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Contents Your machine Page © Single Bed mechine -eeesseesessereeeeees 8 © Neostes 1 Conversion ke 3 1 Nesde positions "bed machine...) 4 eet be 3 ° *% wes eae cas ‘© Neste selection buttons © Space salecier oe ecking overs Intermediary ever : Racking lever vvescsccscccsssscssssecons 8 Stage one Page, eens {© Staight vertical opening % ‘Chain casting eating om in lpia ae Daring ‘ening ‘Franserring from nb fo stocking eich... 17 1@ Noodle bea opening ‘locking etch u UUndeing ong or sever hain "costing Fosaacacce Picking up dropped atthe hock rib we “@ To remove or r-nang halite work Trereaslng 2000000 is 3 Becracsing coer Needles in hoiding postion 2.077 2» : Portrow kang sso i 2 © Neckines ois al foes Drmhoie an should shoving a ‘eat sample, sae chart 8 Convoraion table Page Ccasting.on in stocking stich tt Imereating In stocting stier 2 ‘scraasing in seeking sch Hoa Costing-on In 11 Simple rib a7 Cesting'on in i Deuba. sided’ Fishorman fe ” © Ceciingon in iii” Singis idea’ Fishornen ‘o » Poskate @ Cecling in 22 Simple nb ° 3 Sock © Casting-on in 272 Double. cided Fshorinan : ‘ 4 : 4g Ceciing on in 33 pds ri 2 : : a ceca in Vi Sinpie ri 48 Tn ‘Single and’ Double sided in’ Single” “ond Double ded Flchormon ib) cose 6 1 What io dot gyeeeennngenesy Your machine © Sinole bed machine Conversion ‘it Souble bod ‘machine Revessories estan 1 Tension unit brace! Row coumier Important advice WE RESEAVE ALL RIGHTS OF MODIFICATION ON THE SONGEPTION AND PROPERTIES OF OUR MACHINES. ‘THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN OUR DOCUMENTS. ARE INDICATIVE AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION. ‘The explanations you wit find in this instruction book wioter atten tothe PARTS OF THE MACHINE AMD THE Recesconies. 2Cyl help you to underetand your machine you ‘oquaint youreelt with the aileron parte and tetr terme nology so that you may quickly bocome an axpert kite. 7s into youte voor often to teva rel popes. ™ The single bed machine @ = Oo is = a 1 ~ © The conversion 4 =The double bed machine Principal parts e eeton buttons (tront carriage) 21. Coupling each Hints to read the instruction book Rend carefully the below Indcatlons which will permit you {o alstinguish th tes and chapters which coneerm You ® If you own a D.B. machine the signe eoncorning the 5.8. MACHINE (only 390) “* If you own a S.B. machine & Available accessories ee ee ee SSIGER" toca Nw TR Weaving eect brushes Com a aia 20 AT AN a ape a a aN oe “Tea! Caleultor ee = How to set up the machine nit stare under the ‘Baek ih the 0 on the gracuated ard edge ofthe stand into post ind by pushing the lever towards ret Fit ihe tension rod in the hole (@) of the Easton unit send, ° fe * NOTE FOR 8.8. In thi caso, the tension rod hes to ba fitted in the hoe ® = Settings of the needle beds Needle bed NOME FOR 8.8 No wee ba pon eh space ® The racking Jocking bracket and push the recking lever upwards. Tis akg cre sen whon tho Hot ounce Ban ‘ower positon. Eset hoch towards the right or the loft corresponds to ‘ne racking. = Lateral adjustment ‘The tront noodle bed can be moved laterally with the TReking lover to 8 posons or notches. ‘hie sgustment ius = ® Intermediary lever erm tng ect eric nr ihatetmiete cltrenanis Se amen mente Tamia eran ‘THE DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF INTERMEDIARY LEVER, 1. Postion 12: ‘Noodles aro alternated 2. Postion cpposte: Noodtes are appoctio 8 Pontion vee ‘Alows the transter of stiches from one needle bed to the other one (ure of he spectl carriage). MANIPULATIONS: The lntermedlary lover moves eosily fogather withthe racking lever. ‘2) To moveitio the right plage your hand on small and big levers asf You would Hold a ple) and squeeze them. 1) To move R to tho loft woo both honds to sopsrate both ® Knitting positions ™ Open positions NORMAL POSTION 1: Bot weeds level Tis poston 1 used fore patlems Sipe ss POSITION 2: Te ont needle bed Is oho: than ‘postion is only used. for Sochig witch ands deraties, ‘The low combs MUST BE OPPOSITE, aly ihe Bach caiage 1s usec In WS case, the font ‘catage ca ‘© Push towards tho esate, nan roieate POSITION LEVERS, placod Under No. 90 of the Of bed 12 tus unlocked and ean be moved Into ‘The neeate {ho equired postion ‘epee ae tthe sae ited wih INTERMEDIARY POSITION 3: mad for etmeing the land fo fcttale the transiering of slehes tome front nace beck ‘otf, checking ote courting ot = How to obtain the different positions of the front needle bed Ine Tmo geo wwontanT Nore tod arate cartages the horseede bod pester: Tie opraon We rob on page 10 = The needles & Each needle is composed of three main parts : THE EE ‘an of the needle which i n contact with he caage THE MOVABLE LATOR: the hook Gung the atch formation, c.THE HOOK: ‘tins the stich when the yarn is layed in. & Stitch formation Sateg i sequence of stiches formed ny a yar. in hanging he ettenee a th th machine sig, each stich formed by een needhos. When pase Carriage across, ihe ‘upwards and then downwards. ‘moving upwerds, the needle makes the stich Seer a a 2 yarn ls then presented by the yarn guide found Sievers cr en mering downwards, te sch clea the Ith i atc ihe awe ew alich has been Oa i ¢ Needle positions {© HOLDING POSITION No. 3: ‘his fs the highest positon. The needle heel vests against ‘he upper sd tll # The carriages = The S.B. carriage ? The knitting retainer: ‘The two slots of the kiting ceigner ft Beneath the two hhanclos ot te carrage between the plastic eover ane the Inetet part (ihe lwo whoa’ ave exactly underneath the flow combs). 2 Tom: Buch the kniting retainer upwards and then move it 19 oe ‘ross coun the small over on the left-hand side of the Srniting rotamer ana reverse the above action. Bolore fixing the lating riginer end for any typo, of fring ‘xcept for woasrg slack, tomove both son shod ey asia ten evar son : ‘The kntthg rotaiter i foed ator having Ktiog 45 rome {nd elminets in_sertein coses tho yoo of wolghie, Wo feaormend Reworer fo use woigh in eae re biting ‘The io-ond-ro movemont of the eariago detorminee the ‘movement of the needles to obtain Krtng, " = The DB. carriages © 68 OO ies Sr wn Selection keys EACH CARRIAGE HAS FOUR KEYS FOR BASIC SrireHes. 1/2e]3|4 ANUTGO te mainly reserve for CIRCULAR kiting, sky [5] “The term sCiroulars moans that me cariages nt ator alive, fw tho Font felts for night te Tot anc ‘ho Bkok carriage bas from et to righ. Circular tniting alowo fo make soamlose garmont, io ste soske nae 2 Key [FJ + fore LOOPS (me yarn Ie aye over Instead ot orming to eit all lassie stiches. donates SrockinG STITCH. The carnage knit bath directions a. Key [A+ i GANCELS the other keys. Only th DOES NOT AEWAIN DEPRESSED 2 mos back fo original peaon NOTE: the combination of tho diforent Koy cn the back {tnd on the rent allows mony feiting posabltee. In te ave depress smullanouey the requvea eye. 2 4 key 0) ‘The DIB maine I equipped with wo earages ‘The lront and bask oarriage oan De S0paratea end couples iby a oaleh etuatea en tno on carioge rte rosa the catch dou. —_—— Kiting i obiaines by ao-ancte movenen br wits tbe back eaiage nly to kMR stocking er wh the to. crogoe “nc eouble saad enorme Sftonce tte on bot noose Bede st & The stitch size dial “This, clel determines the cownwraré_mo nea ha te lonth of fe och and 12° Tum the dal fo bring the arow opperlte to tho roqu- fea eh siz. the longer the sich. the shorter the ath, ADJUSTMENT OF STITCH SIZE (STOCKING STITCH) IN ‘CONPARISON TO HAND KNITTING NEEDLES HAND KNATTING NEEDLES STITCH SIZE DIAL ‘2mm Fine Ya “4 BYemm 2 phy a Sm 8 37mm Dowwle Kei S42 mm” Taek yer The needle return buttons ‘Te carsages rave in sdeton two buttons to automaticaly Fecall reeds from holding. postion beck Into working Poatton {Frese butions have thrae positions: EMI tmo-colour work with tha second yarn masa cca opto tlie nenles owe ito working Ite the MOST FREQUENT postion, Lowen posiTiON. Irie sod to automaticaly call beck tho neodes previously ee s--< oe 2 = The needle selection buttons “These buitons only ext onthe tnt cariage: ‘Teron tho rene postion press tha tts down ‘A.uPPER postion Wis used to salt fancy aitcheo in 4/1 rib and Clase ib (Gacquara) ond for katng on front bed only by eelecting © G © ® © 8. LOWER POSITION Ite used for NORMAL KNITTING, @ e & The locking levers ‘These lovers: sour he stiiy of the canine em tho dol, 1S Securing the carlage ime Teas tte “cariage when famed ding se bot Te roloazo tho cariage Jama during kntng it eth Tpoting levers fit me. cariago backwards tok 1 th srt of ting Jinan ing both earngob, 4 necessary to ralease fist tho baste earage ay: & The brushes (A) ‘These ace found under the handle of the carlage. They ‘pen owe noodle latch daring kala, = The spring clips | (B) io me singeacen ‘whee Kn i wth Mek Jorn Bo We me Jaccune claw. 4 To theme weaving atect brushes. 