Bs Editorial 01.12.17

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Women first? do business on their own. Others say a

lot of women entrepreneurs in India
do not have an ability to access certain
opportunities as they lack certain soft
remain cut off from the electricity grid,
IFC built a market for off-grid solar
products by focusing on women as dis-
tributors. It tied up with Frontier

India has a lot of catching up to do on gender gap skills — like pitching their ideas to Markets, a clean-energy-products
investors. This is understandable as company, to develop a network of self- Back in the frame
unless they come from a family that employed women recruited from self- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Hamirpur
do help in raising awareness about the entrepreneurship development. India has a business or have worked in a help groups. These women-run Member of Parliament Anurag Thakur heads
issues involved. was near the bottom on that Index, business, women entrepreneurs have alliances provide access to funds and the Parliamentary Standing Committee on
But the real tone was set by Ivanka ranking 70th out of 77 countries. In not seen many role models and have technical assistance to help women in Information Technology. He is also the son
Trump, who while celebrating the pow- 2017, MasterCard issued its Index of had no coaching on how to start, run local villages improve their lives and of BJP’s chief ministerial candidate in
er of women, brought out the actual pic- Women Entrepreneurs where India and build a business. A mentoring pro- start their own businesses. Between Himachal Pradesh, Prem Kumar Dhumal.
ture. Representation of women in the ranked 49th out of 54 countries. gramme can fill that gap. 2016 and 2020, the network is expect- Since being removed from the post of
workforce, she said, needs to be And a McKinsey report found that Besides, numerous studies have ed to expand to 20,000 women dis- president of the Indian cricket board earlier
improved for gender equality in coun- women generate 37 per cent of global found that women in emerging mar- tributors from just 250 in 2016. this year, Thakur has struggled to make
tries like India, but even the US grapples GDP despite accounting for 50 per cent kets have much more difficulty in India needs more initiatives like headlines. The row over Hindi movie
with the issue. Only 13 per cent of engi- of the global working-age population. securing loans than men and have to this if it has to get out of the trap of Padmavati has offered him an opportunity
neers and 24 per cent of computer sci- But the global average masks large vari- rely on their own financing. In devel- women being heavily dependent on to claw his way back into limelight. The
HUMAN FACTOR ence professionals in the US are women. ations among regions. The share of oping countries, 70 per cent of women- low-paying, low-skilled dead-end jobs. Thakur-led parliamentary committee on IT
The figures for India are, of course, regional GDP output generated by owned small and medium-sized busi- India, in fact, sees the highest drop in might have little do with films, but it asked
SHYAMAL MAJUMDAR more discouraging. According to the women is only 17 per cent in India. nesses are denied access to capital. representation of women from junior Padmavati director Sanjay Leela Bhansali,
National Sample Survey Organisation, The reasons for this gender gap are That is why organisations such as to middle-level positions, unlike sev- chairperson of Central Board of Film
he Global Entrepreneurship only 14 per cent of business establish- many. Apart from gender bias at work the IFC have stepped in. Nearly half of eral other Asian countries where such Certification Prasoon Joshi and other officials

T Summit that concluded in

Hyderabad on Thursday lived
up to its theme — ‘Women First,
ments in India are being run by women
entrepreneurs. While most of these are
small-scale, almost 80 per cent are self-
place and a weak infrastructure in
capacity building for women to derive
necessary skill sets, there is an overall
all microfinance loans in India are pro-
vided by IFC-backed microfinance
institutions, and most of their 40 mil-
a drop occurs from middle- to senior-
level positions. Data also shows almost
one-third of women employees have
to appear before it to “bring an end to the
controversy". Thakur hails from the Rajput
community, sections of which have been at
Prosperity for All’. Women made up a financed. In 2015, The Global lack of awareness among women lion borrowers are women. Besides, not resumed work in the absence of a the forefront of the protests against the film.
majority of the 1,500 entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship and Development themselves of their own potential and eight of the small finance banks are support system at home to take care of His father, Dhumal, is 73, and would need to
invited to the event; a lot of commit- Institute issued a report containing its opportunities. Social barriers are also IFC’s partners and investees and all of the child. And close to 80 per cent of retire in two years from holding an elected
ments were made by all and sundry Female Entrepreneurship Index rank- intimidating, with many women hav- them will focus on women borrowers, eligible female graduates choose not office if the BJP were to apply its unwritten
and a lot of success stories were shared. ing countries on the conditions present ing to deal with hostility from people just like the microfinance model. to participate in the organised work- retirement age of 75. Thakur, 43, would be
This is encouraging as such talk fests that will fuel high potential female closest to them before venturing out to In India, where 400 million people force or set up their own ventures. hopeful a better profile would help him
succeed his father as BJP's number one
leader in the hill state.

