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Distributed by Life-Work Potential

Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8JF, UK

Within UK Tel: 0844 412 4487

Outside the UK Tel: +44 1726 819179

Updated March 12th 2012
Secure online ordering for test kits, books,
essences and more at:

The Energy Mismatch Book teaches a powerful but simple way

you can work with these test kits.

Please contact us for more information.

These vials are not medicines or drugs. Although they may have the name of a virus, a
hormone or a vaccine, for example, on the test vial, they do not contain the virus, hormone or
vaccine itself, but are simply testing vials for sensitivity to that virus.

They do not need to be opened. They are completely safe and non-hazardous and are used as
a non-invasive test of a person’s area of weakness.

This information represents many hours of diligent research over many


and is protected by copyright.

Please do not copy more than 200 words, or photocopy

all or part to pass on to others (either freely or for gain)

without the express permission of the author, Jane Thurnell-Read

We do not believe that the written information alone provides sufficient

information for accurate kinesiology testing or dowsing. Please do not use

this information in that way.

TEST KITS FOR ENERGY WORK.............................................................................................................................................. 3
WHICH TEST KITS SHOULD I BUY?......................................................................................................................................... 5
AMINO ACIDS TEST KIT (21 vials) ............................................................................................................................................ 6
ANAESTHETIC & PAIN TEST KIT (48 vials)............................................................................................................................... 8
BACH FLOWER REMEDIES (39 vials)........................................................................................................................................12
BACTERIA 1 TEST KIT (56 vials)..............................................................................................................................................15
BACTERIA 2 TEST KIT (37 vials)..............................................................................................................................................19
BODY BIOCHEMICAL TEST KIT 1 (25 vials) .............................................................................................................................22
BODY BIOCHEMICAL TEST KIT 2 (25 vials) .............................................................................................................................28
BODY BIOCHEMICAL TEST KIT 3 (25 vials) .............................................................................................................................32
BODY BIOCHEMICAL TEST KIT 4 (25 vials) .............................................................................................................................37
BODY BIOCHEMICAL TEST KIT 5 (25 vials) .............................................................................................................................40
CANDIDA TEST KIT (13 vials) ..................................................................................................................................................43
CHEMICALS AND INHALANTS TEST KIT (39 vials) ..................................................................................................................44
COMMON METALS TEST KIT (24 vials) ...................................................................................................................................47
DENTAL TEST KIT (50 vials) ...................................................................................................................................................51
DIGESTIVE ENZYME TEST KIT (16 vials) .................................................................................................................................53
DRINKS: ALCOHOL A (26 vials) ................................................................................................................................................55
DRINKS: ALCOHOL B (21 vials) ................................................................................................................................................56
EARTH ENERGIES (7 vials) .......................................................................................................................................................57
ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TEST KIT (14 vials) ...............................................................................................................................59
ELEMENTS TEST KIT (103 vials) ..............................................................................................................................................60
ESSENTIAL OILS TEST KIT A (37 vials)...................................................................................................................................61
ESSENTIAL OILS TEST KIT B (37 vials)....................................................................................................................................62
FOOD TEST KITS ....................................................................................................................................................................63
FOODS TEST KIT A (56 vials) ...................................................................................................................................................67
FOODS TEST KIT B (52 vials) ...................................................................................................................................................69
FOODS TEST KIT C (50 vials) ...................................................................................................................................................71
FOODS TEST KIT D (42 vials) ...................................................................................................................................................72
FOODS TEST KIT E (25 vials) ...................................................................................................................................................73
FOODS TEST KIT F (25 vials) ...................................................................................................................................................74
FOODS, PULSES TEST KIT (19 vials) ........................................................................................................................................75
FOOD ADDITIVE TEST KIT A (31 vials) ....................................................................................................................................76
FOOD ADDITIVE TEST KIT B (25 vials) ....................................................................................................................................79
NORTH AMERICAN COLOURS (2 vials) ....................................................................................................................................82
FOOD PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS TEST KIT (14 vials) .................................................................................................................83
FRAGRANCE TEST KIT (27 vials) ............................................................................................................................................85
FUNGUS, PROTOZOA, RICKETTSIA & CHLAMYDIA TEST KIT (30 vials) ................................................................................88
FUNGUS 2 TEST KIT (30 Vials).................................................................................................................................................91
HUMAN HISTOLOGY TEST KIT – HEALTHY TISSUES TEST KIT (75 Vials) ..............................................................................94
HOMEOPATHIC TEST KIT A (54 vials)......................................................................................................................................97
HOMEOPATHIC TEST KIT B (50 vials)......................................................................................................................................99
HORMONE TEST KIT (30 vials)............................................................................................................................................... 101
INDUSTRIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS TEST KIT 1 (25 vials) ................................................................................... 103
INDUSTRIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS TEST KIT 2 (25 vials) ................................................................................... 105
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
INDUSTRIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS TEST KIT 3 (25 vials) ................................................................................... 107
INVASIVE ORGANISMS TEST KIT - COMPOSITES (8 vials).................................................................................................... 110
LYME PLUS TEST KIT (61 Vials) ............................................................................................................................................ 111
MAUI ESSENCES TEST KIT (24 vials) ..................................................................................................................................... 114
MEDICINAL HERBS TEST KIT (50 vials) ................................................................................................................................. 116
MEDICINAL HERBS FOR WOMEN TEST KIT (25 vials) ........................................................................................................... 118
NUTRITION TEST KIT 1 (21 vials) .......................................................................................................................................... 120
NUTRITION 2 TEST KIT (25 vials) .......................................................................................................................................... 125
PARASITE TEST KIT 1 (31 vials) ............................................................................................................................................ 127
PARASITE TEST KIT 2 (35 vials) ............................................................................................................................................ 130
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KITS................................................................................................................................... 133
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 1: RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (25 vials) ............................................................................ 135
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 2: LOWER DIGESTIVE (28 vials) .................................................................................... 137
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 3: UPPER DIGESTIVE (31 vials) ..................................................................................... 139
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 4: ENDOCRINE (27 vials) .............................................................................................. 141
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 5: GALL BLADDER & LIVER (28 Vials) .......................................................................... 143
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 6: BRAIN & NERVOUS SYSTEM (25 vials) .................................................................... 145
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 7: SKELETAL SYSTEM (25 Vials) .................................................................................. 147
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 8: MUSCLE &CONNECTIVE (26 vials)........................................................................... 149
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 9: URINARY (33 vials) .................................................................................................. 151
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 10: LYMPH, BLOOD, IMMUNE (37 vials) ........................................................................ 153
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 11: CIRCULATORY (27 Vials) ....................................................................................... 155
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 12: FEMALE BREAST (25 vials) .................................................................................... 157
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 13: FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE (33 Vials) ........................................................................ 159
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 14: MALE REPRODUCTIVE (25 vials)............................................................................. 161
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 15: NEONATAL, PREGNANCY (21 vials) ........................................................................ 163
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 16:EARS,NOSE,EYES,MOUTH (25 vials)......................................................................... 165
PATHOLOGY/HISTOLOGY TEST KIT 17: SKIN (26vials) .......................................................................................................... 166
PERSONAL CARE TEST KIT (31 Vials) .................................................................................................................................. 168
PESTICIDE TEST KIT 1 (25 vials)............................................................................................................................................ 170
PESTICIDE TEST KIT 2 (25 vials)............................................................................................................................................ 173
PESTICIDE TEST KIT 3 (25 vials)............................................................................................................................................ 176
POLLENS, DUST AND MOULDS (22 vials) ............................................................................................................................... 178
POLLENS ETC. TEST KIT 2 (28 vials) ..................................................................................................................................... 180
RECREATIONAL DRUGS TEST KIT (14 vials) ......................................................................................................................... 182
VACCINATION TEST KIT (31 vials) ........................................................................................................................................ 183
VIRUS 1 TEST KIT (21 vials)................................................................................................................................................... 186
VIRUS 2 TEST Kit (25 vials) .................................................................................................................................................... 188
WEIGHT KIT (38 vials)............................................................................................................................................................ 190

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179

I started making test kits for my own use in 1988. Other students and practitioners became interested in them, so I
started making and selling them to these people. Over the years interest has grown so that now practitioners from
all over the world buy and enjoy using these kits.

For people interested in food allergy testing there are seven extensive food kits and two food additive test kits.
There is also a food phenolic kit, a fragrance kit and two drinks (alcoholic) kits. Environmental allergens can
cause serious problems for some people and a wide range of these can be found in three test kits (chemical and
inhalant test kit, and industrial and environmental test kits 1-3). Moulds, pollens, animal hair etc. are covered in
the two pollens kits. There is also a dental test kit containing many of the substances used routinely in dental
work, and a fragrance kit which covers some of the most common fragrances used in perfumes, personal care
products and household products. There are three pesticide kits. Pesticides have been implicated in hormonal
and neurological problems both in adults and children.

Some people have problems with vitamins and minerals or with amino acids (the building blocks of protein). For
these people nutritional test kit 1 and 2, the common metals test kit, the element test kit and the amino acid test kit
and are likely to be particularly useful.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites feature in six complementary test kits, giving a wide range of invasive
organisms. I have found the bacteria test kit particularly appropriate for people who have serious, long-standing
respiratory problems. This test kit includes many organisms that are commensals of the human body. This means
that they are naturally present and are thought normally not to be harmful. However, for some people this is
clearly not the case.

Although hormones, enzymes etc. are naturally occurring in the body, they can produce problems when the
body does not adequately recognize them. This can result in hormonal or enzyme imbalance and a myriad of
health problems. There are several kits relevant for this: hormones, digestive enzymes and the various body
biochemical test kits.

There are two homeopathic test kits and some flower and gem remedy test kits. There are also two herbal kits.
These kits provide a low-cost way of establishing which remedies a client needs to take, and they can also be
used as part of kinesiology procedures too. If you are using these kits to help your client decide what herbal or
homeopathic remedy to take it is important to have more background knowledge than is in these information

There are 17 pathology/histology kits. Please read the comments about their use at the beginning of the
pathology section. There is also a histology kit containing all the healthy tissues from the 17 kits. Please be
aware if you buy this kit and then subsequently buy any of the Histology/Pathology kits you will have a lot of
duplicate vials.

The samples are in small glass vials. Glass is preferred because some people test unreliably through plastic. The
Bach flower test kit contains actual samples from one of the producers. The homeopathic test kits contain 2
tablets from a highly respected U.K. homeopathic supplier (Helios). These are in the potency 30C. The other
samples are prepared radionically in the 30th homeopathic potency and so have (as far as we know) an indefinite
shelf life. The kits come in seal-easy bags, and plastic boxes are available for storage if wanted.

The range consists of over 60 different kits. New ones are added from time to time as research and availability

Using these test kits over the years has allowed me to work efficiently and effectively helping many clients to
return to good health. I trust that you will have the same experience.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
The kits come in seal-easy plastic bags. Plastic boxes are available at an extra cost. These can be ordered at the
same time or separately.

Many of the test kits contain energy patterns in brandy and water or just sterile-filtered water made up in homeopathic
potencies generated using a homeopathic simulator. There are three main reasons for this. Food test kits, amino acids,
essential oils etc. have a longer life in this form. The Maui essences are no longer made. Some of the Body Biochemicals
have to kept frozen, when not in the homeopathic form. The vials are 1-ml glass vials, approximately a third full, ample for
testing purposes .

It is important to store these kits out of direct sunlight, away from strong smells (such as aromatherapy oils,
herbs, etc.). We also recommend that they are stored away from magnets (in practice this means on opposite
sides of the room except when they are being used). However, some practitioners use magnets in their testing
procedures, and so far this has not caused any problem with the vials.

There are no problems about storing different kits in the same box, although you might want to organise them in
a particular way for other reasons, e.g. it is fine to store bacteria vials and flower remedies in the same box,
although you might want to store all your flower remedies together for logical reasons.

Some people seem concerned about bacteria, parasite and similar vials in some way ‘contaminating’ other vials,
because such vials have a ‘bad’ energy. This concern is completely unnecessary, and, in fact, labelling test kit
vials as containing ‘bad’ or ‘good’ energies does not stand up to any scrutiny at all. There are many bacteria that
are helpful to the human body, e.g. gut bacteria make some B vitamins and vitamin K; other bacteria help the skin
maintain its protective acid mantle. Homeopathic remedies are often made from lethal substances, e.g. snake
venom or a highly toxic metal. A homeopathic remedy made from a ‘benign’ substance can cause much upset
when used inappropriately. Many flower remedies are made from highly toxic material, e.g. monkshood or

Perhaps more importantly, viewing vials as ‘bad’ can lead you subconsciously to be nervous of using these
vials, thus depriving clients of the most efficient way to help them.

The energy of these vials should not be viewed as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but merely as ‘appropriate’ or inappropriate’
at this time for this person.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179

We sell over 60 test kits and, if you bought them all, it would cost you over £1500. Occasionally people
do this, but for most it is not an option. So the question often asked is: Which kits should I buy first?
There's no single answer to this, but below is some guidance by asking you questions:

Do you have a method for correcting any problems you find?

If not, the first thing I suggest you do is buy the Energy Mismatch book and read that. (To use this book
you need to have some method of testing, e.g. kinesiology or EAV.)

What type of people are you working with?

If the answer is children, you may look at buying Food Additive A, Food Additive B and Vaccination kits.
If you mainly work with women, the best kits to buy are probably Personal Care, Hormones and Body
Biochemicals 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

What interests you?

There are probably lots of different ways to achieve the same results with people, even just thinking in
terms of test kits. So, if you're fascinated by allergy problems, think about buying the Food test kits, Food
Additives A and B, Chemical and Inhalants, Industrial and Environmental 1-3, and the Personal Care and
Fragrance Kits. If you're interested in 'bugs', consider Parasites 1 and 2, Virus, Bacteria and Fungus 1 and
2. If you like working with flower remedies, check out Maui, and the Earth Energies.

Do you feel that some particular factor is crucial to good health?

If you feel that no matter what the problem, it's important to get nutrition sorted out, choose Digestive
Enzymes, Nutrition 1 and 2 and the Common Metals Kits. If your training and reading emphasise the
importance of Candida, you will probably want to buy the Fungus 1 kit, which has 3 different types of
Candida in it.

Are you drawn to a particular test kit?

Sometimes people say they feel drawn to a particular test kit without being able to explain why. If you feel
this way, it is recommended you buy the kit whatever it is.

Occasionally people who spend months trying to decide which test kits to buy, rather than taking the
plunge and buying 1 or 2. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to call or email.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8001

Amino acids are divided into essential (cannot be manufactured by the body and, therefore, must be taken in food)
and non-essential. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, including human protein.

Other amino acids are in the body biochemical kits.

Code Name Comments

A1 Arginine Stimulates human growth hormone which stimulates defence function; accelerates wound
(essential for children healing; detoxifying ammonia; normal sperm count; glucose control mechanism in blood;
but not for adults) enhances fat metabolism; involved in insulin production; arthritis; inhibition of tumour
development; premature ageing; overweight; fatigue; memory.
A2 Aspartic Acid Protects liver; detoxification of ammonia; promotes uptake of trace elements in the gut; involved
(non-essential) in the energy cycle; involved in transportation of magnesium and potassium to cells; fatigue.
A3 Carnitine Sperm motility; protects heart; major role in transferring fatty acids into cells where used as
(non-essential) energy sources; mobilising fatty deposits in obesity; removal of ketones from blood; reduction
of triglycerides in the blood; reduces surface fats in cellulite; circulatory problems; fatigue;
muscle weakness; alcohol damage to liver; glucose tolerance in diabetics; cardiac disease;
A4 Citrulline Can be made from ornithine by body; can be converted in body to arginine; detoxifies ammonia
(non-essential; not (nitrogen) in blood; fatigue; stimulates immune system.
part of body protein)
A5 Cyseine Derived from methionine or serine in the liver; powerful antioxidant; major detoxifying agent; part
(non-essential) of glucose tolerance factor; using B6; strength of hair; factor in insulin production; most chronic
diseases; removing heavy metals; protects against alcohol, cigarette smoking and pollution; in
iron deficiency; prevention of cataracts.
A6 Cystine Part of insulin molecule; heavy metal chelator; psoriasis; eczema; tissue healing after surgery.
A7 Glutamine Dominant amino acids in cerebro-spinal fluid and serum; passes through blood/brain barrier;
(non-essential) powerful "brain fuel"; gives rise to GABA which is a calming agent; helps maintain body's
nitrogen level; used in production of other non-essential amino acids; protects from alcohol;
reduces desire for alcohol and sometimes sugar; heals peptic ulcers; depression; blunts
carbohydrate craving; hypoglycaemia; schizophrenia; senility; fatigue; memory improvement;
concentration; smoking.
A8 Glutathione Inhibits free radical damage to fat cells; retards ageing process; neutralises petro-carbons and
(non-essential) chlorine; detoxifying; in short supply in diabetics; protects liver against alcohol; protects
against radiation; chelates heavy metals; regression of tumours in animals; arthritis; skin
A9 Histidine Metabolised into histamine which is important for smooth muscle function and contraction and
(non-essential) expansion of blood vessels; sexual arousal; auditory nerve function; stimulates production of
red and white blood cells; schizophrenia; protects against radiation damage; chelates toxic
metals; rheumatoid arthritis; digestive tract ulcers; nausea during pregnancy; hearing problems;
allergies; anxiety; low stomach acid; smoking.
A10 Isoleucine (essential) Chronically sick; formation of haemoglobin; energy production; reduces tremors and twitching
in animals; body building.
A11 Leucine Chronically sick; essential for growth; wound healing of skin and bones; energy production;
(essential) Parkinson’s disease; enhances effects of endorphins.
A12 Lysine Often low in vegetarian diets; important for children's growth and development; involved in
(essential) synthesis of carnitine, so important in fat metabolism; formation of antibodies; dietary deficiency
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Comments

leads to increased calcium excretion; herpes simplex; concentration; fatigue; dizziness; anaemia;
visual disorders; nausea; hypoglycaemia.
A13 Methionine (essential) Antioxidant preventing free radical damage; helps produce choline, adrenaline, lecithin and B12;
assists gallbladder function; precursor of taurine, cystine and cysteine. Heavy metal and
histamine detoxifier; strengthens hair follicles; detoxifies liver; affects selenium bio-availability;
arthritic and rheumatoid symptoms; detoxification; antioxidation; retards cataracts; Parkinson’s
disease; schizophrenia; gallbladder problems resulting from use of contraceptive oestrogen;
poor skin tone; hair loss; anaemia; retarded protein synthesis; atherosclerosis; herpes; memory;
premature ejaculation.
A14 Ornithine Stimulates growth hormone production by pituitary gland; increases metabolism of fat and
(non-essential) enhances transportation of amino acids to cells; ammonia detoxification in urea cycle; enhances
wound healing; stimulates immune system; may be useful in auto-immune diseases; memory.
A15 Phenylalanine Precursor of tyrosine and therefore dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine
(essential) (adrenaline), so affects heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen consumption, blood sugar levels, fat
metabolism; important for brain; necessary for thyroid; shortage predisposes children to eczema;
weight control; antidepressant; pain killer; MS; Parkinson’s disease; memory; concentration and
mental alertness; rheumatoid arthritis; vitiligo; emotional disorders; circulatory problems; drug
addiction; tremors.
A16 Taurine (non-essential) Interacts with bile salts to maintain their solubility and cholesterol; helps conserve potassium
and calcium in the heart muscle; influences insulin and blood sugar levels; increase needed
under stress; helpful in some types of epilepsy; gallbladder disease; eye problems;
atherosclerosis; angina; circulation; tremors; compromised immune function; claimed to enhance
IQ in Downs syndrome children.
A17 Threonine Necessary for formation of teeth enamel protein, elastin and collagen; minor role controlling fat
(essential) build up in liver; precursor of glycine and serine; immune stimulating as promotes thymus
growth and activity; digestive and intestinal tract functioning; indigestion; malabsorption;
irritability; personality disorders.
A18 Tryptophan (essential) Synthesis of B3; precursor of serotonin; mood stabiliser; vascular migraine, anti-depressant;
weight control; sleep enhancer; menopausal depression; pain killer; restless leg syndrome;
rheumatoid arthritis; tardive dyskinesia; mental disturbances, depression, brittle finger nails;
poor skin colouring and tone; indigestion; carbohydrate craving. May aggravate bronchial
asthma and lupus.
A19 Tyrosine Derived from phenylalanine; precursor of thyroid hormones, dopa, dopamine, norepinephrine
(non-essential) and epinephrine; aids normal brain function; Parkinson’s disease; depression; increasing brain
neurotransmitter levels; alleviating hay fever and grass allergies; drug addiction; tremors; low
blood pressure.
A20 Valine Helpful in treating addictions; deficiency may affect myelin covering of nerves; energy; muscle
(essential) building and co-ordination; liver and gallbladder disease; mental function; nervousness; poor
sleep patterns; excess gives skin crawling sensations and hallucinations.
A21 Lamberts Protein Contains alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, cytrulline, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine,
Deficiency Formula histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine,
tyrosine, taurine, valine.

Erdmann & Jones The Amino Revolution

Leon Chaitow The Healing Power of Amino Acids
Elson M Haas Staying Healthy With Nutrition

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8096

Code Name Uses Alternative Names Type

AN 1 Alfentanil Used for anaesthesia in surgery Alfentanil General
AN 2 Amethocaine Mainly used topically in ophthalmology Tetracaine, Local Anaesthetic
and as an antipruritic, also used in spinal Pontocaine, Dicaine
AN 3 Bupivacaine Often is administered by epidural Marcain, Marcaine, Local and
injection before total hip arthroplasty. Sensorcaine, Epidural
Injected into surgical wound sites to Vivacaine Anaesthetic
reduce pain for up to 20 hours after the
AN 4 Buprenorphine For pain relief. Subutex, Suboxone, Pain Relief
Temgesic, Buprenex,
Norspan and Butrans
AN 5 Butorphanol For balanced general anaesthesia, and General
management of pain during labour. Anaesthetic and
Management of migraine using other
intranasal spray.
AN 6 Chloroprocaine Given by injection during surgical Nesacaine, Local Anaesthetic
procedures and labour and delivery. Nesacaine-MPF
AN 7 Citanest with Used in dentistry. Local Anaesthetic
AN 8 Clonidine Treatment of some types of neuropathic Pain Relief
pain, opioid detoxification, insomnia,
menopausal symptoms, anxiety, panic
disorder and ADHD. Also used as a
veterinary anaesthetic drug.
AN 9 Cocaine Mainly used for nasal and lacrimal duct Local Anaesthetic
AN 10 Codeine / 3- Used to treat mild to moderate pain and Pain Relief
Methylmorphine to relieve coughing.
AN 11 Desflurane Determined to be damaging to the General Inhaled
kidneys and liver in 1973, so usage Anaesthetic
stopped except for in Australia where
still used as an emergency analgesic, and
for brief painful procedures such as
changing of wound dressings or for
transport of injured people.
AN 12 Dexmedetomidine Used for sedation of critically ill or Precedex
injured patients in an intensive care unit
setting. Also sedation before surgery for
short-term procedures.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Uses Alternative Names Type
AN 13 Diamorphine / Typically used to treat severe pain, such Pain Relief
Heroin / as that resulting from a heart attack.
AN 14 Diazepam Used before certain medical procedures Valium, Antenex General
(such as endoscopies) to reduce tension Intravenous
and anxiety, and in some surgical Anaesthetic
procedures to induce amnesia. Used for
treating anxiety, insomnia, seizures,
muscle spasms, alcohol and
benzodiazepine withdrawal, etc.
AN 15 Dibucaine Used in a cream to treat signs of Cinchocaine, Cincain, Local Anaesthetic
hemorrhoids or rectal irritation and to Nupercainal,
ease the pain caused by sunburn and Nupercaine, Sovcaine
skin irritation.
AN 16 Enflurane Commonly used during the 1970s and General Inhaled
1980s. Anaesthetic
AN 17 Etomidate A short acting anaesthetic used for the Amidate General
induction of general anaesthesia and for Intravenous
sedation for short procedures. Anaesthetic
AN 18 Fentanyl Has been used to treat breakthrough Sublimaze, Actiq, General
pain and is commonly used in pre- Durogesic, Duragesic, Intravenous
procedures as a pain reliever as well as Fentora, Onsolis, Anaesthetic
an anaesthetic in combination with a Instanyl, Abstral,
benzodiazepine Lazanda
AN 19 Halothane A core medicine in the World Health General Inhaled
Organization's "Essential Drugs List, Anaesthetic
although its use in developed countries
has been almost entirely superseded by
newer anaesthetics.
AN 20 Hydromorphone / Used to relieve moderate to severe pain Hydal, Dimorphone, Injections, tablets,
Dihydromorphinone and severe, painful dry coughing. Sophidone LP, syrup,
Dilaudid, Hydrostat, suppositories
Hymorphan, Opidol,
AN 21 Isoflurane Use in human medicine is now starting to General Inhaled
decline, but still frequently used for Anaesthetic
veterinary anaesthesia.
AN 22 Ketamine Used for the induction and maintenance Ketanest, Ketaset, General
of general anaesthesia, usually in Ketalar Intravenous
combination with a sedative. Anaesthetic
AN 23 Levobupivacaine Used for nerve blocks, ophthalmic, Chirocaine Local Anaesthetic
epidural and intrathecal anaesthesia in
adults; and local analgesia in children.

AN 24 Levorphanol Used to treat severe pain. Levo-Dromoran

AN 25 Lidocaine Used as a dental anaesthetic or as a local Xylocaine, Local and
anaesthetic for minor surgery. Often Lignocaine Epidural
combined with Prilocaine as a Anaesthetic
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Uses Alternative Names Type
preparation for dermal anaesthesia

AN 26 Lignospan with Used in dentistry. Local Anaesthetic

AN 27 Lorazepam Used as premedication and for the short- Ativan, Temesta General
term treatment of anxiety, insomnia, Intravenous
acute seizures including status Anaesthetic
epilepticus and sedation of hospitalised
patients, as well as sedation of
aggressive patients.
AN 28 Mepivacaine Used in dentistry. Carbocaine, Polocaine Local Anaesthetic
AN 29 Methohexital Has been commonly used to induce deep Brevital General
sedation, "twilight sleep" or general Intravenous
anaesthesia for oral surgery and Anaesthetic
dentistry. It is also used to induce
anaesthesia prior to ECT
(electroconvulsive therapy).
AN 30 Methoxyflurane Used from 1960 until around 1974. Penthrane General Inhaled
AN 31 Midazolam Used as a premedication. And also for Dormicum, General
treatment of acute seizures, moderate to Hypnovel,Versed Intravenous
severe insomnia, and for inducing Anaesthetic
sedation and amnesia before medical
AN 32 Morphine Used to relieve severe or agonizing pain MS Contin, MSIR, Can be used as
and suffering. Avinza, Kadian, epidural
Oramorph, Roxanol,
AN 33 Nalbuphine For the relief of moderate to severe pain. Nubain
It can also be used as a supplement to
balanced anaesthesia, for preoperative
and postoperative analgesia, and for
obstetrical analgesia during labour and
AN 34 Nitrous Oxide Used in surgery and dentistry. Laughing Gas, Sweet General Inhaled
Air Anaesthetic
AN 35 Oxycodone Effective for managing moderate to Pain Relief
moderately severe acute or chronic pain
AN 36 Oxymorphone A preoperative medication to alleviate Opana,
apprehension, maintain anaesthesia, and Numorphan,
as an obstetric analgesic Numorphone
AN 37 Pentazocine Used to treat moderate to moderately Fortral, Talwin NX
severe pain
AN 38 Pethidine / Used for the treatment of moderate to Demerol, In tablets, as a
Meperidine severe pain. isonipecaine, lidol, syrup, or by
pethanol, piridosal, intramuscular or
Algil, Alodan, intravenous
Centralgin, Dispadol, injection.
Dolantin, Mialgin,
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Uses Alternative Names Type
Petidin Dolargan,
Dolestine, Dolosal,
Dolsin, Mefedina

AN 39 Prilocaine Used in dentistry. Also often combined Citanest Local Anaesthetic

with Lidocaine as a preparation for
dermal anaesthesia.
AN 40 Procaine Used primarily to reduce the pain of Novocain, Novocain Local Anaesthetic
intramuscular injection of penicillin; used
to be used in dentistry.
AN 41 Propofol Uses include the induction and Diprivan General
maintenance of general anaesthesia, Intravenous
sedation for mechanically ventilated Anaesthetic
adults, and procedural sedation.
Commonly used in veterinary medicine.
AN 42 Remifentanil Given to patients during surgery to Ultiva General
relieve pain and as an adjunct to an Intravenous
anaesthetic. Anaesthetic
AN 43 Ropivacaine Used for nerve block, epidural and Naropin Local and
intrathecal anaesthesia in adults and Epidural
children over 12 years. It is also Anaesthetic
indicated for peripheral nerve block and
caudal epidural in children 1–12 years for
surgical pain.
AN 44 Scandonest 3% plain Used in dentistry. Local Anaesthetic

AN 45 Sevoflurane Used for induction and maintenance of Fluoromethyl General Inhaled

general anaesthesia. Hexafluoroisopropyl Anaesthetic
AN 46 Sufentanil Used when pain relief is required for a R-30730, Sufenta General
short period of time. May also be used Intravenous
with other compounds in general Anaesthetic

AN 47 Thiopental Rapid-onset short-acting barbiturate Sodium Pentothal, General

general anaesthetic. A core medicine in Thiopentone Sodium, Intravenous
the World Health Organization's Trapanal Anaesthetic
"Essential Drugs List", which is a list of
minimum medical needs for a basic
healthcare system.
AN 48 Xenon Although it is expensive, anaesthesia General Inhaled
machines that can deliver xenon are Anaesthetic
about to appear on the European market,
because advances in recovery and
recycling of xenon have made it
economically viable, although rarely

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8002

Code Name Description

BF1 Agrimony The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrels, to
avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented
and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humour and jesting and
are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate
themselves and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness.
BF2 Aspen Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. Yet the patient may be
terrified of something terrible going to happen, he knows not what. These vague unexplainable fears
may haunt by night or day. Sufferers are often afraid to tell their trouble to others.
BF3 Beech For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although
much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be
more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are
working to their own final perfection.
BF4 Centuary Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their
endeavours. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing
helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they
may neglect their own particular mission in life.
BF5 Cerato Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They constantly
seek advice from others, and are often misguided.
BF6 Cherry Plum Fear of the mind being over-strained, of reason giving way, of doing fearful and dreaded things, not
wished and known wrong, yet there comes the thought and impulse to do them.
BF7 Chestnut Bud For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and who take a longer time
than others to learn the lessons of daily life. Whereas one experience would be enough for some, such
people find it necessary to have more, sometimes several, before the lesson is learnt. Therefore, to
their regret, they find themselves having to make the same error on different occasions when once
would have been enough, or observation of others could have spared them even that one fault.
BF8 Chicory Those who are very mindful of the needs of others they tend to be over-full of care for children,
relatives, and friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually
correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they care
should be near them.
BF9 Clematis Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life. Quiet people, not really happy
in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier
times, when their ideals may come true. In illness some make little or no effort to get well, and in certain
cases may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times; or maybe, meeting again some
beloved one whom they have lost.
BF10 Crab Apple This is the remedy of cleansing. For those who feel as if they had something not quite clean about
themselves. Often it is something of apparently little importance: in others there may be more serious
disease that is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they concentrate. In both types
they are anxious to be free from the one particular thing which is greatest in their minds and which
seems so essential to them that it should be cured. They become despondent if treatment fails. Being a
cleanser, this remedy purifies wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has
entered which must be drawn out.
BF11 Elm Those who are doing good work, are following the calling of their life and who hope to do something
of importance, and this often for the benefit of humanity. At times there may be periods of depression
when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, and not within the power of a human
BF12 Gentian Those who are easily discouraged. They may be progressing well in illness or in the affairs of their

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Description

daily life, but any small delay or hindrance to progress causes doubt and soon disheartens them.
BF13 Gorse Very great hopelessness, they have given up belief that more can be done for them. Under persuasion
or to please others they may try different treatments, at the same time assuring those around that there
is so little hope of relief.
BF14 Heather Those who are always seeking the companionship of anyone who may be available, as they find it
necessary to discuss their own affairs with others, no matter whom it may be. They are very unhappy
if they have to be alone for any length of time.
BF15 Holly For those who are sometimes attacked by thoughts of such kind as jealousy, envy revenge,
suspicion. For the different forms of vexation. Within themselves they may suffer much, often when
there is no real cause for their unhappiness.
BF16 Honeysuckle Those who live much in the past, perhaps a time of great happiness, or memories of a lost friend, or
ambitions which have not come true. They do not expect further happiness such as they have had
BF17 Hornbeam For those who feel that they have not sufficient strength, mentally or physically, to carry the burden of
life placed upon them; the affairs of every day seem too much for them to accomplish; though they
generally succeed in fulfilling their task. For those who believe that some part, of mind or body, needs
to be strengthened before they can easily fulfil their work.
BF18 Impatiens Those who are quick in thought and action and who wish all things to be done without hesitation or
delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. They find it very difficult to be patient with
people who are slow, as they consider it wrong and a waste of time. And they will endeavour to make
such people quicker in all ways. They often prefer to work and think alone, so that they can do
everything at their own speed
BF19 Larch For those who do not consider themselves as good or capable as those around them, who expect
failure, who feel that they will never be a success, and so do not venture or make a strong enough
attempt to succeed.
BF20 Mimulus Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone, of misfortune. The
fears of everyday life. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread; they do not freely speak of it
to others
BF21 Mustard Those who are liable to times of gloom, or even despair, as though a cold dark cloud overshadowed
them and hid the light and the joy of life. It may not be possible to give any reason or explanation for
such attacks. Under these conditions it is almost impossible to appear happy or cheerful.
BF22 Oak For those who are struggling and fighting strongly to get well, or in connection with the affairs of their
daily life. They will go on trying one thing after another, though their case may seem hopeless.
BF23 Olive Those who have suffered much mentally or physically and so exhausted and weary that they feel they
have no more strength to make any effort. Daily life is hard work for them, without pleasure.
BF24 Pine For those who blame themselves. Even when successful they think they could have done better, and
are never content with their efforts or the results. They are hard-working and suffer much from the
faults they attach to themselves. Sometimes if there is any mistake it is due to another, but they will
claim responsibility even for that.
BF25 Red Chestnut For those who find it difficult not to be anxious for other people. Often they have ceased to worry
about themselves, but Rock Rosefor those of whom they are fond they may suffer much, frequently
anticipating that some unfortunate thing may happen to them.
BF26 Rock Rose The Remedy of emergency. For cases where there even appears no hope. In accident or sudden
illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be
moistened with the remedy.
BF27 Rock Water Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures
of life because they consider it might interfere with their work. They are hard masters to
themselves. They wish to be well and strong and active, and will do anything that they believe will
keep them so. They hope to be examples that will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and
be better as a result.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Description

BF28 Scleranthus Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then
the other. They are usually quiet people, and bear their difficulty alone, often refusing to discuss it
with others.
BF29 Star Of For those in great distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness. The shock of
Bethlehem serious news, the loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident, and such like. For those who
for a time refuse to be consoled, this remedy brings comfort.
BF30 Sweet For those moments which happen to some people when the anguish is so great as to seem to be
Chestnut unbearable. When the mind or body feels as if it had borne to the uttermost limit of its endurance, and
that now it must give way. When it seems there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face.
BF31 Vervain Those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident, are right, and which they very rarely
change. They have a great wish to convert all around them to their own views of life. They are strong
of will and have much courage when they are convinced of those things that they wish to teach. In
illness they struggle on long after many would have given up their duties.
BF32 Vine Very capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of success. Being so assured, they think
that it would be for the benefit of others if they could be persuaded to do things as they themselves
do, or as they are certain is right. Even in illness they will direct their attendants. They may be of great
value in emergency.
BF33 Walnut For those who have definite ideals and ambitions in life and are fulfilling them, but on rare occasions
are tempted to be led away from their own ideas, aims and work by the enthusiasm, convictions or
strong opinion of others. The remedy gives constancy and protection from outside influences.
BF34 Water Violet For those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise,
speak little, and then gently. Very independent, capable and self-reliant. Almost free of the opinions of
others. They are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented.
BF35 White For those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire from entering their
Chestnut minds. Usually at such times when the interest of the moment is not strong enough to keep the mind
full. Thoughts that worry and will remain, or if for a time thrown out, will return. They seem to circle
round and round and cause mental torture. The presence of such unpleasant thoughts drives out
peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or pleasure of the day.
BF36 Wild Oat Those who have ambitions to do something of prominence in life, who wish to have much experience,
and to enjoy all that which is possible for them, to take life to the full. Their difficulty is to determine
what occupation to follow; as although their ambitions are strong, they have no calling which appeals
to them above all others. This may cause delay and dissatisfaction.
BF37 Wild Rose Those who without apparently sufficient reason become resigned to all that happens, and just glide
through life, take it as it is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They have
surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint.
BF38 Willow For those who have suffered misfortune and find these difficult to accept, without complaint or
resentment, as they judge life much by the success which it brings. They feel that they have not
deserved so great a trial and they become embittered. They often take less interest in those things of
life which they had previously enjoyed.
BF39 Rescue A combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem. All purpose
Remedy emergency composite for effects of anguish, examinations, going to the dentist, etc. Comforting,
calming and reassuring to those distressed by startling experiences.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
BACTERIA 1 TEST KIT (56 vials)
Product Code 8003

Abundant in air, soil and water. Some are beneficial (e.g. those living in intestine and breaking down food) and
some are harmless to humans. Bacteria that are harmful are known as pathogens. Three main categories: cocci
(spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped) and spirochaetes or spirilla (spiral-shaped). Bacteria can grow in an inert medium.
Susceptible to antibiotics.

Commensal= a bacteria which normally lives in or on the body and is considered medically to be harmless
Nosocomial infection: contracted in hospital

Code Bacteria Medically Recognized Possible Comments

Symptoms & Effects
BCT 1 Acinetobacter respiratory symptoms, nosocomial ubiquitous in environment
BCT 2 Actinomyces liver abscess, fever, abdominal pain, Actinomyces Israelii commensal of
actinomycosis human mouth
BCT 3 Bacilli Gram
Positive and
BCT 4 Bacillus meningitis present in the throats of about 10% of the
Megaterium population
BCT 5 Bacillus Subtilus produces sticky yellow patches on

BCT 6 Bordetella whooping cough

BCT 7 Borrelia Lyme disease (Lyme Borreliosis) vector is a tick which is dependent on
Burgdorferi wild rodents and deer
BCT 8 Brucella Abortus influenza- like symptoms, fever, from cattle; unpasteurised dairy products
arthritis, headaches, irritability,
insomnia and confusion, septicemia
BCT 9 Campylobacter food poisoning, diarrhoea on increase. Types C. jejuni and c. fetus;
found in raw meat, untreated water and
unpasteurised dairy products
BCT 10 Clostridium botulism, muscle paralysis, vomiting, caused by the neurotoxin of CB
Botulinum tiredness, food poisoning
BCT 11 Clostridium Tetani muscle rigidity followed by in soil
spasmodic muscle contraction with
pallor and sweating

BCT 12 Clostridium cellulitis

BCT 13 Cocci Gram Pos
and Neg
BCT 14 Corynebacterium diphtheria tonsillitis/ pharyngitis,
Diphtheriae croup
BCT 15 Escherichia Coli meningitis in babies, diarrhoea, liver commensal of human intestine; popularly
abscess, fever, abdominal pain, known as E. Coli; found in raw and
urinary tract infection undercooked meat, raw vegetables and
unpasteurised milk

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Bacteria Medically Recognized Possible Comments
Symptoms & Effects
BCT 16 Gardnerella occasionally slightly smelly, non- commensal of female vagina
Vaginalis itchy discharge
BCT 17 Haemophilus conjunctivitis, difficulty in breathing, commensal in human upper respiratory
Influenzae sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, tract. 6 types; type b causes meningitis
meningitis in children
BCT 18 Helicobacter gastritis, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer,
Pylori possibly gastric cancer

BCT 19 Legionella respiratory symptoms, pus in lungs, nosocomial infection; a widespread

Pneumophila lung abscess, Legionnaires’ disease, naturally occurring aquatic organism,
hepatitis transmitted by airborne droplets often
from air-conditioning units
BCT 20 Leptospiria high fever, headache, myalgia, transmitted by rodents and infected water
conjunctivitis, Weil’s disease 2 sub-species
BCT 21 Listeria meningitis in babies unpasteurised dairy products and
Monocytogenes inadequately cooked meat, ubiquitous in
BCT 22 Mycobacterium pneumonia, tuberculosis
BCT 23 Mycobacterium Leprosy endemic in Africa, India, SE Asia, Central
Leprae and South America
BCT 24 Mycobacterium T.B., conjunctivitis, sinusitis,
Tuberculosis pneumonia, childhood pneumonia,
tuberculosis, chronic hepatitis,
urinary tract infection
BCT 25 Mycoplasma croup, otitis media, pus in lungs, commensal of human respiratory tract
Pneumoniae childhood pneumonia, acute hepatitis
BCT 26 Neisseria gonorrhea, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis/
Gonorrhoea pharyngitis, pain on passing urine,
discharge, pain in abdomen
BCT 27 Neisseria conjunctivitis, tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, in western countries group B is
Meningitidis / pneumonia, meningitis, meningitis in predominant organism followed by C .
Meningococcus children Group A in parts of Africa, Middle East
and India
BCT 28 Pseudomonas urinary tract infection, respiratory commensal of human intestinal flora
Aeruginosa symptoms, otitis media, lung abscess,
meningitis in babies, wound infection
BCT 29 Salmonella food poisoning, diarrhoea on increase; found in raw meat, poultry,
eggs, raw unwashed vegetables,
unpasteurised dairy products
BCT 30 Salmonella typhoid 3 types (A, B & C)
BCT 31 Salmonella Typhi typhoid fever, liver abscess, fever,
abdominal pain, food poisoning
BCT 32 Shigella diarrhoea, bacillary dysentery 4 sub-groups: S. dysenteriae (developing
countries), S. flexneri (developing
countries), S. boydii, S. sonnei (endemic
in developed countries)

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Bacteria Medically Recognized Possible Comments
Symptoms & Effects
BCT 33 Staphylococcus respiratory symptoms, conjunctivitis, common skin commensal; some strains
Aureus styes, difficulty in breathing, otitis are now becoming antibiotic resistant
media, pus in lungs, pneumonia,
childhood pneumonia,
breathlessness, chest pain,
endocarditis, meningitis in elderly,
brain abscess, cellulitis, food
poisoning, liver abscess, fever,
abdominal pain, urinary tract infection
BCT 34 Staphylococcus breathlessness, chest pain,
Epidermidis endocarditis, urinary tract infection
BCT 35 Streptococcus

BCT 36 Streptococcus neonatal infection, septicaemia, commensal in intestine and female genital
Agalaciae meningitis, nosocomial infection tract
BCT 37 Streptococcus dental caries

BCT 38 Streptococcus conjunctivitis, difficulty in breathing, commensal of human upper respiratory

Pneumoniae sinusitis, otitis media, pus in lungs, tract
pneumonia, childhood pneumonia,
meningitis, meningitis in elderly and
children, brain abscess
BCT 39 Streptococcus sore throat, tonsillitis/ pharyngitis,
Pyogenes difficulty in breathing, sinusitis, otitis
media, pus in lungs, lung abcess,
pneumonia, rheumatic fever, scarlet
fever, impetigo, cellulitis, liver
abscess, fever, abdominal pain, toxic
shock, septicaemia
BCT 40 Streptococcus breathlessness, chest pain,
Viridans endocarditis
BCT 41 Vibrio Cholera cholera growing problem in S America, Middle
East, Africa and Asia
BCT 42 Yersinia Pestis pneumonia, plague

BCT43 Anthrax affects the skin and lungs spread from livestock; extremely rare in
developed countries; but a possible
agent of biological warfare
BCT44 MRSA/ a version of staph aureus that is most cases occur in hospital patients
Methicillin resistant to antibiotics; can cause
Resistant death particularly in weakened
Staphylococcus people
BCT45 Bacillus Cereus food poisoning often associated with fried rice that has
been cooked and then held at warm
temperatures for several hours
BCT46 Clostridium pneumonia widely distributed in the environment and
Perfingens frequently occurs in the intestines of
humans and many domestic and feral
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Bacteria Medically Recognized Possible Comments
Symptoms & Effects
BCT47 Enterobacter found in human digestive tract
BCT48 Klebsiella urinary tract infections pneumonia and urinary tract infections;
Pneumoniae tends to affect people with underlying
diseases, particularly in hospital
BCT49 Micrococcus inhabits mammalian skin; opportunistic
Luteus infection
BCT50 Proteus Vulgaris urinary tract infections
BCT51 Salmonella fever, abdominal cramps, and from contaminated eggs
Enteritidis diarrhoea
BCT52 Streptococcus found in saliva, sputum and faeces
BCT53 Borrelia Vincent causes severe ulcerating gingivitis typically found in those with poor oral
(trench mouth) hygiene but can also occur as a result of
stress, cigarette smoking and poor
nutrition; also can be found in those with
serious illnesses.
BCT54 Clostridium diarrhoea, colitis, peritonitis often after normal gut flora is eradicated
Difficile by the use of antibiotics ; infection often
occurs in hospital and in nursing homes;
some adults have low numbers of the
bacteria without any symptoms; common
in the intestine of babies and infants, but
does not cause disease because its toxins
do not damage their immature intestinal
BCT55 Mycobacterium found in the intestinal tract of some in the USA, 40% of large dairy herds are
Paratuberculosis people with Crohn’s disease (about infected with Mycobacterium
7.5% of those studied); found in less paratuberculosis; can survive
than 1% of healthy individuals (Food pasteurisation.
Safety Authority of Ireland)
BCT56 Neisseria a common cause of otitis media and commensal in nasopharyx
Catarrhalis/ sinusitis and an occasional cause of
Moraxella laryngitis; causes bronchitis or
Catarrhalis / pneumonia in children and adults with
Micrococcus underlying chronic lung disease
Catarrhalis /


B. K. Mandal et al Infectious Diseases

G.O. Cowan & B.J. Heap Clinical Tropical Medicine
D J Weatherall et al Oxford Textbook of Medicine Volume 1
BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
BACTERIA 2 TEST KIT (37 vials)
Product Code 8093

Code Name Comments

BCT 57 Actinomyces Viscosus Part of the human oral flora, occurring around the teeth, gums and
throat in healthy humans. Causes dental caries particularly of the
roots of teeth. Can cause abscesses in the mouth, lungs, or the
gastrointestinal tract.
BCT 58 Aggregatibacter Part of the human oral flora; also found in severe infections in the
Actinomycetemcomitans / oral cavity, mainly the periodontium.
BCT 59 Bacteroides Fragilis Involved in 90% of anaerobic peritoneal infections of the
abdominal cavity.
BCT 60 Burkholderia Cepacia Tends to affect people who have weakened immune systems or
chronic lung diseases, particularly cystic fibrosis; a known cause
of infections in hospitalised patients.
BCT 61 Clostridium Septicum Causes gangrene. Generally associated with gastrointestinal or
hematologic malignancies. An association exists with colon
BCT 62 Eikenella Corrodens A commensal of the human mouth and upper respiratory tract. An
opportunistic human pathogen, leading to serious diseases such
as periodontitis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, empyema, and
BCT 63 Enterococcus Faecalis / Can cause life-threatening infections in humans, especially in the
Streptococcus Faecalis hospital environment. Frequently found in root canal-treated teeth.
Can cause endocarditis and bacteremia, urinary tract infections,
meningitis, and other infections. Among the main constituents of
some probiotic food supplements.
BCT 64 Enterococcus Faecium Can be commensal in the human intestine, but it may also be
pathogenic, causing diseases such as neonatal meningitis.
BCT 65 Fusobacterium Nucleatum Found in the mouth and upper respiratory tract. A key component
of dental plaque. Possible role in periodontal disease. Occasional
cause of abscesses and blood infections.
BCT 66 Gemella Morbillorum / Part of the normal mouth flora.
Streptococcus Morbillorum
BCT 67 Group A Streptococcus / Often found in the throat and on the skin. Illnesses include strep
GAS throat and occasionally invasive GAS disease. People may be
carriers and experience no health problems themselves
BCT 68 Group B Streptococus /GBS In new-borns most commonly causes sepsis (infection of the
blood), pneumonia and sometimes meningitis. In adults causes
bloodstream infections, pneumonia, skin and soft-tissue infections,
and bone and joint infections.
BCT 69 Mycobacterium Abscessus Causes infections of the skin and the soft tissues under the skin.
Also a cause of serious lung infections in those with various
chronic lung diseases, such as cystic fibrosis. Has been known to
contaminate medications and products, including medical devices.
BCT 70 Mycobacterium Intracellulare Causes lung diseases.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Comments
BCT 71 Mycobacterium Marinum Causes opportunistic infections in humans when the immune
system (for example) is compromised already.
BCT 72 Mycoplasma Fermentans Has been linked to Gulf War Syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis.

