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4, JULY 2015 645

THz Letters
A 0.3 THz Radiating Active 27 Frequency Multiplier Chain With 1 mW
Radiated Power in CMOS 65-nm
Samuel Jameson, Student Member, IEEE, and Eran Socher, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a 27 radiating active frequency multi- pliers are not designed in CMOS is due to the lower
plier chain at 288 GHz is presented. The circuit output is connected which are barely above 200 GHz in this technology. A doubler
to a single on-chip ring antenna radiating a record high total radi- or a tripler [6]–[8] proceeded by a power amplifier is generally
ated power of 1 mW for a DC power consumption of 284 mW at
288 GHz. The circuit has a 3 dB bandwidth of 15 GHz (277–292 designed at the output in the W-band or D-band to reach the
GHz), an EIRP of 10.2 dBm and a record radiated DC-to-RF J-band and then the output is connected through a matching net-
efficiency of 0.34% for a radiating frequency multiplying chain, work to the G-S-G pads on-chip. In both cases in CMOS, major
enabled by direct drain transistor to on-chip antenna connection. concerns are faced: large design and non-efficient PA for the
The antenna has a measured directivity of 10.2 dBi at 288 GHz. D-band to J-band doubler topology and low output power for
Realized in a 65-nm technology, this is the first CMOS integrated
locked radiating source to achieve 1 mW of radiated power above the W-band to J-band tripler topology. To radiate out the signal,
0.2 THz. either an on-chip or off-chip antenna can be used but connecting
elements such as wire-bonds or flip-chip bumps are very lossy
Index Terms—Antenna, CMOS, frequency multiplier, J-band,
mm wave, power amplifier, ring, source, sub-mm wave, THz, at THz frequencies so an on-chip antenna seems to be a more vi-
X-band. able solution if it could be made efficient and wideband enough.
In order to connect the circuit output to the on-chip antenna, a
matching network is generally required introducing additional
I. INTRODUCTION loss but also radiating energy therefore decreasing the power in-
jected into the antenna. To maximize the radiated output power,

O VER THE LAST decades, CMOS technology innova-

tions open the door to the possibility of designing full
CMOS integrated systems reaching THz frequencies. However,
the ideal is to connect directly the antenna to the transistor drain.
In [3], we presented a ring antenna topology, demonstrating the
possibility of connecting an on-chip antenna directly to the tran-
large output power remains a real challenge at these frequencies. sistor drains while being perfectly matched.
The major challenges of THz transmitter realization in CMOS Based on this technique and an improved common-source
are signal generation above the transistor cut-off frequency and topology for the W-band to J-band tripler, a 27 active mul-
radiating the signal out of the silicon with significant power and tiplier chain connected to an on-chip antenna in CMOS was de-
overall efficiency. The most common way to generate a signal veloped and is presented in this paper. The circuit achieves a
in the J-band (220–325 GHz) is by the use of either a VCO or record high total radiated power of 1 mW at 288 GHz with an
an active multiplier chain. Previous J-band VCO in standard EIRP of 10.2 dBm from a single active circuit and antenna
CMOS [1]–[4] and SOI CMOS [5] were realized. VCOs can chain. With a DC power consumption of 284 mW a record ra-
offer high output power [1]–[3] and efficiency [3], but need to diated DC-to-RF efficiency (TRP/PDC) of 0.34% is achieved,
be locked in order to be useful in most system applications. even the large multiplication number implemented. The circuit
Such frequency locking is not trivial at THz frequencies and architecture is detailed in Section II and Section III explains the
would require a PLL implementation at very high frequencies measurement setup and results.
with very large locking range. The alternative is to take a locked
lower frequency signal below 20 GHz (for easier and cost ef- II. CIRCUIT ARCHITECTURE
fective implementation) and to feed it into a cascade of multi-
The circuit was designed using TSMC 65-nm process tech-
pliers and amplifiers until it reaches THz frequencies. Previous
nology with a silicon thickness of 230 m. Fig. 1 shows the
active multiplier chains were realized in SiGe [6]–[8] and in
circuit topology of the active frequency multiplier chain. The
SOI CMOS [9]. The main reason why most of the active multi-
output circuit frequency was designed to be around 275 GHz. To
reach a frequency of 275 GHz, the signal is multiplied 3 times
Manuscript received February 25, 2015; accepted May 20, 2015. Date of pub-
by 3 and is amplified twice: in -band and in the W-band. All
lication June 15, 2015; date of current version July 16, 2015.
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv the transformers between the stages were designed using the 3.4
University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel (e-mail:; m thick top metal 9 layer and the 0.9 m thick metal 8 layer.
Decoupling capacitors based on MOSFET transistors were used
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at for each DC supply as well as ESD P-type diodes and a resistor
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TTHZ.2015.2439056 of 1 k in series to each gate to enable the chip packaging.

