Zombie Sky Press Incantations in Theory and Practice

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in theory and practice

by Scott Gable
& Troy Taylor

W hat are
They are ritualized
formulae that let you
bring about a wide
variety of mystical
effects. If you know
the right words, the
right ingredients, the
right signs and symbols,
the right gestures and
movements, then great
power can be yours.
Incantations in Theory and Practice
Though similar to
spells, incantations
have some important Design Corner: Updating Incantations
differences. Foremost, The mechanics for incantations presented here are updated and expanded
they can be cast by from those originally released for 3.5E under the Open Game License. Of the
anyone—even by handful of changes, the largest was shifting the emphasis away from arcane
those not considered knowledge. As presented here, incantations should be an option for as many
spellcasters. You don’t characters as possible that are willing to take the risk. It is not intended as
a subsystem open only to spellcasters. Of course, some incantations still
use spell slots for
demand knowledge of arcane or divine matters, but others focus primarily on
incantations or require 8
Credits hours of sleep to prepare
performance or healing or other activities dictated by skills.
Design Scott Gable, Troy Taylor Additionally, newly introduced are lesser incantations and options to use
them, and there is no
Editing Troy Taylor, Scott Gable opposed checks for resolving incantation effects.
Illustration James Keegan limit to the amount you The mechanics are completely compatible with both 3.5E and with
Graphic Design Scott Gable can know or use in a day. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The incantations themselves are designed
Incantations in Theory and Practice is compliant with the There are drawbacks, specifically for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Open Game License (OGL). however. Incantations
Product Identity for this product is identified as artwork,
are time consuming
characters, dialogue, locations, plots, proper names to cast, and there is campaigns, especially those inspired by horror,
(characters, deities, etc.), storylines, tradedress, and they might actually replace spells.
no guarantee of your success. They may be
quite expensive, require strange components or Each incantation is often an event in itself,
Open Content for this product is identified as the game additional participants, or even work only during opening new possibilities for further adventure
mechanics, except for material designated as Product
Identity, as defined in the Open Gaming License version very specific conditions. within the campaign world. Perhaps characters
1.0a. No portion of this work other than material Most importantly, incantations are not forgiving. need to find a special location or ingredient,
designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in
any form without prior written permission. They typically demand a high price for success, conduct research in distant libraries to find a
perhaps requiring riches or blood or promises. complete version of the incantation, or even
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
More so, failed incantations rarely simply fade negotiate with otherworldly entities?
requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for away; they often have very serious repercussions,
more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, their effects often lashing out at you and others. Discovering Incantations
and does not endorse this product. Incantations allow both spellcasters and non- Incantations come in many forms: the magical
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing,
spellcasters to supplement their abilities with theory contained within an old grimoire, the
LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the mystical power. To prevent incantations from mystical ramblings of a crazy hermit, the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are
introducing too much power into a game and schematics for a wondrous machine, the complex
trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. disrupting the balance, they tend to be costly, movements taught in a hidden monastery, or
See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for dangerous, and very specific in effect. the mysterious sheet music tucked away on
more information on the compatibility license.
They allow any type of character a chance to an abandoned library shelf. These are the
access forbidden and powerful rituals. In some instructions—the recipes—for great power.
Zombie Sky Press
campaigns, they exist alongside spells and other Incantations might be given as treasure, or they
www.zombiesky.com character class abilities, each providing characters might be sought intentionally, perhaps as the
©2010 Zombie Sky Press with a slightly different experience. In other object of a quest.

