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The Strategic Positioning of Coca-Cola in their

Global Marketing Operation

Article in The Marketing Review · June 2003

DOI: 10.1362/146934703322383471


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Demetris Vrontis
University of Nicosia


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The Marketing Review, 2003, 3, 289-309

Demetris Vrontis1 and Iain Sharp2

Manchester Metropolitan University Business School and Legal and General

The Strategic Positioning of Coca-Cola in their

Global Marketing Operation
Examines how Coca-Cola has strategically positioned it self within the
world’s soft drinks market. Given that they operate in over 200 countries, they
are faced with a clear choice of whether to standardise their product offerings
globally and reap the potential benefits of economies of scale, adapt their
offerings to a particular market (which may facilitate increased market
specific penetration), or adopt an integrated approach utilising both
approaches simultaneously (Vrontis’ AdaptStand approach). There has been
much literature written regarding the external and often uncontrollable factors
which may impact upon a firms positioning strategy; this paper looks at these
externalities and the internal controllables in order to derive a ‘best fit’
strategic and tactical approach. Moreover, this paper looks at the strategic
international positioning of Coca-Cola by utilising a number of models.

Keywords: Coca-Cola, global, international, strategy, positioning,

adaptation, standardisation, AdaptStand, AdaptStandation, international,


If we consider business to be akin to war, then perhaps there is no better

starting point than the writings of Sun Tzu [circa 400-320 B.C.]. ‘The Art of
War’ is the oldest formalised writing focusing on the concepts and principles
of warfare and military strategy. Written over two millennia ago, it is still valid
in the modern world, not only in military terms, but also in business.
“Generally, he who occupies the field of battle first and awaits his enemy
is at ease, and he who comes later to the scene and rushes into the fight is
weary. And, therefore, those skilled in war bring the enemy to the field of
battle and are not brought there by him. One able to make the enemy come
of his own accord does so by offering him some advantage. And one able to
stop him from coming does so by preventing him. Thus, when the enemy is
at ease, be able to tire him, when well fed, to starve him, when at rest to
make him move.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War, The Oldest Military Treatise In
The World.

Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
Business Planning Manager, Legal and General
ISSN 1472-1384/2003/3/00289 + 20 £8.00 ©Westburn Publishers Ltd.
290 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

It is perhaps not so unlikely, that writers such as Porter, Doyle and other
advocates of strategic positioning have developed their models based upon
this ancient text.
According to Cummings (1993) the word strategy derives from the ancient
Athenian position of strategos – στρατηγός. Strategos was a compound of
‘stratos - στρατός’, which in Greek means army.
Moreover, ‘tactiki - τακτική’, in Greek meaning tactics, is the way in which
the Greek strategoi (plural of strategos) where implementing their strategic
thinking and putting their plan to action.
This paper illustrates how Coca-Cola’s international strategy and tactics
work in harmony after an in-depth consideration of the external forces found
in the global environment.
Strategy and organisational effectiveness are essential to the success of
any organisation, but they are both very different. Strategic positioning, is a
unique approach that integrates both strategy and organisational
effectiveness in a way the serves to differentiate an organisation in its market
place and drive success.
To understand how Coca-Cola use strategic positioning in their global
marketing strategy we need to explore the term ‘strategic positioning’ and
then to determine how a firm can utilise these strategies.

“When it comes to product strategy, managing in a borderless world

doesn’t mean managing by averages… it doesn’t mean that the appeal of
operating globally removes the obligation to localise products” (Ohmae
1990: 24).

The Coca-Cola Company: An Overview

The Coca-Cola Company, founded in 1886, is the world leading

manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage
concentrates and syrups. It currently operates in over 200 countries
worldwide and is most famous for the innovative soft drink, ‘Coca-Cola’, but
can now boast in the region of 230 different brands (
Its headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia. Its subsidiaries employ nearly
30,000 people around the world. 70% of the company volume and 80% of
the company profit come from outside the United States. It is one of the most
visible companies in the world. Their Coca-Cola product is now available all
over the world and has resulted in the drink becoming the world’s favourite
soft drink.
But how has this been achieved and how does Coca-Cola continue to hold
their position in the soft drinks market?
The former chairman of the Coca-Cola Company, Douglas Ivester has
stated that being global is the main strength of the Coca-Cola Company.
(Coca-Cola Company, Annual Report, 1998) It is a business with a popular,
affordable product, with a strong foothold in many countries
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 291