8 f& The row counter © Toreset tne row counter back oO, push onthe knob ad sum towards you To substract tun t away trom you. © To aad, rn it towards you @ Stage one Hos before ond ding biting B32" —— seaioht yecal operine “it - Sha etn Ping op cropped they ri {© Te remove orrehang hatintied work 8 Assemoting Z Seung i ais Geno Fas Sarmente made te moasire jest sample, size chart Convortan ible REVERE ERE 8 H Hints before and sins sim mcen emer during knitting Bene ih bap soe Before knitting : {© 1. the machine must be set on an absolutely even and Sexy taba ‘quel number of neaios on thor sige of 0, This wil ma ‘he counting’o! stichet eablr when increasing’ end do TF You are using the mounting comb, present ‘Tun ine Nato pet tacing oe, "Ng comb Provo During knitting : $f Neves cee mt eos crin ni Never reverse the corogee wnat they er aca engaged on needles in working position. f © 6. in order 10 avold hot In your King when Waurng diferent cperatons, the carriage has to be moved empties, attach. the remaining yarn’ Io the stud” and Ge fo the end of the needie bod do nol forget bofore rathread dhe machine wna new bal " (© 3. Do not txge! to loosen tha yarm from the sid ater a “ucreremarecoansoa s 3 {© 10, you had to rlease the cartiago curing citing, ‘ver ty lo putt beck on nace in working post ‘2 Undo the row being Filing and bolore canna ‘Re vttting, ake sure the carriage le loexed on the ond ‘The tension unit fe forsogen to thvead two yarn. 00 tread one yarn ony, use the ht sige of the tension lace the yarn on the table behind the ension ros. How to fit the tension unit : Place the end +A» ofthe rod into the tension unt stand. ip te feeding gulde sCr onto the rod 1 Fit'the tension head onto the end of the rod Pass the yarn 4, lo the feeding guide 2, Between both motalle dacs 3. Under the snaped auld & On the wheel In he ast ule, Bete bth ce Bets or over he needle bad of he raion ihe end of the yam to the stud located on the Inte yarn guide of me back carrage. 5 6 z How to adjust the tension of the yarn: ‘Tho tonsion of the yarn ean bo odjuted by turing the Knog sey mere om figures 2,3 fer tin yarns, mark on @ hse figure for heker yarn 2-11. Wateh the edge stiches: It they are not forming orreety, nang the edge claws. TTT © 12, Movo ine enraage siomty across empty neecles In 15 = Casting-on in 1/1 simple rib threading the machine, with few come opposite ‘with carteges tothe ight hand eldest pace selector seceding to teknass oi ar, Fron bed in normal potton Using the needta selector [see accessories, page 7) move fon both needle beds every elper needle In working os tion 1, as follows: Mak sure there fs an equal number of needles on ether side of 8: ‘ce in working poston + heocte In non-neriing positon © ‘Seitings on Selection keys (© Bothcarlage: Sten Needle return buttons; neutral position ‘Settings on ‘Wont cottage: Needle selection butions: lower postion ‘move the carages from right to letthand se =, Beginning : ‘Spaco eolector: 1/1 nb Intermec Raseng 6 {he com wire lower tho comb end hang weights, ‘Setings on bathearages: More the cariages tothe veetrantn neat, Seecton tar 2 Following rows: Selection gr, Setiigs on both cariages: Gs Needle retum batons ond [Needle selection buttons: ‘sane postion ‘Set row counter to 000, untasten the Yarn rom the siud ‘na it the roqulted number ef roms. All these explano- ' re shown bythe following chris: Casting-on : Place mounting comb, wie ana weights ‘Soo page 26 and 3 for ther mathods (80 not forget he tect bop), ist and following rows : ‘Set row counter 000 and fasten the yam from te stud it ® Transferring rib to stocking stitch D & = 2 2 & 23 c G = o a rows: i D ® a pe oO — —_— no 5) = we O° 2 a Eee atch the needle up te holding posiion 9: the sltch slides i i BR H gE aE i 2 a Procedure : NEEOLE POS BEDS iON @ Chain casting-on 8 Usieg the Needles onthe back bed nto holding postion 3 ().. ‘ang the rnounting Com with wi onto those Noodles ‘Thread the tension uni and pass the yarn between ineedle bode ‘Without Gwesding the carrage yer guide, fasten the ol he yar to ne lefthond tach, ‘Gatch the stfetched yarn. with the Wook of the latch Needle toot as iluswated and pass it wih the loop under {he fst otnand nee NOTE: De not crochet the following chela too toh. Hold the yarn withthe tlt hand above the reeds, © Pass the tool with the loop under the first needle and Sung i'up between the tis! ane second need (3) Let 'the Toop side berind the Tatch of the tool, ten atch the yarn above the eedes withthe Tool, Pull the {at downwards to fou a vew stich (3). (erase the oo! with the new sth under the feed. and ying the tool up between the seco tira nowale (3). Comnue antl every needle (6) excep! the last stten nas toop. Place the Tast loop onto the fast needle (), 1 Place the trond bed fate normal pesttion. @ Move ihe cerrege ecross. 'S Lower the com’ ™ 4/1 mock rib ‘© hain caston on every other neoste. COON rt ‘© Place mounting comb and wie. ist and following rows : NEEDLE anos pack ||| Fron | creme T ver ES] wan | nse. [NOE BACK =e nT 8 Ser ord closed cating. on, ir Sastre Wa ome pling sity onthe Seinen ihe niting rteoer A Bott osu Is Stored by renong wos NOTE: Knit 4 to 5 rowe’ pulling 6ghtly om the’ eam, thon Foethe Mrting vtaner ‘TRANSFERRING MOCK RIB TO STOCKING STITCH 12 ove ihe neodies Ino holding postion 3, rd remove. the weg. in the mounting comb at he lero of tho neades 1 Using the Rook of the fac needle too! tke the heet Sra ten and hang onto emply noc ‘2 honang woignte {yer the neadies ino working position 2. writ = Increasing in stocking stitch f Increasing one Increasing stitch “chain casting-on” arg Its made on the carriage side mth Font bad In fower Moodio wil bs tod. B'ilore ino holaing postion 3 with Intehes open, the ee food meoasad & Increasing several stitches Decreasing in stocking stitch Decreasing one 3 fetes wees a ; SEEM rae tee ne of ate ne stitch Sopcast NOTE: Do not forget to lower empty needles into non- Fi sors or A ee woe el TL a a net te a ein See S'LOWER THE EMPTY NEEDLE INTO NON.WORKING Position 0. f@ Decreasing several stitches “This decrease is mace onthe exerage side of me kn 2 sng tne ingie eye rantoe foo, rater the Pst f Decreasing “chain casting-off” le mado on the oppose side of the eareage With front Rand, nold the bao of the stiches to ration ease = Needles in holding position ‘Tha holaing poston 3 moans tha the needies ‘ghest positon on ine edie Bed. The needle agunst the uppe sie ral Irrts poston the nesdles which carry sitches do not Kt iv'cen be recalled into wording postion when fe fed (65. butonneses. To tall Hack neostes team holding postion into working positon, thee are two methoos {© emer piace tho neoaies into working postion 2. This 1S only posaibe for part of neselas whic ara In RON ‘© oF Knit the next row with needia return buttons set in {ower postion “The le only possible when racaling. al the negcle wich ate in helsing positon ‘With noosies in hosing peetion you may also knit part row ening. & Part-row knitting “This is used fo make horizontal darts shoulder sheping, Teel shaping for socks, curves, fo sks end dressea, to. Part kang Is oblaies by placieg Peiiual needles ‘or needle gioups Into helaing positon 8. {© On mo sce opposts to the carriage, bring Into holding fection 2 the necclos roid for Poiding less one, Le {ors noeeos, move only tito postion. © Move the carriage across and bring Into holding post. fon one needle, Le, the. one” ‘above. Th. will ‘revert halo on te second ron. Knit this eecond ow. (© Repeat equally hi operation to the requved depth of ‘sar (© Bring all needles back into working poston. NOTE: Make cure that Suning enti, Ago cles are moved gradually @Necklines - Shoulders A - Straight vertical opening @B - V. neckline {© 7 ite side oppose 10 the catiage, bring Into holding poston hal the needes ofthe kaling. Should you heve fn uneven number ‘1 neds, “decrease on ‘hal the ‘eodies + one: when kiting the second slde, add one chal the begining af he opening. ‘eon tha sla ‘on which you are kena, proceed as ‘vows! Neckline side : © Work out the depth of the neckline and according to IE Gecrease in the contre one sich every 3,4 8 6 of 8 rows. The more rows you have between the de- reases, he deeper ne necktie wll be. Shoulder side : Make ehoulder shaping aliber by decroasing or ore NOTE: On tho iat side of docroasing, it ie nocossary 10 ‘po odge woights and olawe to onsuro an even descent ‘fe kiting Armholes - {© On tho side opposite te tho caring, bing nto nolang Doeiion 2 naif tw nedce and knit on the remaining Feeds, unt the required length for tho ip ie obtained. Tris opening is slo used for a shirt neck eponing onto ‘hiss Sho Butonholo band weuld bo sow. © In this cose it important to ecreose on each side at ‘he beginning of the. opening, the rumbcr of echoes Eerceamina hl inh tester bane 's'is you have an uneven numbor of ollchos, proceed as {or the V neckline (see blon). NOTE: Do not forget fo hang eae claws on the frst side {obo kites | 8 C.