BCT 73 Mycoplasma Genitalium Can be transmitted between partners during unprotected sexual
intercourse. Role in genital diseases is still unclear. Believed to be
involved in pelvic inflammatory diseases.
BCT 74 Mycoplasma Hominis Found in the vagina; unclear if it is part of the normal flora. Found
in the genito-urinary tract and is considered to be an opportunistic
pathogen. Has been associated with post-abortion and post-
partum fever.
BCT 75 Mycoplasma Penetrans Found in the urogenital and respiratory tracts. Has been linked to
HIV infections.
BCT 76 Mycoplasma Salivarium Found in the human mouth; not regarded usually as pathogenic.

BCT 77 Porphyromonas Gingivalis / Part of the normal flora of the mouth, intestine and urogenital tract.
Bacteroides Gingivalis Found in periodontal lesions and associated with adult gingivitis,
periodontal disease and mouth abscesses.
BCT 78 Prevotella Intermedia / Involved in periodontal infections, including gingivitis and
Bacteroides Intermedia / periodontitis.
Bacteroides Melaninogenicu
BCT 79 Propionibacterium Acnes Lives on the skin and is linked to the skin condition acne. Largely
commensal and part of the skin flora present on most healthy adult
human skin.
BCT 80 Proteus Mirabilis Causes 90% of all Proteus infections in humans. Approximately
25% of people have this bacteria in their faeces. Causes problems
when urinary tract is disturbed (e.g. after catheterisation).
BCT 81 Salmonella Enterica / Causes salmonellosis; family members working with cattle or in a
Salmonella Choleraesuis veterinary clinic can be source.
BCT 82 Salmonella Typhimurium/ Causes gastroenteritis.
Salmonella Choleraesuis
Serotype Typhimurium /
Salmonella Typhi-Murium/
Bacillus Typhimurium /
Salmonella Typhi-Murium
BCT 83 Serratia Marcescens / Found on the sub-gingival biofilm of teeth. Commonly found in the
Bacterium Prodigosum respiratory and urinary tracts of hospitalised adults and in the
gastrointestinal system of children. May cause pneumonia and
urinary tract infections. Often found growing in bathrooms as a
pink discoloration and slimy film.
BCT 84 Staphylococcus Often implicated in urinary tract infections and cystitis.
BCT 85 Stomatococcus Part of the normal human oral flora and upper respiratory tract flora.
Micrococcus Mucilaginosus
/ Staphylococcus Salivarius
BCT 86 Streptococcus Salivarius The principal commensal bacterium of the oral cavity and a normal
inhabitant of the upper respiratory tract. The first bacterium that
colonises dental plaque, creating favourable conditions for other
BCT 87 Treponema Pallidum Causes diseases such as syphilis.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Comments
BCT 88 Ureaplasma Parvum Can cause male urethritis, supperative arthritis, adverse pregnancy
outcomes, chorioamnionitis (inflammation of membranes in the
fetus), surgical wound infections, neonatal meningitis, pelvic
inflammatory diseases and pyelonephritis.
BCT 89 Ureaplasma Urelyticum Part of the normal genital flora of both men and women. It is found
in about 70% of sexually active humans. Has been linked to (but
not confirmed) non-specific urethritis, infertility, chorioamnionitis,
stillbirth, premature birth, and, in the perinatal period, pneumonia,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia and meningitis.
BCT 90 Vancomycin-Resistant Can live in the human intestines and female genital tract without
Enterococci/ VRE causing disease; sometimes can cause infections of the urinary
tract, the bloodstream, or of wounds associated with catheters or
surgical procedures.
BCT 91 Vancomycin-Resistant A problem for people with other underlying health conditions
Staphylococcus / VRSA (such as diabetes and kidney disease), tubes going into their
bodies (such as catheters), previous infections with methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and recent exposure to
vancomycin, etc.
BCT 92 Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Found in brackish saltwater and causes gastrointestinal illness (
watery diarrhoea often with abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting,
fever and chills). Most people become infected by eating raw or
undercooked shellfish, particularly oysters.
BCT 93 Vibrio Vulnificus Causes an infection (gastrointestinal illness, fever, or shock) often
after eating seafood, especially oysters or exposing an open
wound to sea water.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8004

Neurotransmitters: chemical released from nerve endings that transmit impulses from one neuron (nerve cell) to
another neuron or to a muscle cell. (BMA Family Health)

Neuropeptides: small proteins consisting of larger molecules than neurotransmitters (BMA Family Health);
modulate the response of or to a neurotransmitter

Second messenger released inside the cell, where hormone-stimulating responses can take place
= see Body Biochemical 2 test kit
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB1 Acetylcholine/ neurotransmitter at all nerve-muscle junctions as well as many myasthenia gravis and
Ach other sites in the nervous system; Alzheimer’s disease; nicotine
contraction of skeletal muscles, control of mimics this neurotransmitter
sweat glands and heart beat; transmits
messages between neurons in the brain and
spinal cord.
BB2 Angiotensin I protein converted by angiotensin converting enzyme ACE inhibitor drugs work by
into angiotensin II reducing the conversion of
angiotensin I to angiotensin II
BB3 Angiotensin II neuropeptide produced from renin released by kidneys; ACE inhibitor drugs work by
stimulates thirst; promotes release of reducing the conversion of
aldosterone, which increases the rate of salt angiotensin I to angiotensin II
and water re-absorption from the kidneys;
vasoconstriction of aerioles to increase
blood pressure
BB4 Bilirubin metabolic waste yellow pigment that is one of the end products formed from the
product products of hemoglobin breakdown in the breakdown of bilirubin are
liver, spleen and bone marrow and is excreted responsible for the brown
as a waste material in the bile; associated colour of stools
with jaundice
BB5 Bombesin peptide stimulates release of gastric and pancreatic
hormones; contraction of the smooth
muscles in gastric and urinary tract, and in
the uterus; can inhibit the secretion of
growth hormone; itching and lowered body
BB6 Cathepsin C enzyme found in skin and bone cells, activates
several of the chemicals controlling local
immune and inflammatory responses; gum
health; Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome (warty
thickened skin, principally on hands and
soles of feet; periodontitis and gingivitis)
BB7 Cholesterol lipid from food and also synthesized in liver; most
abundant steroid in animal tissue; synthesis
of steroid hormones and bile salts; stabilizing
cell membranes
BB8 Complement C7 protein in blood; part of non-specific resistance and one of at least 20 different
immunity; enhance allergic and inflammatory proteins
reactions; with other complement proteins
forms large holes in the microbe, allowing
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
fluid to flow in and the microbe then bursts

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB9 C-reactive protein elevated levels indicate an increased risk of
protein heart attack and stroke in the future;
necessary for acute stage of inflammation
but inappropriate for chronic stage; effective
against bacteria, parasites and immune
complexes; synthesized by liver
BB10 Cyclic formed from ATP by action of adenylate
Adenosine-3’,5’ cyclase5; serves as second messenger for
– some hormones; increase in cAMP causes
monophospate/ adipose cells to break down triglycerides and
Cyclic AMP release fatty acids more rapidly; stimulates
thyroid cells to secrete more thyroid
BB11 Cyclic mediation of certain hormones and
Guanosine-3’,5’ neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine,
– prostaglandins and histamine; involved in
monophospate/ light/dark adaptation of the eye
Cyclic GMP
BB12 Dopamine/Da neurotransmitter in parts of the brain that control decreased levels associated
subconscious movement of skeletal muscles; with Parkinson’s disease; may
regulating muscle tone; increases the be involved with
efficiency of the heartbeat and helps return schizophrenia, ADD, autism,
the blood pressure to normal; involved in and La Tourette's syndrome
emotional responses
BB13 Dynorphin A neuropeptide in brain and small intestine; may be related to
controlling pain and registering emotions
BB14 β- Endorphin neuropeptide in brain, spinal cord, pancreas and testes; morphine has a similar
(Beta control of sensitivity to pain by inhibiting chemical structure; linked to
Endorphin) substance P; control of body’s response to depression and schizophrenia
stress; regulation of contraction of intestinal
wall; affects mood; may also regulate the
release of hormones from the pituitary gland;
may have a role in memory and learning,
sexual activity and control of body
BB15 Histamine biogenic amine in cells, mainly mast cells throughout the May be implicated in some
body, released during an allergic reaction types of schizophrenia
and inflammation; narrows bronchi in lungs,
increases permeability of blood vessels,
lowers blood pressure, causes itching and
stimulates production of acid in the stomach;
secretion of digestive juices; Carl Pfeiffer has
suggested too much histamine is involved in
some forms of alcoholism
BB16 Hyaluronic Acid combination of extra-cellular, viscous material that binds co-factors are N-acetyl
polysaccarides cells together, lubricates joints and maintains glucosamine and glucuronic
and proteins shape of the eye ball; may help phagocytes acid
migrate through connective tissue during
development and wound healing
BB17 Hydrochloric acid produced by gastric glands in the stomach to excessive acid production may
Acid aid protein digestion by preparing proteins be stimulated by stress or
for the later stages of digestion; also tobacco smoking
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
prevents bacterial growth in the stomach

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB18 Interferon/ protein fight infection; made by certain white blood have been used to treat
alpha- cells; naturally produced by virus-infected cancer, immunodeficiency
interferon,/ host cells that induce unaffected cells to disorders, chronic infection
Intron A synthesize antiviral proteins and so stops with hepatitis B & C and
many viruses from replicating within body chronic genital herpes; 2 other
cells types – beta and gamma
BB19 Myoglobin protein found only in muscle fibres; binds oxygen
molecules that are needed for ATP production
within mitochondria
BB20 Pyruvic Acid carbohydrate a by-product of glycolysis (production of ATP
from glucose); may be converted into lactic
acid, alanine or oxaloacetic acid
BB21 Serotonin/ neurotransmitter in parts of the brain, blood platelets, lining of action in brain disrupted by
5-Ht digestive tract; concerned with conscious some hallucinogenic drugs,
processes, involved in controlling states of particularly LSD; excess
consciousness and mood; sensory perception; serotonin implicated in
temperature regulation; released at site of Raynaud’s disease
bleeding to constrict small blood vessels and
control blood loss; inhibits gastric secretion
and stimulates smooth muscles in the
intestinal wall; inducing sleep; inhibits release
of prolactin; decreases carbohydrate cravings;
provides a feeling of fullness; enhances mood
BB22 Serum protein accumulates in extra-cellular spaces of many implicated in Alzheimer’s
Amyloid P organs in association with different disease disease
Component processes; inhibits elastase (enzyme
concerned with breakdown of protein);
necessary for acute stage of inflammation but
inappropriate for chronic stage; removes
cholesterol and lipid debris from areas of
trauma; causes thickening of connective tissue
BB23 Substance P neuropeptide in sensory nerves, spinal cord and parts of endorphins inhibit Substance
brain associated with pain – enhances P; counters the effect of
perception of pain; stimulates motility of the certain nerve-damaging
intestines; stimulates saliva production and chemicals, so may prove
inflammatory responses in tissues useful as treatment for nerve
BB24 Transferrin protein in blood, transports iron; inhibits the growth
of certain bacteria by reducing the amount of
available iron.
BB25 Urea waste product waste product of the breakdown of proteins; used in some creams and
the main nitrogenous constituent of urine; ointments to moisturise and
formed in the body from the break down of cell soften the skin
Linda Lazarides Nutritional Health Bible
Thomas A Scott & E Ian Mercer Concise Encyclopedia Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
William H Elliott & Daphne C Elliott Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
British Medical Association The BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopedia
Gerard Tortora and Sandra Reynolds Grabowski Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
Candace Pert Molecules Of Emotion
Various web sites
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Some information supplied by R A Holding DO

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8005

= see Hormone Test Kit
= see Body Biochemical 1 Test Kit
= see Amino Acid Test Kit
= see Digestive Enzyme Test Kit

Code Name Type Location And Role Comments

BB26 Acetone / produced primarily during excessive fat occurs naturally in plants, trees,
Dimethyl ketone metabolism, although some levels present volcanic gases and forest fires.
/ in virtually every organ and tissue, and Present in vehicle exhaust,
2-propanone / the blood contains some acetone tobacco smoke, and landfill sites;
Beta- also manufactured and used
ketopropane widely in industry as a solvent in
paints and lacquers and for
cellulose plastics
BB27 Adenosine neurotransmitter affects central nervous system and may be involved with asthma;
peripheral nervous system; constituent stimulatory effect of tea and
of ATP and ADP coffee because inhibit adenosine
BB28 Adenylate enzyme converts ATP into cAMP2 within the cell
BB29 Albumin/ protein produced by liver; most abundant (54%)
Albumen and smallest of plasma proteins;
regulates osmotic pressure of plasma and
therefore fluid retention; carrier for
metals, ions, fatty acids, amino acids,
bilirubin 2, enzymes and drugs – prevents
them being filtered out by the kidneys
and excreted in urine
BB30 Antithrombin III anti-coagulant blocks action of clotting agents (factors
XII, XI, IX, X and II)
BB31 Atrial Natriuretic hormone produced in upper chambers of heart; children with congenital heart
Peptide /ANP/ increases excretion of sodium in urine; disease have high levels of ANP
Atriopeptin increases urine output and decreases
blood volume; causes blood vessels to
dilate; inhibits aldosterone1 production
and lowers blood pressure
BB32 Calcitriol hormone aids in absorption of dietary calcium and
phosphorus; secreted by kidneys; it is
the active hormonal form of vitamin D
BB33 Cortisol/ hormone the principal glucocorticoid 1; increases also used as a drug for
Hydrocortisone blood glucose levels by increasing inflammatory or allergic
cellular utilization of proteins and fats as conditions
energy sources thus conserving glucose;
stimulates liver cells to produce glucose
from amino acids and fats; secretion
controlled by ACTH1 from anterior
pituitary; counteracts the inflammatory
BB34 Endothelin-1 found in brain, intestines, kidneys and may be implicated in migraine;
heart; most potent vasoconstrictor increased levels in diabetic and
known; regulates salt transport in non-diabetic coronary artery
intestine disease; increased levels in micro-
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
vascular angina

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB35 ß-Estradiol/ hormone synthesized from cholesterol in ovaries;
17ß-Estradiol predominant oestrogen hormone in non-
pregnant women; promotes development and
maintenance of female reproductive structures;
increases protein anabolism; lowers blood
cholesterol; moderate levels inhibit release of
the hormones GnRH, FSH1 and LH1
BB36 Estriol hormone one of the oestrogen hormones; promotes
development and maintenance of female
reproductive structures; increases protein
anabolism; lowers blood cholesterol; moderate
levels inhibit release of the hormones GnRH,
FSH1 and LH1
BB37 Estrone hormone one of the oestrogen hormones; promotes
development and maintenance of female
reproductive structures; increases protein
anabolism; lowers blood cholesterol; moderate
levels inhibit release of the hormones GnRH,
FSH1 and LH1
BB38 Gamma- amino acid and most widely distributed inhibitory deficiencies found in
aminobutyrate neurotransmitter neurotransmitter; blocks noradrenaline1 and hypertension and seizures; a
acid/GABA dopamine2 target for anti-anxiety drugs
BB39 Gamma protein approximately 38% of blood plasma proteins; given as an injection to
Globulin carrier for antibodies and so has a role in prevent viral hepatitis
infection and allergies
BB40 Glucagon hormone raises blood sugar levels by accelerating given by injection in the
breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the emergency treatment of
liver, converting other nutrients into glucose in people with diabetes
the liver, and releasing glucose into the blood – mellitus who are
opposes the action of insulin 1; may stimulate unconscious as a result of
the secretion of water and electrolytes by the hypoglycaemia
mucosa of small intestine
BB41 Glutamic Acid/ amino acid and can be manufactured by the body; precursor of many epileptics have
Glutamate neurotransmitter proline, ornithine3, arginine3 and polyamines; a increased levels of glutamic
stimulatory neurotransmitter; can be converted acid; part of the acute
in body into GABA; nearly all excitatory reaction to withdrawal from
neurons in the CNS and possibly half of the drug addiction includes
synapses in the brain communicate via increase production of
glutamate; visual adaptation to light and dark glutamate
BB42 Glycine Amino acid and can be synthesized from other amino acids Parkinson’s disease; low
neurotransmitter (serine and threonine3); acts as an inhibitory levels often found in manic-
neurotransmitter; assists in manufacture of depressives and epileptics;
DNA, glycerol, phospholipids, collagen, people with motor neurone
glutathione3 and cholesterol2 conjugates; disease may have impaired
essential for one of key liver detoxification glycine metabolism
pathways; stimulates secretion of glucagons;
in spinal cord (inhibitory action) and in retina
BB43 Gonadotropin hormone secreted by hypothalamus; stimulates release
Releasing of LH1 and FSH1

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB44 Leptin hormone released by fat cells as they synthesize non-insulin dependent
triglycerides; reduces appetite; believed to diabetes, high blood
inhibit neuropeptide Y; role in central control of pressure
bone mass and so possibly osteoporosis;
onset of puberty; believed to have an immune
system role through support of helper T cells
BB45 Neuropeptide peptide present in many parts of the brain and a gene in roundworms
Y autonomic nervous system; enhances effect of (closely related to the
norepinephrine1; stimulates appetite; causes neuropeptide Y receptor
increased storage of ingested food as fat; gene in humans) increases
regulation of circadian rhythms, sexual social contact and
functioning, anxiety and stress response, interaction; research is
peripheral vascular resistance and contractility being carried out to produce
of heart; reduces energy expenditure: high a drug for epilepsy based on
circulating levels with severe exercise this
BB46 Neurotensin neuropeptide release stimulated by fatty acids; inhibits low levels may be involved
gastrointestinal motility and increases ileal in schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s
blood flow; regulation of LH1 and prolactin 1; disease, Parkinson’s disease
blocks stimulation of acid and pepsin by the
vagus nerve
BB47 Somatostatin hormone this was inadvertently
included twice in two
different test kits; it has now
been removed from this kit
and can be found in the
hormone kit (H13)
BB47a Protein protein inhibits signaling of leptin and insulin 1; may likely to be important in
Tyrosine explain resistance to leptin and insulin obesity and type 2 diabetes;
Phosphatase / drug research now being
PTP1B carried out to find drugs to
inhibit PTP1B
BB48 Thyroxine/ hormone converted into T31; growth and normal
Tetraiodothyr development; increase rate at which cells
onine/ release energy from carbohydrates; enhance
T4 protein synthesis; stimulate nervous system
BB49 3,3’,5’- hormone Reverse T3 and T31 are secreted in an inverse acute and chronic diseases
Triiodothyroni relationship allowing the thyroid to adjust the and malnutrition also shift
ne/ Reverse T3 amount of thyroid activity; blocks the action of the T31 balance to Reverse T3
T31 by binding with the receptor sites
BB50 Val-Pro- Asp- peptide research on rats indicates that this is an
Pro-Arg appetite suppressant

Linda Lazarides The Nutritional Health Bible
Thomas A Scott & E Ian Mercer Concise Encyclopedia Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
William H Elliott & Daphne C Elliott Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
British Medical Association The BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopedia
Gerard Tortora and Sandra Reynolds Grabowski Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
Candace Pert Molecules Of Emotion
William F Ganong Review of Medical Physiology
Claire Ainsworth “ Love That Fat” New Scientist, 16th September 2000 (leptin information)
Some of the information on BB48 and 49 supplied by Vivian Klein, USA
Many different web sites, using as the search engine
The web site was particularly useful for information on leptin and neuropeptide Y

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8006

1 5
= see Hormone Test Kit = see Body Biochemical 2 test kit
2 6
= see Body Biochemical 1 Test Kit =also in this test kit
3 7
= see Amino Acid Test Kit = see Industrial and Environmental 1
= see Digestive Enzyme Test Kit

Code Name Type Location And Role Comments

BB51 n-Acetyl-D- builds and maintains the matrix of collagen 6 inflammatory bowel disease;
Glucosamine and connective tissue that forms the ground Crohn’s disease
substance of cartilage
BB52 Anandamide pain control; may be used by the brain as a also known as “the bliss
central fine-tuner of electrical activity; molecule” (ananda is Sanskrit
inhibits movement; involved with mood; for bliss) and the body’s own
short-term memory; male fertility (high levels cannabis (cannabis binds to
slow speed of sperm); acts as a chemical the same receptors as
messenger between the embryo and uterus anandamide); chocolate
during implantation of the embryo in the contains anandamide; may be
uterine wall; may control coughing and involved in crohn’s disease,
various respiratory functions; may increase Parkinson’s disease, drug
appetite addiction, schizophrenia,
autism and Gilles de la
Tourette’s syndrome
BB53 Collagen Type I 90% of the collagen in human body; present in foetal and diseased tissue,
in bone, skin (associated with type III type I collagen has been
collagen 6) and tendons reported as having a different
BB54 Collagen Type II 30% of hyaline and elastic cartilage is
composed of type II collagen; present in
inter-vertebral discs and the vitreous body of
the eye
BB55 Collagen Type III the major collagen found in skin, blood
vessels and internal organs such as the
smooth muscle layers of the gastrointestinal
BB56 Collagen Type V a minor collagen as it is present in less than
10% of the total collagen in any tissue;
usually found with type I6 collagen and type
III6 collagen in bone, tendon, cornea, skin,
blood vessels and lungs; during foetal
development, basement membranes originally
contain type V collagen before being
replaced to type IV collagen
BB57 Complement C3* protein part of non-specific immune response; turned low levels of C3 often seen in
into complement 3b which enhances gram negative septicemia,
phagocytosis (ingestion and destruction of shock, lupus, fungal
cell debris, microbes and other foreign matter) infections and some parasitic
; most abundant of complement proteins infections such as malaria;
increased complement activity
seen in cancer and ulcerative

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
colitis; decreased complement
activity in hepatitis and liver
BB58 Complement protein part of non-specific immune response; increased complement activity
C5a* contributes to the development of seen in cancer and ulcerative
inflammation by dilating arterioles and colitis; decreased complement
causing release of histamine2 activity in hepatitis and liver
BB59 Complement protein part of non-specific immune response; increased complement activity
Factor B* activates complement C36 and so the seen in cancer and ulcerative
immune response colitis; decreased complement
activity in hepatitis and liver
BB60 Complement protein part of non-specific immune response; increased complement activity
Factor D* activates complement C36 and so the seen in cancer and ulcerative
immune response colitis; decreased complement
activity in hepatitis and liver
BB61 Complement protein part of non-specific immune response; increased complement activity
Factor I* recognizes repetitive sugar structures found seen in cancer and ulcerative
in cell membranes of bacteria and viruses colitis; decreased complement
but not in humans; triggers reactions that activity in hepatitis and liver
activate complement C36 and C5 and so the cirrhosis
immune response
BB62 Complement protein part of non-specific immune response; increased complement activity
Factor P*/ activates complement C36 and so the seen in cancer and ulcerative
Properdin immune response colitis; decreased complement
activity in hepatitis / cirrhosis
BB63 Elastin protein with fibrillin forms elastic fibres which are with age thickens, fragments
strong but can be stretched up to 150% of and acquires an affinity for
their relaxed length without breaking; form a calcium so may also be
network within tissues particularly skin, associated with development
blood vessel walls and lung tissue of atherosclerosis
BB64 Erythropoietin/ hormone produced by kidneys; formed from a plasma increased blood levels in
EPO protein, stimulates red blood production anaemia
BB65 Exendin peptide reduces glucose levels; competes for the has been shown to acutely
(9-39) same brain receptors as GLP16 and so increase food intake and
blocks the effect of GLP1 and stimulates promote weight gain in long-
appetite term rodent studies; influence
on type 2 diabetes
BB66 Glucagon-Like hormone produced in intestinal endocrine cells; biological activity is arrested
Peptide 1/ stimulates production of insulin 1; inhibits by Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV6
GLP1 production of glucagon 3 and gastric
emptying; reduces appetite; lowers blood
glucose in people with diabetes
BB67 Glucosamine-6- the form that occurs in the body; “glues” important in osteorathritis and
phosphate structures together; forms an integral part of cartilage health generally; the
cell membranes; influences cell to cell supplement glucosamine
communication; important for joint surfaces, sulphate may be used when
tendons, ligaments, synovial fluid, skin, the body is short of this
bone, nails and mucus secretions of the
digestive,respiratory and urinary tracts
BB68 Glutathione enzyme involved in conversion of hydrogen children with asthma have
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
Peroxidase peroxide within the body; protection significantly reduced blood
against free radical damage; reduces the levels; may be involved in
production of inflammatory prostaglandins schizophrenia; levels reduced
and leukotrienes if selenium deficiency

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB69 Nociceptin/ peptide present in many areas of the CNS; believed
Orphanin FQ2 to play a role in pain transmission; amplifies
pain and enhances harmless stimuli into
painful sensations
BB70 Nocistatin peptide counteracts the effect of nociceptin 6
BB71 Orexin B neuropeptide generated when blood sugar levels drop, so people who over-eat may
acting as a trigger to eat possibly produce too much
lack of orexin has been linked
to narcolepsy (sleep disorder
characterized by sudden
BB72 Phosphatidyl- important component of biological in some skincare products and
inositol membranes; supervises division of cells and lipsticks
BB73 Superoxide enzyme antioxidant produced naturally in the body; supplementation of SOD has
Dismutase/ combats the damage to cells caused by the been shown to exert strong
SOD superoxide radical regenerative effects on tissues
that have become hardened or
fibrotic because of age,
disease, or injury; may be anti-
BB74 Tumour necrosis protein produced by macrophages, which engulf asthma, eczema, psoriasis,
factor alpha and destroy bacteria, viruses, and other psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid
foreign substances; role in regulating arthritis, AIDS, multiple
inflammatory and immune responses sclerosis, cancer; may be
throughout the body and particularly in involved in septicaemia, and
relation to some parasites the weight loss associated
with parasitic infection or
BB75 Ubiquitin/ essential for protein degradation and cell
APF-1 cycling; DNA repair; cellular stress
responses; various enzymes attach ubiquitin
to body proteins; these enzymes are known
as ubiquitin ligases.; when a protein bears
many ubiquitin molecules, it is targeted for
degradation by the proteasome, a huge
enzyme complex; when few ubiquitins are
attached, they may serve structural,
regulatory, or trafficking functions
Linda Lazarides The Nutritional Health Bible
Thomas A Scott & E Ian Mercer Concise Encyclopedia Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
William H Elliott & Daphne C Elliott Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
British Medical Association The BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopedia
Gerard Tortora and Sandra Reynolds Grabowski Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
William F Ganong Review of Medical Physiology
Lamberts Review: Glucosamine Sulphate
Various web sites, using as the search engine; the web site was
particularly useful
**Complement system: “ a series of 11 chemicals always present in the blood stream. They can create a chain reaction, each one becoming activated
and then activating the next member in the chain…. Each activated complement component does something to help eliminate the enemy. Some
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
chemicals dilate blood vessels, others can destroy the membranes of bacterial cells…. Some of these attract …. [granulocytes]… into battle. These
cells are extremely important, being our best eaters and destroyers of bacteria.” The Body At War by John Dyer

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8007

1 5
= see Hormone Test Kit = see Body Biochemical 2 test kit
2 6
= see Body Biochemical 1 Test Kit =also in Body Biochemical Test Kit 3
3 7
= see Amino Acid Test Kit =also in this test kit
4 8
= see Digestive Enzyme Test Kit = see Industrial and Environmental Test Kit 1

Code Name Type Location And Role Comments

BB76 Acetyl Coenzyme synthesized in the mitochondria of all cells and is used
A to generate ATP in the Krebs cycle; involved in the
synthesis of Ach 2 in some nerve cells
BB77 Actin Protein in order for muscle to contract myosin 7 and actin must
interact; actin-myosin interaction activates actomyosin
ATPase which extracts energy from ATP for
BB78 Adenine one of the bases of DNA & RNA
BB79 Replaced with BB79a as BB79 was an unintentional
duplicate of BB28 this was a
BB79a Calcineurin speeds up the rate at which electrical signals in the may have a role
brain die away, so affects long-term memory in dementia;
syndrome and
heart failure
BB80 Calmodulin/ protein calcium-binding protein found within cells; many
modulator different biochemical processes known to be regulated
protein/ (CaM)/ by calmodulin, although the interactions of calmodulin
Phosphodiestera with its various target enzymes are only poorly
se 3’:5’- Cyclic understood; has a regulatory effect on contraction and
Nucleotide relaxation of smooth muscles; involved in gene
Activator regulation, protein synthesis, inflammation, short term
memory, the immune response, viral penetration, and
the cell cycle implicating it in AIDs, Alzheimer’s, certain
cancers and other diseases
BB81 Carbonic enzyme present in red blood cells and kidney cells; controls the
Anhydrase elimination of carbon dioxide from the body and the pH
of urine; facilitates the transfer of carbon dioxide from
the tissues to the blood and from the blood to the
alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs; involved in production of
gastric acid
BB82 Catalase enzyme the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide8 into water
and oxygen.
BB83 Cytosine one of the bases of DNA & RNA
BB84 Dipeptidyl arrests biological activity of GLP16 and Substance P2
Peptidase IV
BB85 Fibrin protein insoluble; essential to blood clotting; formed from
fibrinogen 7 by the action of thrombin 7
BB86 Fibrinogen protein a clotting factor in blood plasma that is converted to
fibrin 7; produced by liver and plasma cells;
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
approximately 7% of blood plasma proteins

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB87 Glycogen carbohydrate the principal carbohydrate storage material in the body;
plays an important role in controlling blood sugar
BB88 Glycogen enzyme involved in converting glycogen 7 to glucose
Phosphorylase A
BB89 Glycogen enzyme involved in converting glucose to glycogen 7
BB90 Guanine one of the basis of DNA & RNA
BB91 Homocysteine amino acid formed from the breakdown of methionine; should exist linked to
only briefly before being broken down into cystathione atherosclerosis;
and then cysteine; if does not happen efficiently then and Alzheimer’s
raised blood levels of homocysteine can occur disease;
(rare condition)
BB92 Keratin protein produced in the skin epidermis; helps protect skin and
underlying tissues from heat, microbes and chemicals
BB93 Leucine neuropeptide produced in the adrenal medulla; inhibits pain impulses morphine
Enkephalin by suppressing release of Substance P2; increased stimulates
secretion into the blood stream when stressed enkephalin
BB94 Methionine neuropeptide produced in the adrenal medulla; sedative effect; in alcohol- and
Enkephalin inhibits pain impulses by suppressing release of cocaine-pre-
Substance P2; increased secretion into the blood stream ferring mouse
when stressed strains,
enkephalin is
lower in the
BB95 Myosin protein in order for muscle to contract, myosin and actin 7 must
BB96 Prothrombin/ body protein inactive protein synthesized by the liver, released into
Factor II the blood, and converted to active thrombin 7 in the
process of blood clotting
BB97 Terminal enzyme a DNA polymerase that does not require a primer;
Transferase catalyses the addition of nucleotides to DNA (involved
in cell division)
BB98 Thrombin enzyme active enzyme produced from prothrombin 7; acts to
covert fibrinogen 7 to fibrin 7
BB99 Thymine
one of the DNA bases
BB100 Uracil one of the bases of RNA
Linda Lazarides The Nutritional Health Bible
Thomas A Scott & E Ian Mercer Concise Encyclopedia Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
William H Elliott & Daphne C Elliott Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
British Medical Association The BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopedia
Gerard Tortora and Sandra Reynolds Grabowski Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
William F Ganong Review of Medical Physiology
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Patricia A Lyne Biochemistry
Product Code 8008

1 4
= see Hormone Test Kit = see Digestive Enzyme Test Kit
2 5
= see Body Biochemical 1 Test Kit = see Body Biochemical 2 test kit
3 6
= see Amino Acid Test Kit =also in Body Biochemical Test Kit 3

Michael W. Davidson of the Florida State University: "Prostaglandins act in a manner similar to that of hormones, by
stimulating target cells into action. However, they differ from hormones in that they act locally, near their site of
synthesis, and they are metabolized very rapidly. Another unusual feature is that the same prostaglandins act
differently in different tissues."

A series of chemical reactions in the cytosol of the cell in which a molecule of glucose is split into two molecules
of pyruvic acid 2 and two ATP’s molecules (the energy currency of living cells, storing and transferring energy
produced in metabolic processes)

Code Name Type Location And Role Comments

BB101 Aldolase enzyme involved in 4th step in process of
BB102 CART/ neuropeptide modulates the action of leptin 5 and
Cocaine- and neuropeptide Y5 and so reduces
Amphetamine Related appetite; cocaine and amphetamines
Transcript stimulate its production
BB103 Elastase digestive enzyme pancreas, activated from proelastase
by trypsin 4; turns peptides into
BB104 Enolase enzyme involved in 9th step in process of
BB105 Galanin neuropeptide inhibits release of acetylcholine2 and may be involved in
glutamic acid 5; decreases excitability Alzheimer’s disease
of spinal neurons; stimulates the
BB106 Ghrelin hormone increases appetite; may be a hormonal blood levels are
link between stomach, hypothalamus elevated in anorexics
and pituitary and so regulate energy and return to normal
balance; regulates growth hormone after partial weight
secretions; may signal to the recovery
hypothalamus when an increase in
metabolic efficiency is necessary
BB107 Glyceraldehyde-3- enzyme involved in 6th step in process of
Phosphate glycolysis
BB108 Hexocinase enzyme involved in 1st step in process of
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB109 Melatonin hormone secreted by pineal gland; may inhibit
reproductive activities and promote
sleep; regulation of body’s biological
BB110 Neuromedin B neuropeptide present in the central nervous system
and gastrointestinal tract; binds to
corticotropin releasing factor
receptors; involved in smooth muscle
contraction, blood pressure, blood
glucose, body temperature and cell
growth; suppresses the appetite
BB111 2-Phenylethylamine/ neuro-hormone chemical which plays a critical role in 60% of depressed
PEA/ the limbic system known to give a patients have a PEA
β-Phenethylamine feeling of bliss deficit; a natural
ingredient in
chocolate; MAOI
concentrations of this
in the brain

BB112 Phosphoglucose enzyme involved in 2nd step in process of

Isomerase glycolysis
BB113 Phospho- enzyme involved in 3rd step in process of
Fructokinase glycolysis
BB114 Prostaglandin A1/ relaxes the muscles in the walls of may protect against
PGA1 blood vessels, acting as powerful peptic ulcers
vasodilators and so lowering blood
BB115 Prostaglandin D2/ stimulates inflammation
BB116 Prostaglandin E1/ dilates blood vessels and so reduces seems to be elevated
PGE1 blood pressure in manic-depressive
disorders; used as a
treatment for erectile
dysfunction in men
BB117 Prostaglandin E2/ promotes platelet adhesiveness; used as a treatment
PGE2 promotes sodium retention; promotes for erectile
inflammation; widens airways; dysfunction in men
stimulates contraction of uterus;
protects against peptic ulcers; acts on
adenylate cyclase5 to enhance the
production of cyclic AMP2
BB118 Prostaglandin F2/ stimulates contraction of uterus;
PGF2 narrows airways
BB119 Prostaglandin I2/ reduces platelet stickiness women who develop
PGI2 pre-eclampsia have
low levels of this

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Type Location And Role Comments
BB120 Purine used in the process producing increased levels raise
proteins; converts the energy the levels of uric acid
produced by the oxidation of food in the blood and
molecules to a form which the cell cause gout
can use to satisfy its energy needs;
involved in nerve conduction and
muscle contraction; rids cells of
excess nitrogen; protects the cell
from cancer-causing agents
BB121 Pyruvate Kinase enzyme involved in 10th step in process of
BB122 Serine amino acid can be made in human body from
glycine5; used to make substances
such as choline, phospholids,
phosphotidylserine; present in all
cell membranes ; plays a key role in
membrane stability
BB123 Triosephosphate enzyme involved in 5th step in process of
Isomerase glycolysis
BB124 Uric Acid waste product of the breakdown of over-production leads
nucleic acid in cells; formed to uric acid crystal
primarily in the liver and excreted deposits in the joints
by the kidney into the urine (gout); low levels in
people with multiple
BB125 Urocortin neuropeptide inhibits appetite

Linda Lazarides The Nutritional Health Bible
British Medical Association The BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopedia
Gerard Tortora and Sandra Reynolds Grabowski Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
Various web sites

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8095

Code Name Comments

CA 01 Candida Albicans A normal constituent of the human flora. Is a commensal of the skin
and the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. It is responsible for
the majority of Candida bloodstream infections (candidemia).

CA 02 Candida Dubliniensis Most commonly found from in immuno-compromised individuals, such

as AIDS, chemotherapy, or organ transplant patients.
CA 03 Candida Glabrata / Was considered a relatively nonpathogenic part of the human flora,
Torulopsis glabrata but now problems from it on increase particularly among immuno-
compromised individuals.

CA 04 Candida Guillermondi Sometimes found on human skin; found in infections of the skin in
immuno-compromised individuals.
CA 05 Candida Krusei On the increase. Most common in hospital environment. Used in the
manufacture of chocolate.
CA 06 Candida Lusitaniae Affects people with other major health problems, e.g. bone marrow
transplants and chemotherapy.
CA 07 Candida Parapsilosis Part of the normal flora of mucous membranes of the mouth, gut and
vagina. One of the fungi most frequently isolated from the human
hands. A significant cause of sepsis and of wound and tissue
infections in immuno-compromised patients.
CA 08 Candida Pseudotropicalis / A rare cause of candidiasis. Usually associated with superficial
Candida Kefyr cutaneous manifestations rather than systemic disease. It has been
isolated from nails and lungs.

CA 09 Candida Rhodotorula Has been found on the skin between the toes.
CA 10 Candida Rugosa Possibly on increase.
CA 11 Candida Sitophila Uncommon infection in humans. Has been found at the sites of
conjunctivitis and peritonitis.
CA 12 Candida Stellatoida Sometimes found in the human vaginal tract with or without symptoms
of vaginitis.
CA 13 Candida Tropicalis Part of the normal human flora.When flora unbalanced, can get
excessive gas, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, abdominal pain,
and a variety of sudden and intense food sensitivities or allergies.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8009

Code Name Sources include: Effects**

CI 1 Ammonia household cleaners, disinfectants, irritant to eyes, breathing
deodorants, hair bleaches, permanent wave passages and skin
solutions, rheumatic liniments, used to
make fertilisers, plastics and nylon;
cigarette smoke
CI 2 Bee Sting

CI 3 Bitumen damp proof courses, flat roofs, rust skin irritant

treatments, sealant, carpet tile backing,
pesticide, adhesive
CI 4 Brake & Clutch Fluid may irritate the skin
CI 5 Brush Cleaner with brush cleaners, damp start products Xylene can cause
Xylene sprayed on car engines; spray paints, irritability, tiredness,
adhesives in flooring material dizziness, light-headedness
and agitation
CI 6 Butyl solvent eye irritation, headache,
dizziness and dermatitis
CI 7 Carbon Tetrachloride dry cleaning fluid, some old DIY products
CI 8 Chlorine Bleach bleach, antiseptics, disinfectants, tap irritation to eyes, throat
water, swimming pool water, mould and lungs
inhibitors, bleached papers
CI 9 Coal Tar coal tar derivatives (some food additives,
phenol, asphalt, benzene, creosote),
eczema and psoriasis treatment creams,
Colophony See CI 38
CI 10 Creosote wood preservative, cough mixtures probably carcinogenic

CI 11 Crude Oil Many plastics and chemicals are derived

from crude oil
CI 12 Dental Anaesthetic
CI 13 Diesel Fumes
CI 14 Formaldehyde/ Formalin cavity wall insulation, printing ink, textile skin irritant (a very
and fabric finishes (minimum iron etc.), common allergen)
chipboard, adhesives, photographic
chemicals, preservatives in cosmetics and
toiletries, treatments for warts and
verrucas, throat lozenges, cleaning
products, artificial silk, slow-release
fertilisers, vaccines
CI 15 General Purpose Oil
CI 16 House Dust Mite mainly found in bedding, carpets and allergic reactions can cause
upholstery eczema, asthma
CI 17 Kapok cushions, soft toys
CI 18 Lanolin cosmetics, toiletries, soap, woolen clothes, (a very common allergen)
some medicinal ointments and creams

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Sources include: Effects**
CI 19 Latex protective gloves, contraceptives
(condoms, diaphragm and cap), hot water
bottles, baby bottle teats, shoes,
mattresses, pillows, balloons, rubber
bands, elastic and finger stalls
CI 20 Lycra fabrics, elastic, sewing thread
CI 21 Methylated Spirits
CI 22 Mixed Nylon clothing, tights and stockings, carpets and
CI 23 Mosquito Bite

CI 24 Moss Killer with diclorophen is a moss and algae killer, cramps, diarrhoea, skin and
Diclorophen control of fungi and moulds on walls eye irritation
CI 25 Neoprene waterproof fabrics, wet suits

CI 26 Paraffin/ Kerosene paraffin heaters, toiletries, hair creams,

hand creams, Vaseline, ointment bases
CI 27 Perfumes and
CI 28 Petrol Fumes/
Gas Fumes (USA)
CI 29 Phenol/ carbolic acid fungicides, disinfectants, wood (a common allergen)
preservatives, synthetic fibres,
vaccinations, floor leveling resins
CI 30 Polyurethane paint, foamed plastics for insulation,
cushions and upholstery, varnish
CI 31 Polybutylene

CI 32 Polyvinyl chloride / PVC third most common plastic. Typical uses

include raincoats, car/automobile interiors,
furnishings (as mock leather), food
wrappings (becoming less common),
plastic bottles for drinks and personal care
products, coatings for paper, shoe soles,
plastic pipes and building materials. In
hospitals also used for catheters, blood
bags and tubing.
CI 33 Solid Fuel Fumes

CI 34 Stain Removers

Triphenyl Phosphate see CI 39

CI 35 Turpentine cosmetics, polishes, varnishes, thinners, CNS damage, irritation of

pine scented products, indigestion skin and mucus membranes
mixtures, irritant skin applications
CI 36 Wasp Sting / Yellow

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Sources include: Effects**
CI 37 Mixed Vial of 31 Inhalant contains: acrylic, aerosol propellant, chalk,
and Contact Items calor gas fumes, mixed carpets, cat hair,
cigarette smoke, tobacco, coal tar, crude
oil, diesel, diesel fumes, dog hair, ethanol,
formaldehyde, granite, mixed grasses,
house dust, house dust mite, mixed moss,
mixed lichens, nickel, north sea gas, petrol
fumes, feathers, mixed plastics, sheep’s
wool, solid fuel fumes, mixed washing
CI 38 Colophony a pine resin found in paper, cosmetics, this is often included in
varnishes, paint, polishes, fly papers, medical tests for allergy
adhesive tapes, epilating waxes, solder flux,
etc. .
CI 39 Triphenyl Phosphate a flame retardant added to many plastics
such as TV’s and computer monitors;
when the appliance heats up as it does in
use small amounts of this chemical
vapourize into the air

** the effects listed are the ones which are generally accepted to occur as a result of inappropriate or excessive
exposure. Other effects can occur as a result of allergic reactions.

Jane Houlton Allergy Survival Guide
Peter Parish Medicines: A Guide for Everyone
M. Birkin & B. Price C for Chemicals
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients
J Emsley The Consumer’s Good Chemical Guide

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8010

Information is difficult to obtain on sources, deficiencies and toxic effects. This table is in no way
comprehensive. Where no information on effects is listed this does NOT mean that none occurs. The information
under possible toxic effects in italics is taken from Hulda Clark’s book.

