Case 1 e 002 D - H Rev 0

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Final Results Page 1

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Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Process Data Cold Shellside Hot Tubeside
3 Fluid condition Boil. Liquid Cond. Vapor
4 Total flow rate (1000-lb/hr) 498,014 * 504,060 *
5 Weight fraction vapor, In/Out (--) 0,132 0,195 0,508 0,353
6 Temperature, In/Out (Deg F) 457,95 532,63 641,78 578,77
7 Temperature, Average/Skin (Deg F) 495,29 528,24 610,27 563,93
8 Wall temperature, Min/Max (Deg F) 512,99 567,10 518,07 570,14
9 Pressure, In/Average (psig) 1330,25 1329,28 1181,21 1180,10
10 Pressure drop, Total/Allowed (psi) 1,937 10,000 2,220 30,000
11 Velocity, Mid/Max allow (ft/sec) 6,55 10,92
12 Boiling range/Mole fraction inert (Deg F) 745,2 0,0000
13 Average film coef. (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 246,44 191,17
14 Heat transfer safety factor (--) 1,000 1,000
15 Fouling resistance (ft2-hr-F/Btu) 0,00200 0,00200
16 Overall Performance Data
17 Overall coef., Reqd/Clean/Actual (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 59,26 / 91,02 / 65,00
18 Heat duty, Calculated/Specified (MM Btu/hr) 29,4155 /
19 Effective overall temperature difference (Deg F) 107,2
20 EMTD = (MTD) * (DELTA) * (F/G/H) (Deg F) 108,14 * 0,9911 * 1,0000
23 See Runtime Messages Report for
24 warnings. 37,45
26 Exchanger Fluid Volumes
27 Approximate shellside (ft3) 66,340 16
28 Approximate tubeside (ft3) 93,378
29 Shell Construction Information
30 TEMA shell type BEU Shell ID (inch) 37,4500
31 Shells Series 1 Parallel 2 Total area (ft2) 4808,38
32 Passes Shell 1 Tube 2 Eff. area (ft2/shell) 2315,61
33 Shell orientation angle (deg) 0,00
34 Impingement present Circular plate Impingement diameter/nozzle 1,1
35 Pairs seal strips 4 Passlane seal rods (inch) 1,5000 No. 4
36 Shell expansion joint No Full support at U-Bend Yes
37 Weight estimation Wet/Dry/Bundle 37242 / 27278 / 10636 (lb/shell)
38 Baffle Information
39 Type Parallel Double-Seg. Baffle cut (% dia) 21,03
40 Crosspasses/shellpass 14 No. (Pct Area) (inch) to C.L
41 Central spacing (inch) 9,0000 1 31,50 10,8478
42 Inlet spacing (inch) 37,5000 2 31,38 4,5978
43 Outlet spacing (inch) 37,5000 Baffle overlap (inch) 6,2500
44 Baffle thickness (inch) 0,2500
47 Tube Information
48 Tube type Plain Tubecount per shell 580
49 Length to tangent (ft) 16,000 Pct tubes removed (both) 6,55
50 Effective length (ft) 15,250 Outside diameter (inch) 1,0000
51 Total tubesheet (inch) 7,0000 Wall thickness (inch) 0,0830
52 Area ratio (out/in) 1,1990 Pitch (inch) 1,2500 Ratio 1,2500
53 Tube metal 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) Tube pattern (deg) 90
Final Results Page 2
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Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Shellside Performance
2 Nom vel, X-flow/window 8,22 / 6,28
4 Flow fractions for vapor phase
5 A=0,1087 B=0,5459 C=0,0314 E=0,1855 F=0,1285
7 Shellside Heat Transfer Corrections
8 Total Beta Gamma End Fin
9 0,956 0,896 1,067 0,777 1,000
10 Pressure Drops (Percent of Total)
11 Cross Window Ends Nozzle Shell Tube
12 49,68 32,57 4,23 Inlet 7,84 9,40
13 MOMENTUM 0,99 Outlet 4,69 5,52
14 Two-Phase Parameters
15 Method Inlet Center Outlet Mix F
16 RPM Shear Shear Shear 0,6845
17 PP/TBR Flow Flow Flow
18 H. T. Parameters Shell Tube
19 Overall wall correction
20 Midpoint Prandtl no.
21 Midpoint Reynolds no. 37679 79596
22 Bundle inlet Reynolds no. 9329 95091
23 Bundle outlet Reynolds no. 13061 68482
24 Fouling layer (inch)
25 Thermal Resistance
26 Shell Tube Fouling Metal Over Des
27 26,38 40,77 28,59 4,27 9,69
28 Total fouling resistance 0,00440
29 Differential resistance 0,00149
30 Shell Nozzles Liquid
31 Inlet at channel end-Yes Inlet Outlet Outlet
32 Number at each position 1 1 0
33 Diameter (inch) 12,0000 12,0000
34 Velocity (ft/sec) 10,73 11,70
35 Pressure drop (psi) 0,152 0,091
36 Height under nozzle (inch) 2,4750 2,9750
37 Nozzle R-V-SQ (lb/ft-sec2) 945,11 1030,05
38 Shell ent. (lb/ft-sec2) 2168,94 977,18
40 Inlet Outlet Liquid
41 Tube Nozzle RADIAL RADIAL Outlet
42 Diameter (inch) 11,3800 11,3800
43 Velocity (ft/sec) 17,73 16,37
44 Pressure drop (psi) 0,209 0,123
45 Nozzle R-V-SQ (lb/ft-sec2) 1757,77 1622,63
47 Annular Distributor Inlet Outlet
48 Length (inch)
49 Height (inch)
50 Slot area (in2)
51 Diametral Clearances (inch)
52 Baffle-to-shell Bundle-to-shell Tube-to-baffle
53 0,1875 0,5299 0,0313
Supplementary Results Page 3
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Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Externally Enhanced Tube Geometry Internally Enhanced Tube Geometry
2 Type Plain Type None
3 Fin density (fin/inch) Thickness (inch)
4 Fin height (inch) Pitch (L/D)
5 Fin thickness (inch)
6 Root diameter (inch)
7 Area/length (ft2/ft)
9 Mean Metal Temperatures
10 Mean shell temperature 498,74 (F)
11 Mean tube metal temperature in each tubepass, (F)
12 Tube Pass Inside Outside Radial
13 1 553,22 548,03 550,47
14 2 540,92 536,88 538,78
2 US_ Units
5 Service of Unit HOT COMBINED FEED EXCHANGERS (case 1) Item No. 108-DHA-E-002 D/H
6 Type BEU Orientation Horizontal Connected In 2 Parallel 1 Series
7 Surf/Unit (Gross/Eff) 4808,38 / 4631,23 ft2 Shell/Unit 2 Surf/Shell (Gross/Eff) 2404,19 / 2315,61 ft2
9 Fluid Allocation Shell Side Tube Side
11 Fluid Quantity, Total 1000-lb/hr 498,014 504,060
12 Vapor (In/Out) wt% 13,2 19,5 50,8 35,3
13 Liquid wt% 86,8 80,5 49,2 64,7
14 Temperature (In/Out) F 457,95 532,63 641,78 578,77
15 Density lb/ft3 1,3053 V/L 41.971 1,7292 V/L 39.803 3,0876 V/L 34.447 2,3913 V/L 37.053
16 Viscosity cP 0,0185 V/L 0.1991 0,0223 V/L 0.1461 0,0300 V/L 0.0871 0,0265 V/L 0.1162
17 Specific Heat Btu/lb-F 1,1278 V/L 0.6377 0,9785 V/L 0.6683 0,7897 V/L 0.7251 0,8254 V/L 0.6969
18 Thermal Conductivity Btu/hr-ft-F 0,1175 V/L 0.0449 0,1138 V/L 0.0382 0,0897 V/L 0.028 0,0963 V/L 0.033
19 Critical Pressure psig
20 Inlet Pressure psig 1330,25 1181,21
21 Velocity ft/sec 6,55 10,92
22 Pressure Drop, Allow/Calc psi 10,000 1,937 30,000 2,220
23 Average Film Coefficient Btu/ft2-hr-F 246,44 191,17
24 Fouling Resistance (min) ft2-hr-F/Btu 0,00200 0,00200
25 Heat Exchanged 29,4155 MM Btu/hr MTD (Corrected) 107,2 F Overdesign 9,69 %
26 Transfer Rate, Service 59,26 Btu/ft2-hr-F Calculated 65,00 Btu/ft2-hr-F Clean 91,02 Btu/ft2-hr-F
27 CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SHELL Sketch (Bundle/Nozzle Orientation)
28 Shell Side Tube Side
29 Design Pressure psig 1490,00 1300,00
30 Design Temperature F 715,00 800,00 37,45

