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Licensing factory
new europe
Licensing factory
new europe
Licensing factory
new europe
Licensing factory
new europe

Licensing factory new europe
Licensing factory new europe
Licensing factory new europe
Licensing factory new europe

Welcome to
Licensing factory new europe
Željko Wiliam Krnjak
Show and Conference Director

As the Show and Conference Director, I am delighted to welcome you.

A four-day educational conference, held concurrently with the trade show,
is dedicated to licensing and merchandising and to the vast range of op-
portunities that are resulting from this business.

What is licensing?
So, for many years, licensing had been a very difficult business to explain simply because so few had ever
heard of it.

The father to the modern licensing movement, entertainment licensing has been the catalyst propelling most
forms of product-based licensing to prominence in the retail economy./Merchandising started for the Disney
brothers with the tremendous success of Mickey Mouse’s Steamboat Willie (1928)/ The business has grown
fast over the past 25 years. It is a business where one single property can generate so much volume that the
overall business can be dramatically impacted in just a single year. Those who are succeeding are managing
their business better now than their predecessors ever dreamed of. While most of us would argue that product
is still a king, licensing has become as much about the marketing and management of the property as the
product and properties themselves.


When done well, licensing will dimensionalize your brand, deepen relationships with key consumers, increase
your value to retailers and enable your organization to create more powerful statements in the marketplace.
A licensing program that considers the perspectives of all who connect with your brand will help you build
360° of support. Consider, for the purposes of example, four broad groups : (1) customers, (2) partners, (3)
retailers, and (4) investors.

The world of licensing is growing and developing. Gone are the days where everything revolved around one or
two territories. There was a time when hit properties almost always came from the US and, subsequently, from
the UK. The world is changing and tomorrow’s hit could come from quite literally anywhere.
The first of its kind, project of International Licensing and Merchandising Show and Conference of New Europe
aims to rejuvenate and regenerate the power of licensing and merchandising business in this part of the world
– market of 400 million people.

Fall 2009


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Spring 2008

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Fall 2008

Europe • North America • Latin America • Asia • Australasia • Middle East

For information and subscriptions, contact:
Welcome to
Licensing factory new europe
Although the 35 states of New Europe are at different stages of development in terms of their respective offer
and support structures one thing they all have in common is they all face increasingly need for support and
development of different kind of licensing programmes.

(Assess the degree of cultural diversity and language differences – take into consideration that local attitudes
and behaviors differ by country. In particular dealing with different languages and linguistic environments can
be challenging for example in Switzerland where people speak French in Geneva and Lausanne; German in
Zurich, Basel and Bern; and Italian in Lugano)

For the first time, licensing and merchandising industry gathers all kind of professionals from Central and
Eastern Europe, South-East Europe and CIS region. Participants will have an excellent opportunity to talk
together and go through all critical issues and questions.

The “What works in Developed licensing world should work in New Europe too” premise will be looked at
closely. Unified business model often pushed by larger licensing and merchandising industry players is not
always the best strategy to choose. Regional and cultural differences along with non-uniform legal conditions
of CEE, SEE and CIS region may create a need for specific market approach.

Licensing may not be for everyone, and not every licensed property is right for every manufacturer’s product
line or every market, and vice versa. But the fact is, it is difficult to disregard or underestimate the powerful
marketing and sales tool that licensing has become.

If you want to learn more about the power of licensing and how you can put licensing to work for you, Licens-
ing Factory New Europe is just right place to be. Welcome.



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Umko® is a registered trademark. Copyright © Creano, LCC, New York, NY, USA. All rights reserved.
Licensing and merchanDising
About licensing and merchandising for the beginners “In his room, bordered with M.M. wall paper and light-
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND AND DEFINITIONS ed with M.M. lamps, his M.M. alarm clock awakens
Walt Disney pioneered symbiosis marketing tech- him, providing his mother forgets! Jumping from his
niques in the 1930s by granting dozens of firms the bed where his pajamas and the bedding are the M.M.
right to use his Mickey Mouse character in products brand, to a floor the rugs and linoleum upon which are
and ads, and continued to market Disney media M.M. sponsored, he puts on his M.M. moccasins and
through licensing arrangements. (These products can rushes to the bathroom to have the first chance at . .
help advertise the film itself and thus help to increase . no, you’re wrong . . . at the soap made in the Disney
the film’s sales) manner, as are also his toothbrush, hair-brush and
Symbiosis is the linking up of various companies to towels.”
make profits from one product. The Mickey Mouse Undies featured here are an early
Walt Disney – first steps example of Disney merchandising. They date from
the early 1930s, when Kamen had just taken over
The first Disney cartoons featuring the character
product licensing. Disney contracted with the Norwich
Mickey Mouse appeared in 1928, and the character
Knitting Company of New York to produce children’s
quickly took the country by storm. Disney began
clothing, including the one-piece garment pictured
licensing the use of Mickey’s image fairly early; the
here. Made for a toddler, it is cotton with drop-seat
first appearance may have been on a writing tablet -
drawers, and plain except for a printed image of
in 1929 the company was offered $300 to put Mickey
Mickey on the right breast. A cloth label inside the
Mouse on writing tablets. Other merchandise was au-
neckline displays another view of the character.
thorized beginning in 1930, however, as the mouse’s
“Manufactured under exclusive license from Walt
popularity grew around the world so did unauthorized
Disney“, Mickey Mouse Undies are just one product of
products bearing its image. Disney was said to be
the merchandising marvel known today as The Walt
disgusted by poor-quality products depicting inac-
Disney Company.
curate versions of his character. In 1932 he hired a
(The Walt Disney Company had its roots in Kansas
Kansas City advertising man, Herman “Kay” Kamen, to
City. Walt Disney spent much of his youth in north-
oversee all licensing aspects for the Disney company,
central Missouri and later Kansas City where, among
and the number of products with Mickey’s
likeness exploded. Everything from ice
Licensing and Merchandising BEGINNING
cream cones to doorstops bore the image
of Mickey Mouse. The extra income helped
to finance expensive production at the
Disney studio.
As the cartoon character’s popularity
soared during the early 1930s, so did the
number of products emblazoned with its
The Cleveland Plain Dealer described a im-
aginary child lavished with Mickey Mouse
merchandise in 1935:

et 9
Licensing and merchanDising
other jobs, he made animated commercials for a local panies expired, Kamen assumed control of all Disney
ad company. Disney taught himself animation tech- merchandise licensing agreements.
niques and produced cartoons for a local theater in Through a well thought out and brilliantly executed
his spare time, but was forced out of business when marketing plan, Kamen quickly established Disney
the theater went bankrupt. Walt then scraped together characters as the dominant product on the shelves of
enough money to buy a train ticket to California, toy departments across America.
where he continued working on a series of cartoons At the height of the Great Depression, Kamen negoti-
conceived in Kansas City. In 1923 Walt and his brother ated deals with some of America’s largest manufac-
Roy opened the Disney Brothers Studio in the back turers including Ingersoll and Lionel. In 1934 Kamen
of a Los Angeles real-estate office, and the rest, as inked an unheard of 1.5 million dollar deal with Gen-
they say, is history.) eral Foods. The agreement gave the cereal producer
Source: Kansas Historical Society the right to reproduce Disney characters on boxes
Leading idea: of Post Toasties. Adjusted for inflation, that contract
increasing revenue stream would be worth almost $24 million dollars in 2008.
through the sale of The so-called cereal “cut-outs” were huge hits. After
character merchandise children finished their box of cereal, the images
printed on the box were cut-out and became instant
There are many references
playthings. At a time when thousands of Americans
to Kay Kamen in all of the
found themselves out of work and with no disposable
major Walter Elias Disney
income, these cut-outs were undoubtedly the only
biographies (about Kay Kamen
toys some children had.
and the impact he had on
General Foods association with Disney lasted until
Disney merchandise in the 1930s and 1940s). He is,
1941. Over the course of their partnership, hundreds
understandably, a very important person in the history
of thousands if not millions of boxes of cereal im-
of the Disney Studio. His business acumen and mar-
printed with Disney character images were sold.
keting genius generated tens of millions of dollars in
Source: David „Dave“ Lesjak, Vintage Disney Col-
merchandise revenue, which was in turn used to fund
the many projects Walt Disney envisioned.
In early 1932, Herman “Kay” Kamen left his home Business acumen and marketing genius:
Licensing and Merchandising BEGINNING

in Kansas City for a business meeting in Hollywood, powerfull impact

California. The man he was going to meet had made A wide range of Disney products appeared in markets
a similar journey west almost a decade earlier. The around the world, everything from soap to ice cream
purpose of Kamen’s trip west was to discuss mer- to Cartier diamond bracelets. Mickey Mouse is often
chandising ideas with Walt and Roy Disney. claimed to be the most popular licensed character in
At their first meeting, Kamen presented his ideas for the world and still appears on thousands of merchan-
increasing the Studio’s revenue stream through the dise items and publications.
sale of character merchandise. The brothers were Until the 1960s and 1970s, relatively little merchan-
suitably impressed and on July 1, 1932, they awarded dising activity took place in Hollywood, except by the
Kamen his first contract. After the agreements with Walt Disney Company.
the George Borgfeldt and William Levy B. Levy com- Disney continued to develop merchandise connected

Licensing and merchanDising
with its films and film characters over the years. But on video games, other movie-based merchandise
the Disney Company was the exception, rather than includes home furnishings (clocks, towels, bedding,
the rule. Though the motion picture industry may have mugs, telephones), clothing, jewelry, stationery items,
been relatively slow to pick up on merchandising, print material (novelizations and posters, for example),
this type of activity accelerated dramatically during food (especially cereals and candy), and decorations
the 1990s and early twenty-first century. The current (such as Christmas ornaments). There are also other,
phase of film-based licensing can be traced back more unusual, less mass-produced items that some-
specifically to the merchandising successes of Star times accompany (or follow) movie releases, including
Wars (1977) and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), but “art objects” such as prints, sculptures, ceramic
has continued with the blockbuster, action-figure figures, and animation sets. For instance, in 2005 one
based films of the 1990s (for instance, Batman [1989] could purchase sculptures of most of the characters
and Spider-Man [2002]), as well as the successful from Lord of the Rings, including a bronze statue of
franchise films in the early twenty-first century (such Gandalf for around $6,500. Other merchandise is
as The Lord of the Rings [2001–2003] and Harry based on the celebrity status of Hollywood stars (for
Potter [beginning in 2001]). Further merchandising op- instance, products with images with Marilyn Monroe
portunities and close relationships between products and James Dean are plentiful), or generic movie or
and films are presented in films such as A Bug’s Life studio themes. Indeed, many of the majors feature
(1998) and Toy Story (1995), where the film is about studio tours, complete with well-stocked gift shops
toys or characters particularly suitable for toys. offering a wide range of merchandise featuring their
The distinction between tie-ins and merchandise is familiar corporate logos.
often blurred, as some merchandise is produced for Movie-based merchandising can be viewed as part of
tie-ins. Merchandise can be defined as commodi- the proliferation of commercialization in Hollywood,
ties based on movie themes, characters or images the increase in animated features, and the rerelease
that are designed, produced, and marketed for direct and remaking of films with readily identifiable, ongo-
sale, and not connected to established products or ing characters and themes (or franchises). However,
services, as is the case with tie-ins. An example of a this type of activity also is part of a larger, more gen-
tie-in is represented by the promotion of Disney films eral merchandising and licensing trend. For instance,
at McDonald’s restaurants, even though there may be entire TV programs and characters -especially those Licensing and Merchandising BEGINNING
some merchandise items involved in such activities. aimed at children-are an obvious and prevalent form
Licensing is the legal act or process of selling or of merchandising, while sports teams and players,
buying rights to produce commodities using specific rock stars, and musical groups have long histories of
copyrighted properties. Merchandising can be thought licensing and merchandising activities.
of as the mechanical act of making or selling a prod- Although entertainment licensing in the merchandis-
uct based on a copyrighted property. ing industry has been influenced by the emergence of
There is an extremely wide variety of movie-based merchandise based on other types of properties, there
merchandise, including items based on a specific is little question, according to many experts, that film
movie, character, or theme, or ongoing movie char- licensing continues to dominate the licensing market.
acters and themes. While there has been a strong Entertainment licensing is also the most concentrated
emphasis on children’s toys, games and other items type of merchandise business.
(lunch boxes, school supplies, and so forth), and
City map of
City map of ROVINJ