Code Mineral Non-food sources Possible deficiency Possible toxic effects

CM 1 Aluminium aluminium cooking pans; contact dermatitis; skeletal
aluminium foil; table salt & demineralisation; slow
baking powder; aluminium cans; learning; interference with
antacids; bleached flour; mains calcium and phosphorus
water treatment (aluminium metabolism
sulphate); some food additives;
deodorants; acid rain leaches
aluminium out of the soil and
into the ground water
CM 2 Beryllium light structural material; reduces stores of magnesium;
beryllium oxide is used in reduces organ function;
ceramics shortness of breath;
coughing; lung inflammation;
tinnitus; alcoholism
CM 3 Boron enamel and glass; light weight arthritis
CM 4 Cadmium cigarette fumes; galvanised iron; anaemia; kidney damage;
pesticides; plastics; fertilisers; probably carcinogenic; high
tyres; plating; component in blood pressure; lung damage;
alloys and solders; PVC atherosclerosis; rat studies
stabiliser, pigments, paints, show it mimics effect of
pottery oestrogen; leg pain in
children & adults; arthritis;
CM 5 Calcium preparation of other metals; reduction in peak bone depressed nerve function,
calcium oxide important in mass; increased risk of drowsiness, extreme lethargy,
chemical industry osteoporosis in later life; calcium deposits, kidney
nerve sensitivity; stones
insomnia; chronic
depression; synthesis
and release of
CM 6 Chromium dental work; metal plating & diabetes; hypoglycaemia; lung disease
anodising aluminium ; stainless alcohol intolerance;
steel; leather tanning; paints; irritability; weakness
dyes; explosives; cement
CM 7 Cobalt dental work; alloys; cobalt anaemia goitre; hypothyroidism; heart
compounds used in paints and failure; tremors; polycythemia

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Mineral Non-food sources Possible deficiency Possible toxic effects
CM 8 Copper copper water pipes (particularly rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis;
in soft water areas); some cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular disease;
medicines; pesticides; impaired immune system; gastrointestinal irritation
fungicides; blood copper levels affects bone & blood (similar to deficiency signs)
raised by the contraceptive pill; formation in infants; schizophrenia; cancer
brake linings; wiring; some possible role in
contraceptive devices; dental cardiovascular disease;
amalgam; coins rheumatoid arthritis
CM 9 Gold dental alloy; jewellery; gold salts mouth ulceration; itching;
for treating rheumatoid arthritis eczema; seborrheic dermatitis;
alopecia; inflamed gums;
gastritis; colititis; blood
abnormalities; kidney damage
(from the effect of gold salts)
CM 10 Iron metal for building; steel, toner anaemia; fatigue; abdominal pain; arthritis; loss
for photocopiers and printers cracking at corner of of libido; damage to liver,
mouth; recurrent mouth heart and pancreas; people
ulcers; sore tongue; poor with certain neuro-
hair growth; brittle nails; degenerative disorders such
generalised itching as Parkinson's
disease and dementia show
excessive accumulation of iron
in the brain
CM 11 Lead leaded petrol fumes; old water loss of appetite; constipation;
pipes; leaded paint; lead headache; weakness; blue or
plumbing; solder; improperly black line on gums; anaemia;
glazed pottery; cigarette ash; irritability; vomiting; poor co-
pewter; lead crystal ware ordination; unsteady gait;
visual disturbances; delirium;
paralysis; kidney failure;
mainly deposited in bones and
teeth; leg pain in children;
arthritis; tinnitus; seizures;
schizophrenia; autism; cancer
CM 12 Magnesium alloys; batteries; glass; muscle dysfunction; muscle weakness; fatigue;
ceramics; fillers; flocculating irritability & tension; sleepiness; hyper-excitabilty
agents; magnesium sulphate fatigue; PMS; apathy
used in sugar refining
CM 13 Manganese textile bleaching, glass joint pains; dizziness; lethargy; involuntary
manufacture, fertilisers, schizophrenia movements; impairment of
compounds used in unleaded voluntary movements;
petrol and pesticides, pottery changes in muscle tone

CM 14 Mercury dental amalgam; pesticides; tremor; muscle instability;

fungicides; emissions from coal- sensory disturbances;
burning power stations, gastrointestinal symptoms;
contaminated fish, vaccines dermatitis; liver and kidney
damage; anaemia; mental
deterioration; blue line on
gums; arthritis; MS;
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Alzheimer’s; cancer

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Mineral Non-food sources Possible deficiency Possible toxic effects
CM 15 Nickel Dental alloys; stainless steel; may activate certain may be a factor in lung cancer;
water boiled in a kettle with an enzymes and play a role frontal headaches; vertigo;
element; clasps; jewellery; in stabilizing nausea; vomiting; chest pain;
spectacles; buckles; keys; chromosomal material in cough. Dermatitis from skin
coins; diesel fumes; can be in cell nuclei but at the contact with nickel in sensitive
flour as a result of milling; a moment no known people; prostate problems;
catalyst for hydrogenating diseases are associated carcinogenic
vegetable oils with a nickel deficiency
CM 16 Palladium road dust from catalytic possibly carcinogenic
converters; dental work;
electrical components
CM 17 Platinum road dust from catalytic compounds have anti-
converters; high quality tumour activity
glassware; dental alloys
CM 18 Selenium anti-dandruff shampoos; steel possible links with some hair loss, nail changes and
and glass additive forms of cancer & loss, fatigue, irritability,
development of coronary nausea, gastrointestinal
heart disease; premature problems, joint inflammation,
ageing “garlic breath”, dental caries;
skin depigmentation;
CM 19 Silver dental amalgam; jewellery; E174; argyria (blue-grey/ashen grey
electrical components; silver darkening of the eyes, nose,
compounds used in throat, skin and nasal septum),
photography kidney damage
CM 20 Sodium muscle cramps; fatigue; hypertension; fluid retention
CM 21 Thallium byproduct of zinc & lead polyneuritis; fatigue; weight
production; optical lenses; loss; possibly reduced
jewellery; dyes; pigments; immunity; leg pain in adults;
catalyst in organic synthesis; arthritis; MS; Alzheimer’s;
recreational drug contaminant people in wheelchairs
CM 22 Tin dental amalgam; canning; solder nausea; colic; headache;
in iron & copper pipes; weakness; fever; muscle pain;
compounds used in fungicides joint pain; tinnitus
and glass coatings
CM 23 Titanium dental work; surgical metal in seizures
hips etc.; jewellery; E171,
CM 24 Zinc galvanised iron; brass; solder; persistent leg ulcers & impaired copper & iron
die-casting; tyres; zinc oxide is pressure sores; red, absorption; gastro-intestinal
used in paints, rubber, textiles greasy skin on face; skin disturbances; mask-like fixed
and plastics problems, poor hair expression; difficulty in
growth; dandruff; night walking; slurred speech; hand
blindness; brittle nails; tremor; involuntary laughter
white spots on nails
Leonard Mervyn Dictionary of Minerals
Elson M Haas Staying Healthy with Nutrition
Hulda Regehr Clark The Cure For All Diseases
D J Weatherall et al Oxford Textbook of Medicine Volume 1
M. Birkin C For Chemicals
J. Emsley The Consumer’s Good Chemical Guide
D.W.A. Sharp The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients
DENTAL TEST KIT (50 vials)
Product Code 8011

DT 1 Amalgam: contains mercury, copper, tin, silver and zinc

DT 2 Apexit root filling sealer
DT 3 Bite registration
DT 4 Carboxylate liquid
DT 5 Carboxylate powder
DT 6 Cavalite cavity lining
DT 7 Coltosol temporary filling
DT 8 Composite filling material
DT 9 Core material: for crowns
DT 10 Cresophene root canal antiseptic
DT 11 Crown impression putty
DT 12 Dyract compound filling
DT 13 Fissure sealant -Biz GMA
DT 14 Fluoride varnish
DT 15 Fuji II LC filling material
DT 16 Glass Ionomer cement for crowns
DT 17 I.R.M. temporary filling
DT 18 Kalzinol temporary filling
DT 19 Ledermix cement: steroid and antibiotic
DT 20 Lining material for fillings
DT 21 Local anaesthetic: citanest with octapressin
DT 22 Local anaesthetic: lignospan with adrenalin
DT 23 Local anaesthetic: scandonest 3% plain
DT 24 Microprime cavity lining
DT 25 Mouth wash tablet
DT 26 Orange oil
DT 27 Periodontal nosode: contains bacteria, blood, plaque and toxins from people with gingivitis and
periodontal disease
DT 28 Polishing paste
DT 29 Polishing paste: Minerva
DT 30 Prime ‘n’ bond dentine bonding agent
DT 31 Root filling material
DT 32 Surface anaesthetic
DT 33 Syntac dentine bonding agent
DT 34 Temporary cement for fillings
DT 35 Temporary dressing material
DT 36 Tubliseal root filling sealer
DT 37 Zinc oxide liquid for resin
DT 38 Zinc phosphate cement for crowns
DT 39 GC Fuji Bond LC: a commonly used dental bonding material
DT 40 GC Fuji IX GP: a composite resin used in place of amalgam
DT 41 Tetric Cream: a composite resin used in place of amalgam
DT 42 Belle Glass: used for inlays, onlays and crowns
DT 43 Cercon: core material for crowns and bridges
DT 44 Cercon S: porcelain that goes on top of DT 42
DT 45 Cerpress: ceramic crown material without metal, also used in inlays
DT 46 Duceram Plus: porcelain for crowns
DT 47 Herculite: filling material which is very strong and used for back teeth
DT 48 Maxi Bond Metal: precious metal alloy which goes under porcelain crowns
DT 49 Presciano: crown material, contains gold but no other metals
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
DT 50 Solo Bond: adhesive for fillings

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8012

An enzyme: “A substance that affects the speed of chemical changes; an organic catalyst, usually a protein”
Gerard J Tortora Introduction To The Human Body

Code Name Source of start Origin & Effect Function

DE 1 Carboxypeptidase cow pancreas peptides into other peptides and
amino acids (protein digestion)
DE 2 Chymotrypsin cow pancreas protein into peptides (protein
DE 3 Deoxyribonuclease cow pancreas & small converts deoxyribonucleic acid
intestine nucleotides(DNA) into pentoses
and nitrogenous bases
DE 4 Enterokinase pig small intestine converts inactive trypsinogen into
active trypsin in small intestine
(protein digestion)
DE 5 Galactosidase/ cow small intestine converts lactose into glucose and
Lactase galactose
DE 6 Lipase human small intestine converts fat into fatty acids and
glycerol (fat digestion)
DE 7 Lysozyme chicken egg mouth (saliva), tears destroys bacteria and so helps
white and sweat prevent tooth decay; works to limit
the growth of the bacteria that
cause infections and diarrhoea, and
encourage the growth of good
DE 8 Maltase baker’s yeast small intestine converts maltose into glucose
DE 9 Pepsinogen pig stomach converted by hydrochloric acid into
pepsin (protein digestion)
DE 10 Pepsin pig stomach converts proteins into peptides
(protein digestion)
DE 11 Peptidase pig small intestine peptides into amino acids
(protein digestion)
DE 12 Rennin calf stomach milk protein into casein which
allows pepsin to act on it
DE 13 Ribonuclease cow pancreas & small converts ribonucleic acid (RNA)
intestine into pentoses and nitrogeous bases
DE 14 Salivary Amylase human mouth polysaccharides into maltose
(Ptyalin) (disaccharide)
(carbohydrate digestion)
DE 15 Sucrase bacteria small intestine sucrose into glucose and fructose
DE 16 Trypsin pig pancreas protein into peptides; activates
procarboxypeptidase into
(protein digestion)

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Elastase is in Body Biochemicals 5

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
DRINKS: ALCOHOL A (26 vials)
Product Code 8012

Code Name Comments

DAA 1 Bacardi blended, charcoal-filtered, aged for a least one year, then charcoal-filtered again to
White Rum produce a subtle, delicate rum that is clear in colour, light in body and dry in flavour
DAA 2 Beer brewed from malted barley, sugar, hops and water
DAA 3 Beer & Lager, these beers are brewed at 1 deg C, a temperature that stops the ingredients fermenting to
alcohol free create alcohol
DAA 4 Beer, wheat the samples for this vial come from Germany and Belgium; wheat is used in place of
DAA 5 Benedictine a brandy-based liqueur with a secret herb formula produced by Benedictine monks in
France and in Spain
DAA 6 Bourbon more than 50 percent of the grain used to produce bourbon must be corn and it must be
aged for a minimum of two years in charred oak barrels
DAA 7 Brandy distilled from grape wine sometimes aged in oak casks and usually bottled at 80 proof; to
be called cognac a brandy must be made from a certain type of grape that grows only in
the area of Cognac, western France
DAA 8 Campari a bright red type of orange bitters named after its Italian inventor; 24 per cent alcohol by
DAA 9 Champagne the most refined sparkling wine, produced only in the Champagne region of France
DAA 10 Cider made from the fermentation of apple juice
DAA 11 Cointreau a liqueur made from brandy and orange peel, 40 per cent alcohol by volume
DAA 12 Gin distilled from malted grain and flavoured with juniper berries
DAA 13 Grand a cognac based liqueur flavoured with orange peel
DAA 14 Lager blonde beer fermented for a longer time and a lower temperature than beer; the yeast
used is saccharomyces uvarum
DAA 15 Rum made from fermented and distilled molasses
DAA 16 Sherry fortified wine, usually drunk as an aperitif
DAA 17 Southern a blend of bourbon, orange and peach liqueur; 35 per cent alcohol by volume
DAA 18 Tia Maria a rum-based coffee liqueur produced in Jamaica; 26.5 per cent alcohol by volume
DAA 19 Vodka a clear alcoholic spirit originating in Russia, made from grain
DAA 20 Whiskey, usually mixes together corn, rye, wheat, barley and other grains in different proportions,
American and then generally aged for an extended period of time in wooden barrels
DAA 21 Whiskey, mainly made of rye, and matured in oak casks; usually lighter-bodied than American
Canadian whiskeys
DAA 22 Whiskey, a whiskey made from malted cereals, barley, water and yeast; it is passed through the
Irish still 3 times, blended and aged minimum 5 years in used sherry casks
DAA 23 Whisky, made from malted barley, water and yeast, in Scotland
DAA 24 Wine, Red basic ingredients are grapes (including pips, skins and sometimes stems) and yeast, with
various additives (e.g. potassium tartrate, citric acid, tartaric acid, sorbic acid,
diammonium phosphate, sulphur dioxide, gelatine)
DAA 25 Wine, Rose basic ingredients are grapes and yeast, with various additives (e.g. potassium tartrate,
citric acid, tartaric acid, sorbic acid, diammonium phosphate, sulphur dioxide, gelatine);
pips and skins included briefly
DAA 26 Wine, White basic ingredients are grapes and yeast, with various additives (e.g. potassium tartrate,
citric acid, tartaric acid, sorbic acid, diammonium phosphate, sulphur dioxide, gelatine)

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
DRINKS: ALCOHOL B (21 vials)
Product Code 8014

Code Name Comments

DAB 27 Absinthe a bitter, green or yellow alcoholic drink flavoured with wormwood
DAB 28 Advocaat liqueur from the Netherlands, made of brandy, egg yolks, vanilla and sugar,
between 15 and 18 per cent alcohol by volume
DAB 29 Amaretto a liqueur made from apricot pits, with an almond flavour
DAB 30 Baileys Irish whiskey blended with fresh cream, spirits and a little chocolate
Irish Cream
DAB 31 Calvados a brandy distilled from apple cider, produced only in the French region of
DAB 32 Crème de a blackcurrant liqueur; between 18-25 per cent alcohol by volume
DAB 33 Crème de a green peppermint-flavoured liqueur; 30 per cent alcohol by volume
DAB 34 Curaco, blue an orange flavoured liqueur made from dried bitter orange peel, with added blue
DAB 35 Drambuie whisky made on the Isle of Skye (Scotland), flavoured with honey and herbs; 40
per cent alcohol by volume
DAB 36 Grappa an Italian brandy made from the stalks of grapes
DAB 37 Malibu a coconut flavoured rum; 28 per cent alcohol by volume
DAB 38 Ouzo a Greek aperitif with a strong anise flavour; 40 per cent alcohol by volume
DAB 39 Pernod an anise-based liquor made in France
DAB 40 Pimm's No 1 a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs
DAB 41 Port a fortified red wine produced in Portugal
DAB 42 Sake a beer made from rice and originating from Osaka, Japan
DAB 43 Sambuca a liqueur produced by the infusion of the oil and blossoms from the elder bush, and
anise seeds
DAB 44 Schnapps, strong, colorless alcoholic beverage distilled from grain or potatoes and flavored
Cinnamon with cinnamon
DAB 45 Tequila a spirit that is only produced in two region of Mexico and that is made from a
minimum of 51% of distilled blue agave sap
DAB 46 Underberg a German digestive aged in oak casks and made from the maceration of water,
herbs, roots and alcohol
DAB 47 Vermouth a wine flavoured with herbs, spices, barks and flowers


© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Codes: 8015 for test kit and 6600 for dispensing set

All of these energies have been made by Jane Thurnell-Read either alone or with the help of John Payne. The
essences are a combination of place, time of day, season, sea-state, weather and prevailing mood. They have been
collected from various places in west Cornwall, England.

The Earth Energies Test Kit (product code 8015) can be used as part of Kinesiology procedures.

The essences are also available in 30 ml bottles (6600 for a full set, and 6601 to 6607 for individual essences). The
most common way to use these essences is to place a drop on the soft skin webbing between the thumb and first
finger on the left hand. This can be repeated as needed or as tested. In general it is 3-4 times a day, but can be up to 9
times a day.

Code Name Uses Comments

EE1 Balance For the times when we need more balance in Collected from a rock protruding out into the
our lives; when we find our energies easily rushing stream which runs through the magical
disturbed and drained by other people and Trevaylor Woods. It was a damp and misty day
by our environment. Over-sensitivity, in winter with water dripping from the leaves,
fragility and moodiness could indicate a need ferns and mosses which grew everywhere in
for this remedy. great profusion.
EE2 Comfort For times when energy and a willingness to Collected at Godrevey, standing on a cliff
persist are hard to find. It brings a feeling of overlooking the sea. The cliffs were carpeted
gentle warmth into our lives. Feeling lost, with blue and yellow flowers. Although it was
vulnerable, defenseless and abandoned early June it was cold and overcast, but the
could indicate a need for this remedy. underside of the lower clouds shone with a
promise of better things to come. The sea seemed
timeless as the waves broke on the shore. It was
early evening and there were still people about,
but they seemed frozen in their activity: two men
fishing off one of the rocks, surfers in the sea
and couples sitting in their cars and gazing into
the distance.
EE3 Energy & Gives energy and stamina. It helps to bring Collected by perching on a hump of granite,
Realism realism to our activities, so that tasks can be partly surrounded by spring water emerging from
started and accomplished in a balanced rock-strewn moorland between Bosigran Cliffs
manner. Both obsessive and unfocussed and the towering Carn Calver. This was collected
behaviour become less extreme. Feeling on the same day as "Need", when the earlier
frantic and indecisive could indicate a need bright skies had clouded over, giving the wind
for this remedy. even more bite.
EE4 Inner Wisdom For times when we are lacking discernment Collected from a wide fissure in a massive rock
and discipline in our lives. We may feel that outcrop on the north coast of Cornwall between
life is chaotic and uncertain, even while we Zennor and Morvah. It was a cold, bright day.
present an air of power, wisdom and From this place high on the cliffs, the long
competence to others. The inner life does not Atlantic swells could be seen and heard breaking
correspond with the outer world’s over the rocks below, and gulls soared over the
perception. Often our energy levels will cliffs.
appear to others to be high, but this mirage is
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Code Name Uses Comments

maintained at great cost to ourselves.

EE5 Need Helping us to distinguish between needs and Collected from a partly ruinous stone circle on
wants; it gives the quiet security that our Bosporthennis Moor to the west of Mulfra Hill. It
needs will be met. Feelings of jealousy, is thought by some to be the remains of a hut
frustration, disappointment, insecurity, circle rather than a true stone circle, but has a
fearfulness and an inability to settle and be great feeling of “rightness”. The bright sunshine
still could indicate a need for this remedy. failed to warm the bitter March wind blasting
across the moor.
EE6 Pain For pain, bewilderment and a sense of Collected from the seaward end of the Cot Valley.
isolation, when even feeling these emotions The valley is steep sided and rocky, opening to
seems to demand too much energy. Feelings the sea between high cliffs where the stream runs
of weakness and helplessness could indicate into a small cove famed for its smoothly rounded
a need for this remedy. boulders. On a day of seemingly interminable
rain, with the land shrouded in mist, when we
arrived to collect this energy the sky lightened
and rain stopped. I had established several days
before that the new essence would be called
"Pain" and, as I climbed up towards the site, I
was feeling it, having squashed my toe under a
door the previous day. The place I wanted turned
out to be a craggy point overlooking the Brisons
Rock, where the swell heaved and broke fitfully.
EE7 Space For times when we need physical, emotional, This essence was collected from high on the
mental or spiritual space. When things press sides of Carn Calver. A strong wind blustered off
in on us so that we cannot think clearly or the wide Atlantic to the west and open moorland
see our way forward, this essence helps to stretched to distant carns on the other sides. The
create the possibility for much needed area was strewn with lumps of granite tumbled
change. It helps us to find vision and from the summit like some giant’s toy building
continuity within our roots. Feeling blocks. A great weather-sculpted slab of rock
overwhelmed or inadequate could indicate a provided the focus of the energy.
need for this remedy.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8097

Code Name Comments

EM 01 Computer Monitor / Visual Display Unit
EM 02 Electricity

EM 03 Electricity High Voltage The way electricity is transported from power stations to
sub-stations near populations. This reduces the amount of
energy lost in long-distance transmission.
EM 04 Electro-Magnetic Field The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric
field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by
stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving
charges (currents); these two are often described as the
sources of the field. Any device connected to an electrical
outlet, even if the device is not switched on, will have an
associated electric field.
EM 05 Extremely Low Frequency Radiation ELF fields are defined as those having frequencies up to
(ELF) 300 Hz. Emitted by power lines, electrical wiring and
common appliances (e.g. electric blankets, televisions, hair-
dryers, computers, etc.). Naturally occurring ELF fields are
associated with atmospheric processes such as
ionospheric currents, thunderstorms and lightning.
EM 06 Fluorescent Light
EM 07 Microwave 750 MHz Used for telecommunications and heating food. Able to
pass through many things including human body.
EM 08 Mobile Phone 900 MHz

EM 09 Mobile Phone 1200 MHz

EM 10 Mobile Phone 1800 MHz

EM 11 Mobile Phone Mast G3

EM 12 Satellite Television Radio Waves (UK) Radio waves, despite their name, are used for television
EM 13 Tetra Mast Radiation Terrestrial Trunked Radio (formerly known as Trans-
European Trunked Radio). TETRA was specifically
designed for use by government agencies, emergency
services, (police forces, fire departments, ambulance) for
public safety networks, rail transportation staff for train
radios, transport services and the military. Used by
countries in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East,
Africa, Asia Pacific, Caribbean and Latin America.
EM 14 Television Emissions

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8016

E1 Actinium E39 Helium E77 Rhenium

E2 Aluminium E40 Holmium E78 Rubidium
E3 Antimony E41 Hydrogen E79 Ruthenium
E4 Americum E42 Indium E80 Samarium
E5 Argentum Met. (Silver) E43 Iodum (Iodine) E81 Scandium
E6 Argon E44 Iridium E82 Selenium
E7 Arsenicum Metallicum E45 Krypton E83 Silicon (Silica)
E8 Astatine E46 Lanthanum E84 Sodium
E9 Aurum Met. (Gold) E47 Lawrencium E85 Stannum Met. (Tin)
E10 Barium E48 Lithium E86 Strontium
E11 Berkelium E49 Lutetium E87 Sulphur
E12 Beryllium Metallicum E50 Magnesium E88 Tantalum Metallicum
E13 Bismuthum Metallicum E51 Manganum (Manganese) E89 Technetium
E14 Boron E52 Mendelevium E90 Tellurium
E15 Bromium E53 Mercurius Vivus (Mercury) E91 Terbium
E16 Cadmium E54 Molybdenum E92 Thallium Metallicum
E17 Calcarea Met. (Calcium) E55 Neodymium E93 Thorium
E18 Californium E56 Neon E94 Thulium
E19 Carbon E57 Neptunium E95 Titanium Metallicum
E20 Cerium E58 Niccolum Met. (Nickel) E96 Tungsten
E21 Cesium E59 Niobium E97 Uranium
E22 Chlorinum (Chlorine) E60 Nitrogen E98 Vanadium
E23 Chromium E61 Nobelium E99 Xenon
E24 Cobaltum Met. (Cobalt) E62 Osmium E100 Ytterbium
E25 Cuprum Met. (Copper) E63 Oxygen E101 Yttrium
E26 Curium E64 Palladium E102 Zincum Met. (Zinc)
E27 Dysprosium E65 Phosphorus E103 Zirconium
E28 Einsteinum E66 Platinum
E29 Erbium E67 Plumbum Met. (Lead)
E30 Europium E68 Plutonium
E31 Fermium E69 Polonium
E32 Ferrum Metallicum (Iron) E70 Potassium
E33 Fluorine E71 Praseodymium
E34 Francium E72 Promethium
E35 Gadolinum E73 Protactinum
E36 Gallium E74 Radium
E37 Germanium E75 Radon
E38 Hafnium E76 Rhodium
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel UK: 0844 412 4487; Tel from outside UK: +44 1726 819179
Product Code 8018

EO1 1 Angelica Angelica archangelica

EO1 2 Aniseed Pimpernella anisum
EO1 3 Basil Ocimum basilicum
EO1 4 Benzoin Styrax tokinensis benzoin
EO1 5 Bergamot Citrus bergamia
EO1 6 Cajeput Melaleuca leucadendron
EO1 7 Caraway Carum carvi
EO1 8 Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum
EO1 9 Cedar, Atlas Cedrus atlantica
EO1 10 Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla
EO1 11 Chamomile, Roman Anthemis nobilis
EO1 12 Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum
EO1 13 Clove Eugenia caryophylata
EO1 14 Coriander Coriandrum sativum
EO1 15 Cumin Cuminum cyminum
EO1 16 Cypress, Mediterranean Cupressus sempervirens
EO1 17 Dill Anethum (Peucedanum) graveolens
EO1 18 Elemi Canarium luzonicum
EO1 19 Eucalyptus, Tasmanian Blue Gum Eucalyptus globulus
EO1 20 Fennel Foeniculum vulgaris var.dulce
EO1 21 Fir Abies maritima
EO1 22 Frankincense Boswellia carterii
EO1 23 Galbanum Ferula galbaniflua
EO1 24 Garlic Alium sativum
EO1 25 Grapefruit, white Citrus x paradisi
EO1 26 Ginger Zingiber officinalis
EO1 27 Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
EO1 28 Jasmine Jasminum grandiflorum
EO1 29 Juniper, Common Juniperus communis
EO1 30 Juniper (Pencil Cedar) Juniperus virginiana
EO1 31 Lavender, Dutch Lavandula vera
EO1 32 Lemon, Green Citrus limon
EO1 33 Lemon, Yellow Citrus limon
EO1 34 Lemongrass Cymbopogon flexuosus
EO1 35 Lime Citrus aurantifolia
EO1 36 Mandarin, Green Citrus reticulata
EO1 37 Mandarin, Red Citrus madurensis

Most of the original oils for this kit were supplied by Simone Jenni-Billand, Am Tych 1,
CH-4665, Olfringen, Switzerland.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8019

EO2 38 Marigold, French Tagetes patula

EO2 39 Marjoram, Wild Origanum vulgare
EO2 40 Marjoram, Sweet Origanum marjoram
EO2 41 May Chang Litsea cubeba
EO2 42 Melissa Melissa officinalis
EO2 43 Mint, Common Mentha arvensis
EO2 44 Myrrh Commiphora myrrha
EO2 45 Myrtle, Common Myrtus communis
EO2 46 Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
EO2 47 Orange, Sweet Citrus (aurantium.)sinensis
EO2 48 Orange, Bitter Citrus aurantium
EO2 49 Patchouli Pogostemon patchouli
EO2 50 Pelargonium (Geranium) Pelargonium graveolens
EO2 51 Pennyroyal Mentha pulegia
EO2 52 Petitgrain Citrus bigaradia
EO2 53 Pepper, Black Piper nigrum
EO2 54 Peppermint Mentha piperita
EO2 55 Pine, Arolla Pinus cembra
EO2 56 Rock Rose (Sun Rose) Cistus ladanifer
EO2 57 Rose, Damask Rosa damascena
EO2 58 Rose, Provence Rosa centifolia
EO2 59 Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
EO2 60 Sage Salvia officinalis
EO2 61 Sage, Clary Salvia sclarea
EO2 62 Sandalwood Santalum album
EO2 63 Savory, Summer Satureja hortensis
EO2 64 Spearmint Mentha spicata
EO2 65 Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia
EO2 66 Tarragon Artemisia dranuculus
EO2 67 Thuja Thuja occidentalis
EO2 68 Thyme, Red Thymus vulgaris
EO2 69 Thyme, White Thymus vulgaris
EO2 70 Verbena, Lemon-scented Lippia citriodora
EO2 71 Vetiver Vetiveria zizanoides
EO2 72 Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens
EO2 73 Yarrow Alchemilla millefolium
EO2 74 Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata

Most of the original oils for this kit were supplied by Simone Jenni-Billand, Am Tych 1,
CH-4665, Olfringen, Switzerland.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Alphabetical List Of Vials

FA = Food A; FB = Food B; FC = Food C; FD = Food D; FE = Food E; FF = Food F

PU = Food, Pulses

FF 226 Acai Berry, Organic FB 66 Cabbage

FF 227 Agave Nectar / Syrup, Raw, Organic FF 233 Cacao (Cocoa) Nibs, Organic
FB 57 Almonds PU 6 Cannelleni Bean
FC 109 Anchovy in brine FD 161 Caraway
FA 1 Apple FD 162 Cardamom
FA 2 Apricot FB 67 Carob
FF 228 Apricot Kernel FA 7 Carrot
FD 159 Asparagus FB 68 Cashew nut
FC 110 Aubergine / Egg Plant FA 8 Cauliflower
FC 111 Avocado FD 163 Cayenne
PU 1 Azuki/Adzuki Bean FC 115 Celeriac
FB 58 Baking Powder FA 9 Celery
FA 3 Banana PU 7 Chana Dal
FF 229 Barley Grass Powder FA 10 Cheese, Cow’s
FB 59 Barley: pearl barley FE 201 Cheese, Goats
FC 112 Basil FE 202 Cheese, Sheep
FD 160 Bay Leaf FC 116 Cheese, vegetarian
FF 230 Bee Pollen FC 117 Cherries
FA 4 Beef FD 164 Chestnut
FB 60 Beetroot FA 11 Chicken
PU 2 Black Eyed Bean FB 69 Chickpea
PU 3 Black Turtle Bean PU 8 Chickpea
FB 61 Blackberry: wild FC 118 Chili, red and green
FA 5 Blackcurrant FD 165 Chives
FF 231 Blue Green Algae FF 234 Chlorella, Organic
FC 113 Blueberry FC 120 Chocolate
FB 62 Brazil nut FC 119 Cinnamon
FB 63 Broad Beans FD 166 Clementine
FC 114 Broccoli FD 167 Cloves
FF 232 Broccoli Seed Powder, Sprouted, Organic FB 70 Cocoa
PU 4 Brown Bean FF 235 Cocoa Butter / Theobroma Oil / Theobroma
FB 64 Brussel Sprout Cacao, Raw, Organic
FB 71 Coconut
FB 65 Buckwheat
FF 236 Coconut Oil, Raw, Virgin, Cold Pressed
FA 6 Butter
FA 12 Cod
PU 5 Butter Bean
FB 72 Coffee: ground
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FC 121 Coriander / Cilantro FD 174 Jerusalem Artichoke
FB 73 Corn: sweet corn FE 209 John Dory
FB 74 Cornflour / Corn Starch FD 175 Kale
FA 13 Courgette/Zucchini PU 11 Kidney Bean / Red Bean
FC 122 Crab FA 21 Kiwi Fruit
FC 123 Cranberry FD 176 Kohl Rabi
FE 203 Crayfish FD 177 Kumquat
FA 14 Cucumber FA 22 Lamb
FC 124 Cumin FC 130 Lambs Lettuce
FB 75 Date FC 131 Leek
FD 168 Dill FA 23 Lemon
FE 204 Duck FC 132 Lemongrass
FF 237 Durian FB 80 Lentil: brown whole
FA 15 Egg PU 12 Lentil: Brown Whole
FE 205 Eggs: Quail FA 24 Lettuce
FC 125 Endive PU 13 Lima Bean
FD 169 Fennel FD 178 Lime
FB 76 Fig FE 210 Linseed
PU 9 Flageolet Bean FC 133 Lobster
FA 16 Garlic FA 25 Loganberry
FC 126 Ginger, fresh FF 240 Lucuma, Raw Organic
FD 170 Globe Artichoke FF 241 M aca Powder
FB 77 Glucose FD 179 M acadamia Nut
FC 127 Gluten FD 180 M ace
FC 128 Goat's milk FC 134 M ackerel in brine
FE 206 Goji Berry FB 81 M alt
FD 171 Gooseberry FD 181 M andarin
FA 17 Grape FC 135 M ango
FB 78 Grapefruit FF 242 M anuca Honey
FD 172 Greengage FE 211 M aple Syrup
FF 238 Guarana, Raw Organic FD 182 M arjoram
FC 129 Haddock FA 26 M arrow
FE 207 Halibut FB 82 M elon: Galia
FA 18 Ham FF 243 M esquite
PU 10 Haricot Bean FA 27 M ilk, Cow’s
FA 19 Hazelnut FB 83 M illet
FF 239 Hemp Protein Powder, Organic FA 28 M int
FE 208 Hemp Seeds FA 29 M ixed Sweets/ M ixed Candies
FA 20 Honey FE 212 M olasses, organic
FB 79 Hops FE 213 M onk Fish
FD 173 Horseradish PU 14 M ung Bean

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FA 30 M ushroom FA 44 Potato
FC 136 M ussel FA 45 Prawns
FC 137 M ustard FF 245 Propolis
FF 244 Nopal Cactus FA 46 Pumpkin Seed
FD 183 Nutmeg FC 143 Quinoa, organic
FB 84 Oats FC 144 Raddichio
FB 85 Oats: organic FB 87 Radish
FB 86 Oil: olive FB 88 Raspberry
FC 138 Okra / Lady’s Finger FD 192 Red Cabbage
FE 214 Olives in brine FD 193 Red Currant
FA 56 One vial containing 78 mixed foods and food FE 218 Red M ullet
additives. FA 47 Rhubarb
FA 31 Onion
FB 91 Rice: long grain, brown, organic
FA 32 Orange
FB 89 Rice: long grain, white
FD 184 Oregano
FB 90 Rice: short grain, white
FE 215 Oyster
FC 145 Rocket / Arugula
FC 139 Pak Choi
FD 194 Rosemary
FD 185 Paprika
FF 246 Royal Jelly
FA 33 Parsley
FB 92 Runner bean
FA 34 Parsnip
FB 93 Rye
FD 186 Passion Fruit
FD 195 Saffron
FC 140 Paw Paw/ Papaya
FC 146 Sage, fresh
FA 35 Pea
FB 94 Salmon
FA 36 Peach
FC 147 Sardines in brine
FA 37 Peanut
FD 196 Satsuma
FA 38 Pear
FE 219 Scallops
FC 141 Pecan
FE 220 Sea Bass
FC 142 Pepper, black and white
FE 221 Sea Bream
FA 39 Peppers/ Bell Peppers
FA 48 Sesame Seeds
FD 187 Physalis/Cape Gooseberry
FE 222 Sheep's M ilk
PU 15 Pigeon Pea / Gungo Pea / Cajan
FE 223 Sheep's M ilk Yoghurt
FE 216 Pilchard in olive oil
FC 148 Sorrel
FD 188 Pine Nut
PU 17 Soya Bean, Flour
FA 40 Pineapple
PU 18 Soya Bean, Organic
PU 16 Pinto Beans
FB 95 Soya bean: flour
FD 189 Pistachio Nut
FC 149 Spelt flour, organic
FA 41 Plaice
FA 49 Spinach
FA 42 Plum
FF 247 Spirulina Powder
FE 217 Pollock
FC 150 Squash, butternut
FD 190 Pomegranate
FD 191 Poppy Seeds Blue and White FC 151 Squid

FA 43 Pork FD 197 Star Anise

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FD 198 Star Fruit / Carambola FE 225 Venison
FA 50 Strawberry B 100 Vinegar: malt
FB 96 Sugar: beet FB 101 Vinegar: white wine

FB 97 Sugar: cane FB 102 Walnut

FB 98 Sugar: demerara FD 200 Water M elon

FB 99 Sultana FA 55 Watercress
FB 104 Wheat flour: white plain organic, unbleached
FA 51 Sunflower Seeds
FB 103 Wheat flour: white, plain
FC 152 Sweet Potato
FB105 Wheat flour: white, self raising
FD 199 Tangerine
FB 106 Wheat flour: wholemeal, organic
FC 153 Tarragon, fresh
FF 248 Wheat Grass Powder, Organic
FC 154 Thyme, fresh
FF 249 Xylitol
FE 224 Tofu
FF 250 Yacon Syrup, Raw, Organic
FA 52 Tomato
FC 157 Yam
FC 155 Trout
FB 107 Yeast: Bakers
FA 53 Tuna
FB 108 Yeast: Brewers
FA 54 Turkey FC 158 Yoghurt: Cow’s M ilk
FC 156 Turmeric

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FOODS TEST KIT A (56 vials)
Product Code 8020

FA 1 Apple
FA 2 Apricot
FA 3 Banana
FA 4 Beef
FA 5 Blackcurrant
FA 6 Butter
FA 7 Carrot
FA 8 Cauliflower
FA 9 Celery
FA 10 Cheese, Cow’s
FA 11 Chicken
FA 12 Cod
FA 13 Courgette/Zucchini
FA 14 Cucumber
FA 15 Egg
FA 16 Garlic
FA 17 Grape
FA 18 Ham
FA 19 Hazelnut
FA 20 Honey
FA 21 Kiwi Fruit
FA 22 Lamb
FA 23 Lemon
FA 24 Lettuce
FA 25 Loganberry
FA 26 Marrow
FA 27 Milk, Cow’s
FA 28 Mint
FA 29 Mixed Sweets/ Mixed Candies
FA 30 Mushroom
FA 31 Onion
FA 32 Orange
FA 33 Parsley
FA 34 Parsnip
FA 35 Pea

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FA 36 Peach
FA 37 Peanut
FA 38 Pear
FA 39 Peppers/ Bell Peppers
FA 40 Pineapple
FA 41 Plaice
FA 42 Plum
FA 43 Pork
FA 44 Potato
FA 45 Prawns
FA 46 Pumpkin Seed
FA 47 Rhubarb
FA 48 Sesame Seeds
FA 49 Spinach
FA 50 Strawberry
FA 51 Sunflower Seeds
FA 52 Tomato
FA 53 Tuna
FA 54 Turkey
FA 55 Watercress
FA 56 One vial containing 78 mixed foods and food additives: almonds, apple, apricot, baking powder, banana,
Barleycup, beef, blackcurrant, brazil nut, bread (white), butter, carob, cashew, cauliflower, cheese. chicken,
chocolate, coconut, coffee (instant), corn, egg (raw in shell), flour (white), wheat, ginger, gooseberry, grapes,
ham, honey, ice cream (vanilla), lemon, lentils, malt, margarine (mixed), marrow, milk, mushroom, oil (vegetable),
onion, orange, pea, peach, peanut, pear, pineapple, plum, potato, raspberry, salmon, soya flour, sugar (beet),
sultanas, saccharin, tomato, turkey, vinegar, yeast (bakers and brewers), E102, E104, E110, E123, E127, E142, E223.
E330, E500, E621, artificial colours(mixed), sweets (mixed), nuts (mixed), kiwi fruit, loganberry, sugar (icing), coal

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FOODS TEST KIT B (52 vials)
Product Code 8021

FB 57 Almonds
FB 58 Baking powder
FB 59 Barley: pearl barley
FB 60 Beetroot
FB 61 Blackberry: wild
FB 62 Brazil nut
FB 63 Broad Beans
FB 64 Brussel Sprout
FB 65 Buckwheat
FB 66 Cabbage
FB 67 Carob
FB 68 Cashew nut
FB 69 Chickpea
FB 70 Cocoa
FB 71 Coconut
FB 72 Coffee: ground
FB 73 Corn: sweet corn
FB 74 Cornflour / Corn Starch
FB 75 Date
FB 76 Fig
FB 77 Glucose
FB 78 Grapefruit
FB 79 Hops
FB 80 Lentil: brown whole
FB 81 Malt
FB 82 Melon: Galia
FB 83 Millet
FB 84 Oats
FB 85 Oats: organic
FB 86 Oil: olive
FB 87 Radish
FB 88 Raspberry
FB 89 Rice: long grain, white
FB 90 Rice: short grain, white
FB 91 Rice: long grain, brown, organic
FB 92 Runner bean
FB 93 Rye
FB 94 Salmon
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FB 95 Soya bean: flour
FB 96 Sugar: beet
FB 97 Sugar: cane
FB 98 Sugar: demerara
FB 99 Sultana
FB 100 Vinegar: malt
FB 101 Vinegar: white wine
FB 102 Walnut
FB 103 Wheat flour: white, plain
FB 104 Wheat flour: white plain organic, unbleached
FB105 Wheat flour: white, self raising
FB 106 Wheat flour: wholemeal, organic
FB 107 Yeast: Bakers
FB 108 Yeast: Brewers

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FOODS TEST KIT C (50 vials)
Product Code 8022

FC 109 Anchovy in brine

FC 110 Aubergine / Egg Plant
FC 111 Avocado
FC 112 Basil
FC 113 Blueberry
FC 114 Broccoli
FC 115 Celeriac
FC 116 Cheese, vegetarian
FC 117 Cherries
FC 118 Chili, red and green
FC 119 Cinnamon
FC 120 Chocolate
FC 121 Coriander / Cilantro
FC 122 Crab
FC 123 Cranberry
FC 124 Cumin
FC 125 Endive
FC 126 Ginger, fresh
FC 127 Gluten
FC 128 Goat's milk
FC 129 Haddock
FC 130 Lambs Lettuce
FC 131 Leek
FC 132 Lemongrass
FC 133 Lobster
FC 134 Mackerel in brine
FC 135 Mango
FC 136 Mussel
FC 137 Mustard
FC 138 Okra / Lady’s Finger
FC 139 Pak Choi
FC 140 Paw Paw/ Papaya
FC 141 Pecan
FC 142 Pepper, black and white
FC 143 Quinoa, organic
FC 144 Raddichio
FC 145 Rocket / Arugula
FC 146 Sage, fresh
FC 147 Sardines in brine
FC 148 Sorrel
FC 149 Spelt flour, organic
FC 150 Squash, butternut
FC 151 Squid
FC 152 Sweet Potato
FC 153 Tarragon, fresh
FC 154 Thyme, fresh
FC 155 Trout
FC 156 Turmeric
FC 157 Yam
FC 158 Yoghurt: Cow’s Milk

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FOODS TEST KIT D (42 vials)
Product Code 8067

FD 159 Asparagus
FD 160 Bay Leaf
FD 161 Caraway
FD 162 Cardamom
FD 163 Cayenne
FD 164 Chestnut
FD 165 Chives
FD 166 Clementine
FD 167 Cloves
FD 168 Dill
FD 169 Fennel
FD 170 Globe Artichoke
FD 171 Gooseberry
FD 172 Greengage
FD 173 Horseradish
FD 174 Jerusalem Artichoke
FD 175 Kale
FD 176 Kohl Rabi
FD 177 Kumquat
FD 178 Lime
FD 179 Macadamia Nut
FD 180 Mace
FD 181 Mandarin
FD 182 Marjoram
FD 183 Nutmeg
FD 184 Oregano
FD 185 Paprika
FD 186 Passion Fruit
FD 187 Physalis/Cape Gooseberry
FD 188 Pine Nut
FD 189 Pistachio Nut
FD 190 Pomegranate
FD 191 Poppy Seeds Blue and White
FD 192 Red Cabbage
FD 193 Red Currant
FD 194 Rosemary
FD 195 Saffron
FD 196 Satsuma
FD 197 Star Anise
FD 198 Star Fruit / Carambola
FD 199 Tangerine
FD 200 Water Melon

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FOODS TEST KIT E (25 vials)
Product Code 8068

FE 201 Cheese, Goats

FE 202 Cheese, Sheep
FE 203 Crayfish
FE 204 Duck
FE 205 Eggs: Quail
FE 206 Goji Berry
FE 207 Halibut
FE 208 Hemp Seeds
FE 209 John Dory
FE 210 Linseed
FE 211 Maple Syrup
FE 212 Molasses, organic
FE 213 Monk Fish
FE 214 Olives in brine
FE 215 Oyster
FE 216 Pilchard in olive oil
FE 217 Pollock
FE 218 Red Mullet
FE 219 Scallops
FE 220 Sea Bass
FE 221 Sea Bream
FE 222 Sheep's Milk
FE 223 Sheep's Milk Yoghurt
FE 224 Tofu
FE 225 Venison

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FOODS TEST KIT F (25 vials)
(Product Code 8069)

Many of the items in this kit are regarded as superfoods, although the term is not accepted by
conventional scientists and medical people.

This kit can be used for allergy testing or to check out whether someone would benefit from taking
one or more of these.

Code Name Comments

FF 226 Acai Berry, Organic An Amazonian berry
FF 227 Agave Nectar / Syrup, Raw,
Organic Low glycaemic index sweetener from the agave, a succulent.
FF 228 Apricot Kernel The kernels inside the apricot stone.
FF 229 Barley Grass Powder Young barley leaves, juiced and dried.
FF 230 Bee Pollen Pollen from flowers collected by bees.
FF 231 Blue Green Algae Fresh water algae chiefly harvested from Upper Klamath Lake,
FF 232 Broccoli Seed Powder, Broccoli seeds sprouted and then dried and powdered.
Sprouted, Organic
FF 233 Cacao (Cocoa) Nibs, Organic
Edible part of the cocoa bean.
FF 234 Chlorella, Organic A green algae
FF 235 Cocoa Butter / Theobroma Oil / A raw vegetable fat extracted from the cocoa bean.
Theobroma Cacao, Raw,
FF 236 Coconut Oil, Raw, Virgin, Cold Extracted from coconuts; heat stable so good for cooking. Non-
Pressed organic, hydrogenated variety also used in non-dairy creamers
and snack foods.
FF 237 Durian From Monthong variety of durian.
FF 238 Guarana, Raw Organic From Brazil. A stimulant - high caffeine content.
FF 239 Hemp Protein Powder, Organic From the Cannabis group of trees, but does not have a narcotic
FF 240 Lucuma, Raw Organic A South American sub-tropical fruit.
FF 241 Maca Powder A South American root; also known as Peruvian ginseng.
FF 242 Manuca Honey New Zealand honey from bees fed on manuca (tea tree) bush ; has
anti-bacterial properties
FF 243 Mesquite Powdered pod from tree found in N Mexico and SW USA.
FF 244 Nopal Cactus Dried Mexican cactus
FF 245 Propolis Natural bee resin
FF 246 Royal Jelly Secreted by nurse bees and fed to queen bee throughout her life.
FF 247 Spirulina Powder
A freshwater algae
FF 248 Wheat Grass Powder, Organic Young wheat leaves juiced and dried.
FF 249 Xylitol Made from birch tree; just over half calories of sugar; GI of 8;
scientific research shows may help prevent tooth decay.
FF 250 Yacon Syrup, Raw, Organic
The syrup from a South American tuber.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8074

Azuki/Adzuki Bean
Black Eyed Bean
Black Turtle Bean
Brown Bean
Butter Bean
Cannelleni Bean
Chana Dal
Flageolet Bean
Haricot Bean
Kidney Bean / Red Bean
Lentil: Brown Whole
Lima Bean
Mung Bean
Pigeon Pea / Gungo Pea / Cajan
Pinto Beans
Soya Bean, Flour
Soya Bean, Organic
Mixed vial containing all of these

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8023

The listing of typical products is not exhaustive: many of these additives will be found in other products. Not all
of the examples listed under “typical product” will contain the additive.

