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Earthquake hypocenter relocation using double difference method in East Java and

surrounding areas
Aprilia Puspita C, Andri Dian Nugraha, and Nanang T Puspito

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1658, 030021 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4915029

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Earthquake Hypocenter Relocation Using Double Difference
Method in East Java and Surrounding Areas

Aprilia Puspita C1, 2,Andri Dian Nugraha1, a), Nanang T Puspito3

Geophysical Engineering Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology
Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (MCGA) of Indonesian, Jakarta, Indonesia
Global Geophysical Research Group,Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Determination of precise hypocenter location is very important in order to provide information about
subsurface fault plane and for seismic hazard analysis. In this study, we have relocated hypocenter earthquakes in Eastern
part of Java and surrounding areas from local earthquake data catalog compiled by Meteorological, Climatological, and
Geophysical Agency of Indonesia (MCGA) in time period 2009-2012 by using the double-difference method. The results
show that after relocation processes, there are significantly changes in position and orientation of earthquake hypocenter
which is correlated with the geological setting in this region. We observed indication of double seismic zone at depths of
70-120 km within the subducting slab in south of eastern part of Java region . Our results will provide useful information
for advance seismological studies and seismic hazard analysis in this study.
Keyword: double difference, 1D velocity model, earthquake, double seismic zone
PACS: 91.30.Px

The tectonic setting of the eastern part of Java region is influenced by subduction zone in southern part, Flores
back arc thrust in eastern part, and some inland active faults. These geological condition lead to relatively high
seismic potency in this region. The Java subduction zone stretches from Sunda Strait to southern part of Bali region.
The eastern part of Java region also is one of dense population in Indonesia, so studying of seismic analysis is
needed and very important for the society. Previous seismicity studies using local seismic network in Indonesia
show precise hypocenter relocation beneath Toba caldera and Sumatra fault zone [1], subduction zone beneath
Sumatra zone [2], Sunda Strait and western part of Java [3], and subduction zone Merapi volcano in central part of
Java regions [4]. In this study, we attempt to analysis of seismicity through relocating of hypocenter location in
order to provide much better information about seismicity activities and seismic potency in eastern part of Java
region. We applied hypocenter double difference method [5] to relocate the events precisely.


We used P-and S-wave arrival time data compiled by MCGA for time period of April 2009 to December 2012.
The number of initial earthquakes was 1,337 from 25 stations in eastern part of Java and surrounding areas. We
relocate these events by using hypocenter double difference method [5]. For hypoDD inversion procedure, we used
global seismic velocities model of IASPEI91 [6], [7]. The principle of this method is that if the distance between
pairs of earthquakes smaller than the distance between the pair earthquake to the station, then the ray paths between

4th International Symposium on Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation 2014 (ISEDM 2014)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1658, 030021-1–030021-3; doi: 10.1063/1.4915029
© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1300-9/$30.00

pairs of earthquakes will be similar. Before the relocation processes, we conducted clustering eearthquake
arthquake analysis to
seek the events which have a common source.

We have been successfully relocated of 1,447 events (from 1,337 events) using hypocenter double difference
method in eastern part of Java region. Figure 1 shows vertical section of relocated hypocenter through A-A’, B-B’
and C-C’ profiles passing through eastern part of Java. For A-A’ profile, the relocated intraslab earthquakes are
clearly observed down to depth of 180 km. There is seismic gap within the slab at depths of about 200 km – 530
km, however the deep earthquakes appear at depth of about 450 km. A shallow crustal earthquakes distribution seen
more clustered after the relocation processes and become shallower which may be associated with inland fault
Profile of B-B’ shows the relocated intraslab earthquake down to depth of about 120 km. The cluster of shallow
earthquakes is also exhibited beneath the Lamonganmountain at shallow depth of about 30 km. Another prominent
geological feature is indication of double se
ismic zone at depths of 70 km down to 130 km. However, to investigate
in more details this phenomenon needs denser seismograph station.
Profile of C-C’ through Raung volcano shows the seismicity pattern are quite different from the other profiles. It
looks that there are two sources of earthquakes around subduction zone, so it is interesting and important to be
investigated further. The indication of double seismic zone is also observed at depths of 60 km down to 130 km.
The shallow earthquakes appear beneath Raung volcano which can be related to this volcanic activity.

FIGURE 1. Figure show (left) epicenter distribution before and after relocation, (right) vertical cross section hypocenter before
(blue dots) and after relocation (red dots) through A-A’, B-B’, and C-C’ cross section in eastern part of Java.

We gratefully acknowledge the use of the phase data from MCGA, Indonesia.

1. M. Ramdhan and A. D. Nugraha, “Study of seismicity around Toba area based on relocation hypocenter result
from BMKG catalogue,”in AIP Conference Proceedings(2013), pp. 242-244.
2. H. Nugroho, S. Widiyantoro and A. D. Nugraha, “Hypocenter relocation using a fast grid search method and a
3-D seismic velocity model for the Sumatra region,”in AIP Conference Proceedings(2013), pp. 293-296.
3. A. P.Sakti, A.D.Nugraha and S. Rohadi, Journal of JTMXIX (2012).
4. S. Rohadi, S. Widiyantoro, A. D Nugraha and Masturyono, International Journal of Tomography and
Statistics24(3), 1-16 (2013).
5. F. Waldhauser and W. L. Ellsworth, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 90(6), 1353-
6. B. L. N. Kennett, IASPEI 1991 Seismological Tables (Bibliotech, Canberra, Australia, 1999) p.167.
7. C. Trabant, A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern and R. Aster, Seismological Research Letters 83
(6), 846-854(2012).


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