2156-342X © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 3. Simulated output power of the W-band to J-band tripler (injected power
into the on-chip antenna).

120 GHz do not provide much gain. Below 100 GHz, cas-
code topology can deliver more power than a common-source
topology but with reduced gain due to added parasitics. There-
Fig. 1. Circuit topology with the transistor number of fingers. fore to design the power amplifier centered at 92 GHz, a
cascade of common-source stages was chosen showing good
efficiency. All the transistors in the W-band power amplifier
were chosen with a 2 m finger width. Fig. 1 shows the
transistor number of fingers for each stage. The W-band PA
injects a maximum power of dBm at 92 GHz with a
dB bandwidth from 85 GHz to 96.3 GHz (12.5%) into the
W-to-J-band tripler transistors gates.

C. W-Band to J-Band Tripler

The last tripler was also designed using a common-source
topology. The transistors were chosen with a width of 1 m.
It demonstrates much better results compared with a cascode
topology around 300 GHz. To further reduce the W-band to
J-band conversion loss, degeneration inductors of 15 pH were
connected. As a result, it increases the transistor VGS amplitude
Fig. 2. Simulated output power of the X-to-Ka-band tripler, Ka-band amplifier
and Ka-to-W-band tripler. and therefore the 3rd harmonic transistor drain current. More
details can be found in [10] about the correlation between the
transistor Gate-Source voltage and the 3rd harmonic drain cur-
A. Frequency Multiplication From X-Band to W-Band rent generation. Thanks to this technique, the conversion loss
from the fundamental to the 3rd harmonic signal was reduced to
The first three stages (X-to- band tripler, -band ampli- 10 dB compared to 13 dB without the degenerating inductors.
fier and -to-W band tripler) were designed with differential Fig. 3 below shows the simulated tripler output power against
cascodes. The bulk of the common gate transistor was shorted to the output frequency.
its source in the three cascode stages using isolated p-well tran-
sistors to deliver more power. The main advantage of the differ- D. The On-Chip Ring Antenna
ential topology is the natural rejection of the even harmonics. To radiate the energy out of the chip, an on-chip antenna was
The three stages were designed with transistor finger width of implemented at the last tripler output. Since no PA can be de-
2 m and a gate length of 60 nm. The number of fingers of signed at 275 GHz in this technology, it is very important to
and (common source and common gate, respectively) for conserve the power delivered by the last tripler. In order to con-
each stage are shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 below shows the output nect the on-chip antenna to the circuit output, a matching net-
power of each stage against input frequency. An input power of work is generally required introducing loss but also radiating
8 dBm at X-band is assumed. energy decreasing the injected power into the antenna. In [3], a
ring antenna topology was proposed so that direct connection to
B. W-Band Power Amplifier
the transistor drain replaces the matching network. This antenna
Because the bare transistor in this 65-nm CMOS plays a double role: it acts both as an RF-choke loop inductor
technology is only around 210 GHz, power amplifiers above at W-band frequencies and as a ring antenna radiating out the

Fig. 4. Simulated on-chip antenna model in CST Microwave Studio and its 3D
radiation pattern at 275 GHz. Fig. 6. Microscope photo of the circuit and photo of the circuit package for

Fig. 7. Signal analyzer photo of the maximum received power at a distance of

5 mm from the extender with mm (WR-03) and 2D scan
results of the measured radiated power.