Code E number Name function typical products comments

FEA 1 E102 Tartrazine / FD & colour soft drinks, ice cream, prohibited in Norway and
C Yellow No 5 / confectionery, fish Austria
Food Yellow 4 / CI fingers, cakes, biscuits,
19140 perfume, shampoo, skin
care products and
FEA 2 E104 Quinoline Yellow/ colour confectionery, soft drinks prohibited in Norway,
Food Yellow 13 / USA, Australia and
CI 470005 Japan
FEA 3 E110 Sunset Yellow / colour confectionery, yoghurts, prohibited in Norway,
Orange Yellow 5 / packet bread crumbs, jam Sweden and Finland
FD & C Yellow
No. 6 /
Food Yellow 3 / CI
FEA 4 E122 Carmosine / colour confectionery, yoghurts, prohibited in Norway,
Azorubine / Food ices Sweden, USA and Japan
Red 3 / CI 14720
FEA 5 E123 Amaranth / FD & colour confectionery prohibited in Norway;
C Red 2 / Food restricted use in France
Red 9 / CI 16185 and Italy
FEA 6 E124 Ponceau 4R / colour confectionery prohibited in Norway and
Cochineal Red / USA
Food Red 7 /
CI 16255
FEA 7 E127 Erythrosine / FD colour glacé cherries, custard prohibited in Norway
& C Red 3 / Food mix, tinned meat
Red 14 / CI 45430
FEA 8 E128 Red 2G colour sausages, jams prohibited in Norway,
Sweden, Finland, Austria,
USA, Canada, Japan,
Switzerland and Australia
FEA 9 E131 Patent Blue V / colour scotch eggs
Food Blue 5 /
CI 42051
FEA 10 E132 Indigo Carmine / colour confectionery prohibited in Norway
Indigotine /
FD & C Blue No 2
/ Food Blue 1 / CI
FEA 11 E133 Brilliant Blue FCF colour confectionery, tinned prohibited in Austria,
/ processed peas, Belgium, Denmark,
FD & C Blue No 1 perfume and cosmetics France, Greece, Italy,
/ Spain, Switzerland,
CI 42090 Norway, Sweden and
FEA 12 E142 Green S / colour confectionery, tinned prohibited in Norway,
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code E number Name function typical products comments
Acid Brilliant peas, packet bread Sweden, Finland, Japan,
Green BS / crumbs, mint jelly Canada and USA
Lissamine Green /
Food Green 4 /
CI 44090
FEA 13 E151 Black PN / Brilliant colour black currant cheese prohibited in Norway,
Black BN / cake, brown sauce, Finland, Japan, Canada
Food Black 1 / chocolate mousse and USA
CI 28440
FEA 14 E154 Brown FK / colour kippers, smoked prohibited in Austria,
Chocolate Brown mackerel, crisps, cooked Norway, Sweden,
FK ham Finland, USA, Canada,
Japan, Australia, France,
Belgium, Spain, Portugal,
Greece, Germany, Holland
FEA 15 E155 Brown HT / colour chocolate flavour cakes prohibited in Austria,
Chocolate Brown Belgium, Denmark,
HT / France, Norway, Sweden,
CI 20285 Switzerland, Germany,
USA and Australia
FEA 16 E160a Beta-Carotene colour tinned soup, soft drinks, laboratory manufactured
salad cream, mayonnaise, or extracted from carrots
ice cream, margarine using hexane
FEA 17 E202 Potassium Sorbate preservative soft drinks, cakes, ready
prepared sandwiches,
FEA 18 E210 Benzoic Acid preservative jam, beer, salad cream, can temporarily inhibit
margarine, manufacture function of digestive
of sodium benzoate, enzymes; may deplete
alkyd resins, plasticizers, glycine levels
FEA 19 E211 Sodium Benzoate preservative soft drinks, salad
dressing, barbecue
sauce, body wash,
shampoo, mouth wash
FEA 20 E223 Sodium preservative lemon juice, pickles,
Metabisulphate orange squash, carton
salad, alcohol, home
brewing and wine making
FEA 21 E296 Malic Acid preservative soft drinks, cereal bars, present naturally in fruit
fruit pie fillings and vegetables
FEA 22 E320 Butylated antioxidant confectionery, stock not permitted in food
Hydroxyanisole/ cubes, mayonnaise, intended for young
BHA mascara children in UK
FEA 23 E321 Butylated antioxidant body wash, face wash not permitted in food
Hydroxytoluene/ cream, perfume, blusher, intended for young
BHT mascara, shaving cream, children in UK
after shave
FEA 24 E330 Citric Acid acidity soft drinks, instant naturally in citrus fruit
regulator potato, jams, jellies, and other ripe fruit.
mustard, confectionery, Manufactured by the
yoghurt, cereal bars, action of Aspergillus
cheese & onion rolls, hair Niger moulds on sugar
conditioner, shampoo,

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code E number Name function typical products comments
body wash, baby bath,
cleanser, foundation,
after shave, cough
mixtures, cough lozenges,
descaling cleaners
FEA 25 E331 Sodium Citrate sequestrant jams, jellies, soft drinks,
confectionery, shampoo
FEA 26 E334 Tartaric Acid sequestrant cakes, baking powder,
FEA 27 E466 Sodium Carboxy thickener ice cream, cakes, manufactured by treating
Methylcellulose puddings, soft drinks, cellulose from wood pulp
toothpaste, suspending with sodium hydroxide
and dispersing agent in and then sodium
drugs monochloroacetate
FEA 28 E500 Sodium raising agent biscuits, cakes, antacids
FEA 29 E621 Monosodium flavour processed meat products, prepared from natural or
Glutamate enhancer gravy powder, stock synthetic L-glutamic acid
cubes, tinned soup,
packet sauce, crisps
FEA 30 E951 Aspartame artificial fruit squash, fizzy drinks,
sweetener low-calorie foods
FEA 31 E954 Saccharin artificial fruit squash, fizzy drinks,
sweetener low-calorie foods, pot
noodles, toothpaste


Maurice Hanssen E For Additives

D.W.A. Sharp The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry
D J Weatherall et al Oxford Textbook of Medicine Volume 1
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients
M. Birkin C For Chemicals
J. Emsley The Consumer’s Good Chemical Guide
Leonard Mervyn Thorsons Complete Guide To Vitamins and Minerals

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8024

The listing of typical products is not exhaustive: many of these additives will be found in other
products. Not all of the examples listed under “typical product” will contain the additive.

Code E Name Function Typical Products Comments

FEB 32 Caffeine soft drinks, sports
drinks, tea, coffee, cola
drinks, pain relief drugs,
FEB 33 Dimethyl soft drinks
FEB 34 Lactose cows milk, goats milk, in milk of all animals;
sheep’s milk, packet some people are lactose
sauce, chocolate, intolerant
antacid preparations
FEB 35 Vanillin flavour chocolate, cakes, from coniferyl alcohol
desserts, yoghurt,
FEB 36 Wood Distillate flavour smoke flavour foods

FEB 37 E100 Curcumin colour ice cream, from turmeric using

confectionery, methanol, hexane and
margarine acetone
FEB 38 E171 Titanium Dioxide colour confectionery,
toothpaste, sunscreen,
gelatine capsules for
nutritional supplements,
lipstick, foundation,
mascara, paint pigment,
printing ink, filler for
paper and plastics
FEB 39 E222 Sodium preservative instant potato
FEB 40 E250 Sodium Nitrite preservative tinned meat products Also dyestuffs and
corrosion inhibitor in
FEB 41 E260 Acetic Acid acidity regulator chutney, cakes, cough occurs naturally in plant
tincture, rheumatic and animal tissues and
liniment, antiseptic skin is involved in fatty acid
applications, wart and and carbohydrate
corn ointment, fumes metabolism
from silicone sealants

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code E Name Function Typical Products Comments
FEB 42 E270 Lactic Acid acidulant meat extracts, pickled occurs naturally in
onions, margarine, muscles during periods
cheese & onion roll, of physical exertion
cleansing lotion, toning
lotion, eye gel,
shampoo, pre-shave
lotion, vaginal douches,
wart treatments, sports
drinks, a chemical
intermediate, in textile
finishing and in leather
tanning, manufacture of
a bread additive
FEB 43 E300 Ascorbic Acid/ antioxidant instant potato, soft usually chemically
Vitamin C drinks, mustard, bread synthesized using
glucose as the starting
FEB 44 E322 Lecithin antioxidant/ cakes, confectionery, from eggs, vegetables
emusifier gravy granules, cakes, and soya
margarine, cereal bars,
instant powdered
FEB 45 E338 Phosphoric Acid acidulant soft drinks, rust remover
FEB 46 E400 Alginic Acid stabiliser ice cream, cheese, milk from seaweed
shakes, salad dressings,
coating for fish and
meat, stabilise fruit
juice and foam on beer,
medicines, dressing on
FEB 47 E401 Sodium Alginate stabiliser cakes, ice cream, cereal
bars, stabilise fruit juice
and foam on beer
FEB 48 E407 Carrageenan stabiliser salad dressings, ice
cream, cakes,
toothpaste, shaving
FEB 49 E410 Locust Bean stabiliser ice cream, soft cheese,
Gum/ Carob Gum sausages

FEB 50 E412 Guar Gum ice cream, salad cream,

mayonnaise, milk
FEB 51 E414 Gum Acacia stabiliser soft drinks, emulsifying from acacia tree
and suspending agent
in drugs, manufacture of
plasters, as an adhesive

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code E Name Function Typical Products Comments
FEB 52 E415 Xanthan Gum stabiliser soft drinks, mustard,
salad dressings,
mayonnaise, sauces,
confectionery, hot
chocolate drinks, cereal
bars, moisturiser,
cleansing lotion,
foundation, toothpaste
FEB 53 E420(i) Sorbitol sweetener medicinal syrups and naturally present in
cough mixtures, low- rowan berries
calorie foods,
toothpaste, manufacture
of ascorbic acid, various
surface active agents,
cosmetics, adhesives,
polyurethane foams,
FEB 54 E440(a) Pectin stabiliser jam, jellies, biscuits, from rind of citrus fruits
yoghurt, frozen and apples; naturally
desserts, salad present in all plants
dressings, dental
adhesives, diarrhoea
preparations, cosmetics
FEB 55 E491 Sorbitan emulsifier dried yeast, cakes,
Monostearate desserts, liquid tea
FEB 56 E903 Carnauba Wax confectionery, furniture
polish and varnish,


D.W.A. Sharp The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry

Maurice Hanssen E For Additives
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients
M. Birkin C For Chemicals
J. Emsley The Consumer’s Good Chemical Guide

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 218

The US Food & Drug Administration allow 7 artificial colors in foods. 5 of them are in Food
Additive Test Kit A. Here are the other two:

FD & C Red No 40 / Allura Red AC - banned in many other countries

FD & C Green No 3 / Fast Green FC

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8025

Phenolic food compounds (also known as aromatic food compounds) occur naturally in all foods:
they give the food colour and flavour and help to prevent premature decomposition.

Code Name Alternative Name Occurences Correlations

FP 1 Apiol beef, cheese, chocolate, milk, irregular menses, amenorrhea,
oranges, peas, black pepper, menopausal flushing, breast
soybeans, tomatoes, almonds, tenderness, itching of skin,
carrot, celery, lettuce, parsley, obesity, chronic fatigue, elbow
walnut, bay leaf, lemon pain
FP 2 Caffeic Acid grass pollen, apple, artichoke, sinus congestion, headache,
beans, carrot, cauliflower, grape, indigestion, joint pains,
lettuce, olives, coffee dizziness and tingling and
numbness of extremities
FP 3 Cinnamic Acid fruit, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, bladder
clover pollen, sagebrush pollen; problems, chronic fatigue,
used as a flavouring, and in hypoglycaemia, chest
perfumes, cosmetics and constriction, craving for fruit,
medicinal products to give a headache, indigestion, sore
spicy, oriental perfume;also used throat
to make synthetic indigo dye
FP 4 Coumarin wheat, rice, barley, corn, soy, asthma, arthritis, low back pain,
cheese, beef, eggs, clover pollen, cervical neck pain, non-specific
grass pollen pruritis, chronic fatigue,
abdominal bloating, ear
FP 5 Eugenol foods, perfumes, dental practice chronic urticaria
including in analgesics, cloves,
cinnamon, pimento
FP 6 Gallic Acid milk, apple, apricot, banana, hyperactivity, ADH, dyslexia,
barley, beans, beer, cashew nut, arthritis, low back problems,
cheese, cocoa, egg, crab, sciatica, chronic severe chest
cucumber, garlic, ginger, grape, pain, nasal congestion, allergic
olives, papaya, peach, peanut, rhinitis, sinusitis, headaches,
pear, pineapple, potato, tea, dyspepsia, itching, chronic
tomato, wheat, yeast, food fatigue
FP 7 Indole in all complete proteins, bowel problems, asthma, sinus
especially milk, clover pollen problems, mental
disorientation, craving for milk,
headaches, chronic fatigue
FP 8 Kaempferol grass pollen, some flower
pollens, widely distributed in
fruit, tomatoes

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Occurences Correlations
FP 9 Phenyl chicken, eggs, beef, cheese, lamb, chronic arrhythmia,
Isothiocyanate peanuts hypertension, arteriosclerosis,
migraine headaches,
hyperthyroidism, shoulder
bursitis, burning arm pains,
joint pains, chest constriction,
heartburn, headaches, sinus
congestion, tingling arms and
FP 10 Phloridzin Phlorizin, Phloridzite beef, cheese, beet sugar, soy, diabetes, collagen disease,
apples, strawberries active cancer, mood swings,
light headedness, low back
pain, headaches, shoulder
pain, drowsiness and
FP 11 Piperine beef, beet sugar, chicken, eggs, arthritis, burning skin and
lamb, milk, tuna, turkey, yeast, black face, chest congestion,
pepper, tomato, potato sneezing
FP 12 Pyrrole Pyrole found in chlorophyll so widely chronic abdominal
distributed in plants discomfort, mood swings,
anxiety, depression, multiple
sclerosis, skin rashes
FP 13 Rutin clover pollen, grass pollen, ragweed joint pain, bruising, sinus
pollen congestion, constipation,
hay fever, irritability
FP 14 Tyramine beer, red wines, some cheese, migraine
bananas, red plums, figs, raisins,
avocados, some beans, aubergine /
eggplant, pickled herring, canned
meats, salami, yoghurt, soup cubes,
commercial gravies, chocolate, and
soy sauce


Abram Ber “Neutralization of Phenolic (Aromatic) Food Compounds In A Holistic General Practice” The Journal
of Orthomolecular Psychiatry Volume 12, Number 4

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8026

Exposure to perfume occurs not only because of perfume the person uses themselves, but also those
used by other people, and encountered in shops and household products.

It is easy to think of perfumes as only being used in perfumes, air fresheners and similar products,
but perfumes (often a mixture of many different synthetic products) are added to a whole range of
products: cosmetics, personal care products, detergents and household cleaning agents, etc.

The finished product will not necessarily have a strong smell, because the perfume may have been
added to disguise the unpleasant smell of active ingredients, e.g. in hair dyes. Perfume mixes added
to products are listed in the ingredients as ‘parfum’ or ‘fragrance’. The exact composition of these
may vary over time even for the same product, as the manufacturer adjust the fragrance mix in
relation to variations in the smell of the raw ingredients.

Many chemicals used as fragrances are also used as flavourings in food, drink and medicines.

95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. Although
natural sources of some of the chemicals are listed below this does not mean that industrial
production is normally from natural sources.

Code Name Found Naturally In Comments

FR1 Allantoin comfrey in perfume and some personal care products.

FR2 Amylcinnamaldehyde floral or apple fragrance; a commonly used

synthetic perfume present in a wide range of
personal care and household products
FR3 Balsam Of Peru a flavouring used in tobacco, drinks and food,
and a fixative and fragrance in perfumes; gives
a pine fragrance; may cause contact dermatitis
FR4 Benzaldehyde sweet,bitter, sharp, almond and cherry
fragrance; many synthetic perfumes are
derived from this chemical
FR5 Benzophenome a rose or geranium-like fragrance; widely used
Phenyl ketone/
Diphenyl ketone/
FR6 Benzyl Acetate jasmin widely used in perfumed products to give a
‘floral smell’.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Found Naturally In Comments
FR7 Benzyl Alcohol / jasmine, hyacinth, ylang- used in manufacture of synthetic perfumes and
Phenylmethanol ylang flavourings; found in cosmetics, personal care
products and in ointments; also used as a
photographic developer for colour film, as an
embedding material in microscopy, and as an
industrial solvent; used as a preservative for
injectable drugs, and in contact lens cleaners.

FR8 Camphor gives a spicy, minty or woody perfume; also

used as a plasticiser
FR9 Cineole/ Eucalyptus, minty, herbal, rosemary fragrance;
Eucalyptol also used to mask unpleasant odours

Cinnamic Acid/ 3- see Food Phenolics test kit

FR10 b-Citronellol basil, citronella, a common artificial perfume; Found in personal
eucalyptus, geranium, care products, cosmetics and household
lemon zest, Melissa, rose products
FR11 Diethyl Maleate fragrance of green apples; may cause contact
FR12 Ethyl Acetate Dry, fruity, musty, pineapple fragrance; found
in perfumes, perfumed products, nail polishes,
and nail polish removers; also used
industrially as a solvent for varnishes,
lacquers and nitrocellulose, and in the
manufacture of rayon and leather and
photographic films; used in decaffeination of
tea and coffee; in Australia, allowed as a
carrier for food flavourings.

Eugenol see Food Phenolics test kit

FR13 Geraniol citronella, coriander, a synthetic chemical used as a general purpose

eucalyptus, geranium, perfume (rose and geranium) and flavouring
melissa, neroli (apple, blueberry, cherry, grapefruit, lemon,
lime, orange, peach, pineapple, watermelon) in
food, personal care products, cosmetics and
household products
FR14 Hydroxycitronellal widely used to impart a floral perfume in
personal care products and cosmetics; also
used as a flavouring in food; may be found in
some antiseptics and insecticides; may cause
contact dermatitis
FR15 Isoeugenol used to give a blossom-like or oriental-type
fragrance; commonly used perfume in
personal care products; also used in the
manufacture of vanillin
FR16 Isopropyl Acetate used as a solvent for perfume; found in
cleaning fluids, printing ink, cosmetics and
personal care products

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Found Naturally In Comments
FR17 Limonene angelica, grapeferuit, lemon-orange fragrance; used as a raw material
juniper, mandarin, orange for the chemical synthesis of terpene,
adhesives and flavourings (e.g. menthol), so a
common ingredient in perfumed products

FR18 Linalool basil, bergamot, a floral scent with a touch of spiciness; one of
cinnamon, laurel, the most frequently used perfumes; may be
lavender, clary sage, from natural sources or synthetic; found in
coriander, neroli, personal care products, cosmetics and
petitgrain, rosewood, household products
thyme, ylang ylang
FR19 Methyl Salicylate wintergreen, birch used in perfume; also found in artificial
flavours, sports rubs and pain relief creams
Methylene chloride see Industrial & Environmental 2 test kit

FR20 Myrcene bay, juniper, lemongrass, widely used in personal care products
spearmint, hops, orange
FR21 Nerol clove, neroli widely used in personal care products

FR22 Oak Moss a ‘masculine’ perfume derived from lichen;

used in men’s personal care products and
earthy, woody perfumes
FR23 Ocimene a widely used perfume in cosmetics, personal
care products and household products
FR24 Phenethyl Alcohol rose, neroli, ylang- used extensively in perfumed products and in
ylang,carnation,geranium soap
FR25 Pinene frankincense, juniper, fresh, sweet, pine, woody fragrance; widely
marjoram, nutmeg, used in personal care products
parsley, pine needles,
rosemary, carrot seed
FR26 Terpinene widely used in personal care products

FR27 Terpineol cajuput, eucalyptus, lime widely used in perfumed products

zest, marjoram, rosewood

References: eb site of the Fragranced Products Information Network

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8027

Simple parasitic life forms which cause illness by direct poisoning, toxic by-products, allergic reactions and/or
colonisation of body tissues.
The simplest, most primitive type of animal, consisting of a single cell.
A type of parasitic micro-organism. They resemble bacteria but are only able to replicate by invading the cells of
another life form; rickettsiae are parasites of ticks, lice, etc., which can transmit the rickettsiae to humans via their
bite or contaminated faeces.
Micro-organisms are bigger than viruses and smaller than bacteria; like viruses they can only multiply by first
invading the cells of another life-form; otherwise more like bacteria and are susceptible to antibiotics.

Nosocomial infection: contracted in hospital

Code Medically Recognized Classification Comments

Possible Symptoms & Effects
FU 1 Aflatoxins acute liver damage, liver poisonous alkaloids
cirrhosis, liver cancer produced by aspergillus
flavus. Exposure usually via
contaminated grain, dried
fruit and peanuts, but can
also be on animal products.
Carcinogenic to humans.
FU 2 Aspergilla coughing and wheezy attacks, fungus found in soil, dust and
Fumigatus bronchiectasis, aspergilloma, decaying vegetable matter.
invasive aspergillosis
FU 3 Aspergilla Niger coughing and wheezy attacks, fungus found in soil, dust and
bronchiectasis, aspergilloma, decaying vegetable matter.
invasive aspergillosis Used in the production of
citric acid, E310, E311 and
FU 4 Balantidium Coli asymptomatic, diarrhoea protozoa
FU 5 Candida Albicans most commonly affects the fungus diabetes and the hormonal
vagina (thick, white changes in pregnancy or
discharge), but also affects when taking oral
other mucous membranes, contraceptives may
such as inside the mouth encourage it; some women
(sore, raised patches), or moist with vaginal candida have no
skin.( itchy red rash with flaky symptoms
white patches); may also affect
the intestinal tract
FU 6 Chlamydia Psittaci psittacosis, pneumonia, chlamydia inhalation of dust from
/ hepatitis, possibly linked to faeces of contaminated birds
Chlamydophila heart disease*
FU 7 Chlamydia non-specific urethritis, fever, chlamydia
Trachomatis tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, otitis
media, conjunctivitis,
pneumonia, chronic
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Medically Recognized Classification Comments
Possible Symptoms & Effects
salpingitis, possibly linked to
heart disease*
FU 8 Coxiella Burnetii Q fever, acute and chronic rickettsia transmitted by rickettsia
FU 9 Entamoeba liver abscess, fever, abdominal protozoa
Histolytica pain
FU 10 Epidermophyton tinea cruris (ringworm of fungus
Floccosum crotch)
FU 11 Giardia Lamblia acute diarrhoea, generalised protozoa also infects cattle, cats and
weakness, abdominal dogs; most commonly
distension, nausea. reported protozoa world wide
Chronically can cause
FU 12 Leishmania Leishmaniasis (ulcerating skin protozoa reservoir of dogs and
Donovani lesions) humans
India and E Africa
FU 13 Microsporum tinea capitis fungus prevalent in S. Africa
FU 14 Mixed Protozoa protozoa
FU 15 Plasmodium malaria protozoa Africa and New Guinea,
Falciparum South East Asia, South
America and Oceania
FU 16 Plasmodium Vivax malaria protozoa India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Sri Lanka, SE Asia, Central
and South America, Oceania

FU 17 Rocky Mountain rickettsia from rabbits and other small

Spotted Fever mammals by tick bites; North
and South America
FU 18 Trichomonas vaginitis in woman; protozoa usually sexually transmitted
Vaginalis occasionally in men, affecting
urethra, but usually
FU 19 Trichophyton tinea pedis (athlete’s foot), fungus
Rubrum tinea cruris (groin)
FU 20 Trichophyton Tinea fungus
FU 21 Trypanosoma African Trypanosomiasis, protozoa Africa
Brucei sleeping sickness
FU22 Candida Glabrata/ similar vaginal symptoms to fungus appears to be on the increase
Torulopsis candida albicans

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Medically Recognized Classification Comments
Possible Symptoms & Effects
FU 23 Candida Krusei a form of candida particularly fungus appears to be on the increase
present in men, and those who
have a compromised immune
system, such as in HIV
FU 24 Chlamydia pneumonia, bronchitis chlamydia by age 20 years, 50% of
Pneumoniae / pharyngitis, laryngitis, and population have evidence of
Chlamydophila sinusitis. past infection. Re-infection
Pneumoniae throughout life appears to be
Studies have shown that
people infected by this
chlamydia are 4.5 times more
likely to have a stroke than
matched controls who show
no sign of having
encountered it. Links have
also been proposed with
Alzheimer’s disease, asthma,
and some forms of arthritis.
FU25 Cryptosporidium diarrhoea, (usually watery), protozoa serological surveys indicate
abdominal cramping, nausea, that 80% of the US
vomiting, fever, headache and population has had
loss of appetite; some people cryptosporidiosis
are asymptomatic
FU26 Entamoeba Coli, liver abscess, fever, abdominal protozoa adult in bacteria kit
Cysts pain
FU27 Iodamoeba commensal in large intestine
FU28 Iodamoeba commensal in large intestine
FU29 Leishmania tropical sore, with infection found in Ethiopia, India,
Tropica usually localised to the site European Mediterranean
where the sandfly bite occurs region, Middle East, Kenya,
North Africa; some troops
deployed in the Gulf have
exhibited unusual symptoms
(including fever, nausea, and
FU30 Pneumocystis pneumonia fungus
Carnii in Human

B. K. Mandal et al Infectious Diseases
G.O. Cowan & B.J. Heap Clinical Tropical Medicine
D J Weatherall et al Oxford Textbook of Medicine Volume 1
BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients

*The Times March 3rd 1999

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
FUNGUS 2 TEST KIT (30 Vials)
Product Code 8028

The starting material for this kit (dried and powdered fungi) was supplied by Michael Lebowitz, DC, of
Colorado USA. The company that originally provided them is no longer in business, so it is not possible to
ascertain exactly what strains are in the mixes.

Fungus are simple parasitic life forms which cause illness by direct poisoning, toxic by-products, allergic
reactions and/or colonisation of body tissues.

Code Name Medically Recognized Comments

Possible Symptoms & Effects
FU2 31 Acremonium/ causes respiratory infections particularly found on wheat,
Cephalosporium Mix and fungal nail infections but also on dead plant
material and soil
FU2 32 Alternaria Mix a common allergen; infections a widespread airborne
mainly in the immuno- mould occurring both
suppressed indoors and out; particularly
abundant in decaying plant
matter, indoor horizontal
surfaces and window frames
FU2 33 Aspergillus Mix common allergen; produces a mycotoxin called
opportunistic infections when gliotoxin; commonly
immuno-suppressed, mainly isolated from soil, plant
affecting lungs; can produce debris including compost
symptoms that resemble heaps, and indoor air
asthma environment; used to
culture soy foods such as
miso and is a source for
‘vegetable based’ digestive
FU2 34 Aureobasidium Pullulans/ allergic reactions common pink or black mildew found
Pullularia where moisture accumulates
indoors; also found in/on
soil, forest soils, fresh water,
aerial portion of plants, fruit,
marine estuary sediments
and wood
FU2 35 Botrytis Cinerea allergic reactions possible found on stored fruit and
vegetables, on decaying
plants and in soil
FU2 36 Chaetomium Globosum opportunistic infections when found in soil, air, plant
immuno-suppressed; may debris and dung
cause nail infections
FU2 37 Cladosporium Mix common allergen widely distributed in air and
rotten organic material;
frequently isolated as a
contaminant on foods; a
common airborne mould on
the US east coast

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Medically Recognized Comments
Possible Symptoms & Effects
FU2 38 Curvularia Specifera may cause infections in both found on soil, plants, and
humans and animals cereals particularly in
tropics and sub-tropics
FU2 39 Epicoccum Mix common allergen mould widely distributed
and commonly isolated from
air, soil and foodstuff; also
found on textiles
FU2 40 Fusarium Mix allergic reactions; infections produces mycotoxins;
in the immuno-suppressed widely distributed on plants
and in the soil; found in
normal mycoflora of
commodities, such as rice,
bean, soybean, and other
FU2 41 Geotrichum Candidum lung infections have been part of normal human flora,
reported, and less commonly can be isolated from sputum
infections of mouth, vagina, and faeces; very common;
skin and digestive tract found worldwide in soil,
water, air, and sewage, as
well as in plants, cereals,
and dairy products
FU2 42 Gliocladium Fimbriatum worldwide distribution in
soil and on plant debris
FU2 43 Helminthosporium moulds of grasses
FU2 44 Microsporum Canis tinea capitis and tinea also affects cats and dogs
corporis (ringworm) in
FU2 45 Monotospora Brevis
FU2 46 Mucor Mix common allergen; uncommon fungus found in soil, plants,
infection in immuno- decaying fruits and
suppressed vegetables
FU2 47 Mycogone Sp causes disease in
commercial mushrooms
FU2 48 Neurospora Sitophila pink mould found on
FU2 49 Penicillium Mix allergies and pneumonitis produces mycotoxins;
widespread; found in soil,
decaying vegetation, and
the air; common
contaminants on food;
found in house dust,
wallpaper, moist chipboard
and water-damaged fabrics
FU2 50 Phoma Mix allergies and pneumonitis soil and plant material; on
shower curtains, walls, tiles
and reverse side of
linoleum; may be found on
foods such as rice and
FU2 51 Rhizopus Stolonifer allergies and lung problems found in soil, wood mills,
decaying fruit and
vegetables, animal dung,
and old bread
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Medically Recognized Comments
Possible Symptoms & Effects
FU2 52 Rhodotorula Rubra found in air, soil, lakes,
ocean water, and dairy
FU2 53 Scopulariopsis Sp may cause infections in both soil, plant material, feathers,
humans and animals and insects
FU2 54 Spondylocladium problem on potatoes
FU2 55 Sporobolomyces allergies; may cause air, tree leaves, and orange
infections in both humans peel
and animals
FU2 56 Sporotrichum Pruinosum widely distributed in
decaying wood and soil
FU2 57 Stemphylium Mix allergies and (but rarely) widely distributed on
sinusitis decaying vegetation, wood
and in the soil; rare indoors
FU2 58 Trichoderma Mix allergies; opportunistic widely distributed in the
infections in immuno- soil, plant material, decaying
suppressed; becoming more vegetation, and wood;
of a problem paper and unglazed
FU2 59 Trichophyton Mix one of the leading causes of found in the soil; also
hair, skin, and nail infections affects animals
in humans (ringworm,
athlete’s foot etc.)
FU2 60 Verticillium Albo-Atrum a rare agent of mycotic decaying vegetation and
keratitis (an eye infection) soil; affects trees
(particularly maples)

Doctor Fungus:
Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Inc:
Mycology Online:

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8064

This kit consists of the healthy tissues from PH1 to PH17. Please be aware if you buy this kit and
then subsequently buy any of the Histology/Pathology kits you will have a lot of duplicate vials.

Code Name Description

HIST 1 Adrenal Gland/ organs responsible for producing steroid and other hormones
Suprarenal Gland essential for life
HIST 2 Aorta the large arterial trunk that carries blood from the heart to be
distributed by branch arteries through the body
HIST 3 Artery tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled vessels that
carry blood from the heart through the body
HIST 4 Artery, Superior Mesenteric a large artery that arises from the aorta and supplies the greater
part of the small intestine, the cecum, the ascending colon, and
the right half of the transverse colon
HIST 5 Bladder organ in which urine collects before evacuation from the body
HIST 6 Bone bone
HIST 7 Bone Marrow soft, sponge-like tissue in the centre of most large bones,
producing white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets
HIST 8 Breast/ glands that produce milk for young
Mammary Gland
HIST 9 Cardiac Muscle/ the principal tissue in the heart wall
Heart Muscle
HIST 10 Cartilage, Elastic provides strength and elasticity; found in external ear,
epiglottis and auditory tubes
HIST 11 Cartilage, Fibrocartilage cushions and protects, such as intervertebral discs, pads in
knee joints and pad between two pubic bones
HIST 12 Cartilage, Hyaline most abundant cartilage in the body, providing flexibility and
HIST 13 Cerebellum the portion of the brain in the back of the head between the
cerebrum and the brain stem; it controls balance for walking
and standing, and other complex motor functions
HIST 14 Cerebrum the largest part of the brain, controlling muscle functions
speech, thought, emotions, reading, writing, and learning
HIST 15 Cervix the lower part and neck of the uterus
HIST 16 Collagenous Fibre/ strong, flexible but only slightly elastic, found in tendons and
White Fibrous Tissue ligaments
HIST 17 Colon the part of the large intestine that extends from the end of the
small intestine to the rectum
HIST 18 Corpus Albicans once the corpus luteum degenerates it becomes the corpus
HIST 19 Corpus Luteum endocrine gland in ovary formed when ovum discharged; if the
ovum impregnated, the corpus luteum increases in size and
persists for several months, (secretes estrogens, progesterone,
relaxin and inhibin); otherwise degenerates and shrinks
HIST 20 Duodenum the first part of the small intestine connecting the stomach and
the ileum
HIST 21 Epididymis the duct in which sperm undergo maturation
HIST 22 Esophagus the muscular tube through which food passes from the throat
to the stomach
HIST 23 Fallopian Tube the tube through which eggs pass from the ovaries to the
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Description
HIST 24 Gallbladder the pear-shaped organ found below the liver that concentrates
and stores bile
HIST 25 Hippocampus part of the limbic system of the brain, involved in emotions and
HIST 26 Ileum the last part of the small intestine
HIST 27 Intervertebral Disk, Fibrous spinal disc
HIST 28 Jejunum portion of the small intestine that extends from the duodenum
to the ileum
HIST 29 Kidney a pair of organs which function to filter the blood and control
the level of some chemicals in the blood such as hydrogen,
sodium, potassium, and phosphate; they eliminate waste in the
form of urine
HIST 30 Kidney Cortex one of the main functional parts of the kidney (outer zone)
HIST 31 Kidney Medulla one of the main functional parts of the kidney (inner zone)
containing the renal pyramids
HIST 32 Liver the largest organ in the body; carries out many important
functions, e.g. making bile, changing food into energy, and
cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood
HIST 33 Lung main organ of respiration, lying either side of heart
HIST 34 Lymph Gland/ lymph nodes filter lymph and store lymphocytes (white blood
Lymph Node cells)
HIST 35 Mast Cell produce histamine, which dilates small blood vessels; involved
in body’s reaction to injury and infection
HIST 36 Medulla Oblongata lower part of brain stem; controls autonomic functions; relays
nerve signals between the brain and spinal cord
HIST 37 Muscle, Involuntary smooth muscles not ordinarily under the control of the will,
activated by the autonomic nervous system
HIST 38 Muscle, Voluntary muscle that can be made to contract or relax by conscious
HIST 39 Nerve a bundle of fibers that uses electrical and chemical signals to
transmit sensory and motor information from one body part to
HIST 40 Nerve, Peripheral the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord; they contain
non-neuronal cells and connective tissue as well as axons
HIST 41 Ovary female reproductive glands in which the ova, or eggs, are
formed, located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus
HIST 42 Pancreas a glandular organ located in the abdomen; it makes pancreatic
juices, which contain enzymes that aid in digestion, and it
produces several hormones, including insulin
HIST 43 Parotid Gland salivary gland below and just in front of the ear
HIST 44 Penis the external male reproductive organ, containing a tube called
the urethra, which carries semen and urine to the outside of the
HIST 45 Pineal Gland/ attached to the roof of the third ventricle near its junction with
Epiphysis Cerebri the mid-brain; secretes melatonin; full function is unclear
HIST 46 Pituitary Gland/ the main endocrine gland, producing hormones that control
Hypophysis other glands and many body functions, especially growth
HIST 47 Prostate Gland a gland just below the bladder.; surrounds part of the urethra,
the canal that empties the bladder, and produces a fluid that
forms part of semen
HIST 48 Prostate Gland, Senile a prostate showing deterioration that comes with age

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Description
HIST 49 Pyloric Sphincter/ the junction between the stomach and the small intestine
Pyloro-Duodenal Junction
HIST 50 Pylorus/ the region of the stomach that connects with the duodenum
Pyloric Region (first part of small intestine)
HIST 51 Rectum the last part of the large intestine
HIST 52 Renal Artery & Vein the main artery and vein of the kidney
HIST 53 Seminal Vesicle glands that help produce semen
HIST 54 Skin, Negroid And Caucasian outermost covering of the body
HIST 55 Sperm/ mature male germ cells that fertilise the ovum
HIST 56 Spinal Chord, Cervical the spinal column in the region of the neck
HIST 57 Spinal Chord, Lumbar the spinal chord between the ribs and the pelvis
HIST 58 Spinal Chord, Thoracic the spinal column in the region of the ribs
HIST 59 Spleen located on the left side of the abdomen near the stomach;
produces lymphocytes, filters the blood, stores blood cells,
and destroys old blood cells
HIST 60 Stomach part of the digestive system; helps in the digestion of food by
mixing it with digestive juices and churning it into a thin liquid
HIST 61 Sympathetic Ganglion a group of nerve cell bodies either close to the spinal column
or close to the large abdominal arteries
HIST 62 Testis/ the two egg-shaped glands found inside the scrotum that
Testicle produce sperm and male hormones
HIST 63 Thalamus a large mass of gray matter deeply situated in the forebrain;
relays information received from various brain regions to the
cerebral cortex
HIST 64 Thymus in the chest behind the breastbone; an organ that is part of the
lymphatic system, in which T lymphocytes grow and multiply
HIST 65 Thyroid a gland located beneath the voice box (larynx) that produces
thyroid hormone. The thyroid helps regulate growth and
HIST 66 Tonsil small masses of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat
HIST 67 Trachea airway that leads from the larynx to the lungs
HIST 68 Umbilical Chord/ a cord arising from the navel that connects the fetus with the
Umbilical Cord placenta and contains the two umbilical arteries and the
umbilical vein
HIST 69 Ureter the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder
HIST 70 Urethra the tube that carries urine from the bladder and out through the
HIST 71 Uterus/ the small, hollow, pear-shaped organ in a woman's pelvis; this
Womb is the organ in which an unborn child develops
HIST 72 Vagina/ the muscular canal extending from the uterus to the exterior of
Birth Canal the body
HIST 73 Vas Deferens/ a coiled tube that carries the sperm out of the testes
Deferent Canal, Deferent Duct,
Spermatic Duct, Spermiduct,
Testicular Duct, Ductus Deferens
HIST 74 Vein a tube carrying blood from the capillaries towards the heart
HIST 75 Vena Cava two large veins which take deoxygenated blood into the right
atrium of heart for delivery to the lungs

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8029

Code Remedy Typical Symptoms

HPA 1 Acid Nit Irritability. Pains as from splinters. Worse cold climate and hot weather. Warts.
HPA 2 Acid Phos Poor memory. Frequent urination at night. Pressure behind the sternum.
HPA 3 Aconite Rapid onset of colds and flu. Sore throat. Red rashes. Measles. Earache. Effect
of fear and fright.
HPA 4 Antim Tart Cough with white, coated tongue. Unable to raise phlegm. Acute bronchitis.
HPA 5 Argent Nit Acidity. Headache. Conjunctivitis. Mental strain. Nervous anticipation. Colds.
Diarrhoea. Nappy rash.
HPA 6 Arnica After injury. Mental and physical shock. Before operations. Visits to the
dentist. Exhaustion.
HPA 7 Arsen Alb Stomach upsets from food poisoning. Diarrhoea. Vomiting.
HPA 8 Avena Sativa Exhaustion. Sleeplessness. Poor muscle tone. Loss of appetite after illness.
Calcium loss in bones and teeth.
HPA 9 Bacillinum Tuberculosis. Humid asthma. Ringworm. Muco-purulent expectoration.
HPA 10 Baptisia Confusion. Offensive discharges. Stupor. Dark red face. Aching and soreness all
over. Gastric flu.
HPA 11 Belladonna Hot, flushed face. Sore throat. Neuralgia. Throbbing headache. Earache. Boils.
Fever. Mumps. Chicken pox.
HPA 12 Berberis Itchy skin eruptions. Improved by cold compresses. Infantile eczema.
HPA 13 Bryonia Chesty colds. Dry cough. Muscular pain - better when resting. Acute
HPA 14 Calc Carb Sensitive. Easily embarrassed. Profuse periods in young girls. Catches colds
easily. Acne rosacea.
HPA 15 Calc Fluor Thick catarrh. Bleeding piles. Cracking joints. Indecision.
HPA 16 Calc Phos Severe stomach pain after eating. Early periods. Acne. Growing pains. Brain fag.
HPA 17 Carbo Veg Indigestion with excessive flatulence. Hoarseness. Acne. Debility.
HPA 18 Chamomilla Teething. Whining, demanding children. Frantic, unbearable pain. Nightmares.
HPA 19 China Convalescence. Haemorrhage. Diarrhoea. PMT. Congestive headaches. Copious
periods with dark clots.
HPA 20 Cocculus Irritability. Profound sadness. Constipation. Headaches with nausea. Period
HPA 21 Drosera Hoarse barking cough. Constant tickling cough. Whooping cough. Ganglia.
HPA 22 Euphrasia Watering eyes. Streaming nose. Inflamed eyes. Conjunctivitis. Measles.
HPA 23 Ferrum Phos Fear. Greatly varying appetite. Flushes easily. Nose bleed. Acute bronchitis.
Acute earache.
HPA 24 Gelsemium Influenza. Nervous anxiety. Sick headache. Sore throat. Runny nose. Measles.
Examination nerves.
HPA 25 Graphites Chapped, unhealthy skin. Cracked weeping eczema. Backwardness at school.
Apathetic and overweight.
HPA 26 Hamamelis Varicose veins. Piles. Bruised soreness. Chilblains. Nose bleed.
HPA 27 Hepar Sulph Skin sensitive to touch. Injuries tend to suppurate. Wheezing. Abscesses.
Boils. Croup. Aggressiveness.
HPA 28 Hypericum Very painful cuts and wounds. Blows to fingers or toes. Horse-fly bites. Painful
bleeding piles.
HPA 29 Ignatia Weepiness. Bereavement. Hysteria. Headache. Effects of anger and fear.
Insomnia. Tobacco antidote.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Remedy Typical Symptoms
HPA 30 Ipecac Any illness where there is constant nausea and sickness. Morning sickness.
Nose bleed. Spasmodic cough.
HPA 31 Kali Bich Catarrh. Stringy sputum. Pain at the root of the nose. Measles. Cough.

HPA 32 Kali Phos Nervous exhaustion. Nervous indigestion. Giddiness from exhaustion and
weakness after flu.
HPA 33 Lachesis Jealousy, fear, suspicion. Worse from sleep. Sleeplessness. Cystitis. Mastitis.
Thin, offensive stools. PMT.
HPA 34 Lycopodium Fear of failure. Excessive or lack of appetite. Flatulence. Craving sweet foods.
Dyslexia. Aggressiveness.
HPA 35 Mag Carb Acidity. Sensitive to least touch. Periods late and scanty.
HPA 36 Mag Phos Anti-spasmodic. Neuralgic pains. Toothache. Better for heat. Flatulent colic.
Menstrual colic. Angina.
HPA 37 Medorrhinum Chronic rheumatism. Intolerable pain. Trembling all over. Intense itching of anus.
Offensive periods. Sterility.
HPA 38 Merc Cor Iritis. Sore, swollen throat. Desire to pass stools not relieved by passing stools.
HPA 39 Merc Sol Bad breath. Body odour. Sore throats. Diarrhoea. Abscesses. Chicken pox.
Mumps. Abnormal sweat.
HPA 40 Nux Vom Nervous indigestion. Early morning liverishness. Indigestion 2-3 hours after
food. Hangover.
HPA 41 Petroleum Oozing skin eruptions. Fiery blisters. Infantile eczema.
HPA 42 Phosphorus Bronchitis. Dry cough. Hypersensivity. Nose bleed.
HPA 43 Psorinum Extreme sensitivity to cold. Offensive discharges. Always hungry. Intolerable
itching. Worse for coffee.
HPA 44 Pulsatilla Weepiness, particularly in children. Menstrual problems. Styes. Change of life.
HPA 45 Rhus Tox Strains of joints or tendons. Rheumatism. Lumbago. Sciatica. Herpes of lips.
Burns. Chicken pox.
HPA 46 Ruta Grava Bruised bones. Fractures. Dislocations. Eye strain. Eyes burn and ache.
Housemaid’s knee.
HPA 47 Sepia Periods suppressed or delayed. Change of life. Morning sickness. Bearing
down pain in the abdomen.
HPA 48 Silica Boils. Abscesses. Chronic headaches. Sinus trouble. Rickets. Thinness.
Tonsillitis. Sleep walking.
HPA 49 Sulphur Itching skin. Skin troubles. Eczema. Boils. Burning and itching piles.
HPA 50 Symphytum Non-union of fractures. Pricking pain. Pain in eye after a blow.
HPA 51 Syphilinum Utter prostration in the morning. Hopeless. Chronic eruptions. Rheumatism.
HPA 52 Thuja Warts. Brittle nails. Morning headaches. Absence of appetite in the morning.
Antidote to vaccinations.
HPA 53 Tuberculinum Incipient T.B. Symptoms constantly changing. Emaciated. Fear of animals.
Dysmenorrhea. Enlarged tonsils.
HPA 54 Zincum Met Convulsions. Sensitive to noise. Lethargic, stupid. Squinting. Very hungry.
Varicose veins. Soles sensitive.


Phyllis Speight A Study Course In Homeopathy

William Boericke Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8030

Code Remedy Typical Symptoms

HPB 55 Actaea Rac Depression, headaches, neuralgia. Worse for cold, damp and movement.
HPB 56 Agaricus Musc Itching and burning extremities. Hands and feet red and swollen. Chilblains.
HPB 57 Aletris Far Heaviness in lower part of abdomen with false labour pains.
HPB 58 Alfalfa Heavy head. Poor appetite. Excessive thirst. Desire for sweets. Fatigue. Poor
HPB 59 Allium Cepa Hay fever; frequent sneezing. Watery nasal secretions. Head colds. Neuralgia.
Better in open air.
HPB 60 Alumina Hurried. Moody. Dry mucous membranes. Abnormal cravings. Constipation.
HPB 61 Antim Crud Oozing blisters. Thick hard scabs. Impetigo.
HPB 62 Apis Mel Insect stings. Burning stinging pains. Burns. Cystitis. Arthritis. Jealousy.
HPB 63 Baryta Carb Delayed mental and physical development. Sore throats. Nail biting. Tonsillitis.
HPB 64 Bellis Perennis Black-and-blue spots, painful to touch. Bruising. Fatigue after a blow or fall.
HPB 65 Borax Dread of downward motion. Nervous. Sensitive to noise. Impatience. Hot
HPB 66 Cactus Grand Spasmodic pain. Constrictions. Congestive headache. Dysmenorrhea. Iron band
round chest.
HPB 67 Caladium Depression and fatigue. Memory loss. Irritability at least noise. Tobacco
HPB 68 Calendula Extreme sores with or without loss of skin. Bee and wasp stings. Burns. Bruises.
HPB 69 Cantharis Burns. Burning pains. Cystitis. Gnat bites. Itchy blisters.
HPB 70 Causticum Intensely sympathetic. Depression, apprehension, timidity. Paralysis. Skin dirty.
HPB 71 Chelidonium Tooth ache. Jaundice. General lethargy. Worse for change of weather.
HPB 72 Cicuta Virosa Spasmodic contractions of muscles. Stiffness of neck. Contortions. Convulsions.
HPB 73 Cina Irritability. Dark rings round eyes. Insatiable hunger. Insomnia. Intestinal
HPB 74 Colocynth Intestinal colic. Cramp. Dysentery-type stools.
HPB 75 Conium Mac Dizziness. Numbness. Weakness. Trembling. Sweating.
HPB 76 Cuprum Met Cramps. Nausea and vomiting. Metallic taste in mouth.
HPB 77 Eupatorium Perf Aching and stiffness of bones and muscles. Pain in eyeballs. Flu.
HPB 78 Helleborus Sees, hears, tastes imperfectly. Muscular weakness. Sinking sensation. Sighing.
HPB 79 Hydrastis Can Thick and yellow mucous. Itching of vulva.
HPB 80 Iris Vers Sick headache. Pancreas affected. Goitre. Burning of alimentary canal.
HPB 81 Kali Carb Irritable. Sensitive to pain, noise and touch. Intolerance of cold weather.
HPB 82 Kreosotum Stupid, forgetful, irritable. Offensive discharges. Worse open air, cold, rest.
HPB 83 Ledum Pal Pain travelling upwards. Black eye. Puncture wounds. Intense coldness.
HPB 84 Lilium Tigrinum Profound depression. Aimless. Better fresh air. Vaginal itching.
HPB 85 Merc Cyanatus Thick greyish coating of mouth. Tongue white with fetid breath. Thrush.
HPB 86 Mezereum Ulceration of skin. Itchy blisters. Impetigo.
HPB 87 Natrum Mur Sneezing. Sinus. Eczema. Thrush. Incontinence. Vertigo. Exhaustion. Craves salt.
HPB 88 Nux Moschata Sleepiness. Fainting fits. Changeable moods. Dryness of mucous membranes.
HPB 89 Oscillococcinum Flu. Common cold
HPB 90 Opium Heavy sleep. Sweaty skin. Loss of consciousness. Snoring. Noisy breathing.
HPB 91 Phytolacca Dec Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation.
HPB 92 Platina Arrogant. Numbness and coldness.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Remedy Typical Symptoms
HPB 93 Podophyllum Biliousness. Talkative. Depression. Worse in hot weather.
HPB 94 Pyrogen Septic states. Offensive discharges. Restless. Dry tongue.
HPB 95 Ranunculus Bulb Effects of alcohol. Soreness of chest. Burning and intense itching of skin.
HPB 96 Rumex Crispus Enlarged lymph glands. Tickling in throat. Dry cough. Raw pain under clavicle.
HPB 97 Sabina Violent pulsations. Worse least motion. Risk of miscarriage.
HPB 98 Sambucus Nigra Sudden waking at night with feeling of suffocation. Infantile asthma.
HPB 99 Secale Cornutum Debility. Anxiety. Better from cold.
HPB 100 Senna Nausea and vomiting with yellowish diarrhoea. Aromatic smell to breath.
HPB 101 Staphisagria Styes. Inflammation and itchiness of corner of eye.
HPB 102 Taraxacum Coated, mapped tongue. Constipation.
HPB 103 Urtica Urens Superficial burns with skin irritation.
HPB 104 Veratrum Alb Collapse with extreme coldness. Cold perspiration. Vomiting. Cramps in


Phyllis Speight A Study Course In Homeopathy

William Boericke Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8032

There are other hormones are in the Body Biochemical Test Kits.