Rewari Museum needs some steam The best spinner of 'em all

Of the 16 steam engines in working condition, 11 are in Rewari. Yet despite the attractions, Rewari might prove commercially unviable
tion) in CLW. Antim Sitara was a goods in 2007, it was hauling Palace on Wheels
locomotive, WG. Akbar must have (without any passengers) and because of
been one of the last of the WP locomo- a boiler malfunction, the driver and an
tives built. (The last one was built in inspector died. The police seized the
1967.) It had been consigned to oblivion locomotive as “case property” and it
in Siliguri, before it was brought to required court intervention for it to be In his recently launched collection of
Rewari and resurrected. Having fea- released in 2007. essays, Inside Parliament: Views From The
tured in several films, including Built in 1893, Rewari Steam Front Row, Trinamool Congress Rajya Sabha
Bollywood ones, it is reasonably famous. Locomotive Shed is also old. It was a member Derek O'Brien has described the
Sixteen steam locomotives are still metre gauge shed, with a metre gauge goings-on in the Central Hall of Parliament.
INFRA DIG in working condition and 11 of them are line between Delhi and Rewari con- The Central Hall is formally used only once a
in Rewari. The oldest among working structed in 1873. In those metre gauge year, for the address by the President to the
BIBEK DEBROY ones are the twins Express (in Perambur) days, Rewari was a major junction, with joint sitting of both Houses. O'Brien says for
and Fairy Queen (in Rewari), construct- lines radiating towards Rajasthan, the rest of the period, it is an exclusive
few weeks ago, there was a news ed in 1855. Earlier, the Fairy Queen used Gujarat and Punjab. Trains from Delhi coffee and talk-shop for MPs and

A item. A steam locomotive

derailed at the Rewari Railway
Heritage Museum, earlier known as
to chug along from Delhi to Alwar (the
Steam Express) between October and
March. The Steam Express then con-
towards any of these directions had to
pass via Rewari. With gauge conversion,
Rewari junction’s importance remains,
journalists. Several leaders have their
dedicated following among journalists.
But, O'Brien says, “easily the most attractive
Rewari Steam Locomotive Shed. This is tinued with Akbar doing the pulling. but a metre gauge locomotive shed magnet for the media is Finance Minister
the famous locomotive Akbar, aka WP Some years ago, my wife and I travelled became irrelevant. After celebrating the Arun Jaitley". "His critics call him the best
7161, built by Chittaranjan Locomotive on that trip and it was quite an experi- centenary, the shed was closed down, as 'spinner' in the history of India after Bishan
Works (CLW) in 1965. For a very long ence. Obviously, the market didn’t think a steam locomotive shed. For a few Singh Bedi... They say he 'spins' stories to
time, especially in the 1960s and 1970s, that, or marketing didn’t work. The years, it functioned as a metre gauge suit his political party when the wicket gets
before diesel and electric took over, WP Delhi-Alwar-Delhi trip was commercial- CHUGGING TO AN END Built in 1893, Rewari Steam Locomotive Shed was turned into diesel locomotive maintenance shed. sticky. It's all part of the game."
(broad gauge, passenger) locomotives ly unviable and closed down. There is a museum in 2002 and given a new name, Rewari Railway Heritage Museum But not only was steam dead, metre
did the bulk of the work for the Indian now a Steam Express from Delhi to WIKICOMMONS gauge was also dying. In 2002, it was
Railways (IR). Initial WP locomotives Rewari. The Alwar Steam Express was announced that Rewari Steam
were manufactured by Baldwin over the weekend, the Rewari one is a empty. We were told the foreign tourist Rewari, seven are broad gauge and four Locomotive Shed would become Rewari Under the spotlight
Locomotive Works (Philadelphia), later day’s trip. You leave Delhi Cantonment season will make a difference. But I sus- metre gauge (all manufactured by TEL- Railway Heritage Museum. To add to With the appointment of senior IAS officer BN
ones in Canada, Poland and Austria and in the morning and return in the evening. pect, despite attractions in Rewari, this CO in the 1950s and 1960s). Each metre metre gauge, broad gauge lines had been Sharma, till now additional secretary in the
still later ones in Chittaranjan. (All WP On the way to Rewari, it will be the Fairy will also prove to be commercially unvi- gauge locomotive has a story to tell. laid in the shed. But where were the revenue department in the finance ministry,
locomotives have a cone-shaped nose, Queen. On the return, it will be a more able and will close down. However, most people are probably more locomotives? (In fairness, Rewari pos- as the chairman of the National Anti-
often with a silver star.) When was pedestrian diesel locomotive. Unlike the In Rewari, Akbar has another steam fascinated by broad gauge ones, the likes sesses railway heritage beyond locomo- Profiteering Authority under the newly
India’s last steam locomotive manufac- Alwar trip, there is no catering on this locomotive (WP 7200) as a companion. of Fairy Queen, Akbar, Azad and Virat tives.) Especially after 2010, the ones I introduced Goods and Services Tax, focus has
tured? The answer depends on the train. It leaves every second Saturday, This is older and was built in 1947 by (AWE 22907). Virat was built in 1943 by mentioned were gradually brought there shifted to GC Murmu, who has joined as
gauge, so let’s stick to broad gauge (sig- with a possible fourth Saturday trip if at Baldwin Locomotive Works. This had Baldwin. There is a bit of history associ- and restored to working order. additional secretary in the revenue
nified by W). The last such steam loco- least 50 per cent of seats (out of 60) are been consigned to oblivion in Howrah, ated with Sher-E-Punjab (WL 15005), Unfortunately, other than locals and die- department in the finance ministry. Gujarat
motive was built in 1970 and was under- booked. The two-way ticket costs a little though it has historical value. It was pre- built by Vulcan Foundry in 1955. On 6 hard tourists, especially of the foreign cadre Murmu, who was at one time principal
standably named Antim Sitara. For a less than ~6,500. But for half the cost, sented to IR on 15 August 1947, though it December 1995, this hauled the last time- variety, not too many people go there. secretary to Modi when he was the chief
long time, we were rather shoddy about you can also buy one-way tickets. arrived on Indian shores in October 1947. tabled broad gauge steam passenger minister, could be in line to become revenue
preserving our railway heritage, includ- Recently, my wife and I travelled on this. Therefore, despite being initially dubbed train, between Firozpur and Lohia Khas. The author is chairman, Economic Advisory secretary if incumbent Hasmukh Adhia
ing steam. But Antim Sitara has been There were a few people on the outward Shahenshah, it eventually got the name But there is some more history associat- Council to the Prime Minister. View are moves on as cabinet secretary.
preserved (it is not in working condi- journey. On the return, it was close to Azad. Of the 11 steam locomotives in ed with Sher-E-Punjab. Post-retirement, personal


