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Sally’s Phone Christine Author


1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 Put these events in the story in order. Number them
a The story starts on a Sunday. 1 to 10.

b Sally has a brother. a Paul and Sally meet near the trees.
c Sally goes to work by bus. b Sally goes to work.
d Sally goes to the shops at lunchtime. c Katharine phones Sally.
e Sally buys some new shoes. d Sally has breakfast.

f Paul phones Sally’s mother. e Paul and Sally go to the party.

g Paul and Sally meet after work. f Sally goes shopping.
h Paul and Sally meet in a Bar Bogart. g Sally picks up Paul’s phone in a café.
i Paul and Sally go to Blue Moon. h Paul phones Sally.
j Sally and Andrew go to Katharine’s party. i Sally is in bed.
j Sally puts on her red skirt.
20 marks
20 marks
2 Who says this? Who do they say it to? Claire, andrew,
Paul, sally, sally’s mother 5 Fill in the gaps using: phone, skirt, coffee, party,
a ‘Wear your blue skirt. I like that skirt.’ change, rings, lunchtime, brother, drink, birthday
......................... says this to ......................... Sally wakes up in the morning when her phone
b ‘Let’s go out at lunchtime.’ ......................... says ......................... . She has breakfast with her
this to ......................... mother and her ......................... , and then goes to
c ‘It’s beutiful, but I never wear red.’ work by ......................... . At ......................... she
......................... says this to ......................... goes shopping and buys a new ......................... .
d ‘I’m very sorry. It’s the wrong number.’ Then she goes to a café and has a .........................
......................... says this to ......................... . But when she gets back to work she has Paul’s
e ‘Have you got a book in your hand?’ ......................... and Paul has hers. Paul phones
......................... says this to ......................... her and they agree to ......................... phones in
the evening. They meet in Queen’s Square and
20 marks then they go for a ......................... . It’s Paul’s
sister’s ......................... today and she is having a
3 Match a word form A with a definition from B. ......................... . Sally agrees to go with Paul.
20 marks
1 bar
2 button
3 party Total marks
4 press
5 ring
a to push with your finger
b a place where you can have a drink
c you push thing on your phone to make a call
d a meeting of friends to eat, drink, talk and
e to make a noise like a bell

20 marks

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Sally’s Phone Christine Lindop

Setting 16 At one o’clock _____ is looking at skirts in the

Choose the best answer.
a F Michael b F Katherine c F Sally
1 It is _____ morning. d F Jack
a F Monday b F Tuesday c F Thursday 17 Sally phones her _____ in the café.
d F Saturday a F mother b F brother c F friend
2 Sally looks in her _____ for her phone. d F sister
a F skirt b F bag c F train d F car 18 _____ thinks Sally has a nice smile.
3 Sally finds her phone behind the _____. a F Paul b F Jack c F Andrew
a F bed b F bag c F skirt d F door d F Michael
4 _____ is Sally’s boyfriend. 19 _____ wants to say sorry to Sally.
a F Paul b F Michael c F Andrew a F Jack b F Michael c F Paul
d F Jack d F Andrew
5 He wants Sally to wear a _____ skirt. 20 Katherine is Paul’s _____.
a F blue b F red c F black d F white a F mother b F sister c F brother
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

6 _____ is Sally’s brother. d F friend

a F James b F Jack c F John
d F Andrew 20 marks
7 Sally has breakfast with her _____.

a F friend b F boss c F sister d F mother

8 There are a lot of _____ on the train. Dialogue
a F cars b F people c F dogs d F trees
Who says this?
9 Sally is listening to _____ on the train.
21 ‘Don’t forget, Sally – we’re meeting Michael
a F John b F Mary c F Andrew
d F Graham
a F Paul b F Louise c F Jack
10 Sally is talking to her friends _____ at work.
d F Andrew
a F Mark and Louise b F Claire and
22 ‘Let’s go out at lunchtime. We can find a new
Louise c F John and Graham d F Claire
skirt. You can wear it tonight.’
and John
a F Sally b F Claire c F Katherine
20 marks d F Paul
23 ‘What colour is it?’
a F Sally b F Sally’s mother c F Louise
Characters d F Claire
24 ‘Paul? Paul who? Where’s Sally?’
Choose the best answer.
a F Michael b F Paul c F Jack
11 Andrew is _____ boyfriend. d F Andrew
a F Claire’s b F Louise’s c F Sally’s 25 ‘I’ve got a message for Paul – but who’s Paul?’
d F Katherine’s a F Louise b F Sally c F Claire
12 _____ is Andrew’s new boss. d F Sally’s mum
a F Sally b F Paul c F Louise 26 ‘Mum, what’s the number of my phone?’
c F Michael a F Jack b F Paul c F Michael
13 _____ wants a sandwich for breakfast. d F Louise
a F Sally b F Jack c F Andrew d F Paul 27 ‘Let’s meet in Queen’s Square at a quarter to
14 Sally listens to _____ on the train. six.’
a F Andrew b F Claire c F Paul a F Paul b F Andrew c F Sally
d F her mother d F Katherine
15 _____ and Louise have coffee with Sally at 28 ‘Have you got a book in your hand?’
work. a F Paul b F Andrew c F Sally
a F Paul b F Claire c F Michael d F Katherine
d F Katherine

oxford bookworms library StArter 62 © oxford university press photocopiable

Sally’s Phone Christine Lindop

29 ‘She says it’s her birthday today, and there’s a 42 Paul phones his _____ to ask for his phone
party at her house.’ number.
a F Andrew b F Sally c F Paul a F mother b F sister c F father
d F Katherine d F brother
30 ‘I don’t want the message.’ 43 Paul has Sally’s _____.
a F Sally b F Andrew c F Paul a F bag b F phone c F coffee d F skirt
d F Claire 44 Sally works in _____ Street.
a F London b F Oxford c F Cambridge
20 marks d F Manchester
45 Paul thinks Sally is _____.
a F beautiful b F old c F sorry d F quiet
Vocabulary 46 Sally sees Paul near the _____.
Choose the best answer. a F cars b F party c F phones d F trees
31 a meeting of friends to eat, drink, talk, dance 47 Paul and Sally are at the _____.
etc. a F Red Moon b F Green Moon

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
a F lunchtime b F bar c F party c F Blue Moon d F White Moon
d F coffee 48 Paul says _____ always has good parties.
32 to stop something working a F Sally b F Katherine c F John
a F press b F turn off c F sell d F ring d F Andrew

33 to make a sound like a bell 49 Sally wants to go to the party with _____.
a F message b F call c F phone d F ring a F Claire b F Andrew c F Paul
34 a hot drink d F Louise
a F coffee b F birthday c F party 50 Paul likes _____.
d F lunchtime a F blue b F green c F black d F red
35 you speak and sing with it
20 marks
a F message b F ring c F voice d F boss
36 a man or a boy that a girl likes and goes out
with Total marks
a F boyfriend b F office c F button
d F press
37 to push with your finger
a F turn off b F boss c F bar d F press
38 a place where people can buy and have drinks
a F button b F birthday c F boss d F bar
39 when people stop work to have something to eat
a F morning b F breakfast c F evening
d F lunchtime
40 the person that you work for
a F friend b F mother c F brother
d F boss

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
41 Paul sits next to Sally in the _____.
a F train b F office c F café d F shop

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