EE3115 Exam1 Sol Sp06 PDF

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Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Minnesota Hour Exam #1 EE3115 Feb. 22, 2006 Instructions 1. Closed book exam. Single 8.5"X11" crib sheet (both sides) permitted. 2. Work problems in space provided. If more space is needed, utilize the back side of the page. 3. Exam begins at 8:00 A.M. and ends at 8:50 A.M. ID#: 1 170 points 2 170 points 3 160 points Total 1200 points 1. (70 points) ‘The circuit shown below is a current source for biasing a differential amplifier. The transistor characteristics are listed beside the circuit. 10V Bra oe 86 kN 1 1 B= 100 Va = 100V BVcEO = 50V - = 5 Watts 10 MQ Vy max q F, = 100 MHz a. (20 points) What is the value of the de bias current I provided by the circuit? /0 = &e KDE, 40,7 +/oZ, 700 +> 43 sep b. (20 points) ‘What is the maximum value that V can have and still have the circuit operate as a current source? A, =-7 Cee) Vmax = 10 -G x0) exe!) Te Umax = /0~43-.7=/5V Y nay c. (30 points) What is the small signal resistance, Regp the current source presents to the outside world? If you are not sure you got the correct value of 1, in part a), you may assume I, = 20 4A (not the correct value) and receive a maximum credit of 30 points. 100 Soy 5x10" le a tr = 2Mx C2 ; Y —~Vv_ Ue Oi; = Sq “ar rG®) 6D %e* (2) [5%] a . * Goma Our e [ MGI] ~ 1 eG : ; gaan) fe Fe Gh). = co sey (77 +8g #RE) Wo (4 a: & it aiSKIO- (102) 1 1098 Gre os Re Goel 4 * SK e) * & > (G#kyrhe) e (op = SHOE SOK o ty >2y (00) +(Sek)+ om] Sbk i ky perl re Coke el) Pek gl Rye 2m Li x (0s) BA Je amie. 297 i fh Yn - (70 points) Consider the differential amplifier shown below. You are to complete the design of the amplifier by answering the following questions. The transistors are all identical and have a beta = 100. a. (25 points) ‘The differential mode input resistance, R; 4, is to be 100 kQ. Determine the required value of Ibias and hence Rrog Rig = Aly = Oa Sue), Gro Yooj() ( Feias [a] [too Z Zu, Blas * Gigs = (004A b. (20 points) ‘The differential mode gain V,/(V , - V9) is to be at least 1000. What is the minimum allowable Early voltage V 4 for the transistors? oe auf, ab 3 —2 a Co )2)(25H67) = SOV= "yg c. (25 points) ‘The two input signals have the following values: V (0) = 0.002 sin 2x 104) + 2 sin(2arx 1071) ; Vo(t) =- 0.002 sin(2arx104) + 2 sin(2nx103) Specifiy the maximum allowable common mode gain, Aj, the amplifier can have if the 1 kHz signal is not to make more than a 1% contribution to the output voltage. Assume that the differential mode gain is 1000. in tad Ag ig [ve Bem Sem Vi zaVv we) oi Vi gs 2004) a hom A gra Jo* Y¥XID Am 4K AXxp a 3. (60 points) Consider the two-stage amplifier shown below. Stage R, = 5009 a, (30 points) Identify each stage by drawing a circle around each stage. For each stage identify the topology of the stage (common emitter, etc) and identify the role of each transistor in that stage (amplifying transistor, Widlar current source bias, etc.) Stage 4 Stage #2 al-a2 AK pair Q7~ emi fer G//ower RE—-QI-QID Wilssr (0a. uF . oupee Qs-a6 Widlar, cure Souvee b. (30 points) Equivalent circuits for the two stages are shown below. Determine the voltage gain VolVin of the two-stage amplifier when Ry = 500 Q as shown above. Part of the problem is to decide which equivalent circuit goes with which stage . 10k 0.000095 Vv, >* K 500 ka 10 ka Py OAS" V. ‘u ; a5 Oia sm “a a 0004 yon | ie 500 ka v oF id * ool y) SOK So0e 10K Ny Same mn 129 . FSV. sea %, Rood! S500 | w= 95) (V; L= £2. 695)(4,) Ga? | y Bs 052, B= BRU ah, = (04S) 2) ¥'

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