Alterations in Energy Balance Following Exenatide Administration

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Alterations in energy balance following exenatide

David P. Bradley, Roger Kulstad, Natalie Racine, Yoram Shenker, Melissa Meredith,
and Dale A. Schoeller

Abstract: Exenatide is a medication similar in structure and effect to native glucagon-like peptide-1, an incretin hormone
with glucose-lowering properties. The aim of the study was to measure the change in total energy expenditure (TEE) and
body composition during exenatide administration and by deduction the relative contributions of energy expenditure and en-
ergy intake to exenatide-induced weight loss. Forty-five obese (body mass index, 30–40 kg·m–2) subjects were identified.
After exclusion criteria application, 28 subjects entered into the study and 18 subjects (12 female, 6 male) completed the
study, which consisted of 6 visits over 14 weeks and injection of exenatide for an average of 84 ± 5 days. Respiratory gas
analysis and doubly labeled water measurements were performed before initiation of exenatide and after approximately
3 months of exenatide administration. The average weight loss from the beginning of injection period to the end of the study
in completed subjects was 2.0 ± 2.8 kg (p = 0.01). Fat mass declined by 1.3 ± 1.8 kg (p = 0.01) while the fat-free mass
trended downward but was not significant (0.8 ± 2.2 kg, p = 0.14). There was no change in weight-adjusted TEE (p =
0.20), resting metabolic rate (p = 0.51), or physical activity energy expenditure (p = 0.38) and no change in the unadjusted
thermic effect of a meal (p = 0.37). The significant weight loss because of exenatide administration was thus the result of
decreasing energy intake. In obese nondiabetic subjects, exenatide administration did not increase TEE and by deduction the
significant weight loss and loss of fat mass was due to decreased energy intake.
Key words: doubly labeled water, energy expenditure, exenatide, weight loss.
Résumé : L’exénatide est un médicament similaire par sa structure et son effet au GLP-1 (« glucagon-like peptide-1 ») na-
turel, une hormone incrétine aux propriétés hypoglycémiantes. Cette étude se propose de mesurer la modification de la dé-
pense énergétique totale (TEE) et de la composition corporelle durant l’administration d’exénatide et d’évaluer par
déduction la contribution relative de la dépense et de l’apport d’énergie en fonction de la perte de masse corporelle causée
par l’exénatide. On identifie 45 obèses (indice de masse corporelle, 30–40 kg·m–2); après la prise en compte des critères
d’exclusion, 28 sujets sont retenus, mais 18 sujets (12 femmes et 6 hommes) se rendent jusqu’au bout de l’expérimentation
soit 6 rencontres en 14 semaines avec injection d’exénatide durant 84 ± 5 jours, en moyenne. Avant le début de l’adminis-
tration d’exénatide et environ 3 mois après l’administration, on analyse les échanges gazeux et on utilise la technique de
l’eau doublement marquée. La perte moyenne de masse corporelle du début de la période d’injection à la fin de l’étude
chez les sujets qui sont demeurés jusqu’à la fin est de 2,0 ± 2,8 kg (p = 0,01). La masse adipeuse diminue de 1,3 ± 1,8 kg
(p = 0,01) alors que la masse maigre tend à diminuer, mais de façon non significative (0,8 ± 2,2 kg, p = 0,14). On n’ob-
serve aucune modification de la TEE (p = 0,20) ajustée à la masse corporelle, du métabolisme de repos (p = 0,51), de la
dépense d’énergie par l’activité physique (p = 0,38) et de l’effet thermique non ajusté de la nourriture (p = 0,37). La perte
significative de masse corporelle attribuable à l’administration d’exénatide est due à la diminution de l’apport alimentaire.
L’administration d’exénatide chez des sujets obèses non diabétiques ne suscite pas d’augmentation de la TEE; la perte signi-
ficative de masse corporelle et de masse adipeuse est par déduction due à la diminution de l’apport alimentaire.
Mots‐clés : eau doublement marquée, dépense énergétique, exénatide, perte de poids.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analog used in the treat-

ment of type 2 DM, effective not only in reducing average
The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and obe- and postprandial blood glucose values but also inducing
sity have increased recently both in the United States and weight loss that is progressive and sustained (Heine et al.
globally (International Diabetes Federation 2011). Exenatide 2005; Blonde et al. 2006; Riddle et al. 2006; Davis et al.

