Draft TOR Site Dev P4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Science and Technology

Purok 12, Lime Kiln, Irisan, Baguio City
E-mail: pshs_carc@yahoo.com.ph



The Philippine Science High School-CAR Campus Dormitory sits atop a hill at an approximate height
of 25 m taken from the main assembly area of the Academic Building. The dormitory started
construction in January of 2004 and is fully operational. It currently houses about ninety (90)
students. Planned development for the PSHS-CARC Dormitory Complex is the construction of another
Dormitory Building to accommodate additional students to cater to the K-12 Program of the Philippine

Temporary entrance to the dorm is through a walkway from the residential areas at the eastern side
of the dormitory. Construction of a stairway from the service road level to the main entryway of the
existing Dormitory is underway and is expected to commence before the end of November 2015.

The proposed infrastructure project “ Site Development Phase IV “ addresses the need for a service
road leading to the Dormitory. This service road is expected to cater to the needs of the PSHS-CARC
dormers since it is envisioned to provide easy access of motor vehicles for deliveries as well as an
alternate but quick emergency service route for fire trucks and emergency vehicles.

The project implementation will adopt the DESIGN-AND-BUILD SCHEME guidelines as per R.A. 9184
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.


1. To provide a background information regarding the preparation and submission of the proposed
project to the Designer-Builder;
2. To provide a background information regarding the proposed project which should be handled in
the shortest possible time, at the lowest possible cost and at an acceptable quality and performance
to the Designer-Builder;
3. To outline the “Work” of the Designer-Builder that has to be performed under the terms of its
contract with the PSHS-CARC.
4. To provide penalties in case of breach of Designer-Builder’s obligations
The proposed PSHS-CARC Site Development-Phase IV Project is composed of the following work
items :

1. Site evaluation and surveying activities for the proposed roadway;

2. Conduct of a slope stability analysis to identify critical areas along the proposed roadway;
3. Downgrading of the existing slope leading to the PSHS-CARC Dormitory;
4. Construction of a pavement capable of sustaining vehicular traffic and to serve as the service
roadway leading to the Dormitory; and
5. Slope protection on identified critical areas and in areas where there is a need for the appropriate
slope protection system. The proposed slope protection system/s shall be located along the inner
side of the proposed roadway, facing the school premises, to prevent settlement of the roadbed.

This project shall be designed on the basis of safety, functionality, feasibility and aesthetics.

The proposed project shall have two main phases: the design phase and the construction phase, and
shall put emphasis on the most feasible and functional development scheme for the path leading to
the PSHS-CARC Dormitory.

The design phase shall include conducting an appropriate ground survey of the proposed pathway
and conducting a slope stability evaluation, which will form the basis of the proposed roadway and
slope protection system.

The completed structure shall be a pavement which will serve as the main entryway for service and
emergency vehicles leading to the dormitory. This pavement shall be constructed on a downgraded
slope which is protected by the appropriate slope protection system from the base (service gate level)
to the arrival point at the ground area of the PSHS-CARC dormitory premises.

The proposed slope protection system must provide ground support to the expected vehicular traffic
loads absorbed by the proposed roadway. In a similar manner, adequate provisions for drainage of
surface run-off from the Dormitory area must also be considered in the overall design.

1. General

The proposed site development is to be constructed within the PSHS-CARC Campus at Purok 12,
Irisan, Baguio City. Two main elements comprise the proposed project : (1) construction of roadway
to provide vehicular access to the Dormitory; and (2) construction of an appropriate slope protection
system to safely absorb vehicular loads transmitted by the roadway.
The proposed roadway shall have a minimum width of 4.00 m and a length of 106.00 m. The total
construction surface area of the proposed slope protection system as well as the average slope angle
and height shall depend on the location of the critical areas, as identified in the slope stability
The incorporation of drainage provisions for the proposed roadway and the proposed slope protection
system shall also be considered important inclusions to the proposed project.
The project site is located towards the southwestern portion of the existing Academic Building.

2. Preliminary Documents to be provided by the Owner

The following documents will be provided by the Owner as preliminary data for the project:
a. Campus site development plan; and
b. GIS-based topographic map of the area

3. Preliminary Geotechnical Survey and Mapping

The Contractor shall conduct a site mapping and geotechnical survey of the proposed site. A
complete slope stability analysis shall serve as the basis for the design of the appropriate slope
protection system to be recommended on identified critical areas.

