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100 Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

of MS Excel

Here's the list of Excel Keyboard Shortcuts which will help you in your day-to-day activities.

It feels great when you can accomplish the same work in half the time..!! Here's how you can achieve it.

Download the file 100 most useful Shortcuts of MS Excel here:

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TIP: Print the above file on an A3 Size paper and paste it on your desk for best use of it.

The detailed list of 100 Most useful Shortcuts of MS Excel is elaborated below:

Navigating with Worksheet

Sr No To do this Press

1 Insert a new worksheet. SHIFT+F11

2 Move to the next sheet in the workbook. CTRL+PAGE DOWN

3 Move to the previous sheet in the workbook. CTRL+PAGE UP

Select the current and next sheet. To cancel selection of

4 multiple sheets, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN or, to select a
different sheet, press CTRL+PAGE UP.

5 Select the current and previous sheet. SHIFT+CTRL+PAGE UP

Rename the current sheet (Format menu, Sheet submenu,

6 ALT+O, H, R
Rename command).
Move or copy the current sheet (Edit menu, Move or Copy
7 ALT+E, M
Sheet command).
Delete the current sheet (Edit menu, Delete Sheet
8 ALT+E, L

Data Selection

Sr No To do this Press

Select the current region around the active cell. In a

PivotTable report, select the entire PivotTable report.

10 Select all cells that contain comments.
In a selected row, select the cells that don't match the
11 CTRL+
active cell value
Data Selection

In a selected column, select cells which don't match the

active cell value
Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the
13 CTRL+[ (opening bracket)
Select all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas CTRL+SHIFT+{ (opening
in the selection. brace)
Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference
15 CTRL+] (closing bracket)
the active cell.
Select cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly CTRL+SHIFT+} (closing
reference the active cell. brace)

17 Select the visible cells in the current selection. ALT+; (semicolon)

18 Select the entire column. CTRL+SPACEBAR

19 Select the entire row. SHIFT+SPACEBAR

Select the entire worksheet. If the worksheet contains

20 data, CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A
CTRL+A a second time selects the entire worksheet.

21 With multiple cells selected, select only the active cell. SHIFT+BACKSPACE

Print and Print Preview

Sr No To do this Press

25 Display the Print dialog box.

Use the following keys in print preview press CTRL F2

26 Move by one page when zoomed out. PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN

27 Move to the first page when zoomed out.

28 Move to the last page when zoomed out.

Enter & Edit Data

Sr No To do this Press

29 Complete a cell entry and select the cell below. ENTER

30 Start a new line in the same cell. ALT+ENTER

31 Fill the selected cell range with the current entry. CTRL+ENTER
32 Select the Previous cell. SHIFT+ENTER

33 Select next cell to the right TAB

34 Select previous cell to the left SHIFT+TAB

35 Cancel a cell entry. ESC

36 Move to the beginning of the line. HOME

37 Repeat the last action. F4 or CTRL+Y

38 Create names from row and column labels. CTRL+SHIFT+F3

39 Fill down. CTRL+D

40 Fill to the right. CTRL+R

41 Define a name. CTRL+F3

42 Insert a hyperlink CTRL+K

43 Enter current date. CTRL+; (semicolon)

44 Enter current time. CTRL+SHIFT+: (colon)

45 Display a drop-down list of active column values ALT+DOWN ARROW

46 Undo the last action. CTRL+Z

47 Edit the active cell F2

48 Delete text to the end of the line. CTRL+DELETE

49 Display the Spelling dialog box. F7

50 Insert and Edit a cell comment. SHIFT+F2

While editing formulas to change the reference type from

51 F4
absolute to relative vice versa

52 Delete the selected cells. CTRL+- (MINUS SIGN)

53 Insert blank cells.

Extend your Selection Range

Sr No To do this Press

Turn extend mode on or off. In extend mode, EXT appears in the

54 F8
status line, and the arrow keys extend the selection.

55 Select Multiple Range of Cells SHIFT+F8

56 Extend the selection by one cell. SHIFT+arrow key

Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column
57 CTRL+SHIFT+arrow key
or row as the active cell.

58 Extend the selection to the beginning of the row. SHIFT+HOME

59 Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet. CTRL+SHIFT+HOME

Extend the selection to the last used cell on the worksheet

(lower-right corner).

61 Extend the selection down one screen. SHIFT+PAGE DOWN

62 Extend the selection up one screen. SHIFT+PAGE UP

63 Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell END+SHIFT+arrow key

64 Toggle the display of formulas CTRL+ ~

Data Formatting

Sr No To do this Press

65 Display the Style dialog box. ALT+' (apostrophe)

66 Display the Format Cells dialog box. CTRL+1

67 Apply the General number format. CTRL+SHIFT+~

Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative

numbers in parentheses).

69 Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT+5

70 Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT+6

71 Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year. CTRL+SHIFT+3

72 Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM. CTRL+SHIFT+2

Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands

separator, and minus sign (–) for negative values.

74 Apply or remove Bold/Italic/Underline formatting. CTRL+B / I / U

75 Apply or remove strikethrough. CTRL+5

76 Hide the selected rows. CTRL+9

CTRL+SHIFT+9 (opening
77 Unhide any hidden rows within the selection.

78 Hide the selected columns. CTRL+0 (zero)

CTRL+SHIFT+0 (closing
79 Unhide any hidden columns within the selection.

80 Apply the outline border to the selected cells. CTRL+SHIFT+&

81 Remove the outline border from the selected cells. CTRL+SHIFT+_

82 Apply Format Painter ALT+H+FP

83 Apply Wrap Text ALT+H+W

84 Align the text to Right / Center / Left ALT+H+AR / AC / AL

85 Increase Indent ALT+H+6

86 Decrease Indent ALT+H+5

87 Apply Autosum Alt + =

88 Merge Cells ALT+H+M

89 Apply All borders to the selected range ALT+H+BA

90 Change Font Style ALT+H+FF

91 Change Font Size ALT+H+FS

92 Go To Specific Cell CTRL+G

93 Set Auto-Filter CTRL+SHIFT+L

94 Find / Replace Data CTRL + F / H

Freeze Panes (First select the cell where you need to freeze
panes and then apply short cut)

96 Insert a Function or Formula from a list of functions SHIFT+F3

97 Paste Name in a cell range F3


Sr No To do this Press

98 Groups rows or columns.

99 Ungroups rows or columns.

100 Hide / Unhide Excel ribbon CTRL + F1

What are your most utilized keyboard shortcuts? Do provide us with your comments.

For any kind of queries on MS Excel, please feel free to Contact us.

Stay tuned with us on for more amazing tips on MS Excel.

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