- Curved neckline ‘Separato th stenes as forthe V neckline and commence shaping Neck side : © Dectenee 0 fllone: Sree fstitones — Kit 2 rome NOTE: Wis not always necessary to divide the neck fiom the centre I's alse possile fo shape the neki tocording fo the second diagram below. Some oxampies ot for 0 sttohos doorone foureies Vette, tm any coc ou must aways work ut the depth ofthe i a & Curved neckline with needles in holding position IL js achieved by partsow failing, This mothod gives a Salt neckline and enables you to mit the noekbond inme- ‘lately on from the shaping © Proceed #8 for 9 normal curved neckiin, but instead ‘of neeslos gs one are poner 2 te nesdes ofthe 2e- en ans oto te ob) ewes nox to hss wi the neckline, te necassary edge abtchos ‘ahi ‘are betwoon the necline andthe shoulder shaping. Bing a neediest hing pasion 3 ‘Needte rotum butions In lower postion. Cast OM or i requires, set to stiches to Kolt the hand “Knit the nacessary number of tows for the neckband Chain casting-off g gatace nea mage on te raht‘tand side or on the lefthend sie Kit one row. Remove some welghis, making sure the mounting coms erly enced owe ron bod. ih he Tet hand, old the Kring as Husirated. rn on hs tng cpm te stiches ppt (9 e yarn unhook We rat stich Senne inion nee To 1o ttace ine stich sige behind the latch of he toot { Keoping tie atch open, unhook the second stich 'S Pull the too! to araw tho second sitch through the rst stich {© Ropoat tvs action unl al stiches ae cast 1S Break re yarn and pul ihtcugh the last sh, f# During knitting ach keiter and particulary 2 boginner may be dbstacted oF {e recy. We are giving You the remedy In the Tolowlyg Informal ‘on pages 68 and 70. Danuip i Cet ® Needle bed opening er bet Bede Alar shocking, place wend psn; tod yl Shen cory ea "Bekins working position rehong mg howe the abtches ite to noel Heake @ Undoing one or several rows ‘Alte the tas! ited sith, pull horizontally en the yarn fe tant Ful hen verity eng the yar tt the atahes of tho previ rom io te need er of rows 0 onde been wal conecquenty Be Sane ie cpp ge. ® A stitch drops one row : {ront bed into Intermectary position, Gopped atch ara th nop on0 re reels. ane to to oop io te neal hoe ea te a wi to 0 tho front hod back inte poelion, 'S Continue tent f& A stitch drops several rows : © Lower the trot bed. locert the. Inch needle tool « few rowe, Below the Stopped stich in the back of the iting I the. sich the back bed and in the font of he Initia the atch has érepped trom veto alo meke he atch ae end the lth TEES fe pon rom the not rom inte is oa ihe el omar uni he th “Gotee ond @ ‘Then te tat ston is formed lace Kono the sinle {reel fool and traneor it onto the news. = Removing or rehanging a half-knitted work To remove a half-knitted work from the machine : “Lower the front bed “eke a handing needle sed hol it above the machine. Inger into tbe fiat stich, push Uwe machine noadle Upwards into holding postin thon back Inte nonwork Doslfon 0 festng the sich resting on the hard-krt To re-hang a half-knitted work onto the machine : ace ha slices ol he work ole a hendtning neste revel wl ‘bed In tower Poste: Us the teak of te leet nese foo! banaer {be alts from the hand-eiing needle one by one onto Be Sent mals Finishing Pressing Before seeming the diferent part of Your garment, i Ie naceseery to prece them. For even petterne lite etociing stich Banc pero he gofig wih fe wrong se Uoperpost onto ‘en lrening table placing th the edgea every 1 lo" om. Take care not t pull the ‘garment out of shape = = Assembling A taitied garment chould be made up 26 carstully as 2 ‘oven fabric Considering’ tha! cach place corresponds Seams 1. Invisible seam : See eae ees aa es ace ae ener aos 2. Mattress stitch : Sees ee see mere ee es ee 3. Grafting : faeces Iho advisabo to follow any inetrustions given onthe yern {abel in general, pretting should be done with © om, $$ Use «come cioth and alow heat, 8 sei ce on rite Peng on rot ‘Siomove to pn nly ster the dang rosaling Kom revsing has oroporatog end tho pleece ore cry. The esiing ni then rematn i shape ready for ansorbly to tho shape of pallor, itis necessary to provood 2¢ fellows in order to aequte perfect seam (inthe parte togetnor, = Garments made to measure 1. @ Around ne bu 2. @ Breadth of toot shoulders: maasure fom armhole {fo amhol, haf way between arm ang shoule 2. @ Gracath of Back shoulder’ mesaure trom the edge Of dre shoulder to he one 4 © opin tom Back rock © walt; 8, @ Dent. from front neck 10 waist: measure from neck age fo wast 6. @ Length of sk: mosses from conte font walt 12 Fequred longi: 8. @ Around ine hs: t 12. rom the wast er laces: 2,9, frond te lower hip: at 22cm rom the wast for 10, @ Shoulder wi 11, @ Outside fang of arm: messura when slg tort: 12, @ Inside ath of am: moasire whan outstietched: 18, @ Around the upper arm: measure at fulestpoin: 14, @ Around ne wre 15. @ Around the pack’ mesoura atthe base; . . 18. @ Aroundthe noad: 17, @ Insice bg: measure rom crotch to floor 18. @ Insico ng: measure from crotch to ankle 19, @ Longt rom the nee to the flee For rousers, take the folowirg measurements: T-8-9-17-18- 1 ™ Test sample Before kniting a garment, ether by hand oF by machi Iasi ket net snp” pe I alows on one hend to eazulae the number o stitches Soa owe within a square ot 1b em hip procedure maken the conversion eater of otchee nd ‘owe for the measurements worked out 10 the gar- sano: Tanne 9 = 9 tel oe Aetna = S220 setae ee. a & Sizes GIRLS - LADIES See, Mee Te ee ee ees = a ee 2 Sona a SS = eee) Se hr een eee ee teaorain nen § No See espe toe ES eee te ew aoa See INFANTS BABIES = ie acess — fal wal aa — Sone ee Fo fit chest in em Eo Es 4 [ Approximate ape [ Smonihs |'6 months “To fit waist nem a7. a s ‘Body length — 26 en | 28 cm ‘Lower body in cm 55. 6 a Tom walt eT ew ‘Lenath of diess in cm: 40. a 45. Sree CHILDREN (Psa Cc i a ee aS (isis Be et oF eee | a ar ee i YOUTH - MEN x svar os =e ee a Le eee east a i BERL Soa Leta er ee a (© the necessary numter af sites or moods (width= =Conversion °™“ z © the necessary umber of rows io be knlted (eegthwise). table Re ree era arg Using your sample (soe page 20) and according to the @ REFERENCE 7: Choose in the FIRST HORIZONTAL, hecossary. measurements lengthwise and widhwise for LINE OF THE TABLE, tho number of slitches found {our keting, histable allows You to tna tain 30cm ot your seme. (See ee Bo ee TE ah : ee eee tet beter Sete = See ea ea eee te + ee ee ee = cm peel fet ae eset tee ete a ir tetas es [epee {sls isle sia a areca eft tee eee tee 2 Hacleete Heeler e—fgste-e-te tpg te te ee ee 3 He eer see u sig ete le eee te ete ieee Se ceteris] = eee ee eee Sey - eee ee a ae — Siete ete feieeiey 5 ee eteetiie : eee i - 1 Het & a = acesr a cee a sr a i Fos eieiaete eet = eee a Sire tee UES eiee a eieletete tele u Steteate tet Pere te pete | hea aH meade e (© REFERENCE 2: Choose in ONE OF THE SIX VERTICAL COLUMNS «ClIS. OF THE TABLE, the necessary con limetars Yor your keting, (© Where hoce two ines Grose In the table, you wl find he roast Wt you doers the wit, Or Btshes oF nesses. result Ives you the number ae = _ Seas a a pe ae ae Se eee ae Cereals as Siig sae era State eteee toes state Se Ste apere tet seat seule stele Seta sap eee oa ele eta eee eet eee og eae Bese eee ee Scoe tet Sgt cece see By See ecr lee : : 28 epetste ete = a : . a = om fa llelelelzele = tz S| Ble aS fe aS i= & gicieiet em seal ~ BBS | Be etstaistaretate Bieter see & Stage two Bi Casting-on in stocking stitch _ 1. Open casting-on: " - ig; Beginning : m7 Move SRA" | Ker |erircH| nee. | nes. | Yew a fee eager ' a] (rc eabeke eget 1st and following =| decent Soar ae 2 SteSihnth cont et sgn tact commie TOWS Soc