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4, APRIL 2010 719

Accurate EM-Based Modeling of Cascode FETs

Davide Resca, Member, IEEE, Julio A. Lonac, Rafael Cignani, Antonio Raffo, Member, IEEE,
Alberto Santarelli, Member, IEEE, Giorgio Vannini, Member, IEEE, and Fabio Filicori

Abstract—Cascode field-effect transistors (FETs) are widely cascode or CG device samples to be characterized are not usu-
used in the design of monolithic microwave integrated circuits ally readily available, as it would be needed for the identifica-
(MMICs), owing to their almost unilateral and broadband be- tion of many empirical models found in the literature [6]–[11].
havior. However, since a dedicated model of the cell is rarely
provided by foundries, a suboptimal description built by repli- As the only viable alternative, a cascode FET model is often
cating the standard foundry model for both the common source built by exploiting the only resource available from the foundry,
and common gate device is often adopted. This might limit the which is typically the CS FET model (direct -parameter mea-
success of the MMIC design at the first foundry run. surements can also be used when a device sample is available).
This paper describes an electromagnetic-based empirical model On this basis, a rough model of the CG device can be obtained
of cascode cells, covering topics from the formulation and iden-
tification procedures to the corresponding validation described in by means of simple admittance matrix transformations [8], [12]
an exhaustive experimental section. A MMIC low-noise distributed or by simple rotation once the source electrode has been floated.
amplifier case is then presented and the proposed model is used for The cascode cell model is then eventually obtained by intercon-
circuit analysis and instability detection. Clear indication is pro- nection of the CS and CG descriptions. However, this proce-
vided about the improvement in the prediction of critical behaviors dure was found not accurate enough since the extrinsic para-
with respect to conventional modeling approaches. A cascode cell
with a symmetric layout is also successfully modeled. sitic network identified for the CS FET (defined at the intrinsic
gate–source and drain–source reference planes) could be very
Index Terms—Electromagnetic (EM) analysis, microwave field-
different from that of the CG FET in the cascode cell [13]. In
effect transistors (FETs), monolithic microwave integrated circuits
(MMICs), semiconductor device modeling. turn, model inaccuracies of the CG stage affect the prediction
accuracy of the whole cascode cell [13].
In order to overcome the above problems, an accurate
I. INTRODUCTION EM-based empirical model of cascode FETs is proposed in this
paper. In particular, Section II deals with model definition and
identification procedures. In Section III, the proposed cascode

F IELD-EFFECT transistors (FETs) connected in a cascode

configuration (cascode FETs) have widespread usage in
monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), such as
FET model is applied to a conventional cascode cell layout.
Its predictions are compared to both measurements and sim-
ulations obtained through a conventional modeling approach.
in gain controlled amplifiers, phase shifters, broadband power
A practical application to the analysis of a 0.8–20-GHz GaAs
amplifiers, traveling-wave distributed amplifiers, and mixers
MMIC distributed amplifier based on six cascaded stages is
[1]–[5]. A cascode cell is composed of a common source
discussed. Finally, an additional experimental validation is pre-
(CS) stage cascaded by a common gate (CG) stage. This is
sented in Section IV, where the electromagnetic (EM)-based
implemented either using a double-gate device or using two
modeling approach is applied to a nonstandard cascode cell
single-gate transistors.
with symmetric layout.
As is well known, the first successful design of MMICs re-
quires empirical active device models, which must be accurate, II. EM-BASED MODELING APPROACH
computationally efficient, and easily identifiable. In the case of
The EM-based modeling methodology described in [14] has
cascode FETs, the design of the circuit is complicated since the
been successfully adopted in the past for the linear and non-
design kit provided by the foundries usually include neither the
linear modeling of a single transistor. Despite its simplicity, the
cascode FET model, nor a CG FET model. In the same way,
approach provides high prediction accuracy and scaling capa-
Manuscript received July 28, 2009; revised October 13, 2009. First published According to this methodology, a general CS device, consid-
March 08, 2010; current version published April 14, 2010. This work was sup-
ported by MEC s.r.l., carried out jointly with the University of Bologna and the ered here as a reference sample, can be modeled by an equiva-
University of Ferrara. lent two-port intrinsic device (EqID) connected to a linear dis-
D. Resca and J. A. Lonac are with Microwave Electronics for Communica- tributed four-port passive network, which accounts for the ex-
tions, MEC s.r.l., 40123 Bologna, Italy (e-mail:; trinsic parasitics related to the metallization layout [14]. In par-
R. Cignani, A. Santarelli, and F. Filicori are with the Department of Elec- ticular, according to Fig. 1(c), the latter can be described by its
tronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS), University of Bologna, 40136 [4 4] admittance matrix such that
Bologna, Italy (e-mail:;;
A. Raffo and G. Vannini are with the ENDIF, University of Ferrara, 44100 (1)
Ferrara, Italy (e-mail:;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at where
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2010.2041576 .
0018-9480/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