Received 3 January 2012. Accepted 19 April 2012. Published at on 26 June 2012.
D.P. Bradley. Department of Geriatrics and Nutritional Sciences, Washington University,4488 Forest Park, St. Louis, MO 63102, USA.
R. Kulstad. Department of Endocrinology, Marshfield Clinic-Weston Center, Weston, WI 54476, USA.
N. Racine and D.A. Schoeller. Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.
Y. Shenker and M. Meredith. Division of Endocrinology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.
Corresponding author: David P. Bradley (e-mail:

Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 37: 893–899 (2012) doi:10.1139/H2012-068 Published by NRC Research Press
894 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 37, 2012

2007; Barnett et al. 2007; Zinman et al. 2007; Nauck et al. Materials and methods
2007). Although approved only as a hypoglycemic agent, ex-
enatide may be a useful agent in the treatment of the rising Subjects
numbers of patients with type 2 DM and obesity. Prior to initiation, this study was approved by the Univer-
Body weight is maintained by a balance between energy sity of Wisconsin-Madison Health Sciences Institutional Re-
intake and total energy expenditure (TEE). Long-term weight view Board. All subjects gave written informed consent.
loss that occurs with exenatide administration indicates nega- Forty-five participants that responded to advertisements
tive energy balance, but studies of the relative roles of energy passed phone screening using the following inclusion criteria:
intake and energy expenditure in this weight loss, however, 18–65 years of age, body mass index (BMI) between 30 and
have not been performed. Instead, the majority of studies to 40 kg·m–2, women with a negative pregnancy test at baseline,
date examining the mechanisms of exenatide or GLP-1 ad- sterile or using contraceptives, and absence of weight change
greater than 3 kg in the previous 6 months. The exclusion
ministration have been short-term. Nearly all of these studies
criteria included pregnant or lactating women, enrollment in
report the anorectic effects of exenatide or GLP-1 (Verdich et
a commercial or self-prescribed weight loss or exercise pro-
al. 2001; Flint et al. 2001; Edwards et al. 2001). Possible
gram within the last 6 months, use of weight-loss medication,
mechanisms for the observed reduction in energy intake in- history of metabolic disease that would impact outcome of
clude exenatide-induced nausea, delayed gastric emptying, study, presence of medical conditions that are known to af-
and increased satiety (Verdich et al. 2001; Flint et al. 2001; fect energy expenditure (i.e., hyperthyroidism, rheumatoid ar-
Edwards et al. 2001). Several studies, however, also report thritis, HIV, etc.), history of hypoglycemia, abnormal
that exenatide increases energy expenditure (Flint et al. electrocardiogram, previous history of gastroparesis or gas-
2001, 2000; Shalev et al. 1997; Pannacciulli et al. 2006). trointestinal motility disorder, history of organ transplanta-
Thus, the relative roles of energy intake and energy expendi- tion, use of a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, plan to move
ture in exenatide associated weight loss are not clear. from study area within the year, presence of impaired fasting
Although we hypothesize that the anorectic effects of exe- glucose or DM, presence of a condition increasing the risk of
natide are likely the key to the mechanism in exenatide asso- pancreatitis. After screening, 17 subjects were excluded (12
ciated weight loss, current methods for the measurement of with evidence of impaired fasting glucose (fasting glu-
energy intake are not accurate enough to test that hypothesis. cose ≥100 mg·dL–1 and ≤126 mg·dL–1), 2 with evidence of
