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The Power of Runoff

Article · March 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.03.041


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3 authors, including:

Anders Wörman Joakim Riml

KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology


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Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793

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Research papers

The power of runoff

A. Wörman a,⇑, G. Lindström b, J. Riml a
The Royal Institute of Technology, Division of River Engineering, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, 601 76 Norrköping, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Although the potential energy of surface water is a small part of Earth’s energy budget, this highly vari-
Received 25 August 2016 able physical property is a key component in the terrestrial hydrologic cycle empowering geomorpholog-
Received in revised form 11 January 2017 ical and hydrological processes throughout the hydrosphere. By downscaling of the daily
Accepted 22 March 2017
hydrometeorological data acquired in Sweden over the last half-century this study quantifies the spatial
Available online 24 March 2017
This manuscript was handled by K.
and temporal distribution of the dominating energy components in terrestrial hydrology, including the
Georgakakos, Editor-in-Chief, with the frictional resistance in surface water and groundwater as well as hydropower. The energy consumed
assistance of Jianzhong Wang, Associate in groundwater circulation was found to be 34.6 TWh/y or a heat production of approximately 13% of
Editor the geothermal heat flux. Significant climate driven, periodic fluctuations in the power of runoff, stream
flows and groundwater circulation were revealed that have not previously been documented. We found
Keywords: that the runoff power ranged from 173 to 260 TWh/y even when averaged over the entire surface of
Energy components of terrestrial hydrology Sweden in a five-year moving window. We separated short-term fluctuations in runoff due to precipita-
Climate driven fluctuations in the power of tion filtered through the watershed from longer-term seasonal and climate driven modes. Strong climate
runoff driven correlations between the power of runoff and climate indices, wind and solar intensity were found
Groundwater energy over periods of 3.6 and 8 years. The high covariance that we found between the potential energy of sur-
Surface water energy
face water and wind energy implies significant challenges for the combination of these renewable energy
Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction research has shown important feedbacks among climate fluctua-

tions and earth system processes such as erosion (Coulthard and
The available energy content of surface water is the primary dri- Macklin, 2001), water quality (Galloway et al., 2004) and ecosys-
ver of the terrestrial hydrological cycle and affects many hydrolog- tem functioning (Schimel, 1995). The link to the distribution of
ical and geomorphological processes (Coulthard and Macklin, the power of water is an essential step for advancing physically
2001; Dadson et al., 2003). Several studies have indicated signifi- based studies of these disciplines. The distribution of energy losses
cant variation in runoff and river discharge caused by climate fac- in the hydrological cycle provides power for driving sediment
tors (Ghil, 2002; Blender and Fraedich, 2006; Milly et al., 2005; transport and heat losses with potential importance for the life
Pekárová et al., 2003) and landscape changes due to watershed conditions of ecosystems, ice formation on rivers and, on longer
management practices (Wörman et al., 2010; Destouni et al., time-scales, the formation and thawing of permafrost.
2013). However, surprisingly few studies have considered the vari- The aim of this study is to describe the partitioning of power in
ation in potential energy of surface water. This is at least partly the terrestrial part of the hydrological cycle as an average for the
because the potential energy of surface water is not a major com- whole of Sweden and to demonstrate the climate drivers for the
ponent in Earth’s energy cycle and is therefore generally not fluctuation in the energies over time. For these purposes, we uti-
included in budget estimates (Stephens et al., 2012). Nevertheless, lized an extensive aggregation of hydro-climatological data and
the origin and implications of the runoff fluctuations are of great derived generalized hydrological time-series for half a century over
general scientific interest and may also play a key role in specific all of Sweden, with the purpose of revealing the power inherent in
technical applications such as regulation strategies for hydropower surface water and its relationship to climatic drivers and water-
(Hamududu and Killingtveit, 2012; Korpås et al., 2013). Previous shed processes. The spatial resolutions of these time series are
much higher than those of most long-term river discharge data,
which facilitates the estimation of both the potential energy
⇑ Corresponding author. related to landscape elevation and the spatial patterns in the
E-mail address: (A. Wörman).
0022-1694/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793 785