Making room for big ideas on taxes periodic updated pension for the last 15 to Not viable
The new tax code should aim at widening the tax base with bold actions 20 years in some high courts and / or at
the Supreme Court. The pensioners in With reference to “Nearly 70% of stressed
cost for taxpayers. umes — implementation of some of their petitions have prayed for equality SMEs face liquidation” (November 3O),
I would, therefore, imagine that the which spans over a decade. Most, if not and right to life and liberty under Articles SMEs, which contribute almost 40 per cent
new code would prominently feature all of them, are relevant in today’s con- 14 and 21 of the Constitution of India. to our GDP, such a news is really alarming.
broadening of tax base as one of its main text, despite the efforts made by the Right to life includes right to live in dig- We all know that the latest changes in the
objectives, given the focus on address- new government. Important TARC rec- nity. The CJI is definitely a man of words Insolvency and Bankruptcy code has liter-
ing the menace of parallel economy. ommendations, amongst others, and hence, the pensioners of the banks ally removed promoters from the bidding
Though the number of taxpayers has include taxpayer’s services and impor- and LIC may entertain hopes of getting process of stressed assets, and since these
increased significantly in the past tance of treating taxpayers as customers, due justice in the next couple of months. SMEs do not generally garner interest from
decade, our tax-to-GDP ratio continues governance of direct tax laws including Ramanath Nakhate Mumbai third party, it would be really impossible to
to be range bound. Hence, I would separation of functions of IRS officials save these companies from liquidation
MUKESH BUTANI imagine that a key objective should be to between policymaking, assessments, now. After the recent changes in the law,
widen the tax base by embarking upon investigations and dispute resolution. Food for thought even promoters with serious intent to
Based on Prime Minister Modi’s obser- bold initiatives such as taxing agricul- The TARC also dealt with hiring, train- revive their company will have to face the
vation that the present Income Tax Act ture income, and bringing a wider sec- ing and the entire gambit of people With reference to ‘Paswan expresses help- heat and let go of their business. Now com-
needs to be redrafted in consonance tion of untaxed and under taxed non- function. An important recommenda- lessness in controlling rising onion price’ ing to the point where such SMEs will pre-
with economic needs, the Ministry of salaried taxpayers. If our vision 2030 is tions was on dispute resolution, identi- (30 November), as a matter of fact, in a fer S4A over IBC, even S4A will not be very
Finance has in its brief proposed draft- to be a $10 trillion economy, the new fying not just global best practices, but democracy, when a minister gives a state- easy as creditors may be wary of turning
ing a new Income tax code, keeping in code should address a bold agenda to also what would suit India, including ment, it is treated as a policy matter of the their debt into equity as it is not a viable
line international best practices. increase the tax-to-GDP ratio. strategy for avoiding disputes and set- government. It may be recollected that proposition for them. It is only when these
However, the official communique sets Since we are embarking on this exer- tling disputes before they go on trial. Prompt delivery of justice before the 2014 general elections, the stressed projects or companies turn prof-
out the task force’s responsibility to sub- Though, the government is pursuing Bharatiya Janata Party had clearly men- itable again that banks will be able to liq-
mit its report within six months. It is an aggressive digital agenda, there is The Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra, tioned in its manifesto that it would check uidate their equity. Otherwise, it is just a
unclear if the mandate is to merely scope for embracing tax technology for said at a conference on the National Law prices, especially of essential commodities fruitless exercise. Of course, these smaller
make recommendations on the new bringing in a shift in data mining, ana- Day on November 26 that protection of of daily use. After 42 months, the Union companies will not have as strong a man-
code or draft the new code. If it is the lat- lytics, taxpayer services, risk manage- fundamental rights of citizens is the government has totally failed to keep prices agement team as their other bigger coun-
ter, it is a tall order to accomplish draft- ment and revenue forecasting exercise. sacrosanct duty of the judiciary which is in check and the masses have suffered terparts in the corporate sector, but they
ing the code in such a short period, giv- To sum up, my key expectations conferred on it by the Constitution. The tremendously because of skyrocketing should not be penalised because of this.
en that drafting requires wider from the new tax code would be to moment the governing entities encroach prices of pulses, onions, sugar, petrol and So, in a nutshell, the Insolvency Ordinance
stakeholder consultation. I was com- focus on: upon the fundamental rights of the citi- petroleum products. The callous attitude of needs to be reconsidered to for the larger
paring the objectives that were set out in  Taxpayer segmentation: salaried, zens or there is an apprehension that the government has led to continuation of benefit of the economy.
2009, wherein the then government business, trust and exempt entities there is an encroachment, the judiciary is starvation deaths in the country, and ulti- Bal Govind Noida
unveiled a draft new Direct Tax Code including political parties. The business obliged to stand by them. He has also mately Union Minister for Consumer
with the objective to reduce complexity taxpayers be segmented into small, appealed to the lawyers not to seek Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
and compliance cost, broaden the tax medium, large and multinational cor- unnecessary adjournments. He has Vilas Paswan has had to admit that the The Editor, Business Standard
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
base by minimising exemptions, check A tax on agriculture income will go a porations. assured ‘zero’ pendency of cases at the government has virtually failed to keep its
New Delhi 110 002
tax evasion and remove ambiguity. The long way in widening the tax base  Inducing fresh energy into existing apex court if there is ‘zero’ adjournment promise on prices. Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
2009 Direct Taxes Code (DTC) went dispute avoidance functions of Advance sought by the lawyers. He is trying to S.K. Khosla Chandigarh All letters must have a postal address and telephone
through several alterations, though it cise, equally important is to rewrite the Ruling, Advance Pricing etc. ensure speedy justice, with high courts number
failed to see the light of day with the subordinate legislation by way of rules, Revamping the dispute resolution sys- working on weekends to clear the back
expiry of the DTC Bill of 2010. The then administrative guidance and so on. This tem before tax administration, tribunal log of old cases. He has himself followed > HAMBONE BY MIKE FLANAGAN
Standing Committee of Finance made has been an area of weakness resulting in and high courts, including setting up a his advice to others in letter and spirit
useful recommendations at that time. India being the most tax litigated juris- National Tax Tribunal or a National Tax and hence, the pendency has gone down
Given that the present provisions diction. The Committee besides look- Court, the latter in coordination with since he became the CJI two and half
of the Income-tax law have minimal- ing at international best practices should the Ministry of Law. months back.
istic exemptions and plethora of gen- consider laying down a framework for  Implementation of administrative The forgoing developments at the
eral & specific anti-avoidance rules, deeper tax administrative reforms. measures (some listed above) and highest jurisprudence should help those
some of the objectives of the DTC of The Tax Administration Reform strengthening subordinate legislation. yearning to get relief from frequent
2009/2010 have been met. Of course, a Commission (TARC) has laid down a adjournments. Incidentally, the pen-
lot is desirable from the point of view of plethora of recommendations — sub- sioners of Banks and LIC are fighting legal
reducing complexity and compliance mitted in 2014, and 2015 in four vol- The author is partner, BMR Legal battles with their respective manage-
ments and government at the centre for