Short of placing subjects in a metabolic ward for periods of hypertriglyceridemia (≥250 mg·dL–1), 1 because of recent
several months, energy intake must be assessed using self- use of weight-loss medication, and 2 because of impending
reported energy intake from either diaries or food-frequency plans to move from the study area).
questionnaires. These self-report instruments, however, are Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of both com-
inaccurate, especially in subjects who are overweight or pleted subjects and drop-outs. There were no statistically sig-
obese and the systematic bias often changes during inter- nificant differences in terms of starting weight, age, or
ventions (Subar et al. 2003; Schoeller 1995). baseline creatinine, fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1c
Although energy intake cannot be measured accurately in (HgbA1c), or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).
outpatient studies, it may be assessed by measuring outpa-
tient energy expenditure and change in body composition Protocol
and then calculating energy intake using the principle of en- Subject screenings and assessments were conducted at the
ergy balance (Schoeller 2002). TEE is composed of the rest- Clinical and Translational Research Center of The University
ing metabolic rate (RMR), the thermic effect of meals of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics. At the initial screening
(TEM), and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE). visit subjects underwent baseline evaluation, including hospi-
TEE can be estimated by measuring each of the 3 compo- tal-gowned weight; barefoot height; vital sign measurements;
complete history and physical, including review of medica-
nents using a combination of respiratory gas analysis and
tions; and laboratory testing, including serum TSH, fasting
physical activity monitors, but a more accurate approach is
glucose, HgbA1c, complete blood count, pancreatic amylase
to use doubly labeled water (DLW). The DLW technique al- and lipase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine amino-
lows accurate measurement of all 3 components of energy ex- transferase, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and pregnancy
penditure over a period of 2 weeks in free-living individuals test for women. They underwent an electrocardiogram and
in a single accurate measure (Schoeller 2002). Through peri- completed physical activity and well-being questionnaires to
odic urine collection, DLW estimates carbon dioxide produc- screen out concurrent medical conditions and to later inves-
tion by measuring the elimination of the tracers deuterium tigate treatment-related malaise.
(2H) and oxygen-18 (18O) from the body. Carbon dioxide All follow-up visits included vital signs, weight and height
production data can then be used to calculate TEE with assessments, focused physical examination, and completion
standard indirect calorimetry equations. In combination with of a visual analog nausea scale rating severity of symptoms
measurements of RMR and estimates of TEM via indirect on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most severe.
calorimetry, it allows measurement of PAEE. At visit 2 (T-2wks), subjects fasted overnight and a base-
The aim of this study was to measure the change in energy line urine sample for detection of background 2H and 18O
expenditure, body mass, and composition during exenatide was obtained followed by administration of the first dose of
treatment. Because energy is conserved, we can then use the DLW. Additional urine samples were obtained at 1 (dis-
principle of energy balance to calculate changes in metaboliz- carded), 3, and 4 h after the dose of DLW. Using a respira-
able energy intake. tory gas exchange metabolic cart with ventilated hood

