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SQU Med J, August 2011, Vol. 11, Iss. 3, pp. 318-321, Epub.

15th Aug 11
Submitted 27th Jun 11
Accepted 3rd Jul 11

Acute Coronary Syndrome, Diabetes and

Oman must pay more attention to chronic non-communicable diseases
Lamk Al-Lamki

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n this issue of the Journal, there diseased coronary artery. This often presents
are three public health articles that are closely as unstable angina and can lead to myocardial
related in their clinical relevance and pertinence infarction with or without ST segment elevation.
to the situation in Oman.1,2,3 First, in our Sounding Aetiologically, coronary artery disease is closely
Board section, Dr. Prashanth Panduranga et al.1 tied to HTN, diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidaemia,
writes a provocative article regarding the statistics metabolic syndrome and obesity among other
and management of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) factors. The two major factors, diabetes and
in Oman using the data from the Gulf Registry of HTN, are clearly described in this issue as being
Acute Coronary Events (RACE) database. Second, sub-optimally managed in Oman. In addition,
in another Sounding Board article, Dr. Alyaarubi obesity and metabolic syndrome are described as
stimulates us to rethink our strategies for the care significant hazards to the health of Omanis. Thus,
of the diabetic patient in Oman.2 Third, Dr. Rashid we as physicians have to rethink our strategies
Al-Saadi et al. present their original research for the management of coronary artery disease.
on the prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension The Ministry of Health (MOH) is the guardian of
(HTN) amongst outpatients attending the health the health of Omanis and hence has to take the
clinics in one region of Oman.3 The combination initiative in novel ways to reduce the prevalence of
of poor diabetes control and uncontrolled HTN is poorly controlled diabetes and uncontrolled HTN
responsible for a great percentage of the incidence among its citizens so that we can adequately reduce
of ACS and the accompanying complications, as the incidence of ACS and other complications of
discussed by Dr. Panduranga and his team. These these chronic diseases.
two conditions are commonly accompanied by Clearly, we must start by improving management
other risk factors for ACS, including overweight, of the root causes, especially diabetes and HTN.
obesity, metabolic syndrome and hyperlipidaemia. Both are major contributors to the burden of
These chronic non-communicable diseases, which chronic non-communicable diseases in Oman and
form the bulk of risk factors for coronary heart throughout the world. Dr. Jawad Al-Lawati et al.
disease, need our attention as physicians and pointed out that cardiovascular disease is “currently
medical educators as the public has entrusted us the leading cause of death” in Oman.4 They go on
with the care of their health. to explain, “Unless reforms are introduced to the
ACS is basically the clinical syndrome of an current health care system, chronic diseases will
acute occlusion within what is commonly an already constitute a major drain on Oman’s human and

Editor-in-Chief, SQU Medical Journal, College of Medicine & Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
Lamk Al-Lamki

financial resources” as these diseases form 75% patients about their disease, to train them to test
of the disease burden in Oman.4 The list includes their own urine and blood, and to understand the
diabetes, HTN, obesity, metabolic syndrome and importance of good diabetes control, the meaning
hyperlipidaemia, which are specifically discussed in of the various laboratory results and the potential
articles in this issue. The implication of such dire a complications.2
situation is that Oman needs to rethink its strategies Our government will have to invest more
for dealing with this emerging epidemiology. The in the care of diabetes and other chronic non-
MOH needs to reposition its priorities and give communicable diseases. We need to take
increased attention to the management of these seriously into consideration what Dr. Alyaarubi
chronic non-communicable diseases in Oman. has conveyed in this issue. We have to pay more
Management of DM needs special attention attention to diabetes because it is a killer. It is a
from the MOH and from physicians in Oman. major cause of cardiovascular disease, known
We cannot afford to take this responsibility lightly since the Framingham study,5 and now shown to
and invest our energy in controlling diabetes and be the case in Oman.1 Other workers have shown
these other chronic non-communicable diseases. that DM not only leads to coronary heart disease,
Dr. Alyaarubi points out that the incidence of DM but also “Diabetic patients with acute coronary
is increasing in children who now have an earlier syndromes had worse 30-day and 6-month
and higher incidence of Type 2—a condition outcomes, particularly those without ST segment
which is traditionally looked upon as a disease of elevation”.6 Statistically, the incidence of myocardial
adults. He also alerts us to the fact that in the last infarction in diabetics is as high as in patients who
few years there have been several innovations in have had a previous infarction.7 There are several
the management of diabetes including new oral other publications pointing to diabetes and HTN as
hypoglycaemic medication and bioengineered major factors leading to coronary heart disease.8-11
(analogue) insulin; newer delivery tools, such as The risk factors for coronary heart disease were
insulin pumps, and follow-up tools such as HbA1c, well established by the turn of the century.9-11 Thus,
as well as internationally recommended guidelines. the importance of these three major chronic non-
Unfortunately we, in Oman, have not capitalised communicable diseases and their interrelationship
on these innovations.2 There is however, a great has to be tackled with determination, dedication
need for us to keep up with these developments. and passion. The MOH needs to invest a significant
DM cannot be adequately managed either by a portion of its finance and manpower in these
typical family practitioner who is overworked and diseases as well as other chronic non-infectious
inadequately equipped for proper diabetes care, or diseases, including obesity, metabolic syndrome
by a typical general internist for that matter. and hyperlipidaemia all of which contribute to the
There need to be specialised Diabetes Care high mortality and morbidity accompanying ACS.
Clinics—at least two in the capital area and one in Oman can succeed in this effort as it has a history
each region. More doctors need to be sent abroad of previous public health successes such as the
to major diabetic centres in the world to specialise vaccination of the paediatric population and the
and become expert diabetologists. Oman needs to eradication of polio and other serious childhood
train nurses to become diabetes educators, social maladies for which it has been commended by the
workers and therapists in the complications and World Health Organization.
care of DM, and train or hire podiatrists. Every Dr. Al-Saadi et al.'s article reveals that not only is
diabetic clinic should have a resident nutritionist diabetes poorly controlled among patients at Oman
and for other primary care clinics there should be primary care health centres (PHC), but that we also
at least a visiting nutritionist, perhaps one day in have a major problem with HTN control. Only 39%
each primary care clinic. Nutritionists are needed of patients attending the PHC in Seeb (a district in
not only for counselling diabetics about their the Muscat capital area) have their blood pressure
diet, but also to manage overweight, obesity and (BP) under control as per the criteria described in
hyperlipidaemia, all of which are major problems in the 7th Report of the Joint National Committee on
Oman as in most countries.4 Prevention Detection Evaluation & Treatment of
We need formal and informal classes to educate High Blood Pressure (JNC-7).2,12 This is a situation