City of
Istrian prosciutto, washed down with
exquisite Teran, Merlot or Malvazija,
the local blossomy white wine. High
summer days in Rovinj are spent on
the pine-backed, pebbly beaches.
But there is more to Rovinj than
beachfront chic and those wanting to
explore the delights of the region will
find that Rovinj is an excellent base, all
the year round.
Well worth an excursion is the nearby
town of Pula which has an impressive
Roman amphitheatre (the 6th largest
in the world) and art deco market.
Another highlight is a visit to Motovun,
a dramatic hilltop-style town which
stages an international film festival
every August. A short boat ride away
are the Brijuni Islands, a stunning
Rovinj “If a beauty contest were held among Croatia’s archipelago of 12 islands, where a safari train will take
coastal resorts, then Rovinj would win every time.” visitors across the main island. For the outdoor enthu-
ABTA magazine, July 2008 Rovinj, the “Blue Pearl of the siast, the region offers incredibly diverse landscapes
Adriatic”, is one of the most picturesque towns in the – from the rocky coast to pine-clad mountains and hills
Mediterranean. Part of the Venetian Empire for over 500 draped in cypress trees and olive groves.
years, the old town is perched on a pear-shaped penin- A highlight is the 11km long nearby Lim Fjord, a
sula high up on a hill, crowded with Venetian terracotta- protected nature area perfect for sea kajaking or Nordic
roofed houses and crowned by the 18th century Church Walking. Other recreational activities in the area include
of St Euphemia, whose bell tower dominates Rovinj’s hiking, biking or free climbing in the unique forest
skyline. preserve Zlatni Rt, a nature reserve with cedar and pine
Atmospheric cobbled alleys in the old town invite visi- trees and shady paths leading to rocky coves, and of
tors to wander around and explore colourful galleries course water-based sports such as diving, snorkeling
and shops, filled with local arts and crafts. In the open- or sailing.
air market visitors will find stalls with fresh
produce, such as asparagus, olives, tomatoes,
herbs, figs and cheese.
The Italian influence is much stronger here
than anywhere else in Croatia, and the central
square is edged with lively cafes and restau-
rants spreading out on to a charming harbour
City of ROVINJ

crammed with sailing and fishing boats – per-

fect to watch the world go by. Rovinj is in the
heart of gastronomic Croatia, with heady white
truffles, freshly caught seafood and fish and

SHOW & conference
Plus Licens AB M: +7 916 290 3400
Peder Tamm F: +44 203 031 1322
President E-mail:
Eva Brännström
Executive Vice President Website:

Plus Licens is the largest licensing company in Eastern Europe and the Nordic countries, a market with more than
438 million consumers - more than half of Europe’s population. Plus Licens has a licensing know-how of more than
30 years, working with the majority of the world’s most successful licensors.
From our head office in Stockholm, we co-ordinate a number of offices - Plus Licens Nordic, Plus Licens Poland,
Plus Licens Russia, Plus Licens Ukraine, Plus Licens Prague, Plus Licens Budapest, Plus Licens Bucharest and Plus
Licens & Design Paris.
Our business consists on the one hand of the Entertainment Properties driven by TV exposure and Theatrical
releases, on the other hand the fashion-driven Design Rights. As a consequence, Plus Licens has during the last
couple of years come to play an ever more active role in TV and Video/DVD sales. Plus Licens has in addition during
the last few years been appointed the pan-European agent of several design-driven properties.
Due to the fact that Plus Licens has been entrusted with the licensing rights to entertainment properties of more
major international media companies, in more countries, than any other licensing company in Europe, we have over
the years been able to develop thousands of relationships that today translate into an unrivalled clout in the mar-
ketplace. As a consequence Promotional Retail Marketing & Events are a central focus of ours to truly function as a
powerful marketing machine. Plus Licens is proud to bring some of the world’s most attractive mass culture icons to
some of the most exciting and promising territories in the world.
We hope you will join us!

Ultralink E-mail:

Bosanska 1, HR-10000 Zagreb Website:
T: +385 1 3701 457
F: +385 1 3701 457

Ultra link exibits as a property seller for TV rights and merchandising for all territories.
Property: Professor Balthazar
Show & Conference PARTNERS

Professor Balthazar is a pleasant scientist in a city with unusual inhabitants. They all turn to him for help on their
equally unusual problems. Professor’s inventions and machine producing a miraculous beverage solves all kinds of
problems to the city’s inhabitants. Professor Balthazra’s character is immortal and endlessly interesting because his
universal messages have been helping children to become better people.

He has taught us that learning can solve our most difficult problems, that we have to accept differences, that we
should be bright spirited and good, and that other people’s happiness should make us happy. He doesn’t solve the
problems with violence; instead he approaches them rationally, but also he uses his imagination to come to a solution.

“There is no point in looking for Balthazar City on the map or checking the numbers in the telephone book. You just
need to follow the trail of the smile and good deeds, and listen to the faraway, cheerful song in the wind.”

bne Media Ltd E-mail:
Michalakopoulou 12, 4th floor flat 401 Website:
P.c 1075, Nicosia,Cyprus
T: +7 916 290 3400
F: +44 203 031 1322

bne is the first business publication dedicated to covering finance, economics, politics and business in
the 30 dynamic markets of Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe.

Our team of veteran journalists collectively have more than 50 years of reporting on the 29 countries of New
Europe. bne goes beyond the headlines to provide in-depth reporting and incisive commentary that explains the
“why” behind the “what” of current events.
Subscribe to bne’s monthly print magazine, or sign up to one of the daily lists that follow the events in the most
important countries on a daily basis. E-mail:

Slavonska avenija 2, 10000 Zagreb Website:
T: +385(1)555 1514
F: +385(1)555 1567 are the most read business daily newspaper in Croatia as well as one of the most read business web
portal. It is the inevitable source of information for ambitious, educated, mobile people that contains the most
relevant reviews of economics and finances. was initiated in 2005 as a weekly newspaper. In 2008 it became daily newspaper and at the moment
with the new owners (Intermims 65% and Mreža znanja 35%) it is additionally expanding reading audience
and is opening completely new communication channels with advertisers. As a leading media and authority for
Croatian business people, wants to ad to the affirmation and to the development of Croatian compa-
nies, to the economics in general by promoting high ethical values and European standards in business.

Provocative and research based approach to the topics that is addressing, it has brought reading
audience into the most expand areas of Croatian economics, from entrepreneurship to senior management of
biggest companies, from different sectors and functions in the companies. New step towards the development of

the portal into the leading business portal has been made with the redesign which will keep the familiarity by the
rapid publications of the relevant business news and events.

Saxon House, 6a St Andrew Street, Hertford, Website:
Hertfordshire, SG14 1JA. UK
T: +44(0) 1992 535646
F: +44(0) 1992 535648

Licensing.Biz is the only trade website dedicated to the UK and European licensing market – boasting a 20,000
readership every single day. It offers email news service, online features and brand profiles.
Covers toys, sport, fashion, food and much more. By far the dominant B2B info source for licensing professionals.

Guide to the Licensing World E-mail:

The Old Stables, School Lane, Crowborough. Website:
East Sussex. TN6 1PA. GB
T: +44 1892 668444
F: +44 1892 668555

The Guide to the Licensing World is the most comprehensive international directory that guides you through the
world of licensed product merchandising. Need to know who owns a licence?

Who to contact to distribute a licensed product? This book has all the answers and covers the entire world! In its’
seventeenth year, this international directory references over 22,000 property listings (characters, films, person-
alities, brands, trademarks, etc) with over 1500 licensing agents in over 80 countries world-wide.

It also lists licensees, specialist services, trade publications and trade-show calendars. The licensing and mer-
chandising industry moves billions of dollars of products every year and is one of the fastest growing segments
of retailing. Catch up with all the latest changes and find the hottest properties.

Come along to our booth to get your copy of the 2009 Guide to the Licensing World and receive the 2010 edition
free when published in January 2010.

EPM Communications, INC. e-mail:
160 Mercer Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY website:
T: +1 212 941 0099
F: +1 212 941 1622

EPM Communications is a Manhattan-based publishing, research and consulting firm founded in 1988 by Ira Mayer
and his wife and partner, Riva Bennett. Ira was a rock critic for 20 years and a prominent entertainment industry and
media analyst. Ira also serves as an assistant adjunct professor of marketing at New York University.

Riva had been associated with LINK Resources, National Data Corp. and Chase, among other research and financial
services companies, where she sold financial and new media research services.
EPM newsletters and analysts are widely recognized for their expertise in spotting trends, analyzing new develop-
ments, and understanding and interpreting consumer behavior and attitudes.

Marketers from licensing and entertainment companies, brands, agencies and retail organizations come to EPM for
industry intelligence, ideas and contacts to help them increase new business deals, partnerships, techniques and
overall campaign success.

Total Licensing Ltd E-mail:

4 Wadhurst Business Park, Faircrouch Lane Website:
Wadhurst, East Sussex TN5 6PT, England
T: 44 1892 782220
F: 44 1892 782226

Published quarterly, Total Licensing is the leading magazine for the worldwide licensing community. The maga-
zine now has readers from 103 countries together with advertisers from 30 territories.

Within each issue, Total Licensing covers news, features and territory profiles together with in-depth trade show
previews and reviews from as far a field as New York, London, Dubai, Tokyo Hong Kong and Europe. The maga-
zine also covers different licensing sectors including entertainment, brands, sports, art and design etc.

Total Licensing is published in digital and printed formats. Over the last year, the magazine has led the way in
promoting licensing activities to its worldwide audience of licensees, manufacturers, retailers and others.sceler-
isque gravida quis eu nibh adipiscing elit. Quisque luctus risus ut magna cursus u

The Guide to the Licensing World
The only international licensing directory you’ll need.

With over 22,000 property listings, 1500+ licensors/agents,

1000+ licensees and hundreds of specialist services.

Come and see us at Booth #11

at Licensing Factory - New Europe


Tel: +44 1892 668444 23
Royalties M: (917) 992-3263 - cell
Byrne Communications, Inc./The Toy Guy® Website:
229 W. 28th Street, Suite 401New York,
NY 10001
T: (646) 763-8750 - direct

aNb Media, publisher of the trade magazines Toys & Family Entertainment, Royaltie$: The Journal of the
Licensing Industry,launched in fall 2005. The monthly trade magazines cover all aspects of the toy and licensing
industries, offering today’s leading retailers all the most pertinent news, trends, and in-depth feature stories and
business analysis.
The magazines are available at no cost online at
In October, 2008, the company launched, a consumer web site, covering the latest in
all things related to play and family entertainment. In only one year, the site has become one of the fastest grow-
ing sites in the U.S., with steadily growing monthly visitors.
The principals in the company have a combined 100 years of experience in the toy and licensing industries in
publishing, marketing, manufacturing and research. They are considered industry leaders in the U.S., sourced
consistently by mainstream and business media for their insights into the dynamic worlds of toys and licensing.

Crier Media Group d.o.o. E-mail:

Square Mažuranića 1 Website:
Zagreb, Croatia
T: + 385 1 4854 429
F: + 385 1 4854 432

Progressive Magazine is designed for the entire Croatian trade of consumer goods, from large supermarkets to small
independent shops, and from large manufacturers to regional wholesalers. Progressive Magazine is the leading project
Crier Media GroupBritish publishing house based in Zagreb. Crier Media Group as an international publisher of business
to business publication covering the region office in Serbia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, which enables fast and
efficient information exchange. The London office is in charge of the coordination office of the region as well as long-term
special projects (link in the Potato and Baker). Our company in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia are perennial
prominent and influential business to business publishers in their countries.
Using the advantages of the fact that we are part of the media group that publishes several magazines world famous
specijalziranih supplied are offering newest highly specialized business information specific activities, not only transition
countries but also economies of western countries and the Far East. Progressive magazine read by all entities associated
with this industry - independent dealers, supermarket managers, wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers.

Progressive Magazine is designed for the entire Croatian trade of consumer goods, from large supermarkets to small
independent shops, and from large manufacturers to regional wholesalers. It is printed in 16,000 copies (of which 1,000
copies are distributed in 1500 for Slovenia and BiH). We stress that the Progressive magazine and distributed free by
mail, and one of the values that distinguishes us from other media is targeted reading audience through our highly
specialized editions communicate messages in this extremely important and rapidly growing economic branch.