Fig. 1. Single transistor EM-based empirical model. Device layout EM

simulation setup: (a) where N equivalent intrinsic devices, EIDs, are defined.
(b) Empirical model (c) composed of a compact four-port distributed parasitic
network connected to a single EqID.

Accordingly to [14], in order to identify the matrix, the

device geometry is preliminary divided into a number of el-
ementary intrinsic devices (EIDs) placed along the fingers. A
single EID per finger is typically chosen, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 2. Cascode transistor EM-based empirical model. Device layout EM sim-
The EIDs are then interconnected by a linear multiport “pas- N
ulation setup: (a) where ( + N ) EIDs are defined. (b) Empirical model
composed of a compact six-port distributed parasitic network connected to two
sive distributed structure,” whose admit- EqIDs one for the CS FET, and the other for the CG FET.
tance matrix is directly obtained through accurate EM
simulations [15], [16]. This multiport description is eventually
compacted into a four-port network by calculating the elements where
of through closed-form linear combinations of the ele- .
ments of . The main relationships are briefly recalled in In order to identify the matrix, both the CS and CG
the Appendix for the sake of completeness. device geometries may be preliminary partitioned into a number
Two basic hypotheses are involved in this port compacting and of EIDs, respectively. These are placed along
procedure, which are: 1) the EIDs are considered equal to each the layout fingers of both the CS and CG FETs. The EIDs are
other (both from a geometrical and electrical point of view) and interconnected by a linear passive distributed structure, which is
2) the EIDs are considered equally excited. In particular, relative described in terms of a
differences of both attenuation and delay of signals traveling admittance matrix , which can still be obtained directly
across the device active region are assumed to be negligible. through EM simulation.
This has been proved quite reasonable in “well-designed” small/ The compacting procedure of the linear distributed multiport
medium size devices, since either nonuniform current densities network into a minimal six-port one can be carried out by ap-
along the fingers or strongly not-in-phase current combinations plying the same assumptions made for the single transistor in a
from different device fingers correspond to suboptimal device local way, i.e., by considering the CS and CG stages one by one
performance [14], [17]. (EIDs inside the CS stage are equal and equally excited and sim-
A compact model is proposed in this work for the cascode ilar conditions hold for the EIDs into the CG). According to this
FET [13]. In this case, two CS and CG stages are closely con- criterion, the matrix can be identified on the basis of the
nected, as depicted, for instance, in Fig. 2, and act as a single closed-form relationships in (3), shown at the bottom of the fol-
functional cell. lowing page, where (with
According to the same EM-based methodology, we propose are the elements of the matrix . Analytical derivation is re-
to model the cascode cell by means of two EqIDs (i.e., EqID , ported in the Appendix for the sake of completeness.
EqID ), one for the CS and the other for the CG stage, con- The proposed model of the cascode FET is thus obtained
nected to a linear distributed six-port passive network describing according to the flowchart shown in Fig. 3(a)–(c). The proce-
the extrinsic parasitics related to the metallization layout of the dure consists in three phases, which are: a) data acquisition
overall cell. According to Fig. 2(b), the admittance matrix for model identification through EM-simulations and measure-
of this six-port network is defined as ments; b) data manipulation leading to the identification of the
extrinsic and intrinsic parts of the model; and c) linear scaling of
the intrinsic CS and CG elementary device models (if needed)
(2) and cascode cell model implementation. The three phases will
be now described individually in more detail.