consumption of potential energy by the dominating natural and is the evaporation from the surface water (m3/s). The groundwater
anthropogenic processes. We also propose a decomposition of run- recharge RGW(t) occurs after possible snowmelt, when the field
off variance on time-scales that can be related to river basin pro- capacity of the root zone is exceeded and losses due to evaporation
cesses and climate-driven variability. Such spatial and temporal are subtracted. It should be noted that the definition used for RGW(t)
distinctions of surface water energy may have great importance differs from the mass flux leaving the deep groundwater zone, as
for studying heterogeneities in geoscientific processes and plan- RGW(t) undergoes additional transport and delay before it emerges
ning renewable energy systems. in surface waters as groundwater discharge. Consequently, the
runoff of water that appears distributed in the landscape is the
same as the runoff in a stream or river out of the sub-watershed,
2. Methods Ri(t), but only the water energy potential differs because of the dif-
ference in elevation. Details of the hydrological downscaling are
2.1. Downscaling of runoff from hydro-meteorological data described in the Supplementary Material.

The estimations of the runoff across Sweden, spatially dis- 2.2. Estimation of runoff power
tributed on 1001 watersheds, were based on simulations using
the HBV model (Bergström, 1992; Lindström et al., 1997) that By combining the modeled time series of runoff with topo-
was developed by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological graphic information of the landscape the source power of the run-
Institute (SMHI). The reason for using a simulation model is to gen- off in relation to the sea level, i.e. the potential energy flux (power)
eralize relatively sparse data of precipitation and river discharge to of the runoff in sub-watershed i relative to the sea level can be
a full national coverage on a daily basis for more than half a cen- expressed as follows:
tury. The HBV model is a compartmental model that represents
both subsurface and surface transport processes, providing a way dPr;i ðx; y; tÞ
¼ qghi ðx; yÞr i ðtÞ ð1Þ
to survey both mass and energy fluxes along different transport dA
pathways within a watershed. The specific simplifications and
where Pr is the power of runoff (J/s), A is the area (m2), r = R/A is the
the calibration procedure used in this study have been previously
runoff (m3/(m2 s)), q is the density of water (kg/m3), g is the accel-
described by Rodhe et al. (2006), but a summary of these is given
eration due to gravity (m/s2), h is the landscape elevation above sea
below and in Supplementary Material (online). Note that a differ-
level (m) in the national height system RH 2000, and (x, y) is the
ence lies in the selection of the representative soil types. The forc-
location in the national coordinate system SWEREF99 TM. The ele-
ing data time series were taken from the PTHBV database
vations of the landscape topography and streams were estimated
(Johansson, 2000), which contain daily values of precipitation
using a national topographic map with a rasterized topographic res-
and temperature that have been spatially interpolated from obser-
olution of 50  50 m. The runoff, r, is fundamentally a function of
vations of approximately 650 measuring stations to cell sizes of
the location (x, y), particularly because the precipitation, evapotran-
4  4 km covering all of Sweden (see Supplementary Material for
spiration and runoff associated with each location depend on the
more details on data support and model calibration). The volume
altitude. However, because the HBV model is a compartment model,
errors associated with the interpolation are normally less than
the precipitation and evapotranspiration are constants within each
10%. The observed discharges from 198 smaller watersheds
sub-watershed, and the runoff, r, derived by the HBV is defined as
(<2000 km2) were used to calibrate the HBV model, which after
the sub-watershed effluent, which is the finest resolution of r in this
the calibration was used to generate generalized data of the daily
study. However, the altitude is accounted for in the HBV routines
runoff and evapotranspiration in 1001 watersheds with national
for snowmelt, evapotranspiration and altitude corrections of the
coverage based on data of soil cover, land use and topography.
precipitation estimated from the Gandin (2006) optimal interpola-
Some of these watersheds stretch outside the national borders of
tion. The runoff is estimated by considering snowmelt, implying
Sweden into Norway and Finland, which implies that the total area
that the accumulation of water in frozen forms is manifested as a
coverage corresponds to 470,354 km2. Further, the potential ET
delay in the temporal response in the runoff from the sub-
was calibrated for 19 selected climate stations and was compared
watershed unit compared with the precipitation. Consequently,
with the monthly data at 152 climate stations. In this simplified
the power of the runoff over the total land area of a sub-
model (Fig. 1), the runoff from the ‘‘root zone” is zero until the
watershed i is:
so-called field capacity within the soil is reached, at which point
all water exceeding the field capacity instantaneously infiltrates 1
into the ‘‘intermediate groundwater” zone. The rates of infiltration Pr;i ðtÞ ¼ qgRi hi ðx; yÞdA ¼ qgRi hhi ðx; yÞi ð2Þ
Ai Ai
(percolation) from the intermediate groundwater (that may be
partly saturated) and from the ‘‘deep groundwater” are defined in which the brackets <. . .> denote area averages of the watershed
by constant values, reflecting the hydraulic conductivity of the soil and the total runoff Ri = Ai ri (m3/s).
that differs with land class. The potential evapotranspiration from The power expressed by Eq. (2) is the ‘‘source” of potential
the root zone was assumed to increase linearly with the tempera- energy as it arises in the terrestrial hydrologic system within a
tures above 0 °C and with a harmonic variation in the proportion- specific sub-watershed i. This energy source can be divided on con-
ality over the year to compensate for the changes in the solar sumed energy through groundwater infiltration and circulation
radiation, humidity and wind conditions over the year. In addition, within sub-watershed i and consumed energy in surface water in
a linear increase in actual evapotranspiration occurs with the sub-watershed i as well as along the downstream flow surface
increasing water content of the root zone until the field capacity water path. Hence, the corresponding source power of the surface
is reached. water within sub-watershed i is given by PS,i(t) = qghhi(x, y)iSRi(t)
In the model, the runoff from watershed i was defined as (W), in which the averaging h. . . iS is conducted over a 50 m wide
Ri = RSW,i + RGW,i (m3/s), where RSW,i(t) is the surface water runoff corridor adjacent to surface water (i.e., the resolution of the topo-
given by precipitation falling directly on wet surfaces (m3/s) and graphic map). Because of stream channel incision, the elevation of
RGW,i(t) is the groundwater recharge (m3/s) after possible snow the surface water was assumed to be 10 meters lower than the
melt (Fig. 1). The surface water runoff was estimated as RSW,i(t) mean corridor elevation, which on average corresponded to 2.8%
= Pi(t)  ESW,i(t), where Pi(t) is the precipitation (m3/s) and ESW,i(t) lower value of <hi(x, y)>S compared to the surrounding mean
786 A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793

