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Orientation Day 1

Class : 1 MURNI

Date : 2.1.2018

Day : Tuesday

Time : 1.00 – 2.00

Materials : Tracing worksheet.

Learning objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

1) Follow simple instructions

2) Follow the classroom routine
3) Do simple activity to make them familiar using the pencil (tracing)
4) Recall their previous knowledge (alphabet song)


1) Ensure pupils’ seating arrangement based on 21st century Strengths
classroom. 1) Some pupils were able to follow
2) Explain the classroom rules to the pupils. simple instructions from the
3) Explain the classroom routine to the pupils. teacher.
4) Tracing activity to ensure pupils’ are more comfortable to 2) Pupils participated actively in
write using a pencil. This is also to warm up the pupils for today’s activity (Tracing)
the first day at school.
5) Sing the alphabet song to recall their previous knowledge Weaknesses
as well as to gain their attention and interest to continue 1) Based on my observation, some
study. pupils were not able to sing the
6) Reward: compliment the good pupils / to trigger the other alphabet song because I found
pupils to study very well. that they did not go to pre-school.
Orientation Day 2

Class : 1 MURNI

Date : 3.1.2018

Day : Wednesday

Time : 4.20 – 5.20

Materials : ABC worksheet.

Learning objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

1) Recall the alphabets

2) Follow simple instructions
3) Do the classroom routine


1) Ensure pupils’ seating arrangement based on 21st Strengths
century classroom. 1) Some pupils were able to follow simple
2) Do the classroom routine instructions from the teacher.
- When teacher says “listen!” pupils claps their 2) Pupils participated actively in today’s
hands and hold their ears. (To attract their activity.
attention) (Writing alphabets)
3) Teacher shows and explains the alphabets with
capital letters and small letters using a teaching aid Weaknesses
to pupils. 1) Based on my observation, some pupils
4) Pupils sing the alphabet song. need guidance to write the letters
5) Teacher asks pupils to write the alphabets properly properly.
let alone to remember the alphabets. 2) Some pupils did not go to pre-school.
Not familiar with the letters.
3) Some pupils forgot the alphabets and
still confused.
4) Some pupils are low level proficiency

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