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Military Police Officer

Career Development Midterm

Mrs. Stephan - Fall BDF
Simran Sethi
What is a Military Police Officer?
They maintain order and law, they perform police intelligence operations

They maintain area security posts and security operations

A section of the military responsible for policing in both the armed forces and in the civilian population

MP's in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, in addition to their roles as enforcers of law and order on military
installations, fulfill a number of combat roles as well. ex) infantry,

Military Police in Afghanistan and Iraq have been widely employed for such duties as convoy security, mounted and
dismounted patrols, maritime expeditionary warfare, Military Working Dog operations, security details for senior officers, and
detainee handling.

Military Police Officer (MOS 5803)

Course Completion Requirements
Must possess a GT score of 100 or higher (general technical score-world knowledge, paragraph comprehension,
arithmetic reasoning, and mechanical compensation.)

To become an officer, a college degree is required and for a career in the marine corps Navy ROTC is required. An alternative to
NROTC could be to take PLC, platoon leadership classes, which are split into two 6 week training sessions or one 10 week
training sessions at OCS.

Every potential marine officer complete Officer Candidates School at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, VA.
It is a physically demanding, mentally challenging training regimen designed to screen and evaluate potential MCOs.

Training and certification: Active duty Marines must complete the Law Enforcement Military Police Course at the United
States Army Military Police School (USAMPS) at The Marine Corps Detachment - Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. It is 9 weeks

Criminal Justice is the major required to become a military police officer starting at the commissioned officer level rank.
Rank information and Skill Requirements
A marine MP can be enlisted from E1-E13

OCS/PLC and earning a degree qualifies an MP to rank higher than enlisted at the
officer rank, starting at WO1 (warrant officer 1).

The skills needed involve a lot of physical training

A good knowledge of international laws as well as foreign and domestic policies

are also required for this career since much of an MP’s career is spent overseas.
Work Environment
-Varies based on deployment

-MP’s typically live at base where they are stationed

-The working conditions are typically in threatening environments and having a job
as a military police officer comes with many risk factors including being seriously
injured or killed in the line of duty

-It is a dangerous profession but extremely vital for the safety of citizens--domestic
and international.

-In recent years most MP’s have been stationed in Kuwait, Afghanistan.
Physical Fitness Requirements
PFT (Physical Fitness Test)

● 3 mile run
○ You MUST complete the run
○ Score is determined by time of completion
○ Minimum for males is 28 minutes and females is 31 minutes
● Pull Ups or Push Ups
○ max score 100 only for pull ups and 70 for push ups
○ Males have to complete a minimum of 3 pull ups and females have to complete a minimum of
15 seconds flexed arm hang.
● Crunches
○ Males and Females must complete 50 crunches at the minimum.
○ 2 minute time limit
Physical Fitness Requirements Cont.
The whole PFT session does not exceed two hours.

Max Score of 100 for females: 70 sec. arm hang, 100 crunches, 21 min 5k.

Max Score of 100 for males: 20 pull ups, 100 crunches, 18 min 5k.
Physical Fitness Requirements Cont.
Marines will also have to take the CFT (Combat Fitness Test) as a way to
determine their ability to perform self defense and relates to the demands of
fighting and winning battles. 300 point scale.

● Movement to Contact
○ A timed, 880-yard sprint tests each Marine’s endurance, mimicking the stresses of running
under pressure in battle.
● Ammunation Lift
○ Marines must lift a 30-pound ammunition can overhead until elbows lock out. The goal is to lift
the can as many times as possible in a set amount of time.
● Maneuver Under Fire
○ Marines must complete a 300-yard course that combines a variety of battle-related challenges
including crawls, ammunition resupply, grenade throwing, agility running, and the dragging
and carrying of another Marine.
Maneuver Under Fire
Personality Type - E/ISTJ
Extraversion/Introversion-leadership, independence, working in groups,
reserved and observant

Sensing-realistic, pragmatic, relying more on senses than gut feeling, seeing

the bigger picture

Thinking- Don’t pay much attention to outside influence, take more of a

logical approach, make decisions based on what is ethical or fair in terms of
pros and cons

Judgement: Scheduling, planning, organizing, creating lists, finishing work

before anything else that follows, having decisions made and events
pre-planned and well thought out.
Why I feel this
career is for me
- I have a strong willpower to fight
against international crime that
interferes with the peace and
prosperity of a nation and goes
against foreign policy and basic
human rights.
- I believe with proper training and
hard work I would be a good
candidate to take on a leadership role
and develop useful methods and
strategies that withhold a logical
approach while still being able to
maintain an ethical standpoint.
Why this career is for me
- The humanitarian aspect of this
career appeals to me because it
not only is focused towards the
defense of the U.S. but is also
geared towards protection of
civillians abroad from
international crime.
- I believe that every human being
should be guaranteed safety and
- I stand by the quote from
Mahatma Ghandi “Be the change
you wish to see in the world.”
Martin, Charles R. “Judging or Perceiving .” Judging or Perceiving, The Myers & Briggs Foundation, 1977,

Stew. “USMC PFT Score Charts.”, ContentServer,

“How Can I Do More Pull Ups?” Marines Boot Camp HQ, Cerberus Press,

“MCINCR.” Marine Corps Base Quantico, Marine Corps Base Quantico,

Service, Army News. “Army Military Police (MPs) Deployed.” The Balance, The Balance, 17 Oct. 2016,

“United States Marines Corps.” United States Marine Corps, United States Marine Corps,

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