Figs. 1(a) and 2(a), respectively. “Internal” kind of ports (see

Section III) offered by commercial EM simulators, are exploited
to define the EIDs attachment points into the CS and CG regions.
It is worth pointing out that these EM simulations have to be
performed just once during the model identification phase and
do not represent a limitation of the numerical efficiency of the
final model.
-parameters of the reference device are then measured (or
simulated through the foundry model) for each bias condition
. The loop in the bias conditions shown in Fig. 3 will cover the
required quiescent conditions and of the CS and CG
According to Fig. 3, the admittance matrix represents
the multiport descrip-
tion of the cascode cell interconnecting structure, the admittance
Fig. 3. Flowchart describing the EM-based cascode model identification pro- matrix is the multiport description of
the reference device interconnecting structure, while
corresponds to the measured (or simulated) admittance matrix
of the intrinsic reference device biased at the quiescent condi-
A. Data Acquisition for Model Identification tion .
The cascode configuration consists of a CS FET cascaded Although the admittance matrices defined in the following
with a CG FET, where the two devices may have different are functions of frequency, explicit dependence notation will be
peripheries and may operate in different bias conditions. Let omitted in the following for the sake of simplicity.
and be the number of gate fingers
and the unit gatewidths of the CS FET and CG FET, respec- B. Matrix Manipulation and De-Embedding
tively. Let and represent the selected quiescent
The compact and admittance matrices, describing
conditions of the CS and CG FETs, respectively, within the
the reference device and cascode cell extrinsic parasitic net-
cascode cell.
works, respectively, are identified in this phase on the basis
The following data are needed to identify the model proposed.
of the multiport admittance matrices and . Details
• Single transistor representative of the foundry process (a
on the algebraic manipulations needed for these operations are
conventional CS FET) to be treated as reference device or,
given in the Appendix.
at least, an empirical model of it. Let m be
Moreover, the reference device broadband -parameters
its periphery (not necessarily equal to that of the cascode
(measured or simulated) are de-embedded from the extrinsic
CS and CG FETs thanks to the scaling capabilities offered
parasitic network described by the matrix. This leads to an
by the EM-based model [14]).
intrinsic reference device described by the admittance matrix
• Layout of the reference device.
for each required bias condition . Details on the
• Layout of the cascode cell.
de-embedding procedure can also be found in the Appendix.
• Technological process parameters such as substrate/pas-
sivation oxide dielectric characteristics and metallization
C. EqID Scaling and Cascode Model Implementation
The EM simulation of the reference device and the cascode The admittance matrices describe the strictly in-
cell passive structures are performed according to the setup of trinsic behavior of the m reference device. These

data can be easily linearly scaled to obtain and

as follows:


The extrinsic and the intrinsic parts of the proposed cascode

cell empirical model (see Fig. 2) have been identified so far. The
model can be now easily implemented into any linear frequency
domain simulator by circuit connecting the identified CS and
CG EqIDs to the six-port distributed parasitic network described
by the matrix. For the purpose of this work, the blocks of
Fig. 2(b) are implemented through frequency-dependent lookup
tables ( -parameter blocks, Touchstone file based). However,
any available lumped equivalent circuit, describing either the ex-
trinsic parasitic network (by using, for example, automated syn-
thesis techniques [18]) and/or the intrinsic device (linear equiv-
Fig. 4. Layout of the cascode cell adopted in this work. The cascode cell com-
alent circuit or mathematical model [19]–[23]) could be adopted 2
prehensive of the stabilizing network has dimension of 0.38 mm 0.42 mm.
according to the designer preferences.
The proposed procedure can be easily extended to the case
of nonlinear modeling after indentifying the EqID frequency commercial 3-D planar EM simulator [24], where a single EID
response over a dense grid of different bias conditions. per finger was considered. The compact [6 6] matrix
was then obtained after applying the hypotheses of equal and
III. MODEL VALIDATION: CONVENTIONAL CASCODE CELL equally fed EIDs within the cell. Circuit connection between the
In order to validate the EM-based modeling approach pre- six-port extrinsic parasitic network and the identified CS
sented in Section II, a MMIC cascode cell based on the 0.25- m and CG frequency responses completed the
XKu pseudomorphic HEMT (pHEMT) 3MI GaAs process of linear model of the cascode FET.
Triquint Semiconductors has been considered. It is worth mentioning that, owing to the peripheries of the
The EM simulator accuracy was first verified by simulating device samples available for measurements, this particular ex-
some passive test structures such as lines, capacitors, and in- perimental validation did not require any scaling at all. However,
ductors, by using the physical parameters available from the the scaling capabilities of the EM-based approach, within a cer-
foundry manual. Good agreement between the simulated and tain range of peripheries, have been widely proven in [14].
measured behavior was obtained. No tuning of the parameters As it is well known, EM simulations used in the identification
was needed in this phase. phase described in Section II-A might take quite a long time.
The cascode cell consists of two 150- m devices having The minimum mesh cell dimension is indeed strongly related
and m. Both the to the gate channel length and unit finger width in the actual
CS and CG FETs are biased in the same class A operating application and it has to be defined in order to have the gate
condition, at V and mA (thus, according to transmission line properly simulated. For example, a rectangular
the Section II notation, ). The cell, whose layout cell having dimensions 0.125 m 2.5 m was used for the
is shown in Fig. 4, was manufactured and fully characterized device considered. This leads to a total number of meshes in
by means of -parameter measurements in the frequency range the order of 15 000–20 000. EM simulation times are obviously
of 1.5–45 GHz. platform dependent, but they typically are in the order of hours
A reference device was chosen with for a single frequency step on a medium power PC. However,
and . Instead of experimentally charac- extremely accurate models are obtainable in this case, as shown,
terize a device sample, we used the simulated -parameters of for instance, in Fig. 5, where the magnitude of is shown
the available CS foundry model. This actually corresponds to versus frequency up to 45 GHz. Similar accuracy was found on
the worst case where a designer does not have a device sample the other parameters.
to be characterized. An EM simulation of the reference device In the effort of reducing the costs related to the meshing [25],
was first carried out, leading to the distributed [10 10] matrix one could be tempted by dropping some “big” structure from
and to the compact [4 4] description of the ex- the EM simulation after replacement with equivalent lumped
trinsic parasitic network. De-embedding of the small-signal pa- models or with dedicated EM simulation results. The cascode
rameter measurements from this distributed parasitic network cell passive structure was thus re-simulated by dropping the
under the two CS and CG bias conditions (equal in the present via-hole and the large over-via capacitor, which grounds the gate
case) leads to the [2 2] matrices and . of the CG FET at RF frequencies (see Fig. 4). They were re-
The whole cascode interconnecting structure was described placed by lumped-circuit models in this case. A total number of
by the distributed [18 18] matrix , simulated through a meshes in the order of 6000 was obtained leading to a dramatic

Fig. 5. Two different cascode cell models S 21 prediction compared to de- Fig. 7. Cascode-cell model S -parameters predictions compared to device mea-
vice measurements. The bias condition is for class-A operation: V = 6 V, surements. The bias condition is for class-A operation: V = 6 V, I =
I = 15 mA. Frequency range from 1.5 to 45 GHz. Crosses: device measure- 15 mA. Frequency range from 1.5 to 45 GHz. Crosses: device measurements.
ments. Line: EM-based model where the whole structure is EM simulated. Dots: Lines: EM-based model. Dots: conventional model.
EM-based model where the large structure has been cut away from the EM sim-