PMR research
T: +48 12 618 90 21


PMR is a British-American company providing market information, advice and services to international business-
es interested in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in other emerging markets. PMR’s key areas of operation
include business publications (through PMR Publications), consultancy (through PMR Consulting) and market
research (through PMR Research). PMR products and services cover pharmaceutical, construction, retail and IT/
telecom sectors. With over thirteen years of experience, high international standards in projects and publications,
highly skilled multilingual staff and a wide network of co-operating research companies and market experts,
PMR is one of the largest companies of its type in the region.
PMR Consulting ( provides a wide range of top quality, value for money market intel-
ligence services in over 20 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and in other developing markets worldwide.
The typical consulting projects include Competitive Intelligence and strategic advisory as well as consulting at
foreign direct investments or Mergers & Acquisitions, legal and economic analysis and help with negotiations or
any other business services or support, including quick consulting, that a company might require in order to enter
the market or gain reliable information. PMR Consulting offers a unique combination of the advice and experience
of successful British, American and local business professionals.
PMR Research ( is a specialised custom research unit of PMR. It offers a full array of
qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, providing services such as customer satisfaction studies,
brand awareness and brand image research, distribution and competition studies, segmentation analyses, field-
work, online surveys and customised analyses of selected branches of the economy. PMR Research’s services
are available in over 20 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

PMR Publications ( provides reliable market intelligence for business profession-
als interested in Central and Eastern European countries. Publications by PMR analyse the business climate
in the region, in particular in the construction, retail, IT, telecommunications and pharmaceutical sectors. PMR
Publications offers both free and paid subscription newsletters, internet news portals, and in-depth reports. PMR
also runs popular business information portals about Central and Eastern European countries as well as other
emerging markets.

PMR ( is a British-American company providing information, advice and services to

international businesses interested in Central and Eastern European countries as well as other emerging markets.
PMR key areas of operation include business publications, consultancy and market research.

PMR Publications (, tel.: +48 12 618 90 00,


PMR Research (, tel.: +48 12 618 90 80,

PMR Consulting (, tel.: +48 12 296 22 50,




Monday, September 21 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Tuesday, September 22 09:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, September 22 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, September 23 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday, September 23 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday, September 24 09:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday, September 24 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday, September 25 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Friday, September 25 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Show Floor Hours

Tuesday, September 22 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday, September 23 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday, September 24 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Venue MAP

Friday, September 25 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM


22 / 09 - Day ONE
conference program
9:00 - 9:05 Welcome to the Licensing Factory New Europe Show and Conference

9:05 - 9:45 International licensing status – report about L&M industry 08/09
Ira Mayer, The Licensing Letter

10:00 - 11:30 Keynote Address: DISNEY INSTITUTE -

From Inspiration to Innovation
Scott Milligan, SPHR
It has been said that creativity and innovation will be the keys for successful organizations in
the rapidly changing 21 century. In this equaly fast-paced and thought-provoking presentation,
speaker will share processes used by the Walt Disney Company’s acclaimed “Imagineers” to
bring creative ideas to life.
Audience members will walk away with ideas on how to increase creativity and innovation in
their own organization.

11:45 - 12:45 The Development of Licensing and Merchandising Worldwide and the Potential of
Licensing and Merchandising in New Europe
Francesca Ash, Total Licensing

13:00 - 14:15 Lunch


Marty Brochstein, LIMA
Gregory J. Battersby, Grimes & Battersby LLP, LIMA
• Putting the right property together with the right product
A look at the factors that must be considered by manufacturers and property owners as they
seek the right marriage
Speakers: Martin Brochstein, Senior VP of LIMA, plus others TBA
• The Licensing Contract and The Legal Basis for Licensing
An examination of the elements that go into a basic licensing contract, and how they affect
the ultimate shape of a licensing deal
Speaker: Gregory J. Battersby, Co-Founder and Senior Partner, Grimes & Battersby LLP, and
General Counsel of LIMA
• The Role of the Agent, And How To Build The Right Relationship
A look at how agents function, their role in the licensing business, and pointers on how to
find the right one
Conference PROGRAM

Speakers: Martin Brochstein, Senior VP of LIMA, plus others TBA

20:30 Welcome Cocktail

23 / 09 - Day Two
Conference PROGRAM
8:00 - 8:30 Coffee a la New Europe
8:30 - 10:45 Introducing New Europe: THE ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT – Nenad Pacek
Business Strategies and Economic Outlooks in Emerging Markets
Why some companies succeed in emerging markets and why so many fail to reach their objectives?
How should companies approach and structure their business in emerging markets? What is best
practice for companies that want to step up the effort and do more in emerging markets? Which
regions and countries offer the best sales and profit opportunities in the short, medium and longterm?
• In focus: Russia Россия • Important aspects: CIS Commonwealth of independent states
СНГ Содружество Независимых Государств: Armenia Республика Армения , Azerbaijan Азербайджанская
Республика, Belarus Республика Беларусь, Georgia Грузия, Kazakhstan Республика Казахстан,
Kyrgyzstan Кыргызская Республика, Republic of Moldova еспублика Молдова, Tajikistan
Республика Таджикистан, Turkmenistan Туркменистан, Ukraine Украина, Uzbekistan Республика
Узбекистан • „Shortcut“: Northern Europe / Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania • What about:
Central Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia • Undiscovered potential:
Southeastern Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece,
Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey • Missing connec-
tion: Israel, Lebanon, Malta •
Including: GfK Research institute – Retail and consumers in New Europe, 20 minutes overview
Tatjana Rajković, B.Sc

11:00 - 11:45 Broadcasters in the Region: Local and Acquired Content

Yako Molhov, CEE TV, Vice President of Research
The presentation reveals the latest trends in TV programming in the region. We will review the
importance of local content - original fiction and formats as well as adapted international content
- which occupies an integral part of major broadcasters’ prime-time programming. Foreign acquired
content also plays an important role for local TV channels. The presentation will identify what are the
main differences in viewers’ taste throughout the region as well as what are the latest slates for

12:00 – 13.00 Licensing agent in New Europe: PICTURE OF THE MARKET with Connected Thinking
Maria Örnryd, Plus Licens
13:15 - 14.30 Lunch

14:45 – 15:45 Merchandising television program: Creating brand synergy and revenue streams BBC, speaker TBA

16:00 – 17:00 The Strengths of Licensing TV and Non-TV brands for a successful product development and
Conference PROGRAM

communication - Diana M. Dieckmann, VP Licensing, FremantleMedia

As one of the biggest TV Production company and world wide ancillary operations we will present
international samples and strategies on how to successfully emotialise marketing campaigns with
known TV as well as Non TV brands. As the brand owner of i.e. “Idols”, “Got Talent”, “Price is
Right”, “Ugly Betty” and many more international TV formats in multiple-genres, Fremantle Licens-
ings shows possibilities to potential licensees such as retailer, manufacturers, advertising and
creative agencies etc. on how to use the high profile of TV brands within their communication.

24 / 09 - Day Three
conference program
9:00 - 10:00 Developing Properties into Products
Christopher Byrne, Editor-At-Large, Toys and family Entertainment, Royalties
This session looks at the strategic building of brands through the creation of a diverse product
lines. We will look at how to define and analyze a brand and how to manage expansion in ways
that balance and build on consumer perceptions and relationships while generating revenue
through licensing.


Andrew Dobbie, GamePlan Europe
1. How important is character licensing to the global toy industry?
- What percentage of toys sold are licensed?
- How does the importance of licensing vary by country?
- Toys which themselves become character licenses for other products.
2. Selecting the right character license.
- Assessing performance in other countries
- What is the programme for generating awareness?
3. What drives the sales of licensed toys?
- Differences in dynamics of demand generated by books, TV series, movies.
4. Maximising profitability of licensed toys.
- Selecting the right license
- Guarantees
- Timing
5. Synergy between license character and the product
- Labelling standard product
- Developing distinctive toys relating to the positioning

11:30 - 12:15 Global licensing and retailing - results of research study about licensed product in retail
and how leading retail chains use L&M to enter new market
Ira Mayer, The Licensing Letter

12:30 - 13:15 UMKO Kids’ new best friend!

Andreja Iljaš Hiša Idej, Slovenia
Umko is one of the most recognized brands for children in Slovenia. In our lecture we will
present Umko’ s brand building, how we tested the character, which are advantages of the
brand from a small country , what are disadvantages of licensing in small countries like Slov
enia. Nowadays Umko has everything, what a multichannel brand needs. In the LFNE we will
also present the premiere of a trailer for Umko’ s cartoon. You will see Umko live as well.
Conference PROGRAM

13:30 - 14:45 Lunch

15:00 - 16:00 Creation of brand for children and developing the licence. ONE2PLAY in the world of innovative
and creativity. How to become the one who dictates the trends.
Development of the company One2Play from idea to successful business model Enthusiasm of
buyers, employees and suppliers in common synergy and business philosophy Why did we
choose entertainment and happiness as the main business objective in the region

16:15 - 17:00 Professor Balthazar: licence that was never meant to be. (World premiere)
Renata Brkić, Executive Partner, UltraLink Company
The lecture provides a case study on how the property with universal messages, valid for all times,
situations and generations, can be deeply local, and yet have global attributes. This licence is timeless,
eternally interesting and refreshing. We live in a world where almost everything is for sale. However,
PB shows us that there are some things not for sale, such as love, respect, friendship, knowledge...
and we have to earn them by kindness and work.

25 / 09 - Day Four
Conference PROGRAM
10:00 – 10:45 LAPITCH, THE LITTLE SHOEMAKER – pioneer of licensing & merchandising business in Croatia
Ivana Galic, Managing Director, Croatia Film
Introduction of the Lapitch brand with focus on its development, achievements and specific
experiences in licensing and merchandising on Croatian market.

11:00 – 12:00 COUNTERFEITING with the Republic of Croatia Ministry of the Interior
MUP, speaker TBA
Policing and criminal police activities that involve protection of Intellectual Property and licensing
rights, and the prevention and detection of counterfeiting – real cases. Counterfeiting is a criminal
offense when it involves an intent to defraud in passing off the counterfeit item. The law contains
exemptions for collector’s items and items that are so obviously dissimilar from the original that a
reasonable person would not consider them real. However, making a poor copy is no defense if the
intent to defraud exists - Best Practice Presentation

12:15 – 13:00 Visual Brand Authentication

Lana McCluskey, General Manager, Brand Licensing, De La Rue Holographics
Preventing Counterfeit and Fraud of Branded Merchandise
1/ Damage from Royalty fraud and counterfeit of Licensed goods
2/ Authentication devices used as Royalty Track & Trace vehicles
3/ FIFA case study
The paper is addressing essential licensing right – to be protected from the royalty fraud and
overproductions. It helps to understand existing threats to both Licensor and Licensee and gives a
real life case study of successful protection from UK ’s leading banknote and security printer.
Conference PROGRAM

13:15 – 14:00 Afteroon properety presentations

Blitz video presentations 5 to 15 minutes along with the cocktails and business talks

14:15 – 15:30 Lunch


Andrew Dobbie
Managing director Gameplan Europe
Andrew Dobbie has lived and worked in marketing in the UK, US, South Africa, and Ger-
many. He joined the toy industry in 1984 as European Marketing Director for Mattel Inc,
and in 1988 founded Gameplan Europe, which provides business strategy and research
services to the global toy industry. Other activities are executive search , publishing of
international directories of business information, and finding distributors for manufactur-
ers. see www.
Gameplan Europe is a business consultancy which helps its clients identify and exploit business opportuni-
ties world-wide. The key activities are: • Market investigations of opportunities or problems • Development of
business strategy and planning • Executive search • Setting up sales and distribution • Publishing of business
Based on the career background of the Managing Director in high-level management roles in the international toy
field and utilising his wide ranging personal contacts, the business focus of the consultancy is directed towards
child related consumer markets throughout Europe. The company was founded in 1988 by Andrew Dobbie,
formerly European Marketing Director for Mattel Toys Inc. With current in-depth knowledge of the major European
markets, he is a regular contributor to trade, marketing and financial press in the US and Europe. His wide span
of personal involvement in the child products industry includes the chairmanship of, or presenting papers at,
industry seminars in New York, London, Vienna, Zürich, Nürnberg, Valencia and Barcelona and the publishing of
international directories of business information covering 38 countries

Christopher Byrne
Editor-At-Large, Toys and family Entertainment, Royalties
“The toy industry most trusted expert...” Bida Craig, brand manager Duracell
The American Christopher (Chris) Byrne, alias “The Toy Guy”, can look back on three
decades of experience in the toy industry.
After graduation, he started his career at CBS Toys and then worked for various toy
manufacturers. Among other things, he was involved in the market launch of the classic
“Pictionary”. Following these activities, Chris Byrne worked for a number of toy maga-
zines and as a consultant to the toy industry.
Many Americans know him from TV and the Internet, where he advises on the purchase of toys.
For years he has compiled a Christmas list of potential best sellers.
His most recent project is the Internet portal “Time to play”, where you can find recommended toys divided into
categories, buying tips, information on new products, his answers on toy safety, and much more.
The Toy Guy reviews current toys and games and addresses issues relevant to parents and kids alike.
Conference SPEAKERS

Diana Dieckmann
Vice President Licensing Germany, Eastern, Central and Southern Europe
Diana M. Dieckmann, Vice President Licensing Germany, Eastern, Central & Southern
Europe works for FremantleMedia Enterprises since 2003 and runs the Licensing,
Merchandising & Interactive Business for all relevant FremantleMedia TV Formats in
Germany, as well as in Eastern Europe.
Dieckmann and her team license successfully TV brands such as “Idols”, “Got Talent”,
the local version of “Ugly Betty” etc. to headsponsors such as Sony Ericsson, T-Mobile,
Vodafone etc. They know how to create emotional transfer from the TV brand to the licensee product and/or cam-
paign. One of the new business area is the representation of 3rd party brands such as “H2 O - Just add water”,
“Elephant Princess”,”Rebeccas Bonbon”and “Bang on the Door” . Fremantle Licensing uses their knowledge to
exploit those brands with relevant licensees in all kind of different areas, not only but also very much focussed on
the Eastern European / New Europe Countries.