31 No Passes per Shell 1 2

32 Flow Direction Upward Downward 16

33 Connections In inch 1 @ 12,0000 1 @ 11,3800

34 Size & Out inch 1 @ 12,0000 1 @ 11,3800
35 Rating Liq. Out inch @ @
36 Tube No. 580 OD 1,0000 inch Thk(Avg) 0,0830 inch Length 16,000 ft Pitch 1,2500 inch Layout 90
37 Tube Type Plain Material 316 STAINLESS STEEL (17 CR, 12 NI)Pairs seal strips 4
38 Shell ID 37,4500 inch Kettle ID inch Passlane Seal Rod No. 4
39 Cross Baffle Type PARALLEL DOUBLE-SEG. %Cut (Diam) 21;03 Impingement Plate Circular plate
40 Spacing(c/c) 9,0000 inch Inlet 37,5000 inch No. of Crosspasses 14
41 Rho-V2-Inlet Nozzle 945,11 lb/ft-sec2 Shell Entrance 2168,94 Shell Exit 977,18 lb/ft-sec2
42 Bundle Entrance 787,75 Bundle Exit 488,07 lb/ft-sec2
43 Weight/Shell 27278,0 Filled with Water 37242,3 Bundle 10636,2 lb
44 Notes: Thermal Resistance, % Velocities; ft/sec Flow Fractions
45 Shell 26,38 Shellside 6,55 A 0,109
46 Tube 40,77 Tubeside 10,92 B 0,546
47 Fouling 28,59 Crossflow 8,22 C 0,031
48 Metal 4,27 Window 6,28 E 0,186
49 F 0,128
2 US_ Units
4 Job No.
5 Customer O.G. INGENIERIA LTDA. Reference No.
6 Address Proposal No.
7 Plant Location CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA Date 21/05/2017 Rev 0
8 Service of Unit HOT COMBINED FEED EXCHANGERS (case 1) Item No. 108-DHA-E-002 D/H
9 Size 37,4500 x 192,000 inch Type BEU Horz. Connected In 2 Parallel 1 Series
10 Surf/Unit (Gross/Eff) 4808,38 / 4631,23 ft2 Shell/Unit 2 Surf/Shell (Gross/Eff) 2404,19 / 2315,61 ft2
12 Fluid Allocation Shell Side Tube Side
14 Fluid Quantity, Total 1000-lb/hr 498,014 504,060
15 Vapor (In/Out) 65,7712 96,9454 256,266 178,058
16 Liquid 432,243 401,069 247,794 326,002
17 Steam
18 Water
19 Noncondensables
20 Temperature (In/Out) F 457,95 532,63 641,78 578,77
21 Specific Gravity 0,6726 0,6379 0,5520 0,5938
22 Viscosity cP 0,0185 V/L 0.1991 0,0223 V/L 0.1461 0,0300 V/L 0.0871 0,0265 V/L 0.1162
23 Molecular Weight, Vapor
24 Molecular Weight, Noncondensables
25 Specific Heat Btu/lb-F 1,1278 V/L 0.638 0,9785 V/L 0.668 0,7897 V/L 0.725 0,8254 V/L 0.697
26 Thermal Conductivity Btu/hr-ft-F 0,1175 V/L 0.045 0,1138 V/L 0.038 0,0897 V/L 0.028 0,0963 V/L 0.033
27 Latent Heat Btu/lb 108,369 86,8344 65,0484 74,6592
28 Inlet Pressure psig 1330,25 1181,21
29 Velocity ft/sec 6,55 10,92
30 Pressure Drop, Allow/Calc psi 10,000 1,937 30,000 2,220
31 Fouling Resistance (min) ft2-hr-F/Btu 0,00200 0,00200
32 Heat Exchanged MM Btu/hr 29,4155 MTD (Corrected) 107,2 F
33 Transfer Rate, Service 59,26 Btu/ft2-hr-F Clean 91,02 Btu/ft2-hr-F Actual 65,00 Btu/ft2-hr-F
34 CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SHELL Sketch (Bundle/Nozzle Orientation)
35 Shell Side Tube Side
36 Design/Test Pressure psig 1490,00 / 1300,00 /
37 Design Temperature F 715,00 800,00 37,45

