Lessons From Enron - and Why We Dont Learn From Them

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Lessons From Enron - And Why We Don't Learn

From Them
Nancy B. Rapoport
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law

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Rapoport, Nancy B., "Lessons From Enron - And Why We Don't Learn From Them" (2009). Scholarly Works. Paper 123.

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Research Paper 09-17
June 3, 2009

Lessons from Enron – And Why

We Don’t Learn from Them

Nancy B. Rapoport
Gordon Silver Professor of Law

William S. Boyd School of Law

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Commercial Lending Review, May-June 2009, at 23

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Lessons from Enron——–

And Why We Don’t Learn from Them
By Nancy B. Rapoport

By speaking up, you might help to avoid future Enrons.

ecently, a cab driver said something that really Structures, by themselves, do nothing to stop
caught my attention: “Remember when we people from making dumb mistakes.
thought that Enron was so bad? Those were Never base your structures on the presumption
the good old days.” that people are good (even if you believe that
He was right. they are).
We were all shocked by Enron (and WorldCom, Don’t trust; verify.
and Tyco, and Global Crossing, and Parmalat, and If it sounds wrong to you, it may well be wrong.
so on) because it never occurred to us that companies Someone has to slow down decisions by speak-
could lie to us for so long. We assumed that audits ing up, and you are that someone.
could catch lies, or that free markets could catch lies,
or (at the very least) that employees would catch lies. Structures, by Themselves,
We were wrong.
In 2004, Bala G. Dharan and I studied Enron in an Do Nothing to Stop People
attempt to learn from it so that we would be able to from Making Dumb Mistakes
prepare people to prevent future Enrons.1 We wrote
roughly the 84th book on Enron; even more books Enron had tons of structures in place to prevent
on the subject have appeared since then. Our first fraud. Unfortunately, it didn’t follow them.
edition discussed the history of scandals before En- Take the Enron ethics code, a copy of which I
ron, what went into the Enron fraud, and what we picked up from eBay. The cornerstone of Enron’s
might be able to do differently in the future. And ethics code was a four-part mnemonic: RICE, 2
guess what? We now have the scandals resulting which stood for respect, integrity, communica-
from subprime loans, derivatives, Ponzi schemes tion and excellence. Anyone who ever negotiated
involving Bernie Madoff, Ramalinga Raju of Satyam with Enron knows that Enron was exceptionally
Computer Services and Texas billionaire Allen Stan- aggressive, didn’t follow through on many of its
ford, and the mismanagement of Fannie Mae and promises, made deals that looked real but were
Freddie Mac. Our first edition didn’t do anything actually not what they seemed, and made big, flat-
to stop future Enrons. out-dumb deals. So much for following Enron’s
Looking back, I’m not surprised. Our book looked at own ethics rules.
structural problems without examining how human What about Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fas-
nature might affect even the best of structures. So our tow’s self-dealing with LJM and LJM2, the structures
second edition spends a lot more time on how humans that took certain Enron assets off Enron’s balance
(even the brightest of them) make stupid mistakes. We
don’t expect to stop future Enrons any more. But it is Nancy B. Rapoport is the Gordon Silver Professor of Law at the University
important to point out why we can’t stop them and of Nevada, Las Vegas. She has just published, with coeditors Jeffrey D.
what you might learn from recent economic history. Van Niel and Bala G. Dharan, ENRON AND OTHER CORPORATE FIASCOS: THE
Here are the lessons that I’ve learned from Enron and CORPORATE SCANDAL READER, 2d ed. (Eagan, MN: Foundation Press, 2009).
later incidents of financial mismanagement: Contact her at nancy.rapoport@unlv.edu.


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Lessons from Enron—And Why We Don’t Learn from Them