Fig. 8. Photograph of the manufactured low-noise wideband distributed ampli-

fier. The manufactured MMIC LNA has a dimension of 4 mm 2 mm, while
the die, which includes the CS FET, CG FET, and cascode cells used for the
Fig. 6. Every EID attachment point is defined as a different group (i.e., group A
model validation, as well as other test structures, is 4 mm 4 mm.
and B in the figure) of floating co-calibrated ports [24]. Blue (in online version)
depicts the global local ground (GLG) meshes used for the ports calibration
procedure described in detail in [26]. source-floating model was then connected in the CG configura-
tion following a standard CS stage. The other surrounding struc-
tures were taken into account through their design-kit circuit
reduction (about 90%) in the simulation time required to collect models.
the data needed for the extrinsic parasitic network identifica- The cascode-FET models are compared to -parameter mea-
tion. Corresponding modeling results are also reported in Fig. 5, surements up to 45 GHz in Fig. 7. A good agreement is achieved
showing very good accuracy up to almost 30 GHz. Beyond that by means of the EM-based approach over the whole frequency
frequency, the coupling effects between the large structures and range. Instead, by far, more inaccurate predictions are obtained
the remaining device metallization cannot be neglected any- with the conventional model.
more. Particular care must, therefore, be paid in EM-analysis As a further example, we refer now to the case of a
simplification, depending on the particular application consid- 0.8–20-GHz GaAs MMIC low-noise broadband distributed
ered. amplifier (LNA) based on six cascode FETs equal to the one
Concerning the EIDs definition, floating co-calibrated in- presented in Fig. 4. The photograph of the distributed amplifier
ternal ports available within the simulator were used in this is shown in Fig. 8.
work [24]. They allow to define the EID attachment points As it is well known, the design of the gate and drain trans-
into the device passive structure without perturbing the simu- mission lines is typically carried out on the basis of the cascode
lation with their discontinuity. Details about the co-calibrated FET input and output capacitances [27]–[29], while the input
ports, the way to use them, and the way their discontinuities are and output conductance values strongly affect the stability of
de-embedded from the simulated response are clearly explained the overall amplifier. The two capacitances
in [24] and [26]. Fig. 6 shows the subsections made by the EM and are shown in Fig. 9. They are practi-
simulator in the finger region of the device, where the floating cally coincident with the input and output capacitances, respec-
co-calibrated ports are placed. tively, due to the almost unilateral behavior of the cascode cell.
In order to compare the predictive capabilities of the proposed The EM-based and conventional models are compared to mea-
model with other more conventional approaches, we also sim- surements versus frequency in the figure. The corresponding ca-
ulated the cascode-FET behavior by using a conventional CS pacitance values at the passband center frequency (useful for a
device model. To this aim, the CS linear model provided by first-guess gate and drain line design) are instead reported in
the foundry was modified in order to make the source floating Table I. In addition, and
(by de-embedding the via-hole inductance and resistance). The are shown in Fig. 10. It is clearly noticeable how, out of the

Fig. 9. Cascode cell model predictions of its input (C ) and output (C ) Fig. 10. Cascode cell model predictions of its input (G ) and output (G )
capacitances compared to their measured values. The bias condition is for
class-A operation: V = 6 V, I
conductances compared to their measured values. The bias condition is for
= 15 mA. Frequency range from 1.5
class-A operation: V = 6 V, I = 15 mA. Frequency range from 1.5
to 45 GHz. Crosses: device measurements. Lines: EM-based model. Dots: to 45 GHz. Crosses: device measurements. Lines: EM-based model. Dots:
conventional model. conventional model.


two models considered, the EM-based only predicts the critical

slightly negative values of between 15–30 GHz.
The MMIC LNA, realized after being designed by means
of the conventional model, exhibits a spurious oscillation at
25 GHz. This was unfortunately not detected during the design
phase when stability tests [30], [31] were performed in order to
Fig. 11. Ohtomo analysis [27] of the monolithic LNA (grey conventional
stabilize the amplifier. Thanks to the insertion into the elemen- model, black EM-based model).
tary cascode cell of the stabilizing network, shown in Fig. 4, the
amplifier should have been stable even when considering the
whole statistical dispersion of process parameters. After an in- Lately, the stability test described by Ohtomo [30] was re-
vestigation made on the basis of measurements on both the final peated by using our EM-based model. As shown by the re-
LNA and some other related circuit cutouts, we found that the sults reported in Fig. 11, a potential instability was detected at
differences between measurements and simulations of the entire 25.28 GHz, which was completely missed by the conventional
amplifier were strongly dependent on the cascode cell model. In model.
fact, a rather good agreement between measurements and simu- In successive tests made both experimentally and through
lations was found for the lumped and distributed passive struc- simulations performed by means of the EM-based model, we
tures, while on the other hand, the conventional active device found that the amplifier could be stabilized by slightly mod-
model led to the major discrepancies highlighted in Figs. 7, 9, ifying the bias applied to each cascode cell (modified biases:
and 10. CS FET: V; mA, CG FET: V,

Fig. 12. Ohtomo stability analysis of the stabilized amplifier (EM-based

Fig. 14. Layout of the designed symmetric cascode cell. This figure shows the
detail of the long AB, which realizes the cascode connection. The cascode cell
has a dimension of 0.28 mm 0.33 mm.

