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Champions Club at MSAP


Neil McNeill Jr. ,PRINCIPAL

The Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation (SASF) was established in 1992 to improve education and enrich the lives of
youngsters in New York City public elementary, middle and high schools, through developing their skills in a wide-range of
5 days a week: _________
sports, arts, and educational activities. The activities are offered ____ Friday from
Monday through _________
6:00PM for three seasons in the school year (Fall, Winter, Spring).
3:00PM until _______

With the support of the Department of Education, ______________________________, and the New York City Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene the Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation is proud to administer the Champions Club at ________.

SASF Champions Clubs are firmly committed to its organizational mission to help bridge the performance gap among participants
by extending the school day and year with wholesome, skill-building activities designed to improve New York City children’s
academic performance, health and wellness, attitude towards school, self-confidence, character and values, and opportunity for
lifelong employment

All staff members must meet established educational and experience requirements for the position held and participate in
development workshops. All staff are over 18 and undergo a thorough background check, including a fingerprinting process. Staff
are required to attend regular training sessions and safety courses. Training includes: safety, first aid, tutoring and education on
interacting with children and behavior strategies. On the days the program is closed, alternative after school care is the
15 participants at all times. On-site staff will
responsibility of parents. Two staff members are responsible for approximately _____
coordinate all daily activities

Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is expected for all participants. Participants who are absent more than three times per season from the
program may be asked to leave. There are two reasons for this policy: (1) we generally have a waiting list for the program and
would like to accommodate participants that will participate everyday; (2) the program’s success depends on participant
attendance. If you anticipate your child being absent for any reason, please submit a note or call the Program Director. Please
note that any participant that exits the building after dismissal from the school day will not be permitted to return to activities. It is
the expectation that all participants in the program will go to the designated arrival location for the program at the end of the
school day. Participants are prohibited from leaving the building/program without being properly dismissed.

Please be advised, we strongly recommend that nothing other than water or 100% juice be brought to the program. For
more information on healthy eating and tips to prevent childhood obesity please ask for the brochure, Together We Raise
Healthy Children, from your Program Director

Pick-up/Dismissal Policy
In order to maintain quality programming for all our participants we ask our parents to refrain from picking up their child(ren)
PROGRAM DIRECTOR AND NOT GO DIRECTLY TO THE CLASSROOMS. Please note that three early pick-ups within a
season will result in the possible dismissal of your child from the program.

Participants must be signed out by an authorized adult. No participant may walk home unless the participant has written
authorization from their parent/guardian to walk home alone. Designated adults are required to sign each participant out on the
daily roll call sheet. Staff may ask for a picture I.D. if they are unfamiliar with any authorized adult signing a participant out.

Neither participants nor staff are permitted to meet parents or authorized adults outside of school property.

If an adult picking up a participant appears impaired, staff may suggest someone be called to drive both adult and child home.
Please be aware that in order to protect staff and participants, staff may notify authorities if such a request is refused.

Staff is not responsible for custodial disputes. Participants will be released to any adult authorized on the registration form. If
a family situation arises, please update participant registration forms.

Staff is not permitted to have a participant in their vehicle at any time, for any reason. Staff CANNOT offer rides to any

Lateness Policy
6:00PM __________
Please be aware that all participants are to be picked up no later than _______, Friday
Monday through __________. Three late
pickups within one season may result in the child being removed from the program. Please note, a participant who is
left in excess of one hour from the dismissal time will result in the appropriate authorities being contacted.

Dress Code
Along with our art and academic activities the Champions Club Program offers a wide range of sports activities. As such we ask
that you do not allow your child to come to program with open-toed shoes or flip flops. Activities that require a lot of physical
movement (e.g. Sports and Dance) require appropriate footwear; students without appropriate footwear will not be permitted to

The Champions Club program schedule will be distributed during the Parent Orientation and is available on demand from your
Program Director.

Homework Help
The Homework Help period of the Champions Club program is designed to serve as the homework assistance component of the
afterschool program. Champions Club programs are NOT homework completion programs. Programs using federal funds
provided by NYS 21st Century may not use program time to work on Homework at any time.

The Champions Club offers participants a number of opportunities to visit the exciting parks, cultural institutions, see a sporting
event or a performance. All participants must have an official Champions Club permission slip signed by a parent or guardian to
attend the trip. Participants are selected based upon their attendance, academic performance, and behavior. Participants must
adhere to the Behavior Contract on all trips. Participants must meet the group at the school and return to the school with the
group at the conclusion of the trip. Participants must wear SASF T-shirts on trips.

In the event that transportation from the program site is required, SASF will utilize school bus companies from the Department of
Education’s approved vendors list or the New York City Subway system.

Lost &Found
Please see that coats, caps, jackets, lunch boxes and supplies are clearly marked with your child’s name. Participants are
responsible for safeguarding their belongings during program hours. The Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation is not
responsible for any goods, items or monies that are lost, stolen or damaged during or after the course of the program.

FireDrills &Evacuations:
When the alarm sounds, participants are to follow the SASF staff’s directions in a calm and orderly manner. False alarms are
a criminal offense and will be prosecuted. The Program Director will explain the fire drill procedure on the first day of after-school
and evacuation procedures as required.