editorial | 319
Acute Coronary Syndrome, Diabetes and Hypertension
Oman must pay more attention to chronic non-communicable diseases

that can be significantly improved by modifying these, singly or collectively, lead to ACS. Oman
health care delivery in Oman—through action needs to invest in training health care providers,
by both doctors and the government. In fact, the not only by sending more physicians abroad (to
situation is worse than the overall 61% uncontrolled become cardiologists, endocrinologists, lipid
BP—“74% of the total subjects were overweight specialists), but also by training patient educators,
(27%) or obese (47%). Of those who were obese, dieticians/nutritionists, therapists, social workers,
69% failed to achieve their BP targets”.3 If Barbados and establishing patient-centred behavioural
can achieve 58% control of HTN and some Veterans interventions such as counselling. Patients have
Administration Hospitals in USA can achieve nearly to understand BP goals, weight targets and the
70%, then why not Oman? We have managed to potential complications as well as the importance
surpass many Western countries in our vaccination of compliance.12
rate13 so likewise we should be able to do the same The two papers discussed above2,3 are disturbing
with the BP control rate. An inadequate control to many of us who were not aware that these two
rate of 61%, will almost certainly contribute to the major health hazards, HTN and diabetes, are
incidence of ACS and its complications. When not adequately taken care of in the PHCs of our
inadequate BP control is combined with diabetes, country. These two are major contributors to ACS,
then we are treading on dangerous territory. the subject of another paper in this issue by Dr.
The management of HTN must be carried out Panduranga and his colleagues.1 In their analysis
by well-trained physicians and specially trained of the Gulf RACE database they have uncovered
staff. This should be carried out at specialised that among the Omani patients with ACS, we
clinics, or at least where there is adequate support have a higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus,
from other health care workers. We need to send heart failure and unstable angina, and that there
doctors to train specifically in the management of are also problems with management of ACS and
HTN and its complications. Each newly diagnosed its complications in Oman.1 Thus we do indeed
case of HTN needs to be thoroughly investigated have a problem in Oman with respect to how we
by specially trained personnel to rule out secondary deal with not only the chronic non-communicable
causes. These are well outlined in the JNC-7 diseases such as HTN and diabetes, but also their
report.12 The management of HTN has to follow consequence coronary heart disease. Among
either these guidelines or other internationally the steps that can be taken immediately to cope
recognised evidence-based guidelines. Physicians with the high incidence of ACS is, first, to send
need to change their attitude and behaviour. For more doctors abroad to study different aspects of
example JNC-7 recommends thiazides for stage I cardiology such as interventional cardiology, then
HTN (140–159 systole or 90–99 diastole), and to to set up more emergency centres able to cope with
use a two drug combination for Stage 2 HTN (>160 cardiac emergencies and train doctors to be more
or >100), as well as to use educators to help patients aggressive in their treatment not only of young
lose weight since BP can fall 5–20 mmHg per 10 kg patients, or those in good condition who are low
of weight loss.12 They also recommend adopting the risk patients, but also of those patients who are
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) considered intermediate or high risk and are being
eating plan (fruit vegetables, low fat, low salt and currently avoided by most cardiologists in Oman.1
exercise to achieve a 2–14 mmHg BP drop) while Dr. Panduranga et al. suggest that this contributes
intensive lifestyle modification should be pursued in to the dismally low national percentage (11%)
all individuals with metabolic syndrome. This is just of the utilisation of cardiac catheterisation and
an example from the simplified guidelines for family angiography.1 This is further complicated by the fact
practioners.12 More complex guidelines are available that the whole of Oman with its c. 3,000,000 citizens
for specialty centres from the same reference. has only two cardiac catheterisation facilities. This
However, it is clear that we need specialised is despite the fact, established in the literature, that
personnel in order to improve our statistics for primary catheterisation is of significant benefit in
controlled HTN in Oman. Co-morbidities are ACS: “primary percutaneous coronary intervention
common in HTN, including overweight and obesity, (PCI), compared with fibrinolysis, will save lives,
metabolic syndrome, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes; enhance myocardial recovery, prevent intracranial

320 | SQU Medical Journal, August 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3

Lamk Al-Lamki

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