The cell is supposed to work under the same bias condition

as the other (both CS and CG FETs biased at V and
mA, i.e., ).
The identification procedure described in Section II was re-
peated. To this aim, the and matrices describing
the intrinsic CS and CG FETs had not to be re-extracted since
they are the same as in the previous case. The simulation of
the new metallization structure corresponding to the symmetric
layout of Fig. 14 had only to be carried out. According to the ar-
Fig. 13. Magnitude of the S -parameters of the LNA in the stabilized configura-
guments discussed in Section III, the two large over-via capac-
tion. Measurements (symbols) compared to the model predictions (lines): S 21: itors were taken into account into the EM simulation of the cell
crosses and red line (in online verson). S 11: circles and blue line (in online ver- to guarantee accurate predictions even at the higher frequencies.
sion). S 22: diamonds and black line.
Thus, the [18 18] matrix was obtained from the EM
simulation setup with a single EID per gate finger. The compact
mA) at some expense of the unilateral cascode cell [6 6] matrix was then identified and used along with the
behavior and, thus, of the overall amplifier performances. available and matrices to complete the linear
The plot in Fig. 12 refers to the stability analysis made in model.
the modified bias condition. The amplifier is now stable, and Full validation in terms of -parameters and input/output ca-
this was also confirmed by the experiments after measuring the pacitance/conductance is reported in Figs. 15–17 and Table II.
LNA sample (see Fig. 13). These additional experimental results The conventional model provides quite more inaccurate results
confirm that the EM-based model will be an extremely good tool with respect to the EM-based model, as was expected.
for future designs.
IV. SYMMETRIC-LAYOUT CASCODE CELL An EM-based model of cascode FETs has been proposed in
In order to assess the validity of the proposed approach, it has this paper. The extraction procedure presents the great advan-
also been applied to the specifically designed symmetric-layout tage of being carried out on the basis of conventional -param-
cell shown in Fig. 14. The long air bridge (AB) in this layout eters of a single CS device belonging to the selected techno-
provides the cascode-like connection in a symmetric fashion by logical process. Standard information about the process, mostly
joining the drain of the CS FET to the source of the CG FET deducible from GDSII device layouts, is needed for the setting
passing over its gate electrode. of the EM simulations. The wide experimental validation pro-
The cell was manufactured and fully characterized in terms vided shows dramatic improvements over standard modeling
of -parameters in the frequency range of [1.5–45 GHz]. It was approaches based on commonly available foundry data.
then modeled by means of both the EM-based model and a con-
ventional model, despite this, the latter is expected to introduce APPENDIX A
quite rough approximations. In fact, in order to provide the sym- In order to obtain the and admittance matrices, a
metry of the layout, both the source and gate layout of the CG procedure, which is consistent with the EqID concept defined in
stage are modified with respect to the conventional one. Section II, is briefly exposed here [14].

Fig. 15. Symmetric cascode-cell model S -parameters predictions compared to

device measurements. The bias condition is for class-A operation: V =6 V,
I = 15mA. Frequency range from 1.5 to 45 GHz. Crosses: device measure-
ments. Lines: EM-based model. Dots: conventional model.

Fig. 17. Symmetric cascode cell model predictions of its input G ) and
output G ) conductances compared to their measured values. The bias
condition is for class-A operation: V V, I = 15 mA. Frequency range
from 1.5 to 45 GHz. Crosses: device measurements. Lines: EM-based model.
Dots: conventional model.


Fig. 16. Symmetric cascode cell model predictions of its input C( ) and
output C( ) capacitances compared to their measured values. The bias
condition is for class-A operation: V=6 V, I = 15 mA. Frequency range Two basic assumptions are made, which are: 1) the EIDs are
from 1.5 to 45 GHz. Crosses: device measurements. Lines: EM-based model.
Dots: conventional model.
considered equal one to another and 2) they are equally excited.
The two 2-port distributed parasitic network of Fig. 18
can then be compacted into either a four-port description of
The active regions of both the reference device (Fig. 1) and parasitic effects, in the case of the reference device, or into
cascode cell (Fig. 2) are partitioned in a given number of two- a six-port description of parasitic effects in the case of the
port EIDs. Every EID is interconnected to each other through a cascode cell.
distributed passive -port network, which can be charac-
terized by a admittance matrix. According A. Identification (Reference Device,
to Section II, such a matrix is either the matrix of the ref- According to Fig. 18, the two main assumptions are translated
erence device, when , or the matrix of the cas- into the following relations:
code cell, when , both obtained on the
basis of accurate EM simulations. A schematic representation
of this - port parasitic description is shown in Fig. 18,
where are the phasors of extrinsic gate–source and
drain–source voltages and extrinsic gate and drain currents, re-
spectively. Analogously,
are the phasors of the EID voltages and currents. (A.1)