The Owner/Procuring Entity does not guarantee that the preliminary data provided are fully correct,
up to date and applicable to the project. The Contractor shall solely be responsible for the accuracy
and applicability of all data that it will use in its Design-and-Build proposal and services. It shall also
be responsible for the integrity of the detailed engineering design and the performance of the
structure irrespective of the approval of the Owner/Procuring Entity. It shall also be solely responsible
for the design and liable for structural defects and/or failures of the completed project.
The Contractor shall conceptualize a site development solution that will enhance mobility and
promote vehicular access to the dormitory, and at the same time provide a safe, comfortable, durable
and aesthetically pleasing campus environment.
1. General Requirement

The 4.00m – wide roadway shall have a length of 106.00 m and shall be constructed on a
downgraded slope protected by the appropriate slope protection system. Drainage provisions shall be
incorporated in the design and construction of the roadway and the slope protection system.
2. Project Location Map
3. Existing Site Plan
4. Proposed Project Area
5. General Concept
5.1 Site Development and Architectural Detail/Landscape Design Concept

Site development and provisions for aesthetics / architectural / landscape shall be based on green-
building concepts and shall be in consonance with the existing design concept of the entire site.
Drainage shall likewise be a consideration in this design concept as surface runoff as well as a small
amount of subsurface water is still expected to flow from the dormitory area. The expected amount
of water shall be directed
towards the existing catch basin located at the edge of the fence near the existing service gate.
The landscape component shall utilize easily propagating plants, grasses, trees or shrubs which will
mask the “hard” face of a concrete or stone retaining wall, whichever the case may be.

5.2 Structural Design Concept

The proposed roadway shall be constructed on properly compacted earth base, compacted to at least
95% of the maximum dry density. It shall be designed to support loads from the expected vehicular
traffic that it shall cater to. Additionally, provisions for drainage of surface run-off shall also be
incorporated in the design.
The structural design of the proposed slope stabilization / protection method shall take into
consideration the results of the soil geotechnical investigation and slope stability analysis.
Structural framing, foundation materials or anchorage materials shall be composed of reinforced
concrete and structural steel. These materials shall be locally available and shall conform to the
standards set forth by the ASTM. An economical design shall likewise be produced, taking into
consideration the allowable factor of safety for structural design as well as for slope stability.
Should the slope factor of safety be less than 1.0, structural design shall extend to providing the
appropriate slope stabilization system to be introduced in the identified area prior to the construction
of the proposed slope protection system


The design and specifications shall conform to, but not limited to the following standards set by the:
a. National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) 2010 edition;
b. The DPWH Standard Specifications for Roads (DPWH Blue Book); and
c. Applicable Local Regulations and Ordinances.

With respect to the actual construction, applicable rules and regulations prescribed by the following
agencies and/or embodied in the following shall be observed:
a. Department of Public Works and Highways;
b. Department of Environment and Natural Resources; and
c. Applicable Building Laws and Ordinances in the City of Baguio

The Contractor is required to perform the following scope of works:
1. Review of Existing Information

Review the basic design parameters and detailed scope of works. The contractor shall ensure that it
has firsthand information on the campus site development plan, construction data of existing
buildings, soil survey report, topographic maps and other documents that are readily available from
the Owner. Such will be used to define project design criteria and serve as basis for any changed
conditions and establish project cost
estimates. Should any of these data and other pertinent data be unavailable, the Contractor shall carry out i
the needed testing/investigation to complete the needed design data. n
2. Field Survey and Site Inspection e
The contractor shall conduct the appropriate site survey including staking, establishing of t
horizontal and vertical control points, benchmarks and topographic surveys, should he/she deem i
it necessary. g
The Contractor shall have inspected the site and its surroundings and orient himself with the a
following: t
a. Location and nature of work; i
b. Climatic conditions; o
c. Nature and condition of the terrain; n
d. Geologic conditions at the site; ,
e. Transportation and communication facilities; s
f. Availability of construction materials, labor, water services, electric and power supply; l
g. Location and extent of aggregate sources; and o
h. Other factors that may affect the cost, duration and execution of the work.

