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Cultural Publishing House

:8-D, Karfila Nagar, DELHI- 110007

INbringing out this little book before the public, I beg to

say that I have engaged in a work so arduous that I cannot profess
to have successfully completed it, but, encouraged by tile remem-

brance that not a few persons have undertaken work of a similar
kind in other hngua32s on a small scale a t first, I did not shrink
from making a like attempt myself. When the work had been
finished, and part of it gone through the press, Sir Bampfylde
Fuller kindly took notioe of it, and a t his instance a com-
mittee, composed of U Dohory Ropmay: B.A., U Hajom Kissor
I Singh, and myself, as members, was appointed for revising and

enlarging it.
As the Cherra dialect has been selected and introduced by the
Welsh Blissionaries (and very wisely too) as a standard of the
Khasi language, no attempt has been made to insort words of
other dialects, excepting in a very few instances.
No p i n s have been spared to oonsult as many of the books
and local newspapers available, as have been published up
to date.
1 I have great pleasure in acknmiedging my personal o b w
Ii tions to the Ber. J. 0. Bvsns, to Major E. R. W.C!. Oarroll,, and to Major P. R.T.~ U F ~ O I ITA.,
, for t h kind and
I d m b l e assistance rendered by them. I mmt not omit to men-
tion here my obligations to the members of the revking commit-
tee-U Dohory Eopmay, B~A.,and U Hajom K k r Singh-who
&t prinied in ISGS at the Eatern Bengci and j have devoted much time an4 thought to the revisim
to some of my KhzA friends from whom I derived aesistrtnce.
Assam Secretariat Press, Shillong.
I n conclusion, I beg to sap that, with all that I and the
Reprinted, 1983
membem of the commitf, have done, them will still be mom
fw furthe11impro.~eme;itsaa years p. I am, howewr, ~atisfi~'S
Rcpinted in India at
Gian Offset Printers, Delhi-110035
( that a foundation bas bean laid for any impmemont. that may
be made ix future.
Published by Mrs. Suman Lata, Cultural Publishing House,
18-D, KarnIa Nagar, Delhi-110007
The reader must first of all maka himself aoqnainted with the
letfera of the Khssi alphabet, according to which the words have
a., ccdj. stands for adjective. been arranged in this book. These ctro the lettere of the Khasi
ad., adv. ,, ,, advarb. alphabet :-
abbrev. ,, ,, abbreviation.
am. , ,, auxiliary.
Bot. 9, ,, bomy, botanioal tern.
cozoq. ,, ,, colloquial.
con., conj. ,, ,, conjunction. r s t u w y
confr. 1, ~~I.llm~tion.

esp. , ,, especially. 2. h'!e following pmhes, whioh may be formed with verbs and
$g- ,, ,, figurative. adjectives to make compound words, have been omitted, excepting
in the case where the derivatives so formed b d r a special mean-
Hitld. ,, ,, Hindi. ing from that of the radicals, e.g., jingri-cattle, jingbrkzci-
i 8, ,, Common gmdtw, wed a human, nongwei-a stranger, nongra-a wrn-out and useless 4
respect or diminution, brass vessel, iaroh-to praise, sngewsih-to be sorry, fyshiar-
Iinit. ,, ,, Imitative. diarrhoea, export, eta. I

I~nper. ,, ,,
Imperative (verb). Prefixes of the above kind are-
Impera. ,, ,, Impersonal. i-(or ih-), ia-, iai-, jing-, bb*, la--, myn-, liI
inter., i n f e ~ . ,, interjection. nang-, nong-, p y n t sngew-, I
&a, ,,
,, feminine. i-, ih-, to appear, to look, as, ibhu-to take a fancy to ; I
fi, ,, ,, plural (number). isyn-ei-to have pity for ; itlot-to appear weak ;
lit. ,, , , l i h ~ l l y . i-raikhoh-to appear leap or reduced.
n. 11 ,yJIOU $a-, denztes plurality of the subject agreeing with the verb,
p., pre,$yon.,, ,, pmmm. as, ki i a krm-they are talking; u ia 8koh bad u
dkhar-he is fighting with a dhhar.
part. ,, ,, partioiple. Mi-, naeg-, expresses continuity or progression of action,
ph~. sr rr phrase* a,iai-sneng-to continue to rebuke; iai-Zeit-to
prc:. ,, ,, p m k . continue to go ; nangthoh-to be writing, is writ-
PreP. ,, preposition, ing :naeg iaid-to br going on, is going on.
8yf- rr rr I ~ U ~ E Z jing-, when prefixed to a verb or adjective, to form ab-
U. ,r , m&80PliC8. stract noun, as,jingbha-goodness ;jitagahdi-light ;
jitagleh--action, and so on.
V. rr r, verb.
kaba-, a prefix fo f o m a verbal noun and the imp~rfeot
z, n. Y r, n o u , C O ~ E Ogendet.
~ ~ participle, ras, kaba wm ka pynkhaid iQ ka met-
ka,n. YI ,, noun, feminine gender. bathing cleanses the body.
U, n. ,r 88 11011111 gendi~, tam, a prefix denoting future time, as, Zddi-to-momw;
Zmkisngi--day after to-morrow; Eanymwi-next
season or year.
my?+, s prefix to denote a doer, as, myntdh-a thief ; nyn.
pang-a patient. I n adverbs of time i t denotes
past time, as, mynhynne-a short time ago ; tnynshi- KHASI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY.
sngi--day before yesterday ; myaayn~arei-last ___t__
season or year.
mango, see iai above. A A1
norag-, denotes a doer or an i l h b i h n t of, as, ttofigkren- -
A, the first letter in the Khasi Alphabet ; k t . oh ! ah 1
a speaker ;song Sohva-a Cherra-man ; nong Myl- ~b I the imitation of the my of a crow.
lietn-an inhabitant of Mylliem village. *A6irJtr, n. red powder used in the Holi festival.
Pyn-, a prefix to form a causative verb, pyuthoh-to czuse Ak 1 kt. ah I ejaculation of disgust at aa unPle.asant smell.
one to write ;pynshong-to muse one to sit ; pyn- Aku ! id. expressing disgust at a bad smell.
mgew-, a prefix which mesns t o fcel, as, sngewhha-to he Akher-ka-sngi, ka, n. Domesday.
gleased ; sngewnzh-to be afraid of ;sn~eze.krah-to A-kbia, w, tz. (colloquial) a n earnest man.
avo a desire ; s91gewtZot-to feel weak. *AkGr, ka, n. behaviour, conduct.
A few suffixes have also a significance of their 0 ~ 1 1 , such
aa-dbh, -k6i, -sa, -+ah, -sat, etc., as :- Adi 1I
Ada 1 int. Oho I dear me I (expressing acute bodily pain).
Shong-ddh-to settle permanently. * ~ d & ka, n. a stage for changing horses, dak-runnem
Iaid-Rdi-to rambp, to take a stroll. etc.
L e h - s e t o be peevish. Ade, ad. may be, perhaps (same as ide) ; [as, cc arde durn ka bneng
Thiah-#ah-to remain sleeping or in bed. kumne ba'n slap, mo."];-int. to express surprise or approba-
Shoh-sat-to beat in such a way as to reflect cruolty on the tion.
part of the person who beats. Ado 1 k t . Oho I
3. Th sp2lings.-The spellings in this book have been foIlom- Adong, ka, ta. prohibition;-v. to prohibit. [Imit. adongadit.]'
~ d ui r
ed accord1 g as the people speak cr write. In Rome eases the y
has beep done away with, M in the m o ~ d kpa instead of Kypa,
kmie instead of kymie, and in some an apostrophe ( ' j has been
Adur-lanot I int. woe i~ me I, graiious me I
AdykAr I adv. thoug~itfully,economically, moderately ;[as;" bPla
inserted in its place, as, k'iuh for kyiuh, R'iar for kyiar, Ping for
kyixg. But in thc majority of words both forms of spellings (the
Adkhrl )adkar, dih adkar."]
old form and the phomtic) have been retained. Ang, v. to open, to crack.
4. Imitntives, or word-collooations, have been given where Ang-sng, adv. in the open sun ;[as, "wat ieit shah ha ka sngi .
necessary, e.g.; khntia, Kd, 18. details, odds and ends. mg-altg."]
[Imit. lihutia-khutain.] Ang-um, v. (lit. to open the mouth on account of thirst) ; to be
i n a b.
6. The meaning of an adverb likely to present difiulty in
it, has been evert with illustrative sentence. $Angel, u, n. an angel.
Angret, u, n. a dare-devil (from Dindustani Aftgrez).
6. yocbei 8~.0ad8.
Ah, v. (colloquial) to cut ;-itat. ah !
6 , 4L , long, as in ' far '-jdv (a net), sa'r (to sweep).
Ahor, ka, n. a marshy phco, a swamp.
h short as in 'fat'--lht-Zhf (a rapid), mht (a joint). Ai, v. to give, to bestow.
iJnmarked vowele have generally a short sound.
Hindi. I +* Englisk.
*Ab, ka, ra. Ayah. Aiom, k q tb. season, time.
Ai-bai-siew, a. to give money f ~ buying
a hat-day. [Imit. aibai-siew aibai-tda.]
things at a time, as, on $5 . Ai-pop, v. b charge with, to blame for.
Ai-reng, v. to present the horn (bull-fighting) ; to oppose; to
Ai-'baibat, a. to pay ready money. confront.
Ai-bsinon , v. to give wages, to reward. [inbit. ai-bainong Ai-mng, v. to paint. [ h i t . airong-airup.]
ai-baini!J Ai-sakhi, v. to give evidence. [Imit. ai-sakhi-ai-satqr.]
Ai-baishh, v. to give or pay a paltry sum of money. Ai-sboh, v. to manure.
Ai-bat, c. to give .one to hold, to entrust with. Ai-shah, v. to give on credit. [Imit. sishah-aisham.]
Ai-bdr, v. to anthorise, to strengthen, t~empower. [Itit. aibor Ai-siew, v. to sell a thing on payment of its coat price. [finit.
ai-sor.] I aisiew-aitda.]
Ai-bud-dm, v. to slander f to defame. i Ai-sniew, v. to poison. , [Imit. aisniew-aismeh.]
Ai-kBi, v . to gire for a time, to pretend to give. 1 Ai-sut, v. to give money on interest. [Imit. aisut-aibut.]
*Ai?kaiphod, (legal), v. to gire explanation.
Ai-kam, v. to give employment. Elmit. aikam-aijam.]
Ai:khawdQh, v. to leave unlooked or unwred for, to be outcasted. %
Ai'ti, v. to give up, to hand over, to deliver up.
A-iu, p. what.
A-iu-re-aiu, n. something.
Ai-kbusniim, v. to confer honour for meritorious conduct. 816, v. impr. come.
ili4w3w, v. to put a dog on the scent. . / A l b , a. lmy, idle. [ h i t , alh-alput.1

Ai-ksAid or ai-ksuid-briew, v. to kill or'bring disease on a person Along, ka, n. a look-up, a, Bajut.
by the agenoy 'of devils. [ h i t . a i k s u i d - e e i . 1 Am, a. to bite, to plant the teeth in;-imper. .mlg, give me.
AiTkum,&ha, tt. a Synteng ceremony which a man performs on Ama or Amai I itat. oh I (in case of a, narrow escape).
leaving his mother's or relative's house in order to go and lim 'amat&, ka, n. the wisdom tooth
with his wife and ohildren. [ h i t . aikum-aiklong.]
Ai-kylliang, s. to give a loan. [Intit, ai kyllianpaipalat.] Amrang, &a, n. harsh tone, cmpty words.
qidit~~, v. to givo an excuse ; to give reason for. [Imit, ddaw-ai- *Am, n. anna (,+ of a rupee).
dong.] Ani, ifit. Oh ! (mhenin pain or eurprisc).
Ai:ei, v. to give freely or gratis. I tAnipot,*ka, 98. misfortune.
Ai-ngBh, v. to give thanks. [Imit. ainguh-aidern.] An-na, a. idiotic.
Ai-huapai, z. to indulge, *AnM, a. to gt~css, to conjecture;-adv. by m:ty of conjecture ;
A;-lhd, v. tc) give opportunity, to help. [ h i t . ailad-ailynti.1 moderately. Disc!. anclhz.
Ai laitdiin, v. to let loose, to give one his own inclination. *Antra, ICLC,n. chorus.
Ai-li, v. to give one his own way. Ap, a. to wait, t:, stay for.
Ap-(lien, c. to guard or watch from behind. LItnit. apdien-
Ai-mm, v. $0 g i ~ one
e his own will.
ka, n. law, statute. [Imit. ka aifi-ka-kanun.]
y apbuci.] .
*Aphing, Aphim, Apl~in,kc{, la. opium.
* A i - a n , v. to name, L? point out, to cite3identi*.
Pap-phira, u. to guard as a sontinel.
Ai-nong, v. to give out a work or i d to be dons-.or carried QP,
hire. [Imit. ainong-aini.1
S Hi&
- tApod, ka, ra. trouble, calamity.
Artat, adv. besides, at the same time [as, " u trei bad ka siaw
artat"] ; on the wab on passing by [as, wan khot artat ynde
Ap-thap, r, to lie i n wait for. phi llait, ho."]
Ap-tbh, v. to waylay. [Imit.aptuh-apthiem.] ;to wait stealthily. Artatien, a.doubtful.
Ar, a. two. Arteng, ad. two occasions.
Arban, a. two-fold, double. Artet, adv. up, upwards, northwards.
Arbriew, n. two shares, two v o k . A%rwat, ado. twice, two folds (of string).
Arbaliang, a. both Rides (of a dispute). *Asbhb, ka, n. luggage.
ArbQd, a. two folds (of twisted-thread). "AshAr, ka, n. preserved fruits or vegetables, chutney.
ka, %.'ajoint (of two things). Asir, ka, m. a toll at h k h a t Bazar in Khyrim. [ I n l i t . ka dan ka,
Arbteng, -
Arkhap, k a n. a, cleft, a narrow place between two up-rising Astor, ka, n. the plastering with lime.
mounds, a gorge. At, w. to swell, to bulge out, to harbour ill feelings.
Arkhep, ka, n. t p occasions. "Ata, %, n. flour. >

Arklur, n. two crores. *Athd, ka, n. a compound of a house.

Arkup, ka, n. two suite of clothe<(said of wrappers or shawls). At-byllen, v. to swcll as if affected with nettlc-rash.
Ardeng, ka, n. two pdrs of ornamente. Btbylliang, kaba, n. swelling as if caused by a lash of a whip.
Arduna shieuka, a. Re. 1 annae 12 ; so ako arduna-ar-ama.= at-khu, v. to be envious of.
Re. 1annas 14,etc. Atkpoh, v. to have flatulence. [Inaz't.atkpoh-atsnier.J
Arngut, a. two (persons). At-kuda, y. to be formed into a notch.
Arhajb, ka; n. two thonaand. "Btiar, ka, n. instrument,, weapon (Hind. Hatiar).
Ari I int. an ejaculation expres4ng cl, ~ermtioliuf cold. Atjalyngkhiang, ka, n. a glandular swelling.
Brl4d-urn, ka, a. the junotion of two rivm. Sw o M , o f r b .
Arlak, ka, n. two Ialths.
Arliang, ka, n, two sides ;-ad. into two p h , in halow.
dlukhi, 1
Atlukhis a. scolding, unlucky, obstinate.

Arliang mamla, ka, n. two ontending prties. At'ybing,

Atlbing, ) v. to swell all over.
&met, ka, 9b. (lit. two bodies) heroe to be in thefamily way Atlyngkding, v. to swell (of the abdomen).
Arpateng, ka, n. two steps, two generations. .Atmiang, v. to have the mumps.
Arphew, a. twenty. At-mytung, v. t , swell
~ prominently, same ao At-mtung.
Arpiah, ka, n. Rs. 2 annas 8. AtnQd, v. to feel revengeful, to e n v .
t a r o 1 int. (coZhquid), them you are I At-pateng-pateng, v. to form swellings here and there.
Armp, a. two-fold, hypocritical. ktiphyllung, v . to roll in waves.
Arshah, ad. dmbljr, twice as muoh. Atsohkhliaog, v. to have an excrescence on the body.
~rsh'ing,ka, n. (Eit. two cowries) hence 2 pi-when need do% *Ator, ka, #. sweet a n t .
with an- as, Ui-arehying=3a 2p. &me as A ~ u i w , *Atoskhana, u, n. chimney.
hsion, ado. twioe.
Assut, adv. downw1VdB. * Hindi.
BANG Bah, v. to m y on one's back, to bear ;-u, rr. an elder brother
At-top, 71. to be dropsical. (VOC. case, and a term of respect) ;-a. great, big (generally joined
] with a Noun i n its abbreviated form, as, 'mawbah, 'radbah, etc.).

'pAvSj' ko, T I . voice, sound.

"Amat, 'btl-hrzli, rb, fi. same as 'ba-pynthor.
Am-aw, Cud-), ad. importunately (crave). [As, "u Gd am-ow Bah-bang, n to carry loads wit11 a stick aoross tho ~ h o u l ~ llike ~r,
kum n b'ym ioh Ira ja ba'n bam ruh."] the Bengalis.
Awria, a. licentious. Bnhkhrrla, v. to be answerable for, to be responsible for.
B. Bnhkyndong, v. to be always carrying.
B, the second letter in the Khasi alphabet. Bahrynd~ng,v. to be vicarious.
Ba, 1. cmj. that, for, inasmuch as, since. Ba htympha, tr, n. mall-plate.
2, As a pvej.v, it forms A~'J*., as, babha. 'bU, r , vz. (aUrev. of dar), a cowry [this is seen in the names of
3. As a sup$, it forms P RcCatiae Pron., as, kaba, uba, etc. different varieties of cowrie-shells, as u 'bai-k6iiid, u 'bai-.
4. v . to flash, to light [as, " ka leilieh ka ba."] shuti];- ka, n. price or value.
Ba-iai, a. always, steadfast [as, " ko Pa ba lah ba-iai."]
'bG. (abbrev. of kba), u, ?paddy¶ as, u 'ha-lum=highlrmd rice.
'baibAm, ko, n. allowance, diet expenses, stipend. [lmit. 'bnibam
Babe, v. taurue, to repent. -'bai-dih ]
Babha, a. good. [.hit. babha-barniat.] 'baibat, ka, n. cash, ready-money.
*Baborshi, n. a cook. 'baikhrogg, ka. n. toll, tax. [Imlt. 'baikhrong-'bai msur.]
tBabu, u, a. a Baboo, !a native gentleman, awriter, a school . 'baikliarwbit, ka, n. redemption money, war indemnity.
master. [lmit. u Babs-phubu.]
Eak, ad. away, sharp [as, "u Is leit noh W sha ing."]
B6id (im-), ad. peevishly (ory).
%&ilut, ka, n. expenditurn, cod. [Imit. bai11.t-baisep.]
Bak-bak, ad. heedlessly [as, " n la iaid bak-bak kh!em kyrtiang
dien."]- 'bAj mynrhinkhmat, kn, n. compensation for breach of any
Bakha, n. a son or dau,ohter of a maternal uncle or paternal aunt. contraot or agreement, esp. a marriage contraot.
Bhiii-bBS, ad. very (soft, as, jem baifi-baili).
Bakhhr, 2 4 12. gunpowder.
- -
Bakhram, a. large, big, great ;-u, A. a di,dtary, a noble. 'bsinag, ka, n. wag:es, d u g . [ l i ~ i t'bainonp'baini.]
Baklir%m-be:ri, u, n. a noble, a person of high family. Baiong, a. to be iddy, to be attacked w i t 6 hoahche. [ I a i t .
Bak-jingbak, ad. in spite of opposition, persistently [as, cc u shu Ba ioh, phr. lest, for fear.
phet.lyndet bak-jit&gbakkhlem kren ia nga."] . $hioh-ba-kot, phr. a well-to-do person.
Bakla, v . to err, to make a mistake. [Inzit. bakla-bakli.]
Bad, 'colz;i.and ;-$rep. with. 'bai-seng, kcr, n. cspital, money for oarrying on any business.
Biid, v. to excl~~r?e, to make an exception. 'bbiangi, ko, n. daily wages.
Baden, La, 71. an irrigated rice field. 'bhisiew, ka, n , money given to meet immediate necessary ex-
penses, ap, on s hat -day. [ImU. 'baisien-'bai-tda.]
B,;-dicg, c. to light with a torch or lamp. Bait, v. to sharpen (a stick).
Xadon-bs-cm, n. a well-toAo person. 'bahhi, ka, R. rent.
Bang, a. tasty, 'savoury, pq1atfible;-ka, 98. s, biece of bamboo *Bajamlla, ka, tz. band (military)-u, a bandsman.
with which thc Ecnplis carry loacls by tlwwing it across the
_W Hindi. I T Bengali,
Baje, ka, n. clock, watoh, gong.

Bahng, ka, n. the church ; society (religious) ;--a. gathered, B~MS.\P RASA
BBmsap. zl. to take bribes; to commit secret hulte.
Bajubon, 24, n. a kind of bracelet. BBm-shiteng-kpoh, v. to take half a meal.
Balei ? ad. why ? for what reason. BA:hsih, v. to eat bad things (kg. the flesh of dead animals, of
Balh, v. to interfere, to meddle. dogs, etc.).
'bi-IGm, a, n. See 'ba. , DArntyngka, v. to take bribes.
Bhm, v. to eat. [Imit. bam-dih.] Bhn-tyllan, v . to devour; to eat without throwing away anything
BAm-bnai, v. to board ;to live a t another's table for pay. of it, to eat wholly [as, in the case of a fowl-without throwjllg
Bbbriew, odj. cannibal, man-eating. away the entrails or feathers.]
Bhm-khgti, v. to tako bribes. Bi~il,v . to press upon, to treat cruelly, to oppress ;-*kg, n. s bhr
or mantra.
B4m-kmngl o. to undermine. SB811, Ha, n. a dam ;a bund.
B l m kwAi ha ing U Blei, phr. (lit.) to eat betel nut in the house of Ba'~l=sign of Inf. to ;-prep. to,in order that.
God. This is a form of speech among the Khasis whenever
they happi to make mention of a departed relative or friend. Un'n ia, t~lrr.rather than.
Ba-met, a. full (said of tubers and fruits). *Banat, kn, w . n woollen cloth. Ilnzil. ka banat-ka patu.]
BAm-ngem, a@. one who commits secret faults. [ h i t . bamngem- Ball I,\ldkhin, v . to stitch.
bamdp.] Bandari, tr, n. a revenue official in Jaintia Hills in the time of
Bim-hynroh-u-bnai, fiaba, n. eclipae of the moon. the late Rajas of Jaintia.
Barn-hynroh-ka-sngi, toha, n. eclipse of the sun. *Bandohos, v . to make ai~angemonts; to settle.
Bdm-ja-khluit, 0. '(lit. to eat scalding cooked rice) hence to Banja, u, 11. a goldsmith.
be too hasty i n doing a thing. Banse, V . (user1 negatively) ol~ligcdto, to llave no other alterna-
Bhm-jajah, v. to take cold rice, to have a m i d d y meal. tive (as, 11'mbanse=he is obliged).
Bhm-jasngi, v. to take tiffin or mid-day meal. BLu+naiap, knbo, 77. inonhus.
Bllp-Sang-iap, kaaa, n. a disease which attacks the under part of Baiiiun, hr, 11. n bog.
the toes, supposed to be caused by ssnd getting between the Bap\loi, n. vindictive, anptious, enailr oI(ende(1.
cleavage. Bapli, N . pitial~lo,poor.
B&m-fiiangriej,a. to be wormeaten (said of fruits). "-
~ ~ ~ - ~ , y n tub, c11..~lowland
r, rice.
*Barnon, n. m Brahmin. T J ~fro,, 9 7 . ont,-i(Ie,surface,-phr. ldt-bhr= to nns\\ of
BAmpong, kaba, n. cancer, scrofula. n;~tnre.
BAmplan, r. to live from hand tr, month. *Barand%,k(t, n. veranciah.
shrnram, v. to live in debt, to incur debt. [Imit. bamram-bam- *Barand&]MI,12. a 10% cl&di;brandy (wine).
shah.] fBarobakhor, u, n. spices.
BBmrwing, v. to eat sthing (fruits, etc.) on ihe m y for personal *B,lrobor, ad. always, incessantly.
d&re or nec~iaity~[e.g., a travelier who plficks fruits (fmm a Baroh, a. all, every ;-pltar, every ohe, *direly.
grove belonging to others) on the way for eating there and then
and not for taking them home or for selling is said to bnm-vtzfng.] B w , n, n. s village4eity ;-ka, n. a standing in a market place,
- a btall,-ndv. as a lodgcr, as io the worfis sltongba8a, thhhbagca.
* Hindi. .
u Rytzketc-ts-baa, a vilkqe deity.
_- - -
* Rindi. I f Bengali. $ Engtia.
Ba~an,u, n a state officid in the Khasi Hills ; a petty 'village 1
Beit, a straight, right ;-ado. uprightly ;-v. to a p o .
oacirrl in the Jaintia Hills.
%hala,,a. not straight, crooked (of planks). . tBela, &a,n. a violin.
Bashia, a. to be particular in the choice of food ;fastidious. $ B J ~k3, , n. bonch, -. rr mh,--a kind of fruit the L a d of
whioh is oooked and eaten.
Bashla, v. to be rlazzlcd. B6r, zt. to sprinkle powder.
Basli, ka,n. s flub. Blr, a&!. like a flash [as, " n g ioh-i ia ka hamar ba ka bd ka
Bat, v. .to hold, to catch hold of, to grasp. lei-lieh bi?r."]
'bat, u, n. (dlrea. of kynbat) weed ; mdioinal plant. Bet,v. to sow ;-u, n. sedge ;-also a word nt & the ond of a sen-
'bat-iambiit a, n. the sensitive plant. tence and is eqnivalent to " lct mr see" 1)08, d n lch srio bct."]
'Batabak, (shah), ka, n. a leaf-umbrella. Bet-dier, v. to be late in the season to m,Iab sow*.
Batai, v. to explain, t~ mskc clear. [ ( t j t i t batai-scbtrri.] Bet-lzp, .a. to sow a seed early in tho season.
*Bate, v. to distribute. Bhn, nd. well ; good, better.
Batip, ad. knowingly (often ironica?ly,,a, u kren bat&). [Imtl. Bhnhriew, a.beautiful, prztty.
batip-banaug.] *B!lan~,tc, n. bhang, Indian wild hemp ;-(klrie-) v. to become
Batip sngi, n. good, well-behaved. [Itnil.batipsngi-tipnong.] mad, as from tho effect of b!ttrgag.
Bed (same as bet). Bhnh, k t , n. share.
fBeng, kn, n. a big frog.
Beh, v. to send away, to expel, to pgrsue, to ~ e e k;as, a pre/ix
about to (as in the words, behshoh, belileh, behkhok).
- f Bhai, a,n. a fried.
Biiamct, a. hmltlry, hzving a good constitution.
BLb, kn, 11. a uumbcr conhilliq thirty-two (in counting fruits-
Bchbeifi, v. to drive or persecute wrongly. [ h i t . behl>e%-beh-khoh.J nt C11c.ra nnd other bazars).
Behkha-behman, a. helpful to neighbours in time of need. Bltsrsngi, a.lucky.
Behdiengkhhm, ka, n. 8 dynteng annual festival to drive away Bl~ek,ad. heavily, (as, hap bhek, buh bhck).
pestilence (cholara) . /
Blioh, a, to desire impudently.
Behmdd, v. to hunt aftsc wi!d -8nim-als (so also, beh-skei, beh Rhoi, n. the inhabitant of the northern lowlands of the Khaai
khiat, beb-dngiem, etc.). [Imit. behmrad-behmrcng.] and Jainth Hills ;an ignoimt man.
Brihnongshohnoh, s. to ursne in order to murder for the propi- Bhuk-bhak, ad. confusedly (as, ki la bred bhuk-bbak la ki jing-
tiation of u PhZea. &mi,. behnongshohnoh- behnong~almhtuh.] kit)-
BehsbLi, v to go about collecting debts. Bhum-bham, a3. with conftlsion of noises [as, <' nga shu mgew
Behshnong, v. to excomrnnnicate (irom the village). [Intit. beh- da ka jingea-wa bhum-bhattt jong u paitbah."]
crhnong-behthPlw.1 Bhur, &a,n. (goes along with pang) epilepsy ;-a. one of a her&
Behshoh, a. to threatea to beat. [Ikil.behshoh-behdat.] ( a i d of wild boars).
Bei, v. to help with money,-ka, n. mother (Eynteng), *Bhut, u, n. a ghost, evil spirit. [ h i t . u bhut-u soitAn.3
*Be-ijot (leh), v. to dishonour. Bhut-bhat, ad. instantly (as, barn bhut bhat).
*%i-man (same as b'ymman), adv. falsely, untrstworthilg. fBia, v. to marry.
Beifi, v. to worn, to des iae, to challenge ;+u. mrn£ulIy, con- Biing, a. enough,-ad. again, s second time; in ya"ce [RE, " t b k
temPtuomlP, -cruellyfas, leh bciG.1 iaid biang ho."] -- -
Beiii-shyntur, v. to make a mouth. ~Gdi. I t Bezy-6. i . .. _.

l d /I

' *Bid< u. ra. a water-casrier , a bhisti.
Biangbiung, ad. carzf irlly Cis, leh birr rrg bit1ng ]
Biah, v . to spit ; to c'lwlge ; to return the exc3ssmQney in a Lard Bit., a. fit, proper ;-v. to cfick ;to resemble.
ter ;-n. ka, a bundle of 60 pdrt or betel-leaves. Bitar, a. angry.
Biahphongrhi, v. to infect, to taint, to lap eggs opfleqb (hy a fly). Blab-blab (kren), ad. to jabber.
Biah-tympew, v. to apply a little quantity of Em.: to a pan-leaf Bliid, a. tasteless, unpalatablr.
folded. Bhit, ad. through, across (as, mih blait).
Biar, ka, .n. a wall ( e k a ) ; girth. BlSit-buit, (lieh-), ad. bloodlessly (white).
Bid, v. to eat a little at a time (of sma!l pulses). Blang, n. goat.
Bikrornp.~h-hiah,ku, n. a very large eagle (fabuloss\. Blang-u-bhed, u, n. collective name for sacrifi.cia1 articlps brought
tBidesi, tr.d. to a foreign land [as, "bun k i Khasi liihn sh?ngsnny b y ryots to the Non~liremannual puja. (Bhed=quota of pa@
ki leit b:deJ."l.. leav cs) .
Bidnng, a. to be strict ;-ad. strictly, witho-it indillgenco Bhr-blar, ad. pale [as, balei ka khmrtt ka lieh blar bEar
[as, " lolei phi k r e ~bidmbg eh iz ki khun."] kumne ?"]--a. not tasty, colourless; (as, " u shet blar-blur it%
Bieit, a. foolish, disabled, d ~mb. [Anit. babieit-bs anna.] Same ka jptah").
as biej. Bltlw, (sngew-), v . feel lonely.
Bib, ka, 41. poison. Blei, n. God, a god. [itnit. ki blei-ki-dken.]
Bijai, v. t become worthl(bss; --bijuiei, ad. in vain, for non,abt.
I Blei-thaw, u, m. an idol, an image.
*Bijhr, a sor;owful. grievijus ;-a. sorry. B!lrst-bliat, ad. altogether, completely (as, khoh bliat-bliut).
*Hila$ h.n, England ; Europe. Blir.blii ad. pale (as, stem blir-blir).
Bili, u,n. an iron instrument for lifting a cookin$ vezel from the Bloit, v. to fall otf; -ad. suddenly and imperceptibly (as, mih bloit).
fire ;au instrument for p~~uishing crl~inals,[Atlit. u ~lim-blom,ad. mutteringly [as, "ki briew ki iakren blom blom."]
bili-u kynda.J
Bluit, ad. ~~xddenly (as, mih bluit).
fBim, u. n. a beam ;-ad. heavily (as the fall of big timbers or
stones), [as, " u maw 11 11:iphim hapoh urn."] Blur, ad. through, from s i b to side (as, pei bblzsr).
Bin, ad. cLirefu!ly (to pick), [as, " wst leh khlemokor, da Bria, v . to hear, to be informed.
tam billt is ki aohkhawja."] Bn&i, ec, n. mo ?n, mowih.
Bin-bin, n. an ato:n ;-ad. very small. [As, 'k i symb.ri kiba r:-:e Bnet g, see byneng.
bh-bm."] Pniah, see bpiah.
3inong-bishon (khun-),a. good, noble. Bniap, 8ee byniap.
tBir, AGQ, r. s fiwrsl~,a lake. B<at, see byniat.
Trim-biri, a. to he in confusion. Rniej, same as byniej.
Biria, ad.jokingly [as, " wat bitar haba ngs krem b i k . " ] [imit. Bnoh, a,rc. u purlin, a .;tick with a crooked head.
$Biakit, w, r. a biscuit.
fik, kc, luck. Limit. b bok-ka rwimg.j
*Bok-bok, v . to bother.
t'Iliekurom, u. m. god of 41 srte ;a Khasi V h n . Eonpang, v. to stand or sit astride, to straddle.
* B W ,v. to j+ ;-. legal p r d q p . [Inrid. bishsr-khadar,J B,-kuang (mikh03-, lit-), 'dlean a& tbin [Aa, '' i brim
Bishni, o. to be emvions. iba rit bongknaag."]
H . f Bengali. 1. $ English. * Hindi.
k 15
Boh, a. to tie behind. ' Broin, ad. spot!ed, (as, thoh broim).
Bohkhaila, ka, n. a dlroti or a garmont for the loins (worn by Bmp, ad. unexpectedly, grt~dually(as, 113~bnp).
males). Brop-brop, ad. iu drops.
Boi, v. to swarm, to be plentiful. Brot, kct, n. bronze.
Bvi-boi, ad. soft and coming off easily (as, lah boi-hi). Brull, see sol1bruh.
*Boina, ka, n. earnest or pledge money. Brhifi, ad. with h ~ g spots
e (as, thoh brui5).
Boifi-boiii, ad. very soft, yielding (as, jem loiii-boiri). ~rorn-brum,'ad.with heavy steps of a number of persons ; [as
Boit, n. a fabulous fairy of only a cubit in sbture ;a Lilliputian ; iaid bruat-brunt.]
a small boy in the Wgir districts. Bsa, a. to feed, to nourish. [Intit. bsa-btiah.]
*Boitha, ka,ta. a rudder. Bsap, a. to hido, to mix with, to insert.
f B61, ka, r. ball ; bowl. Bseifi, u, n. zr serpent. IImit. ka bsei6-ka mait.]
B6r, ka, n. power, iofluence, authority. [Inzit. ka bdr ka s3r.I BshBc?, u, n. s civet.
gBorkapor, kn, a. a kind of coarse cottm cloth. (Begag. boro-ka- Bsinng, ka, m. mil tar, pitch.
PO^). ljsiap, a. to put between t r o things : t o insert.
*BorkyadAt, tc, ta. a guard for prisoners (from Barkandaz).
Bsiat kti, 11. to fillip; to map one's fingers at.
Borma, u. n. auger ; a native of Burma.
Bsiaf-ksai, v. to mark a straight line with a thread.
*Borti, ka, n. a bucket ;-v. to elllist.
Bsong, n. a ferret.'
Brah, ka, n. the u p s tree.
Bsub, rr. to push in, to intrude.
Bdi, v. like, fond of ;-u, oa. a Elid of white mongoose.
- . Bsut, v. to force a way through, to enter.
BrAi, ad. asundir (of a string when snapped [as, " dkut B r G i LX Hta, v. to wash the fa@, to besmear the face with.
Bhm, a. poisonous (of fungi or fruits). BtBi, a. weary, tired.
ad. mud.iily, soft and sticky. [As, " kane ks ja ka
Bran (iaid), ad. quickly, btiskly, in baste. Btsj-btaj,
j jam ttC1jibfaj.',]
Bred, v. to throw away.
Bred-ei, v. to throw away as worthless. Btat, ad. snappishly, asunder (Pis, dykut btat).
Breifi-breiii, ad. falling softly like a drizzle. Bteng, v. to join.
Btep, v. to corer with earth, to put under ground.
Bri, ha, n. a grove, an estate, a farm. [Zrttit. ka.bri-ka kLynde\v.P
Bria, ad. slightly, indistinctly (as, thoh aria). Btet, a. a taste like that of an unripe fruit; astringent.
Rthah, 3. to send ~vordto, to inform, to instruct. [Tinit.bthah.
Bri-kdi, %IX, n. a betel-nut grove. bthing.)
Brin, ad. as i n a row (as mih brin). 4

Bthat, 9. to break with the bands, to snap.

Brimh, ka, la. an orange grove (lib. fruit ?rove). .' Bthei, v. to.explode, to burst.
Briv, briew, er.a man, woman, perem ;(i-j the apple of the & Bther, tad. at random [as, ki kiusiat EtLet.1--a. to put additional ties briey=people. .:.
Bmh, d.pitted (genedly goes along with soy. Bthi, a. sticky (of fat).
Bmi (eph), u, n. a kiad oflaour fruit. Sthing, ka, n. wax.
Bthong, rr. a hbg-deer,
Eindi. 1 1 Enplish. I § Assamtee.
. Bthuh, a. m o w , gray.
Bti, ha, tt. a kind. of tree-or waodrof reddisl~colour called poma in Buifi, v. to suck.
- B6ih-Wi, ad. with grimaces, contortively, [as, " khih ka khmat
Btiar, v. to feel a stinging pain. buiti)-baiii"].
Btin, b. to lead by the hand. Buit, ka8n. cunningness, cleverness, scheme. [ h i t . ka-buit-ka-
Btuid, v. to slip ;-a. slippery. akor.]
Rtdr, b. to connect or link as a line of srgument. Buitti, a. inoiined to staling. [Iiit. buit -ti-buit-jat .]
Rukhir, a. stingy, niggardly, parsimonious. [Imit. u hukhir-u tBujai, v. to explain.
sakhir.] Bul& u, n. a mask ;a masquerader.
Bu-Lid, *i. to be intoxicated with liquor. [
Bhk-bak, ad. as quick as possible [as, trei Buk-btxk].
I Bulor, bilor, u, ra. a bottle.
B ~ u a,. many, mu&.
BIM, v. to follow, to imitate ;-4.a fold of n thread or rope, as shi- Bh,u,m. burnt turf for manme.
bud=ono fold, arbud=two-fold, etc. Bb-ktien, a. talkative, loquacious.
tBudam, u, n. a button. BQnshah,ad. many timea as much.
Bud-du, u, n, a carpenter's brace. Btinsien, ad. often, many times.
B6d-dien, v. to track, to follow, to scent. B h , v. to creep or-cstch (lika fire from onegmsy plot to another)-
Btid-makjat, v. to follow close to the heels, Bur, ka, n. a raft.
Buh, v. to put, to place, to appoint. Bwk, v. to give compensation for.
Buhai, v. to provide ;to colonize. Bnmm, ka, o,.'honoar, glory;-+. to honour. [Imit. ka burom-ka .
Buhai-shnong, v. to colonise.
*Buskit, ha, n. gift, a present.
Buhbot, v. to be mindful, to devote one's attention to.
Bydi ka, n. twenty (used in counting fire-wood,etc. same as bdl).
Buhbynda, v. to mortgage. [Imit. buhbynda-buhbyndop.J
Bylls, v. to work as s day-labourer ;-ad. rightlhrough (pierced)
Buhksm, v. to engage, tr, give employment. [ h i t . bnhkam-buh- : [as, ccpeibyEla u khnam."]
jam.) 1 Byllai, ad. in p t numhers, (as, bun bylkit'),
Buh-ktien, (is-),v. to betrbth. [Init. buh ktien-buhthylliej.] !.
Bylliang, (st-), ad. having the marks of strigtbs, [As, " u sympat
Puhkhoh, bukhoh, ad. disappointed, aggrieved [as, " la sngew ha ba'n da at bylliapay." J
bukhoh shibun eh."]
Bylliat, ka,a. a kind of hd-wood.
Buh-ia, v. to 'appoint a time.
RyUien, ad. very nnmerously, (as, iaid 6yZZim).
Buhnfid, v. to cherish revenge, to bear a grudge.
ByUQd,v. to p w so as just t o toiloh anything, to rub gently, to
Buhrih, v. to hide. [IPnit.buhrih-C.ahkai.1 graze.
Buh-sngi, v. to appoint a day, to postpone. [Inzit. buhsnsi-huh- ByllGn, ad. bulgingly, kke a cramp, (ss, at bllun).
ia.] . ...
B.:m, pkr. that not, because it is not. (It is . a contraction of
*Bu-iam, u, n. & jar (eup. one madc of prcclak). +
ba ym.)
BGd, .a. itching, exciting. I +
Symdd, a. improper, not right (Bs pdei.) "

B'ymjukut, a. e k e d .
* Hindi. 1 t Bengali. ~';mi6r,a. good for notfig.
*=- I. t Bengali. e
Byna, v. to hear, to be informed, (same as &a). B ~ h u i f i4 reddish, [as, u soh d raw byrhuinj.
, .
Byndi, u, s.the moon, a month, (same as bnai). Byr-ie, a. dim, impmired, smblyopio (d6 t h &hnurt t0
Bynda, .&a,n. mort09gg.ed artigle. IIrnit. bynda-byndop. ] dmote imperfect eyesight).
Bgndi v. to mmtgage. [Iait.;byndf-byndop j-Ra, a. a prison. Byr-iong, a. blackish.
Byneng, ha, s,*. the heaven, the aky, [ w e aa hmg). Bymep, csd. thiok with, (as, rben byrrcep).
Bynhei, ec, n. contribution for wwrifiae ( u d along with the Byrni, ka, n. a sack, ti coarse bag. [Imit. byrni-byrkhew.]
word 8ynn"iang). Bymidong, ka, a. a small sack ;a gunny bag.
Byniah, ad. fastidionsly, carefully, [same as bniah, as, leb bniah.] Byrshem, v. to push in the faggots, to abut, to join together, to
Byniap, ka, n. a bash, a thickst, (same as brriap). come in contact.
Byniat, ka, a. tooth (same as hid). Byrship, a. knock-kneed.
Byniat-hati, ka, n. the tusk of a n elephant, ivory, Byrsieh, a. defiling ;--u, pa. a god who presides over or superintends
Byniej, ka, n. a $quare fish-net drawn by one peraon and tied frolp
tihe four corners to a pole, (same as &miel]. Byrta, ka, a. a notice, an announcement.
Byfiiup.5yAfup, a. drizzling (~lsedwith 'lap). Byrthhp, ka, rc. a plank partition.
Bynfiiaw, ad. peevishly, mournful~y,(ae, leh b@iaro). Byrthen, v. to rage (like a big fire), to threaten lmdly ; to vmife-
Bynoh, u, n. a pole, ,a stick with a v k e d end;- wmed, bent.
Byrthiew OP pyrthiew, ol, n. parched pulses ;-kaba~, ra. eruptions.
Bpnfid, n. to &pet.
Byrthit, a. hstened to, clinging, vis~cous.
Bymap, v. to side Sth,to place togethe with.
Byrt-Gt pek, a. niggardly, hard to bring out money for papmant ;
p h e w , u, n. human being ;-ad. in good condition, sound. [As, m~erly.
" mynta ba phi Is, m g b h te la i bynriew bad kumne keifi Byrthup, a. greyish.
&in nan@; ehsit irat."]
B ~ h & v: to let down a bad:
Byrtia, a. stingy, hard to pay one's dues.
mnta, ka, n. a portion, a aham, a I& Byrtong ad. as a sorcerer, (as, kren byvtong). *'

Bynthiew, o. spit with violenw. Byrtun-byrten, ad. long and entwiniog, [as, " balei ka met ka at
byrtuta-byrtera."] I
3yr, when a d with Adjwtiv.e=wt-+h, (as, by*eaw=redd0i8 .' Bythat, v. to snap, (same as bthat).
~p;ddw,h. r. a s h e - k n , .g u p p e d te cauUse oenvulsive . .
fits. .
K, the third letter in the Khasi Alphabet.
Bymgem, v. -to tIm+ten, .to menace. [ l m i t . byxngemrbymgit.j Ea, art. a, an, the ;a sign of the Feminine or Neuter Gender,-
she, it. It is also a word put at the end of a sontenac for the
Bymgia, a. to be liking, to be pleasing ;-m. tr, while m a y the sake of euphony, [as, " phi'm shim balei ha."
&'a, ka, n. e Simul tree (see @a).
liaba, 1.p. who, whicr;, what ; 2. (prefix) c a d before verbs and
Ailjectives to form Abstract Nouns meaning that which /is ; as,
pymgut-bym& ad. dwy, indiatimA1yr (ae, idmi b y w p f ~ koba saw, Kaba b h .
byrnget). *Kabt%b,&a,n. roasted Gesh.
Byrhai, ad.nzgny a;nd in ordet, (as, dmng Wflh43, Kaba-k4i, 92. plaything, sport,'&m, not rea-.
-)l~rhien,ad. many aud in order, (as, iaid:b;vwhien),- C IJ',&,
Kabo, v, to request, solicit importunately (Bynteng origin).
*Eali, kcc, n a carriage.
Eabu, ka, n. good ldck, opportunity.
I(ali-bordi, kcs, B. a bullock-cart.
#Kak, rs, n. a oork.
+Earn, ka, n. work, necessity, need, Elmit. ka kam-ka jam3 ;-v.
Ehd, v. to tear, to rend ;--ka, m. a place of meeting, a harbour. to claim.
*Kada, ka, or u, n. an ass. K4m, v. Co stride, to pass over, (same aasjdm).
Kadiang, ka, n. left hand, left hand side.
Kfidjatdoh, kabit, n. cracks on the underpart of the toes.
Kaym,phr. she or it ......
not, (mntmtion of kaf ym).
Kama,i, ha, 4%. inoome, living. [Imit. kamai-kaja ;--o. to labour,
K&d1ongkueng, v. to shoot upward (with an arrow). to work for.
Ehd-skjtur, kaba, n. hare-lip. Kamai-khpdw, &a, a. what one earns while u m r r i e d .
Eaei ? p. who ? what ? *&man, (shong-), v. to be on duty in an outpost.
Kaei-kad, n. a thing, anything. tKamar, cs, m. a blacksmith.
Kaei-kaei-ruh-em,phr. nothing at all. Eam-bah, ka, r. a miniole ;o big concern. [lmil. kamhah-bsm-
haci-re-kaei, phr. something or other, (we know not). -.I
Kana, v. to jet out. Karn-karikor, ka,-n. mechanical works.
K'ang, a. to cry, to scream. (Another form of iyang.) Kamon, ka, m. right hand side.
Kang&r,a. gluttonous. Kamon-u kadiang, es, la. neighbourn.
Koh, v. to shade, to darke;;l, to screen. Eamra, ka, n. a room.
Ksi1sit3 v. to attempt to bite, to snap at.
Kam-ram, ka, la. duty.
Kamra-shongkli, Ka, n. a drawing-room.
KAi, ad. for pleasure, for fun, (as, leh kai). K a m - s h n o k m - A , ka, n. politics.
*Kairt, n. a Marwari. Kan, o. to reserve, to suppress, to hold, to keep silent.
Kaibri, Ka, s.motions, stools; evacuations. Kayn,phr, she will, it will or shall.
K6,i-khl&w,a. to conduct a guerilla warfare. , K'an, e. to hold one's breath, to bear down, to B'train. This is a n
K6i-kynthei, a. licentious. abbreviated form of kyan. ,
K&in;Ka, n. a kind of tree-the bark of which produces eruptions Kane, a. this.
on the skin. SKani, ha, n. opium; a number containing 40 x 10 = 400
'kAin (a6brev. of skain), zt, ra. a fly. (betel nuts).
'khiu-dait, u: s.a mosqnito. Kano P p. which ?
'Irhin-iong, w, n. a moat-fly. Kano-kano, p. my one, any.
gait, Ka, n.a plantain, a banana; (Synteng) scissors. Khp, u,m. a prong ;-v. to join in friendship, to match-inaria;
*Ealai, s. rMati&a:ai ;-v. to tin. . bly preceded by the ?~ordia (as, ia-kap).
*Kapbur, a, camphor.
Kal&fi, v. to whirl rcrund (as with s torch), wield ;wag.
Kalew, v. to bite without any sncoess (as with the gum;).
SKaptan, u, n. a a p t a h (same as &bptb);
EBr, v. to stir with, mix with, (said of rice when mired and
--. / oooked with some other grains).
* Hindi. 1 3 Engliah.
Hindi, I t Bengali. f EPglish. 1 5 bssamese.


Kamt, v. same as kasaicrt. (An onomatoptio fonn).
I h h , v. to earth up. Kba, u, n. paddy, unhnsked ria. [ImiL. n k b a ~ -khaw.]
*W, ka, n. an iron cooking vessel (for o d e ) . Kb&in, a. to scatter, to besmem with, (ae a little ohild when eat-
Kam, n. the Qara ing food).
SKamd,k,n. gmison,'gaard, guard house. Ebeit, us n. a kind of hawk.
Emb,n age (more oofieotly k~ A). Kber, u, n, a winged white a d
~Kartlla,u, #. s cartridge.
* K a W ka L g ka ahmi,-*. court-home, kut~berry.
fitai, a. that in sight but at a dish Kbin-kbin, a. amall and well out.
Katbs, ad. while, as muoh as. Kboh, 0. to Smatch.
Katba long, phr. be aa it may, come what may. Kbum, a. to c w up the lips, to shut up, to keep something in
ICatei, a. that (up there), the said, tho a f d . the mouth.
Eathie, a. that (down there), the following. fcdang, b v e enough (of food), to feel satisfiedbto be replete.
Katne, d. thia much. Kdait, u, n. reed or e l m .
G t n e katne, ad. aa much as this, so much. K&uq ad. violently, with a h , (as, cc a khang kdorrr, ia ka jhg-
Katno, ad. how much P how m a y 3 knsng?').
Katno-kitao, d.however rnuoh. Kdar, ad. brightlyabrilliantly, [t~, "ka bneng ka la rang kdw
Katts; crd. so much.
a t , a. to tarn &arp to another direction.
fit& katfa, ad. to euch an extent.
mew, v. to point out or b t (with the htuut).
Kattei, ad. so much (up).
Kdiah, a. to break, to anap (with the hand).
Kattai, ad. that much, (referring to s thing at some distance).
Kdiap, s. to walk mutiouslys to stalk game.
Katthie, ad. so much (down).
Kdier, v. to etrsddle(bad scmse).
Eatto, ad. that much (near you).
Kdiar, 4. fransparently, uncloudedly, (said of water or weather).
Katto-katne, phr. some, more or Lass, a certain amount.
' aik-kdik, ad. hrobbingly, (as, "ka mynsiem ka khih kd$R-&dik");
Kkw, ka, r. a number=1,280 ;(in address) I say, Ho ! hear me. longingly, [as ('u kmah kdik kdik ban ioh-i ia phi"].
Kawsng, v. to throw. Kdkg-kdang, ad. at all, sincerely (used negatively) ;aa, n-
girw-kkw, (is-), u. to make a noise or ohmour. tip k d i s g - k d ~ qh u."
~4w-kt%w-dkw-d~iw, ad. clamorously ;-v. to make s clamour. Kdong, ka, n, a corner; an appd~16ty.
Kaweh, v. to fan, to wave. , to bend, to ourL
' ~ d 6 rv.
Kawei, a. one, mrtah. 'ZLdup, v. to mbaqe; to defend.
Kawei ka-81;p. m e other. Keh-keh, d.efammeringly.
Kawei-pat, p. andher, other. 'kei, n. (abbrev. of ekei), a barking deer.
~ s w i a tv.* to k t with mm& , W.
s m a ~ to 'kei-sop, u, n. a roe-buck.
K&w9hiliang-khw-arliang,&a,a. s fine. , Keifi, (an intensifying patticle)=that'e it ;--ai m p . enough?
tbat is till.
goin-noh, v. enoug? ;+: ~ W J ' loqui quid), [at+ f h j i i w
k d n - ~ h .1
KEM KHAD-~R.BONGTHAI Khad-tlr-kur, H, n. the twelve electoral clans of the Oherra 8hte.
Kern, a. to arrest, to seize ; to wrestle ; to resemble-when pre- 'kha-dki, km* n. one of the pieces of fish fried and preserved in
ceded by ia ;tending to, ahowing the signs of, [as, kern-synrai, o l d jars.
ahowing the s i p of autumn, so also kern-tlang, km-pyrcm, Khadduh, ad.lastly. [Imit. khadduh-khadwai] ;--a. young&, last.
Khat, ad. but, I see (used as a mrt of digressive expreeeion),
Kern-*bikh, v. to impress coolies, to arrest indiscriminately.
Kern-ka-k, ka, rc. (poojah term) pieces of broken egg-ahell
Khad-ei, ) [w Phi ong u'm don Mad-ei, o don do".]
&d-ja, a. to serve out boiled rice. [Imit. khadjtr-khadjhur.]
which lie on the left or right hand side of the central biggeat
broken egg-shell called ka lieag. P h d i , a. thirteen.
Kern-khap, ka, la. a kimkhap (cloth). KhAd-tyr-ut, 9. tc drive away an evil-spirit called ka 't Tyrut " by
means of &orifices ;to shun, to dislike. [Imit. -khad-da-ka-fpr-
Kem kshid, v. to be affected by evil spirits. ut-da-ka-smer.]
Kern-ktien, u. to interrupt, to rejoin. ghadu, ka, a.bracelet,
gem-iong-reiii,kaba, n. dusk. Khang, a. to shut, to hider, to forbid, to prohibit.
Kern-pang, v. to become ill. - 'khang, u, n. (dbrev. of tyrkhang) ffon. ,
Eem-puri, v. to become ill by thc influence of a fairy. $hangai, ka, n. the yolk of an eEg.
Ker, 0. to mrround, to enclose. Kbnn kdong, 0. to corner, to surround. [Imit. khangdong-khang-
Kdr-kut, v. to surround oomplctely; to ercd a fort or lid!
stocldrde. Khangkhhi, (peit), o. to scan, to have an eye on, to serutiniee.
KGr-dam, v. to hedge round leaving no opening. Khangkhnam, a. (in an archery contest) to prevent an arrow from
Kew, u. ra, wheat ;--(voc. w e ) , husband's sister or brother's wife hitting the target by invoking some deities.
as addressed by the sister. 'khangk~iar,u, la. the golden fern.
Kha, v. to give birth -;+a. relation from the father's side. 'khangnar, u, n. a kind of fern, a tree-fern.
'kha (case of address), i, s.1. a paternal aunt ;2. (dbrm. of doh- Kbah, u, n. r d ;--a. close, thickly set ;to be tainted with (blood,
kha), fish. dust, etc ),4. very often ; [as, " Phim ju kham shem khah
'khabniang, u, rc. a pipe-fish. ia ki dicng kseh shaphang Sohra."]
'khabycein, u, n. eel (small). KMi, a. to pluck with the nail.
Khak, ad. tightly, firmly, [as, " u bat khak m ka kti."] ghs-ii o. to trade, to buy and sell. ~lrnit;.kbs-ii-paten~.]
Kha-ki-man, ki, rc. neighbours, not being members of one's Kh&, a, rough, coarse. .
clan. Khhin, a. stunted.
Khad, v. to shovel ;--khrfd, to perform a sacrifice for the repulston KhaSshi, ka, n. scissors ;truss;
of an evil-sprit.' Khairim, ka, n. the Nongkrem State:
Khad-$r, a. twelve. Khiit, LC, n. ring-worm ;ia-, equal (match), endiq in a draw.
Khad-&r-blang, ka, n. the name of a part of the Khyrim State in Khhit, ad. entirely, at once, [as, " u h ham lut khai!."'] [Imit.
the Whr country. lihait-khiej.3
Khad-Ar-bongthei, ka, n. a portion of the Kamrup district on the Khait-khait, a. very poor ;no margin to leave, [as, " u briew u,
Khasi Hills border and formerly under the subjection of the lcag uba-duk khait-khctit."]
Khasis. Is
*IUlajanahi, a,n. a treasurer. Khap, L,n a big drain ln a hati laid or a ditch mund a fence ;
tXhalt+kbala, ad. immediately, at onoe, (as, "wan bhaia khala"). border, aide.
Khlah, v. to throw up as with a shovel. Khap, 0. to fasten, to 01- ;to border on, to gripe.
KhalAi, v. to gamble, to play ;to throw the dice. Khap (bhm), o. to ptbrtake of a feast given to tho smonnding
KhaUimait, v. to display one's skill in the wielding of a sword, land-holders for witnessing the sale of land. [~lni).bamkhap'
Khalm, a. to let loose ;to dismiss, to get discharged. barn-khbm.]
'Bhalasi, u, n, coolies aent to a distance, eepeoially thoso used for khap-bria, a. having M i a l l y closed eyes.
explitions. Khapngish, a. crammed, overfull. [Imit. khapngi&-khap-6fi.]
Xhalki, Ra, n, a window. 'khapiah, ha, n. a kind of dried fish. [ h i t . 'kha~isb-khadaE.1
Khalek, v. to dame round and round a group of drtscing damsele Khapnap, a. close-fisted, niggardly; hard to part with one's
(by men only). money. [Imit. khapnapkhapbit.]
*Khqli, a. mcmt Bhaprip, a. to close the eyes ;to wink.
*B;halisha, ka, n. a carpet. tghSr, ka, n. s mixture of the ashes of burnt plantain folds with
Khalor, c. to give birth prematurely, to have an abortion. aome other' things dsed by the Bhoi people to salt their curry.
Kham, a. to close the fist ;- d j . cmp. deg. corm onding to the EMr, a. to gther, to pick dp ;to have looseness of the bowalswals
Englirh adj. ending in -cr; more. '(As, kfa?.bha=better, - 'khar, (abbrev. of dkhar), r. a foreigner fmm the plsina ;;ne of
Eham~rong=tallcr.) the clans among the Khasis bearing that name, e.g. Khar-
{Khamakha, ad. without mson ;for nothing. kongor, 'gbsr-ngap-kynta, 'Khar-sawian, 'Khar-shi-iing, etc.
Khambynriew, a. better off. Xhara, a. of the same good size.
Eham katto-katne, a. coasiderttble (number, quantity, time);- Kharabrtk, u, n, the feverdemon.
Khm-kynrei, a. more abuudant. 'kharang, ka, n. a roasted fish.
KharAi, ka, n. a ditch, a trench.
vhamtam, ad. mare especiadly,
'khar-slot, u, m. merchant from the plain8 (on the Sjrlhet side)
Khamti, ka, n. a meaeurement fmm the elbow to the end of the who buye whol&.de goods from the hill-men, especially potatoes.
little iinger of the closad band (i.e., about 13inches).
'kharkhw, n. a villager of the plains, (tit,one who lives in B G m ) .
tKha-mukur, u, n. small fish. (Beng. magul-mash). [Imit. kharkaw-kharkor.]
$ban, a. to think out ;to cons~ltthe spirits by means of ah.egg, Kharkhar, ad. harshly (onomatopoetic), [as, 'lu kren eh khar-
rice, s$one, etc. khar."]
' *B;t~masamari,ka, n. how-tax liet, census.
Rhar-kpoh, kaba, s.diarrhass or looseness of tho bowels.
&hamtang, v. to relate one's personal experienc~; to recount, Khariew, u, fi. a kind of wild climbing plant used for poisoning
to rehearse. fish ;Bmg. BbZot ;--(Bot.) MiZEetia Pacchycarrpa (Bth.).
Khan-lctem, v. to divine as to the track of hunted game. -mi, v. to multipIy, to increase in population.
Kha?iia, a. stingy, bard to pay off one's dues. Kharpgd, n men mustered for an occasion.
Kb~n;pSlleng,o. to divine by breaking an egg with a grain of KharmW, 6, rs. a dwarf.
rice. fKhas, ks n. a land whioh has not been brought under a regular
Khanryntich, divine by the swing of a bow. settlement, a waste land.
Khan-shanam, 0. to divine by the swing of the lime-case. Hindi. I tBengrli
--- - -- -
* IIiutli. I t Bcngali s2
'KHA-S 4W KHAW-o?'
'kha-dw, ha, n. s v e q wmmon fish in the streams of the Khai
and Jaintia KhAw-pet, u, n. fice purchased with money as distinguished from
Ehaseng, u, -n. a species of reed. .
that aollected from tho field.
*Khash6r, ka or u, n. a mule. 'ithhw~d,a. cowardly, timid.
JKheshra, a. imperfect ;preliminary, rough ;+a, n. a land which g h s q p i t , q n. fine particles of rioe left after having been
'bodem on the pXm districts. crushed and sifted ;broken rice.
Khaai, n. an inhabitant of the Ehmi Hills. [Imit. u .Khasi-n- KhAw-rneng, u, n. rice carried to be used on the way.
- *Kh&wahira,a, n. parched rice ; ( l h d . chiwra).
ka, *. dddd fish pounded and mixed with ginger. Kbftwtyndep, u, e. rics of e yellowish colour supposed to have the
power of stupefying people when thrown by the " Nongshoh-
Khasynrop, a. to give birth to twins ;to be twin-born. aoh " or Thlen-keepers.
Khat, c o ~ jbut,
. (see khd-ei) ;-v. to drive away devils by divina- Khek, ad. abruptly, suddenly ;[as, u ieng khek.]
tion, as, kh4t-tyr-ut. Kbengkheng, ad. ~esistingly; [as, " u pyn-oh khengkheng."]
*Khate, a. to deduct, Kheiii, v. to break; to reckon, to value; to have a regard for J
Khat4, cmj. see khadei. to care. -
Khat-um, v. to massage by -asing water and oil.
Khein-ba'n khhi, a. to propitiate the evil-spirits (see k h e h ksdid).
Kha-u-man, u, a. one relatod by marriage. Khein-briew, Q. to have some regard for.
m w , u, a. unboiled rice ;-unhmk&l rice. [ h i t . khaa-a- Khein-burom, v. to be dishonoured, to be put to shame. [Imit.
kba.] - kheinbumm-kheinsurom.]
E h w a , a. to ferry. Kheiii k8r, v. to value highly, to prize ;to esteem.
tKhawai, a. to feast, to entertain. [Inti€.khawai-dawai.] Kheiiiksfiid, a. to find out by divination the devil who causes the
I Khawait, a. to ply the hands like s duck while swimming, 60 disease or misfortune and to cure that disease or remove that
Khwait, ] paddle. propitiating him. [ h i t . kheinksuid-khein-khrei.]
I 3haw-kbaw-daw-daw, a. penliiless, very haor. KheZ-kupar, a. to be dishononred,
Khtiwdllla (ai-), a. to outcast (see k y n t b jymbuit~). [.hit. Kheiii-kyllQid, a. to make a liberal estimate of. [Inzit. khein
khawdu'h-khawtsn.] kylluid-khein kyrwa.] ,.