ehes'soremnt el Reteedes etl G20 sgt ex commer tc iu Set sad mete in wortig pzfion 2 ne Leben Reyer TOO To Sa ie a ‘steady the comb. . Se Ttioo te lathtand aide $ Lower te coma, ‘weighs, place’ the tront bed Into upper postion ist tne row counter 1 000. ‘Kank uy ge 2. Closed casting-on: SBI caries tie absurd sie trad me elect, info working postion 1. ‘ie tng nage on nate tegure mamber onesie an cartiog cna eae cng on 3 toners 1 ove ino arin pont 9 cemsining nee ae Whe Teaued recat [CARR] Key [orron] noe | nse. | Meir dst and following rows : Teen Pee hs te tonl shes few rows Beginning : Ps Brass ue jn thecon winter aganst ne bank tiow combs. = Closed casting-on in stocking stitch by hand peat this operation loosely on all needles. fread tue man yarn Ito the carriage yn guide. Blaee ‘arriage ey § Tvood no nacir whan auy yr, 8 Setinoy and carg-on as shove ized casegon. & Break he outer yam and laste othe su ope Elon move the carriage’ tthe ight Retired the ens unit wih he mie yarn and taste the’ and of the yarn 1 the loftSanal tue Low font dt row counter i in th kniting lensed rnove the auxitary yarn. rane row by han fe folews: ede ini werking postion 2, vi aura yarn de hing ih etn. Jam urdor the needle ther bck Ino the neecle hook snd again under he 0 ul the neede bork lo forma seh pease bull: : femave ont carace Back carriage atthe ghthand sie. Use an euslary yarn to begin aston the conb wth wie agsinet the back tow ecmbs, "SES [ nemnes [FB nox (ITI mow [svastedse fl = ley T [ wove. one-T ey [srmcu] wee. | use. |¥OXE eck | TA Saale UT ist and following rows : ‘Starting from the lefthand side, locp the main yam as Bie Sis tk entre memes ‘cain worn postion el row counter te 10 — BACK Th Casting-on : Nec tt ee coe ee Noo FRONT [oo ee sere bite nck | TAL kur Unlaston the min yum ster 9 few rows. Alter cating of remove aurlary Yarn. Increasing in stocking stitch = Italian increase 3 sts in: e "Ging the 3 eyelet too, transfor he thee end stiches ‘one net. Fa fe lich Leo, hang the loop Betweon bee fa) tn sch ma te emai necte Waig @ Italian increase 2 sts in: ° gt 2 syle ook Werle he to end aches th too), hang the Joep beween the" and and ard nich ‘ovo te empty need wehng ite prevent hate on te text roe 2 f= Mid-row increase 1 stitch : {> doe 2 meee ha tobe empied ‘Sheree ores a b be made 1S'Teke the hee ofthe next sich and hook W onto the Se i Mid-row increase several stitches : 1 ni eoveral rows wth an auctor yarn, auiliany yarn oradual- the meresee. 18 Taka the hee of Ie next stich end hook # onto the ‘empty need. = Decreasing in @ Bias decreasing: 19 atime carnage sue using me 6 eysiet too, move me frat ae sche irwarde so tutte 7h ond Boas '8"Piice these two nsodtasintoworking positon 2. © Lona ihe frst amply ede nae nto ton-working = Mid-row decrease 1 stitch © atthe piace whore the She atch onto the next O tdove ‘al the stiches Sting toe centre, Laer the empty needs into nen-working pelion ® ftom the edge of tho & Mid-row decrease several stitches : © Remove the kniting from the machine (remember ‘unary yan) i Fehang he ntg oro the machine placa Wo 3t- esate where requred. & Single Italian decrease 8 sts in: © 0 bol sides ofthe lniting, using ho 6 eyelet toot, ‘anstet the four ond eitenes ons neeale muaras: stocking stitch & Single Italian decrease 2 sts in: © On both sides of the Kaiting, ushg the 3 eyelet took ‘Monster the tree end stitches oho needto inwards & Single Italian decrease 1 stin: oth sides of tho kiting, using the 2 eyelet tok tiv end attenes ona needle inwards & Double Italian decrease 8 sts in: {© on both sides of the kniting, transter the Sth stitch Sue ne ot nevtlo, using te ele! tol, wanster the four end ‘sitches tia needles Inward (the 6th needle olde stitches, move tino wing poston 2). & Double Italian decrease 2 sts in: on bom set of me intig, wna th ech ‘nd suichos ivo needs invarde (ihe 3 toide 3 eches) & Fancy double Italian decrease 3 stsin: © On both sides of the tniting, using tho 8 eyelet too, ac) & Fancy treble Italian decrease 3 sts in: @.On both sides of the kiting, using the 6 eyelet tool, ‘anetor tne et std sbtehes ros meade inane @ Fancy treble “special effect” Italian decrease 3 sts in: 1 On both sides of the Knitog, transer the sth stitch nto ne Sth nosdle, than using the 2 eyelet tool trncter {Ho sttenos irom the sth nosso and the 8th stitch onto the ri and ‘teh needs, inal, fot Uanster the three end stiches {a be made on both sides ofthe kiting. ‘Using the sirgie eyelet lool, ransler the Second stitch § Fancy quadruple “special effect” Italian decrease 3 sts in: ue ine sty noedie, en sing the 3 epee toch Wane the stiches from the sth needa, the 6h and the Tih Mich onto he Gh, th and 10th needles. tnaly with the 3*eyold toot transior the tire end alliches four needloe ‘The above methods have deen eolected oy profesional Ikntore, Thy resol i est edges and make teaser Diing"‘ct your garmen's easier, invistie teams can st bp obiened a ie decreased edges. @ Decreasing several stitches “This con ont be done on te cargo #68. Sis'nd ae nleio'enn pics bom aches tnt Secon ios bot bitches ino working poston 2: te attenes ‘Be bohinathe nthe {Lay te yrn Fy the needle hook a usrated an6 pall Ahe'nteaie back into workng poaton Ts a new sUich f ‘Bo not forget to lowe the empty needs Ita nen-morng position 0. & Casting-off § Stocking stitch Method 1: Proceed as tor decreasing Or the gerlage ao tan fot. he neccle by hand to make the {Uy the yan in the needle hook and pul the reedie back Into working postion peat above selon anil fhe last stitch To avoid Nohtening the shiches. hook the kaiting onto cry needes. 4/1 rib Method 2: © Inorderto ke the contin of he snr east the iting Keeping the Fequence of the ‘or knit the last cow with a larger stich sie, then transfer Ie'stiches gale empty back bed nea und exe-ote Hh eveereeeettratta Method 2: ‘ont yo moral poaton Pate to ‘imeetign cm the ron Bodine werng ‘atmodiary ever Pek att oh fo he letter sic. (Row combs Sena Senge on both caring: Selection Sich teh tho stocdng sto sin om na \\ Casting-on in 1/1 rib #8 Beginning for method Tand2 ass the carriages om ihe righthand side to the lft fang = Hold tne mounting comb and place Mt up between the oat ec ‘rcugh te ig Zag lores By the a. Ibftand side (3 Toop wil be formed). Poplace the wire nd hang weighs. & Casting-on (for fine yarn) method 1 & Casting-on method 2 {Grriages athe sight-Aand side and thread the machine. Spare ssinaorarfor/t h- Front bed normal positon. Using the needle selacior, place on both needle beds rer) ler needie Taio working posllon 138 folows. Pree 1 TULA be Settings on both cargos: etecton tay A ‘Sitch size cls Need rei Suton: neal ‘Soletion butions {ont canige only} in lower ston ‘wove the font bed neve into Pong peation 3. so the earinges from leithan Newdles return Butors on fe tis Settings on both cargos: Sitch tse al etme for 1b. Pgs the eariages irom right Nand side to let-hand s ‘cule rotum batons on front cariage In notte] Postion ‘Set row cousiort 000, nua ‘Selection key on back carriage: Baking an oth sages Soc Sen ede fori strom counter 600 and tl When the tnitig. ie finished, pull on he loop when ‘Chstngion te brig the yarnto the ade oF the fooy Casting-on in1/1_ — Casting-on in 1/1 rib method 1 rib method 2 Beginning : Beginning : AS for Method 4 “SEBE | wecoues ["ohy Casting-on: sack TTT TT Pace mourting comb, wire and weghis (do not forget reson [PTTL stil eee vey [evox] woo | nso. [Ve] Lee LOL meeal | = rout [7 ) ——| BACK CO |e-* Ips mot | | CO) eel0.0 Casting-on ‘CARRIA Ges. ‘Set row counter to 00 and unfasten the yar from the stu. oa eh Place mounting comb, wire and weights (¢o not tor ist the loop). ‘ ‘ee | FRowr fiB 44 ack |] for [F, BaaK FRONT BAK ne FRONT rip v1 | @ | 1st and following rows : Sel Yow counter le 000 ana untasten the yan tron te stu vor ™ Double sided Fisherman rib i el ea ie NEEDE | nezoces [9080 pack [TTT enon [TTT [use CARBIA-| Key [snron| new. | nse. ‘ces MONE NENT ox [LO] eS mor TITO] 1st and following rows: ‘Set row counter to ON) and unfasten the yarn from the Su, = DBSE Bac RB CG le Fron @ le-elo.o]~ mor IA ea a Casting- on: Casting-off : Blace mouning comb, wie and weights (do not fort Ket th lst row in 11 nib wth selerton keys Al, 00. ‘ho lo) Casting- method 1 Casting- cack TTT TT front [EE LLL [aaa FRONT 2s for Method 4 camaee Casting-on : "Casting! on method 2 Beginning : amb wire and wolahis (more weights fiat BACK AB vO @ BACK G |o-e) | alle | pee 1st and following TOWS + tice 1st and following OWS : DO ce Gee Eo 8 @ oo toe 6 wie ee = Single sided Beginning : lea and flow combs onesie wand sie Posi NEEDLES: SELES | necoves | Fear Fisherman rib BACK FRONT Te P Are! 1st and following rows : ! Peron eats ompR | ey [srron] nas | use | MOVE ex | A | |e-e] oe Tee = “Front | AL | ©) le-@/0.6 Front | Ay [PS a] peptlle ab : Casting-off : Fics rig aa i'm GG Wh ae Ml vw oa earner oes a method 1 Casting-on: Back | | ront [f Front | t ai Casting-on method 2 Beginning : 2s forte 1 |_BACK FRONT SE 1st and. following FOWS © con ist and following rows : = oa simple rib Beg innin aS a Sete So =m or sie 0 0008 gt and following ee eaees one [TL A ti aoe PITT OABRIA: Tey [srrcn] wae | use | WOVE Front [f]. 