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Table 1. Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics of drop outs and

completed subjects.

Drop-outs Completed subjects

(n = 10) (n = 18) p
Baseline characteristics
Sex (m/f), n 2/8 6/12
Age (y) 44±9 39±11 0.25
Weight (kg) 91.5±10.0 101.7±12.3 0.07
Baseline biochemical data
Fasting Glucose (mg·dL–1) 91.0±6.9 90.3±7.7 0.90
Creatinine (mmol·L–1) 0.8±0.1 0.9±0.2 0.12
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 1.5±0.5 1.7±0.0.7 0.30
Hemoglobin A1c (%) 5.4±0.2 5.6±0.2 0.48
Amylase (U·L–1) 44.8±11.5 40.6±15.2 0.46
Lipase (U·L–1) 178.5±44.2 164.8±42.0 0.42
Triglycerides (mg·dL–1) 121.4±65.7 115.3±41.0 0.76
Note: All units are means ± SD. All analyses were performed by employing a paired
t test.

(Deltatrac, Datex-Ohmeda, Inc.), RMR was assessed over a (kcal·kg–1) plus change in fat-free mass from DXA (kg) ×
period of 40 min. This was followed by ingestion of 2 pro- 1200 (kcal·kg–1).
tein Ensure Plus shakes (total 700 kcal composed of 26 g
protein, 98 g carbohydrates, 22 g fat) and measurement of Statistical analyses
TEM using the above metabolic cart over the next 4 h. Subject characteristics and other descriptive data are pre-
The subjects returned approximately 14 days later (T-0wks). sented as means ± SD. Analyses of weight, blood pressure,
Two urine samples, 1 h apart, were collected for DLW test- and body composition changes were performed by employing
ing. Subjects started self-injecting exenatide 5 µg twice a within-person paired t test. The within-subject change in
daily for 14 days. Body composition was then measured us- TEE was tested with a paired t test. Because energy expendi-
ing a dual X-ray absorptiometer (DPX-IQ densitometer (GE ture is influenced by body weight, the analyses were repeated
Healthcare Lunar) DXA and software version 4.6b). with an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with weight at the
Fourteen days later (T+2wks), the principal investigator time of the TEE as the covariate. Analyses were done by uti-
called the subject to assess adverse events. If the subject was lizing SPSS version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., USA).
tolerating exenatide, he/she began injecting 10 µg twice daily Changes in RMR and PAEE were analyzed with a paired
for 10 weeks. Subjects returned for visit 4 (T+6wks) 1 month t test and weight-adjusted ANCOVA. Change in TEM was
after initiation of 10 µg of exenatide twice daily. If tolerating calculated with only the paired t test because weight is not
treatment, they continued on exenatide for 1 more month, at known to influence TEM (Leibel et al. 1995).
which time they returned for visit 5 (T+10wks). At visit 5, Sample size was projected based on 2 end-points:
respiratory gas analyses for RMR and TEM were repeated, (i) change in energy expenditure after exenatide administra-
along with DLW as described for visit 2. Two weeks later tion, and (ii) weight change after exenatide administration.
(T+12wks), the subject returned for a final visit 6. Two Previously published literature showed an average weight
urine samples, 1 h apart, were again obtained. Body com- loss of 1.8 kg at 12 weeks of exenatide treatment (Buse et
position was reassessed on the same DXA machine. al. 2004). This was converted to theoretical treatment differ-
ence in TEE, assuming the weight lost is adipose tissue (20%
Calculations fat-free mass and 80% fat mass) with an energy value of
7800 kcal·kg–1, estimating an average imbalance of 2 kg ×
RMR and TEM were calculated using the modified Weir
7800 kcal·kg–1 divided by 84 days or 185 kcal·day–1. We
equation (3.9 × V_ O2 + 1.1 × V_ CO2, where V_ O2 is oxygen demonstrated an average reproducibility of the DLW method
uptake and V_ CO2 is carbon dioxide production) (Thorsen et of 6% or 240 kcal·day–1. For a 5% probability of finding this
al. 2011). For 18O analysis, 1 mL of urine was equilibrated difference with a power of 80%, we determined a need for
with CO2 at 25 °C for 48 h. The 2H and 18O enrichments 14 subjects to complete the study. The same study showed a
were then measured by using isotope ratio mass spectrome- standard deviation for the 2 kg weight loss of ±3 kg. To de-
try. A full description has been reported elsewhere (Schoeller tect this weight loss with a 5% probability and 80% power,
2002). Total body water volume (TBW) was calculated by di- we estimated the need for 18 subjects to complete the study.
lution on the assumption that the oxygen dilution space was
1.007 × TBW; TEE was calculated using the modified Weir Results
equation, assuming a respiratory exchange ratio of 0.86; and
fat-free mass was calculated as TBW divided by 0.73 Subjects
(Thorsen et al. 2011). Change in body energy stores was cal- Forty-five obese, nondiabetic subjects with BMI 30–
culated as change in fat mass from DXA (kg) × 9500 40 kg·m–2 (14 men and 31 women) were enrolled (Fig. 1).

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Fig. 1. Diagram illustrating patient screening and retention.