Gregory J. Battersby
Grimes & Battersby LLP, LIMA
Battersby’s practice involves all facets of intellectual property law with a particular emphasis
on licensing and merchandising. For the past 15 years he has served as Counsel for the
Licensing Industry Merchandiser’s Association and in 2009 was inducted into its Hall of Fame
- the first lawyer receiving that honor. His clients include A list celebrities, major corporate
and entertainment licensors, and leading toy and game companies and design firms. He has
authored more than 25 books on various topics in licensing and intellectual property and has
been qualified as an expert in more than 30 different cases involving licensing.Mr. Battersby also serves as CEO of
ProBatter Sports, LLC, a high tech company that manufactures and markets a video pitching simulator that he helped
design and for which more than a dozen patents have been issued naming him as a co-inventor. Practice areas:
Intellectual Property (80%), Entertainment & Sports (20%). Industry Groups: Licensing, Publishing, Toys... Professional
Honors and Awards: Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Ass’n Hall of Fame, 2009
Special Licenses/Certifications: Admitted, New York 1973; Connecticut 1984; U.S. Patent & Trademark Office 1972.
Bar/Professional Activity: LIMA, Executive Committee, Chair, Education CommitteeNYIPLA, Office, Director and Chair-
man Publications CommitteAIPLA, Chair, Publications Committee. Scholarly Lectures and Writings: Has co-authored 26
books on various subjects of intellectual property law and licensing, including The Law of Merchandise & Character
Licensing (West), Multimedia & Technology Licensing Agreements (West), Drafting Internet Agreements (Aspen
Publishers), License Agreements Forms & Checklists (Aspen), Licensing Law Handbooks 1985 and 1998 (Clark Board-
man), Licensing Deskbook (Aspen), Royalty Rates 1999 et seq. (Aspen), Licensing Update 2000 et seq. (Aspen), Toy &
Game Inventor’s Guide-2 editions (Kent Publishing), Primer on Technology Licensing (Kent Publishing), Trademark &
Conference SPEAKERS

Copyright Disputes (Aspen), Patent Disputes (Aspen).Has authored more than 50 articles published in such journals as
The Licensing Journal, The Merchandising Reporter, Trademark Reporter, NY State Bar Journal, Multimedia & Technol-
ogy Law Reporter.Has given more than 200 talks and presentations before such groups as New York Intellectual
Property Law Association, INTA, LES, Law Society of Upper Canada, AIPLA, ACLA and LIMA.
“Greg Battersby is a true pioneer and a leader in the field of intellectual property law, and is known internationally as
one of the industry’s foremost authorities,”

Francesca Ash
Publisher and Editor, Total Licensing
Francesca Ash became involved in the licensing industry in 1978 when she co-organised
the first-ever character merchandising conference and exhibition. In the 1980s she be-
came the first non-American officer of LIMA - the industry’s trade association - a position
she held for two years. Acknowledged as an expert in licensing on a worldwide basis, she
is responsible for editorial in Total Licensing, Total Art Licensing and The Total Licensing
Report, a weekly newsletter run in collaboration with The Licensing Book. Francesca has
regularly addressed seminars and conferences including Licensing Show, Surtex, The Frankfurt Book Fair, The
Hong Kong Licensing Show and The Brazilian Licensing Show amongst others.
Total Licensing magazine is the leading trade magazine for the industry on a worldwide basis. The magazine is
published in printed and digital format and now has subscribers and readers in 102 countries.

Ira Mayer
The Licensing Letter
Ira Mayer is publisher of The Licensing Letter and other newsletters on marketing.
Ira oversees publication of EPM’s research studies and books, including “International
Licensing: A Status Report,” covering 40 countries; “The Licensing Letter Royalty Trends
Report;” “Licensing Metrics;” and “The Licensing Business Handbook,” an introduc-
tion to the business used by licensing firms to educate new employees and customers,
and as a university textbook. He heads the company’s “60-Minute Consultant” program,
offering telephone consulting for brainstorming, refining presentations, targeting proposals and developing new
business opportunities. He conducts on-site seminars and has delivered speeches and spearheaded research
projects for such clients as General Mills, McDonald’s, Nickelodeon, Reader’s Digest, Sprint, Pizza Hut, Booz-
Allen & Hamilton, McKinsey & Co. and others.
Ira’s career as a professional journalist began in 1970 as a contributor to the Village Voice’s “Riffs” column of
pop music criticism. He has written extensively about pop culture and mass media for Rolling Stone, High Fidelity,
Stereo Review, The Sunday New York Times, and dozens of other publications. He was chief pop music writer for
the New York Post for 12 years, during which time he also wrote a column on home computing. Concurrently, he
edited newsletters on the video and computer game industries, and wrote and edited research studies on mar-
keting for a variety of publishers. Among the books Ira has written are “The Electronic Mailbox” (Hayden) about
the wonders of e-mail-in 1988!; and travel guides to New York, Montreal and London (Fodor’s).
Ira is an adjunct professor of marketing at New York University, and holds an M.A. in Media Ecology from that
institution and a B.A. from Hunter College of the City University of New York. Ira was President of the Newsletter &
Electronoic Publishers Association (now Specialized Information Publishers Association) 2005-2006.
Conference SPEAKERS

He lives with his wife and business partner Riva Bennett in Brooklyn, New York.

Marty Brochstein
Senior VP of LIMA
Marty Brochstein joined LIMA in 2008 after 12 years as Executive Editor of The Licensing
Letter, a New York-based newsletter that covers the global licensing business. He also
was Editorial Director of the parent publishing company, EPM Communications.
In addition to writing and editing the twice-monthly newsletter, he also compiled the
publication’s industry numbers and edited EPM’s other licensing-related publications,
including the 5th Edition of International Licensing: A Status Report, and the second edi-
tion of The Licensing Letter’s Sports Licensing Report, both published earlier this year.
Brochstein was a business journalist for more than 20 years, primarily covering the consumer products and retail
industries. Before joining The Licensing Letter, he spent five years as Senior Editor of Television Digest. He is a
graduate of Boston University.
Founded in 1985, The International Licensing Industry Merchandisers Association (LIMA) is the worldwide trade or-
ganization for the licensing industry. LIMA’s main objective is to work together with licensors and licensees for the
advancement of professionalism in licensing through research, national and international seminars, trade events
and publications. With members in 35 countries, and offices in New York, London, Munich, Tokyo and Shanghai,
members enjoy access to a wide variety of activities, information and benefits. LIMA sponsors the annual Licens-
ing International Expo (to be held next in Las Vegas June 8-10, 2010), Brand Licensing Europe (London), LiMa
Licensing Market (Munich), Day of Licensing (Cologne), Licensing Asia (Tokyo), Shanghai Licensing Pavilion and
the Hong Kong Licensing Show. In addition, LIMA offers ways to jump start a career in licensing: the Certificate in
Licensing Studies (CLS) program which is the only educational course specifically designed to prepare profession-
als to succeed in the ever-changing licensing industry, and flip, a subset of LIMA offering support and networking
for the Future LIMA Industry Professionals. For more information please visit

Scott Milligan
Scott Milligan joined the Walt Disney World® Resort in 1998 with the opening of Disney’s
Animal Kingdom® Theme Park. After two years in attractions as a Disney Trainer, he took
on his current assignment as a leader with Disney Institute professional development
Scott’s career has included experiences in operations, distribution, budgeting, human
resources, training, and development. He has extensive background in the service industry,
including retail, food service, and hospitality. Prior to joining the Disney organization, he was a corporate director of
human resource planning and development for a Fortune 50 company. Scott has been a certified Senior Profes-
sional in Human Resources (SPHR) since 1993. Education
Conference SPEAKERS

Scott received his Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Fordham University, New York, and a certificate
in human resource management from Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey.

Nenad Pacek
Vice President, Europe, Middle East and Africa
Global Practice Leader for Government Roundtables
Economist Intelligence Unit
In addition to his regional management responsibility, he is one of the leading experts on
successful business strategies and economic development issues/outlooks in emerging
markets. Nenad is regularly involved in strategic planning meetings of large corporations
and performs 30-40 in-house presentations every year to senior management (at CEO,
COO and regional levels). His best selling book “Emerging markets” is based on his long-standing advisory work
with senior management of some of the largest corporations in the world. He is the chairman of most Economist
Conferences’ Government Roundtables in the EMEA region. Nenad is passionate about expanding Government
Roundtables throughout the world, as a useful platform for productive, on-going dialogue between governments
and business. He speaks at about 15-20 EIU business briefings/workshops every year on issues ranging from
market entry and market expansion strategies, to political and economic outlooks in different markets.
In his spare time, he is a member of the business school faculty at Webster University in Vienna where he has
been teaching International Business. He is also guest lecturer at the London School of Economics, University of
Vienna, Essec MBA in France and St. Lawrence University study-abroad programme in Vienna. Nenad studied in
Vienna and holds a master’s degree in International Business and Finance. He lives near Vienna with his wife and
daughter. He likes to play basketball, tennis and golf. Specialist topics: Nenad is one of the leading experts on
successful business strategies and economic development issues/outlooks in emerging markets.

Tatjana Rajkovic
Custom Research Manager
The GfK Group offers the fundamental knowledge that industry, retailers, services com-
panies and the media need to make market decisions. It offers a comprehensive range of
information and consultancy services in the three business sectors of Custom Research,
Retail and Technology and Media. The no. 4 market research organization worldwide
operates in more than 100 countries and employs over 10,000 staff. In 2008, the GfK
Group’s sales amounted to EUR 1.2 billion. GfK Retail and Technology - sales research
and market expertise GfK Retail and Technology is a sector of the GfK Group, one of the top five market research
companies worldwide. We are the world’s leading market researcher tracking Point-of-Sale (POS) data in techni-
cal consumer goods and entertainment media markets. POS data from retailers and resellers in more than 80
countries forms the basis of our research. Our StarTrack reporting platform compiles this data and provides
retailers, manufacturers and industry leaders with comparable market reporting information at both country and
international level.
Conference SPEAKERS

GfK Group is a leading research Institute for central and eastern Europe.

Andreja Iljaš
General Manager
HIŠA IDEJ inovativna skupina, d.o.o.
Andreja Iljaš started her illustrious 15-years career as radio and television host on the
national radio and television. She continued her career path in Hiša idej as companies
For more then 10 years she successfully held the place of general project manager. In
this year she became general manager of the company. Andreja Iljaš has participated in
the creation of UMKO trademark. She opened UMKO’s way through several media channels as well as in product
licensing in Slovenia.

Yako Molhov
VP of Research CEETV Ltd.
Yako Molhov is CEE TV’s Vice President of Research. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree
in Journalism, majoring TV Broadcasting and a Master of Arts degree in Electronic Media,
both from Sofia University. He was awarded Cum Laude for his master thesis on the
CEE TV market. Yako has a rich professional background, focusing on content and pro-
gramming research in CEE and occupying various positions with some of the major local
and international players, including two of Bulgaria’s biggest production companies as
well as corporations like Central European Media Enterprises and News Corp.