Fig. 1. Runoff model schematic: Illustration of the HBV model set-up used to estimate runoff R = RSW + RGW. White boxes represent conservation equations (accumulation),
and blue arrows represent fluxes. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

elevation of the watershed. Furthermore, the consumption rate of thawing and infiltration in the root zone (Fig. 1). Hence, the power
the groundwater energy was taken as PGW,C,i(t) = PR,i(t)  PS,i(t). spectrum form of the convolution operation can be expressed as
For comparison of the energy fluxes in the terrestrial hydrolog-
ical cycle over Sweden we determined also the potential energy of  
SR;i ðT Þ ¼ SP;i ðTÞ þ SET;i ðTÞ  2 SP;i:ET;i ðTÞ Sw;i ðTÞ ð3Þ
raindrops associated with their initial elevations in altostratus and |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflffl{zfflfflffl}
altocumulus clouds that were taken at 3500 m altitude. The kinetic Climate driv en data Runoff scaling function

energy of raindrops was estimated from a terminal velocity of

10 m/s (Spilhaus, 1948; Villermaux and Eloi, 2011). where S denotes the power spectrum defined as the Fourier trans-
form multiplied by its complex conjugate and SP:ET denotes the
cross-spectrum. In principle, Eq. (3) also applies if wi(t) accounts
2.3. Spectral decomposition of runoff on watershed filtering and for watershed parameters that vary over time, but constant param-
climatic factors eters greatly simplify the interpretation of the runoff scaling func-
tion on typical periods T (s) in the form Sw,i(T), where T = 1/f and
To separate the timescales of the watershed processes from the f = frequency (s1). A recent study of the runoff from 79 individual
climatic components of the runoff variations, we decomposed the watersheds in Sweden showed that significant changes in Sw,i(T)
generalized runoff time series Ri(t) into the precipitation excess over periods of up to, at most, a few months have occurred during
and the effects of runoff mechanisms that occur within the water- the past century, and the changes have probably been caused by
shed, following the methods of Wörman et al. (2010) and Riml and alterations in land-use practice or natural geomorphological
Wörman (2015). A linear response between the precipitation changes such as permafrost thawing (Åkesson et al., 2016). Here
excess and runoff can be expressed for an individual watersheds we define the average runoff scaling function for all watersheds N
i as Ri(t) = (Pi(t)  ETi(t)) ⁄ wi(t), where ETi(t) is the evapotranspira- as Sw ¼ Ni¼1 Sw;i =N, which is representative of the behaviour of indi-
tion (m3/s), wi(t) is the runoff scaling function (s1), i.e., an instan- vidual watersheds. All spectra were analysed by first applying linear
taneous unit hydrograph (IUH) accounting for the time-lag of the detrending, Hamming windowing on the parent time-series and
run off processes, and ⁄ denotes the convolution operator. The con- possible running averaging when so is stated in the subsequent
volution assumes that precipitation and evapotranspiration act description of results. Then the spectral analysis was performed
simultaneously on the same land surface, which provides bound- by using the MatlabÒ routine cpsd that estimates the cross power
ary conditions for the runoff processes that, based on the definition spectral density of two discrete-time signal, using Welch’s aver-
of RSW,i(t) and RGW,i(t), are herein represented by snow formation, aged, modified periodogram method of spectral estimation.
A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793 787

