = distal interphalangeal; PIP =
proximal interphalangeal; MCB = metacarpal bases; MCP =
metacarpophalangeal; M = multangulars; N = navicular; L =
lunate; ‘TP = triquetrum-pisiform; H = hamate; C = capitate; RAD.
= radius.

erosion and JSN scores, were calculated. The frequency of

involvement of individual joints and correlation coefficients
were obtained utilizing TOD software programs (13).
Since the radiologic data on the films at the Alpert
Arthritis Center represent radiologic scores assigned by a
single reader, the frequency distribution of specific joint
involvement and correlations between scores obtained with
Figure 2. Scheme N . Seventeen areas scored for erosion (large the original scheme and scheme N (which will be defined
black dots), and 18 areas scored for joint space narrowing (parallel later) were compared for 13 different observers, using data
lines) in assessing the severity of rheumatoid arthritis. obtained in the collaborative study (11). In that study, 41
films of RA patients were selected to represent a broad
distribution of disease severity, ranging from those films that
were judged by multiple observers to be within normal limits
which are rarely discrete, were scored according to the to films that showed advanced disease. Films were read by
surface area involved. When the erosive process resulted in 13 different observers using 5 different methods of scoring
extensive loss of bone from more than one-half of either radiologic abnormalities. Data from this study were entered
articulating bone in a metacarpophalangeal (MCP) or proxi- in a Tandem computer at the University of Colorado Health
mal interphalangeal (PIP) joint or a carpal bone, the erosion Sciences Center, Denver, CO.
was scored as 5. JSN was given a score of 1 if it was focal, Statistical analysis. The Pearson correlation coeffi-
2 if narrowing was 4 0 % of the original joint space, and 3 if cient was used to compare radiologic scores obtained by
>SO% of the original joint space; ankylosis was scored as 4. different schemes. These correlation coefficients were calcu-
The data for each joint were entered into the Alpert lated using TOD (13), SPSS (14), or SAS (1s) software
Arthritis Center ARAMIS data bank (12). Erosion scores, programs. Cluster analysis was done on the Alpert Arthritis
JSN scores, and total scores, which were the sum of the Center data bank, using a BMDP program (16). These cluster

Table 2. Correlation coefficients comparing candidate schemes

with the original scheme for scoring erosions and joint space
narrowing (JSN) seen on radiographs of rheumatoid arthritis
Candidate No. of joints
scheme or areas Erosions JSN
A 48 0.9971 0.9969
DIP B 45 0.9938 0.9939
C 36 0.9627 0.9778
I n D 46 0.9899 0.9891
E 44 0.9984 0.9927
F 36 0.9860 0.9829
G 34 0.9844 0.9781
H 32 0.9799 0.9714
I 30 0.9723 0.9657
J 28 0.9595 0.9559
K 20 0.8108 0.9028
MCB L 27 0.9692 0.9584
M 21 0.9736 0.9621
N 35 0.9802 0.9816
* Data are from the Alpert Arthritis Center American Rheumatism
Association Medical Information System data bank. Correlation
coefficients were calculated between t h e original erosion or JSN
scores and scores derived from the modified schemes.

1.1 2nd 3rd 4th 6lh M N L T P n c

MCP CARPALS RAD RAD. following 4 areas in the wrist were scored as 1 if abnormal:
CARPAL ULNAR I ) The first metacarpal base was examined for erosions, and
Figure 4. The frequency of individual joint involvement by joint the third, fourth, and fifth carpometacarpal (CMC) joints
space narrowing in the hands and wrists, as determined by reader 1, were examined for narrowing; 2 ) The multangulars,
utilizing data from 131 patients in the Alpert Arthritis Center navicular, lunate, and triquetrum and pisiform were exam-
American Rheumatism Association Medical Information System ined for erosions, and t h e multangular-navicular,
data bank. M = multangular-navicular joint: N = navicular-hate lunate-triquetrum, capitate-navicular-hate were exam-
joint; L = lunate-triquetrum joint; TP = triquetrum-pisiform-ham- ined for narrowing; 3) The radius was examined for erosion,
ate joint; H = hamate-capitate joint; C = capitate-navicular-hate and the radiocarpal joint was examined for narrowing; 4)The
joint; RAD. CARPAL = radiocarpal joint; RAD. ULNAR = ulna was examined for erosion, and the radioulnar joint was
radioulnar joint. See Figure 3 for other abbreviations. examined for narrowing.