Incantations in Theory and Practice
still consumes all material components. However, incantations with backlash components
Performing an Incantation ❖❖ Most incantations have a backlash that affects or similarly harmful aspects count as threats,
Incantations are ritual. You must have the you upon the conclusion of the ritual whether preventing you from taking 10. You may never
required components to perform them the incantation was successful or not (see take 20 when attempting to complete an
successfully. Then, you must succeed on a number Backlash, below). incantation.
of skill checks. Though the exact requirements for ❖❖ Every incantation has consequences associated
different incantations can vary greatly, there are with failure. Skill Checks
some general guidelines:
Interrupting Incantations. Incantations Often, an incantation’s required skill checks can
take a long time to perform, but they aren’t as be performed in any order. Occasionally, however,
❖❖ Each incantation’s description details how
delicate and exacting as spells. You don’t provoke a particular sequence is required either in total
many successful skill checks are required to
attacks of opportunity while performing them, or in part. In this case, the required skill checks
cast it.
and you can even pause the ritual for a short time will be labeled with “in order” in the incantation
❖❖ Unless otherwise specified, you make a skill
in order to fight, cast spells, or take other actions. description. Any of the checks listed after this
check every 10 minutes.
However, for each round the incantation is label must be performed in the same sequence
❖❖ If a skill that normally has a parenthetical
interrupted, the DC of all subsequent skill checks listed; any listed before this label may be
component is presented without it, such as
to complete the performance increases by 1. Time performed in any order either before or after the
Perform, any variety of that skill can be used.
spent during the interruption of an incantation entirety of the sequenced checks.
❖❖ Unless a sequence is specified, when checks
does not count toward it’s casting time. For example, in the case of “Skill Checks
involving more than one skill are required, they
Saving Throws. If an incantation allows a Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, 1 success; in order—
may be made in any order.
save, the formula to calculate the save is included Sense Motive DC 20, 1 success; Bluff DC 20, 3
❖❖ Failing one skill check means that 10 minutes
in the incantation’s description. successes; Survival DC 20, 3 successes,” you must
elapsed, and the incantation is in danger of
Spell Resistance. When making caster make 1 Sense Motive check, followed by 3 Bluff
failing. Two consecutive unsuccessful skill
level (CL) checks to overcome spell resistance checks, and then by 3 Survival checks. However,
checks means the incantation fails.
(SR), divide the incantation’s skill check DC by the lone Knowledge (arcana) check may be
❖❖ Even if the incantation fails, the performance
2 to find its effective CL. (For performed either before the Sense Motive check or
opposed checks, use the default after the last Survival check.

Design Corner: Are Incantations Magic? DC for the incantation’s school

modified by any bonuses Incantation Components
Ritual magic is certainly one aspect of incantations, but not all or penalties listed in the Most incantations require some variety of
incantations need to be arcane or divine in nature—or even necessarily
incantation for the opponent’s components, such as focus, material, somatic, and
magic. They are, after all, primarily based on skill checks, so they can
roll. Divide this value by 2.) verbal components. In addition, some require
easily accommodate a variety of alternate effects that are no less
Use this value even if you are a secondary performers (abbreviated SP in an
wondrous. For instance, the forbidden techniques of forgotten monks
spellcaster. The incantation is incantation’s description).
that utilize pressure points, the convoluted schemata of mystical
engineers detailing clockwork machines, and the subtle songs and the power, and you are simply Secondary Performers (or Secondary
speeches of famous bards are all easily emulated with incantations. the conduit. Casters). Incantations often require multiple
Whether they’re channeling magic, ki, physical principles, or force of Taking 10. As long as participants to successfully complete them.
will alone, you simply need to utilize different skills. you are not threatened or However, only one participant can be the primary
distracted, you may take 10. performer. Secondary performers can make