where are the phasors of voltages and cur-

rents at the ports of the yet unknown matrix of Fig. 2. The
Fig. 18. Distributed parasitic network (gray pattern) directly obtained from the latter can be eventually evaluated through (3), which is obtained
EM simulation of the device passive structure (described by a 2n + 2 2n + 2 on the basis of (A.4) and (A.5) after simple algebraic manipu-
admittance matrix). Voltage and current phasors at the external gate and drain
terminals and at the gate and drain EID terminals are also shown. lations. Thus, the elements of are linear combinations of
the elements of the
matrix representing the multiport EM description of the cascode
and cell passive structure.

C. De-Embedding of From
According to the matrix relations defined by (1), we have

(A.2) (A.6)
where are the phasors of voltages and cur-
rents at the ports of the yet unknown matrix of Fig. 1. This where
latter can be eventually evaluated on the basis of (A.1) and (A.2)
after simple algebraic manipulation, through (A.3), shown at the
bottom of this page, where are the el-
ements of the matrix.

B. Identification (Cascode Cell, )
According to Figs. 2 and 18, the two main assumptions are and are the elements of the matrix.
applied locally to each active area corresponding to the CS and Let and be the [2 2] matrices rep-
CG FETs. This leads to the following relations: resenting the measured extrinsic admittance and the unknown
intrinsic reference device admittance such as


By substituting (A.8) into (A.6), after simple matrix manipula-

tions, the unknown matrix is obtained through



ACKNOWLEDGMENT [22] D. E. Root, S. Fan, and J. Meyer, “Technology independent large-signal

non quasi-static FET models by direct construction from automatically
The authors gratefully acknowledge Prof. V. A. Monaco, characterized device data,” in Proc. 21th Eur. Microw. Conf., Stuttgart,
MEC s.r.l., Bologna, Italy, for supporting the research reported Germany, Oct. 1991, pp. 927–932.
[23] F. Filicori, A. Santarelli, P. A. Traverso, A. Raffo, G. Vannini, and
in this paper. M. Pagani, “nonlinear RF device modelling in the presence of low-
frequency dispersive phenomena,” Int J RF Microw. Comput.-Aided.
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[9] W.-K. Deng and T.-H. Chu, “Elements extraction of GaAs dual-gate tronic engineering from the University of Ferrara,
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[13] D. Resca, J. A. Lonac, R. Cignani, A. Raffo, A. Santarelli, G. Van-
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[14] D. Resca, A. Santarelli, A. Raffo, R. Cignani, G. Vannini, F. Filicori, tronics from the University of La Plata, La Plata, Ar-
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[15] A. Cidronali, G. Collodi, A. Santarelli, G. Vannini, and G. Manes, “A He was a Researcher involved with the ambit of
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tromagnetic analysis,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 47, no. as a MMIC Designer in the Italian Space Agency
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[16] A. Cidronali, G. Collodi, A. Santarelli, G. Vannini, and G. Manes, SAOCOM project. He is currently an MMIC De-
“Millimeter-wave FET modeling using on-wafer measurements and signer with MEC s.r.l., Bologna, Italy. His major field of study concerns the
EM simulation,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 50, no. 2, pp. modeling and design of MMICs for telecommunication and radar applications.
425–432, Feb. 2002.
[17] D. Denis, C. M. Snowden, and I. C. Hunter, “Coupled electrothermal,
electromagnetic, and physical modeling of microwave power FETs,”
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2006. Rafael Cignani was born in Ravenna, Italy, in 1975.
[18] J. C. Rautio, “Synthesis of compact lumped models from electromag- He received the Laurea degree in telecommunica-
netic analysis results,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 55, no. tions engineering from the University of Bologna,
12, pp. 2548–2554, Dec. 2007. Bologna, Italy, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree in
[19] W. R. Curtice, “A MESFET model for use in the design of GaAs inte- information engineering from the University of
grated circuits,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. MTT-28, no. Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, in 2004.
5, pp. 448–455, May 1980. During his doctoral studies, he collaborated with
[20] H. Statz, P. Newman, I. W. Smith, R. A. Pucel, and H. A. Haus, “GaAs the Department of Electronics, Computer Science
FET device and circuit simulation in SPICE,” IEEE Trans. Electron and Systems (DEIS), University of Bologna. He is
Devices, vol. ED-34, no. 2, pp. 160–169, Feb. 1987. currently a Graduated Technician with the DEIS,
[21] A. Materka and T. Kacprzak, “Computer calculation of large-signal University of Bologna. His research activity is
GaAs FET amplifier characteristics,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory mainly oriented to MMIC design and nonlinear circuit modeling and design
Tech., vol. MTT-33, no. 2, pp. 129–135, Feb. 1985. techniques.