analyses were done separately on erosion scores and JSN Utilizing data from 131 patients included in the
scores. Alpert Arthritis Center ARAMIS data bank, the fre-
Schemes. Based on the cluster analysis, frequency of quencies of individual joint involvement by erosions
joint involvement, and experience regarding technical fac- and JSN were determined; these are depicted in Fig-
tors in reading specific joints, various combinations of joints,
hereafter called schemes, were selected for further testing.
ures 3 and 4. Abnormalities were most frequently
These schemes are given in Table 1 . One group of schemes observed in t h e MCP, PIP, radiocarpal, and
was designed by subtracting progressively more joints from intercarpal joints, and the third, fourth, and fifth CMC
groups identified by cluster analysis. Another group of joints. To test whether multiple observers judged the
schemes was formed by removing groups or combinations of same areas to be involved, we tabulated the frequency
groups of joints.
Scheme K excluded all joints except the 10 MCPs
of involvement by erosions and JSN as assessed by 11
and 10 PIPS; scheme L excluded all joints in the left hand; readers who participated in the collaborative study.
scheme M excluded all joints in the right hand; scheme N The frequency of abnormalities in individual joints,
excluded all distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints and selected based on a single reader, was below the median
areas in the wrists. Included in scheme N were 17 areas frequency of involvement derived from the scoring by
scored for erosions and 18 areas scored for JSN in each hand
(Figure 2). I f observers, with the difference from the median
The method used for obtaining the count of abnormal ranging from &29% (data not shown). Thus, it can be
joints defined an abnormal joint as one which showed an inferred that the frequency data depicted in Figures 3
erosion or JSN. Each MCP, each PIP, and each of the and 4 represent conservative estimates.

Table 3. Correlation coeficients and ratios between total scores Table 4. Comparison of joint groups included in and excluded
derived from scheme N and scores derived from the original scheme from scheme N*
Correlation Frequency of
Source of scores n coefficient Ratio Range involvement, 9? Coefficient of
AAC ARAMIS data bank* 131 0.9891 0.9228 0-1.0 (range o f . variation
41-film set, reader no.t medians) (SD + mean)
I 41 0.9951 0.8778 0-1.0 Joints excluded
3 41 0.9971 0.9724 0-1.0 Erosions
4 41 0.9923 0.8121 0.5-1.0 DIPs 5-13.0 78-145
5 41 0.9951 0.8469 0-1.0 MCBs 0-1 8.5 70-2 17
7 41 0.9913 0.6679 0.188-1.0 Carpals 11-23.5 74-1 I 1
8 39 0.9937 0.9158 0.677-1.0 Mean all areas 14.4 104.8
9 41 0.9845 0.8044 0.444-1 .0 Joint space narrowing
10 41 0.9936 0.7667 0.364-1.0 DIPs 5-22.0 80-124
12 41 0.9920 0.8382 0.333-1.0 CMCs 10-38.5 44- 144
13 41 0.9807 0.6557 0.368-0.8201 Intercarpals 17-47.0 44-78
15 41 0.9806 0.8372 0.659-1 .0 Mean all areas 24.4 84.6
* Data were derived from 131 films in the Alpert Arthritis Center
American Rheumatism Association Medical Information System Joints included
(AAC ARAMIS) data bank, read by a single observer. Erosions
t Data were derived from a collaborative project in which 1 1 MCPs 27.0-66 22-69
observers read a standardized set of 41 hand and wrist study films. PIPS 15.0-39 34-77
Readers 2 and 6 were not included here since the areas they read to Wrists 12.5-53 27-86
obtain the original scores were almost identical to the areas included Mean all areas 37.5 51.1
in the modified scores of the other readers. Reader 1 1 was not Joint space narrowing
inclulded since he did not complete the reading of the set. Reader 14 MCPs 17.0-56 30-89
was not included because he used an electronic device for reading PIPS 8.5-36 56-123
joint space narrowing. Wrists 17.0-55 27- 102
Mean all areas 32.1 59.0