Code Name Secreting Gland Comment

H1 Adrenocorticotropic Pituitary Stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete other hormones.

H2 Aldosterone Adrenal Cortex Increases re-absorption of sodium from urine and stimulates
excretion of potassium.
H3 Androgen A group of hormones that contribute to development of male
reproductive system, e.g. testosterone.
H4 Antidiuretic Hormone Hypothalamus Affects urine volume, stored in posterior pituitary.
(ADH)/ Vasopressin
H5 Calcitonin (CT) Thyroid Homeostasis of blood calcium and phosphate levels.
H6 Cholecystokinin (CCK) Duodenum Inhibits secretion of gastric juice, decreases movement of GI
tract, stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice rich in digestive
enzymes, causes ejection of bile from gall bladder and opening
of sphincters at common duct, and induces a feeling of satiety;
may regulate feeding as a “stop eating” signal.
H7 Corticosterone Adrenal Cortex Converted to aldosterone by aldosterone synthase
H8 Corticotropin Releasing Hypothalamus Stimulates release of ACTH involved in the regulation of food
Hormone (CRH) intake, energy homeostasis and stress response.
H9 Cortisone/Cortisol Adrenal Cortex Breaks down muscle. See also glucocorticoids.
H10 Epinephrine/Adrenaline Adrenal Medulla Helps body resist stress by increasing heart rate, constricting
blood vessels, accelerating respiration, decreasing digestion,
increasing efficiency of muscular contractions, increasing
blood sugar, stimulating cellular metabolism.
H11 Follicle-Stimulating Pituitary Stimulates production of eggs and sperm.
Hormone (FSH)
H12 Glucocorticoids Adrenal Cortex Resistance to stress. 3 of them: cortisol, corticosterone, and
cortisone. Makes sure enough energy is available; conversion
of non-carbohydreates into energy; makes blood vessels more
sensitive to vessel-constricting chemicals, anti-inflammatory.
H13 Growth Hormone Hypothalamus, Inhibits secretion of acid and pepsin and release of gastrin,
Inhibiting Hormone Pancreas, Intestinal insulin and glucagons; inhibits motility of the gall bladder and
(GHIH) / Somatostatin Tract And Regions Of intestine; suppresses secretion of lipase by the pancreas;
The Central Nervous slows absorption of nutrients from the gastro-intestinal tract.
System Outside The
H14 Insulin Pancreas Decreases blood sugar levels; prevents muscle from being
broken down.
H15 Luteinizing Hormone Pituitary Stimulates sexual reproduction activities.
H16 Melanocyte-stimulating Pituitary Increases skin pigmentation. Inhibits fever and peripheral
Hormone (MSH) inflammation. Suppresses appetite.
H17 Norepinephrine/Noradre Adrenal Medulla As epinephrine.
naline (NE)
H18 Oestrogen Ovaries Develops and maintains female reproductive structures,
especially endometrial lining of uterus, and secondary sex
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Secreting Gland Comment

characteristics, including the breasts. Contributes to fluid and

electrolyte balance. Important for bone density in both women
and men. (See also Body Bio 2 test kit.)
H19 Oxytocin (OT) Hypothalamus Contraction of uterus and mammary glands, breast feeding,
orgasm, autonomic control of emotions. Stored in posterior
pituitary. Lowers steroid synthesis in testes.
H20 Parathyroid Hormone Parathyroid Helps to control homeostasis of calcium and phosphates in
(PTH) the blood.
H21 Progesterone (PROG) Ovaries Helps prepare endometrium for implantation of fertilised ovum
and mammary glands for milk secretion. Can inhibit GnRH &
H22 Prolactin (PRL) Pituitary Initiates milk production by mammary glands. Excess prolactin
can lead to absence of ovulation, lack of periods, excessive or
spontaneous secretion of milk in women, and decreased sex
drive, decreased sperm production and impotence in men.
Women who cannot conceive often have high levels of
prolactin. Enhances dopamine secretion. May be involved in
the immune system.
H23 Relaxin (RLX) Ovaries And Placenta Relaxes symphysis pubis & dilates cervix towards end of
H24 Secretin Intestinal Mucosa Inhibits secretion of gastric juices, decreases movement of GI
tract, stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice rich in sodium
bicarbonate ions, stimulates secretion of bile by hepatic cells
of liver.
H25 Testosterone Testes Produces male characteristics. Builds up muscles in males and
H26 Thymosin Thymus Maturation of T lymphocytes.
H27 Thyroid-stimulating Pituitary Stimulates thyroid gland to produce its hormones.
Hormone (TSH)
H28 Thyrotropin Releasing Hypothalamus Stimulates anterior pituitary to secrete TSH.
Hormone (TRH)
H29 Triiodothyronine/ T3 Thyroid Regulates metabolism by stimulating carbohydrate and fat
breakdown, growth and development, and regulate activity of
nervous system resulting in increased and more forceful heart
beat, increased motility of GI tract, increased nervousness.
H30 Human Growth Anterior Pituitary Increases the growth rate of the skeleton and skeletal muscles
Hormone/Somatotropin in children and teenagers. In adults helps to maintain muscle
and bone mass and promote healing of injuries and tissue
repair; speeds up the breakdown of liver glycogen into
glucose; excess production may cause diabetes mellitus.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8033

Code Chemical Common Uses Comments

IE1 1 Acetaldehyde/Ethanal chemical intermediary flammable; carcinogenic
category 3
IE1 2 Chlorobenzene phenol, DDT, aniline, paint solvent
IE1 3 p-Cresol/4-Hydroxytoluene starting material for pesticides and toxic
herbicides, phenolic resins, disinfectants,
antioxidants, plasticizers, degreasers
IE1 4 Cyanuric Chloride/ Trichloro- dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals, herbicides,
s-Triazene plastics, explosives, bleaches, disinfectants
IE1 5 Cyclohexane nylon, solvent for oils, fats and waxes, paint
remover, solid fuel for camping stoves
IE1 6 Cyclohexanone nylon, adipic acid, nitrocellulose lacquers, flammable
celluloid, artificial leather, printing ink
IE1 7 Diethanolamine/ detergents, emulsifying agents,
Di-(2-Hydroxyethyl)Amine manufacture of cosmetics, toiletries,
bactericidal and herbicidal products
IE1 8 Diethyleneglycol/ 2,2’- softening agent for textiles, solvent for dyes,
Dihydroxydiethyl Ether moistening agent for glues, paper, cork,
sponge and tobacco, solvents and
plasticizers in lacquers, photography, stain
removers, anti-freeze
IE1 9 Glycerol/ Glycerin/ 1,2,3- manufacture of synthetic resins and ester synthesised from
Trihydroxypropane gums, moistening agent for tobacco, inks, propylene or as a by-
lubricants, manufacture of explosives and product of soap
cellulose films, toothpaste, moisturiser, hair manufacture
mousse, hair gel, conditioner, conditioner
hand and body lotion, shower gel, body
wash, mouth wash, gelatine capsules for
supplements, cleansing lotion, toning lotion,
eye gel, after shave, foundation, sweetening
agent in medicines, ear drops, cough mixture,
cereal bars, soft-scoop ice cream
IE1 10 Hydrazine derivatives used as blowing agents for foam
plastics, antioxidants, herbicides, rocket fuel
IE1 11 Hydrogen Peroxide chemical production, pollution control, textile in the body involved in
and paper industries, cleaning products, destruction of pathogens
food bleaching by white blood cells
IE1 12 Methanol/ Methyl Alcohol, industrial solvent, manufacture of methanal,
Wood Spirit, Wood Naptha methanoic acid and chloromethane,
denaturant for ethyl alcohol, antifreeze,
paints, duplicating fluids, paint removers,
varnishes, shoe polishes, extraction of animal
and vegetable oils, fuel for camping stoves,
pharmaceutical solvent
IE1 13 Naphthalene dyestuff intermediates, plasticizers, alkyd
resins, polyesters, moth balls
IE1 14 Nitrobenzene dyestuffs, manufacture of aniline, soaps,
shoe polish

IE1 15 Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) solvents, pharmaceuticals, textiles,

cosmetics, lubricating oils, paint, paper

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Chemical Common Uses Comments
IE1 16 Polyvinyl acetate adhesives, thickeners, solvents, plasticizers,
in textiles, in concrete additives, production
of polyvinyl alcohol
IE1 17 Poly(Vinylpyrrolidone)/ PVP adhesives, toiletries, hair spray, detergents,
pharmaceuticals and in textile industry for
fibre treatment, blood replacement
IE1 18 Propanone/ Acetone/ solvent, manufacture of various chemicals, in small quantities in
Dimethyl Ketone glues, adhesives, polystyrene cements, dyes, normal human urine, in
nail polish removers, wood hardeners, larger amounts in that of
storage of acetylene gases diabetics
IE1 19 Pyridine solvent particularly for plastics, manufacture Very smelly, causes
of nicotinic acid, various drugs and rubber temporary sterility in
chemicals males
IE1 20 Sodium Hydroxide/ Caustic pulp production for paper, viscose and
Soda cellulose, manufacture of other chemicals,
vegetable oils, aluminium, petrochemicals,
textiles, soap, detergents, oven cleaners and
drain cleaners
IE1 21 Styrene/ Ethenylbenzene/ manufacture of polymers particularly possibly carcinogenic to
Vinylbenzene polystyrene and synthetic rubber, stabilising humans
agent, dental filling component, food
packaged in polystyrene, floor waxes, paints,
adhesives, putty, metal cleaners, car fillers,
two-part fillers, cigarette smoke
IE1 22 Toluene high-octane aviation and motor fuel, solvent,
manufacture of benzene, caprolactam,
phenol and dyestuffs, damp treatments,
glues, inks, paints, lacquers, perfumes, nail
varnish, furniture polish, extraction of
various principles from plants, adhesives
IE1 23 Triethanolamine/ Tri-(2- detergents, emulsifying agents,
Hydroxyethyl)Amine manufacture of cosmetics, toiletries,
bactericidal and herbicidal products.
IE1 24 Vinyl Acetate/ Ethenyl manufacture of adhesives, paints, coatings,
Ethanoate/ Vinyl Ethanoate paper and textile finishes, moulding
IE1 25 o-Xylene industrial solvent, petrol ingredient, phthalic
anhydride, sterilising catgut


D.W.A. Sharp The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry

D J Weatherall et al Oxford Textbook of Medicine Volume 1
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients
M. Birkin C For Chemicals
J. Emsley The Consumer’s Good Chemical Guide
The Merck Index 1996
Ken Digby of Maidstone, Kent has also contributed information

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8034

Code Chemical Common Uses Comments

IE2 26 Abietic Acid plastics, paints, varnishes, paper size, used extensively
IE2 27 Aniline antioxidants, rubber manufacture, dyes and US 372,000 tons in 1986
IE2 28 Aviation Gasoline in air pollution

IE2 29 Benzene industrial pollution - given off when petrol

put into cars*, industrial solvent,
ethylbenzene, cumene, cyclohexane, styrene,
phenol, nylon, synthetic detergents, dyes,
paints, varnish removers, adhesives,
IE2 30 Bromomethane/ fumigates soil, commodities, grain, very toxic, widely used
Methyl Bromide warehouses and mills
IE2 31 Capryl Alcohol/ 1-Octanol/ foam-reducing agent, plasticizers, perfumery,
Secondary Octyl Alcohol cosmetics, solvent, chemical intermediate
IE2 32 Cellulose Acetate fibres for clothing and furnishing, lacquer,
cellophane, cigarette filters, magnetic tape,
spectacle frames, screwdriver handles
IE2 33 Cetyl Alcohol/ Hexadecanol extensively used in pharmaceutical and
cosmetics, gel stabiliser for greases
IE2 34 Chloromethane/ silicones, anti-knock additive in petrol, butyl
Methyl Chloride rubber manufacture, methyl cellulose,
blowing agent for polystyrene foam
IE2 35 Decyl Alcohol/ Decanol plasticizers, detergents commercially important

IE2 36 1,2-Diaminoethane/ detergents, emulsifying agents, industrial

Ethylenediamine solvent, textiles, paper, coatings, films,
adhesives, rubber formulation
IE2 37 1,2-Dibromoethane/ leaded petrol, fumigant for stored products,
Ethylene Dibromide nematocide
IE2 38 Dichloromethane/ industrial solvent, paint remover, degreaser,
Methylene Chloride aerosol propellant
IE2 39 Diesel Range Organics air pollution contains n-decane, n-
dodecane, n-tetradecane,
n-hexadecane, n-
octadecane, n-eicosane,
n-docosane, n-
tetracosane, n-
hexacosane, n-
octacosane, n-hexane
IE2 40 Dimethylamine manufacture of other chemicals, including
solvents, herbicides, fungicides and rubber
IE2 41 Dioctyl Phthalate plastics most commonly used
plasticiser; can migrate
into food from packaging
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Chemical Common Uses Comments
IE2 42 Ethanol/ Ethyl Alcohol/ starting point for many other chemicals,
Alcohol/ Spirits of Wine in foodstuffs, as solvent , cosmetics,
alcoholic drinks, methylated spirit, surgical
IE2 43 bis(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate one of most common
phthalates found in food
samples. Carcinogenic in
mice and rats.
IE2 44 Glycolic Acid/ textile and leather processing, cleaning
Hydroxyethanoic Acid/ (metals and dairy sanitation);used in
Hydroxyacetic Acid cosmetics and personal care preparations,
particularly skin peel preparations.
IE2 45 Halazone sterilisation of drinking water

IE2 46 Jet Turbine Fuel air pollution

IE2 47 Methanoic Acid/ textile dyeing and finishing, leather tanning,

Formic Acid intermediate for other chemicals
IE2 48 Monoethanolamine/ detergents, emulsifying agents, great commercial
2-AminoEthyl Alcohol/ manufacture of cosmetics, toiletries, importance
2-Hydroxyethylamine bactericidal and herbicidal products
IE2 49 Nitric Acid fertilisers, explosives, dyestuffs, wart
IE2 50 Phthalic Anhydride dyestuffs, plasticizers, alkyd resins


D.W.A. Sharp The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry

D J Weatherall et al Oxford Textbook of Medicine Volume 1
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients
M. Birkin C For Chemicals
J. Emsley The Consumer’s Good Chemical Guide

I would like to acknowledge the help of Ken Digby in producing this test kit

** British standards are regularly exceeded in urban streets, particularly around petrol stations Times March 2nd

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8070

Code Name Comment

IE 51 Adipic Acid Used in the manufacture of nylon, polyester, polyurethane, polypropylene and
PVC. Also used in detergents.

IE 52 Aluminium Hydroxide / Used in vaccines, manufacture of glass and glazes, as a flame retardant in plastics,
Aluminium Trihydrate / in paper manufacture, printing inks, detergents, for waterproofing fabrics, in
Aluminium Hydrate mouthwashes and deodorants. Also used as a carrier of artificial colourings
particular for uses involving colouring oils and fats, or where the product does not
contain sufficient water to dissolve the colour. (Would not need to be shown in
the list of ingredients when used as a colour carrier.

IE 53 Bisphenol A / BPA Major constituent of plastics. Also used as a sealant and in adhesives including in
dentistry. An endocrine disruptor, which can mimic body's own hormones.
Worrying levels found in breast milk and in people generally. In 2007, a consensus
statement by 38 experts on bisphenol A concluded that average levels in people
are above those that cause harm to animals in laboratory experiments. In utero
exposure to Bisphenol-A may adversely affect male genital development,
according to a Kaiser Permanente study published online in the journal Birth
Defects Research (August 2011).
IE 54 1,3-Butadiene An important industrial chemical used as in the production of synthetic rubber.

IE 55 2-Chloro-1,3-Butadiene / Involved in the production of polychloroprene/neoprene.


IE 56 Dibromacetic Acid / Found in drinking water when chlorine disinfectants combine with naturally
DBA occurring organic matter.

IE 57 Ethylene Dichloride / Used in the manufacture of vinyl chloride. Also an additive in petrol and so found
1,2-Dichloroethane in vehicle exhaust fumes.

IE 58 Glutaraldehyde Glutaraldehyde-based disinfectants used for cleaning and sterilising equipment

and surfaces in hospitals, dentists, etc. Used in manufacture of paper packaging
that will be in contact with food.

IE 59 Heptane A solvent used in the production of oils, and in manufacture of adhesives.

IE 60 Hexachlorobenzene / A chemical intermediate and a solvent for pesticides. Has been identified in breast
Perchlorobenzene milk. Research suggests it may be carcinogenic for humans.

IE 61 Hexane A widely used industrial chemical used, for example, in pesticide manufacture, as a
cleaning agent in the printing industry, and as a solvent for varnishes and
IE 62 Perfluorononanoic Acid / Used in industrial processes; some industrial chemicals may degrade into this
PFNA chemical. A developmental toxicant and an immune system toxicant.

IE 63 Perfluorooctanesulfonic Used to make fire-fighting foams, in textiles, paper, and leather; in wax, polishes,
Acid / PFOS / paints, varnishes, and cleaning products for general use; in metal surfaces, and
Perfluorooctane carpets.
Sulfonate /
onic Acid

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Comment

IE 64 Perfluorooctanoic Acid / Used in mixing process for dyes, detergents and personal care products; non-stick
PFOA / cookware and stain- and water-resistant coatings for carpets and fabrics. Detected
C8/ in the blood of general populations in the low parts per billion range where single
Perfluorocaprylic Acid studies have associated it with infertility, higher cholesterol, and thyroid disease.
In highly exposed groups, some studies have associated PFOA exposure with
birth defects, increased cancer rates, and changes to lipid levels, the immune
system and the liver.

IE 65 Phthalate Mix Used to make plastics softer and more flexible. Wide spread health concerns. This
vial contains Benzyl butyl phthalate, Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate, Bis(2-ethylhexyl)
phthalate, Dibutyl phthalate, Diethyl phthalate, Dimethyl phthalate and Dioctyl

IE 66 Polychlorinated Biphenyls A group of chemicals that have been banned but are still found in the
(PCB) Mixed environment, electrical equipment, wall coverings, paints and plastic. Have been
found in breast milk. This vial contains 2-Chlorobiphenyl , Decachlorobiphenyl
,3,3′-Dichlorobiphenyl, 2,2′,3,4′,5,5′,6-Heptachlorobiphenyl, 2,2′,3,3′,6,6′-
Hexachlorobiphenyl, 2,2′,3,3′,4,4′,5,5′,6-Nonachlorobiphenyl, 2,2′,3,3′,4,4′,5,5′-
Octachlorobiphenyl, 2,3′,4,5′,6-Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2,2′,4,4′-Tetrachlorobiphenyl
and 2,4,5-Trichlorobiphenyl.

IE 67 Polyethylene / Most common plastic. This vial contains high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and
Polythene / low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Used to make milk bottles, washing up liquid
PE bottles, children's toys, carrier bags, bin liners and industrial bags, Also used
extensively for consumer packaging including shrink film and squeezy bottles for
food, personal care products, etc.. Also found as carpet backing and in joint

IE 68 Polyethylene Beverage, food and other liquid containers.Used in synthetic fibers. Trade names
Terephthalate/ PET / include Dacron, Diolen, Tergal, Terylene, Trevira, Cleartuf, Eastman PET,
PETE Polyclear, Hostaphan, Melinex and Mylar.

IE 69 Polylactic acid / Biodegradable so use likely to increase. Beverage cups, microwavable disposable
Polylactide / PLA trays, deli containers, sandwich packaging, medical sutures and stents.

IE 70 Polymethylpentene Coating for paper food containers for microwave and conventional ovens; used
for gas permeable packaging, autoclavable medical and laboratory equipment,
microwave components, and cookware.

IE 71 Polypropylene/ Second most common plastic. Used for dishwasher-safe and microwavable food
Polypropene / containers, drinking straws, yoghurt pots and margarine tubs, confectionery and
PP tobacco packaging. Used for carpets under the trade names of Olefin, Astra, Zylon
and Charisma. Other uses include toys, drinking straws, car/automobile interiors,
artificial grass, bristles for brushes and brooms, thermal and cold weather sports
clothing, and toner for photocopiers and printers.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Comment

IE 72 Polystyrene/ Yoghurt pots, egg boxes, plastic cutlery and foam drink cups; protective
PS packaging and insulation.

IE 73 Polytetrafluoroethylene / Used in non-stick cookware, plumbers’ jointing tape, and as an additive in

PTFE / lubricants.
IE 74 Tetrachloroethylene / A solvent commonly used in dry-cleaning fluid, spot removers, aerosols, shoe
Perchloroethylene / polishes and typewriter correction fluid. Also used by car/automobile mechanics.
PCE / High levels found in breast milk.
Ethylene Tetrachloride/
IE 75 Trichloroethylene A solvent used to remove grease from textiles and metal parts, and in the
extraction of vegetable oils. Restrictions on levels in drinking water.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8035

The starting point for these vials was the individual organisms listed overleaf, but each vial
represents more than just the sum total of these organisms: they represent the essential energy
pattern of each category.

IV1 Bacteri
Abundant in air, soil and water. Some are beneficial ( e.g. those living in intestine and breaking down food) and
some are harmless to humans. Bacteria which are harmful are known as pathogens. Three main categories: cocci
(spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped) and spirochaetes or spirilla (spiral-shaped). Bacteria can grow in an inert medium.
Susceptible to antibiotics.

IV2 Chlamydia:
Micro-organisms which are intermediate in size between viruses and bacteria; like viruses they can only multiply
by first invading the cells of another life-form; otherwise more like bacteria and are susceptible to antibiotics.

IV3 Fungus:
Simple parasitic life forms which cause illness by direct poisoning, toxic by-products, allergic reactions and/or
colonisation of body tissues. Fungi can be divided into moulds which reproduce by sporing and yeasts which
reproduce by budding.

IV4 and IV5 Parasites (Internal & External)

Any organism living in or on any other living creature and deriving advantage from doing so, while causing
disadvantage to the host. Internal parasites are commonly acquired by eating contaminated meat, swallowing
eggs on food, contaminating fingers with faecal material or through contact with infected water. Scolex is the part
of the tapeworm attached by suckers and hooks to gut wall of host; sometimes called head. Proglottides is the
segment-like units of the tapeworm body which, when mature, leave the gut of the primary host in the faeces;
they are budded off from the scolex.

The life stages of the roundworm: egg larva adult

The life stages of the tapeworm: egg → larva → encased by body in a cyst → adult
The life stages of the fluke: egg → miracidia → redia → cercaria → metacercaria → adult

IV6 Protozoa
The simplest, most primitive type of animal, consisting of a single cell. Resistant to antibiotics.

IV7 Rickettsia
A type of parasitic micro-organism. They resemble bacteria but are only able to replicate by invading the cells of
another life form; rickettsiae are parasites of ticks, lice, etc. These animals can transmit the rickettsiae to humans
via their bite or contaminated faeces.

IV8 Viruses
The smallest known type of infective agent. Outside of living cells viruses are inert. They invade living cells,
take them over and make copies of themselves. Not susceptible to antibiotics.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8094

Please Note:
Some of the species included have only ever been documented in animals, but because
differentiation of the various species is time-consuming and not always carried out when people
present with symptoms, these species have been included.

There is some indication of countries where a particular species has been found, but this does not
mean that it is only present in the countries listed.

Cat Scratch Disease

Lymph nodes, especially those around the head, neck, and upper limbs, become swollen.
Additionally, a person with CSD may experience fever, headache, fatigue, and a poor appetite.

Lyme Disease
Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema
migrans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system.

Relapsing Fever
Relapsing or recurring episodes of fever, often accompanied by headache, muscle and joint aches
and nausea.

Product Name Comments

LY 01 Anaplasma Causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Symptoms may include fever,
Phagocytophilum / severe headache, muscle aches (myalgia), chills and shaking, similar to the
Ehrlichia symptoms of influenza. GI symptoms occur in less than half of patients
Phagocytophilum and a skin rash is seen in less than 10% of patients. It is also characterized
by thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and elevated serum transaminase levels
in the majority of infected patients.

LY 02 Babesia Bigemina North and South America, Southern Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia
LY 03 Babesia Bovis Infects cattle and occasionally humans. Eradicated from the United States
by 1943, but is still present in Mexico and much of the world's tropics.
LY 04 Babesia Canis
LY 05 Babesia Cati
LY 06 Babesia Divergens Has been found in Turkey, Spain, Canary Islands, Tunisia, Austria, France
and Norway. Infections have a much higher fatality rate (42%) than with
other strains and present with the most severe symptoms:
haemoglobinuria followed by jaundice, a persistently high fever, chills and
sweats. If left untreated, can develop into shock-like symptoms with
pulmonary oedema and renal failure.
LY 07 Babesia Duncani Can infect humans.
LY 08 Babesia Felis
LY 09 Babesia Gibsoni
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Name Comments
LY 10 Babesia Herpailuri
LY 11 Babesia Jakimoni
LY 12 Babesia Major
LY 13 Babesia Microti / Common in US. For 25% of cases in adults and half of cases in children,
Theileria Microti the disease is asymptomatic or mild with flu-like symptoms. Symptoms are
characterized by irregular fevers, chills, headaches, general lethargy, pain
and malaise.

LY 14 Babesia Ovate
LY 15 Babesia Pantherae
LY 16 Bartonella Alsaticca
LY 17 Bartonella Arupensis
LY 18 Bartonella Bacilliformis Causes Carrion's disease (Oroya fever, Verruga peruana).
LY 19 Bartonella Berkhoffii Becoming more important particularly for immuno-compromised
LY 20 Bartonella Birtlesii
LY 21 Bartonella Bovis
LY 22 Bartonella Capreoli
LY 23 Bartonella Clarridgeiae Found in domestic cats and can give humans Cat Scratch Disease
LY 24 Bartonella Doshiae May cause Cat Scratch Disease.

LY 25 Bartonella Elizabethae / Endocarditis. Particularly among homeless IV drug users.

Rochalimaea elizabethae
LY 26 Bartonella Grahamii Endocarditis and Neuroretinitis
LY 27 Bartonella Henselae / Can cause bacteremia, endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis, and peliosis
Rochalimaea Henselae hepatis. Causes cat-scratch disease.

LY 28 Bartonella Koehlerae Human infection may be from infected cats.

LY 29 Bartonella Melophagi Discovered in 2007 and known to infect humans.
LY 30 Bartonella Muris
LY 31 Bartonella Peromyscus
LY 32 Bartonella Quintana / Causes trench fever. Can start out as an acute onset of a febrile episode,
Rochalimaea quintana / relapsing febrile episodes, or as a persistent typhoidal illness. Commonly
Rickettsia quintana seen are maculopapular rashes, conjunctivitis, headache and myalgias,
with splenomegaly being less common. Most patients present with pain in
the lower legs (shins), sore muscles of the legs and back, and
hyperaesthesia of the shins.

LY 33 Bartonella Rochalimae Carrion's disease-like symptoms.

LY 34 Bartonella Schoenbuchii
LY 35 Bartonella Talpae
LY 36 Bartonella Taylorii
LY 37 Bartonella Tribocorum
LY 38 Bartonella Vinsonii / On increase. Causes endocarditis, arthralgia, myalgia, headaches and
Rochalimaea vinsonii fatigue.
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Name Comments
LY 39 Bartonella Washoensis May cause fever and myocarditis.
LY 40 Borrelia Afzelii Has been found in Europe, USA, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.
LY 41 Borrelia Berbera Found in Algeria, Tunisia and Libyia.
LY 42 Borrelia Burgdorferi Found in USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand
LY 43 Borrelia Carteri Uncommon but has been found in humans in India.
LY 44 Borrelia Caucasica Found in Europe and Asia.
LY 45 Borrelia Duttonii Found in Europe and Africa. Causes Central African relapsing fever.
LY 46 Borrelia Garinii Has been found in Europe.
LY 47 Borrelia Hermsii Associated with relapsing fever. The primary cause of tick-borne relapsing
fever in North America. Also found in Europe.
LY 48 Borrelia Hispanica Found in Spain, Portugal, Morocco and central Africa.
LY 49 Borrelia Kochis
LY 50 Borrelia Miyamotoi Symptoms of relapsing fever. Found in Russia, Japan, Europe and North
LY 51 Borrelia Morganii
LY 52 Borrelia Novyi Found in the Americas.
LY 53 Borrelia Parkeri Human infection.
LY 54 Borrelia Persica Found in Europe and Asia.
LY 55 Borrelia Recurrentis Found in England, Ireland, USA, Canada, Mexico, Central and South
America, central Asia, Africa, and around the Mediterranean.
LY 56 Borrelia Tillae Found in Europe.
LY 57 Borrelia Turicatae Found in Europe.
LY 58 Borrelia Valaisiana Causes Lyme's disease.
LY 59 Borrelia Venezuelensis Causes relapsing fever in central and south America.

LY 60 Borrelia Vincentii Exists normally in the human mouth in low concentrations and safe
proportions. Causes severe ulcerating gingivitis (trench mouth); typically
found in those with poor oral hygiene but can also occur as a result of
stress, cigarette smoking and poor nutrition; also can be found in those
with serious illnesses.
LY 61 Ehrlichia Chaffeensis / Causative agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis.
Human Monocytic

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8036

These Floral Essences provide the positive energy to invigorate the present and prepare for future accomplishment of
body, mind and spirit.

MA 1: Borage
When facing challenge and possible defeat, Borage releases the purposeful awareness that promotes a positive
outcome for all concerned.
MA 2: Calendula
Replaces helpless fury with adequate energy to be answerable for immediate action.
MA3: Cornflower
Confronted with past betrayals by self and others, Cornflower gives the confidence to soar beyond self-imposed
MA 4: Dandelion
Brings the assurance that soothes fear and increases perception.
MA 5: Heartsease Pansy
When indecision is the issue, this essence re-affirms the prompting of one's inner voice and the power of choice.
MA 6: Wild Iris
Through this essence, feelings of un-completeness and separation unblock and transform into an awareness of being
at one with nature- trusting the elements to support creative change.
MA 7: Lilac
Brings attuned congruence of the senses to increase extrasensory perception of now and future time.
MA 8: Nasturtium
When out of harmony with environment or circumstance, Nasturtium encourages a willingness to see objectively and
take appropriate action.
MA 9: Sunflower
Roots in the ground, sturdy and strong, its face following the sun, Sunflower symbolises true enthusiasm and
defuses feelings of stress and deprivation. The Rescue Remedy of the Maui Essences.
MA 10: Wild Rose
Replaces belligerence with the choice to be patient. It transforms the energy of anger into invigoration.
MA 11: Wild Violet
Fosters appreciative attunement - a sensitising of self to others, their beliefs and needs.
MA 12: Yarrow
For those who feel they must force the world to conform to their desire, design and determination. Yarrow releases
repressed grief and guilt to open the way for an awareness of equality and true concern.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
The Maui Florals deal with energy - the fourth dimension - Maui Jewels concern themselves with the fifth dimension,

MA 13: Amethyst
Facilitates the choice to move from fear of loss into assurance through increased self-attunement.

MA 14: Aquamarine
When extra-sensory attunement suffers due to subconscious hostility, Aquamarine defuses the blockage to release
conscious appreciation of (and interest in) what can be perceived beyond the five senses.
MA 15: Emerald
Through its harmonising influence, this essence serves to increase acceptance, a sense of worth, and openness in
present and future time.
MA 16: Lapis Lazuli
When separateness overwhelm us with feelings of desertion, Lapis brings our sense of oneness bubbling back to
body, mind and spirit -intensifying self-awareness, and expressing itself in positive communication.
MA 17: Moonstone
Calms and quiets the deep uncared-for (and unacceptable-to-self) feelings that cut us off from our inner and outer
MA 18: Opal
Brings balance to rigid indifference so that attunement and illumination can take place.
MA 19: Quartz
To the troubled body/mind, this essence provides awareness of choice and the inner power of spirit to produce
concentration and meditative centring.
MA 20: Rose Quartz
When resentment wounds consciousness, Rose Quartz restores and rebalances a sense of being needed.
MA 21: Ruby
Transforms the blocked energy of over-wrought anger into a willingness to consciously prepare the way towards the
highest good of all concerned.
MA 22: Sapphire
Clears obsessive thinking and releases consciousness from the unwelcome bonds of grief, guilt, indifference and
separation so that freedom of choice is possible again.
MA 23: Tiger Eye
For people whose involvement has resulted in deep discouragement, Tiger Eye dissolves the effort to control and
awakens acceptance as the key to harmony.
MA 24: Turquoise
Defuses the bitterness that comes from fear of loss, suppressed anger and unacceptable separation to restore an
assurance of protection, a willingness to prepare, and the calm of knowing oneness with the higher self.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8065

This kit is not designed to replace a consultation with a suitably qualified and knowledgeable herbalist. There is some overlap
between this kit and the Medicinal Herbs For Women test kit and this is reflected in the price of the two kits. My very grateful
appreciation to Christine Herbert, Member of the Association of Master Herbalists (UK), for her help in choosing the herbs to
include, ensuring the correct Latin names were used and that the action of the herbs was properly described.
Code Common Names Latin Names Action
MH01 Agnus Castus / Chaste Vitex agnus castus Hot flushes, and for premenstrual syndrome, period pains and
Berry/ Monks' Pepper teenage acne. Promotes fertility.
MH02 Agrimony Agrimony eupatoria Astringent tonic for digestive system. Pain especially of the urinary
system. Sore throat and gums. Used as an ointment for bruises and
MH03 Berberis /Barberry Berberis vulgaris Digestive problems; gentle liver tonic and laxative.
MH04 Bearberry / Uva-Ursi Arctostaphylos uva- Cystitis and urinary tract infections.
MH05 Burdock Arctium lappa Liver and skin problems. Hot flushes.
MH06 Cascara Segrada Bark Rhamnus purshiana Chronic constipation.
MH07 Chamomile Matricaria recutita and Relaxes nerves and eases digestive complaints. Good for insomnia,
Anthemis nobilis skin rashes and burns, sore throats and menstrual cramps.
MH08 Chickweed Stellaria media Cuts, wounds, itching and skin irritation.
MH09 Cinnamon Cinnanomum sp. May enhance insulin sensitivity; digestive stimulant, may reduce
menstrual bleeding.
MH10 Cleavers / Clivers Galium aparine Mild diuretic and blood and lymph cleanser. Used for psoriasis and
other skin complaints, swollen glands and bladder infections.
MH11 Cramp Bark Viburnum opulus For muscular tension, spasms and cramp. Menstrual cramp and
excessive blood loss during periods.
MH12 Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Strengthens liver function and stimulates digestion. Safe diuretic for
Root & Leaf fluid retention.
MH13 Devil's Claw Procumbens Anti-inflammatory so useful for arthritis, sports injuries, fibromyalgia
harpagophytum and tendonitis.
MH14 Dong Quai (as tincture) Angelica sinensis Hot flushes and menstrual cramps.
MH15 Echinacea / Eastern Echinacea angustifolia Stimulates the immune system and wards off coughs, colds and
Purple Coneflower and E. purpurea other infections. Sinusitis, thrush, urinary tract infection and middle
ear infections.
MH16 Eucalyptus Leaves Eucalyptus globulus Anti-microbial and an expectorant. Gingivitis, fevers and infections,
especially of the respiratory system.
MH17 Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis Mucus membrane problems, catarrh, sinusitis, hay fever,
conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
MH18 Feverfew Tanacetum Migraine headaches. Helps digestion. Pain relief including period
parthenium pains.
MH19 Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo biloba Aids memory and concentration. May slow down the progress of
Alzheimer's disease; lessen depression and anxiety in the elderly.
Coldness in the extremities (Raynaud's disease). Tinnitus, dizziness
(vertigo), leg cramps and chilblains.
MH20 Ginseng Korean Panax ginseng Combats stress, boosts vitality, enhances immunity. May lower
blood sugar levels.
MH21 Ginseng Siberian Eleutherococcus Reduces stress and fatigue. Enhances immune function, reduces
Senticosus cortisol levels and inflammatory response, and it promotes improved
cognitive and physical performance. A female tonic useful for the
MH22 Golden Rod Solidago Virgaurea Upper respiratory problems, sinusitis, hay fever, influenza, flatulence
and cystitis.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Common Names Latin Names Action
MH23 Golden Seal Hydrastis canadensis Mouth ulcers, cold sores and eye infections. Helps digestion and the
immune system.
MH24 Hawthorne Berry Crataegus oxyacantha Heart tonic - high and low blood pressure, angina and anxiety.
MH25 Horse Chestnut Aesculus Varicose veins, haemorrhoids, phlebitis and poor blood circulation.
MH26 Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis Common cold, bronchitis, chronic catarrh.
MH27 Liquorice Glycyrrhiza glabra Benefits the adrenal glands. Catarrh, bronchitis and coughs,
abdominal colic. Hormonal tonic herb.
MH28 Marshmallow Althaea officinalis Soothes mucous membranes, especially those of the digestive and
Leaf & Root urinary system.
MH29 Milk Thistle / Silymarin Silybum marianum Strengthens and repairs the liver. Aids fat metabolism. Helps prevent
gall stones. Skin diseases.
MH30 Mistletoe Viscum album High blood pressure, nervous tachycardia and headaches.
MH31 Mugwort Artemesia vulgaris Digestive stimulant and can help depression and tension. Menstrual
MH32 Nettle Urtica dioica Inflamed joints and arthritis. Eczema and hay fever. Iron deficiency.
MH33 Passion Flower Passiflora incarnata Nerve pains, shingles and insomnia. Calming sedative.
MH34 Pau D'Arco Tabebuia imposignosa Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral particularly for nose, mouth,
throat and digestive system. Immune tonic.
MH35 Peppermint Mentha piperata Digestive relaxant. Irritable bowel and colicky pains.
MH36 Plantain Leaf Plantago major and Anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine - for cuts, bites,
Plantago lanceolata stings and wounds.
MH37 Raspberry Leaf Rubus lidaeus Diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums and sore throats. Uterine
tonic for pregnancy or heavy periods.
MH38 Red Clover Trifolium pratense Eczema and psoriasis, coughs, bronchitis, swollen lymph glands.
Menopausal hot flushes.
MH39 Saw Palmetto Sabal serrulata, Enlarged prostate, male pattern baldness, impotence, frequent night
Serenoa repens time urination.
MH40 Senna Pods Cassia angustifolia Constipation.
MH41 Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora Nervous tension including premenstrual tension. Nervous system
MH42 Slippery Elm Bark Ulma fulva Digestive problems such as gastritis, colitis and ulcers.
MH43 St Johns Wort / Hypericum perforatum Depression and anxiety disorders, seasonal effective disorder.
Hypericum Irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, insomnia, cramps and spasms.
Viral infections.
MH44 Valerian Valeriana officinalis Restlessness, insomnia, migraine, pain, stomach cramps and colic. A
muscle relaxant.
MH45 Vervain Verbena officinalis Depression. Early stages of fevers. Hot flushes. Nerve pains.
MH46 Walnut: Leaves, Bark Juglans regia Skin problems including herpes and eczema. Anti fungal. Gentle
And Hulls laxative.
MH47 White Willow Bark Salix alba Chronic pain and arthritis. May lower fevers. If have aspirin allergy,
may also be allergic to this herb.
MH48 Wild Yam Dioscorea villosa Menstrual cramps and endometriosis. Reduces inflammation.
Digestive colic and pain.
MH49 Yellow Dock Rumex crispus Liver and lymph cleanser. Gentle laxative.
MH50 Yarrow Achillea millefolium Menstrual problems especially heavy periods. Circulatory system
remedy. Fever, flu and colds.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8066

This kit is not designed to replace a consultation with a suitably qualified and knowledgeable herbalist.
There is some overlap between this kit and the Medicinal Herbs For Women test kit and this is reflected in the
price of the two kits.

Code Common Names Latin Names Actions/Common Uses

MHW1 Angelica Angelica archangelica Pelvic congestion. PMS. Low oestrogen. Warming
digestive bitter tonic. Urinary and vaginal irritation.
MHW2 Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa Painful periods, low oestrogen,menopausal hot
flushes, vaginal dryness, PMS with irritability. Can
cause headaches and liver problems - low doses
MHW3 Butchers Broom Ruscus aculeatus Painful & heavy periods, menopause, PMS,
MHW4 Chaste Berry / Vitex agnus castus Regulates oestrogen/progesterone balance. PMS,
Agnus Castus irregular menses, menopausal problems, infertility.
MHW5 Cinnamon Cinnamomum spp. Painful periods, fibroids, endometriosis.
MHW6 Cramp Bark Viburnum opulus Painful and heavy periods. Ovulation pain.
Endometriosis. PCOS. Uterine congestion.
MHW7 Damiana Turnera aphrodisiaca Low libido especially in menopause, inflammatory
uterine problems. PMS. Fibrocystic breasts. Bladder
MHW8 Dong Quai Angelica sinensis General female tonic. Painful periods, uterine
congestion, uterine tonic, PMS. Not to be taken while
menstruating or with heavy periods.
MHW9 Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum Oestrogenic, gentle laxative, warming digestive.
Benefits lactation. Aphrodisiac.
MHW10 Jasmine Jasminium grandiflorum Uterine congestion. Heavy and painful periods.
Aphrodisiac. PMS. Stress, insomnia, anxiety.
MHW11 Lady's Mantle Alchemilla vulgaris Irregular, painful or heavy periods. Fertility.
MHW12 Liquorice Glycyrrhiza glabra Normalises and regulates hormone production.
Adrenal tonic. Not with high blood pressure.
MHW13 Motherwort Leonorus cardiaca Uterine stimulant and sedative. PMS. Menopausal
hot flushes, palpitations.
MHW14 Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris Uterine stimulant. Restores menstrual cycle. Liver
congestion. Warming digestive bitter.
MHW15 Oats Avena sativa Fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, PMS.
MHW16 Paeony Paeonia lactiflora Uterine congestion. Heavy and painful periods. PMS.
Menopausal hot flushes.
MHW17 Pasque Flower Anemone pulsatilla Small doses only. Not long term use. Painful periods.
PMS with depression. Menopausal anxiety, hot
MHW18 Raspberry Leaf Rubus idaeus Uterine tonic. Use in pregnancy and childbirth.
Nutritional especially calcium and iron. Heavy
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Common Names Latin Names Actions/Common Uses
MHW19 Sage Salvia officinalis Low oestrogen, menopausal hot flushes, PMS with
fatigue and irritability, promotes and regulates
menstruation. Can cause headaches - low doses only.
MHW20 Shatavari Asparagus racemosus Uterine tonic. Infertility. Improves lactation.
Menopausal hot flushes, irritability and dryness.
MHW21 Shepherds Purse Capsella bursa pastoris Heavy periods. Post partum bleeding.
MHW22 Siberian Ginseng Eleutherococcus senticosis Balances hormones,regulates menstruation,
infertility, fatigue, stress.
MHW23 Vervain Verbena officinalis Relieves tension and pain – uterine, headaches,
nerves. Promotes menstruation and lactation.
Menopausal hot flushes especially with stress.
MHW24 Wild Yam Dioscorea villosa Hormone balancing. Menstrual problems, infertility,
menopause, endometriosis.
MHW25 Yarrow Achillea millefolium Heavy and painful periods. Post partum bleeding.