Renata Brkić
Ultra link
Renata Brkić, EMBA, holds a variety of business experience in public and private sector.
She has been in the licensing business for the past 15 years with a focus on supply chain
management related to the properties merchandising.
She is especially challenged by the idea of responsible use of the suitable properties not
only to drive sales, but to build the companies’ corporate social responsibilty as well.
Conference SPEAKERS

Alen Magdić
General Manager
ONE2PLAY d.o.o.

Alen Magdić since the high school is starting its entrepreneurship skills with developing
its own business in IT which lead to creation of a computer game “Poslanik”. “Poslanik”
was sold to the American market. After the success in the early days Magdić is launching
hobby business (Land of Magic), and is becoming the licensee for Pokemon & Magic
Gatering. In 2000 is launching company one2play which is engaged in entertainment for children and family. With
company re branding, one2play is attaining numerous marketing awards internationally and domestic. With the
unique, playful and innovative approach one2play became recognizable in the trend dictation on the market.

Maria Örnryd
Category Head Media - Nordic & Eastern Europe
Plus Licens AB
Maria Örnryd has been working at Plus Licens for 9 years now, with both Brand Manage-
ment, Acquisitions, and TV and DVD sales all mentioned is for the Nordic and Eastern

Ivana Galić
Managing Director
Ivana Galić, managing director in Croatia film company started her carrier as a production
assistant in development of twenty six 30-minute-long episodes of “Lapich, the Little Shoe-
maker”, animated children serial made in coproduction of Croatia Film and Haffa Diebold AG,
Munich, Germany, later distributed in 72 countries worldwide.
After the production was finished she managed and coordinated successfully Lapitch project
and its licensing, distribution and program sales internationally.
Besides the production of TV shows and additional Lapitch series, as a project manager she was responsible for
opening several brand stores, creating and executing promotional strategies and development of more than 300
merchandising products and licensing contracts built under Lapitch brand through years. International experience
Conference SPEAKERS

and specialized education in project management, licensing and merchandising she used in further development of
her carrier in advertising, specialized in field of strategic promotional activities and placement in Croatian market for
domestic and international clients of the in-house advertising agency.
After finishing MBA, her carrier is focusing in management and strategic development of Croatia film group and its



Yako Molhov CEETV Ltd. is the largest web source for news and
VP of Research CEETV Ltd. market intelligence from the world of television in Central
Cell: +359 888 950 745 and Eastern Europe.
Email: We are the only online portal providing TV professionals
Stanislav Kimchev around the world with tailor-made information from 18
Managing Director CEETV Ltd. markets in the CEE region. At the click of a mouse, users
phone: +359 882 506788 can generate On Air Lists, read channel/producer profiles, explore the broadcast history of locally developed shows
Stanislav Kimchev or adapted formats.We work 24/7 to deliver the best
VP and Director of Sales CEETV Ltd. online service for television in one of the fastest growing
phone: +359 882 506788 TV markets –Central and Eastern Europe.

Croatia film well as many commercial films, were created at CROATIA

Ivana Galić FILM animation studio. CROATIA FILM created the Croatian
Managing Director children’s brand Lapitch, whose merchandise is based on
Katančićeva 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia heroes from the animated film and the series “Lapitch, the
T: +385 1 48 13711, +385 1 49 22560 Little Shoemaker.” CROATIA FILM is also the author of “Good
F: +385 1 49 22568, +385 1 48 10537 Night, Croatia” a humoristic and satirical television series
e-mail: for adults. The series pushed the boundaries of possibility
website: in the world of animation, even at a global level, with its ten, minutes of animation production each day. Thanks to its long
CROATIA FILM was founded in 1946 as a film company for experience in production, CROATIA FILM provides high quality
the distribution of domestic and foreign films. Its activities services related to the production of animated, commercial,
expanded during the 60s and the company started produc- documentary and feature films and video spots.
tion of feature and commercial films on its own. Numerous Property:
significant short and feature films for children and adults, as Hlapić / Lapich

EMMA 95 LEXON, PLASTORIA ( Cerruti,Charles Jourdan,Jean-Louis

Armenija Humackic Scherrer,Smalto,Ungaro ),BSC ( Balenciaga,Iceberg,A
Head of Suply and Sales kakuro,Gattinoni,Belfe,Balestra,Mascalzone Latino ) i
Heinzelova 60
10 000 Zagreb
T: +385 1 4677 329, 4677 427

F: +385 1 4677 420


Business gifts and promotional items,marketing solution

and PR
Fremantle Licensing Germany GmbH their emotions onto tangible products and cross media
Diana Dickemann cooperations.
Vice President Licensing Germany, Eastern, Mainly:
Central and Southern Europe • Classic merchandising (DVDs, audio books, electronic
Antje Roestel games, CD-Roms, board games, toys, stationary, books &
Merchandising Manager Germany, Eastern, Central & magazines, fashion products
Southern Europe •Cooperations (on & off air promotions, cross-promotions)
Dianastr. 21, 14482 Potsdam, GERMANY
T: +49-331-70 60 660 In Germany we handle all UFA Production brands (in gen-
F: +49-331-70 60 656 eral depending on the individual ancillary rights situation).
e-mail: In cooperation with our partner we develop distinctive marketing- and advertising concepts in collaboration with
website: the broadcaster.
Since August 2007 FLG is also in charge of all FREMAN-
FREMANTLE Media belongs to Europe´s biggest broad- TLE productions in Eastern Europe.
casting company RTL Group. As part of FREMANTLE Since 2008 FREMANTLE also exploits third party proper-
Media Enterprises, FREMANTLE Licensing Germany (FLG) ties worldwide, such as character licenses without media
is the included marketing sector and with Fremantle exposition.
Licensing in charge of ancilliary rights exploitation and Properties:
the development of all FremantleMedia TV brands. Idols, Got Talent, The X-factor, Rebecca Bonbon, Merlin,
H2O – Just add Water, Elephant Princess, Bang on the
FLG mainly handles Merchandising & Licensing, Spon- door
soring, Telephony, Mobile Content and Online Activities.
FLG maintains offices all around the world is is therefore
able to act both globally and locally alike.
FML is located in the UK, France, Netherlands, Brussels,
Australia and Germany.
Our mission is to elongate our TV brands and transfer

Guide to the Licensing World covers the entire world! In its’ seventeenth year, this
Richard Latter international directory references over 22,000 prop-
Director erty listings (characters, films, personalities, brands,
The Old Stables, School Lane, Crowborough. trademarks, etc) with over 1500 licensing agents in over
East Sussex. TN6 1PA. GB 80 countries world-wide. It also lists licensees, specialist
T: +44 1892 668444 services, trade publications and trade-show calendars.
F: +44 1892 668555 The licensing and merchandising industry moves billions
e-mail: of dollars of products every year and is one of the fastest

website: growing segments of retailing. Catch up with all the latest
The Guide to the Licensing World is the most compre- changes and find the hottest properties.
hensive international directory that guides you through Come along to our booth to get your copy of the 2009
the world of licensed product merchandising. Need to Guide to the Licensing World and receive the 2010 edi-
know who owns a licence? Who to contact to distribute tion free when published in January 2010.
a licensed product? This book has all the answers and
HIŠA IDEJ inovativna skupina, d.o.o. tional projects.
Mrs. Andreja Iljaš In cooperation with strategic partners from around the
General Manager Europe and reliable partners in the domestic sphere,
Lackova cesta 91, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia the most complex and demanding projects present a
T: +386 (0)2 614 1 200 mere challenge to us. Our competence, reliability, and
F: +386 (0)2 614 1 207 effectiveness are substantiated by the confidence of our
e-mail: numerous clients.
website: Property:
Hiša idej is one of the leading Slovenian companies UMKO trademark
specializing in television and radio production, event
creation and management and realisation of communica-

Janus Interactive/Fun Factory ing for local manufacturers in the food&beverage sector
Nebojsa Stankovic and toy sectors as well as publishing. IZZY has been
Brace Jugovica 2a, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia on the air for the past 7 years on some of the major TV
T: +381 11 2189-778 stations in the region like PINK TV SERBIA, B92 SERBIA,
Janus Interactive(JI)/Fun Factory(FF) is specialized in The unique combination of daily broadcasting is intel-
production of interactive TV shows. The animation and ligently coupled with the vast choice of merchandising
IT department of FF created the most popular interactive which keeps the audience associated with the IZZY brand
children’s TV show in the Balkans – Secret Agent IZZY. It 24/7.
is an interactive TV game show where the main character, Each of the merchandising items bears adequate number
IZZY (an animated cat), is controlled by viewing players of points which when reached certain value are posted
through exciting 3D animation scenarios by simply to the TV station for a weekly/monthly draw. The show
selecting and pressing digits on a touch-tone telephone, has also attracted large sponsors like: FRIKOM, NESTLE,
fixed or mobile. With his instant appeal to children, IZZY CITROEN, TELECOM SERBIA (MTS) and SAMSUNG.
also provides substantial opportunities for merchandis-

EPM Communications, INC. Riva had been associated with LINK Resources, National
Ira Mayer Data Corp. and Chase, among other research and finan-
President and Publisher cial services companies, where she sold financial and
160 Mercer Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10010-3212 new media research services.
T: +1 212 941 0099 EPM newsletters and analysts are widely recognized for
F: +1 212 941 1622 their expertise in spotting trends, analyzing new develop-
e-mail: ments, and understanding and interpreting consumer
website: behavior and attitudes.

EPM Communications is a Manhattan-based publishing, Marketers from licensing and entertainment companies,
research and consulting firm founded in 1988 by Ira brands, agencies and retail organizations come to EPM
Mayer and his wife and partner, Riva Bennett. Ira was a for industry intelligence, ideas and contacts to help them
rock critic for 20 years and a prominent entertainment increase new business deals, partnerships, techniques
industry and media analyst. Ira also serves as an assist- and overall campaign success.
ant adjunct professor of marketing at New York University.
Lifestyle Licensing BV ing agency and marketing company with exclusive rights
Aleksandra Borycz to the trademark „Beverly Hills Polo Club“as well as other
Licensee Coordiantor lifestyle brands
Prins bernhardplein 200 Property:
1097 JB Amsterdam, Beverly Hills Polo Club
The Netherlands
T: +19083300773
F: 001-732-389-2955

Lifestyle Licensing BV is a full service International licens-

LIMA The mission of LIMA is to foster the growth and expan-

Martin Brochstein sion of licensing. LIMA represents the interests of its
SVP Industry Relations & Information membership worldwide by providing a forum for network-
International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ ing, serving as a source of education and information,
Association establishing standards of ethical and professional
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4019 New York. NY 10118 USA conduct, and recognizing excellence and achievement in
T: +1 212 244 1944 the industry.
F: +1 212 563 6552
Live d.o.o. importan details. Our main brands are: TARGET (school
Mitja Tavčar program), APOLLO (office and free time program), TAR-
Assistant Sales Manager GET PRESIGE (luggage and computer bags), MEGA BABE
Polje 9, 6310 Izola, Slovenija EU (school program), BLUE LINK (school and office program),
T: 00386 (0)5 66 08 160, 00386 (0)5 66 08 165 BLUE LINK YOUNG (school and free time program),
F: 00386 (0)5 66 08 169 FRIENDS (toys, gift and decorative program), HOME ART
e-mail: (school and free time for children). Our business coverage
website: involves also a wide range of licence school products
Company Live d.o.o. was established in 1990. Live d.o.o. like HELLO KITTY, BARBIE, TMNT, HULK, SPIDERMAN as
continues more than 10 annually tradition of one of the well as novelities brands like NBA, MOTO GP, HARLEY-
most important companies in Slovenia and southeast- DAVIDSON, BAKUGAN and BEN10. The entire company is
ern Europe, based in Izola. Larger part of our activity is totally focused into new trends, quality and reactivity. We
prefere to concentrate on what we do best. Experience,

trading with bags, school and office products as well as

promotional gifts. We are strongly present with market- creativity and knowledge counts! Sport and creativity are
ing of various brands. In Live, the concept of brands the directions we are going true. We don’t follow trends,
names derive from various target groups. The products we create them. Our Target design team always focuses
are designed to the last details, selected materials and on modern shapes, cool colors and the best materials for
combination of fashionability, usability and many more your Target bag.