1]. back CG lee wack | (Al [PES" mont TA | @ leselo. 9) FRONT re = Casting-on : Casting-off : ' Casting-on Casting-on method 1. method 2. Casting-on : Beginning : See, fofintion sheet tor Ca ee A ror ome 1 St _=COC*Siatce@ mourrting comb, wire ProalGNTIG] merece tle vortrps tec SSA = Casting-on : a] 9. CG |e: Flsco moutting com, wito and woghte {do not foract BACK [Rie |@--®| "BACK ‘FRONT Rip 1/1 | Oe, | | FRONT 1st and following _1st and following LOWS ¢ ws TOWS 2 veo nove ‘ne lee ® 2/2 double sided Fisherman rib Beginning : are S —-| eae sty FRONT one ae Intermediary lover! ies og omen me ornten cee Ist and following row: SE [aes tO eat cUilews a coverilaoe Get fou counter to 00 ard urfasten the yarn from the faowt | TTL fuer Sh see PITT CARI T ey [orton] woe | wee. |YOVE rot I. TL.. cx | AL] [o=0) iS Teak JO = mot [A [O leselo.o] | [ran OA" a Casting-on : Casting-off : Place mounting com, who ard weights (mere weights Knit the last row in 22 rb wit section keys [A\tsee than for WO) age 8 Casting-on Casting-on method 1. method 2. Gastne on: Beginning : see, getnilon shea fr mbes Face “aunts em ie fa woah (ae not forget eo Casting-on : wor [1H oan ..o fare marina comb, wi a wage (not ae BAR Back Gi FRONT | “row [Ay Ge 1st and following ist and following TOWS 2 nse TOWS 2 cco a ® 2/2 industrial rib zl Beginning : 2 — Casting-on Casting-off : Casting-on Casting-on method 1. method 2. Casting-on : Beginning : As tornetbod 1. Casting-on : aria) ah vim oe aha ere are mounting comb, wie fd wags {do not forget fhe lee) eee. 1st and following 1st ae fllowin LOWS } -o rows : EG) 6) le ee) ee) ee) Be ce) Gye et E 2/1 simple rib ~ Beginning : 1st and following = dora TOWS * eeenadteuis om ln ge wih ha ad set Sapac ne rontcarage, free movement af a row ecuniero'90, nd untsten he yarn om he sud — Fearam wove. | gels! ey [stron] new. | nse | WOVE Casting-O1 ° rovers Casting-off : srs “2/1 mock rib Beginning : 1st and following ‘anlage athe thang seo, rows: Poation hs som tooth Wh wire sgn the back. flow comes sotrow counter 0 oo ‘Aer Paving Knitted #9 5 rows, fx the kiting retainer. CARRIA-| cy Jorrreu| noo | neo. | MOVE ‘Ses WENT Beginning : Carriage athe lend sige. Fost the comb teeth with wie sasinst the back How NEEDLE SEES | veces [P05 1st and following TOW) ae sion: Ee) 6 oe eee = Increasing in 1/1 rib Simple increase : eee i caniagon se sd ntpng the aneians of a, Sel Seen Sica ating poate Aenea Double Italian [Siens eee! increase : This ean be dane on both end ofthe knitina, reper Simple transfer se eS fs can ae increase : Talat cement te ‘itches A he recent This ean te dane of both end of he keting regardless Af he cariaes peaton ‘double ended eyalet needle, tke the lst Soon Shattanatar so sequences itn ito eb ont the (Ske the esl of the. before the tat and hang it nto the recenty cleared nondl. nti oir, = Decreasing in 1/1 rib Simple decrease : ser ‘Lower he empty naedles into non-working positon ©. 3 ent Stave comets Double Italian ‘Lower he empl nee nto non-working peston 0 eae decrease (for V rerrth neck) : © ‘Kesping the continu ofthe vib and using the 9 eyelet Double decrease : : Th ae ans which have two sitehes: itor sein he conta of te ane aang te ng won on Tet rae he fst sth ome tne dante 'g ‘Lover fe emo medline non-nrkng onion. Sha such onto te a ee uN Sete Nctinthclia fest Lelelelotel. FIG NA Increasing in single and double sided Simple increase : $ ne sid, te, carvings, nxt ty tha, tat scr ws postion Increasing several stitches : (© Afor having Increased one stitch, knit 9 second row a he centre sich ofthe three end needles onta poste enply needle to keep the contnlty of the (Lower the emptied neele ino non-working poston 0. Flopeatebeve ection us requires a Fisherman rib 4 ella bel elt) LE. = Decreasing Needles in holding position In single and double sided Fisherman rib ice opposite to the ceslages, move into holding I number of needles on each a, the th nasil dg place the Sd tack bed stich ad move this th ‘working postion 2 Transer {ho tt two stches on cath needle Bod a tower to” non-werking postin 0 the needles fa move te Iwo needles. holding two suiches. into etka postion 2 st Single sided Fisherman rib NOTE: Ths taior operaton is necessary in single ans double siced! Fsherman nb te ave a variation in the holdieg positon The fellowing decreasing may bx dere on ster side, Double sided Fisherman rib {tall decrease). Knit by hand the leop of the 3rd from bed nooo ia Norkng positon and replace the two stiches back onto Text fin Acoale'n working positon fra th neon hac Bean pt nt q working poston and replsce the two stiches Dack onto ne Tito working posifon ‘The needles Sre again in sequence withthe rib Other methods : ‘Yow may aio receed as fr datesaing in stoking shch (Gee pagee 1055) and in rb (ese page 5), = Close rib S (use fine yarn) Beginning : 1st and following ence selector a get rb : ‘mare ler: rows : Racking lero oe, rich fo he right-hand ie oobtan Camis at Tho rahithand sido et row Counter to 000, and unfasten the yarn from the sud NEEDLES TATU se Efe [> [Be (ee | er Casting-off : Knit ene row wlth twice the stiteh size set on each on a =Circular stocking stitch Beginning : Cee A on ston 1, ‘Remestary Facog eee, och oth land sco to ottae 1st and following rows : femme inc tae ich 1 the ghtnand se to ean an8 Both dealt mo working pos Sete, Castingan $5" Sou 0 60 and wnat tne ma yarn tom ‘non ie knting is thished,remave the auxin Yann, ® Semi-circular stocking stitch ‘This method sllows to Init In stocking stieh germents hic nota more than 180 neodies. Ep._2, Han atocing eh a Garment of 22 shches face" autones on the back bed and T10‘skighos on te onde snd tid eoovoreuer Beginning : Casting-on : Place mounting comb, wire and weigh Break te sua ain and aioe ne ethan suc ‘Thread the main yarr but notte yarn gul Poe he neecek fn Doth nese Ded no worn pos tir ‘Staring {om che leithand side. loop the main yarn 68 jo ASD and eat by hag each needle. Gurtig, tem tn hchand sda proc ‘ah the front bed the same way as lows “Thread main yarn in carage yitm gue. ‘Set ow caunter 10 000 and Uiasten the main yar from 1st row: Intormediany lever: 18 eehng (ofr oe Hote fo the right-hand ade to obtain ‘poste. Following rows : Casting-off : see page en te hing 6 fished, remove the auxiliary yam. # Thick yarn = Casting-on in stocking stitch : ® Casting-on in rib: gs ® Pushing-down wheels (for rib only) : ‘Sect twice the requrod number of needles and move frory other nova inte working position 7 ion ene dl or size 10, Other settings 2¢ or stocking stich (0 page 17). ‘Since te ie ‘hand whos! whan the carlages aro on & Buttonholes & Vertical eis eo at = — Sines a Sees peed Te ter Katey ee aoe a ee car ae ae EE tm rm etn ne ate by ILE ra = Round Ai buttonholes ‘They ae used for smal buttons at ibbied Welle or siockiog sich bande, aes t@ Horizontal buttonholes © Bing into working 2 the number of reocles orreeponding io the with ofthe buona. ° plete of mmo these reestes lateres cose, {© Pul down the nevdles Incncualy by the hee back 10 plete, witheraw the auxliary mole the = Hems & Simple hem © Make an open casing-on, 1 Fert twise the depth of the bem. © Nove the needles into holding positon 3. Remar the frnecile too, take the ste hes tram the comb and place then on te back Ded Hi 18 Reet he row counter deducting halt the number of ‘Preto he fm an ese he itch ie ® Circular hem 12 Move tte nesdies on both needs beds ino. working sien 1 Tnfarmodiary ovor: 18 Racking lever one notch to He let-hand sie to cbtal foveonoe aerate ‘ep on both carriages, ‘Stleh ste 4 ‘emt one row. Pees tho mounting comb, wie and weights {Reset the flow conbe oppose. (Rep iu) on bot camages, @ @ Picot edge hem 8 Usha the single eyelet bo, vanster each uneven stich ‘edge ‘eee he xcept the. jiagrem) onto ‘ood. A row of notes is thus fonmed. ner wud te neces noting two stiches ine 2nd inna ho empty heedos Th wong Pos i rit on the next row. ii: Bea i @ i j i i : i © Stocking seh size. 1 ni the required number of rows fer the hem. CAUTION: one sieve counter, two rows on the row (© To close the circular hem, tanefer the trent bed att. ‘ota te back bee newdise, "Remove ont earige, i cabeckewinge Place the ren! bed into upper positon. 