Incantations in Theory and Practice
skill checks in place of the primary performer. what it was previously (for instance, lawful good be much more idiosyncratic than spells are,
However, performers cannot use the aid another becomes chaotic evil, or chaotic neutral becomes and because they hinge on skill checks, it’s
action to assist in required skill checks. lawful neutral; a neutral subject randomly possible for characters to access powerful magic
Incantations can be performed with more becomes lawful good, lawful evil, chaotic good, or before they—or the campaign—are ready for it.
performers than necessary, so if certain chaotic evil). The subject generally tries to keep its These guidelines will help you build balanced
participants cannot continue, others can replace new outlook a secret. incantations.
them. Damage. You or the target takes damage as the
consequence of failure. Determine School
Backlash Death. Someone dies. This is usually you or the When creating an incantation, first decide which
When performing an incantation, you and other target. Some incantations allow a saving throw to school or schools it would fit into if it were a spell.
performers are often adversely affected, even if avoid this consequence of failure. Each of the schools has a specific DC associated
not the incantation’s primary targets. This is a Delusion. You believe the incantation worked, with it that serves as the base skill check DC. If
backlash and may consist of damage, negative but actually, it had no effect—or a very different you’re unsure which school is most appropriate,
levels, or some other effect. You experience a one from that intended. compare the effects with existing spells.
backlash regardless of the success or failure of the Falsehood. The incantation (typically a For incantations with multiple schools, choose
incantation. divination) provides you with false results, but the most important one to determine the
you believe it is true. incantation’s base DC. Those additional schools,
Failed Incantations Hostile Spell. You are targeted by a harmful however, add 1/3 of their DC to the total DC.
If two consecutive skill checks are unsuccessful— spell, specified in
even if made by different performers—the the incantation’s
incantation fails. If an effect is listed in an description.
Mirrorcast. The
Design Corner: Creating Incantations
incantation’s description specifically for failure, it
incantation has the These guidelines for creating incantations should be used with care. They
targets the performer that failed the second check
are a starting point only. Good judgment should be used to evaluate all new
(in addition to a possible backlash). opposite effect of what
incantations. Anytime you apply multiple modifiers to a single difficulty check
There are many possibilities for the was intended.
(DC), the potential arises for accidental consequences or intentional abuse.
consequences of failure. These are just a few. (The Reversal. The
To prevent them from being misused in your campaign, avoid creating
incantation’s description provides any additional incantation affects
incantations with skill check DCs lower than 20 (with the exception of lesser
necessary details.) you rather than the incantations). Keep in mind, however, that spells are generally easier, faster,
Attack. A summoned creature attacks you— intended target. and safer than incantations, so if you make them too difficult to succeed at,
and likely everyone else nearby. players won’t use them. In some campaigns, incantations may be exceedingly
Augment. Instead of destroying the target as it Creating New rare and difficult, which means characters will rely primarily on spells. In other
was supposed to, the incantation makes the target Incantations campaigns, incantations may be the dominant or sole option.
Each incantation should have at least one aspect that’s difficult to deal with,
more powerful. Creating new
such as an expensive material component or a significant backlash. There should
Betrayal. Though the incantation seems to incantations is a
always be some significant cost or risk. An incantation’s purpose is typically
succeed, the subject of the incantation—or even tricky balancing
very specific, such as when contacting a unique, named entity (as opposed to
you—actually undergoes a dramatic alignment act. Incantations
a random one). Each incantation could be a mini-adventure all its own. Using
change. For the next 1d6 minutes, the subject’s are intentionally them should feel like a big deal.
alignment becomes the extreme opposite of constructed to