Khsw-ei', 0. to be afraid of. KbeZ-dewthala, a. to reckon as worthless.

Khhw-iang, u, a. a certain plant used in fermentation, fermented Kheifi-doh-ksew, v. to become obstinate or desperate,
liquor-(dei-), phr. affected with wine. Kheiii-dohiap, tr. to become desperate.
Khamiah, a. t o reach at and to pull a thing by means of s long KheiE-dQh,a. to become reckless, to give one9elf up aF lost.
stick (such as a rubber ball that has fallen in e well snd that Kheii-poh, o. to under value, to under-rate ;to look down upon.
cannot be reaohed with the hand).
Khawoh, 9. to bale out (water) ;to bring down or drag a thing KheS-sbG, a. to give an account of an expenditure ; to take
with some c m k e d instrument. into consideration (used with a negative expression ; as,
'' nga'm shym bhei~telitziia phi.")
ghawoit, a. to beckon with the hand; to paddle. Kheiii-snep, a. to care for (used with pa).
Khiw-ct, k d a , s.rim not properly Kheit, a. to pluck, to gather.
*Hindi I t Bengali tKhejur, u,
* Hindi I tBeW
Khem, a. to squeeze; to rub and pms tbe body or limbs gently. Ellie-lung, a. to bring a new shoot.
Khemdut, a. to milk. Khie-rih, a. to be attacked with fover.
Ehemmet, v. to maseage. [Iait. khea met-khem phtkl] Khie-sarnmut, 0. to have a hncy for ;to be caprioiously inclined to.
KhBr, &a, n. a stookade for capturing elephants ;an enclanre for
catching fish ; a plaae or distriot. Khiesboh, a. to be unusually liberal or kind.
'Kheshwan, u, ro. a driver, a, coachman. JChie-sboh, a. to have fever, ,
Khie-sl~ylluit,v. to bud,
Khet, ka, n. a throne. [Intit. ka khet-ka bishna.1--o. to cut l&io step-khie gbyrngAp.]
down, to sever. Khie-step, a. to rise early. [Itr.Qt.
Ehet-tiah, v. to out the trees or bamboos and leave them to rot Khiow, u, n. a vessel, a got. I/tnit. u kbiew-u siang.]
in the same place. 'khiew, u, A. (abbrev. of dykhiew) ant, rts, u " khiew seiiiiong."
SKhi, ka, r. ghee ;-v. to shave. 'khiew-diengb&i, u, n. a big red ant (generally, living in .anest
ghia, a. heavy,-4. with a revengeful spirit,
khia ia u aamtlr ba u la kren pynjah burom. '1
p, *'u la b&&d on a tree).
Iihicwja, v, w. a pot for oooking rice. [Inzit. khiowja-khiew-
Khiab, a. healthy. [lmit. khiah-nang.] jyntah.]
Khiah-krst, khiahksaid, a. to be in a very souhd health. Khiewja-Kti, i, B. s toy usod by children for cooking.
*Khiar, v. to be mindful, to pay attention to. Kbiewmutlop, 24, n. (lit. an obstinate pot) ; a thiok and wide-
Khiat, ka, n. a moss-deer. mouthed carthen vessttl.
Khbthew, a. graceful, elegant, disifjed. Khiewphiang, u, n. a brazen water vessel.
Khie, a. (bper. only) go away ; get up (from s recumbent posi- Iihiew ranei, u, n. a black earthen vessel (so called from ite being
tion) ;to take place, to recur, (as, " La khie ka jingpang, la made in the village of Larnai or Larnei in the Jaintia Hills),
khie ka thma ha pdeng u Russia bad u Japan.") Kliiewrynsong, a, n. another kind of brazen cooking pot,
Khie-bhang, a. to become mad as if from the d e c t of & k g . 'khiew-&w, cs, a. red ant.
Ehie-bhur, c. to have epileptio fits. 'khiew seifiiong, u, m. a, big black at. , -
Khie-ka rasong, v. to be fortunate, to be in the height ofpsasperity. Rhiewsla, u, n. a thin brawn cooking pot.
ghie-khlam, a. t o becorns epidemic (used especially with reference Khing, (ia-), a. to resist.
to cho!*ra). K& s. to start) to move, to shake. [[Inil. khih-ktr.1
Khie-khlieh, a. to keep one's head above water, (as " u la dap ghiih-lyngkhum, a. $0 be unreat by reason of excitement.
eh u'm lah khie-khlieh shuh ").
Khie- hyndiw, v. to reach the age of maturity.
Khie-kieh, a. to stir up suddenly as if for action or on account of
Khih map-map, a. to quiver.
m-1Pi-n&d, a. to shave the head in three patehes (this r'efers
to a Khasi custom of punishing an evil-doer before his banish-
some impending danger, generally followed by " buk." ment from hia country or village).
Khie-kyllang, v. to be cyclonic. jKhilki, ha, tt. (same as khalki).
Khie-iong, v.\t,o be stormy. a i l o n , ka, rc. an grch.
Khie-im, c. to revive ;to rally. *Khilonshi, ha, n. a .scaffolding.
Khielapeh, c. to have abundant leaves but *thout grain ; to Khim, a. narrow.
grow prematuely.
* Hindi, I t&ngsli.
Ehir-khir khm-kbar, ad. studiously, (as, " u wad dong hi &Air-
&hipkhar-khar $3 ma"). men-khlen, a. muscular, strong. [As, u " briew ube kltln-khlen
ruh u leit khrong."]
ghir-shi-khir, ad. oonstantly seek s muse far quarrd ;EBB. 66 balei
L , ,

phi shu wad dong Mip-8hi-khlr ia nga."] Khlew-khlew, ad. ataringly, (mid of big eyes, as, " u khl8 u peit
KMa, n. a tiger, s leopard [In1 it. u khla-u thlen .] Khliak. ad. momentarily, (said of small objects, as, " nga ioh-i
nlawait, u, a. an expert warrior. khliak ia ka akei").
KhUb, u, n. a spleen, esp. an enlarged one. Khliang, u, 9t. the stomach of a fowl or bird.
Khhk-khhk, (khiiiot), ad. gaggingly, thmttliagly. [As, c6 u wan Khliah, v. to brwk off, to pluck.
ba'n M o t khlak-khlak ia nga no ka ipdang."] Khlib-khlib, ad. looking fixedly, (as, " u peit khlib khlib") .
KhM, v. to pad, separate, secede ;--ad. apart ;-+a. parts. Khlik-khlik, (lieh-) , ad. cleanly white and tidy. [h, " llriam
m n g , ad. vacantly (Looking, as, "u peit klrlang ia nga"). da ki jain kiba Veh kl~lik-khlik."]
KhlY a. to pluck with the thumb or nails (as thc grains of maizc) . Khlieh, ka, 9t. the head, the top. [Intit. ka khlieh-ka reng.]
Khlaiii, a. strong, coarse, rough. Khlieng, .a. to dean the inside (of a vessel or well) ;-ka, a. kite,
Khlait, v. to breakzoff, to be dislocated. eagle.
Khlhit-khlhit, ad in tears (bathed). [As, " ci ba krcn ba p h i Khlieng-ka-tyngab, ka, phr. hearsay, rumour.
ism-khlait-kiilait kumne."] Khiing-kbling-khhng-khiang, ad. (look) round about.
Khlm, ka, n. a pestilence, a plague eap. cholwa ; a she-devil Kblir4chlir, ad. clearly, transparently, (as, 6 c ka urn k& sngur
causing cholera. [ h i t . ka khlem-la nmh.1 - - khlir-khlir").
~hlam-s&d-iap,a. having the sppenmnoe of one who has htcly Khl6k khlbk, ad. snortingly.
recovered from an attack of chole~u. Khlong, v. to pull out of a narrow place.
Khlaw, ka, n. jungle, [ l m i t . khlhw-ka btap] ;--a to draw out, Khlop, ad. there and then (fall), [as,
to extract, to dig out. - " nga kawang shidieng ia u
ksew bad u kyllon khlop."] 1
Khleb-khleb, ad. flickeringly, as, "ka shamk ka 10% khle4.- Khluit, a. hot, boiling hot, scorching ;--a. to burn.
khteb." Khlup, a d completely, (as, tap kRZup)-a. wellcovered (wrapper).
Khlek, ad, glaring w i t h a I h h , '(as, '#ka leilieh ka Ed khlek"). KhlGr, w, ra. a star.
Khleng, ad. showing the white of the eye, (as, " u peit matseh Khliir, a. to 'come off (as hair.)
Khleh, i.& mix, to p u n d ;-4. mixed. [As, " une u briew u Khmat, ka, n. eye, face, appearance, end of a thread, subject ;one
of the points or issues of an argnment ;every (as, " khmat u
Khleh-lamwir, mo."l rangbah briew u dei ba'n mih." Also spelt as ' khymat').
Khlei, a. to cast out of the mouth ;to spue. - Khmat briew, phr. every person.
KHei6, ktc, n. lard, fat ;-a. fatty, rich, oily. [ h i t . ka khleifi-k&
sbuh.] -8-khmia, (sngaid-), ad. like a person having a, short and
thiok neck. [As, 'l ki Babu D b tiba ioh tulop b h ki k y b
Khl6j-khl6j, ad. tearfully,. (as, " u iqm khhj th&$"). sngaid r'chmiru-bmia."]
Khlem, prep.,without, Xhmied, o. to look up, 4x1 lift up the head.
Khlem-akor, G. careless, reokI888, nnmmnesly, rude. . - Khmih, a. to look, to behold.
Ehlem-da-pbd, &c. unoeasingly, alwap, [as, "u Daniel u duwd KhmihktX, v. to look on as a spectator.
khlem-&-pzid."] Khmihl$ati, Q. to oxpoct, to look for.
BhZemr@i, cb. &aeleas,. [Intit.l d & d f i - k b l e m d . ]
Khmih-matdong, v. to eye with suspicion. Khong-shi, n. 20 p n laves.
Khmih-sW, v. to gaze. Khongtoi, ka, n. the buttook.
Khmihsian, v. to watch. Khongw6ng, a. like a part of the circumference.
Khmih-syntiat, v. to spy. Khoh, ka, n. a conical native basket ;-v. to skin, to p l .
Khmihthuh, a. to examine, to make'out. KhohZuh, ad. big and mund, [as, " u phan uba heh khohluk-
Ehmot-khmot, ad. angrily, (as, " u kren kh~notkhmot"). khohluh."]
Khmfid, u, n. r squirrel. K h o h b m , a. rugged, full of stones.
- Khohsbdn, v. to come off, (as from the effect of rubbing against
Khmuin, ka, ra. a bud: a protuberant object.
a, stone, etc.).
Rhmut, ka, pa. the nose; the tip of anything.
Khohsiew, ka, n. the knee. [ h i t . ka khohsien-ka kbohnhb.]
K h n g , ad. purposely, intentionally.
Khohwah, ka, n. the calf of (I leg.
Khnangkhning, cwl. without fail, [m, " m s h m soh ia n p Khoi, u, n. parched rice mixed with m o b e s .
khnang-kbzing, ho."]
RZzndi, ka, n. a mouse ;-u, n. biceps. Khoi Khoi, a. easily provoked.
Khnam, u, n. a n arrow; a small trap for catching fish (Synteng). Khoit, ad. wholly, entirely. [Imit. khoit-khiaj];-cowtr. of
kyrkFaoit-a artillage.
Rhnap, ka, ra. cloven hoof ;--a. to squeeze between the l e s ,
Khnap-dpei, ka, n. the wooden frame of e hearth ; a fender.
Khoitkait, ka, n. the inner past of the ban- tree uscd for w.
Khbr, a. hard, strong '(mixture) ;-k~, tr. a silk, (Aesamese=Gum-
Khnek-khnek, ad. with a hop, lamely, (as, "u itlid khnek-khnek
kumba dkoh") . ch.f=9)-
*Khorsha, ka, a. expend it^^&; mst of law, suit. [Imlt. ka
Khiii, 0. to be on the po%t of crying. khorsha-ka boreha.]
Khiiiang, a. worm, insect ;eruptions ; parasite. Khot, a. to wll, admit, to accept as a lodger or a husband.
Khiiiot, o. to squeeze, to gripe ;to rape. Khm, y n. a pitcher, an earthen water vessel.
Ehiiium, 0. to grumble, to murmur, to mumble. K h d , a. to cut across,ss, sever ;-khdi, ad. many and small (uscd
Khnok-khnok, ad. limpingly, [as, ",u iiid kh~aok-khptokba pang with vit) [AE, " kine ki &fin doh kha ki.dap kh&i ha ka
,kakhohsiew."] 1)~."l
Khnong, u, n. a beam supporting the plauks of s floor. [Imit. u ~ 6 r ~ i ~ k h ka.e hto, behead.
khnong-u rijied.J Khram, ad. with a mash, &olently (as, u kyllodklram).
Khiioit-khfioit, ad. slowly, [as, "balei phi iiid khiioit-khgoit Khphn, ad. very (healthy), faa, u la koit he has rcco-
kumbb pangkhrew ?"I vered completely].
Khong, a. resembling, taking the likenessof. [As, "une u -w, a. great, big, large ;-ah. proudly, arrogantly
kh-h u kJwng kpa shibuh."] Khr$w-batri, bz$a, n. the great, nobles.
Khreh, v. to prepare, to be ready. ,[Imit.khreh-khrum.]
Khongkhong, a, irritable, hot-tempered. Khrei, a,~ 1 .used withYCsuid, in u ksuid-ca khrei=an evd spirit.
Khongdong, ka, n. a turn, a corner ;-a. zigzag. [lmit. khong- Khrew, a. sickly; to be in a chronic state of illcess. [ h i t .
dong-mongdong.] khrew-khriap.J .
Kbongdong-jat, ka, st. the heel. Khh-khria, (rit-), ad. many and ant&. [As," k i gla u dimp
Khong-ieng v. to open (by means of a lever, eto.). kseh ki lofig kiba rit Khria-RLia."]
Khriang, ka, n. a rapid, a shalloiv current. --
Khon,~n~b,ad. contrariwise, topsy-turvy. [Imit. khongpong;
khoqdeh.]-n. a bundle containing 60 p m leaues. a IIi~idi.
Khhnpongka, n. a bastard, a child of an unknown father. hilli ilia^, v. to fold or wrap ;-ka, n. a fold.
KhQnrei,n. a child of a widow or widower. Khylliat, ka, n. an instrument for pounding a mixture of betel-
-,-- nut, pan and lime, muoh used by the old people of the Ehasi
Khdn-ruid, n. a step-ohild ; nephew or niece. [Imit. khunruit-. and Jaintia HiUs.
Khtin-soh syiem, u or ka, n. a subject or citizen who belongs to
Khyllie, v. t o raise up, to turn out (stono).
another Eyiem or Chief [e.g., Bhn ns kiba shong ha Mawkhar ki Khyllieng, a,n. the inner soft part of a bamboo or a cane+-the
long ki khun &Ah-soheyiemn]. green pa& or bark having been peeled off.
Khfinswet, n. an orphan. [Imit. irhumet-kbnnmyhg.] Khyllong, v . to dress the hair into a knot.
Khhn-tamsneng, n. a disobedient child. KhyndAi, a. nine.
KhQn-thepmynsiem,n. a pet child. Khynd&pateng-6iamra, ka, n. an infernal abyss,, hell.
KhbntrAi, n. one's own child ;a lqgitimate child. Khpdat, v. to throw, to jostle, to push, (same as kyndat).
Khhr, v. to gather up together ;tooscrape. Khyndew, ka, n. dust, the earth. ' [ h i t . l a khyndew-ka shyhp.]
Khura, v. to search. Khyndist, a. a little, few, very little. [Itnil. khyndiat-khynsoit.]
Khur-khur, u, n. the sound of laboured breathing of a dying Ehyndiet, v . to lift up; to raise (of s lid) ; to uncover.
man. Khyndit, a. (same as khyladiat).
Khuri, ka, n. a cup, a bowl ;ka lei kh&=the houaehold demon Khynnah, n. a child, a boy or girl. Elmit. khynnah-khynlung.]
of a certain clan (laid-Dkhar) of .these Hills. Ehynfiiat, v. to push.
Kh&r-metu, n. the outer part of a bamboo or a cane. Ehyniiing, a. squeamish.
K h u U , v . to be anxious, to be aggrieved, to be troubled. Ehynfiiuh, v. to trbmbleJto shake,-u, n. earthquake.
*Khusdm, ka, n. a name, honour, reputation. Khynfiiuh-rih, kha, n. shiverings caused by fear; paroxysm
Khuti, a, #. a shod past, s peg ;-v. (urn-) to phy dranghts. of fever.
Khutia, kd, n. (pi.) odds and ends. [Imit. khutia-khulain.l-od. Ehynfiiuh-u-j& kaaa, n. an,earthquake shock.
in a very small amount at a time, [as, u "siew khutza la ka Kh-, v. to pull down, to break down.
m,m jong nga"]. - - . Ehp&i, v. to out and fashion, (generally said of pieces of wood,
Ehwiang, v. to wind or turn round (when wdlchg). as, khynrai latom).
Ehwoh, v. to pull a by means of a hook or claw^.
- - - --- ..- Khynrat, ad. in a hurry9while in a atate of confusion, [a,"u phet
K h y U v to off the bnrn~he~, to p-e ; (ia*), phr. to bad iehnoh khym-at ia la ki tiar baroh."]
pclss by heedlessly. Khyndw, ir a young man or woman; 8hongkliyyardw, to lead
KhyUh. a. shnge, queer, odd. [Init. kbyllah-khyIliaq.J s bachelor's or spinster's life.
KhyIUi, ka, n. the kidneys. Ehynwin, v. to be boisterous or tumultuous.
~ h i l l a i t ,(ha), adv. out of sight ;[as, ynda khyllait ma u ei Khydep, .v. to shut or slam (a door) without fastening it.
b&nkyBi ia nga"] ;in the obseme of. Khyrdong, u, n. what remains after the grain has been sifted.
Khyllem, v. t o f d on the side (ass wall) ; to oohpw. Khyrdop, ka, e. a gate, a porbl.
Khyllew, ad. vainly, proudly (when praised) ;as, kren or leh $Khyrnit, la, n. ibe mantel-piece, the cornice.
khyllew. Ehymmng, ha, n. a kind of er( cloth with red and white stripes ;
Khylliah, v. to break off, (as# s twig) ; (&hem-),to dielmts. the name of a Bhoi tribe who inhabit the country near M p e r .
_" Birdi,
Khyrwain, ad, tall and handsome (in stature) ; [as, ''u briew KI R KJAP-KA STL~R
uba bha briew khyrwazfi"]. [ h i d . kbyrwaiii-khyrweh.] Kir, a. to strike with a clenched hand (especially v~rtimlly);--
Khymait, v. to twiet, to wring, to strangle. [Imit. kh-it- a d ~at . once (as, "la kbie ka thma kir").
khyrwiang.] * E h n i , n. an Eurasian.
Khyrwiang, v. to go round. Kir-kir, ad. very h~.der.
Khyrwit, v. to strike, to beat forcibly (with a stick). Kiri, u, n. the title of a king's eon (also spelt Oiri).
a,art. pi. they. 'Kirmit, Ra, n. an .pgreement.'
Kiak-kiak, ad. titteringly. tKiro, ka n. a cloth measurement = 24 inches'
Eikd, k ~n.; liquor. [Id.ka Kid-ka urn.] 'Kismis, ~, $8. a misin.
Kian, ka, n. a charm, a magic ; keenness of intelect. Kismot, ka, n. fate, lualc.
Kiar, v. to avoid, to keep clear of. Kit, 0. to carry on the back with a head strap ;to Gar ; to be
K'iar (jun ), v. to spread over, to extend, same 3s kyiar. reaponsiblo for ; (Imit. kit-tah.)
E a t , a. rebellious, wayward. Kita, p. thoso (out of sight).
Ki4w, i, n. ir gra~dmother. *KitAb, Ru, n. a hook.
Kiaw-kurim, Ka, n. mother-in-law. Kitai, p. those (in tsight but farther off).
Kiaw-ngapl ka, n. queen-tee. Kit-bru, ka, n. an owl.
Kie, v. to be carried away by water; to drift . Kitkhia, 0. to take 4eep interest in ;to bo responsible for.
Kisberocg, v. fo be entirely in the power of (bad sense). Kitkhlieh, a. to be responsiblefor.
Kieng, v. to wear across the shoulder or about the waist as Kitei, p. up there ; those ;above mentjoned.
m p o n s , to sling. Kithie, p. those (below) ; down thero ; the followiq.
Kieh, 71. to be excitkd ; to be in an upoar. Kit-iapar, kuba, n. a very heavy load; (lit. to carry so much as tcr
Kiei 'l p. who ? what ? make ope walk on all fours).
Kiei-kici, ~z.things, articles. Kitjingkit, a. to m y loads. [Imit. kitjingkit-bahiingbah.1
Kicm, o. to ascend, to go up. Eitjingmut, a. to have tho meaning of ;to bear the meaning of.
Kicmkhet, zl. to bc'enthroned or crowned. Kitnong, 0. to aarry a i d for hire. [ h b i t : kitnong-kitni.]
K i ~ a - l a n ~ phr.
~ ~ lto
i ,be so much carried sway by flattery as to K h , p. those (in sight).
forget one's real position. Kitpop or* kitpap, a. to bc responsible for one's wrong doing.
King, z*. to row ;to stir ;to bc giddy (head). Kitram, Q. to be in debt.
K'ing, ti, ~ r a. n-aspl a hornet; also spelt as Kyiegzg. Ki turn-ki-tam, n. pl. things, furniture.
*Kil, 21, 92. a vakil, a pieader. K'iuh, v. to be afraid of, to tremble, (same as K y i ~ h ) .
Ki'n, phr. they will. (1G + yn.) Kjai, ad. well (dressed) ;-[as, " h b a ki h i t khmih kai, ki da
ICine. p. tLeae. r i m bha iijai."]
,Kjam, a. cold.
Kino :.' p. which ( ~ 2 . T)
Kino-kino, p. any. Kjap, o. to sip, to suckle;-a. bitterly cold;+. absorb.
Kjap-ka st&, ka, ra. (a poojah term) part of the entrails of s fowl
which is not full.
* Hind;. ' * Hindi. 1 t Bengali. -
Kjat, ka, rz. a foot, a leg. Blew-klew, ad, glitteringly. [As, ioh-i tang ki khmat ' ha
Ejat-sngi, h,n. sun's my. phyrniri klew kleea."]
Kjbng, ad. high up, to a full height, [as, "u knlai uba jrong Kli, v. toroll up.
kjeng "I. Uar, ka, n. the top.
Kjeh, o. to anivel. 8 Klihw, ad. ~teadfastly,unremittingly (of amdl eyes), as, khmih
Kjit, u. to suck, absorb. kliaw.
Rjit-sim, kab(c, rm. a disease of an arecanut which appears as small Kling-lingling, ad, all over, [as, '# ks madan kaba Is dsp da ka
black patches in the kcrnel, probably caused by sucking of birds. um klircg-lingling"]. L

Kj6ng-kjGq, crd. lightlp (as the frisking of a deer). Klim, a. to commit adultery.
K j i - kI ,
Kjhifi-kj6ifil. ad. aloft, high up. [As, " u shong kjoiii woili hnlor
ka rS~~dn.'']
Klit (jing)? ka, n. sleight of hands :-ad. very quickly, [an, leh klit]
IUiw-kliw, (ioog), ad. very (blnck). [As, " ki Negro ki long
Kjhr, v. to coax, cajole. ki briew kiba iong-spfiia Miw kiiw."]
Kjth, v. to fondlc, to m s s (of an animal). Klong, a,n. the heart ;a bottle-gourd. rrmit. u klongu skAw.1
Kjup, v . to suck, h w in by suction. Kloh, v. to push the hand into a hole.
Kln (sang-), -kn, n. n religious observance of a certain class of K16, a. ready.
tho people of the southern lowlands of the Klizlsi Hills, by Klbi-klbi, ad. quickly, shaq.
mhich they abstain from all intercourse with outsiders.
Klak-klak, ad. cl~attcringly. [As, "ka brim kabba krcn kktk-kkak!'] glli-lhn, ad. veiy quickly ;[as, " Kga tang sha ioh-i ia u, u la
buhrih ia ka wait kloi-lar,."]
Klang, v. to blnzc, to flare. Klop, v. to deceive, to cheat.
Klang klang, ad. glittcnngly. [As, "ha ri Dlihar, ha ka por Klhm, o. to roll up, gather up, to jumble.
l'iur, dap cZa ka urn blang klatcg."]
Wah, Kcl, la. (generally used with Numeral ~hjectives),a full KRn, V. to gulp, to syallow up.
arm's length. tKliIr, ka, (2.. one crore.
Elhi, a. fit, suitable. Kma, a. to wander, to roam about.
Kmang, ad. agape, eagerly (as, " u ksaw n peit kmang").

Kllin, a. to fod, to cross (a stream).

SHlas, ha, n. n, class. ICsai, ad. at least, if not
ai tang shi paisa"). all (as, 6' kmni bym la11 eh rob,
$Klat, ko;, 9a. a glass, a tumbler;-v. to turn abruptly to anotllcr
direction. Kmeng, ad. eagerly, (a,when a dog having a long snout is
Klsw, (pcit), rrd. unremittingly, stsadfgstly (of big cyes, as, a looking at something).
p i t kicr,oj. Kmen, v. to rejoice ;-a. joyful, rejoicing ;--n.. joy.
Klek(hAm), ad. at once (as, 16 nguid Klek.) ; flaringly [as, " ka h i e . , ka, n. a mother.
ding lia la ~ncb&id'']. Kniiekha, ka, N. grand-mother (father's side).
Zlep, ad. unawares (as, '6u hap klzp ha ka thlio~v"j. Kmie-ki-kpa: - ki, n. ~arotits.
Klcr, v.,to go beyond thc bound or limit.
Klot, v . to forget, to omit.
3 in,n. grand-mother (mothergs aide).
Kbw. $1 a l~~ncock. Kmie-nah, La, m. aunt (mother?syoungcr sister).
-- Kmie-san, ka,oa. aunt (mother's elder sister).
t Bengali. e%
Kmir-kmir, ad.very (yellow) p, "balei b6 &ern kumne kvnir-
Ei-Y:;,) (jem-), ad. &ily bent. [As, ttune u eiej u long uba
jem RMI
Kmir kumba dang lah pang? 1
Kolom, v. to plant a twig in the ground to grow. .
Knang(ia), v. to make a bargain for bringing in goods to a place
and at a time agreed upon. *Kom, a. less, defective.
.Knah, Ka, n. the cross stick in a bird-trap; the maffold. tKonopM, u, n. a kind of necklace.
Kneng, (ieng), ad. prominently. [As, " nga ioh-i ia u briew ba Kbp, ka, n'.the ear (of corn), the cover ;the cuff.
u ieng h n g halor u maw."] f *K6p, v. to vaunt ; to be praud of ; to challenge. [ h i t . kopsop.]
En&, v. to stretch forth a hand. Kdp, v. (followed by da) to deserve, it serves right.
Knep-hep, (jhieh-), ad. very (wet dothee). *K6r, ka, n. machine, an engine ; a resting place built of stones on
IViia, v. to sacrifice ;[Imit. kfii&khriam].-&a, n. maternal uncle's both sides of +a path ;-a. valuable, precious ;-iakor, to bid.
wife. Kbr, u, n. s mole cricket ;a kind of reed.
Kfiiakb, &a,n. annt(father'8 side.) KAr-kdr. ( i d ) , ad. to walk about like a beggar.
Kiiia kptiew, ka,n. o sacrifice which the K b s h performed at Korbk, v. to meddle ;--a. business, ooncern. { l n ~ i t .ka korMr-
home to n &leiSpteng called u Mahet. ka mrbhr.]
Knish-kniah, (hid-),ad. like the gait of a well-dressed damsel. Kordit, &a, n. woe, calamity.
Kfii, u, a. uncle (mother's side). [Imit. k6i'-u-kpa.] KordBr, a. valuable.
Knieh, v. to matoh away, ta CQ-ta. [Ivnr't. knieh-kdn.] *Korhajir, v. to be absent(from duty).
'Kobja, ka, n. a hinge. Korni, ka, n. a trowel.
Kok, interj. there you are !it serves you right 1 +got, ka, n. a paper, book ;a yard ;-ow. to reach. [ I m i f . ka kot-
Kong, i,,n. an elder brother or sister. ka-sla]
Kongbah, u, n. the eldest brother. Kotbah, ka, n. the Bible.
f Kongor, u, rs. one who marries a princess, i.e., tl ~yiem's'sisteror Kot-kot, a. illtempered, easily provoked.
niece. Kotkndi, ha, n. a circular paper kite.
Kongsan, a. chief, greatest. Kot-bda, ka; n. a blank paper.
Koh, v . to give chewed food 30 a child ;-n. 4 an
, old man (fern. Kot-ahini, Ka, m. s very thin paper, generally aged is making
=ka iam). kites and flowers or other ornamentals.
Ii'oh, ka, n. s concave cut at tbe head of an arrow 'to fit the Kot-shonsia, ka, a. blotting paper.
bowstring. Same as kyoh.
Kot-thalyngka, ka, n. a square-kite.
Kohagfih, a. to'obey, to nod, to acknowledge. .= Kpa, u, n. a father.
Kohngiih-snmthiah, v. to be drowsy; sleepy ;to nod (in sleep).
Kpa-kh& u, n. grandfather (paternal siae).
Kohljrngkti u, n. the rhinoceros horn-bill.
Kpa-hep, u, n. grandfather (mother's side).
Koi, &a, n. a fanm in t b 6 bed of astream to catch fish, a weir.
KpaiB, kcs, n. track of an animal.
*R6icl, v. to codne.
Xpa-nth, U, n. step-father, dncle (father'e younger 'brother).
*RoiZi, 13. a prisoner.
Kpa-ean, u, a. uncle (father's ,elder brother).
tKoina, ka, n. a virgin - ;Zenana lady or pa& nishin.
Poik. a. healthy, wel! ;-ah. all right, never mind.
* Hindi. 1 t Bengali. I $ Assamew?.
Epep, ka, n. the burning plam of a h i l y . KREN-KAI KREN-SIAR
Kren~k(li,a. to chat, to gossip:
K$r9 &a, n. a garden. [Imit. ks kp6r-ka phrah.]
&n .khiiium-khiiium, v . to mumble. [fmit. kren khfiium-
Kpieng, u, cr. a string of beads. [ h i t . u kpieng-u-kslth.] kbhium-kren khfiiam-bhiiism.]
Kpng, a. to exwv&te, make a hole; -n. ka, a goddew of G e n - l i h h ~t,;. t o boast, to tart big. [lait. kren khrew-km
luok. hangamei.]
Kpoh, &a,n. the abdomen, the stomach, family, house. Kren-khuticl, v. to speak about unnecessary and trifling things. .
Kpu, u, n. a cake, a loaf. & e n khyllnh, v. to speak in nn unusual or awkward manner.
Kpu-im, u, tl. dough. [Imit. kren khyllnh-kren khylliang.1
Kpu-rew, u, n. flour. Eren-kulmar, a. to speak as if one is in a confused stab of mipd.
Kput, An, a. revenge, vengeance. [ h i t , kren kulmar-kren liulmit.]
K n k (liat-), ad. down (dipinto a hole). [As, ka blsng ks liat ~ i e kubok,
n o. to speak as a seer.
ktak ha krem."] =en-dathew, v. to speak by pondering over the matter, to speak
Kdd, v. to icntob. to mtter ;-ad. in every direction, off, (aa, <' a after proper deliberation. .
la phet k r d ' ) . Kren-hnngamei, v. to speak arrogantly. [ f i r i t . kren hangamei-
Era~g,a. to hre, to undermine, kren hangapa.]
Kdi, a, ,rt. a millet.-v. to spread. Kren-jakter, v. to talk wnselcssly like an intoxicated person.
Knm.d with a m h (fall) ;[as, "u la kyllon kram."] ICren-japnej, v. to drawl.
Exam-kmm, (kyllbid-), mi. very (momy or spaoious). [As, Kren-jler, b. to tell stories.
Ihm-krum, ] <%bspahpubon k i ong h kplluid krarn-kram."1 Kren=jli, u. tb speak offensively.
Krelq d.suddenly, (as, a ka ding ka la phprnai khrek"). Kren-laitlhid, v. to speak out freely.
ltreng-kreng, (iiiar-), ad. having big holes in a net work. Krcn-lamwir, v . to speak as one who is i n a deranged state of
'(kane ka jaiii kaba fiiar krewg-kreng."] mind. [Zmit. kren iamwir-krcn lamthnm)
h i , a. to scatter. Kren-laplah, v. to speak without due doliberation, to overstate.
Kreit, ka, n. a hard durable kind of wood. Eren-lkhit, v. to dwell on minor or usolcss dehils.
Krem, ko, a.a cave. [hit. ka krem-ka-kroh.] Kren-lyngkut, v. to speak bluntly.
)&n, v. to speak. [hit. h n - k b a n a ] Kren-madan, v. to. speak whatever comes bef ors one's mind.
IDen-beiii, v. to repik, to abuse. [Imit. krenbeifi-krmkhoh.] Eren mynthi, v. to speak sarcastimlly.
Kren-bein-blei, a. to blaspheme. Kren-nang-ang, v. to have a bad tongue. [Imit. kren-nangang-
Eran-blei, v. to be a spkesman for oome god (spirit). kren-nanghAp.1
Kren-blom-blom, v. to mutter, Krbn-pankwah, v. to speak as if one courts for an evil thing.
Kren-bok-bok, v. to jabber. Eren-pathirr, v. to speak at randon or inconsiderately.
Kren-briew, :a. to be sociable; to imitate the speech (like a Eren-sa, a. tc: speak sulkily.
parrot). Kren-said-hh, v . to continue to pres a'point after one has been
w to
~ & - b ~ n ~ i a a. , speak in s w)rrowful or rnournfol tone. beaten in argument.
Kren-byrtong, v. to apeak as a sorcerer. =en-salia, v. to tease. [Inlit. kren-salia-hen-salait.]
Kren-byther, kren-bthbr, v. to speak at random ;to hint at, Kren-satia, a. to vex, to annoy,
Krcn-siar, v. to back-bite.
Kren-sih, v. to use indecent language. (lmit. krensih-krenth] Ksang, u,n. bile.
k n - t a i n fain, v. to rate, to ohide. Ksangkti, ka, n. tho arm.
Eren-thda, v. to speak vainly, to speak thoughtlmly. [lmit. mng-lbong, ka, n. the muscle of the thig21. ,
krenthala-krenthalein.2 -
Ksah, ka, n. a ring ;--a. muscular.
Kren-thamula, u. to joke, to jest. [ h i t . kren thamula-kren-
thannulein.] Kshi, a, qa. threaa, fibre.
=en-thawdur, v. to speak jocosely. [lmit. kren thrtwdur-kren Ksaif~,C. n, a maggot. a'&ru,b.
thawdar.] &Aid, v. to roll on the g m a d , to ~prawl,to make an effort.
Kren-thlia, v. same as krm-sat&. [Imii. krenthlia-hthlait.] Ksam, a. to claw. [lmit. ksam-kbia.]
Kren-thuhkhana, v. to carry tales about a person. [Imit. kren Ksan, F. to justifg, win.
thuh khana-kren thuh khadeh.] &an-rumpei, phv. to win the e s e at home or when not brought
Kreli-thurmur, v. to speak thoughtlessly, before the court.
Kreo-wai-wot, v. to give a final and blunt answer. Kstlr, m. a fox.
Kren-wei-briew, v. to soliloquize. Kshw, u. to be accustomed to;-a. to be lucky ;-ha, ct. the
Kren-woh-nia, v. to find fault in an argument. goddess of good luck who brings in success -in every enterprise,
Krep-krep, (im-), ad. fresh (as, " u jhur u dang im krep-brep"). esp. in hunting animals.
Erk, v. to sharpen a d m with a small piece of whet-stone. - Ksoh, ka, n. a pine tree;-+, a resinous pine wood.
Kriah, ka, n. a sieve, a basket. [hit. ka kriah-ka shang.] Kseh-blei, ka, n. (Bot.) taxus baccatn; rt kind of pine tree.
Krik-krik ( p h y d i ) , ad, brilliantly. [As, " ka rong kaba dang Ksem, ka, n. flatus, wind.
phyrntii krik krik."] Ksew, m. a dog.
Kring-kring, ad. sparklingly (like the surface of water); shining Kshhit, ka, n. a waterfall, a cascade.
black;[as, " phi sleh rtiu kumne ba ka khmat Ira phyrnai kring- KsYeit-ksh&it, (lieh), a&. very (white), [as, ' l lieh ksheit-ksheit
kring"1. kum ka khoit-kait"].
Krih, i. spread. Kshong, ka, n. fat next to the skin, (as, " kehong sniang").
Erim, ad. with a crzsh (as the fall of a wall or a tree). Kshot, e. t o squeeze, to press.
Krip-krip, ad. twitteringly, (as, " u khiiiang u par krip-hip"). Esi, ka, 9 louse, vermin of the head.
*Krit, ka, n. a sword. Ifsiang, u, 98. an umpixe; a me,diator ;a go-between.
Krong, ka, n. a bier. ~ d a r ia,
, n. gold ;-a. golden.
Kroh, KG, a. crevices, holes. [ImiC. ka kroh-ka kram.) Ksing, ka, n. a drum. [Imit. ka ksing-ka dhah.]
Gem-) ad. like a broken egg-shell or like a ball Kging-ngiip, ka, n. a bee-hive.
, d e of paper.
Ksiew, 91. a grand-child (see khun-ksiew, para-ksiew, pyrsaksiew).
Knid, v. to scrape the emth lightly for high-land cdtivation. Ksiew-tun, n. a child of a grand-child.
Kmng, ko, a. the side, the rip. [imit. krone Ira h b . ] Ksih, u, ra. au otter ;-rz, one who goes through the water ordeal ;
Emin, u, n. a white ant. - squeeze on the throat, to throttle, to seize at the t h t .
Krum, ad. with a crash (of large things). Ksohi 'L'. to cling, to hold on.
=hi4 n. a demon. [lmit, a ksuid-u-khrei.]
* Hindi. Ksuit, kc&,n. matter, pus. 11 -
Kubi, t ~ n., a oabbage. % > -

Ktak-ktrtk, (iong-), ad. black and adhesive. [As, " na u shying

sohpieng qgi lah ba'n ioh ka rong kabs ionp ktak-ktak."] *Kublot, ka, n. a form of agrmment. ;a Rabwlyat.
Ktang, ka, n.'a bamboo pipe in which wator-is kept ; a clml?gn. *Kuboit, u, n. a small case, a charm; a t~liiman,amulct. ,
Ktah, v. to touoh. [Imit. ktah-shei.] *Kubur, a. to admit ;oonfess.
Ktah-kt4 a. to lay hands on. Kuki, n. the Kukie who are also called Zadern in the Khasi
and Jaintisl Hills district.
Kt4il;, w. to matter about.
*K_ukri, ka, PC.a dagger, a khukri.
KtAr-ktk, a. muddy. [As, "lakticll liaba ktnr-kttr~*."]
Kuda, ka, n. a cyst.
Ktem, 40, n. a track (of gamc).
/Kudam, ka, n. a godo~vn;abutton.
Ktha, v. to chew ;to havc a gnawing pain.
Kudimn-kudirn, a. vcry mcicnt.
K t h u g , a. bittcr.
ICudom, v. to gallop, trot.
Kthnng-kti, nba, n. one nit11 a llmry 1~1nd(Zit. bit tw).
Kudu, a. tolerably big.
Kth:ii, ad. we11 (drcsscd) ; [as, " n r;nm bh,? no11 ktkni kciilVj.
Kuhi~v,a. sbremish. \
KthAn, u, u. a grand-Iathet ,a fntllcr-in-law.
Kui, tc, tt. a lynx.
KthAw kuriln tc, n. a fat-ha-h-law
ICuju, ka n. a sort of flageolet mado from young bamboo.
I<them, ad. wcll, handsomely (drcsscd) [as, '<u l>y~moh bohkl~aila
noh teh kt kern kcin"]. Kulfii, n. a horso, a pony.
Kthik, ad. still and upriglit [as, " n icng 4iIih"I. 'Iiulbm, u, rt. a s h e .
Kti, &a,11. a haud. ICular, v. to promise ;-by n. a [Imit. ks kular-ka madar.]
Ktiar, rc, n. a centipede Kulbut, La, fa. an amhcd wooden fi-~lmcusod for s ~ ~ p p o r t ia~ g
masonry ~vorkin an m h .
Ktik, 0. to tickle.
*Iiuli, w, n. a porter, a bullet, a pill.
Ktieh, ka, rt. mud ;paddy-ficld. [Itnit. ktich-ka Iwcr.]
Kulia, hct, 91. gonorrhaoa (we iiiangkulia).
Ktien, ka, n. a mouth, a word. [Intit. ka ktica-ka tliyllicj.]
T<ulmBr,ad. confusedly, diso~derly. [finit. kulmar-kulmit.]
Ktub, ktuk, a. to mumble.
Kulong, a. very ancient. [Itr~it.kulong kumah ;ku!ong-kuloug.]
Ktbd, w. to crawl slowly and with effort as one 1~110is l~clplcss.
Kum, ad! like, as, nuintcntionrlly, [ng, " q a hum kren
Ktuk-ktuk, (iong), ad. of a dark and dirty colour, [as, "n Lricw bakla."] ;-u, fz. a pitellor.
ilba iong ktlck-ktuk"].
Xumln, a. clullen; obstinate.
Ktung, ha, rt. a small prcservcd fish ; a vetch. [Imit. ka ktung-
ka ktAp.1 Kumba, ad. as if, about, [as, cc ki bricm ki don kumio I00 nc"].
Ktui htci,.a. very muddy or dirty (said of water or dress). Kumjuh, ad. the same, all tho same, [as, leh-, hen-, kaa-
Ktur-ktw d. like a s~ilphnrousg!on {as, phyrnai ktur-ktar"].
,P Kumnc, ad. thus ; like this.
Kmng, o. tc) roam a b u t . Saul(?as ~ L C C ~ ~ M J .
Kumne kumnc, ad. at once, imnmliataly.
Kuah, a. to coulwt,to wish for anything. Same tis 'kkrcals.
Kumno ? ad. how ? by what moans ?
Kmh, (pan-), c. to eoul.t a wrong or bxl thing.
Kumno kumno, ad. anyhow, somehow.
RuAi, u, a. a r e a nut. Same as ktoai.
Kumno-re-kumno, ad. somehow or other-
Kuar, La, n. a fish trap, generally put in rapids ;-u, a milkman.
Earno as h a t - . * Uiucli. I English.
11 1
SKushia, u, n. m eel (big kind). Kylla-kabn-mut, v. to repent.
Kumta, ad. like that, so, accordingly. Kyllnng, 14, n. the Rgllhng rock in Khdsamphra ;a cyclone,
Kumto, ad. like that (as I said). Ryllnin, v. to wind, to be inconstant. [Imit. Irgllain-kyrjaw.]
~umto-kumne,ki&wn. of l& imporhncc, p(?rsons of no :
Kglbin-kyrjaw, ad. in s zigzag way.
Eyllain-mongor, ad. a~)ss-le@.
Kumwei, ad. otherwise, [as, D ~ "ong S k u ba'n leh kumne, hynrei
u leh da kumwei"]. - Kylla-j3iii-nrp, pkr. to bc dmtroyd or nnnihilatcd.
Kim, v. to reserve, to hoId one's breath. Kylla-jutang, o. to 1)c changing, to Bc capri&us.
Kuna, ka, n. a fine, an atonement. [Imit. kba kuna-ka ksit.] Kylh-13-ngkot, ra, n. Januat'g.
KunAi, a. to be p&rsimonious,to kcep. [Imit. kunai-kutin.] K y I ~ n a.
, to rub, smear.
*Kunjari, Ka, pa. a tambourine. Ryk-prrrh, a. to perform a sornemauIt.
*Iiunok, u, n. a seer, ra Gal~ak. Kyllong, ad. evoryw hero.
Kup, v. to put on ;attributable to sgmc demons (in pwjuh) ;-ha, Kyllep, ko&a, n. a lonolg p!.nco ;-a. capable of covering tbawholo
n. a suit (of clothes). [Inti:. ka kup-ka sem.]
length-ad. uuknom-iugly.
*Kupar, ka, n. the forehead, the fate. Kylli, a. ta ask; (phah kyili) to a ~ kfor marriago. [Itnit. kylli-
Kupar-kad, ka, n. an ill luck. Kylliona ad. m a loan, in mturn ;-kn, a.rr lmn. [Imit. k y b n g .
Kur, n. 8 relative (on the mother's side). [Itnit. ka kur-kn kmie, rsht.3
u knr-u h i e , ki kur-ki kmie]. Kyllhg-ktien, a. to rctort.
'Kura, u, n. a European soldier. Ky!lon, v. to fall.
*Karan, ka, e. the Koran. Kyllong, a. very big.
K m t , ka, n. LL saw. KyUQid, n. plenty oE qaco, spacious. [Imit. kyllt'tid-kyrwa.]
Hursttia, u, ra. a crocodile. Kyllum ,ad. in a lumpsum, as n whole ;--o. to gather up in a heap.
*Kuri, n. numbar,20. Kyllut, n. clcaf.
Kurim , b,n. a wife. [lmit. Kurim-h.pai.1 Kyn~Ad,a. to become swollen (as a Boil).
+-Kuro, ka, n. a league [used with airi.] Kynbat u,rt. hwb, ~vccd,mc:licinsl plant.
Kurup, a. to distrain, to confiscate, to rob. Kynkbw, 8 , to shout, call out.
Kut, v. to come to an end, to resolve, to agreo ;--&EL, n. astockade, Kynkhlek, v . to brandish, flourish.
a fort.
Kynkhloli, v. to sniff or snore.
Kut-jingmnt, a. to decide, to resolve.
Kynkok, v. to crow over a person.
Kut-Ed, v. to be at one's wit's end.
BKyncla, n: a:number=4 ;a rhinocerm ;a, form of corporal punish-
Kutok, &: very old. [ h i t . kutok-kutok ;:kutok-kudim.] ment in tthe old Khasi Penal Code. [Inzit. ka nar-ka kpda.1
Kya, ka, rc. simul tree. Kyd&d, n. a mole.
Kylla, a. to turn, to change. Kyndang, n. a string of flesh or fish ;--v. to raise or turn over as
Kylla-lieng, v. to capsize, to be ruined. with a lever.
Kyllaka3ur, KO, n. a large bat, a flying fox. Kyndang-kmah, phr. a person who takes a fancy to what it is
------- . impossible for him to gqt. -- -- -- - - -- -- -
* dindi. I t Bengali. I 5 Assmew.
g Aawnclr.


Kpdah-kyndong, Ra, n. Kynieh, v. to takc by force. Also splat k ~ t i d .
Kyndhr, & to d i d n t l e , tr, d. a aide Kyn-ib, a. to crow.
rimmedhat or slouoh. Kynja, &a, 91. sort, kind, n,at.uro ;+I, gataja.
Kyndht, v. to push away Kynjak, v . to express regret and surprise (by making e sound
i(Jndebs a. t o - ~ p i h t e ; led corn or rim. of jk-jk). [finit. kynjak-kynjik.]
Kyndiane, ad. distinctlj-. oh sngen ,+danO Kynjang, kcc, 9,. elevation, heisht.
haba phi k khot"]. Kynjtth, a. lonely.
Kynjai, cstl. peaoeful'ly, at case, tranquilly.
K ~ d i a p aa. to be ~ a d i c 111 things or small Kynjat, v. to kick &I-;. a pace (used with Numeral Adjective).
gain. [ I d kyndiap- Kynjing, v. to Bo fastidious (ioid) ;--ad. carefully and on tip-too
- - Kynjih, v. to misc onc self by st.andinq on the toes, to skip ;--
Kyndit, v. to be startled, ccd. with a springy step, (as, iaid k3$ih).
Kyndit-bpriew, V. to re: to oneself. Kynjlqr, ad. with a tapering snout, (as, " u ksew uba nep ka
Kyndok, u, a. sulphur, a klimut kynjlar") .
K P d o n g ~ka, a. a oomer ,pad, said of small Kynjnot, acl. the appearance of a slender and thin moman [as,
things as, '.u khung " ka tymmen kaba jrong kyqtj~aot"].
') i-(Mnl).=)
villagers a Permn f r dy place. [fitit. Eynjc;ng, at?.high up, on tho top, (as, " u iens M o r u mambah
kyndong-kynshrot.] k~njoit~").
Kpdoi-jakpoh, V. to go
of work or food.
. plaw in soarch Kynjoll, v. to aim at, to reach, to be ambitious.
Iiynjoh-khaskhiii, v. to pcrfo~pla poojah ceremouy before occupy-
K+, kc^, a. atep;gm:1t o-ka ing B newly built house ;-n. Khasi housewarming.
Kynddp, ad. 1ike.a'lhnall cc i ing iba rit Kynj6ifi Cjrong-), ad. up, aloft. As, "u shong ky&% halor u ha-ti."]
.kyndop' '1.
Kynjrait, v. to plill with a jerk, (as, " u kydrait ia ka kti haba
ia kl~ublei")
- Kynjri, u, la. a chain.
KyndQb, v. to m&t wit!>,
Kynjri-tabah, u, 1,. a silver or gold chain worn across the
Kyndhp, ka,n. taopalrn- ). shoulders.
Kyndttp, a. ovcr-hanging Kynjri-walldong, 21, 1,. a kind of earing.
Kyndhr, ka, n. an oven 01 Kynjrot, v. to pull off bit by bit.
Kynha,, a, to shout eialtil prise. Kynji~h,v . to jolt, ; to try (the weight or heaviness of a load).
KynhOm, z-, to give a war -bdnL. Kjnjdii, ad. safely, aloft. (as, " n don kynjdri- halor u hat?').
Kynhied, v. to rebuke, to K p j u t , v . to p d l out, to feel a throbbing pain.
Kph6ia V. to shout by sag
Kynjot-kti, 21. to shake hand.
Kynhfin, kn, A. a flpck, s Qnm;in, a. to remember ; to recollect ;, (as, "pnda Ia
Kpn-:An, ka, ob. the breadt slii kg1111dwhynne ~nynmiet nga ioh silgem ba ka lyniiiar ka
l i p i e b , ad. raised up ,(as l r i e - ) [Inlit. kpmaw-kyndit.]
Kynmiw-bynriew, v. to regain consciousness ; to come ta oneself. Kynroh, ka, m. s wall ;-v. to build a wall. [/mi#. ka kynroh-ka
Kynnit, ad. like a tail lifted up (as, " Ira sim ka dem 'kyadt ha
ka tnat"). Kynroi, v. to stir, agitate.
(jrong-), ad. like a long protuberant objeot. [As Kynroi-prie, v. to ha-ie nausea.
gg~k,) (6 htciong lca-balmjmng ttgnnet!']

Kynnoh, v. to pronounce ; to blame, to find fault with. [Imit.

KgnrGh, v. to rinse, churn, run~blo, sl~nkc. [Itnit. kpn&-
kynuoh-kynta.] Kynrum, ad, confusedly (like clcbris). [Intit. kynrum-kynram.]
Kyn-di, v. to hush, to lull a child. Xynrum-k-vnram, ki, 9t. tllings lying about in confusion.
Kynpha, v. to address s male as if he were a female (by using Kynnip, v. to pounce upo;~,t ? st:izc.
personal pronouns in the feminine gender). Kynmh, v. to striko or pus11 sit11the elbow.
Kynph411.1, v. to help, to sssist. Kynslli, a. of tho bcst kind, st?lcctcd, choicc, sterling.
KynphAt, u, a. ootton. Kynsan, (id.forcibly, suddenly, [as, "ka mias ka kynrup &yft8an
Kynphia, v. to bluster. trait ia ka khnai."]
Kynphdt, ad. like a fop. [Bs," u leh ialadc kpphcit ."I Eynwt, z*.to insert, to stick to.
Kynphui, v. to wish to be unlucky, (especially in amw-shoot- Kynsha, a. lonely, horrid, dangerous.
ing),-a. bushy. Kynshah, v. to side with ;to bc closo ta.
Kynphuit, v. to spit violently, to decry. Kynshait, v. to gringe.

Kynphtlt, ad. improvidently, carelessly [as, ((u masi u barn I

kyrtphut ia u kba"). ] ad. shrewishly, Eas, "bdei phi lehkphdtit kumne."]
r , looseli (8s. " ki mein I
~ y i ~ i uad. 6 ria* phew kynphw ha Kinshew, i. to collect,' gather together ; 10store up. [Imit.
ing"). Lynshcw-kyndip.]
Kynplam, v. to dabble. Kynshin, v. to dislike eatable things.
KynrAd, a. a master, a lord. I Kynshoit, v. to instigate ;to abet.
Kynrang, v. to undermine, to dig violently. Kynshriang, a.g r a duli elegant (form).
ad. with long horns. poirlting in opposite directions or
Kym"* 1
KynrGm, with long moustaches.
Kynran, v. to retire, to go backwards.
Kynshu, 21. to set n dog on.
Kpshur, o. to move forward.
Kynsi, 98. a brother-in-law or sister-in-law; (doik$tz&) having
Kygreng, ad. with long horns as those of a stag, obstructingly relationship not prohibited by Kliasi customs to marry.
[as, " nga ioh-ih ia u masi ba u ieng ky?treng."] Kynsia, v. to hiss.
Rynrci, a. al~undaat,common. Kynsit, v . to close the mouth of a pouch by drawing its thread on
liynriang, a. crooked, leaning to one side. both
- sides.
Kynriah, v. to remove, to shift. K~nslup,1 v. to suck violently.
Em,v. to sift with. .a sieve. Kyndut, zr. to miff, snuff.
Kynro, v. to grope. . Kgnsnok, v. to snore.
Eynrong, v. to raise oneself a little from the soat while sitting ; *Kynta, ka, rt. hour,-v. to ..makc an unnwessary mentioh of
to prop. details.
Kynrong-sh'ing, v. to perforq a ceremony for depositing the -- -
Hindi. I
bones in the common ancestral cairn.
Kyntait, v. to reject, to throw aaide.