38 No Passes per Shell 1 2

39 Corrosion Allowance inch 16
40 Connections In inch 1 @ 12,0000 1 @ 11,3800
41 Size & Out inch 1 @ 12,0000 1 @ 11,3800
42 Rating Intermediate @ @
43 Tube No. 290U OD 1,0000 inch Thk(Avg) 0,0830 inch Length 16,000 ft Pitch 1,2500 inch Layout 90
44 Tube Type Plain Material 316 STAINLESS STEEL (17 CR, 12 NI)
45 Shell ID 37,4500 inch OD inch Shell Cover
46 Channel or Bonnet Channel Cover
47 Tubesheet-Stationary Tubesheet-Floating
48 Floating Head Cover Impingement Plate Circular plate
49 Baffles-Cross Type DOUBLE-SEG. %Cut (Diam) 21;03 Spacing(c/c) 9,0000 Inlet 37,5000 inch
50 Baffles-Long Seal Type
51 Supports-Tube U-Bend Type
52 Bypass Seal Arrangement Tube-Tubesheet Joint
53 Expansion Joint Type
54 Rho-V2-Inlet Nozzle 945,11 lb/ft-sec2 Bundle Entrance 787,75 Bundle Exit 488,07 lb/ft-sec2
55 Gaskets-Shell Side Tube Side
56 -Floating Head
57 Code Requirements TEMA Class
58 Weight/Shell 27278,0 Filled with Water 37242,3 Bundle 10636,2 lb
59 Remarks:
62 Reprinted with Permission (v6 )
Vibration Analysis Page 6
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Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Shellside condition Boil. Liquid (Level 2,3)
2 Axial stress loading (1000 psi) 0,000 Added mass factor 1,517
3 Beta 2,570
4 Position In The Bundle Inlet Center Outlet
5 Length for natural frequency (ft) 3,875 1,500 3,875
6 Length/TEMA maximum span (--) 0,628 0,243 0,628
7 Number of spans (--) 7 8 7
8 Tube natural frequency (Hz) 82,9 + 302,5 83,2
9 Shell acoustic frequency (Hz)
10 Flow Velocities Inlet Center Outlet
11 Window parallel velocity (ft/sec) 5,33 5,60 5,81
12 Bundle crossflow velocity (ft/sec) 1,53 6,90 1,67
13 Bundle/shell velocity (ft/sec) 0,96 4,32 1,05
14 Fluidelastic Instability Check Inlet Center Outlet
15 Log decrement HTRI 0,153 0,133 0,109
16 Critical velocity (ft/sec) 27,90 177,55 24,55
17 Baffle tip cross velocity ratio (--) 0,0589 0,0417 0,0730
18 Average crossflow velocity ratio (--) 0,0549 0,0389 0,0681
19 Acoustic Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
20 Vortex shedding ratio (--)
21 Chen number (--)
22 Turbulent buffeting ratio (--)
23 Tube Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
24 Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,092 0,415 0,100
25 Parallel flow amplitude (inch) 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000
26 Crossflow amplitude (inch) 0,0002 0,0001 0,0002
27 Tube gap (inch) 0,2500 0,2500 0,2500
28 Crossflow RHO-V-SQ (lb/ft-sec2) 19,28 372,11 21,01
29 Bundle Entrance/Exit
30 (analysis at first tube row) Entrance Exit
31 Fluidelastic instability ratio (--) 0,351 0,328
32 Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,588 0,484
33 Crossflow amplitude (inch) 0,01110 0,00587
34 Crossflow velocity (ft/sec) 9,80 8,05
35 Tubesheet to inlet/outlet support (inch) None None
36 Shell Entrance/Exit Parameters Entrance Exit
37 Impingement plate Yes
38 Flow area (ft2) 0,518 0,806
39 Velocity (ft/sec) 16,26 11,39
40 RHO-V-SQ (lb/ft-sec2) 2168,94 977,18
41 Shell type BEU Baffle type Double-Seg.
42 Tube type Plain Baffle layout Parallel
43 Pitch ratio 1,2500 Tube diameter; (inch) 1,0000
44 Layout angle 90 Tube material 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni)
45 Number U-Bend supports Supports/baffle space
46 Program Messages
47 + Frequency ratios are based upon lowest natural or acoustic frequency
48 * Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design. Review your case
49 using the procedure described in Online Help; You may find that a vibration problem is unlikely.
Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 7
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Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Shellside Flow Region 1 249,007 1000-lb/hr
2 Point number (--) 1 2 3 4 5
3 Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1
4 Length from tube inlet (inch) 0,0000 18,7500 42,0000 51,0000 60,0000
5 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.1321 0.1384 0.1469 0.1504 0.1539
6 Bulk temperature (F) 457,95 467,17 478,73 483,30 487,75
7 Skin temperature (F) 512,81 507,71 511,19 514,63
8 MTD (F) 142,2 130,1 125,3 120,6
9 Delta MTD correction (--) 0.999 0.996 0.995 0.994
10 Pressure (psig) 1330,24 1330,15 1330,06 1329,93 1329,80
11 Pressure drop (psi) 0,152 0,042 0,129 0,132 0,132
12 Friction loss (psi) 0,015 0,102 0,103 0,104
13 Static head loss (psi) 0,027 0,027 0,027 0,027
14 Momentum loss (psi) 5,423e-5 -5,29e-4 1,682e-3 1,637e-3
15 Shear stress at tube wall
16 Crossflow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Longitudinal flow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
18 Area (ft2) 474,511 113,883 113,883 113,883
19 Cumulative area (ft2) 474,511 588,394 702,276 816,159
20 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 3,6129 0,9063 0,8758 0,8458
21 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 3,6129 4,5191 5,3949 6,2407
22 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 7613,84 7957,93 7690,34 7426,67
23 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 8466,46 8825,63 8515,48 8208,80
24 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 1128425 1206339 1191398 1177071
25 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 59,95 68,35 68,42 68,45
26 Shellside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 188,52 317,34 318,01 317,86
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 81,10 147,77 147,52 147,19
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 199,55 262,04 263,87 265,63
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1017,97 1303,96 1299,03 1287,65
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 27,88 24,73 23,97 22,75
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 198,96 384,89 387,33 389,52
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1,89 0,86 1,23 1,55
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 13,83 12,34 12,22 12,11
36 Local Reynolds (--) 9329 20691 34252 34964 35665
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 12192 26546 42994 43513 44011
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 7446 16335 26679 27077 27464
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.44
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 6.84 6.73 6.61 6.57 6.53
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.7994 0.2746 0.2726 0.2707
42 Condensate regime (--)
43 Boiling regime (--) Slug Annular Annular Annular
44 Boiling mechanism (--) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 8
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Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Shellside Flow Region 1
2 Point number (--) 6 7 8 9 10
3 Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1
4 Length from tube inlet (inch) 69,0000 78,0000 87,0000 96,0000 105,000
5 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.1573 0.1606 0.1639 0.1672 0.1704
6 Bulk temperature (F) 492,13 496,33 500,33 504,17 507,84
7 Skin temperature (F) 518,09 521,37 524,50 527,47 530,30
8 MTD (F) 116,0 111,6 107,5 103,5 99,7
9 Delta MTD correction (--) 0.993 0.992 0.991 0.990 0.989