Shelter in Place
On two occasions during the School Year a Shelter in Place Drill will occur.

Emergency Relocations:
In the event the school building has to be evacuated due to an emergency, and the building cannot be re-entered, the program
will execute its evacuation protocols and relocate to the following:

PS 119
Primary Evacuation Site: ___________________________________________________
PS 268
Secondary Evacuation Site: _________________________________________________

Child Abuse/ Maltreatment

In the event you suspect your child has been abused or maltreated you can always notify the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene at either (646) 632–6101 or 311.You may also report all cases of suspect child abuse or maltreatment to the State
Central Registry at 1-800-342-3720.

Accidents/Emergency Procedure
Only minor cuts and bruises will be given first aid treatment at the program. In the event of a serious illness or injury, attempts
will be made to reach parent/guardian.

The staff WILL NOT administer any medication to participants. Participants who need to take medication must have it arranged
with the school nurse’s office.

The emergency contact information on the registration form is kept on-site for each participant. In cases of acute medical
emergencies, staff will make every effort to contact the parent/guardian immediately. For this reason, it is important that all
contact information on the registration form be up-to-date and correct with names and current phone numbers,
including work, home, cellular and any alternate contact information. If the proper persons cannot be reached in the event
of an emergency, the participant may be taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital accompanied by a staff member. After the
Emergency Services has been called it is up to the paramedics to decide what to do. If they decide your child needs emergency
treatment, they will take the participant to the nearest emergency medical facility, and you will be responsible for the medical
charges. In an emergency when immediate attention is needed, the staff will call Emergency Medical Services (911), and then
immediately contact you.

Parents or authorized persons are expected to pick up any participant who appears too ill to remain in the program. If you are
called for an emergency or an ill participant, please come as soon as possible.

Behavior Contract
All families are required to sign the following contract regarding the expectations of the Champions Club. These rules and
regulations are mirrored after the rules set forth by the Chancellor of the Department of Education. PLEASE REVIEW THESE
1. All participants must attend the program five days a week, and may not miss the program without prior consent.
2. Participants must arrive at the cafeteria immediately after class.
3. Participants may not leave the program or building. Any participant who leaves the building without permission will be
immediately dismissed from the program.
4. Participants may not leave any activity or academic session without being escorted by a staff member (elementary and
middle school). High School students must have written permission to leave a session in the form of a pass.
5. Participants should be respectful and responsible. They should behave in an appropriate manner and not act disruptively in
the halls or during activities.
6. Participants are not to bring video games, iPods, cell phones, or any electronic devices to the Champions Club.
7. The use of profane or obscene language or gestures is prohibited.
8. Lying or giving false information verbally or in writing to Champions Club staff is prohibited.
9. The use of racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, religious or national origin slurs is prohibited.
10. Acts of intimidation, coercion, extortion, or sexual harassment are prohibited.
11. Fighting is prohibited. Physical force against other participants or staff is prohibited and will result in immediate
12. School and Champions Club property, including walls, books and other equipment, should be treated with respect and not
13. Stealing is prohibited.
14. Tobacco, Alcohol, any other Drugs, or weapons are prohibited. Any participant who brings a weapon onto school
property will be immediately dismissed from the program.
15. Falsely activating a fire alarm or other disaster alarm is prohibited. Any participant who falsely activates a fire alarm or
other disaster alarm will be dismissed from the program.

The first warning a participant receives will result in a conference between the Program Director and the Parent/ Guardian of said
participant. A second warning will result in a second meeting with the Program Director and the Parent/Guardian of said participant
as well as a three day suspension from the program. Any participant who receives three warnings within a season is
subject to dismissal from the program at the discretion of the Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation. SASF
maintains the sole authority to discipline participants based upon the Behavioral Contract.

Parent Involvement
We believe in a strong partnership between parents and our program. The Champions Club has the following avenues of
parental involvement to encourage parental input in decision-making and planning and to facilitate communication among
parents, staff and the school.
• Parents may request a conference with the Program Director any time to discuss their own child or the program in
• We always want to know what you think. If you have a question, concern, or suggestion please send a note, email or
call the Champions Club office. We will send out surveys at the conclusion of the year to get feedback on the program.
• You are always welcome at the Champions Club. Parents are welcome to come and observe the program at any time.

Contact Information
Champions Club at ______:
Kyle Richardson
• ______________________________, After-School Program Director
• Room Number: ____________
• Phone: ______________________________________
• Email: _______________________________________
Chrissy Andre
• ______________________________, Program Manager
• Phone: _______________________________________
• Email: ________________________________________
• Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation, 58-12 Queens Blvd, 59 Street entrance, Woodside, NY 11377

• Phone: (718) 786-7110

• Fax: (718) 205-1098
• Website:

Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation
Champions Club @ ________
Parent Handbook


I acknowledge that I have received, read, and reviewed with my child the Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation Parent Handbook
for 2017-2018.

I have read and understand the policies and procedures described herein and I am aware of my and my child’s obligations to
comply with the responsibilities that are expected.

Child’s Name (please print)

Parent’s Name (please print)

Parent’s Signature

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