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Health Physics 3321 Radiologic Physics Spring Semester, 2015 Class Time: Friday 1:00 - 2:50 Place: PS 132 Text: Steward C, Bushong: Radiologic Science for Technologists, Physics, Biology, and Protection (latest edition) Instructor: Richard R. Brey Ph.D., C.1 {Chair Dept. Nuciear Engincering and Health Physics Interim Dean, College of Science and Engineering Office: CH 234 ‘Telephone: 282-4539 Office Hours: Monday through Thussday 10:00 to 11:00 or by appointment, Informal open door policy. Course Description: PHYS 321 Radiologic Physics (2 credits) Basic Physi if x-ray production and the interaction of x-rays with matter. Includes topics in medical imaging. Available to juniors in Radiographic Sciences. PREREQ: PHYS 100.5 Tentative Course Schedule TOPIC READINGS (Bushong) Grading Policy, Testing Format, Homework Policy, Expectations, Basic Radiation Physics Physics! Mathematics Review Concepts of matter/ atomic and muclear structure Radioactive decay Class Notes ‘Types of Radiation Interactions of Radiation with matier Fundamentals of Radioactivity Test 1 Generation, interactions, and behavior of characteristic and Continuous X-Rays Test 2 Health Physies practice, instrumentation & dosimetry Regulations Class Notes Radiobiology Test 3 (Cumul: ive Final) ‘These Notes are copyrighted ©2014 All Rights reserved. No part can be reproduced without the express Written consent of the author. Brey ISU 2013 Page 1 Copyright 2014 HPHY 3321 Class Policy 1) Homework will represent 30% of the overall class grade. a) Homework should be expected frequently. i) Students are encouraged to work together on homework. }) Homework problems can and may be the basis for test questions. iii) Homework assignments are not considered to be group projects. * Bach student should do their own work, merely consulting with ‘others as appropriate. ~ A photocopy of the work of someone else is not acceptable. ** The instructor is a resource during office hours or by appointment. b) All homework assignments must be completed. i) Students who don't complete all homework assignments can expect an incomplete ‘rade in the course at the discretion of the instructor. ) Questions completed correctly will be awarded an appropriate number of points. Assignments will typically include several multi-part questions or inter- related questions. * Students are enoouraged to write out the assigned questions. * All work is to be shown. * The student is encouraged to carry units afong with the solution of the problem, and provide a neat easy to follow answer. - homework which is too difficult to follow will be returned with a zero grade until completed in an acceptable fashion. * Answers must be given with the appropriate units. * All answers are to be circled. 2) There will be two full lecture period tests and a cumulative final cxamination. 48) Tests will cover topics on homework, lectures, and assigned reading. 'b) Bach test will be worth 20% of the final class grade. ©) The cumulative final examination will be worth 30% of the final class grade. 4) At the discretion of the instrucior, any evidence of dishonesty are grounds for failing tests or examinations, and subject fo other university disciplinary actions. 3) Final Class grade a) Grades will be based on: Homework — 30% Tests 40% Final 30% Brey ISU 2013 Page 2 Copyright 2013 b) Tentatively, grades will be cared based on a straight scale grading policy: 297% cae tA 2 9B% ae A 2 90% “A > 87% 4B > 83% B 2 80% 3B BTM coe HC > TB% sam Cate ©) The instructor reserves the right to change the grading scale, and assignment weighing. Such changes will be: based on profession judgement ii) applied acrass the board to all students iii) in favor of the students 4) Reading assignments should be completed prior to lecture. a) Students are encouraged to apply the SQ3R study method. SQ3R Survey the literature Develop Questions prior to reading and based on the survey Read the material answering your own questions Recite what was read periodically Review the material 6) Lectures: a) Bring pertinent questions on the literature, personal experiences, and current affairs, which do not have self-evident answers, to lecture. ’b) Students can expect to he asked questions about the topies at hand while attending lectute so please be prepared. i) This tecture style is intended to build student confidence. ~ Its not intended to embarrass, intimidate, ot belittle, students. It is okay not to have an answer, but not okay to leave it at that ©) Take advantage of the opportunities available - You have paid for them! Idaho State University s committed t providing equal opportunity in education forall students. fyou have a diagnosed deabily or you believe you have a disability physical, learning, hearing, vision, psychiatric) that might require reasonable accommodation in this course, please contact the Discbilty Services Center, Rendezvous Building, Room 125 (282-3599) oron the web at htp://wewisuedu/adadisuedu tis the responsibilty ofstadonesto contact instructors during the frst week ofeach semester to discuss appropriate accommodations. Academic integrity fs expected ofall individuals, Behavior beyond reprowch must be the norm, Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable. Academic dishonesty Includes, but is nat Hited to, cheating and plagiarism. Procedures for determination of academic dishonesty and imposition of penalties for academic misconduct are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, Brey ISU 2013 Page 3 Copyright 2014

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