The spectral analysis of the runoff power has particular rele- between 1974–2013 from the Swedish Energy Authority, but the
vance for estimating the importance of particular bands of period- remaining fluctuating energy fraction constitute an important
icities. The total variance of the power of runoff Pr(t) up to a source of energy that was transformed into heat in geomorpholog-
maximum period T2 can be expressed by the integral of the power ical processes that must have varied correspondingly over time.
spectrum in the following form: Although previous research has found feedback between climate
Z Z fluctuation and geoscientific processes such as erosion (Dadson
2 1 T2
SPr ðTÞ T2
Std ðPr ð0 < t < T 2 ÞÞ ¼ dT ¼ dT ð4Þ et al., 2003; Coulthard and Macklin, 2001), nutrient cycling
DT int T 1 ¼0 T 2
T 1 ¼0 T2 (Galloway et al., 2004) and ecosystem functioning (Schimel,
in which SPr = power spectrum (W2 s2) of the power of runoff (Eq. 1995), the link to the distribution of the power of water is a phys-
(2)), D = power spectral density (W2 s), DTint = total interval T2 (s) ically essential step. For example, the sediment transport rate in
(in relation to T1 = 0), and dT/df = 1/f2. Eq. (4) describes how the rivers has long been found to be proportional to the stream power
variance in the parent time series ‘‘grow” with the upper integration in a high transport regime (Bagnold, 1966), which indicates a direct
limit, T2, i.e. the function is a non-normalized cumulative distribu- link between the spatial distribution and temporal fluctuations in
tion function with T2. As a measure of the percentage of the total the density of the power of streams and sediment transport.
variance explained by periods beyond T2 we use the following com- The difference between the average land and surface water ele-
plement event: vations within each watershed is a measure of the energy used
R T2 (dissipated) to drive groundwater circulations and related ephem-
dT Z T2
T 1 ¼0 T2
eral stream processes in Quaternary Deposits. Recently, Kooi
h¼1 2
¼1 g ðT ÞdT ð5Þ (2016) showed that the groundwater circulation increases the con-
Std ðPr ð0 < t < 1ÞÞ T 1 ¼0
vective heat flux in the Lithosphere. Here we find that groundwater
in which the normalisation of the cumulative DPR(T)/T2-function flow also transfers heat to the upper part of the Lithosphere through
normalized with the total variance corresponds to a probability frictional resistance along subsurface or ephemeral stream flows,
density function, g(T). which corresponds to 0.0085 W/m2 or a corresponding heat pro-
duction of approximately 13% of the geothermal heat flux that is
2.4. Long-term coherence spectra versus climate factors approximately 0.065 W/m2 over the continental crust (Pollack
et al., 1993). Averaged over Sweden this loss in potential energy
To reveal climate driven modes in the runoff R(t) and the power was found to vary from 29.3 to 42.9 TWh/y with a mean of
of the runoff PR(t), it is useful to calculate the spectral correlations 34.6 TWh/y using the five-year averaging window, thus, providing
between those time series and the governing hydro-meteorological a substantial and highly fluctuating heat source distributed across
factors that drive the terrestrial hydrological cycle. In this study, the uppermost Lithosphere that is distinct from the strongly chan-
we used the coherence spectrum to investigate the correlation of nelized friction loss occurring in permanent surface water. The
the runoff spectra with the monthly sunspot numbers given by groundwater fluxes rapidly decrease with depth in bedrock and
WDC-SILSO data obtained from the Royal Observatory of Belgium approximately 90% of the groundwater fluxes are limited to the
in Brussels and the daily values of the geostrophic wind in the nine shallow Quaternary Deposits that exist in Sweden (Marklund,