Reversal in trend
Economy seems to have shaken off note ban, GST effects

he headline number provided by the Central Statistics Office in its first
estimates of economic growth in the July-September quarter provides authors work out “poles” such as the US, Germany
a welcome reversal of trend. Gross domestic product (GDP) at constant and Switzerland around which most disputes have
2011-12 prices has grown by 6.3 per cent in the second quarter of 2017-18 appeared and how such poles have changed over
time. For example, by the 1990s, Switzerland was
over the figure reported for the corresponding quarter of 2016-17. In the previous quar- replaced by the Netherlands in terms of the share of
ter, between April and June this year, GDP growth was 5.7 per cent. Output growth disputes. And in the 2000s, the US had become
has been declining, according to CSO estimates, since the January-March 2016 quar- overwhelmingly dominant.
ter. The reversal of this multiple-quarter slowdown suggests that the economy has (5) Most litigated treaties emanate in source
put behind it the short-term pain inflicted by demonetisation and the introduction countries. Thus source country tax authorities have

Global trends in
tended to resist tax treaty law more than those of
of the goods and services tax, or GST. Growth aside from agriculture and public
residence countries, reflecting an inherent bias
expenditure has been considerably stronger than in the previous quarter. This restricting the taxing rights of source countries in
means that transitory effects are over, and structural pushes and constraints are now the OECD Model Tax Treaty. (6) India, a source
central to the future trajectory of Indian GDP. Hopefully, in the coming quarters, the country, has experienced “an unparalleled upsurge
government’s timely adjustments to the GST mechanism will aid a further recov-
ery of growth.
Closer analysis of the data shows that much of the push to GDP growth in this
quarter has come from manufacturing, the gross value added (GVA) of which grew
tax disputes in tax treaty disputes in the 2000s, pulling away
from the system alone,” indeed a most remarkably
strong observation by researchers on the basis of
sophisticated analysis at a globally renowned cen-

at 7 per cent, year on year, in the recently completed quarter, as opposed to 7.7 per cent India continues to be weighed down by its disputes tre of learning.
(7) Government success rates have been declin-
in the equivalent quarter a year ago. Manufacturing GVA had grown at 1.2 per cent, ith the advent of the Base Erosion and Documentation (IBFD) database in order to view if ing over the decades reflecting changing attitudes of
year on year, in the April-June quarter. This increase in year-on-year growth may also
indicate the effect of restocking after the implementation of the GST. The contribu-
tion of stockholding to final GDP expenditure posted 6.7 per cent year-on-year
W Profit Shifting (BEPS) project of the G20- and why any discrepancy may exist. Second, a spe-
OECD, the global incidence of tax disputes cific definition of leading cases was discussed and
is back on centre stage. BEPS Action 13 deals exclu- arrived at a 2015 conference at LSE of the experts
courts and a rising quality of private sector advo-
cates. It also reflects a more aggressive approach of
tax authorities thus lowering their thresholds based
sively with this matter and Action 15 focuses on, with the objective of evening out differences and on likelihood of success. (8) “A particularly low gov-
growth in the second quarter, which should be compared with the 1.2 per cent it grew among other things, how countries should come ambiguities in national legal systems. Consequently, ernment success rate in India is perhaps unsurpris-
in the previous quarter. together on a common platform to sign on a mech- each entry became compliant with the same defini- ing, although (note) the 100 per cent (success) rate in
However, some methodological questions should be highlighted, as they are rea- anism for dispute resolution. Commensurately, the tion of a leading tax treaty dispute. China.” China boasts only tax authority rulings with
son to take the new GDP numbers with a pinch of salt. The introduction of the GST analysis of disputes has sharpened and the conclu- But just counting the absolute number of leading no independent court judgements! Thus, China and
was a major structural break for the Indian economy, and thus for data collection and sions from such analyses have become more mean- cases in each country would tend to weigh heavily India are at two ends of the same scale.
ingful. One illuminating revelation towards those countries that have a (9) Examining individual Articles of tax treaties,
analysis. Growth in the trading sector, for example, has been estimated in the current
at a recent London School of tradition of earlier cases to be cited variations are striking. Three-quarters of disputes