After the cluster and frequency analyses to * Data are from scores of 9-1 I observers who read the 41-film study
set of nonrandomly selected films. DIP = distal interphalangeal;
reduce the number of joints to be read were per- MCB =. metacarpal base; CMC = carpometacarpal; MCP = meta-
formed, the various schemes selected were tested by carpophalangeal.
corriparing the total scores derived for each scheme
with the total scores taken from the original scheme.
Correlation coefficients were calculated, and the ratio data, was 0.9891 (Table 3). The ratio of the scheme N
of the 2 scores (score from the modified scheme total score to the original score was 0.9228. This ratio
divided by the score from the original scheme) was indicates that 4% of the original total score was
determined using the Alpert Arthritis Center data. The contributed by the areas eliminated in scheme N.
correlation coefficients are shown in Table 2. Scheme N was tested further, using the scores
Taking into consideration the data derived from of the 41-film study set read by 11 observers. Intra-
the cluster analysis and various candidate schemes, observer correlation coefficients, comparing the mod-
the frequency of involvement, and the ease of reading ified scores, based on scheme N , with the scores
a joint, which is primarily related to the projection of derived from the original scheme, were above 0.9800
the ,area on standard films, 1 modified scheme (scheme for 11 readers (Table 3). The ratios of the modified
N) was chosen for further testing (Figure 2). In scheme scores to the original scores varied between 0.6557 and
N , 17 areas in each hand and wrist were read for 0.9724 and averaged 0.8177. These ratios indicate that
erosions, and 18 areas were read for JSN. A total score
was derived by summing all of the erosion and JSN
scores for these areas. Table 5. Interobserver correlation coefficients, original scores
The suitability of this total score as a represen- compared with scheme N scores
tation of the severity of radiologic changes in all of the Range ~ 0 . 8 5 0 20.900 20.950
joints of the hands and wrists was tested by calculating Original total scores 0.736-0.956 50 31 4
a correlation coefficient, comparing the total scores Scheme N total scores* 0.752-0.969 60 38 6
calculated for scheme N and the total scores obtained ~~ ~ ~

* In 71 of 78 comparisons, interobserver coefficients were higher

with the original scheme. This correlation coefficient, when total scores derived from scheme N were used than when the
calculated on the Alpert Arthritis Center ARAMIS original total scores were used.

Table 6. Ratios of total scores derived from scheme N to total scores derived from original scheme,
by patient group stratified by disease severity*
Range Patients with original
scores >O All patientst
total Mean Mean
Patient g r o w score n ratio SEM n ratio SEM
Entire group 0-151 110 0.9080 0.0161 131 0.9228 0.01385
Greatest severity >21 44 0.8756 0.01695 44 0.8756 0.01695
Intermediate severity 4-2 1 40 0.9172 0.0304 40 0.9172 0.03041
Least severity <4 26 0.9487 0.0401 47 0.9716 0.02228
* Data are from the Alpert Arthritis Center American Rheumatism Association Medical Information
System data bank.
t Technically, 0 divided by 0 is a nonentity. However, for purposes of this calculation, since a 0
modified score found with a 0 original score is an identical finding, the ratio was considered to be 1 for
those cases.