Incantations in Theory and Practice
Each summary below specifies the range, target, which can be more than 30 ft. apart; Duration Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes
duration, and other aspects of an incantation minutes; Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes (harmless)
associated with a particular school. Conjuration—Skill Check DC 30; Range Divination—Skill Check DC 30; Range long;
Abjuration—Skill Check DC 32; Range close; Target one creature; Duration hours Target personal; Duration minutes; Saving
close; Target one or more creatures, no two of (instantaneous for teleportation subschool); Throw none; SR no
Enchantment—Skill Check DC 32; Range
close; Target one living creature; Duration
Table 1: Modifying Incantations Target minutes; Saving Throw Will negates; SR
Unwilling target must be helpless -2 yes
Check DC
Factors Modifier Limited targets (by HD, creature -3 Evocation—Skill Check DC 34; Range
type, and so on) medium; Area 5-ft.-wide bolt or 20-ft.-radius
Skill Checks
Single target to multiple targets +4 burst; Duration instantaneous; Saving
Requires checks involving more -1
than one skill Duration Throw Reflex half; SR yes
Casting Time Rounds to minutes/minutes to +2/-2 Illusion—Skill Check DC 32; Range
1 hour between checks -1
rounds touch; Target one living creature or 20 cubic
Casting time is restricted (such as, -4
Minutes to hours/hours to minutes +4/-2 ft. of matter; Duration minutes; Saving
only during full moon) Hours to days/days to hours +6/-2 Throw Will disbelief; SR no
Casting time is severely restricted -8 Days to permanent or +10/-4 Necromancy—Skill Check DC 34; Range
(such as, only during lunar eclipse) instantaneous/permanent or
close; Target one or more creatures or
instantaneous to days
Focus and Material Components corpses; Duration instantaneous; Saving
Saving Throw
Expensive material component -1 Throw none; SR no
(500 gp) None (or harmless) to save partial/ +2/-2
save partial to none (or harmless) Transmutation—Skill Check DC 32;
Expensive material component -2
(5,000 gp) Save partial to save negates/save +2/-2 Range medium; Target one creature or
Expensive material component -4
negates to save partial 20 cubic ft. of matter; Duration rounds;
(25,000 gp) Spell Resistance Saving Throw Fortitude half (or harmless);
Expensive focus (5,000 gp) -1 Yes to no (or harmless)/no (or +4/-4 SR yes
harmless) to yes
Expensive focus (25,000 gp) -2
Extra Performers
Backlash Modify DC
Per 2d6 points of damage -1 For the next step, determine what
10 or fewer secondary performers -2
11-100 secondary performers -6
Performer is exhausted -2 adjustments, if any, are required of the
101 or more secondary performers -10
Per negative level performer gains -2 base DC, factoring in the specifics of your
Performer reduced to -1 hp -3 incantation (see Table 1: Modifying
Touch to close/close to touch +2/-2
Performer infected with disease -4 Incantations for a list of how certain factors
Backlash affects secondary -1 change the skill check DC).
Close to medium/medium to close +2/-2
performers too For example, increasing the incantation’s
Medium to long/long to medium +2/-2
Lesser Incantations range would also increase the DC while
Per incantation effective level less -2 reducing its duration would reduce the DC.
Doubling area/halving area +3/-3 than 6th
Use this list as a guideline for modifications
that aren’t listed, such as new backlash effects.