3. Soils and Materials Investigation
The Contractor shall conduct subsurface geotechnical investigations in the project area to a
determine the subsurface soil conditions, strength and deformation characteristics, soil b
parameters and characteristics and other geotechnical information necessary for the design i
calculations and analyses. l
Data obtained from the geotechnical investigations shall be used in generating slope stability i
analyses which shall form the basis of an appropriate slope protection/stabilization proposal. t
Testing of the required soil parameters shall be carried out as required in accordance with the y
latest ASTM Standards.
4. Architectural Works n
The architectural features of the proposed structure shall address the need of the institution and l
its clientele. The design shall be responsive to the flow of students from the Academic Complex y
to the dormitory area. The architectural design shall address all project requirements and shall s
be compliant to the National Building Code of the Philippines and all other relevant codes and e
standards. s
5. Structural Works m
The Contractor shall prepare the necessary structural analyses, calculations and design of t
structural members in accordance with the National Building Code of the Philippines, National e
Structural Code of the Philippines and other relevant codes. The design of the main structure and r
its appurtenances shall take into account, among others, the seismic requirements of the area to i
attain the optimum safety of the whole structure and minimize possible seismic damage. a
The Contractor shall prepare the structural design on the basis of data obtained from site l
investigations and survey of existing site conditions, soil / geotechnical survey, foundation t
esting, seismic requirements of
the area and other investigations necessary in standard engineering practice to ensure the structural integrity
of the structure as well as the safety of the end-user.
Design loads shall be derived based on the applicable provisions of the DPWH Standard Specifications for
Public Structures.
At the end of the design stage, the Contractor is expected to produce the appropriate design and construction
plans, as enumerated in the schedule of submittals in these specifications.

6. Permits

The contractor shall process and secure all the necessary permits as required by authorities for
the preparation, execution and upon completion of the contract. The Contractor shall coordinate
with other agencies and pay the corresponding fees incidental to the acquisition of the required

7. Construction Works

The Contractor shall perform the following construction activities but is not limited to the
a. Mobilization/Demolition

The Contractor shall mobilize and bring out into work, all personnel, plant and equipment, in
accordance with his approved construction program, equipment moving and utilization schedule
and manpower schedule, from its regular place of business to the site to undertake the contract.
Mobilization shall include the obtaining and transporting to jobsite of equipment, materials, tools,
personnel, constructional plant and all necessary items for the execution and completion of the
work and shall also include the setting up and verification of all equipment and instruments until it
is rendered operable.
Demobilization shall include dismantlement and removal from the site of the Contractor’s
materials and equipment and all temporary facilities. It shall also include a clean-up of the site
after completion of the contract as well as transportation from the site of the Contractor’s

b. Site Clearing and Proper Waste Disposal

General site clearing operations include the removal of demolished materials and objectionable
matter, protection of existing structures/facilities left functional and clearing to allow for new
The Contractor is obliged to provide barricades, coverings, or other types of protection necessary
to prevent damage to existing structures and facilities. Likewise, he is to dispose of materials,
trash and debris in a safe and acceptable manner in accordance with applicable laws and
ordinances. Burying and burning of trash and debris at the site will not be permitted. Trash and
debris shall be removed from the site at regular intervals to prevent these from accumulating and
ultimately delaying the course of the work.

c. Siteworks

c.1. Excavation, Foundations, Anchorage

The design and quality of structural materials to be used shall be in conformity to the governing
laws and to the acceptable engineering practices.
Footings, foundation elements and/or anchorage systems shall be of the appropriate type, of adequate size/s and
capacity in order to safely sustain the superimposed loads under seismic forces, lateral earth pressure or any
condition of external forces that may affect the stability of the structure.


The project shall be carried out within the duration herein specified:
A. Design Phase, which shall include the Detailed Engineering, including presentation and approvals
as well as Permit Acquisitions -- forty five (45) calendar days; and
B. Construction Phase, which encompasses all works stipulated in the TOR as well as post-
construction evaluation -- one hundred and fifty (150) calendar days

The Total Project Duration is one hundred and ninety-five (195) calendar days.


The procurement and implementation of the project using the “Design and Build” scheme shall be in
accordance with the provisions of RA9184, specifically its Annex G. Bidding shall be conducted by the
Bids and Awards Committee constituted to conduct the procurement of the project. The Technical
Working Group (TWG) shall likewise assist the Bids and Awards Committee in the evaluation of
technical proposals in accordance with the criteria set. The TWG shall likewise supervise the overall
project implementation.

1. Eligibility Requirements
1.1 The eligibility requirements for Design and Build infrastructure projects shall comply with the
applicable provisions as set forth in RA 9184.
1.2 A modified set of requirements integrating the eligibility documents and criteria for design and
build infrastructure projects shall be adopted as follows:
1.2.1 Class A documents (Legal, Technical and Financial Documents) and Class B Documents
a. Relevant statements of all on-going, completed, awarded but not yet started design and build
related contracts, curriculum vitae of key staff, partners or principal officers; and
b. Valid licenses issued by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) for design professionals.

