Pressing Pause

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Abby Akin
Pressing Pause

As a new year begins, so does a new chapter in your book. Saying goodbye to the
year past and welcoming a new one, allows for us to reevaluate our priorities.
From health and tness to relationships to trying to read more books, there is
something about a new year and a fresh start pushes us to be brave and start
something new.

I was recently asked what my word for 2018 would be? To be completely honest,
this caught be off guard because I had no idea this was a thing. Although I love the
idea, I had to sit back and meditate on this for several days. What word could be
important enough to hold on to throughout the year? What word would be
special enough to frame my whole year and push me to be a better me? After days
of contemplating and thinking of what my life currently looks like, I decided on a
phrase instead of a word.

I chose this phrase because it pushes me to be a priority. I love creating a home of
solitude and safety for my husband and children. I love creating a space that is
functional, organized and ef cient. However, these aspects of my life consume
my everyday life, and I have a really hard time turning them off…this is why I am
pressing pause. Whatever it looks like, I am choosing to give myself the freedom
to do something for me every day. I see this as a walk by myself, a bubble bath or
a coffee date with a good book, either way it will be for me. In motherhood, we
can tend to lose our sense of self while caring for everyone else. Don’t get me
wrong, I LOVE my role as a wife and mother, but I have also learned that I can’t
care for others if I don’t care for myself.

Pressing Pause
Pressing Pause

I chose this phrase because I’m a mother of little ones. My daughter is nearly 17
months old and is growing up so fast, too fast. She is learning new words every
day and I can see her becoming more independent as each day passes…this is why
I am pressing pause. I am nearly 5 months pregnant with baby #2 and am
constantly thinking of what life will be like with two instead of sitting in the
moment with my one…this is why I am pressing pause. Instead of posting every
little thing Millie does on social media, I am choosing to press pause and take in
the moment for me and for her.

I chose this phrase because I want to thrive in motherhood not just survive. A
normal day basically consists of making food for a tiny human, potty training and
folding clothes. It can be mundane, lonely and stressful all at the same time. There
are days I watch the clock and count down the hours until Alex comes home…this
is why I am pressing pause. I don’t want to just survive my days, I want to savor
them, and this is HARD. This means I am choosing to pause and sit in the chaos
of motherhood and not just survive through it.

I chose this phrase for so many reasons, some I am sure I haven’t even realized
yet. As silly as it may seem to choose a word or phrase to set the stage for your
year ahead, I want to challenge you to do it! If anything, it will give you a chance to
re-prioritize what is important and that should be enough of a reason for you to
try! Happy New Year Mamas!

Abby is a rst time Mom, and an amazing team member of Baja Baby. She lives in
Colorado with her husband Alex, their beautiful new baby girl Amelia Grace and
Maple the dog. You can find Abby on Instagram by clicking here.

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Pressing Pause

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