Antonio Raffo (S’04–M’07) was born in Taranto, for MMIC testing and the CAD Laboratory. In 1998, he joined the University
Italy, in 1976. He received the M.S. degree (with of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, as an Associate Professor, and since 2005, as a
honors) in electronic engineering and Ph.D. degree Full Professor of electronics. He is also currently Head of the Engineering
in information engineering from the University of Department, University of Ferrara. During his academic career, he has been a
Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, in 2002 and 2006, respec- Teacher of applied electronics, electronics for communications, and industrial
tively. electronics. He is a cofounder of the academic spin-off Microwave Electronics
Since 2002, he has been with the Electronic De- for Communications (MEC). He has coauthored over 160 papers devoted to
partment, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, where electron device modeling, computer-aided design techniques for MMICs, and
he is currently a Contract Professor of electronic in- nonlinear circuit analysis and design.
strumentation and measurement. His research mainly Dr. Vannini is a member of the Gallium Arsenide Application Symposium
concerns nonlinear electron device characterization (GAAS) Association. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards presented
and modeling and circuit-design techniques for nonlinear microwave and mil- at the 25th European Microwave Conference, GAAS98, and GAAS2001 con-
limeter-wave applications. ferences.
Dr. Raffo is a member of the Italian Association on Electrical and Electronic

Fabio Filicori received the Dr. Ing. degree in elec-

tronic engineering from the University of Bologna,
Alberto Santarelli (M’97) received the Laurea de- Bologna, Italy, in 1974.
gree in electronic engineering and Ph.D. degree in In 1974, he joined the Faculty of Engineering, Uni-
electronics and computer science from the University versity of Bologna, as an Assistant Researcher, and
of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1991 and 1996, respec- then becoming an Associate Professor. In 1990, he
tively. became a Full Professor of electronics with the Uni-
From 1996 to 2001, he was a Research Assistant versity of Perugia. In 1991, he rejoined the University
with the Research Center for Computer Science and of Ferrara, where he was Coordinator of the degree
Communication Systems, Italian National Research course in “Electronic Engineering.” He is currently a
Council, Bologna, Italy. Since 2001, he has been Full Professor with the University of Bologna, where
with the Department of Electronics, Computer he has been Coordinator of the Ph.D. course in “Electronics, Computer Science
Science and Systems (DEIS), University of Bologna, and Telecommunications.” He has been the Coordinator of research projects in
where he is currently an Associate Professor. His main research interests electronic engineering promoted by the Ministry of University and Research.
are electron device nonlinear modeling and circuit design for microwave In 2007, he became a member of the Technology Commission, Italian Space
applications. Agency. He has authored or coauthored approximately 200 papers. His research
concerns nonlinear microwave circuit design, electron device modeling, elec-
tronic measurements, and industrial electronics.
Dr. Filicori has been a workpackage leader for the European NoE TARGET.
Giorgio Vannini (S’87–M’92) received the Laurea He has been Technical Program Committee (TPC) chairman for the EUMIC
degree in electronic engineering and Ph.D. degree in Conference. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
electronic and computer science engineering from the ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES.
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1987 and
1992, respectively.
In 1992, he joined the Department of Electronics,
University of Bologna, as a Research Associate.
From 1994 to 1998, he was with the Research Centre
on Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommu-
nication Engineering, National Research Council
(CSITE), Bologna, Italy, where he was responsible

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