GDP series by examining increases in sales tax receipts. This comparison was not pos- Economics (LSE) seminar was that in court judgements whether or not over the definition of permanent establishment (PE)
sible for the CSO to make between the July-September quarter and the April-June a mere counting of disputes may such citations possess direct rele- are won by taxpayers, but they win only one-fifth on
quarter. Hence the government’s statisticians used other methods to estimate it, such yield erroneous conclusions and, vance to the particular case. This capital gains. (10) OECD members have moved away
as looking at the increases in tax revenues from petroleum-related products (which instead, the measurement of dis- occurs in Germany and India. To from PE litigation as their PE structures are scaled
are outside the GST) and in the nominal value of commodity output. Given that glob- putes should be appropriately nor- “normalise” this factor, the num- back even as they grow in BRICS countries; but the
malised across countries before ber of leading cases in a country OECD represent a larger share of capital gains cases
al trends in such prices have been upwards, the trade sector numbers may only imper-
comparing and drawing conclu- were taken as a proportion of the (despite a handful of high profile cases such as
fectly reflect underlying reality. Since trade has been the biggest contributor to sions on entry costs and exit costs total number of tax treaty cases in Vodafone in India). (11) The academic researchers
growth, with GVA growth clocking in at almost 10 per cent, year on year, the overall for potential investors which is, court. Thus the analysis pertains point to the clear evidence of the OECD’s movement
growth estimates should be viewed with a corresponding degree of caution. after all, the crucial role that dis-
P A R T H A S A R A T H I S H O M E to the relative importance of par- away from the judiciary to the “parallel route” of
The most worrying indicator, however, is that structural headwinds for high pute resolution has to assume. ticular kinds of disputes in a coun- mutual agreement procedures (MAP), led by the US
growth continue to be visible in the data. Exports’ contribution to GDP continued to Baistrocchi and Hearson1 delin- try’s total disputes rather than on and Germany. They believe this to be a more opaque
eated a step by step method of “normalisation”, cov- the absolute number of disputes. route since the complete dimensions of a MAP may
be anaemic, growing at the same 1.2 per cent registered in the previous quarter. And
ering all G20 countries. Through an expert survey From this voluminous and reflecting constraints not be revealed.
the investment crisis has not moderated appreciably. While it is true that the contri- comprising international tax experts, a “G20 Leading of space I have drawn a dozen conclusions that I (12) Finally, the authors view the international tax
bution of fixed investment to GDP grew faster than in the previous quarter – at 4.1 per Tax Treaty Case Dataset” was compiled. First, only feel are useful to the practitioner. (1) In the 2000s, the system as at a crossroads. Encouraging cross-coun-
cent against 1.6 per cent – as a proportion of GDP gross fixed capital formation has disputes over tax treaties were identified. Second, the US treaties account for one-third of the litigation try tax competition should stimulate growth though
declined, at 26.4 per cent as opposed to 27.5 per cent in the previous quarter. In spite list was narrowed down to court cases only. Third, among G20 countries, and the UK one-tenth. In fact, automatic exchange of information could improve
of the modest signs of recovery, much more work remains to be done. the period was confined to the pre-BEPS Reports the US overtook the UK and the Netherlands. (2) transparency at the cost of growth. Optimising from
era (1923-2015). Fourth, out of these, only “leading” Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and the contradictory forces remains a challenging task.
cases – those cited at least once in court or by the tax Germany are also among the top 10 litigated coun- Needless to say, the volume charts a new course
administration – rather than leading cases plus tries. Cyprus has also become important in this and should be explored by professionals interested
Self-reliance in urea? “progeny” cases – those that can be resolved in court respect. (3) The importance of the US for its treaty
through existing leading cases – were taken. countries is revealed in that, for Australia, Canada,
in international taxation and, in particular, by those
working on dispute resolution pertaining to tax
It’s a distinct possibility in the near future Two standardisation exercises were carried out. Japan, Mexico, and South Korea, half of their dis- treaties.
First, every list drawn up by the country expert was putes are with their US treaties. On the contrary, for