1 Continue kt t t & Hem-fold = Neckband spate einer or NOTE FOR Se aan my ean (ees eee | ee aman ser ae eciand ate slic ota te ‘Gamer lacing the stocking sich tow uppermost round the = Pockets When proparing the garment, the place of the poctat hes 'p be datarminat ‘8 ‘Arivng at fe row wnere the posket Is fores2en, move ime esilon 2 the required number of neeales (0° At for horlzsnal bullonhole, knit these sitches with °Winen he Garment fe tnlshed, remove the eontasting 3 the pocket and take tho lower Iseanier if the sichee ate liken on an aula yam Dolor transterag them) = Single pocket |Win the gM leo of te Soiting (A) facing you, fot songz ain : Tncrests' one alitch ai both aides taking the heel of nant atch ‘En afew fous in stocking sch 6 to 8). castor ‘Chain cast. 1 Sip eich the wet onto the front ef the garment, ® Double pocket piece ‘This pockat is only used wi fine yam, Ploceed as tor a site. pocket plece ana anit in ‘ice the required number of ows tr the ze: & Sew the sides of the pocket ese S°Stip stich te weit ento the ‘carment. {withthe wrong sido ofthe Kaltng tach yeu, fold the ‘hating tonaras the Font atthe feel of te pocket ane org caae chws, 1 Bite ate'the upger siches of me opening ron the eycteldor onl the back bea needs. ‘To-oblain the lap rehang the lower part of the chain "fl ene the beck bed needs ard inves one iting Tor The we Kal a ew rows and cast-off ‘Sethe pocket piocs, Focthe tper part ef the wot, = Socks (© Coston 60 neecies in 2/2 Indusval Ri, 2. numbers 22 Sd 23'on each side of the zero on the graduated scale. IWlg advisable to lesve 2 long endploce Of yam that wal ‘sod for sowing up the ribbing. Peston front Bod Tor oorron! noodle eating. Set stich sine ee required. 1 Set row counter to 000. 1S Ketst row in 22 Inzusia Run (eamages aro again ihe righthand side. 12 ting the double srdod aystet nec, transor the et hes of the fro bed onte the emply necales of the beck Sea (both stiches ef tront bed are ranslerad orto tho Same! ene, Between "ho neocios oF Sack Beg) Alter transsorring, ther are 45 titchee on the back bee © 'Set stitch size as for stocking stitch. © Ket one row. ‘Gppouie'o the cartige, (onthe righthand side) move {14-01 tho noodles Inio Foiding position 3, in thie cae ase the cartiage a right-hand: { Ofposis to the. cariage (0% the letthand se), move Tia BPine nseatos "fmt talding postion “a iv ths tase 12 needles, eta the rot needs bed Inte normal pesition and leave nly ene wight inthe mide ofthe coms. 1 Pisce In tho canto ofthe ion Bed 0 Needles in working’ Positen of the back Into working postion 1 1 Lower the irnt bed Int Intermediary position, Using the 20 eyeiet trnatar tool, (remove the ascurlly Covert take the tenes of the fet group of needles Ih ostion 5 ist eyelet ofthe ranser tool opposite neal in te cone Replace the vecurly cover. 8 Taco It by ls Body tuming lt towards the cont and Bring up agen 1 Bice it opposite to the empy needles prepared on the font bea, ite 0 the 122 needles ook 'TIE the transer too to allow the silches to alice into the needle hooks Pull shghiy the fing wih your wee hand auing tne peration. Repeat this procedure on the other side (the need ‘he'cenire ofthe from bea has 2 stones) 1 Ator there ferent opsratins, there are, inthis case, 2: Sutcnas on each nestle bes, neoales 96 for erculat ‘ning, Le. opposite, Front bed normal sition. Fechang the requted numberof weighs. IMPORTANT: Do not forget to lower emply needles into ‘on working poston o. Koy (1 on both cariages, Stacking sien sie. 8 Kit 10 owe in colar. 2¢ rows on the row counter. The heel: ‘The heal Is only titted on the front bed 1 Slich size 1 on back carriage, 3 Keys’ © canceled on back carriege 'S Stith sizo'on wont sariago as for stocking ston lose ey “Aon font carriage. ‘@ AT CARRIAGE SIDE, on fron bod, move the fist ght: and needle Intaholding postion 3 "Move earlages tothe ltt-hand side. fon. Move caviages tothe rght.nanel tse { Repeat these operations nil 19 of the. needles are ‘i holding position on bol ides (ua, 7 nec CAUTION: 00 rot forget 10 hang. edge ctaws nto the beet fo allow the normal puting down of the sches. © Todo he, insert your and inthe erculr kiting. Hae the edge wolghis end claws towards the tron Bolnet forget to move up graduely ard lowerds the entre the laws when kin. fe OPPORITE TO THE CARRIAGE, lower to working nos! fon 2 the bond needle Inthe contre of tie hoe! (he Iset neodie which was meved ilo holding posllon 3 Is the tet to be lowered). 1¢ More the carriages across, "e Sworing postion 2 the righthand needle in ‘8 Continue his procedure unt both edge neeeles remain Th woning poston 3 (do not forget to move gradually fhe’ ecge claws). torking postion 2, placing the yarn under the righthand ‘reales 18 "More cariages tothe let-hand side. 55 The foot: {© Continue 1 wat rou. Kes ‘Sous kev on bot carriages. ‘Kat 25 rows, La. 50 rows on fhe row counter. 1S Ahsra fw tows in crear, row the edge claws. Chart ‘Sel'ine name stitch sice as for circular iting pre: The toe: 1 Using double eyelet took transfer the tat and 2nd sit hes onto tho 2nd and 3rd needles at each end of both Tenit three circular rows (5 rows en the row counter) Tepeal cecrersing. ‘init two.crular rows (4rowson th row courter). Repeat decreasing, 1 Goninueanaping’kniting stwaye one oireular row (@ rows on the row esunte) unl ony 4 stitches romain ‘each boa. 1 fisduce progressivey the numer of the wetgrs. { Bros the yern and toad iti the double ended eyelot 1B'Take the remaining stiches clockwise ono after the ‘ner onto the nee, puling the yarn through cach stich. ‘Gloee ine sence pang on te endo he yar 18 Sew up robing with invieblo seam (ese rage 22). of sizes ‘The measurements may chenge according to te stich size and to the thickness fie yarn Metric Soe British Sizes Figure on aach side of @-on the graduated scala Yer caglrg-on in 22 industrial umber of owsin 22 Industrial Ab fer tholog Decreasing {0 be made for the ankle oe the Het Eireular row at eaual distance. ov each bet Number af cular rows forthe ante (e800 the rw counter Son the row counter) Decreising Wo be made every 2 Souler rove fe2'on tho'ow counter umoer of remaining sitches w be taken on each nd Length of ne fort n em according 1 ne seo ae) ie | a | me ar] mo 1 2h| 4 | 7 [oath 15 | | 2¢ | 25 | zm | se Ss 6 | s [a | 2/3 slalals|s a|e|slsls a [12 18 [20 = HOW & Fair Isle Using the second yarn guide “he second yarn guise atows to creste a wise variety Gl decorative Wwo-celoured pater in one passage cf “Thi accessory is composed of: "Tho body «A ‘The loctlag Kays ~B» 1 altach Ite the cavsege The needle ralsere =C- which can be unlocked and nee. B"Two slots «E+ ard oD allow the passage of the two Jame. "Tn alot -D belongs tothe ain yarn @ The slol-E> belongs tothe second yarn On the back bed only : (© Thread the dghtchand side of the tension unit and the ‘hain yarn gue wit the main yarn ‘your cholee formal postion and the space selector Ging othe thickness ofthe Yarn. to knit Aachen a ie Soesmie SATE bet none oF me ope Seer etc 2 yds he olan oe = rts iss SF gta te oh ein nt and be esnips il tind ya SoHE Je Be Se nt f coer heii the ta oe Siti seated ee ten et eyepiece “ Sree a a ot nd SMB" cies Re aan ee Knitting : ‘8 Aner castina-on, move tho neodios which have to kit the etond yarn io ianing postion 2 withan making ehos shige Behind the atch tone necdies wich hve tot wording poston 1 Mens ae Sct ‘th nenles fe second row and move thn ‘Mo working poniton 2 without making te stiches side Bonin ne tee. ae {erent one row and continve until you obtain the required F Use oa claws nacsssary ané rehang them every Stet rom. {When the pater i tnished, remove tne stcone yarn tin yarn remain fuide by ‘sng the two fokig hey Se Towa the Some important principles : ‘To unlock a jammed carriage explained in What 10 do IP yoko ist aenange fp nents rave so" weh ‘More the needle rastre «Ce a8 trated { Proceed normally othe unlocking of te cariage, evar past the carlage with the second yarn guide ‘ross Empty nora. Femore aivays the second yarn guide when the knting fine Pattems with long floats on the edge (eg. : checkered pattern with more than 4 stitches): To