Kyntang, a. oon&cra,ted,holy ;-v. to finish up the fringe of a net-

Kynthoh, v. to make a blotch or mark, to criticise ;to comment on.

ad. crest-like, Laa, u spong ky~thvong.]
work. Kyntho, v. to give out as decided with a view to win the gam~.
Kyntang-marim, u, n. the spirit of a person who died on the . Kynthung, ad. oonspicuously (like a big solitary tree).
high-way or out-of-doors and whose body lies exposed and
unburnt. His attack to people is indicated by a severe headache. Kvnthun, ad. with big, fat calves, (as, " u briew I I heh ~ ka

khohwkh kPthua"S
. part of a plough from which the farmer
Kynta-lyngk8r, u, ~ t the
Kynthu ,ad.modestly, well covered, [as, " nga ioh-i ia u shipai
holds and directs the plough-share.
Kyntar, ad. like a fox (with a drooping tail).
ba,u up la ka brandi ky%thup'] ;-J. to embrace, clasp, eom-
Kynteit, v. to speak or scold with a loud voice. Kynthur, ad. with lowe garments, (as, !'u phong La aopti kaba
1 Kyntem, ka, n. the bed of r\, garden or field ; threshing floor. kymthuv").
Kyntem-Eiuh-mat, a. lazy, slothful, (Zit. having long- drooping Kynti, o. to strike with a clenched fiat on the back ;-n. times, (as,
eye-lashes). shikynti, once ; arkymti, twice) ;-ad. entirely, (sa, iohkynti,
g$:: ) al. with drooping tail like a frightened dog or fox. inhdrited) .
Kgntiak, a. well-formed but s d ; smart.
Kynthak, ad. lively, friskily, [as, ine i khynnah iba smat .noh Kyntiang, v. to make a clinging noise.
teh knthak."l
~ ~ n t h a 3.h to
, ioment, to sear ;to sting. Kyntik, v. to make a dull sound, as if treading heavily on the
Kynthki, ncE. beautifully (clothed), las, '(u- pynnoh ia ka tdong ground.
bohkhaila kyrcth$i"] ;flowingly. Kyntien, ha, n. a morsel ;a word (generally joined with numerals,
Kynthap, v. to be close t o or-against any object. Adjectives shi-, Br-, lai-).
Kynthei, ka, s.female. [Imit. kynthei-khynnah.] Kyntiew, a. to lift, to impose, to promote.
Kynthem, ad. with overlapping dhoti ; flourishing. [ h i t . Kyntiew-kurim, v. to perform a marriage oeremony.
kynthem-kynjai.] Kynti~wdoh,v . to be healed (of a wound).
Kynthen, ad. with a big calf, (as, cr u Khasi u don k s khoh wah the house. [ h i t . kyntiem-iing
Laba lreh ky~zthm").
K.pth&r, 21. to throw off, to shake.
he knows what one is hol&ng or
Kynther-jymbuiii, o. to disown a child (by a mother). *thi&ing about ;to disavow.
Xynthet, ad. violently, carelessly, [as, " wat jn shim kymlhet ia Kyntir, ad. with a small bil, (as, "u k h f i h g uba don tdong kyv8tir").
kaei koei ba ~mng"];-v. to shake off or bresk off (friendship). Kynto, s. to urge ;press.
EynthGm, rrd. with .a l o n ~tail ; in ragged clothes, [as, " u d m uba Kyntong, a. like a1 hillock, [as, " don iwei i I h iba &&ow
jrnng u trlong Lynthdz."j hajan B5?bwsmai."]
Kynthiak, rrd. like a well dreswd little girl, [as, " ine i khy-h Kyntoi, ad. like a small protuberance.
iba blrn l~rielrX.jtiAicrfi."]
Kyntoit, ka, n. a cluster of houses, a rillage, a quartcr. [Imit,
liy.~tUap,crd. modestly, (a$, "i k l r p n a h i iengkynthiup"). kptoit-kyntia j.]
Kyntl~ili, r. to jump up (high),-ccd. completely, fully, [a, Kynton, v. to heave ;-la, n. a heap, a mound, earthen wall.
" sml sllenl X'jirtlrcii 11ga In, sllong ryngkat bad phi mynta."]
Kynthp (jmng-), ad. like a pig tail. [As, " ki BZzce-jncketo ki
RpntllMp, 7. to f i ~ : ,splash.
long ki-- &ipai-lbg
- - - ba phong i tupia iba kyntop".]
K~nthong,ad. conspicuous1g (like a crnall sditarp tree).
Kyntu, v. to urge, persuade. KYRDOH KYR-OH
Kyntung, a. like a hill or mound, [a$ '(don uwei u marok uba Kyrdoh, v. to exert.
kywtusg hangtai."] Kyrdon, ka, n. stair, step, degree. [Imib. ka kyrdon-ka kyrhah: ]
Kyntui, ad. largely. Kyrdot, ad. hangingly (like a small ball). [As," b b ki Khasi
Kyntnit, o., to urge (bad sense),'to instiwe. ki deng kyrdot da ki 'siar-tylli"]
Kyntbp, ad. with a long drooping tail like that of a fox. Kyrdhh, a. needy, poor, wanting. [Isnit. kyrduh-liyrtan.]
Kyntur, v. to push with the nose ;to burrow. Kyrdut, ad. like a big ball hanging. [As, " nga ioh-i ba ka don
Kyn-fid, v. to sing, to hum ;to intone ;to chant. kaba atsohkhliang Ryrdut ha ka shkor u WAr."]
Kyn-urn, u, n. a brother-in-Xaw. [Imit. u kyn-urn-u iing.] Kyr-eit, a. vain, foppish.
Kyoh, ka, n. (vide k'oh). Kyrngah, v. to shake the head as a sign of disapproval ; to be
unwilling ;to decline. [ I m i t . kyrngah-kyrngang.]
Kyr-ang, v. to crack. flaw kyratzg, mddish.
Kymgang, ad. like a lonely boy or truant.
&+ah, ~ b . ring-shaped (like the riug soen in the tail of s
rattle-snake). Kymgaid, v. to eat with zest.
Kyr-an, a. short-but stout. Kyrngem, ha, ra. a fruit-pigeon.
Kyrbam, v. to bite the nether lip, Kyrngiang, &a,n. a piece of skin of a pig with tho fat adhering
to it.
Kyrbei, &a,ra. a mantis.
Kyrbeit, a. warped, distorted;-v. to strain, to exert, [ItnCt, lip X y g o n g ad. like a modest boy, (as, " u khynnah u shong
beit-kyrthing.] t~psngiZYrroagow~~).
Kyrkait, h. to shout exultingly, Kyrhai, a. abundant ;-ad. abundantly.
Kyrkhah, ka, a. phlegm ;--v. to clear the throat. Eyrhieh, v. to speak or threaten aloud like a drunkard.
Kyrkhait, v. to gnaw with z& Kyr-iah, v. to cut a fish horizontally at short intervals for frying
or cooking; to cut at short intervals.
Kyrkhoit, ka, ra. a oartilap.
~Kvrkhu,v. to bless ;to produce a particular ~ound(khcr), [Imit,
kyrkhu-k yrdoh.] Kyr-iep, 1
Kyr-iap, ad. standing like a diseased fowl. [As, "balei uhi u
'khar-k6w u ieng kyriap ha lyeit dieng P']
Kyr-iat, v. i;o gnash.
Kyrkieh, v. to be in a hurry ; - a d . hastily. [ h i t .kyrkieh-ky&, ]
Kyrking, ad. like a small connecting link or portion between two Kyr-ihw, a;. seasoned, full-grown.
brge bodies ;slender (us, ka " Istii.?ltus Panama ka eab sa kyrq Ejr-ih, v. to turn m~mdand round while in a kit ting posture ; to
tusg as on a hinge.
triyrkit, ka, ra. a, cricket, phy-ground. ,
Kyrkoh, v. to orom over a person.
Kyrda, v. t6 exert, strive, to use one's strength, , to hope.
~ i r m e nv.
fZgrnAi, ad. in the same place, [ag " u shu shong kymdi hajull
Kyrdsn, ka,N. step, degree, shelf. [Imit. kpdan-kyrnah]. hi."]
Kyr&ip, ad. as if wearing liom~khinghanging, (6gtu kieng.ia ~ y r &a. addicted to, ~ccustomedto.
Kyrdhp,) ka trhp kyr&fp").
Byrdat, ad. dangling, (as, "'ka iasong ka sdien ky~datha k a i p . ~ m o mv., to roll up (like s cloth when washed) ; to spoil by
peng" j. rough handling.
JCyrdem, v. to stamp with the foot. Kymot, a. stubborn, hard, lasting.
- Kyr-oh, v. to carve in tt concave shape, (as the he68 of an arrow
, . q Boqllnh. . to fit the bow-string).
- 62
KYR-OT KYRTONG Ky*h, u. to leap, to curvet. -
Kyr-ot, a. stubborn, easily provoked. Kyrtoh-lyndet, v. to rebound, to re-act.
K m d , v. to pray, beg, suppliwte. [Imit. km-kyrpon.] kyrthng, ad. prominently, bulgingly ;[as, phi lah ba'n ioh-i ia u
Kyrpang, ad. aside, separately ;-a. separate, set apart, particu- Kyllang mlor u lum Shillong, u tai Ryrtung.]
- lar.
Kyrpong, ka, n. the baok of the houee. ad. easily (bent), pliably; [as, " u briew u la jem
Kyr-aa, v. to undermine, (eup. in soft earth or sand as a mole Rymap."1
dm). Kyrwat, ka, n. a turn (of a path).
Kyrsan-kyrb&, v. to call on the gods for the restoration of one'a Kyrweng, ad. loose. [As,'' ki Saheb ki ju phong m y ~ l i e tka
good health or prosperity. sopti kaba kyrwerag."]
Kyrsan--ew, v. to call back one'a good luck or life by invoking Kyrwiang, a. to. wind up, to turn round. [Imit. kyrwianga
the gods. kyrwit,]
Kyrsb~h,v. to put on a piece of cloth in front, (being a part of Kyrwit, kn, n. a round, a turn.
&hedress of yomen)-.
K~rsh61.1~ v. to upholq, help, to support.
Kyrwoh, s.a link, a ring ;a i k v o h , to give notice by sending
round a ring made of oaoe or of bamboo, eto.
Kyrshung, a. having the appaance of a wedge, (as, '' u sniang u
bid kyruhurcg"). D.
Kyzshut, a. to mb, 8cofxf.
D, the fourth letter in the Khaei Alphabet.
K p b , v. to squirt ;to spurt. Da, (1)prep. by, with, through : (2 often used to exprees contin-
Ityrsiew, v. to call up, to wake up. gency and to soften a command ; [as, " habs phi shim ruh da
Kyrsih, v. to go on the haunches, to crawl (as rt ohild). , rah biang biang ioh hap."] (3) v. to pmtsd.
Kyrsong, v. to be swollen (like a boil) ;to coma to a head. DBb, cs, la. a bullock ;-ka, n. the handle of a kniEe.
K p i , v. to ooze, to come out. Dabi, ka, n. a small box or osse ;a claim ;+.'to lay claim to.
Kpaih, v. to poke. Dabis,, ka, n. 8 small box or cam
Kyrsum, v. to wallow. Dabor, ka, n. a basin ;a h b i e pice.
Kpteng, w. to name ;-ha, a. a name. D4b-kri, n. a handle of a knife ;-u, rt. a dQfiri or book-binder.
Kflep, u, n. an svil-spirit who canses blindnew to a man. ?his Dak, u,a. a sign, a letter ;a mark; a poddrunner ;-ad. at once,
edlliction is ascribed to the adultery of the father which ic immediately ; [as, cc u myrsiang 6 c u la chit ia ka blnng, hynrei
visited on his children. tang nga shn poi u la iehnoh dak."] [Imit. ka dak-ka
K:yrZ"& v. to turn round or drive in as with an auger. shin.]
Kyrthat, V . to sprawl, to writhe. Daka, ka, n. a cowrie selected out of a lot for use in gambline;.
Kyrt,hiawa v. to twist ; to maul. tDak&d, s. an evil doer ; a dacoit.
gpthonc; v. to trea0 heavily on the dust or mud so as to o a w t D a E r , v. to deposit ;entrust ;file.
damage to mops, eto. Dakhol,
Qhhup, v. to bathe in the dust or sand (as a fowl does). a. to appropriate ;to take possession of.
Kptiang, 9. to turn round. Dakhor,
Kyrtiah, u, rt. rr wind-demon ;s storm mixed %%h rain. DSd, a. hard, hot tempered, strict.
Hptong, wrs,fi. a bbull, an ox ;a hero. t


Badien, nd. backward ; [as, u bid &tjicla] ~ ~Y. tot bmt.
, [fntit. M-sh0h.1
fid. yet, still, just ; [as, trei katbe &~lg im ; kbio hlt9 Datherr. ad. thoughtfully, deliberately ;[as, leh Lthf?w; wn h-
step lasl~ai,ho] ;-v. to commenceee, t hetc.]
Dan~khie,a- young, groi~ing.[Insit. d a ~ ~ $ h i ~ - d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ] uw, n. an tjxouse. [ f t n d f . ka ddw-ka dong.]
Dal~g-ngir,ad. early in tho morning. ~ ( ~ - .aeh), ~ tough ; [as, " ka doh ka 1. eh d d l ~ - d ~ ~ . " l
d h a#.
V - to prepare (lm-leaf and lime) ; - 1 ~ prepal'atioi (for Dawa, v. to claim.
sacrifice). p w i t . ka dah-ka-dong]-v. to commence, begin.
(SyiztaJg to copulate.) %weis ha, 0. medicine. [ h i t . dawai-da*-l

Dhara, (Jaimem), an outer gnmcnt worn by Khasi women.
Dkai, u, a. a kind of small honey-fl~'.
Dkhr, k.1, n. a tortoise.
DMw, ad. in reserve for an emergency.
'Dai, ha, n. a wet ~ITSC,-kz ddi, 11. a fino. IIindi tlrfz.
DaiA, v. to impose (a fine); to cut. Dkhhi, a. to puU in pieces.
DaiC-daiE, a. wide, B ~ ~ C ~ O;[as, U S ki la sisng ka rynsan kfiha an;;. Dkllan, s, n. a h d of hill-rat Or mole.
daiE balor.] Dkhap, &a,m. a tick, (izodes).
naiiidoq, b.'t0 Corner Some one in argument. , an.a non-Khasi. [ h i t . U dkbr-m-lyngkien.l
~ k h a rG,
Daifi-dor, v. to fix the price ;to hngglc. ~ k h & v. , to break off OF snap.
Dahi-daikot, Ra, B. a witoh. ~ k h ~ v. , come of£ (as hair), to become bald.
w to
Daft, a- to bite, itoh, worry ;-pyndaii, V. to fit. Dkhew, 71, ta. a kind of p a t .
"dait, % n. (abbrev. of kdait) ekra, reed. Dkhi, w, rc. a small kind of WMP.
Dai t-doh, a. oompnct, thick. Dbhiaf, W, m. itch, (acarffs 8cahz'ei).
Dait-tU, a. very cold ; ice-like. Dkhiew, u, rc. ant.
Da lei-lei, phr. at any cost. ~ k h ~kd, t ,s. a p1-t,a piece, a member, n V W S ~:-8, pieces of
Dam, a. ol~2iterated. mat in sacrifice [ h i t . u dkhot- u dkh4i.I
Da-mm, ?)Jr.used in contemptuons expressions or in &uenging ; I ~ k h o h ,ka, ra. an Q W ~ *
[ 8 ~ ," d~~-pl,a4* une u prm is leh."] ~ k ~the people , n of the ai
living in the n o r t l l - w d ~ ~part
Dambit, V . to stick, to adhere. Hilh on tile borders of thc Garo 11iI1s ; tllc G~J~os.[Inhit- u
fr. food, .vain (especially given to animd~)-~d.a bit (used ~ k o - uLyngngam.1
with shi-, as, " ym don ehi clajln rnh.") ~ k o h ~.
, h e , [Imit. Dkoh-dkia.1
Dandnya. decairiq, cheating, befooling, t r i ~ k ~ , - to ~ .joke. ~ k u t v., to snap, break, finish UP-
dundir-phulit.] ~kut-mynsiem,v. to give up'the ghost.
nap, 0. full, sufficient, enough. De, ad. aim, too ;[as, " nga ruh ..-- nga'n leit *."I
nap-11% t ~ m - )v., b ba unstrtinble. , *q)ek, u, n. a large cooking ~ m da,dekchi.
i)ar-dar, ado. with quick li@t steps; -[as, iaid dardar.] Be%, u. to ut on (jewels), to adorn with ornaments. [Iw*
D m , la, f J . temporary hut ;a tent ;shelter. ! deng-kuPf
Dbyml>-jot, phr. to mnko a Inme excuse. D~C~W a,$, with ease ;[as, " is uba heh u khkw rub ka
. fin, n. the trace of a boat in shallow water. &g-dmg. 1
liiudi. Hindi.
Dei, V . to belong to, to hi&. fit, proper, right, related. DIANG DIENG-NGAN
Dei-thana, a. having some relationship by marriage. Llmit. dei Diang, v. to receive,4. the left.
thana-dei thakher.J, 'diang ( d b r e v . of " pdiadg "), v. imper. receive it.
Detn, v. to bend, to-liedown, yield, bow, to be deeply engaged in ; 'diangti-diangjat, v. to receive completely.
--ad. constantly ;assiduously ; [as, u dm, leit, u d m wank&i.] Diap, ad. oarefully, minutely ; [a, '' phi dei b ' n da .t6m bha
Demdiap, ad. assiduously, continually; [as, "u isiwan dern diap dkp ia, k i sapiet-mp&i."]
ha iing."] Diaw, ad. low-spirited, diasppointed ; [as, " balei u leh d h o kum-
~ e r n s h ~ ~ l iv.a to
h , be suffering fmm chronic illness. tai."]
Den, ad. fat,stedfastly ;[as, nga la jan ur h p n e hinrei tang ba *dik, a. to become $roublesome.
nga ioh snoh na u dieng nga la neh dm.]-v. to bund. Didiaw, ha, n. a longlegged bird ;also called '' ka Diawoit " h r m
Den-den, ad. with 6rm steps (of a child) ; [as, iaid den-den.] its cry.
Dep, v. to finish-ad. in fun, all. Dikdik, ad. very3.dwly, longing,ly ; [as, <' u kwah dik-dik ba'n ia
Der-der. ad. lightly, gaily (walk) ; [as, "ki Sohw haba leit Tharia shem bad la k i khh.")
ki hid der-der."l Die, v. to sell, betray. [lmit. die-thied.]
'd6r-p6iang, u, n. *ass dressed for thatching. Die-baibt, a. to sell for cash.
*Desi, a. country-made. Die-baitdi, v. to sell at a, cost price.
Det, id. pooh I Tush I Die-khutia, v. to sell in retsil. [Init. die kbuth-khufain.]
DBw, int. a word used in mlling a dog-ku Dew, ra. a wave (at Die-da, v. to soto away; to MU st a loss. [lmit. die-dub diesep]
'dew idhev.of khyndea), ka, n. earth, dust.
Dieq, u or ka, n. wood, tree9-#, timber. [Init. ks dieng-ls
'dewbyrtha, &a;n clay. Dieng-bilat, ha, n. the gum-tree.
'dewksang, &a, n. hard earth. Diengblei, u, ra. aQ tree. (Bot). Shorea Robusta.
'dewkynroi, ha, n. loose earth. Dieng byllan, u, n. a wooden sleepei ;a oat'a paw.
'dewioag, ca, n. -1,. Dieng bylliat, u, n. a hard wood used w posts.
'dewlangni, ha, n. meadow. Diengbti or diengbyti, ha, n. s red-wood used for d i n g bed-
'dewlynnong, h,e. an island. steads, ohai?~,eto., porlca, (Bot.) Cedrelcc toona.
'dewmet, ka, n. dust ;earth or soil free from sand and atone. Diengkhiii, ka, n. a tree whose bsrL produces s Bore if handled.
' d e d w ? ka, ra. red &h. (Bot.) R h u ~succedanea.
'dewshrah, &a;, n. fallow land :arable Isnd ;virgin soil. =engkseh, u, n. the pine-mood. (Bol.) PInns 1L7Mya.
'dewtdi ha, no solid earth, term $ma, (the opposite of '&I.P- Diengkurlong, ha: n. (got.) meth compmita.
Kynroi). Diengkya, n. (see Eya). (Bof.) Bombay trmlabariw ;a ootton
D n ~ n g , lonely, (a, " u don tang mama! dngarig").
Di~ngd&wr26, n. a halrd dried wood.
Dn&ng, ad. lively, (as, u peit dngiang). Diengdoh, ka,s.(Bot.) Buobdiu p o p u l ~ a;e tree with l a v a
Dngiem, n. s bear. like the betel but thiok ;a name of one of the Khasi olans.
Dqpng, ad. in the =me plsce, atsadfa~tly~ (ss,u ap dwong). Diengduh, u, n. staff,walkins stick. [Isit. diengduh-diengshh.1
'di, n. abbrev. of " bdi " i.e., 20.
. i~iplli
Dieng-ngrn, ka, n. a tree whioh ia aometima d
(Bot.) Sohima d t i o h i i .
d for timber.
Diengahynmin, kt,9r. a drird tlVig. [ h i t . dicngshynrain-dieng-
Dieng-ngai, k&, n. tho c6 iron-tree " or -naAor ; Nageepw. (i3;t.) shynriah.1
- .Efi?sua fervba.
Diengiap, .~d,. n:, wood, dried-wood.
Diengsning ka, qt. a kind of m k tree, a Khasi oak, (But.) Casla*
nopris sp.
Diengiap-ien$ ka, n, a tree which is withered up.
Diengsong ,+a,n. a prickly-two rcxml)ling ka l y a or the simul, kn, rc. the name of a gigantic tree in Kllasi folklore treo ;(in Assamesc) i 6 ntltrr. (B,Ic.)Elpthrina ;an instrument
supposed to have grown at the beginning of creation on the hill made of pieccs of \sroocl for lttu~ishingcrimilmls ; stocks.
west of and over-looking the 8hillong statiou. I t is said tliat Dien,osohbyrthit, u, I&. n shrul) bearing sticky flowers.
the tree was of R I ~ an C ~ enormous size that it over-shadowed
the whole earth. [ h i t . diengiei-diengpiet.] Diengsohkynphor, u, n. the papaya trce.
Dieng lamski, ku, n. (Bot.) Symplocus mcemosa. A kind of troe Diengsolili-ia, ha, n. a trm n.hosa thick bark is used in oolouring
the leaves of which are u s d i n dyeing cloths. earthen wares. (Bot.) ijlyrica A-trgi.
Diengjamynrei, u, n. a shrub much used in making ti.4ia. Uienggobiong, u, rt. a l<ha\i cherry tree. (Bol.) Prunue f m u -
Diengjjng, td, 71. (BR.) Quercus spic~ ta. ginecc.
Dienglieng, Ka, n. the name of a tall and straigl~t tree. (Bob.) Diengsolilyngdkhur, u, 91. tbc mulbcrry tree.
Betula accumi#ak. Diengsohmanir, a, td. a litchcc tree.
Dienglyngngbng, ha, n: the stump or knob of a tree. [Inait. Diengsohfiiamtm, ka, n. an orwetrue.
Dienglynpngo~diengl~ngn&ng.] Diengaohpairah, L (Bot.) Sapindur mukmvoai; the soap nut.
Dienglpbong, ka, a, a plece of androwed wood, a pert of a trunk, (Hindi) rr'tha.
a log, Diengsohphtin, u, s.tho jack-fruit tree. 4

bi&et, 4B. a term applied to all trees besida, pine-trees. Diengsohpicng, a, n. thc mango tree.
Dieng-fiiangmat, ko, n. a shrub whom bark yields e yellow oolour Dianphphoh, r , n. thc npplc-trcc (aild), (Bol.) Pyrrr g r n n r
and is used as medicine for eye sores ; (Bot.) Berbaris Nepalmt. lattc.
&is;a kind of holly.
l)iengsohpri-sm, tc, fa. the gutlra treo.
Diengph*, KO, n. the gallows. Diengsohsh~w,u,n. the grill pear-tw.
Diengpingwdt, ha, n. a tree whose bark is of a lire!y green colour
used in making handle for dam, etc. (Bof.) Daphnidirrm p d - Dicngsu~mli,tr, n. onc of thc sticks nttaclld to tho big omsa-
~herdwaurn. stick of a p l o ~ ~ gtoh guald the nook of thc ox.
Diengphna, u, n. a bolt, a piece of stick for stretching out thing8 Diengthang, Po, r . wood ios erecting o funeral 11pe.
(as skins) ;the olmss. Diengthlieh, kc!, fa. a split piece of file wood.
Mengphnieng, 74, 11. the bolt of a trap. Dieqtylliw, ka, la. a brallcl.
Diengpyngkian,g ti, n. a cross-hr, obstaale. Diengtylli, u, 94. a mholc piccc of wood.
Dieng-ri, kn, .rc. (Rot.1 Quercrds detrlbatn.
Disng-rtkng, ha, 11. (But.) Q rtejpcl~sse~rcctcs;.oak.
Diengmwdong, a, x n sclunre l~ieoe%ftimber or port ;a beam. Dic-Glhm, rq. to eel1bp auctioa.
Di~ngshalqmnt,qt, #I. a ~-nftnu. Dien, i n , n. track, tmcc, i~iark. [ I r i t . b dien-lia bbd.1
Diengsahhiar, ir, 96. a battcli. Dienjat, ka$ $1. foot-psi11t.
Die~gebaindoll,kn, $1. I, piecc of 1rm1 where flesh is minced, a Dier., V. to bc too-1,ztc.
chopping board ;one who forbears ill-treatment. Dky, 18. ku, firc. ( l t ~ i i lkn
. ding ha theh.]
Diengshangbung, a, n. a trusa.
*hiah, H, sa. a brier, a thorn, a brambles.
Dingpyrthat, ka, n. fire lighted by a, fla& of lightning. DOHBNIAT
Dingsuid-tin, ka, n. will-0'-the wisp, i p i s futaus, jwX-0'-lantern, Dohbniat, 40, rr. the gnma at the root OF the tooth.
Dih, v. to drink [lmit. dih-bim. J Dohkha, ka, r2. fish. [Imit. dohkha-dohpnnt.1
Dihduma, v. to smoke. [Irrrit. dihduma-dihdubhew.] Dohksew, a. obstinate, Oggcd.
Dohkrung, KC&, n. tho iib.

Dihe, a. big and fat.
Dihia, a. fat and heavy. Dohksah, la, n. l.he mnsclc.
Diho, a. short and fat. Dohkpdang, kn, 11. a strin, of meat.
D6b-d6b, ad. slowly and steadily (child), [aa, " i Idtinlung i la Dohaah, ti, la. the uvula.
edang iaid dcib-OM."J Doh-iap, fin, n. oczrrion,-n. deup~:ratc.rccl.:lc?ss.
Dok, v. to kiss; to correct or counterpoise the balance before Dohjem, ka, n. tlla,internnl soft p i i n s of the l)o(ly, wch as the
weighing things,-ka, B. a canister. liver, the longs, t l ~ ckidneys, tllc: I ~ c l i ~ t s .nnd other organs in
Dod-dod, qi~iveringty,as an old man (walb); [as, u la the chest and a1)domcn.
ad. tymmen dod-dod mynta."]; very weakly attach- .Dohlen, ka, ~ t tho
. gnmv mithor~tthe tcetl~as those of- a bal~y.
Dud dud ed ; [as, " ka bniat ka la khih do$-dod."] Dohmasi, la, n. beef.
Dong, Ra, 9a. corner, quarters, angle. [Inzit. ka dong-ks Dohmet, ka, n. the lean.
kuna.j Dohmrhd, ka, n. venison. Limit. dol~mdd-dol~mreng.]
'dong (n bbrec. of tyndong), kg, n. tube, pipe ; [as, ka dons tym- Dohniaj (kren-), ad. in agentle flow of specoh ; [as, kwn Wniej.]
pew.1 Dohnfid, u, t ~ the . liver,-kn, heart or mind. [lmit. dohnfid-
Dong, v. to roll up pd7c or any leaf in a conical shape (like - d0hnb.j
a RMg. Dohsatar, ka, oa. tough flesh (next to the muscle).
Dongkor, ka, n. the back of the ear. Dobshyieng, krr, n. bonos (with flesh attached to them).
Dong dong, ad. without any difficulty, easily, [as, " ia u Irhiew- Dohsniang, Ka, n. pork.
phiang ruh u rab dmg-dmg."] Dohsnieh, a. dogged, stubborn.
Dongla, ka, n. a specie8 of bamboo. Dohsohkhia, rr, n. a piece of bone or 'cartilage to be fosnd in the
Dong ldt16t, ka, n. a'kind of flageolet. chests of cat&. ..
Donglydong, ad. completefy ; [as, " u QUun d o t z g L ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . ' ~ ] Dohtdttait, ka, 12. odds and ends (of meat).
Dongmtang, &a,H. a right angle. Dohidong, ha, n. the hump.
D o n g g t h , ka, n. a bamboo with diseased joints. DohthBi,
- ad. with fluency and aptness of speecll ; [as, '& u krcn
Dongdi, kn, ra. the end of the spinal h n e ; the oocc~x. doht?&'."]
Dongnit, ad. like the tail of a-wag-tail ; [as, " i s& iba jrong Dohthli, u, n. a small fish. [lmit. dohtlili-clollthhm.1 Btvzgali,
tdong dongrtit."] 91s sl8 I
*Do;, ka, n. curd.
Dongrong, ad. liko a small hetples8 beeWs ; [&, kli dongfm~.] Doi-doi, ad as in s swing, to and fro ; [as, pamang doi-do;] ;
'dong shimat, ha, n. s bamboo tubo between two joints ;a person weak, [as, nga sngew doi-doi.]
who oennot keep secrets.
Doloi, u, n. a ruler or chief (in Jaintia Hills) ; a title of honour.
'dongtympe~~ ka, n. a ctru;tga for pdn leaf.
Dom, a. hot tempered, hard ;Aka, w..a pull (of smoke).
Doh, v. to kim. [Imit. doh-bit.]-ka, ra. fleah, meat. k
doh-ka-kah.J Domriang, a. having au angry appearance.
Don, v. is, has, exists.
- ..--
Dbn.d6n, ad. firmly (walk, like n little bird or child) ; [as,
cc i khfinlung mynta i la iaid do'n-do'ta."]

Don-akdr, a. well-behaved ; polite, civil. Duan,. -j

Donbhk, v. to dare (used in challenging or with contornptuous D d r , k,r, -n.a door, an opening a hdt ; a mart. [ h i t . duar-kb
- expression). lynti.]
hnbok, v. to be lucky. Dnbnsia, u, rr. an interpretor.
Donbdr, a. powerful, influential. [/rrrit. donbbr-doneor.] *Dubi, n. a dhobi or washerman.
Donburom, a. honourable. [ l r ~ t i t dofii1)umm-donsurom.]
. Duk, a. poor, ncwb. [Imit. dnli-s11k or I<. c111li-kspnp.1
Donkam, v. to need. to 11n1~obusiness, to be occupied. [Imit. *Duk&n,ka, 11. a shop, bazaar.
donkam-donjam.] *Iluk&ndRr, n. a shop-keeper.
' Donduk, v. to have complai!~ts or troubles. [Imil. donduk- tDukha, v. fo be in sorrow or an~ictp.
donpap.] Dukt~i,a. niggardly,-ad. with cstron~a cursing, tcnacionsly,
Dondur, a. beautiful ; wel! carrcd or fasliioncd. [Imif. clondur- desparately. [/mit. dukhi-dukhait.]
dondar ] Dfid or Dht, v. to make sacrilicc for driving away dcvils.
Don-iktiar, a. having autho:-ity. "Dud, ka, n, milk.
Dondin, a. having senbe of lionour. [Itnit.don~iin-donren~. J Dung, c. to stab, pierce.
Dop, ka, n. the bark or l a p r as of a plitllti~illtree or n m l ~ o o . Uuh, a. to lose, to forfeit. [Inait. duh-tan, or, drlh-sep.]
Dop-kait, ka, n. the b,zl.Ic of a platltnin tree. Duh-(a suflix) which means cntircly, oncc for all, as in the word
Doptv'ii, KG, n. t110 outercrust or cover of n i l nrccn-nnt trco. iap-duh, die-dub, sah-dull.
6 ,a,. p ; [Inlit. kn (!or-la ~IIIIP.]-C~: distorto(l, curved. Duh-11uit;c. to bc perplosed ; to bc i n a fix. [/,~iil.duhbuit-
Dorl)iir, k ~ n., council. [ I ~ ~ zkn
i t . dol.l)lir-Iia sorbnr.] duhlhd.]
*Dorl)in, kn, n. a telescope ; glasses. nuh-ei, s. to loso, to farfcit,, to ~rastc.
*Dt,rliht, n. a petitiou, applic,ztion. [ / ~ z i Ika . dorkhat-ka dorpnt.1 D~~hjinglcyrmen, o. to be hopeless ; to despair.
*Dorji, 11. a taiior. Duhii, phv. not at all, in the namo of (used in spcakiag al>ytlling
solemllly as, '' dv~haimallt~rani").
*Doroga, U , n. an Iuspc%tor or Su1)-Insprci-or oT I'olicc ; a, Do-
vaga. Dnhnlia, ki, n. funeral flute-playe~s.
*Do~~nGn, zr, a. 8 duor-keepqr. Duhoi, kabu, n. a cheer (by saying h i - / t o ; ) .
tDl)skot, r.. to sign. *Dui, tt. two-co~vrics(in gambling).
fDosbabit, Ra, 12. an agreome~~t on p&i)cr; a bond. Bui-dui, ad. to acld fro, up and down ( I b i ~ ) ; (as. '* h ; ~ r:il, lia
khih dui-dui." J
Dpei. ka, tr. hearth; ashes.
D6id (wall), ha, n. a rivulct, stream.
Du,d.after all, ~voll,rally, is n't it q [ : l s ," k%'m long kumia
du i; Khat u nang iaid dtl.]
Duitara, ka, n. a harp.
Dnwai, *Drjok, KR, 1). hell.
7*. to pray ;-n. pmyer. [/,;lit. duai-phirat.] *D~ilaa,l a , 9s. a brick-housc ; masoar? 1)uiIding. [Incit. Ira
Duai, dulan-ka paki,]

* Hindi. 1 t Bcngnli.. 1
Dule, v. to keep or fulfil one's promise, used only with the nega-
tive " ym."
Duli, Aa, 9t. a palanquin.
I Dyngkhong, ka, s. a ~ t u ~ u(ofp a tree); firnil. rlyngkhong-
.DgqL-or, ad. to bo in s stnpified state,'speU-bound, (as, " u leh
tL)iilir, &a, ?I. clocume~~t,-v. to put to task, punish. b l e ~~-' y.n. g- n g o r ~ ~ ) .
Dulon, v. t o toil, to plod. Dyngheaq, ad. amazed, surprised ; [as, '' u peit 1 ~ ~ p dynq-
o h
Durn, a. dark, ignorant.
t Lli~rn,n. x fisl!trniaii. [/,nit. n d ~ m - umnswa.]
Duma, zc, n. t n l ) ~ ~ i )[fin
. it. duma-dukhe a.3 Dnmpug,
D y ~ n g *ad. intently, stedtastly ; [as, u k s e r a ap dyng-
O W ~ . ' ~ ] - U , n. a small bear.
Dnmsdiin, u, n. tobacco for smoking in P, W O O X ; . ~prcpmed with Dympuin, ka, n. manure (of a jhum cultivation).
treac!e. , hearth,-&, n. ashes, same as dpei.
Dypei, k ~ n.
Dumasln usrz. tobacco leaf.
Dumbuit, 21. to be confounded, to be at a loss.
Dum-dnS;em, 7,. to be a t a loss (coloq.) E, t h e fifth letter in the Khasi alphabet.
Duml'oh, Xkjakor, u, n. a devil i n the shape of a serpent ; a fabulous sea-

Or i 21. to be foggy or misty.

D~:mmiew, a. shady, sllnlass (opposite of ryrtqngi).

#Eksamia, la, n. emminatim,-v. to examine.
Eng-eng, a. sorind a ~ xhealthy
l ; [as, " kumrio u briew uba dang
Dumok, v. to threaten, scold. [ I t n i l . durnok-kautok.] eng-eng u s l ~ uinp ?"I
Dbn-db, ad. with firm steps jliko the walking of a hen). *Engej,n. the English.
Duna, a. short, faulty, little. Eh, a. hard, difficult, unrelenting,-ad. very, exceedingly,-int.
fie !
Dup, aux. o. may, in order that ; [ q s , minot, bn'n d~lpnang.]
Eh-eh, a. exceedingly hard or stB, very tedious.
Dur, &a,n. shape, form, picture. [Imit. ka dur-ka &r.]
E-he, int. expression of disapproval ; expression of triumph and
Duleblei, Ka, tt. an image. wonder, especllly when f ollowecl by heb. [as, " e-he heb, u
*Duri-p6, kn, n. a kind of gamhlinq. mareh u kulai."]
*Duriap, v. to think. Ei=a word -ed to emp!:ssiz:, QP soften the espres.ion; [as, tip-&
Dur-lanot, dnf. gmd gracious ! bother it ! =who knows ;nga la btllah ei i;r u =I did instruct him.J
*P)uriaw, 10,n. the sea. 'Ei ? (contr. zc-ei, Ra-ei, i-6;) pt*ora. II-IIO ? what ? [as, ' e i kata ba
*Dusmon, H. ar encmy. [lmit. u dnsmon-n dandia.] pah ? I
*3ustur, ka, n. custom, habit. -ei--suffix which means gratis, gratuitous!y ; [as, " u la ai-ei ia.
nga kane."]
tDusui'i, &a, n. a Bengali basket.
Ei-ei, n. something, anything.
Di~wai,71. to pray, supplicate. [Znzit. duwai-phirat.]
D~waZi,Kn, n. t h e Kali Poojah h ~ t i v a l; the annual gambZing Ei-ei-ruh-em, phr. nothing a t all.
season. Eire, 40, n. something (already said or understood.)
Duwan, &a, n. an altar. [Imit. ka duwan-ka d n p t . ] Bit, ka; a. stool, duns, excrement, scum. [Itnit. Ira eit-ka ksem.]
Eit-%or, ka, n. ear-wax. -
- - - t-
*T)uwani, &a, ta. civil suit ; civil court.
.- -.- ,. -..---
Bengali f Hindi. I 2 English.
Eit-dang, kabu, n. lisd evacuations or frriwos. 3-fl.
Eit-msi, ktc, n. cow-dung. Xg, tlle scrcntl~lottcr in tlio Khasi alphabet \ it is pronounced
Eit-mat, kc{, n. cye-pus. [IltliC. (4t)i~ilt-(bitmiit. J (,Il&y,(4:).
Eitmut, kn, rt. noso-pus. [ h i l . citruut-citmtl.] Nga, pvon. I.
Zit-nar, ka, r. slag of an iron-furnnw. ,Ugak,ad. hard; [ ; I S , " u wci n lyrnl~ubngaR ia u n-ci pat."] ; sud-
*Elashi, a, n. cardamon. denly.
ern, ad no.
Xgang, ad. wry Q~i~tcr) ; [my " nga sngsmktliang ngang b nga
&m=a. nvrd uwd at the entl of n wntsnco to softcn tl~ccsprcs- X g a ~ l g - ~ n nd.g , obstinately, tenactclo~lsly; [as, " Ln nga ong
sioi: ; i t is also cq~~ivnlent to yotr Rllolr. [tis. '' ~ n t l :In11
~ 1banl k~umnokunmo ruh u shn bat ng ang-ngte??~ ,ia u ;" " U dieng
lab dih &I, nga sa lcit noh"]. (In Sydcr12 it 1nc:ln~/ k ~ ' ris.) ~ uba skhem ngn~zg-ngu?zg."]
km (badon-b;r-), cc. n-ell-to-do. Il'gah-ngli, a. as tender as a new born babe ; [as, " I kllilnlnng
fin, v. t.o w s o from crying ; to keep si:once. iba clang ngcch-ng ah."]
Bn-ja, v. to remain without taking food. [ h i / . cilja-cnjllur.] Ngai, ad. very ; soundly (sweet or sleepy); [as, c c katha
kr, ad. like tho appr;r~~oo of a snddon bnvst of i\,l:~.cs; [an,
" ynda krt ding ka la icng Pr, ki sa kyndit."]

kr-kr, cd. in full blaze ; [as, " Ica ding ka dai~gn~c*!th--ir."]

I Ngai-ngai, 1 nga nang barn n::ng barsg 1:qni-iz.9cri ;" u r~ong-
tull u ong " katta ki la ioh tbish b l ~ a~lgui."]
Ngai-nzaiengit-ngit, a. weak and dizzy ; languid; [as, nga'm
'Cc (nbl,rr:*. 01lycr), h,12. ail*, rvind, 1>1*cczr+. snge~vshaitLha mynta nga sllu 8 l l $ p W ?z@i-nyai-ngit-ngit
ku mno-re.]
'C.r-bafnsi-4r-bntnrnon!tn, n. a cool rc!'rcsllii!sr I,rc*cvzc&.
h'pain (iong-), ad. very (black); [as, " Tang sllu huh ia u pmdor,
'&r-kyllrmglkt, 7 ~ . a CJC~GIIC. shu kylla iong ?&gainka urn."]
'Gr-Iiyrtiilli, k'l, 81. a sto:m n?inqlwl with rain. Ngdn-ngain, ad. very (dark) ;[as, " daug durn f ~ ~ a i ~ b - % du, gain
'6t-ioxg, h t , 1 ) . sts~*:n.[ l t ~ z i ! .'cr--io~~g-'a-r-risit ym pat shhi."]
'6r-I1n$h:tri. Xi!, m. a ~:.l~irI-wilid. N p m , v. to sink, to plunge.
Em! ilrlt~r.cjacalation of clism:cy oi. s . u p . i ~ -- 011! .\I1 ! Nga'm (corctr. ~f " nga ym '"),phr. I ......... not.
Ngam-urn, v. to decidc by water-ordbl ; to Jive.
Nga'n (contr. of " nga yn "), phr. 1'11, I will.
G, tho sixth l ~ t t in
~ tlio
r Kliusi all)l~al)o~,
11ut very ssl;loll~uscd. NgAp, ha, s. the cheek.
It is prouounccd C J ~(.'7.) a N@.p, u, pa. bee,-ka, honey. [lvzit. u nqhp-u Iwi~i.]
N@p-nS$p (dang), ad. very early in thomorning.
NgAp-tern, u, n. a hive-bee, a honcy-boo.
Ngip-tung, u, n, a drone.
"Gtim (ssa K i a ~ . )
- - u, ta. a small bcc that lives m d e r --g o u d .
Cfiri (soc Eiri.)

Kear-ngnr, ad. lively, meen ;[as, " phi wallam u soh uba dang
iC;wpd, &(I, t2. thc Gospc:l. 1m sgnr-ng at."]
N e t , v . to fall upon, to fall into or to be caught in a snare.
Ngaw-ngaw (iong-), a k very (black like charcoal).
Ngek, ad. to stop short ; [as, " nga- bang shu dumok u sangeh S-on, a l. do\vn, to tlie gronnd, attentively ; [as, " u la nyult
ngek."] ligott shaplinng 'nlihngi."]
Ngcng-ngeng, ad. 'drowsily, heavily ; [as, " ngs sngew ka khlieh h'gsl), v . to sinl; doi\-n.
ka khia ngmg-rtgmg."] Ngdr, v. to prilnc ; to lop off.
Ngeit, v. to believe, to be pereuaded. Kgnli-npak ad. sl~ddenly; [as, " tang shu iakynduh ngiih-ngcrfi u
Ngeit-biet, u. to be superstitious, credulous. [Imit. ngeit biet-' shu iakeni."]
ngeit them.] Npnh, v . to do homage, to bow, to thank. [laait. nplr-dcn1.J
Ngem (b&m-),v. to do wrong secretly, (see barn-ngem.) h'gnIilet,-shnoiig, v. to tender apology or ask the of rc vil-
Ngen, v. to disappear, to be suppressed. lnge h r b s r .
Wgen-bndi, kaba, n. waning of the moon. Nghil, elf. with the licsrl bcnt down jb?'g), steadily ( w l k ) ;[;la,
N$p-n Bp, ad. with dishevelled hair ; when just tting up from
" u ~ l i uiaid 71yu18Lhleul kren."]
bed ;?as, '' tang sh* khie ngQ-mg2p u brtmjs."y Ngnr.ngur, a J. in the dusk ; [as," ka la sdang miet ngur-ttgtct.
NgQr-ngkr,ad. indistirctlp ;dizzily ;[as, 6c nga ioh-i kumba h i d myntrt."]
u briew ngdr -n!,d~."] Ngut, 42. used when spaking of tlie number of pvrsons only, a...
Nget-nget, ad. partially and faintly as a passina and vanishing ar-ngrcf =two persons.
oliject ; firs, nga ioh-i kein nget-mget ia ka rel."] Ngnt-nprtt (clang-), ad. at ttmiligllt.
Ngi, pron. we. Ngtit-ngut-ngt-ngct, izd. indistinctly ; [as, " nqa'm tip dai u
'n,oi=abbvev. of svgi, sun, used as a iuffix in compound word, as briew ne n lnrad namar nga shu ioh-i lagrit-rzgut-t#g~t-n~~/."I
in mih'ngi.
Ngiah, a. enougl?,-V. to s&r from ennui. [ I m i t . 11~iahshoin.1
Ngish-ngiali, a. very tender or young,-ad. dahtily ; [as, " u leh 18,the eigth letter in the Klmsi alphabet.
.wid-wish ia lade."] Ha, pvep. in, to, into ;it is also used impersoiially, as, ha d i a n g e
xgiam, v. to contain, to hold, to be able to enter. let me.
Ngieng, ad, nauseous ;to be affected with a pecnlbr sensation ; Haba, ad. when, since.
[as, cc nga sngew ngieny ba'n b h ia ka."] Habadki-badei, ad. so~metimes,now and then.
'ngiem, (abbrev. of dngiem), a bear. Hak, ad. forcibly ; [as, u A n la lympat hak ia u B.]
Mgilr ngih-ng& ngall, a. Lttlonging to a far obsonre or dismal Hak-na-hak, ad. uselessly, *itliout any cau-e.
place. *Hrrkim, u, a. a judge, a Magistrate.
Mgi'm. phr. we.. .not. Eadem, VI.a Kuki.
'ngiem-lal~,kcs, 0. a species of largo blaok bear. Eadiang, phu. let mo see, hare,
xgi'n, phr. we'll, we will. Hadien, ad. after, afterwards, behind. [ h i t . hadien-habtid.]
Ngr6 ngifi-npi6 ngaifi, ad. dark and cloudy. Haduh, ad. up to, as far as, until ; [as, " hndlch katno nga'n iai
Kgir-ngir, ad. very early in the m3mning ; [as, " u khie hynne bbxh."]
dang ngir-ngir."] Eaei ? ad. where ?
Ngong, ad. sudden1 (meet) ; [as, " ynda nga ka kynduh mgong Haei-haei, ad. anywhere.
hajan u ss kren."f
Haei-re-baei, ad. somewhere.
Bgoi-ngoi, ad. languidly, wmkly ; [as, " nga sngew tlot cagoi ngoC - - - - _-- _ . -__
mynta."J * Hindi.


Hangamei, ad, proad, in;olcnt. Iraopl~ty. [Itnil. Ila~~g:mnlei-
hangapa.] &. BBn, n. a duck.
Hangne, ati. here H a m , ad. so they say, it. is said that ;(as, " hnna lashai ka shuti
'sha 9")
Hangno ? ad. aherc.
Hano ? pvon. (to) whom ?
1Iangno-hangno, atl. anywh&e.
Hhp, v. to fall, to come off,to tally ;to agree.
Hangta, ad. there (out oE sight) ; tkcn, tllercupon.
Hapoh, prop. under, within, in.
Banghi, ad. there (far, but in sight). [/t~~a't.I~snghi-I~an~tlli~?.
Hapoh-hapoh, crd. secretly ; clandestinely.
Rangtai-tai ad. there (very far but in sight).
H4p-shop (leit), v. to faU into misfortunes.
Rangtei, ad. there (up).
*HBr, ka, ta. conditio~;a pair (genemlly said of plough-bullocks)
Zangthie, ad. there (down). -4, all kinds of (generally used with rukonr, as, h6r rukona).
Hangto, ad. [hero (when tho place is understood or supposed to be Bhr-hir, ad. breezy ; [as, " wat leit shah khriat ha ka 'er hhr-hhr
known). ba ioh pang : sngew pyrhut Ur hdr."]
fl8i-hhi, ad. lavish!y, esiravagantly, (aq, " u lell pahull ha'i.h,fi"). *Ham, n. a set or a, row or n group of persons or things.
IIai, .o. to give out RLI<.I(:I~
n, sound in playing. *Harhm, v. to be unfaithful or ungrateful ;to mutiny.
DIIBin-Min, ad. very (re:l) ; frcsh. Harieh, nd. i n secret ; [as, ';u kren.sniew hara'eh."]
Hai-pa-hi, ad slowly. I

Harfid, prep. on or by the side of ; [a?, (a ka iing jong u ka don

Hajan, ad. near. harud surok."] [lmit. har6d-ha kmr.]
*Hajar, n. a thousand. Harum, ad. down, below.
Hajar-katta, cottg. in spite of, nevcrthless ; [as, " nga la ong ba tHat, ka, B. a market, especially one situated a t the foot of the
nga'n ym mrip, h ~ j a kr d t a ruh lada phi kylb nga'n mBp."; I hills.-#hi hat, a period of 4 days.
*Hajir, v. to present, appear. *Hat-kari, ka, n. handcuffs.
" ~ a j o t ,ka,n. a 10~6-up;a Ha&. Hateng-hateng, ad. now and then, (as, " u wan k6i hatmg-hateng
Hajuh, ad. in the s:ime place ; [as, " n shong liajuh hi."] ha iing jong ngi"). [Imit. hateng-hakhat.]
QEati, n. an elephant.
Hala, ad. every
Hala h j o ~ gka jong, ad. separately ; Ias, " ki la k i t ha la ,?,z Hato, ad. then ; a. Zmper. let me me, whether or not.
j o ~ gka josg ka iing."] Haw, inb. why not !-ad. publicly.
Halade, pron. in one self. Hawei-bar, ad. elsewhere ; [as " ba'n hawei-ha-ar ki'm khot bnsa
Hal&-halai, czd. by and by ;[as, 'c ha kaba nyngkong u'm sngenr- ia u."]
bha ia nga hynrei ynda halai-hcllui u sa ieit."] Haw-haw, ad. clamorously,-n. the vacuum ; the atmosphere.
*Halla (Biadi), v. to make a noise. Hb-hh, ad.pantingly ; [as, " u la mureh haduh ba u'n drr thait h8-
Hali, ka, n. an irrigated rice field ;a set of four things. iht?."]

Hdor, pep. ons upon, over. Hek-hek, ad. very (odolrous).

H a m r , ad. by or at the time, (as, u wan Lamar shiteng-synliia= HBng-hhg, ad. vFith a stentorian sound ; [na, " ka btien jong u
he oame just at midnight.) kaba mgew hhg-Mrag."] .
Hamsaia, ka, n. neighbours (legal term).
Heh, v. take (impev. only),--a;. big, large, great.
Hindi. 1 't Bengali. 1
5 damese.
Hei, int. excuse me ;I ~ 1 ;y be careful ;[as, <' i e i khublei, ixga Ho, = please ;will you ?
kum dei ho."] Hok, I. riglit, juatioe, righteousness,-ad. upriglltly, righte-
Heit, ad. w h y not ? (interogativoly only) ; [as, '' liam long ously.
.kumta-heit "1 Hdid, ad. yes (dso written Xa-oid, Ho-oid) .
Hem-hem, nd. very (red). Ebiii,*ad. very (red).
Een-hen, ad. like ka$i ; [as, " n p la shot ia u soh ha ba'n c h Hln-hhi, ad. like flour which has been mixed with water. [as,
urn ken-hen."l '(kane ka,jingkhleh ks la urn eh hdn-Lht."]
Hep, i, 12. younger brother or sister (used in calling) ; dear, a Hor-hor. ad. tenderly, softly;
- [as,
- <' khroh hov-hor ; jcm Itor-
term used by older ~ersonsin addressing young people. her."j
Xep-hep kph, &a,n. the belly. Horkit, ad. at any rate, at rll mst ;[na, '' horhlr ym ju Lit haram
Edr, v. to fly,-(kEz) ad. asfill1 , exceedingly; [as, nga la - bha."] - [Imit. Horkit-hordang.]
ia u nongleh -

shepting kir La nga ioh-i in u."f * Hormot, ha, n. chastity, honour.

E6r-iap-hdr im, v. to run for life. Hu, ka, n. the porpoise.
111.r-hbr, ad. sti.ong1y (hdsmell) ;too (soft) ;very (shaq). [as, * Hukum, ha, n. commandment ;order.
iwtung hPr-Air ;jern her-her; nup h&r-k2v.J Hhd, ka, n. quarter, side ; group. -ad. Shalid, in one nay ; [as,
H&-m-vnsiem, v. to be fiore afraid. " knne ka shu bha shz-hdd.")
HBr-syrngiew, v. to be at one's wits' and. * Huleng, 1.2. ape (black) ;hoolook.
Hi, ad. and pr. self, alone ;also used to softan the abruptness c:f Hum-hum-ha-bm, ad. noisily (talking).
a sentence. Hunam, v. to harp on the same string.
Hiar, v. to go or come down, to descend--ad. down.
Hiar-iadep, ka, n. a flake.
sun, a. satisfied ;pleased ;contented.
'hur, u, n. (ablrea. of jhur) vegetable.
&w-hi- ad. weakly, softly ; asthmatic ; [as, '' u rangbah rub
u kren htaw l i a w kum ka kynthei." J IJuri-hum, n. confusion, rom. .
Hikai, 3. to learn, to teach. Rur-hyr, ad. very, (soft like an over-ripe fiwit).
Hieng, b. having a large born or hole ;dilate6. Huspai, (ai-1, v. to indulge ;to give one his own wrong way.
Hih, v. take (irnper. only). Hynbew, tt. brother or sister.
HyndAi, ad. in olden times. [Intit. Hynd&i-hynthsi.]
Hih-i, ad. yes (coloq.)
Eynmen, n. elder brother or sister. [Imit. Eymmtm-hpbew.]
Hirna, ku, rt. kingdom,
- -
state. rZflti.4. bima-sima.1
- HynnB, ad. a short time &go ; after the lapse of some hours.
in, ad. finely, thoroughly, flowingly ; [as, " tglliet ha ba'n da

ni hirt ";Jem hin.1 - Hyniiiew, a. seven.

Hip-hip, &a,-*. the e k of the ribs. Hyniiiew-skum, ki, n. the seven families in the beginning of the

Hir-Mr, ad. longingly, exceedingly ;[as, " don ks ri ba sngewtp- world. [lmit. k i hydiew skum-ki hynfiiew trep.]
nad Wir-hiv." -] Hynnin, ad. yesterday.
* Hira, tr, n. a, kind of precious stone, diamond. Hynrei, c o ~ j but,
. though.
* Hiran, a: tired. Hynriew, a. six.
* Hisa, ka, n, a share.
- n. a frog;-bdm hynroh-u-bndi, an eclipse of the-moon.
* Hindi. _-<
I 'kid-hiar, &a,n. undistilled liquor which gathers in a pail placed
I , the ninth letter in the Khasi Alphabet. underneath a basket to receive i t ; wort.
I, (1) pron. an expression of respect or endearmcnt=hc, she, it ; 'iad-pndka, ka, rr. distilled liquor ; spirit.
[as, Ikong, I hah, 2 mci, Ihep.] ; it is also an expression of ?ad-rod, ka, ta. strong liquor.
dimitiutiop, as, I P-ait-rit,I tjllhi. 'igd rong. Pa, n. liquor given by friends when hemating cere-
(2) Prefix=to appear. to look ;[as, i-sill= to abhor, i bha= to monies are performed.
take a fancy io, t.o like.J
(3) suffix=to get sight of, to see, as in the word ioh-i.
'id-tang-snem, (Zit. liqllor consecrated for n year), ka, rr. liqllor
aupposed to have the effect of making people reckless and
Ia, (1) firep. to, for, concerning, of ;[as, i~ n-, ia kata.] mad for the time being and of eilcouraging them to commit
(2) sign of an I91~per.=let US, come on, pas, l a kein ngin leit murder for the propitiat.ion of " u 'I hleu. "
mynta.j 'iad-thnam, &a,n. a very strong country spirit.
(3) Prefix=sign of plurality or mutuality ; [as, cc ki io lehkni ;
u in kmn bad kiwei."] (4) time, seaaon ; [as, " n la poi ha 'iad-u~n,ka, n. undistilled liquor taken from a jar ;beer.
ka ;a kaba hiang."] (5) referonce meaning=regarding, la-ei? plrr. what for ?
concerning ; [as, " Ia kaba kwah llga kwah ch tang bo nga'm la&-ia-ei, phr. for anything.
la11 shuh " .3 la-ei-re-ia-ei, pkr. for something.
Iabuit, v, to conspire. [ I T J Z Iabnit-iasap.
J~. ] Inng, art. up (lift), [ a ~ ", a la call in~yka wait b S n porn ia np."]
Ialr6d-mbw, c. to causc a split in the religion of the famil? or Illid, v. to walk, to go, to proceed [ A d . iaid-ieng.]
clan by erccting r. h m b mhcrcin to denosit bones separatcafrom IGd Mi, v. to take a stroll, to taka a plesure walk. [Imit.IBid
the ancesti*al tomb (" see mSabah ") ; to schismatise. [Itnit. kt%-iengkii.1
Iakhd mAw-kitd dieng.]
IQid-ka-ieng,&a,n. manner of life.
IakCid-jutang, v . to break a covenant.
Yid-kAikAi, v. to walk by. swinging the lower part ofthe Body.
* Iakajia, v. to ~ I I Z I ~ Cto~ , dispute. [hit.dahjin-ia rnajiad
Iakap, v. to make friends or join with, to make an dlianoc with : - -
to have one as one's partner as in danoing.
IQid-khnipkhnip, v. to walk lamely as if pressed with sharp wall
Iakut, v. to make an agreement, to resolve. stones on the soles.
'iad (abh~ev.of kiad), ka, n. liquor, spirit. Idid-kjik kjik, v. to walk as if on eins.
'iad-khar, ka, n. same as 'iad-pudka. laid-kynthCw, v. to walk with a train or tail.
Iada, v. to protect, t3 defend. Bid-kynthih, v. to walk with a springy step.
Iadait, v. to bite each other, to altercate ;to fight (as dogs), to fit. I4id-kyrbeit, 3. to walk by tightening the musolcs of the'legs.
Iadei, v. to agree, to tally ,to be unanimous ; to be related to ; I4id-dar da?, v. to have a brisk walk.
to hit (pi.),to touch.
Iacleikha-dei-man, v. to have a relationship by marriage. IQid-qeng-ngeng, v. to walk as one who is intoxicated.
bid-ior-ior, v. to walk s10wly.a~a weak person.
Isdei-kur, v. to have re1al;ionship on the mother-side ;to be of the
same clan. Iiiid-hitlcin, v. to walk rn if under no restraint ;to roam abotl-t.
Iadsi-jing-c€ei,v , to Zlave some relationship. IAid l m d r . p h r . to lead a profligate life.
Padei-jingmut, v. to be of the same opinion, to be nnanimonl~, Ifid-lpgngeh, v. to walk slowly by throwing the head backwards.
to be friendly with.
IGd-pawang, v , to swagger.
* Hindi.
Iapduh, v. to be annihilated, to die without having any female
IAid-shin-shhn, v. to walk as one who has been under the in-
IAid-shen-shen, fluence of liquor ;to stz~gger.
IAid-suda, v. to go or walk without a load.
relative surviving him. [Jmit. iap-duh-iaptan.]
Iapngiah, v. to bo much absorbed in anything ; to. be charmed
with. [ h i t . iapngiah-ispshoiii.]
IAid-thnet thnet, v. to walk as if one means to knock against Iap-iap, ad. thin and Liaht (cloth).
IAid-tnet-tnet, v. to malk as if one is regardless of what the feet Iap-ieng. v. to die in a sta:;ding posture as a withered tree.
might knock against. Iap-ioag, v. to be attacked with mildcm,-ka, 98. kdki-d&*.

I&, (prefix) v. to continue to, [as, icti kcen, irii long, idi shong.) Iap-jyllop, v. to die of drowning ; to be drowned.
Ta-ieh noh, v , to leave off; to divorce. Iapler, v. to fall inio a swcon, to faint.
Iajan, a. near each other.-v. closely relatod. Iap-op, v. to die of suffocation.
Ialade, pron. self, to ono's self. Iap-pn~ding,21. to die with a child in -the womb. [Imit. iap-
Ialrrm, v. to lead.
Iap-shiliang, ka, 92. palsy.
Ialap, v. to say ; preach. [Itlait. iahp-iariew.]
Iap-snap (i-), v. -to be of any worth (said of property and used
Ialuh, v. to woo, make lovp, allure, entice. l/ttziL. ialub-iapah.] wit11 the negative particle ynt.)
IalGr, v. to court, solicit for marriace. Iap-snem, o. to die of epidemic diqease, csp. of cholera.
IBm, v. to weep, cry. (Pronounced ydna). Iap-thiii, v. to wither; to droop or sorro:r.ful; to pine away i n
TamAi, v. to quarrel. [ l m i t . iamii-iania.] EOITO\V.
IAmUit, v. to easily give may to crying. Iap-them, ka, n. choJertl.
IAm-briew, 8. to Iamenwor the dead. Iap-thngan, v. to die of starvation. [/trait. iapthngn-ipjing-it.]
Ianap, v. to devote one's self to. Iap-tram, 2. to wither.
Iania, v. to dispute, quarrel, argue. Iap-tyrsAw, 21. to f sint from hunger. [ h i t . iap-tyrsaw-iaptyr-
Ianoh, v. to add a little moro qitantity than what is boilgllt upon sian.]
tho terms agreed upon ;--v. (imper.) let us be off. Iap-tyr-ut, o. to die a violent deatl~. [/wit. iaptyr-ut-iapsmer.]
Iapoi, v. to cghabit. I6r (yn'r), a. wide, open, extended,-n. (poc.) 'friend.--Far, ad.
Iap (yap), v. to die, to lose. [Imit. iap-im.] dowil (fall). [as, " n h1p kumba h6p ka sla-dieng iar na,
'iap, (albrev. of shyiap), ~ r , n. sa.n(l ; [as, 'iap lieh,' inp-wakl bneng"] ;very (thin cloth or paper).
Iap-ang, ad. (generally ueed with vklaic), to laugh to one's & 'iar, (abbrec. of s ~ i a r ra.
) a cock or hen. [Pronoumd ee4v.I -? (8s
heapt's content. [Anit. Inp-nng-iaplCr.1 Iarain, v. to fondle, to toy, to play or flirt.
Tapah, v. to allure, to decg. [ImiC. Iapnh -ialbh.J Iarap, v. to help, to assist.
Iapbiej, v. to die of accident or as the result of one'a omn care- 'iar-kdait, m. a small species of fowl.
lessness. [ h i t . iap-biej -iap them.]
'iar-khiar, ka, n. a bamboo partridgo.
Ta~ein,v. to give for change (money) ;to hrter.
'iar-kr5.d-lynti, a, n. a cock which is sacrificed previous to the
Iapkhlam, v. to die of cholera ;,-ka, rr. cholera. [Inaz"t.iapkhlam- cremation of the dead to act as a guide to the departed spirit,
iapngoh.] (lit. "a cock to scratch the way" for the departed spirit).
Iapkut, v. to die because one could not get out of danger as 'iar-lasir, la. a kind of cock or hen with yellow feet, the former
from rt burning house or a besieged fort. being much used i n cock fighting.
Iarly-iar, ad. {falling) like a light thing from a high precipice ;
[as, " n la h i p i a r - l y i a ~nalor ka riat."] Ias~tit-iashor,v. to con- an agreement by pouring lilmtions
9. of liqnor.
mrmanskalai, u, n. a long-legged fowl. .
Iastm, v. to bathe, [Itnit. iashm-iasleh.]
krong, la, n. a small net bag for putting odds and ends, e8p. Iasiim, a. to throw or cast a spear or pointed ekcn nt.
betel-nut, lime, tobacco, etc. [lmit. ka iarong-ka kdep.] \,

Iaroh, v. to praise. Tut, la, ta. n l~ieceof wood ntt:~chrdto the plongh.
lar-padat, u, n. a cook which is killed and thrown three, times 'ht (abbrec. of Fiat), krr, n. liquor, comtrg spirit; (also spdt .-
over the Khasi funem1pyre, when fire is set to it,
'iar-ryngkbh, u7 n. a cock. Iatang, zl. to mnkc n so1o:un agreement by oaths.
Iasang, a. not sanctioned by the laws and custom of society ; IatAi, 2,. to sift, to scrutinizr, to discuss.
tabooing. [lmit. iasang-iama.] Tatnit, v. to rcjezt, to disclaim.
I M i d , .o. to argue, to debate. Inttip, v. to go boyoncl thc propor limit; to mcrodch upon.
Iasaid-lah, v. to hold on a discussion thaugh beaten. Intch-ktien, phr. to betroth.
Iashm, v. to divide. [lniit. iaslm-iapiet.] Iatem, v. to play on a stringed instrument ; to extinguish a fire.
h n g , v. to gather, to meet ; to hold religious service or meetings. Iatem-klicn, v. to interrupt oue in tho course of f i i ~convermtion.
Iashang, v , to associate with, to go near. Iathdrl, v. to expose ; to wash dirty linen in public [finit. i:btllAd-
Iashah, v. to bear with, to side with. iaW1d.I
, Iashah-iasham, v. to have dealing in money ma@ers, ie., btween
I~th&iu,-a. to interweave ;to find an wcuse.
a money-lender and a borrower. Iathhn, v. to lcok to nnothcr for : i? perforrnxnco of one's own
IashRn, v. to hold out ;.to support. j
Iatl~nnsi, duty ; to find an crctln fur nut doing n thing because
others sro not doing it.
Iashem, v. to meet ; to come across. Tathip, v. to watch for an opportunity, to waylay.
Iashep, a. to suit ; (as, " ba'n tupia Phareng uba iong ym 3 ia- Iathong, v. to bet, to wager.
Iathah, v. to commit in writing ;to register a marriage. [1111dt.
Iashet, v. to plot against, to betray. iathoh-ia.i,ar.]
Iashoh, v. to fight. [ h i t . Iashoh-idat.] Iathi~h,v. to tell, to relate.
Iashoh-dohkha, v. to poison fish in a stream. hthhlihana, 21. to relate as a story ; to preach. [Imit. iabhuh-
Iasiat, e. to have a shooting match (with bows and arrows). khana-iathuhkhadeh.]
Iasiat-shon-shiw, v. 40 tread on one's corns. Iatla, v. to quarrel by using obscene word9. [Intit. iat1a-iatl>&]
Iaslem, v. to remain late. 'iBw (yciw), a. grown-up, ripe ;courageolls ; an appellation of old
Iasni, v. to harbour a revengeful spirit. women ;the fern. of koh which is an a p p e b t i ~ nof old men. .
Imnoh, v. to connect, to ding. IBwbei, ka, n. a primitive anoestrese of a clan.
Lasong, a. to prepare and give betel nut, etc., to another; to Itiwbei-tymmen, &a, ~ 8 the
. grand primitive ancestress of a clan.
bundle up. [ h i t . iasong-iatap.] IAwbei-khynrhw, ka, n. the primitive ancestress of a branch of
Iasop, v. to cover ;to concentrate one's energy to one objeot ; io a clan.
throng round a person or thing. IBw-paw (shnong ka), B. the grave ; death, ([if. the village o n
b a d - m a r - i a ~ PAY.
. to make the-last effort in any nndert~cking the top of a hill where ka lacc-9aw dwells ; the story runs that
by risking one's life. whoever goes into her village never ret~rns.)
Iaweng, v. to remove ;to be engaged in wrestling, etc.
Iawer, v. t o call for n companion, to solicit to go along with, Iing-briew, Iing-ki-briew, (Zeit-) t r . marriage, (as, " u khun jong
to invite. nga urn pat leit iing-briew.")
Iawih, v. to be engaged in a struggle ;to fight hard. Ing, v. to be burnt, to catch fire.
Iawin, v. to make noise. 'ing (abbvev. of " sh'ing"), ka, n..a bone.
Ibeiii, v. to despise. [Imit. ibeiii-ikhoh.] 'lng (abbvev. of " sying "), u, n. ginger.
Ibha, 0. god looking, v.-to take f m y to, 6 be enamoured of. I-ngAp, v. to appear fascinating or attractive. [Zjnit. i-ngl'ip-i-
[I~llif.ibha-imiat.] bang.]
Ibiang, a. decent-looking. [Zuit. ibiang.ibit..] 'ing-bah, a, n. a species of ginger.
Ibiej, 4. to look like a fool ;absurd. [Inait. ibiet-i-snna.] Iing-basa, ha, n. a temporary lodging, an inn. [/mil. iing-basa-
lbyn-riew, v. to appear to boon the way to betterment. iing basuiii.]
+fing-kashari, ka, n. Ontchery ; court-house.
Ik, nll. simultanco~~sly up' (to blaze or stir), [as, d c ka ding ka ieng
ik ; baroh shishnong ki ieng ik." J vkhong, v. to be burnt to cinders ; to be exasperated. [ h i / .
'Iktial-, tr. authority, power. "Pgkh~ng-~gkhait.3
Ikwah, v. to have a desire for a thing from looking at it; to
*fing-kirja, ka, n. a chapel; a church.
covet. Iing-dara, ka, n. a temporary shed ;s tent.
I d (or- it), v . to tio a baby with a drip of cloth on tho back ing-ding, v. to got burnt with fire.
Khmi women do,-la, 9. quarter, side, border. [ h i t . lia id-ka 'iug-dong, ka, n. the back. [Zmit. ka 'ingdonp ks 'i;~goap.]
hima.] I-ngiew, v. to appear dreadful, to appear uncanny.
Ide, (=me as ade). Iiq-jgifi,
- ka, t ~a.tent.
Ieng, v. to stand,to rise up. [Ztait. ieng-iaid.] Iing-mane, ka, n.-a temple - ;a chapel,
- a cl~urch.
'ing-makhir, u, n. a species of small ginger having a more pungeut
a. to l a v e off, to abandon, to let alone :-ieir +oh-sanah'- taste than u 'ingbalt.
igzlg, to divorce (by exchanging five cowries).
fling-pk j ka, n. a house with stone-walls and ceiling of concrete
Jeh seh, phr. keep off please ;let me alone please. cement. [Imit. Iing-paki-iingdulan.]
Ieit, v. to love. [/?nit. ieit-thoin.] Same as iej. Iing-sBd, ka, n. the house where a Siem performs fanlily and
Iew, klr, 12. a market. [Imit. b iem-ka hat.] State sacriBces. [Imit. Iing-Ad-iing.sttnon.1
Isrrrluh, kn. 9:. tlle Shillong Bara-Bazar. Iing-s&wdong,ka, n. (lit.) a house having four walls ;a house nnot
Iew luri-lura, kfi, ta. the market of the b a s t s in Khasi foiklota. built after the old pat.hrn of a Kbasi-house, but after the
Eilglish .'fahion.
Iew-lyngstiel~,40, PF. the biggest hat in the Nongkhlaw State
'lormcrlp held at night, the day before the Shillong Bara-Bazar. lingseng, ka, l a . the house where all the mambers of a, family or
Iev-Xawkhr, ka, n. the Mawkhar Bazrtr. a clan perform tlieir sacrifices or transact their business
' (invariably the house of the youngest sister or niece).
lew-3fnwlong, ka, n. the Municipal m a r h t a t Laban ;the nan0 ing-lhlp, v. to be slightly scowhed by a flame, to singe.
of a Khasi wmk-day,
Iew-Jlusiang, ka, n. the Jowai Hat. ling-trep, ba, n. a temporary hut or sh~d.
lew-Shillong, ka, ib. t i e Laitlyngkot Bat. 'ing-tyrkhong, H, ?z. dried ging3r ; an old grudge. [Irt~ii!. 'ing-
j i ~ g( !-y -i ~-q-)ka,
, ra. a hoase. [Zrnit. ka ing ka aern.3 tyrkhong-ing-tyr-khap.]
_ Hindi.
Ih, a. ripe, well cooked.
* Bndi. I t ljcn~."ri.