Of the 28 subjects that passed the screening, 18 (6 men, had resolved by the end of the study period. Of these 6 sub-
12 women) completed all 6 visits. Of the 10 subjects that jects, there was a mean weight loss of 2.9 ± 1.1 kg versus a
did not complete all 6 visits, 5 withdrew because of intoler- loss of 0.6 ± 0.8 kg in those without nausea (p = 0.12).
able nausea and 5 withdrew consent before initiation of the There were no reported serious adverse events requiring hos-
study drug (Fig. 1). There were no statistically significant pitalization.
differences between the completed subjects and drop-outs in
terms of baseline weight or baseline laboratory data (Table 1). Discussion
On average, subjects injected exenatide for an average of
84 ± 5 days. In our study, we found that exenatide-induced weight loss
was due to a reduction in caloric intake. There was no in-
crease in TEE to explain weight loss during exenatide treat-
Weight and body composition
ment. Indeed, TEE decreased compared with that measured
The average weight loss from time of initiation of exena- prior to exenatide administration. Only when adjusted for
tide administration until completion was 2.0 ± 2.8 kg (p = weight was TEE unchanged in our obese, nondiabetic sub-
0.01) (Table 2). The average change in BMI was 0.7 ± jects. Likewise, there were no significant changes in weight-
1.0 kg·m–2 (p = 0.01). Fat mass declined significantly by adjusted RMR, PAEE, or unadjusted TEM with exenatide
1.3 ± 1.8 kg (p = 0.01) and fat-free mass tended to decrease administration. Thus the decrease in unadjusted energy ex-
by an insignificant 0.8 ± 2.2 kg (p = 0.14). The change in penditure appears not to be a direct effect of exenatide, but
body composition corresponded to a calculated change in rather the expected decrease secondary to weight loss (Davis
body energy stores of 11 ± 31 kcal·day–1 for fat-free mass et al. 2007; Barnett et al. 2007; Buse et al. 2004; DeFronzo
lost plus 147± 317 kcal·day–1 for fat mass lost. et al. 2005; Kendall et al. 2005).
Our subjects lost an average of 2 kg over approximately
Energy expenditure 12 weeks. This result is similar to other previously published
TEE declined by 167 ± 173 kcal·day–1 (p = 0.001; 95% studies that showed a weight loss of 1.6, 2.8, and 1.6 kg over
confidence interval, –249 to –85). Since there was a signifi- 30 weeks (Buse et al. 2004; DeFronzo et al. 2005; Kendall et
cant correlation between baseline weight and TEE (r = 0.63, al. 2005), and 4.2 and 0.8 kg over a period of 16 weeks (Da-
p = 0.01), TEE was adjusted for weight at the time of the vis et al. 2007; Barnett et al. 2007). In body composition
TEE. When adjusted for weight the decline became insignif- analyses, the weight loss was attributable to a significant
icant (p = 0.20). RMR trended down during exenatide ad- loss of fat mass without a significant decrease in fat-free
ministration by an insignificant 28 ± 141 kcal·day–1 (p = mass.
0.80), which when adjusted for weight, remained insignifi- Regarding energy expenditure, there are limited studies to
cant (p = 0.51). TEM declined by an insignificant 8 ± this point. Shalev et al. (1997) reported that GLP-1 infusion
31 kcal for a 700 kcal breakfast (p = 0.37). The significant increased RMR. Flint and colleagues (2000, 2001) reported
decline in unadjusted TEE was mainly due to a decrease in that GLP-1 infusion increased RMR and resulted in de-
PAEE of 176 ± 67 kcal·day–1 (p = 0.02) calculated by differ- creased TEM in both nonobese and obese patients. Pannac-
ence, which when weight-adjusted, also became insignificant ciulli et al. (2006) similarly found that GLP-1 increased
(p = 0.38) (Fig. 2). short-term RMR. It is unclear why these results diverge from
our results, but it may be related to the length of treatment
Side effects time. Most of the previous studies (Shalev et al. 1997; Flint
Of the 28 subjects that passed screening criteria, 11 (39%) et al. 2000) involved measurements that followed the first ad-
experienced nausea at some point during the exenatide treat- ministration of GLP-1, whereas our measures were made
ment. Five subjects withdrew from the study before comple- after 12 weeks of treatment. Moreover, we did not use GLP-1,
tion because of moderate to severe nausea (nausea scale 6– but rather its analog exenatide.
10). Of the 18 subjects that completed the study, 6 had mild To our knowledge, there are no published studies measur-
to moderate nausea (nausea scale 1–5), but in all the nausea ing TEE, RMR, and TEM after exenatide administration.