ONE2PLAY d.o.o. the creative approach to the market. one2play provides
Tina Babić entertainment to the children and family, offering branded
Specijal Project Manager toys, multimedia content, games, confection and gift
Mirjana Glavak programs. Company business objective is to become
Public Relations regional leading company in the field of entertainment for
Zagrebačka cesta 143a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia children and family till 2010. In the offer are the world
T: +385 1 6130 260 famous distributors of toys and licensed brands like
F: +385 1 1 6050 060 Gormiti, Winx, Disney, Ben10, Fifi, Roary, Bob the builder,
e-mail: The Dog among the others.
one2play d.o.o. is on the market since 2000. Having Gormiti, Winx, Disney, Fifi, Roary, Graditelj Bob, Peppa Pig,
the innovative approach one2play has been awarded The Dog, Timmy, Bumba
number of international and domestic awards regarding

Plus Licens AB entrusted with the licensing rights to entertainment proper-

Peder Tamm ties of more major international media companies, in more
President countries, than any other licensing company in Europe,
Eva Brännström we have over the years been able to develop thousands of
Executive Vice President relationships that today translate into an unrivalled clout in
Kungsgatan 54, 103 64 Stockholm, Sweden the marketplace. As a consequence Promotional Retail Mar-
T: +46 (0)8 545 139 00 keting & Events are a central focus of ours to truly function
F: +46 (0)8 24 25 61 as a powerful marketing machine. Plus Licens is proud to
e-mail:, bring some of the world’s most attractive mass culture icons to some of the most exciting and promising territories in the
website: world. We hope you will join us!
Plus Licens is the largest licensing company in Eastern
Europe and the Nordic countries, a market with more PROPERTIES: How To Train Your Dragon, Shrek 4, Obermind,
than 438 million consumers - more than half of Europe’s Transformers Movie II, GI Joe, My Little Pony, Littlest Pet
population. Plus Licens has a licensing know-how of more Shop, Transformers, Clone Wars, Some Like It Hot, Fame,
than 30 years, working with the majority of the world’s most Pink Panther, SpongeBob Squarepants, Dora the Explorer,
successful licensors. From our head office in Stockholm, Nihao Kai-Lan, South Park, The Last Airbender, iCarly, MTV
we co-ordinate a number of offices - Plus Licens Nordic, brand, Curious George, The Land Before Time, Despicable
Plus Licens Poland, Plus Licens Russia, Plus Licens Ukraine, Me, Woody Woodpecker, Universal Studios Monsters,
Plus Licens Prague, Plus Licens Budapest, Plus Licens Naruto, DragonBall, Totally Spies, Horseland, Strawberry
Bucharest and Plus Licens & Design Paris. Our business Shortcake, Sesame Street, Bert & Ernie, Noddy, Teletubbies,
consists on the one hand of the Entertainment Properties Mama Mirabelle, The Mr Men Show, Peanuts, Garfield, Felix
driven by TV exposure and Theatrical releases, on the other the Cat, Archie, Mr Men Little Miss, Pippi Långstrump, Emil

hand the fashion-driven Design Rights. As a consequence, I Lönneberga, Karlsson, Hello Kitty, It’s Happy Bunny, Moshi
Plus Licens has during the last couple of years come to Moshi Kawaii, Ichigoichie, Barcode Kitties, Miss Dolly, Floras
play an ever more active role in TV and Video/DVD sales. Hill, EMI Lyrics, UCLA, National Geographic, NHL, Urban
Plus Licens has in addition during the last few years been Vocab, Le Petit Prince, Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey,
appointed the pan-European agent of several design-driven American Retro Museum, City of Friends, Laban, Chugging-
properties. Due to the fact that Plus Licens has been ton, Astro Boy, Gormiti, H2O
Masters group Through the years, our experience taught us that success-
ful marketing work means paying special attention to the
market and customers desires, especially in the context of
quality and velocity. Today our concept of extraordinary of-
Haby d.o.o. - member of Masters group fer of complete marketing services is recognizable in wide
Robert Hajdek frame in this field of business. We are regular contractors
Director for fair stands of Macedonian and foreign companies
Slavonska avenija 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia and Associations at wide range of International Fairs in
T: +385 1 3778 503, F: +385 1 3778 506 Europe as well as at lot of specific and different events,
e-mail: stage settings and organizing entertainment ,promotions,
website:; conventions, congresses, shows, public outdoor events,
HABY ltd is a private company based in Zagreb, and was community events, special parties, etc. Giving to all projects
founded in 1994 with the purpose of selling and renting the strength of ideas and the value of communication.
inflatables, tents, air dancers, decorations and similar Developing contents according to target, corporate and
products intended for entertainment and promotion product values in order to generate tangible effects con-
activities. After 15 years of learning, working with joy and nected to the event. Providing solutions that protect the
enthusiasm, and growing with the help of our partners and customer with orientation to problem solving and invest-
customers, we have become the leading company in our ment’ optimization. Achieving the fixed objectives.
business in Croatia and the countries of the region. We
have grown into a company that can fully satisfy the de- Creata d.o.o. - member of Masters group
mands of such a specific market, which gives prominence Goran Krnjak
to creativity and delivers tailor-made products according to Managing Director
the specifications of our customers. We are proud to have Kneza Mislava 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
200 regular customers that have shown trust in the quality T: +385 1 6608 733, F: +385 1 6608 737
of our products. Recently we have entered the market of in- e-mail:
doors playground for children. In May we have opened the website:
first indoor playground and at the end of October with our Creata is youth-oriented brand consultancy which spe-
Austrian partners we’ll open the biggest indoor playground cialized in marketing techniques and creative solutions
in this part of Europe. for today’s children and youth (young children, tweens
and teens). Creata provides strategic insights & design
AMK Paneks - member of Masters group solutions for brands that truly benefit the young & youth
Zlatko Pankov minded. We believe in creating financial success for our
General Manager clients through responsible, insightful, and truly desirable
Zdanec 40, Skopje 1000, R. Macedonia products for children of all ages. One division of Creata
T: + 389 2 3113188, F: + 389 2 3122729 is an exclusive distributor for highly valuable toy brands
e-mail: on SouthEastern Europe market: Clicstoys Belgium,
website: FischerTechnik and FischerTips Germany, Russ U.S.A.,
An event is an expressive medium that gathers and Berg Nederland, Active People Switzerland, among others.

interprets the flows turning them into experience. The mes- Company is deeply involved in licensing and merchan-
sage delivered by an event does not stop once the event is dising. We are focused on advancing licensing and
over, but they generate a stratification of meanings which merchandising through education and communication,
keep on communicating over time. PANEKS - private information and collaboration, law and legislation in New
marketing agency which exist 20 years. Europe. Creata is the organizer and active participant in

various events. Which led to Creata becoming a premier organizer of
With having vast knowledge about New Europe 400 events, conferences, forums, media all of them dedicated
million people markets, crucial understanding of licensing to licensing and merchandising industry and New Europe.
and merchandising industry and there core businesses Contribution to Creata’s field of expertise is specialization
and needs Creata has an excellent opportunity to focus in premiums, promotion and production of styleguide
on both agendas under one priority. books.

Senna d.o.o 1. Our new crane model “Sniper” has modular length from 3
Senad Galijašević to 12 meters and has the ability to memorize the path of the
Director head which includes memory and command-wide zoom, iris
Negovečka 6, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia and focus. Crane has 10 targeting memory.
T: +385 91 2011 056 The most important feature of the crane (which is our inven-
e-mail: tion and patent) is the target object record (leaders, singers,
Senna d.o.o. proudly present you the products of our brand or for something/someone else). This means that you can
Senna & Stype that only in this part of Europe produce studio rotate crane in all directions, and the head itself rotates
and film products such as cranes, dollycam and robocam obstacle to the house and keeps him constantly in the
system which allows you to control multiple cameras from middle of the monitor. This option allows that anyone can
one location. work with the Sniper, not just rare experts.
Many televisions have bought our products and we are happy 2. “One Dolly” is the first electronic dolly made in this part
that they had no complaints. I shall quote a few: DM clock, of Europe controlled via joystick that allows the movement
Capital Netvork (CRO), Tv Velenje (SLO), Ri tv (CRO), Tv Sla- of the camera in all directions and control of zoom and
vonski Brod (CRO), RTRS Banja Luka (BIH), As TV (BIH), Alpha focus for all objectives. Dolly moving rails at length, has a
TV (BIH), Tv Oslo and many private productions. perfectly easy movement, and high speed.
Our team of engineers is many years in contact with expert 3. “Robocam“ system is a robotized system of three or
handlers with other cranes. Listening to their experiences, more tripods that are designed so that one man controls
concerns and desires we came to the product that is better everything from directing to camera in studio. Telev-
and much cheaper than many other. Big advantage of our sions who bought this product record studio interviews,
product is specific technical support that we guarantee in the concerts but also can be combined with the first two our
shortest possible time – sometimes even the same day. products.

Total Licensing Ltd Within each issue, Total Licensing covers news, features
Francesca Ash and territory profiles together with in-depth trade show
Publisher previews and reviews from as far a field as New York,
4 Wadhurst Business Park Faircrouch Lane Wadhurst, London, Dubai, Tokyo Hong Kong and Europe. The
East Sussex TN5 6PT, England magazine also covers different licensing sectors including
T: +44 1892 782220; F: +44 1892 782226 entertainment, brands, sports, art and design etc.

website: Total Licensing is published in digital and printed formats.

Published quarterly, Total Licensing is the leading Over the last year, the magazine has led the way in
magazine for the worldwide licensing community. The promoting licensing activities to its worldwide audience of
magazine now has readers from 103 countries together licensees, manufacturers, retailers and others.
with advertisers from 30 territories.

Ultra link d.o.o producing a miraculous beverage solves all kinds of problems
Renata Brkić to the city’s inhabitants. Professor Balthazra’s character is
CEO immortal and endlessly interesting because his universal
Bosanska 1, HR-10000 Zagreb messages have been helping children to become better peo-
T: +385 1 3701 457 ple. He has taught us that learning can solve our most difficult
F: +385 1 3701 457 problems, that we have to accept differences, that we should
e-mail: be bright spirited and good, and that other people’s happiness
website: should make us happy. He doesn’t solve the problems with
Ultra link exibits as a property seller for TV rights and violence; instead he approaches them rationally, but also
merchandising for all territories. he uses his imagination to come to a solution.“There is no
Property: Professor Balthazar point in looking for Balthazar City on the map or checking the
Professor Balthazar is a pleasant scientist in a city with unu- numbers in the telephone book. You just need to follow the
sual inhabitants. They all turn to him for help on their equally trail of the smile and good deeds, and listen to the faraway,
unusual problems. Professor’s inventions and machine cheerful song in the wind.”

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Description of Wiley:

Marc Jeffrey Mikulich Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., provides
Vice President, must-have content and services to customers world-
Brand Management & International Rights wide. Its core businesses include scientific, technical,
River Street 111 and medical journals, encyclopedias, books, and online
mailstop 4-02, 07030 Hoboken, USA products and services; professional and consumer books
T: +1 201 748 6000 and subscription services; and educational materials
F: +1 201 748 8641 for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong
e-mail: learners.
website: Properties: For Dummies, Frommer’s, CliffsNotes, How To Cook Everything, Webster’s New World

PrOPErTiES FOr 2010

Idols Got Talent The X Factor The Farmer The Price

Wants a Wife is Right

Rebecca Bang on H20 – Just Add The Elephant Merlin

Bonbon the Door Water Princess

FrEManTlEMEdia liCEnSinG GErManY For more information contact:

From super-hits like Idols and Got Talent, to great graphic Antje Roestel
Merchandising Manager Germany,
properties like Rebecca Bonbon and Bang on the Door,
Eastern, Central & Southern Europe
FremantleMedia Licensing Germany’s 2010 portfolio offers T: +49 (0)331 70 60 667
opportunities across all licensing areas. E:
Visit us at stand 51 for more information.