n his latest Mann ki Baat address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi counseled compared by the same expert against an alternative the US, treaties with Canada and the UK represent 1. Eduardo Baistrocchi, ed., A Global Analysis of tax Treaty
farmers to shun excessive use of urea. This plea is in sync with the government’s list available from an International Bureau of Fiscal only one-fifth of the US tax treaty disputes. (4) The Disputes, Cambridge University Press, London, 2017
plan for achieving self-sufficiency in this most consumed and heavily import-
dependent fertiliser by curbing its superfluous consumption and boosting
domestic production. Self-sustenance in urea seemed out of reach till recently as fresh
investment in this sector had virtually dried up due to flawed official policies and inor-
dinate delays in subsidy reimbursement to the industry. But a series of reforms-ori-
ented steps taken in the last few years have altered the investors’ outlook on urea, mak-
In Gujarat, again a Modi referendum
ujarat Assembly elections started receiving physically most of the time, but through his visits The noted sociologist and former vice-chancellor
ing self-reliance a distinct possibility in the near future. Indigenous production has,
in fact, already begun to look up, clocking an annual growth rate of around 4 per cent
since 2013-14, and imports are shrinking. The pace may accelerate as the government
G national media attention in 2002. The cover- (plenty frequently) and remote-control grip over local
age has continued to increase in every elec- politics (again plenty powerful), he looms larger than
tion since then. It has now reached a level that can ever over the entire state from the arid northern
of the Sardar Patel University, Pravin Patel, whose
study of the patidars is considered authoritative, says
that in Gujarat, kinship groups are the dominant per-
and the public sector fertiliser units plan to spend over ~50,000 crore on renovation only be termed over the top even in politics-obsessed expanse of Kutch to the southern riverine plains. Some suaders, rather than castes. That would explain the
and modernisation of existing plants and revival of closed fertiliser factories. India. Much has been made of all pundits believe that this may not limited domains of influence enjoyed by leaders such
The process of fertiliser reforms, which paved the way for the anticipated turn- leading lights of the Union govern- sway the voters sufficiently this time. as Hardik Patel and Alpesh Thakor even among their
around of this sector, was actually initiated by the previous United Progressive ment and those state governments They cite the concentration of the caste groups. The patidars of central Gujarat, for
of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) BJP firepower in support of their sur- example, have remained relatively aloof from the
Alliance (UPA) government by introducing a new investment policy in 2012. However,
laying siege to the poll-bound state. mise. Some of them even see this as reservation agitation.
it did not elicit the desired response from potential investors till it was amended and But virtually all print and electronic a sign of nerves, if not panic, in the This does not mean that Gujarat has no problems;
made more attractive by the present government in 2014. The caveat that the bene- media stars have para-dropped to BJP ranks. indeed it has and quite obvious ones. Grievances, espe-
fits of the revised policy would be available to only those units which go on stream offer their “in-depth” take after That can be quickly countered. cially in villages, are real, but have not yet reached the
within five years helped to expedite matters. Besides, a New Urea Policy was launched spending some hours in some select The BJP is always in the campaign stage that will cost the BJP dear. The general perception
in 2015 which focused specifically on maximising domestic output, promoting ener- pockets. Doubtless more of it is in mode. It takes all elections seriously, is that Gujarat has prospered ahead of the country.
store in the days before the last votes even when out of power, and throws Any criticism of it is not taken lightly. People readily
gy efficiency in urea production and rationalising subsidies. It offered incentives to
are cast on December 14. in the kitchen sink into its all-too- credit the BJP and emphatically Mr Modi for this.
fertiliser units to produce more than their reassessed capacities. Gujarat pre-election analyses have SHREEKANT SAMBRANI energetic canvassing. As its That brings us to the main, if not the sole, issue of
Policy apart, some well-advised supplementary measures taken by the gov- followed a set template. Pundits say resources, such as the states it rules, this election: Mr Modi, once again and even more so.
ernment, too, helped to prop up urea production. For one, the few plants that still use early indications could mean a diffi- have grown, so has its deployment of Gujarat will again hold a referendum, as it effectively
