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The Elaborate Thirty-Seven Maṇḍala Offering

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om bazra bhu-mi ah hung/ shi nam-par dak-pa wang-chen
ser-gyi sa-shi/ om bazra re-khé ah hung/ chi chak-ri mu-
kyu kyi yong-su kor-wé ü-su hung/

oṃ vajra bhūmi āh hūṃ The earth is the golden ground

completely pure, full of beauty and power. oṃ vajra
rekhe āh hūṃ A wall of iron mountains forms a circle,
with a hūṃ in the center.

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ri’i gyel-po ri-rap/ shar lü pak-po/ lho zam-bu ling/ nup
ba-lang chö/ jang dra-mi nyen/ shar-du lü-dang lü-pak/
lhor nga-yap dang nga-yap shen/ nup-tu yo-den dang lam-
chok dro/ chang-du dra-mi nyen dang dra-mi nyen-gyi da/

Here is excellent Meru, the king of mountains. In the east
is Purvavideha, in the south is Jambudvipa, in the west
is Aparagodaniya, in the north is Uttarakuru, in the
east are Deha and Videha, in the south are Camara and
Aparacamara, in the west are Satha and
Uttaramantrina, in the north are Kurava and Kaurava.

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rin-po-ché ri-wo/ pak-sam gyi shing/ do jo-yi ba/ ma-mo
pa’i lo-tok/ kor-lo rin-po-ché/ nor-bu rin-po-ché/ tsun-
mo rin-po-ché/ lön-po rin-po-ché/ lang-po rin-po-ché/ ta-
chok rin-po-ché/ mak-pön rin-po-ché/ ter chen-po’i bum-

The jewel mountain, the wish-fulfilling trees, the wish-

granting cows, the harvest that needs no toil. The
precious wheel, the precious gem, the precious queen,
the precious minister, the precious elephant, the
precious steed, the precious general, the vase of great

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gek-pa ma/ treng-wa ma/ lu-ma/ gar-ma/ me-tok ma/ duk-
po ma/ nang-sel ma/ dri-chap ma/ nyi-ma/ da-wa/ rin-po-
che’i duk/ chok-lé nam-par gyel-wa’i gyel-tsen gyi ü-su
lha-dang mi-yi pel-jor pun-sum tsok-pa ma tsang-wa me-
pa/ zhing-kam nam-par dak-pa di-nyi/

The goddess of beauty, the goddess of garlands, the

goddess of song, the goddess of dance, the goddess of
flowers, the goddess of incense, the goddess of radiant
light, the goddess of perfume. The sun, the moon, the
precious parasol and, the victory banner triumphant in
all directions. All these, the supremely sublime, most
complete and flawless collection of the glorious wealth
of gods and humans, in the center of a pureland –

[For requesting Empowerment]
་པ་དོན་གྱི་སླད་དུ་མཚན་ནས་སྨོས་ན། ༧ སྐྱབས་མགོན་དཀོན་མཆོག་བསྟན་འཛིན་ཀུན་
ཀྱི་བཀའ་དབང་ཟབ་མོ་ཞུ་བའི་ཡོན་དུ་འབུལ་བར་བགྱིའོ། ཐུགས་རྗེས་འགྲོ་བའི་དོན་དུ་
བཞེས་སུ་གསོལ། བཞེས་ནས་བྱིན་གྱིས་བརླབ་ཏུ་གསོལ།
ku-zhi ye-shé nga yi dak-nyi dak-chak gi penden lama
dam-pa tsung-pa me-pa dön gyi lé-du tsen né mö na/
kyap-gön kön-chok ten-dzin kün-zang trin-lé lhün-
drup pel zang-pö zhap-drung né tek-pa chen-pö/
min-jé kyi ka-wang zap-mo/ zhuwé yön-du bülwar gyi’o/
tuk-jé drowé dön du zhe-su söl/ zhe-né jin-gyi lap-tu söl/

In order to receive the Great Vehicle sublime

Empowerment that leads to spiritual maturity, we offer
this to the personification of the five wisdoms and four
kāyas, our glorious and sublime guru, the
incomparable, and for the benefit of others we refer to
him by his name, the Refuge and Protector: “Könchok
Tendzin Künzang Trinlé Lhündrup Pelzangpo.” With
compassion, may you accept this for the benefit of
migratory beings. Having accepted, may you bestow
your blessings.
་པ་དོན་གྱི་སླད་དུ་མཚན་ནས་སྨོས་ན། ༧ སྐྱབས་མགོན་དཀོན་མཆོག་བསྟན་འཛིན་ཀུན་
ཐུགས་རྗེས་འགྲོ་བའི་དོན་དུ་བཞེས་སུ་གསོལ། བཞེས་ནས་བྱིན་གྱིས་བརླབ་ཏུ་གསོལ།
ku-zhi ye-shé nga yi dak-nyi dak-chak gi penden lama
dam-pa tsung-pa me-pa dön gyi lé-du tsen né mö na/
kyap-gön kön-chok ten-dzin kün-zang trin-lé lhün-
drup pel zang-pö zhap-drung né tek-pa chen-pö/
min-dröl gyi ka-chö zap-mo zhü-pé kadrin tang-rak gi
yön-du bülwar gyi’o/ tuk-jé drowé dön du zhé-su söl/
zhé-né jin-gyi lap-tu söl/

Having received the Great Vehicle sublime Dharma

teachings that has brought about spiritual maturity, we
offer this in thanksgiving for the kindness of the
personification of the five wisdoms and four kāyas, our
glorious and sublime guru, the incomparable, and for
the benefit of others we refer to him by his name, the
Refuge and Protector: “Könchok Tendzin Künzang
Trinlé Lhündrup Pelzangpo.” With compassion, may
you accept this for the benefit of migratory beings.
Having accepted, may you bestow your blessings.

Brief Maṇḍala Offering

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sa-shi pö-kyi juk-shing me-tok tram/ ri-rap ling-shi nyi-dé
gyen-pa di/ san-gyé shing-du mik-té phul-wa yi/ drö-kün
nam-dak shing-la kyer-war shok/

This ground, sprinkled with scented waters and strewn

with flowers,
Adorned with the Supreme Mountain and Four
I visualize as a buddha land and offer it —
May all migrators experience such a pureland.

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ku-sum yong-zok la-ma’i tsok-nam la/ chi-nang sang-sum
de-shin nyi-kyi chö/ dak-lu long-chö nang-si yon-shé la/ la-
mé chok-gi ngö-drup tsel-du sol/

To the gurus who possess the three kāyas,

I offer the outer, inner, secret and thusness offerings,
With my body, wealth and all phenomenal existence.
Please grant the unsurpassed supreme attainment.

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chak-tsel wa-dang chö-ching shak-pa dang/ jé-su yi-rang
kul-shing söl-wa yi/ ge-wa chung-zé dak-gi chi-sak-pa/
tam-ché zok-pa’i jang-chup chir-ngo’o/

Whatever slight virtue I may have gathered

Through prostrations, offerings, confession,
Rejoicing, requesting and beseeching,
I now dedicate it all to complete awakening.

oṃ guru deva ḍākinī ratna maṇḍala pratīccha svāhā
Request for Teachings
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sem-chen nam-kyi sam-pa dang/ lo-yi jye-drak ji-ta war/
che-chung tun-mong tek-pa yi / chö-kyi khor-lo kor-du

Please turn the Wheel of Dharma

Of the greater, lesser and common vehicles,
In accordance with the dispositions and
Mental capacities of sentient beings.

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