American Retro Museum Vintage illustrations to some of the world’s most famous picture books
Archie Comics for tweens, adults and kids 6-14 years
Astro Boy TV-series from manga comic originally created 1952
Bang on the door Bang on the Door (BOTD) has been a successful design brand for over 20
years. With a proven track record and a portfolio of over 750 characters,
licensees and retailers have a unique opportunity to market exclusive
product ranges for their customers. With the creative support of the
original creators and a vibrant design team, BOTD continually refresh and
update their artwork portfolio. Most recent additions include “Guitar Star”
for boys and “Make Me Famous” for girls.
UK licensees include Holland Publishing (activity books), Madcatz (gam-
ing accessories), Mindscape (Nintendo games), Hallmark (stationery),
Mothercare (apparel). BOTD is now represented by 10 International
agents worldwide.
Bang on the Door has recently refreshed many of their popular characters
such as Groovy Chick, Football Crazy and Fairy Girl, and also has a new
website which has become the major hub for all fans, www.bangonthe- There has also been a great reaction to the new FABri Animals
range based on Bang on the Door’s classic animals.
Barcode Kitties A design property for girls all ages
Bert & Ernie Animated claymation TV-series for kids 4-6 years
Beverly Hills Polo Club
Chuggington Animated TV-series for kids 3-6 years
City of Friends Animated TV-series for kids 2-6 years
CliffsNotes Often imitated but never equaled, CliffsNotes® are the original and still
most widely recognized study guides in use today.  Research shows that
among today’s students, parents, and adults in general, CliffNotes® have
more than double the recognition of the leading competitive study aid
brand.  CliffsNotes® have been described by the New York Times as “an
American icon.”
Clone Wars Animated TV-series - for kids 6-12 years & families
Curious George TV-series and classic animation for 2-7 years
Despicable Me Animated movie – releasing WW summer 2010
Dora the Explorer TV-series broadcast in 125 markets. TV-movie releasing 2010
DragonBall TV-series based on manga comic
Property INDEX

Elephant Princess The next hit by producer Jonathan M. Shiff (“H2O – Just Add Water”).
A hip comedy/fairy tale featuring lots of rock music, fun magic and a
unique blaze of color.
Special powers, great music, fun magic, a captivating blend of humour
and drama, fantasy and realism - this is the story of Alex, who learns on
her 16th birthday that she is a princess and heiress to the throne of a
magical kingdom in a parallel universe. And that she has magical pow-
ers! Will she give up her rock band and comfortable life in the suburbs to
become the queen of Manjipoor?
• After “H20 – Just add water” the next hit by producer Jonathan M. Shiff
• Licensee-Partners all over the world
• A topic very suitable for the merchandising sector
• Unique blaze of color
• A hip Comedy/fairy tale featuring lots of rock music, fun and magic
• Compelling symbiosis of exotic fantasy visuals and suburban setting
• Excellent pictures and a detailed styleguide is available
EMI Lyrics Music & lyrics for teens and up
Emil I Lönneberga Also a classic by Astrid Lindgren for kids up to 12 years
Fame Movie – releasing September/October 2009
Felix the Cat From the 1950’s for all ages
Floras Hill Publishing and gift property for all ages
For Dummies What started out as one book has grown into a dynamic, international,
multimedia knowledge brand. Although each For Dummies® product is
unique, all products offer the same promise of demystifying a confus-
ing or intimidating topic and empowering you to succeed. Now — with
more than 200 million books in print — For Dummies® products show
you how to do everything — manage finances, run a business, maximize
software, plan a trip, get healthy, train a dog, program code, and much
more. Welcome to the world of For Dummies®!
Frommer’s Frommer’s® is the #1 travel brand in North America.  Since the 1957
publication of Arthur Frommer’s® revolutionary Europe on $5 a Day, the
Frommer’s® brand has made travel easier for millions of consumers.
Today, the Frommer’s® brand includes over 350 guidebooks, the popular® web site, rated #1 Travel Web Site by PC Magazine. 
The best trips start here.
Garfield Animated TV-series for all ages
GI Joe Live action movie – released August 2010
Gormiti Classic toy-line for boys 3-10 years
Got Talent
Graditelj Bob
H2O – Just add Water Live action TV-series from Australia for children, pre-teens & teenagers
Property INDEX

H2O is an adventure-drama about how you stay „normal“ – even if you

are part mermaid! Three modern teenage girls suddenly discover that
they possess a special power when they come in contact with water.
Cleo, Emma and Rikki are entirely different 16-year-old girls, who are
on their way to becoming adults. But since when does growing up have
Can we lend you a helping brand?

Visit us at

Wiley, the Wiley logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates.

something to do with turning into a mermaid and getting special powers?
The lives of these three teenagers will change forever, but they will learn
more about themselves and about the power of friendship.
Hello Kitty A Japanese design and fashion icon for girls and women all ages
Hlapić / Lapitch Lapitch, the little shoemaker (Hlapic, cro), famous Croatian animated children
character, developed on the a fairy tale “The adventures of Lapitch, the little
shoemaker” by famous Croatian writer Ivana Brlic Mazuranic. It is a story
about adventures of a little mouse, the brave and intelligent shoemaker.
The unique Croatian children market brand Lapitch, developed and still being
developed within CROATIA FILM, includes:
- animated feature film Lapitch, the Little Shoemaker
- animated series of Lapitch, the Little Shoemaker
- children’s entertainment and educational television show Lapitch’s Television
- animated series Lapitch Sports Games
- interactive CD ROMs Obey Our Signs, Lapitch’s Sports and Learning Letters
and Numbers With Lapitch
- a series of various products featuring Lapitch and his friends which are sold
in Lapitch’s Stores in Croatia through licence and through own-production.
Horseland Animated TV-series for girls 6-11 years
How To Cook Everything Anchored by the best-selling book, How To Cook Everything® is the
perfect brand to inspire confidence in cooking consumers of all levels.
How To Train Your Dragon Animated movie – releasing spring 2010
iCarly TV-series for tweens 9-14 years & kids 6-11
Ichigoichie A Japanese design property for girls up to 15 years
It’s Happy Bunny An animated design figure for teens & tweens
Karlsson Astrid Lingren classic for kids up to 12 years
Laban A children’s book created in 1964 for preschool
Le Petit Prince Classic brand since 1943 for all ages. New animated TV-series for boys 6-9 years
Littlest Pet Shop For girls 6-9 years
Mama Mirabelle Animated TV-series for kids 2-5 years and mothers/caretakers
Merlin Merlin is the exciting, ambitious and action-packed new drama which sees the
myths, monsters and legends revitalised and given a modern twist.
The story starts with the young Merlin leaving home for the first time and
arriving in Camelot; a Kingdom where magic is banned.
Throughout the series we see the relationship between Merlin and the young
Prince Arthur develop as they face danger from evil sorcerers and magi-
cal beasts. Merlin is an exciting quality drama suitable for the whole family.
Property INDEX

Cinematic in scale with stunning young stars, powerful character actors and
internationally recognised guest stars. Merlin is a primetime show, satisfying
the huge consumer appetite for magic Modern in attitude with inspiration to
kids, drama lovers of all ages and huge action appeal.
Miss Dolly A design property for girls 6-10 years
Moshi Moshi Kawaii A Japanese design property for kids up to 9 years and teenage girls and older
Mr Men Little Miss Fashiondriven line for 18-35 years and teens/tweens
MTV brand New brand strategy created for consumer products
My Little Pony For girls 3-6 years
Naruto Animated manga TV-series and publishing for boys 6 and up
National Geographic A brand that represents nature, animals, travel, photography etc for men & women
NHL NHL ishockey team for men all ages
Nihao Kai-Lan Design property for girls 8+
Noddy Animated TV-series for boys 2-6 years
Obermind Animated movie – releasing winter 2010
Peanuts Classic design for kids 5-11 years and women 18-49 years
Peppa Pig
Pink Panther TV-series starts fall 2009. Movie “Pink Panther Deux” released February 2009
Pippi Långstrump A classic by Astrid Lindgren. Pippi Longstocking is translated to over
50 languages. For kids up to 12 years.
Professor Balthazar Professor Balthazar is a pleasant scientist in a city with unusual inhabitants.
They all turn to him for help on their equally unusual problems. Professor’s
inventions and machine producing a miraculous beverage solves all kinds of
problems to the city’s inhabitants. Professor Balthazra’s character is immortal
and endlessly interesting because his universal messages have been helping
children to become better people. He has taught us that learning can solve our
most difficult problems, that we have to accept differences, that we should be
bright spirited and good, and that other people’s happiness should make us
happy. He doesn’t solve the problems with violence; instead he approaches
them rationally, but also he uses his imagination to come to a solution.
“There is no point in looking for Balthazar City on the map or checking the
numbers in the telephone book. You just need to follow the trail of the smile
and good deeds, and listen to the faraway, cheerful song in the wind.”
Rebecca Bonbon • An exciting new character design, drawn by the creator of Hello Kitty
• A fashion-led brand with opportunities across apparel, accessories, gifting,
stationery and all major categories
• Aimed at females 14-25
The strength of the brand is attracting significant interest, with major licensees
already signed up for a global rollout – making Rebecca Bonbon the must-have
design-led property for the forthcoming year. Who is that girl? Rebecca is a little
French bulldog. Born in Paris, an American High Society Tourist brought her
Property INDEX

home to New York. Since then, Rebecca is enjoying all the indulgence of a lux-
ury lifestyle, living in a fancy penthouse appartment opposite Central Park. She
loves going for a walk, meeting her friends and wearing her best outfits. Last
but not least she dies for candy – hence her nick name „Rebecca Bonbon“.
Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Internationally known circus with heritage since 1871
Secret Agent IZZY Interactive TV show for children
Sesame Street Animated Emmy-award winning TV-series for pre-school
Shrek 4 Animated movie – releasing WW summer 2010
Some Like It Hot Movie released in 1959 with Marilyn Monroe
South Park Animated TV-series for males 18-49 years and females 18-34
SpongeBob Squarepants TV-series airing world wide. For kids 4-9 years & teens
Strawberry Shortcake Animated TV-series for girls 2-7 years and moms
Teletubbies Animated TV-series for kids up to 4 years and early teens
The Dog
The Land Before Time Animated TV-series for kids 2-6 years
The Last Airbender Animated movie – releasing May 2010. TV-series planned for Q1 2011
The Mr Men Show Animated TV-series for kids 4-7 years
The X-factor
Totally Spies Animated TV-series for girls 6-12 years
Transformers For boys 4+ (animated) & boys 12+ (Universe)
Transformers Movie II Live action movie – releasing June 2010
UCLA UCLA brand for teens and also men & women all ages
UMKO trademark UMKO is the multichannel brand. UMKO is a character, developed in Hol-
lywood, USA. Character advantage is in its design with which can identify
both, boys and girls. UMKO is “the kiddo”. It is something special. Free, easy,
relaxed, funny, witty and clever at the same time.
UMKO trademark respects values, rejects aggression and it has educational
elements. It is suitable for children between 4 to 12 years.
Trademark UMKO is promoted throughout several communication channels
with strong presence in media. UMKO TV show had more than 60 broadcasts
on slovenian’s first national TV programme. Web portal has more than 20.000
members. In cooperation with one of the biggest global manufacturer and
distributer, UMKO has its own events in biggest shopping centers all over
Slovenia. There are several producers and the bank that we gave license
permission for production of UMKO products (bank saving account for children,
clothings, socks, school slippers, class schedules, drawing block, cardboard
folder, calendar, key-chains, pillows, quilts, gum bonbons, milk slice). Animated
series are in the making.
Universal Studios Monsters For movie lovers of all ages
Urban Vocab Design brand for men and women 14-24 years
Webster’s New World For nearly half a century, Webster’s New World has set the standard of excel-
Property INDEX

lence for dictionaries, thesauri, and specialized reference materials in the

home, office and classroom.
Woody Woodpecker Animated classic for kids 6-12 years
What is
new europe
The term “New Europe” begs a definition. For most this definition, though they are defined by the UN as
people it signifies a new order of Europe - a Europe western Asia.
without the Iron Curtain, without economic barriers,
without intellectual barriers. But…
The term “Eastern Europe” is often used to refer to
1 - New Europe is a rhetorical term used by conserv- all European countries that were previously ruled by
ative political analysts in the United States to describe communist regimes (the Eastern Bloc), due to the con-
European post-Communist era countries. cept of the “Iron Curtain” separating Western Europe

2 - New Europe is a term

used for the twelve new
members of the European
Union that joined the Com-
munity in May 2004 and
January 2007.

3 - Very often, New Europe

became sinonym for Eastern
Europe. Eastern Europe
as defined by the United
Nations Statistics Division,
includes the countries of
Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, Romania,
Russian Federation and
Slovakia as well as the
Slavic republics of Belarus,
Moldova and Ukraine.

In some sources, Eastern

Europe is defined as the
nations bordered by the
Baltic and Barents seas
on the north; the Adriatic, Black, and Caspian seas and Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe throughout the
and the Caucasus Mountains on the south; and the period of the Cold War. Prior to German reunification,
Ural Mountains. Using this definition, the nations of East Germany was often described as an Eastern
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and European country.

Montenegro (formerly Yugoslavia), which the UNSD

categorizes as Southern Europe, would be included. 4 - Michael Palin explores a New Europe: In his
This definition also includes the Baltic republics of latest television series Michael Palin has travelled
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, considered by the UN throughout Eastern Europe to explore how the region
as Northern Europe. The Transcaucasian countries and its people have developed since the fall of the
of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are included in Berlin Wall almost two decades ago.