1 observer, on reading the selected films in the study used than when the total scores based on the original
set, attributed an average of 35% of abnormalities for scheme were used (Table 5 ) .
the entire set to those areas not included in scheme N, Since scheme N might perform well for exami-
while another observer attributed <3% of abnormali- nation of data from films in the study set, which
ties to those areas; the mean was 18%. represented a broad spectrum of disease severity, yet
The variability in interpreting these areas is might not be an accurate instrument for measuring
further illustrated in Table 4, which compares the abnormalities in patients with more advanced disease,
frequency and coefficients of variation of erosion the data from the Alpert Arthritis Center ARAMIS
scores and JSN scores for the areas retained in scheme data bank were stratified into 3 groups of increasing
N with those areas eliminated. The frequency of disease severity. As expected, in patients with the
involvement was relatively low for the DIP joints, but most severe disease, the frequency of erosions and
much higher for most of the areas in the wrists. JSN was greater in the joints excluded from the new
However, the coefficients of variation were much scheme; this is shown by the mean ratios of modified
greater for the eliminated areas than for the areas total scores to original total scores. These ratios,
included in scheme N.
Interobserver correlation coefficients were cal- Table 8. Correlation coefficients and ratios between counts of
culated for the scores of all 13 readers on the 41-film involved joints for areas in scheme N and original total scores*
study set, and showed that 71 of 78 correlations were
higher when the total scores based on scheme N were Source of scores n coefficient Ratiot Range
AAC ARAMIS data bank 131 0.8887 0.5791 0-1.0
Table 7. Correlation coefficients of total scores derived from 41-film set, reader no.
scheme N compared with total scores derived from original scheme, I 41 0.9392 0.4753 0-1.0
4 41 0.9488 0.3192 0.141-1.0
by patient group, stratified by disease severity* 5 41 0.9348 0.4317 0-1.0
Correlation 6 40 0.8735 0.3668 0-0.625
Patient group n coefficient 7 41 0.8752 0.2697 0.125-0.833
8 39 0.8825 0.4256 0-1.0
Entire group 131 0.9891 9 41 0.8912 0.3213 0.108-1.0
Greatest severity 10 41 0.8673 0.2943 0.125-0.563
(total score >21) 44 0.9740 12 41 0.9451 0.4317 0.154-1.0
Intermediate severity 13 41 0.8866 0.2348 0.129-0.452
(total score 4-21) 40 0.9450 15 41 0.8621 0.2957 0.144-0.667
Least severity
(total score <4) 47 0.9662 * A joint was counted as involved if either erosion or joint space
Patients with disease duration narrowing was present. AAC ARAMIS = Alpert Arthritis Center
>I0 years 30 0.9908 American Rheumatism Association Medical Information System
(131 films, read by a single observer).
* Data are from the Alpert Arthritis Center American Rheumatism t Ratio was calculated between joint count and original total score
Association Medical Information System data bank. (count + total score).

calculated for the 3 groups, demonstrated that as 131 patients read by a single observer, and another set
disease severity increased, a decreasing proportion of of data representing radiologic scores of 13 different
the ‘totalscore was represented in the scheme N scores observers on a study set of 41 selected films. Correla-
(Table 6 ) . Nevertheless, the correlation coefficients tion coefficients were used to test how well scheme N
were similar for each disease-severity subset (Table 7). represented the overall score. Although no standards
To test whether the scoring method could be have been established as to what is a satisfactory level
further simplified, a count of abnormal joints was of reproducibility, intraobserver correlation coeffi-
performed, assigning a value of 1 for each joint or area cients between scores derived from scheme N and the
that showed either erosion or JSN. The joints and original scheme were above 0.9800, indicating a high
areas counted were those used in scheme N. Areas in degree of similarity of the scores derived from the 2
the wrists were divided into 4 groups so that the total schemes.
weight assigned to each wrist, if a minimum of 1 bone Furthermore, correlation coefficients between
orjoint in each group was involved, was 4. Correlation observers were improved when the modified scheme
coefficients between these counts of involved joints was used, suggesting that those areas which were
and the original total scores were calculated on the excluded from scheme N were read with less consis-
intr,aobserver data of 1 1 readers. These correlation tency among the 13 observers than those areas which
coeficients varied between 0.8621 and 0.9488. The remained. This result is not unexpected since the
ratio of counts to total scores ranged between 0.2348 original scheme included DIPS with the understanding
and 0.4753, with a mean of 0.3515 (Table 8). that the observer would distinguish between erosive
osteoarthritis and the lesions of RA. By eliminating
these joints, the inconsistencies that might arise
DISCUSSION among observers’ interpretations were also elimi-
Reading 54 areas separately for erosions and nated.
joint space narrowing, i.e., 27 areas in each hand and The same argument applies to several areas in
wrist, can be tedious and time consuming. Therefore, the wrists that are difficult to read because projection
we have explored the possibility of simplifying the in standard posteroanterior and oblique films is not
procedure by selecting a smaller number of areas. The consistent; for example, the navicular-lunate joint and
prolblem is primarily one of sampling; namely, do the the hamate-capitate joints are rarely “opened up” in
areas chosen accurately reflect the extent of changes standard films. That, in fact, there was greater incon-
in the entire hand and wrist? This is not a simple sistency in reading the areas of the original scheme
question. For example, there are more than 8 million that were not included in scheme N is demonstrated by
combinations that can be formed by selecting any 17 of the greater coefficients of variation for many of those
the 27 total joints, and an even larger number of areas (Table 4).
combinations can be formed by selecting fewer than 17 Comparison of scores derived by the 2 schemes
joints. Therefore, after preliminary analysis by several for patients who had been stratified into subsets ac-
methods, we arbitrarily selected a scheme. Cluster cording to the severity of radiologic evidence of in-
analysis was performed to identify groups of joints that volvement, showed that a higher proportion of scores
contributed a similar proportion of the total scores. were derived from those areas eliminated by scheme N
Frequency analysis of joint involvement was per- in patients with the most severe disease. This obser-
formed to determine which joints contributed the most vation suggests 2 possible interpretations. First, the
to the radiologic scores. Based on this information and DIP, selected metacarpal bases, CMC, and intercarpal
on Iclinical judgment regarding the technical problems joints may not be involved proportionally, compared
involved in reading specific joints, a series of modified with MCP and PIP joints in patients with varying
schemes was tested by calculating correlation coeffi- severity of disease. In this case, the consequence of
cients between newly derived scores and the original eliminating these areas from the new scheme would be
score. to reduce the sensitivity of the radiologic scores in
Finally, scheme N , which eliminated more than deteci ing progression of disease among patients whose
one-third of the original joints scored, was chosen for disease was already severe at the baseline observa-
further study. This modified scheme was then tested tion. Alternatively, observers may be reluctant to
on 2 data sets, the Alpert Arthritis Center ARAMIS attribute a given erosion or narrowed joint space in the
data bank, representing radiologic scores on films from DIP joints and, perhaps, even in the CMC and some