sheets at a profit of more than $40 million to Fastow? 5. Unusual terms—The transaction is off-market
Enron’s board approved Fastow’s self-dealing (more or contains terms which are significantly differ-
than once), with the proviso that there would be ent from what one would expect.
structures that protected Enron. No one, however,
paid any attention to whether or not Enron (or LJM) 6. Absence of rules/guidance—The applicable
used those structures. regulatory/legal/accounting/tax systems lack de-
Here’s another example: In exploring how the veloped rules or guidance for complex products.
banks may have colluded with Enron, the Enron
examiner found the following: 7. Event risk in regulatory/legal/accounting
systems—The rules governing the transac-
Not only was Citigroup sophisticated in struc- tion are not predictable and could be subject
tured finance, it understood that structured to sudden application of tighter standards, or
finance could be misused. At the time many heightened prosecution because of political or
of these [Enron] transactions were being com- social developments.
pleted, Citigroup’s Global Capital Structuring
group applied an “appropriateness test” to help 8. Multiple jurisdictions—Multiple jurisdictions
determine whether the bank should engage in are involved with internal approvals sought
a particular transaction. Transaction Execution individually in each making the process harder
packages were required to include a written to manage and the risk of oversight of the entire
questionnaire that set out ten areas of review. transaction greater.
These questions went beyond the objective
financial criteria such as the client’s credit risk 9. Lack of confirmation of customer assurances—
and focused on the more subjective measures of The absence of third party confirmations (e.g.,
the transaction. regulators, auditors, appraisers) of customer
assurances on sensitive issues.
The ten areas, which had to be addressed and ap-
proved by the “Designated Responsible Senior” 10. Disproportionate impact—The transaction
for each transaction, were as follows: will have a significant impact on the customer’s
financial condition or results, and will not be
1. Lack of transparency (Business Objective)— required to be disclosed.3
The true economic substance of the transaction
cannot be determined from the structure without Now, that’s a pretty sensible list. You probably
significant analysis. have a list like that, or similar guidelines, in your
own organization. The problem with this list is that
2. Secrecy of identity of true party—The true even though several of Enron’s transactions with
identity of a party to the transaction cannot be Citigroup triggered more than one (heck, more than
determined because of the use of SPV’s [sic] or five) of the warning signs on this list, Citigroup went
charitable trusts in offshore tax havens or bank through with the transaction anyway. Lesson? The
secrecy jurisdictions. structure was fine. But no one at Citigroup used it to
avoid transactions that failed the “smell test.”
3. Circularity—The transaction is essentially cir-
cular with the customer being both the ultimate Never Base Your Structures on
lender and borrower and/or ultimate buyer
and seller. the Presumption That People
Are Good (Even if You Believe
4. Fragmentation—The transaction is structured so
that no one document describes the whole trans-
That They Are)
action, making it possible for a reader to review
documents for a segment of the transaction and not Regulations are great at giving people guidelines
understand that it is part of a larger transaction. about what to do when they want to comply with


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Lessons from Enron—And Why We Don’t Learn from Them

the rules, but they’re awful at guiding people who an accountant, and she was far from alone in being
want to get around the rules. These folks don’t be- one of the many intelligent employees at Enron.
lieve that they’re going to get caught, or they just Not everybody knew about the shaky deals, but
like living near (over?) the edge. You need to build enough people did. (How hard is it to realize that
structures that make it difficult for people to cheat, Merrill Lynch wasn’t buying three Nigerian barges
even if you can’t envision your colleagues being from Enron, near the end of a fiscal quarter, not
cheats or liars. I’ve read far too many stories of to own those barges but to take them off Enron’s
people who, for example, used the same person to books for a while?)
open the mail, deposit the checks and balance the My guess is that a lot of people at Enron just as-
books—only to find out that that very nice person sumed that they were “missing something” when
was embezzling thousands of dollars while looking they saw fishy-looking deals. They assumed that
just as sweet as pie. If you ever find yourself in the their bosses knew something that they themselves
position of drafting structures at your company— didn’t and that—if they knew the whole story—
the rules and regulations that will govern your then they’d understand that the fishy-looking
department—don’t make the mistake of assuming deals were really fine. In fact, the fishy-looking
that because you’re nice and honest, everyone else deals were fishy. They were real stinkers. But the
will be, too. way that humans tend to think caused these very
bright folks to talk themselves out of questioning
Don’t Trust; Verify those deals.
People commonly make a number of these cogni-
In one of my favorite cases, the well-known law tive errors. We humans are subject to peer pressure.
firm Kaye, Scholer was sanctioned for trusting its We’re subject to assuming that someone else will
client to tell the truth, even though the client had take care of the problems, so that we don’t have to do
been caught in a big lie before. (Among the cli- anything ourselves when we see something wrong.
ent’s4 other foibles, the principals of the company We talk ourselves into believing that something that
forged computer leases—for computers that never we know is wrong is justified.
existed—by lying upside down underneath a glass Stanley Milgram did a study in the 1960s—
coffee table and tracing necessary signatures. Talk replicated just in the past 12 months—in which
about contorting the financials!) There’s nothing he invited an experimental subject and an actor
wrong with assuming that most things that some- (playing an experimental subject) into a very
one is telling you are true, but double-check every scientific-looking experiment on memorization.
once in a while to reassure yourself. (NINJA5 loans The actor randomly “drew” the role of “student,”
come to mind, perhaps?) And, for goodness’ sake, leaving the real experimental subject to play the
if someone has lied to you—again, think Enron— role of “teacher.” Every time the student missed a
don’t continue to deal with that person without memorized word pair, the teacher was supposed to
verifying every possible statement that that now- give him an electric shock. The fancy machine that
proven liar makes.6 Milgram hooked up to the student was fake, but it
looked pretty real, and the shocks were supposed to
If It Sounds Wrong to You, increase by 15 volts each time the student missed a
word pair. The machine let the teacher “shock” the
It May Well Be Wrong student all the way up to 450 volts. Had the machine
been real, such a high voltage would have killed the
Sherron Watkins’s famous memos to Ken Lay— student. In fact, the student was just acting when
the anonymous first memo and the second one, he screamed, behind a screen, that the teacher was
which she signed—warned Lay that Enron might causing him intense pain.
“implode in a wave of accounting scandals”7 after Milgram found out that more than 60 percent
Jeff Skilling, the company’s former CEO, suddenly of the subjects were willing to shock the students
resigned. Watkins had suspected that several of the all the way to 450 volts—in essence, that more
company’s recent deals were fishy, and she urged than 60 percent of subjects were willing to kill
Lay to “fess up and fix the problems.” Watkins is someone that they’d just met. Why? Milgram’s