What is
new europe
“New Europe, as the title suggests, is about the For our licensing and merchandising industry event
vigour and vitality of that half of Europe which has, for New Europe is Central and Eastern Europe, South-
most of my lifetime been seen as grey, secretive and East Europe and CIS region + some neighbourhood
unwelcoming. countries.

I am happy to report that almost everywhere we went We can talk about New Licensing Europe:
in the 20 countries of our journey, there was evidence Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Georgia,
Greece, Hungary, Israel,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania,
Malta, Macedonia, Moldova,
Montenegro, Poland, Roma-
nia, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Turkey, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine,

Licensing and merchan-

dising in the New Europe:
The Spirit of Co-operation

For the first time, licens-

ing and merchanddising
industry gathers all kind
of professionals from
Central and Eastern Europe,
South-East Europe and CIS
region. Participants will
have an excellent opportu-
that people were pleased to see us, anxious to talk to nity to communicate with each other and go through
us and full of stories to tell.” all critical issues and questions. The “What works
UK BBC 2007, US Travel Channel 2008 in Developed licensing world should work in New
Europe too” premise will be closely looked at. Unified

The boundaries of New Europe, therefore, are subject business model often pushed by larger licensing and
to considerable overlap and fluctuation depending on merchandising industry players is not always the best
the context in which they are used, which makes dif- strategy to choose. Regional and cultural differences
ferentiation difficult. Global regions are often of social along with non-uniform legal conditions of CEE, SEE
constructs defined by abstract, neutral criteria and not and CIS region may create a need for specific market
necessarily strict physical features. approach.


LICENSING.indd 1 9/15/09 12:46:21 PM

In a nutshell, licensing is a different way of thinking trademarks make up roughly 19%; sport 14%, fashion
about the use of „intellectual property“ – which is the 14%, collegiate 3%, art 3%. There have been shifts
legal term of someones idea. Whether it’s a patent, within the industry. Noticeably character and enter-
trademark or original work like a film, book, cartoon, tainment licenses have declined slightly with art, cor-
or video game – licensing provides a framework to porate and personality brands growing significantly.
unite the owners of these ideas with the people who The key indicator is what is in retail. It would appear
know how to sell them. that retailers are concentrating on the brands that are
Licensing can be lucrative for: creative people who tried and tested and will provide solid sales. These are
provide the ideas, business people to promote the being ‘topped up by promotional licenses, for instance
ideas and bring products to market, and agents to around blockbuster movies. Retailers are more fre-
spot new opportunities and act on them! quently launching their own brands.
Licensing is a contractual method of developing and Source: Licensingpages
exploiting intellectual property by transferring rights of
use to third parties without the transfer of ownership. PROPERTY SECTORS
From a legal perspective, licensing involves complex • Television and movie licensing: Television
issues of contract, tax, antitrust, international, tort, and programmes or series; movies etc
intellectual property law. • Sports licensing: Individual clubs;
From a business perspective, licensing involves a championships etc
weighing of the advantages of licensing against the • Event licensing: Sporting events; Film or music
disadvantages in comparision to alternative types of events; calendar dates e.g. Millennium etc
vertical distribution systems. • Art & Design licensing: Photographs; paintings;
Licensing is the business of leasing the right to use designs etc
a legally protected name, graphic, logo, saying or • Food and Drink licensing: Food retail outlet
likeness in conjunction with a product, promotion, or promotions; on pack promotions; individual products
service. or ranges etc
It is usually accomplished by a formal agreement • Personality licensing: Individuals, dead or alive, in all
between the owner or agent of the mark (the Licen- fields from Sport, Music, Film to Science.
sor) and the prospective Licensee who is either a • Institutional licensing: Museums; galleries; tourist
manufacturer, supplier of services or an agent on attractions; charitable organisations; Cities or
behalf of them. regions etc
• Corporate brand licensing: Individual corporations
FACTS or organisations
In 2008 the worldwide licensing industry was worth • Music licensing: Individual artists or bands; club
approximately $170bn at retail, with the USA generat- nights etc
ing approximately $110bn (approximately $5.805bn in • Fashion brand licensing: Fashion or designer
royalties) and Europe $34bn. (Sources: EPM Commu- labels etc
nications for retail and LIMA for royalty information). • Magazine brand licensing: Lifestyle and specialist
magazines etc
Overall the size of the licensing industry has remained Source: Licensingpages
fairly static over the last 5 years, growing just 0.7%
in the US 2008 vs 2007. Within this, character and
entertainment licensing makes up the bulk of activity
with around 44% of the market; corporate brands &


21 PM
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT PROPERTY TYPES OR McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Ford Motors, Pillsbury, General
DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF LICENSING? Motors family of products and many others.

According to EPM, publishers of The Licensing Letter, The important thing to remember is that regardless of
the following were listed as property types (Additionally, the licenses you select to apply to your product, treat
there are eleven licensing “property types.”) them as an important part of your marketing plan. By
that we mean that the success of licensing is directly
Art: Original art and designs. Examples would be proportionate to the amount of work and the quality of
Norman Rockwell, Thomas Kincade, Picasso, and Mary the preparation that you put into the project.
Character/Entertainment: Characters who are best According to The Licensing Letter, the business is
known from entertainment, publishing and toys. Exam- divided into eighteen “product categories.” Some ex-
ples would include the Looney Tunes characters, The amples of product categories are: apparel; domestics;
Simpsons, Sesame Street characters, Star Wars, Winnie electronics; food beverage; home furnishings; health
the Pooh, Spiderman, Batman, and hundreds of others. and beauty; house wares; publishing; sporting goods;
Celebrity / Estates: Examples include Albert Einstein, and toys and games.
Elvis, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, and the Three
Collegiate: Schools who license their names to manu- LANGUAGE. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE KEY ELEMENTS
facturers. Examples are Notre Dame, UCLA, Harvard, OF A LICENSING AGREEMENT?
and hundreds of other NCAA schools, and the various
Bowl games and athletic conferences. In Karen Raugust’s book, The Licensing Business Hand-
Fashion: Licenses from the world of design and book, the following concise definitions were given:
fashion. Examples are Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, FUBU,
Tommy Hilfiger, and many others. Advance: Part of the payment required for a license,
Music: Elvis, Jessica Simpson, Tim McGraw, the usually due upon contract signing. Most often, it is
Beatles, and dozens of other artists from a wide range a portion of the guarantee rather than an additional
of music and performers. payment.
Non-profit: Examples would be American Red Cross, Guarantee: A minimum royalty payment, usually based
ASPCA, National Audubon Society, American Heart As- on expected sales. Actual royalty payments accrue

sociation, and the World Wildlife Fund. against the guarantee amount: Whatever remains of
Publishing: Examples would be Good Housekeeping, the guarantee after total royalties are tallied is due at
Playboy, Sports Illustrated, Popular Mechanics, Hot Rod the end of the contract period. If royalties exceed the
Magazine, Seventeen, Teen, and Rolling Stone. minimum guarantee, no further money is owed.
Sports (leagues, individuals): Leagues including the Royalty: The basic form of payment in a licensing
NBA, NFL,NHL and MLB. Individual athletes would agreement; usually a percentage of the net sales price
include Shaq, Arnold Palmer, Tiger Woods, George fore- of each unit sold.
man, and Lance Armstrong. Also, NASCAR, WWE, Wim- Royalty Reporting: The act of providing licensors with
bledon, and the Indy 500 would fall into this category. accurate and detailed information on sales results and
Toys & Games: Barbie, G.I. Joe, Hot Wheels, and Bratz, royalties due over a period of time.
among many others. Licensing fee: 1) A flat fee required as payment for use
Trademarks / Brands: Examples of this type would be of a license. An alternative to a royalty, generally for
Samsonite, Jeep, Harley Davidson, Anheuser-Busch, promotional or advertising uses rather than retail prod-

ucts. 2) Sometimes used in reference to the guarantee. licensees as they often sign license agreements directly
Net Sales: Amount to which royalties are applied. with licensors.
Usually is the wholesale price to retailers, less certain Licensed product: A product that incorporates a
allowable deductions. licensed property.
Term: Duration of a licensing agreement. Varies, but Licensed territory: The geographic region in which the
commonly two to three years for entertainment proper- license can be used.
ties, longer for fashion and corporate trademarks. Licensor: The owner of the licensed property or brand.
Sell-off period: A specified period of time after the E.g. Bugs Bunny is owned by Warner Bros, so Warner
termination of a licensing agreement during which Bros is the licensor of Bugs Bunny.
licensees have the opportunity to dispose of excess Product liability insurance: Insurance against
inventories of licensed merchandise on a non-exclusive prosecution in the event of the misperformance and
basis. After the sell-off period, the licensee is not al- subsequent damages caused by the use of a product.
lowed to let merchandise reach the market. Property (or Intellectual Property): The term for the
brands or items that are licensed. These may be in
More terms used within the licensing industry. the form of a brand name or logo, likeness, character,
artwork, design, sporting or other event, personality or
Agent: A company or individual that handles the licens- phrase.
ing rights on behalf of a licensor. A typical contract with Point of sale material: Promotional or other literature
an agent may run for 3 to 5 years covering either single and communication tools in or around the retail outlet
or multiple territories. or environment.
Brand Extension: Taking the core equities and name of Qualitative research: A type of research that involves
a branded product and transfering them to a different seeking in depth information about a subject, often
product in the same market sector. looking at attitudes, perceptions and usage behaviour.
Copyright: The right to copy or reproduce. Originally set Normally conducted with small groups of people.
up to protect the copying of literacy, dramatic, musical Quantitative research: A type of research that seeks to
or artistic work, copyright concerns protecting the ex- quantify (support with numbers) opinions, assumptions
pression of an idea, rather than the idea itself. Normally or behaviour. Methodologies may include question-
lies with the creator of the work. naires, telephone or other polls.
Counterfeit: ‘Fake’ products or services that replicate Retailer: The organisation or outlet that sells the prod-
or mimick the originals in design and look. uct or service to the trade or end consumer.

Distribution channel: the types of sales outlets or Royalty: The remuneration paid by the licensee to the
avenues through which the licensed product or service licensor for use of the licensed property. Normally in the
will be sold. They may include retail outlets such as format of an agreed percentage on sales and payable
department or specialist stores, tv or on-line shopping quarterly.
networks, third party advisors or associated groups Sub licensee: Additonal licensee(manufacturer/sup-
and direct response mechanisms such as direct mail or plier)appointed by the principal licensee.
catalogues. Support companies: Organisations or individuals that
Infringement: Usually the breach or contravention of provide services to the licensing industry, which may
an entity’s rights. This may include counterfeit products, include: lawyers, accountants, promotions agencies,
unauthorised usage or reproduction of properties. designers and consultants.
Licensee: The manufacturer or distributor of a product Trademark: “any sign capable of being represented
or service that has purchased use of a license to graphically, which is capable of distinguishing goods or
sell products to retailers. Major retailers can also be services of one undertaking from another”.

Licensing factory New europe


Licensing factory New europe

Licensing factory New europe


Hotels and Resorts for
Licensing factory New europe
Maistra E-mail:
V. Nazora 6, 52210 Rovinj, Website:
T: +385 52 800 300

Maistra, Inc. is a leading hotel company in Croatia and is a part of the Adris Group concern. Tourist objects of Maistra
are located at the prestigious locations in Rovinj and Vrsar, two beautiful Istrian tourist centres of exceptional natural
and cultural-historic values.
Maistra, Inc. was created in March, 2005, inheriting 50 years of experience in tourist business, which in combination
with application of new technologies, through implementation of international standards of tourism industry, respect
of all norms of sustainable development and a special sensibility towards environment preservation as the most
important resource, and represent the foundation of future company development.
Maistra, Inc. has set ambitious goals for itself regarding the development of tourism portfolio and creating and build-
ing of own tourism brands of the highest quality content and services. In accordance with the set goals, Maistra, Inc.
has positioned itself as a leader of the national tourism development.
The mission of Maistra, Inc. is to become a first-class and recognisable tourism company and destination on the
Adriatic coast which will, with the strong reliance on destination brands and offering of authentic Istrian, Croatian and
Mediterranean atmosphere, highly personalised and hospitable services, and the development of modern and com-
petitive content, enable the making of true experiences with the goal of satisfying the needs of the most demanding
guests and with the goal of positioning among the best tourist companies on the Mediterranean.


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