The global soft drinks market is dominated by 3 household names: Coca-

Cola, PepsiCo and Cadbury-Schweppes. Coca-Cola claims 47% of the
global market, compared with 21% for PepsiCo and 8% for Cadbury
Schweppes. Other major players include Cott and AmBev in Latin America
( This is illustrated in table 1 below.
Table 1: Global Carbonated Market Share

% value
Coca Cola 47
Pepsi Cola 21
Cadbury Schweppes 8
Cott 2
AmBev 1
Others 21
Total 100
Source: Adapted from

Coca-Cola’s international success can be attributed to many things but

Sergio Zyman, former chief marketing officer of the Coca-Cola Company
argued (1999) that in order to think globally, a company must act locally.
This message is emphasised many times over by the Coca-Cola Company.
The Coca-Cola Company is recognized all over the world. Their core
brand, Coca-Cola, leads this recognition, but when needed, they are also
very much a local operation, meeting the demands of local tastes and
cultures with more than 230 brands in nearly 200 countries. Whilst Coca-
Cola run a global business, it always emphasises that they wish to stay local.
Independent business people, who are native to the nations in which they are
located, (with some exceptions) locally own bottling and distribution
Consumers will have different experiences, given their personal
preferences and location. Coca-Cola is adjusting its approach (both at a
strategic and a tactical level) so that it can tap into these differences and
provide the appropriate marketing activities and beverages to connect with
consumers (
Coca-Cola’s effectiveness and profitability is obviously well supported by
their strong competitive position and market share in their primary product
market – Coca-Cola.
Buzzell and Gale (1987) state that there is a definite correlation between
the size of a firm’s market share and the level of profitability i.e. the larger the
market share the greater the level of profitability.
They point to four reasons why market share might be linked to increased
profitability. Firstly, scale economies coupled with an increase in the learning
experience resulting in the most effective and efficient use of production
techniques and technology. Secondly, customers are unwilling to take risks
and will therefore stay with the main market player due to the comfort factor
292 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

that prevails. Thirdly, due to the influence and dominance the leader has in
the market it is able to use its position to negotiate lower pricing with
suppliers and to command higher market price for its products. The fourth
reason is that the market leader has in place excellent management teams
and it has successful procedures and processes developed throughout the
Global Marketing Strategy, Standardisation or/and Adaptation
Many have written on topics related to global strategy, but only a limited
number of conclusions have been reached.
Mesadag (2000) argues that global marketing is a particular form of
international marketing which – in its truest form does not exist. Its essence
is that it covers a broad spread of the world’s countries and that it strives to
consciously standardise its marketing strategy between those countries.
Svensson (2001), comments that a company’s global strategy is closely
related to its corporate strategy. The corporate strategy guides the
performance of a company’s overall business activities and the allocations of
resources to achieve established business goals.
Others state that when a company pursues a global strategy, it looks at
the world market as a whole rather than at markets on a country-by-country
basis (Jeannet and Hennessey, 2001).
Levitt (1983) argues that the optimum global strategy is to produce a
single standardised product and sell it through a standardised marketing
programme. The challenge for the global corporation is to achieve low cost
operations and also to produce products of a high standard. This strive for
low cost through standardising products is key and will result in growth for the
corporation. Companies that dominate small domestic markets will gradually
be eased out by the low cost producing global corporation.
Kogut (1985) in his perspective of global strategy, emphasises strategic
flexibility, whilst Collis (1991) has summarised global strategy in the following
4 points:
• A global strategy is required whenever there are important
interdependencies among a business’s competitive position in different
countries. The acid test is whether a business is better off in one
country by virtue of its position in another.
• The sources of these interdependencies can be identified, including
scale economies (Levitt, 1983), accumulated international experience,
possession of global brand name, a learning curve effect (Porter,
1985), and the option value or cross-subsidisation (Hamel and
Prahalad, 1985) that a multi-market presence confers.
• The critical issues that a global strategy must address include the
configuration and co-ordination of the business’s worldwide activities
(Porter, 1986).
• The organization structure should be aligned with and derived from the
global strategy.
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 293

Douglas and Wind (1987) argue that the assumption of a consistent model of
market and customer behaviour existing across the globe is not universally
accepted. They claim that this outlook focuses on the product (product
orientation) and not on the customer (marketing orientation).
The factors that favour globalisation are issues such as cost economies,
transport costs and networks, learning and experience, technological and
operational capacity. These issues however have factors working against
them that serve to fragment markets such as trade barriers and tariffs,
communication links, raw material differentials, different market demand and
differing competitive circumstances. It is therefore apparent that localised
(adapted) production and promotion is necessary and must remain.