triangles that cover the surface of Sweden and were obtained from 2009). Hence, we expect that most of the spatially distributed heat
the SMHI. Furthermore, by using the same methodology the runoff loss occurs in depths of 0–20 m. Such heat source at the surface
power spectra were correlated with commonly used climate water-groundwater interface can potentially be essential for ther-
indices such as the monthly North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and mal processes in terrestrial hydrology, such as the formation and
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) values between 1961 and 2013 thawing of permafrost (Bosson et al., 2012).
obtained from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- Because saturated groundwater flow generally follows Darcy’s
tration (NOAA) and the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmo- Law, an important implication is that groundwater circulation
sphere and Ocean (JISAO). rates (flow velocities) vary in proportion to the gradient in the
potential energy according to Eq. (1): dP/dA  d2h(x,y)/dxdy. Fur-
3. Distribution of power in terrestrial hydrology ther, because the latter quantity follows the fractal pattern previ-
ously identified in landscape topography and river beds
The simulated daily runoff values in combination with topo- (Wörman et al., 2007; Aubeneau et al., 2015) we can expect that
graphic information were used to estimate the potential energy the corresponding energy loss over the landscape also follows a
in different states along the hydrological transport pathways and fractal pattern. At the resolution of the 1001 watersheds, Fig. 3
were thus used to explain the temporal and spatial distribution (mid panel) shows that the density of the power of the groundwa-
of energy fluxes in the terrestrial hydrologic cycle. During 1961– ter circulation, PGW,C,i/Ai (W/m2), is highly non-uniform, with a con-
2011 the runoff power, PR, aggregated over the entire land surface centration of power along the Fennoscandian Mountains in the
of Sweden was found to vary from 173 to 260 TWh/y in a five-year west of Sweden. This energy loss pattern also applies to the stream
moving averaging window, with a mean of 207.0 TWh/y and a power, PS,C,i/Ai (W/m2) as shown in Fig. 3 (right-hand side panel).
coefficient of variation (CV) of 8% (Fig. 2). The fluctuation of the To put the estimated energy fluxes of the runoff into a context, a
national average runoff decreases markedly with the averaging comparison of the energy fluxes in the terrestrial hydrological
time window from the daily CV of 146%, the annual CV of 16% cycle over Sweden was made (Fig. 4). Here the potential energy
and the five-year CV of 8%. However, even in windows of several of raindrops was associated with their initial elevations in altostra-
years these fluctuations are still relatively large compared to the tus and altocumulus clouds at 3500 m and the kinetic energy of
projected linear trend in runoff due to climate change in the com- raindrops that have a terminal velocity of 10 m/s (Spilhaus,
ing 100 years, which can be expected to vary ±30% for different 1948; Villermaux and Eloi, 2011). The latent heat flux simulated
parts of Sweden with a small and uncertain mean over the entire by the HBV model corresponds to 27.4 W/m2, which is 22.3% of
area (Bergström et al., 2001; Arheimer and Lindström, 2015). Sim- the total solar radiation in Sweden (121 W/m2) on an annual basis,
ilarly, the power of surface water, PS, was found to range from 143 given the total simulation area of 470,354 km2. This is the same
to 207 TWh/y with a mean of 172.3 TWh/y. Approximately 38% of percentage as that of the estimated global average (Trenberth
this energy was consumed by hydropower according to data et al., 2009).
788 A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793

