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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Unit 7 • Lesson A: Away for the weekend

weather (n)
cloudy (adj)
cold (adj)
hot (adj)
humid (adj)
sunny (adj)
warm (adj)
windy (adj)
rain (v)
snow (v)

spring (n
summer (n)
fall (n)
winter (n)
dry season (n)
rainy season (n)
in the spring / summer / fall / winter
in the dry season / rainy season

Sports and exercise

swim (v)
ski (v)

Location expressions
at the beach
away for the weekend

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 7, Lesson A, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

I'm calling from Lake Tahoe.

Other words
baseball game (n)
come over (v)
have fun (v)
talk (about) (v)

Present continuous statements
Use the present continuous to talk about right now or today.

Affirmative statements

Use subject + be + verb + -ing:

I'm calling from home.

It's raining right now.

Negative statements

Use subject + be + not + verb + -ing:

You're not working today.

She's not skiing with a friend.

The contractions isn't (= is not) or aren't (= are not) often follow nouns:

Marcos isn't working.

Marcos and Bill aren't swimming.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 7, Lesson A, Page 2

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

• For most verbs, add -ing:

work working
ski skiing
play playing

• For verbs ending in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) + the letter b, g, m, n, p, or t, double the last
letter and add -ing:
swim swimming

• For verbs ending in e, remove the e and add -ing:

have having

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 7, Lesson A, Page 3

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