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Table 2. Changes in weight, blood pressure, and body composition in the completed subjects (n = 18).

Change pre- and Within-person

Pre-exenatide Post-exenatide post-exenatide p value
Weight (kg) 102.3±12.4 100.3±12.4 –2.0±2.8 0.01
BMI (kg·m–2) 34.7±3.1 34.0±3.2 –0.7±1.0 0.01
Systolic BP (mm Hg) 125±12 122±13 –2.4±8.1 0.23
Diastolic BP (mm Hg) 74±10 74±8 –0.2±9.0 0.94
Fat mass (kg) 43.4±7.3 42.3±12.2 –1.3±1.8 0.01
Fat-free mass (kg) 58.9±12.2 56.9±11.0 –0.8±2.2 0.14
Note: BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure. All values are means ± SD. Analyses of weight change, change
in blood pressure, and change in body composition were performed by employing a within-person paired t test.

Fig. 2. The unadjusted energy expenditure in completed subjects during exenatide treatment. This is consistent with prior sin-
(*, p < 0.05). RMR, resting metabolic rate; TEM, thermic effect of gle-meal studies, revealing attenuation of oral intake with
meals; PAEE, physical activity energy expenditure; TEE, total en- both GLP-1 and its analog exenatide (Verdich et al. 2001).
ergy expenditure. Possible mechanisms to explain this observed decrease in
oral intake include exenatide-induced nausea, decreased gas-
tric emptying rate, and increased satiety, although prior stud-
ies have not shown a consistent correlation between the
presence or degree of nausea and lowering of body weight
(Barnett et al. 2007).
Studies have examined the role of exenatide or GLP-1 in
attenuation of oral intake. Edwards et al. (2001) found that
healthy volunteers consumed 19% fewer calories at a free-
choice buffet lunch after infusion of exendin-4. A meta-
analysis of 7 studies on ad libitum energy intake following
intravenous GLP-1 infusion showed energy intake reduced
by 174 kcal or 11.7% (Verdich et al. 2001). This finding
in human subjects, however, was challenged by the observa-
tion that mice deficient in GLP-1 receptors have normal in-
take and body weight (Schrocchi et al. 1996). The anorectic
TEE can be evaluated either through use of a metabolic effects of GLP-1 are not well understood, with regulation of
chamber or through use of DLW, which has the advantage feeding and energy balance involving both hormonal and
over respiratory gas exchange indirect calorimetry in that it neural input.
allows precise measurements of TEE over a period of 2 weeks It is evident that the current body of literature lacks suffi-
in free-living individuals. In combination with measuring cient information to explain the role of GLP-1 agonists and
RMR, it allows calculation of PAEE. Through periodic urine energy metabolism. Our study, however, points to weight
collection, DLW estimates TEE by measuring the elimination loss being due to decreased energy intake and not increased
of the stable isotopes 2H and 18O from the body. Carbon di- energy expenditure.
oxide production rates can then be used to calculate TEE us- Our study was limited by the number of subjects who did
ing standard indirect calorimetry equations. The DLW not complete the study as a result of nausea. However, base-
method has been carefully validated against measured energy line characteristics were similar between those who com-
expenditure in a metabolic chamber and shown to be accurate pleted and those who dropped out of the study. Of the
within 1%–2% and have a coefficient of variation of 4%–7% subjects who passed screening, 39% reported nausea as a
(Schoeller 2002). side effect, and 18% were unable to complete the study. This
By measuring TEE and body composition and applying may indeed limit exenatide’s utility as a weight-loss medica-
the energy balance equation to calculate energy intake, we tion in nondiabetics. Subanalysis of the completed subjects
were able to test their relative contributions to energy imbal- revealed that of the 6 subjects that experienced nausea during
ance that resulted in weight loss. We did not find an increase the study, there was a higher mean weight loss than in those
in weight-adjusted TEE that would explain the weight loss. without nausea, although the difference did not reach statisti-
Based on the change in body composition and assuming a cal significance. This invites the possibility that contrary to
linear change over time, the weight loss corresponded to an prior studies, the presence of nausea may have an important
average negative energy balance of 166 kcal·day–1. At the association with the degree of weight loss. It should be
same time, the average unadjusted TEE decreased by noted, however, that the nausea was short-lived and mild in
167 kcal·day–1 compared with baseline. If we assume that all subjects that completed the study.
TEE decreased linearly with time of treatment, then the aver- The lack of dietary records in this study may be seen as a
age decrease was 88 kcal·day–1. Taking both of these values limitation in regards to the conclusion that metabolizable en-
and using the energy balance equation (energy intake = ergy intake was reduced; however, the energy balance equa-
TEE + change in body energy store), then metabolizable tion is based on the law of conservation of energy.
caloric intake is estimated to have decreased by 255 kcal·day–1 Moreover, there are no accurate methods for measuring diet-