naphtha as feedstock have been allowed to continue production till they get assured cult situation for the government, following it up by these. That is in sharp contrast to the Congress, the field did in 2012 (see “The Gujarat referendum,” Business
gas supply. Besides, steps are on to revive fertiliser plants at Ramagundam, Talcher, predicting on election-eve a tight contest which could force of which comprises almost entirely of its presi- Standard, December 18, 2012). This time around, the
go either way, with, of course, pointed reference to dent-forever-in-waiting, Rahul Gandhi. Its other gen- party leaders, including Mr Modi, make no bones about
Gorakhpur, Sindry and Barauni, apart from setting up a new unit at the premises of anti-incumbency coming into play. In reality, the BJP erals are content to fight the battles in the backrooms. it. The message delivered now is that state needs to
the Namrup plant. A new gas pooling policy has been put in place to supply gas to sailed through all these polls with almost half the votes Will the economic factors matter in this election? back Mr Modi in Gujarat and in Delhi to protect and
all urea units at uniform rates. and 60 per cent or more of the seats. The obvious disruptions of demonetisation did not continue with its progress. In the latest round of rallies,
Among the moves that are intended particularly to curb extravagant use of urea This year’s election scene is different in two aspects. deter the Uttar Pradesh voters to choose the BJP in its the prime minister conveyed as much. Trust him (and
and prevent its diversion to non-agricultural activities, the most noteworthy are neem- First, the coverage is far more intense (but the tenor of immediate aftermath. In Gujarat, the impact was much others) to do this even more loudly and clearly in the
coating of urea, packing it in smaller bags and introducing soil health cards. Neem- the analysis is much the same), with the clear under- less even a year ago, thanks to the Gujarati genius of remaining days of the campaign. The Congress has
tone of disruptions caused earlier by demonetisation devising effective coping strategies. The notebandi greatly facilitated this through Rahul Gandhi’s per-
doped urea needs to be applied in relatively smaller doses to get the same crop yields. and recently by the goods and services tax (GST), pos- now is a distant memory, done and dusted. Even the sonal attacks on Mr Modi, as it had done in 2007 with
Besides, it is unfit for non-farm use. Packing of urea in 45 kg bags, instead of the usu- sibly souring the outcome for the BJP. The growing initial adverse effects of the GST are now accepted the maut ka saudagar remarks.
al 50 kg ones, too, helps to economise on its use because the farmers normally apply proximity of the putative leaders of the patidar agita- with equanimity, as reported in this paper (“GST tweaks Dhanjibhai Patel, 70, a first-time BJP candidate
it in terms of the number of bags per hectare. Soil health cards, on the other hand, rec- tion, the kshatriya community and the Dalits to the help restore BJP’s edge,” November 29). P from Wadhavan in Saurashtra, a Jain-dominated con-
ommend the laboratory test-based exact doses of different fertilisers needed for each Congress has led to speculation about whether the Chidambaram, no friend of the Modi government, stituency, concludes all his village meetings saying,
grievances of these electorally significant communities thanked the Gujarat voters for bringing about the lat- “This is a direct fight between Rahul Gandhi and
farm holding. However, the inadequacy of soil testing laboratories and the indiffer-
would possibly impact adversely on the fortunes of the est adjustments and simplifications. Promises of the Narendra Modi,” and the audience roars its choice of
ent quality of test results are holding back the scheme from delivering its full bene- party that has enjoyed power in the state for the last 22 finance minister and the finance secretary to do more the winner. The formal outcome of the contest will be
fits. This issue needs to be addressed urgently. Moreover, urea also needs to be years. Pronouncements based on cherry-picking of as needed would surely further soothe those at the known on December 18. Be prepared for history repeat-
brought under the nutrient-based subsidy regime to ensure balanced use of the three anecdotal evidence and often projecting the analysts’ receiving end, traders and small manufacturers. For ing itself, possibly even more forcefully.
major plant nutrients – nitrogen, phosphate and potash – to maintain soil fertility. own predilections are rife. most voters, the aam aadmi and aurat, the GST was
The second major difference is Narendra Modi’s and will continue to remain a non-issue, since it has not The writer is a long-time resident of Vadodara, Ahmedabad,
move to the national stage. He may not be in Gujarat really hurt their pocketbook. and Anand