The Strategic Environment and Strategic Positioning

The fundamental question that the term strategic positioning asks is, what is
a good strategy? What factors should be considered in strategic positioning
and tactical implementation?
For strategists and marketers alike, considering strategy development
(whether for the domestic or international market) ample consideration
should be given to those elements (external to the company) over which they
have little or no control.
These groups of elements are Macro, Meso and Micro factors and
comprise the PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and
Environmental) macro factors, prevailing Trends and Concepts meso factors
and ITEMS (Information, Time, Energy, Money and Space) micro factors.
This is illustrated in figure 1 that follows.

Macro Politics Economics Social Technology and
Legal Environment Structures

Meso Trends and Concepts and

Information Time Energy Individual

Micro Money Space Resources

Figure 1. The Macro, Meso and Micro Environment

Businesses faced with the prospect of trading beyond the confines of their
national boundaries have to also decide whether to standardise, or adapt
their propositions for specific markets. This by default has implications for the
associated marketing mix and hence the overall strategic positioning and
tactical stance which is adopted.
294 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

The question of whether to standardise or modify overshadows all the tactical

decisions that are required from a strategist/international marketer. It
represents a very real tension between the profitability promised through cost
effectiveness, which is greater when activities are controlled centrally, and
the market effectiveness that is promised if the offering is differentiated to
meet the needs of each geographic segment.
Medina and Duffy (1998) are proponents of adaptation and define it as the
process of extending and effectively applying domestic target-market-dictated
product standards - tangible and/or intangible attributes - to markets in
foreign environments.
The Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical
Evidence and Process Management) is a “tactical toolkit” with which any
multinational company can implement efficient and effective strategy. Each
element within the marketing mix can therefore be adjusted in order to gain
optimum environment fit and consequently meet customer diverse needs and
Levitt (1983) takes the opposite view and suggests that the global
competitor will seek constantly to standardise his offerings everywhere. He
will digress from this standardisation only after exhausting all possibilities to
retain it and he will push for reinstatement of standardisation whenever
digression and divergence have occurred. He argues that the most effective
world competitors incorporate the same kind of products sold at home or in
the largest export markets.
Vrontis (2003), the main supporter of integration, argues that the debate
on adaptation and standardisation is a huge one and suggests that the
exclusive use of either approach is too extreme to be practical. The truth lies
in neither of these two polarised positions. Both processes,
internationalisation and globalisation, coexist and the decision on
standardisation or adaptation is not a dichotomous one between complete
standardisation and adaptation. Rather it is a matter of degree and there is a
wide spectrum in between that the international marketer should be aware.
The international marketers should have to search for the right balance
between standardisation and adaptation and therefore determine the extent
of globalisation in a business and adapt the organisation’s response
accordingly. This is illustrated below in figure 2 in the Vrontis’ Framework of
AdaptStand Integration (Vrontis 1999).
We have developed Vrontis’ AdaptStand Framework further, adding the
following calculations, to illustrate a subjective view of where Coca-Cola is
positioned on the continua. Figure 3 illustrates the elements of the marketing
mix (7P’s) for Coca-Cola in international markets. It also reveals its level of
standardisation and adaptation with number zero describing complete
adaptation and number five complete standardisation. Any other number lies
in the middle of the continuum.
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 295

Market Position Nature of Product/Service Target Market Organisational Factors Macro/Meso/Micro Factors

Trends & Concepts

Market Development •Consumer durable (electronics) Customer Similarity •Internal stance to internationalism •Political
•Consumer non-durable (food) Geographical distance (ethnocentric or not) •Economic
•Stage of development •Industrial goods (steel, chemicals) •Social
•Stage of product life cycle •Consumer goods •Technological
•Technology intensive (scientific instruments) •Legal

Market Conditions •Trends and Concepts

•Cultural differences •Information

•Economic Differences •Time
•Differences in customer perceptions •Energy

Competitive Factors

•Competitive practices
•Level of competition

•Meet differences in the stage of development Meet consumer differences in taste, needs and wants •Production economies of scale
•Meet differences in culture Meet differences in lifestyle •Economies of research and development
•Meet differences in consumer perceptions Meet differences in beliefs and consumer practices •Stock cost reduction
Product •Meet differences in the product life cycle Meet differences in consumer buying behaviour patterns •Consumer mobility
•Meet differences in consumer habits Meet differences in physical environment •Creates world-wide uniformity
•Meet local competition and competitive practices Meet local packaging requirement issues •Psychological meaning
•Meet different legal/political requirements and restrictions Psychological meaning and the effect on the consumer •Consistency with customers
•Meet consumer purchase and use motivational factors Meet standards required •Improved planning and control
•Synergetic effects

