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7th Silk Road International Conference “Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Economic Development in Eurasian Countries”

The Importance of Transportation in Tourism Sector

PhD Candidate, Business Administration Department, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences,
Qafqaz University, AZERBAIJAN


Tourism sector is one of the main important sectors of the economy. Many countries take advantage of covering the budget deficit
with the help of profits coming from tourism. That is why tourism sometimes is called a factory without chimney. But tourism has its
own unique features that differentiate this sector from the others. Like in the other service industries, in tourism the customers, that is, the
tourists come to the destination where the tourism services are provided.
As the matter of fact it is difficult to think of tourism sector without transportation. Transportation is the main mean to carry pas-
sengers, that is, the tourists to the actual site where tourism services are performed.
In this article, the actual transportation situation of Azerbaijan and other countries in tourism sector have been analyzed, statistical
data of Azerbaijan and other countries have been used, the importance of tourism sector has been stated.

Keywords: Tourism sector, transportation, service industry, Azerbaijan, destination

JEL Classification: L83

Introduction tion and the frequency of use. Transportation can turn into a sepa-
rate tourist attraction element; cruising, Orient Express trains,
The people have been using transportation in order to travel boat trips along the river and etc. are the best examples to tourist
from one place to another since ancient times. At that time simple attractions. The effective factors in choosing the transportation
transportation forms existed. But in the 19th century the steam mode in tourism are given below (Westlake and Robbins 2005,
power engines, and lately diesel powered engines were invented, 463):
as the matter of fact the inventions changed the transportation
notion. The speed became one of the most important factors in • Time limit
transportation. In 1841 Thomas Cook realized the first organized • Distance
travel using train with steam power engine. From that time trans- • Status
portation became inseparable part of tourism. • Comfort
Transportation in its simple meaning is to carry passengers • Security
from one point to another. When transportation is considered • Benefit
from tourism frame, it simply refers to carrying tourists from their • Price
place of living to the place where the touristic products are intro- • Geographical position
duced to them (Eden, 2005). The travel and tourism experience • Competition
of tourists and the ideas about tourism products start and end with
transportation. That is why it is impossible to consider tourism The existing transportation modes are given in the following
without transportation. figure 1. An increase in traffic due to world tourism growth puts
The development of transportation, transportation vehicles, pressure on transportation facilities, and this can have adverse ef-
infrastructure and using new technologies in this sector speed up fects. Those negative effects are as follows (Goeldner and Ritchie
the development of tourism. If we pay attention to the statistics of 2012, 96);
World Tourism Organization, we may see that the tourism dynam- • Congestion – means delays which leads to waste of time
ics has changed and increased rapidly between 2005 and 2008. and energy. Serious congestions may have a negative ef-
In 2010 international tourist arrivals rose to 940 million. This fect on transportation modes, especially on airports and
in turn brought the economies $980 billion. This trend can be ex- roads during peak times.
plained with different factors. But the main important factor here • Safety and security – making sure that the transportation
is the rapid development of transportation sector and application mode is safe and secure is a basic and important require-
of technological innovations which enable the tourists to reach ment for tourism.
many destinations of the world. • Environment – an increase in traffic may have disastrous
effect on the environment if that area does not have the
1. Transportation Modes carrying capacity for additional tourists.
• Seasonality – seasonal patterns of travel demand create
Whether transportation plays important role in enriching the overcrowding at certain times. Adversely low occupan-
travel experience of a tourist depends on the mode of transporta- cies and load factors will occur at other periods.

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CHAPTER VII, Tourism and Investment Opportunities

Table. 1 International tourist arrivals.

Figure 1. Passenger transportation modes.

Source: Charles R. Goeldner and J. R. Brent Ritchie, Tourism, Principles, Practices and Principles, Wiley Publication, p 97, 2012

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1.1 Air Transportation to order Boeing 787 - Dreamliner is Azerbaijan Airlines