My very grateful appreciation to Christine Herbert, Member of the Association of Master Herbalists (UK),
for her help in choosing the herbs to include, ensuring the correct Latin names were used and that the
action of the herbs was properly described.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8037

Code Nutrient Best sources Function Possible deficiencies Possible toxic effects
NT 1 Vitamin A liver, eggs, milk & growth and repair of reduced night vision; headaches;
Retinol dairy products, fish body tissues; bone dry eyes; loss of drowsiness; skin
liver oil, enriched and tooth vision due to gradual changes; anorexia;
margarine formation; vision in damage of cornea; weight loss; muscle
dim light; keeps reduced resistance to pain; chronic liver
mucus membranes infection due to loss disease; itchy and
healthy; protection of integrity of skin flakey skin; loss of
from some cancers and mucus body hair; brittle
membranes; follicular nails; increased risk
hyperkeratosis of birth defects in
pregnant women
NT 2 VitaminB1 wheat germ, yeast, carbohydrate tiredness;
Thiamin liver, whole grains, metabolism; depression;
nuts, oranges, fish, appetite irritability; inability to
poultry, beans, pork maintenance; nerve concentrate; poor
function; growth memory; muscle
and muscle tone weakness;
numbness and
tingling in hands and
feet; reduced pain
tolerance; disturbed
sleep; poor growth in
NT 3 Vitamin B2 fortified breakfast fat; carbohydrate sore tongue and lips;
Riboflavin cereals, meat, eggs, and protein cracks in skin around
green leafy metabolism; nose and mouth; eye
vegetables, offal formation of irritation; burning
antibodies and red feet; red and greasy
blood cells skin but also dryness
and flaking; scrotal
and vulval dermatitis
NT 4 Vitamin B3 meat, poultry, fish, fat, carbohydrate irritability; flushing; peptic
Niacin, liver, milk products, and protein headaches; poor ulcers; liver
nicotinic acid, peanuts, almonds, metabolism; health memory; emotional dysfunction; gout;
nicotinamide potatoes, yeast of skin, tongue and instability; redness, arrhythmia;
extract digestive system; scaling & hyperglycaemia
blood circulation pigmentation of skin
niacin can be in light-exposed
synthesised from areas; sore & fissured
tryptophan tongue; diarrhoea
NT 5 Vitamin B5 meat, whole grains, converts nutrients tiredness; headaches;
Pantothenic legumes, yeast into energy; weakness; emotional
Acid formation of some swings; muscle
fats; vitamin cramps; nausea

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Nutrient Best sources Function Possible deficiencies Possible toxic effects
NT 6 Vitamin B6 fish, poultry, fat, carbohydrate exacerbates anaemia; impairment of sensory
Pyridoxine lean meat, nuts, and protein irritability; nerve function;
pulses, whole metabolism; nervousness; diminished tendon
grain cereals formation of insomnia; seborrhoeic reflexes; numbness
antibodies; dermatitis on face; and loss of
maintains sodium/ acne-like rash on sensations in hands
potassium balance forehead; red and and feet; difficulty in
greasy skin but also walking
dryness and flaking;
sore tongue;
prominent taste

increased requirement
premenstrually and
for those on the
contraceptive pill
NT 7 Vitamin B12 offal, eggs, milk, fat, carbohydrate mental confusion;
Cyanoco-balamin oily fish, cheese and protein tiredness; pale skin;
metabolism; recurrent mouth
maintains health of ulcers
nervous system;
blood cell pernicious anaemia
formation; folate usually involves lack
synthesis of intrinsic factor for
absorption of B12

NT 8 Biotin yeast, offal, fat, carbohydrate Scaly dermatitis;

Vitamin H eggs, milk, and protein tiredness; weakness;
cheese metabolism; helps severe cradle cap in
utilise B vitamins. infants

long term antibiotic

use can cause
NT 9 Choline widely available; part of formation of none specific
can be acetyl-choline;
synthesised emulsifies fats
from glycine

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Nutrient Best sources Function Possible deficiencies Possible toxic effects
NT 10 Folic Acid green leafy red blood cell megaloblastic insomnia, irritability
vegetables, formation; protein anaemia; neural tube
offal, melons, metabolism; growth defects where
pumpkins, and cell division mother’s intake not
beans, carrots, adequate; poor
egg yolk, growth in children;
apricots, cracks at corners of
avocado. mouth; painful sore
tongue; mouth ulcers;

requirements in
women taking
contraceptive pill
NT 11 Vitamin C citrus fruit, helps heal wounds; scurvy; poor wound kidney stones
Ascorbic Acid nectarines, strengthens blood healing; lowered because of increased
melons, vessels; collagen resistance to excretion of water and
vegetables, maintenance; infection; bleeding oxolate; impairment of
tomatoes, resistance to gums; fragile white cell function;
potatoes infection; required capillaries; damage to decreased B12 and
for production of bone & connective increased iron
adrenal hormones; tissue; dry and scaly absorption
helps detoxification skin; dandruff
and excretion of a
wide range of toxic
chemicals asprin, barbiturates,
corticosteroids, and
tetracycline drugs
increase excretion
NT 12 Vitamin D2 Often used in calcium and inadequate hypercalcaemia; renal
Ergocalciferol supplements; phosphorus calcification of bones; stones;
made in body metabolism (bone skeletal deformity, hypertension;
when skin formation); heart migraine, hearing loss excessive thirst;
exposed to action; nervous diarrhoea; nausea;
sunlight system maintenance weakness
NT 13 Vitamin D3 oily fish, egg calcium and inadequate hypercalcaemia; renal
Cholecalciferol yolks, offal, phosphorus calcification of bones; stones;
fortified metabolism (bone skeletal deformity, hypertension;
margarine; made formation); heart psoriasis, migraine, excessive thirst;
in body when action; nervous hearing loss diarrhoea; nausea;
skin exposed to system maintenance weakness

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Nutrient Best sources Function Possible deficiencies Possible toxic effects
NT 14 Vitamin E vegetable oils, protects membrane increased risk of raised blood
Tocopherol green and red blood cells; coronary heart pressure;
vegetables, inhibits disease and some minor gastrointestinal
wheat germ, coagulation of cancers; acceleration upsets
offal, eggs blood; protects fat of some degenerative
soluble vitamins; diseases (e.g.
cellular respiration; cataracts, rheumatoid
protects cells from arthritis);
free radical damage acceleration of
menopausal hot
flushes; reducing
NT 15 Vitamin K1 green leafy important in increased blood prolonged clotting
Phylloquinone vegetables, formation of blood clotting time, time
fruits, cereals clotting agents, haemorrhagic disease
involved in energy in new born which
synthesised in metabolism, protein can be fatal
gut formation in bone
tissue broad spectrum
antibiotics destroy
the gut flora which
make vitamin K
NT 16 Vitamin K2 dairy products, important in increased blood prolonged clotting
Menaquinone meat, in bacteria formation of blood clotting time, time
clotting agents, haemorrhagic disease
synthesised in involved in energy in new born which
gut metabolism, protein can be fatal
formation in bone
tissue broad spectrum
antibiotics destroy
the gut flora which
make vitamin K
NT 17 Vitamin K3 dairy products, important in increased blood prolonged clotting
Menadione meat formation of blood clotting time, time
clotting agents, haemorrhagic disease
synthesised in involved in energy in new born which
gut metabolism, protein can be fatal
formation in bone
tissue broad spectrum
antibiotics destroy
the gut flora which
make vitamin K

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Nutrient Best sources Function Possible deficiencies Possible toxic effects
NT 18 Arachidonic Acid can be formed omega 6 series inflammation, blood
from linoleic acid polyunsaturated vessel constriction,
fatty acid, precursor blood pressure,
of prostoglandins arthritis, pain, blood
and leukotrienes clotting, allergies,
asthma, eczema,
psoriasis, dry skin,
migraine, fertility,
PMT (especially
breast tenderness),
dry eye syndrome,
behavioural problems
NT 19 Eicosapentaenoic fish oils, flax omega 3 series inflammation, blood
Acid seed oil, polyunsaturated clotting, rheumatoid
pumpkin seeds fatty acid arthritis, behavioural
problems, muscle
weakness, visual
NT 20 Linoleic Acid omega 6 series inflammation, blood
polyunsaturated vessel constriction,
fatty acid, precursor blood pressure,
of prostoglandins arthritis, pain, blood
and leukotrienes clotting, allergies,
asthma, eczema,
psoriasis, dry skin,
migraine, fertility,
PMT (especially
breast tenderness),
dry eye syndrome,
behavioural problems
NT 21 Linolenic Acid omega 6 series inflammation, blood
polyunsaturated vessel constriction,
fatty acid, precursor blood pressure,
of prostoglandins arthritis, pain, blood
and leukotrienes clotting, allergies,
asthma, eczema,
psoriasis, dry skin,
migraine, fertility,
PMT (especially
breast tenderness),
dry eye syndrome,
behavioural problems

World Cancer Research Fund WCRF Guide to Vitamins (leaflet)

Anthony Leeds et al Nutrition Matters for Practice Nurses
Proof Winter 1996/97
Briony Thomas Nutrition in Primary Care
Dr Stephen Davies & Dr Alan Stewart Nutritional Medicine
Linda Lazarides The Nutritional Health Bible
Thomas A Scott & E Ian Mercer Concise Encyclopedia Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8073

Code Name Comments

NT 22 5-Hydroxytryptophan / 5 HTP / Oxitriptan Involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitters

serotonin and melatonin from tryptophan.
NT 23 Alpha Lipoic Acid / ALA Found in every cell of the body. It is an antioxidant that
can work in both water and fat, and is used by the body
to neutralise free radicals. May help metabolic
syndrome and insulin resistance, enabling insulin to
work more effectively in the body.
NT 24 Beta Carotene / Provitamin A / 160a A red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruits.
Can be converted in the body into Vitamin A. Used as a
natural food colouring (usually extracted using hexane).
NT 25 Betaine Hydrochloride Supports digestive system when stomach acid is low.

NT 26 Bromelain Extracted from pineapples. Aids protein digestion. Also

used to reduce inflammation associated with infection
and injuries. Can be used in cooking as a meat
NT 27 Capsules, Gelatin gelatin is derived by boiling animal bones, hooves,
tendons, etc. Glycerine may be added to soften the
capsule shell.
NT 28 Capsules, Vegetarian Made from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
NT 29 Coenzyme Q10 / Ubiquinone / A vitamin-like substance that is present in all human
Ubidecarenone cells and is responsible in part for the production of the
body's own energy. Body's production declines with
age, so may lead to increased tiredness. Shortage
associated with gum disease and heart problems. May
have important role in Alzheimer's, migraine and
Parkinson disease. People with heart problems and the
obese may have low levels.
NT 30 Conjugated Linoleic Acid /CLA Found mainly in the meat and dairy products. May have
anti-cancer properties. May have a positive effect on
weight management through a reduction in total body
fat and an increase in lean body mass.
NT 31 Creatine A component of skeletal muscle. Produced in the
human body from amino acids primarily in the kidney
and liver. Used by sports people to gain muscle mass.
NT 32 Curcumin / E100 Responsible for the yellow colour and beneficial effect
of turmeric. May be beneficial for irritable bowel
syndrome, ulcerative colitis and arthritis. It has been
shown to be particularly useful if you suffer from
shoulder, knee and elbow pain and stiffness.
NT 33 Docosahexaenoic Acid / DHA An omega-3 fatty acid. From fish oils and commercially
manufactured from microalgae. May reduce the risk of
heart disease. Below-normal levels associated with
Alzheimer's disease.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Comments

NT 34 Fructooligosaccharides / FOS / Extracted from fruits and vegetable. Helps keep the
Oligofructose / Oligofructan stools soft and easy to pass and stimulates the growth
of friendly bacteria through its prebiotic effect.
Promotes calcium absorption in the gut.
NT 35 Glucosamine Hydrochloride An essential role in the repair of cartilage in the joints.
No major food sources except for crabs, oysters and the
shells of prawns. This form of glucosamine is from
corn/maize vegetables that undergo a special
fermentation process.
NT 36 Inulin Belongs to a class of fibres known as fructans. Can be
used to replace sugar, fat, and flour particularly in
reduced calorie products. Also sold as a supplement.
Increases calcium absorption and possibly magnesium
absorption, while promoting the growth of intestinal
NT 37 Lutein / Xanthophyll Found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and
kale. Also found in egg yolks and animal fats. High
levels in the retina. Used to improve eye health. Can
cause bronzing of the skin.
NT 38 Lycopene / E160d Phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits
and vegetables. Used as a natural food colouring
(E160d). May protect against cancer and cardiovascular
NT 39 Magnesium Silicate / Talc / Florisil Used as a coating on tablets. Also used in paper
making, plastic, paint and coatings, rubber, food,
electric cable, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, ceramics, etc.
NT 40 Methylsulphonylmethane / MSM / A key component of cartilage and plays an important
DMSO2 / Methyl Sulfone / Dimethyl part in joint health.

NT 41 Papain / Papaya Proteinase I A digestive enzyme from papaya. Used to aid digestion.
NT 42 Psyllium Husks / Plantago Ovta A source of fibre, so bulk up stools and help with
NT 43 Quercetin Inhibits the production and release of histamine, which
is involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions.
NT 44 Resveratrol Found naturally in grapes, red wine, purple grape juice,
peanuts, and some berries. May be beneficial for the
heart and have anti-cancer properties.
NT 45 Superoxide Dismutase / SOD An enzyme that promotes the rejuvenation and repair of
cells, while reducing the damages caused by free
NT 46 Vitamin B17 / Laetrile / Amygdalin Originally isolated from bitter almond. Has been used as
a naturopathic cancer treatment, but is greeted with
scepticism by mainstream scientific/medical community.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
PARASITE TEST KIT 1 (31 vials)
Product Code 8038

Parasite: “any organism living in or on any other living creature and deriving advantage from doing so, while
causing disadvantage to the host”
BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia

Parasites are commonly acquired by eating contaminated meat, swallowing eggs on food, contaminating fingers
with faecal material or through contact with infected water.

Categories of parasites
Parasites are divided into the following categories:

1. flatworms (also called platyhelminths)

a) tapeworms (also called cestodes)
b) flukes (also called trematodes)
2. roundworms
a) threadworms
b) pinworms
c) hookworms

Life stages
Roundworms: egg → larva → adult
Tapeworms: egg → larva → encased by body in a cyst → adult
Fluke: egg → miracidia → redia → cercaria → metacercaria → adult

Scolex = part of tapeworm attached by suckers and hooks to gut wall of host; sometimes called head
Proglottides = segment-like units of the tapeworm body which, when mature, leave the gut of the primary host in
the faeces; they are budded off from the scolex

Latin name common name symptoms comments

PA 1 Ancylostoma hookworm damage to intestinal tropical parasite; usual host is
Caninum walls, anemia, itchy skin, dogs
dizziness, pneumonitis,
PA 2 Ancylostoma, Egg hookworm tropical parasite; picked up from
working barefoot amongst
faeces or eating contaminated
PA 3 Ancylostoma, Female hookworm tropical parasite; picked up from
working barefoot amongst
faeces or eating contaminated
PA 4 Ascaris, Female human roundworm sometimes asymptomatic; the most common worm
urticaria; mild to acute infection world wide, particularly
colicky pain with in developing countries;
distension; reduced commonly found in dogs and
appetite; larvae in lungs cats
can provoke pneumonia

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Latin name common name symptoms comments
PA 5 Ascaris, Male human roundworm sometimes asymptomatic; the most common worm
commonly found in cats urticaria; mild to acute infection world wide, particularly
and dogs colicky pain with in developing countries
distension; reduced
appetite; larvae in lungs
can provoke pneumonia
PA 6 Cimex bed bug itchy, painful bites which lives in plaster, walls, furniture,
can lead to bacterial bed frames
PA 7 Clonorchis Sinensis human oriental liver fluke chronic liver disease; widespread in China, Japan,
death if left untreated Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam; via
domestic dogs and cats
PA 8 Culex Imago, Female gnat/ mosquito

PA 9 Dipylidium, Scolex tapeworm grows in segments; the end can

Mature & Gravid be uterus packed with eggs
PA 10 Echinococcus tapeworm affects liver, lungs, brain from sheep and cattle
Granulosus and bones
PA 11 Enterobius threadworm often cause itching of the the most common worm
Vermicularis anus; may provoke infection in U.K. ; lives in upper
appendicitis part of large intestine; children
particularly affected
PA 12 Fasciola liver fluke
PA 13 Fasciola, Cercaria liver fluke mainly lives in liver of sheep

PA 14 Fasciola, Egg liver fluke mainly in liver of sheep

PA 15 Fasiola, Redia liver fluke

PA 16 Necator Americanus, hookworm symptoms can include common infection in the
Eggs coughing and wheezing, Americas, sub-Saharan Africa,
but may be asymptomatic South Asia and the Pacific
PA 17 Onchocerca Volvulus filarial worm Asymptomatic until worm predominantly Africa, but also
dies when causes South America and Yemen
inflammation and itching
PA 18 Paragonimus lung fluke coughing, chest pains, most important lung fluke
Westermani, fever, night sweats affecting humans, widespread in
Eggs the Far East and SE Asia
PA 19 Pediculus Humanus lice itching can spread other diseases such
Capitis as typhus and trench fever
PA 20 Schistosoma blood fluke common tropical fluke,
Mansoni, Adult responsible for bilharzia, found
Female in Africa, parts of S. America,
the Caribbean and Arabia
PA 21 Schistosoma blood fluke common tropical fluke,
Mansoni, Cercariae responsible for bilharzia, found
in Africa, parts of S. America,
the Caribbean and Arabia
PA 22 Schistosoma blood fluke common tropical fluke,
Mansoni, Egg responsible for bilharzia, found
in Africa, parts of S. America,
the Caribbean and Arabia
PA 23 Schistosoma blood fluke common tropical fluke,
Mansoni, Miracidia responsible for bilharzia, found
in Africa, parts of S. America,
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Latin name common name symptoms comments
the Caribbean and Arabia
PA 24 Taenia, Scolex tapeworm hunger, weakness, from eating uncooked meat;
weight loss common in tropical countries
PA 25 Taenia, Scolex tapeworm hunger, weakness, from eating uncooked meat;
Immature, Mature & weight loss common in tropical countries
Gravid Proglottids
PA 26 Trichinella Spiralis, intestinal nematode/ abdominal pain and found in Europe, sub-Saharan
Encysted Larvae pork-worm diarrhoea followed by Africa and the Arctic, main
muscle and joint pain and sources are undercooked pork
fever and wild meat
PA 27 Trichinella Spiralis, intestinal nematode/ abdominal pain and found in Europe, sub-Saharan
Female pork-worm diarrhoea followed by Africa and the Arctic, main
muscle and joint pain and sources are undercooked pork
fever and wild meat
PA 28 Trichinella Spiralis, intestinal nematode/ abdominal pain and found in Europe, sub-Saharan
Male pork-worm diarrhoea followed by Africa and the Arctic, main
muscle and joint pain and sources are undercooked pork
fever and wild meat
PA 29 Trichuris Trichiura whipworm asymptomatic but can world-wide distribution
cause dysentery-like
PA 30 Trichuris Trichiura, whipworm asymptomatic but can world-wide distribution
Egg cause dysentery-like
PA 31 Xenopsylla Cheopsis rat flea transmits plague, typhus and
two tape worms

B. K. Mandal et al Infectious Diseases
D.R. Bell Tropical Medicine
M. Thain & M. Hickman Penguin Dictionary of Biology
Miranda Linden Welton has also contributed information.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
PARASITE TEST KIT 2 (35 vials)
Product Code 8039

Parasite: “any organism living in or on any other living creature and deriving advantage from doing so, while
causing disadvantage to the host”
BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia

Parasites are commonly acquired by eating contaminated meat, swallowing eggs on food, contaminating fingers
with faecal material or through contact with infected water.

Categories of parasites
Parasites are divided into the following categories:

3. flatworms (also called platyhelminths)

a) tapeworms (also called cestodes)
b) flukes (also called trematodes)
4. roundworms
a) threadworms
b) pinworms
c) hookworms

Life stages
Roundworms: egg → larva → adult
Tapeworms: egg → larva → encased by body in a cyst → adult
Fluke: egg → miracidia → redia → cercaria → metacercaria → adult

Scolex = part of tapeworm attached by suckers and hooks to gut wall of host; sometimes called head
Proglottides = segment-like units of the tapeworm body which, when mature, leave the gut of the primary host in
the faeces; they are budded off from the scolex.

Latin Name Common Names Symptoms Comments

PA2 32 Amblyomma lone star tick a major carrier of Rocky Mountain
Americanum spotted fever and Lyme disease
PA2 33 Ancylostoma human hookworm severe skin itching
PA2 34 Ancylostoma human hookworm itching, gastrointestinal common in north Africa, northern
Duodenale, Male bleeding, iron deficiency India, northern parts of the Far
East and the Andean region of
South America
PA2 35 Ascaris human roundworm sometimes asymptomatic; commonly found in cats and dogs
Lumbricoides, Eggs urticaria; mild to acute
colicky pain with distension;
reduced appetite; larvae in
lungs can provoke
PA2 36 Blastocystis Hominis watery or loose stools, common microscopic parasitic
diarrhea, abdominal pain, organism found throughout the
anal itching, weight loss, and world

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Latin Name Common Names Symptoms Comments
excess gas
PA2 37 Chilomastix Mesnili, an amoeba found in intestine viewed as harmless by the medical
Cysts profession
PA2 38 Chilomastix Mesnili, an amoeba found in intestine viewed as harmless by the medical
Trophozoites profession
PA2 39 Clonorchis Sinensis, human oriental liver chronic liver disease; death widespread in China, Japan,
Eggs fluke if left untreated Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam; via
domestic dogs and cats
PA2 40 Ctenocephalides cat flea
Felis, Adult
PA2 41 Dermacentor tick which carries Rocky
Andersoni, Nymph Mountain fever
PA2 42 Dermacentor American dog tick transmits spotted fever; carries
Variabilis, Male Lyme disease bacteria, but unclear
if can transmit it to humans
PA2 43 Dientamoeba Fragilis found in large intestine;
abdominal pain, gas and mild
PA2 44 Diphyllobothrium, broadfish tapeworm found in small intestine from prevalent in Scandanavia and
Eggs eating raw or undercooked around American Great Lakes
PA2 45 Dirofilaria Immitis dog heartworm in dogs & cats, rarely in humans
PA2 46 Endolimax Nana, Cyst an amoeba found in intestine viewed as harmless by the medical
PA2 47 Enterobius threadworm often cause itching of the the most common worm infection
Vermicularis, Eggs anus; may provoke in U.K. ; children particularly
appendicitis; lives in upper affected
part of large intestine
PA2 48 Fasciolopsis Buski, chronic infections may lead found in S E Asia
Eggs to inflammation, ulceration,
hemorrhage, and abscesses
of the small intestine
PA2 49 Hymenolepis Nana / dwarf tapeworm often no symptoms; a particular problem in humans in
Vampirolepis Nana, headaches, dizziness, areas of high population density
Eggs anorexia, abdominal pain, and close contact, and where
diarrhea sanitary conditions are poor; most
common tapeworm worldwide
PA2 50 Isospora, Oocysts infection causes acute, non
bloody diarrhea with crampy
abdominal pain, which can
last for weeks and result in
malabsorption and weight
PA2 51 Necator Americanus, new world symptoms can include common infection in the
Adult hookworm coughing and wheezing, but Americas, sub-Saharan Africa,
may be asymptomatic South Asia and the Pacific
PA2 52 Necator Americanus, new world symptoms can include common infection in the
Infective Larvae hookworm coughing and wheezing, but Americas, sub-Saharan Africa,
may be asymptomatic South Asia and the Pacific
PA2 53 Paragonimus oriental lung fluke coughing, chest pains, fever, most important lung fluke
Westermanii, Adult night sweats affecting humans, widespread in
the Far East and SE Asia
PA2 54 Paragonimus oriental lung fluke coughing, chest pains, fever, most important lung fluke
Westermanii, Cercaria night sweats affecting humans, widespread in
the Far East and SE Asia
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Latin Name Common Names Symptoms Comments
PA2 55 Paragonimus oriental lung fluke coughing, chest pains, fever, most important lung fluke
Westermanii, night sweats affecting humans, widespread in
Metacercaria the Far East and SE Asia
PA2 56 Paragonimus oriental lung fluke coughing, chest pains, fever, most important lung fluke
Westermanii, Redia night sweats affecting humans, widespread in
the Far East and SE Asia
PA2 57 Pulex Irritans, Adult human flea common flea

PA2 58 Sarcoptes Scabiel itch mite, mange scabies

PA2 59 Schistosoma blood fluke urinary tract infection, found in Africa and Middle East
Haematobium, Eggs bilharzia
PA2 60 Schistosoma blood fluke urinary tract infection, found in Africa and Middle East
Haematobium, Female bilharzia
PA2 61 Schistosoma blood fluke fever, bloody diarrhoea, found in Far East, but eradicated
Japonicum, Eggs bilharzia in Japan
PA2 62 Schistosoma blood fluke fever, bloody diarrhoea, found in Far East, but eradicated
Japonicum, Male bilharzia in Japan
PA2 63 Schistisoma Mansoni, blood fluke bilharzia found in Africa, parts of S.
Male America, the Caribbean and
PA2 64 Strongyloides often asymptomatic, but tropical and subtropical countries,
Parasitic, Female heavy infestation leads to particularly South East Asia,
bloody diarrhoea, anaemia Brazil and Columbia
and abdominal pain
PA2 65 Strongyloides, Larvae often asymptomatic, but tropical and subtropical countries,
heavy infestation leads to particularly South East Asia,
bloody diarrhoea, anaemia Brazil and Columbia
and abdominal pain
PA2 66 Toxocara, Eggs cat and dog permanent partial loss of spread from dogs and cats
roundworm vision; heavier, or repeated
can lead to fever, coughing,
asthma, or pneumonia

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:

There are some important omissions from these test kits. This is usually because a suitable sample was not
available from which to make the test vials.

These kits are not intended for diagnosis of medical conditions.

Testing may indicate a vial for various reasons:

- A diseased tissue may be indicated, even though the disease is not present, because the test kits do not
contain a suitable example of a healthy tissue

- A vial may be indicated, not because it is wanted in its entirety, but because it contains a particular cellor
cells, e.g. there are various types of epithelium (the lining of organs etc), so testing may indicate a particular
organ, not because that organ is in any way defective, but because the sample contains a particular type of
epithelium tissue

- The exact match is not available, so the energy system is choosing the nearest match

- A chronic disease vial may be indicated, not because the person has that disease but because they have the
miasm / inherited taint represented by the chronic disease, e.g. the tubercular and syphilitic miasms are well
known among homeopaths; these do not indicate the presence of the disease, but indicate a chronic
tendency to manifest particular symptoms: the person with a tubercular miasm is always nervous and tired;
the person with the syphilitic miasm tends to be sulky, depressed and stupid, with problems with teeth and
bones, etc. (Consult homeopathic texts for more information on this. A Study Course In Homeopathy by
Phyllis Speight offers an excellent introduction to this fascinating topic.)

References For The Pathology/Histology Kits:

British Medical Association The BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopedia
Gerard Tortora and Sandra Reynolds Grabowski Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary
William A R Thompson Black’s Medical Dictionary
Many web sites including: (this was particularly useful) (this was particularly useful)

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:

There are many cancer vials within the Pathology/Histology kits. So here are some general comments:

Cancer can be defined as a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control. Cancer cells can
invade nearby tissues and can spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body.

- Although people will often talk about ‘breast cancer’ or ‘renal cancer’, there are usually several different
types of cancers that can occur within any organ; their treatment and prognosis may be completely

- There are various general terms that mean cancer but these are not inter-changeable, as they refer to
cancer of a particular tissue type, e.g.
o ‘sarcomas’ are cancers of connective tissue, cartilage, bone, muscle
o ‘carcinomas’ are cancers of epithelial cells (cells lining organs)
o ‘adenocarcinomas’ are cancers of glandular cells
o ‘adenomas’ are benign, non-cancerous tumours

- Secondary cancer is when a cancer has spread from one type of tissue to another (via the blood streamor
the lymphatic system). This process is called ‘metastatising’. One of the most important things to
recognise about secondary cancers is that the cancer cells in the secondary site look and behave like
cancer cells in the primary site, so, for example, if lung cancer (primary) has spread to the bones
(secondary), the person will have lung cancer cells in the bones and not bone cancer cells.

- The term ‘in situ’ means that the cancer has not spread to other tissues.

- The term ‘tumour / tumor’ refers to an abnormal mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division.
Tumours perform no useful body function. They may either be benign (not cancerous) or malignant

The 17 kits are:

Pathology/Histology 1: Respiratory System

Pathology /Histology 2: Lower Digestive System
Pathology /Histology 3: Upper Digestive System
Pathology /Histology 4: Endocrine System
Pathology /Histology 5: Gallbladder and Liver
Pathology /Histology 6: Brain and Nervous System
Pathology /Histology 7: Skeletal System
Pathology /Histology 8: Muscle and Connective Tissue
Pathology /Histology 9: Urinary System
Pathology /Histology 10: Lymph, Blood and Immune System
Pathology /Histology 11: Circulatory System
Pathology /Histology 12: Reproductive Female Breast only
Pathology /Histology 13: Reproductive Female
Pathology /Histology 14: Reproductive Male
Pathology /Histology 15: Neonatal and Pregnancy
Pathology /Histology 16: Eyes, Nose, Ears, Mouth
Pathology /Histology 17: Skin

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8041

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH101 Bronchitis, Chronic Inflammation of one or more bronchi,
usually secondary to infection
PH102 Broncho-Pneumonia Bronchial Pneumonia, Inflammation of the lungs which
Bronchoalveolitis, usually begins in the terminal
Bronchopneumonitis, Lobular bronchioles
PH103 Carcinoma, Malignant tumour of the bronchioles
Bronchoalveolar and alveoli in the lungs
PH104 Diphtheria, Larynx The voice box showing changes
brought about by diphtheria (acute
contagious bacterial infection marked
by the formation of a false membrane
in the throat and other air passages
causing difficulty in breathing)
PH105 Emphysema A lung condition featuring an
abnormal accumulation of air in the
lung's many tiny air sacs (alveoli),
leading to abnormally large air spaces,
lack of lung elasticity and scarring
PH106 Giant Cell Carcinoma A variant of large cell carcinoma that is
particularly aggressive
PH107 Influenza, Lung An acute highly contagious virus
disease that is caused by various
strains of orthomyxoviruses;
symptoms include fever, prostration,
severe aches and pains, and
progressive inflammation of the
respiratory mucous membrane
PH108 Large Cell Carcinoma, Cancer originating in the peripheral
Lung part of the lung; the cells are large and
look abnormal under a microscope
PH109 Lung Main organ of respiration, lying either
side of heart
PH110 Lung Cancer, Secondary lung cancer as a result of
Secondary, Unknown cancer metastasising from an unknown
Primary site
PH111 Lung, Heart Failure Congestion of the blood vessels in the
lungs due to some defect in the
pumping action of the heart
PH112 Oedema, Lung Odema Fluid accumulation in the lungs
PH113 Pleural Endothelioma, A malignant tumour which is formed
Malignant from tissues of the serous membranes
covering the lungs
PH114 Pleurisy, Acute Inflammation of the pleura (protective
membrane of lung)
PH115 Pneumonia An infection that occurs when fluid
and cells collect in the lung
PH116 Pulmonary Bland A new infarct (an area of tissue death
Infarct, New due to a local lack of oxygen), without
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
any sign of infection
PH117 Pulmonary Lung tissue showing evidence of
Hypertension, Lung abnormally elevated blood pressure
within the pulmonary circuit
PH118 Small Cell Carcinoma Bronchogenic Cancer, Lung Cancer, A fast-growing, malignant tumor of the
Oat Cell Cancer lungs
PH119 Smoker's Lung Lung showing changes brought about
by smoking cigarettes
PH120 Squamous Cell This cancer forms in cells lining the
Carcinoma airways; most common lung cancer in
PH121 Streptococci In Lung Lung tissue showing evidence of
infection with strep bacteria
PH122 Trachea Airway that leads from the larynx to
the lungs
PH123 Tuberculosis, Lung Chronic disease that is caused by the
tubercle bacillus and by
mycobacterium bovis
PH124 Tuberculosis, With Tuberculosis evident in the cavity in
Bacteria, Pulmonary which the lungs are situated
PH125 Venous Congestion, Overfilling and distention of the veins
Chronic, Lung with blood as a result of mechanical
obstruction or heart problems

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
(Lower Digestive System Test Kit: Colon, Rectum And Appendix)
Product Code 8042

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH201 Adenocarcinoma, Colon A malignant tumor originating in glandular
epithelium of the colon; the main type of colon
PH202 Adenocarcinoma, A malignant tumor originating in the glandular
Mucinous, Colon tissue of the colon; the cancer cells secrete
significant amounts of mucin
PH203 Adenoma With Lymphoma, A benign and a cancerous tumour in the colon
PH204 Adenomatous Polyp With A polyp that consists of abnormal but benign
Cancer, Colon tissue growth, derived from glandular
PH205 Amoebic Colitis, Colon Diarrhoea, inflammation and ulceration of the
colon, as a result of infection with entamoeba
PH206 Appendicitis, Acute Inflammation of the vermiform appendix
PH207 Appendicitis, Chronic Inflammation of the vermiform appendix
Obliterative inflammation of the vermiform appendix with
collapse of some tissues
PH208 Appendicitis, Mucoid Degenerative disease of appendix, with excess
Degeneration With Fatty amounts of fat
Infiltration Of Submucosa
PH209 Appendicitis, Necrotic Inflammation of the vermiform appendix with
dying tissue
PH210 Carcinoid Tumour, Appendix A tumour which secretes excessive amounts of
the hormone serotonin (90% found in
PH211 Carcinoma, Mucoid, Fat In Colorectal Cancer A malignant tumour arising from the cells lining
Sub-Mucosa, Rectum the rectum, secreting significant amounts of
mucin, with fat in the connective tissue
PH212 Colitis, Chronic, Colon Chronic inflammation of the colon
PH213 Colon The part of the large intestine that extends from
the end of the small intestine to the rectum
PH214 Colon Wall With Colon wall showing presence of balantidium
Balantidium Coli coli, a parasite usually harmless in man but may
invade and ulcerate the intestinal wall,
producing a colitis resembling amoebic

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH215 Dysentery, Amoebic, Colon Colon wall showing presence of entamoeba
histolytica, with ulcerative inflammation
PH216 Dysentery, Bacillary,Colon An infection of the bowel caused by a
bacterium called shigella
PH217 Endometriosis, Colon The presence and growth of functioning
ovarian endometrial tissue in the colon s that
often results in severe pain and infertility
PH218 Juvenile Polyp, Colon A smoothly rounded mucosal hamartoma
which may be multiple and cause rectal
bleeding, especially in the first decade of life;
not pre-cancerous
PH219 Leiomyoma, Colon A benign tumor consisting of smooth muscle
PH220 Melanoma, Degenerative, A malignant tumour of the rectum
PH221 Papilloma, Colon Benign tumour originating in epithelial cells of
the colon
PH222 Papilloma, Rectum Benign tumour of epithelium of the rectum
PH223 Rectal Smear A smear taken from the rectum, containing
faeces, bacteria etc.
PH224 Rectum The last part of the large intestine
PH225 Tuberculous Lesions, Colon Abnormal changes in the colon as a result of
PH226 Ulcerative Colitis, Colon Chronic inflammation of the colon that
produces ulcers in its lining; symptoms include
abdominal pain, cramps, and loose discharges
of pus, blood, and mucus from the bowel
PH227 Vasculitis, Chronic, Colon Chronic Angiitis Chronic inflammation of a blood or lymph
Wall vessel of the bowel wall
PH228 Vasculitis, Colon Wall Angiitis Inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel of the
bowel wall

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
(Stomach, Small Intestine and Esophagus)
Product Code 8043

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH301 Adenocarcinoma, Cancer arising from glandular tissue in
Mucinous, Stomach the stomach; the cancer cells produce
mucin in significant amounts
PH302 Adenocarcinoma, Gastric Cancer, Gastric Carcinoma, Cancer arising from glandular tissue in
Stomach Stomach Cancer the stomach
PH303 Barrett's Disease With A condition in which the cells lining
Severe Dysplasia, the lower part of the esophagus have
Esophagus changed or been replaced with many
abnormal cells that could lead to
cancer of the esophagus
PH304 Carcinoma, Mucinous, Colloid Carcinoma Of Stomach Cancer that began in the tissues that
Stomach line the stomach; the cancer cells
secrete conspicuous quantities of
PH305 Carcinoma, Small Cancer that began in the tissues that
Intestine line the small intestine
PH306 Celiac Disease Sprue, Coeliac Disease An inherited disease where the
intestinal lining is inflamed in response
to a protein known as gluten
PH307 Crohn's Disease, Small Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Inflammation and ulceration and
Intestine Regional Enteritis, Ileitis; thickening of wall as a result of a
Granulomatous Ileocolitis chronic autoimmune disease
PH308 Duodenum The first part of the small intestine
connecting the stomach and the ileum
PH309 Enterititis, Subacute Inflammation of the small intestine,
with characteristics between acute and
PH310 Esophagus The muscular tube through which food
passes from the throat to the stomach
PH311 Esophagus - Viral Changes in the tissue of the
Changes And Fungus esophagus brought about by viral and
(HIV Positive) fungal infections in someone who is
HIV positive
PH312 Esophagus, Middle Eosophagus Middle region of the tube connecting
Region the pharynx and the stomach
PH313 Gastritis With Inflammation of the stomach with the
Helicobacter, Stomach bacterium helicobacter present

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH314 Gastritis, Acute And Inflammation of the stomach, showing
Chronic, Stomach both acute and chronic changes
PH315 Gastritis, Early Inflammation of the stomach, showing
Hypertrophic early signs of increase in cell size
PH316 Herpes, Esophagus The esophagus showing tissue
changes as a result of infection with
PH317 Ileum The last part of the small intestine
PH318 Jejunum Portion of the small intestine that
extends from the duodenum to the
PH319 Leiomyosarcoma, Small A tumor of the muscles in the small
Intestine intestine
PH320 Linitis Plastica Malignant infiltration of the gastric
wall, usually involving the deep layers
of the stomach
PH321 Peptic Ulcer, Chronic Gastric Ulcer Of Stomach An ulcer in the wall of the stomach or
duodenum resulting from the action of
the gastric juice on the mucous
PH322 Polyp, Inflamed, An inflamed projecting growth in the
Stomach stomach, usually benign
PH323 Pyloric Sphincter Pyloro-Duodenal Junction The junction between the stomach and
the small intestine
PH324 Pylorus Pyloric Region The region of the stomach that
connects with the duodenum (first part
of small intestine)
PH325 Stomach Part of the digestive system; helps in
the digestion of food by mixing it with
digestive juices and churning it into a
thin liquid
PH326 Stomach, Cardiac Region surrounding the superior
Region opening of the stomach
PH327 Stomach, Fundic The part of the stomach that is furthest
Region away from its opening with the
PH328 Ulcer With Candida, Non-malignant ulcer showing presence
Benign, Stomach of candida in stomach
PH329 Ulcer With Repair, Non-malignant ulcer showing evidence
Benign, Esophagus of repair in esophagus
PH330 Ulcer, Tuberculous, Ulcer in stomach caused by
Small Intestine tuberculosis
PH331 Ulcer, Typhoid, Small Ulcer in small intestine caused by
Intestine typhoid

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8044

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH401 Addison's Disease, Adrenocortical Hypofunction, Adrenocortical hormone deficiency
Adrenal Glands Chronic Adrenocortical because of damage to the adrenal
Insufficiency, Adrenal Insufficiency cortex; the damage may be caused by
the immune system attacking the
gland, TB, cancer, infection, etc.
PH402 Adenocarcinoma, A cancer arising in the glandular tissue
Pancreas of the pancreas; the most common
form of pancreatic cancer
PH403 Adenoma, Adrenal Suprenal Adenoma A benign tumour of the adrenal gland
PH404 Adenoma, A benign tumour of the parathyroid
Parathyroid Gland glands, which are located in the neck
and help to regulate calcium
PH405 Adenoma, Pituitary A tumour of the anterior lobe of the
Gland pituitary gland
PH406 Adrenal Gland Suprarenal Organs responsible for producing
steroid and other hormones essential
for life
PH407 Colloid Goitre, Thyroid Swelling of the thyroid gland in which
the follicles of the gland are distended
and filled with colloid (a gelatinous or
mucinous substance)
PH408 Cyst, Parathyroid A closed sac having a distinct
Gland membrane and developing abnormally
in the parathyroid gland
PH409 Diabetes Mellitus, Pancreas showing changes of diabetes
Pancreas mellitus
PH410 Fatty Infiltration, Infiltration of the tissues of the
Atrophy, Pancreas pancreas with excess amounts of fat,
and wasting away of tissue
PH411 Follicular Adenoma, A benign tumour of the thyroid gland
PH412 Follicular Carcinoma, A type of thyroid cancer affecting the
Thyroid follicular cells which make thyroid

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
Goitre Goiter See PH426
PH413 Grave's Disease An autoimmune disease that causes
overactivity of the thyroid gland
PH414 Hashimoto's Disease Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, A chronic autoimmune disease that
Hashimoto's Disease, Hashimoto's leads to thyroid enlargement, etc.
Struma, Struma Lymphomatosa
PH415 Islet Cell Tumour, Cancer arising from cells in the islets of
Pancreas Langerhans (hormone-producing cells
in the pancreas)
PH416 Large Cell Carcinoma, A cancer of the adrenal glands in
Adrenal Gland which the cells are large and look
abnormal under a microscope
PH417 Myasthenia Gravis, An autoimmune disease that causes
Thymus muscle weakness
PH418 Myxoedema Myxedema A condition in which the thyroid gland
fails to produce enough thyroid
PH419 Pancreas A glandular organ located in the
abdomen; it makes pancreatic juices,
which contain enzymes that aid in
digestion, and it produces several
hormones, including insulin
PH420 Papillary Carcinoma, The most common thyroid gland
Thyroid carcinoma, often occurring before age
40 and much more common in women
than in men
PH421 Parathyroid Gland Glands embedded in the thyroid gland;
regulate calcium and phosphate levels
in the blood
PH422 Phagocytosis, Phagocytes devouring bacteria in the
Pancreas pancreas
Pineal Gland Epiphysis See PH427
PH423 Pituitary Gland Hypophysis The main endocrine gland, producing
hormones that control other glands
and many body functions, especially
PH424 Radiation Change, Changes to the thyroid gland brought
Thyroid about by radiation treatment to it
PH425 Thyroid A gland located beneath the voice box
(larynx) that produces thyroid
hormone. The thyroid helps regulate
growth and metabolism
PH426 Goitre Goiter Enlarged thyroid gland
PH427 Pineal Gland Epiphysis Cerebri Attached to the roof of the third
ventricle near its junction with the mid-
brain; secretes melatonin; full function
is unclear

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8045

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH501 Abscess, Liver A condition where there is a pus-filled cavity in the liver
secondary to a bacterial infection
PH502 Acute Yellow Atrophy, A severe usually fatal disorder in which the liver
Liver degenerates and is reduced in size as a result of toxic
chemicals, infection, or other agents
PH503 Adenocarcinoma, Fatty Cancer of the liver with abnormal accumulation of fat
Infiltrations, Liver droplets in the cytoplasm of cells
PH504 Adenocarcinoma, Cancer originating in the cells lining the gallbladder
PH505 Adenocarcinoma, Hepatic A malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium,
Metastasis metastastised to liver
PH506 Biliary Cirrhosis, Liver Cirrhosis of the liver due to inflammation or obstruction of
the bile ducts resulting in the accumulation of bile in the
PH507 Biliary Obstruction, Liver Blockage of the bile ducts that can occur as a result of
stones, tumours, bile duct inflammation, bile duct cysts,
trauma, etc.
PH508 Carcinoid, Secondary, A cancer in the liver metastasised as a result of one in the
Liver mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract
PH509 Carcinoma, Secondary, A carcinoma that has metastasised in the liver as a result
Liver of one elsewhere in the body
PH510 Cholecystitis, Chronic Inflammation of the gallbladder that occurs most
Active, Gallbladder commonly because of obstruction of the cystic duct
PH511 Fatty Degeneration, Liver Steatosis Abnormal formation of microscopically visible droplets of
fat in the cytoplasm of cells of the liver, as a result of
PH512 Gallbladder The pear-shaped organ found below the liver that
concentrates and stores bile
PH513 Hemangioma, Liver Haemangioma A tangle of abnormal vessels that forms an abnormal
communication between the arterial and venous systems,
in this case of the liver
PH514 Hepatic Septic Infarcts An area of necrosis resulting from vascular obstruction
due to emboli comprised of clumps of bacteria or infected
material, in this case in the liver
PH515 Hepatoma A liver tumor (usually malignant)
PH516 Inflammation, Chronic, Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder
PH517 Liver The largest organ in the body; carries out many important
functions, e.g. Making bile, changing food into energy,
and cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH518 Liver Congestion, Fatty Swelling of liver cells due to injury to the membranes
Degeneration, Cloudy leading to an an accumulation of intracellular water; also
Swelling abnormal formation of microscopically visible droplets of
fat in the cytoplasm of the cells
PH519 Liver, Cloudy Swelling, Swelling of liver cells due to injury to the membranes
Dilation Of Capillaries leading to an an accumulation of intracellular water; also
showing capillaries dilating
PH520 Necrosis, Sub Acute, Dying tissue, showing characteristics between acute and
Liver chronic
PH521 Papillary Tumour, A tumour shaped like a small mushroom with its stem
Gallbladder attached to the inner lining of the gallbladder
PH522 Sarcoma, Secondary A secondary cancer in the liver that has metastasised as a
Melanotic, Liver result of one in the supportive tissues such as bone,
cartilage, fat or muscle
PH523 Syphilitic Cirrhosis, Liver Widespread disruption of normal liver structure by
PH524 Tuberculosis, Miliary, Acute tuberculosis in which minute tubercles are formed
Liver in the liver by tubercle bacilli usually spread by way of the
PH525 Tumour, Malignant, A cancerous tumour in the gallbladder
PH526 Venous Congestion, Early signs of overfilling and distention of the veins with
Early, Liver blood as a result of mechanical obstruction or heart
PH527 Venous Congestion, Late Extensive overfilling and distention of the veins with
Chronic, Liver blood as a result of mechanical obstruction or heart
PH528 Weil's Disease, Liver Spirochaetosis Liver showing signs of infection by leptospira with an
illness whose symptoms include chills, fever, muscle pain,
and hepatitis

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8046

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH601 Abscess, Cerebellum A localised collection of pus caused by
suppuration in the cerebellum
PH602 Cerebellum The portion of the brain in the back of the head
between the cerebrum and the brain stem; it
controls balance for walking and standing, and
other complex motor functions
PH603 Cerebral Hemorrhage Cerebral Haemorrhage A sudden and abrupt bleeding into the tissue of
the brain; usually occurs as the result of a
weakened artery from the effects of high blood
pressure and atherosclerosis
PH604 Cerebral Softening A localised softening of the brain substance
due to inflammation or haemorrhage

PH605 Cerebrum The largest part of the brain, controlling muscle

functions speech, thought, emotions, reading,
writing, and learning
PH606 Dementia, Paralytica Paralytic Dementia Dementia and paralysis resulting from a chronic
syphilitic meningoencephalitis
PH607 Encephalitis, Post- Inflammation of the brain as a result of
Vaccinal vaccination
PH608 Glioblastoma A malignant brain tumour that accounts for 75%
Multiforme of glial tumours (arising from glial cells in the
PH609 Hippocampus Part of the limbic system of the brain, involved
in emotions and memory
PH610 Infarct, Cortical, Brain Tissue death due to a local lack of oxygen in the
cerebral cortex (outer layer that covers the
cerebrum, functions chiefly in coordination of
sensory and motor information)
PH611 Infarct, Old, Cerebellum An old area of tissue death due to a local lack of
oxygen in the cerebellum (concerned especially
with the coordination of muscles and the
maintenance of bodily equilibrium)
PH612 Medulla Oblongata Lower part of brain stem; controls autonomic
functions; relays nerve signals between the
brain and spinal cord
PH613 Meningioma, Brain Common benign brain tumour that originates in
the cells of the outer covering of the brain

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH614 Meningioma, Brain, Malignant tumour the cells of the outer covering
Malignant of the brain (meninges)
PH615 Meningitis With Inflammation of the meninges with fluid
Cortical Oedema retention in the cortex
PH616 Meningitis, Inflammation of the meninges of the brain as a
Pneumococcal result of infection by strep pneumoniae
PH617 Meningitis, Inflammation of the meninges of the brain as a
Tuberculous result of tuberculosis
PH618 Nerve A bundle of fibers that uses electrical and
chemical signals to transmit sensory and motor
information from one body part to another
PH619 Nerve, Peripheral The nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord;
they contain non-neuronal cells and connective
tissue as well as axons
PH620 Neuroblastoma Cancer that arises in immature nerve cells and
affects mostly infants and children
PH621 Neurofibroma A benign tumor that develops from the cells and
tissues that cover nerves
PH622 Pilocytic Astrocytoma, Juvenile Astrocytoma A nerve-tissue tumor composed of astrocytes;
Brain the most common brain tumor in children
PH623 Sympathetic Ganglion A group of nerve cell bodies either close to the
spinal column or close to the large abdominal
PH624 Thalamus A large mass of gray matter deeply situated in
the forebrain; relays information received from
various brain regions to the cerebral cortex
PH625 Toxoplasmosis, Brain Brain showing symptoms caused by
toxoplasma gondii, often contacted via cat

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8047

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH701 Bone Bone
PH702 Bone, Healing Fracture A break in a bone that is healing
PH703 Bone, Long, Showing Compact tissue has a dense structure
Compact And without small cavities or cells, whereas
Cancellous Tissue cancellous has these cavities and cells
(providing space for blood vessels)
PH704 Bone, Spongy Cancellous Bone Makes up most of the bone tissue of
short, flat and irregular shaped bones,
and also a narrow rim around the
marrow cavity and the ends of long
PH705 Chondrosarcoma Cancer of cartilage cells; the second
most common primary bone cancer
PH706 Chordoma A malignant tumor that is derived from
remnants of the embryonic notochord
and occurs along the spine attacking
especially the bones at the base of the
skull or near the coccyx
PH707 Disseminating A pathological condition in which a
Sclerosis, Spinal Chord tissue has become hard, as in multiple
PH708 Ewing's Sarcoma Ewing's Tumour, Primitive A type of bone cancer that usually
Neuroectodermal Tumor forms in the middle (shaft) of large
bones; the third most common form of
primary bone cancer
PH709 Femur, Ossifying Ossification of the large thigh bone
PH710 Fibrous Dysplasia, A chronic disorder of the skeleton that
Bone causes expansion of one or more
bones due to abnormal development of
fibrous tissue within the bone
PH711 Giant Cell Sarcoma A bone cancer in which the cells look
large under a microscope (produced by
the fusion of many cells)
PH712 Gouty Tophus A deposit of urates around a joint
typical of people with gout
PH713 Intervertebral Disk, Spinal disc
Fibrous Cartilage