Incantations in Theory and Practice

Set Level incantation that does the exact same thing as In an incantation description, using the current
summon monster I, except anyone can perform example, an opposed check would be designated
Finally, set the effective level of the incantation. it, it takes 10 minutes to complete, and it has a “Bluff vs. Sense Motive +4.” The skill or other
Incantations are comparable to spells levels 6-9, chance of failure. There’s probably not many that quantity that you use is the first listed, or Bluff
so set the effective level of the incantation to that will get excited over that, but it gives us a baseline. in this case. The one you’re opposing, whether
of a similar spell. This effective level determines a Now, you can go back to increase the duration and against a hostile target or a summoned creature,
number of aspects of the incantation, such as how provide some sort of cost or backlash (modifying uses the second skill or other quantity listed, in
many total successes are required, save DCs, and the DC as you go). In a short time, you might this case Sense Motive. Any modifier listed for
sometimes its range and duration. have a flavorful lesser incantation that summons you or your opponent is applied to the respective
Total Successes. Equal to the incantation’s a specific, awakened dog that agrees to track checks.
effective level. someone for you in return for a favor.
Save DC. 10 + incantation’s effective level + While incantations shouldn’t have DCs less than Incantations
your Charisma modifier. 20, lesser incantations often do. The minimum DC Here are just a few sample incantations.
Duration and Range. These details are for a lesser incantation is 8 + (2 x level of lesser
often specified in an incantation’s description. If incantation): that is DC 10 for 1st level, DC 12 for
not, assume a CL of twice the incantation’s level 2nd level, DC 14 for 3rd level, DC 16 for 4th level, Corpse Dancer
and use the same formula a similar spell would. and DC 18 for 5th level.
For example, an incantation with a duration of You plunge your hands into the open abdomen of the corpse
“minutes” would last 12 minutes if it’s effectively a Opposed Checks laid out in front of you. You slowly work the medium—the
6th-level spell. The same incantation with a range Some incantations and lesser incantations use blood and innards—making sickening squelching noises the
of medium can affect a target up to 220 ft. away. opposed ability or skill checks instead of checks entire time. It is only as you finish, when the creature opens
with static DCs. Creating these is almost identical its eyes and stares up at you, its master, that the full reality of
Lesser Incantations to creating those with static DCs. You still choose what you’ve done becomes apparent.
If incantations are comparable to spell levels 6-9, the school, using the same default values: however, School necromancy; Effective Level 3rd
then lesser incantations are comparable to spell replace the starting DC in this case with an Skill Checks Heal DC 20, 2 successes; Spellcraft DC
20, 1 success
levels 1-5. Lesser incantations are built the same opposed check, perhaps Bluff vs. Sense Motive. Casting Time 30 minutes
way as standard incantations with the exception Now, when you modify your incantation or lesser Components M, S
that, for each level they are less than 6th level, you incantation, instead of applying adjustments to Material Components—corpse of sentient creature,
recently deceased (within 2 weeks of death); exotic
apply a -2 adjustment to the starting DC. a static DC, you apply adjustments to the target’s unguents for preparing corpse (worth at least 500 gp)
For instance, let’s say you want to make a lesser check result. Range touch
Target dead creature touched
incantation that mimics summon monster I. Your For example, let’s stick with our Bluff vs. Sense Duration instantaneous
starting DC would be 30 (for conjuration school). Motive opposed check for an incantation of the Saving Throw none; SR no
From there, the default values match those of enchantment school. If you increase the default
the spell except for duration, and modifying the duration from minutes to hours, you would then Description
duration from hours to rounds grants us a -4 apply a +4 adjustment to the target’s check result: You create a homunculus.
adjustment to the DC for a DC 24. Because this it would be your Bluff result vs. the target’s Sense With a fresh corpse in hand, you begin the work
would be a 1st-level lesser incantation, we also Motive result +4. If you, instead, reduced the of molding some of its flesh and organs into your
make a -10 adjustment (-2 adjustment for each duration from minutes to rounds, you would apply homunculus. Slowly, the tiny form takes shape,
of 5 levels) for a DC 14. Now we have a lesser a -2 adjustment to the target’s Sense Motive check. and with luck, it begins to take on a life of its own

