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Design an experiment to determine the relationship between the
position of a toy buggy and time.

You have access to rulers, meter sticks, tape measures, and


___ Describe your experimental design with both a labeled diagram
and a verbal description.
___ State what the independent and dependent variables are.
___ Include how will you vary and measure your chosen parameters.

___ Perform the experiment and record your measurements in an
appropriate table.

___ Graph and determine the numerical model for your data set.

___ What pattern did you find from your observations? Write a verbal
and mathematical description.
___ What is the physical significance of the slope of the graph?
___ What is the physical significance of the y-intercept?
___ Turn your numerical model into a general model.

You will be assessed using the rubric on the back of this page.


I can design a reliable My experiment does not My experiment may not Some important aspects of My experiment might yield
experiment that investigate the yield any interesting the phenomenon will not be interesting patterns relevant
investigates the phenomenon. patterns. observable. to the investigation of the
phenomenon phenomenon.
I can decide what My parameters are Only some of my My parameters are relevant. My parameters are relevant
parameters are to be irrelevant. parameters are relevant. However, independent and and independent and
measured and can dependent variables are not dependent variables are
identify independent and identified. identified.
dependent variables
I can communicate the My diagrams are missing My diagrams are present My diagrams and/or my My diagrams and/or my
details of an and/or my experimental but unclear and/or my experimental procedure are experimental procedure are
experimental procedure procedure is missing or experimental procedure is present but with minor clear and complete.
clearly and completely extremely vague. present but important omissions or vague details.
details are missing.
I can record and My data are either absent or Some important data are All important data are All important data are
represent data in a incomprehensible. absent or incomprehensible. present, but recorded in a present, organized, and
meaningful way way that requires some recorded clearly.
effort to comprehend.
I can represent data No attempt is made to My graph has major My graph has minor My graph is complete and
graphically and use the represent the data errors/omissions or my errors/omissions or my correct and my numerical
graph to make graphically. numerical models are numerical models are models are written correctly.
predictions. missing. written incorrectly.
I can identify a pattern in No attempt is made to My pattern described is My pattern has minor errors My pattern represents the
the data search for a pattern. irrelevant or inconsistent or omissions. relevant trend in the data.
with my data.
I can represent a pattern No attempt is made to My mathematical expression My mathematical expression My mathematical expression
mathematically and represent a pattern does not represent the represents the trend, but I represents the trend, and I
provide physical meaning mathematically. trend or I do not provide provide unreasonable provide reasonable physical
to the slope and y- any physical meaning to the physical meaning to the meaning to the slope and
intercept. slope and intercept. slope and intercept. intercept.

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