I-hih, (coloq.) ado. no.
v. to get an opportunity.
[bttzit. iohdong-ioh-lbid.]
lohdiang, v. to receive. [ h i t . iohiliztng-ioh-bat J
Ih-rod, a. not properly ripe.
*Ijdr, v. to report to the authority esp. to the police station,- 1011-ei, v. to get gratis, to get for nothing ; to get by picking up
ka, n. q'ahar. from some placo.
I-jew, v. to appear hopelm, to be disgusfod. lob-i, v. to see, to get sight of.
*Ijot, ka, n. reputation, honour. Ioh-mon, v. to get to do one's own will.
*Ijra, ka, n. a long term lease. lob-nong, v. to get profit, to gain; to obtain a wnard. [imit.
*Ilaka, ka, n. district or Ilam. [Imit. h ilt~ks-kaeingmam.] iohnong-iohni.]
loh-sp, v. to hare an alternative ; [as, " Kpa leit p6n ka bainong
*Ilashi, u, n. cardamon. sngi na u Sa11.eb A. I)., l~ynreiu ong lla u'n ai tang 3 ana,
I -lfib, a. attractive, fascinating. namar b'gm ioh-sn (=could not be helped) nga shu shimkeiii.]
Im, v. to live; to be alive ;to be safe ; unripe, gcea, not well-
cooked. IohSngewy ]
Iohsnpw, v. to hear, to feel.
I'm, phr. he or she does not ; (I+yrn). Iohthiah, v. to be asleep. - [Intit.
- iolithiah-iolldem.1
' . *Im4n, ha, n. regard, honour. Iop-iop, i, n. pendant, especially attached to an caring,-nd.
I-mat, v. to seem, to appear ;io bo visible. [Itnil. imst-imut.]. hanging like a penhnt.
I m im-peit peit, ad. when :;~;ite conscious, in*&road day light, Iiur, ka, n. snow. (I'ronouncerl yo'r).
(as, " u shu pyniap ia ka !~langirn inl-9eit p e z t mynsngi baL Lltb Ibr-ibr, (iaid-), v. n ith slow and weak steps ( ~ a l f i;) [as, '' balei
pdeng lynti.") phi iad ior-ior kum ub:r pang "?I
Im-jingmut, v. to vet ono's heart upon, to be alive of. I-pBr, a. appearing light-minded or shallow minded.
Im'nong, v. to @+ cdequate wdges. [Itttit. im-nong-im-ni.] Iph6rYv. to appear awkwardly ;appear suspicious ; al)pear strange
In-sngi, v. to h;vc adcqmrcte daily weages ; to cogitah. - or digerent from the ordinary way. [Iit~it.ipher-iyhur.]
I'n, ptrr. he or she will ; (Ifyn). v. to appear cheerful. [Imit. iphuh-iphicng.]
lne, pron. this (dtrh'rnutireJ. appearing low or servile,
Ino, pron. whicl~3 (diminutive). Iphieng, a. awe-iaspiring ;grand-looking ;showy. ' [Imit. ipbieng
Ino-ino, Z:Ton. whoever, whichever. ipl~uh.]
Iong (yong), a. black. Ir, ad. up (stir, ablazc.)
&ng-ngit. a. pitch dark (as night). [Imit. iong-ngii-ion? I-raitong, a. appearing poor atld ragged.
ngiin.3 Irat, ad. and sc on ; onward ;[as, "mynta kumne u'n sa nang koit
Ions-reifi, a. dusk, (evening). irnt."l
I-rngai,;. to see something as in a dream or delusion ; to hallu-
Iongsynia, a. as black as nigl~t. cinate.
3r*ngtili,cc. ss black as a Negro. Iriang, a. passionate, irritable.
Jong-urnreit, a. beautifully dark (of eo~nl~lcxion). I r m t , n. pi. eye-lids.
Ioh. v. to get, to pi:\, to obtain, to lv;lvo, recoivc?. [fi~,it. ioh- Irshi-ir, ad. incessantly, continually ; [as, t c m p t s ki Rus bad
kot] ; C O / ~ . - - ~ C ~ ~TlFl.
ki Jap ki ialeh irshi-ir".l
Iat, v. appear disgusting^^ t), be irritating.., [Imit. isst-ijew.]
;. Iw-lnghw, v. to have the smell of a long unoccupied'house.
Isrtit-met, a. appearing loathsome.
; Iwli, a. to have the smell of fresh fish. [Imit. iwli-iwl~oit.]
*IsbBd, u, n. steel.
'1 7- Iwpdu, v. to have the -11 of a putrid fish.
I-shongsMn, a. having a sinister appearance. . Iw-riem, v. to have a very slight bad smell.
I-shongkun, a. having a grave appearance. Iw-sieng, v. - to have a, pungent snuffy smell. [hit. iwsieng-
Isih, v. to abhor, to dislike. I ' i wsat .]
Isnii, a. tiresome, wearisome. Iw-sit, v. to have a smell of urine.
Isna-iap, kaba, 9a. wraith. Iw-sma, v. to have a slight rotten smell.
Isyn-ei, v. to have pity or mercy on. Iwsyndot myrsiang, eee syndot myrsiang.
I-symgiew, a. frightful, awe-inspiring. Iw-tung, v . to have a stinking smell ; to have a putrid smell.
It (git), v. to examine, to search carefully.-Ba, N. n lookidg- [Imit. iwtunp-iwsat.]
glass, a glass. J.
fit, u, n. a brick.-ba, n. PL quarter, a kingdom, border land. J, the terth letter in the Khasi alphabet.
Ita, pron. that (diminutive form of uta or Rata.) Ja, kn, n. boiled rice,-[/?nit. ka jn-ka jhur) ;-Itit. ah, oh.
Ithawnang, G. comical, funny. JabAiA, a. dirty, especially about tho mouth.
I-thuh, v. to know, to make out, to recognise. [Imit. ithuh- Jabdr, u, 12. a wild hei-b.
Jabieng,. ka, tz. thc brain.
I-triem, a. dreadful.
Jablei, KG,n. cooked rice or pullao consisting of rice and ff a h of
I,&, V . tq tread upon, to trample. fowls szcrificed to a spirit called u bleI Synteng-it is cooked
Iuh-top, v. to be tyrannical or despotic. ' and eaten outside the village in the open air.
IQn-idn-ihn-ihn, a,. weak, (as, "nga sngem; ilin-i4n-idn-idn ba'm Jablo, a. dumb-like.
put koit bha.")
Iup, ad. completely down, (as, " ka jainkup ka la khlup bha
.T~~~B, a . dirty, clumsy.
Jabnit, u, n. a kind of herb (of a sour taste).
*Jaka, ha, n. place, room. [Inzil. l a jaka-ka p11tti.1
I w (eew), v. to have a smell, to smell.-u, n. e person who imi-
tates whatever another does, (as, " u lch kum u iw.") Jaka-jnka, ad. here znd there, in patches, (as, " ki dieng ki &hu
low7 j c c k n j ~ k aha ki lirm Khaci").
I w (yew), inter. fie.

Iw-bih, v. to hare a pleasant smei;.--a. sweet smoll ;aromatic. JI Jal~hait-rap,28, 9.' a creeping phnt whose leaves-of a sour taste,
*1 are used for curry.
[ h i t . Zwbih-iw thiang.]
Jakhi, tt,, 12. a vegeiable used in feeding swine.
Iwkhong, v. to have an unpleasant smell. [Imit. iwkhong-iw-
khap.] Jakllir, ka, 11. rice boiled in sweetened milk.
Iwkyrteng, v . to hava the smell of a thing bearing that B.ime ; Jakhlia, a. dirty, nasty. [Intit. jakhlia-jakhlbit.1
(as, " kata ka kaba iwkyrteolg du.") *Jakhom, v . to be in trouble ; n-ov.nded.
Iwei, pron. one. Jalihyllie, La, ; I . rice mixed wit11 yeast for extracting liquor but
I-wit, a. hp caring obstructive ;to be on another's wtiy. [hit. not yet properly\f erm~nted,it is generally kept in a basket for
iwit-iwa.f one night (see also jasapung).
Jnknep, a. sluttish.
* Hindi. I t Bengali
9G 97
Jakbid, n. a frog. JhWkup, ka, m. a wrapper, a oloak ;chadder.
Jakpoh, ha, n. food just eno?&h to sljstain one's life; a morsel. JMiikup-jainsem, ha, n. garment, clothes (in general).
Jakpu, ha, n. a lump of cooked rice, sometimes rolled up like '. JBGkyrshali, ka, n. an apron.
a ball usually given to children.
Jhiii-iarong, ha, I. a net-work cloth.
Jakr.ik, ad. in a very careless manner, in ebullition ; [cts, "a-iu
phi saitthma jakrak?"] ; like a babbler. Jaifi-jkifi, ad. in pieces, piercedinto many holes, [as, " ka masi ka
la dait ia ka j4in ha ban da lko jai6jaJii."]
Jakter, ad. like a drunkard who talks with much saliva dribbling
frcm his mo:rth ; [as, " u briew uba krcn 11u-aidj~rkter."] Jihiijri, ha, m. a waterproof-sheet or cloak.
Jaktung, &a,n. cooked rice or cooked potato mixed with a cerhin JAifi-mor-mor, ha, m. a thin cotton cloth.
sort of preserved small fish and used as curry or chrrfrii. SJhifi muka, ka, fi. amuga or Bssam silk.
J&-pun, ka, n. a foldin the outer garment of Khabi women for
Jekyntien, ka, n. a morsel.
Jadl, u, n. a vegetable.
Jedu, KG, M. charm, enchantment.
Jangjmg, ad. soon, quickly ; [as, " khic leit hynrei iamanjcrng-
J y m-pun,1
Jing-pun, putting in odds and ends.

Jhiii-ryndia, ka, n. the e r i cloth.

jang." ] Jhifi~a~la, ka, pa. a cotton cloth.
~giisai~ftd, ka, n. a finer muga cloth.
Jangew, u, n. a wild herb-of rt bitterish taste, much used as a
vegetable. [lmit. jangew-jathang.] JGfisai-hon, ka, n. a cloth made of sunhemp thread or jute.
Jab, v. to loose, to be depril-ed of. Jtiiiisem, ka, n. an outer garment of Khasi women worn loosely
'jah, abbrev. of pjc~jaA=cold, or of kynjclh=lonely. across the shoulders.
Jahar, ad. muddily; [as, " ha ku por slap, ka lynti ka ktieh JW-slieng, ka, I. a strip of cloth worn by men round the
jahav."] waist. (Hind.)knguti.
JBifi-sop, ha, I. a swaddling cloth. [imil. j6i5-aop-j4ifispaifi.j
Jal~are!/]st. (an exclamation of pity at the loss of a thing or at
the change of circum~tances)=all, nliat a pity 1 Jftiiispong, ka, n. a turban ; a pagri.
Jahkwah, v. to be satisfied. Jaipdeh, a. lazy, slothful. [lmit. jaipdeh-ja1sngi.j
Jah-lngriicl, v. to disappear withont any knowledge. Jaithh, a. lazy, indolent. [lmit: jdtbh-jaimgi.1
Jahthnit, v. to find rest ; to recover from fatiguc. [finit. jahthait- Jailrr, u, n. a kind of very pungent fruit resembling black p e p p a
jahjreri.] Jhjah. ka, n. cold rice. [imit. jhjah-j4thngan.l
Jai, ad. slowiy, calmly ; carcfnlly; [as, " ka nm ha ri Dlihar klia Jajdr, a, n. a wild vegetable.
tuid sllki jcti "; " Dun: 1% u 1ih;iw ha Jn'n da ni jai."J Jajew, 96, n. a certain plant of a sourish taste. [ h i t . jajew-
JaiAw, u, 71. a ,shrub ; (But.) d~tcntisictz~c/yi(~is. jaj&~-l
*Jaid, ka, a. clan, caste, kind. [Iv~ait.ka jaid-ka kynja ; ka j:lid- Jalani, a. fastidious, over-nice, particular, dandyish.
ka skbr.] Jalatymim, ha, a. a kind of Bon- ha plant.
Jaid I:{; ) conj. sinco, seeing that. Jalia-jauit, ad. jmrly, wretohedly, [ae, " kiba pli ki shu ia b i n
JAifi, ka, PL. cloth, clothcs. [fntit. ku jriiii-ka nep.] jalia-jaldit katba ioh" .]
Jhifikhbr, an, n. silk clothcs used on fcstive occaGons only. [lnait. E
Jali-ja-urn, a. kind, gentle, pleasant.
jhifikhor-jhilkhrkm.] JdMin, ad. with a dirty or shabby appearance. [ao, " balei ba
Jdiiikl~yrwang,kcr, n. an evi cloth with alternate white and red i jatbriitb ka khmat kumne ?" J
* Ilindi.
- I
0 br-re,

Jalkup s,z,. a bird so called from its cry of koopkoop-kmp. Jsphe, ka, r . a cooked rice-ball plmed over the atones where
Jaly-eit, n. a small-song bird of a greencolour. the bones of the dea-d are deposited, as a meal for th? departed
Jalpgkhsn, ss, n. a wild vegetable. spirit.
Jdyngkhiang, b,n. a glandular swelling. Japlirut-japhret, ad. in a careless or slip-shod way, [as, " u shu
Jalmut, u, n. the flower,having a red colour, of a certain t r w used lch japhrrct japhret tang ban dep."]
in making awry and having a large tuberculous mot. Japi, R(b, qu a basket in the shape of a mund trunk where precious
Jalynfiiar; G, n. a wild vegetable of a bitterish taste. articles are generally kept ;a crtsket.
Jnlpnoh, U, n. a plant whose leaves are used in making JspieL, ka, n. a frog of a greenish brown colour found in hill
curry. strcnli~s.
, n. a wild vegetable of s bitterish taste.
, ~ d y n s h ha,
Jal~lcm,(4. tasteless (curry).
* Jxpri, ka,n. n net-work of bamboo placed on the ridgea of a
Jalybiii @ llon-), ad. round (said of small things), [as, " kn
snepkor aba pyllon ialybi6!']
Jalfiifi (pyllun), ad. mund (raid of big things, [as, " kaba. l)yllun
root to prevent tlie thatch from being blown of€by the wind ;a
g'aly-$ifi kum Iza shalyntem" 1. Jdi8,En, N. a nct ;-pron. whoever.
JBm, a, to make a noise ; [lwzit. jhm-kieb.1-ad. e x ~ e d ~ g , Jbr, nd. a1together, entirely, (as, sngap jag*=bo silent). [ h i t .
for the iunst part ; [as, ki la &oh j2rn ia u ; ki la khlehjdn jitr jh-jir jir. ]
eh u shyiap ha ka sorki.] Jaraog, Bay98. a hole or ohink where fish make their dwelling.
Jth, v. to step, to stride. Jarain, a,it. a vegetableof a sour taste.
*Jan~abandi,h,ra. rent roll of cultivators. Jarawaifi, ad. having the appearance of a finc tall man whose
JamAw, u, n. a SOII~ wild vegetable gencmlly growing on sto~les. dl~csssuits his staturc ; [as, " u bricm ulja jlwng jnl-uwai;."]
Jam&& ka, n. a short swo~d. *Jari, a. to enforco ;t o execute ;to semc a legal prooess.
Jami-inng, u, n. a plant that bears a violet. * Jarimzms, kit, 18. a finc.
*Jamin, ka, la. seourity, bail. Jar& ka, fin. boild i<co for mising with p a s t to mnako liq~lor.
*Jamindaci, ka, n. an estate. Jarynlid, zl: ~ tn. wild vegetable.
Jamithiat, rr, n. a kind of sedgc bearing white Boaem pro\ving Jasapung, saino as " jakhyllic."
on marshes. Jasat, 2 4 1 1 . a plant of a pungcnt taste which gcncrdly grows on
Jarngnrei, u, 98. a shrub much used in making tikic' t~ndas a tie. met placos.
Jamynsleh, u, n. the root of a c e h i n mucila@nous piant much Jasnzi, La, m. mid-day meal ;til'lin.
used in washing the head, and also as an internal medicine for Jashulio , ka, n. rice cooked iu stoaru or hot vapour.
reteation of urine. Jasich, u, 9z. a kind of water-weed.
Jan, a. near. Jasong, Ba, n. boiled rice packed np in a lcaf and eaten by travel-
Janhi, ad. perfectly8 completely ; without fail. .[imit. jnn&i- lcrs on thc way. [lg~~eit. jasong-jatap.]
jaton.] 'jat, k~r,II. (crbbrev. of kjat), foot.
ano or, ka, n. the brain. Jatn, 71,11. O J ~ Cof the gods of the Syutcngs who is also worshipped
*Jh-pren, ad.very affeotionately or dearly, [as, " U Don bad U by many of the Ehasis,
Mut ki iaieit jha-pran.'
- - '1 Jatbd, ncl. v-it11 somedirty stuff sticking on the lips, [as, '6 u llriew
ube jcitbi lia ehp.tur."]
* Hndi - Hindi.
'jat-kmie, Ka, la. the biz" toe. IEW
'jat-duh, ka, rt, the little toe. Jew, a. sour, grievous. [Imit. jew-mt.]
Jathang, h, n. a wild vegetable of a bitterish taste. J&, d very muoh, (as, " u la ong rem eh jngdng").
Jathi, 21, n. a kind of lance. , a. r . [ h i t . ba jngi-ba n m g . ]
Jating,.~,ra. a vegetable. JngiGfi-jngaib, ad very (deep watar).
. Jatira, u, n. a wild aromatic vegetable growing in marshy places Jngap, ad. (sweet) like h o w '
and used as medicine for bowel complaints. Jngem, a. disooIouring of the tikin ;blaoL and blue. J

Jatmut-jatmat, ad. shabbily. [as, " ki briew kiba juitnut-inlmat Jngi, v, to swim.
ka khmat."] Jngoh, v. to look at, to paap in.
JAW,v. to drop, to leak. Jngum-jngum, a. violet-like.
JAwa, ka, a. the refused rice after brewing. Jngut, a. muddy, dirty, obacum
Jtiwkhldit, ad. bathed in te& (as, iirm jrflbkhldt). Jh&b-wsit, (shi-), a. sixteen (children.) ;quiverful.
JAW-dtid, v. to slaver, to drivel. *JMd,ka, n. *amer, ship.
JAW-jhw,ad. in wet clothes, (as, balei phi iaid jdw-jdw ha Jbang-jhang, ad. very (load or claw), [as, " nga ioh anger ia b
. u slap ?") ktien ba ka pyrta jhalzg jhang."]
,Jawlia, a. very young or tender (as e baby). J h b , a. gluttonous.
Jawliaw, ad, in a low spirited or domnoast mood, [as, " u leh Jhh, v. to he in Wculty, to be in haste.
jcawliaw ba u angewrem "1 ; (fire) which does not burn well.
*Jhare, o. to oure diseases by nmntrae.
JBw-urn-mat. v. to shed tears. [lnait. jftw-urn-mat-jhw-urn-mut.]
J a m u kjawet, ad. perf onctorily, carelessly, [as, '. u trei jbwrt-jawel
*Jhamn, ka, n. aduster, ajharan.
. tang ba'n dep."] Jhep, ka, n,the after-birth, placenta.
Jkap, ad. snspiishjg, [aa, " u ksew u dnit jkap na ka khohwab."] ~hieh,a. wet.
Jkhr, ad. quiveringly, [as, cc u shm jk&r io ka kait."] )
hop, ad. completely, (as, ' l wish ha ba'n da jhieh jhor ia ka
JkBng, ad. tall and big, (as, " u briew uba jmngjkknp)." Jhor, @A ").
Jkhg, ad. tall and slender, (ss,LL u briew uba ritjking") . *Jhuh, ka, n. a bag, knapsack.
~htim,kk, n. rapom ;-u. to evapor~tc.
Jkup, ad. all at once (to gobble up), [as, c' ko dohkh ka b8m jkup
-jbsp, ad. simul~neously, [as, " bha baJn ia b4m lang p u p -
ia u soh "1.
J h g , ad. hihh up (t* raise the foot), [as, u Sikh u kdm jtnq ia
Y? 3 ap ha kawei ka par."]
Jhnr, u, n, herb, vegetable. [inlit. jhur-u jhep.]
ka kpQ."1
Jei, v. &lay'eggs as fish ; to be plentiful. Jia, v. to happen ; come up.
- Jiap-jiap, a. very young. [as, '5iyiar iba dsng lungjiap-jiap."] -
Jei-jei, ad. soft and ooming off easily, (as, kane ka dohkha kaba
la pyut jei-lei.' ') Jjr, a. to drain oft, to filter.
Jem, 0. soft, easy. [Itnit. jem-t15id.I J, iik-jak jak (kynjah-), ad. very (lonely or clismd.)
Jem-ntd, a. gentle, soft hearted. ' [Inril. jemn6d-jemhin.] Jied, o. t o choose, to select.
Jem-mgiew, v. to be deprived of the essential of personality ;un- ~i~d-shiah; u. to be overparticnhr or strid.
fortunate. ~i-ei,u, a. a good rough rider-(Jiei was a man who was notorious
Jhr, v. to name, to christen. for eatohing stray ponies and riding on them).
Jer-jer, ad. like a jelIy. d
Jing=pr&x of an Abstract Noun ;--a. supreme (coZZoq.),beyond *JiUa, kn, n. zillah, district.
comprehension, (as, " ka jingsniew jong u kaba la in^"). *Jilla-kharit, v. to banish from the country.
Jingat phyllfing, ka, n. a wave. Jillang, r, n. a kind of Khasi white onion ; the shallot. (Bof.)
Jingblei, a. divine. Atlium tuberostcm.
Jingbriew, a. Innman, proceeding out of man. Jillei, a. too abundant.
Jingbih-u lasam, u, la. an evil-epirit who causes cliseasc of the Jin, ka, n. saddie,-ad. to awder ; [as, " tylliat ha bn'n da lwet
mouth and teeth. ~iq,.',];eveen to, up to ; i s , nga tharai ba u'n ioh tang kswei-

Jingbuh-jingsait, Ka, n. furniture. ar hyllrei eir i ~ h j i n3 hali"; "j i n ha W mynts-mynne nga'm

Jingkha-ar-sien, ka, n. regenemtion. tip shuh u poi shanu."] ;-a. n. a kind of fairy.
Jingkhang, ka, n. a door, prohibition. Jindat, ad. at the same time ; also ; [*:, ka urn ka la lam jindab
ia ka khoh ba nga iehnoh hari~dwah. ]
Jingk hang-iit, t .glazed window.
ka, ~ a -
Jindoi, ad. too ; too much ; too often ; [ac, " ynda iai kren jindei u
Jingkheiii, la, n. arithmetic ; r e c k o n i ~ ~estimation.
, [Imit. kylla eh noh."j
jingkheiii-jingdiah.] ka, n. jewel, ornament. [lmit. jingdeng-jingkup.]
3 ka,
gg,";:, n. a bathing or ahort trousers. Same as jyn~Jel)g.
Jindeni, ka, n, the refuse of brewely. Same asjyndetv.
Jingkit, ka, n. a load. [Imit. jingkit-jingbah.]
Jindiang, ka, n. receptacle.
Jingngan, v. to feel uneasiness or difficulty to pass food into the
stomach. J indong, a. shallow, short.
Jing-ngeit-biej, Ka, n. superstition. Jinduh, ad. once for all, (as, " u sahe3 u ri jindarh la ka kot ha u.")
[hait. jintluh-jintan.]
Jing hiar thma, ha, n. expedition. Sinhim, ka. B. gas ; vapour,--v. to breathe on.
Jing-iapait. ka, n. division (DFpeople) ;split [Imit. J@ia&t- *Sinis, ki, m. pi. articles.
Jinjdr, ka, n. trouble. [?%it. jinjBr-jintrah.] Same as jmirfr.
Jingiatip-lem, ka, 41. conscience.
Jing-it, ka, n. a strip of cloth for fastening a baby to the back,- Jinjh-trah, a. cumbersome ;annoying.
adv. fasting ;without food. Jinlat, ka, B. D feast, (esp. of pork and rice).
Jingjia, kos, n. occurrence. Jinriam, ka, a. a trap ;a snare. Same as ?jingriam.
3inglait-lbid, ka, n. freedom ;liberty. Jinmin, ka, 9b. vermin on the human body.
Jingmihpat, ka, n. resurrection. Jintang, u. ra. the stalk. Same a s h n t a ~ ~ .
JingpynbnA, ka, n. a notice ;proclamation. Jintah, ka,H. curry. [Imil. jintah-jinb6r.I
Jingpynbbd, ka, n. a sequel ;a supplement. Jinthut, v. to stumble.
*&a, u, I).a cumin seed.
Jingpyrsht-mynsiem, ka, ~ rinspiration
. (Zit. exhalation.)
Sir-eh, v. to feel nausea, to eruct-ate. Same as jyr-eh.
Jingri, n. cattle ; domestic animqls. [$met. jingri-jingdfip.]
Jirthiaw, a. to twist.
Jingriam, ka, n. a dress. [Inrit. jingrism-jingbeit.] ; snare. ,
[lmif. jingriam-jingph.] Jirwit-jirmt, ad. in a round about way, not satisfacforily.
Jingtah, La, n. ointment ;s medicine for rubbing or smearing on Jiw, ad. in trhehabit of, used to ; same as " ju ".
the skin ; curry. [Imit. jingtah-jingbkr.] Jiw-jiw-jaw-jaw, a. drizling, wet.
a - ,


*Jiwnom, ad. eternally, forever ;same as a junom." ,: Jot, a, destroyed, ruined. [Inzit. ba jot-ba pei.]
Jiwhmg or 'utang, ka, ob. mvenant ;arguments. [ h i t . ka nia-ka ; Jrhng, a. lean (like a man who has just recovered from a severe!~j' illness).
m, ad. for a long time ; greatly, deeply. [as, '' u la lei t jah JrAi-thied, v. to suffer from a sprain.
jkng sha Dkhar ;" "sngew kynjah jlang ;" "q e w kyllut
jlatsg."] Jrain-jrain, ad. with a crashing sound, like the sound made by
volley firing ; [as, " u shu noh jrain-jvaifi shapob," " ki la siat
~hh, a. too sweet or bitter. 'jrcsin-jrain da ki suloi."]
Jllln, a. long ;lengthy : wide. J&-I&, v. to become dried.
JLQw,V. to howl. 0ame asjlew. Jdng, ad. nicely (dressed up). Same as " Jriang."
JMw-nM, a. greedy, gluttonous. [Im;t. jlawnguid-jlawhew.] Jrein, v. to fall in drops, to ooze, to drain.
Jlek, ad. up, at once (to gobble). [as, u bsein u la nguid jlek Jri, ka, n. India rubber, ,caoutchouc.
ia ka jakbi"]
Ran, ad. big and tall, gigantic ; [as, '' ki ong ba ki Koseack ki long
Jriang, ad, nicely, handsomely ; [as, " u riam bhajrhnq iislade".] -
ki briw kiba jrong jlm."] Jri-sim, ka, n. a Banian tree.
Jlep, a. like the taste or smell of rotten fish ;4. too much. Jrong, a, long, tall, high.
Jlep-dohnM, v. to feel bad, to faint. Jrbp, ad. A dip of. &hjrup to immerse by a dip.
Jler, a. slanderous, vilifying, oavilling. Jrup-jra ,ad. at the s m e time (eat) ; [as, " ki ia barn jrup
Jli, Q. to be siok of ;to be squeamish ;to feol musea.
Jlisng, ad. far, deep, (as, " u briew u ngam iEiang hapoh thwei ;
Ju,a$:$ame as " jiw."
nga t M ba ngi la iaid jngai jtirmg.") tSuar-bata, &a,70. LL tide.
Jlish, v. t o liok, to eat up. *Jubib, ka, n. ri r&, an answer.
Jlih, a. even, smooth. Juban, ka, B. word, speech, word of honour.
Jlin, ad. nicely, comely ; [as, " ki cla &. ki da khyllong bha *Jubor, ad. by form.
jtdn.1" tJuk, r. fi. a kind of leech,-ka. n. an era, age, generation.
nip,v. to wither, to fall off (flower). Jukali, n. a common laboufer (rare) ;a ooolie who works in mortan.
Jl&d (aawa-), ad. in a.long continued tone ;[as, wei haba la $ 4 ~ Juklia (leh-), ad.evasively,shufflhgly ;[as, u leh jukCh ba'n siew
jlrid u ksew, kata yn sa b p briew."] ia ka bainong ki briw."]
Smdng, ad. out, (ss," u mih j d n g ha sla-urn.") Jung, u. to urinate.
Jnang, v. to be choked (with a bone.) Juhsi, u. n. a kind of sweet-soented rice.
Jong, (sign of the Possessive m e ) of, pertaining to. Jdh, u. to l i e , to get tamed;to feel quite at home.
Joit, ad. at onoe, up, (used with ieng.) Julai, u. to plaster roughly with lime and send.
Jom, u. n. the king of Hades. #Julap, ka, n. a purgative medioine ;jatap.
Jonti, k q n. a net to catch vultures, eta. Julor, n. waste, loss.
Jop, v. to oonquer ; a d . in drops, (as, ka urn ka jrtw jof -shi- *Jalum, ad. inconsiderately, oppressively ;sutnm ; [as, lehjdurn,
J~P) h e n julurn.]
J6r, &a, n. the essenoe or element, semen.
* Hindi.
- J u d i , u. n. earthquake,
full of juim ; [as, a whkynphor u b ih u thiaag

.w t-


Junom, Jympan, ka, n. a girdle.
Jympbn, u, n. a household deity (see u phan-u-kyrphd).
Jymphong, ka, n. a sleeveless coat.
*Jm, a. mione, strong,- &a,n. a descent (down bill). Jympien, Ba, n. an under garment worn sbout th@ lorn by
Vurib, v. to sutvey. women'.
&it (mh): H. falee-pains. SJympor, u, n. a jumper or lever.
*Juti, ka, n. shoe. Jyndam, ad. once for all, finally ; [as, " u la kren iyndam ba phi'n
*Juwari, ha, n.a gxambling ; a gambler. ym buhntid."]
Jwhi, u. to pinch. Jyndat, ad. while going pasi ; [ti% " kir masi ka 18 rand jyrrdat
Jwhr, Ka, n. a birth-mark ;a horizontal piece of wood attached to ia ka jaiii."]
the plough. Jyndei, ad. much, too ; [as, nga la iaishah jyridei eh ia u b' LI
Jwat, a. tough. kren bein "I.
Jykhng, a. having long and thin legs ; (same as jkdng). Jyndem, Ra, la. fermented Gee ready for braving. (Same ar
JykBng, a. having long and big legs ; (same as jkkng). " jindem ").
Jyngut, a. muddy, dirty, obscure ; (same as j~rgutl Jyndong, a. shallow. (Same as jiltdong.)
Jylldd, ad. forcibly ; along with ;carelessly ;'--u, n. a hangman ; Jyndfih, ad. finally, once for all ; [as, " la tangon haduh ba u'n A&
'[as, " ka long kaba khlem akor ba'n kBm jyUdd itt ki briew."] iap jylzdtik. "1 (see also " jindfih"). [Imib. jynduh-jyntan.J
Jyllhi (suh), a. neuralgia of the stomach. Jynlat, &a,n. a feast (see jinlat).
Jylleng, ka, n. the abdomen,- a. preponderating too much on one Jynrat, ad. along (as, " ka Per ka lam jylzrat ia ka j6b5 bath8d.")-
side of the balance-(thread of a paper-kite). v. to uproot.
Jyllei, v. to be abundant, to be overfull (see " jillei "). Jynreh, kaba, n. eructation.
Jylli, &aJfi. a circle, a circumference. Jyneur, a. long, reaching down, loose.
Jylliam, v. to wipe out the mouth with the tongue, just as dogs
do after having eaten anything. [IPnit.jylliam-jyll6it.I Jynteh, u. n. a string, hamboo tie.
Jylliaw, v. to fondle, to caress. Jyntia, a. to be full of. (Synonymous withjyllei.)'
~ ~ ~ l i ad:e p with
, - dGping eye-lids ; shy-looking (as, peit j y n i y ; Jgrmi, a.a. a creeping-plant. [ I d . u jynni-n jyrChah.3
.lehjylliep) . Jyrhiah, v. the effect produced by water passing into the air
JyKep kliah-ngain, ad. with the eyes cast down ; [a,46 ka shad passage while drinking.
bad ka peit jylNep-&AapyoG%kum ka dkoh."] Jyrhoh, v . to cough. [Imit. jyrhoh-jyrhbm.]
Jy116~u. n. a kind of bird who cheers the valley with his song;- Jyrhoh khltir, ka, n. ai cough which brings out the phlegm:
J y bp v. to wither ;-ad. by drowning. a peculiar coughbg.
Jyllhd, v. to wax thread. Jyrsiehh,v, to get stuck or get the feet suhk d o h in mad.
J y l l h , cwl. handsomely (said of persons.) [as, ka
Jyrteng, a. lazy, idle, lethargic.
briew kaba bha briew iy2lzin.J [Inait. j~llfmlyrnphGfi.1
Jymbuifi, ka, s.breaat, paps. Jyrthiaw, a. to twist. (Same asjirthiaw.)
gymma, a. to add, t o collect,-98. the sum ;total. Same aejumma. Jyrtieng, v. to straighten the l e g while sitting.
Jymmang, *, n. the month of Nay. Jyrwait, v. to pinch, to twist.
J p p a , a. to swim. Jyrwit-jyrmt, ad. unwillingly, not in a straightforward -m~nntq.
I - --
-- -- _.__f
$ EngEbh.
L 'LANGTHOHKHLIEH Langtati, Ka, n. a plant which bears a white flower like a lily ;
5. (Bot. Lilium gigaJ i u m ) .
&The eleventh letter in the Khasi alphabet. Lah, a. oan, able, suoceed.
La=(l) sign of the Past Tense (as, n laleit noh) ; (2) sign of the §Laha, ka, n. lac, sealing-wax.
Pwsessive Case, of, (as, u la shem la ka masi) ; (3) though, LBi, a. three.
although, (as, la' u raikhoh hynrei um tlot) ; (4) pZue (+); '14i (abbrea. of tylllti) u, a. a rope ; (2) (abbrev. of tldi),-&a, n.
into ( X ) ; [as, 5 la 5 long 10, i.e., 6 6 = 10 ; ka kynroh
kaha 6 la 5 b 10 pruh, i.e., 6 x 6 X 10 p~uh.]
'l4i ktang, KO, A.. a kind of palm.
'1% contr. of #la,a leaf, or of Rhla, a tiger. '14i-nili, ha, n. Wallichia ;a species of palm.,
'Ub,u. n. coratr. of khldlfb,the spleen. Lhiphew-jaid, p h ~ a. l l sorts or kinds.
'la-barn-b~ew, a. a man-eater. Lain, ad. very (red, like the appearance of one who is exoited).
Laban, n. a Khad name for Shillong. h i t , v. to be free, estxpe ;-n. a mistake. [Imrt. ka lait-ks let]
*Lak=100,000. [Ionit.ka lak-ka putit.] Lait kylla, ka, n. violation of the sacrificial onstoms by orniseion
Laka.a[.wholesale (used with die and thieol) ; buh lo k a = b or departure from the old usages ; violation of the ceremonial
- sfske money in gambling. law.
' h i t , n. the plantain leaf. - Lait-kdid, v . to be entirely freo from any disagreeable oonnmtion,
'Lnkam, u, n. a bridle. as from the grip of evil-spirits. ([mat. lait kdid lait khrei) .
'lakrEd, rr, n, a kind of orchid. Lait-d&r,v. to be free to aocomplish one's object,
I&l,a,n.sway, a means, a road ;-v. to be overcareful about one's Lait -doh, v. to' have a sprain.
personal toilette ; to rub with the sole of the foot in token of Lait-ia, o. to be free from rt perioa fixed for the observanoe of
contempt. certain religious or social ceremonies.
k d a , conj. if. Lait-im, v. to be saved.
Lait-lbid, v. to be free or be at large.
Lait (na), phr. except, beeides.
~ a & ,pron. self. Laitaang, v. to be free from a sang or taboo,-ad. n o m W p

bad ~"1,-v. i. to congeal, to soh .

Jasg,ud. together, in ~ U;B *" n& ia kbaii-pateng outwardly; \as, u la thied ia nga tang i sopti sala tang ba n
laitsang ; tang shi paisa luitsanf u'ul shym ai.]
slang, cont?. of bkr~g,a goat and of phlang, grass. Lait-sa-i-'sBid,phv. narrowly escaped ; [ ~ slait-sa-i-sdid
, bw ngs'n
'la~sbrot,n. a sheep. hr .)
hit-tbBa, v. to be free aa from an imnlinent danger,--kaba,
1 ka, a. a green fruit pigeon, a hair-breadth escape.
La jm, ad. nearly, almost.

'langkushi, m. a big'kind of goat. &a jong, P. one's own.
'lang-lung, u, n. tender or newly-grown grass. h lab, (aux. v.; h d .
Qngfiiuh, u, n. bearded PEE. h l i , a. slovenly, sluttish, dirty.
'langaah, u. n. @am whioh has not been set dre to for a long time. 'laliar, ka, rtr a .tender top leaf used in sacrifices. [ h i t . ka 'laliar
'langsohmoh, u, n. a full-@'own be-goat. ka 'lalong.]
'langth0hkhIiicrh, ku, n. a human victim to be offered fo u ~ h l r n . ~ , 5 'b-.
Id&, a. greedy, gluttcnous, seHsh. [ ~ m i t lalot-kangh.1
. Lapliei~g(~m), phr*.to be in too great a 'hu~*ry; [as, " brtlei phi
Ism, a. to lead, to bring ; prefix=ish (as, ZamIieh, lamiong). leh kum 1)~t'mklpiiefzz sh~~li."] [ I d .laplieng-1aflr.J
Lama, ka, n. flag, pennon, banner. Zapmiet, 21. to beorertake!lhy 11igllt. [/,,zit. lapmiet-1apiong.J
'laman, n. the Bengrtl tiger. 'laprnyl1sfiw, u. rr, s sun s11on-cr.
b d o h , v. to celebrate a maxriibge ceremony by a fwd, (esp. Ur(ka), 91. (on~enin g rli~iliatioil)a piece of the broken ahell
of pork) [ l m i t . lamdoh-lamkah.] lying on the light-hancl siclc of the bipgt:st blvken central
'lamet, ka, n. a kind of leaf much used in packing things. piece called ka " lieng."
h m h & , ad. thoughtlessly, wastefully ; (as, wat leh lanzhdr h t b a Larkam, ( I . useful (weil uith the ~agativeparticle ym.)
dang ioh.) [Imit. lamhdr-lamphut.] [as, kane lia ba'm lc~rk~rrn.] [ h i t . larkam-hijam.]
Lmjew, u, n. the internal part of the flesh which lines the Lar-en, u, n. a frtbulous mo~~ster ; a th~mderhlt.
epine. hryndia, ka, n. castov-oil plant;.
Iarm16r, v. to lie. [hit. bmldr-lsmbBit.] b a m d o h , tr, n. the demon who attacks people by bringing in
bmphmng, v. to lead, to preface. swelliilg of the neck a?idI:oill.;e;less (tho ptient ie given to
drink of the blood of the sacriAcd cock or pig).
b m & , a; mad, mazy. b i t . lamair-lamtham.J,
Iassawia, ad. four days hence.
Un(is;id-), ad. without any restraint ;[as, ba'n ehu iaid Mn h m
phi ym i-dei.] Lasir, PC, n. a species of grass ~ u a d h in sacr%ws.
LBn4lm(khuid-), ad. clearly (swept or trampled over) ; [m, ka LashAi, ad. to-morrow.
j a b ba dem b dngiem ka khuid Ihn-Am.] LashBi-lasl~isngi,ad. hereafter ; in future.
Lane, conj. or, either, bayhibit, ad. after a short time, (i.e., affer the lapse of some
b n o ? ad. when ? hours.)
h o - h n o , ad. in future, hereafter ;ever. Lashisngi, n. the day after to-mori-ow.
h y r n w e i , ad. hereafter, next year. [lmit. lanymwei-lanym Br.] Lasiit, ad. to-nigv. (Same as Zasyit).
Lap, u. to.overtake ;-ad. in taste, inconsiderately ; [a*," nga $Lat, ka, n. a feast ;--u, n. Lord, Governor General.
thung Zap eh ia u phan ; wat ju leh lap eh ia kaei kmi."] ,- *Latai, Ka, n. (Hind.) a thid-roller.
16p k&a, n. in cutting a tree a cut which is it little above the Lati, a. oily, greasy.
first one is called kaba Zdp. Lat-lat, ka, n. rr, rapid, a current.
'lap, (abbrev. of slap), rain. Lettohtih, kn, n. a tree planted along the edge of a gardm to Berve
Lapadong, ka, n. the leaf of a certain plant. a9 a fence.
L a p i a t , ka, n. a troe bearing small black fruits, a see-saw. Latom, ka, st. a top, spinning top, peg-top.
'lap-bah, u, n. a heavy rain. [lmit. 'lapbah-'lapsen.] 'la-tyrdop, ka, n. (not.) cinnamomum candattsnd.
'lap-biiiup-biiiup, u, .n. a drizzle. 'latyrpdd, ka, n. a bay leaf.
LAW, v. to take off, to extract, to undo.
'bp-kyrtiah, a, n. rain and storm. '14w, ka, a. (abbrta. of kh!Aw), jungle.
h p e , v. to daub, plaater.
Lapdr(ooh), u, e. the fruit of a certain a m a l l dwarf palm.
I '1Bw-bah, Ia, n. a big jungle, a dense forest. [Imit. 1glwbt-d-
'hpeh(sei-), ad. with plenty of leave3 but without p i n or fruit. 'lhwhyntang, ka, n. a sacred grove.
Ika lab, ad. anticipatively, .prematurely, [as, " u briew uba leh b w e i , ad. hereafter. [ h i t . lawei-lathai w lawei-h-m.]
$,ah eh is kaei kaei u kylla ksba rnut b l o i 7 * Hindi. $~ I i r r h ~
k - l a w , ad. areleasly, w rficial, hasty; [as, " n B u long' Ldui, ad. hanging (mid of big things ;-as, " u lwsi u sdien idui
o briar uba (.*la:. eh.'$
ha shiteng riat").
Uwlynnong, &a,n. a coppice, bush.
Lbang, ad. with the dhoti mild u p ; [as, " u tieng bs ioh jhieh, $Led, u, n. a lead pencil.
kumta u la kyntiw ibdnn ia ka bohkhaila."l 'leng, (abbvev. of pyllenp) ka, n. an egg.
- - ~

Lbhr, u.'n. the,month of March. Ungl*, ad. wildly. aimlessly ; [we speak of the flight of an
slarined butterfly snd my-" ka h6r llng-leng " ; also of
Lbiog(heh-), ad. fleshy and big ; [as, " u briew uba heh lbimggy9J s poisoned fish as, " ka jngi 16ng-lbng."]
Lbong, ka, n. the thigh. 'lengkha, Ka, 71. fresh egg.
Lboit, ad. ehort and naked ; [as. " phim khdst haba phi d a b 'lengkpoh, ka, n. an egg pldd. over the mvel of e dead pason
lyngkhuit Zbodt kumne P"7 ayd which is broken on the funeral pyre.
Lkdi, ad. pplump, (aa, " u srkang uba sngaid IAdLJJ) 'leng-iew, &a,n. old egg or that which is sold in tho hat ;basal
Lker-lkm, ad. pulpily. [as, "II khynnah ubs sngaid iderlk."] egg-
Lkhang, ad. lonely, helpless, (as, " ki iap baroh bad u sah rn 'leng-ra, ha, #. a n egg left unhatched by a hen.
msrwei ikhang.") Leh, v. to do, to perform, to act..
LkhSi, a. tender, delicate, not tenacious or tough.
Lkhit, ki, n. small useiess or unserviceable pieces ;atoms. [Imit.
Lehbeifi. u. to maltreat, to ill-treat. [ I d . lehbeifi-leltkbob.]
LehkBi, v. to play, to mako sport of.
ki lkhit-ki lkhai.] Lehkhgnrdw, v. t o play a bachelor or ~pinster,to dress nicely like
Lkhoit, ad. like a small lump. a young i n n or a g o q wonlaa. jlvrit. lehk11gnrSw-.
Lkhuit, ad. resembling a lGpf [as, "n kdi tup ki Tibet u long lehkhyndeifi.]
ubs tylli ikkuit."]- 1 Lehdiaw, v. to be dejected or cast down.
Lkut, ad. like a log ; [as, " u byeein uba lpgkot Uut.'7 5011-eh, v. to I~afidlero~~ghly, to deal hard with.
Lko, a. uttedy broken, crumbling. Lehajalani, v. to be fastidious regarding dress or toilette.
Leh-ml~shlia, v . to meddle nith. [ { m i l . Leh muahlia-leh-
Lko-porn, a d completely, (as, " ki la ialeh thyma ha bs'n da mushlGt.] .
lkopom.") Lehmynleh, v, to affect to do ; to feign, to pretend.
Lkur-lkur, ad. dumpling-Eke ; [as, " m e u khynnah uba sangid Lehnoh-ei, a. yoin, useless ; [as, lm long liaba lehnoh-ei ba'n

Ikur-lkur." ] kynjat in Bi speh ") ,-v. to waste.

Ldang, ad. lying on the back and helpless (as, "ka dohkha ks p6r Leh-palat, v. to do more than what is right or proprr ;to
ZdangJ'). transgress. [Insit.lelgdat-lel~palianng]
Lehrhin, v. t o be ashamed of. [Inlit. lehdin-lehauiE.]
Met, 1 ad. dangling ; [as, " ka tuta ka &en ldai ;hs aim
ka ngat ldet ha ka shangkhawiah ; ki sdien ia TRhroh,
- --
v . to be unassuming or hnmblc.
v. to make a show of,-ndj. pretentious, fond. [lmit.
Ldoi, lehroh-lehmcng.1
u bol ldoi ; ka kylla-badur ka adien idui,"
Lchrong, v. to make - B displny cr a shmv of anything. [Imit.
1ehroTlg-lehn~p. j
LdatJ ad-ban$n% (aa bird) ; [as, I' ka la ngat kti sim ldaf b ~Lehsa,v . to b e i n the dumps, to sulk.
ka ahangkawiab." J Lehsaug, v . to do or act anything that is immoral, profane or
Idink(at-), ad. lying with a swollen abdomen ; [as, "at ks kpoh indecent. [hit lehsang-lehma.]
Cdsng."] $ English.
L&saO, 9. to do anything by way o£ vengeance or self- lkitkhyndew, v. to go out to answer a call of nature. timid.
mortifioation. [lmit. lehaat-lehjew.] leitkhyndew-leitmynshem.]
Lehse, ad. probably, perhaps. Leit-dur, v. to suit,'to be fit. [lt~rit.leitdnr-leitdrtr.]
Lehsilh, v. to have dirty habits ; to be untidy. Leit-hapshop, v. to fall into an unlucky condition, to be
Eehsting, v. to make light -of the matter, to be unmindful. unf ortonate:
*hh-tamsa, v. to make a show or t o have a k m s h a . [Iwft. hit-ing-briew, phr. to get married (said of a man).
lehtamq,i-le9tamhoi.J Teit-lamdoh,phr. to celebrate a marriago ceremony by giving
Leh-tharnuls, v. to make sport of ; to out praotiml jokes. [Imtl. a feast.' [Imit leitlamdoh-leitlamkah.]
leh-thamula-leh-thamuleiA.1 a.
Leit-ldt, v. to enter the wind passage (as water when drunk).
bhahswlir' ]
Leh-tbwnang, 3. to mimio ;to do something odd.
Leitnid, v . to go out to answer a call of nature.
'lei-umtong, kct, 11. the goddess who looks after drinking water.
h i ? ad. why?- for what reason ?-ha, n. s flour paate. Lem, ad. together, along with, (as, leit-krn) ;-v. (ih spinning tope)
'lei, (abbrev. of bleg, a god. to "u out of the circle.
hi-lei, (phr.), 1. So much (the better) [as, I' ba'n da phi lah Len,v. to deny.
ki-lei ba'n iaid shi sngi, kata la bit eh "I; 'len, u, B. (abbrev. of u thlen), a big snake ; [as, 'Zen-lb,
2. st any rate, any how (when preceded by da) 'Zenpula.]
[as, " da hi-Zei ngrt'n ym h a d m ia phi "1; Len-len, ad. smooth and ba~w; [as, " phi'n snoh phi'n bat
3. without any cause (when preceded by Khlem) nangno haba khGd let&-ksu miiw."]
ra~" , u la dumok ia naa kkkm lei-les."l 'lenpnla u, n. a big mountain snake ;a python.
' m u r i , ha, rhn. the household god of\ certain clan- of t h Lep, ad. furiously ; (as, " u la bitclr Irp ia u ") ; flarin&.
'Leikhyrdop-'leihdi, kta, n. the goddess who 9s supposed to
I L6r, (1) ad. once, by chance ; [as, nga iohwger. ba -u la
guard over the gate of or entrance into a village in time of pyrshang ikr ba'n kern is u," " h shu lait-[& ba'n dei
war. m ka khlieh."
(2) useless (used with the negative particle ym, as, '"me.
Leilieh, Ka, n. lightning.
ke jingpyruhang jong phi ka ba'm Zkr "-).
'Lei-muluk, ha, n. the goddess who takes care of a village or atate.
(3) creepingly (as a serpent does); [as, 'c u bsein a la pllr
'LeisBd-'leieunon,. ka, n. the guardian goddess of a Siem, clan, Z& sha safiium."]
(esp. in the time of war).
hit, v , to go, to proceed ; to fit. I L'er, ha, m wind, air. Same as Zyer.
L'er-kyllang, ka, n. a cyclone.
L'eit, Ka, n. the bottom; %hefoot, the buttock. 'Same as lydt.
hit-bhr, v. to answer a call of n a e .
c L'er-kyrthh, ka, lz. a storm mixed with rain.
bit-bhih, 6. to go and beg. ! L'er-lmgthari, la, a.ihe whirlwind.
Leit-k&, v. tb go out for a walk, to go on a visit. [lmit.IeitUi- L'er-synr&, Ka, n. a soft breeze which blows in autumn.
leitiaid.]- 1; l e t (abhev. of klet), ad. amiss, (as, " nga la kum kren 'let ")-k@,
1. n. transgression, wrongs."
Leit-ka-wan, ha, n. journey, travel, (esp. for trading purpose.)
Leitkha-leitman, v. to get married (said of a man). Lew, ad. intensely ; [as, sc &it dew."]
7 Lew-lew, ad. while it% hot (of eatables or temper).
LBv-lit I hat. beware I
LngBw (iw), a. having a peculiar smdl, as that of an unoccupied
house. Liat-khtin, v. to have a miscarriage.
Lngen, kaba, N. a gentle flow of a tream. List-lor, to slip off, to have an abortion.
Lisw, ad. for s short time (to look), glancingly; [as, " u ehu
peit liaw sha ngs bsd u dem noh."]
, h p r , v: to make delay, to be dilatory.
Lieb, ad. at a glance (look) ; [as, " nga tang shu peit k b , nga h
Ln&$ v. to be greasy. ihthuh ia ]is jinglong jong u."]
Lhen, ad. shgnantly ; [as, " ka a m ka lsag llie~."] Lied, v. to dismantle, unroof.
Lhep, ad. very (~pprassiveor hot) ;[as, '* ka shit lfrep."] Liens, ha, n, a boat, s ship, a canoe. [lmit. ka lieng-k~pban]
Lhin (hin-), ad. oompletely, all over ( m v e d with water) ;[as, 'lieng, (contr. of khlieng), a. a kite.
"ka um ka dap hila-lhim."] Liengkynda, ha,a. a boat, a dug-out, a a n w .
Lbieh, a. bmming more severe (applioable to a sore only). Liengiapom, ka, a. a mn-of-war.
Lhiej, a, n. a grass with sharp blades. 'liengjathang, &a, #. a spotted eagle
Lhon, ad. like the water of o8~8pools; [as, " ka urn ka lang Lieh, a. white.
lhm.', 1 Lieh-khleiii, a. white, like porcelain.
L'hoh, a. emanating bad smell (as h m the body or clothes of a Liem, v. to lie on the back (said of aowries) ; to b a a match for
dirty fellow). (used with ia).
- Lhop, a. without free accirsa of fresh
air; olose, stuffy. Lien (i6id-), ad. like m n y people walking ;[as, u paitbah u b
Li, adv. like the smell of a fish (used with iw = smell). iaid lien sha kyrkit."]
'li, (abbrm. of dohthli), m. a small fish, (as, 'Zijarang, 'lisiaw, 'liew (contr. of thliew), &a, n. a hole.
'Zipor). . 'liewlep, ka, n. a pitfall.
Liak, ad. at a glance, (a, nga ioh-i ia ka khmat jong u tang 'liewlong, ka, B. a a t d pit, abyss.
iiak ").
Ling-ling, ad. swiftly, agilely; [as, "lrble leit h p i wat jah
Liang, ka, n. side, party. ia wan iiw-ling ho!)'
'liang (abbrev. tit pliang), ha, n. a plate. Lib 1 (7mlgarirn1)a friend ! my friend I [as, "Mei Zih me jab?"]
'lianaeng, Ha, m. a wooden :plate. *LiIam, kca, n. auotion.
.Liarn, ad. towering, exoeediiily ; [ae, " ka rynihg jong n kq Lilipenpen, a. having nothing, empty handed.
- palat liam ia kiwei baroh.")-
Lin,ad. to the brim, a l l over, altogether ;[as, " ka madan baroh
Lian, ad. used negatively only with ym=much more; more than ; ka la d;bp Cia da ka ~m.'!]
[as, s." nga tharai ba ym liam 1,000 u briew uba khmih kfii."]
Lin-lin (jlih), ad. very (smooth); [as, #' lane ks &h ka long
L i a n - k h b a. having children one after another in s short lapse kaba jlih tin-iin."]
of time.
Lip, v. to go out, to be extinguished.
Lbppliap, ad. hppingl~; [as, "ka misw ka jliah liap-liap ia La 'li-pbr, n. n kind of 8m&U &h.
liar-kit; ka, n the topmost plahtain leaf. Lir, u, n. indigo,-4. to meddle.
+ngot, a. broken, as a young bamboo; (hence) stunted, short. Lii-lir, ad. owepingly
(of small things); [as, "i baein iba rit i p f
Zir -lir."]
&ta v. to fall through Hindi.
L'cih, w, n. cloud, mist. Same as Zyoh.
Lit, v. to sharpen.
L'iur, ka, n. the rainy season. Loi-loi, a. mild, soft-hearted, innocent.
Liw, ad. sulky (to look). [As " u peit liw ia nga kumba u bitar Lo-lo, a. superficial, shallow-mindd.
eh."]- L'oifi (pyllon-), ud. nicely or beautifully (round). Same as llyoin.
fae, Loit, v , to untie, undo, to take off.
Liwliw-lawlaw (thngan-), ad. cravinglv, nncodortabl
* ynda la hoit na kabs pang, jn thngan litolitu-latolazu."f Lop, v. to cut aff, to knock down (the teeth) ;break off (said of
the blade of an axe or cutting instrnment).
Ljang, 7
Ljeng, I , L6r, ka, n . the snrfnce, external part.
- . )ad. hanging down; [as, " ki sdienie ka doh Zjaag."] 'lor (suffix)=premnturely (as, khaEog==abort;on).
Lorni, a. meddleso~lle,tale-bearing. [ h i t . lorni-lorhsp] ;-n. a
Lmang, ad. with the head cint off ; ras, '( belei phi ot pynlyngkot Lot, v. to go in a hole (gambling).
ia la u dieogduh imnng ?"I
Lpa, ad. already, beforehand.
Lmam-Imam, ad. full of flesh (as, n khtinlung n sngdid Imam*
Lmum-lmum, 1 imam ") ; fatty.