Incantations in Theory and Practice
as it pulls away from your sticky hands and corpse homunculus says or does something to clue you successful negotiations can you hope to appease
incubator. in: it may threaten you, attack you, run away, or the stone.
The creature is a homunculus (see Pathfinder something else as appropriate. You summon a large earth elemental (see
Roleplaying Game Bestiary). You supply the The homunculus resents you for dredging it into Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary) and must
creature’s vitality with your own blood (or 1d10 of existence, and it wants to ruin you for it. It may negotiate with it. With successful negotiations, the
its total 2d10 hp). You are its creator, possessing attempt to do so openly or secretly. It may even emissary will become a willing and considerate
the standard bond between homunculus and play along, feigning that it’s under your control, guide for you and your party.
master. but you never actually control it. While a guide, the emissary will travel with
A secondary Craft (sculpture) skill check is you for a designated time (see below). Though
required to determine how well crafted the it is travelling with you, you must still negotiate
homunculus is. (This check doesn’t affect the Emissary of the Old Stone for any information or specific action. This is
actual success or failure of this lesser incantation, accomplished by making requests using the
simply the quality of the homunculus.) You ramble on with the prescribed litany of courtesies. On Diplomacy skill (see Pathfinder Roleplaying
and on, you’re not sure if you’ ll collapse from exhaustion Game). The emissary will defend itself, but it will
Craft (sculpture) or boredom first. But eventually, the periodic and equally not otherwise enter combat without a successful
Check Result rambling gravelly responses seem satisfied, meaning the request. The emissary is bound by custom to
9 or lower The homunculus is poorly emissary has deigned to hear you out. Now, you just have to
shaped, possessing ugly travel with you and assist in good faith as it can
deformities and no wings (or try to coax the information out of it. (according to the rules of Diplomacy), but it is not
useless wings). It cannot fly.
School conjuration (calling) [earth]; Effective Level under your control.
10-19 The homunculus is
appropriately formed. It can fly. 6th The values of the initial 6 opposed Diplomacy
Skill Checks Diplomacy vs. Diplomacy -4, 6
20 or higher The homunculus is expertly successes
checks have bearing on the incantation’s effects,
crafted. It appears as a Casting Time 6 hours so keep track of them. It is the amounts that
tiny replica of whatever or Components M, S, V (must speak Terran)
whomever you wish: perhaps you won or lost by that are important. If you
Material Components—the name of a designated
of yourself or another emissary; precious gems and minerals as gift (worth succeeded in negotiations, determine the greatest
individual. at least 2,000 gp) value that you won by: that is, subtract your
Range close (40 ft.)
opponent’s result from yours for each success and
Backlash Target one called creature
record the highest value. This determines the
Duration see text
Half of the total hp of the homunculus, or 1d10 hp, Saving Throw none; SR no incantation’s duration. Alternately, if you lost, do
are permanently drained from you to fuel the tiny, the same for each lost check. This determines the
necrotic construct. You cannot heal this damage Description extent of failure.
unless the homunculus is destroyed. You call a specific earth elemental from the
ancient realms of stone, buried far below the Won by… Emissary stays for…
Failure common lands. 4 or less 1 hour
If you fail two consecutive skill checks, the With the name of a designated emissary on 5-9 2 hours
your lips, you beseech the earth for assistance. 10-14 3 hours
homunculus animates as normal, but you are not
15 or higher 4 hours
its master. You still suffer the backlash, fueling However, the slow, deliberate mind of dirt and
the creature, and you still develop a telepathic link rock demands delicacy. You must negotiate Lost by… Result
with the emissary, honoring the rich traditions 9 or less Failure
with it, but you cannot control it. It makes its own
10 or more Failure, and emissary attacks
choices. You do not realize the failure until the and following the tedious protocol. Only with