Running 5-year mean

Running annual mean

Potential Energy in
all Surface Water

Power [TWh/year]

100 Maximum Potential Energy

Available at Existing HP plants

50 Actual Hydropower Production

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Fig. 2. Variance of the power of runoff and streams: The temporal variation in the power of the surface water as a running mean taken over a 5-year window (the abscissa
shows the upper bound of the window). The graph also shows the potential energy given by the fall height at 506 hydropower stations that represent practically all of the
hydropower and actual electricity production for the period, as reported by the Swedish Energy Authority.

Fig. 3. Density of the source of the stream power, PS (W/m2), the density of the consumption rate of the power of groundwater PGW,C,i/Ai (W/m2), and the consumption rate of
the density of the power of streams, PS,C,i/Ai (W/m2). Each map represents the power entities distributed on the 1001 watershed units, where, for example, the power of the
groundwater is defined by the difference in the mean elevations of the land and surface water and the power loss of streams is defined as the head loss that surface water
experience due to both internal runoff (head water flows) and through flow. The dark blue areas represent major lakes with almost zero elevation differences. The sum of the
power densities of the groundwater and streams equals the local runoff power density. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

4. Climate drivers for fluctuations in the power of surface water also be seen (Fig. 5). A particular feature is the consistent enhance-
ment of the power spectrum over wide range of periods from
4.1. Discussion of significance of the variance in the power of runoff 3 years to the upper bound of the analyses (20 years) that peaks
(weakly) at 8 years. The relative importance of such enhancements
An essential part of the variance in the power of runoff averaged and peaks in the power spectrum to the total variance in the runoff
over Sweden is periodic, which was revealed by detrending and fil- power depends both on the amplitude of the peak and its width. In
tering the data and thereby reducing the total variance over the 51- particular, we use Eq. (4) to express the cumulative variance as a
year period by approximately 50% (see Supplementary Material). function of the upper integration limit, T2, and the total variance
The power spectrum of the runoff power exhibits distinct peaks is found by letting T2 go to infinity. This formulation opens for esti-
up to a year reflecting seasonality, but longer-term climate driven mates of the importance of various period bands (from 0 to T2) on
fluctuations with periodicities centred around 2 and 8 years can the total variance in the power of surface water. In particular, Fig. 6
A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793 789

Fig. 4. Distribution of potential energy in the terrestrial hydrology in Sweden: Total power of the terrestrial component of the hydrological cycle based on the approximate
mean for Sweden during the period 1961–2011. The total power of the surface water and groundwater was estimated using the methods presented in this study (in white),
whereas the numbers in black are rough estimates for a qualitative comparison of the energy.

Power Spectral Density of PTot [W2 s]

Seasonal (one-year) peak



Bi-annual peak
1 Flat peak centralized around 8 years

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Period (years)

Fig. 5. Power spectrum of the power of the surface water PS aggregated for all 1001 watersheds, here derived from the running 6-month mean. The power spectrum reveals
strong seasonal peaks and shallower, sustained (long-term) modes of variability over 2 and 8 years.