Lmeh-lmeh, ad. fresh, lively ; [as, " ka dur jong u briew uba iap
Lpan, ad. stoutly (body) (as, u lolt lyngkh~~it l'pa9z).
Lpen, ad. like a serpent while lying, (as, " u hkeifi u dem &m
ha lynti ").
&ph6n,o, ad, like a mall straight post or tree.
mynsBw ka shu i hueh-lmeh hi."]
Lmet-lmet, (stem), ad. very (yellow) ,. golden colour ; [as, " u Lphfing, ad. like a big stnig1:llt post or column; (as, " ka dieng.
Bliew uba stom bhsbriew Imet-lmet."] lieng ka long ka dieng kaba beit &lzistg ").
Lmit-lmit, ad. ye!b)\\-ish, (as a person suffering from liver oom Lping, ad. indolently, lazily (a*, " u sniang uha la heh eh u ahu
plaint ; [as, "ki hriew kiba don khl4b ki stem Zmit-lmit."j thiah lpigtg ").
i'?', ] ad,sllart or bob-tailed. ?2p:t ] a d . like ths appearance of anything long when bun
[as, " nga ioh-i ba ki wah lshery ia ka lbong
Lshilifi, a. oval.
Lok, n. a friend ;hilsbapd or wife. [Jmit. u lok-U-jor.)
Long, v. is, exist, become, -w, n. a fox-glovo. ad. a t full lengt!l [as, I L ka long kaba khlem &or basn
jyrtieng lter ia ki kjnt "1
L6ng-16ng (khih-), . ad. ma&@, wild1y ; [as, " u sarong, hynwi
ynda mudui ki briew un sa khih lhg-ldag"] ;aimlessly. Ltir,
(jrong-), ad. Ion? and 'i*ound at both ends [as, fl bbn
h n g bneng (khmied), ad. mpwards,; [as, cc khmih la ka lynti wat phi'n hem k i maw kiba jrong It& ha rud-wahH],
ju khmied losagbnmg ioh'jinthut."] - LtBin,
hngbteng, &a,w an inheritance. Luab-lnab (jem.), ..J. flexibly (bent), (as, " ka kti h kjat jong
Longbynriew, ka, a. humanity. [Itnit. longbynriew-manbynriew.3 ka jem hab-kbab ").
Longkha, .ka, n. the goddew who presides over the relationship by Luar, 21, N. small Eamboq string or tie.
marriage. Luar-ding, ka, n. a furnace. Same as lomar d h q .
Longkur, ka, n. the guardian goddess of a k w (clan). Lilb, a. moderately big, good eized ; i-lL l=attmtive.
Longra, v. to grow spamely ;heq and there,- a. oonaisting of tLnkiar (ki), m. the 44th Gurkha Jlegimont (once the By]het
small hard lumps of esrth.
Longrynieng, ku, B. being. . _ Light Infantry).
_ _--- _- - ---------- -
$ English (a oorruptimcb the phrare "look here I").
a ,andeator; predwemr,
~ o n g s h u w a ~ ~ n uw, n.
Luksan, u. to suffer loss. Qar, ad. short and ro11nd (as "u khiew uha pyllun &arS').
Luk-u-lak, u, ra. common people. Lykhit, ki, @. small nseleca things or details. [lmit. ki lykhit-ki
Jlrdd, a. young. 1khai.l same as Lkhit.
h e n g , ad. like a serpent (as, " 11 hseiii ubzr jrong I I W I ").
~~ Lyeit, ka, 9z. the bottom, the foot., the buttock,
Luen, ad. big and long (as, " u bseifi u d e ~ nZuelt "). Ly&, ka, a. wind, air (see a1qo lykt%).
Lung, a. young, tender. Lpg-a, a. hot, nncomfort~hle,n nensy [Irt~it.lynp-a-pies].
Lung-Inns-leng-leng, ad. cursoilly (as, " a=:\ shu klll~iliCutag- Ly-ngang, ad. lonely, (as, " u shong tang marwei ly-hgaeg ha
lung-lenpleng ia ka kot jong plli "). lflm.") . .

Lxih (ia-) v. to woo. ~ ~ g - g ad.

d , short and stout (in stature) (as "-ubriem uba lyng-
kot Zyng-dn.")
Lui-lui, a . innocent, harinless.
Luiii, ad. point-blank, (as, " u tang shu thew briri dn ka snloi, ki @
:: V. to disappaar without knowledge.
k khaweit "). Lyngbba, pr. througl1,-nd. throughout.
LWi,a. blunt. Lyngbiang, a. without earrings or ornaments or handle (as, " Era
LZlrn, u, n. a hill, rz mountain; outsida the villsgc. wait knba EywBinng") .
Lh-Nangkashang, 98. the Himalayas. Lyngka, n. the name of a second day in a Khasi week ; Ceylon.
Lam, v. to gather, to collect. Lyngktir,,ad. without care, at ranclom (as " mat pyllait tysgkiv
Lhn, n. a tadpole. ia ki masi ioh dait u khh").
Lhn, u, to t h w stones, to pelt with stones. Lyngkdang, ad. lying hclpless on the hack [as, " ka dohkha ka
Lupula, (see 'Lenpula). p6r l.vngkr!ong."]
Llir, v. to plough ; (ia-)-to woo, to court. Lyngkdong, ha, n. the occiput ; nape of the head.
Lyngkha, ka, n. a field [Ilnit. lyngkl~a-ka risail.
'ldr (~bbrev.of khldr),-u, n. a star. *Lyngkhason, ka, .n. a frame of wood or bit?r for carrying the dead
Lur, v. t~push forward (the firewood). body to the cremating place.
'I&-dih-duma, u, ?L. the comet. . Ipngkhot - ka lyngkhAi,)
Lyngkbot, ka, 12. s piece [ / w ~ t t ka
Luri-lura (ka Tew-), ka, I&. the market of beasts (conneuted with LyngkhGh, v. to happen by acciclent ;-12. an cbvil spirit [Imit.
the history of the dog in lihasi folk-lore). lyngkhdh-pakhuh].
'lur-mnngkzlra, 46, It. tllc brightest star. Lyngkhuhid, cc. naked [I~tit. Ipngkhhid-lynpl)iang].
'1Gr-miet, I t , 71. thc c~ci~iirrgstar. Lpgki, a. barren.
'Ifir-s116i, 1 6 , s. tho morning star. Lypgkien, kn, 92. a mcadov~,a actidct~z;-a, spilling all over, flow
ing, copious,-a. lercl witll.
a ,to finger, to bandlo, to mcddle.
L ~ ~ s h iv. :Lyn~kcklad,In, 7 ~ .longcloth.
*Lut, a. spent,osllnnsr~t1,-kc(, a. a currency note.
Lut-pliut, rt. cclun~i(lering [lmit. Intpl~ut-lut sha].
*Luta, rr. 11. R g01)l~t.a 1)rariscup; tllc pn~hscis,the trnnk (of an
elcpl~~lt). '
Lyngknep, 1
Lynpknap, ad. like n piece of s1nt.e on thc gmnnd (as,
ngn iit .]litom npn sl~cnlis ka tyngka kana
k?zttp Ila kll~ndcw") ;flat.
Lyngknot, ka, ~ t a. low ~ ~ o o d cstool.
Lute, v. to spoil. to pl~~iwlcr. Lyngk6r, ka, n. n plo11911;: u ~ancllor.
Lpifi, a J . short ant1 mitlc (as, " u hricm nha Ipgkot fyaifi"). Lyngkot, a. short ;-a. a ]-)icsce(nced ~ I t l ski,
l i\r, lai, etc.)
_ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ - - -
* lIiu(1i.
- - -
* Lturli. $ English.
Lynghoh-khohwab, ka, la. the back part of the leg just 11n:ler tbe
3 flit. ~ v b hthing scrittttered here and there (as
Ly I I -, lirn~~~roit,'< plii it)-ninnndkumno ba'n iell noh Zy,a;,Rr~lgia
ki-ei ki-ei ?") .
Ly-ngiar, v. to be late. (Same n5 Zagior).
nrl. lielpless~(lvinz on the back), (as, " ynda 1s Iryngiej, a. oily. (Samc as lngiq-).
bn-aid n tl~inllI p ~ ~ k r n aha
g snrok"). Lyng-ien, ad. ball-redining, l i k l the walking of a big nlnn with
Lyngkut, a. rho&, laconic ;oven (number). a big belly [as, '' LI S'iern, $ u iaid lyrigun lyngierr ha Sbr."]
L Y I I ~ ~ ~ Y L21,' I13.I Can~ ear
~ , olmment. Lynglit, langlit, n. a species of parrot.
Lyn~kynvinng,km, a. tbe point on the head whore the hair appears Eynglhn, ko, la. s lump.
to end (generally on the top). Lyngrall, u, la. white-ants.
T n , , a, (nsed along witli. u pj~agr~rn), a man of p t LpgrEtm, pr, n. a young bull.
i~~tllicncs-24.Pyf~gvent-n- Ayngclrfrt, a statesman. Lyngrom, ad. in n & ~ l l gsoitp (standing) (as k i ia ieng l j v -
Lpnsclliann~g,a. shallow and flat. ram ha ka jull ks jaka ") .
Lyn~doh,1,. a priest. Lyngrum-lyngram, ad, carelmsly or in snch e \ur a? t5 ol,s!ruct
L p n ~ d b m a., bareheaded. the passage (as " ki shu bull lyrqr./,z-Z~~rgraid ki (licng").
Lynqrlrlykhiir, s. rs dove. Same as Lyngdkktrr. Lyngskdr, u, n. n Prime JIiaister.
L y n e e n ~ .ad. having a big head, lonely (or " u brier uba heb ka gyngsnap, 1
kh lie11 Zy91.gemg"). (Same as Ln!~eng).
L ~ n ~ ea. n slow,
, gently flowing (stream). (Same as Lyngen).
LyngEr; e. frill or whole length. (Same as L~nger.)
Lyngl~qni,ad. in ecstasy of joy, in an unconscious state, (as, " u
In shong sngewbha Z!{!,tzgagtci").
L p ~ n g r nn. . the name of the hill-tribe in the north-west of the I

Kl~afiiHillq. Lyngthen, ad. bulky and \vithoot proportion, (as, " u brien uba
L ~ n ~ n gad. , tho head thrown backwards. (as, " u ioh thiah
~ hwith heh lyngthen ") , i
ZpgngeA ha ka shuki "). Ly~g~hohdoh, la, e. the back of tllc necli. 1
L~i~gngeit, ad. with tho whole weigbt of the body (sitting),-v. to Lynpfi, a. thick, mgiug; denseiy smoky,-v. to rage (as I
thrust down. fire). 1

L~inngi~giab, ad. wit11 the head thrown backwards, (as, " u leh IJyng-tiin,'kcb, n. the circulllfer~n~e.
1yrb;lngiah ia lade '7). lgng-or, ad. like a big ring ur bzll (as "sbna ko ryngrriang
Lyugng011,v . to be perplexed ;to be astonished. [Imit. Zyw- kaba pyllun lyttg-urn).
tlgoh -1:ngngain.l
Lyngrit, ad. revnlvin:ly, (as, tang dci kuli, u khla u !a sl~Ad
Lyngn~on,nd. closely shaven (small), [ss, u khi lyngryn, is la ly?agwit b d u kgllon artat ").
k(r khlich.] Lyhar, ad. careles\ly and rvith the rrhole weight of t.he bnly (to
Lyngn~ot,la. a btack of wood. sit). Same as Ztrar.
Lyngngh~~, ad. closely shaven (big) ; with the head exposed Lylon, ad* like s ball (small) ;(as, " ba'n khuai dohkba rho kli II
(68p. to tbe reins); [aa iaid lyngngun ha u slap Wem ZyZon da ka ja ' 3 . Same ~ t Llm.
a I
Uein ei ei."] 1
Lyrnbher, ad. in a heap, (as, " ki lunn lymbher ia u 'dewiong ha LYNDANG LYNTI-KHLIEI~
madan ").
Lymbhertait, ad. ca~elessly;aattered abut, (as, " k i iehnoh i s
Lyndang, ad. on the back (to lie). [Imit. Lyndang-pyUup.1
Lyndet, ad. beyond, behind,-v. to transgress, to forsake.
kiei kiei lymbher-tait ").
Lyndbm, a. bare-headed, bald.
Lmbhor. ad. like a sleeping baby, (ne, " i khGn11ing i iohthiah
w~yntbhor.") r
Lynnhi, a, n. a reed.
Lymbiaqi ad. without any earring or ornament or handles. Lynnisng, u, n. s plant the root of which ia of s bitddab taste
(Stme as Qngbimng). and which is eaten with p6n and areca nut.
Lymbit, ~ Ca.G a ,bat ;mica. Lynniap, ha, a. a slice.
Lymbnep, ad. thickly, (coveredi ar .with scabs or eruptive Lynfiiar, u. to cry aloud, to weep. [Imit. Iyniiiar-lympst.]
disease) ;(as, " u Aiang thylliew u rben lymbne$"'. Lynnong, ka, n. a portion, a chapter,-a. isolated.
Lymboit, a. almost naked. Lyndw (si-), w, 4,. a young bull or ox.
Lymbung, ad. in a heap or group, .(as, 'ynda la lah shoh ia u Lynruh-lyrsm, ka, n. things lying disorderly.
kha, ki shu lnm Zynlbalzg ia u skum "). Lynrum, ad. disorderly.
Lymbup, v. to push with the shoulder. Lynrum-lynrah, ka, ro. rubbish, a dCbris.
Lymds, cola,. unless. Lynshbr, v, to plant in, to ram in, to hurl down.
Lymmang, csd. without dress or ornaments, [as, ka isih shibun Lynahop, v. to dash or plung down (as a hill stream doea to any
ba'n khet noh ia, u khlieh diengduh Zj))~rncs~tg."] flosting object).
- .
Lymmen, ka. n. palm or sole deprived of wrists or toes. Lynstong, u, a. sward, sod, turf.
LymmGh, ka, n. a branch or a twig with green leaves. Lyntang, ka, n. a plank. [ h i t . k s Iyntang-ka thaboh.]
Lympat, v. to dash to pieces, to throw down. Lyntait, &a,n. the swallow.
Lympeh, ad. fine and long (as, " ka doh@ kaba Zympeh"). SLynten, ka, a. a lantern.
Lympen, 01.2. naked, destit~~te, listless,-n. the trunk (of a tree Lynter, ka, tz. a line, a length,
etc.) ad. all along, over and over the same state of
Lymphimq, zc, n. a bundle of grass dressed like a sheet for
, ] things ; [as. " ba'n shu iai leh ia kajuh-pa-kajuh
Zynter-tait ka'm long kaba i-tynnad" J, cmeless.
Lymphiar, nd. with tho abdomen hanging down; [as, " ki dkhar Lynthsw, v. to dash to piecaa
kiba riwbhs k i hiail ka kpoh ipnphinl*."] Lptheng, ad. with bigklves; [as, ""u brim uba heh ka khohnah
Symph6iii, ad. smooth, sleek ; [as, " i khunlong iba bha briew
Lymphiiiii, 2yl)~phoiii"1
Lynthem, v.-to throw stones (big) ;to stone; to pelt.
Lymphop, v, to mash as a piece of cloth by beating on s flat I
Lynthlr, v. to throw stones conetantbt any place, to patter,--cld,
stpne ;to wash clo~nz. without due consideration ; [as, kren ignthb, leh Zynth/r.l
Lympung, kn, 1 2 . a place or cqclosure where dancing is performed, , .,L path, way. [ h i t . lynti-syngkieng] ; s trid [as,
L ~ n t ika,
a stage. shilynti ariynti,
'lyrnuifi, a. with~uttail. (Same as Iln Jn) . - - etc.1
Lynti-bsh, ka, a. a main path. [ h i t . lynti-bah lynti-san.]
Lynium-lymum, ad. fat, coi*pulent; [as, " u khunlung uba sngslid Synti-khad, ka, q a foot-path ;a short-cut,
Lynti-khlieh, ka, s.the parting of the hair.
Qmun, a. liking (applicable to eatable thiiga). Same as &mua.
Lyntied, v. to strike forcibly, to patter*. Ma-nga, (Pers. Pron.). It is I ;I, myself.
Lydia, ad. round (small) ; [as, 'I ka lynqknot knba pyllon Zyoin."] Mangkara, ( l h ) , 24, n. the brightest star.
Lyphur, a, la. rc beam or post over which a wall-plate rests (in Mangkariang, (d), a. affected with a parasitic disease (trees);
Khasi houses). (fig,) to be envious of ;-14, n. a wasp ; parasitic plant.
Lwa, zc. H. a vessel made of plaited canes and daubed over witb Mangkarong, Ka, n. a show, a display.
India-rubber for holding liquor. Mangkashaag (u 16m-), w, n. the Himalayas.
L d i , ko, n. wiid honey,-u, a wild bee ;--ad. like water in a pooI. Mahadei, ka, n. the title of a S'iem's wife; Queen.
&wait, a. fainting, weak. ,n. a merchant, a trader
Lvhr, U, a. a small bamboo tie.
Lwar-ding, - ka, n, a f urnacc. t Mahet, u, n. one of the demws worshipped by the Syntengs and
Lwat-lwat, ad; turning round and round; [as, " u khnam ubapeh also by many of the Khasis.
u ia,id Zwrdt-Zrccct."] ' tMa,hu, ka, n. an ornament for the arms.
Lwet, a. broken, powdered, useless. *Mahut, n. an elephant-driver.
Lwit, a. very finely broken or pounded.
- Wi, v. to scold ;to call one by bacl names. [lmit. d i - n i a , ma&'
Lwei, ad. like a cesspool, in a small group; [as, ka um ba,
Isng, Zwoi;" "ki shipai ki ialang shi kolupreui t w ~ i . " ] *&ia, ka, n. maya, mystery.
31. &-itin, ka, n. resemblance, likeness ;--a. mysterious [ h i t .
M-The 12th letter of the Khasi Alphabet. maitin-maiot ; mai4n-saihn.]
MAifi, ka, n. fmtures, mien ;-?d, a kind of fish.
Me,a@. dangerous, fdxhtful ;--Imu, uz. a maternal uncle (used
in the case of address). -
'miih, (ab8res.) of tmain), u. n. moustache.
Ma-, (a prefix) used with the Personal Pronoun to emphmiae if, YAib, ad.. to the brim.
as, manga (it is I), lnctphi (it is you), etc. 'mslinker, u, la. whiskers.
'mp, (an a66rev. of " thma "), ka, n. a battle, campaign (as, ka M4ifimoll, zc, n. beard.
ma haramnimok-a nzii tiny .
- ). MhTgifiksiar-maifi rupa, ka, n. earnings sufficient to bny gold and
Ma-bah, i, n, a great or grand maternal' uncle ;--Ra, e g r a , t
battle. l h i t , u, n. a mosquito ;-u. to clear, to cut off.
Mak-mak, ad. harshly, heedlessly ; [as, kren mak-mak, leh wwk- Mdtang, v. to declare solemnly ; to abstain from doing the like ;-
rmak.] ad. never ; (as, "naduh ba ki theh urn ia u, ?mitang um ju leit
Makia, a. to beg ;to go from door to door. thiah shuh") . [ I d . maitang-maitait.]
*Nakna, ad. gratis, for nothing, used also to emphasize meaning Maiun-m&n, ad. faintly ; [as, " n g shu kynm4w maiun-maidn
of words, (as, " Lada phi kohnguh makna ruh um rat ai eiei?') ia la ka jinglong khynnah."]
MAd, v. to taste. *Maji, n. a sailor.
*Madan, ka, n. a plain, a maidan. [Imit.madan-madiah.1 IBbjistor, ra. a magistrate.
Madei-ma% adv. roughly, [as " u shu leh madei-m~tatang I>aYn Mala, ka, n. the story (of a house).
dep."] Walai, ka, n. cream.

&fang, give just enough of anything.
Hindi. d
*Mali, n. a g d e n e r .
~iiai. I
f Bengali. i 3 Eslem.
Maloi, ka, H. a cocoa-nut shell; anything that looks like a half Markylliang, ad. in return, tit for tat ; [my " wat ju i a l h m a r
sphere. kylliang ia u kpa ba sang."]
Maloi-khlieh, ka, n. a skull. Mard6r, ad. with all haste, at once [as, phi dei b&n1eh rna~dbr
*Malom, ka, 91. ointment. ia kane."]
Malumala, ad. roughly, not properly, [as, " leh makumak, kren Marjan, ad. close, near, [Irnif. ma~jan-marpa.]
malumala."] Mar-mlien, v. to continue to do the same thing (bad habit or
Mama, i, n. a maternal uncle. what offends others), to get into the habit of.
*Mmla, ka, n. a contmding party. =rshak, a. exactly equal or alike, matching.
t81arte-marteYa d there and then, [as, *'haba hi h iakut-dm
MA, ka, n. a cannon. [Imif. ka tup-ha-rnbn.1
Man, a. each, every ;--v. to grow, to thrive. phi dei ban shim noh nzarte-marte h ka mar. -4'
M Bn-mBn,' ad. obsiinately, (a;, " balei me sngbp mdn-mad@haba Marwei, a. alone ;-ad. lonely..
khot 3"). Masi, pa. a cow ;a bull ; an ox.
*Manna,v.'to forbid. Masi-bordi, u, n. a bullock ;a large cow or bull.
Mane, v. to worship, to submit, Masi-khar, 92. a small cow brought from the p l a h .
tManik (mtiw-), u, n. a kind of precious stone. [imit. u moin Masi-khynns, n. a Khasi cow, invariably of a better qualib
u-manik.1 than the Assamese or Sylhet cow.
Manir, (soh-), u, n. the lichi fruit.
Mano 3 p. who ? Masi-kyrtong, u, n. a bull.
M ano-mano, p. whoever, anyone. Masi-dhp, u, n. a castrated bull ; a bullock.
Mano-re-mano, p. somebody Masi-lynriiw, ~ t .young bulls (esp. for trading purposes).
Mlp, v. to forgive. Xasi-prht, rr. a mithan (2001.) Bos frontalis.
*Maphot, ad. for nothing, [as, " wat ju b4m mayhot ia ka jong Masi-pyllait mng, u, n. a bull that is dedicated and set at large
ki briew."] on certain funeral occasions and given a m y to aay one who
SMaphusor, n. mafa8sil; tour. can o&ch or kill him : the porn8 bf such a bull at* C O V ~
*Mapik, a. moderate, middling. [ I m i t . mapik-adlzar.] with a, thin sheet of gold 0~ silver ; a sacred bdl.
*MBr, n. articles, goods. [imit. ka mhr-ka mata.] Masi-thmrong, u, n. a tam applied to a " ma~i-pyUai6.m" gtkn
M4r-mhr, ad. at once ; without loss of time, [as, "ph& briew mhr- having been let loose or caught.
mdv ba'n leit kumne sha Sohra." J Mastieh, a. to dance with the sword ;-?a. a 'radihig W!*
Mhr (a prefix), equally ;just, [as, ia d m ia kine ahiphew tyngka the sword. [fmit. maatfeh-rghgk4ng.l
mhr biasg hapdeng jong phi.] tMaawa, sr, tr. s f i m .
Marbbd-mazbfid (iaid-), ad. closely, apace (follow), [as, nga Mht, ka, 7t. a joint, a, knob. [fmit. Ira mat-ka pung.]
ioh-i phi L iaid marbiid-marbkd bad U Saheb bishar."] 'mat (abbreu, cd khmst), ka,m. an up.
Markhtiit, a. ending in a draw (of a match). Matang, ka, n. a carpenter's square ;s righb w E a
Marlrhap, a. alongside of, adjoining to. 'mat-blang, ka, n. eyes like that of s goat.
'Ilbarkhmat, ad. face to face [as, (' phi dei ban da ia ong mar 'matkyllimg, &.a. n. a ohild, a m p w m ~ v ~ .
khmat." J 'mat-dong, &a, n. the corner of the aye.
Mar-kti, ad. hand to hand, [m, 'I Ki Sap. bad ki Rns. ki la ialeh 'mat-iar, k~&, n. ~RUUTOS~S, ~ ~ ~ b l y o p dimnega
ia; of ebb at
markti ha Nmshan."] night.
Hindi. I tB e e 1' $mu
t B*, .. .
'mat-iong, Ke, s?, tlie iris.
MBw-ramsong,' u, n. s limestone rock. [Inzit.m8wramaang-m~~=
Math, Ka, n, a dismserl :)nrn?)oojoi::t or knob from ~ h i c hthere ramteh.] -
is no shoot. Mt'iwria, a, n. gravel, metal.
'mat-lieh, Roy n. the white of thc q c . MAwshamok, u, n. a flint-stone.
Matsohfah, kc6, 9). the it:lklc.
MBwsh'ing, u, n. a stone enclosure resembling a box for deposit-
Matlali, w. bliild ;--a.a bliild pcrsoil. [ f i ~it.
t inatlah-matpei.] ing the bones of the dead ; a stone mil-n (ssme as !tthwsh~-
Mattah, ka, n. a snnil ; (?tied.) a corn. ieng) .
Mat'ti-matyjat,ki, 18. the ioit:ts of tlie Ii3;crs m a r l hcs, the hands ; MBwshun, u, ?a. limestorie.
marks or t~aacesof work. MBwshut-wait, zc, m. a whetstone.
MAW, u, la. a stone. [Imzit.u nzbnr-'~dioug ] MAwsiar, u, 12. a hone, a whetstone.
Wdwbah, u, 11. a big stolle or rook. [Imit. m&:vbah-mawshn] ;a Mt'iwsohriew, a, n. granite, from which stones for grindiug iob'a
big ancestral bone repository or cair:~ . tears are generally made (hence the name).
M$wbri, u, n. a boundary stone. MBwshynrut, u, n. a very hard kind of stone used as a whet-
Mtlwbynna, u, n. a memorial stone, a monolith. stone, and found in the Nongstoin State.
MBwbyrsiew, zc, la. one of the thl*eestones set on end in the hearth MAwthoh, u, cn. a slate-pencil.
between which fire is lrilldlcd for cooking pu:-poses. Me, Ie,): thou (applicable to male only), this word is not usecl in
M6wh-it, u, m. one of a set of memolial stones which stands at polite society, but is used in addressing God.
the extreme left-hand sidc. Meng, a. proud, insolent.
bI&wh5ie,zr, n. in a set ol mcfiioiial stones, the tallest one i n the Meh, v. to blaze, to catch fire, to kindle.
middle is so called. Mei, i, h. mother.
M51vl~tir~l6r, u, n. a precious stonc.
Meikha,i, n. a paternal grandmother.
MBwliciq, rs, w in a sct of 1ncmoii.zl stones, the one, situated in Mei-hep, i, s.a matermi gr&ndmother;also a respectful appelh-
the extreme light-hmd sidc is called " u mamksing." tion of an old woman.
MBwk~droh,u, PE. 3 stolie for building purposes.
Mei-hfim-ia ka mei ! imter. gracious me ! by jingo I
Mhkynthei, ka, 12. a,lnrie flat sstoilo or slah supported by four
small sto~lcsset on cncl ;s ci~om!cch. Meidd, i, cn. a maternal grandmothe .
MAW-Yap,t ~ 91., sand-stoix (pronounced ntn'ic-eedp) .
*Mem, ku, s.a, European lady.
Mdw-jabicilq, u, lz. thc hescl or mid(lle sto.~cin an arch ; a key- Mem-mem (s'tlid-), ad. lukewarm (water).
stone. 'men (abbvev. of " tymmenr "), n. an old man or woman.
MBwlaitl>-ngkot,26, 11. a 5oft ~rliitcc1sys:ono found near the 14- Mc'n, phr. thou wilt ;abbreviation of me yn.
lage of Laitlyngkot. Men-kjat, Ka, n. tho front part of the sole.
MBwleifi, u, n. Men-kti, la,n. the upper or ti on of the palm.
M B w l o ~u,~n. a big stone ,or rock. [ h ~ it.
s 111' wlong-mt'iwteh.] 'men-suh-syntiew, ka, n. an old woman given to matchmaking, a
M4wlyngnAi u, rt. a stone set in ornnmeuts. "t pimp.
MAwprin, tr, a. a bridge made by throwing a single stone, also s Y&,v. to grow well ; to sprout.
name given to the stone itself. M&pm&r,ad. very (-yellow) ; [as, ka 'tiew lnsubon ka stern m2r=

M6wpyraut, u, ra. iron-ore.

MOKODDUMA Mong, v. to be wounded, to be hurt.
Met, &asn. a body, person ; [Imit. ka met-ka-phht,J-a. f u l l s
good. Mohkhiew, U, tt. hoe, a ~ ~ ~ ~ t f o c k .
MetYw, a. of mature age (fmm 40 to 60 years of age).
Met-stlwdoh, a. of a brown complexion (applicable to parsons
t ~ o h o n m a b u, 3
, n. a s
smooth lac-Wls cove with gold.
of c o d bestla ~ t e m i x e dwith round
only). tMoh6r, ka. n. a mohur ;a ml; a stslmp.
Moi, ha, r a n instroment consisting d two pisaa of split bamboo -
&a, n. the angle if the lower jiwbone ; also the swelling joined together for levelling a rice field which has been frumwed
of the jaw gland ;mumps.
*Miaj, kg, n. stipulated period.
by the plough,-v. to level a ploughed field for the reception
of seed.
Mian, ad. slowly. Moi-moi, b,n. the temples.
ad. to the brim, [as, wat theh urn ha b a h de dap eh Moiil, ad. to the brim [as, " thew ha ba'n ds h p mi5 n s b g " 1;
miar." ] slightly (to smile).
Moina, n. a black b i belonging to the darling family.
Niaw-wa, u, n. a tom-cat which roams about. Mom, kc,n. a midwe of fa(, eta., for rubbing lestther with ;
l&Mdi, v. to jumble, to mix up. (Bind. =momragon).
'mied, v. to raise up -
one's head. *b!Iomiama, ka, n. a wax-cloth.
Mieng, ka, n. a piece of bamboo or iron musical instrument, Mom-mom (jem-), ad. very faoft like cotton).
which is made to vibrate close to the mouth, producing high Xon, ko, n. a will ;a maund.
or low tones according to the way the mouth is more or less
opened. Mopmop, J.quiveringly ;a drizzling.
, m a table.
* ~ i e j kas *Noramot, v. to repair.
Mi&% ka, n. night. tMomor, &a,n. a thin cotton cloth of fine texture.
Mih, v. to rise, to issue. Xorsha, ka, m. a ditoh ;a n intrenchment.
Mih'ngi, ka, n. the east. [ h i t . ka mihngi-- ha sepngi.] Mot, u, ea. monument ;a tower ;a pillar.
Mihpli, u. to stand as a subrstitnte for, to succeed. Mot-mot, a. easily broken; tender.
Minot, c. to persevere, to devote, to take pains. [Imit. minot-ador.] Mr&ds n a beast ;a n animal ;-a. cruel, inhuman.
Xr, v. to throw a thing gently into s hole or . throw it up to MrAn, ad. quite (healthy) ; [as, 'I shait Mirn ' m p f a ba'n ia
another\to catch,-a. stillow,+. myrrh. mynno mynno."]
mAn')ad. robust, well-built ; [as, '(n brien nbs khlaifi mien."] &Bw, ta, a slave. [Tinit. n d w - u dkbar.]
Mlbn, W n g . ad. in r d n w ; Laa" u ap mriang ha Wti b'n porn
Mlein, a shameless ;impudent. ia u."]
Mler, a. over-forward, camless in demeanour. Nrit,ka, a. a migratory bird of a buff oolour that mmea in the
W e n , v. to form a habit ;to be accustomed to. wintar.
Mo ?=Is it not ? I
song, ad, watobhlly, expectantly ; (as a dog when sitting)
Mo, Mn,=Synteng prefix fgr * J ~ W(stone), [as plulang for maw-
' [as, rs balei phi ap m ~ o n gkumne is u knmbe u png-sh ?"I
.-I* Mtd,ad. i n s large heap, (as, "Id 16 lsh tih n 'dsarjong d s i " ) ;
- . - * Hiad t-.
Hindi. t Bengali.
mtong, cxd. like o IiiIlock ; [as, I' ei bo liim ia une u khyndew
m tolag hangne P" j Myngkoi u Jom, kn, n. hell ;lit, the tank of Jom or kiog of
MII seh ? phr, samo as, mo sch?=Is'nt it ? death.
SXuka, k,fa. a 9~1t4gaor &mtu silk. Myllai (used negatively with ynr), 2.. not to be s?ti&ed to any
appreciable degree.
$BI~zkjin,ka. 18. a magazine.
Myllen, c t d hy way of direr!ing o~~e'r;attcntim,-zf. to while
Muk-mek, cccl. quicldy and roughly, (as, mat sho leh naak tnak away time, [as, " nqi i n shcngl5i ~r!ylle~z,hqagne ;ngi ia sip
ia u khynnah). soh ot tang ban 'l~tyllt'lb."~
th'Cukor-kyndor, ka, $8. a, kind of car-pendant. Myllu'ng, cc. pathetic.
*&Iuktiar, u, rc. a nluktar. Nyu= (1) Prefix in adverbs of Present and Post times ;(as, :
*Mukup, v. to abandon or leave off. 13yn-hynnin, vz,y:b-la, ~)tt,n-tnn,etc.) . i
Mudki, 78, 98. a big earthen jar. (2) it also somstilues denotes a doer, a%,u myn-teh=s thief.
tMudi, n. a retail shopkecpcr. (3) $yateng, an abbreviation of us, (river), M nayr khen for um-
- - khen, it is genzrally pronounced as m311g.
Mudui, v. to lodge a complaint against. AN!'^. rn11dui-phi-r~t.1 Myn-aria, ad. some time ago.
%hid, a. a buffalo.
Mynba, mej. whan (;oferring to past time).
*&Iujq ka, m. stockings, socks.
Mynbarim, o n . in olden times. [lr~tit.oly~ib~.z~i~a-rnynhajah.1
+Nula, ka, m. a low stool made of plaited csncs ; a cane chair ;
a vegetable. Myna&, +a. an outsicler, a stinnger.
Mulla, u, 18. an executioner (in folk-lore). ]
Myndong, (soil$-), ad. well (rolled up) ; well-packed ; [as,
Mulot, ka, 18. a morn-ont and useless coin ; a thing which has xyndung, " a-iu phi song mgrado~gicumne P "j
no sale valne. Mynhaksto, ctd. on that (partio.11ar)occssion.
*Muluk, ko, 11, a country; a kingdom. MgaLj-~dhi,ad. in ancient tiiues. Lklit. rnynhynd8i-mynhgn-
thhi. !
Muri, k; la. a drain, a c~~lvert.
I Mynbynne, nd. n sltort time ago (but on thc same L y ) .
Blur-mur, (stem-), ud. very (yellow, liko a well-ripened fruit).
Mynhynnin, c l t l . yesterday.
*Nus&ri,KG, I,. a mosql!ito curtain.
u, a. a thread smewed over with a mixture of pondered
Mushlia, v , to mcddle mit,h,-cc. meck2lcsome. glass and p3sb used in flying pa~er-kites.
*Xusla, u, la. spice3; (!li!zcli) moshli. [I~~rit.rnusla-musli.] .
Mynjli, u, n. a kind of necklace composed of coral beads a& ores-
Mustul, u, 98. a chimney. cent-like gold cases.
*Husdr, ka, 13. an export duty; royalty, [ h i t . ka d b k a *Mynjnr, v. to a p e ;to consent.
musur.] Mynli-iur, ad. in summer, in tlie rainy season.
Mut, v. to think, to design ;--ka, n. an ornamental carving.
Mynmiet, ad. in the nisht time. (Itnit. m ynmiet-myniong.]
Muta, a. rough, coarse.
Mynno 3 ad. when ?
@Mutia,la. a po~ter,a carrier. Mymo-mynno, at.. formerly ; usually.
Mut-ngiew, v. t o hallucinate, to have a presentiment. Xynnor, ad. some time ago.
Nutlop, a. stubborn ;stupid ; obstinate ; stiff-necked. Mynnymwei ad. lset yeax. [ h i t . myn-nymwei-myn-nym-ar,]
Nyng:k6w, k q a. husband's sister. Mvnrhin kbymat, R.:, rr. compensation for breach of an agreement
Mymi, n. a tribe of the Mikire whom habits are migrstmy and N-!t!he thirteenth lettw inShe Khasi lphabet..
which livea by jrlwcsta cultivation.
Na, pep. from, of,
M y d i n , &a,+a. a place cleared P round like e &a-line, and
reserved for the growth of trees; a reserved forest. Nabs ah#. tor, because.
NaMr, i d . fmm outside, externally, [m, '* ka ibg ka itynnad
Mymlw, v. to be wounded, to have an accident. [Infit.mynshw- n d d r hynrei kn jakllis b.poh."]4. outside.
mynsdm.3 Na-k&d,a. ragged, torn.
Ildpaw-ia, ad. since four days. N a k ~ Ka,
, s.a big drum.
M p h e m - h i m , ad. last week. 1:.
, ,

Nadang, ]prep. since, from.

Mynsngi, ad. in the day time. [ h i t . rnpnsngi-m*&]
Mgnshiengi, ad. the day before yested~y.
i en, ad. f ram behind.
Nadong-shadon3 ad. altogether; from begindw to
Mynshuwa, ad. before ;previously ;formerly. " dap da ka jmngbakla suda twdorg-8hacbng."
U U ~
Mynaiem, &a, hi,. a spirit; the soul. [Imit. lur mpsiem-h Nad6h-hadiih, ad. fmm boginning to end, [as, beb
sngAr.3 i a nga nadlih-kddh."]
Naei ? ad. whence ? from what place ?
Mynsiem- Bskhtiid, tr, la. the Holy Qhod. I:, Nang=a prefix denoting progrwion (as, mngroi=go on pr0gMS-
Mynatap, ad. in the morning. .;1 sing )
~ a n g 5 to know, to be able.
Mynta, ad. at pwsent ;now. [ h i t . mynta-mynne.]
Mynta-mymi!, ad, up to the present day; still. Nongang, a. using low scurrilous language ;having a bad b ~ e
Mynhit, &a,n. the baik of a&rtain fak which is chewed with [/n,it..nang-ang-nangh4p.j .,

pm or betel. Nangne, ad. hence, from this place. .

, a little while ago (an hour or so); just now.
~ g n t a nad. Nangno ? ad. from what pl:~ce?
Mynthi, ad. ironically ; sarcastically,--a. silent ; sullen. Nangno-nangno, ad. from any plaoa, whatsoever.
Myothna, st. a mithan (Bosf~mtalis). Nangno-re-nm*, ad. fmm some place or other.
Myntlang, ad in the winter. Nnh, n. (voc.) n stepfather or stepmother; an aunt (motbtda
Mynt6i, a. profitable,--+, gain ; profit. yotlnger sister).
Myntdr, ,Ka,m. a mmbarttra or magic. 'nhi, ((,hhrm. of bnai), u, n. s month; moon; (atbrev. of khnu), ;
tMyntri, s.a minister. [Imit. u myntri-u-korbazi.] a mouse, a rat.
Myntfih, same as no%~oun. [Imit. myntuh-mynthiem.] 'nki-khnds6n~syniiis;u, n. a full moon.
Mynwei, ad. years ago. [lmit. mynwei-myn-ar.] 'n6i-kyllnlyngkot, & m. January.
Xyrsiang, m. a jackal ;a fox. 'n4i-iaiong, u,a. April.

Mfihen' a. big and muscular (calf).
'ntSi-iing, &a, ri. a house-mt.
'n4i-jylliew, s,n. June.
Myhisn (sho.gdem-); ad. quite (fall or cohd up), [as, "u 'dim jymmang, u, rz. May.
~hongmythiaa ;u dern u ksew ha ka hang myt~ian.''] 'n4i-lsr, u,n, Auguet.
t Bengali. 'di-lber, u, ro. MAroh,
'mi-lfir, tr, n. Sephmber. 'n&m-tylli,Ka, la. oongeaied blood, a clot of b l d .
Nhi-nhi, ad. very (eickly or weak--used with pqng). 'dm-tympem, u, n. one c?f the three hrrows shot Prom the iufierhl
'nhi-nsbprah, u, 9b. 1)ecember. PYW.
Nan, ka, sa. a tnnk.
'ndi-pilang, zr, m. a lamhill mt which is eaten by some of the
people of the Khasi Hind. Naneng, ad. from above.
'di-riehw, u, n. October. Nano-nctnn, ad. from anyone.
'ndi- ymphang, u, n. Febri ~ary. Na-no-ere-nq-no,p i r . from someone.
'di-f.% n. a amall hill mouse. jlNanti, la,n. ttn ear pendant.
'di-tung, u, n. July. Hap, v . to devote oneself entirely to doing n thing ;-ha, n. bngs
or pincers.
'nhi-wieng, a, la. November.
Nap-bania, ka, n. tongs used by a goldsmith ;a niggard, a miser.
Najan, prep. near, from or by the side of. [&nil. najan-napl.]
Naphang, ad. wholly, entirely; from one side, as, pub ia b k
*Najir, u, 91. o narir.
Nal6r, ode. from above, externally ; besides.
naphang);without exreption (as, u bim nap ang knk kaba
Naphrang, ad. from th3 beginning, in tbefront.
NQm,ha, n, fame, reputation ;-w, to portend (used wit11 " ka *Napit, 93. a barber.
tyngab "=a crow) ;to be spoken well of by the people (as, k i la
d w baroh is ka jingbha jong 11) ; to request ear~lmtly,to s u p Napoh, ad. from beneath.
lioate (as, u la ttdm u 1'1 11d ka bpm lah ba'n ong ha nga h d u h Nar, u, n. iron.
k ngii k sngensgoei ia u) ; turpnba, pbr. nominally, [as,
" ynda nga la kyrped jindei, u in ai, tang ban c7cinc, shi suka."]
Nar (eit-), ka, n. slag.
Nara, ka, 91. n kind of Assqm silk generally worn by women.
'n4m (abbrea. of sndm), ka, n. blood. [Napad, v. to object.
'nam (abbreu. of Rfinsm), la, rt. an arrow. ; Nar-ka-bili, ka, n. fetters.
Hamar, conj. because, for. , N'w-liang, 11, rc. n solid raw iron which hns been deft into two
Namarkata, ad. therefore, for that reason. halves and sold in the market.
*Nhm-kntai, c. to bk diemissed : to resign. Nar-pfih, s,n. a pickaxe.
Nitrsam-im, u, pa. a sharp piece of iron for boring wood.
'n4m-iong, ha, n. dark blood ; m arrow with a distinguhbing Narsdw, u, 98. a red hot iron.
black mark on it.
Narsfih, 96, +a. a piece of wire used for roastillg flesh, flgh, etc.
'nblang, 26, n. a kind of reed or ekm. Narum, ad. from below.
'dmlymbong, ka, n. a large clot of blod. N a r d , u, n, n lllrnp of melted iron, one split in the hiddle wBioh
'nirmphieh, M, n. a single feathered arrow, generally used by boys. can be hurig np. See A'nrtia:.g.
dmpliang, u, a. an arrow with a spear head, generally used in Nat, kn, pa, a bunch of plantains ;-es, ra. (an abbrev. of pw6) e
warfare and in hunting. brmoh of i t tree (cut so as to resemble a prong).
'nimpfir, a, m. a feathered arrow. NSw-nliw, ad. hard and dry ; (as, kane ka doh ka 13 e4 naru-naw).
'dm-sop, u, n. an arrow having a tapering iron-hmd like a cone, Nawei, id. from another.
generally used in archery contests. Ndwei-na-lir, ad. from some -rther persou or quarter.
'nsmtohrih, u, n. a kind of gram. -- Yaw-rahg, ad. harshly (speak) ; [as, u kren naw-rang ia biba ha
- iing ha sem.J
* Hindi. Hindi. 1 11 Arabia,

N4 (
( ~ Zi
i t ww d ) = -or thereabouts ; (as, wsllam kumba 20 'RIANGBOIT 'fll ANGRAIT-WEI
e6r n& u riwhadem)-ka, n. %mething or some article under- 'fiiangboit, u, n. a, wood-worm.
stood between the speakm. 'niangbri, u, a. n wild pig, a boar.
Neng, ka, n. elevation, north. 'fiiangbshiah, kn, n. a chamelion.
Neh, v. tdremnin, to stick to, 'iiiangbulot, a,n. a kind of fly.
xeiyu, n. ti]. (2301. Perilla ocimoides). 'fiiangkalaw, kla, a. a cockroach.'
Nei-iong, r, n. sesame, gingelly or til-seed. 'fiiangkhap-k6r, u, a. an earwig.
'nem, (aabrev. of snem) ; ka, n. a year ;2. (abbrev. of " tyrnem" 'fiiangkhar, u, n. chicken-pox.
hammer) [as, 'raem-bah, 'nea-rit, etc.] 'iiiangkhnap, ka, n. a disease which attacks the hoofs of cattle ;
'nemsniew, ka, a. a famine. a foot-and-mouth disease.
Nep, ha, n. a bed covering, a razai. [&nit. ka nep ko tun p] ;- 'fiiang khriat, u. ra. a small eruption on the body produced by cold.
(abbve71. of " snep ") a ~overing, skin, rind, bark ; -a. sharp, 'fiiang kongwieng, ka, m. a species of bdetle which is very common
pointed, intelligent. . in the lowlands, so called frr\:n its cry.
'nepboh, u, n. the white outer mvering of a lemon that remains 'fiiangkseh, Y, n. (L long insect coverod with thick fur generally
after the pungent part has been pared off. found in pine trees.
'nep-iang, u, n. the outermost part of the skin or rind, etc. 'fiiangksem, ka, PI. an insect which emits a fluid very injllrious to
'n6r (qljdrev. of sner), ka, n. a feather. human eyes, and having a very bad smell.
'n6r-liang, ka, n. the febther at the extreme end of the wings. 'iiirtngkulia, u, n. syphilis, gonorrhea.
'n6r-lung, ka9#. the down of a bird. 'niangkwang, u, n. a wild boar that has separated himself from a
Net-net, ad. mrelessly (as, kane ka khynnah ka trei net-net ia
kaei kaei buroh), roughly. 'iiiangkynjah, ka, e. any insect whioh chirps a t dead of night.
Ni, a. smooth, fine. 'fiiangkynthah-um, u, n. a May-fly.
'fihngkyntur-eit. ka, a. a lamelicorn beetle.
Nis, ha, n reason, argument. [ h i t . ka nia-ka jutang.]
'fiiangdkhiat, ts, n. the parasite causing itch, scabies.
Ria, n. wife of an uncle on the mother's side. 'fiianplarthtim, ka, n. a scorpion.
Rkk, ad. much, greatly; (as, ki briew ki la ia khynwin Ziak- 'fianglong, a, n. chrymlis. .
they are making a great commotion). 'fiianglyngkut, u, n. red leprosy.
'fiiakha, ka, n. aunt (father's sister). 'iiiangmat, ka, B. opthalmb.
Riad, v. to wipe, paint. 'fiiang-mbw, ka; a. a tiger-beetle.
Riadkalsi, o. to tin, to enamel. 'fiiangmoxg, u, a. a dieoolouring of the face.
fliad-yong, v. to paint. 'iikngphlang, a, n. an inseot found everywhere among grass on
'niang, a. (abbrev. of " sniang)" a pig ;2. (dbrm. of " khfiiang ") the higher plateau of the Khasi Hills, and which is eaten by some
an inaect, a worm. of the people.
'fiangbabung, a, n. a very large kind of fly. 'iihngpyrsit, u, n. measles.
'fiiangbdng, ka, n. a glowworm. 'fiiangrah, u, 98. a white-ant. See ' Kruira'.
'~iangblen,ka, n. a blindworm. 'iiiangrait-hoh (shong), a. having a bad temper and enviow spirit
'Eiqbliar, ha, a. a kind of dW. 'fiiangmitliang, zr, a.a tapk~worm.
'fJangraitwtiit, u, n. wosm generally found in stagnant water.
'fhgrait-wei, u, n. a barren born.
'iikngriang, ka, n. a water beetle. 'nieh (abbrev. of snieh), ka, n. a skin, a hide.
'iiiangriej, w, n. a wood-worm. 'niehkdop, ha, u. a skin bag psed by mrpknteus Ifur J 0g- tmla.
'fibn&r, u , r. a very bad kind OF sore mused by pamites. siep-fiiep, (khih-), ad. like many insects whloh are moving or
'fiiangshit, a, n. -priokly-heat. creeping away in different directions, [ar, " n~5ioh-iba h b
mmi b bhm da u kmin uba khih iliep-shi-uiisp.
'Riangsohpet, u,?a. an infantile dish whioh affects the navel.
9-. . . . 'niey (akbrev. of snier), k a f l , entrails.
nlangsynrang, a , n. leprosy (black).
A -- 'nierbah, ka, fa. the stomach.
'jiiangtari, a, n. a small kind of millepede.
nlangteng, a+. indolent, lazy.
- - - la, n. a part of the intestines which haa
'~iangthangdoh.&a, a. a firefly, a moth. 'nier-iang, I,n. the part of the intestines which t w k i together.
'fiiangthylliej, u, PI. thrush. 'nier-wait, ka, a. the small intestines.
'fiirtngthylliew, a, 98. smaU-pox. fiiew, v. to count, to reckon ; to consider.
'"ngting, ad. long and thin, slim ; (wu " briew uba nikhoh Riev-beifi, a. to treat with contempt ;to lowlo in estimation.
iituny ting")
fiiew-kk u. to vdue highly ;to prize ; to apprecjate.

'"n&rew, ki, n, s ~ e r ybad sore osnaed by itsh. fiiewsting, v. to make light of.
'Aiangtyngkhap, kae, 94. a tick., o. to recount in detail, to relate.
'8iangtyrkhang, WY D. a millepede.
Nir-nir, (atang-), ad. very (thin); (m, " krne ka ko- kaba ntang
'Zisngtyrsim, (sa-), kabcs, n. whitlow. eh nii-nirYJ.]
flianOpap,ad. very (weak) ;[as, "u Mew ubs tlot fii4npuop 'iiiuh (abbna.-of shfiiuh), a, n. hair.
pyn-eh."] Biuhkhlieh, a, n. the hair of the head. [Iodt. iiuhkhlieh-iiiuh-
&ah, a. to drive (cattle), to hod. 1>
reng .)
Riai, h,n. solder for tin utensils ;lead 1 'fiiuhkyndeh, a, rt. fine hair.
tNiam, ka, n. religion, religious usages, customs. 14 sfiiuhlia*, w, ,n. the end of the toft of h&.
Niam-kn-rukqn, &a. a.8. religious onstoms and cemmonie~. 'iiiublieh, a,.m grey hair.
B i a l l ~ka, , n. an aby88, a hole ; kh3ndai paten9 iibmta-he11. 'fiuhmat, u, n. the eyel-ashes or hair p w i n g on the egebrtms.
fiian, a. to stow, to drem in, to stoff, to cmm. ih 'fiiuh-moh, a,ol. a beard.
Rim, d. thin, having large interstices ; a d . soamely, seldom.
to p d forward ;- a d suddenly, [as, 66 tang shu ioh-i is 1 'fiiuh-tmhin, a, n. moustaohe.
'fiiuh-tmng, a, n. a taft of hair on the top of t b h& a pig-

ka b ] e n k b p m h U ahu ahim riiat." J tail.
'niat, &a, n. (abbrev. of bniat), a tooth. Riuma, ad. voq well, &ght.
'nkt-ksew, ka, n. the canine tooth. flifin. a. to be oat of d s ; to be indiqoad. [Id. h aim-
'nirtt-duh, ka, n. the wis'dom tooth.
'niat-iowbei, ka, n. a milk tooth.

'niat-pyrshah, ka, m. a front tooth.
9 .
fiiUp5iup, (jern-), ad. * ' u d dGem U
ind ~ f t [*
mat-tyng-am, ka, n, a grinder, a molar. long uba ]em +iiapriwp..'7
fliur-fii*, hayn. bog, qusgmire ;-*A - & ~ Y Y C* "
a- 1 "1
u b khih 6hr.liiuiur
145 -


fliurei, n. a pheaant. Nongmuna, ha, 9t. a speoimen, ta pattern.
niut, 26, n. meeds. [Imit. u Gut-n ilier.] Nongphlang, ki, n. the Khwis living on the higher plateau of the
Riutmiw, a, u. moss. ' Hills (as the She& people caLl them).
-no = a s u f i in Interrogative pronouns and in Adverbs of Mongm, ka, n. any .worn-out old brass vessel.
time, ?lace, condition, eto., a9 urao ? who ? hangtto? where ? Nongrim, ka, n. foundation ; site of an abandolled village.
mynno r when ?
Nongdm, ka, os. silver, gold or whatever is burnt in the funeral
Nok (ia-), n. a game of oards. pyre with the dead body, and ~ h i c hthose who look after the
fNokocl, ad. ready-mohey, in cash. burning of the dead body divide among themselves. [ l m i l .
f Nokol, ka, la. a oopy. nongshm-nongpiet.]
$Nod, a, n. zero or nought ;-k.a; a nose-ring. Nongdid-thma, a, la. a politician ;ababbler. [Imit. nongslidthma-
NOW, ka, n. wages, gain, protit : a hired man or woman ; a n p nongstiidktien.]
. nong-ka ni. J
thing given out for hire. [ l w ~ i tka NongsharSi, 98. a cowherd, a pastor.
Nong=a square 'measure=6 diecg x 2 dieng ( a dieng or pole 'nong-tem, kcg, n. a yellowish bms. [Imit. ka nonglieh-ka
-94 feet.) nongtem.]
'nong (abbrev. of shnong), ka, n. a village, a town, a oity; 2, Nongtymmen, ka, n. ancestral property ; an heirloom. [Irnit,
(abbrev. of rnong), ka, n. brass or bronze. nongtymmen-nongsan.]
No-= a prefix denoting a doer or agent; (as, u no~gtuh);a Nongwei, a,a. a stranger. [Imit. nongwei-nong-Sr.]
resident of a 14llage (as, u so1rg-3Iawkhar, u ~aong-Sohra,eto.) Noh, v. \tothrow into ;--ad. away ; (ia-) to add a little quantity or
Nongkhaii, zl or ka, n. a merchant, a trader. [ l ~ i tnongkhaii*
. nurgber in excess of that sold or bought. /

nongpateng.] Nohblei, v. to t h w away the idols after the ceremonies of w o w p

Nongkhrit, ka, n. rent (of l:~nd). See Bdiebdi. are over. [ l m i t . nohblei-noh-dken.]
Nongkheifiksfid, a, n. a man who cures diseases or propitiates Nohmynsiem, v. to be low-spirited ; to sigh.
evil spirita by means of sacrifices, a diviner. [Imit. nong- Noh-prtih-('ntii-), a,n. December.
kheifiksdid-nongkheifikhrei. Nohrem, v. to be a cause of offenoe to the gods or spirits.
'nongkhynrlw, ka, 98. what one earn9 while unmarried. [lmil. Nohtasor, ka, m. a silk dhoti, a piece of cloth worn by males round
'nongkhydw-'~ongkhyndeiil.] the loins.
Nongkitnong, u or b, n. a coolie, a porter. [Inzit.nongkitnong. Nohtah, ka, n. a ladder made of a single pieoe of wood with
nongkitq ] steps cut into it, a temporary bridge.
Nqkylliang, ka, 91. a oompensation, retribution. Nohteh (colloqaial enckitic word), ad. very muoh, [:as, " ka krem
Nangkyndong, n. a person who lives in an out-of-the-way killage kaba jylliew nohteh."]
a villager. [Imid. nongkyndong-nongk-t.1 Noi, 26, n. B small bamboo pipe, espeoially one for applying to
'nongkpti, ku, a. personal property. the hole of a hookah when smoking.
Nongiapam, n. a fightingman ;a mldier. Noi-aha, u,n. a pipe fixed to the cocoa-nut shell of a hookah.
Nonglehpabt, fib a transgressor, an offender. [Isnit.nongleh* * N u b , ka, n. a figure, a pattern, a pidure, a plan.
plat-nonglehpdiang. 3 N6d, v. to dare..
'noqlieh, ka, n. a platinum-like metal [ I m i t . 'ncmglieh-'now 'niid (abbrev. of dohnftd), w9 n, the liver; the heart.
'tem.1 'nhid, ka, ~b.a pi= of fruit cut in the &ape of a prism.
*Nhjor, a. to m t i n i s e , examine, oompare.
'nup (abbrea. of knup), kcs, la. a Khasi leaf-umbrella, somewhat ' 6~ PADAT
like a shell, (as, ka 'nap-Mawiang=a knup made and brought
from Mawirtng).
'&pait, v. to crack,to break into ohinks
Nfip, ka, ri. the seed of a certain creeper growing in a pod used by : Or-or (e'aid), ad. very (warm), [as, "nga sngew a'& or-w b p o h
the Khasis in washing their heads. ka nep.")
o t , v. ti cit, to mow, ta reap.

Nfip-khohsiew, ka, 91. the knee-oap. I

N ~ h, , n. a o n n e l , a ditch, a h i n . Ot-baJang, v. to exmmmuniotlts from churoh membership.

fNurok, &, ra. hell. : Otrdoh, v. (Zit. to cut flesh --heme, to kill an animal for eating
*Nusip, ka, n. luck. purpom.) [Imit. ot-doh ot-kah.'l
*Nuti, ka, n. a prostitute. Ot-sher, v. to oircumoise. .
Nyngkong, a. first, beginning. [lnait. nyngkong-nynghhp.J P.
Nylla, a. pure, unalloyed. Y-The fifteenth letter in the bhasi Alphabet.
Pa, i, n. father.
Nyllong, ha, n. the rectum.
0. -
-Pa, a repeating particle, as in the word . leh pa-leh=to wn-
time to do.
0-The fourteenth letter in the Khasi Alphabet.
.P&;, ad. complete, mtiefmtory, puma ;-4ing-paka, n. a stone-
0 ! Iiattly'. oh ! ah ! walled house.
Ong, v. to say, to tell ;-om9 la, conj. if in ewe, (aa, ,"o y ha ddd Pakang, v. to flow in a jet ;to ehoot forth.
iza nga, nga la shoh ia phi ").
Oh, t*.to cut, to notch.
PakBi, ka,n. a share, a part allotted, a turn ; ad. as a refleative
act, [aa " nga kren ia kiwei, nang sngewrem pakdi ma phi 3 "1
Oh-kuna,, c. to impose a fine. [Imit.oh-kuna-oh-k4id.I 'pakha,26, n.a male-relative (father'e side).
Oh-jri, v. to tap an Indian rubber-tree. PaLha, ka, n. a fan, a pu?bka& ; a W e s of palm.
Oh-shrang, v. to cut or notch ornamentally ; to carve. [Imil. Pakhang, v. to hinder, to obstruct, to block.
oh-ahrongah-shmb.] PakhAr, v. to throw away to a distance. -
Oh-bh, v. to out slightly at short intervals, to tap. I'akhing, v. to resist. Same as iakhing.
Oi, (la verbal ansmer),--yes, here I am. Pakhop, v. to strive against or mist when rtragged-:
On, (leit-), v. to go along with, to reaoh at- Pakhtid, v . to pull or drag along the ground.
O n M d , v . to throw avay things for propitiating a devil. Pakhynnah, i, n. a paternal uncle (father's younger brother).
On-kudm (kit-), v . to a c c o ~ ~ ~ paa bridegroom
~iy to the hornof a *Paki (iing-), ka, n. a house roofed and walled with brioke.
bride. Pakdr, v. to unite in sex9al intercourse (applicable to beaata a*),
On-nong (leit-), v . to go aid carry a load on hire to ita d e a t h - to oover.
tion. [Imi t . on-nong-on-ni.1
On-mng, v. to present anything, espeoially liquor, to the spirit of Pgd, n. a measurement from the tip of the middle righthand
finger right aoross the chest to the tip of the middle left-hand
the dead person at the time when saarifipes are made on his finger, both hands being extended horbntally.
behalf. [Imit. on ronp-on rup.] Padai, v. to swing.
-0p (a suffix)=by suffooation, (aa in the words, inpop, set-opj
eto) . * Hindi. t Bengali.
YadAn, v. tb obstruct, to hinder, to interfere.
Padat, v. to throw to a &tan08 (aaiid of a heavy obj&).