1.2.2 Eligibility Criteria

a. The eligibility of design and build contractors shall be based on the legal, technical and financial
requirements. In the technical requirements, the design and build contractor should be able to
comply with the experience requirements under the IRR of RA9184, where one of the parties (in a
joint venture/consortia) should have at least one similar project, both in design and construction, with
at least 50% of the cost of the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC).

b. The relevant provisions stipulated in the IRR of RA9184 on eligibility requirements shall be
2. Submission and Receipt of Bids
2.1 The Technical Proposal shall be comprised of all the required documents for infrastructure projects
under Section 25.2 of the IRR of RA9184 and the following additional documents :

2.1.1 Schematic Documents

The schematic document shall be a take-off from the approved design brief. These documents shall
be scaled presentation drawings comprising, but not limited to, perspectives, site development plans,
elevations, sections and other necessary drawings to illustrate the size and character of the project.
Also included in the presentation drawings is the proposed unique structural and construction system
for consideration. They shall be submitted on 20” x 30” boards using the appropriate scale. The
schematic document shall also include a preliminary field mapping and a preliminary geotechnical and
slope stability assessment to be able to have an initial concept of the need for slope stabilization
measures or to apply the minimum amount of slope protection needed for the site. Similarly, it
should also include a PERT-CPM, an outline of specifications, illustrating the size and character of the
project, and showing the kinds of materials to be used, the structural concept and type, the type of
pavement that is recommended for the specified area, including other items of work that are indicated
in the Terms of Reference and Design Brief. The shall be submitted, printed and ring-bound on A4-
sized sheets.

2.1.2 Design and construction methods

Emphasis shall be made on the construction methods that best fits the cost and duration of the
project. Prefabricated and/or modular construction systems, with a proven track record and history of
past project, may only be accepted after passing a thorough evaluation.

2.1.3 Value engineering analysis of design and construction method.

Prospective bidders shall prepare a value engineering analysis report of their proposed design and
construction method to be applied for the Project. Importance shall be made based on the following
criteria :
a. Cost-saving (can be measured by a per square meter average figure than conventional
construction methods);
b. Time-saving in design and construction duration (can be measured by an initial proposed PERT-
CPM of the Project) due to the expertise and past experiences with the proposed method; and
c. Operational efficiency

2.1.4 List of design and construction personnel, to be assigned to the contract t be bid, with their
complete qualifications and experiences. (See Staff


Every construction project shall have a suitable Construction Safety and Health Program, which must
be in accordance with the rules, and other orders and issuances issued by the
DOLE, the Construction-in-Charge, or an equally responsible officer, shall be responsible for the
compliance of the Program.

The contractor shall provide adequate and qualified staff to perform the services required herein. The
key professionals and the respective qualifications of the DESIGN PERSONNEL shall be as follows:


The Structural Engineer must be a duly-licensed Civil Engineer with at least ten (10) years experience
in structural design and in the design and implementation of roadway / pavement infrastructure
projects and shall preferably be knowledgeable in the application of rapid construction technologies.

The Geotechnical Engineer must be a duly-licensed Civil Engineer with at least ten (10) years
experience in the design of slope protection and slope stabilization methods. He/she must be
knowledgeable in generating slope stability analyses and interpreting its results. Similarly, the
Geotechnical Engineer shall preferably be knowledgeable in the application of rapid construction

The Geodetic Engineer must be a duly-licensed Geodetic Engineer with at least ten (10) years
experience in field surveys.

The key professionals and the respective qualifications of the CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL shall be as

The Project Manager shall be a licensed Civil Engineer with at least ten (10) years of relevant
experience in pavement construction projects and in projects involving slope stabilization and
protection and other similar or comparable projects in different locations. The Project Manager should
have a proven record of managerial capability through the directing/managing of major civil
engineering works, including projects of a similar magnitude.


The Project Engineer shall be a licensed Civil Engineer with at least five (5) years experience in similar
and comparable projects and shall preferably be knowledgeable in the application of rapid
construction technologies.


The Materials Engineer must be a duly accredited Materials Engineer in accordance with the DPWH
Materials Testing standards and must have at least five (5) years experience in pavement construction
projects and shall preferably be knowledgeable in the application of rapid construction technologies.