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH714 Juvenile Rheumatism Still's Disease A chronic, inflammatory disease that
Nodule may cause joint or connective tissue
damage. The onset occurs before age
PH715 Leg Fracture With Fat Fractured leg bone showing the
Embolism occurrence of fat globules in the
bloodstream that occur after the
fracture of a long bone
PH716 Ossification The formation of bone or of a bony
substance, the conversion of fibrous
tissue or of cartilage into bone or a
bony substance
PH717 Osteochondroma A benign cartilaginous tumour, often
occurring near the ends of long bones
PH718 Osteosarcoma Osteogenic Sarcoma A cancer of the bone that usually
affects the arms, legs and pelvis; the
most common primary bone cancer
PH719 Paget's Disease, Bone Osteitis Deformans, A chronic disease of bones involving
Osteodystrophia Deformans the replacement of normal bone
marrow with vascular and fibrous
PH720 Poliomyelitis, Spinal Spinal chord showing the affects of
Chord the viral disease poliomyelitis
PH721 Rheumatoid Arthritis, A disease in which the body recruits
Joint new blood vessels to the joints,
causing swelling and inflammation
PH722 Rickets, Costochondral The point where the ribs articulate with
Junction the sternum showing signs of rickets
(vitamin D deficiency leading to
disturbance in normal ossification)
PH723 Spinal Chord, Cervical The spinal column in the region of the
PH724 Spinal Chord, Lumbar The spinal chord between the ribs and
the pelvis
PH725 Spinal Chord, Thoracic The spinal column in the region of the

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8048

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH801 Adipose Tissue Connective tissue in which fat is stored and
which has the cells distended by droplets of fat
PH802 Cartilage, Elastic Provides strength and elasticity; found in
external ear, epiglottis and auditory tubes
PH803 Cartilage, Fibrocartilage Cushions and protects, such as intervertebral
discs, pads in knee joints and pad between two
pubic bones
PH804 Cartilage, Hyaline Most abundant cartilage in the body, providing
flexibility and support
PH805 Cellulitis, Acute, Thigh An acute, spreading infection of the deep
Muscle tissues of the skin and muscle that causes the
skin to become warm and tender
PH806 Chondroma Tumour composed in part of cartilage
PH807 Clear Cell Sarcoma, Muscle A cancer in a muscle
PH808 Collagenous Fibre White Fibrous Tissue Strong, flexible but only slightly elastic, found
in tendons and ligaments
PH809 Fat Necrosis, Omentum A benign condition where fatty tissue swells or
becomes tender, can occur spontaneously or as
the result of an injury; here affecting the
omentum (layers of peritoneum that give fat to
PH810 Fibroma A benign (non-cancerous) tumour which
consists of fibrous tissues or connective tissue
PH811 Fibrosarcoma A type of soft tissue sarcoma that begins in
fibrous tissue, which holds bones, muscles, and
other organs in place
PH812 Giant Cell Tumour, Tendon A usually benign tumour where the cells look
large under the micrscope microscope
(produced by the fusion of many cells)
PH813 Hyaline Degeneration, Tissue degeneration in which structural
Muscle elements of muscle cells are replaced by
homogeneous translucent material
PH814 Inflammation, Acute, Inflammation of a fold of the peritoneum (the
Omentum thin tissue that lines the abdomen) that
surrounds the stomach and other organs in the
PH815 Leiomyosarcoma, Muscle A cancer composed in part of smooth muscle
PH816 Lipoma A benign tumour consisting of fatty or adipose
PH817 Muscle, Involuntary Smooth muscles not ordinarily under the
control of the will, activated by the autonomic
nervous system
PH818 Muscle, Voluntary Muscle that can be made to contract or relax by
conscious control
PH818 Muscular Dystrophy, A group of heridtary diseases characterised by
Pseudohypertrophic progressive degeneration and/or loss of muscle

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
fibres without nervous system involvement
PH819 Myositis, Muscle, From Muscular inflammation caused by rheumatoid
Rheumatoid Arthritis arthritis
PH820 Peritoneum The smooth serous membrane which lines the
cavity of the abdomen
PH821 Peritonitis, Intestine, Acute Inflammation of the smooth serous membrane
which lines the cavity of the abdomen
PH822 Peritonitis, Mesentery, Acute inflammation of the mesentry (a fold of
Acute the peritoneum surrounding the small intestine
and binding it to the posterior abdominal wall)
PH823 Spindle Cell Sarcoma A type of connective tissue cancer in which the
cells are spindle-shaped when examined under a
PH824 Spindle Cell Sarcoma With A type of connective tissue cancer in which the
Necrosis cells are spindle-shaped when examined under a
microscope, showing tissue death
PH825 Synovial Sarcoma, Tendon A malignant tumour that develops in the
synovial membrane of the joints

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8049

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH901 Abscess, Hemorrhage, A localised collection of pus
Cloudy Swelling, surrounded by inflamed tissue, with
Kidney bleeding, swelling and cellular oedema
PH902 Angiomyolipoma Hamartoma ( a mass resembling a
tumour, but not a true tumour) in the
kidney containing fat, muscle, vessels
PH903 Bladder Organ in which urine collects before
evacuation from the body
PH904 Cirrhosis, Chronic interstitial inflammation of the
Kidney tissues of the kidney
PH905 Clear Cell Carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma Of Kidney, Renal A rare type of kidney cancer;
Kidney Adenocarcinoma, Hypernephroid Can spread from the kidney to other
Carcinoma, Hypernephroma, organs, most commonly the bone, but
Grawitz's Tumor also including the lungs, brain, and soft
tissues of the body
PH906 Diabetic Kidney Kidney tissue showing signs of
changes brought about by long-term
PH907 Interstitial Cystitis, A bladder condition caused by chronic
Bladder inflammation leading to difficulties
with urination
PH908 Inverted Papilloma, Transitional Cell Papilloma, Inverted A benign tumour of the bladder
Bladder Type
PH909 Kidney A pair of organs which function to filter
the blood and control the level of some
chemicals in the blood such as
hydrogen, sodium, potassium, and
phosphate; they eliminate waste in the
form of urine
PH910 Kidney Cortex One of the main functional parts of the
kidney (outer zone)
PH911 Kidney Medulla One of the main functional parts of the
kidney (inner zone) containing the renal
PH912 Kidney, Bleeding Kidney tissue showing signs of
PH913 Kidney, Kidney tissue showing signs of cellular
Cloudy Swelling oedema
PH914 Kidney, Kidney tissue showing signs resulting
Post-Hypertensive from high blood pressure
PH915 Malacoplakia, Malakoplakia Inflammation of the mucous membrane
Bladder of the bladder characterised by the
formation of soft granulomatous
PH916 Nephritis, Acute Acute inflammation of the kidney
PH917 Nephritis, Chronic Chronic Glomerulonephritis Chronic inflammation of the kidney

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH918 Nephritis, Subacute Subacute Glomerulonephritis Inflammation of the kidney somewhere
between acute and chronic
PH919 Papilloma, Bladder A benign tumour often resembling a
wart arising from cells lining the
PH920 Pyelonephritis, Chronic Inflammation of the kidney and its
pelvis, beginning in the interstitium and
rapidly extending to involve the
tubules, glomeruli and blood vessels,
due to bacterial infection
PH921 Renal Artery & Vein The main artery and vein of the kidney
PH922 Renal Atrophy, Abnormal enlargement of a kidney,
Hydronephrotic which may be caused by blockage of
the ureter (such as by a kidney stone)
or chronic kidney disease that prevents
urine from draining into the bladder
PH923 Renal Cell Carcinoma The most common form of kidney
cancer which occurs when the cells
lining the renal tubule undergo
cancerous changes
PH924 Renal Cortical Necrosis, Dying tissue in the outer portion of the
Symmetrical kidney
PH925 Renal Failure A slow decline in kidney function over
time; chronic renal failure may be
caused by a number of disorders which
include long-standing hypertension,
diabetes, congestive heart failure,
lupus or sickle cell anaemia
PH926 Renal Infarct, Kidney showing area of recent tissue
Recent Bland death due to a local lack of oxygen, but
with no sign of infection
PH927 Transitional Cell Cancer, Cancer of the soft cuboidal cells of the
Bladder bladder; these cells allow the bladder to
stretch to collect urine
PH928 Tuberculosis, Kidney Kidney showing signs of tissue
changes due to tuberculosis
PH929 Ureter The tube that carries urine from the
kidney to the bladder
PH930 Urethra The tube that carries urine from the
bladder and out through the penis
PH931 Venous Congestion, Overfilling and distention of the veins
Kidney of the kidney with blood as a result of
mechanical obstruction or right
ventricular failure
PH932 Venous Congestion, Chronic overfilling and distention of
Chronic, Kidney the veins of the kidney with blood as a
result of mechanical obstruction or
right ventricular failure
PH933 Wilm's Tumour Childhood cancer of the kidney

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8050

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1001 Anaemia, Folate Folic Acid Deficiency, A blood disorder characterized by anemia, with red
Deficiency Megoblastic Anaemia, blood cells that are larger than normal, resulting from
Anemia a deficiency of folic acid
PH1002 Anaemia, Iron Deficiency Anemia A condition in which the blood is deficient in red
blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume, as a
result of iron deficiency
PH1003 Anaemia, Pernicious Anemia A blood disorder caused by a lack of vitamin B12, as a
result of lack of intrinsic factor production in the
PH1004 Anaemia, Sickle Cell Anemia Chronic anemia occurring primarily in individuals of
African descent
PH1005 Blood Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other
substances suspended in fluid called plasma; blood
takes oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, and carries
away wastes
PH1006 Blood Film Increased Blood showing many neutrophils; this may indicates
Neutrophils (Many Young bacterial infection, burns, stress or inflammation
PH1007 Bone Marrow Soft, sponge-like tissue in the centre of most large
bones, producing white blood cells, red blood cells,
and platelets
PH1008 Cancer, Metastatic Prostate cancer that has produced secondaries in a
Prostate Cancer, Lymph lymph node
PH1009 Eosinophilia, Blood Type of white blood cells
PH1010 Hodgkin's Disease, Lymph Cells in the lymphatic system grow abnormally and
Gland may spread beyond the lymphatic system; with time
compromises the body's ability to fight infection
PH1011 Infarct, Bland, Spleen An uninfected area of necrosis in the spleen
produced by sudden blockage in an artery
PH1012 Infarct, Older, Spleen Death of an area of tissue caused by lack of blood
PH1013 Inflammatory Reaction, Lymph gland showing signs of inflammation
Lymph Gland
PH1014 Leukemia, Acute Acute Lymphoblastic Most common form of childhood leukemia; a quickly
Lymphocytic (Blood Leukemia, Acute Lymphoid progressing disease in which too many immature
Sample) Leukemia, white blood cells are found in the blood and bone
Acute Lymphatic Leukemia marrow
PH1015 Leukemia, Acute A rapidly progressing cancer that starts in blood-
Myelocytic (Blood Sample) forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes
large numbers of white blood cells to be produced
and enter the blood stream
PH1016 Leukemia, Acute Involving uncontrolled proliferation of white blood
Myelocytic (Bone Marrow cells

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH1017 Leukemia, Chronic Chronic Lymphatic Most common form of leukemia, a slowly progressing
Lymphocytic Leukemia, Chronic disease in which too many white blood cells
Lymphoid Leukemia (lymphocytes) are found in the body
PH1018 Leukemia, Chronic Myeloid Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia affecting granulocytes, monocytes, red
Leukemia, blood cells or platelets; these are usually mature in
Chronic Granulocytic appearance but do not function properly
PH1019 Leukemia, Hairy Cell, Leukemic A cancer of lymphocytes (B cells) that leads to low
Spleen Reticuloendotheliosis blood counts; relatively uncommon
PH1020 Liposarcoma, Fat A sarcoma arising from immature fat cells of the bone
PH1021 Lymph Gland Lymph Node Lymph nodes filter lymph and store lymphocytes
(white blood cells)
PH1022 Lymph Gland Cancer, A cancer in the lymph gland which has metastasised
Secondary from elsewhere
PH1023 Lymph Gland, Focal Lymph gland showing dead tissue, and active
Necrosis, Active congestion
PH1024 Lymph Gland, Reactive A lymph gland that is enlarged because it is trying to
fight off an infection
PH1025 Lymph Gland, Reactive A lymph gland that is enlarged because it is trying to
HIV Positive fight off an infection as a result of HIV
Mast Cells See PH1037
PH1026 Multiple Myeloma, Bone Cancer of bone marrow, cells that normally make
Marrow antibodies and other substances to fight infection
PH1027 Myelofibrosis, Bone A disorder in which the bone marrow is replaced by
Marrow fibrous tissue
PH1028 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Malignancy of lymph cells that have migrated outside
Lymphoma, Lymph Gland Histiocytic Lymphoma, the bone marrow to a lymph gland
Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
PH1029 Phagocytosis, Lymph Lymph gland showing phagocytes devouring bacteria
PH1030 Spleen Located on the left side of the abdomen near the
stomach; produces lymphocytes, filters the blood,
stores blood cells, and destroys old blood cells
PH1031 Thymoma, Thymus A cancer originating within the epithelial cells of the
PH1032 Thymus In the chest behind the breastbone; an organ that is
part of the lymphatic system, in which T lymphocytes
grow and multiply
PH1033 Thymus, Child In the chest behind the breastbone; an organ that is
part of the lymphatic system, in which T lymphocytes
grow and multiply
PH1034 Tuberculosis, Lymph Lymph gland showing signs of the chronic disease
Gland TB
PH1035 Tuberculosis, Spleen Spleen showing signs of TB
PH1036 Venous Congestion, Spleen showing signs of congestion in veins (as a
Spleen rsult of mechanical obstruction or heart problems)
PH1037 Mast Cells Produce histamine, which dilates small blood vessels;
involved in body’s reaction to injury and infection

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8051

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1101 Aorta The large arterial trunk that carries blood from
the heart to be distributed by branch arteries
through the body.
PH1102 Arterial Thrombus, Recent A recently formed blood clot in an artery.
PH1103 Arteriosclerosis, Medial, A chronic disease in which muscle and elastic
Femoral Artery fibres are replaced by fibrous tissue; here
affecting the main artery in the thigh.
PH1104 Artery Tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled
vessels that carry blood from the heart through
the body.
PH1105 Artery, Superior Mesenteric A large artery that arises from the aorta and
supplies the greater part of the small intestine,
the cecum, the ascending colon, and the right
half of the transverse colon.
PH1106 Atheroma, Aorta An abnormal fatty deposit in the aorta.
PH1107 Atheroma, Subclavian An abnormal fatty deposit in subclavian artery
Artery (large artery that passes to the upper arm)
PH1108 Atherosclerosis, Artery Disease of wall of artery where inner layer
thickens, causing a decrease in the capacity of
the artery to transport blood.
PH1109 Calcification Of Artery Abnormal deposits of calcium in an artery.
PH1110 Cardiac Muscle Heart Muscle The principal tissue in the heart wall.
PH1111 Endocarditis, Subacute Inflammation of the valve separating the aorta
Bacterial, Aortic Valve from the left ventricle that prevents blood from
flowing back into the left ventricle.
PH1112 Fatty Degeneration, Heart Abnormal formation of microscopically visible
Muscle droplets of fat in the cytoplasm of cells of the
heart muscle.
PH1113 Hypertrophy, Heart Muscle Enlarged heart muscle.
PH1114 Mitral Valve, Recent And Roughenings on one of heart valves usually as
Older Vegetations a result of acute rheumatism.
PH1115 Myocardial Fibrosis Heart muscle scarred from chronic disease.
PH1116 Myocardial Infarct, Old And Heart Attack Tissue of the heart muscle has died and is
Recent permanently damaged because of an
inadequate supply of oxygen to that area.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH1117 Myocarditis Inflammation of the muscular walls of the heart.
PH1118 Myoxma A primary heart tumour; this is uncommon as
most heart tumours have spread from elsewhere
in the body.
PH1119 Post-Hypertensive Sclerosis, Hardening of a peripheral artery as a result of
Peripheral Artery high blood pressure.
PH1120 Rheumatic Endocarditis, Inflammation of the inner most lining of the
Mitral Valve heart cavities and mitral valve.
PH1121 Syphilis, Basilar Artery Syphilitic changes in the artery that supplies
the pons, cerebellum, posterior part of the
cerebrum, and the inner ear.
PH1122 Temporal Arteritis Inflammation of the arteries.
PH1123 Thrombosis, Septic, Sigmoid A blood clot with putrefaction within a blood
Sinus vessel in the sigmoid sinus cavity (skull).
PH1124 Vasculitis, Rheumatoid Inflammation of blood vessels; a symptom
Arthritis On Steroids sometimes associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
PH1125 Vein A tube carrying blood from the capillaries
towards the heart.
PH1126 Vena Cava Two large veins which take deoxygenated
blood into the right atrium of heart for delivery
to the lungs.
PH1127 Venous Thrombosis, Muscle A blood clot in a vein in a muscle.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8052

Please note:
This test kit does not include infiltrating lobular carcinoma, which accounts for 10-15% of breast cancers. This is
due to the lack of suitable starting material for the test vials.

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1201 Adenofibroma A benign tumor of glandular and
fibrous tissue.
PH1202 Adenomyoma A benign tumor composed of muscular
and glandular elements.
PH1203 Breast Mammary Gland Glands that produce milk for young.
PH1204 Breast Lactating Mammary Gland Breast actively producing milk.
PH1205 Breast, Cancer In Breast cancer in lymph vessels.
PH1206 Carcinoma, Medullary An invasive breast cancer that forms a
distinct boundary between tumor
tissue and normal tissue (about 5% of
breast cancers).
PH1207 Carcinoma, Mucinous Colloid Carcinoma A rare breast cancer formed by the
mucus-producing cancer cells.
PH1208 Chondromatous A benign tumor containing the
Changes structural elements of cartilage.
PH1209 Comedocarcinoma Form of breast cancer in which plugs
of necrotic malignant cells may be
expressed from the ducts.
PH1210 Ductal Carcinoma And Ductal Cancer With Adenofibrosis / Cancer of the breast ducts with other
Sclerosing Adenosis Fibrosing Adenomatosis / Fibrosing benign lesions.
PH1211 Ductal Carinoma In Situ Intraductal Carcinoma The most common type of non-
invasive breast cancer, is confined to
the ducts of the breast.
PH1212 Fibroadenoma Common benign breast tumors often
too small to feel by hand..
PH1213 Histiocytic Lymphoma A malignant tumour of reticular tissue.
PH1214 Infiltrating Ductal Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, IDC The most common type of invasive
Carcinoma breast cancer, starting in the cells that
line the milk ducts in the breast, grows
outside the ducts, and often spreads to
the lymph nodes.
PH1215 Intraductal A benign solid growth found in the
Fibroadenoma ducts of the breast.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
PH1216 Intraductal Papillomas Non-cancerous wart-like growths that
have grown inside the breast, often
involving the large milk ducts near the
nipple, causing bloody nipple
PH1217 Lobular Carcinoma In Lobular Neoplasia; Noninfiltrating Non-invasive cancer that begins in the
Situ Lobular Carcinoma lobules (the milk-producing glands of
the breast).
PH1218 Mastitis, Chronic Inflammation of breast tissue usually
as a result of bacterial infection, most
commonly occurring during lactation.
PH1219 Paget's Disease A form of breast cancer that begins in
the milk ducts and spreads to the skin
of the nipple and areola; Paget’s
disease of the nipple only accounts for
about 1% of breast cancers.
PH1220 Papillary Carcinoma A malignant tumour characterised by
the formation of numerous, irregular,
finger-like projections of fibrous
stroma that is covered with a surface
layer of neoplastic epithelial cells.
PH1221 Phyllodes Tumour Phylloides Tumour Can be either benign (non-cancerous)
or malignant (cancerous); develops in
the connective tissues of the breast.
PH1222 Scirrhus Breast Cancer A hard slow-growing malignant tumour
having a preponderance of fibrous
PH1223 Tuberculosis, Breast Breast showing signs of tuberculosis.
PH1224 Tubular Adenoma A benign tumour composed of
epithelial tissue resembling a tubular
PH1225 Tubular Carcinoma An invasive breast carcinoma,
accounting for about 2% of breast
cancer diagnoses.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
(Excluding Female Breast)
Product Code 8053

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1301 Adenocarcinoma, Cancer of the mucous membrane of the
Cervix, Endocervix cervical canal.
PH1302 Adenocarcinoma, Cancer that begins in the cells that line
Uterus the uterus.
PH1303 Carcinoma, Fallopian Carninoma Of Oviduct, Carcinoma Of Cancer of the fallopian tubes.
Tube Uterine Tubes
PH1304 Cervix The lower part and neck of the uterus.
PH1305 Cervix, CIN1 to CIS CIN is a general term for the growth of
abnormal cells on the surface of the
cervix. Numbers from 1 to 3 are used to
describe how much of the cervix
contains abnormal cells; CIS is cancer
in situ.
PH1306 Cervix, CIN3 to CIS CIN is a general term for the growth of
abnormal cells on the surface of the
cervix. Numbers from 1 to 3 are used to
describe how much of the cervix
contains abnormal cells; CIS is cancer
in situ.
PH1307 Cervix, CIS A non-invasive cancer of the cervix.
PH1308 Chancre, Cervix The primary skin lesion of syphilis
which begins at the site of infection
after an interval of 10-30 days as a
papule or red ulcerated skin lesion.
PH1309 Clear Cell Carcinoma, One of the subtypes of epithelial
Ovary ovarian cancer. It can range from
benign to aggressive, depending on
PH1310 Corpus Albicans Once the corpus luteum degenerates it
becomes the corpus albicans.
PH1311 Corpus Luteum Endocrine gland in ovary formed when
ovum discharged; if the ovum
impregnated, the corpus luteum
increases in size and persists for
several months, (secretes estrogens,
progesterone, relaxin and inhibin);
otherwise degenerates and shrinks.
PH1312 Cyst, Ovary An abnormal lump filled with fluid or
similar in the ovary.
PH1313 Cystic & Multiple cysts and an abnormal
Adenaomatous increase in the number of cells of
Hyperplasia, glandular origin in the endometrium
Endometrium (the layer of tissue that lines the
PH1314 Dysplasia, Moderate Cells look abnormal under a
To Severe, Cervix microscope but are not cancerous.
PH1315 Dysplasia, Moderate, Cells look abnormal under a
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
Cervix microscope but are not cancerous.
PH1316 Fallopian Tube The tube through which eggs pass
from the ovaries to the uterus.
PH1317 Fibroids Fibromyomas, Fibromas, Benign tumours of the uterus
Fibroleiomyomas, Leiomyoma, composed of smooth muscle and
Simply Myomas fibrous connective tissue.
PH1318 Fibroids With Hyaline Fibromyomas, Fibromas, Benign tumours of the uterus
Degeneration Fibroleiomyomas, Leiomyoma, composed of smooth muscle and
Simply Myomas fibrous connective tissue, showing
tissue degeneration.
PH1319 Genital Wart Condyloma Acuminatum, A wart on the skin or adjoining
Condyloma, Venereal Wart mucous membrane usually near the
anus and genital organs.
PH1320 Leiomyosarcoma, A tumour of the muscles in the uterus.
PH1321 Mixed Mullerian Carcinosarcoma, Mixed Mesodermal A sarcoma that consists of both
Tumour, Uterus Tumour endometrial carcinoma and stromal
PH1322 Ovary Female reproductive glands in which
the ova, or eggs, are formed, located in
the pelvis, one on each side of the
PH1323 Papillary Carcinoma, A malignant tumour of the mucous
Endocervix membrane of the cervical canal.
PH1324 Salpingitis, Purulent Inflammation of the fallopian tube with
discharge of pus.
PH1325 Salpingitis, Sub-Acute Inflammation of the fallopian tube
somewhere between acute and chronic.
PH1326 Squamous Cell Cancer that begins in squamous cells,
Carcinoma, Vulva which are thin, flat cells that look like
fish scales, in the vulva (the external
part of the female genitalia).
PH1327 Stromal Hyperplasia, An abnormal increase in the number of
Ovary connective tissue cells that hold the
ovary together and those that produce
the female hormones (estrogen and
PH1328 Teratoma, Benign A type of non-malignant tumour
Cystic, Ovary originating in germ cells (cells that
produce the eggs).
PH1329 Ulceration, Tubercular, Fallopian tube showing signs of
Fallopian Tube ulceration as a result of TB.
PH1330 Urine, Malign Cervical Urine with cancerous cervical cells in
Cells it.
PH1331 Uterus Womb The small, hollow, pear-shaped organ
in a woman's pelvis; this is the organ in
which an unborn child develops.
PH1332 Uterus, Active The uterus with the lining (the
Menstruation endometrium) being shed that occurs
when a woman is not pregnant.
PH1333 Vagina Birth Canal The muscular canal extending from the
uterus to the exterior of the body.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8054

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1401 Adenocarcinoma, Cancer that began in the cells that line
Prostate Gland the prostate and have glandular
PH1402 Adenomatoid Tumour, A small, circumscribed, benign tumour
Epidydimis in the epididymis (tube where sperm
PH1403 Adenomatoid Tumour, A small, circumscribed, benign tumour
Vas Deferens of the spermatic chord (a structures
that includes the vas deferens, arteries,
veins, lymphatic vessels, and nerves).
PH1404 Breast, Gynecomastia An excessive development of the male
mammary glands, even to the
functional state.
PH1405 Ductal Carcinoma In A carcinoma derived from epithelium of
Breast, Male ducts of the male breast.
PH1406 Embryonal Carcinoma A malignant neoplasm of the testis,
composed of large cells with indistinct
cellular borders.
PH1407 Epididymis The duct in which sperm undergo
PH1408 Fibroadenoma, Prostate Benign tumour of the prostate gland.
PH1409 Hypertrophy, Prostate Enlarged Prostate, Nodular Increase in size of inner zone of
Gland Hyperplasia, Prostate Gland prostate; common in men over 50.
PH1410 Leydig Cell Tumour, The most common nongerminal tumour
Testis of the testis, derived from the leydig
cells; rarely malignant.
PH1411 Penis The external male reproductive organ,
containing a tube called the urethra,
which carries semen and urine to the
outside of the body.
PH1412 Prostate Gland A gland just below the bladder.;
surrounds part of the urethra, the canal
that empties the bladder, and produces
a fluid that forms part of semen.
PH1413 Prostate, Senile A prostate showing deterioration that
comes with age.
PH1414 Prostatitis Inflammation of the prostate gland,
usually due to an infection.
PH1415 Sarcoma, Testicle A connective tissue cancer of the
PH1416 Seminal Vesicle Glands that help produce semen.
PH1478 Seminoma, Testis A rapidly dividing cancer of the
testicle which is thought to arise from
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
primordial germ line cells while the
individual is still an embryo and the
testicle has not yet been sexually
differentiated from the generic gonad.
PH1418 Sperm Spermatozoa Mature male germ cells that fertilise the
PH1419 Syphilis, Gumma, Testis Late stage of syphilis.
PH1420 Teratoma, Testis A type of germ cell tumour that may
contain several different types of
tissue; not all teratomas are malignant.
PH1421 Testis Testicle The two egg-shaped glands found
inside the scrotum that produce sperm
and male hormones.
PH1422 Testis, Atrophic Testicle showing signs of lessening of
size of cells.
PH1423 Testis, Inhibition Of A reduction in production of sperm as
Spermiogenesis a result of a hormone disorder.
(Hormone Disorder)
PH1424 Tuberculosis, Testis Testis and epididymis showing signs
And Epididymis of tubercular changes.
PH1425 Vas Deferens Deferent Canal, Deferent Duct, A coiled tube that carries the sperm
Spermatic Duct, Spermiduct, out of the testes.
Testicular Duct, Ductus Deferens

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8055

Note: lactating breast is in Pathology/Histology Kit PH12

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1501 Bone Marrow, New The soft, sponge-like tissue in the
Born center of most large bones, which
produces white blood cells, red blood
cells, and platelets.
PH1502 Chromosomes, Downs A disorder caused by the presence of
Syndrome an extra chromosome 21 and
characterized by mental retardation and
distinguishing physical features.
PH1503 Chromosomes, Female Female genetic material.

PH1504 Chromosomes, Male Male genetic material.

PH1505 Corpus Luteum Of Endocrine gland in ovary formed when

Pregnancy ovum discharged; if the ovum
impregnated, the corpus luteum
increases in size and persists for
several months, (secretes estrogens,
progesterone, relaxin and inhibin);
otherwise degenerates and shrinks.
PH1506 Developing Cartlaginuous bone is pre-formed in
Cartilaginous Bone, cartilage.
Joint Of Human Foetus
PH1507 Erythroblastosis Immune Hydrops Fetalis, Hemolytic A severe anemia that develops in an
Fetalis, Placenta Disease Of The Newborn Due To Rh unborn infant because the mother
Incompatibility produces antibodies that attack the
fetus' red blood cells.
PH1508 Fetal And Placental The placenta allows for exchange of
Tissue material by diffusion between the
maternal and foetal vascular systems
but without direct contact between the
two blood systems.
PH1509 Hydatid Mole, Placenta The pregnancy goes wrong at the time
of fertilisation of the egg by the sperm;
the placenta grows as a series of cysts
which look rather like grapes, but there
is no foetus.
PH1510 Hydatid Mole, Uterus The pregnancy goes wrong at the time
of fertilisation of the egg by the sperm;
the placenta grows as a series of cysts
which look rather like grapes, but there
is no foetus.
PH1511 Neonatal Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver most usually
of viral origin.
PH1512 Neuroblastoma, New Malignant tumour derived from
Born primitive ganglion cells.
PH1513 Peritonitis, Meconium, Inflammation of the peritoneum by

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
Colon meconium (bile, mucus and shed
intestinal cells, normally passed just
after birth), caused by bowel
PH1514 Placenta The organ that nourishes the
developing foetus in the uterus.
PH1515 Placental Tissue, Early Early development of the palcenta, the
organ that nourishes the developing
foetus in the uterus.
PH516 Respiratory Distress Hyaline Mebrane Disease Found in premature babies and those
Syndrome born by Caesarean section, involves
difficulty in breathing; may also occur
later in life when lungs have been
damaged by disease or injury.
PH1517 Rib, Normal Of A rib in a newborn baby that has
Newborn developed normally.
PH1518 Term Pregnancy Placental tissue, blood etc. Normally
Products expelled after a baby is born.
PH1519 Tooth Developing, A tooth in the process of development.
Early Tooth
PH1520 Umbilical Chord Umbilical Cord A cord arising from the navel that
connects the fetus with the placenta
and contains the two umbilical arteries
and the umbilical vein.
PH1521 Uterus Pregnant A uterus showing the changes of

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8056

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1601 Carcinoma, Tongue A cancer of the tongue.
PH1602 Cheek, Epithelium, The inner lining of the cheek showing squamous
Squamous Buccal cells (thin, flat cells that look like fish scales).
PH1603 Cornea The transparent part of the coat of the eyeball that
covers the iris and pupil and admits light to the
PH1604 Ear, Internal, Foetal The internal ear of the foetus.
PH1605 Eye, Anterior Part A front section of the human eye.
PH1606 Eyelid Eyelids shade and protect the eye.
PH1607 Glioma, Optic Nerve A cancer in the glial cells that surround and
support the optic nerve (the nerve that carries
messages from the retina to the brain).
PH1608 Malignant Mixed A cancerous tumour of the roof of the mouth
Tumour, Palate consisting of at least two tissue types.
PH1609 Malignant Mixed A cancerous tumour of a salivary gland
Tumour, Paratoid Gland consisting of at least two tissue types.
PH1610 Mouth Smear Contains saliva etc.
PH1611 Mouth, Bacteria (Gram A sample taken from the mouth showing two
Positive And Negative) types of bacteria.
PH1612 Nasal Epithelium Lining of the nose.
PH1613 Odontogenic Keratinizing Cyst A jawbone cyst that develops a horny layer.
Keratocyst, Mandible
PH1614 Optic Nerve The nerve that carries messages from the retina to
the brain.
PH1615 Palate, Soft The posterior portion of the roof of the mouth.
PH1616 Parotid Gland Salivary gland below and just in front of the ear.
PH1617 Retina Nervous Tunic The posterior portion of the eyeball.
PH1618 Salivary Gland Glands in the mouth that produce saliva.
PH1619 Sebaceous Carcinoma, A malignant tumour of the nose with sebaceous
Nose differentiation.
PH1620 Squamous Cell A mouth cancer affecting the squamous cells
Carcinoma, Mouth (thin, flat cells that look like fish scales).
PH1621 Submaxillary Gland Mandibular Gland, A gland inside of and near the lower edge of the
Submandibular Salivary jawbone, which discharges saliva into the mouth
Gland, Submandibular under the tongue.
Gland, Submaxillary
Salivary Gland
PH1622 Tongue A large muscle covered in mucous mebranes
loacted in the mouth.
PH1623 Tonsil Small masses of lymphoid tissue on either side of
the throat.
PH1624 Tonsillitis Inflammation of the tonsil.
PH1625 Tooth Calcified connective tissue embedded in the

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8057

Code Name Alternative Name Description

PH1701 Abscess An enclosed collection of pus in
tissues, organs, or confined spaces in
the body; a sign of infection and is
usually swollen and inflamed.
PH1702 Basal Cell Carcinoma Rodent Ulcer, Basaloma Most common form of the 3 major skin
cancers; arises from the basal cells,
small round cells found in the lower
part (or base) of the epidermis, the
outer layer of the skin.
PH1703 Chondroid Syringoma Mixed Tumour Of Skin A benign tumour of the sweat glands.
PH1704 Eccrine Spiradenoma A benign but usually painful skin
tumour composed of two cell types
derived from the sweat glands.
PH1705 Epithelioma, Skin An abnormal skin growth; may be
benign or malignant.
PH1706 Hair Hair consists of dead, keratinised cells
bonded together by extracellular
PH1707 Hemangioma, A usually benign tumor made up of
Cavernous & Capillary blood vessels; typically occurs as a
purplish or reddish slightly elevated
area of skin.
PH1708 Herpes, Skin Skin showing the effect of the herpes
PH1709 Hidradenoma, Clear Cell Eccrine Acrospiroma, A tumour derived from eccrine sweat
Nodular Hidradenoma glands, composed of glycogen-rich
clear cells.
PH1710 Insect Bite With Insect bite with an increase in the
Acanthosis thickness of one of the cell layers of
the skin.
PH1711 Kaposi's Sarcoma Cancer characterised by the abnormal
growth of blood vessels that develop
into skin lesions.
PH1712 Keratoacanthoma A non-cancerous, rapidly growing skin
tumor that usually occurs on sun-
exposed areas of the skin and that can
go away without treatment.
PH1713 Lentigo, Malignant A malignant small melanotic spot in the
skin in which the formation of pigment
is unrelated to exposure to sunlight.
PH1714 Lichen Planus A common skin disease with small,
shiny, itchy spots, often accompanied
by lesions in the mouth.
PH1715 Meissner Corpuscle Receptors for discriminating touch,
located in the skin, especially the
finger tips and palms.
PH1716 Melanoma, Malignant One of the 3 major forms of skin
cancer, and potentially the most
serious; a malignant tumour arising
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Alternative Name Description
from the melanocytic system of the
PH1717 Mole, Hairy Pigmented An area on the skin (usually dark in
color) that contains a cluster of
melanocytes, with a hair follicle.
PH1718 Nevus, Blue A small blue or bluish black spot on
the skin that is sharply circumscribed,
rounded, and flat or slightly raised and
is usually benign but often mistaken
for a melanoma.
PH1719 Papilloma, Skin Benign skin tumour.
PH1720 Scalp With Hair Skin from the head with hair.
PH1721 Sebaceous Carcinoma Carcinoma of the sebaceous glands,
usually occurring as a slow-growing
hard yellow nodule on the eyelid.
PH1722 Skin, Negroid And Outermost covering of the body.
PH1723 Skin With Sweat Gland Outermost covering of the body with a
sweat gland.
PH1724 Squamous Cell One of the 3 major forms of skin cancer
Carcinoma affecting the squamous cells (thin, flat
cells that look like fish scales).
PH1725 Ulcer, Granulating An ulcer forms when the surface cells
die and are cast off; here healing
tissue with a translucent, red, velvety
appearance is present.
PH1726 Ulcer, Old Chronic, A long-standing ulcer.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8058

Code Name Description

PC 01 Almond Oil (sweet) Used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy, and in some personal care products.
PC 02 Aloe Vera Gel Used in personal care products and cosmetics; also in some creams and
gels to treat eczema, burns, etc.; can be taken internally to help digestive
PC 03 Apricot Kernel Oil Cheaper than almond oil, so used more often in personal care products to
soften skin; used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy.
PC 04 Avocado Oil Used as a food oil and in personal care products; used as a carrier oil in
PC 05 Beeswax (unbleached) Used to make fine candles, cosmetics, shoe polish and pharmaceuticals;
also used to make bone wax, which is used to stop bone bleeding during
surgical procedures (once applied it remains in place in the body; some
people have experienced adverse reactions).
PC 06 Butyl Paraben / p- A widely used preservative in creams, cosmetics, food and beverages;
Hydroxybenzoic acid n-butyl typical products include hand creams, body lotions, tanning lotions,
ester / Butyl 4- shampoos, skin cleansers, skin toners, moisturisers, hair conditioners, hair
hydroxybenzoate dyes, eye shadows, foundations and after-shaves.
PC 07 Cocoa Butter / Theobroma Used to make moisturisers, soaps, cosmetics and lip balms; used to make
Cacao chocolate including white chocolate.
PC 08 Coconut Oil / Cocos Nucifera Used in skin moisturisers and soap; in India and Sri Lanka used to style
hair; used in vegetable oil and manufacture of processed foods.
PC 09 Dehydroacetic Acid A preservative used in personal care products, medicinal creams,
cosmetics and foods.
PC 10 Diazolidinyl Urea Used as a preservative in cosmetics, skin care products, shampoos and
conditioners, bubble baths, baby wipes and household detergents.
PC 11 Dibutyl Phthalate / Di-n-butyl Used as a solvent for dyes, in cosmetics (particularly nail polish), food
phthalate / n-Butyl phthalate / packaging, perfumes, skin emollients, hair spray and insect repellents; a
DBP / / Phthalic acid dibutyl commonly used plasticiser (makes plastics more flexible and easier to
ester handle).
PC 12 Hydroxyethylcellulose Found in personal care products (e.g. Hair conditioners, body toning
creams, mascaras and shaving creams); also used in dry-eye medication
and vaginal creams and gels.
PC 13 Imidazolidinyl Urea A preservative found in skin, body and hair products, antiperspirants and
nail polishes.
PC 14 Isopropyl Myristate Found in hand and body lotions, moisturisers, deodorants, body sprays,
pre-shave lotions, mascara, after-shave and medicinal creams; also used as
a non-pesticide treatment for hair lice.
PC 15 Jojoba Oil Extracted from a shrub; used in hair care products, cosmetics and skin care
preparations; used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy.
PC 16 Methyl Paraben A widely used preservative in creams, cosmetics, food and beverages;
typical products include hand creams, body lotions, tanning lotions,
shampoos, skin cleansers, skin toners, moisturisers, hair conditioners, hair
dyes, eye shadows, foundations and after-shaves.
PC 17 Nitrosamine Mix Found in some personal care products; not intentionally added, but are
formed accidentally during manufacture or storage (levels increase over
time); research shows over half personal care products and cosmetics have
detectable levels; also formed when nitrates (usually from food or drinking
water) react with amines naturally present in food and in the human body;
also in tobacco smoke
PC 18 Octyl Dodecanol A common ingredient in cosmetics, hair conditioners, nail care products,
deodorants, vaginal creams, etc.
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Description
PC 19 Oxybenzone / 2-Hydroxy-4- Absorbs UV rays; used in sunscreens, skin care and lip balms.
PC 20 Palm Oil Used in the manufacture of soap, cosmetics, detergents, candles and
printing ink; used as a cooking oil, in baby formulas, to make margarine,
and in many processed foods; used in production of biodiesel fuel.
PC 21 Paraphenylenediamine /p- Widely used as a permanent hair dye (when a reaction to hair dye occurs,
phenylenediamine 1,4- this is the most likely culprit); may also be found in dark coloured
Benzenediamine / 1,4- cosmetics, temporary tattoos, photographic developer and lithography
Diaminobenzene / 1,4- plates, photocopying and printing inks, black rubber, oils, greases and
Phenylenediamine gasoline; also found in textile or fur dyes.
PC 22 Poly(ethylene glycol) Widely used to make cosmetics opaque; used to make soap and medicinal
Distearate ointments.
PC 23 Propyl Gallate / E310 An antioxidant used in personal care products, cosmetics, sausages,
margarine, and chewing gum; used in manufacture of paper packaging that
will be in contact with food.
PC 24 Propyl Paraben / 4- A widely used preservative in creams, cosmetics, food and beverages;
Hydroxybenzoic acid propyl typical products include hand creams, body lotions, tanning lotions,
ester / Propyl 4- shampoos, skin cleansers, skin toners, moisturisers, hair conditioners, hair
hydroxybenzoate dyes, eye shadows, foundations and after-shaves.
PC 25 Propylene Glycol /PG / Propan- Used in the preparation of perfumes, in personal care products (e.g.
1,2-diol/ Propylenglycolum Cleansers, skin creams, toothpastes, shampoos, hair conditioners, hair
dyes), and cosmetics, and in drugs; used as a preservative in some food
(e.g. Ice cream and sour cream); used as an anti-freeze, a solvent and a
mould inhibitor; also used in artificial smoke and fog machines.
PC 26 Resorcinol / 1,3-Benzenediol Used in hair dyes, anti-dandruff shampoos and sunscreens; used to treat
/Resorcin acne and skin complaints; also used to dye fur and leather and in wood
PC 27 Shea Butter / Butyrospermium Widely used in cosmetics as a moisturiser and an emollient; used as a
Parkii cooking oil in West Africa, as well as sometimes being used in the
chocolate industry as a substitute for cocoa butter.
PC 28 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate / SLS / Used in personal care products such as toothpastes, shampoos, shaving
Sodium dodecyl sulfate / SDS foams and bubble baths for its thickening effect and its ability to create a
PC29 Stearic Acid / Octadecanoic Found in personal care products (e.g. Moisturisers, hand creams, body
Acid lotions, tanning lotions, cream soaps, eye shadows, mascaras, hair dyes,
foundation, and shaving foams); used as a lubricant in nutritional and
medicinal tablets.
PC 30 (+)-α-Tocopherol Acetate / Found in face wash creams, hair conditioners, hand creams, foundation,
Vitamin E Acetate eye shadows, lipsticks, and similar products.
PC 31 Wheatgerm Oil Used in natural personal care products, and some medicinal creams.

Related Vials in Other Kits:

In the Fragrance Kit: Benzyl Alcohol, Ethyl Acetate, Isopropyl Acetate, OcimenePhenethyl Alcohol and
In Industrial & Environmental 1 Kit: Diethanolamine / DEA, Glycerin, Hydrogen Peroxide, Polyethylene Glycol
(PEG) and Triethanolamine /TEA
In Industrial & Environmental 1 Kit: Cetyl Alcohol, Glycolic Acid and Monoethanolamine
In Food Additive B Kit: Carnauba Wax and Lactic Acid
In Chemical & Inhalant Kit: Lanolin

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8040

Code English Comments

PE 1 2,4,5-T /Dioxin / Organochloride; on the EU List of 129; International Pesticide Network wishes
CAS 93-76-5 to stop use; use being phased out; possibly carcinogenic to humans;
herbicide; component of `Agent Orange´ (defoliant) in Vietnam war, during this
war the US military droped 40 million kilogram on Vietnam; probably
carcinogenic in humans; still in use from railway companies as a herbicide on
the railway.
PE 2 Aldicarb / Temik/ International Pesticide Network wishes to stop use; WHO class 1a; used in
CAS 116-06-3 cultivation of cotton, peanuts, cucumber, watermelons, potatoes, soya beans
and ornamental plants; disturbs hormone equlibrium in rats.
PE 3 Amitrole /Amino- Herbicide, water-soluble, not fat-soluble; used in cultivation of fruits and
Triazol / ornamental plants; low acute and chronical toxicity, but probably carcinogenic
CAS 61-82-5 for humans.
PE 4 Atrazine / Organochloride; on UK Red List; possibly carcinogenic to humans; herbicide;
CAS 1912-24-9 non-selective herbicide, low solubility in water, forbidden in many countries in
other countries used in cultivation of suger cane, pineapple and timber;
probably carcinogenic for humans; hormonal effects are similar to oestrogen.
PE 5 Bromophos / WHO class 1b; organic phosphate, WHO class 1b; low to medium toxicity.
CAS 4824-78-6
PE 6 Camphechlor / Banned in EU; International Pesticide Network wishes to stop use; used in
Toxaphene / cultivation of cotton, soyabeans, peanuts; most probably carcinogenic, liver
CAS 8001-35-2 damage through long term exposure to higher doses.
PE 7 Captan / Non-systemical fungicide, used against fungus on fruits,ornamental plants and
CAS 133-06-2 tomatoes; also used by amateur gardeners; low acute toxicity for humans but
probably carcinogenic.
PE 8 Chlormequat / CCC Plant growth regulator; insecticide; used in cultivation of grains, grapes and
/ pears; probably not carcinogenic. One of the most common pesticide residues
CAS 999-81-5 found in food in the UK.
PE 9 Deiquat / Non-selective herbicide; plant growth regulator; used in general and
CAS 2764-72-9 specifically for sugar cane; medium toxicity for humans; kidney damage and eye
cataracts through long term exposure.
PE 10 Diazinon / Organophospate; insecticide ; used as a sheep dip, particularly until 1990’s
CAS 33-41-5 when synethic pyrethroids ( e.g. Cypermethrin and flumethrin) were introduced;
widely used for pest control in cultivation of food and ornamental plants; is
contained in some agents for indoor use; low to middle acute toxicity; potential
mutagen; in human body it breaks down into diazoxone, which is a strong
enzyme inhibitor.
PE 11 Dichlorvos / Organophosphate, cholinesterase inbibitor, insecticide ; used instorage rooms
CAS 62-73-7 against flies, mites, spiders, etc., and in plant cultivation; used as a treatment
against worms in humans and animals ; on uk red list; who class 1b; highly
toxic by inhalation, skin contact and ingesting; usually quickly excreted by the
body; mutagenic and probably carcinogenic.
PE 12 Dieldrin / Organochloride; banned in EU; WHO class 1b; insecticide; widely used from
CAS 60-57-1 1950 until early 70’s against termites and beetles, for treatment of seeds, against
mosquitos and the Tse-Tse-fly, on sheep, as a wool impregnating agent
against moths and also as a wood impregnation; chronic effects: liver damage,
disturbed immune system; carcinogenic in animal test; stored in fat tissue,
difficult for the body to excret or break down.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code English Comments
PE 13 DNOC / WHO class 1b; highly toxic; damages liver, kidneys and nervous system; leads
Dinitrocresol / to hyperthermia, tachycardia, dehydration and toxic psychosis.
CAS 534-52-1
PE 14 Endosulfan / Insecticide and acaricide; chlorinated carbohydron, insecticide, acaricide;fat-
CAS 959-98-8 solubl; not allowed in Germany; on UK Red List; contact poisen for a wide
range of insects and mites; high acute toxicity for humans; damage on kidneys,
liver, blood chemistry and parathyroid; probably mutagenic and almost
certainly carcinogenic.
PE 15 Heptachlor / Organochloride; banned in EU; chlorinated carbohydron, insecticide, fat-
CAS 76-44-8 soluble; high acute toxicity for humans; stored in fat tissue; found in breast
milk; affects nerves; symptoms of acute or chronical toxicity include irritability,
overstimulated salivation, lethargy, vertigo, dazed feeling, difficult breathing,
muscle spasm and tremble, infertility, disturbed female cycle, liverdamage,
kidneydamage, increased number of red blood cells, mutagenic, carcinogenic;
affects steroid metabolism.
PE 16 Hexachlorbenzene / Organochloride; chlorinated carbohydron; fungicide; banned in EU; WHO
HCB / class 1a; low acute toxicity; stored in fat tissue; found in breast milk; effects of
CAS 118-74-1 higher doses include tremour, paralysis, weakness ; probably carcinogenic for
humans; speed of breaking down of hormones in the body is changed.
PE 17 Lindane / Organochloride; pesticide; no longer produced in USA; used in cultivation of
CAS 58-89-9 sugar beet; highly toxic for humans; stimulates the central nerve system with
symptoms like mental and motor regression, nerve over-activity, failure of
breathing, lung oedema and dermatitis; carcinogenic for humans;change of
testicles in laboratory animals.
PE 18 Maneb / Fungicide; used in cultivation, transport and storage of plants and seeds;
CAS 12427-38-2 medium acute toxicity; possible chronic effects include dermatitis, tremor,
weakness, depression, paralysis, mal-digestion, co-ordination problems;
affected organs are thyroid, kidney and heart; disturbes hormone regulation;
cooking treated vegeatbles probably increases carcinogenic effect.
PE 19 MCPA /Metaxon Chlorinated carbohydron; systemic herbicide particularly for grain and grass;
CAS 94-74-6 low acute toxicity; long term effects in animal experiments include growth
obstruction, kidney damage, disturbed reproduction; in humans: muscle
weakness, reversible anemia, stomach problems, slight liver problems.
PE 20 Methoxychlor / Organochloride; insecticide; not allowed in Germany; various uses in
CAS 72-43-5 agriculture, and by amateurs; high increase in use since ban of DDT; relatively
low toxicity and short retention time in bioloical systems; in animal experiment
loss of weight and growth disturbance found on long term exposure.
PE 21 Paraquat / Herbicide; banned in some Scandinavien countries; highly toxic for humans;
CAS 2074-50-2 affects lungs, kidney and liver, wide range of symptoms, possibly carcinogenic
for humans ; International Pesticide Network wishes to stop use.
PE 22 Parathion / Organophosphate; insecticide and acaricide; under consideration for the UK
CAS 56-38-2 Red List; WHO class 1a; used in cultivation and storage of grain; highly toxic
for humans; possible symptoms from acute exposure include breathing
problems, nose bleeding, coughing, shortness of breath; probably
carcinogenic; disturbs hormone balance.
PE 23 Pentachlorophenol / Organochloride; insecticide; fungicide; WHO class 1b; banned in Germany
PCP / since 1989, but many residual pollution in buildings and importied leather
CAS 87-86-5 goods and textiles; mainly used to protect construction wood against insects
and fungus, but also in paper and clothing industries; very toxic for humans;
symptoms from acute exposure include sweating, dehydration, loss of appetite,
loss of weight, vertigo, uncontrolled movements, coma; chronic exposure may
result in stomach-ache, vertigo, fever, breathing problems.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code English Comments
PE 24 Pyrethrum / Natural insecticide from the chrysanthemum plant; used in sprays against lice,
CAS 8003-34-7 mosquitos (evaporation papers), flies, cockraoches, also in storage of grain, in
poultry farming and on cats and dogs.
PE 25 Thomasmehl By-product in iron smelting, used as a fertiliser.