PADIAH PAHARA Paheb, i, s.a grandfather (i.e.father's father) ;a respectful appel-
Psdiah, v. to plag on a small drum; to multiply worda m e - lation of an old man.
oea.sarily ; to mcddle. Pahbh, a. overflowing, abundant. [I& paha-pahai.]
padOky ka, n.the bladder of s fish.
Phi, u, s.sugarcane ; v. to pare (a stiok) aa with a daw.
Phi, ha, n. a number = 20 bani = 8,000.
Padoi, v. to swing. *Pa&, u, s.a pillar.
Pad6m, v. to drag roughly. Phid, u, s.crowd, same as " piit"; ad. chatt+ngly.
*Padri, la. a clergyman, a missionary. Same aa Phajri. PQidbh*r, u, n. common ignorant people.
P a d h , a. slightly curved or sloping. Phidkir, u, n. people of no position, the mob, the masses.
Pang, v . to beoome ill. Paila, u, n. a o r a l bead. \

P'ang, v. to straddle. Same as Pyawg. Paila-&a, 11, n. a string of coral beails without gold besda.
Pangah, v , to move the head from side to side s to jolt, to exprew Pailen, u, n. water-fungus ;--a. ball.
dissent, to dissent. [Imdt. psngah-pngaifi.] Phifi, ka, n. solder, cement, a joint.
Pang-at-top, V . to have dropsy.
- - - Phiiitali, u, a. a chisel.
Pang-bhur, lo. to have epilepsy. Pairah (soh), u, m. a kind of fruit much used by the Kha$.y for
Pang-khlieh, v. to have a oold. [Imib. pangkhlieh-pangreng.1 washing clothes. [Bind. ritha.]
Pangkhmat,-v. to have pain in the eyes, to be opthalmio. *Paisa, ku, s.a pice, & anm. [Imit. paisa-pai1aifi.J
Pangkhrew, ka, n. a wasting or chronic disease. [ I i t . pang- Phit, v. to crack, to break.
khrew-pangkhriap.] PBit, r , n. a crowd ;-v. to open by placing-tho finger on one side
Pangkuhek, ka, n. hysteria. I
of an aperture.
Pmgdohnbd, v. to be heart-rending, to be painful at heart. [ImU. Paitdohnhd, a. heart breaking. [ I r ~ d t paitdohnfid-paitdohnBrn.1
pangdohn~d-doBn&m.]\' Paitpuraw, 91. a small bird of blackish colour and having a crest
Pang-iap-iong, ka, n. a madew, blight. and a little patch of red fur under the tail ;a bulbul.
p a n g - i ; e n g , v. to have palsy,& be paralytio. Pajait, o. to pull with a jerk.
Pang-sh'ing, 1 v. to have rheumatism. [Imit. pangmat-pang-
Pangmet, v. to suffer from fatigue or pin all ovez the body aa from
"Pajama, ka, n. pyjama.
Pajih, bd. aloof, at some distance, [as, " i ~ n pajih,
g wat iatur eh
over-exertion or beating ;wounded in feelings ; pain. [Imib. Pajut, v . to pull up a h k y thins.
Pangiong, ka, n. kalb-dzrfr.
.Pajuwa, ka, n. a kiln (also spelt " Pajwa ").
Palat, 0. to exceed, to trespass ;passed (as, " u dang palat dang
Pangship& ka, s.influenza. tl kkumne myntan" b
Pah, v. to ory (as an t m i a d m a b* ; to a m - t s b a i t dofeed. Palat-paliang, a. distantly related.
Pah-ding, v. to set fire to. *Palki, ka, n. palanquin.
pah-shalyngngiang, kaba, n. the wbistle-like ~ u n doften h d Palei, a . innocent, simple, quiet, calm.
within the ear. Palngang, a. having a round small head, [as, "11 briew uba
Pahiim, ka, n. a d e y . palngang ka khlieh." ]
*Pahara (ap), v. to guard as a 8entineL *-- #
Palngfrw, a. round and small (head).
Para-briey, u, n. having no rehtionship either by blood or mar-
Palhiw, a. with sunken eyes, [as ''u brim uba polhito ki khmat riage; a fellow-man.
kumba la khlong." ]
Pafi, ka, n. one's turn. E.'t Para-kha, (ihi-), a. a relationship between children of brothera.
Para-khbr-pammBr, es, n. a aeighbour.
Palong, ka, n. a bedstead ;a soap-bubble. r&.
*Palwan, w, n. an athlete.
Pam, v . to cut, to win (in gambling).
F' Pam-ksiew, u, n. grandnephew
- - or liieoe on the mother's side.
brother. kcr, 18. wife's younger sister or husband!^ younger
Pamblang, ku, n. the Durga f'mjah.
Pamthwat, v. to skirmish ; to fell a number of trees in a place. Paramynshong, u , n. a hmband of one's wife's sister.
Pan, v. to ask, to.demand. ' p a d , i, n. a maternal grandfather.
Pin-(a pvefix) =what is tied romd [as, in the words-puapoh, Para-shnong, n. a person of the same village ;a co-vikger. [lmit.
papati, pankhyllong, etc.] paraehnong-para-thAw.1
Pbnkhyllong, ka, n. a knot of hairm the h a d . Para-shongkha, zc, n. a man who marries in the same family.
Phnkwah, v. to wish for what is wrong or bad [as, " hda phi [Imit. u-para-shongkba-pnrashongdn].
pdnk.coair eh ban duk, phi'n jin da dnk shishaYy] ;to oourt. Para-trAi, ki, n. persons who have a conoern in the matter.
PBnjung, ka, n. a bladder. ,[ln,ib. para tmi-para dkhuh] u, or ka, brother or sister of the
same parent.
Phnpoh, ka, 98. a girdle, a belt.
Pariah-parai, a. having engaging manners.
Phsngiat, ka, n. a crown.
Paring, t7. to pull or'tug.
Panshmdi, ka, n. a very small tortoise.
Paro, n. ir pigeon.
Panshandi-dem-ldr-khah, phv. a wife who is eagerly expecting
the return of her profligate husband. Paron, ktl, n. a basket placed in the channel ofa streamlet for
Panti, ka, n. a strip of cloth tied round the left wrist to protmt catching fish.
against the impact of the bowstring when shooting arrows. Parth, n. (see " pyrtuh ").
Phn-'tien-&id, kaba, n.-in a battle array, before any of the parties Parum-pareh, a. many, in great numbers (of persons only.)
commences to give battle, an addressis generally made by either Pam, ke, n. luck.
of the contending parties to justify their own oause ; such a
form of address is called kaha pdn-'tien-did.
Pasan, 1, n. a n uncle (father's elder brother). -
Pasngoh, v. to strike the head against anything repeatedly.
Pap, kc^, la. sin, transgression, fault (same pop). Pashat, v. to hand anything to a person by throwing it up gently.
Papun, u, a. an unfortunate fellow.
Pashait, v. to splash up water by striking with the sole of the
Phi, v. to creep, to orawl; -ka, n..a mine, a quarry.
- foot sideways against it, to spatter.
Para, zr, or ka, n. a younger brother or sister. Pashing, ad. on the side, sideways.
Pam (preJx) = one associated in common interests, owuption, P ~ h d r v.
, to drag, to -handleroughly.
etc., with another, as in the words para-Khaai, para-nongshh, Pa&dr-kait, ko, n. glmtain flower.
p a r a - d , para-kh+w, etc.,
Pm-ba-eh, p h ~ of . equal strength, rrnurocs, eto., to match witb an Pas&%, a. inclining or sloping ;peaceful, flowing (speech), sacial.
opponentt. Pnaiaw, v. to whisper.
Pasied, v. to splutter.
p M , ko, n. the fleaby part of the body, the muaolee.
Pdw-pen-ryngkew, v. to have the m
1 state of things brought to
Pat, ad. again,--v. to fall. light.
Pata, ka, n. a p a t h ;a licensed liquor-shop. P B w - a , v. to be exposed to shame.
p&n, v. to pull on both sides. Pda, v. to t h m to the farthest distance possible.
p a w , v. to tear to pieom as with the teeth.
Pda-kh6r-eiYkaba, arrow shooting competition in which he
pateng, n. a joint or link ;--ad. indirectly, thmugh another r o m e who shoots the farthest obtains dl the arrow shot.
(ae, nga ioh-pateng ia Lane ka shithi na kiwei pat ki briew).
Pdang, v. to mwk.
Patsngbynriew, kcs, 9t. a generation.
Pdam, v. to come to an end, to be over; to cease; to be
Pateng-pateng, ad. at every intervaleor stage. disappointed.
P~t,ag-h-pateug,ad. from generation to generation. Pdeng, ka, n. the middle.
Pathsr, kn, n. the width or stretch of a ford or stream.-*. Pdem, v. to steep, to incubate.
thoughtless, heedless.
Pdiang, v. to receive, to accept.
Pathat, O. tb amp (a thread).
Pdiang-Balang, v. to receiri i n b the chnmb men~bership
Pathit, n. e squash gourd. (=+ad. khdu). (Christian).
pathi, a,n. betel, pdn (as, called by the Nongkrem, Myuiem and
I Pdiet, v. to open by plaoing the finger on one side of an aperture.
the Synteng people).
Patiaw, v. (used in n w t i v e expressions, with yna), to give ear to, Pdok, ka, n. the bladder of s fish.
to care. Pdot, w, n. the throat, Adam's apple.
patied, v. to strike or knock against, e.9, to b;lly ;to spatter. Pdung, ka, n. a circular sieve or winnowing circular flat basket,.
Patiew, lp. the purlin. --v. to blister.
*Patloi, tt, tz. a thick brass cooking vessel. (Zed.batloi.) P d ~ hv., to strike with a stout or heavy stick on the head, to
', thwaok.
tpatltln, ha, 71. pantabons, trousers.
Peh, v. to winnow ;-a. not going in a straight line vhen shot, like
Patoh, v . to hit with a stone or ball that has touched the ground a bad winged arrow.
on its way ; to ricochet.
'@h (aibrev. of 8pe'h), zc, n. a spike, a stake (as, " u pbh sylli ").
Patbm, v. to drag by tllc hair.
'p6h-dyngkhiet, 14, n. a porcupine quill,
pat&, zs, n. an officerin the Synteng district next in p i t i o n to
a Daloi, a minister. 'pkh-aylli, zc, n. a very sharp spike made from a species of bamboo
called u 8ylZi ;a ready-witted mas.
Patmng, v. to puli or clutch by the hair.
Pei, a. having a, hole ;-v. to penetrate.
*patsha, n. an Emperor. '
Beibylla, a. to be pierced right through, to pass clean t h u g h .
P ~ T v, . to seem, to appear, to be evident.
*Paws, ka, n. a pova, $ of a seer. Peidohdw, v. to be cut to the quiok or to the sensitive flesh.
pawang, v . to s w i q , to swa,a,aell. Peifi (ia.), v , to barter, to exchange.
Pawhi, ad. unsteadily (to walk, to stagger). Peit, u. to look at, to gaze ;to be awake.
Peitkynriang, .a, to squint.
p4wby+iew, v. to be in a tolerably good position.
P6wkhrnat, v , to be prominent, to be present.
* Hindi. $ English.
Peitngdr, V. to stay up a t night.-
Peitmat, V , to be awake or consoions ; to be healthy ;-a. good
laking (person). [ h i t . peitmat-peit-mat.]
Phanang, v. to fling a piece of stick by holding it from one end,
Peit'mat-dong, v. to look through the corner of the eye, to look
suspiciously. Phan-karo, w, n. sveet potato ( ~ h i t rind).
Peit'matiieh, v. to show the *hits of the eye. Phan-ew, u, n. a person who has no fixed opinion of hia own.
Peitmiet, v. to stay up at night. [Imit. peitmiebpeit-iong.] Phan-lonpyiem, 24, n. the houscliold deity of a Siein.
Pcit-seh, v. to stare vacantly. Phan-longspah, tr, 78. a household ,pi who brings in wea.1t.h to the
Peitshin, v. to observe or mark the form or manner of s person. family. [Imit.u ph:1n-lon,aspali-pha111oqphew.]
Peit9hongshhn, v. to look with a suspicious eye. Phan-mlfih, es, tt. a kind of sweet p t a t a with dark and pri-My
Pem-pem, ad. lukewarm ;not tasty. rind.
Pen, n. a number=80 (of fruits, red pepper, etc.) Phan-rnongor, 26, ro. a coli1inon round potato.
'pen (abbrev. of soh-pen), tb, tr. a wild earthnut. Phan-sdi, 24, ra. potatoes which grow in a garden out of the small
useless tubers after thc crop has been gathered.
Pep, v. to deaist from going or from doing a thing.
Phan-sawlia, s n. sweet potato (wd-rind).
PBr, v. to float;*. light, careless.
P6:tn-shpreh, u, 18. yam.
Pet, v. to buy rim or any kind of oereals.
Phan-did-iap, w, 92. one ol tho ancestral ~piritsselected and
'pet (abbrev. of soh-pet), os, ro. the navel. invoked for giving blessings to t,he living and to the dead.
'pet-k&w, II, n. an umbilical hernia. . Phar, ad. entirely, nyhollp ; it is also used as an intcilsifying
Pha, perr. po. fen. thou, -v. to risk, to jeopardize, to hszard. ; psrticle, as, " u la jhih phar rynjaifi ";-iia pplm r,7r a plough-
Phang, ka, n. quarter, side, allotted part. I share.
'phsng-br, ka, n. a periodical oantinuow wind whioh blows Phara, ka, 12, w heap of inetals (gcncrally = 10 o. ft.)
ton~aibthe end of the cold season. Phwrait, v. to spatter, to squirt.
P M , v. to send, to despatch ;to order for. Phareng, 12. a European.
Yhahkhot, v. 'to scnd for. Pharep, v. to make a false c l ~ ~ r gore complaiut against a pelson.
Phahkglli, v. to propose to (a girl). [ h i t . phahkylll-phahpp Pharia, a. to split into small pieces.
thew.] Pharshi, ka, st. a parable, a p1~)verl).
P U ,v. tc, turn. Pharuh-phrtreh, a.d. in a careless maliner (to work), [as, "u ]>piew
Phaik poh-u-Blei, phr. to favour, to take a favourab1e mnsider~d I u la shu t11CLw plrartth-picrueh in knne ka ruh."]
t.ion-(1it. to face). I *Phasi, 2.. to hang.
Ph6i-khmat, v. to face. Phat-an intensi$ill,n psrticlc (snmc as phds:), [as, "u la jhiell
PhAi-died, v. to turn backwards. phict rynjaifi."]
Phak, ad. violently, [as, ngs iohi ba n saheb u thsp phak ia d Yhadr, ka, n. a set of r1y111egenerally in couplets, as,
mali."] (a) "u dhlang u sohphie i~iissng u shakyntii*," "ko para shyu-
Phalang, v. to reflect, to rebomd.
phaliq, a. slightly inclined or cut. / rang daqkhic k ynjih pynnang te jir."
(b) Balm ism u tl~pminu kstii u shu biul
Phawer, a. to hint, insinuate.
Phaloh, v. to splash over, to spurt, to spill.
p W r , ka, n. a gate. Phawur-phawer, ad. faintly, as a rumonr, [as, " naa din sllgew

PhalQp, to beat with a big stick ;to hew oat m u m .

~ h a nu, , n, s potato ; a howhold god, [I& u 4han=u-k~dd]

phawu?-phaz~e9* ku1111)aka sor-Ehillong kan leit nolL."]
--- - -..
Pheit I fnt, 00 l -la, -(eot2oq.), expr. of anga 03 dtsapprml (8, Ph14 v. to mfeas ;to admit.
" pheit la iap "). Phlang, oc, n. p s . [fmkt. u phlang-u kynbat.]
PhBr, v. to i2iffer; gmphdr, it matters not. Phlait, v , to slip, to miss ;--ad. right through (pieroed), ras, u
skm pynpei phlait ia ka lyntang."]
Phbr, ad brilliantly, very (as, I'ka bneng b la shai bhaphh b'ym
don shuh u l'oh.") Phlin, v. to flatter, to oheat, to pretend.
PhlAn-dumtln, a. to humbug.
Phct, a. to run.
Phlbr, (pei-), ad. right through (to pass).
*Phetkiri, 24, n. alum. Phlei, v. to vomit, to disgorgel to flood, to blow profusely.
Phet-iap, v. to fly for life or headlong. [Imit. phet iapphet-im.] YhlBr, u. to got an abrasion, to come off (as skin).
Phet-lynclet, v. to 00 away without taking leave. [Imit. phet Phliat, o. to turn (the intestines) inside out.
lyndet-phet-tuh.l [as, "une u maw uba btuid
Phet-thong, v. to run a moe.
Phew = ten, as shiphew 10, arphew 20. Phloit, a. to come off,as a ring from the handle of a hatchet.
Phewse, ad. to my surprise, (my" nga tharai ba u lah ba'n q n g - Ph16r, v. to become loose ancl fall off (aid of a ling).
kang, p h w e u h6p pynban"). Phluit, ad. suddenly (como out), [as, " u kak u mill kgnwn phlujt
PhngAifi, a. clem, not adsty. na u bitor."]
Phngh, ad. extremely, (as, " ulai la sian phngat u mrad "). Phna, v. to fasten a door with two cross-bolts, thus x .
Phngit, u, n. flying cinders or other particles, atoms. Phniang, as, n. a small seed.
Phngciit, v. to peep so thrrt the head only can be seen. Phiiian, z~. to stow; to stuff, to cram.
PhngtXd, v. to eat gl~~ttono~~sly. Phfiaiii-phfiaifi, (rib), ad. very (fine), [as, "don ki shara kiba rit .
Phi, ( 211d peiwn), you. +hiiaiG-#hfiazA."]
Phiak, ad. at the centre or part aimed at. Phniong, v. to raise the bolt of a.trap so as to make it ready to
Phiang, ka, IL. a brass plate. entrap animals or birds; to wt s trap.
Phong, V . to put on (as s mat or shoo) ;-fr, r . a kind of reed, the
Phisng-phiang, r, r a bird of greenish eolour with a crest on the inside of which is as soft as a cork.
Pldany-pldang, v. to arrange and tie grass into bundles formfing Phohsniew, a. to dream.
pUl'J?OSt'S. Pbohsniew kynsha, cv. to have bad clsearns.
Phinngsbiii, kn, ra. a poivelain plate. Phoi, v. to be offended, to find fault with ;to Iw captious.
Plliah, 21. to split. Phoikynsha, v. unreasonably captious.
Pllil;i~,at. to be in earnest, to take pains to do s thing.
phicng, (1. m*e-inspiring; s~lblime,majestic.
' Phoidari, ka, st. a criminal case.
Phdiii, ad. entirely (finish); [as, " u lah bs'n bkm pfioin ar pliang
PllT in (per@.prm.), ?on will not. t kn doh."1d

Plri'n (pers. pros.), yo11 will. Phon, v. to cook for n long time, (as bones, ctc) ;to entrap, enti-.
[lmit. phon-pah.]
Pllir-phir, 4d. rery (clean and white).
Phira,- 2--. to guad,- -to watch ;- n. nc pha'm = a m t r y .
__ - - --- -- . -
- ---.*

* Hindi.
Phbit, ka, 9;. number of times won in any competition or match ;
Shot, a. cutting, sharp ;-v. to get an intertrigo. score.
Plira, a. eight. *Phfij-u-pyrton, oe, n. an army. (Ein,d. Fauj).
Phrak-phrak, (kren-), ad. straight-forwardly, [as, " u K u long u Phulid, a, playful, ounning, jocular.
kriem uba kren plrrcck pltrak."] PhGm-phGn1, ad. soft li'~ecotton, [as, " ulie u phan u la ih bha
Phrang, ka, n. the front ;-a. to temper an iron; to test. ph2irn-phiim"J
Phrangsngi, kcc, la. the beginning, the first. Phup-phup, ad. very (bushy), like snowflakes, [as, " u shiiiuh
Phrah; ha, lz. plaited bamboo work ; - 3. to obstru(?l the dt)onvay jong phi a la lieh phzcp-phzcp.")
etc., by planting cross-sticks. Phhr, v. to hold a ceremonial dance on the occasion of the
Phreit, n. a small migratory bird (very depredatory to paddy and cremation, esf. of s grandmother or grandfather (father's
Italian maizej. mother or father).
Phret, v . to be broken to p;eces, to be crnshcil into powder or Phht, v to uproot.
small pieces. Phutbi, kn, n. a waistcoat.
Phrew, v. to play with a small bundle of sticks ;- ad. in all Phylla, a. wonderful, strange.
directions (scatter). PhyllAd, 12. a kind of mongoose.
Phria, a,a. hailstone. Phylla-soi, nd. unusually, as a n exceptional instance, [as, "mynno
Phriang, v. to spread out, to scatter. mynno phi'm ju wsn kai, mynta phiwan phylla-soi a-iu ka? "1
Phrieh, v. to feel nervous or feverish. YhyllAm, ka, n. the frcnt court of the house.
Phrbd, a. foppish. Phy lliah-ding u, n. a dying cinder or spark.
Phrong ka, la. fat left after the oil has been extracted by fryillg. Phylliew, v . to pour water from one vessel to another small-
mouthed vessel.
Phrob, e. to feed (as a mother-bird does her young ones).
Phylliid, 14, H. a kind of mucilttgino~~splant.
Phroh-jynrlem, zc, a). a hoopoe.
Phyllung, (at-), v. to have waves.
Phroi, v. to crush a thing into powder and to sprinkle it.
Phyrbe-q, u, n. a solitary jackal with a peculiar howl.
Phrung, o. to push in, eater, insert.
Phyrdsp-lyngkdr, lea, n. a piece of bamboo or wood attached to
PhCtd, ha, n. the bed of a stream, a mountain gorge ; --?I, n. a the t wo-split pieces of bamboo for levelling a n irrigated rice-
gannet. field and also to the horizontal post which rests on the neck of
Phull, v . to blossom ;to appear cheerful. bullocks.
Phuhmat, v. to be cheerful in sppeaanoe. [ I m i t . phuhmat- Phyrngbp, ad. early (in the morning) ; [as, " khie lashai dang step
phuhmut.] f hjwtlgap, ho.")
Phuhs4mrlchie, v. to smile. a. w$h drooping hair or branches ; [as, " k s dieng
Phui, v . (Imperative) Let bad luck attend yon ; let it be other- kaba noh phyrngrtp ki tnat harud wah."]
wise. Phyrmhn, ad. with lent of whiskers ; [as, '' II tng&m u long
Phu-iong, t6, lz. soot (esp.*in cooking vessels). u shrieh uba don PmainkGrY phyrmdtt."]
Phni-phui, a, 71. dust floating in the air. Phymhi, a. glittering, shining.
plifiid, v . to clear or make a drain with a hoe. Phymepp v. to dip or plunge ; to duck
phfii~-phhiii,ad. very (clean in appearance), [as, " une u khynnah Phymop,
uba bha-briew plhzciz-phwiii."]
Pi, v. to draw water'by dipping a doeeael in it. Pjah, a. cold.
Pia, ad. heavily, more than enongh (to eat or carry) ;aa, '' u kit Pjar, a. to drain.
ha ba'n & khia pia ka dieng."] Pjiah, v. to feed carefully ;to nurse.
m, n. a peon. Pj6ng-pjhng, ad. like the 1ea;p of a deer, fas,
ka skei ba ka h6r ppjdtzg-pjong." ]
" nga ioh-i hynne k
*Pirtla, ka, n. a porcelain uup, a tea cup.
Piam, v. to embrace, to clasp. Pla, ha, lz. a bag, a pocket.
Pi-an, a. short and stout. Plak, ad. utterly, totally (in a bad sense), [as, " nga nang kren
bha, u p t u krensih pluh."]
P'hn, ad. firmly (sit) ; [as, I' u show p'ian ha ka shuki.")
PlaiH-plaiH, ad. jet (black), [as, " u brizw nba iong plaiZ-plaifi."]
Pyiar,v. to stretch out :to extend. Also apelt pyiuv.
Plhit, v. to open out, to clear a way.
Piat, u, n. an onion ;--ad. firmly ; (as, " u la shong piat ba'n
Plan, ad. corn letcly, [as, " u bdm ha bail da lut plan shi-pliang
Piaw, v. to be pesvish or sulky.
pynshong.~ 'f
Plar, v. to vomit (only of infants) ;-ad. lying helplessly (many),
Pi-&,a. full or swollen (aa an overfull stomach). [as, " tang shu rung hapoh Aspatal, nga ioh-i kiba p u g ki thbh
Pied, a. to split with the hands ;to tear off. pin,"]
'pieng, 1. (abbrev. of kpieng), u, n. a bead. *Plaster, ka, n. a plaster.
2. (abbtev. of sohpieng), u, n. a mango. PlBng, ad. alter all ;oh ! I see now, [as, ltpZdag u ~aheb-bishar
'pienphphi, u, n. a strins of coal beiads which have been strung uba jrong du.' '1
alternately with gold beads resembling tc sohphi. Pleifi-pleiii, ad. hard and unripe (fruit), [as, '' u sohruon inynta
Pien, v. to wrap a piece sf cloth round the waist. u dang im pfeili-pfeiti."]
,pien (abbrev. of jympiea), ka, a. undergarment worn by women. "Pleit, ka, n. porcelain plate.
'pien-arna, a,nd 'pien-lasubon, me the two variety of waistclotba Pli, v. to ohange.
(jympien). Pliang, ka, n. a plate.
'ping (abbrev. of aping) zt, n. a handle; as u 'ping-die. Pliah, adj. clear, pretty, [as, '( ka khlinr Mawpat mrnta ka la
: : !$ 1 ad. short andfat, [as, " i brim iba lpgkot ~iho."]
p/iah " ; " ka brielv kaba plinh khmat."]--n. ka, cash.
Plie, v. to open.
Pihuin, a, entrious. Plied, v. to open, unfold.
PiIang (did), n. a kind of large f i t 4 Plod, ad. fully, (as, " u la urn ha ba'n da kdang plod.")
*Pipa, ka, n. a cask. Ploifi, ad. entircly (as, la lat ptoin).
Pir6it, ad. with a distended abdomen, [as, " ka dohkha kaba pW Pluk, ad. unexpectedly (bad sense), [as, ''11 iatlluh pluk ia kaba
pylleng ka heh kpoh pireit."] .
*Pirit, ka, st. a small porcelain plate ; a &ucer,-io, (mloql) Ofi Plfih, v. to be on fire, to take fire.
terms of very close intimacy,
P d , a. tenacious, eloquent.
Piru, n. a turkey,
Fisa, V , to feel uneasy, to fidget, to be testless, Pnan, ad. quite stitf, (as, " u la iap pnan.")
*Piskot, rz, n, a screwdriver. Pnar, ka, n. a shell ;-ki, the Sylltengs as distinguished from the
*Pita, u, n, a tape, a ribbon.
* IZindi. * Hindi.
Pnat, u, n. a branch of a tree resembling a fork. Pom-pom, nd. to nshcs (reill~ced); [as, " dung h a ba'n da lwet
Pnek-pnek, ad. very (sticky) [as, " ka urn kaha mih n a ka kseh polli-poll~.~ '1
h a long kaba dambit gnek-pnek."] Pomlyrthat, v. to be struck mith liglitning.
PnBh, ka, 9a. one side of " ka jains3m "-a Khasi woman's outer- Yo;nt;ih, 7.. t i t cut dightly (of trees), to tap.
garment. I'c,r~lnrtit,a. to win in ga:l;bliug.
Pong, v. to bore, to mako a Ilole. ~'OIY, 11. hi.). (same as ptrp.)
Pongka (khfin), n. a cllild mliose fatlter is ~mkr?o\vn;a bastard. Ptw, kc(, 11. t i IIC, t~eriorl; a s'11al1
Pongkdunp, ad. bulging mt like a hdloon (as, " ka jiiii ka a t lJrang (see prong ").

pongbdllrig ba beh ka l'er ").

l'rah, zt, t b . a wi111ioui11g 1~aAet.
Pongkhuh, ad. like a biq aniilial lying helpless (as, " nga tlmrai
ba ym shpm dei ba rtgs sint ia ka sie: hynmi nya shem k a la Yrai: nd. small tint1 in large numbers, (as, " ka pung ka dap da ki
kyllon ~wagkhz~h "1. l\hun dolikhipmi. ')
Pongkiang (or pyngkinng), ad. cross~vise:-I&. ha, breadth. Priit, 7,. to givo o ay or to bo torn as an OM garment, (as, " ka
ratl:!ra ha la rim ell kumta k a la prilit l ~ a b ashong.")
Pongpet, v. to como to nothing, to fail.
l'riin, a. to venture?, to cIarr, to be presumptuous (s, "me prdn
Pongsh~i,kn, n. a side-door of a Kliesi Iionse ; an a p e r t ~ mfor k6p iaei haba n e ' m lah T").
letting in the light.
Frat, v. to break through, (as, :'ka nlasi ka la praf ia ka kp6r ") ;
'poh (ubbrev. of kpoh), Ku, 12. the abdo:nen, the belly. -to cut (qrass).
Poh, a. low ; less, short of. *Prek, u, n, n nail.
P'oh (or pyoh), v. to be expo~crlto stnoke or fire ; to smoke,
Pohbah, v. to be near delirely. Prem, nd. like a sl7drlen appearance of people standing in a group
(as, " kpntlit-!c~ntlit In nlih saw ngut prem ki nonglute ") ;
Poh-ia, (1. low or iilean (action) ; - l a , 18. weekday. pronlinently ; like the appearance of a collection of sticks set
Pohjaid, u. !ow.caste, low-born. [I~rbit.pohjait-polirati.] on encl.
Pohjat, Jar, la. the sole of the f o ~ t . Prdt, o. to throw an sly.
Poh-mti, a. low-born. Prew, 14, 98. small dry I~arnhonor reed ; a torch.
Pohsah, ad, in\vardly or within onc's owl-n mind.
Prie, v. to vomit.
Poh-tit, ka, n. the armpit.
Poi, v. to reach, to arrive at. Prie-umkmng, a. to vomit bile.
I'oi-poi (Imet), ad. easily (crumbling or mou!der;ng [as, " kane ka Pring, u, n. soot ;-a. black.
jaiii ka la lko pol-poi".] Prip, all. like a collection of small objects, [as, " u jhur u la mih
Poi-bnBi, v. to rnenstr~~ate. pr* lnynta."]
Poi-kha, v. to marry. [Imil. poikha-poiman.] I'rong, a. to break through (L fence or wall, same as pvang.
Poi-ktien, v. to get a word or re1)ly. Lr~lir.poilitien-l)oithylliej.] Proh, u, rz. a fork, a pron?.
Pbit-SpAit, (dih-), a d . wit11 a snccessi~-clittle qurtntity of sllloke Proh-jingmut, (2. intelligent, sharp.
or water pufing off, [as, '' ki 'khar Mndi ki mlien ba'u clih Proi, kn, ?a. tllmo~lr; az: evil spirit who causes cancer, especially
duma pbrlpbil."] in very danqerons pi'ts of the body, as in the sides, arm-pita,
Porn, v. to cut (with a dmcl), to sc\-cr. etc.
Pomblang-u-&har, KG, tr. the Durga Poojah. Pd11, Ra, n. a cnbit, 18 inches, used in measuring all lengths.
Pomblang-u-Siem Nongkrem, ktc, a. the anu~url fesiival of the Prhid, v . to dran a line, to scratch.
Biem of Nongkreu. * Hindi.
-, - .. -
,&c&, R. -.Xi, L1ICZ2.
Prup-prap, ad. simultaneously and hurried17 (as, " ki ialrdm lang P~N.JINGKIENG PYLLAIT-KTIEN
p ~ ~ p - p t ").
ap Pfin-jingkieng, a. to throw a bridge across.
Prlit, u, n. a species of grass much liked by cattle. PQr,v. to creep, to spread.
PtBj-ptdj, .a! very (adhesive), [as,I' tylliat is ka ja haba ka'n da *Pura, a. complete, full. [fillit. ~um-puri.]
p ~ pi21 h -pfk."] Pnramit, v. to league with ;to hold secret cbnsultations.
'pl;, (nbbrev. of kpn), u, n. a loaf ;ground rice ;cakes ['pukhleirf, Puraw, v. to give in substitution or compellsation ; to recoup.
plsntoloz, 'puthavo, eto., are different kinds of cakes made from 'purew, u, n. dry pounded rice.
I'fir-khnnm, r. to fenthey an arrow.
PIIka, n. at paddy bird, an egret.
Puri, n. n fairy.
*Pukir, n. a fakir. [I~~iit. u Pukir-u P u k m ] Puria, try n. a ~ m n l dried
l fish. jlmit. puria-purap.]
I'ukni, 11. a vulture. PurisMm, ka, n. a fable, a fiction.
Pukri, l a , n. a well.
Buron, kn, a. one of the female deities of tlie Khasia representing.
Phd, ka, n. a boundary ;-a. to omit. the first maternal ancestress.
Pfid-pfid, a. timid. *Pushma, ka, $8. A, whitewash, v.-to wliitewash.
*Yudina, zc, n. marsh mint. *Pur-a-nayka, n. a parwana or notice.
Pung, kn, n. a pool ;a joint. *Puson, v. t o ponder, to muse ;to appreciate.
Pnng-kjat, ka, n. a leg. Put, t . to sound a wind instrument -,-ad. yet, (used with
Pang-kti, ka, a. an arm. negative verbs in the past tense).
Piih, v. to dig, to peck, to bite. Pute, v. to be thwarted in onds plan or project, to edd in nothing.
Plih-kylla, a. to dig the garden with a hoe and turning the soil Putet, ad. beddes ; a t the same time.
upside down. Pyngkat, a. not quite full or to the brim.-l<a, la. The name of
Pui-pni, u, 92. dust floating in the air ; mist. t,he day on which Alynso hi'~t,is held, in the Jaintia Bills.
Paid, v. to rip open, to lance, to dissect. Ppngkhoh, a. to fold ;to wrestle with.
Piiid-pGid, a. coward. Pyngklit, (iaid) r. to go by a roundabout way so as to avoid
Puit, try n. grasshopper. meeting. [Imit. pyngklit-pyngklat.)
Puit-sulwa, u, n. a locust. Pynkriang, rr. to catch hold of one on the may.
PujBr, u, n. ground rice distributed at the christening of a ohild. Pyngngkd , cc. cool, refreshing.
Pule, v. to read. Pj"q$eq, acl. perpei~dicularly, upright (w111eas pynieng j .
Pulit, ka, n. a losk-up, a private room ; a polioeman. Pyiar, 2,. to stretch, open, extend.
Pu:o; ka, n. s hen-coop. l'yjah, v, cold, sar~loas 2,J'ah.
Pulam, v. to come to nothinz, to be frnitlcss. Pgjar, a. to strain, to drain, (same aspjar).
Pum-pum, u, n. a mist ;dust floating in the air. Pylla, KG, n. the pan of a pair ol scr~les.
Pfin, a. to pave, to bridge over. Pyllaiii (prit-), url. rvitl~ p~.ominent small eyes, [as, " l~alei me
Pim, v. to gestate, to conceive, to be with child. peit pyllaiil ia ngs ? " ' ; stnriny1y.
Pyllait, v. to liberate, to set free.
* Hindi. Pyllait-ktien, v. to break off thc ~natch.
* Hindi.
Pynhiar-kput, v. to avenge.
Pylbit-kst'iid, v. to Ict loose n fowl 01. any -animal sacrificed to the
mil-spirit ; to lct n person frcr froin any agreement.
I'ylhit -1ii11, r. t.o lct loosc an aninla1 to razm a t large.
Pyllsit-i*ih,1:. to lct loow a fowl &acrificcdto It rih or rho fever Pynikid, v. to manage (lit'. to let a thing walk).
demon. Pyn-iar, -u. to extend, to ;--fly 91. o batten.
Pyllait-sansh'ing, r. to dirorcc. (Divorce anlona the Kliasifi is Pynieng, v. to malre s thing stand up ;-ad. perpendicularly
effected by exclia~qing6 cowries 1)ctweon the husband a i d the (follo\~edby dn), [as, hull d,t pynie17g ia k8 st~loi.~~]
wife in tho presence of witnesses).
Pyllaw, cccl. starin:. fixcdly, [as, '' u peit pyllnw k u m b clkholl. " 1 Pynjhieli, a. to wet, to moist ; to urinate.
Pylleng, ka, n. a n egs. Pynlah, v. not to give in or yield in argument, to be head~trong;
Pylliaw, ad. with small sunken eyes, [as, ine i khynnnb i prit
to bc obsiinate,-v. to finish up.
pylliaw."] Pynlat, v. to delay, t procrastinate.

y110n9 ) a. round. Pyn-ong, 21. to inform, to dclit-cr a verbal m s s q e .
Pynpbuh, v. to bertntify or inalte grand ; (lit. to make a t h b g
Pyllup, (dem-), ad. on the belly (lie). blossom).
Pyn=a prefix of many aansative verbs.
Pyn-adke, a. to bring a thing to naup bt, ~;$:: v. to girdle or wrap s picce of cloth m u d the bust.
Pyn-am, v . to keep together by menns of a V-shaped icc, tl) Pjnryngkangl?Sr, v. to hanis11, to send into exile ; to deport.
cause to bite. Yynshkd-khriw-hng,v. to spc!ak or Behave as if intoxicated with
Pyn-at-khu, v. to Ite enrions. liquor.
Pyn-atshyntur, c. to p?ut?,to sulk. PynshAdkhQn,v. to dandle.
PynbAn;-n. still, neverthtless. Ppshildsuloi, v. to have parade exercises, to drill.
Pynban, a. to add to, to give more ;-ad. nevertheless, still *Yynshait, v. to be forward ;-ha, 92. an arbitration or patwhayet ;
but. u-an arbitrator.
Pynbeit, v. to correct, to make straight. Pynshok, ka, 98. in Khmi States, contribntions for State purposes.
Pynb6d, .a. to let a thing follow, to I)e as :a sequel to. [Inlit. Pynshong, make a reasonable settlement ;-to give full
pynblid-pynrap.] measure.
Pynbyllan, v . to join or attach to. Pynshoi, a. to tempt, to entice, to nllure. [Init. pyneboi-
Pynkhiekloq, v. to m k c a sacrifice in order to ratify aa oath or pynshiid.]
agreement. Pyntha, .ha, n. a leve! country.
Ppkhtiid-d%r,v. to be free from blame or imputation, (Zit, to Pynthame, v. to mesmdse, to dazzle, to enchant.
clear a passage for a boat to pass). Pyntian, v. to put into the mouth.
Pynkhyllew, v. to flatter. Pyntip, v. to make kaowa
Pyndiih, v. to destroy.
P p - n e t , v. to let a thing be canght in a spoon or net ;-to fell
Pyrlthat, v. to consider, to think.. [!ma. ~ y r k h a t - ~ y d a i h
Pyrkhing, ad. tightly, strictly.
a tree.
Pynhiar, v. to let down ; to have diarrhoea ; to export. * Hindi,
PYRKHUNG PYRTO *Pyrton, ka, n. a rogimeut.
Pyrtung, ad. bulgingly (as, "ka cloh ka at pyrtut;g ba dait u
v. to bend, to arch.
Ppkhusy) dkhew ").
Pyrda, ka, n. hangiligs, a curtain. Pyrtuh, ko, m. a domestic-pwjahof a S'iem (samo m " p r t u h ").
Pyrdet, ad. behind, (as, " ki la khdm in u nongpyniap-briew da Pyrwa, r. to care, to be mindful of.
-pyrdef "1.
Pyrd6ng, (niam-), ka, n, a ceremony which is performed a t the
time when reconciliation is brought about between two contend- R-The sixteenth letter in the Xhasi Alphabet.
ing parties. Tlsklid, (3. young, stunted, [as, " a khynnah uba dang rakrlid u
pyrdung (at-), ad. well-arched, [as, "ka jaifi ka at-pyrdung ba shbn ba'n dih duma."]
beh kzb lyer."] % k ~ p(bah-), ad. awkwardly (ca-, ing a big person-on the back,
Pyr-em, ka, n,the ~pringseason. or sticking to another's back),~as, u khynnah uba 1% sari ruh ,

Pyr-en, ad. with a swollen belly. n phah bah m k ~ ha p i kmia."]

Pyrha, ka, n. a basket for measuring rice, containing from 1 to if Raked, ad. in ragged or torn clothe^, [as, '' ynda shang khldw eh, ki
seers. jaiii ki jot rakid."]
Pyrhut, a. breezy,windy ; hungy. Rakhn, ad. waddlingly, (as," u iaid rakkn ba sa tohjtiw").
Pyrjah, a. to smack the lips as s sign of anger or appreciation of Rakhe, v. to observe.
food. Rakho, u, ra. one who tends cattle, a cowherd.
Pyrm4n (khmih-), ed. from a distance or as a spectator (ss, 'Rakot, ka, n. a rakshasns,-a. voracious, gseedy.
"nga shu ia khmih pyrr~tdnita u Khssi mynta "). Raktui, ad. shabbily, [as, '' ki nongkyndong ki leh rnk!tri is lade
Pyrsa, n. a nephew or niece ; (-Joe.) a son or daughter-in-law.
Ppa-ksiew, n. a grand-niece or nephew (mother's side).
Raktai, wat latla ki long ki ba iotl-ba-kot eh ruh."]
'Ad, (ufibrev.of mrad),n. an a n i m l ; abbrev. of " kytbrdd " (q.v.).
Eyrdt, v. to breathe, to blow, to hiss. ' d - b a h , u, n. a giant.
Pyrshang, v. t o attempt, to try. *Radha, ra. a goose.
Pyrsha.h, prep. against, opposite to. Rang, v. to e a s e to rain, to be fine (said of weather).
Pyrshen, u, n. a pimple, a stye. 'rang, (abbrev. of shynrsng), a male.
Pyrshong (soh), or, a. a kind of so~wf r ~ ~ Assamese
it, kamvanga. -rangbah, a. n. a man. an elder ;-a. grown up. [Intit. rangbsh-
Pyrsia, v. retail buying and selling. [Imit. pyrsia-pyrkat.1 rangsan.)
Pyrsit, zb, la. fine particles of broken rice or pulses. Ryang,ad. with feet entangled in a raised position in such things
as a creeper or barbed wire, same as ryalag.
Pyrsut, ka, n. a pair of bellows-v. to blow, to set air in current. ad. with long dishevelled hair, [as, 'a 11 shiiiuh katai ka
Pyrta, v . to cry out, to call aloud. briow u long uba rangni kum u j o ~ gkn bgiem ;kans
Pyrta shnong, v. to cry round the village. ka dieng kaba heh rmgai."]
Pyrthat, u, n. thunder ;-ha& tied s pyrthot, a clap of thunder. Rang-'iar-Ud, a,n. a sacrificial cock
Pyrthei, n. the world, [phr. yrn donpyrthei=ver~,exceedingly.]
Rengli, ka, ti. a poor lonely woman. [Inlit. ka rangli-ka juki.]
Pyrthiew, v . tocome out (aa a n eruptive disease) ; to burst (of Rah, v. to lift, to carrv.
roasted grain).
Pyrthuh, v , to imitate.
Pyrto, v. to cherish s grateful remembrance of.
RAH-RONG RAMAN Ram-ew, l a , n. the gcddess of earth, the gi'ouad ; teri.a $/*ma.
Rah-rong, r. to carry about aa s show ; to expose othsr's faults, to Ramhah, a, n. -agiant.
calumniate. [ h i t . rah-rong rah-nh.] Rhm-ia, ka, a. dream; illusion ; hallucination, -kren rhm-icc,to
R&i,v. to decide, to pass orders. speak as in a dream ; to be under a hallucina.tion.
(abbrer. of krAi), u, n. millet, as u rdishan, rdisoh, rditruh. Barn-shnnglci, ka, n. an old fzshioaed gun used by tbs Rhasis long
Raibi, ka, m. hereditar~taint. ago ; a jinpal.
Raikhoh, a. lean,,thin, reduced. ~ a the
~ a & - s h a n h i , ' ~ n. , goddess who inspires the paop!e when
engaging in any da.ngeron.9undertaking as in a battle.
Raiai5, a. big andhaving much foliage (mid of a tree). Ran, v. to contract, to shrivel, to ehiink.
Rai-eh, ka, n. a waste land covered with thick jungle ; v i s i n soil Randa, ka, m. a plane.
[ h i t mi-eh-mi-dhm.] RsEaiaia, ad. h a & g plonty of fuliage, [al, " ka don kaaei ks dieng
Baiep, ad. like a fool clad in shabby clothes (m,''balei me iw kabs raiiaiii harfid surok."l
raiep hangne 3") - Rantip, ka, n. the slope of a hil.
RBid, a;. atunted, dwarfish, degenekted. Rani, ka, n. a reward given to the dismveror of a lost article.
RBA, ka, n. selE-respect,honour. 'rap,.l. (abbreo. of iarap), a. to help ;2. ( d b e o . of " trhp ");-b,
Raim&w-daeng,(her-, phet-), ad. wildly, answhem and every- la. a Khasi circuhr flat leaf umbrella.
where (rim), [as, c 6 ki kynthei tang a h ioh-i i s ki Sik ki b h Rapiej, ad. as if prr:ssed with a heavy load on the back, [as, " ngs
iashem ia u ba u kit rapriej la u phan shi byrni."]
'Raiot; n. a subject, a rayat. *Hashi, ka, n. a siclrle.
'rsishhn, u, n. (But. Pa8palun sartgu*a1e) a s?eeaies.of millet Rashing, ka, IE. a slope, a side of precipice.
resembling grase. Rasong, ka, pa. great good fortune ;the goddess of good luck.
KBi shilliang, a. to be partial in tho decidion of a case ;--nex p r t e Rat, a. to up-root. [Imit. rat-thiew.]
judgment. Rathp, ka, n. a piece of plaited bamboo work to protect the body
'raisoh, u, n. Italian minet ; (But. Setrerb Bolka). from the impact of a load when ciirrying it ;a trap.
Rat-da, phr. used with yn or i n ; to denote conditional possibility ;
Baitong, n. a poor lonely man. f l ~ i t raitong
. lainot.] as, " u ' n r a t dcclei lada phi leit" ; "ym rat da lah batai ia
'raitruh, u, n. (Bot. Eleusine Comcana) ; (Bengali) m d I a species kane."
of millet. Rati, n. a small seed used for weighing gold and silver ; a rerp
B s i u ~ad:reaching
, down to the aikle (as, " u )?bong ka mpti kaba small quantity.
jYGsurrail@ ") . Rddng, ad, in an arched position, as a cat doas before springing 04
*RSj, ko,m. jurisdiction, a State-u 4, the people, the consti- a rat.
tuency. Red, u, n. a fabulous sea-monster, s brave or daring fellow.
*Rajai, ha, w. a razai. Rye, a$. full (as, " nga sngemdap ka kpoh r'e ba nga b$m soh.
*RBjinama, n. deed or in~tmmentof compmmise. phlang ") ; puffed up (belly) ;same as ryk.
R'eng, ad. raised by a prop on one side, (as, " ka kpoh ka long kum-

"Rajon, ka, n. resin (Hii~d.dhoob).
l<Bm,ka, n. a debt. no re r'eng ") ;same as ryeng.
Reng, ka, a. o horn, an antler.
R h ,ka, n. a jungle which has been cleared forjhttn cultivstiok Rcng-ngip, l a , n. the oheek-bone.
Rsmiln, ad. fiercely (like a tiger), [as, " nga ioh-i ia u khh uba h d Reng-'mat, ka, n. the eyebrow.
* Hindi.
Rem, a. to be defeated, to be guilty ; t:, be expensive, to get offend- RIAW 'RIEW TYMMEN
ed ; highly priced,-a. clear. Riaw (rap-), ad. in great numbers and simultaneously, [ag, c' ki
Reit-shln, u, n. a very hard and durable yood used for poets. tang shu pyrta, ki rap riow baroh."]
Ren, oc, n. a sea-monster. *Rikap, ka, h. a stirrup.
Rep, v. to cultivate, to plant. [Imii. rep-riang.] Xi-kynti, ka, la. a private landed property.
Rew, ka, %. hone~comb,--a. brittle, weak-said af wood only. Riew, v . to give out a sound, io pro3nce a sound.
Rnga, tb, n.charcoal. 'riew, 1. (nbbreo. of britru), n. a perYon ; 2. (abbreo. of shrieco) an
Rngit, v . to be dried up and evaporated. arum.
ltng6i (ha-), va. an illusio~lor dream, hailncination. 'riewbah, n. one who is not relato3, a stranger, [Imit. 'riewbah-
Rngaii5, ad. holding fast (of a bite) ;[as, " u ksew u am ragniti na 'riewsao.]
ka rynclang u msi."] 'riembha, a. rich, wealthy. [Imit. 'riewbha-'riewrniat.]
Rnpiii-rngaifi (iong-), ad. as black as coal. 'riewbiej, n. a foolish or ignorant person. [Imit. 'riewbiej-
RngAw, r. to cease mining for a time. .'rie~thern.]
hngiew, Ka, fa. luck ; individuality ; esseuce of h u r n a w ) . spirit. 'riewblsi, a. godly.
[Intit. rngiew-1w iang.] 'riewdakbit, n. a cruel person.
. hi, n. young people, the rising generattion.
ad. disappointed, (as, " ki briow ki la lah ioh, phi phi
dang ap rhany bangne ! "). 'riewdkhot, n. a mem11e1-of it community or any. organi~ation~

Rl~ah,v . to be envious ;to meddle. [ h i t . rhah-rhing.] 'riewnqeit, N. a fellow-believer, a person who holds the same
Rhern, a. glowing, burning. faith.
Rhew, (duna-), nd. '~onspicuouslyor markedly (less or short of),'. Riewhadem, a,n. maize, Indian corn.
[as, " ei ba bhm ba duna r h m u kQ kumne ? "1 'riewhok, n. a godly man, an honest person. [Imit. 'riewhok-
Rhong, (ap-), ad. agape ;-(pei-), having a small aperture ; 'riewsot.]
eagerly. 'riew-isid, ka, ra. a woman of bad character, a harlot.
R l ~ i n gad. persiste@ly, (as, " balei phi shfin rlring ia nga ? "). 'riewlieng, u, n. a boatman, a sailor.
Rhfiin-rhfiin, ad. very (red or glowing), [as, " u sohphi uba shm 'riewnar, runar, adj. cruel, wicked. [Imit. u run=-u ruser.]
phziin-rhtiin."I \-. 'rieapop, ra. a sinner.
Ri, v. to keep, to to1ce care of ;-ka, n. a country, a province ;-tr, a. 'riesrrtdbah, n. a giant.
a kidney bean, asparagus. 'riewdid, tr, la. a pleader.
'ri (abhrm. of tlrri), rr, n. a cane, a bamboo tie. - 'rkwsaid-iah, n. a person who holds on in argument although he is
Riang, ad. in ordar, in a row, [as, " ki bul, riang ki ban b ' n shong beaten.
ki briew."] 'riewsaidthma, u, n. a ~tatosman,a clover man.
Riaj, riej, a. to shrink from ; to recoil frcm fear, disgust, etc., 'riew-u-s'iar, (dnng-), phr. at the crowing of a cock, early in the
fcrbear. morning.
'riewspah, a. rich, wealthy. [fitlit. 'riewspah-'riewphew.]
Xinm, v. to dre=s; to entrap ;-ha, n. a suit of olothes. [Imit. ka
riam ka beit.] 'riewstkl, n. a wise person. Imit. 'riewst4d-'riewnang.]
'riamtymmen, n. an old person, an elder.-ad. like one who is in an
Riampop, v . t o entrap wild beats by pitfalls ;to mine. advanced age, thoughtfully (as, "ine i-Babu i-kren riewtymmen
Rist, kn, n. a precipice, a cliff. [Itnit. ka riat-ka ram.] shibun haba ia shongkiii ") [Intit. riewtymmen-riewg.

* Hindi.
Ring, v. to pull, to tug. Xmiang shyntur, ka, n. the lip.
Ring kongdr, v. to compel formerly by force a man to marry a Rmiew (urn-), ka, n. exudation on a wound or sore, serum.
S'iem's female reiative. Rniang, u, n. an anvil.
Ring-dong, v . to do a thing so as to suit one's interest or object. Rnong, ka, n. bmqs or bronze.
Ri-ngBr, u, 94. a small kind of rattan cane, a species of cakameas. Rnfiid, a. having as a peeled orange ;-n. ka, rnziid-groves, '
Ring-jiigmut, a. to infer, to draw a connlusion. furrow.
RingmCtw, v. to bring a monolith from a distance. Riiai, 26, ~ r a. tough kind of bamboo, used in making string (same
as Rifiai), -
Ringeaiphla, a. to confirm a statement by referring to an eye-
wit~~ess who would act as an arbiter. Rd, ka, n. mercory.
Ringsamthiah, v. to be drowsy, Rong, ka, n. COIOUP, paint ; a show, a display [ h i t . ka rong ka
rup.1-v. to carry betwaen the teeth, as a cat does a rat ; to
Ringatin, v. to catoh fish by driving them along in water with a carry away.
bamboo fence.
Rongbthuh, ka, n. gray or mouldy colour.
, v. to pine away, t o languish. Rong-ka-tamsa, ko, a. a sho~v,a display ; tamasha.
Ring&, v. to sing. Rong-iong, ha, n. black colour ;tar.
RingtyllBi, kaba', ra. a tng-of-war. Rong-jngem, ka, s. a reddihh black colour.
Rin,&yskhong, a. deject, depress, pine away. Ron,o*jyrngarn, ka, n. green or blue colour.
Rih, v. to hide ;-u, n.a fever demon ; ague. Rong-jyrngum, ka, n. a blackish green colonr.
Rijied, u, n. a post.! [Imit. u rijied-u khnong.] Bong-lieh, ha, n. white colour.
Rim, a. old. Rong-phd, ka, n. led-foil, tinsel.
'rimet, u, n. a large rattan cane (Bot calamus). Roqyphong, a. showy, gay; having something of sham or pre-
tence, ostentatons.
Rin, ad. in a row or line (as, "ki briew k i ieng, rin, hartid aah").
Rong-pyllun, ku, n. the heart (in card ~iaying).
'riphin, zc, n. a very small species of rattan cane.
Rong-SAW,k:t, n. red colonr.
'ri-dj, ha, n. a raj or public land.
Rong-wrdong, ka, n. the diamond' (card playing).
Risa, v. to shout e~ult~ingly.
Rong-shiria, ka, n. the club (card playing).
Risang, n. a squirrel.
Rons-stem, kn, n. yellow colour.
Ridw, u, n. October ; a small bamboo used for making arroxs.
Rong-thBm, .&a, n. a spade (card-playing) .
Rishot, 16, n. the chief post, a pillar. Xoi, v. to increme, to mako piwgress.
Rit, a. small. Xoiii-roifi, ad. full of holes ; riddled with smallholes, [as, i'ba'n
Riti, ka, n. le,d customs, established oustoms. h i t lyer, ki tsp da ka, tin kaba pci voili-rain'."]
Rit-jingmut, a. narrowminded. Roit-roit, ad. with violence and in quick suocession (ae, "ki
Ri-W&, ka, n. the lowlands on the southern slopes of the Khasi nongshohnoh ki la beh roit-roit ia u ").
and Jaintia Hill& Ron, ka, n. the l a s t of all the deities worsh'ipped by the
Rmen, n. the people living in the north of the Nongkhlaw elaka ; Syntengs.
valleys. Ronsing, ka, n. a blowing horn, a trumpet.
Rmiang, ka, n. the margin,the rim ;border (cloth). Rot, v. to desist, to shrink from; to object, see also ihrot.
Rshhm, ka, n. all the necessary things spre~doo. the ground Rwa, v . to be diminished ; to become less (in quantity).
a t the time of making a sacrifice, (e.g. bottlo-gourd, leaves, RwAi, 7. to sing. [lmit. m6i-siaw.1
rice, a sieve, etc.). - -
Rwhi-myllung, v. to sing a pathetic song.
Rshiang, v, rr. a kind of sun-grass.
Rwat, v. to be on the lookcut ; to explore ;-kn, pt. a trace (mad).
Rta, ka, tr. age (same as ryta or prta).
Rwirg, (wan-, leit-), v. to go and returxi thc same day.
Rthn, ad. fast (cling), [as, "ba'n h i t shano shano rul~ ym
Rten, ] lait ba une u klliin u bat rten." ] Rwiang, ka, rt. lubk. [Imit. Ira Bok-kn rniang.]
ICwieng, zc, n. the intestines cf a Lircl.
Rtiang, ka, n. a tree bearing that name, (Bat. Quercus serrata).
Rtin, ad. tenaciously (as, " u 'sew-beh u bat rtiri ia ka skei"). Ryben, a. thick (same m ?*heft).
Ru4i (same as rwdi), v. to sing, [fmit. rwfii-siaw.] Rpkhiang, a. dry (same as rkhinng).
*Rubibar, ka, n. Sunday. Rykhio, v. to laugh (Eame as rkhie).
Riid, ka, 9a. border, side ;-leit r4d, to relieve the bowels. Rynga (see " rnga ").
Rukom, ka, n. manner, custom,way.
Rukom-rukom, ad. of different kinds, [as, " ki don rukom-rtikont
rYngkang-ryngkoh.j .
Rpgkang, v. to jum ),to pass over ; to trespass, to ford. [ I m i t .

