Sci Oly Event Study Guide

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Battery Buggy - 10/18/17 (Division B) 7.b. should read, edits in bold: Each Run Score
is the sum of four (4) components: Time Score, Distance Score, Center Line
Bonus and Penalties.


Roller Coaster - 9/7/17 (Division B) 5.c. should read, edits in bold: Height Score = (100
- device height). The device height is measured in cm at the highest part of the device
measured from the floor or the table (if used) rounded down to the nearest cm.
i. Anatomy and functions of the
respiratory system
ii. Mechanisms of pulmonary ventilation
iii. Patterns of breathing
iv. Measures of pulmonary ventilationGas exchange and O2 transport including oxygen
disassociation curves
iv. Effects of exercise and high altitude on the respiratory system vii. Understand disorders:
COPD, asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, sleep apnea and cystic fibrosis viii. Additional
diseases/disorders of: tuberculosis, pulmonary edema, Pleurisy, small cell and non-small
cell lung cancer
ix. Blood chemistry and the respiratory rhythm x.
Regulation of the respiratory system xi.
Ability to read a spirogram as related to
pulmonary ventilation
xii. Treatments and/or preventions (drugs, surgery, etc.) for ALL conditions listed above
i. Anatomy and functions of the digestive system
ii. Basic anatomy of the component parts of the alimentary canal and accessory organs of
iii. Anatomy of the four layers of the wall of the alimentary canal
iv. Comparison of the lining of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine
and large intestine
v. Compare and contrast mechanical and chemical digestion
vi. Physiology of chemical digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
vii. Effects of exercise and obesity on the digestive system
viii. The diseases on each level from the cell to the whole person as listed: stomach &
duodenal ulcers, cancers of the digestive system, diarrhea, lactose intolerance,
hepatitis, appendicitis
ix. Additional diseases: diverticular disease, GERD, Crohn’s Disease and celiac
x. The function of the liver and pancreas in the digestive system, including Kupffer cell
function xi. Treatments and/or prevention (drugs, surgery, etc.) for ALL conditions
listed above
i. Anatomy and functions of the immune system
ii. Anatomy and physiology of nonspecific defense system
iii. Anatomy and physiology of specific defense system
iv. Physiology of the immune response and allergic reactions
v. Role of the lymph system in immunity
vi. Disorders: immunodeficiencies (HIV/AIDS), autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis,
rheumatoid arthritis & Grave’s Disease), and hypersensitivities (contact dermatitis)
vii. Types of Organ Transplants and Prevention of Rejection (allograft and autograft) viii.
Additional disorder: systemic lupus erythematosus and psoriatic arthritis ix. Treatments
and/or prevention for ALL conditions listed above

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