•Meet development stage differences

•Meet exchange rate fluctuations
•Market demand rate •Better control
Price •Meet competition and competitive practices •Price uniformity and consumer mobility
•Meet differences in the product life cycle
•Meet legal/political restrictions

1. •Meet different development stage and consumer buying behaviour patterns

•Meet differences in physical environment
•Number and size of intermediaries involved

•Meet market size requirements

•Specialisation among channels of distribution •Transfer of experience and efficiency
Place •Differences in distribution structures and patterns •Economies of scale
•Meet legal/political restrictions
•Differences in logistics decisions
•Meet differences in the product life cycle
•Meet competition and competitive practices

•Meet differences in the stage of development

•Meet differences in physical environment
•Meet legal/political restrictions •Economies of scale
•Meet cultural constraints •Consumer mobility and consistency with customers
Promotion •Meet differences in lifestyle •Creates world-wide uniformity
•Meet differences in consumer perceptions •Synergetic effects
•Meet differences in product life cycle •Psychological meaning
•Meet competition and competitive practices
•Differing consumer buying patterns
•Meet dissimilarity of buying motives
•Meet lack of identical availability of media
•Meet different consumer media usage patterns
•Meet consumers’ differences in tast
•Consistency with customers
People/Process/ •Motivate and empower employees •Offer universal appeal, message and image
•Allow flexibility to meet consumer non-identical need and requirements •Achieve strong corporate identity
Physical •Meet local competition and competitive practices •Allows better identification by the customer

3. An Integrated Approach

Figure 2. Vrontis’ Framework of AdaptStand Integration

Source: Adapted from Vrontis (1999)
296 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

Adapt (international) Each bead can be moved in either Standardise (global)

direction along the continuum








The mathematics underpinning this model is quite rudimentary.

Of the seven elements of the extended marketing mix a maximum
score of 35 points is possible (7*5=35).
If the positions of all the beads are summed, a score of 22.75 is
achieved (3.75+1+4.25+2.4.25+4+3.4.25=22.75)
Figure 3. Coca-Cola Quantified
This pictoral representation reveals that the mean is further towards the
standardised extreme than the adapted extreme. In this example 3.25
represents the mean position between adaptation and standardisation. Thus,
Coca-Cola has deployed the ‘tactical toolkit’ with a more standardised
approach to its overall marketing strategy.
Porter (1980) and Doyle (1983) are both proponents of positioning
strategy. Porter considers the external factors, which impact upon a firms
competitive positioning. Doyle refers to the choice of target market segment
which describes the customers a business will seek to serve and the choice
of differential advantage which defines how it will compete with rivals in the
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 297

Porter claims that competition is at the core of success or failure of the firm
and that a successful competitive strategy can establish a profitable and
sustainable industry position. He claims that there are two fundamental
questions underlying the choice of a competitive strategy: firstly, how
attractive is the industry with regard to profitability and secondly, what are the
determinants of competitive position within an industry.
According to Porter there are five competitive forces that will govern the
rules of competition and these rules will prevail in any industry both in
domestic and international markets. The five forces are:
• The entry of new competition entering the market
• The threat of substitutes or replacement products
• The bargaining power of buyers
• The bargaining power of suppliers
• The rivalry of between firms of the same sector
Figure 4 that follows details these five forces in relation to Coca-Cola.
Porter 5 Forces Model
Coca-Cola has high Main competition
brand dominance in mkt. limited to small
number of big
Low supplier bargaining
players and COD
power due to scale of
Coca-Cola. Similar to
Entry Barriers
supermarkets Low buyer
power. BUT
Supplier Coca-Cola do
Rivalry Buyer have to be
Among Firms Bargaining careful not to
Power price
themselves out
of the market


Coca-Cola Company has wide product

portfolio ∴ low threat of brand substitution
non-alcoholic drink target sector.