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ary intake in an outpatient setting. It has been demonstrated exenatide (exendin-4) on glycemic control over 30 weeks in
that self-reported dietary energy intake is inaccurate, that the sulfonylurea-treated patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care,
degree of inaccuracy increases with obesity, and that degree 27(11): 2628–2635. doi:10.2337/diacare.27.11.2628. PMID:
of inaccuracy changes during interventions (Schoeller 2002). 15504997.
In summary, the lack of dietary records does not limit our de- Davis, S.N., Johns, D., Maggs, D., Xu, H., Northrup, J.H., and
termination that the weight loss was a result of decreased Brodows, R.G. 2007. Exploring the substitution of exenatide for
caloric intake. insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin in
In conclusion, in obese nondiabetic subjects, exenatide ad- combination with oral antidiabetes agents. Diabetes Care, 30(11):
2767–2772. doi:10.2337/dc06-2532. PMID:17595353.
ministration resulted in decreased oral intake with no signifi-
DeFronzo, R.A., Ratner, R.E., Han, J., Kim, D.D., Fineman, M.S.,
cant changes in weight-adjusted TEE, RMR, PAEE, or
and Baron, A.D. 2005. Effects of exenatide (exendin-4) on
unadjusted TEM. The weight loss associated with exenatide
glycemic control and weight over 30 weeks in metformin-treated
thus appears to result solely from attenuation of oral intake patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, 28(5): 1092–
and not a change in energy expenditure. 1100. doi:10.2337/diacare.28.5.1092. PMID:15855572.
Edwards, C.M., Stanley, S.A., Davis, R., Brynes, A.E., Frost, G.S.,
Authorship statement Seal, L.J., et al. 2001. Exendin-4 reduces fasting and postprandial
Primary authorship of article by Roger Kulstad, David P. glucose and decreases energy intake in healthy volunteers. Am. J.
Bradley, and Natalie Racine. Roger Kulstad, Dale Schoeller, Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 281(1): E155–E161. PMID:
and Melissa Meredith contributed to the experimental design. 11404233.
The article was reviewed and edited by Roger Kulstad, Flint, A., Raben, A., Rehfeld, J.F., Holst, J.J., and Astrup, A. 2000.
Yoram Shenker, Melissa Meredith, and Dale Schoeller. The effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 on energy expenditure and
substrate metabolism in humans. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab.
Disclosure summary Disord. 24(3): 288–298. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0801126. PMID:
Melissa Meredith was a member of the Eli Lilly speaker’s 10757621.
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