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January 2, 2018

BIOL 3202 (0.5 credit)

Developmental Biology

Winter Term 2018

Course Syllabus
Calendar description: An introduction to the underlying principles and mechanisms governing
development in multicellular animals and plants. Differentiation, growth, morphogenesis, and
patterning will be examined at the organismal, cellular, and molecular levels to provide a
balanced view of developmental phenomena in key model organisms.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2104 (Introductory Genetics) and one of BIOL 2001 (Animals:
Form and Function) or BIOL 2002 (Plants: Form and Function).
Lectures: 3 hours per week


Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday

8.35 am – 9.55am
Tory 240

Course Instructor: Dr. Shelley Hepworth Office Hours

Office: Nesbitt 248 Tues/Thurs
Phone: (613) 520-2600 X4214 10 am – 11 am

Teaching Assistant: Myriam Hoyeck


Grading: Quiz 1 (5%)

Quiz 2 (5%)
Midterm (25%)
Poster Presentation (10%)
Review paper (25%)
Final exam (30%)

The midterm and final exam will contain multiple choice, short answer, and problem-solving
questions. Questions will be derived from material given in lectures, and assigned readings from
the course text and/or from supplemental material.
January 2, 2018

Textbook: Principles of Development, 5th edition (2015). Editors: Lewis Wolpert, Cheryl Tickle,
and Alfonso Martinez Arias. Books will be stocked at Haven Books (Sunnyside and Seneca)
and at the Carleton University Bookstore.
Additional texts on reserve in library: (1) Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th edition. Editor-in-
chief: Bruce Alberts. (2) Essential Cell Biology, 4th edition (2014) Editor-in-chief: Bruce
Alberts. (3) Developmental Biology, 9th Edition (2010). Editor: Scott F. Gilbert. Course
material is supplemented with content from these texts.

CuLearn: Announcements, lecture slides, supplemental readings, and other information related
to the course will be posted on CuLearn. E-mail on CuLearn is automatically forwarded to

Terms and Conditions:

1. If you miss the final exam, a deferred exam MUST be written to pass the course.

2. If you miss an exam, proper documentation is required: a student who misses an exam
because of illness or circumstances beyond their control must notify me (for mid-terms) or
the registrar (for the final exam) within 5 working days of the missed exam. The student’s
petition to be excused from a midterm or to write a deferred final exam must be accompanied
by 1) a medical certificate clearly stating that the student was seen by a doctor on, or prior to,
the date of the exam and was medically incapable of writing the exam at the appointed time,
or 2) other official documents indicating that the student’s absence was due to circumstances
beyond their control.

3. If you miss a quiz, midterm, or the poster presentation, there will be no make-up exam
or presentation. Marks for missing components will be added to the midterm (quiz 1 only)
or to the final exam.

4. If the review paper is not submitted, it will be assigned a mark of “0”. Marks will be
deducted from all term papers handed in late.

5. The final exam will be scheduled during the regular exam period at end of term (April 14-26,
2018). It is the responsibility of the student to be present during the exam period so that they
can attend the final exam. Please do not make firm travel arrangements prior to knowing
the date of the final exam—you will not be allowed to write a deferred final exam in this
case, and you may fail the course.
January 2, 2018

6. Academic Accommodation:

You may need special arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term. For
an accommodation request the processes are as follows:

Pregnancy obligation: write to me with any requests for academic accommodation during
the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is
known to exist. For details visit the Equity Services website:

Religious obligation: write to me with any requests for academic accommodation during the
first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to
exist. For more details visit the Equity Services website:

Students with disabilities: The Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC)
provides services to students with Learning Disabilities (LD), psychiatric/mental health
disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders
(ASD), chronic medical conditions, and impairments in mobility, hearing, and vision. If you
have a disability requiring academic accommodations in this course, please contact PMC at
613-520-6608 or for a formal evaluation. If you are already registered with
the PMC, contact your PMC coordinator to send me your Letter of Accommodation at the
beginning of the term, and no later than two weeks before the first in-class scheduled test or
exam requiring accommodation (if applicable). After requesting accommodation from PMC,
meet with me to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. Please consult the PMC
website ( for the deadline to request accommodations for the formally-
scheduled exam (if applicable).
January 2, 2018

BIOL 3202: Principles of Developmental Biology

Winter Term 2018
Tentative Lecture and Exam Schedule:
Lecture/Exam Date Subject Readings
1 Lecture 1 Tues Jan 9 Introduction Chapter 1

2 Lecture 2 Thurs Jan 11 Essential Concepts I Chapter 1 & 8

*ECB4 Chapter 8
3 Lecture 3 Tues Jan 16 Essential Concepts II Chapter 1 & 8
*ECB4 Chapter 8
4 Thurs Jan 18 Quiz 1
5 Lecture 4 Tues Jan 23 Drosophila I Chapter 2
6 Lecture 5 Thurs Jan 25 Drosophila II Chapter 2
7 Posters 1 Tues Jan 30 Model Organism Posters
8 Posters 2 Thurs Feb 1 Model Organism Posters
9 Lecture 6 Tues Feb 6 Drosophila III Chapter 2
10 Lecture 7 Thurs Feb 8 Drosophila IV Chapter 2
11 Lecture 8 Tues Feb 13 Drosophila V Chapter 2
12 Lecture 9 Thurs Feb 15 Catch-up and review Chapter 2
Reading Week Tues Feb 20 No Classes
Reading Week Thurs Feb 22 No Classes
13 Midterm Tues Feb 27 Midterm
14 Lecture 10 Thurs Mar 1 Embryology I Chapters 9 &10
15 Lecture 11 Tues Mar 6 Embryology II Chapters 9 & 10
16 Thurs Mar 8 Quiz 2 Chapter 4
17 Lecture 12 Tues Mar 13 Vertebrates I Chapter 4
18 Lecture 13 Thurs Mar 15 Vertebrates II Chapter 4
19 Lecture 14 Tues Mar 20 Vertebrates III Chapter 5
20 Lecture 15 Thurs Mar 22 Vertebrates IV Chapter 5
21 Lecture 16 Tues Mar 27 Term papers due
Vertebrates V
22 Lecture 17 Thurs Mar 29 Plants I Chapter 7
23 Lecture 18 Tues Apr 3 Plants II Chapter 7
24 Lecture 19 Thurs Apr 5 Plants III Chapter 7
25 Lecture 20 Tues Apr 10 Catch-up and review
26 Final Exam TBA Exam (Lectures 10-16, 18-20)

Wolpert, Tickle, and Martinez Arias: Principles of Developmental Biology, 5th Edition (2015).
*Supplemental reading: ECB4: Essential Cell Biology, 4th edition

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