Packet Tracer Tutorial

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Packet Tracer Tutorial

This lab is to be carried out after viewing the Interface Overview tutorial in the packet tracer help

1. First we are going to create a LAN

2. Click on end devices and then click on a generic pc and place it in the logical workspace

3. Click on switches and then click a 2960 switch and place it in the logical workspace

4. Click on end devices and then click on a generic server and place it in the logical workspace

5. We will now connect these devices together and run a test between the client and the

6. To connect a PC to a Switch you need a straight through cable

7. Click on cables and then click on straight through cable

8. Click on the pc and click fast Ethernet

9. Drag the cable over to the switch and click on fast Ethernet 01

this is the first available port on

the switch.

10. To connect the server to the switch is also a straight through cable so select the cable and
drag it from the server (fast Ethernet )to the switch (fast Ethernet 02).
11. So now we have a LAN and what we want to do is to be able to make the three devices
communicate with each other. To do that we need to give them IP Addresses

12. Click on the server label

and type in the

following IP address

13. Now click on the PC label and type

14. These IP addresses that we typed in are only labels. Now we are going to actually give the
machines those IP address.

15. Go the server and double click on it you should see the following screen:

16. Click on the config tab at the top

17. Click on Interface – fast Ethernet on the left hand side and you should see the following

18. Make sure that the port status is on

19. Where it says static ip address type in the following – then place the cursor in
the subnet mask box and the following figures will automatically appear:

20. Close the window and now the ip address for the server is set

21. To set up the PC double click on it

22. Go to the config tab

23. Go to fast Ethernet on the left hand side

24. Make sure the port is turned on under static ip address enter
25. Click the cursor into the subnet mask box and you should see the following

26. Close this screen and now you pc’s ip address is set

27. We will now ping from the pc to the server to make sure that we have a connection

28. Double click on the pc and you are brought to the following window

29. Click on the desktop tab at the top and then click on the command prompt box in the middle
30. Type in the command – ping (this is effectively pinging the server) you should
get the following screen

31. Ok now that we know we have a connection lets look at some other tools
32. Double click on the server and click on the config tab
33. You will notice that the server has a web server built in. if you click on http on the left hand
side you will see the following screen

34. Notice that the web server is turned on and if you look at the html code you will see that it is
a homepage
35. Click on ftp on the left hand side

36. You will notice that the ftp server is on that there is already a user set up to use access it

37. We will now create a new user

38. Under username type student and under password also type student
39. Tick on the write and read boxes that means that we are giving this student read and write
access to the ftp server click on the plus sign to the right of the screen to add this new user

40. Notice that we now have the http server and the ftp server turned on. We can test these
from our client pc

41. Close the above screen

42. Double click on the pc in the logical workspace

43. To test our web server click on the desktop tab and then click on the web browser box

44. In the virtual browser that appears type in the ip address of the server and click go

45. You should now be able to see the web page that we saw earlier
46. Close that screen

47. Now we will do something else – click on the command prompt option and we will see if we
can ftp up to our server.
48. Type the following command – ftp you should see the following screen

49. You are now connected to the ftp server. For username type student and for password type
student – remembering that we are accessing the account we set up earlier

50. To leave ftp – type quit

Packet Tracer Tutorial Part Two

1. For part two of this lab lets add to our simple local area network by adding a wireless router
so that this would seem more like a typical home network

2. Click on wireless devices and then click on a Linksys wireless router

3. Your screen should look like the one below


4. Lets label this wireless router with its ip address that we are going to give it – we
are giving it .1 on its address as typically the routers have the first address

5. We will then symbolise the Internet by adding a cloud the cloud will symbolise the Internet
6. Your screen should now look like this

7. Now click on the connections button

8. From a switch to a router is a straight through cabl

9. From the switch to the router click the next available port

fast Ethernet 0/3

10. And on the router go to its Ethernet Port 1

11. Then from the router to the Internet – typically in your home this would be from the router
to a modem or to a cable modem or sometimes your ISP may give you a wireless router that
has a modem built into it
12. To join the router to the cloud click on the automatic chose connection type option

13. Your logical workspace should now look like this

14. If you hover the mouse of your router you will notice that the cloud is attached to the
routers internet port
15. Double click on the router you will see the following screen

16. You will notice that the router has four Ethernet ports (that are used for you local area
network) and one WAN port (this is the port that goes to the Internet)

17. So let’s configure the wireless router

18. Click on the config tab

19. You will see that the display name address is correct

20. Click on the Lan option to the left of the screen and you will notice that the IP address is
21. Change the IP address to

22. We should now be able to ping from our pc to our router

23. Double click on your pc

24. Double click on the pc and you are brought to the following window

25. Click on the desktop tab at the top and then click on the command prompt box in the middle

26. Type in the command – ping you are now pinging the router to make sure that
there is a connection.

27. We will now configure the default gateway

28. Double click on the pc

29. Click on desktop and then click on IP Configuration

30. We will now add the address of our router as our default gateway

31. Lets add some more services to our web server

32. Double click on the pc

33. Click desktop and then click web browser

34. If we type the address of our server we will get our web page that we saw earlier

35. But let’s say we wanted this website to be called we would get the
following screen

36. It was supposed to go to our web server but obviously it didn’t.

37. We have put in this domain address but it doesn’t go to our domain server

38. We need to set up a dns to resolve this name to an IP address

39. We can set up a dns server on our server

40. Double click on the server

41. First off the server now has a default gateway also so we can fill in the router address

42. Now click on our web server by pressing http on the left hand side of the screen
43. Where you see the word Cisco Packet Tracer in the html code change it to super yahoo

44. Now click on dns on the left hand side of the screen

45. Make sure that it is turned on

46. Under name type:

47. Under address type: so resolves to the ip address
48. Click add

49. Now double click on your pc

50. Click on IP configuration

51. And under dns server type the address of our server see below

52. So now if we open up our web browser and type in we should see our new
webpage displayed.

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