beverage supply that led Britain to grow its The colonial rulers adept in playing one Crown had assumed direct authority over

Globalisation storm in a teacup own tea in Assam. This would allow Britain
to keep control of the trade in the course of
time. Besides the lingering China threat to
local group against another adopted the
tactic in Assam too with one clear goal of
making the place a tea producer of size.
its biggest colony, Ms Rappaport writes the
“workers were essentially enslaved and
high death rates, low birth rates, diseases
What is nonetheless universally accepted and funded its wars. stop supplies, Britain had to take note of the Ms Rappaport rightly points out that the and countless abuses continued.” Labour
is that over a thousand years ago it was first China ruled world production and emergence of the Americans as a “notable “local elite and foreign nationals had reforms in spite of government claims to
in China that tea was seen as an “agent of exports of tea for centuries. Taking advan- force in the tea trade” and the Dutch “start- worked with the British to bring capitalism the contrary were painfully slow.
civilisation,” of temperate pleasure and with tage of its dominance of the commodity ing to grow tea in Java.” to Assam” to turn what were wild plants The book is a lot more than the growth
health properties. It took the Europeans which was increasingly gaining in popular- Ms Rappaport writes “in the 1820s and grown in wasteland into highly rewarding of tea industry in British colonies and how
some centuries to “appropriate and adapt” ity in Britain and among British settlers in early 1830s, Indian tea came to be regarded tea plantations. For example, as the author it helped the Empire through good and bad
BOOK REVIEW the Chinese ideas about tea to make these a colonies, the Celestial Empire would from as a solution to a series of interconnected points out, Assam Company, the first cor- times. The long discourse on how govern-
“core part” of the culture of their continent. time to time put “humiliating” conditions global problems. Assam could satisfy the porate engaged in tea growing was initially ment funding on generic promotion
KUNAL BOSE The Europeans gave identical treatment to and logistical disadvantages for English world’s thirst for an inexpensive and a “racially hybrid business.” Prince helped the beverage to become popular in
many other commodities produced in other merchants. Hostilities between the two healthful beverage, could provide the Dwarkanath Tagore was a member of the British colonies and outside and fend off
Except for spices, no other commodity parts of the world but whose trade and, in powers in the early 19th century reached a British government with steady revenue.” board and one Maniram Dewan was competition from coffee, which incidental-
besides than tea has its history written in many cases, ownership of their production point when the British and the Chinese Equally importantly, growing tea in abun- appointed chief executive of the company ly arrived in Europe earlier than tea, and
such detail over the centuries. Accounts by mostly stayed with them. started viewing each other as Barbarians. dance in Assam would give Britain a in 1839. This puts to rest the common per- subsequently other soft drinks makes inter-
growers, blenders and retailers, papers of So well recorded is the history of tea that In Assam, Britain saw an enticing prospect chance to tell China that of the two empires, ception that the adventurist English and esting reading. A Thirst for Empire, which
Dutch East India Company and British East another book on the commodity will find of growing tea on a large commercial scale it was the more powerful. But before tea Scotsmen alone brought thousands of acres has a brilliant narrative style, shows how
India Company and countless books and justification if it throws light on the largely that could become over time an important growing could start in any meaningful under tea cultivation. trade in commodities, including tea,
newspaper articles on tea have built a rich unexplored “underlying ideologies and cul- source of imperial revenue. This would manner in Assam, Britain had to fight a The challenge for Assam planters for helped the cause of globalisation.
archival on the commodity. This could not tural norms and political and economic also give Britain a handle to “chastise” “costly and difficult war” to rid the place of many years was to recruit people on a large
be otherwise since archaeologists have thinking that shaped the behaviours of a China. Incidentally, Assam had grown tea, Burmese occupation and then win over the scale from “impoverished villages in
more recently found evidence that use of transnational business.” Erika Rappaport’s albeit in an unorganised way, and con- local people who in the beginning were not Bengal, Orissa, the Northwest Provinces A THIRST FOR EMPIRE
tea goes back to at least 2,100 years ago in A Thirst for Empire is mounted on a large sumed the beverage. well disposed to the British with “opium” and Oudh” mostly by unfair means such as How Tea Shaped the Modern World
western China. Scientists will continue to canvas that packs in it an early colonial Ms Rappaport has done an excellent job and “soft words.” Smoking the peace pipe “tempting workers with loans, liquor and Erika Rappaport
split hairs, however, as to how tea found in industry whose ascendance and profits in describing the compulsions centred on yielded results because the inhabitants women.” Describing the wretched working Princeton University Press
an emperor’s tomb was used at the time. supported the expansion of British Empire growing tensions with China, the lifeline of were aware of gunboats lurking behind. condition in plantations even after The 549 pages; £32.95

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