(, 24.04.2012). Natu-
One of the most important transportation modes in rally this will evoke positive tourist travel experience and
tourism is air travel. Air travel has made significant chang- as the result of this the air travel, in its turn, will be one of
es in people’s minds concerning time and distance. In order the tourist attraction factors.
to meet the demand which increases every day, the airline Together with this, new technologies like online ticket
companies spend billions of dollars and apply new tech- booking, online registration, online check – in systems,
nological innovations. Having matchless role in long dis- and automatic luggage control systems reduce the time lost
tances the air travel industry develops very rapidly. at the airport and make sure fast and secure flight.
The world’s airline industry numbers 1,629 airlines, Although the major advantage of air travel is speed,
27,271 aircraft, 3,733 airports, 29.6 million scheduled de- there are negative effects for those who wish to travel by
partures a year, and carries 2.7 billion of passengers a year. air. These include some people’s fear of flying and lack
The major aircraft making companies to share the market of geographic accessibility, since many communities are
will be Airbus and Boeing. The competition between them still not served by air transportation. An additional problem
will lead to making technologically advanced planes in is the length of time spent getting to and from the airport
the world. ( (Goeldner and Ritchie 2012, 99). But not withstanding
fact_sheets/Pages/economic-social-benefits.aspx, 2012). these negative effects of air transportation, it is number one
When tourism packages are prepared the air travel is also choice of tourists who travel long distances.
included into it.
The comfort, security of aircraft, and smiling service 1.2 Automobile Transportation
are very important elements of tourist travel experience.
In this sense, many countries build new airports, buy new In short distances automobile transportation comes
aircraft and train the personnel in order to develop tour- forward in regard to other modes of transportation. The au-
ism sector. The airports are very important in air travel. An tomobile transportation makes it easy to see local culture
airport is the first door to the country to open by the tourist. and nations. It presents great flexibility in contrast to other
That is why countries always try to build competitive and modes of transportation (Oter, 2007:68).
gorgeous airports equipped with latest technologies which The importance of this mode in tourism is also very
will be able to overcome the burdens of peak times and important. When compared with the prices in air transpor-
compete in the industry where tough competition exists. tation, this mode of transportation is frequently used by
At this point, if we take a look at statistical data of tourists because of low prices. But the main factor affect-
Azerbaijan Republic, we may see that each year there is an ing this choice is time and distance.
increase in the number of passengers carried. If we pay attention to the definition of tourist, we may
In order to attract tourists, the country built new air- see that tourist is the person who has enough spare money,
port named after National Leader Haydar Aliyev. But as time and wish to travel (Timur and Olali, 1988:45). In long
the number of passengers and flights has increased Azer- distances if a tourist uses automobile transportation he or
baijan Government has made a decision to build a new air- she will lose valuable time and energy to travel. If he or
port close to Haydar Aliyev International Airport. Together she uses air transportation in this case he or she will have
with this, the government reconstructed the infrastructure enough disposable time and energy. This in turn gives the
of old airports in the regions and bought new aircraft. As tourist the opportunity to see as many places as possible
an example, new Airbus A 320 and Boeing 767 will be and enjoy the travel.
enough. Besides, the first airline company in the world
Table 2. Azerbaijan Air Travel Statistics

Source: Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee,, 29.04.2012

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CHAPTER VII, Tourism and Investment Opportunities

But in contrast, in short distances tourists always take advantage of fast trains many countries rebuild their
choose automobile transportation. The reason for this is existing railroad systems completely. In Azerbaijan new
time loss in airports for short distances. It takes a lot of railway is being built which will take passengers from
time to come to the airport, to check in and wait for the Baku and to Kars passing through Tbilisi. This will play
departure. Due to this reason, tourists choose automobile an important role in development of tourism in future. Cur-
transportation rather than air mode in short distances. rently, France, China, Japan, Singapore, Turkiye are using
In order to develop the automobile transportation, it is fast trains.
vital to develop the infrastructure. Infrastructure means to Like in bus companies, in railway transportation the
rebuild the existing roads and highways, to build new ones, tickets are also sold online which make it easy for passen-
to establish motel and restaurants on the way for tourists to gers not leaving their home, buy tickets and book places in
take advantage of the opportunity to rest during the travel. train beforehand. This makes the railways work 24 hours
In this meaning, if we pay attention to Azerbaijan Repub- in a day.
lic, the government rebuilds the existing highways in “Silk We can also include metro and tramway into this
Way” framework, builds new highways, tunnels, bridges. mode. The development of metro and tramway systems in
All the roads and bridges meet the requirements of world the city play great role in transportation of tourists from
standards. As the result of this, tourists can move in the one place to another. Only metro in Baku carried more than
country in secure and comfortably. 181 million passengers in 2010. In order to take advantage
When we talk about automobile transportation we of this the government provided financial support to metro
have to look at its own modes like bus, personal automo- and the existing stations were rebuilt and every year a new
bile, caravan, and car rent modes. In order to provide the metro station is opened for public use. At the same time,
tourists’ security and comfort many bus companies buy the government pays attention to the external and internal
new coaches and increase technical control over them. This designs of these metro stations, the architecture of these
type of transportation has been developed in Turkiye. The metro stations complete the total architecture of the city.
coach companies mainly use coaches produced by Mer-
cedes or Man. And they provide perfect services inside the 1.4 Sea Transportation
coach during the travel. Besides, the tickets are sold online
through the sites of coach companies. Here we may include cruise travel, boat travel, yacht-
Together with intercity bus transportation systems, city ing, ferry travel and etc. The cruise travel has a special
transportation is also important. Well equipped infrastruc- place in tourism. In table 3 we can see the world and North
ture of city bus system helps to rid the congestion in the America’s growing trend for cruise travel. From the table,
city. Azerbaijan Transportation Ministry established smart we can infer that cruise travel has been much more devel-
city bus control system. The ministry installed smart moni- oped in North America.
tors in every bus station. Together with monitors, the min- The cruise ships named as sailing hotels provide tour-
istry installed special GPS devices in buses, which connect ists with indispensable travel opportunity. While travelling
the buses with the intellectual management system. The with a cruise ship, the tourists get the opportunity to see
smart system displays how many minutes remained for the several countries at a time. This type of transportation is
arrival of the bus, the weather temperature, clock, the route one the most expensive one, because the price for a cruise
map, city information and etc. ship exceeds $100 million. More than thousands of em-
Consequently this leaves positive image of a country ployees work in a cruise ship at a time. If we look to table
on the tourist and makes him or her revisit the country. 3, we may see that in cruise travel North American compa-
nies gained great successes.
1.3 Railway Transportation This type of industry is one of the investment heavy
industries in the world. To gain access to profit pie of this
The other mode that affects tourism is railway trans- industry the countries must build embarkatian ports, and
portation. This type of transportation is considered the keep special fleet of boats for anchoring cruise ships. But
oldest one. In 19th century the railways were frequently unfortunately, this type of travel is always under danger. If
used. Currently in many countries the railways are used for we look at the history, we can see many tragic examples.
transportation of loads. The reason for this is tourist choice One of them is Titanic. In 1912 April Titanic sank in the
of air or automobile transportation. But there exists such Atlantic Ocean. This cruise ship took away thousands of
railroads that have been included to touristic packages. For lives with it. Such accidents still happen till nowadays. The
the example, we can give Orient Express railways. other example is Costa Concordia which struck a rocky reef
But nowadays application of technology and techno- (,
logical innovation gave birth to fast trains which compete 24.04.2012).
with air and automobile transportation modes. In order to