give a bette hold fariage, into werking a the second yarn eulde never brig needles ion 3, they would be’ sutomaticaly re: tnittieg, IIs advisable to wf neal oppo me sia te may oes Fea cs slaw mtn tn PRR Dae cate SS SE EE sey yon ma SAREE Sa ates ag 8 When required, replaced the sttctes ofthe second side the nocting onion ina soodoe to Koop the Sant uty ofthe pater, S$ Rertine second sie ome neck CAUTION: The pull side of the Fair Inle wil of course Show floats Ie tneveore adveable fo ehoose paterns ‘accordingly avolding the long flats. iTyou have @ BiB. machine tei aval to knit Nore: ‘fan daeguerd erFaney Jacquard NOTEFORS.5.: fer eastng-n kl 4 b 5 rows suling sghy en the SPA ‘he king retaner. A beverreaut obsines non sana went o ® Norwegian Jacquard : Alternatively to te Falr Isle explained on page 87 which fn also be kritiog Ot @'S8, machine, we explain heres ter the tue Norwesan Jacquard Be yore are foied 1 evary sternate etch on the front ted’ every 2 rome Which avoies the floats, thus showing an even surface on both sides. '@ Thyead me ngni-nand side of the tension uit and the ‘Rachine withthe maln yarn, carriages sl the right side. ‘2° Bring nn even mumibr of aed in working & both bece, (Caston a9 for Close rib (se page #7). $ Kota ter rows, bing cartages to tne daht-hond side, ' Insert tho Jacquard claw on the let-hend side, of the buck carlaug, lane and boot upwards Into thr ‘eing hand brush of he eariage,inertion es. {@ Nerdle return butons in’ neutral position on both Sarges: ‘Needle salction butlon oon font carriage, ‘Stitsh sae as or Wt Ri Gn the back bed select needs Iain yorn sed move tem int wo Imaking the sitches slide benind he 0 More carriages to te letthand side 1S On'ne tack bed select needies which ha have to knit the to kat the Second yar an ‘move them into. workng. postion 2, '3'Untweae the yarn guide mating sura to pass the yarn Ander the bushes trereby avoiding the are catching, '¢'Piace the yar Inthe back notch of the Jacquard claw Spposte 10 the symbol | representing the mein yarn Wireaded inne ighttand side the snaion unk, '¢ Push the Jacquard claw towards to fort. ‘Second yam making sare to pass it UNDER the main ond yarn and move them into working position 2 ‘Move caiages fo te fe-hand sie. 1S Selec: rwedtes ‘ich id nat Kell betore and move {hem into working postion 2 {© Untvond the yam guide making aule thal the yam asses under the brushes Mereby awiding the yam Eaten ‘© Place the yarn in the font notch of the Jacquard clan Seely. te eeeel sl serresstee Gas eeeord yer ‘hcaded nthe lal hand ede or tho oman unk (6 Push Jeequerd claw towards the back, { Unnook the yarn which ei not knit before, pul to- Wards the tore and: presant tin the oping of, the ‘amage spove the form guige (Wie Yom Passos th ont ‘f the right Brosh). Passing the carriages tothe right-hand ‘ldo: mold the yarn towares the back and towards the Te hand, twit thread into the yarn guide automatically (see Sawing). "tore cariages to ihe rghtnend sie, {8 Select naectos of the next row which have to Kt the pein sor, Fiore carriages to ho tot-hand side. ‘Solect neegies which dig mot knit before $ Gntread'ine yarn guide making. sure thst the yarn Dasece uncer tie brushes and under the second yarn Pisces in the Jacquard claw ice the yam ino the back notch ef the Jacquard aw anpaste to symbol” ‘e"Push Jacquard claw towards the front. ‘8 Unioak tne escond yam, pull tewarce the font, ete. (ioe above) More cariages to he right-hand side. 1 Seis rundion ofthe next row whlch have to rit the Second yar. ariage t et-and sido * ‘CAUTION: Chanse rew when carriages are on righthand ‘se avd change the yarn whon the cariagee ae on Veh and ad. IMPORTANT: Ore compiot row of initing = 2 rows ree ‘stored on te row courte ® Fancy Jacquard knitting Another easior method of Jacquard Knitting can be obtai= fed by seting the back earrage as or Fait Ile using the Second yarn gues Sut, on the from cariage: (e dacquard Key ae Goprossed 1 Alma otner kaye canadied Necdlevoium butons neutral position. 1S Necate selection sattoner! ss. 'S Nake sure an even number f needles i cest-on on the front bea, (6 Knit a3 for Fair tse using the second yan guide. i Weaving effect = neodo to = esd o be moved ilo working penton 2. Fopat 1st method 2nd method BACK CARRIAGE: BAK CARRIAGE: Key: Key: Needle return bstons: neutral Neca rotur butons: lower postion. ‘Sten eize: stocking site Siten ee: stocking stten. ‘Select tho reaur {or the pattern and move the. roqured oodles for the pallorn and move ‘hom into working poston 2 them into hating positon 3 0 Fepedt tne operation unit the patter is fished. [tor this, omove the weating elect brushes. NOTE: For easier and quicker operation it & adisable WP bing the needien netwaen sorting postion tnd Dost’ 2 witheut making the sttenas sea behind the Tatebes. knit ore row. ber each tow pace the Dick yam ba foat ofthe brush- fulton ee typos side of tw carage, Select the Sime way. and’ tcoording to the potern the neodles for fie net ron hong poten 3. tis operation until fhe per is fiished. AEriul fetovethe weaving etact bse. NOTE: Remove the tek yam sionty Boore he owt of ® Racking pattern hn limited number of init paitoms can be ablained according to the needle eeling, {he Gloosen soletion Ky and tre numberof rows required ‘or the racking. This chat shews Noralora only ONE of ‘he many racking patorns possble Beginning : eon sectors 1 interes tov Fach eter 9 tetcnes tora {note hunber 7 ono recking sea Stokand ron cerienes et therant ane age pessibitee for racking Hohehand. side Casting-on : Pace mounting coms, wi ane weights. ist row: 2 Intermeciary over: 1} — racking lever {So neh he rahiniand side. ‘aneiar the drort bee aliehes which are aot required for ‘ha pattern anto the back Ded needles. Oy inerediony lovee lover ene naten © he ranthane ise plow count YO 600 and urastn the yer fron te 2nd to 8th row: Before ear row, mave the racking lover one noich te the lencnana sick 9th to 15th row: Belore each row, move the rscking lever che noten to fhe right hind Following rows : Continue repeating the aperations ghen rom tho 2nd row. Casting-Off + .ccoscess a s Fancy pattern Casting-on as for close rib: fee pact Flow combs alterate. Needle setting : Hee UT Selection keys: Procedure : ‘Racking lever: 1 notch to the tghthend side, knit Fackieg lover: 1 notch othe lefthandslde, kal 4 rows * Fepea\ton "to" stitch or in 1/1 rib: se poet anc Needle setting : filmi Casting-on as 100 close rib: ‘See page Fw combs altereae. s Needle setting : u CVETVATONUISEETEUAEEL Selection Feys 2 = sane Fi re Stitch size : Beck cringe: a for locking seh. Selection keys : u | Al Front carnage: [A] Stitch size : Back eariage: stich. Front carroge: a for stocking sth teas one slew Garin bus"Bd stabs fav To bowed etd of the groups of 7 stitches and using the double eye oot trator he 2 and Sed stiches onto ove into working postion 2 the needles canying two sticos and Into worting positon the just emptied Kit rows | Repeat rom to Casting-on as for close rib: Use ne yarn, Flow combs alternie, Needle setting : LNA ii Selection keys : Back cantage: |) Frontearrige: |) Stitch size : Hitt (TT Let the lives central stiches of the fe stich groupe fn front bed chop ‘place these thee needles Inte non king_postion 0) and move inte working postion 2 {he urge aii groups previously moved imo non-working oalion 0” Ropest tom * 0% NOTE: When the kriting Is thished, necessary to Dull fio shape ae fe dionped stiches are not always tindone Casting-on as for close rib : Flow combs alternate, Needle setting : UU Vo Mee Closed casting-on in stocking stitch : Seo pages. for slgckhng stich + 2s. SoS Greene ean Coe ae Procedure : + eit 19 row, (On the back bed for the groups of 4 stitches, cross the STighthand sitchen with fe 2 leR-band sltches passing fhe 2 lfthend stiches in fant ef the righthand stiches {after such operation, always meve these groups of & ti. {Sree ino working postion 2)" Repeal trom "ta" Selection keys : ack cargo: | Front carnage: A) Stitch size : * Keita rows. ‘Take hw front bed sitches ané move them two needles {towards the righ-hard side, then tanefer them onto the ‘paste Beck bud nesclon oa letrled. ite the, back ed ‘noodes cara two stchar ine ing pontion 2 Move the front Bad meee the th Fanaa ef each just emptiog needle ita worng Post font Ropes trom ~ 10". Closed casting-on in stocking stitch or in 1/1 rib: See page 31 and 36, Needle setting : ATi Tilt iti i iaxul eet ® Zig-zag “To succeed the castng-on of a fancy pstern reperest