Rpngkap, ka, 92. a quiver.-ad.with child on the back.

ki briew ha ka pyrthei.")
Rung, v. to enter. Ryngkat, ad. along with, together;-a. equal.
Rung-Balang, v. to enrol or be admitted au a member of Ryngkew ka, n. dry land (as opposed to water).
a church. liyngkew-u-Basa 24, n. a village patron God.
Ruh, ad. also ;-ka, n. a cage, a snare. Ryng~gi,ha, n. the sunny side of a place, (tho opposito of
*Rui, u, n. cotton. dynrmiew).
Riiid-dak, v . to draw a line, to put a mark. Ryngkllli (ot), ad. closely, too ncar (cut), [as, " wat ot ryt7gklzn'i
eh ia u dieng."]
Ruid-nfir, v. to cut a drain.
Rui-mi, a, n. dirt suspended i n water. Ryngkbat, ad. accidcntnlly, by chance, [as, " nga shu iashem
ryn&ltat ia u."]
Rum, ka, n. the lower or hinder part ; south.
R u m , v. to Le delirious, to speak or act incoherently, [Itnit.
Ryngkhi, (bud-), ad. following very closely (of children's azes);
ka, n, the back (of a knife or sword).
iuma-rutit.] Ryngkhiang, a. dry, parched.
Rumar, kcl, n. a pocket handkerchief. K yngkh?~,ad. bending, but tall and big.
Rumpei, ka, n. the last room of a Khasi house nest to the hearth, Rpghang, ad. widely open, ajar, (as, " wat ieh rynghartg is ka
where odds and oods are kept. ling ") .
Rumr, see riewnar. [$ma/. runsr-ruscr.] Rpgiew (see " rngiew ").
Rup, ka, n. the side of a cloth not coloured or tho colour of Hynzmang-ryngmnng, ad. quite unexpectedly, (ae, " ei ba'n leit
which does not come out distinctly ;the reverse side. lah kren ryrcgmang-ryngmang ha u paitbah T")
Rupa, ku, n. silver. Rynfiang, u, n. a fishing rod; a small leafless bamboo.
Rupatylli, u, n. the collar bone ; a silver necklace.
xusni, ka, n. firework. Rymb&i, u, a. a Khasi bean.
*nuti, u, n. a loaf. Rymbdi-ktung, u, n. (BoC. glgci:te ssja), a species of hem.
RymbB-js, u, n. (Bot. Pl!asccl:c, cdcat atas), a species of bean*
* Hindi.
Kymbgiii (shri-), ad. with a wrinkled face. (3) it is the sign of future tense, denotingcontingency, as,
Rymmbiii, ad. beautifully (smiling) [as, " ka, jingwiat earn-
Rymmhiii, ) rkhie jong u kaba i-tynnad tynmzbiai."]
, "nga'n sa leit ynda lah bam ja."
(4) it is used as an adverb with verbs in the past tense, m,
Rymphang, ta, n. February. " yndB lcumta u sa leit noh."
Rymphii (noh-), ad. like flowing hair, [as, (lu shiiiuh u noh (6) In the abeence of any other better alternative, as "nga
rymphbi."] $hu pdizlng 'katba u ai namar ba ngarn ioh sa."
Ryndang, ka ores, tr. neck ; voice. [Imzt. u ryndaag-u tang *dAb, a. cleanly. [Imit. sdb-suba.]
Sabiah, adv. at all ;-n. u sabialz, rice cropped during the rainy
Ryndang-kjat, ha, oo. the ankle. season.
Ryndang-kti, ka, n. the wrist. SabAhp, ad. hairy, bushy [as, ;:u shfik& ka dngiem u heh
Ryn-ieng, ha, 12. stature. [Imit. ryn-ieng-ryn-iot.] sa briui~."]
Ryndia-tlem, ha, n. eri silk 010th. tSabon, Ka, n. map.
Rynjaiii, ad. as if' many things are adhering or clinging, [MJ Babuit, v. to corrupt a thing by enchantment or witcherg,
"nga'm lah ba'n leit k8i ba b6n ki kam rynjaiii."] (applicable to eatable things only); to have "an evil eye."
Rynjap (noh- ad. with breasts hanging down, [as, " ka sniang [ l m i f . sabuit-sakbi.]
kaba don k bn ka raikhoh rynjap."] Sabut, ka, iz. proof, clue.
Ryn~iaw,n. a black bird with a long tail which imitates the Sak, ad, straightway, straight ahead (as, ;'ka lynti ka beit sak
cries of other birds. nangne hadu h iing ") .
Rynsdn, ka, n. a raised platform, a gallery. Sakhr, closely, apart from one another (as, 'Teng saka'r
Ryshh-kfiia (see " rsharn "). wat ia ieng syndah eh ").
Rynsi, u, n. ground rice or maize mixed with molasses and Sa-ka-sfhid, (lait-): ad. very narrowly (escaped), [as, "sa-i-dzd
rolled like a ball. Sa-i-did, ] ba u d w ba kawang n brim u'n dei ia nga."]
Rynsied, v. to -jhmp,-a g3pler, to spring upon. Sakhap, a. lean and stunted.
Rynsong, ka, n. a kind of flute made of bamboo. *Sakhi, pt. witness ; evidence. [Intit. sakhi-satar.]
Rpnsun, u, n. garlic. Sakhbh, o. to knock the head against, to butt.
Ryntan, ad. holding tight to the clothes (as a chid does to its Sakhdit, ts, n. i h h mused by a parasite.
mother's). SakMi, v. to feel tired or stiff.
Ryntih, ad. together, unaniaously, in order. Sak'iah, ka, n. hiccough, same as sackyiah.
Ryntieh, ha, n. a bow. Sakma, a. to go astray.
Ryt& see ("rCa "). bSakor, ka, n. wet sugar, unrefined wgar.
8. Sak-satk (iaid-), ad. straight on (walk), precariously (ill), ( o h )
8-The 17th letter in the Khmi Alphabet. without any oonsideration or mercy.
Sa= (1) a prefix which means to contract a disease ; fa be
affected with, as, sa-prum, to be afEeoted with sore ; other
Sakthu, pd. reaching down' to the knee like a clergyman's coat.
~aktiaw, a poor little girl, [as, "ine i khynnah i leh
intances are, sa-mattah, sa-khfiian~,etc.
(2) 8 su8i. which means pee~&l;I'; sulkily; as, iq i e h ~ a ~
sakiiam blade, balei? "1 -
krensa, eto. Hindi. I t Bengali.
Sahiaw, u,n. asthma ;a bronchial wheezing sound,
Sahit, ka, n. firmament, sky.
Saktup, ad. like a bull frog, [as, "nga ioh-i ia ka hynroh ktlba Suh-jit, v. to remain unnoticsd or rejected by all,
heh saktug."] Bah-nang-ang, v . to be known as a tell-tale. [ h i i t . sahnang ang.
Sakuda, ka, ta. a notch or corn; hard swelling. sahnanghhp.]
Sah-pad, v. to be omitted.
Sakud6m-rai-eh, i, n. a thick-set fellow.
Salihi, ad. covered with longhair all over like a bear. Sah-teng, Iraba, st. what still remains to be done or completed.
Ehl,ku, 9t, a ceiling .the goddess who takcs care of the Siem's clan, ] La, n. a ring.
-c. to comb ;-zznfsdd, the house where the Siem performs his
poojsh, i.e., tha house of the S'iem's youngest, sister or nieoe. &huh, ( l ~ h - )ad.
, lavish!y, prod'gally.
[lmit.ka Ad-ka sunon.] 'di,(abbt-m.of ksdi), rr, 9%. thread.
*dads, a, blank, plain. '&i-kait, u, n. a fibre of a plantain t.rce.
Ssclrli, ka, m. earnest money. 'dikhfim, u, n. a rope for binding a criminal. [Imit. a h d m
Sadhhi, ad. at pleasure, at ra~dom,(as, bid sadhdi). -itch] ;bonds.
Saddm, v. to' drag or best. t'dikun, u, n. a rope attached to a boat for drawing it along
shallow water.
Sador, ka, n. tin.
Sang, a. incestuous, sacri'e ious, forbidden ; taboo;-pz. sangia :$:' ) u. to p~eac~,to argue.
and auragkla are ceptain religious observances of the W6r
people. [Imzt. ka sang-ka ma.] S'tiid, a, warm, same as sydid.
S'ang, o. to roast, to toast, same as syang. 8Aid-ksan, v. to h ~ l don in argument in spite of biluro with
a view to carry the point.
Sangam, ka, n. the part of the jungle thick with trees and
wet. [/?nit.ka sangam-ka sajah.] S'aid-ding, v. to warm near the fire.
Sbngeh, v. to pause, to stop. S&M-lab,v. to keep on arguing in spite of failure ;obstinately stupid.
kngern, ad. inwardly, secretly (as, "ka met bboh shirynfieng SAid-lwet, o. to gossip.
k:t shu p-lng str?t,nrm"). S'aid-sngi, v. to bask in the sun. Same as syaid-aagi.
S kngoh, v. to butt (the head). S4id -thma, v. (origifially to dehate) ; t o . deliver a speech in a
S ~ngot,u , n. a town crier, a village policeman or petty official. Khasi Darbar ; to babble, [Illtit. didthma-didktien.]
S a n p n g , ad. dear, (as, " kane ka j& ka la rem songrang 'sQihon, u, n. sun-hemp.
ell ") ;--a. hard, unrelenting. '&lung, ka, ta. a jhumeJ piece of land recently allowed to run
S~ngsot,0. forbidden, piteous, [as, " kaba sngewsangsot ba'n waste.
lebbeifi ia kiba pli ki khunswet."] 's4ilum, tc, n. a raw cotton thread.
Sah, u. to remain, to lag or etay (hehind) ; to elbow, to strike, 'adimuka, u, st, a muga silk-thread.
to ram ;( P Z C ~ Xover
) and over the same thing, continually, [as, Saiii, v. to melt, to smelt.
lehsah, shongsah, thiahsah, ienqruh.]
SahBm, v. to yawn ;to warn, to hint at. SAi5, v. to burn a part of grass so as to clear a fire-line;to please.
Sahkut, v . to be confined or kept in a place 'shi-nalia, u, 11. jute ; riha (Arrsamese).
Sah-daifimur, ka, 98. a form of punis lment in the K h s i Penal 'st%-nir, u, n. a wire ; telegraph wire.
Code by which a criminal is confined for life * Hindi.
*dahb, u, n. a European. [lmit. u mhuh-u suba.]
- - --
W - l u n g , ka, A s plaoe that has been reoently reserved for the Sammut, a. funny, fanciful, exciting mirth (as, " phi khie aamnaut
growth of trees. aiu ? u wan leh aammut.")
'&p&d, ka, a. a h e r kind of muga cloth. Samoi, ka, n. season, time.
'dipan, u, n. a long purse worn round the waist ;a waist-thread. Samparat, ka, n. a kind of palm-trae with plilioated leaves which
'dipharag, 24, t f . rolled English cotton-thread. generally grow8 on precipices.
'ssiphla, u or ka, ta. a witness ;a third person to whom the case is Shmshm, ad, bitter (cold), [as, " ka um ka la daitthah 8dmsiw."]
referred for confirmation. Samsia, a. terrible-looking.
'di-ryndia, u, n. era-silk thread. Samtari, u, R. a sentinel.
'di-s'iang, u, rs. a fiddle-string having the highest pitch. Samtawi (shid-), v. to have giddinses.
vitii-siej, ns, ts. a bow string. Samtih, ad. with a long beard, [as, "u dkhar uba jmng u Eiuhtmoh
'&spur, u, n. cottonyarn. uamtlh."]
'di-steiii, u, A. a thread obtained from a fibrous plant called Ban, la. five ;-v. to grow up.
Pillebrunia htegrifoliac. Banad, ka, n. a s a n d or appointment letter (same as sasmaod).
SBit, v. to wash. Santbr, v. to grow up prematurely (of person).
Saitmet (used with srgew-, i-), a. offensive. Sani, v. to remand a case for retrial.
'di-tir, u, B. a telegraph-wire. Safiium, ka, n. a place overgrown with grass.
'di-tluh, tc, n. a very tough fibre obtained from the bark of a Safiiur, a. like a heap of tall grass, [as, " balei phi iehnoh ua$iup
tree called " ka tluh." la ka kper."]
'di-tyllsi, u, 98. a rope. I
Sap, ka, n. inherent quality, instinct; alloy ;genius ;-bameap, to
'di-woh, u, m. a skein. take bribes.
'fsAi-wul, u, n. wool. Sapa, a. enough, sufficient (,oenera!Iy used with ym, as, "phi ai
'Saja, ka, n. punishment,-v. to punish. khyndiat eh ym sngew sapa ei ei ").
Bala, ka, n. cotton cloth. Saphriang, v. to spread, to extend.
Salia, a. disgusted, tired of, bothered. [lmit. salia-salhit.] Saphret, a. scattered ;-M, r. dmmbs. [Inrit. saphret-saphrong.]
Salit, ad. not in the body but from the side, (as, "u kuli u shu dei Sapiet, ka, r. a splinter, a chip. [Il~riE.ka sapiet ka saphi.]
I salit nadong u maw "),--ha, n. chip. [lmit. salit-samong.] Sapoh, ka, n. rice mixed with yeast and fer'mented for making
Salu, ka, n. a red cotton cloth. liiquor, a malt.
Shm, v. to divide, to share. Bapra; v. to scatter.
Sim, v . to bore, to pierce ; ( p e f i x ) to feel inclined, to feel a Sbr, v. to sweep ;-ka, n. serge, a Kashmiri chadar.
desire (as, in scim-thiah, scim-khyndem). Sara, v . to raise seedlings for transplantation.
S'am, v. to be peevish, to be sulky (same as syam). Sarang, v. to become rusty ;-ka, n. rust.
Sarneh-blang, ka, lz. a kind of shrub having tough bark and Saraw, ka, n. an earthen saucer or plate.
milky juice. Sarew (pfim), ka, n. scab of a sore, scales.
Samep, a. woolly, thicb with hair, [as, " u Giuhtmoh jong u uba Saro, ka, n. a bird of the starling family.
Sarong, a. proud ;-kn, n. a kindaof violin.
Samla, ra. a, youth. [Ifnit. samla-samhoi.] Sat, a. hot, acrid, pungent ;-ad. sorely ;-ka, n. trouble, calamity.
+ Ifindi. I $ English. [Imit. ka sat-ha jew.] '
S'at, a. addicted to, much given to. Same as syat.
. Satap, ka, n. ,sp3cebetmeen strata of rocks ;a crevice.
SatzLr, a. tough- ;ka doh satar-, n. tough %esh..
Ez$tjy] a. bloodshot.

Sat-kyrsia, a. pungent, acrid. Ehw-saw-mynsiem, a. hot-tempered, irritable.

Sa-tdam, lid. short and stont, [as, I D i long i briew ibalyng- S6wsyng-iang,a. briggt red, crimson,
kot sa-tdam."] Sawtriang, a. red (as from anger).
Satep, ka, c,. thatch at the ridges of the roof of a house. Sbak, ad. with a thucl (falling).
Bath&,ad. with a big and long coat, [as, "ki Bhutia ki phong kn Sbbi, u, m. a cowry ;shell ;money.
sopii kabu heh sathd."] Sbiak, ad. ersotly (fit), [as, I c ka jingtap ks his-ng bba d i o k
Sati, ka, n. a ring. Sbok, ] t a o auspon."]
Satia, ad.a t all; sngew salia, v. to feel annoyod at; le,5 safia, to Zboh, ka, m. manure ;-a, thick (as rioe-water),--Zeh s$oh, to
annoy, to tease. pretend to be kind.
Sati-synjat, ka, a. a weddinq ring, Sbu, is, n. a plant yielding a black colour used in dyeing cloths
Sati-yngkfiid, I&, r. a magio ring in Kllrsi folkbro, su~po:&l to (Bot. St~obilantRes jlacidifoliua).
have tho same virtue as tho " JVonderful Lamp" of the Sbuh, o. to affect to be kind.
Arabian Nights. Sbun, a. kind, good-hearted, generous.
Satlak, ad. all over (as, " safltrk ka pyrthei ki kmid k i ieit ia la Sbur, a. rich (soil).
ki kh6n ").
Skak, ad. tightly (fasten), [as, " ki nonglute ki 1:b sj~wiah skok
Satlip, ad. with swollen eyelids. ia u irAi-iing na ka ryndang."]
Sator, (4. weak, unsteady. [ f ) ) ~ isntor-sjnp.]
t. Skah, a.thick, adhesive (said of boiled rice or lime mortar).
Sst-syliang, a. very hot or painful. SkAi, a. to corrupt food out of envy by mantras ;-ka, a. an evil
Satrew, ka., n. sore czuserl by itch. spirit who causes flatulence.
f%m, a. four ;red. Skiriii, a, n. a fly ; kaba &,yltjohkhask6i2, housewarming.
v. to put near the fire, to expose to the action of Skap, os, n. husk.
, ] smoke. Skss, zt, n. rc small bottle-gourd for holding liquor or water,
Sawa, v. to sound, to echo. especially at the time of pujah.
Sawang, a. light ;portentous. Skei, n. a barking red deer, 8 muntjac.
Sawar, a, n. a plummet. Skhak, ad. tightly (bind) (as, " teh ha ba'n da skhem skhok")
SBw -ka-sian, ha, phr. excitement ;beat of passion. Sthem, a. firm ;-ad. firmly, seourely.
Sawdong, a. four-cornerGd;-ad. all-round.-ka, n. a square. Skhepy ka, n. the hip.
Sawiah-bseiii,zc, n. a species of wild arum very common in the Skit, ka, pa. kinds, sorts.
Khasi and Jaintia Hills. Skong, zt, n. a species of large bamboo.
Sawlilr, a. very tender and reddish. Skop, 21, n. the cover, husk.
SQwphew, a. forty. Skop-khfiiang,u,n. the cocoon.
Sawrang, a. red (sunburnt). Sfiifi9 to itch ; to desire strongly.
Sawrenp, a. brown (as if from smoke). Mkum, an. a nest, a heap of grass, a butt ; the core of a boL,
Sawriang, a. red (like the dawn). 8 k ~ 4 a. a school ;a chapel.
SK~T SEW 'sew-bna-lat, w, n. (ph~ase)one who attends at every enteha-
Skfit, a. to trace a line round a plot of land ; to mark out. rnent held in the village, whether invited or not.
SdM urn, ka, n. the junction of rivers. Sngbid, a. fat, plump.
Sdang, a. to commence, to begin. 8n@id-dien4ung, a. very fat (applicable to a baby ;tha belidf
is that wgen s baby is unusuauy fat, it is Wrely to die).
Sden, a. to dam a stream. 8ngap, v. to listen, to hear.
ad&, w. n. long grass used in thatching.
8ng&p,ka, s.a gill, a barb.
Sdiah, v. to Bqueeze or press with the thumb-nail, as one would do BngBu, ad. severely, very, [as, "u la thhp angdr hu na La n@p."]
a flea.
Bngem, a. moist, wet.
Sdie, a,pa. an axe.
Sdieb, v. to fry.
Sdien, V. to hang, to suspcnd.
!z:::) v. to feel, to hear.
Sngewbha v. to be pleased. [ h i t . sngewbha-sngew&t.]
Sdot, dwindle, to be reduced in strength, to pine away.
Sngewbieij, v. to feel awkward, to feel out of s o h . [Idit. engewa
Sdung, a. good-sized (fish). bieit-sngew anna.]
Seng, o. to lay 3 s a foundation;-ka, n an organimtirm ;s oom- Sngewblliw, v. to feel lonely.
munity ;meeting of a family or cbn. Sngewbynriew, v. to feel better.
Sengkhbn, v. to be pregnant. Sngewkmen, v. to be joyful.
'seh, (abbrea. of liseh), u, +a. pine-wood Bngew-diaw, v. u, have a melancholy temperament, to be .low
Seh,-a word used to complete a statement or to soften an expr spirited.
sion ;as, "kam long kumta mo 8eh ? ai ~h ksto ka tari."
Sngewngiew, v. to have a presentiment.
'seh-blei, ka, 98. (Bot. Tasus baccata), a species of tree. Sngewnghh, v. to be thankf ui,to be gmhful.
'sell-khleifi, u, n. a resinous pine-wood.
Sngewhun, v. to be satisfied, to be contented.
Sei, v. to produce ;to rull out ;to bring forth. Sngewjlep, v. to feel faint.
s&lap&, a. to bare plenty of leaves, but without grain or fruit.
- Sngewjli, v. to have nausea, to be sick.
Bei-lung. v. to sprout, to shoot forth. Bngewjuh, v. to feel quite at home, to be tamed.
'seifi (aUrev. ofbseil), u, n. a snake ; -iorg, a cobra [- he^, - t ~ * Bngewlern, a. to have sympathy for.
-thZi, -tarneb, -tyraia, -star, etc.; are names of different kinds of
snakes.] . Sngewmyllen, v. to be absorbed in, to divert one's attention.
Seisoh, a. productive, fruitful. Pngewmyllung, v. to be pathetio.
Sen, &a, a,n. a shed, a pen ;-v. to wear a cloth (apron) called " ka Sngew-fiiun,v. to be unwell, to be out of sorts.
jaiaeerra." Sngewpeitmat, v . to feel better ; to be wakeful.
Bep, v. to go d ~ w n(sun), to set ;-a. having no grain inside a Sngevsaitmet, v. to feel disgusted.
pod. Sngews:h, v. to feel sorry for, to grieve. [inhit. sngewsih-sngew
S'ep, ra. perspiration, sweat, same as eyep. diaw.]
Bep'ngi, Ra, n. the west. I Sqewsyn-ei, v. to have pity for. W.

Skr, kca, R. a seer=80 tolas. Sngewtngieng, v . to be squeamish.

Bet, u. to shut, to confine, to close. .!
; Sngewthuh, v. to underatand, [ h i t . sngewthuh-sngewth6w.J
'6217 (abbrev. of ksew), la, a dog.

Sngop, a. growing between high trees so ar to be entirely oversha- Sh4d-mastieh, kcs. n. a sword-dance.
dowed by them. ShAd-nolikjat, ka, 9a. a dance performed by the members of the
Sngi, ka, la. sun ;&by. family vho organise
- the occasion before the general dance.
Sngi-Balang, ,%a,a. Wednesd:tp ;a day when the Church meeting
is held.
shndOo, a. old.
Sngi-palei, Ik&, n. Thursclay. *Shador, kn, fa. s chatlar ;a thin white cotton chadar.
Sngi-poh-ia, ka, n. meek-clay . Shado-ki-shadia,hi, a. old persons.
Wid-sawangki, v , to dance like ~tautcltgirls.
Sngi-saitjAiii, ka, a. Saturtlay.
Sngi-thohdieq, ka, n. Friday. Shad-mlityngkCr, v. to dance ~ ~ ) u nand ( l mund by joining hands
Sngi-u-Elei, ka, n. S u n w (mlioi~g the Christians only). Bee
" BubiB&r!' Shacllih, ad up to, as fur as.
Shang, ka, n. a basket ;-a. to roam, to rrssociate 16th.
S*, a. clear, transparent.
Sha,prep. to, hmrds ;-zr, ~ c .tea.
Shah, v. to suffer, to endure, to permit; to side with; to be
due from.
'sh? (&rev. of shiel'la)=rw 1 y ? i s it $0 ?
Sh'ah, &a,=:a cactus, same as shyah.
sll&a, a, r. chewed mixture o" IJ In and betelnut ;the red layera Shahksew, &a,n. il sill.
and flesh inside the gill of 1~~11.
Shahaw, ad. having defective teeth (as, " ka tymmen kaba la
Shaba kurat, r4, sa. sawdust. lop bnht slrahnw ").
Slurheiii, ad. big and distorted (mouth) ; [a% " k i S e g o k i don Shah-jingit, v. to fast.
ka siiy~turlinba heh sAuBei3."j
Sl1shshk6~, 7,. to listen, to bc atteniive.
Shabiir, ad. outside, exteinsll y.
Sldi, 8. to 11cc.ome clear, to bccolnc? light.
8!1al)i, 11, n. n key.
Sllali (iiinr-!, e . exaatlp equal ;-n. s bundle of dried fish. Shaia, ad. late at nigl~t(;IS,\\-at iaicl ahcrica).
Sh5-byrngut, v . to bccolllc t\viligllt.
Shakhjit, v. to liandlu or clcd se~~eiely ; to gnaw.
Shaklmt, ha, n. a small bird.
6liaid, 'L'. to c110p.
Shnkiw. k,t, ,J. the siile of a liousc, the eaves. i 3 1 t i t . ka' shakiar. Slmiong, a. to bccornc rlizzy, to be puzzl~d,to bc clazd.
sl~aixh.] . Shait, v. to bc activc, to bc I ~ ~ n i t l l yto; be accustomed to; lo be
*Sllakyi, ,I. a.servant. [ h i t . slmhri-shakor.] impudent.
Shaku, ka, n. a knife. Shaitmet, v. to beco~nchcaltlly or strong.
Shakuriaw, ka, 18. a jingling snlnll l)c!l; a tinkling cymbal. Shala, a. twisted, v a r ~ c d(said of o plank);-n. the inhabitant
of Shellrt-pnjee.
Shakyntir, ha, n. a wnall bird of nloaldy colour. *Shalak, a. clever active, tactful.
S h a , a. to dance. [Inzit.shiid.iirnen.]
'Shalai, v. to manage.
BMd-khalek, v. to dance round a ,pup of girls dancing (by men *Shalami, a. inclined, sloping.
Bhadem, ka, n. the chest ; . i e breast. [ImiL h shadem-&a*. *Shalan, v. tb export ; to send up.
Shadien,. ad. behind. *Shalani, ka, n. a small round winnowing-basket ;a. sieve.
. .
Biudi. * 1Iindi.
Bhaldp, ka, n. a chip, a small piece of wood split out of
Same as Thrildp
18ha16r,ad. upwards.
gkf;?, 1a. lonk and thick, oviform.
- Bhalyngka, u,n. a lever, a jumper.
Shalyzg-or, i, n. a spinning top.
big one.


Shaphrang, ad. fo&ard, to the front.

Elhaphang, pep. to-wads, in the direction of ;with reference to.

*Shaphrat, ka, la. a piece of iron or coppel*-plateworn by semnta

as a badge, a chaprass.
Shapia, v. to press, to sqeeze.
Shapoh, ad. inside, inwardly, internally.
Bhapuloit, ka, la. a hrk.
*Sh-pushi, U, n. a tea-pot.
fjhalyng-ur, u, la. a, kind of wasp. BhAr, a. to choke ;-ka, n. a funnel.
Bhara, u,n. small shot.
Bhalymmdn, ka, a. a smdl insect which chirps ; a cymbal. *Shark, ka, A. a lamp.
$halynn&i, ka, la. a, small fish common in hill stream. Sharhi, v. to watch, to guard, to tend.
Shaly-ntem, ka, n. a wheel.
~h4m-sMm,a. very pmipitons, [as, " ki pynnoh ia u 'men h n g - 15hadj, ka, m. an insect of a greenish colour sometimes used as a
fiiuh na ka riat kaba shcim-shdm."] bait for fish ;a kind of insect cocoon found among p s .
Sharati, ka, n. a flute used on funeral ocwions.
Shamok, v. to produce &ire from a flint, to strike (fire). .Shard, ad. dim-eyed ; squinting.
*Shamoit, ka, n. a small spoon.
Shming, ka, n. a slope, a declivity.
$hbn, v. to support, .to prop, hold on.
Shadd, ad. outside, out o, the way ;-Zeit rud, to answer a all of
*Sham, u, ra. gram. nature. [Imit. sharlid-shariang ; sharhd-shakiar.]
&anam, ka, n. a small metal lime-case. Sharum, ad. downwards, southwar.1-a. south.
0hQn-khung,u, n. rafter. Shtbryntob, ka, n. a mantis.
&An-'dang, a, n. a gold or silver necklace. Shat, v . to thr$'k, to cast.
I Shinduh, v. to take or use a walking-stick. Ghats, ad. there (out of sight,) ;-ka, 52. an umbrella.
shanduwa, ka, n. a canopy made of cloth placed above the Shata-batabak,
handle. ka, n. a circular leaf umbrella with a bamboo-
1 funeral pyre; (a shamialzah).
I Shane, ad. hither, this side. Shat-khmat, v. to cast one's eyes upon, to have a fancy for.
I Bhneng, ad. upwarb ;northward ;-. north. Shatei, ad. up there, northward;--n. north.
g. to tmt, to lean on, to c o d d e in. [ I d .shaniah- Shathie, ad. down there, southward ;-n. south.
I shakhien.]
Shto, ad. towards that known direction, there.
I ghdn-mohor, ka, n. an obsolete silver coin of the J* %j8&
Shano ? ad. where ? Shaton, ka, la. a cap made of plaited cane and leaf for protection
against the heat of the sun.
i 8hno-&ano, ad. anywhere, wherever. Ghatri-jaifi, ka, la. a cloth-umbrella.
I 8ho-re-shano, ad. somewhere. Shhw, v. to fetch, to meet on the way.
BhhnYti,a. to support or rest on the bnd. *Shawk&d,%a, n. a lintel, a frame of doors and windows.
8h4pYka, n. a, seal, an impmion. [ I m i l . km ahhp-ka rnohorld Shawei, ad. to some other quartem, elemhere.
v. to impress.
Eiidi. r:
Fhet-ka-urn-khding, phr. to cook plainly (i.e., with water, salt*
Shawei-sha-dryad. somewhere else. . and chillies).
Shamei-shawei, ad, towards some other parts, elsewhere. ShngAifi,v. to feel safe, to feel quite at home.
Shanrod, ka, n. a plinth. Shngiam, a. Tery tasty or palatable.
Shka, buy go. a junction of rirers. Sce fin ad&. 8hi-=prefix, which means one.
ShliAit, ad. well (dressed) [:is, " ~t ria111 sahch pgl-!ou sltkizit ha La Shi! i n l , fie !
Shkbw, a. a husband or w-if2 (Syntc~lg). Shiah, cc, s.a thistle, a thorn.
Shken, t ~ fa.
, a small spccics of ba~liboo.
Shiah-biiit, u, n. a briar.
Sh'iap, u, n. sand. Same as ahyiap
Shkiah, v . to throttle, tqprcss on tllc throat.
8hibh&r,n. a number containing 32 fruits (at Cherra) (used in
Shkbr, ka, fa. ear. selling oranges.)
Shdii, 1(rkllie-), ad. by showing the t3.i h ; lo p i n : [:is, " Cribs Bhibit, ad, i11 a short time ;---a.lasting for a short time. [ h i t .
shibit-arbit.1-la ahibit, after a short time.
nga kj-lli ia u, u rkbie pynbnil sl~tlcii."1
ShCng-shCiig, (ji-ong-), cccl. vcly higb (prcci1)icc) ; [as, " ka rint Shibriew, ka, n. one share, one vote.
kaba jrong slzkgtg-sliktg. "3 Shibdn, Q. much, many ;--ad. very much.
Shem, v. to find, to meet, to discorcr.
Shem-duk, v. to be in trouble ;to suffer calmnity.
Sbem-pap, v. to he visited with calnn~ity.
Shcmphanq, v. to unilcrstand, to bc c!e\-cr. [ J ~ t i t .s1~cml)hang-
shem!:id.] Bhibynta, ka, 41. one portion.
Shi-kaddei, ad. very much; [as, 6Lngasngewblla shikuddel ba
Shernsang, v. to come across an mil omrll ; to come across n vcry
rare thing. [Irjrit. 1 phi la jop ha ka Eksamin. "J -exceedingly.
Shem-sat. v . to meet vith trouble or calamity. [Inzit. shcmsat- 'Shikhr, a. profligate, licentious.
shcmjcw.] Shi-katta, ad. all the while.
Shcn-shcn, ad. soon, presently ;-Lad. staggcrhlg. S W w , n. a number containing 1280 or 16 pet18 (used with ties,
Shcp, (i-), v. to suit, to fit. cowries, and chillies).
Shikhilm, ka, N. a hsndful.
Sh~p-rla (ym-), phr. denoting jmprobability, ~vouldnot ; [as, " la
u ialch ruh u'm shep-da Itlh."] Shikha-shi-man, (iadei-), ra. to be related by marriage.
Sheptieng, v. to be afraid of, to fcar. Shikhem, ka, s.a ball of rice or earth, as much as could be
grasped between the fingers and palm of the hand.
ShOr, v. to plant in, to ram ;-u, la. a small fish in ihc bill streams
called by that name. *8hikhep, ha, n. one occasion.
Shi.rlthnng, v . to plant sticks crosswise in thc way so as to obstruct Shikhmat, ka, n. life-tima.
it ;to set a baillier. 8hikhnrm-ka-bneng, phr. the whole world, the whole lot.
Shet, v . to cctok, to boil ;to deceive ;to plot, to conspire.
Shet-kylla, v. to prepare a spiced curry ;to deal treacherously.
Shet-jakbi, v. to make a sham cooking as children do.
Ehet-thii, v. to parboil.
Shiklah, ka, n. an arin's length.
Shiktieii, kka, n. a moutl~ful. Shilni, ka, n. s chemise.
Shi-kur, ka, 9a. one clan. [hit. shikur-shikmie.] 8him-shah, v. to buy a thing on credit. [Imit. shim-shah-shim
sham. ]
Shi-kuri, kt?, n. a number containing 20, a score. Shim-siew, v. to take a thing by paying its cost price.
Shi-kuro, ka, 22. a faction. Shi-mynsiem, ad. dearly, intimately, [" as, ki ia ieit 384-mynsicm
Shikyntien, ka, n. a morsel ; a single word. bad u."l J
Shida, a. innocent, simple, unsophisticated. Shin, (peit-), ad. scrutinously, searchingly, [as, " u briem hynne
Sbi-dana, ko n. a bit, a little qoantity. u peit-shin ia umei 11 kliynnah.]
Shi-dur, a. of the same form or shape ;peculiar. *Shini, ka, n. sugar.
Shi-rukom, a. swi gmeuia, peculiar. Shipa, kn, n. need, ~vant,trouble. [ I n ~ i tshipa-sllipi.]
Shying,ha, n. a bone. [ I n i t . ka sh'ing-ka shrub.]-a cowrie ShipAd, ka, n. a length as much as can bc clasped or embraced
a pice (when used after cardinal numbus);-u, rr. a seed. Same with both outstretched arms.
as shyieng. Shiphi, a, n, s sepoy, a soldier ;--pa?~g-~hi~i>i,influenza.
Sh'ing-bScUiun, 11, n. the spine. Shiphang, ad. for a short time, for t.he time bei:~, [as, " phi
Shi-hali, ka, n. a number containing four. sugewbha ba'u. ap hangne shipha?zg.lT
$hi-bra, ka, n. a set, a group of the same kind of things. Shiphah,. ka, 9a. a rnemui.e=l spoonful of iron-ore=', of a
Shi-hdd, ka, n. one portion ;-ad. in one way; Laq, "hi dak jong lump sold in the market..
u ba u thoh ki ahu i-tynnad shihzid."] Shi-piam, ka, n a leagth-as much as can be passed round mith
Bhi-iing-shisem, l a , n. one family, one house. both the arms ; a clasp.
Shi-jhtip, ka, n a numl~ercontaining 16 (appli~a5leonly to the Shi-pigin-star,.ka, n. a length-as much as can be passed round
number of children born) ;a quiverful. with n head-strap.or "star."
Shilisng, a. half, opposite, one side, (sa in the words-shilia~ag- Shipung, ka, n. a length-flwm one joint to another.
mamla, shiliang-shnong, shililiong-mah, etc.).
Shiliang-khmat, ad. partially, dishonestly. \
Shir, ktz, n. a open handful of things, as 111uch as will fill up
the hollow of hand.
*Shira, u, n. parched rice.
Shiliang-shiliang, n. ea& side, each party.
Shilot, Ka, n. Sylhet. sl'ir-wat' U; n. a small black bird haring a long forked-?ail
Bhi-lngdr, ka, n. one whole length ;-ad. throughout the whole
length ;uninterruptedly ; [as, baroh d i l n g k ka jingim jong
Shi-ryn-ieng, ad. froin licacl to foot.
nga dap tang ka khuslai suda"] Sl~isien,ad. once, at one time.
SZ-iymbher, ka, n. one large heap. Shish I Interj. fie !
Shi-lynter, ka, %. the whole length, one piece (cub. off h m a Shisha, a. true, real,-ad. indeed, of course.
whole length). Shisyndon, ad. at once.
Shim, v. to take, to receive. Shit, a. hot, warm, close. [Itnit. ka shit-ka syang.]
Shim-bteng, a. to take the p l m of ;to continue ;to succeed to. Sh'it, v. to pinch, to nip. Same ae ~hyhyit. '
f3him-khyndew, v. to wane (said of the moon). Shi-tda, ka, ra. a length measured from the tip of the thumb to
Shi-mat, ka, a. one joint, a portion between two joints. that of the middle finger when both are stretched out.
Shi-met, ad. personally, [as, "u briew ialade hi shinset u *=dim
ioh bRm kumno $umno r uh .
Bhit-dang, v. to feel very hot (applicable €0 porsons only). Shloiii, (nlih-), ad. prominently (appear) ; [as, " u prek u tam
shloili shabar."]
Shiteng, a. htllf-4. once. [I~ttit.shiteng-shilianp.]
shiteng-ar-teng, ka, H . more than one occasion, often. Shlhr, a. brave, courageous, clarhg.
Shiteng-synfiia, kabn, n. midnight. [/,,zit. shiteng-syniiia shi- Shmoh, zt, a. (Bof.)Pleclocontia; a species of cane.
tong-dummoh.] (dap-), ad. up to the brim (full), [as, " wat theh eh ka
'Shithi, ka, n: a letter, an epistle. ] urn ha-baYnda dap shmoiri."]
Shithoh, ka, a. a very small quantity, (Eil. as much quantity as Shmuiii, ad. visibly (appear), [as, " ki rsng ki la, p&wshrnuifi."]
can be taken with the tip of the finger); [as, " ym don m l ha
a Shna, v. to make, to constrwt., to build.
iing shithoh ruh."J I Shmt, ka, n. quarters, division of a county. [Pinit. ka shncrt-
Bhitir, crd. devotedly, much (given to). [as, " u khla ba u'n da lab ka kuua.]
ba'n ioh te sAifir keifi ia ka miaw,"] Shnet, ka, n. a fin.
8hit-lhep, v. &be close (atmospheri) ; to become oppressively
Shniah, u, n. a mzson's chisel;-v. 60 chisel out.
Shiiiuh, u, n. hair, fur.
Shitom>a, n. trouble, pain, difficulty. [Imit. shitom-shijot.] Shnong, ka, fi. a village, a town. [Add. ka s h n o v k a thQw.1
+$hitor, (kha-), ka, n. a large flat fish. Shong, v. to sit, to settle. I.Afiit. shong-sah.]
ahit-rhem, v. to become glowingly hot, to become zealous or Shong-bass, v. to live as a lodger or stranger. [Aail. shong-bm-
- enthusiastic. shongl>asuiii.J
1Jhi-tyllup, ad. all over, [as, baroh s&-tyllup ka pyrthei ki tip Shongkdi, v. to sit for plrasure or for gossip ; t3 be oil s visit.
ba don u nongthdw ia ka pyrthei."] [&nit. shongkdi-shoiig-iiiid.]
Shiwait, ka, n. one sweep of the sword ; one score or throwing of, Shong-kha, v. to marry. [Imil. shongklia-shongman.]
the dice in gambling. Shongkdw, v. to he lucky, to bc cxpcricnced.
Shiwat, ad. once, on one occasion,-n. a, single string of a necklam Shonmkshid, v. to have evil spirits; b bc posstwed. [Imit. shone
or string. kszid-sh0n~khroi.1
Shla, v. to be angy, to be indignant. Shongkul&i,zt. to ~ i d ea horsc.
Shlh, v. to itare, to venture. Shongkbn, v. to have a fasci~lntingor dignificd appearance.
Shlsn, ka, n. a lant whose leaves resemble those of a pine- Shougkrxr, z,. to marry a memhcr of the smlc clan, which is consi-
apple plant. f ~ o t .Pandanur.) dcred incestuous. [Atbit. sliongkur-shongsang.]
Shlei, v. to overflow. Shongkurim, v. to marry, jl~ltil.shongknrim-sh0ngkup;ii.l
Shleil-shlei6, (nep:, ad. pointed, [as, tc ki mh is ki dieng L i b Shongkyllaifi-mungor, v. to sit cross-le:ge:l, to sit like a native
nep shleili-skZez~"];-a. forward; impudent. tailor.]
Shlem, ka, n. a smelting-house, an iron-workshop. Shongkyrnhi, v. to sit, (without moving) on the snnle place.
Shler, (nep-), ad. very *ong and pointed!, [as, " u sIlm uba nep Shongky-rni, v. adclictd to.
ShongkyrtMi, v. to squat in the =me plase, to be firmly seated.
*Shlirn, ka, n. s small earthen cup fitted to a hookah for smokin g . Shonkynrong, v. to sit on the heels, to squat.
(Bmg. kholki).
Shlir, (nop-1, ad. vrry (pointed), taperingly. Shong-d6r, v. to be worth. [Imit. shong-d6r-shongmurl ; to sit
with body bont.
* Hi~~di. I t Bengali. Bhong-dbr, a. becoming, proper.
_C -


Shong-lyng-ngeit, v. to sit with the whole weight of the bxly. SHOHSHKOR
Shong-mangksriang, a. bad tempered, envious. Shobshkor, ka, n. an earring.
Shong-nia, a. rewonable, right. Shoifi, ad. to the brim (full) ;-i, ra. a, very small bird.
Shong-nhng-raitliang, a. haviiip an envious spirit, [Zit. to Be '
Shon, v. to press, to impress, to print.
affected with tapeworm). .. Shop, v. to thrust out, to oust ; to thresh (rice, millet, eto.), to
Shong-iiiana~it-hoh,a. having an ill temper. husk a second time.
8 h d , (ieng-), ad. in order, in a row, [as, "ki shi+ ki ieng
Shong-p6r, a. to become light-minded, t9 be flippnt.
Shongprah-shongshang, ad. to a very old age. [It is a custom
Shriak, ) rhrdk ha kyrkit."]
among some of the Khasis io place very old people 'ln a bsliet, Shrang, a. dry, parched (earth or weather).
hence the meaning of the word.] Shrah, kt?,n. a!~nbleland, fallow hnd.
Shong-rait-hoh, a. stingy, niggard. Shrat, v. to clear off the scrdes of a fish by mwna of a daw or
Shongsang, v. to contract an incestnous marriage. other sharp instrument.

Shongsah: v. to sit in the same place, to remain permanently, to Shreng, u, 9a. the fin on the bask of a fish ;the rind of a jackfruit
abide. or ot such like-fruit ;spine, prickle.
Shong-sngi, v. to be off one's work, to rest. Shrei, ad. appearing in great numbers, as eggs or teeth, " dap
da ki pylleng ksi ~ h r eha i ka-khlieh 'ong u "; " u rkhie shrei
Shongshkn, v. to have an unpleasant or sinister appearance. ia nga kumba rkhie u bieij "1;-abun dantly.
Shong-shiliangkhmat, a. having second8ight. Shrem, ad. many (standing prominently), [as, " u ong ba ki mi. *

Shongsynrin, v. to act as a bride's man or bride's maid. kynsan 6 ngut uhrena ki nongshohnoh ha lynti" J
Shongsynri, v. to be visited with the sin of any one who acts Shri, v. to show the teeth, to grin.
treacherously against any member of his clan. Shrirtk, (ieng-), ad. well (arranged), in order, [as, " u pynieng
Shongsynrop, v. to sit close hgether. uhriak :,rt ki pliang ki luta ha ka almari."]
Shong-thhp, a. to settle temporarily in ariy place and not as a Shrieh, a.a, monkey, en ape.
citizen ;to sojourn. [Imit. shongtbAp-shongbiang.] Shriew, ka, arum-root.
Sho!~, v. to beat ;[Anit. shoh-dat.] - a. pleasing, touching, affect- Shrip, ka, 98. a basket put in;the stream for catching fish.
ing. Shrong, ka, la. a carved-margin, ornamental work. [Imit. ka
Shoh-d4p, v. to castrate (a bull). shrong-ka sl~rub.]
Shoh-d~h,--x to kill an animal for food. [Imit. sliohdoh-shohkah.] ShroiA, a. brittle.
Shoh-dohkha, v. to poison fish. [Imii. shoh-dohkhn-shohdohthli.] Shrop, ad. all at once, (applicable to money-being a forin of
Shoh-'niangkur, v. to sacrifice a pig and to summon all the onomatopaea), [as, " u siew baroh 20 tyngka shrop na ka bynta
members of the same clan to come together in one house ka ram ki briew."]
to partake of it. Shut, v. to seize with the teeth; to gnaw,-u, n. a cigar.
- -
Shoh-noh, v. to commit murder for the propitriationof " u Titten." ,
Shtah, v. to dress a stone with a masons chisel or a piece of wood
[Imit.shoh-noh-shoh-tbh.] with an adze or duo. Same as stah.
Shoh-samthiah, v. to drowse. Shu, ad. just,, only ;-v. (Imper.) to set a do,o upon.
Shoh-th4h, ka, n. a robin-red breast ;-a. smitten with frost. Shuki, ka, ra. a chair.
Shah-thfiw, v. to work in iron, to work as s, blacksmith. Shukor, v. to deceive, to cheat,-a. treacherous.
Shoh tyndep, v. to confound, to mislead. to bewitch. %Gh, -ad. again, further more ;-v. (Imper.) get away, get
aside ;wait ! (menacing), I will see you!
Shithshuwa, phr. wait for the present.
Shuin, to touch, to come in contact with; to press upon.
S h h ! Inte~j.there you are I
- a @idle usel with negative verbs in the pad tense, ae
~ ba'n h,"
hr h y lah

Sh6n, v. to hate, to be inimical with. [Imil. shh-pen.] Shymprieh'ti, ka, n. a finger.

*Shb, ka. s. lime. phympriah'jat, ka, n. s toe.
Shhn-kot, ko, n. catechu. Shymprong, r, n. a prawn, a ahrimp.
Shhn-kpu, ka, n. slaked lime.
Shhn-dewiong, ka, ra, lime burnt with
Shynd~ld,(leh-), ad. putingly, sulkily.
Shhri-dieng, ka, rz. lime burnt with wood. Shynna, adv. conspiouously, olemly.
Shhn-m&w,ka, n. unslaked lime, quick lime. Bhynnii, ka, n. the afterbirth or placenta.
ShQn-thlongmlfi-thlongsfing,phr. to oherish e bitter inimical Shynrang, u, 11. a male ; a pipe.
spirit, to be at dagger's b w n . Shpmng-kjat, ka, n. the shins.
Bhbn ym pat pei, la p&w pen ryngkem, p'lr. to have the rznl ShynrBi, u, n. turmerio.
nature of a person exposed prematurely. , ShynrBifl, (-i),noble, grand, dignified.
Shiir, v. to press forward. BhynrAEi, ka, n. a dried small twig. [Imit. ahynraiA-ahynriah]-'p.
'Shuri, ka, n. a long knife, a dagger. to out jokea, to flirt. [ h i t . ahynraifi-tyng-in.]
Shut, v. to sharpen, to whet ; to hotly discuss. Bhynreh, n. a buffalo.
*$hutak, ka, n. a chatak or ,\ of a seer. Bhynriah'ti, (same as ahympriah'ti), finger.
*Shuti, ka, n. a dirty thing, a base thing, [ h i t . shnti-shuwail; Ilhynrong, ka, n. a skull, an eggshell ; the timber frame of a
a holiday ; any underhand work. roof.
Shuwa, ad. first, before, previously, beforehand. 6hynroifi5a. beautifully set (teeth).
Shwhr, ka, n. an evil spirit known by that name and believed to Bhynroin-ria$ a.. p o w d q winnin;. mannera ; so3iable. [Iniit
possess certain clans in. the K.hasi Hills; she is su posed to sbynmia; pump.]
attack people by convulsive fits. [ I m i l . ka s h a h - f a tyng- Ilhyntur, &a, n. a mouth, a word.
kieng.] Ilhyrkait, ha, n. the groin.
Shyngkhan or (shyngkhen), v . to be in a fix or dilemma ; to be Bhyrkhei, u. to eet the teeth on edge ;to be dreadful.
between Scylla and Charybdis.
Shyngkfip, ka, n. the first mom of a Khasi house; an enclosed Shyrpet, kn, n. the fat oily part of a fish.
porck. Shyrti, v. to clear the jungle for cultivation ;to jhum.
Shyng-iar, ka, la. a jet of water, a stream of water, a fountain. Shyrtong, u, n. a orest (of a fml or bird).
Shyng-bid, ka, pa. a manger. Bhyrwat, u, rr. (see ehirwat).
Shyllangmat, ka, n. the brow. 'ai, n. (1) arbksv. of " masi "= a cow or bull; (2) abbrev. of
Shylliah, ha, n. a mat. [Imif. ka shylliah-ka tlieng.]
''hi " =head vermin.
Shyllip-nhd, ha, n. the pit of the stomach. *gia, ko, n. ink ;-ad. devotedly,
Shylluit, t i . to bloom. Siak, (beit-), ad. straight on, [as, " ka lynti ka beit uiak nangne
had@ shnong."J
* Hindi. Bindi.
b g , &a,n. a spoon ;-s. to s p d s 010th a 9 mt'; fo ; '~i-frhynna,bya. a hill mw, a m bred in the Bhasi Hills con$-
(m, sMng mhv); to fall down from the sky, like a pper-kite ; dered to be of superior quality to that of the pbins.
to offer a,n oblation to the spirit of the de'ad. Sied, v. to pounce upon, to spring upon.
s'iang, a. high (pitch). &me as aydarsg. Sieng, a. smelling like snuff or chillies.
Siang-tyrpeng, ka, n. the shoulder-blade, Bieh, v. to plant, to drive in ;-Kay rr. the afterbirth, the p b f a .
Sbh, v. to pare, to out. Siej, u. or ka, 11, bamboo. [Imit. u siej-u skong.]
8ian, a. clever, intelligent. s'iem, n. a king, a chief, any member of a Siem family. [limit.
Sianti, a. ounning; preoocious, clever. u S'iem-u kmie.] same as @em.
B'iem-iong, u, n. a term applied to the S'iem of Nongspung.
S'ian, (dsp).add.full, [as, u aeh-iong u leit k y X l i qian'b.
lyeit u rishot."] same aa @urn, S'iem-lieh, rs, n. a term applied to the S'iem of Nongkhlsw.
S'iein-s4d, ka, n. the eldest or the youngest fernale member of the
ahp, v, to inserb 8'ie~u'sfamily, who has the charge sf aacriiicial ceremonies.
Biar, v. to sha,rpen e daw or knife with a small hone;-JQ, n B'iern-Shillong, n. the original name by which the Siems of
treachery between the membera of the same clan' of horn.
Khyrim (Nongbrn and Mylliem) were called, it is still used
'shr, (abbpev. of " hhr"), la, fi. gold (&I, b &P sh, 'ks &P by the country people.
Sien, v. to adorn, to deck, to put on ss a flower.
S'iar, fi. a cock, B hen, a fowl, (same m eyia).
-8ien, (mffix)= time ;as, shi&w=once, srsim, etc.
Siarkeit, ka, N. a plantain-flower ;a work like a plsnGtain*ft'~wm. Siep, v. to swell, to bulge out.
'markha, ka, n. a wristlet (orhamenbl and hollow ones). Bier, n. a deer, a sambzar;-v. to turn the insides of entraile out
'siarkhang, ka, r. an earring m m b l i n g the shape of a fan. and clean them.
Sisr-long-kha. usn any treaoherous act affecting the fetlier 'or Siew,.v. to pay. [Imit. siew-tda.1
his relatives. 'dew, (abbrev. of " ksiem "), n, a grandchild.
Siar-shrong, ka, n. a kind of earring worn by malds. Siew-baibat, v. to buy in ready money, to buy in w h .
'siar-sla, ka, n. gold leaf. Biewspeh, v. to redeem, to -compensate. Cinil. siemph-dew-
ysiar-tyY:, ka, r solid gold ;a solid gold earring. phew.]
Sia-aia, ad. in anger and in s threatening attitude. 'siea-ty?i,n. k greatgrbndchild. [Itnit.u 'siewtw-u aiewjiap-]
Sia-shi-sia, ad. unceasinglyyconstantly, [as, " u bhm .(a-rhi-uia i. tSing, U, ro. a lion,
ka ja ha ba'n da lut shi khiew."] 8'bg, noginger, (same as tying).
Siat, v . to aEioot, t;o h f h t . 'sing, (abbreu. of " ksing "), ha, rr. b drum,
Siat-jingmut, v. to strike one's mind. 9sinrdum-durn, 'sing-lynghai, 'sing mareh, = the different mp
Siat-shon-shiw, v. to tread on the oorxia of another. of drum-beatings in a Khasi female dance.
I ahg.dymphong, Ka, la. a small musical instrument made a h
Siat-thong, (ia-), v. to have a shooting datch.
Siaw, v. to whistle. soft split reeds and played as bs adrum.
Si6w-m6w-iang, v. to teach one a hard lesson. fsing-mana, Ka, n. boundary.
~iaw-'siaw,ad; in a whisper. [Zmit. siaw-siew-soit-&it.] 'skmastieh, 'singahadwait, = the diffe~entv~spof bat* a
'sf-kBhr, Ra, n. a ail cow h-p3&e3 from the p l a i n s - d d drum in 8 r~worddance! of males.
dered to be of inferior kind. t Reqsli.
'sine;-nakrs, ka, s. a big drum. Sbit, ad. tightly, well (fit), [ a ~ , kine ki juti ki biang $laid ha
y*-lai, ha, n. a long conical me a tom-tom. ngra."]
slayjat, ka, la. the d e .
'ming-pdiah, ka, n. a small drum.
Slap, u, n. rain.
( s ~ f i ~ ) = f o dindeoent,
, bad, m p l m n t , Ens8 km-Jk$ leh- Sla'ti, ka, ur. the palm.
eib, sngew-mh, eta.]
Web, V. to anoint, to wa& (tho head). [Intit.sum-s1eh.J
'si-lGd, n. a young cow or bull. isleit, ka, n. a slate.
'si-lynew, la. a young-bull.
Sim, n. a bird. [Imit. ka sim-kn doh.]
'si-m4d, ka, n. a bed-bug.
*&met,ha, n. an heot-mite (gama-sidae), v e d n ~ E c infeats h 8lkng, V . to thirst.
Sim-l&i, i,n. a small bird resembling a lark.
Sim-kyllai-dohdit, i, n. a wag-tan. gfieng, v. to put on the loln cloth.
Sim-l~i&eng, i, a meddlesome and talkative fellow- flliew, v. to blow wind into, to kindle a fire.
Sim-puhdieng, m. a oreeper (bird). Sloit, v. to detach off, to come off a ~ a1 knife from its handle.
aim-puhFPieh*)&, n. a snipe, ra woodomk. Slbr, V . to come off, as hdr.
Sim-pyllieng, u, rc. the rainbow.
~im-soh~doh, U, n. a hoopoc?, a fop. Sma, v. to have a bad smell, to smell,
Sim-tung, sc, n. a blackbird. Smak, ad. sm:rrtly, (beat), [as, " u thhp s t ~ n kna krr, khlicll."]
Rim-tyngnieng, s,n. water-ouzel ;a man makes m u d show smai, V. to smear, to take an oath. [Imit. sm6i-spot.l
of his turban, a fop. Bmaintien, v. to wash the lips.
Sin, u. to nickname. [Imit. sin-rngop.] 8mht, a. active, smart.
flip, V . to b k a thing, as an amm, between the front teeth.
Sip-sipap-sap, ad. in an underhand way, not o p e d ~
Wir, a. to feel giddy ;to be afraid of. Same as &@*
Sisa, ka, n. lead.
S i s i ka, n. wild cinnemon, cassia. Smiaj, 3. to feel ticklish, to feel dreadful.
S9it8(used with la-"), ad. evening, night-t- Same Sa 8yit4
Siw-siw, (khriat-) ad. very (cold).
Siw-siw-aiaw-siaw, ad. whisperingly. Ln~p-smop, ud. very (soft as wool), [as, "nga kulli ktah ia
kaei knta lmba jeln mom-tamom."]
SU, ka, fl, a leaf, a surface, a page.
Slak, (dait),ad. firmly, [as, 64 kane ka
Smdd, ka, s.a coi~~l),
(mine as sn6at).
slang, ka,n, a small bird. -- ---
.$ Euglish.
Smh, a. to be ex in climbing up or sitting on a h e , a rock, 'Soh-baingon, u, n. brinjtal.
a horn, etc,, E M u b a mah kiew diang; uba shong- Soh-ben, u, s.ta very palatable fruit eaten after being mked, and
kukti." ] resembling in shape the core of a mangoe-Wt:stone.
Sniti, a. tired, irksome. Sohblei, u, ta. a aacrificer or Puja maker, who held srtcred for the
Suaiap, n. a spirit, a ghost, a wraith;-ban snaiap, incubas.
Snait, La, a. a strainer. Soh-bfi, u, n, a smdl sour fruit with a hard seed.
SnAm, ka, a. blood. [Inait.ka snitm-ka ksuit.] Sohbrap, a, n. a wild edible fi.uit having s thick rind and a
Snap, ka, ra. a relic, remaining articles. reddish pulpy substance inside.
&&r, u. n. a wedge ;a hard and seasoned 17md, the heart (of a 0oh-brap-phareng, u, n. passion flower, passiflora.
tree). Soh-broi, u, a. an Indian jujubs, a Chinese date-plum
Sneng, v. to reprove, to correct, to advise. [Imil. sneq-krdw.1 Soh-bethit, u, n. a shrub, the flower ar fruit of which sticks to the
Bnem, ka., a. a year, an evil-spirit who bringson headacho and , olothes coming in contact with it.
other diseases ;cholera. Sohkhalit. ad. by a lucky turn of events, per dunce, [as, 4 6 soh-
knaizt lash& la jop k i Jap ia k i Rus."]
Snep, ka, n, a %ark,a rind, a cover.
Sohkhhw, u, n. a grain of rice ;-ka ba'm mhKIUEw (Phr.) 1 ~ 1 e s ~ l .
Snep-k6r, ka, n. a cocoanut.
Sohkhhw-ryndang, zs, n. the throat.
Sn6r, ka, a. a feather.
Soh-kh4w-iong, er, n. blackberry.
Sni, ka, n. a sting ;-v. to cherish a revengeful spirit.
Sohkhia, u, n. a cucumber ;the dewlap of a cow.
Sning, ka or u, n. a tree of the oak family.
Sohkhliang, ha, n. a scar.
Sniang, n. a pig. SohkhlGr, 4,n. a small sour fruit about the silre of a pea.
Snieh, KG, n. a skin, a hide, a leather.
Snieh-doh, kn, n. complexion, appearance.
Snier, ha, a. entrails, bowels. [Imit. ka snier-ka snip.] Sohkhruh-sohkhrhm,a. rugged, rough.
Sniew, a, bad, evil, wioked. [Imit. sniew-smeh.] Sohkhrut-eohkhret, a. not smooth, rough.
Snicw-bok, a, unlucky.
Sniew-jew, a. verg ugly.
Sni--g-ksiar, a, n. a god of the Synteng people located in a
hni-riang-ksiar, 'j plantain tree or shrub near s dwelling house. Bohkpu, u, n. bread fruit.
snob, V . to cling to, to adhere, to hang on* Soh-kynphor, u, n. a papaya.
snfid, ka, tt. a grove ;oomgation. Soh-kyrsiew, u, rb. n tuber of a certain creeper about the size of a
SnGr, ka, n. a cleavage, a erack, a s e m . plum which is cooked and eaten ; a kind of wild potato.
sntir-thapbawa, ha, ra. a spider's web. Soh-kwit, u, n. a citron.
sok, a. equal to the occasion, faithful. Soh-kyrbam, u, n. chalita.
song, V. t o to tie up ;-ka, A. the horn (t Soh-ngang, zr, a. a small bitter brinjal, (Bot. solanzrm indieurn).
soh, 3. cling, to adhere, to bear fruit ;- Soh-iong, zc, n. the Khasi cherry. (Bot. prunuq ferruginea).
soh-u u soh-u syntiew.] Soh-jew, u, n. sour fruit, Lime. [Imit. sohjew-sohsat.1
&h-amirph6r, r,, m. r fabulous fairy fruit,
. SohAiarhtrtb, u, orange. (Same as soh myntun.)
E k ] z) w, n. lime. Soh-ot, tt: 98. an acorn which is eaten by the people.
Soh-jyllih, u, n. s b e fruit of very good q d t y obtained b m Sohpyl*{lali,zl. to cling to a thing as a hnlook does to a branch of a
Jowai. tree ;to hold the hands a t the back of the head.
Woh-jymbU:Z, u, A. teat, nipple. Soh-padoi, zl. to rock, to swing.
Soh-la%, u, n. small wild fruit growing in bunches aril much
liked by children and birds.
Soh-lah, u, n, a kind of black potato, potato. S9h-pailen, tc, a. n-atcr-fungus.
Soh-'lap&, I(: n. the fruit of s small palm. Soh-?sirall, tc, 32. a fi'lut ~lse(lfor mashing clothes, Hind. R3ha ;
(Bot. Sapinclzls J~~Horrosi).
Soh-lem, u, r). a £nit used in poisoning fish.
Boh-pdilr, o4, 1,. a sillall bcirg ;tomato.
Soh-liang, u, n. a wild poisonous fruit about the size of a lemon,
the stones of which are washed, cut and eaten. (Bot. Gun0 Soh-pclung, Rcc, 18. the big tubercular root of a certain plant used
Gardia odorata ) . as a target in archcry m~tclles;a butt.
S3h-per,, ti, fa, a ~vilclcn~th-nnt.
Soh-li-b, u, a. a smll SOKT fruit with a rough outside, the bark of
the tree of which yields a black colour used in dyeing earthen- Soh-pct, it, I,. thc ila\ el ;the ends of a tmisfed string.
ware. (Bot. Xyriccs Nagi.)
Sohlong, 41, n. a lemon.
Soh-lyngdkhur, zs, n. a mulberry.
Soh-lyngksit, u, n. a plaintain-like fruit of a certain wild creeper. Sohphlang, ? I , 14. nil :~151eroot, (Bot. Flen,ingin vcslila).
Sohma, u, ra. small grain-like fruits growing in hunches, the out- Sohpholi, qe, rr. a \\-i!cl apple, a crab, (But. Pyrus gratztllc~tfi).
side of wl~icl~ is covercd with a sbur white sul~stance_resembliub Sohphoh-Nongkhli\\-,ti, 11. pcar.
hoar frost, (it is used as a medicine in dysentery). Soh-pieng, a, rz. a 111a11go.
Soh-mbd, u, n. a kind of citron, the leaves and rind of whichhave Sol~-pong,21, f z . S ~ ) C L ' ~ CofS fig.
a very agreeable sveet smell. Soh-pren-, tc, ib. a spec,ie; of fsriit of a cl-eep-r,the cultil-ntcdvariety
Soh-rnanir, zs, a. litchee. oi which is used as a rt.;.c.tablc ; (Bot. L u f n C!5~gptinca).
Sohmltih, u, n. Indian plum. Soh-pri-am, u, fz.. n g u a ~ a .
Sohmrit, u, n. black pepper. Soh-pyrshit, ZL,st. a smull black f s ~ ~us:cl t , b; some as a fish-bait,
Sohmyngken, u, n. chilli, red pepper. and also for making ink.
Soh-myngngbr, u, n, a shaddmk or pomel. Soh-pyrshong, ts, 11. a klncl of fruit,-Assamcst. X.nn1ognnga;(Bot.
Soh-mylleng, zc, n. a sour wild fruit very coinmon in the Bhoi Acn.rhoa cclral1rbo7a).
country, after eating mhkh water tastes very sweet. Soha, ha, 13. Chel~it11niiji;-a. 1)~tringsca~ltxh i t s .
Soh-myndong, u, fa. a common lime. Soh-lumdieug, zr, 4a. o small fruit; (UoE. Baccctarin eupidce)
Soh-myntait, zc, a. a wild fruit as big as a bread fruit.
Soh-nepbah, u, n. the fruit of a certain shrub used as a bait for Soh-~yagkhdlli,11, a, a 1-cq- emall mtal~lcfruit of a shu~b.
fish (very common by the i.ondsir2e).
Sohiiiangriaiig, u, n. a fruit of the le
tmte. Soh-shang, a, ot. tl sour red huit about thc size of an apricot.
Soh-shanglew, u, lz. the fruit of a shrub resembling as. mew aut*
'I'he shrub is found all over the Bhoi country. M, v , to catch, as with the tips of the fingers, to piok out.
Sohshin, u, n. a strawberry. tsotti, a. pure, chaste.
Sohshnongy u, m. one who is not a citizen of a State or village, a Sotsakular, ka, n. s sclemn promise. (Same as " soskular.")
stmnger, an alien. [limit. soh shnong-sohtMw.] Bpnh, ka, B. wealth, riches. [limit. ka spah-ka phew.]
Sohshur, u, n. a wild pear. @pa,v. to bandage, to swathe.
Bohs'iem, u, n. an alien, a foreigner. [Imit. u sohsyiem-u aohtang.]
a small species of orange but not so sweet. Spar, w, n. s prickly bamboo;--kc spdr, a trap which s wild
animal on touching a string is pierced by an arrow or spike.
Speb#u, 92. a prick, a %pike.
Soh-trun, u, n. a pine-apple. Spel, v. to sammit to memory, to spell.
Soh-tyngkoh, v. to limp. Sping, ka, lz. a ha~dle.
Soh-tyntoi, tiz H. a tamarind. Spit, u, n. a very smail specia of bnmboo very good for making
Boi, v. to sign a name ; to pare with an adze or hoe ;-a. hating,
durable ;-*by n. a long pole used in propelling boats. Bpong, v. to put on s turbm.
Bdiii, (iaid-) a d straight on, without difficulty, [as, f 6 ka Lieng ka Bpdd-m, a. to be on the way to mwt~rity,to be in the stage of
hid beit soil5 ynda la pyllait na ka lyngk6r."] growing (said of persons only).
Soit, (leit-), ad. away, [as, 6 6 y n h kumta u sa leit noh soit sha la spur, ka, fi. a coarse country cotton cloth.
iing." ] Spdd, v. reduced in size, applioable to persons only.
Boih, i,tala.Satan. [Imit.u soitin-u bhut.1 same ae euidtdn. 1StAd, a. wise,olever, learned. [ h i t . &d-nang,]-u, n. a learned
sop, cover, to tiatch;-ad+ completely, as, "bsuh aop bhspoh man. [ h i t . u st8d-u jh8d. ]
u phlang." Stag, a; thin.
~op-&jar, thatch a house by putting another layer of pa Sthi, (iap-), v. to wither.
over the old o m ; a form of-puttlng thatching-grass on the roof* FJthi, (shim) ta. a heap.
Bop-jat, ka, ?a. a legging. B M , u, n. chaff, hu~k; be reduced.
Sop-samng, v. to become rust^. Bar, u, a,. s head strap 4 s of cane.
sop-sieh, v. to repair an old-thatching by spreading g r a where ~ BteE, tt, n. the fibre obtained froma bark of a tree wed for makiqg
necessary. thread and rope. (Bot. Pillebrunia int yrifoiia) .
Elopti, ka, n. a coat. LImit. sopti-mpjat.] LJtem, a. yellow.
Sbr, ka, n. rt station, an enlightened town ;-ad. noisele~dy,skid- Step, ka, n. morning.
t u y , (as, " ka miaw ka p h adr ba'n thap kern j.a ka khnhi") , early in the morning.
S ~ p h y r n g t i pad.
aorkLr, ka, n. a Government. Stet, ad. fast, quickly, (as, " ka r d ka it%d steb ahibfin.")
h k i , ka, a,. mortar. LJtew, u, n. a ahort reed or ekm.
Sad&, n. a sirdar, a village headman. Bti, v. to become dry or writ:kle, td shrivel.
Byor,v. to c m k . Bame aa uyor. .>-A Btieb, rtuSn. a shield. [Ihit. ka atieh-ka wait.]
Sorjtmh, n. local enquiry. t-

S o r s h r , ad. slowly but surely, (a, u ia pahia n rr8h8-sor ba'a -:;;" %hg, a. light, not heavy.
l1 -
leit ia khahli.") -.-.>
.Yt t Bellslrlt
- --

Sbh-&, kaba, n. the pain cnnscd br tho contrrrction of the
Stir, u, n. a mud partition in n pscliiy field which separates one womb aftcr chilclbirth.
bed from another ; islc.
Sa-tak, kaba, m. a loilg t c i l p a ~ a ~ ~ n tack.
Stong, a, n. a sod, turf.
ad. well (heaped up), (as, " n ci luln atlsng ia u khyn- Shh-thicd, u. to tako root,.
Stung, 1 dow k~lrnue?")
Subs, v. to suspect ;-acb. cleap, (of persona only). [Imit. d b -
Sfih-tok, v. to t h o v gently (as in phrjng ~ i t cowries).
8hh-tyngka, v. to bribe.

sub.) 'sf id, (abbrev. of " kshicl "), n. nl c~il-@lit,a devil.