Incantations in Theory and Practice
Backlash School evocation (air); Effective Level 8th from moving against the wind (Strength DC 10),
Skill Checks in order—Knowledge (religion) DC 28,
Those of the air realms are offended by your 1 success; Perform (act, comedy, oratory, or sing)
and tiny creatures are blown away; spellcasters
entreaties to the earth. Creatures with the air DC 28, 1 success; Knowledge (nature) DC 28, 4 must make a concentration checks when casting
successes; Perform (act, comedy, or dance) DC 28, 1 spells (DC = 5 + level of spell).
descriptor are hostile toward you. success; Fly DC 28, 1 success
Components DF, M, S, V The circular motion of the dancing (Perform
Failure Casting Time 80 minutes check) must be executed to stir the air in the
Range long (800 ft.)
proper direction: counterclockwise in the
If you fail two consecutive skill checks, you Area cyclone 10 ft. wide at base, 30 ft. wide at top, and
30 ft. tall northern hemisphere, clockwise in the southern
insult the emissary. If all of your failed checks
Duration 8 minutes hemisphere.
missed by 9 or less, the emissary departs and Saving Throw Reflex negates; SR yes
Finally, the Fly check infers knowledge of
you are considered hostile to the lands of stone.
atmospheric conditions, such as how the collisions
Any creature with the earth descriptor that you Description
of hot and cold air, the heating of air in the upper
encounter from now on is hostile toward you. At
You call forth from the heavens a cyclone—or, if atmosphere, and the convergence of high and
the GMs discretion, the very land may become
at sea, a waterspout—with all the force and power low pressure systems all converge in the creation
hostile toward you, such as by occasionally
of a whirlwind spell (see Pathfinder Roleplaying of cyclones. Making this check is crucial to
altering terrain to your detriment and other
Game), although it manifests for longer. controlling the whirlwind once it spawns.
similar effects.
The incantation begins by begging the powers If the incantation is successful, the cyclone
If any of your failed checks was failed by 10 or
of nature for forgiveness—or, if it is your desire, to appears at a spot of your choosing within 400 ft.
more, the emissary also attacks you.
raise their ire—by your request to evoke a cyclone. Within the range of the cyclone, the localized
You can redeem a previous failure by
This must be done within 400 ft. of a structure weather is a tornado with winds up to 300 mph:
performing this incantation again, but each
that harnesses or otherwise expresses the power ranged attacks are impossible, huge creatures
performance after a failure doubles the cost and
and majesty of wind. For example, this structure must make Strength checks to move forward,
provides an additional +2 to your opponent’s
could be a windmill, a battlement sporting large creatures risk being knocked prone and
opposed Diplomacy checks.
pennants, a tower anchoring a kite, or if at sea, rolled, and all flying creatures take a -16 penalty
the unfurled canvas sails of a ship. (In the absence to Fly checks (see wind effects in Pathfinder
of such a structure, a flagpole will suffice that can Roleplaying Game). Outside the immediate
Reaping the Whirlwind
be constructed at a cost of 500 gp.) vicinity of the cyclone and stretching for 5 miles
The windmill looms behind, its great sails motionless in the The rhythmic chanting (Perform check) must in all directions, weather conditions are as a
still air. Invoking the wind, you begin to recite the ancient be done adequately to appease—or anger—the thunderstorm with accompanying winds up to 74
rhyme, stirring the sky. Darker and darker clouds gather divine powers, but you must also have a thorough mph (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game for more
above as you find yourself taking the first slow, tentative understanding of the natural lore underlying the details on weather effects).
dancing steps in sync with the chant. Amid the increasingly words of the ancient rhyme to exploit the magic Note, you have the option of approaching the
violent collisions of hot and cold air above, the charged being released. winds with either respect or hostility. This may
atmosphere unleashes gusting winds and chilled rain. You After the Knowledge (nature) checks, the dark or may not have ramifications for your character
are turning now, in a circular motion, mimicking the cyclone. skies deliver a driving cold rain and gusts of and the game world at the GM’s discretion. If you
Faster and faster, you can no longer hear yourself over the wind—a harbinger of the whirlwind to be released. use Perform (comedy) for either of your Perform
howling winds. Exhausted from the frenzy, you are lost in Wind conditions are severe, with wind gusts up to checks, however, you are automatically choosing
the rapture of the moment. Then, from churning sky, the 50 mph: ranged attacks and flying creatures both an antagonistic or hostile approach. The winds
whirlwind descends. suffer a -4 penalty, small creatures are prevented are not renowned for their sense of humor.

Incantations in Theory and Practice
Secondary Performers impudence of the primary performer in the form
Though not required, secondary performers of a lightning bolt spell that deals 1d6 electricity
traditionally encircle the primary performer, damage/skill check attempted.
moving around the ring in rhythm to the chanting If the failure occurs after two unsuccessful
in a direction opposite of the primary performer. Fly checks, then the cyclone is unleashed, but
Because this incantation requires checks on five it cannot be controlled. It drops down on top of
different skills, it rarely is attempted without you, and you are subject to the full effect of the
secondary performers. cyclone, as described in the whirlwind spell (see
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game). In all likelihood,
Backlash secondary performers in the vicinity will also
Performing the ritual leaves you and any be swept up by the cyclone. The cyclone moves
secondary performers exhausted. randomly from that point for the full duration
of the incantation, unless it exceeds its range,
Failure whereupon it dissipates within 1d3 rounds.
The consequences of failure depend on the point Regardless, you cannot regain control of the
during the incantation it occurs. cyclone. Ω
If the failure takes place before the Fly check,
then the divine powers unleash their fury on the
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
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