Lessons from Enron—And Why We Don’t Learn from Them

theory was that, in order for someone to stop the the lawyers and accountants have blessed something
experiment, he would have to admit to himself that just looks wrong. If those in, say, the rating
that what he’d been doing was wrong. To stop giv- agencies had disclosed the risks of these subprime
ing the shocks at, say, 90 volts, he’d have to admit tranches to the market, perhaps fewer people would
that the 75-volt shock was wrong, too. Thanks to have invested in them. (Who was the genius who
the theory of cognitive dissonance, people were decided that the mathematical models proved that
unwilling to admit that they were “bad people” people who couldn’t afford high mortgages in the
who would shock someone just because a guy in a first place would somehow be able to pay off those
white coat told them to do it. Because they didn’t mortgages over time?) If someone had just spoken
want to think of themselves as bad, they’d justify up to say, “Should someone who makes $40,000 a
to themselves that what they were doing was year be buying a $750,000 house?” perhaps we could
important or it was “out of their hands” because have slowed down the financial juggernaut that has
the experimenter was taking responsibility for the just run us over. Lesson: If you see something that
actor-subject’s “pain.” you think might be wrong, speak up. Maybe you’re
Cognitive dissonance affects all of us. We all talk wrong. But just maybe you’re right, and, by speaking
ourselves into doing dumb things, justifying what up, you might help to avoid future Enrons.
we’re doing to ourselves. We can’t actually stop being
human, which means that we can’t avoid cognitive
dissonance. We can, however, recognize that we’re
privy to such cognitive mistakes. Being aware that 1
Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan, Eds., ENRON: CORPO-
you will make these mistakes keeps you just a little RATE FIASCOS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS (Eagan, MN: Foundation

more sensitive to them, and being aware may also Press, 2004).
help you undo those mistakes after you make them. 2
As a graduate of Rice University in Houston, the fact that
Enron—based in Houston—used this acronym for its ethics
Someone Has to Slow Down 3
code and then violated it repeatedly irks me no end.
Third Interim Report of Neal Batson, Court-Appointed Ex-
Decisions by Speaking up, and aminer, in In re Enron Corp., Case No. 01-16034 (AJG), June
You Are That Someone 30, 2003, at 52–54 (footnotes omitted).
The client’s name was “OPM Leasing.” “OPM” stood for
Why did Enron fail? Why have the subprime lend- “other people’s money,” a true sign of a Ponzi scheme if ever
ers failed? Why have all of these fancy new ideas to there were one.
make money in the market failed? They all failed, 5
“No income, no job or assets.”
in part, because people who did figure out that 6
Do I believe that “once a liar, always a liar?” Yes, most of the
something wasn’t right didn’t speak up—or didn’t time I do. I don’t believe that liars are that different from you
speak up to the right people. It’s easy to give into and me. But I do believe that someone who has lied about
peer pressure. It’s unnerving to think about making something important has made it that much easier to lie again,
a fuss over something, only to find out that you were just because he or she has crossed over the social rule that
wrong and that the great majority of people were lying is a bad thing.
right. Most of us don’t want to take that risk. But 7
Memorandum from Sherron Watkins to Kenneth Lay, August
someone has to be brave and speak up when he or 15, 2001, available at http://energycommerce.house.gov/107/
she doesn’t understand how a deal works or why hearings/02142002Hearing489/tab10.pdf.

This article is reprinted with the publisher’s permission from the COMMERCIAL LENDING REVIEW,
a bi-monthly journal published by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business. Copying or distribution without
the publisher’s permission is prohibited. To subscribe to the COMMERCIAL LENDING REVIEW or other CCH
Journals please call 800-449-8114 or visit www.CCHGroup.com. All views expressed in the articles and
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