shows how the cumulative variance in the daily values of the nificantly with the length of the averaging window applied on the
power of surface water Ps(t) for the entire Sweden increases with time-series before performing the spectral analysis. Based on Eq.
the selection of the upper integration limit T2. This diagram gives (5), Fig. 7 shows how the percentage explained by periods beyond
an estimate of the importance of various period bands (from 0 to T2 drops rapidly for the parent (daily) data as T2 approaches a year,
T2) on the total variance in the power of surface water. The red i.e. below the seasonal range. However, the degree of importance of
and blue dashed lines are the variance estimated directly from the longer time periods increases significantly with the running
the parent, daily time series without using spectral analysis (blue, averaging window. For instance, approximately 90% of the variance
dashed line) and the filtered time-series without using spectral in the annual power of surface water is explained by climatic fluc-
analysis (red, dashed line). As mentioned, the filtering involves tuations on periods (T2) beyond a year. As much as 75% of the vari-
both a linear detrending and a Hamming windowing, which are ance of the annual average power of runoff is explained by climatic
standard procedures in spectral analysis. In particular, the linear forcing at periods greater than 2 years. Furthermore, these fluctu-
detrending removes a significant part of the variance appearing ations agree well with the long-term records of discharge fluctua-
over the 51-year duration of the time-series, especially that associ- tions in the major rivers in Sweden, and these records extend the
ated with the linear trend. The power spectral densities were esti- pattern to the 1700s (Pekárová et al., 2003).
mated through the Welch’s method. Hence, the red dashed line
reflects the variance solely due to periodic events within the 4.2. Discussion of climatic drivers and landscape change effects
time-series. From this analysis (see Supplementary Material for
additional information), it follows that approximately 9% of the Previous investigations have attributed changes in the average
daily variance in the power of runoff is explained by climatic forc- runoff scaling function Sw (Eq. (3)), which has been found to be
ing on time scales longer than a year. This percentage increases sig- affected by century-long, gradual landscape changes over large
790 A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793


Variance of parent time-series


Cumulative Variance (W )
2 5

Variance of detrended and Hamming

Windowed time-series

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10
Period, T [Years]

Fig. 6. Cumulative variance in the daily values of the power of surface water in Sweden as a function of the upper time period T2 considered in the power spectrum. At the
period T2 = 1 year, approximately 91% of the total variance has been accounted for in the parent, daily time-series.

0.8 Monthly
Percentage of Variance (-)



Parent (daily) time-series





0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Period, T2 [Years]

Fig. 7. Percentage of the total variance in the power of surface water explained by periods longer than T2.

parts of Sweden for periods stretching up to about half a year variance in the runoff R(t) is higher than that of the input (P(t)–ET
(Wörman et al., 2010; Åkesson et al., 2016). This also means that (t)), which can be explained by seasonal accumulation of precipita-
runoff flow dynamics, including those represented by the simula- tion as snow and root zone storage. For even longer periods, we
tion model such as the HBV used herein, have relatively less impor- found sustained, shallow peaks in the scaling function that coin-
tance for fluctuations in the power of runoff on periods longer than cided with similar peaks for the power spectra of runoff, precipita-
half a year in the watersheds analysed in this study. However, an tion and the evapotranspiration (Fig. 8). Specifically, the shallow,
important aspect is that the model provides a correct representa- wide peak in the runoff scaling function Sw with periods centred
tion of evapotranspiration with fluctuations much longer than half around 8 years is co-appearing with a corresponding peak in the
a year. Here, we find that the scaling function for the 1001 water- power spectrum of evapotranspiration and, consistently, is mani-
sheds decay systematically with decreasing period from Sw fested as a peak of 15% in the coherence between power of runoff
(T  0.2 y) = 1.0 to Sw(T = 2 d) = 0.45 (Fig. 8). This decay and the and solar activity (green curve of Fig. 9). Our interpretation is that
‘‘noisy” appearance of Sw(T) indicate that the variance in runoff this long-term variation in the power of runoff is caused primarily
is damped predominantly by the runoff flow dynamics, i.e. water- by variation in evapotranspiration, both following the variation in
shed filtering, for periods from approximately 2 days up to solar radiation, wind intensity and other long-term climatic pro-
0.2 years (or approximately 2–3 months). For periods in the range cesses of importance for evapotranspiration.
of 0.2 year < T < 1 year, i.e. in the seasonal range, both the power As expected, the variance in the runoff power shows a maxi-
spectrum of runoff and the scaling function show more systematic mum peak at periods closely centred around 12 month when aver-
variations with particular high damping (Sw dips below 1) and aged over the entire surface of Sweden (Fig. 5), and this peak
amplification (Sw peaks above 1) from a few months up to approx- coincides with peaks in the coherence spectra for the runoff power
imately one year (Fig. 8). In particular, the peaks indicate that the of approximately 43% vs. the NAO index, 34% vs. the PDO index and
A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793 791