Figure 4. Porter 5 Forces Model

Source: Porter, 1985

So, what is a good strategy? Can a firm position itself in order to gain
competitive advantage over its competitors? Is there a specific position a firm
should take in order for its strategy to be successful?
Rumelt (1980), states that competitive advantages can normally be found
in superior resources, superior skills or a superior position. Resources and
skills enable a firm to do more, or do it better than the competition. Different
resources and skills will be required dependant on the industry or market
segment. Positional advantage is how the arrangement of these resources
and skills are used to out manoeuvre the competition. Positional advantage
298 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

can be gained by forward planning, greater skill and resources, or luck! Once
a dominant position is gained it is difficult for the competition to dislodge the
incumbent firm provided the position merits continuation and that it is
extremely costly for competitors to take over.
As long as environmental forces remain constant position can remain
constant. Positional advantage can take the form of size or scale,
differentiation from competitors and successful trading names.
To be successful, a company needs to get both its strategy and tactics
working in harmony to provide the optimum return bounded by efficiency
(McDonald and Leppard, 1993). Both strategy and tactics should be
designed after a careful consideration of the situational environment.
It is apparent from the following figure (figure 5) that businesses finding
themselves to the left of this matrix are destined to die, strategy being the key
factor as to how quickly.
Considering Coca-Cola’s international performance, we can argue that the
company is thriving as it is effective-doing things right (having the desired
effect, producing the intended result) and efficient-doing the right thing (able
to work well and without wasting time or resources).


Ineffective Effective

Die (slowly) Thrive

3 2


Die (quickly) Survive

4 1

Figure 5. Strategy Tactics Grid

Source: McDonald & Leppard, 1993: 7

The firm has to consider more than the industry structure, it also has to take
an appropriate position within the industry. This positioning will determine the
competitive advantage a firm can have namely, low cost or differentiation
against competitive scope at the broad or narrow market (see figure 6).
The Coca-Cola Company has adopted both a Differentiation and a Cost
Leadership Strategy.
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 299

Competitive Advantage
Lower Cost Differentiation


Cost Leadership Differentiation

Competitive Scope

* *
Cost Focus


Figure 6. Porter Generic Strategy Grid

The use of a differentiation strategy is where the firm attempts to be diverse
from its competitors by adding something to its product that will provide a
unique value to its customers. There are also various ways a firm can
differentiate depending on the industry it is in, however the costs of this
differentiation policy must be lower than the additional pricing the firm can
Differentiation for Coca-Cola is achieved through perceived superior
quality product, which surpasses their nearest rivals, and high brand image
and recognition. The company has also used their promotion and packaging
as a means of further differentiation, for example, the Coca-Cola bottle,
which has become an internationally recognised symbol. The decision in
1999 to revitalise the contoured bottle design was Coca-Cola’s first global
marketing priority (Boutzikas, 2000). They capitalised on a resource that
none of their competitors had or have as an asset. They can, therefore,
adopt a premium pricing policy in many markets where economic conditions
It should also be noted that Coca-Cola is positioned in the Cost
Leadership quadrant.
Aaker (1998) points out that there are several approaches a firm can take
to become a low cost producer, which can be used in isolation or as a
combination. The most basic way to a low cost is to remove all the ‘extras’
from the product and produce a no frills offering. The danger in this strategy
is that the way is paved for a feature war. The design or make up of the
product can create cost advantages, for example, the use of alternative
materials. The production and operational processes a firm employs can also
reduce costs. Another example would be the efficient use of distribution
networks, manufacturing systems or the use of low cost labour and product
300 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

Economies of scale is the obvious way of reducing costs as there are natural
efficiencies associated with size, although not necessarily so with firms that
will have multiple or diversified products. Aaker (1998) also points to the
experience curve whereby firms utilise knowledge and learning gained over
time as a way of cost reduction. For example, the more times a process is
carried out, the more efficient the process becomes. The use of technology
and plant will also be maximised over time.
The Coca-Cola’s positioning in the Cost Leadership quadrant is achieved
not only through economies of scale in research, development and
promotion, but also through learning, knowledge and experience in
production and operational processes. It is also achieved through
effective/efficient distribution networks and manufacturing systems.
McDonald and Leppard (1993) have developed a strategic focus matrix
(see figure 7), which emphasises the impact of time on business activities.
The elements relating to the marketing mix have been emboldened to show
clearly, where they are positioned in relation to time. It is our view that Coca-
Cola adopts the following recommendations, not only at the short term, but
also in medium and long term.