intercarpal joints, to RA if there is no involvement or joints to read is a highly arbitrary process, primarily
if there is limited abnormality in the MCP and PIP because of the extremely large number of possible
joints. In this case, the modified scheme should in- combinations. Proof that one selection is the “most
crease the specificity and precision of scoring. It is suitable” scheme for multiple circumstances is not
noteworthy that Larsen et a1 (8) and Genant (9) do not within the realm of practical possibility. It should
include DIP joints and they limit the wrist areas therefore be recognized that the choice of scheme N ,
included in their schemes; Bluhm et a1 have also which incorporates 70 observations (34 erosion scores
eliminated the DIP joints in their scheme (10). and 36 JSN scores), is a compromise to allow for a
Some have proposed that eliminating further more rapid reading, using a method which demon-
areas and using an even smaller number of joints strates better interobserver agreement than the origi-
would be desirable. For example, Bluhm et a1 have nal scheme, but still incorporates enough areas to be
suggested reading only 16joints in each hand and wrist sensitive to minor progression of disease. Proof that
for narrowing, although they proposed reading 23 eliminating approximately one-third of the areas does
areas for erosions (10). At present, there are serious not seriously impair the sensitivity of the method for
reservations about oversimplifying the scheme. If sen- detecting disease progression will require field testing
sitivity in measuring the progression of disease is of in a therapeutic trial or study of the natural history of
paramount importance-for example, in a drug trial- RA .
any further reduction in the number of joints read A more abbreviated scheme, which in essence
might significantly reduce the sensitivity of detecting reduces the scale and therefore the sensitivity of
change. More data on longitudinal studies of untreated detecting change, might be adequate for some pur-
patients or patients treated with the usual and custom- poses, such as describing outcome in general terms for
ary regimens will be required to assess how extensive a large, population-based sample, but might be an
this loss in sensitivity might be. extremely expensive shortcut in a drug trial if the
Others have proposed that the wrist should be number of patients studied had to be greatly expanded
scored as a single unit. Based on the number of or the length of the study had to be extended. For
articulations in the wrist, this seems inappropriate. example, the joint count method described here, al-
There are 15 bones involved in the articulations in the though clearly not as sensitive to change as the scoring
wrist joint. Considering that 10 scores are derived method, might be appropriate for the general followup
from the 10 bones represented in the articulations of of patients not in special studies, but it would be
the 5 MCP joints and 10 scores from the 10 bones of inappropriate for studies that would benefit from the
the 5 PIP joints in each hand, representing the wrist more precise data acquired with the expanded scale
with 2 scores-a single score for erosions and another provided by the scoring system.
score for narrowing-would be grossly disproportion- Finally, it should be pointed out that this study
ate. The modified scheme proposed here, which was does not deal with methods of scoring individual
derived by selecting areas that are frequently involved joints. That is an issue that has not yet been resolved.
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in 15 scores for the wrist, which is 1.5 times the
number of scores for the MCPs and for the PIPS. Thus,
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