Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

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Jalal-udin Imam Suyiti (R.A) writes regarding milaad (Birthdays) that. “ According to me,
gatherings, recitation of the Quran mentioning those signs which appears at the time of his
birth are amongst the good innovations in which a person is rewarded because in this there is
respect, love and expression of happiness for the arrival of Rasulallah (S.A.W)” [AL HAAWI LIL

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah writes in his book [IQTIDAA` US-SIRAAT-ILMUSTAQEEM, Page: 294] that “.
Those people who celebrated millad (mawlid) through the love and respect of the prophet
[S.A.W] will be rewarded by Allah”.

He also writes in his book [MAMA FATAWA, Vol. 23, and page: 63. Ibn Taymiyyah] that to
celebrate and honour the birth of the prophet (s) and to take it as an honoured season, as some
of the people are doing is good and in it there is a great reward, because of their intention in
honouring the prophet (s).

Imam Ibn Qayyim`s opinion on Recitation of the prophet`s (s) birthday; Allahma Ibn Qayyim al
Jawziyyah, the best and the most renowned student of Imam Ibn Tayymiyah, writes in his book
[MADARIJ AS – SALIKIN, page: 498] that “Listening to a good voice celebrating the birthday of
the prophet (s) or celebrating any of the holy days in our history gives peace to the hearts and
gives the listener light from the prophet (s) to his heart, and he will drink more from the
Muhammadan spring” (Ayn al –Muhammadiyya).

Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentioned the celebration of birth of Rosulallah (S.A.W) in his History [AL-
BIDAYAH WAL`NIHAYA, VOL. 13, page: 136] that “Sultan Muzaffar used to arrange the
celebration of the Meelad Shareef with honour, glory, dignity and grandeur. In this connection
he used to organize a magnificent festival”. He was a pure –hearted, brave and wise Alim(
scholer) and a just ruler, may Allah shower His mercy upon him and exalted status”.

Ibn Kathir also praise the Night of Mawlid, in the last days of his life, he writes in one of his
books entitled ‘Mawlid Rasul Allah’ which was spread far and wide. The book mentioned the
permissibility of celebrating the mawlid. “the night of the prophet`s (s) birth is a magnificent,
Noble and blessed and holy night, a night of Bliss for the believers, pure, radiant with lights and
immeasurable price” [Mawlid Rasul Allah, page: 19]

So, this act is definitely appreciated and also rewarded by Allah, if it`s done according to the
way of Qur`an and Sunnah and Allah know best.

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