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1. I feel I receive a fair salary for my job.

Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
2. Raises are often and not far between.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
3. I feel appreciated by the organization when I think about what they pay me.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
4. I feel satisfied with my chances for salary increases.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree

5. There is really good chance for promotion on my job.

Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
6. Those who do well on the job stand a fair chance of being promoted.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
7. People get ahead as fast here as they do in other places.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
8. I am satisfied with my chances for promotion.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
Fringe Benefits

9. I am satisfied with the benefits I receive.

Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
10. The benefits we receive are as good as most other organizations offer.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
11. The benefit package we have is equitable.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree

12. I like the people I work with.

Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree

13. I enjoy working with my co-workers.

Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
14. I have to work harder at my job because of the competence of people I work with.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
15. There is no bickering and fighting at work.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree

16. I like my supervisor.

Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
17. My supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
18. My supervisor is fair to me.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
19. My supervisor shows interest in the feelings of subordinates.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
Contingent Rewards

20. When I do a good job, I receive the recognition for it that I should receive.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
21. I feel that the work I do is appreciated.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
22. I feel my efforts are rewarded the way they should be.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
Affective Commitment

23. I am very happy being a member of this organization.

Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
24. I enjoy discussing about my organization with people outside it.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
25. I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
26. I feel like ‘part of the family’ at my organization.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
27. I feel ‘emotionally attached’ to this organization.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
28. This organization has a great deal of personal meaning for me.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
Normative Commitment

29. I feel that I owe this organization quite a bit because of what it has done for me.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
30. My organization deserves my loyalty because of its treatment towards me
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
31. I am loyal to this organization because my values are largely its values.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
32. This organization has a mission that I believe in and am committed to.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
33. I feel it is ‘morally correct’ to dedicate myself to this organization.
Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly disagree

Personal Profiles
1. Name (Optional) :

2. Age : Below 25 yrs 26 – 30 yrs 31 – 35 yrs

36 – 40 yrs 41 – 45 yrs Above 46 yrs

3. Gender : Male Female

4. Education : UG PG Professionals Diploma & Others

5. Monthly Income (in Rs.) : < 20,000 20,001 – 30,000 30,001 - 40,000

> 40,001

6. Department :

7. Designation :

8. Years of Experience :

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