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Electrical Circuit Analysis

Basic Electrical Circuit

Active and Passive Circuit Elements
We may classify circuit elements in two categories:

 Passive Elements: A passive element absorbs energy.

 Active Elements: An active element is capable of
supplying energy.

Active elements are potential sources of energy, whereas

passive elements are sinks or absorbers of energy

 The ability of a material to resist the flow of charge is

called its resistivity, p.
 Resistance is the physical property of an element or
device that impedes the flow of current; it is
represented by the symbol R.

Symbols of Resistors:
Ohm’s Law
 Georg Simon Ohm was able to show that the current in
a circuit composed of a battery and a conducting wire
of uniform cross-section could be expressed as

where ‘A’ is the cross-sectional area, ‘p’ the resistivity, ‘L’

the length, and ‘v’ the voltage across the wire element.

 Ohm defined the constant resistance R as

Ohm’s Law
 Ohm’s law, which relates the voltage and current

 The unit of resistance R was named the ohm in honor of

Ohm and is usually abbreviated by the Ω (capital
omega) symbol, where 1Ω = 1 V/A

According to Ohm’s law the i vs. v relationship is

linear. A resistor may become nonlinear outside its
normal rated range of operation. We will assume
that a resistor is linear unless stated otherwise.
Current Direction in Resistor

 The voltage direction marks one resistor terminal + and the

other -
 The current ia flows from the terminal marked + to the
terminal marked –
 This relationship between the current and voltage
reference directions is a convention called the passive
 Ohm’s law states that when the element voltage and the
element current adhere to the passive convention, then
Current Direction in Resistor Cont.
 The element currents ia and ib are the same except for the
assigned direction, so

 The element current ia and the element voltage v adhere

to the passive convention

 Replacing ia by ib gives

 There is a minus sign in this equation because the element

current ib and the element voltage v do not adhere to the
passive convention.
Conductance and Power Notations

where G denotes the conductance in siemens (S) and is the

reciprocal of R; that is, G = 1/R. Many engineers denote the
units of conductance as mhos with the ℧ symbol

 The power delivered to a resistor (when the passive

convention is used) is

 Alternatively,

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