Focus for Success

Business activities Short term Medium term Long Term

Objectives Short-term profit Medium-term profit Innovation

Management focus Productivity Beat competition New product/markets

Target market Existing customers Competitor’s customers New customers

Energy directed at Own staff Competition The unknown future

Differential Cost Control Segmentation Differentiation


Key component of Price Promotion/place Product


Organizational Financial Marketing Entrepreneurial


Figure 7. Strategic Focus Matrix

Source: McDonald and Leppard (1993)

As previously mentioned, The Coca-Cola Company has an impressive

geographic presence. If we consider Coca-Cola’s global strategy with
reference to Ansoff’s (1957), illustrated in figure 8, it highlights a clear
strategic evolution in the case of the Coca-Cola Company.
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 301

Current products New Products

Market Penetration Strategies Product Development Strategies

Current markets
•Increase market share •Product improvement
•Increase product usage: •Product line extensions
- increase frequency of use •New products for same markets
- increase quantity used
- new application

Diversification Strategies
Market Development
Strategies •Vertical Integration:
New markets

- forward integration
•Expand markets for existing - backward integration
- geographic expansion •Diversification into related businesses
- target new segments (concentric diversification)

•Diversification into unrelated

(conglomerate diversification)

Figure 8. Ansoff Matrix

Source: Ansoff, 1957

In the beginning there was Coca-Cola, a single core product, geographically

located in the US. Overtime, this singular core product had become
established in its home market by increasing market share and product
usage (Market Penetration Strategy).
Coca-Cola was later launched into foreign markets and competed within
the international arena. This Market Development Strategy was undertaken
by targeting new geographical areas and target segments.
As these foreign markets developed further, the Coca-Cola Company was
faced with the problem of how to further penetrate them. The solution was
simply to develop new products (Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite), which over
time have also become core products (Product Development Strategy). How
does Coca-Cola increase market penetration still further?
Again, the solution is to develop new products in new markets. Originally
Coca-Cola’s business was defined as one operating in the carbonated soft
drinks (CSD) market. In order to further penetrate these markets Coca-Cola
has broadened the definition of the business it is in to ‘ready packaged liquid
refreshments’. This has allowed the company to look beyond its traditional
CSD market, to markets such as bottled water, fruit juices and innovative
ready to drink tea markets. They have therefore successfully used a
Diversification Strategy.
Strategic marketing planning makes use of a number of analytical models
that help to develop a strategic view of the business, and thus can be used
as decision-making aids. The Boston Consulting Group Matrix (see figure 9)
302 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

is one of these models. Its fundamental concept is that although products/

Strategic Business Units (SBU’s) may be managed as individual entities on
an operational basis, strategically they should be viewed as a portfolio. The
best portfolio is the one that best fits the company’s strengths and
weaknesses to opportunities in the environment. The company must analyse
its current business portfolio or Strategic Business Units SBU’s, decide which
SBU’s should receive more, less, or no investment, and develop growth
strategies for adding new products or businesses to the portfolio.

Relative Market Share

High Low

M Stars Question Marks

a Selected few
r H • High growth & share • High growth, low share
k I • Build into Stars/ phase out
e g
• Profit potential
t h • May need heavy investment • Require cash to hold
to grow
• market share
o Cash Cows Dogs
L Liquidated
o • Low growth, high share • Low growth & share
w • Established, successful • Low profit potential
t •Produce cash

Figure 9. The Boston Consulting Group Matrix

Looking at figure 10, consumption per capita being substituted as a close

proxy for market share (in its absence), it is clear that those countries to the
left of the matrix appear to have been managed in such a way so as to
almost have a uniform growth rate.
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 303

Coca-Cola Operating Regions Per Capita Consumption (litres pa)

1997 - 2000
Nordic &
60.0% Northern


20.0% Great Britain

Germany France
Spain China

Mexico Japan
Southern Korea
USA Chile Aust ralia Africa
Argent ina Brazil

Central Europe Columbia
& Eurasia

Middle East &

North Africa
120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0
Relative Market Share

Figure 10. Coca-Cola Consumption - Boston Consulting Group


The ‘problem child’, Nordic & Northern Eurasia, has shown significant growth
which eventually could see this region move into the star/cashcow quadrants
if critical mass is built up. If Coca-Cola were to follow the direction advocated
by the BCG matrix and liquidate those poorly performing countries in the
‘Dog’ area this would perhaps have implications for the Coca-Cola
Company’s global presence. It is therefore unlikely that they would seek to do
this. It is possible that many of these ‘Dogs’ might form the basis of emerging
and growth markets in the future.
Further, if we consider Coca-Cola’s position as market leader within the
‘pre-packaged liquid refreshments’ market and the relative profits derived
from this market, then it becomes clear that they are positioned in the
‘Protect Position’ quadrant of the Mckinsey Matrix (figure 11). This means
that the company should concentrate efforts on maintaining its existing
strength by investing to grow at maximum digestible rate.
It is also recommended that they can capitalise on ‘first mover’ advantage
and therefore ‘drive’ market innovation. This reflects the concepts of the
‘inside-out’ or competencies based approach (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990;
Sanchez, et al. 1996) or the capabilities based approach (Stalk, et al. 1992) -
i.e. because of their relative size in the market, Coca-Cola can to some
extent drive the market.
304 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

