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Hour Exam #2 Review Problems

EE3115 Spring 2006

1. A noninverting amplifier with a large input resistance, Rin, small Rout, and large gain is
needed for a particular application. The only amplifier available is the one shown below.
You are to determine what can be achieved using negative feedback around this available
open loop amplifier. The phase margin must be 45° degrees or greater.

V 10

Vo = (V V2 )
3 5 1

(1 + jf /10 )(1 + jf /10 )

R = 10kΩ R o = 1 kΩ

a. Which of the four types of negative feedback should be used in this situation? Draw the
circuit configuration showing the negative feedback in conjunction with the open-loop
amplifier. No quantitative calculations are required at this point.

b. Determine the largest allowable loop gain which still retains a phase margin ≥ 45°.

c. Determine the closed loop midband gain, input resistance, and output resistance for the loop
gain found in part b.

2. Consider the power amplifier shown below. You are to complete the design of the amplifier
by answering the questions posed below.

30 V

R Q = Si BJT
Tj,max = 175 °C
Rθjc = 2 °C/W

+ β = 20
v (t)
in R = 10 Ω v BVCEO = 50 V
L o
a. Choose the value for RB that will result in the maximum peak-to-peak ac swing across
the load resistance.

b. How much power can be safely dissipated in the BJT if it is mounted on a heat sink with a
thermal resistance, Rθsa = 2 °C/W and the maximum ambient temperature is 35 °C?

c. In this circuit, is the transistor overstressed with respect to power dissipation? A yes or
no answer without quanitative justification will receive no credit.

d. Estimate the average signal power dissipated in RL when vin(t) = 10 sin(2πx103 t) volts.

3. Two moderate gain amplifiers, A1 and A2, are connected in cascade to emulate an op amp.
Negative feedback is used around the combination to achieve a specified gain. The
characteristics of the amplifiers A1 and A2 are listed below. Blank graphs for doing
amplitude and phase Bode plots are provided.

1 k! R
- +

+ -
+ A1 - Vo

A1 Characteristics A2 Characteristics
Rin = 100 k Ω Rin = 1 MΩ
Rout = 100 kΩ Rout = 100 Ω
100 100
A(s) = A(s) =
(1 + jf/104)(1 + jf/106) (1 + jf/105)

a. If Rf = 9 kΩ, is the closed loop amplifier stable or unstable? Support your answer
quantitatively. A simple one or two word answer is unacceptable.

b. The amplifier is to be compensated so that it is stable for any value of Rf.

Dominant pole compensation with 45 degrees of phase margin is implemented with the
capacitor Cc as shown below. Determine the proper value of Cc.
1 k! R

- +

+ -
C +
+ A1 c - Vo

4. Consider the feedback amplifier circuits shown below.

a. Specify the type of feedback used in amplifier ckts A and B.

b. The input impedance Rin diagrammed on both circuits must be less than 5 kΩ. Which
circuit (A or B) should be used. Qualitatively justify your answer.
c. Find the closed loop gain for Rf = 100 kΩ for amplifier circuit A.
Solutions to Hour Exam #2 Review Problems

EE3115 Spring 2006



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