Uf the tinal noecle suing. you must respect one tng as Ee pulce W2G2AG. “To cast-on, set the needles fo ensure an even dlstrbution ef the varn on beth beds. Example! fo knit the flowing pattern: ‘The casting-on as to be done a8 follows to obtain the ‘necemary 59-293 formation: ‘Sock cariage: a for stocking atch. Front earrage: as for stocking sien, Procedure : “Tho front bed stiches remain always onthe sare novdles ‘he back ted sitehee are ueed to make the fancy fuller” Move he Teediee ‘cerrying ‘two. sitches Inte ‘Forking postion 2 ard the emplod needs Ico working Transier sitcher 1° 3 onto needles ne & Knit two ‘Transit stiches n= 4 ano needles nS. Kat TWO rows Repeat rom "to" pattern “The ontn altches wit be tantlored afterwards onto the tek ted medics in order fo" have two siches onto the ‘earest needles epposio. ui “un “Hi ‘To finigh the esstingon, proceed at for the casting-on nnathod in lose lb Fow combs allemste. Cariages at the sght-and side. ‘Sitch size on both carriages 25 for stocking sich lass Procedure : * Selection keys: Back carriage: [AI Front carrage: |] Koi? ms, z Seep: neck enge: A) Fron care: [O) eat 2 om Repeatirom* to. = Stripes Catton in stocking sith wih the main yarn. Carriage at the righishang side, Uwead ie secord yarn without ple fing fis the yary guide it Tasien & to the righhard ‘SUG, [Do not ute tne second yarn gui) wink Two coLouRs: ‘A-— Rlomove tho main yarn trom the yarn guide and place ‘A ime noncrorking positon (). Tweed the yam’ gp ‘wl the secanl yarn ana kal oe row Hemove ine second yarn om the yatn guide and place into non-workng position (). Gancal tho loys {thee wan to second yar deo one row sce ito non neoston Cancel ne keynes ge Ring nonworking pston (9, Cancel he tape E> ‘pave the carriage om Bre rahihand evde (0 the iskntnd ade <= eae the yar guise wen te min yarn. Depress (one Fejoa th opratone ATF ote NOTE: WATCH CAREFULLY THE TENSION OF soTH YaaNs AND NOTE THAT'S ROWS ON THE ROW COUN” ‘TER CORRESPOND 10 2 KNITTED ROWS. ) Pace yam ine nonworking postion — place It undor {ne upper size ra on the Backed, atthe cariage side WITH THREE COLOURS ithe ttn sie placa. the tid yer oppoate tothe ise ahing pas Beueer he ned Sook anton fo he leithend sud. -svemove ihe mal yam from the yam guide ana place Tato nonworking positon () (his yarn wil not knit ‘Ouing Iwo tows). Tend te Yarn guide wih the second Yam Kall one row BPT "Ramone the easonc yara tem the yarn gu place Inia non-werking position (). Thread t Buco. with tne third yarn and eld lightly with the ard to replies the tension uni. Kit one fom. C~ Remove the third yarn trom tho yam tine initiog, Thre the ar guide wif he nt one rom: Roveat the operations A to C In order to obtain the Fores number of roms. NCTE:T 1S IMPORTANT TO WATCH ALWAYS THE TEN. SION OF THE YARNS DUE TO THEIR MANUAL MANPU- TATION. ™ Patterns knitted on front bed using the needle selection buttons Beginning and casting-on : ‘BEDE jwecouesea] ‘As for stocking altch castion: casting-on has te be done ‘nia vont bed with an evan somber af nacdlen 1st and following rows : Hang weighs and set row counte! to 100. Do not forget {olunteer Ure yor fom fe Sud ater efow rows. 6s PATTERN N27 PATTERN N° 4: & ‘at row wth caragos at he lathand ade t PATTERN N® 2 PATTERN Ne: ‘et row wih carriages w thelet-and ide = TN oes etscrcnnseronracm repeat ‘st row wih cariages a the righthand side: ™Fancy ribs 4 Beginning : Casting-on : bs ‘closed cemting-on in coking toh (og. 4/1 Alb) Hang wos, ‘Space eebetot as for 1 Fb: a ‘ont oarrege age st ra Remove Back car than side. a Hola the mounting somo with wire and plase itn bstwesn ‘he needle beds Posi ee a = —=y 1st and following Casting-off : rows jz ‘See page 35 | Some elect ator 11 Fs Replace to ‘ans hewcfed ees nt he tent bed naan, Beginning : 1st and following Cason a8 for Goze Rib (09. back bed as for Hosting 2) ineenediay iver: Stitehtrnt bed aor 23 A). ‘he nots tothe nah Space sei gator 11 RB. ‘Transfer the Facing lever one notch tothe sghtand side, Back ang ront cariagee tne sghthana side. Casting-on : Place mounting comb, wire and weights Beginning : 1st and following econ fp OWS : rma er “at mess tom on det oer tering SEEN oh Saag ano REN sd. Sor Sie nw wane yn tae SEEBET | neeoues [Bh oe TNT mex PITTS Front ron IEI.L. CARR {Jorn Back | AN =| [Eetonr ir ea eas [ewe AE | eas 15a BARK FRONT LAU fee. Casting-off : Casti lace meuntn ‘Soe also other methods (do nol 179 the 1p). IA | @ |e-elo.6 z i ih ing-on : 1g comb, wre and wolghts 1 —-] Ble a i iit foe ‘change To temove the needle: close the latch, move the needle Into worting postion 1. taeo I by the Neal, pull Wt vert. ally and towards yout remove To replace 2 the need lat therfore tne needa reining sing will tol bo damaged. ' ee Ut th Noo he ah cel ee Wy VZ/, horontaly unl the lace where te reodie hae 10D # Changing a needle needle, proceed In the opposite way: open “prere ino eet wel Maintenance and care ‘ary machaniom mat ree eas water ot inh a and st rn Besos feeds greater end insda the eaiague {ts therefore necessary fo lubreate regularly your Knitieg ‘machine inorder to astute ta oa lunetoning- Using a non aru clean te asa, nga Pees to working positon. {tea sty he nea pe ine corrnges ta faer 1o Woricale aso the cams, then pate a oth to remove the it whic ie produced As an advice these operations have to be made once a week if the knitter is using the machine every day. At least every 2 or 3 months by normal use. # What to do if... The row counter does not register : It could happen that the row courler doce not register ;pwerds or downwards in order ‘hatin row counter rege erect enc ram The carriages are The carriages jam: hard to push '8) Never reverse the catiages when thay are alady on Moneed oe 1) Ether Increase or reduce the 5) More the locking levers located on each side of the ihe tension, naan aan ©) hen, he tein fren iee nente Gj'sring the coriages bsck to ther staring pin ubrea cele and operat ee owe ‘fe ‘ceriages how ning. Ths opertion ie eco ‘woiking postion 1 Innecessar, deducl one row from the mended aller heving Knited: several garments, at ‘ow osm, ‘ones ewory Wook, 1D) Make sure the carriages re well locked on the aide If he seedie Is rusty, damaged er doubtful change it, ra See page 68. Stitches drop Loops are forming at the edges ie happens If te canoes ar 100 fat om the rat meat in working pestion. 4) At tho ond of @ OW, do, pot push the cartisoee tc ‘much Yawares te etde of te nthe Bede icing ams san be hoard when the last nes 1 stghty on the yarn toh the tension {)'check' tho "yarn tendon” (see terslon adlustnent Inv age 16) Needles are broken or bent 4) crange ie broken or bene motes (0 5) fie vet ol waving eck hate meng fet reat estos tht ts Youre Pa Son nt a yu fn reve te hes diner Stitches are loose on one side and tighten on the other side. ‘hlasten slays after having ite Yow roms Knots (have to be avoided) A) there te not encugh yarn to anita row: Euston the femaining yarn the ud ond verend 9 now bat ot 5 Via tote knted: Unlocks the carragee (losking levers), undo. the par Kifed ‘om, Gut tho knot, fason tne tnd of the yarn to the slud and rethead the machine with now yar. Ep i once the hott To fished some Knots appear in the keting: the pul side in order ¥> make fom ng the garment. Needle latches are brocken or bent (when they pass under the needle hook) “The reason tht in both cases the carlages mova ie Yar cron eed in mening poston Jam guide nea on the corege, ie ing the oarlages, make sure the neadle chew se wall oem 3) The needles, 996 page 68, or using the hook edie toc pot thatch back Inte placa Index rae met g ee mp tees Be Assembiing: 26 changhng: a os een er 2 RENE : moms, hee) See a =e a eee : See 5 ees eye Ses z Saas fe RERLn s an s Stee Spano tng x FEE Set tra Ss Bie ot ds SAoRee sie fant 2 Bes & sient er a os far fact" # seme 2 nomee Ble seer : TR SEB cd rena = ae og Ses Be REE cai os 8 Sin Bete ees” s epee 2 Bete ; é Seat S Beseada tame oo Sra as s Beste ems 27 sisi ees Mocs a Sere on eres cs cones = Bieta £ Sins ch ee feo 2 Se s ooeang sou Nae é Retour e. | Rene z Sse ai 2 a ne sero Saari Sse z Sel es ih 3 fae a Fancy patterns 6265 Stouldet shaping | nae se TS le a SS sie eres ma ans er cos 5 Gee ioc eee ee ; iss Beco ‘eau a Te aici ny Svc oping Sig pesios saa 5 Teron bck : iomeang ace ieee é ene iiaaiew cre 2 lai 5 Regie iafbaaeaotiatoa ae | heat & seems at 2 Ue se ee oe = | Bo 8 veroe open * Lge: pod eston ® wend are ae ® Marans ane 2 tts Bee n

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