Organochlorides kill pests by attacking their central nervous systems. Linked to cancer, birth defects and
genetic changes in animals. They are fat soluble and stored in body fat. They are far more persistent than

Organophosphates interfere with nerve conduction in pests. They are the most common pesticide used today.
They are water soluble and break down rapidly.

Acaracides are the class of pesticides used against mites and ticks.

The Red List: compiled by UK Department of Environment in 1989; the Government wishes to reduce input of
these substances.

The EU List of 129 (Priority Candidate List): most extensively used and most hazardous of chemicals which are
next in line to be included in the EU black lists or grey lists.

Carcinogenic rating taken from information supplied by The International Agency for Research on Cancer and
the US Environmental Protection Agency.

WHO Class 1 Pesticides: Class 1a is extremely hazardous; Class 1b is highly hazardous.

CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Numbers. A system for allocating numbers to all chemicals.

Cholinesterase-Inhibitor: Cholinesterase is a very important enzyme for the normal functioning of the nerve
system in humans, vertebrates and insects. It breaks down transmitter systances like acetylcholine. Some of the
pesticides like the organophosphates interfere with this enzyme or block it and disturb the normal functioning of
the nervous system. They are made to kill insects by these effects. If such chemicals are present in the synapses
of the nerve system, some neurotransmitter accumulate because the enzymes that break them down do not work.
This leads to overstimulated nerve functioning with symptoms like: sleepiness, vertigo, blurred vision, headache,
sweating, overstimulted excretion of tears, etc.

EXTOXNET Extension Toxicology Network, Internet:
Brochure fromUmweltgifte mit hormoneller Wirkung, Umweltstiftung WWF-Deutschland, Fachbereich Meere
und Küsten, Am Güthpol 11, 28757 Bremen, Tel. 0421 / 65846-10
Various internet web sites
Information from The Pesticide Network
Information from Klaus Schäfer, Wolfenweiler, Germany

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8071

Code Name Chemical Alternative Names Comments

PE 26 Herbicides Mix A Contains Atrazine, Bromacil, Butylate,
Cycloate, S-Ethyl-N,N-dipropylthiocarbamate,
Hexazinone, Isopropalin, Metribuzin, Molinate,
Oxyfluorfen, Pebulat, Terbacil, Trifluralin
PE 27 Herbicides Mix B Contains Benfluralin, Metolachlor, Oxadiazon,
Profluralin, Propachlor, Propazine, Prowl
(Pendimethaline), Simazine, Vernolat
PE 28 Pesticides Mix A Contains α-BHC, 4,4′-DDT,
Decachlorobiphenyl, Dieldrin, α-Endosulfan,
Endrin, Heptachlor, Lindane, Methoxychlor,
PE 29 Pesticides Mix B Contains Aldrin, β-BHC, δ-BHC, α-Chlordane,
γ-Chlordane, 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(4-
chlorophenyl)ethene, Decachlorobiphenyl, β-
Endosulfan, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin
aldehyde, Endrin ketone, Heptachlor exo-
epoxide, 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene
PE 30 Pesticides Mix C Contains Aldrin, α-Benzene Hexachloride, β-a-
Benzene Hexachloride, δ-a-Benzene
Hexachloride, 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(4-
chlorophenyl)ethane, 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(4-
chlorophenyl)ethene, 4,4′-DDT, Dieldrin, α-
Endosulfan, β-Endosulfan, Endosulfan sulfate,
Endrin, Endrin aldehyde, Heptachlor,
Heptachlor exo-epoxide, Lindane
PE 31 Pesticides Mix D Contains Azinphos-methyl, Chlorpyrifos,
Dichlorvos, Disulfoton, Ethoprophos,
Fenchlorphos, Parathion-methyl, Prothiofos
PE 32 Carbaryl 63-25-2 Arkotine, Azotox, Bosan Insecticide; the third most-used insecticide in
Supra, Bovidermal, the United States for home gardens,
Chlorophenothane, commercial agriculture, and forestry and
Chlorophenotoxum, Citox, rangeland protection.
Clofenotane, Dedelo,
PE 33 Carbendazim 10605-21-7 One of the most common residues found in
food in the European Community.
PE 34 Chlorothalonil 1897-45-6 Fungicide used to control mould, mildew,
bacteria, algae. The third most used fungicide
in the US (for peanuts, potatoes and

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Chemical Alternative Names Comments
PE 35 Chlorpyrifos 2921-88-2 Ditoxan, Dibovan, One of the most widely used organophosphate
Dicophane, Didigam, insecticides. The crops with the most intense
Didimac, Dodat, Dykol, chlorpyrifos use are cotton, corn, almonds,
Estonate, Genitox, Gesafid, and fruit trees including oranges and apples.
Gesapon, Gesarex, Gesarol. banned for use in U.S. households but is still
widely used throughout the agricultural
industry -- is associated with early childhood
developmental delays, according to a study by
researchers at Columbia University's Mailman
School of Public Health. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) collected samples (in
2009) with surface wipes from U.S. kitchen
floors. Chlorpyrifos on 78%.
PE 36 Cyprodinil 121552-61-2 Cyprodinil Technical, Fungicide. One of the most common residues
Vangard WP Fungicide, found in food in the European Community.
Vangard WG Fungicide

PE 37 2,4-D / 94-75-7 The most widely used herbicide in the world.

cetic Acid
PE 38 4,4′-DDD / 72-54-8 A constituent of commercial DDT and a
TDE / 1,1- breakdown product of DDT. Due to its
Dichloro-2,2-bis(4- stability in fat, DDE is rarely excreted from the
chlorophenyl)etha body, and body levels tend to increase
ne throughout life. Substantial levels found in
breast milk and in animal fat.
PE 39 4,4'-DDE / 72-55-9 A constituent of commercial DDT and a
1,1-Dichloro-2,2- breakdown product of DDT. Due to its
bis(4- stability in fat, DDE is rarely excreted from the
chlorophenyl)ethe body, and body levels tend to increase
ne throughout life. Substantial levels found in
breast milk and in animal fat. An increased risk
of testicular germ cell tumours. Has been
linked to diabetes.
N/A DDT Commercial DDT is banned in most countries
but is a persistent pollutant in the
(This is not a vial environment. It is a mixture of several closely–
in this kit but all related compounds. 4,4′-DDT (77%) and 2,4′-
the constituents DDT (15%) are the main chemicals with DDE
of commercial and DDD making up the balance. DDE and
DDT are.) DDD are also the major metabolites and
breakdown products in the environment. All
four are in this kit.
PE 40 2,4′-DDT 789-02-6 Insecticide. Part of commercial DDT. Evidence
of impaired fertility from animal studies.
Banned in most countries but still found in fat
tissue (both human and in animals/fish we eat)
and breast milk.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Chemical Alternative Names Comments
PE 41 4,4′-DDT / 50-29-3 Insecticide. Part of commercial DDT. Evidence
1,1,1-Trichloro- of impaired fertility from animal studies.
2,2-bis(4- Banned in most countries but still found in fat
chlorophenyl)etha tissue (both human and in animals/fish we eat)
ne / 1,1-Bis(4- and breast milk.
PE 42 Endrin 72-20-8 Insecticide; global ban taking affect mid 2012,
but persistent in the environment. Endocrine
disrupter and possibly carcinogenic.
PE 43 Glyphosate 1071-83-6 Roundup, Glyphomax, Most used herbicide in USA. Used by public
Roundup Ultra, Accord, as well as in agriculture.

PE 44 Imazalil 35554-44-0 One of the most common residues found in

food in the European Community.
PE 45 Imidacloprid 138261-41-3 Kohinor, Admire, One of the most widely used insecticides.
Advantage (Advocate) Available in products for home use.
(flea killer for pets),
Gaucho, Mallet, Merit,
Nuprid, Prothor, Turfthor,
Confidor, Conguard,
Hachikusan, Premise,
Prothor, Provado, and
PE 46 Malathion 121-75-5 Carbophos, Maldison, Insecticide; studies have shown that children
Mercaptothion with higher levels of malathion in their urine
seem to be at an increased risk of attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder.
PE 47 Metolachlor 51218-45-2 Evidence of it in ground and surface water.
Concentrations have been found in fish.
PE 48 Parathion-Methyl 298-00-0 Methyl Parathion, Insecticide. Used to control chewing and
Dimethyl Parathion, Bladan sucking insects in a wide range of crops,
M, Metaphos including cereals, fruit, vines, vegetables,
ornamentals, cotton and field crops. Residues
are regularly detected in a range of fruit and
PE 49 Piperonyl 51-03-6 Combined with other pesticides, products with
Butoxide piperonyl butoxide are often used to target
mosquitoes, ants, worms, beetles, mites, flies,
gnats, spiders, weevils, caterpillars, grubs,
moths, ticks, lice, wasps, aphids, midges. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) collected samples (in
2009) with surface wipes from U.S. kitchen
floors. Pipeonyl butoxide on 52%.
PE 50 Trifluralin 1582-09-8 One of the most widely used herbicides used
to control grass and weeds.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8072

Code Name CAS Alternative Comments

Number Names
PE 51 Acephate 30560-19-1 Used primarily for control of aphids,
including resistant species, in
vegetables (e.g. potatoes, carrots,
greenhouse tomatoes, and lettuce)
and in horticulture (e.g. on roses
and greenhouse ornamentals).
PE 52 Acetamiprid 135410-20- Assail, Pristine, Crops such as leafy vegetables,
7 Chipco, Bug Clear citrus fruits, apples, grapes, cherry,
cotton and ornamental plants.
Available in products for home use.
PE 53 Aldrin 309-00-2 Banned by the Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants. Although banned still
found in fat tissue (both human and
in animals/fish we eat) and breast
milk. Aldrin exposure increases the
likelihood of diabetes.
PE 54 Azinphos-Methyl / 86-50-0 Agritan, Anofex, Used on nut trees, vegetable crops,
4, 4' - and fruit trees. Has been linked to
dichlorodiphenyltri health problems in framers who use
chloroethane /4, 4' it.
PE 55 Chlordane 57-74-9 Banned by the Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants. Found in breast milk.
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) collected
samples (in 2009) with surface
wipes from U.S. kitchen floors.
Chlordane on 74%.
PE 56 Chloropropham / 101-21-3 A plant growth regulator and
Chlorpropham herbicide. Used to control potato
sprouting, and on beans,
blueberries, cranberries, carrots,
onions, spinach, sugar beets,
tomatoes, safflower, soybeans, etc.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name CAS Alternative Comments
Number Names
PE 57 Clopyralid 1702-17-6 Guesapon, Used for control of broadleaf
Guesarol, Gyron, weeds, especially thistles and
Havero-extra, clovers. Was widely used in USA
Hildit, Ivoran, for weed control in lawns until
Ixodex, Kopsal, prohibited in 1999.
Mutoxin, Neocid,
PE 58 Cypermethrin 52315-07-8 An insecticide in large-scale
commercial agricultural applications
as well as in consumer products for
domestic purposes. Found in many
household ant and cockroach killers.
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) collected
samples (in 2009) with surface
wipes from U.S. kitchen floors.
Cypermethrin on 46%.
PE 59 Dimethoate 60-51-5 Widely used insecticide.
PE 60 Diphenylamine 122-39-4 Used on apples pre and post
PE 61 Endosulfan Sulfate 1031-07-8 The primary breakdown product of
the insecticide endosulfan.
PE 62 Fenitrothion 122-14-5 Insecticide used on rice, cereals,
fruits, vegetables, stored grains,
cotton, to control insects in forests
and for fly, mosquito, and
cockroach control in public health
PE 63 Fipronil 120068-37- Insecticide. U.S. Environmental
3 Protection Agency (EPA) and the
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD)
collected samples (in 2009) with
surface wipes from U.S. kitchen
floors. Fipronil on 40%.
PE 64 Folpet 133-07-3 Used on berries, apples, flowers,
ornamentals, fruits and vegetables,
and for seed- and plant- bed
treatment. Also used as a fungicide
in paints and plastics, and for
treatment of internal and external
structural surfaces of buildings
PE 65 Hexazinone 51235-04-2 Velpar Herbicide used on grasses and
broadleaf and woody plants.
PE 66 Iprodione 36734-19-7 Rovral, Chipco Fungicide used on fruits, vegetables
Green and on lawns.
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name CAS Alternative Comments
Number Names
PE 67 Methamidophos 10265-92-6 Monitor, Nitofol, Used on broccoli, Brussel sprouts,
Tamaron, Swipe, cauliflower, grapes, celery, sugar
Nuratron, Vetaron, beets, cotton, tobacco, rice and
Filitox, Patrole, potatoes.
Tamanox, SRA
5172, and Tam
PE 68 Mirex 2385-85-5 Banned by the Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants. Although banned still
found in fat tissue (both human and
in animals/fish we eat) and breast
PE 69 Omethoate 1113-02-6 Used to control insects and mites in
horticulture and agriculture, as well
as in the home garden.
PE 70 Permethrin 52645-53-1 U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) collected
samples (in 2009) with surface
wipes from U.S. kitchen floors. The
most frequently detected pesticide
was permethrin (89 percent).
Included in creams (Nix,
Lyclear)for scabies. US military
uniforms and mosquito nets may be
impregnated with this. May be in
head lice treatment. May be
PE 71 Phosmet 732-11-6 Mainly used on apple trees for
control of coddling moth, though it
is also used on a wide range of fruit
crops, ornamentals, and vines for
the control of aphids, suckers,
mites, and fruit flies.
PE 72 Simazin 122-34-9 Herbicide used to control broad-
leaved weeds and annual grasses.
PE 73 Tetrachlorvinphos 22248-79-9 Organophosphate
PE74 Thiacloprid 111988-49- Provado Ultimate An insecticide particularly for aphids
9 Bug Killer, Baby and white fly. Available in products
Bio House Plant for home use.
PE 75 Thiamethoxam 153719-23- An insecticide effective against
4 aphids, beetles, termites, etc.
Available in products for home use.


Product Code 8059

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
PO 1 Tree Pollen 1 Alder, hazel, lilac, plane, elm, poplar, willow.
PO 2 Tree Pollen 2 Birch, ash, jasmine, elder, beech, privet, robinia, oak, lime.
PO 3 Grain Pollen Oats, barley, wheat, meadow foxtail, sweet vernal grass, couch grass,
smooth-stalked meadow grass.
PO 4
PO 5 Grass Pollen Corn, redtop grass (agrostis) English rye grass, brome, dogstail, meadow
fescue, meadow soft grass timothy
PO 5a Hazel Nut Pollen
PO 6 House Dust Dust taken from various places in the house.
PO 7 No Longer Available
PO 8 Pet Hair Dog, cat, rabbit, horse.
PO 8a Dog Hair
PO 8b Cat Hair
PO 9 No Longer Available
PO 10 Farming Dust Animal hair, animal sweat, horn, stable dust, hay, etc.
PO 11 Farming Animals´ Hair Cow, pig, sheep, goat (hairs, bristle, wool).
PO 11a Horse Hair
PO11b Cattle Hair
PO 11c Sheep Wool
PO 12 Moulds Mix 1 Alternaria tenuis, Botrytis cinerea, Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., Fusarium
sp., Helminthosporium hal.
PO 13 Moulds Mix 2 Aspergillus sp., Mucor mucedo, Penicillium sp., Rhizopus nigricans, Pullularia
pullulans, Serpula lacrymans..
PO 14 Bedroom Dust Dust taken from the bedroom.
PO 15 Tobacco Smoke
PO 16 No Longer Available
PO 17 Carpet
PO 18 Sawdust (Various)
PO 19 Weed Pollen Hops, dandelion, plantain, common mugwort, white goosefoot, glasswort,
PO 20 Household Dust Dust taken from the living area of the house.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
POLLENS ETC. TEST KIT 2 (28 vials)
Product Code 8060

Please note that currently there are no vials with the code PO 21 and PO 22.

Code Name Comments

PO2 23 Air Pollution, City Containing vehicle exhaust fumes, soot, pollens, moulds, dust of various
types including from industries which may be situated many miles away,
volcanic dust, etc.
PO2 24 Angora Wool Wool from the angora rabbit.
PO2 25 Asbestos Produced during building construction; in a study in New York of 3000
autopsies half had asbestos particles in their lungs.
PO2 26 Cladosporium One of the most common airborne moulds; common on windowsills and
Herbarum painted walls; most common mould outdoors; often involved in asthma;
world wide distribution; spores are particularly prevalent in Europe in
PO2 27 Clay Found in crockery, paper and board, as a coating on fertiliser pellets, in
some rubbers (both synthetic and natural) and plastics, in household
paint, crayons, pencils, toothpaste and cosmetics; also known as kaolin.
PO2 28 Fly Ash & Soot Produced by incinerators, forest fires, fires in the home and garden; may
travel many miles.
PO2 29 Guinea Pig Hair

PO2 30 Hemp, Italian Some clothing and some traditional ropes.

PO2 31 Jute Made from a plant grown in Asia; used as a backing for carpets, sacks for
carrying food grain, fertilisers and cement.
PO2 32 Linen / Flax Made from the flax plant; the by-products of linen production are
processed into a pulp used for banknotes or fibreboard.
PO2 33 Methane One of the greenhouse gases; main sources are coal mining, landfill,
wetlands, poor management of manure, rice paddies and cattle.
PO2 34 Mohair Wool Wool from the angora goat.

PO2 35 Moulds Various Alternaria alternata, aspergillus niger, aspergillusfumigatus., fusarium

sap., merulius lacrimans, mucor mucedo, penicillin, rhizopus nigricans,
sporobolomyces, tricophytum rubrum, ustilago,cladosporium herbarum.
PO2 36 Newsprint

PO2 37 Ozone Vehicles and industries are the major source of ground-level ozone gas
emissions; also produced by photocopiers, etc. Occurs naturally in the
upper layers of the atmosphere and shields the earth from the harmful
ultraviolet rays of the sun.
PO2 38 Pollens & Grasses Includes alder, beech, silver birch, elm, hazel, plane, poplar, willow, broom,
Various 1 cocksfoot, dog's tail, false oat, meadow foxtail, rye, timothy, sweet vernal,
ragweed, mugwort, rape, heather, fat hen, plantain, buttercup, nettle, etc.
PO2 39 Pollens Grass, Trees & Bent, meadow foxtail, sweet vernal grass, false oat, meadow brome,
Flowers 2 crested dog's tail, cocksfoot, meadow fescue, common velvet grass,
perennial rye grass, timothy grass, annual meadow grass, alder silver
birch, hazel, beech, ash, London plane, aspen, oak, white willow, short
ragweed, mugwort, rapeseed, heather, fat hen, plantain, buttercup and
PO2 40 Pollens Various 3 Lily, amarylis, dwarf sunflower, ragweed, saltbush, chrysanthemum, corn,
dahlia, ash, hibiscus, tiger lily, tulip tree, apple, tobacco, rose, African
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Comments
violet, willow, dandelion, pine, cherry, snap dragon, cat tail.
PO2 41 Printer & A mixture of plastic particles (e.g. Styrene acrylate copolymer and
Photocopying Toner polypropylene), iron and pigments, such as carbon black, and paraffin
PO2 42 Quartz Sand From mining operations, sandblasting, industrial grinding, and deserts
and sand dunes, etc.
PO2 43 Ragweed, Giant & One of the main hay fever pollens in the USA from mid August to
Short/Normal November, peaking in September; these two varieties of ragweed cause
the most problems; also found in the Rhône valley in France and some
areas of Eastern Europe.
PO2 44 Ramie Made from Chinese grass or rhea, a plant with fibrous leaves; used mainly
with other fibres as a blend in fabrics resembling linen.
PO2 45 Rapeseed Pollen / A problem for many people particularly in the UK; known as canola in
Canola Pollen North America.

PO2 46 Rayon, Acetate A fabric made from cellulose acetate fibres; resistant to staining and
PO2 47 Rayon, Viscose A fabric manufactured by treating cellulose with carbon disulfide, caustic
soda, and sulphuric acid; used in clothing, furnishing and carpets; the
most important of the rayons.
PO2 48 Rust, Iron The common name for an oxide of iron; occurs when iron is exposed to
water and air; a lot of water supplies are contaminated by it, especially
when main pipes are being repaired.
PO2 49 Sulphuric Acid / Produced by burning fuels and volcanoes; one of the components of acid
Sulfuric Acid rain; used in include fertiliser manufacturing, ore processing, chemical
synthesis, waste water processing and oil refining.
PO2 50 Volcanic Dust From two volcanoes: Halemaumau in Hawaii and Mt. St Helens; may
travel thousands of mile.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8061

This test kit contains the energy patterns (homeopathic) of these drugs and not the substances

RD1 Amphetamine: also called speed, uppers, bennies. A central nervous system stimulant. Short term effects:
increases mental alertness and physical energy, decreases appetite, dryness of mouth. Depression and
fatigue as drug wears off. At high doses: tremor, sweating, anxiety, headaches, palpitations and chest pains.

RD2 Cannabis Resin: see Marijuana.

RD3 Cocaine: also called coke, crack, nose candy, snow. A central nervous system stimulant and local
anaesthetic. Moderate doses: sense of well-being and elation, appetite reduced, increase in heart rate and
blood pressure, tremors, sweating, dilation of pupils. Large doses: agitation, anxiety, hallucinations and

RD4 Dihydracodein: a narcotic analgesic.

RD5 Ecstasy: a modification to the structure of amphetamines. In low doses: mental relaxation, tense muscles,
increased sensitivity to stimuli and sometimes hallucinations. Higher doses: similar to amphetamines.

RD6 Heroin: also called horse, junk, smack, scag, H. Central nervous system depressant. Short term effects: a
feeling of well-being and contentment. Breathing and heart rate slowed; cough reflex inhibited. Long term
effects: constipation, reduced sexual drive, disruption of menstrual cycle, poor appetite. Often mixed with
other substances. Highly addictive.

RD7 LSD: also called lysergic acid, acid, haze. An hallucinogenic. Restlessness, dizziness, coldness and
shivering, uncontrollable desire to laugh, distortion in perception of sound and vision. Can lead to lasting
mental problems. Flashbacks can occur months or years after taking the drug.

RD8 Magic Mushroom

RD9 Marijuana: also known as cannabis, grass, pot, dope, weed, hash, ganja. A central nervous system
depressant, hallucinogenic, anti-emetic (stops vomiting). Short term: feelings of relaxation, enhances visual
and auditory perception, increases talkativeness, appetite stimulated. Impairment of short-termmemory and
problems with co-ordination. Long-term effect: probably increases risk of lung disorders, may reduce
fertility, may lead to apathy and lethargy.

RD10 Mescaline/Peyote: also called cactus buttons, big chief. An hallucinogenic. Alters visual and auditory
perception. Appetite reduced. Risk of unpleasant mental effects, particularly if person anxious or depressed.
May also experience nausea and vomiting caused by other constituents in plant.

RD11 Morphine Sulphate (controlled release): see Heroin.

RD12 Methadone: A narcotic used as an analgesic to ease heroin withdrawal. Can be addictive in its own right.

RD13 Nicotine: from cigarette smoke. Non-smokers are also exposed to this.

RD14 Cotinine: the breakdown product from nicotine. Nicotine is broken down into this in the body. Cotinine
is highly addictive. Cotinine can be detected in the blood and urine of both smokers and children and
adults exposed to cigarette smoke in their environment. Cotinine has been found in the breast milk of
smokers too. Cotinine persists in the system longer than nicotine.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Product Code 8062

The incidence of many of the childhood infectious diseases has declined over the years. This has been attributed to
the success of the immunisation programme, but:

• scarlet fever has shown a similar pattern of decline even though there has been no immunisation programme
• many of the infectious diseases were in decline because of improvements in hygiene etc. even before the
immunisation programme was introduced
• many doctors will not diagnose a patient as suffering from a particular infection if the patient has been
immunised against it, even if the patient is showing all the symptoms of having the disease; sometimes this leads
to a “renaming” of diseases, e.g. symptoms of polio in vaccinated people are often classified as aseptic
meningitis rather than polio

The risk of immunisation may be much greater than medically recognized because:

• many of the medical studies showing limited side-effects have only looked at the effects for a few days after
• some of the effect of the vaccination may be there immediately but not easily observable. e.g. has been
suggested that immunisation alters the ratio of T-helper cells and T-suppresser cells; this could be a factor in the
increase in allergies among children
• some immunisations are only temporary or give partial immunity; they become ineffective during adult life when
the complications of the disease are much more dangerous
• natural immunity gives life-time protection; natural immunity is gained from childhood illness when the disease is
generally mild in well nourished children (e.g. measles can cause blindness but if Vitamin A is given at the same
time the possibilities of complications are dramatically reduced)
• lack of natural immunity could mean that mothers are unable to pass on placental immunity to their babies,
making babies too young to be vaccinated susceptible to measles, etc.
• live attenuated viruses are capable of reversion to wild-type parent strains capable of producing disease in
inoculated people
• reducing the prevalence of one strain of a virus can allow another possibly more deadly strain to proliferate
• after vaccination cell-mediated immunity is suppressed for a time- this can allow infection in or allow a latent
infection to become an acute attack
In U.K. wide scale immunisation against childhood infections began in 1950’s
It is argued by some that vaccination leads to general immune suppression with an increase in allergies, recurrent
infections, auto-immune diseases, and degenerative diseases.

Code Vaccine Type Possible long term Vaccination requirements & comments
effects 1
VA 1 B.C.G. live attenuated TB, ME In UK at age 12-13.
Cervical Cancer see VA29 and
Vaccine VA30
VA 2 Cholera killed organisms severe allergic Vaccination only recommended if
reactions to vaccine, travelling to cholera areas across remote
nerve damage, mental borders, especially overland.
VA 3 D.P.T. toxoids of sudden infant death Introduced in 1957 in UK, by 1969 over
(Diphtheria, diphtheria & syndrome, brain 80% of children vaccinated
Whooping Cough, tetanus; damage, asthma Recommended regime is 4 times before
Tetanus) inactivated age 6 and then age 14-16 years old, and
pertussis then every 10 years afterwards.
VA 4 Diphtheria inactivated Introduced in 1930’s, now mainly given
bacterial toxins as DPT.
VA 5 Diphtheria/Tetanus inactivated Now mainly given as DPT.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Vaccine Type Possible long term Vaccination requirements & comments
effects 1
bacterial toxins
VA 6 Encephalitis inactivated Travel vaccination for Far East, Indian
subcontinent, South East Asia.
VA 7 Hepatitis A Travel vaccination.

VA 8 Hepatitis B genetic ME, arthritis, kidney In New Zealand vaccination of babies

engineering disease, nerve introduced in 1988 and abandoned in
(yeast or plasma inflammation, severe early 1990’s following evidence of
derived) skin eruptions, eye immune suppression; routinely offered to
problems infants in US, but not in UK; compulsory
in Italy.
VA 9 HIB Introduced in US in 1985 and UK in 1992.
Meningitis caused
by Haemophilus
Influenzae type b)
VA 10 Influenza killed organisms encephalitis, neuritis, Because of the ability of the virus to
(various strains) 2 optic neuritis, mutate, different vaccines are needed
vasulitis and joint each year; this vial contains various
problems, reversible strains from 1992 onwards – check the
paralysis, vial label to make sure it is up-to-date.
myelopathy, Usually updated in october/november
exacerbate asthma each year.
VA 11 Measles live attenuated atypical measles, First introduced in UK in 1968 and in US
Crohn’s disease, in 1957; banned in UK in August 1999 to
ulcerative colitis, MS, force parents to use MMR.
Reye’s syndrome
VA 12 Meningitis polysaccaride Saudi Arabia requires immunisation for
those going on pilgrimage to Mecca.
VA 13 MMR live attenuated autism, Crohn’s First introduced in UK in 1988 and in US
(Measles, Mumps disease, seizures in 1975.
and Rubella)
VA 14 MR live attenuated
(Measles and
VA 15 Pertussis killed organisms brain damage, asthma First available in 1912; commonly
(Whooping Cough) available mid 1950’s; now mainly given
as DPT;
Compensation for vaccine damage
introduced in UK in 1978.
VA 16 Pneumonia / polysaccaride Given to elderly people and those at risk
Pneumovax / to prevent pneumonia
Vaccine / PPSV
VA 17 Polio (Sabin) attenuated live weight gain, Guillain- In use since mid 1960’s, prior to that the
given orally Barre syndrome, ME Salk polio vaccine was used.
VA 18 Polio (Salk) killed organisms Polio vaccine first introduced in 1952/53
given in US and 1956 in UK; the Sabin polio
intramuscularly vaccine used in America and England
since 1960’s; Finland, Sweden and
Netherlands use this polio vaccine.
VA 19 Rabies killed organisms Travel vaccination for those exposed to
an unusual risk of infection e.g. Taking
© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Vaccine Type Possible long term Vaccination requirements & comments
effects 1
long journeys in the bush.
VA 20 Rubella live arthritis, polneuralgia, Rubella during earlier pregnancy can
(German Measles) chronic fatigue result in damage to unborn child
syndrome (congenital Rubella Syndrome) .
VA 21 Smallpox Introduced in England in 1840 and made
compulsory in 1853; it is now believed
that smallpox has been eradicated so
immunisation is no longer required; in
USA vaccination programme stopped in
1972, but re-introduced for selected
categories of people in 2003.
VA 22 TAB killed organisms
VA 23 Tetanus inactivated Now mainly given as DPT.
bacterial toxins
VA 24 Typhoid killed organisms
VA 25 Yellow Fever live attenuated

VA 26 Meningitis C First used in UK in clinical trials in 1994;

vaccination programme started in 1999 in
UK, and from 2000 in Eire.
VA27 5-In-1 Vaccine Introduced into the UK in October 2004.
{whooping cough,
diphtheria, bacterial
meningitis, tetanus
and polio}
VA28 Pneumococcal/ from Protective against meningitis, septicaemia, ear
Prevenar Streptococcus infections and pneumonia. Introduced 2000
pneumoniae in US, 2002 in Canada, 2005 in Australia and
2006 in UK; given to children under 5.
VA29 Cervarix/ Protects against HPV types 16 and 18, but no
HPV Vaccine others. Used in a national immunisation
(Cervical Cancer programme in the UK from September 2008.
VA30 Gardasil / Licensed in over 75 countries, including
HPV Vaccine Britain. It works against HPV types 16, 18, 6
(Cervical Cancer and 11.
VA31 H1N1 / Vaccination first used in 2009.
Swine Flu
The books lised below by Lynne McTaggart and Leon Chaitow both give homeopathic and nutritional
alternatives to vaccination. References:
BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia, Dorling Kindersley, 1998, ISBN 0 86318 438 3
Pamphlet: A Parents Guide To Immunisation produced by Merieux UK ( a vaccine manufacturer)
Trevor Gunn Mass Immunisation: A Point In Question, Cutting Edge Publications,
ISBN 0 9517657 1 X
Lynne McTaggart The Vaccination Bible, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, 1998, ISBN 0 9534 734 0 6
Leon Chaitow Vaccination and Immunisation,C. W. Daniel, 1998, ISBN 0 85207 191 4
Paediatric Clinics Paediatric Vaccinations: update 1990 Volume 37 Number 3
Oxford Text Book of Medicine 3rd Edition Volume 1

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
VIRUS 1 TEST KIT (21 vials)
Product Code 8063

Viruses are the smallest known type of infective agent. Outside of living cells viruses are inert. They invade
living cells, take them over and make copies of themselves. Not susceptible to antibiotics.

Code Virus Medically recognized possible Comments

symptoms & effects
VI 1 Coxsackie Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, childhood 24 group A and 6 group B.
pneumonia, upper respiratory tract
infection, greyish ulcers of soft palate
and fauces, Bornholm disease, fever,
hand foot and mouth disease, flaccid
paralysis, viral meningitis.
VI 2 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, encephalitis,
VI 3 Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Infectious mononucleosis, tonsillitis/
pharyngitis, glandular fever,
encephalitis, hepatitis, implicated in
nasopharyngeal carcinoma and
lymphomas, viral meningitis.
VI 4 Hepatitis A (HAV) Acute hepatitis. Particularly prevalent in
developing countries. In
developed nations 20% of
young adults show
serological evidence of
past infection.
VI 5 Hepatitis B (HBV) Acute and chronic viral hepatitis, 0.1% of UK population
implicated in primary liver cancer. estimated to be carriers.
VI 6 Hepatitis C (HCV) Acute and chronic viral hepatitis,
implicated in primary liver cancer.
VI 7 Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV) Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, cold sores,
whitlows, encephalitis, oral and genital
ulcers (cold sores).
VI 8 Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV) Genital ulcers.
VI 9 Herpes Zoster Shingles.
VI 10 Human Immunodeficiency Tonsillitis/ pharyngitis, encephalitis.
Virus (HIV)
VI 11 Influenza Influenza. Singapore A, Sichnan A,
Beijing A, Shangdong A,
Panama B, Yamagata B
strains in this vial.
VI 12 Measles Virus Fever and running nose, cough
followed by rash, viral meningitis.
VI 13 Mumps Virus Headache, sore throat and fever with
enlarged salivary glands
VI 14 Papilloma Human Virus Warts, verrucas, implicated in cancer of
(HPV) the cervix.
VI 15 Polio Virus Poliomyelitis. 3 types. Type 1 most

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Virus Medically recognized possible Comments
symptoms & effects
VI 16 Respiratory Synctial Virus Croup, common cold, childhood Asthma sometimes starts
(RSV) pneumonia. after an infection with this
VI 17 Rubella Virus(German German measles, rash.
VI 18 Smallpox Virus Smallpox, influenza-type illness, pus- It is believed that no
filled blisters. reservoirs of this virus are
now left outside of
VI 19 Varicella Zoster Chickenpox.

VI 20 Yellow Fever Virus Hepatitis. Occurs in tropical areas of

Africa and South America
VI 21 Parvovirus Causes slapped cheek disease (fifth Thought that 60% of all
disease / erythema infectiosum); a adults in the UK have been
distinctive red, lacy-like rash on cheeks infected with Parvovirus at
(and sometimes other parts of body), some point, usually as a
headache, fever; occurs most often in child (NHS Direct).
children; 20% to 30% symptom-free
even though infected; in adults can
cause joint pains and swelling,
miscarriages in the first 20 weeks of
pregnancy; can cause chronic anaemia
in those with HIV or who have had
organ transplants.


B. K. Mandal et al Infectious Diseases

G.O. Cowan & B.J. Heap Clinical Tropical Medicine
D J Weatherall et al Oxford Textbook of Medicine Volume 1
BMA Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia
P. Cox & P. Brusseau Secret Ingredients

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
VIRUS 2 TEST Kit (25 vials)
Product Code 8092

Code Name Comments

VI 22 Adenovirus Most commonly causes illness of the respiratory system, but may
also cause gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, and rashes.
VI 23 Astrovirus Causes diarrhoea and viral gastroenteritis.

VI 24 Avian Influenza Virus / Infections have been documented among humans, sometimes causing
H5N1 severe illness and death.
VI 25 Borna Virus May play a role in some human neurological and psychiatric
conditions including bipolar disorder and depression. Has been found
in animals in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.
VI 26 Coronavirus Primarily infects the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tract,
causing the common cold.
VI 27 Dengue Fever An infectious tropical disease, but seen as a potential biological
warfare agent. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint
pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles.
VI 28 Ebola Virus (REBOV Causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever. Mainly restricted to Africa but seen
and ZEBOV) as a potential biological warfare agent.
VI 29 Echovirus The leading causes of acute febrile illness in infants and young
children, and is the most common cause of aseptic meningitis.
VI 30 Enterovirus Has been associated with hand, foot, and mouth disease.

VI 31 GB Virus C / GBV-C Formerly known as hepatitis G virus (HGV). Known to infect humans,
but is not known to cause human disease.
VI 32 Hepatitis D Occurs only when Hepatitis B (HBV) is present, resulting in more
severe complications compared to infection with HBV alone.
VI 33 Hepatitis E Prevalent in most developing countries, and common in any country
with a hot climate.
VI 34 Human T- Has been seriously implicated in several kinds of diseases, including
Lymphotropic Virus HTLV-I-associated myelopathy and Strongyloides stercoralis, and as
Type 1 / HTLV-I/ Adult a virus cancer link for leukaemia.
T-Cell Lymphoma Virus
Type 1
VI 35 Human T- Associated with neurologic disorders and chronic pulmonary
Lymphotropic Virus infections. Found predominantly in IV drug users, Native Americans,
Type 2 Caribbean and South American Indian groups.

VI 36 Japanese Encephalitis Causes encephalitis. Transmitted by mosquitoes. Most prevalent in

Virus Southeast Asia and the Far East.
VI 37 Nororvirus / Norwalk Causes about half of all non-bacterial gastroenteritis cases around the
Virus world.
VI 38 Parainfluenza Virus 1 Parainfluenza viruses are the second most common cause of lower
respiratory tract infection in younger children, including croup. Also
upper respiratory tract illness (a cold and sore throat).

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Comments

VI 39 Parainfluenza Virus 2 Parainfluenza viruses are the second most common cause of lower
respiratory tract infection in younger children, including croup. Also
upper respiratory tract illness (a cold and sore throat).

VI 40 Parainfluenza Virus 3 Parainfluenza viruses are the second most common cause of lower
respiratory tract infection in younger children, including croup. Also
upper respiratory tract illness (a cold and sore throat).This strain also
associated with bronchiolitis and pneumonia.
VI 41 Parainfluenza Virus 4 Parainfluenza viruses are the second most common cause of lower
respiratory tract infection in younger children, including croup. Also
upper respiratory tract illness (a cold and sore throat).

VI 42 Rhinovirus Main cause of human common cold.

VI 43 Rotavirus The most common cause of severe diarrhoea among infants and
young children. Can occur throughout life: the first usually produces
symptoms, but subsequent infections are typically mild or
VI 44 Severe Acute A viral respiratory illness; no known outbreaks since 2004. Seen as a
Respiratory Syndrome potential biological warfare agent.
Virus (SARS)
VI 45 Swine Flu Virus / Swine Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common and
Influenza Virus / H1N1 does not always lead to human flu.
VI 46 West Nile Virus Main route of human infection is through the bite of an infected
mosquito. Approximately 90% of West Nile Virus infections in
humans are without any symptoms. Found in Africa, Europe, the
Middle East, west and central Asia, Oceania and North America.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
WEIGHT KIT (38 vials)
Product Code 8098

All these vials are available in other kits (Hormone, Body Biochemicals and Amino Acids).
This kit simply brings the ones involved in weight loss into one place.

Code Name Actions Associated With Weight Control

WT 01 Anandamide May increase appetite.
WT 02 Arginine An amino acid. Involved with glucose control mechanism in blood; enhances
fat metabolism; involved in insulin production; stimulates human growth
WT 03 Carnitine An amino acid. Major role in transferring fatty acids into cells where used as
energy sources; mobilising fatty deposits in obesity.
WT 04 CART Modulates the action of leptin and neuropeptide Y and so reduces appetite.
WT 05 CCK / Cholecystokinin Stimulates a feeling of satiety; may regulate feeding as a “stop eating” signal.
WT 06 Corticotropin Releasing Involved in the regulation of food intake.
Hormone / CRH
WT 07 Cortisol / The principal gluccocorticoid; increases blood glucose levels by increasing
Hydrocortisone cellular utilisation of proteins and fats as energy sources thus conserving
glucose; stimulates liver cells to produce glucose from amino acids and fats.
WT 08 Cylic AMP / Cyclic Causes adipose cells to break down triglycerides and release fatty acids more
Adenosine-3’,5’ - rapidly; stimulates thyroid cells to secrete more thyroid hormone.
WT 09 Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Arrests biological activity of GLP1 and Substance P.
WT 10 Epinephrine/ Adrenaline Slows digestion, increases blood sugar.
WT 11 Exendin (9-39) Reduces glucose levels; competes for the same brain receptors as GLP1 and
so blocks the effect of GLP1 and stimulates appetite.
WT 12 Galanin Stimulates the appetite.
WT 13 Ghrelin Increases appetite; may be a hormonal link between stomach, hypothalamus
and pituitary and so regulate energy balance; regulates growth hormone
secretions; may signal to the hypothalamus when an increase in metabolic
efficiency is necessary.
WT 14 Glucagon Raises blood sugar levels by accelerating breakdown of glycogen into glucose
in the liver, converting other nutrients into glucose in the liver, and releasing
glucose into the blood – opposes the action of insulin.
WT 15 Glucagon-Like Peptide Stimulates production of insulin; inhibits production of glucagon and gastric
1/GLP1 emptying; reduces appetite; lowers blood glucose in people with diabetes.
WT 16 Glucocorticoids Conversion of non-carbohydrates into energy.
WT 17 Glycogen The principal carbohydrate storage material in the body; plays an important role
in controlling blood sugar levels.
WT 18 Glycogen Phosphorylase Involved in converting glycogen to glucose.
WT 19 Glycogen Synthase Involved in converting glucose to glycogen.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:
Code Name Actions Associated With Weight Control
WT 20 Growth Hormone Inhibits secretion of insulin and glucagons and slows absorption of nutrients
Inhibiting Hormone / from the gastro-intestinal tract.
WT 21 Human Growth Hormone Helps to maintain muscle and bone mass and promote healing of injuries and
/ Somatotropin tissue repair; speeds up the breakdown of liver glycogen into glucose; excess
production may cause diabetes mellitus.
WT 22 Insulin Decreases blood sugar levels.
WT 23 Leptin Released by fat cells as they synthesise triglycerides; reduces appetite; non-
insulin dependent diabetes.
WT 24 Melanocyte-Stimulating Suppresses appetite.
Hormone / MSH
WT 25 Neuromedin B Involved in blood glucose control; suppresses the appetite.
WT 26 Neuropeptide Y Stimulates appetite; causes increased storage of ingested food as fat; reduces
energy expenditure.
WT 27 Orexin B Generated when blood sugar levels drop, so acting as a trigger to eat.
WT 28 Pheylalanine An amino acid. Precursor of tyrosine and therefore dopamine, norepinephrine
(noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline), so affects blood sugar levels and
fat metabolism; necessary for thyroid; involved in weight control.
WT 29 Prostaglandin E2 / PGE2 Acts on adenylate cyclase to enhance the production of cyclic AMP.
WT 30 Protein Tyrosine Inhibits signaling of leptin and insulin1; may explain resistance to leptin and
Phosphatase / PTP1B insulin; likely to be important in obesity and type 2 diabetes; drug research now
being carried out to find drugs to inhibit PTP1B.
WT 31 Reverse T3 / 3,3’,5’- Reverse T3 and T3 are secreted in an inverse relationship allowing the thyroid
Triiodothyronine to adjust the amount of thyroid activity; blocks the action of T3 by binding
with the receptor sites.
WT 32 Serotonin Decreases carbohydrate cravings; provides a feeling of fullness; enhances
WT 33 Thyroid-Stimulating Stimulates thyroid gland to produce its hormones.
Hormone / TSH
WT 34 Thyrotropin Releasing Stimulates anterior pituitary to secrete TSH.
Hormone / TRH
WT 35 Thyroxine / Converted into T3; increase rate at which cells release energy from
Tetraiodothyronine / T4 carbohydrates.
WT 36 Triiodothyronine/T3 Regulates metabolism by stimulating carbohydrate and fat breakdown.
WT 37 Urocortin Inhibits appetite.
WT 38 Val-Pro-Asp-Pro-Arg Research on rats indicates that this is an appetite suppressant.

© Jane Thurnell-Read 1992-2012
Life-Work Potential, Sea View House, Long Rock, Penzance, TR20 8JF, UK
Tel: 0844 412 4487; Email:

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