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Final Exam Review

Chapter 1: Descriptive Statistics

1. Consider the following data set:

3.2 2.1 1.1 1.3 2.8 2.6 2.8 3.0

(a.) Find the sample mean, sample median, sample standard deviation, the first and
third quartiles, the interquartile range, and the 25% trimmed mean.

(b.) Determine any outliers.

2. For each, give an example of a data set with the listed properties:

(a.) size 8 with mean greater than median

(b.) size 9 with IQR of 2 and median of 3

(c.) size 7 with IQR of 0 but a nonzero standard deviation

Chapter 2: Probability

3. In a certain population, 60% of people like vanilla ice cream (V), 50% like choco-
late (C), and 40% like strawberry (S). Additionally, 20% like both vanilla and choco-
late, 15% like both chocolate and strawberry, and 25% like both vanilla and straw-
berry. Finally, 5% like all three.

(a.) Draw the Venn diagram associated to this situation.

(b.) How many like exactly one type of ice cream?

(c.) How many like vanilla and chocolate but not strawberry?

(d.) How many don’t like any types of ice cream?

(e.) How many don’t like vanilla, but do like chocolate?

4. Sue figures she has about a 5% chance of being pregnant. Since it’s early, there
is only a 90% chance the test would come out positive if she actually is pregnant. If
she’s not pregnant, there is still a 0.5% chance the test will read positive. Given that
Sue’s pregnancy test comes out positive, what is the probability that she is actually

5. There are 20 movies in the $5 movie bin. Four are horror movies, ten are
comedies, and six are romance. You randomly choose 3 of them. What is the
probability that exactly two are romance?

Chapter 3: Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions

6. Let X be the number of televisions a randomly selected UT Tyler student has

at home. Suppose the random variable X has the following pmf:

x 1 2 3 4
p(x) .4 .34 .2 .06

(a.) Find the cdf.

(b.) What is the probability that a randomly selected student has more than 2
televisions at home?

(c.) Find the expected value and variance.

7. John plays the following game. He flips a coin 3 times. If all three come up
heads, he wins $2. If all three come up tails, he wins $3. Otherwise, he loses a dollar.
How much can he expect to win or lose on average per game?

8. Each time you visit your favorite restaurant, there is a 5% chance of chosen to
get a free dessert. You go 100 times this year.

(a.) What is the probability that you will never get free dessert?

(b.) What is the probability that you will get free dessert exactly 4 times?

(c.) What is the expected number of times that you will get free dessert?

9. On average, Ray receives 14 pieces of junk mail per week according to a Poisson
process. What is the probability that he receives more than 2 pieces of junk mail on
a particular day?

Chapter 4: Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions

10. Suppose that the random variable X has pdf

kx 0 ≤ x ≤ 2
f (x) =
0 otherwise.

(a.) Determine what k must be.

(b.) Find the expected value of X using the k found in part (a).

(c.) Find the cdf.

(d.) What is P (X ≤ 1)?

11. Suppose that the length of a rod is equally likely to be anywhere between 16
and 20 inches long. Find the pdf for the random variable X = the length of the rod.

12. Suppose that height among men is distributed according to a normal distribu-
tion with mean 69 inches and standard deviation 3 inches.

(a.) What is the probability that a randomly chosen man is taller than 6 ft (72

(b.) What is the probability that a randomly chosen man is between 64 and 68

Chapter 5: Random Samples and the Central Limit Theorem

13. Suppose that diameter of a gadget distributed has mean 6 cm and standard
deviation 2 cm. If you select 30 gadgets, what is the probability that the average
diameter is between 5.9 and 6.1 cm?

14. Suppose the weight of a gadget is distributed with a mean of 30 grams and a
standard deviation of 6 grams. If you select 30 gadgets, what is the probability that
all 30 together weigh more than 1000 grams?

Chapter 7: Confidence Intervals

15. Assume that the stock market fluctuations occur according to a normal dis-
tribution. Over 10 days, the market climbs an average of 12 points per day with a
sample standard deviation of 10 points.

(a.) Find a 99% upper confidence interval for the true average fluctuations that occur
per day.

(b.) Find a 95% two-sided confidence interval for the true average fluctuations that
occur per day.

(c.) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true standard deviation.

16. Suppose Jack and Mary are both running for class president. Mary has her
friend Jane ask 100 of her classmates who they voted for. She finds that 56 of the
100 voted for Mary. What is the 95% confidence interval for the true proportion of
students that voted for Mary?

Chapter 8: Hypothesis Testing

17. Jake reads in his textbook that the average person eats 2000 calories per day
with a standard deviation of 200 calories. Jake decides to test whether the average
person actually eats more. In a sample of 16 people, he finds a sample average of
2200 calories.

(a.) State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

(b.) Determine whether to reject the null for α = .05 and interpret your results.

(c.) Suppose that the true average calorie intake per person is 2100. What is the
probability that Jake fails to reject the null hypothesis when his sample size is

Chapter 9: CIs and HT for Two Samples

18. You would like to test whether you are faster than Lewis at performing a certain
job at work. You both perform this job and record the results. Use a significance
level of .05 to determine whether you are faster or not.

program sample size sample average sample SD

You 30 19.8 1.6
Lewis 20 22.0 1.2

Chapter 10: Single-Factor ANOVA

19. Suppose that Jenna has run 8 experiments for each different type of microbe
and rejected the null hypothesis that there is no difference between them. The
averages that she found are as follows:

4.1 4.8 4.9 5.9 6.5 6.9

Use Tukey’s method to determine significant differences. Use M SE = .5.

Chapter 11: Two-factor ANOVA

20. Judy runs an experiment to test the brightness of 4 different kinds of lightbulbs
(halogen, incandescent, LED, florescent). For each type of lightbulb, she also tests 8
different brands. For each possibility, she runs 2 trials. Let Treatment A be the kind
of lightbulb and let Treatment B be the brand of lightbulb. Complete her ANOVA
table. Then, run a hypothesis test for a significance level of α = .05. Interpret your
results in terms of brightness.

d.f Sum of Squares Mean Square Test Statistic

Treatment A 20

Treatment B 21

Interaction 55


Total 200

21. Do number 3 in Chapter 11.

Chapter 12: Simple Linear Regression and Correlation

22. Consider the following data. Suppose x is time (in minutes) and y is chemical
content (in grams). The second to last column is the row sum and the last column
is the sum of the squares for that row.
x 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 360 20400
y 14 36 58 77 99 110 133 160 687 75975
You may also use that xi yi = 39340.

(a.) Find the approximation for the regression line for this data and interpret the

(b.) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true chemical content at time 60.

(c.) Is the data positively or negatively correlated? Find the sample correlation
coefficient and determine if it is strong, weak, or moderate.

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