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7th Silk Road International Conference “Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Economic Development in Eurasian Countries”

Table 3. Annual Cruise Passenger Growth

Source:, 2012

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May 24, 2012 – May 26, 2012 Page | 385
CHAPTER VII, Tourism and Investment Opportunities

Notwithstanding the dangers, the cruise travel is con- why the tourists choose this country again.
sidered a separate tourism kind thanks for its features. In To sum up, in order to develop and increase the role of
cruising no type of tourism destination is supplied except transportation in tourism the countries should pay attention
the ship. That is why the countries which want to develop to the following points:
cruise travel and tourism must pay attention to the security
issues and create investment environment for companies. • The transportation modes specific to the regions
must be developed
Conclusion • The transportation costs must always be kept com-
Each transportation type mentioned above has indis- • The passengers must be attracted to sea and railway
pensable role in tourism development. Each transportation modes of transportation
type has advantageous and disadvantageous features. If • New embarkatian ports must be established in or-
we analyze each of them in turn, firstly, we can see that der to develop cruise travel
although new technologies are applied in air transporta- • New fast train lines must be established and new
tion time by time there are air accidents. But every year fast trains must be bought and foreign experience
the demand for air transportation increases. In comparison must be applied
with other transportation types the air transportation is con- • The distance from stations must be kept less
sidered to be secure and it saves time for tourists. In order • New coaches must be brought to the country
to maintain sustainable tourism development the countries • New technologically advanced aircraft must be put
must pay a special attention to the development of this type into air lines
of transportation through building new airports with high • The personnel must be trained
modern standards and buying planes with advanced tech- • The governments should allocate financial support
nologies and high comfort. for the development of transportation
Secondly, the automobile transportation, as stated
above, is important in short distances. The development of References
it will make the tourists’ travel through highways secure
and efficient. In order to develop the automobile transpor- Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee,
tation the countries must build new highways, rebuild older Goeldner, C. R. and Ritchie B. (2012). Tourism: Principles, Prac-
ones, and build motels and restaurants along the highway. tices, Philosophies. 12th edition, the USA: Wiley publica-
Consequently it will lead to the development of tourism in tion.
the country.
Third, the other type of transportation - the railway view, 2012
needs great investment. Fast trains, new train stations, new,
railroads will make the tourists’ travel comfortable. 24.04.2012
Fourth, building embarkatian ports and their strategic
placement will result in attracting cruise lines to the coun- economic-social-benefits.aspx, 2012
try. The countries with access to the sea, ocean or river Oter, Z. (2007). General Tourism. Orhan Icoz, Ebru Gunlu, Burcu
must organize secure sailing of cruise lines in their water Selin Yilmaz, Gurhan Aktash, Osman Ozdogan, Zafer Oter,
territories. Devrim Yilmaz, Nilufer Shahin (eds), Turhankitabevi. An-
All the stated issues prove the importance of transpor-
tation in tourism. As mentioned above the tourist’s trav- Sorupia, E. (2005). Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for
el experience starts and ends with transportation. In this Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 1767 - 1777, 2005
sense, if the countries want to gain sustainable develop- Timur, A. and Olali, H. (1988). Tourism Economy, Ankara, An-
ment of tourism sector, they must pay attention to trans- kara Publication
portation sector, reduce monopoly in this sector; provide Westlake J. and D. Robbins (2005). “Transportation” in Cooper
sound competition opportunities for the companies. C., Fletcher J., Fyall A., Gilbert D. and S. Wanhill (eds),
It is not by chance that in order for the tourists who Tourism: Principles and Practice, 3rd edition, Pearson Edu-
cation Limited, Essex
will come for Eurovision 2012 song contest held in Azer-
baijan, travel in secure and comfortably in the country
Azerbaijan Republic is building new airport, bought new
technologically advanced planes, built new highways,
tunnels, bought new trains, renewed the metro lines and
system. Of course this type of activities will provide the
development of tourism; in future they will be the reason

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