Fig. 8. Co-variances of the power of runoff and climate and landscape changes: Power spectral densities of different hydrological and climatological time series. The power
spectra of the precipitation, runoff and evapotranspiration (ET) are derived for each of the 1001 watersheds with areas ranging from 15–10,000 km2 and averaged for each
period. The coloured bands indicate regimes of predominant scaling behaviour due to watershed filtering, seasonal fluctuations and climatic forcing.

0.9 One year peak

Coherence spectrum




0.4 NAO index

0.3 PDO index

0.2 Geostrophic wind energy

0.1 Sunspot Number

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Period [years]

Fig. 9. Coherence spectra between the runoff power for the entire surface waters of Sweden and climate indices, geostrophic winds and sunspot number. The coherence
spectra show consistent peaks for a period of approximately 3.6 years and a local maximum with a sunspot number at 8 years.

as high as 96% vs. the geostrophic wind (Fig. 9). The coherence of which is approximately 11 years, but several minor peaks exist
spectra are direct measures of the correlation coefficient dis- (Movahed et al., 2006). As a result it is possible to see a peak in
tributed by period, and our findings indicate a nearly complete cor- the evapotranspiration of approximately 11 years (Fig. 8) since this
relation between the geostrophic wind and runoff power at an is dominated by solar radiation. However, the forcing frequency on
annual period. Although the seasonal fluctuations in the runoff the incoming solar radiation is moderated by the dynamics of the
and wind energy are strongest, we can clearly observe local earth system due to oceanographic, atmospheric and hydrological
extremes in the coherence between the runoff power and climate mechanics and by fluctuations in atmospheric composition and
indices as well as the geostrophic wind and sunspot index at plate tectonics. This non-linear amplification of the forcing energy
multi-annual periods centred around 3.6 and 8 years for the sun- in the climate system can be emphasized by the fact that the
spot number (Fig. 9). The peak in the coherence spectrum with annual coefficient of variation in the power of runoff is two orders
the NAO is as high as 65% for periods centred around 3.6-year, of magnitude higher than that of the forcing due to solar irradiance
which indicates a high correlation. A minimum correlation was (Willson and Mordvinov, 2003). Even relatively simple physical
found for periods centred around 8 years. These long-term modes behaviors in physical models can give rise to complicated and even
of variability in the surface water energy levels are clearly linked chaotic oscillatory responses (Levien and Tan, 1993). Hence, natu-
to general climatological fluctuations in the Northern Hemisphere ral climate variability is vastly complex on numerous time scales,
and can be utilized to predict fluctuations in surface water power. ranging from days to half of a million years or longer (Ghil,
The fact that both the coherence between the power of runoff 2002). In this study we find a wide peak around 8 years in the
and the solar activity power spectrum of the power of runoff are power spectrum of the power of runoff (Fig. 5) reflecting a modifi-
enhanced over a wide range of periods from 3 to 20 years might cation of the dominating 11 year solar cycle due to oceanographic
be explained by the multiple peaks of the power spectrum of solar dynamics of different frequencies (Wang et al., 2014) and amplifi-
activity and the dynamics of the hydro-climatic system of the cation of solar input in the hydro-climatic system (Meehl et al.,
Earth, which in this case dampens the hydrological response. The 2009). Consistent with this finding, previous studies of the power
sunspot number has several predominant harmonic periods, one spectrum of a multi-century temperature time series in central
792 A. Wörman et al. / Journal of Hydrology 548 (2017) 784–793

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