Protect Position Invest To Build Build Selectively

•Invest to grow at •Challenge for leadership •Specialize around limited
maximum digestible rate •Build selectively on strengths

•Concentrate effort on strengths •Seek ways to overcome
maintaining strength •Reinforce vulnerable areas weaknesses
•Withdraw if indications
of sustainable growth are

Market Attractiveness
Build Selectively Selectively Manage Limited Expansion
For Earnings Or Harvest
•Invest heavily in most

attractive segments •Protect existing program •Look for ways to expand
•Build up ability to counter •Concentrate investments without high risk;
competition in segments where otherwise, minimise
•Emphasize profitability by profitability is good and investment and rationalise
raising productivity risk is relatively low operations

Protect And Refocus Manage For Earnings Divest

•Manage for current •Protect position in most •Sell at time that will
earnings profitable segments maximise cash value

•Concentrate on attractive •Upgrade product line •Cut fixed costs and avoid
segments •Minimise investment investment meanwhile
•Defend strengths

Strong Medium Weak

Competitive position of firm

Figure 11. The Coca-Cola Company’s Position in the Mckinsey

Source: Day (1986)

Markides (1999) further states that, behind every successful company, there
is superior strategy. The company may have developed this strategy through
formal analysis, trial and error, intuition, or even pure luck. No matter how it
was developed, it is the strategy that underpins the success of the company.
To understand corporate success, the logic of successful strategies must
be understood. It would be quite incredible to identify two people who share
the same definition of strategy from the concept of “strategy as positioning” to
“strategy as visioning”.


The Coca-Cola Company, founded in 1886, is the world leading

manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage
concentrates and syrups. Today, Coca-Cola has an international presence,
operating in more than 230 brands in nearly 200 countries, with around 70%
of the company volume and 80% of the company profit come from outside
the United States.
A number of uncontrollable elements affect Coca-Cola’s international
marketing strategy and tactical implementation. These groups of elements
are Macro, Meso and Micro factors and comprise the PESTLE (Political,
Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental) macro factors,
prevailing Trends and Concepts Meso factors and ITEMS (Information, Time,
Energy, Money and Space) micro factors. This makes the exclusive use of
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 305

either approach too extreme to be practical and urges multinational

marketers to search for the right balance between standardisation and
Coca-Cola’s core ‘global’ brands are mainly standardised, but with a
number of adaptations taking place. Although the company may strive for a
completely standardised strategic approach, drawing on the associated
economies of scale, in reality they are following the Integrated AdaptStand
approach as advocated by Vrontis (2003).
The company’s effectiveness and profitability is obviously well supported
by their strong competitive position and market share in their primary product
market – Coca-Cola. Other brands like Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta have
also been internationally recognised and profitable. Its’ international success
is achieved by the company’s strategy and tactics, which complement each
other and work in harmony providing the optimum return bounded by
efficiency. The company is thriving as it is both effective (doing things right)
and efficient (doing the right thing).
Coca-Cola is adopting Differentiation and Cost Leadership strategies
(Generic Strategies). In terms of Differentiation, the firm attempts to be
diverse from its competitors by adding something to its product that will
provide a unique value to its customers. This is achieved through well-
designed and managed marketing activities resulting to perceived superior
quality product and high brand image and recognition. Further, Cost
Leadership is achieved not only through economies of scale, but also through
learning, knowledge and experience in production and operational
processes, and through effective/efficient distribution networks and
manufacturing systems.
In relation to Ansoff, Coca-Cola is using a number of strategies. Initially, it
used the Market Penetration Strategy and become established in its home
market by increasing market share and product usage. Then, it used a
Market Development Strategy by expanding its operations into foreign
markets. Later, it developed new products, both at a national and
international level (Product Development) and then started operations in the
carbonated soft drinks market (Diversification Strategy).
This also ensures that Coca-Cola has a comprehensive product portfolio
in each market, increasing the likelihood of a purchase of a Coca-Cola
Company branded product. This portfolio is well managed and enables the
best fit between the company’s strengths and weaknesses to the
opportunities found in the environment.
In considering the strong competitive position of the firm in a highly
attractive market, it is suggested that Coca-Cola should Protect its Position
(Mckinsey Matrix). This can be achieved by concentrating efforts on
maintaining its existing strength by investing to grow at maximum digestible
Coca-Cola should maintain its marketing orientation not only in its
strategic approach but also in its tactical day-to-day operations. It should
constantly undertake market research to enable it understand the
306 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

environment in which it operates and allow it develop products that satisfy

customer needs. This goes in line with the definition of marketing (both at a
national and international level), which is about identifying, anticipating and
satisfying consumer requirements.