Suba-ni, ad. fastidiously cleci~. Suid-k,h&, v. to carc, to tnLe liccd (used with ynl).
Buk, a. happy, contented. [Allit. suk-mih.] 'sbid=kynta-maram, $1, 11. thc mil spi:it LO llriilgs on headaohe.
Suka, ka, n. a four-anna piece, a, siki, one-fourth of a rupee.
Suki, a. slow, p d u a l . [ h i t . suki-suloi.]
Sfid, v. to take oE; to p11ll out (as grain from a bunch.)
$Sudu, u, n. a fool, a simpletou.
Suda, a. empty, vacant ;--ad. entirely,
ahem fang ks shitom suda.") %bid-ah, u, n. the s p S t of the first grind iimternal uncle of the
sudskor, a,n. a merchnt.
8bh,v. to sew, to t h t ; [Imif.sbh-thaifil ; to suffer from colio or
throes. [Inrit. sfi-thk]; to deal in an underhand way.
8&budkhia., kaba, n. a back-stitching.
0&-buit, v. to incite, to plot.
B&-khh, v. to be in labour. 'sfiid-urn, u, a. the evil spirit who attaaks women and causes &
Sbh-khylliap, kabca, n. hemming. , carriage or sterility.
Shh-kyndang, v. to pass a string or thread or stick tbnngh the Suiii, ka, 72. the sky, an'atmosphere.
body of a thing ;to string pieces of meat together. Suit, v. to porn as a libation ;to gild. [liuit. suit-sh6r.J
S6h-dong, v. to stretch far inland or into another's kingdom. 'suit, (~lb7lrezf.of " ksnit ") , &(I, IZ. matter fi~)li1ai sore or wound ;
Sfih-jdt, v. to have false pains.
06h-jyllhi, v. to havo intermittent or neuralgic pains. ~ ill order to put it out,
Suit, v. to poui sollle ratcia illto t ! fire
Sbh-jyndong, v. to 'have dysury ;ka, n. diEcult urination. 'suit-ndin, ha, n. nlisccd w:th 11:o:d.
S b h - m i a p , v. to make the last effort, to plunge into any enter= 'suitln, see " Soithn."
prim aa the lagt resource ;to hazard.
Sfi-ot, ka, n. dysentery.
81%-pynptir, kaba, ra. a running-stitoh. Suloi-shamok, ka, n. a matchlock.
86h-sat, v. to be entangled, to d e r trouble,--n. ka, d a d t ~ * Sulom, u, n. &ndrif€ on the face.
Bfiieng, a. very pungent (smell). Sum, v. to bathe. [Imit. sum-sleh.]
8czp4, v. to spear, to lance, to hurl.
Sumar, v. to take oare of, to be d u l . [Imit. mmawdhBr,'J SyqM-bamon, u, n. a god who mueea people to die by a violent
death, aa ih battle, by a tiger,eta
Bunod, &a, n. a aanad or appointment p m n a . Byngken, ka, n. an anole's (maternal) wife,
Sup, t4, n. a big basket for putting in grtsin, eta. Syngken-kurim, &a, n. mother-in-law.
Supdok, ad. short and atout, (as, " i briew iba lyn$kot rupdok "). npgket, ka, n. a preoipice.
Buphu, (hah-), ad. bulky, (as, " u briew uba heh ruphci.") Spgkhs, ka, n. an d e t .
Supiw, ad. with fat and sunken eyes, (as, u briew uba dam Syngkhien, v. to prop-ha, n. a pillow.
8 u p b ki khmat.")
"Sur, ka, a. tune,voice, sound,-ads., v. to blow the nose, *Sy.ngkhin, ha, n. a bayonet.
Bth, v. to atibh the mouth of a m k . Byngkhlieh, &a,n. a pillow.
R4r-ang, v. to cove^ the mouth of an overfullwk with leavee, and
Bm~khor,v. to more.
then to atitoh it, leaving it partial1y open. Syngngeit, v. to throw down to the ground with fob.
01ir-ditm, v. to sti* m as to close m opening or rent. Spg-iang, ad. bright (red).
Bthitmat, v. to have xihe eye glued with eye-pua 8pg-it, a. tight, choking.
Sur-eitmnt, v. tO blow the n m . Syng-itlb, ka, n. the place or saddle where two hilla meet.
Suri, n, il wolf!. apglh,) ad. bare headed, (as, ka khlieh kaba khiiid rynpldn"),
Burik, v, to conspire or aeoretly consult with. +glen,
Bnrok, &a,n. a road. sYG,v.~toconsult, to oonspire, to plot, to hetigate. [Imit. syb-
Sh-thapbawa, a. to be covered with spider's web.
sY@ng, -(&-), ad.. very (hot or pungent), as koln tha effect of
But, ka, n. interest. bbters.
Sfit, v. to pull gently ;to drag. SyIlAi, $a, n. s aaltivakd land which hse very rmently been
8uw4,t+, o. particles of dust or sand, abandoned.
Nuwan, a, sathfied, oomplete. Sylli, a, n. a small species of bamboo found on the O h m aide.
Buwaga, u, n. borax. Byllih, n. s flying squirreL
s~wartb~ a, n. saltpetre. Byllok, v. to insinuate, to take counseltogether; to have fellomhip'
Suwm, ad. p@imctarily. Syllut, (pei-), csd. from one aide to another, right through, clean
8w6i,a. frail,weak, inI3x.n. through (pierced).
Bwdt, V . to fly about, to hover, to prowl; wshhing for 0 p p w a BymbG, u, n. a seed.
ties, to be on the look-out, Bymboh, u, 11. a grain, a piece of the inside of a fixit,
b a r , v. to cmm-examine. Symboh-kpieng, a, n. a single bead.
Bybak, (8ee abak), ad. with a thud (ns, " n Bymp, ka, n. a natural hive, as in cre6cea of mcb or hollow
ngAp!)' trees.
Bpboh, (=me ar abolt), la, n, msmw. edheaive froi;k. [ . Bympain, v. to wrap, to dretp, to cBreM.
sboh-ka sbb.1 8ympamt, ka, n. a species of palm d i e h generally grows on
Byclang, v. to begin, to oomme?#*. m e ss d a y ) .
7 precipitous places.
Syngkfii, ka, U. the waist ;the &

~ymparbret,w, n. nettle-rmh. 8prem, sr, n. a kind of stinging nettle,
Sympat, v. to whip, to thrash. Synn', u, .tr. the womb.
Sympei, KG, n. a heap of earth in front of the holo of a mouse.
Synriah, v. to sneeze.
Symphiah, u, n. a whisk.
Bymphleiii, ad. bl~~iUt?sslg(vhitc), as, "
phZeiJ." BynnP, v. to sn-ecp or sc~-a:cl~ past a tlliny.
Symyhlen, a. dcstituto of hail'. . ka synrum-k,z synrah.]
Synrnm, la, n. n l ~ b b i ~ l ~[It~zii.
Bpdah, ad. close by, against ;-v. t9 pratcct or put a thing bet. Syndr, t4, 91. a broom.
ween two thing, (as in the seiltanco '!haba kit eit masi da syto-
dah da ka trap ioh jakhliol kn met.")
Syndam, a. flat, low, dcprcssc~l,wcll beo ten.
Byndem, a. flat-nosed.
Syndim, ,ad. crouol~inglg,stezlthily, (as, u nongtlih u rih W d h
ha khap u m6w.")
Byndong, 3. to rollup tho clothes as when wadin, 8 stream.

synd&, ad. finally, oncc for all.

spdot-myrsintig, (iw-), a. having the peculiar unplemnt S ~ B U Rptiew, u, rt. a flover. [ h i t . u syntiew-u sktid.]
&s of a jackal, smcllilig of musk. Syntiew-khmut, i,ra. the tip of the nose.
'Synduk, ka, n. a box.
Syiang, a. high pitcl~d. Syrbild, v. to imitate, to follow.
Synjap, a. slack, not tight. Syrrleng, ka, rt. rc fenco or wall made of baaboo or ekra, a parti-
Bynjat, n. a pledge, an earnest. tion wall mado up of planks.
Synjor, a. loo~e,not t%ht, lax.
Synjnk, v. to be ~~&&ous,to aW0, to Come to an underatand-
ing. Sym$ew, Ka, n. rc shaclom. [Anif, ka syrngiem-ka syrnget.]
Synlar, a. plain, simple (fd). Byi-ie~n,a. similar, lYze ; (same as sricm).
BpEia, ka,'n. night, darkness. ' -
Synfiiag, qr, n. a ~ e c t i o n n , contn%ution, subscription iov*
(x)ntribute, to subscribe. [ I m i f ,u ~@iang--u b7fiei.I
s p a n g , ka, n. a coping of a rook or cave.
B+, KG, n. autumn.
SynrAn, n. a disciple, a follower.
Synrsp, v. to join, to coalesce.
s-, w, r . a p d generaUy mahe of
Bynreit, v. to sprinkle.
T Tangthari, ka, n. a weaver's shuttle.
T. #
tang-urn, ka, n. a bamboo pipe or chunga for carrying water.
T, the eighteenth letter in the Khasi alphabet. Tah, v. to use anything as an external application or ointment ;
Tabnh, v. to throw or hang across the shoulder. to smear ;to usa as sauce (e.g., curry or salt) ;--ka. n. a snail.
TaMiii, v. to makc the lips dirty. adv. wastefully; lsvishly. [as, " mat ju leh tahoh ch
*Tabit, ha, s,an amolct. ia ka jong k i briew." J
Tabla, kn, 98. the shoulder-piece of an animal ;a chi TAi, v. to winnow; to bring reasons to bear on an rtrgcuenf ;
Hindustani drum. to sift.
*Tabut, ka, fi. a car used on the funeral occasion o Tai-tai, ad. very (dirty) ;?as, " kane ka sopti ka la jakhlia tai-
a tnria. tai." ]
*Tali&, a, uitgent. *Tai6r, v. to get ready, to prepare.

Takhaws 1
Takhew, a. wretchedly poor ;penuriolla ;having
Taiew, ka, n. a week.
TBifi, a. stunted, dwarfish.
p$f(b,) v. to knock the head against.
TAi5-thifi, ad. loudly [akuia uba kyllut phi dei bain da kren eh
Thifi-t&ii, ad.-elastic.
*Takma, ha, n. a medal.
Takraifi, v. to strike with the knuckles (when cursing).
Tait, (crbbvev. of kyntait), v. to reject, to set aside.
Tait-kur, v. to be excommunicated from the clan. [Zmit. tait-
Tad, a. cheap ;-ud. as soon as, only. [As, " tad kur-tait-kmie.]
sha la shnong bak."] @Tala,ka, n. a lock.
Thd-tyrpcng, ka, n. an armlet. Talad, v. to manage.
Tad-ynda, a d . until, till, when. TalAifi, v. to whirl ;to wield.
Tang, ad. only ; t.o make a fir.isli of the plaiting *Talasi, v. to search.
or nets ;to rnaasurc or heap up prai?~as lnuch as a rncasnlin Talba, ka, n. the shoulder-piece, artme as tabla.
basket can contain and llolding one ]lanil to nlpport the graln. Valbi, v. to manage ;to conduct (e.g., n case).
'tang, (crbbr-ev. of " kiang "), ka, n. a pipe. Talen, a. bald, destitute of hair ;-ka, n. a talent.
Tang ba'n n h l , phr. nominally, [as, " u is ni kh Talkp, ad. tall and foolish, [as, "u briew uba biej taltp."]
,za'r?a formally.
Talngen~,ad. big (head) ; [as, "nga ioh u dohthli uba heh trrl-
'tangkro, 14, n. a windpipe. figeng. '1
Tangdctp, ad. in a carelcss manner ; done only TaImah, ad. big, [as, "u khla uba heh ka khlieh taZmlcA."]
'tang-d~lms,kc[, n. a I\o:)liah,a linbble-11ubblo. Talon, v. to belabour, to maul.
'tangngili.1, 14. gnllat, {same as tangsaw). Talu, (phi), u, rs. a sugarcane ;
'tangmur;, kcr, I$. a pipe used in a Khnsi dance. Tala, a. blunt.
Tangon, v. to club, to beat with bir: sticks on th *Talwar, ka, 18. a sword.
Tmgm-11-lgmhnn, 26, n. a form of o:pltitl l~:i~ii\lllll~llt T&m,v. to pick up, to gather.
the ancient Khasis by beating a p o r ~ nto dc.~tll11i:ll a c --- --
Tang-SAW, u, Ir. the yullct. - - - * Hindi,
* Hindi.
Tam, ad. more, in excess. TDAW-TDAW
Tari .ka.n. a knife.
Tam% ha, n. copper. 'Tsrik, ha,
*Tamsa, k q n. a show, (Hind.)a t ~ m a a k * Taro, &a,fi. t3e Wdma of wealth among the Synhgs, of wh,.=n
T ~a. mywad, ~ wilful~;disobedient. ~ [lnr(t- ~ ~ a ~ m~s a ~ m h, o. .i - l the people are in great dread. Bhe resembles the evil +hit
Tan,tiy3. to ham stealing propensity, tbievir~. [Init* kmtiti 'f of the Khasis called " Ka Shuar." hose w u are s u s p e ~ , k ~
tamjat.] of possessing her are shunned by dl.
TamtGfi-tarntsifi, ad. unevenly Tas%ka, 12. a Mnd of drum ;a tambburine.
~ hV . to , go and fetch a person, to go and meet a Person On , '- Tashm, ka, n. a worn-out and useless tool or waresy h i t .
the way. tadm-takut], see also thungtaehm.
aqgn, v. ta pull, to &sg ;-it., tr. straitened circumstanceS, emerg
gwoy ;crisis.
Tana-tani, ad. in a precarious 3IltLnner, [[as, n@ shu" im '

t m - t & mynta shi snem."]

TaGa, 0. frugal, economical.
~ ~ 5 or~to5mme , and attaok simulbneously (a8 a paok of
hungry wolves).
~ a po., to mer, to areen ;-k~, fi. a bundle of pd*
~ h p v,, to overreach, to encroach upon. ~IIawlia,ka, W . a towel.
~ ~ t ~ - 1 ~ n g nF.g to o play
h , blind man's buff. Tawoin, [same as a tawain."]
~ ~ ~ -*, kto pe~fo~.m
~ ~ h a,pojsh ceremony for the safe dpliverJ' -' T& v. to fed by touching.
of a child.

spapIawbei, v , to worship the spirit of the depated mother 'l'
,terml grandmother by means of sacrifices*
Tap-lobs, to perfom the Ceremony of naming ohild'
]up, o. to mver completely ;-ad. all over-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ha, ~ h of, cloth wed by women t'
k hnlsipiece
the head. Tbian, ka, n. floor.
~ ~ ~ - saadeces
3. to make ~ ~ for ~ v good
one's own , luck. n i t , a. handy, skflful, tac6fi.d.
Ta@ha?lang, v. to worship tbe origind grandfather by
of s a c r d ~ .
~bu. to t a r , to rend,-ad. aoorchinglp hot ; [a% tilow "
um ha ding ha ba'n da khluit tbr."]
* ~ bU,,98. a wire.
Taraiur, &a,s.scales, a bdance.
Twb, v. to grope.
7 *H i i
TDEM Yep-eitmiaw, v. to affectto overlook a thing.
Tdem, ka a, n. smoke. Ter, ad. in order, i n a row.
Wen, ad. tenacimsly, and firmly [as, " u khmm u neh tdm ha u :
nit-tdot, ad. at all, [as, " wat leit ai ei el ia u tdit-tdot."] Tor-shi-tcr, nd. in a series of objects ; one after another.
Tdong, u, n. tail. [lmit. ka tdong-ka shnet.] Ter-tcr, ad. consecutively.
Tdong-bohkhaila, ka, n. the fag-end of a dhoti.
Tdong-sier, u, n. a meadow barley.
Tdfih, kn, n. the end (of a, thread) or anything.
Te, con,. then ; it is also used at the end of a
surprise, as " phi ong kuinta tt! ? " (you say so, do you ?).
Teng, ad. at some time or other, once, [as, " TngGr, a. shady, cool.
shah ram teiag ha nga"];-r,. occasion, time; as shitet~g,drteng, * ' B ~ :

Tngiw, n. a hanuman, a langur.

lAi-teng. Tngen, u. comfortable, cool.
Teng-teng, ad. occasionally.
Teh, v. to bind, to fasten, [Imit. teh-khbm].-it is also used a t ' . - Tngit, a. dirty ;-ka, rr. a dirt. [Iqnit. ka tngit-ka tngh.]
the end of a sentence to emphasize the adjeative .before it, [as, Thaba, a. glaring, brilliant, bright, dazzling.
" ew phi, u kulAi u Jarnel u long uba heh noh teh."]-and it is Thalalraifi, kc&,n. a phenomenon which nppews damling and
also used as a sort of digressive expression, [as, " la ngs pyn-i -'
brilliant like the sun, a mistress of the house.
ia kata teh u phoi pynban."] Thhd, v. to expose, to spzead, to curse, to scold. [Imit. th&d-b&d];
Teh-kirmit, v. to be under a bond or agrsement. -ka, la. an exposed flat country.
Teh-ktien, v. to be engaged in a marriage contract. [Inrid. teh- * . Th6d-l&d,V. to become shameless ; to put to shame.
ktien-teh thylliej.] Thdd-rong, v. to uso low or obscene words ;to tell tales.
Teh-musorkt, u. to keep one under restraint or l~nder the Thang, v. to burn, to cremate.
cognizance of the authorities. Than~khBr,v. to be cremated by the State or by the public.
Teh'sAi-ion:, v. to be engaged in a marriage Thaw-krei, 3. to burn the body without gatherins the bones or
children only). [Probably from the anci \vithout performing any ceremony.
ing a, black thread to one of the toes of a
Thanz-ion~0 . to become sunburnt; to become dark o d n g to
Tei, v, to build, to erect.
Tei-pop, v. to charge with ;t o lay the blame upon.
Teiii-thap, a, n. nettle rash.
s&j-tdj,ad. a&esi#e, like gum, [as, " phi shet ka ja ksba je*
t&j-tJibum ia u mynpang."]
em, V . to play on drum or stringed-musical instrument ; tO
extinguish. [Imzt, tern-put.]
Tb,&. trailing like tail, [as, u khla U bfid t d t ~ia briew'l
Ten-ten, ad. elastio, producing fibres, tough, [as, " doh krba
jwat tm-tm?']
Tep, v. to bury, to inter.
824 226
Thhie, v. to weave, to knit, to plait ;-&a, n. district, direction. Thhp-nisng, ka, 9t. wing; aide.
Thait, v. to cut asunder, to snap ;--a. weary, exhausted. Thh~-shrieh,v. to cob, to give a slap on the butto&.
Th$it-th&t, .ad; withou,f intermission. incessantly, [as, " ki kyn- Tbhrs v. to be pierced with a thistle or prick ; to feel hurt,
rup bha'it-thliit ha doh ia u."] 'Thdr, n, ka. brass plate, s thul.
Thala, a. vain ;-ad. vainly, uselessly. Tharai, V . to suppose, to think, to presume.
ThalAb, ka, n. a chip of mood. Tharia, ka, pa. a fihallowand shingly bed of a stream,
Thala-thaleifi, (leh), ad. in a mush way, carelessly. Tharu-thare, ad. roughly, [as, " nga &u thhifi fiaru-thafe ia
ThAm, ka, n. a crab.
ymm&, v, to loose the clear vision of things ;to befool. Thatthari, U , pa, one who work8 in brass.
Thamula, a. joking, funny, [lonit. thamula-th%mdeifi.]
Tllan, ad. too, excessively, unreasonably ;-iaihdn, v. not to do a
thing ahen asked, simply because one looks to somebody else
to do it.
*TU~, n, one whole piece of cloth, a thdn ;--a. to send for-
ThanaI n. person having some relationship. [ h i t . thanbthakhbl Tbwlang, paa the first maternal grandfather or the father him.
*manat, ha, n. a police station. self. [ [ m i t . u 'J'hawlang-ka 1awbei.J
*Thanda, a. abated, cool, calm. Thawlir, a, comical, joking.
~ h ~V p. to, give a slap; to brush past any object. Thawnang, a. comic, mimical.
l'hhP, o. to lag in wait, to smbusc&d%to waylay, to be on the Thawshia, a. confirmed, habituated.
wat& ;--a. poisonous (as, " une u tit ubathhp ")* ThAw-thAw, Got-), d.rawged or tom, in tatters, [as, "ki j&iajong
Thap-ba-ngem, ha, n. a ground spider* u ki 1s jot thdz-thdml'.]
Thap-ba-iong, v. to become dizzy. Theh, V . to pour in, to spill.
l'hap-balieh, ha, n. a butterfly. Theh-mi, V. to pour out in abundance.
Thap-balong, ka, n. a large b l ~ butterfly
k ' t h ~ i ,(abbrev. of lcynthei), n. a woman.
Thap-bawa, ka, n. a spider. 'the?-khr\riapdw, a. a womnn who has once mrried is hence
experienced in the art of courting men.
Ihap-basim, u, n. a mole.
Thbp-biej, a. having some disordeted Stat0 of mind ; demented 'thei-itlid, ka, n. a woman of bad character.
'thei-ihw, ka, rz. 8 woman of advanced age; an elderly woman,
~ h ~ ~ .k4b ~ rnl evil , who brings insanity to the
~ ~spirit
?eople. 'thehotti, ka, n. a virgin.
Th&p-k&,ha, n. the back part of the ear.
~ h & ~ ~ u, - dn.~a pcommon
, ignorant fellow. ka iapthem, n. cholera
~ h h p - wad. ~ , lonely, (sit), [s, " u she% thdp.flgdp ha Thep, V . to stow, to put in.
khlhw?l-ko, n. swelling of the jaa gland-
~ ~ ~ . ~v. ftoi d , to be under the influence of evil spirit5;
to stalk.
ThCr, v . f C, beat (esp. the hush or jungle) ;
the !)us11 ; to put up n bird.
Tb.+r-t,h{.r,(i;\irl-), od. n it11 liglil ~pi'iII9
mnnts, [;:s, c c kllmih I<:\ mc:u1 kn iaiti
kiell ell".]
Tllet, v. lo 1vas11the hnnrl*.
Tllct-tl~et,ad. conrulrivr~ly; wri f hingl:..
Thew, to me:~qurc; to tnho aim nt ; V. to buy wholesale.
\yoh. )
Thncrhfl, 3, to prc,miseor deter iile not t

ag:lin: t o reprxnt. [ / ) ) t 2 t . thng8d-tllngaw J

Thngan, v. to br?hungry. Llmit. thngan-jing-it.] Thiep, Ra, a. an' u p h ~ l;l a n ascen*.
Thngiat,, u , n. a foreign particle in the eTe, a mote. Thiet, same as tlried.
Thiang, n. swe~t. Thiew, v , to weed.
Tllia~q-bliliA,0. saltis11 sweet t.iste. Thir, v. to spin;- ad. away (fly, jump) ; [as, '' I! kul6i u ryng-
TI.liang-l)yrjul),(1. son:iqh ss\cet ttnste. kallp thir irr ka byrdeng.;], ,
Thiang-jnvp, a. 1inne~-sweet. Thit, kn, n. birdlime.
Thinng-jlep, a. too ~a'cet. Thl-.n, u, 92. a, devil in t l ~ esblipt! of a scrpent s,lppose.l t o be kept
; to .ie cTo~rn.[Inzit. tl~iah-shong.1
by certain clans in the I(ha>i IIills. He i s prol,'d with
~ h i t l h s.
, to human blood and tho n;iils *tnken froln fingets :ind to??, or
fai!ing whicl~, with hnmnn ;lair and pieces of prments,z,. t .l!likl) to: ~ I I Cnight or
) clipped by means of a pair of silver scissrs. ITe is believed to
b.m-thiul:bnsuih, ] bring wealth sncl pr~t~pcrity to his Irecper*. The people of the
Tllia[l-khi, v . to lie clown by nay of taking rest; to take a short Khasi and Jaintia Hills ale in ccmstant dread of being murdor-
nap. ed by the keel%< of this monster. A boa-constl?ctor.
Thiah-jing-it, to go withod focd, to fast. [Intit. tbiahjing-it Thlia, v. to bothel; to tease. [lmit. thlia-thlAit.1
-thiah thngan.] Thlieh, V . to split, to strike.
' '
Thigtl-gngi, v. to sleep till late in the day. [Inzit. thiah TIlliem, u, n. a small leech.
-thiah them.] Thlien, a. nervous, painful,
Tlliah-th&i, 3. to oversleep ;to waste time doing nothiug.
Thiar, ha, n. a barn ;a large granary basket.
Thiat, u, 11, yeast, leaven.
Thiaw, ad. away, co:nplote?;! [as, "Ja kaba i ~ l e bshitorn u la jop
thiaw ia ki jingeh baroh .]
Thik, ad. exactly, precisely.
*Thikna, a. regular, certain, exact. finit. thikna-thikni.1 Thlong, H, tt.*awooden mortar for husking paddy, etc., a dhml-4.
[lrtait. u thlongu synrei.j
T ~ OY., to givo response br answer to a call.
TMong-nar, u, n. an iron mortar.
* En& phr, bitterly inimical ;implacable.
228 229
Thlbn, a. stammering, stuttering.
Thma, KO, n, war, battle, dispute [ h i t . ka thma-ka ktien.]
Thma-ka-ktien, kct, n. law suit.
Thmit, a. too short, [as, 'phi la s
--n. edge ;=gin.
F h m ~v.
, to purpose, tn intend, to resolve. Thorn, v. to trample, to alear ;to do in a hill-hasded manner.
Thnhm, a. to boil, to simmer. *Th&r,&a,s.the plains.
Thnh-sabon, &a, s.a lather. Thor-thor, ad. flutteringly, tranblingly, [my'Cbalei ki leit Yiuh
Thnat, a. having a finger or a toe brancled. - tltor-thor ia u ?"I ; ve-q (light).
Thnat-syihr, ka, ta. the single holm-like claw of w cock. Thra, (urn), kn, sa. the water or fluid which issues before the
Thnem, a. ecarce and dear ; in g dolivery of a child.
sation money pail by s woman 'Ilhrang, v, to thirst, to pant.
one y e r after the death of her Thrhit, ad. suddenly ahd forcibly, [as, "u khla u la kynrup $8
bave been deposited in tlie ance.tral tomb; compelrsstion given ." u kulfii thrAit na u pdotW.j
to a husband or wife to p:ocslre a divorce.
Thning, u,n. a stalk (generally of a
Thnum, v. to mnttsr, to mumble.
Thn0m9 Threw,v. to have a longing for, to have an ardent desire.
*Thok, v, to che:rt, to deceive, t o Thri, u, s.a cane, r. bamboo string or tie.
Thong, v. to bet ;to offer money ; (
thong tyngka ia ki rangbah shnong" .)
Thoh, 0. to cut tree;; to arito, to make a mark ; to take with th@ '*

tip of a finger;- a. having a mark or apgt. [ d ~ ~ t dthoh-lkd
ka, n. an ornamental edging or border of a garment; a mark8
a spot.
'' ,

a. spotted, striped,

Thoh-k-hal4i-nusip,v. to play in a lottery.

Thoh-16q, a. having a white speck crr a spot.
Thoh lung-thoh 16ng, ad. with sta
Thuh-tang, v. to recount, to relate in detail, to slander. [Imit.
'Phoh mut-thoh mat, a. having d thuh tangthuh th6w.J
blotohed. %%hi,(tdem-), ad. out (issue ofismoke) ;[as, "nga ioh-i tad ynda
)a. atriped (across).
la tdem thici ka iing". ]
Thuia, u, n. a. plume about 18 inches long worn
their tarbans when dancing. ThynrAm, Ka, n. a tree whom leaves hsve fallen off,a dried f ~ g .
n u l i , (dew-), kcc, n. 2inrd en rth, clay. Thynrei, u, n. an evil spirit who is supposed to m a b the disease
worse ;- 0. to become aggravated, to become worse (in ilI-
Thbifi, i;eng-, kid-), ad. slowly up (walk awn
kgntu eh, u sn ieng tAzii5 ba'n leit sha iing".] .
Thuit, (pluli-) ,ad. in smoke ;[as, "ka iing ks 1 Thynrim, a. slightly old (cloth).
Thum, v. to take on one's lap;- a, ta. a mom 'Ilhynrhn, v. to be oonvaleeoent
sonry pillar. )
Thynrhng, ad. undressed (hair), [as, " balei ieng u 6iuhkhlkh
jong phi Ihytysrmg kumne ?"I
ThGp, v. to be reduced in size, to become 1 Thynrbng,
Thup, ha, ra. a regular heap of stones. Thpnia, u, ts. a aeedle.
Thurmnr, nd. inc.onsidel*ately, recklessly, [as, 'ti (abBrev. of kti), ka, m. hand, fingsr.
ia k.gei kaei ka jong ki briew".] Thk, ad. just a, little ; [as, " tang shu kren tia& u la b i k
Thut, v. to be offended, to be soyy, to be ng.".]
Thwoi, Ra, a. s deep pool of water (in a s Tias, v. to put a thing in the mouth ;to thrust st thing into the
fhwat, v. to bo on the lookotlt; to clew j mouth.
Thwet, v. t o be on the scent of pme. !Em-bishaz, o. to bring to judgment ; to complain ; to bring to
~ h ~ i a(lait-),
t , ad. to have a hairbrad the notice of the court.
siat iia u mynthna llynrei lait t h i u i ~ ~nat k
Tiap, ad. directly, to the very spot (reach) ; [as, "nga poi tiap
Thyllah, zc, n. a flea. ha kawei ka jaka".]
Thgllsin, ad. vary (heavy) ; [a$ "urn u diengngd, ub8 k '%r, ka, n. an instrument, a tool, a weapon, fittings [/mi/, ka
~S~Ztaira".] tiar-ka tar.]
Thpllan, v . to get a shock. 'tiar, (ubbrev. of "ktiar"), U, n. s centipede, [as, c6u'tiapeh,
Thylleng, n. very young fruit ;-v. b u 'tiar-dieng," etc.]
~hy!li,0. empty ; without carrying Tik-chi-tik, ad. incessastly, [as, "inynta ha kine k i sngi hp
ThyUiang, u, s.the tree whose bark fik-shi-tik".]
and string. Tika, v. to vaccinate.
Th~lIiej, , . . [,,it, u thylliej-u 8sbieng.I Tika-Barnon, la, n. inoculatiou.
Thy llieid, 'tikdew, kc(, 12. the pointiilg finger.
Thylliej-ding, k ~ la,, a tongue of fire, a flame. 'tikhfin, (mule as " 'tiduh") i, n. the little fin~er.
Thgllieng. .u, n. tile soft, p ,rt of the bamboo which remains after %

Tikia, a, n. a small cake of C ~ L T used O ~ as embersfor smoking.

the tough cover has be:n peeled off as k ~ ~ ~ ~ i. e V ~ .
*TikX, a,12. percussiou cap; a detonator.
Thyllieh, t ~ 71., dandriff.
Thyllong, (~011-),u, n. a small fruit which s shrub v i n g on the :, 'tikmie, ka, 9%. a thumb.
riverside bears. 'ti-dfh, ka, n. the last h g e r .
T h p m h i , a. fresh, new. T i d , v. to strike, to knock, to beat.
Thymmei, ka, ra, a soar, a mark. Tied-u-pgrthat, baba, rs. a clap of thunder.
Thynrang, v. to be athirst ;to feel thicsty. Tieng, v. to be afraid of, to fear.
?'Hindi, -
'tieh, 1. ( a b h . of "ryntieh"), Ka, n. a bow,
'tiew-japang, u, n. the bluebell.
2. (abbrev. of "ktieh"), Ka, n. mud, massh. 'tiew-lapongdi, u, r, a kind of flower having sweet smelling
3. (abbrev. of "stieh"), ka, n. a shield. leaves.
'tieh-bah, ka, n. a hrge shield used in battles. 'tiew-lasier, u, n. s species of o d i i l . II

'tieh-batur, &a, n. a bow for throwing small stones, a catapult* 'tiew-lasnbon, &a,n. tho tender 'ent'holding tha,flower of a cerstain
planb of a yt~llowish mlour rese!nbling that of a pine-app!e
'tieh-j6r, ka, n. abow consecrated to a male-om at the time of which is used by women to docorate their hair. I
his naming ceremony. I
'tierq-myngngor syng-un, u, n. marigold.
'~iew-pathai-khut~6ry u, n. a flower, the sweet smell of which can
Jem ad. sticky and s ~ flike
(je-m-), t mud, [ass "ka jt., kaba
be perceived from a distance ody.
'tien, (abbrev. of "ktieny') ka, s e word, a language ; [as, ka 'tiew-phhn, a, n. the dahlia ;potato flower.
'tien Bangla."l
- - Ytiew-riam-~k4iii, u, n. the pitcher plant.
Tieiii, (jrong-), ad. like an elastio thread, [as, "haba ring ia u ata tisw-sngi, u, n. the sunflower.
ba la tylliat bha, u jrong tieiriJ']--oed to the full length. s tiew-shyllong, rr, n. a white flower resembling gloxinia which a
'tien-bania, ka, n. an incorrect way of speaking a foreign tongue: shrub growing by the river-side Sesrs.
Tho idea is taken from the way goldsmiths from the plaina 'tiew-shlim, u, n. stramonium flower. i1
speak the Khasi language. Tiew-slst, u, va. a brass pot for cooking rice, same as KhiewsCu. II

'tien-biria, ka, n. jokes. [ h i t , 'tien biria-bid.] 'tiew-snoh-dieng, u, n. orchid,
'tien-kQi, ha, a. sham words, jokes. 'tiew-synteng, u, n. Panda cerulea (orchid).
'tien-ngiah ngiah, ki, n. words spoken in soft and highly polished
'tien-jali-ja-urn, ki, n. soft sweet words.
'tiew-thyniej-tangmuri, rz, 91. blythia flower,
'tiew-tyrkhang, u, tt. a sweet-smelling fern,
Ting, v. to call a dog or a fowl or any animal, to addreas.

'tien-lyngkut, kd, n. laconia speech, blunt words.
'tien-tharshiah, ki, n. words whiob give pain to one against whom Ting-khh, V . to own a child as one's own, 1i 1
Tih, v, to dig ;to discuss.
they are spoken.
'tien-woh-nia, hi, a. words spoken with a view to pick a quarrel. Tihfir, ka, B, an evil spirit who is believed to -use a severe colio 1I
Tiew, v. to boil, to put a oooking vessel over the fire. pain; severe co!ic.
'tiew, (abbrev. of "syntiew"), cs, n. a flower. .t'Eili, u, n. an oilman.

Tim, v. to- curse ;to mutter or chant formula anire pmorming

- .
'tiew-klong, u, n. Dendrobium Nobile, a species - of orchid. puja. [hit. tim-mAi.J
'tiew-knup maaiang, (4, fl. the ladies' slipper, Cyprz$edium,
(orchid). Tim-Mia, v, to caU on the spirits as a Khaei diviner does at 5-10
time when he performs sacrifices. [ h i t . tim-kfil-tim-khriam.]
'tiew-dohmsw, u, n. a, very small plant whose leaves are of s dark Tip, v. to know,
violet colour interspersed with golden streaks and much liked
by women to deck their hair. Tip-briew, w. to be conscious, to recover, to come to oneself
[lmit. tip briew-tip mrhd.]
'tiew-eit, u, n. a flower (of a fruit tree) which does not bear fruit-
'tiew-jdyngksiang, u, la. the rhododendron.
Tip-kein, phr. I [donot know, I doubt.
Tip-auk, v. to be hdu&ious, to be actively engages ; ro ~e een.
*- - II
'tiew-jami-iang, arc, n. the violet (flower). eible. [Zmit. $ipduk-tip a u k ] p

t B W i
np-eiP pi?. who knows 3
Tip-ma, conj. but, on the contrary.
'ti-pdeng, ka, n. the micldle
Tip-an$, a. to be well-be3aved ; good. [fhbb, t i p j
Tipt!~uh-tipddi, e. to recngnise, to know, ,
Tir, v. to cat into 19nx st Tnat, ka, n. a bran&, a twig.
(shitir-)much, vely [as,
kEBr."] Tnhw, ka, n. a, big claw (of a orab) ;the wing (of q house).
Tir-shi-tic, ad. again and a p i Tnbm, ka, n. the ridge of a house.
ki rnih tir-#hi-firba'n leit To = sign of the imperative mood w f i ~ hmeans, " let us," " let
kwah ba'n ialeh tir-shi-tir ".I you, " let him," (as " to itz leit noh ;")--ad. allright. very we2

jTisi, u, n. linseed. as I sphi'n leit si kane ka shithi ? " " to," (very well).
Tish, ad. regularIy. Tok, ad. just, [as, " tang u shu h e n tok nga'n sboh is a"].
Tit, u, n. a mushroom ;fungus.
Tit-thnat-syiar, u, n. a, kind of muahroom.
Tiw(durn-), ad. comple
ba'n durn tiw."]
TIa, v. to curae, to chide (wi
T h q , ka, n. winter. Tohkit, v. to enquire, to investigate.
Tlhi, ka, fi. a palm-tree. TohjAw, u, n. a boil.
Tlait, ad. seourely (shut) ; [as " ki la bon tCait ia ka synduk ]
1., ad. roughly, withon t consideration or mercy, [rts, " wat
leh tohmet ia k i khynnah bapli ki b'ym don kmia shuh"] [Imit.
Tlem, a. spotlea, pure,
Tlieng, l a , n. a large mat made of eane used in thrpahing psddy.
millet and job's-tears.
Tlor. v . to wither, to fall off
Tlot, a. weak, powerless.
T16h, u, n. a tree whose b
Trnang, ad. Ionel ; [as, '
shob hsngne."f
~ m i i f i :u, n. moustache ;-tmdia, ad. to the brim (full).
TmBifi-khla, u, n. a kind
resemble that of a pine
'I'mirr, u, n. a kind of small bamboo.
Tmier, ka, n. a margin, a rim, edge.
Tmoh, ka, ~n.chin ;-fellow (mlloquiel).
Tmbiii, ad. quite (full) ; [
t Bengali.
. -
rri' i
Tram, (iap-), a. to wither, to 'TYNGKENG
disease of the ~ ~ d leans.
Tule, v. to chide with obscene words. [Imit. tule--dangle.]
Tmng, ka, B. bachelor's honse in *Tulop, ka, rs, pay, salary. [Ivait. ka tulop-lia doma]--v. to
Tr:ip, ka, B. a small circular rain-proof frame used by the summon.
(called Ka d d a d k n g by thc Syntengs).
Trdw, U,11. sun-grass.
Treng, u, n. a mane. Turn-E-tam, (ki-1 n. pl. articles of furniture.
Treh, v. to consent, to agree. Tuma-tuna, ad. in pieces (to chop), [as, " ha lchnii ka Is dait
Tfei, v. to w ~ r kto, labour. [Imit tuma-tumo ia ka jbifi jong nga."]
Trep, ka, a.a temporary hut ; hyniiiew tref ,hyrafiiew rkum' Tun,pron. thou (it is used at the end of a wntence and is applica-
the e3rliest inhabitants of tho world. . ble to women only in colloquial language).
Triang, u, n. an eel ;-ad. firmly Thp, ka, n. n cannon. [Imat. ka tiip-ka min.]
'rriem, a. dreadful, frightful. "fuphan, ka, n. a gale ;a cyclone.
Tmng, u, H. a t-zft'of hair on the head. *Tupia, ka, n. a cap, a hat.
Troh,.a. to c!lutch, to claw. Tur, v. to admnce, to rush ;to butt.
TsolG, a. to dwindle. 'tur, (obbrev. of "shyntur"), ka, n. a mouth.
Trbd, v. to soratch. Tur-iap, v. to rush desperately ;-n. ha, tongs (collop).
Tr~idiwbei, kaba, n. white streaks on the bods *Tusbir, ka, n. a picture ;a likeness.
*Tap-ssar, u, n. a cavalry soldier (same as tylllrp-awar). Turoi, ka, n. a trumpet.
Tuklar, v. to speak, to talk or discuss confusedly. T'ut, 11. a qusil (same as tyut).
*Tukra, ka, n. a piece, a part. tluta, n. a parrot.
TGd, v. procrastinating, delaying. ITutin, u, n. sulphate of copper, blue vitriol.
'tong, (.))rev. of ktung), ka, n. a vetch ;a small prarened fish* . - Tna, v. to fall down as a wall ;to subside.
~ ~ ~ ~ - kr ~ 4~n. bean
, ~ h i , has been cooked and
b which ;' ' TtvrM, v. to feel by m c ~ n of
s the hanci.
and hatring a very disagreeable smell. Tybian, ka, n. floor, same as tbian.
'tunpbp, ka, n. a small preserved fish. Tjbit, a. handy, skilful, taotful (same as tbit).
~ u hv., to steal. [fmit: tuh-thiem.] TyqAb, B. a raven, a crow.
h h - t agd, briew, v. to commit adultery. Tynp-am, ka, n. tho jawbone ;a loud harsh voice.
Thid, a. to flow, to run (water). Tyng-am-dfh, ko, a. the wisdom h t h .
miii-tfiiii, acl. hesitatingly, with f Tjagka, ka, rs. money, rupee. [Imit. tycgka-~h&.')
tdid haba ong ba phi'n iaid b TyngkiZi, v. to reserve, to kecp in atore, to economize.
TMt, 3. to ~uspeot,to charge T p ~ lAi-soh-thtzd,
i oarefully (used earnasti.
V . to prescrvc a thi r~g
klitn-to charge one falsql cally for what ought not to bc done).
tTula, ka, n. a tola ; u-, cotton or other similar material fm Tyngkan, v. to suppress, to rcscrvo.
igniting fire from the park of a flint ;cleaned cotton. .
Tyngheq, ad. as if a u g h t up hetween some obstmles, pala woh
Eindi, t h n @ u jyrmi na ka kjat and nga la sahk ut £ylzgkeng.]
Tyngkhap, 3. to insert, to infix, to hide ; T y n g U n , e. Q ehine, fo glare, to wfleat.
kyyngkhip], Piiafig-tynkhap, &a, n. a tick. Tyngshop, u, nl an efEgy of a man marle of bamboo work to repre*
Qngkhap-mdw, ka, n. orevice of a rock. sent the first maternal uncle in a Kh&si cereroonial dance.
Ty~khip-tyngkha p, (sah-), ad. behidd Tyngwoin, a. to 50 round and round.
(sat aside or hidden) ; [as, "ym don d Tyl ai, tr, a. a rope
nba sah tyngkhip-tyngkhap 3" ] Tglibi-s:lw:rli, u, n. a rope in a plough by which the neck of an
TyngkhGh, v. to hit or get the head knocked a ox is fastenel.
Tyngkong, Aa, n. a platform next the door of Tyllrzn, ad. elitkely, wholly, without reserve ;[as, " ka rrJaw ka
a Khaai house. barn tyllan snier baroh i s ?iakhnAi"]
Tyngkoh, ad. limping. Tyll$wding, ka, n. a firebrand.
T y q h (kha-), n. a small ash with slbarp'fins" Tyllep, 9. to cover oomyletely, to hide.
gills. Tylli, n. number (of things or animals) ;-a. solid -ad. wholly ;
Tyngkreiii, ad. vividly (di Iayed), [as, la' bodily, as, " phi kren ia nga kumba phi la i o h - d w tyli
jong u ks sah tyngkrei5T mo? " [Imit.tylli-tyllin.]
Tyngkrong, (wait-), ka, n. a dab havin Tylliat, a. to grind, to bruise.
back of the edge used for cutting and Tylli-tyllan, ad. exactly (alike) ; [m,'' une u khynnah uba bit
Tyngkddn, ad. nicely dressed (like a little girl) ; gracefully , tylli-tyllan ia la u kpa."]
[as, "I khynnah iba i-tynnad tyngkd6la."] 20 n. the stock (of maize, eto.,) ;-n. kac, the hanctle (of
Yyngden, ad. firmly, strongly, [as, "ka khohwah jong phi
bha tyngden."]
Tlong, ) a dao) ; the source of a stream.
Tyllun, v. to revolve, to roll, to tumble.
Ypg-ell, ad. roughly, harshly, severel , [as, "da kaba leh tyng-e Tyllup, v. to cover ;-shityllup ka pyrthei, phr. throughout the
u mut ha'n p p d a ia kaba sniew.'5 world ;the whole world.
9'y?gheng, ad. agape, spell-bound, [as "u shynreh u peit tynghmg adr like an idiot or dumb man, bewildered ;
la ngi.'7 [as, ''bnlei phi iong tymbldng kumne kum u biej ?I.
W h o n g , (peit-), ad. -pe (said of a m a l l mouth). Tymbuit, ka, .IF. the elbow.
Qng+an (same as t~niiian),v. to stuff, to cram. Tymmen, a. old ;-n. an old man or woman. [ h i t . u tymmen-
Tyng-in, v. to flirt, to court. u-san ; u tymmen-u-kro.]
Tyng-ier, Ka, n. a latfilrm suspended jnst above the hearth (in a TympAn, ka, s.a machart (in aKhasi honse) overhead whem odde
Khasi hou*) w ere firewood is kept.
and ends are kept, it is above ka tyny-ir.
rympem, ('nam-), u, n. one of tho three arrows shot horn the
ad. completelg' (taken by surprise), [as, "u feng fnneral pyre towards thc~north, west arid south to keep off evil
lyngngoh ty ngjlong.] spirits.
Tympew, or, sa. a betel leaf, a prfn-leaf.
Tyngmep, ad. full of leaves [as, ba'n lei ia une. u jhur katne -:
Tymphs, ka, n. a shouldcr ;-bah-lymph&, u, n. n mall-plate.
Tyngmup, a. to speak or deal harshly. Tymphu, ('la-), ka, n. a tree resembling a papaya tree, the branches
of which are used as pipes in a liquor distillery.
ad. slender, small and Tyndah, ad. along with, together, [as " u khh u b6m lyfidali
shfiiuh bmh ia ka blang.")
ka, n. the inside of the roof,
T~ndamsad- bluntly, [as, " bblei phi
'JlYndhw, a. blunt, not pointed.
T ~ n d e ~ ,to folget or to lose ouct's m
Tyndi-t~da,ad. perchance
ty ~ d iaa kycduh pynban."
T~ndong,ka, n. E short pipe, a c
Tyndung, a. to poke, to thrust,.to goad.
T~njang,(suid-), u, n. a Lame-demon who haunta the jungle. It .:
is said that as he walks he crblla out "kaw-hoit, kaw-hoit." he .
, '

meets any person he tickles him to death.

Tpjuh, o. to try, to test, to tempt.
Tynnad, ad. moderately, [as, " La j
tynnud. ]
Tpnad, (su$x) == pleasant, pretty.
Tynneng, v. to imitate.
Tynfiian, a. to press in fomibly, to stow.
Tymh, v. to thruet, to lance.
TynrCdi, bc, n. root, source, origin.
Tynriew, a, TI. the leavea of certain s p e w of pnlm much used
o the sodhern borders of tho I(hasi hills for thatchins [Imit.
nJmrien-u tynaw].
T y n r ~ gV, . to putover on the top of something ;to carry on the
h~ ;to lighten the load of a friend by taking a portion on one-
TynrBh, a. to poke.
Tynsah, v. to ram in, to elbow.
Tpsat, u. to put in between two things, to insert; to inset.
Tynsong, ka, n. a small net-bas for catching fish.
~ g r t h ~ p3% - ~n.~foam.
FJT-~,W , n. a species of small bamboo ;nol-bas (Beng.).
W u t , ka, n..the demon= who bring^ about.& h e a man,
Tpbeh, ad. as if some adhesive substance is adhering to something, ;- , esp. violent death. [Imit. ka tyr-ut--ka srnbr].
[m, '' hi wan nangno ba da ka ktieh s u b tyrbeh baroh shiryn- *

m, V . to propose, to offer, to tender.

Tyrkhang, u, 91. a fern.
Tyrkhong, a. dried, withered,

242 243
Urn-shrir,. ka, n. cold water poured into hot water to lower ifll
U,the 19th letter in the Khasi Alphabet. I
Um-shit, ka, n. hot-water ; soup;
a, p. sign of mnsouline, he, it, an, the. Um-shitjs, Ka, h. conjee.
Uba, p, nho, w h i w h a t .
ZTm-snlm-(ia-), v. to shed one's blc3d.
od, v. to groan, to complain, to hum. [Imit. Cd-!&8ium.]
U-ei ? p. who ? Urn-syep, kc, n. sweat : personal income.
Uei mi, p, any, anyoqe. Urn-thet, Ku, n. water with which hands have been washed.
Um-thlong, ku, n. water whicll gathers in a pot-hole of a stream.
U-ei-re-u-ei, p. somebody, sonisone. 4
Urn-thra, kn, n. water vhich issues before the delivery of a
Ullong, ahme ~3 urlong. child.
Urn, Jar, n. water, juice. [Intit. ka urn-ka wah.1-v. to melt, to ?
l3m-6m, js'aid-), a. P~1~emarm, warm.
diasolve ;--(contr. of kyn-urn) a brother-in-law (med as rt tsrrja .
of respect and also in the case of address). Umwi, hi, n. people living id the country through whioh the
stream Umwi near Jarain passes.
U'm, p l t ~ .he not, he'll not.

U'n, phr. he mill.
Urn-bah, a. having much m t s r in a stream or river ;-u' . to oveill '*

flow ;-ka, n. flood, big stream. [Imib. urn-bah-um-san.] Une, p. this (near me).
Urn-biah, ka, n. saliva, spittle. Uno ? $. which ?
Uh-koi, ka, n. a well where sacrifioes and o a t h are performed , :. Uno-re-nno, p. someone, somebody.
Umja, ku, n. conjee. Uno-uno, p. whoever, any one.
Urn-jakar, kc, n. the humours of the body ; human seed? . or, v. to slip, to fall;--ad. with a rumbling noise; with amarm
sensation. [Imit. 5 r-iliil1.1
'Um-jrdh, kcs, n. cold water. [Imit. umjah-umtnglm.] . -.

Urn-jdr, ka, sa. dews.
Umjiat, ko, n. water which draias from the arevices of rooks, eta:,'
through marshy piaces.
I Urlong, v.. to happen, t,o come to pass (as predicted or expected).
, 9 ~ menstruation.
~ r - m e t ko, .

TJrwir-urhap, v. to reside as an alien in a place.

Urn-jung, ka, n. urine. Usa. k ~ .to dress and smooth the plastering of a wall by means of 8
Urn-mat, ka, n. team. [Imit. ka urn-mat-urn-mut, ka, um-mat-b
Urn-mla, Ka, +z.salt-spring, salt-water.
I $dce of board.
+ ~ ha,
t , 12. a camel.
Ut-&-ut, ad. sloxvly, hesitatingly ;procrastinating, dilatory ; [as,
'IJmpohliew, KO, n. a spring, a fountah.
" ka jingkhreh at-ski-ut nadlih mynno ym lah dep sh\ih".]
Uta, p. he (out of sight).
Urn-pyrddn~,ka, n. water in a
rice is sprinkled in oonnection with sacrificial ceremonies. Utai, p. he (within sight).
Urn-reit, (iong-), a. lively and dark (complexion). Utai-tai, p. he (there within sight).
Urn-rieng; ka, n. fresh or pure Utei, p. he (up there).
in which something has be Uthie, p. he (down there).
Urn-rmieW') Uto, p. he (near you).
ka,,n. exudation on a wound or sore2 -

B Uwei, a. one. I
Um.s$w,.ka,n. a flood. [$,v-u-n.]
UWEI-LA-UWEI 'w&-sohlaflr, u, n. the Mt of s small kiad of palm.
Uwei-la-uwei, p. someone else. 'wdi-mhpari, U, R. dried anem nut.
Uwei-u-glr, p some other person. Wait, ka, n. a dm, a heavy large bladed knife.
Uyei pat, phr. another. Wait-bnoh, ka, n. a dd with a omked head.
Wait-khmut, ka, n. same rts " wait-bnoh. "
Waitlam, ka, a. a sword.
W, the 20th letter in the Khasi Alphabet. Wait l~ngkBi,la, n. a dd having a tapering point.
Wa dnterj. denoting surprise, ha110 !
Wait-lyng-en, i s , n. a dd with a convex edge.
Wab-wab, (jem-), ad. flexiljiy, pliably, [as, "une u shken u ling
Web-Web, uba jem wab-wab."]
Wak, ad. abruptly ;asunder, [as, " u pldi noh wak ne ka lynti
Wait-iyngen, KO>. rt straight heavy dci used in felling treea
and in dressing timbers and planks.
kaba beit " ;" u David u k8d wak ia ka shyntur u sing. "] Wait-tyng krong, ka, n. a dd with two legs or props attached
to the back thereof, used in dressing fish, eto.
WQd,v. to seek, to search, to look for. [Itnit. m4d-thtid.]
'&-urn, u, i .
areca nut preserved in water, in a well or v-I.
Wadar, u, n. a Wabadadar ;a president ; a president or ruler of Wdi-wot, ad. finally, [as, '' u kren wdiwot ynda la pynjew eh ia
the Shella confideracy. u bad u leit noh thiaw sha la shnmg. "1
WBd-buit, i. 'fo find out the secret, plan, trick, eto. Wallam, v. to bring, to fetch. (Same as wanlam).
W6d-dong, v. to seek an excuse. Wan, v. to come.
W4d-W, v. to seek a means or an opportunity. WankAi, v. to come on a visit. [Imif. wan-kAi-f an-idid].
Wgd-nia, o. to seek a pretext for controversy ;to find out suitable Wan-doh, v. to be full in flesh, especially after protracted illness,
arguments for prosecutin,0 & case. [as, " mynta u la wandoh pat, t6i, u la sah kat i nap ".I
Whd-phoi, a. to seek a quarrel. Wan-dur, v. to be in the proper shape, symmetrioal. [Zmit. wan-
Wang, u, or ka, n. a taro-stalk (Colocasia cc?ztiquorum);-ad. ajar dlir-wandb.]
wide open, [as, '' u plie wawg ia ka ihg. "1 Wqn-met, a. to become full in flesh, to becomc strong. [Imit.
Fang-mng, (kllGd-), ad. very (loose) ; [as, 6c kine ki juti ki
,Weng-weng, kyllhid wang-wang ha nga "J ;weakly.
Wan-on, v. to accompany a person on his journey.
s river ;-v. to wspend, to hang. rZmit. Wan-ming, v. to go to any place and return baok the same day.
Wan-aMw, e. to come and fetch a person or thing.
ah-bah, ha, 92. a large river. [Imit. w a h b a h - w h . J Wan-tin, v . to come to meet a person on the way.
Wah-dGt, ka, ra. a rivulet, a streamlet. [Imit. wahduit-wahrit.) Wan-wir-wan-hhp, v. to reside as a stranger and not as a citizea,
WQi,v, to finish up, to cease, to bring to a close. WAr, n. the people living in t.he southern low lands of the Khasi
W8i-whi, (t.lot-) ad. weak1 , [as, c' nga dang sngew tlot wdi-cud4 and Jaintia Hills ;[Imit.u WAr-u Riat.]
lnynta ba'n Md jngdi, "f [Imit.wBiwAi-witwit.] WBr, ad. far behind, spaciously, [as, "ieq kyUGd arrrtr!']
w& (nbbrev. of " kmhi "), 21, n, an areoa nut ;--(abbrev. of Waris, 12. a ~~uocessor, an heir.
6 c khw& "), ?L, ra. a fishing hook.
, not, don't ;--ad. even[as, *'mtu r n d ruh
mat, v. ( I ~ p e r . )do
,&-khhw, u, 18. a fresh areca nut. - la u kyndd."]
u tip
'd-dong, u, n. rolled or prepared betel-nut; a khdli (Hindi.) -wat (sufEx)=times, as, shi-wat once, w w a t twim, eto.
Waifi, kcc, n. wine;--ad. easily (bent) ; (as, " u prek u la dsP
+fi y' ); of a proper length (aa, " u ksai uba jrong waQ ").
Wmw I istevy. alas I dear me I Ym lei-lei, pbr. it will not fare ill, it w i h o t go wrong; it will
Weng, a. to remove, to take away. be all right.
Wei, adi. one :--cosj. since, in asmuch aa: [as, zvei phi lii kular Yn, aw. v. will, shall.
topyndep mynila. ") ;-v. to pow. fn lei, phr. it d l its no harm, :t will be all right.
'wei, (ab brev. of " thwei"), ka, m. a p l . Yn sa, pRr. it will.
!W&r, v. to invite, to hire. Ynda, COWj. after, when, till.
W br-kynbat, a to weed.
Whr-whr, ad. ns a rumour, (as, " nga sngew wkr-wcr ku-sba ka
Yn-n4i, csd. no, not, I do l o t nniit il; ; (as, " phi'm ia b6m ja?
I 6 Em phi, koit, y n ndi. ")
sor Laban ka'n leit noh mo ? ") Yngk6id (sati-), ko, n. a magic ring.
Wet, a. to put a strap round to carry, 60 fasten a "etap. " or head
strap into a knot.
Wia, ad. with a T&Z, (as, " ka khlieng ka sub wia na jrong ".)
Wiak, ad. just, a little, (as, " tang shu lait wiak u la shoh ia
ki. ")
Wiang, v. to set f i e to (a house or jungle)--ka, n. a (brass) phte. , 18. a jng?lcr.
~ a j i k 6 r21,
Wiar, v. to bark. Karilrtjr, ?I, n. a ~nc?chanic.
Wiat, F. to draw (a bow string), to smile. ~ ,t.o roar, to t lllrnilct.
~ y r l l h lv.
Wiat-mmrkhie, a. to smile. f~vjit,r. to Inre ihc snninll of boiled food which has been left for
'wieng, (contraction. of " tyrwieng " ), &a,~ t a. potsherd. a Tonq t iulr.
Wieh, a. to dip, to steep ;-11, rt. earth-worm. [Intit. u wieh-u Lg&$mp, kcr. 9a. tllc aiea.
Win, v, to be uproarious, to be in a tumult, to move.
Wir, (idid-), ad. astray, as a stranger.
Wit, a. hindering, obsructing ;-v. to be in the family way.
Woh, a. to fasten with a hook, to hook.
Woh-d4w, e. to seek a plea for argument. [Ifnit. wohdaw-wok
Woh-nia, 71. to object, to criticise,

y , the last letter in the Bhnsi Alphabet,

Ym, ad. not.
Ym banse, phr: to be obliged to, it cannot be helped.
Pm don bak, phr. not to have authority to do anything, not t o
Pin l~plieng,thy. to be in a mighty hurry.

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