The Foreman must have at least five (5) years experience in road construction infrastructure projects
and in slope stabilization and protection construction projects of
2. Subsurface suitable scale for
the Agency with
Geotechnical review by the
such plans.
Investigation Agency technical
Final copies of A4 paper Two (2)
other similar and comparable projects and Report,
be preferably knowledgeable in representatives
the application of
the technical complete sets of
rapid construction technologies. soil testing data, and approval by
specifications, the same Plans,
signed and the HOPE.
bill of materials duly signed and
and bill of sealed by the
quantities, indicated
The Line and Grade Engineer must have Engineer. 3. (5) years experience in conducting field surveys
at least five
detailed cost Professionals
and in supervising road construction works. Slope Stability
estimate, PERT- /Designer/s, for
Analysis and a
CPM and the approval of
6. SAFETY OFFICER detailed
construction the HOPE.
summary of
work plan.
The Safety Officer must be an accredited findings,
safety signed
practitioner by the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) and must have undergone and sealed byprescribed
the a forty (40) hour Construction Safety and
Health Training (COSH). Geotechnical
Engineer. 4.
The above key personnel listed are required.Construction
The DBC or the agency technical representatives may,
plans, which
as needed and at its own expense, add additional professionals and/or support personnel for the
optimal performance of all Constructionincludes
Services, as stipulated in these Terms of Reference, for the
Project. Prospective bidders shall attach Architectural and resume, PRC license of the professional
each individual’s
Civil &Structural
staff, certificates of training and all other pertinent documents proving the said professional’s
expertise. and Plans,
signed and
The Contractor shall present, in Powerpoint appropriate
format or its equivalent, to the Owner his Detailed Design
Concept and Construction Plans and Schedule professionals.
within five (5) calendar days upon receipt of Notice to
Final Submittals Within seven (7) Complete
Proceed/Contract Effectivity, but not necessarily limited set of to 24”
the xfollowing:
36” Two (2)
1. Site Developmentcalendar
Plans days detailed plans as blueprinted complete sets of
upon notification specified in the
2. Exterior Perspectives paper (for all the same Plans,
of the Project
3. Foundation Plans or Anchorage Systems Initial submittals in this duly signed and
4. Construction Schedule Submittals. item) sealed by the
Additional plans indicated
as approved Professionals
deliberations. the approval of
Delivery Conceptual Plans Form Efficiency
The following submittals the HOPE. Once by
Initial Submittals Withinand accomplished
seven documents shall
(7) ‘1. Detailed 24”bex duly
36” completedTwoand turned-over
sets of
the Design-And-Build Contractor approved, the
calendar days for theRoad
Plans blueprinted Detailed
1. For the Design Phase Contractor shall
after the (Plan, Elevation, paper (for all Plans,Geotechnic
reproduce the
presentation of Section, submittals in this al Investigation
approved plans
the Detailed Topographic item) Report and Slope
in three (3)
Engineering Map, Road Stability Analysis
duplicate copies
Concept Profile), duly signed and
and shall furnish
including results sealed by the
of site mapping indicated
and topo survey Professionals or
2. For the Construction Phase showing Designer/s and
a. As-built plans; complete details drawn in a
b. All necessary plans; of the
c. Shop drawings, if applicable; downgrading of
d. Test results; and the proposed
e. Guarantees, warrantees and other certificates.

 The above-mentioned plans and submittals are set as the minimum submittals only. Additional
documentary submittals and reports may be requested as the need arises.
 Submission of test results shall be in accordance with the testing schedule as reflected in the
Contractor’s work plan.
 As-built plans shall be submitted for Agency approval fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the
target date of completion of the project.


1. Personnel of the Design-And-Build Contractor should be specialists and highly-skilled in their
respective trades, performing all labor according to first-class standards. A full-time Project Engineer
and Construction Safety Engineer shall be assigned by the Design-And-Build Contractor at the job site
during the construction of the project.

2. All work to be subcontracted shall be declared by the Design-And-Build Contractor and shall be
approved by the Owner/Procuring Entity.