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Country Specific Examples

“…in 1994 there were groups of Polish youths and young adults who looked
down on the American way, and preferred to preserve their own identity and
heritage. Many would rather support a local cola brand than buy Coke”.
308 Demetris Vrontis and Iain Sharp

(Dana and Oldfield, 1999)

Evidence of adaptation within regions of countries (i.e. one bottling plant)
was very much aligned with western ideals e.g. the first baseball diamond -
baseball represented the American way.
Is Coca-Cola guilty of imposing these ideals and adopting an ethnocentric
viewpoint? (Thomas and Hill, 1999)
Lublin bottlers adopted a much more localized approach and bottled,
packaged and marketed differently to appeal to the consumer preferences
within Lublin’s territory.

Asia Pacific
Long Term objectives concentrated in Chinese/Japanese markets where
there are growth opportunities.
Purchasing power and income per head in Asian countries will exceed that
of the US in 2010 (Coca-Cola Company Annual Report, 1998).

Target audience, primarily teenagers, (people under 20 = 50% of
population). Target audience anxious for freedom and associated ideals
(perhaps due to events of past) (Dana and Oldfield, 1999). Hence,
marketing adapted and focussed towards this segment. Also due to
North/South division advertising has to reflect cultural and political
Pepsi entered the Vietnamese market first and they (Vietnamese) in turn
became brand loyal.
When introducing its product, Pepsi was very sensitive to the traditions and
values of the Vietnamese people. The company utilised Miss Vietnam
(favourite role model in traditional dress playing classical music - scene
switches to western style bar where seen drinking Pepsi - depicts
internationalism. This gave Pepsi a huge leap in market share.
Coca-Cola thus needed to adopt a similar but differentiated strategy in
order to gain market share.

Product quality, consumer trust and perceived value are traits Chinese
consumers look for in leading brands. Coca-Cola developed a number of
‘market specific’ brands in order to further penetrate local markets, e.g.
Smart was the first soft drink developed for the Chinese market. Due to
“widely dispersed consumer preferences are in this region” (www.coca-
“We are developing relationships with consumers and getting Coke and
other beverages into their lives”. (Douglas Daft, CEO, 2000)

Latin America
“We are continuing to focus on developing our core brands and introducing
local CSD brands. We entered the water segment in Latin America in 1995;
however, beginning this year, we are putting some real marketing muscle
into this category” (Douglas Daft, CEO, 2000).
The Strategic Positioning of Coca Cola 309

Due to the prevailing economic conditions (income tax increases) Coca-cola
have adjusted certain strategies to offer more affordable packaging options
to facilitate greater competition with other local brands (

About the Authors

Demetris Vrontis is a senior lecturer at the Manchester Metropolitan

University Business School (MMUBS) and teaches marketing and
international marketing across the Business School in both under and
postgraduate level. At the same time he is the course leader at the
Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma in Strategic marketing and supervises
postgraduate research students at MA, MPhil and Ph.D. level. Other
activities include being an external examiner, moderator for Nottingham Trent
University (in its cooperation with a number of Greek Business Schools) and
a visiting lecturer at a number of Universities. Dr Vrontis is an active member
of the IMRG (International Marketing Research Group) centre, undertaking
research and providing consultation to a numer of national and international
companies, in both consumer and trade markets. His prime research interest
is international marketing planning and specifically to investigate
multinational companies’ tactical and strategic marketing behaviour, an area
that he had widely published and presented papers to conferences on a
global basis. He is currently acting as a guest editor and reviewer in a
number of books and academic journals and he is the author of a number of
book in international/global marketing and strategic marketing planning.

Iain Sharp is Business Planning Manager for Legal & General’s (major UK
Life Assurer) Retail Distribution Division. Iain is responsible for the
production of the division’s annual Business Plan, monitoring progress
against key objectives and is thus heavily involved in overall strategic
analysis and strategy formulation. His primary interest lies in market
positioning and the associated strategies and tactics, marrying up internal
company aspirations and their resultant market impacts. This has proven to
be a very detailed and involving process given a business environment which
is greatly influenced by weak equity markets and the number of regulatory
reviews currently impacting the Financial Services sector.

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