10 Pressure (psig) 1329,67 1329,53 1329,40 1329,27 1329,13
11 Pressure drop (psi) 0,133 0,133 0,134 0,135 0,135
12 Friction loss (psi) 0,105 0,106 0,107 0,108 0,108
13 Static head loss (psi) 0,026 0,026 0,026 0,026 0,025
14 Momentum loss (psi) 1,595e-3 1,562e-3 1,529e-3 1,494e-3 1,460e-3
15 Shear stress at tube wall
16 Crossflow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Longitudinal flow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
18 Area (ft2) 113,883 113,883 113,883 113,883 113,883
19 Cumulative area (ft2) 930,042 1043,93 1157,81 1271,69 1385,57
20 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 0,8152 0,7858 0,7577 0,7309 0,7054
21 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 7,0559 7,8416 8,5993 9,3303 10,0356
22 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 7158,23 6899,72 6653,25 6418,19 6193,75
23 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 7898,74 7601,75 7318,98 7049,76 6793,23
24 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 1163386 1150323 1137858 1125945 1114559
25 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 68,41 68,39 68,38 68,38 68,40
26 Shellside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 316,60 315,64 314,95 314,54 314,42
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 146,75 146,33 145,93 145,55 145,18
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 267,29 268,92 270,52 272,10 273,63
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1273,27 1261,79 1251,55 1242,54 1234,73
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 20,30 18,16 16,40 14,97 13,83
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 391,31 393,07 394,83 396,58 398,31
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1,82 2,05 2,24 1,93 1,85
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 12,01 11,91 11,80 11,70 11,59
36 Local Reynolds (--) 36350 37022 37679 38323 38952
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 44468 44923 45377 45829 46276
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 27838 28198 28544 28878 29199
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.45
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 6.51 6.48 6.45 6.43 6.40
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2688 0.2670 0.2653 0.2636 0.2620
42 Condensate regime (--)
43 Boiling regime (--) Annular Annular Annular Annular Annular
44 Boiling mechanism (--) Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow
Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 9
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CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Shellside Flow Region 1
2 Point number (--) 11 12 13 14 15
3 Shell pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1
4 Length from tube inlet (inch) 114,000 123,000 132,000 141,000 164,250
5 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.1736 0.1767 0.1798 0.1828 0.1894
6 Bulk temperature (F) 511,35 514,72 517,94 521,00 527,57
7 Skin temperature (F) 533,00 535,58 538,02 540,31 553,25
8 MTD (F) 96,0 92,6 89,3 86,1 79,4
9 Delta MTD correction (--) 0.988 0.987 0.986 0.985 0.985
10 Pressure (psig) 1328,99 1328,86 1328,72 1328,58 1328,49
11 Pressure drop (psi) 0,136 0,136 0,137 0,140 0,041
12 Friction loss (psi) 0,109 0,110 0,111 0,112 0,017
13 Static head loss (psi) 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,023
14 Momentum loss (psi) 1,424e-3 1,390e-3 1,327e-3 4,058e-3 4,703e-4
15 Shear stress at tube wall
16 Crossflow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Longitudinal flow (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
18 Area (ft2) 113,883 113,883 113,883 113,883 474,511
19 Cumulative area (ft2) 1499,45 1613,34 1727,22 1841,10 2315,61
20 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 0,6809 0,6576 0,6353 0,6145 2,0838
21 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 10,7165 11,3741 12,0094 12,6239 14,7077
22 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 5979,13 5773,99 5578,81 5395,54 4391,45
23 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 6548,10 6314,16 6093,27 5884,47 4780,17
24 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 1103668 1093248 1083318 1073888 940192
25 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 68,43 68,47 68,54 68,63 60,15
26 Shellside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 314,49 314,77 315,53 317,02 187,96
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 144,84 144,51 144,23 144,01 78,54
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 275,13 276,60 278,02 279,38 218,81
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1228,10 1222,59 1219,67 1222,08 950,01
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 12,95 12,28 12,11 12,58 14,59
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 400,02 401,71 403,44 405,24 215,65
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 1,76 2,07 2,38 2,71 3,60
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 11,49 11,39 11,28 11,17 12,01
36 Local Reynolds (--) 39568 40171 40760 41338 27116
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 46719 47156 47587 48012 31150
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 29508 29805 30093 30373 19707
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.46
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 6.38 6.35 6.32 6.29 6.23
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2604 0.2589 0.2574 0.2560 0.7233
42 Condensate regime (--)
43 Boiling regime (--) Annular Annular Annular Annular Slug
44 Boiling mechanism (--) Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow
Shellside Incremental Monitor Page 10
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Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Shellside Flow Region 1
2 Point number (--) 16
3 Shell pass (--) 1
4 Length from tube inlet (inch) 183,000
5 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.1947
6 Bulk temperature (F) 532,63
7 Skin temperature (F)
8 MTD (F)
9 Delta MTD correction (--)
10 Pressure (psig) 1328,31
11 Pressure drop (psi) 0,091
12 Friction loss (psi)
13 Static head loss (psi)
14 Momentum loss (psi)
15 Shear stress at tube wall
16 Crossflow (psi)
17 Longitudinal flow (psi)
18 Area (ft2)
19 Cumulative area (ft2)
20 Duty (MM Btu/hr)
21 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr)
22 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
23 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
24 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
25 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
26 Shellside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F)
36 Local Reynolds (--) 13061
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 14885
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 9413
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.46
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 6.18
41 Flow regime param. (--)
42 Condensate regime (--)
43 Boiling regime (--)
44 Boiling mechanism (--)
Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 11
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:

Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Point number (--) 1 2 3 4 5
2 Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1
3 Length from tube inlet (inch) 0,0000 18,7500 42,0000 51,0000 60,0000
4 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.5084 0.4952 0.4793 0.4733 0.4675
5 Bulk temperature (F) 641,78 637,36 631,83 629,66 627,58
6 Skin temperature (F) 573,07 565,38 566,21 567,07
7 MTD (F) 168,7 152,8 146,1 139,5
8 Pressure (psig) 1181,21 1180,77 1180,73 1180,69 1180,65
9 Pressure drop (psi) 0,248 0,196 0,039 0,039 0,039
10 Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
11 Friction loss (psi) 0,200 0,040 0,040 0,040
12 Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13 Momentum loss (psi) -3,75e-3 -9,01e-4 -8,58e-4 -8,24e-4
14 Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 11,33 11,25 11,22 11,19
15 Average velocity (ft/sec) 11,32 11,24 11,21 11,18
16 Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Area (ft2) 237,256 56,941 56,941 56,941
18 Cumulative area (ft2) 237,256 294,197 351,138 408,079
19 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 2,1332 0,5287 0,5075 0,4867
20 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 2,1332 2,6619 3,1694 3,6560
21 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 8991,12 9284,74 8912,87 8546,62
22 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 10022,6 10342,7 9921,73 9506,79
23 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
24 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 59,94 68,16 68,26 68,31
25 Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 188,76 187,95 188,43 188,90
26 Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 257,91 252,36 250,74 249,15
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 279,26 277,57 277,96 278,12
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 582,41 582,14 584,99 588,88
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
36 Local Reynolds (--) 95091 92717 89785 88672 87660
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 111543 109584 107072 106145 105248
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 37132 37226 37303 37307 37333
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.62
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 5.46 5.50 5.55 5.57 5.58
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2324 0.2387 0.2411 0.2433
42 Condensate regime (--) Shear Shear Shear Shear
43 Boiling regime (--)
44 Boiling mechanism (--)
Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 12
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:

Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Point number (--) 6 7 8 9 10
2 Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1
3 Length from tube inlet (inch) 69,0000 78,0000 87,0000 96,0000 105,000
4 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.4620 0.4568 0.4518 0.4472 0.4428
5 Bulk temperature (F) 625,58 623,67 621,83 620,07 618,38
6 Skin temperature (F) 567,93 568,74 569,50 570,21 570,86
7 MTD (F) 133,2 127,1 121,3 115,7 110,4
8 Pressure (psig) 1180,62 1180,58 1180,54 1180,50 1180,46
9 Pressure drop (psi) 0,039 0,038 0,038 0,038 0,038
10 Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
11 Friction loss (psi) 0,039 0,039 0,039 0,039 0,038
12 Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13 Momentum loss (psi) -7,82e-4 -7,41e-4 -7,02e-4 -6,65e-4 -6,30e-4
14 Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 11,16 11,13 11,11 11,08 11,06
15 Average velocity (ft/sec) 11,15 11,12 11,09 11,07 11,04
16 Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Area (ft2) 56,941 56,941 56,941 56,941 56,941
18 Cumulative area (ft2) 465,021 521,962 578,903 635,845 692,786
19 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 0,4656 0,4452 0,4258 0,4071 0,3893
20 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 4,1216 4,5669 4,9926 5,3997 5,7890
21 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 8176,44 7819,07 7477,17 7149,57 6836,22
22 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 9088,48 8685,92 8301,43 7933,49 7582,10
23 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
24 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 68,27 68,25 68,24 68,25 68,28
25 Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 189,15 189,40 189,65 189,92 190,18
26 Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 247,62 246,18 244,81 243,51 242,28
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 278,15 278,22 278,34 278,50 278,69
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 591,17 593,25 595,21 597,08 598,82
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
36 Local Reynolds (--) 86736 85860 85029 84240 83492
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 104384 103567 102796 102067 101379
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 37373 37402 37423 37436 37442
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.60
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 5.60 5.61 5.63 5.64 5.66
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2455 0.2475 0.2495 0.2513 0.2530
42 Condensate regime (--) Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear
43 Boiling regime (--)
44 Boiling mechanism (--)
Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 13
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:

Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Point number (--) 11 12 13 14 15
2 Tube Pass (--) 1 1 1 1 1
3 Length from tube inlet (inch) 114,000 123,000 132,000 141,000 164,250
4 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.4386 0.4347 0.4309 0.4274 0.4201
5 Bulk temperature (F) 616,76 615,22 613,73 612,31 609,32
6 Skin temperature (F) 571,49 572,07 572,61 573,10 578,79
7 MTD (F) 105,2 100,3 95,7 91,2 81,5
8 Pressure (psig) 1180,43 1180,39 1180,35 1180,31 1180,14
9 Pressure drop (psi) 0,038 0,037 0,037 0,037 0,178
10 Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
11 Friction loss (psi) 0,038 0,038 0,038 0,038 0,180
12 Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13 Momentum loss (psi) -5,97e-4 -5,66e-4 -5,36e-4 -4,96e-4 -1,56e-3
14 Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 11,04 11,01 10,99 10,97 10,93
15 Average velocity (ft/sec) 11,02 11,00 10,98 10,96 10,92
16 Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Area (ft2) 56,941 56,941 56,941 56,941 237,256
18 Cumulative area (ft2) 749,727 806,669 863,610 920,552 1157,81
19 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 0,3721 0,3557 0,3399 0,3250 1,0697
20 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 6,1611 6,5168 6,8567 7,1817 8,2513
21 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 6535,00 6246,09 5969,47 5707,71 4508,54
22 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 7244,73 6921,61 6612,83 6320,84 4983,37
23 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
24 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 68,32 68,38 68,46 68,57 60,17
25 Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 190,45 190,72 190,98 191,25 192,67
26 Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 241,11 240,00 238,95 237,95 236,51
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 278,90 279,14 279,40 279,67 281,40
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 600,47 602,04 603,51 604,89 611,01
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
36 Local Reynolds (--) 82782 82107 81467 80858 79596
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 100728 100113 99532 98983 97864
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 37441 37436 37426 37412 37365
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.59 0.59
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 5.67 5.68 5.70 5.71 5.74
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2547 0.2563 0.2577 0.2592 0.2620
42 Condensate regime (--) Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear
43 Boiling regime (--)
44 Boiling mechanism (--)
Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 14
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:

Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Point number (--) 16 17 18 19 20
2 Tube Pass (--) 2 2 2 2 2
3 Length from tube inlet (inch) 164,250 141,000 132,000 123,000 114,000
4 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.4095 0.4029 0.4000 0.3970 0.3940
5 Bulk temperature (F) 604,83 602,02 600,75 599,45 598,13
6 Skin temperature (F) 575,98 567,28 565,28 563,17 560,96
7 MTD (F) 77,3 81,1 82,9 84,8 86,9
8 Pressure (psig) 1179,79 1179,75 1179,71 1179,68 1179,64
9 Pressure drop (psi) 0,349 0,036 0,036 0,036 0,036
10 Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
11 Friction loss (psi) 0,350 0,037 0,037 0,036 0,036
12 Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13 Momentum loss (psi) -1,63e-3 -4,53e-4 -4,55e-4 -4,62e-4 -4,71e-4
14 Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 10,86 10,82 10,81 10,79 10,77
15 Average velocity (ft/sec) 10,86 10,82 10,80 10,78 10,77
16 Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Area (ft2) 237,256 56,941 56,941 56,941 56,941
18 Cumulative area (ft2) 1395,06 1452,00 1508,94 1565,89 1622,83
19 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 1,0141 0,2895 0,2954 0,3019 0,3088
20 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 9,2655 9,5549 9,8503 10,1522 10,4610
21 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 4274,37 5083,37 5188,15 5301,90 5423,27
22 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 4724,38 5629,11 5746,11 5873,03 6008,89
23 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
24 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 60,14 68,68 68,62 68,57 68,54
25 Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 193,08 192,19 192,22 192,14 192,06
26 Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 233,47 231,03 230,20 229,36 228,50
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 281,54 280,11 279,90 279,64 279,38
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 614,46 612,33 613,66 614,10 614,50
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
36 Local Reynolds (--) 77847 76739 76261 75777 75285
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 96295 95271 94813 94349 93878
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 37288 37240 37225 37208 37187
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.57
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 5.78 5.81 5.82 5.82 5.83
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2661 0.2688 0.2700 0.2712 0.2724
42 Condensate regime (--) Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear
43 Boiling regime (--)
44 Boiling mechanism (--)
Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 15
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:

Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Point number (--) 21 22 23 24 25
2 Tube Pass (--) 2 2 2 2 2
3 Length from tube inlet (inch) 105,000 96,0000 87,0000 78,0000 69,0000
4 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.3909 0.3878 0.3847 0.3815 0.3782
5 Bulk temperature (F) 596,77 595,37 593,94 592,47 590,96
6 Skin temperature (F) 558,66 556,28 553,79 551,20 548,50
7 MTD (F) 89,0 91,3 93,8 96,3 99,0
8 Pressure (psig) 1179,61 1179,57 1179,54 1179,50 1179,46
9 Pressure drop (psi) 0,036 0,036 0,035 0,035 0,035
10 Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
11 Friction loss (psi) 0,036 0,036 0,036 0,036 0,036
12 Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13 Momentum loss (psi) -4,79e-4 -4,88e-4 -4,97e-4 -5,07e-4 -5,17e-4
14 Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 10,75 10,74 10,72 10,70 10,68
15 Average velocity (ft/sec) 10,75 10,73 10,71 10,69 10,67
16 Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Area (ft2) 56,941 56,941 56,941 56,941 56,941
18 Cumulative area (ft2) 1679,77 1736,71 1793,65 1850,59 1907,53
19 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 0,3161 0,3238 0,3319 0,3405 0,3496
20 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 10,7771 11,1010 11,4329 11,7734 12,1230
21 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 5551,28 5686,81 5829,34 5980,38 6140,03
22 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 6152,41 6304,44 6464,71 6634,73 6814,69
23 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
24 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 68,52 68,51 68,51 68,53 68,56
25 Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 191,99 191,91 191,84 191,77 191,70
26 Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 227,62 226,74 225,83 224,91 223,98
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 279,14 278,90 278,67 278,44 278,23
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 614,92 615,31 615,71 616,08 616,45
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
36 Local Reynolds (--) 74783 74273 73754 73224 72684
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 93400 92915 92423 91924 91416
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 37164 37137 37106 37072 37033
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 5.84 5.85 5.86 5.87 5.88
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2737 0.2750 0.2763 0.2777 0.2790
42 Condensate regime (--) Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear
43 Boiling regime (--)
44 Boiling mechanism (--)
Tubeside Incremental Monitor Page 16
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:

Xist E Ver. 6.00 21/05/2017 17:46 SN: Vals100+ US_ Units

CASE 1 : E-002 D/H
Rating - Horizontal Multipass Flow TEMA BEU Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
1 Point number (--) 26 27 28 29 30
2 Tube Pass (--) 2 2 2 2 2
3 Length from tube inlet (inch) 60,0000 51,0000 42,0000 18,7500 0,0000
4 Mass fraction vapor (--) 0.3749 0.3715 0.3681 0.3597 0.3533
5 Bulk temperature (F) 589,40 587,80 586,16 582,05 578,77
6 Skin temperature (F) 545,69 542,86 539,98 538,82
7 MTD (F) 101,8 104,7 107,7 115,9
8 Pressure (psig) 1179,43 1179,39 1179,36 1179,19 1178,99
9 Pressure drop (psi) 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,171 0,195
10 Enhanced pressure drop mult (--)
11 Friction loss (psi) 0,036 0,036 0,035 0,173
12 Static head loss (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13 Momentum loss (psi) -5,27e-4 -5,36e-4 -5,45e-4 -2,07e-3
14 Maximum velocity (ft/sec) 10,66 10,64 10,62 10,56
15 Average velocity (ft/sec) 10,65 10,62 10,60 10,55
16 Shear stress at tube wall (psi) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17 Area (ft2) 56,941 56,941 56,941 237,256
18 Cumulative area (ft2) 1964,47 2021,42 2078,36 2315,61
19 Duty (MM Btu/hr) 0,3591 0,3683 0,3776 1,4797
20 Cumulative duty (MM Btu/hr) 12,4821 12,8504 13,2280 14,7077
21 Heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 6306,72 6467,81 6631,13 6236,57
22 Calculated heat flux (Btu/hr ft2) 7003,42 7186,35 7371,63 6935,45
23 Critical heat flux (Btu/hr ft2)
24 Overall U (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 68,60 68,58 68,53 59,97
25 Tubeside h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 191,64 191,59 191,56 192,71
26 Enhanced heat transfer mult (--)
27 Sensible liquid h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
28 Sensible vapor h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 223,02 222,05 221,07 219,57
29 Condensate film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 278,02 277,84 277,69 278,87
30 Vapor phase h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 616,81 617,19 617,58 623,71
31 Nucleate boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 Conv. boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Film boiling h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
34 Boiling thin film h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
35 Natural convective h (Btu/ft2-hr-F) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
36 Local Reynolds (--) 72134 71573 71001 69601 68482
37 Vapor Reynolds (--) 90901 90379 89849 88578 87522
38 Liquid Reynolds (--) 36990 36942 36890 36740 36606
39 Vapor Prandtl (--) 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.55
40 Liquid Prandtl (--) 5.89 5.90 5.91 5.93 5.95
41 Flow regime param. (--) 0.2804 0.2819 0.2833 0.2869
42 Condensate regime (--) Shear Shear Shear Shear
43 Boiling regime (--)
44 Boiling mechanism (--)

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