Fig. 5. Simulated on-chip antenna -parameters and realized gain.

The OML J-band extender IF conversion loss was then de-em-
bedded for each frequency between 220 and 325 GHz. The cir-
cuit was glued on a Rogers 4350B PCB as shown in Fig. 6, with
transistor 3rd harmonic signal by having its impedance close the DC pads wire-bonded to a different line with parallels decou-
to 50 around 275 GHz. The ring antenna was simulated as- pling capacitors of 100 pF and 0.1 F. The X-band input G-S-G
suming a silicon substrate of 230 m height with a 12 pads of the circuit were wire-bonded to a 25 mm 50 PCB line
resistivity. In the 3D antenna model, the circuit elements close terminated by an SMA end-launch connector. The open wave-
to the ring antenna (last tripler transformer, pads, wire-bonds, guide of the WR-03 straight section connected to the OML ex-
DC ground-plane, NT_N layer) were included to better match tender was used as an antenna to detect the signal radiated from
the real antenna environment, having a non-negligible impact the on-chip ring antenna. A distance of 5 mm was taken between
on performance. the open waveguide and the RAMC to ensure far-field beam
The ring antenna achieves a dB bandwidth of 120 GHz scanning measurements. The measurements were realized for a
(42%) and a realized gain of 8 dBi at 275 GHz (Figs. 4–5). nominal DC supply of 1.2 V for common-source topology and
The antenna realized gain through the 120 GHz bandwidth is 2 V for cascode stages. Higher output power was measured for
between 1.5 dBi and 8 dBi. The simulated power injected larger than nominal supplies.
in the antenna is 1.6 dBm at 275 GHz (Fig. 3) and therefore A minimum X-band input signal of dBm was required to
the simulated circuit EIRP is close to 9.5 dBm at 278 GHz. compensate for the LO path loss and deliver around 8.5 dBm
to the input pads. As shown in Fig. 7, the maximum single point
III. MEASUREMENT RESULTS radiated power of the circuit achieved is 20 dBm at 288 GHz
(with an open waveguide at 5 mm) corresponding to an EIRP of
The radiating active multiplier chain (RAMC) was fabricated 10.2 dBm. The setup conversion loss at 288 GHz is 10 dB.
using TSMC 65 nm RF CMOS process and its die photo is The EIRP was also measured at distances from 5 mm to 120
shown Fig. 6. The circuit occupies just 0.49 mm of silicon mm and values between 10 dBm and 10.2 dBm were found.
area including pads. The RAMC was measured using an OML The EIRP was also verified with a pyro-electric sensor using
220–325 GHz VNA extender used as a harmonic mixer (18th a 10 Hz modulation and with a PM4 Erickson calorimeter and
harmonic of an LO signal provided by a E8257D Agilent signal EIRPs of 10 to 10.4 dBm were measured, respectively. To
generator). The IF of the mixer was connected then to a N900A measure the circuit total power radiated, a maximum mechan-
Agilent signal analyzer. To calibrate the measurements, a ref- ically allowed scan of 15 16 mm was realized as in [3], [4].
erence active multiplier chain was built composed by an OML As can be seen in the 2D scan shown in Fig. 7, the radiation
6 multiplier S10MS-AG 75–110 GHz Millimeter wave source pattern presents a wide beam with 2 peaks spaced by 22 that
module, a Millitech W-band GaN power amplifier and a Vir- were also observed in simulation. The sum of all the radiated
ginia Diode W-band to J-band tripler. The output power of this powers collected in the scan area results in a record total radiated
chain was then measured with an Erickson PM4 calorimeter. power (TRP) of 1 mW for a single radiating active multiplying


for a radiating frequency multiplier chain, especially consid-

ering the 27 frequency multiplication. This circuit occupies just
0.49 mm of silicon area.

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