3. Any errors, omissions, inconsistencies, inadequacies or failure submitted by the Design-And-Build

Contractor that do not comply with the requirements shall be rectified, resubmitted and reviewed at
the Design-And-Build Contractor’s cost. If the Design-And-Build Contractor wishes to modify any
design or document which has been previously submitted, reviewed and approved, the Design-And-
Build Contractor shall notify the procuring entity within a reasonable period of time and shall shoulder
the cost of such changes.
1. The Designer-Builder warrants that it shall conform strictly with the terms and conditions of these
Terms of Reference.
2. The Designer-Builder warrants, represents and undertakes reliability of the service and that their
manpower complements are hardworking, qualified/reliable and dedicated to do the service required
to the satisfaction of the PSHS-CARC. It shall employ well-behaved and honest employees with IDs
displayed conspicuously while working within the compound. It shall not employ PSHS-CARC
employees to work in any category whatsoever.
3. The Designer-Builder shall comply with the laws governing employees compensation, Philhealth,
Social Security and / or labor standards and other laws, rules and regulations applicable to its
personnel employed by the Designer-Builder on account of contracted services. The Designer-Builder
shall pay its personnel not less than the minimum wage and other benefits mandated by law.
4. The Designer-Builder in performance of its services shall secure, maintain at its own expense all
registration, licenses or permits required by National or Local Laws and shall comply with the rules,
regulations and directives of Regulatory Authorities and Commissions. The Designer-Builder
undertakes to pay all fees or charges payable to any instrumentality of government or to any other
duly constituted authority relating to the construction project.
5. The Designer-Builder's personnel shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of all persons
and properties at or near their area of work and shall comply with all the standard and established
safety regulations, rules and practices.
6. The Designer-Builder shall coordinate with the Resident Engineer and or any of her authorized
representative in the performance of their jobs.
7. The Designer-Builder shall be liable for any loss, damage, or injury as may be due directly through
the fault or negligence of its personnel. It shall assume responsibility thereof and the PSHS-CARC shall
be specifically released from any responsibility arising therefrom.
8. The Designer-Builder shall neither assign, transfer, pledge any part or interest therein; however,
sub-contracting may be allowed provided that the main contractor shall be responsible for the full
compliance of all applicable provisions of this TOR by the sub-contractor.

1. The Designer-Builder, upon request, may be provided an advance payment in an amount
equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price, net of VAT and applicable withholding
taxes, upon the submission of performance bond in the form of cash or irrevocable standby Letter of
Credit issued by a reputable commercial bank or Surety Bond issued by a bonding company duly
certified by the Insurance Commission to be of good standing. Advance Payment shall be repaid by
the Designer-Builder thru deduction by BIR RR7 of fifteen percent (15%) from the Designer-Builder’s
periodic progress billing.
2. The Designer-Builder shall collect payment on progress billings based on the percentage of work
accomplished, within a reasonable time from submission of all the required documents, subject to the
required Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT) of two percent (2%) and Final Withholding VAT of five
percent (5%), reduction based on Section 13.2, if any, and ten percent (10%) retention fund.
Pavement Construction
III.G 1 Lot
Construction Safety
3. The retention fund shall be released only upon issuance of Certification of Final

Acceptance issued by PSHS-CARC and submission by Designer-Builder of Post-

Construction Documentation.
a. Progress Billing shall be based on the following:
b. Payments shall be made within a reasonable time from submission of the required documents
Work on existing applicable laws. Total
Estimated Unit Price Price
I. Mobilization LS
II. Design Phase
Engineering in
accordance with the
Contract and shall
include, among others,
Total Price
survey, (Items No. I-IV, including taxes): Php ____________________
site investigation, soils
and Price (in words) : ________________________________________________________
investigation, slope
stability analyses, OF CONTRACT
1. The contract
feasibility study on of the Design and Build may be pre-terminated by PSHS-CARC upon notice of any
slope of the terms of the contract. In case of pre-termination, the Designer-Builder shall be
informed by the PSHS-CARC thirty (30) calendar days prior to such termination.
2. In casepreparation
proposal, of pre-termination, the Designer-Builder shall be liable to an additional liquidated damages
of to five
construction percent (5%) of the contract price as provided by the Government Accounting and
technical specifications, and forfeiture of the Performance Security.
Auditing Manual (GAAM)
quantity shall have the right to blacklist the Designer-Builder in case of pre- termination.
program of work,
construction schedule,
construction method,
design report and
other works as
required in this
IIA. Detailed 1 Lot
IIB. Permit 1 Lot
Processing and Fees
III. by:
Construction Recommending Approval:
and Engineer
Field Office BAC Chairman
Temporary Facilities
(Including field office
space for the
Contractor, warehouse,
furniture, ventilation,
power, water and
lighting, offices
Approved by:


Campus Director

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