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Country: France

Topic: Syrian Refugee Crisis

Millions of Syrian citizens have been forced to flee the country as refugees of war and
persecution, while millions of others remain internally displaced within the country borders.
Europe as well as neighboring countries to Syria have become major receiving ports of these
refugees. Thousand of refugees have died as they tried to make the journey from their home
country into Europe. Violations of the Schengen agreement have been made France has already
said that they will welcome 24,000 refugees, and have made plans in correlation with Germany,
to take in 55,000 extra refugees.

a. The government of France believes that the member countries of the European Union
should offer aid and refuge to the refugees who have already made it to Europe. France has
already taken in several thousand migrants and has already made plans to accept more. France
believes there should be a “permanent and obligatory mechanism” for taking in refugees. EU
member countries should be held accountable for taking in refugees until they reach a designated

b. France believes that it is necessary take military actions, in the form of airstrikes against
Isis militants. “We have proof that attacks have been planned from Syria against several
countries, notably France.” ~Francois Hollande. It is believed that through eliminating a part of
the source of this refugee migration crisis, we would be taking a vital step in the direction of
solving the Syrian refugee crisis.
In conclusion France believes that actions, in the form of military air strikes and offering refuge
to those in need, must be taken.

Country: France

Topic: Turkey’s Ascension to the European Union

For several years, Turkey has been trying to gain membership from the United Nations. A lot has
been taken into consideration and currently, the country of France retains a neutral position on
the issue if Turkey’s ascension to the European Union. France believes that the possibility of
discussing the ascension of Turkey will only be possible with referendum. The government of
France believes that Turkey should only be allowed to enter the European Union if they are able
to meet and maintain certain guidelines set forth by the current voting member of the EU.
a. The government of France Proposes that member countries of the European Union revise
or recreate a very specific list of requirements for any country wishing to join the EU. If Turkey
is able to uphold these standards, then and only then should the question of Turkey’s ascension
be brought to the table.
In conclusion, France holds an indifferent position regarding Turkey’s ascension to the European

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