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2005 Regional Individual Finals Metrobank - MTAP- DepEd Math Challenge Grade 3

Part I: Solve each problem and write the answer on the blank before the number. [ 2 points each -
30 minutes]
__________ 1. What is 49 more than the product of 24 x 28?
__________ 2. What is the remainder when 567 is divided by 29?
__________ 3. On a number line what number is halfway between 31 and 97? 31
__________ 4.How much more is ¾ of 124 than 2/5 of 150?
__________ 5. What is N in 14, 20, 26, 32, ___, ___, ___, N?
__________ 6. A farmer picked 288 mangoes from one tree and 197 from a second tree.
He put them 60 to a basket. How many mangoes are not in a full basket?
__________ 7. Find two numbers with a sum of 75 and a difference of 19.
__________ 8. George wants to buy a T-shirt that costs P109.50. He has only P68.75.How much more
does he need?
__________ 9. If I add 17 to my number, then triple the result and finally subtract 45, the final result is 63.
What is my number?
__________ 10. Joyce spends 3 ¾ hours a week doing her homework and 5 2/5 hours watching TV.
How many minutes does she spend on both activities?
__________ 11. Elsa made a table cover that is 2 ¾ m long and 1 ½ m wide. How many meters of
tatting does she need to put around it?
__________ 12. Miss Cruz has 9 red papers and 7 blue papers. She will cut each into 6 equal pieces.
many pieces of colored papers will she have then?
__________ 13. Six roses cost P45 and 6 oranges cost P51. How much will it cost to buy 8 roses and 8
__________ 14. What is the biggest number N that will make N – 23 < 58?
__________ 15. If 1/5 of a number is 136, what is 1/8 of the number?
Part II: Solve each problem. [ 3 points each ]
1. A grass lawn is 68 m by 52 m. Find the ( a.) perimeter of the lawn, and ( b.) the area of the

2. In a relay by bicycle, a team of 7 covered a total of 289 kilometers. Six team members cycled the same
of kilometers. The seventh cycled 9 kilometers more than the others. How many kilometers did
( a.) each of the 6 cyclists cover? ( b.) How many kilometers did the seventh

3. Nora collects stamps. She puts 15 stamps on each page of her album. If 28 pages are full and the last
only 7 stamps, how many stamps does Nora have?

4. Lito and Nardo are playing a numbers game. Lito gives a number and then Nardo gives another.
Fill in the missing numbers.
LITO 2 4 6 10 12 14 18

NARDO 7 11 15 23 27 35
5.A test has three parts. Kim got 40 or 2/3 of the first part, 36 or ¾ of the second part and 48 or 4/5 of the
third part.
a. How many correct answers did Kim get in all?
b. How many items in all are there?
c. How many mistakes in all did Kim make?
Part III: Solve each problem. [5 points each ]
1. A clock strikes once for the first quarter hour, twice for the half hour, thrice for the third quarter and as
many times as the hour, that is it strikes one at 1:00, twice at 2:00 and so on. How many times in
all does it strike from 9:00 A.M. to 12 noon?

2. An educational film is 30 minutes long. Because the auditorium is small, only one grade at a time could
see it. It took 10 minutes to rewind and set the film again between showings. The showing started at
8:30 a.m. What time did the showing end if all pupils from Grade 1 to Grade 6 saw it?

3. A crew of 3 men can do a job in 3 weeks and 2 days. How long would it take a crew of 4 men to do
the job if they work at the same rate? [Note that a work week contains 6 days.]

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