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 Minimum number of bars on each side (top and bottom): 2.

 Minimum diameter for longitudinal bars: 12 mm.

 Minimum diameter for stirrups: 6 mm.

 Differences between minimum and maximum diameter for the same side (top or bottom) must be

up to 5 mm.

 At the top side, 25% from the total amount of reinforcements will be disposed on the entire length

of the girder, but no less than 2 bars 14.

 At least 50% from the amount of reinforcement from top side will be disposed on bottom side.

 Closer stirrups will be provided on a distance not shorter than L/4 (where L is the span).

 The minimum distances between reinforcements are:

Diameter Sectional area for “n” bars Weight
[mm] [kg/ml]
1 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 7 8 9 10
3 0,171 0,14 0,18 0,21 0,25 0,28 0,32 0,35 0,39 0,42 0,49 0,57 0,64 0,71 0,055
3,5 0,069 0,19 0,24 0,29 0,34 0,38 0,43 0,48 0,53 0,58 0,67 0,77 0,86 0,96 0,075
4 0,126 0,25 0,32 0,38 0,44 0,50 0,57 0,63 0,69 0,76 0,88 1,01 1,13 1,26 0,098
4,5 0,159 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,56 0,64 0,72 0,80 0,87 0,95 1,11 1,27 1,43 1,59 0,125
5 0,196 0,39 0,49 0,59 0,69 0,79 0,88 0,98 1,08 1,18 1,37 1,57 1,77 1,96 0,154
5,5 0,238 0,48 0,60 0,71 0,83 0,95 1,07 1,19 1,31 1,43 1,66 1,90 2,14 2,38 0,188
7 0,385 0,77 0,97 1,15 1,36 1,54 1,74 1,92 2,13 2,31 2,69 3,08 3,46 3,85 0,302
6 0,283 0,57 0,71 0,85 0,99 1,13 1,27 1,42 1,56 1,70 1,98 2,26 2,55 2,83 0,222
8 0,503 1,01 1,26 1,51 1,76 2,01 2,26 2,51 2,75 3,02 3,52 4,02 4,53 5,03 0,395
10 0,785 1,57 1,96 2,36 2,75 3,14 3,53 3,93 4,32 4,71 5,50 6,28 7,07 7,85 0,617
12 1.131 2,26 2,82 3,39 3,95 4,52 5,08 5,65 6,11 6,79 7,92 9,05 10,18 11,31 0,888
14 1.539 3,08 - 4,62 - 6,16 - 7,69 - 9,23 10,77 12,31 13,85 15,39 1.208
16 2.011 4,02 - 6,03 - 8,04 - 10,05 - 12,06 14,07 16,08 18,10 20,11 1.578
18 2.545 5,09 - 7,63 - 10,18 - 12,72 - 15,27 17,81 20,36 22,90 25,45 1.998
20 3.141 6,28 - 9,42 - 12,56 - 15,71 - 18,84 21,99 25,14 28,28 31,41 2.466
22 3.801 7,60 - 11,40 - 15,20 - 19,00 - 22,81 26,61 30,41 34,21 38,01 2.984
25 4.909 9,82 - 14,73 - 19,63 - 24,54 - 29,45 34,36 39,27 44,18 49,09 3.853
28 6.158 12,32 - 18,47 - 24,63 - 30,79 - 36,95 43,10 49,26 55,42 61,58 4.834
32 8.042 16,08 - 24,13 - 32,17 - 40,21 - 48,25 56,30 64,34 72,38 80,42 6.313
36 10,18 20,36 - 30,54 - 40,72 - 50,90 - 61,08 71,26 81,44 91,62 101,80 7.990
40 12,56 25,12 - 37,68 - 50,24 - 62,80 - 75,36 87,92 100,48 111,04 125,60 9.870
TBP6 0,225 0,447 - 0,670 - 0,894 - 1.117 - 1.341 1.564 1.788 2.011 2.235 0,174
TBP7,5 0,348 0,695 - 1.043 - 1.390 - 1.738 - 2.086 2.433 2.781 3.128 3.476 0,271
TBP9 0,500 0,999 - 1.490 - 1.999 - 2.498 - 2.998 3.497 3.997 4.496 4.996 0,390
TBP12 0,895 1.790 - 2.685 - 3.580 - 4.475 - 5.370 6.265 7.160 8.055 8.950 0,690

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